#The Trivialist
mikrofwno · 7 months
IANOS: Παρουσίαση του πρώτου βιβλίου του The Trivialist «Από τον βασιλιά θάνατο στον βασιλιά ήλιο» - Κυκλοφορεί από τις εκδόσεις Διόπτρα
Την Δευτέρα 4 Μαρτίου, στις 20:30 η Αλυσίδα Πολιτισμού IANOS και οι εκδόσεις Διόπτρα, διοργανώνουν παρουσίαση του βιβλίου του The Trivialist, με τίτλο : «Από τον βασιλιά θάνατο στον βασιλιά ήλιο». Μια εντελώς διαφορετική και φρέσκια ματιά στην ιστορία της Ευρώπης μέσα από 11+1 ιστορίες. Με καυστικό χιούμορ και κατανοητή γλώσσα, η μελέτη της ευρωπαϊκής ιστορίας ποτέ πριν δεν υπήρξε τόσο…
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elivenya · 2 years
The issue with Shadow and Bone
is that is represents everything what went wrong with the american education and mindset. Sometimes it's a bit ironic... Selfproclaimed wokeflakes and worldsaviors are starting witch hunts because of every damn little thing these days, sometimes they are even inventing problems, but if something has some actual problematic ideology, then they are taking a blind eye on it. Even if it is right in front of their faces. Often they aren't even able to spot it at all. I am tired of explaining to americans why Alina is the problematic Paul Atreides of the story. I am tired to explain basic history stuff and i am tired to explain why the story is a trivialistion of fascism and ethnical cleansing.
And i can't even blame the people for it, because their whole society is based on anti-intelectualism and internalized colonizer mindset. And they don't care to learn anything. Not even from the people who actualy belong to the specific culture or from people who know stuff about how oppression works. And this attitude is also brought up.
So we could say S&B is just a silly fantasy story and it maybe would be if the fandom would deal different with it...
The other thing is that i could write an complete essay about how contemporary YA literature in general inreased the issue with adapting to low reading levels and spoonfeeding everything what people are supposed to think and feel. And all this in combination with not teaching very much about the world or just oversimplification of things...
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cwcthzl · 3 months
side note but i’m sad because i used to go to trivia night every monday but my dad lost his job so nights out were the first expense cut. soz i just. i miss it so now stanley is in my mind. need to be on a trivia team with him.
oh i'm so sorry about that man. i'm sure you had some great nights playing trivia with others!!! hope you get a good team in the foreseeable future. can't let you get out of here if you're one of a trivialist ykwim. and you would smash all the competitors if we put stanley and you on the same team tbh
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clevernews · 7 months
«Από τον βασιλιά Θάνατο στον βασιλιά Ήλιο»
του The Trivialist από τις εκδόσεις Διόπτρα Ποια είναι η ήπειρος που ονομάζουμε Ευρώπη; Πότε και πώς θεμελιώθηκε ο νεότερος πολιτισμός της; Ποια φωτεινά μυαλά και ποιες μοχθηρές προσωπικότητες έγραψαν τις πιο λαμπρές σελίδες και τα πιο αιματοβαμμένα της κεφάλαια; Σε τούτο το βιβλίο θα απαντήσουμε σε όλα τα παραπάνω και θα δούμε την ευρωπαϊκή ιστορία όπως δεν την έχουμε ξαναδεί. Θα…
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classictombraider · 6 years
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it has 1 sequel only ^_^
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bacejelerenvorthos · 3 years
The Lore of Strixhaven: Lorehold College
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"We differ on what history teaches us. Is time a chaotic dance of coincidences and conflicts, or does civilization gradually progress toward an ordered ideal? But we agree that the past holds the answer to every question, so we must revive it and discover its truths."
— Teruud, Lorehold pastraiser
The College of Archaeomancy
“Lorehold mages are passionate scholars obsessed with history. They explore the past by poring over archaeological artifacts, calling forth magical energies from ancient tomes and summoning the spirits of long-dead historical figures. They travel far and wide across the plane in well-worn leather boots and traveling cloaks, gathering ancient relics and learning dead tongues to unpack the secrets of history.
The Dichotomy of Lorehold
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The red mages of Lorehold gravitate toward reckless discovery and the spirit of adventure in their research of the past: the essence and emotion of history over precision or procedure. Cliffbusters and ruin shamans wield magic that helps them delve into the remains of ancient sites. Chaos scholars, trivialists, and absurdophiles chase down anecdotes of history as a ridiculous litany of chance happenstance. Warlores get excited about the magic that was used in the wars of the Blood Age. Dustspeakers and heroscorns love to converse with the spirits of the past to find the whole ugly truth about them—foibles, frailties, and all. Scrollbashers and tomewielders use history in a pretty literal way: by summoning magic directly from the characters scrawled in their pages, or by bashing fools with heavy books!
Antiquarians, truthfinders, and archaeoscribes love to uncover and record the past; they're often surrounded by lengthy scrolls and tomes in which they chronicle historical truths for posterity. Relic readers, aeonmancers, and monument priests uncover ruined statues of ancient historical figures, divining wisdom from the past from the context of ruin sites. Iconologists, pastraisers, and ghost advocates bind spirits into the monuments that bear their likeness, conversing with them to learn about their great and inspiring deeds. Battle mediums and spiritualists can actually strengthen and empower summoned spirits for use in battle. Conservators, pastquoters, docents, and curators preserve and care for ancient spell knowledge, artifacts, and other relics of the past on the Lorehold campus. Honorbringers and allusionists can draw on the truths of history to enhance, inspire, or empower allies, whereas ruleciters and canonists use historical precedent to enforce magical laws.
A series of historical buildings excavated directly out of sheer, perpendicular cliffs, now used for research, classwork, and housing. Travelers walk along treacherous bridges from one "neighborhood" of Pillardrop to another, often passing directly by the enormous stone faces of ancient, excavated statues.
Effigy Row
The main campus area of Lorehold. Its pathways are lined with monuments of famous historical figures, including past professors and prominent mage-students as well as war heroes and heads of state from ages past.
Kollema Hall
A grand, multi-tiered gallery where Lorehold mages gather for large lectures and demonstrations. Thousand-foot-long scrolls spill over the balconies as mages study ancient texts. The center of Kollema Hall is the magnificently restored statue of Kollema, the wise monk who was one of the first Lorehold professors at the founding of Strixhaven.
College Mascots: Spirit Statues
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Lorehold mages supplement their study of history by calling on the spirits of the ancient dead. While dustspeakers and pastraisers conjure spirits and interview them for knowledge of the past, battle mediums and other Lorehold mages sometimes draw on the magical power of those spirits . . . or turn them into hardy soldiers by housing the spirits in statues depicting their living selves.”
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dichotomyofher · 6 years
That is his hand
Calloused fingers
Crooked pinky
Broken at a young age
Chewed fingernails
Long and slender
But fatter at the tips
This photograph is proof
I’d recognise him anywhere
Booming and infectious
That is his laugh
Illuminating the world
Brightening the darkest of days
It doesn’t hold a candle to his smile
Blinding in its brilliance
Piercing blue eyes
Like a sea made of crystals
Kind but hiding past hurts
Wanting to explode
As they explore this world
Full of wonder
He oozes confidence
But acknowledges his flaws
Fascinated by the trivialist of things
Unattainable worth of knowledge
He doesn’t make me feel
Like I’m the only girl in this world
But he makes me feel
Like I finally belong in it
Indulge my fantasy just this one
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areax · 6 years
im feeling so angry right now over the trivialist of things but i literally feel like im going to go feral right now
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PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP State of the Union speech Tuesday February 5, 2019 9 pm ET https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/newt-gingrich-trump-and-the-trivialists-after-state-of-the-union-speech-i-challenge-you-to-do-this
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tsukishima-tadashi · 8 years
Instead of queueing I’m gonna work on the executions for my Dangan Ronpa ocs
Blackened students marked by +, victims by -, survivors by *,
79th Class, “Warm Smiles”:
+ SHSL Mortician, Narciso Otsuka Moreno: “Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust” - because hes cremated alive lol!! The scene starts out with Narciso chained to the floor a church by the neck, a pipe organ in front of him (the music for the execution reflects this by having a pipe organ motif). The walls of the church fall away, revealing fire, and a cage with thick bars that obscure the view of Narciso arises around our poor mortician. Fire travels in a spiral pattern to the cage, quickly engulfing the boy. The cage spins, and the fire grows bigger, hotter, until white. Suddenly, the cage and fire stops. The pipe organ shifts, it’s pipes dislodging before lowering into the cage. Noises imply the ashes are being sucked up. The camera follows the pipes up to an urn - which is promptly launched into the air, and smashed by Monokuma, wielding a bat whilst blindfolded.  
We see dust clouds floating down to the traumatized students for optimal morbidness.
-/+ (killed someone, was killed in turn before execution) SHSL Psychic,  Homare Hitarashi: “Self-fulfilling Prophecy: - Homare is sat before a crystal ball, depicting herself looking into a crystal ball. Suddenly, the vision within the crystal ball is engulfed by flame. Horrified, she leans closers, watching the ball for answers - oblivious to the time bomb taped to the other side of the crystal ball. 
Guess what happens next.
- SHSL Virologist,  Daishi Gushiken: “Lethal Injection” - All I know is it involves giant needles. 
+ SHSL Junior Justice, Masao Wakuri: I’m not sure yet. The first idea to come to mind involves giant gavels, but that doesn’t seem original enough for me. Then comes the idea of harpies tormenting him, using his whole “avenge my father” goal to reference Orestes, but... I wasn’t sure how to spin that. So I’m still at the drawing board for him.
- SHSL Actor,  Miwaku Murata: “Curtain Call” - Miwaku is caught in a sword fight on stage with Monokuma. As this happens, bags of sand drop to the stage around him, as a Monokuma wearing a Phantom of the Opera mask cuts their ropes. Soon, this evolves to lights and the catwalk itself. Despite this, Miwaku’s character prevails, and Monokuma’s character is slain! The scene over, Miwaku bows as the crowd boos him and throws rotten tomatoes. Miwaku lifts his head and sees the only character in the crowd not booing - what appears to be his mother, yet all grey. He rises from his bow, and as he does, his “mother” stands, a single rose in hand. She pulls the hand holding the rose back, and raises her free hand as if to aim - and then throws the rose forward, tip first. It pierces Miwaku’s heart, and he fails to act surprised. He falls to his knees, one hand cupping the rose - and then falls forward. 
The curtain closes, hiding his body, save the pool of blood seeping under it.
+ SHSL Carny, Akumako Kyabu: “Down with the Clown” - Mako sits atop a fusion of a dunk tank and drop tower. On a platform across him, Monokuma is dressed as a ringmaster. He whips at a line up of balls, aiming for the target next to Mako - all to make a “crack” at the trauma Mako experienced from his father. As Mako delves further and further into a flashback-induced panic attack, a roller coaster twines around the tower - eventually crashing into the target, sending Mako hurtling down to a tank of acid.
- SHSL Gardener, Mederu Narihana: “Painting the Roses Red” - Mederu runs through a field of white roses, away from a harvester (driven bya Monokuma, of course”. Her ankle is caught in the thorns, of a rose, sending her to the ground. She watches in horror as the blades of the harvester grow closer.
+(/? Undecided) SHSL Storyteller, Kaname Tatekawa: “Storybook Ending” - In front of a tower on a stage, a noose is lowered around Kaname’s neck - and in front of her, a cascade of long, blonde hair. As the noose begins to pull up, Kaname is left with no choice but to climb the hair. Along the way, she is assaulted by various challenges - first, birds, then poison clouds, and even dragons! Despite the challenges, she reaches a window, and within a dress, the source of the hair, a fair maiden - psyche! It’s Monokuma, obviously. With a pair of scissors!  Cutting the hair, he sends Kaname to her death.
-(/? Undecided) SHSL Mathematician, Kitae Chiura: undecided
+ SHSL Know-it-All Trivialist Human Encyclopedia, Senju Yoshinaga: “(Your Life is in) Jeopardy!” - On the colorful stage of a game show, Senju is chained to a podium, wearing a metal gauntlet poised above a button. As Monokuma asks questions, a magnet in the podium activates, forcing Senju to pressed the button - earning him a shock from the jumper cables hooked up to the button. As time goes on, the questions come faster (and harder, despite not giving him a chance to answer). Finally, the final question arrives - “Are you going to heaven, or to hell?”. This time, the magnet is not released, and Senju fries. 
- SHSL Contemporary Dancer, Saburo Morishita: “Dance Dance Despair” - Saburo stands upon a DDR platform in the middle of a circular stage - around him, blades. As the game starts, the blades move in junction, ready to impale him should he misstep. Soon, Monokuma is forced to change gears with a lever, as it becomes clear Saburo won’t mess up. The game bcomes faster in turn, the moves more complicated. Again, Monokuma makes the game harder, appearing to sweat. Finally, Monokuma pulls the lever to a setting marked “DANGER”. Still Saburo endures. The game does not fare as well, steam coming for the pistons piloting the blades, metal glowing with heat, the area becoming bathed by a red glow. Finally, the machines implodes, killing Saburo.
* SHSL Public Speaker, Akiye Taira: “Killer Spelling Bee” - deets later
*  SHSL Interrogator, Hisana Tsuge: shrug
* SHSL Winter Olympian, Himi/Hiei Tsujiyama: shrug
* SHSL “Blogger”/Information Broker, Karasu Yorukaba: shrug again
* SHSL “Acrobat”/Phantom Thief, Yuo Hayabusa: “Big House Balancing Act” - deets later
the other classes I still have to do:
76th Class (The Class Reunion of Mutual Killing)
+ Ultimate Debater - Konata Sueno (the protag!) “Bullet Rebuttal” - Ultimate Peer Counselor - Heiwa Maebara ? + Ultimate Modern Artist - Souma Takagi - Ultimate Pretty Boy- Akira Niitaka - Ultimate Tactician - Yamaga Takesuke - Ultimate Paparazzi - Devin Dittmar  + Ultimate Survivalist - Naji Basurto Nejem “Urban Jungle” + Ultimate Surgeon - Noburo Hashira “Under the Knife” * Ultimate Guitarist - Riku Himura - Ultimate Technician - Tsubaba Nakao - Ultimate Researcher - Fuyuki Okubo * Ultimate Opera Singer - Damiana Gatti “It Ain’t Over Til The Foreign Lady Screams”  + Ultimate Cosmotologist - Midori Kita - Ultimate Racer - Aina Hayashi + Ultimate Fisherwoman - Kagari Ikari - Ultimate Marine Biologist - Nariko Takahashi
79th Class (Wary Eyes):
* SHSL Contractor - Michio Tsuchiya + SHSL Businessman - Hiroya Kanejo “Profits are Soaring” - SHSL Poet - Jirouta Hagiwara - SHSL Cheerleader - Benito “Benny” Amari - SHSL Fashion Designer - Candice Amari  + SHSL Paranormal Investigator - Maemi Morine  * SHSL Miner  - Teruka Sone +/- SHSL “Psychologist”/Savant - Ameryuu Mikami * SHSL Powerlifter –  Kame Igarashi + SHSL Personal Trainer - Kano Niitaka “Feel the Burn” * SHSL Spa Attendant - Kaya Niitaka * SHSL Analyst - Ieyasu Tsuge (the protag!!!) + SHSL Hacker - Fahn Yorukaba ”Blue Screen of Despair” + SHSL Bookworm – Tomoki Tsuzuri - SHSL “Host” (Not That Kind of Host)/Secret Agent – Moritoki Jin “Shaken, Not Stirred” - SHSL Witch – Miyuki Isobe
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alfausanews · 6 years
Newt Gingrich: Trump and the trivialists -- After State of the Union speech I challenge you to do this
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The theme of President Trump’s State of the Union is going to be “choosing greatness.” 
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brandedlollipops · 7 years
Trivialist edited the Wikipedia article on Twitter. https://t.co/zMYbvW4kRk
Trivialist edited the Wikipedia article on Twitter. https://t.co/zMYbvW4kRk
— Branded Lollipops (@brandedlollipop) November 8, 2017
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instapaperz · 7 years
The Problem With Facts
"The endgame of these distractions is that matters of vital importance become too boring to bother reporting. Proctor describes it as “the opposite of terrorism: trivialism”. Terrorism provokes a huge media reaction; smoking does not. Yet, according to the US Centers for Disease Control, smoking kills 480,000 Americans a year. This is more than 50 deaths an hour. Terrorists have rarely managed to kill that many Americans in an entire year. But the terrorists succeed in grabbing the headlines; the trivialists succeed in avoiding them." The Problem With Facts April 2, 2017 at 02:55PM via Instapaper http://ift.tt/2mWWgC4
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chibinekonyanchan · 11 years
I drew the Ancestor of my Fantroll Bianca Maddox
Heres  The Trivialist
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Her and Biancas sign is Pi/3.14 its on her necklace and this took forfuckingever
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brandedlollipops · 7 years
Trivialist edited the Wikipedia article on Jon Huntsman Jr.. https://t.co/8v1XmwTCl4
Trivialist edited the Wikipedia article on Jon Huntsman Jr.. https://t.co/8v1XmwTCl4
— Branded Lollipops (@brandedlollipop) November 8, 2017
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brandedlollipops · 7 years
Trivialist edited the Wikipedia article on Penny Pritzker. https://t.co/QHGJHjXNu0
Trivialist edited the Wikipedia article on Penny Pritzker. https://t.co/QHGJHjXNu0
— Branded Lollipops (@brandedlollipop) November 8, 2017
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