#The Tenma siblings Do Not like to come home Ever
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planetarythorns · 11 months ago
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I think I'm winning fes here
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playroom-sekaii · 8 months ago
for the ageredips thing…13 14 and 19 for Toya?? He’s my little baby I love him
Of course!! ^w^
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13. Have they ever had a daytime accident? Very often unfortunately, his CGs realized he needed diaps very quickly after he began regressing. Due to some trauma from his father he often feels terrified to tell them if he needs to go, and even outside of that he has a very low age range (0-3) making it hard to tell sometimes, so diaps are basically a requirement whenever he's small. He doesn't mind it all too much though, he's a bit embarrassed but he knows they're a necessity. (I also feel like he's come very close while not regressed for similar trauma reasons but that's another story for another day.)
14. Do they wet the bed? Relatively frequently when small, he's just too little! Protection during naps and bedtime while little, no exceptions, not that he'd fight it anyways, the thought of his CGs (or god forbid his family should he be at home) finding him with wet sheets terrifies him. Of course, sometimes he goes to bed big and wakes up little to a wet bed, but his caregivers are always there to reassure him that it's alright and not his fault and to help him clean up <3
19. How do their CGs feel about the little one wearing diapers? They're all very alright with it, they help their baby blue stay dry and sometimes help him feel smaller, they're nothing to be ashamed of! Toya was very nervous about telling the rest of VBS, but they were chill with it, and are always willing to remind him to go potty or change him should he need it (Kohane's a bit shy with changing him though, so she usually leaves that up to Akito or An, boundaries are important after all!). The Tenma siblings and the Street Sekai Virtual Singers are always very alright with it, each having a separate stash of diaps and changing supplies alongside Toya's other little gear (Tsukasa and Saki have it hidden in a guest room where Toya often spends the nights, and the vocaloids keep it in the back of the Crase Café).
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pjsk-story-summaries · 8 months ago
The Tenma Household's Hinamatsuri Event Story Sumary
TL;DR: Saki and Tsukasa decide to host a Hinamatsuri party, the first they've had at home since Saki was discharged. To commemorate the occasion, Tsukasa, along with Toya, went to go purchase some fancy new Emperor and Empress dolls. In the past, he'd tried bringing them to Saki in the hospital, but tripped on the way and got them torn and dirty. He believed Saki's smile when he showed them to her was forced, so he vowed to fix them for her one day.
However, when Saki catches Tsukasa changing the dolls, she yells at him. She thought Tsukasa had completely forgotten why those torn dolls were special to her. Tsukasa didn't know what she was so upset about. The two left for school angry.
They also both immediately regretted fighting like that. Saki cried to Honami, and Tsukasa to Toya. Saki tried texting Tsukasa, but he left his phone at home. Tsukasa, still believing Saki was mad at him, went to SEKAI after school instead. There, he talked to Luka, the new member of the Wonderland SEKAI, and realized he needed to go home. Honami had come to the school gates to try and clear the situation up as well.
Toya, meanwhile, had gone to the Tenma household to explain Tsukasa's perspective. Saki realized that Tsukasa hadn't forgotten; just misinterpreted why she had such a strange expression. She didn't want her family to worry so she tried not to cry, but seeing her brother made her happy to the point of tears. The two siblings eventually cleared their misunderstanding and displayed both sets of dolls on the Hinamatsuri stand.
Fan translation (eiyuuou) / Official English YouTube Upload
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Chapter 1: Saki and Tsukasa work to decorate the house for Hinamatsuri. They're planning to host a party to celebrate (though Tsukasa's show ideas was shot down). Saki reaches up to place the tattered Emperor and Empress dolls on the stand. Tsukasa's glad Saki is having fun, but worries over the state of those dolls. He wants this to be the best Hinamatsuri ever for her.
Chapter 2: Wonderlands x Showtime head over to SEKAI to practice. There, they meet the newest member of SEKAI: Luka. She fell asleep immediately. Tsukasa suggests having a Hinamatsuri party for Luka (though he wouldn't be able to make it since he's already having one with Saki). Emu, Rui, and Nene talk about their own Hinamatsuri memories for ideas.
Chapter 3: Toya runs into Tsukasa shopping for Hinamatsuri at the mall, so he offers to help carry things. However, rather than the party store, Tsukasa ends up taking him to a doll store.
Back when Saki was in the hospital, she never got the chance to have a Hinamatsuri with the doll stand. Tsukasa finds her crying about it after she thought he'd left, so he steals the Emperor and Empress from home to bring to her. However, he trips on the way and ruins them. Saki smiled anyways, but Tsukasa felt super guilty about almost breaking them. Now, he wants to get some new dolls to make up for it.
Chapter 4: Tsukasa and Toya run into Leo/need on the way home. They're all super excited for the party. Toya's glad to see Saki so happy, too.
Saki catches Tsukasa replacing the dolls on the stand. She starts crying, much to Tsukasa's confusion. Those tattered dolls were precious to her, and she believes Tsukasa forgot why. The two fight before going their separate ways.
Chapter 5: When Honami finds Saki crying during lunch, Saki confesses about her fight with Tsukasa. She regrets being so mean to him. Honami tells her to text him with her apology, but he hasn't responded to her all day. Honami wonders if there's anything she can do to help.
Toya's concerned that Tsukasa hasnt texted him back yet. He ends up running into Tsukasa in the hallway, who then realizes he'd forgotten his phone at home. When Toya asks how the dolls went, Tsukasa reveals his fight with Saki. Toya wonders if there's anything he can do to help.
Chapter 6: Tsukasa doesn't want to go home just yet, so he goes to SEKAI to help set up for their party. He ends up assisting Luka with the Hinamatsuri stand, and talking to her about his fight with Saki. He doesn't want to go home because he doesn't want to make her mad again. Luka thinks he should try anyways, because it would be more sad if he wasn't. Nene rushes over to tell Tsukasa Honami's waiting for him at the school gate.
Honami reveals that Saki isn't mad about their fight anymore. She wants to apologize and fears he might not show up for the party. Upon hearing this, Tsukasa sprints all the way home.
Chapter 7: Saki, Ichika, and Shiho finish setting up at the Tenma house. The other two realize something happened between Tsukasa and Saki, though they dont ask. Shiho asks about the dirty dolls on the top of the stand.
Saki recounts her version of that day. She was sad that she couldn't celebrate Hinamatsuri at home, but didn't say anything while her family was there so they wouldn't worry about her. To her suprise, Tsukasa came back later that evening with the dirty dolls. She was happy he brought them, but even more so that he came back. She tries her best not to cry of happiness.
Toya knocks on the door soon after. He wanted Saki to know that Tsukasa only wanted to see her smile with the new dolls, and that he'd been saving up for years for them. Just then, Tsukasa comes sprinting down the street.
Chapter 8: Both Tenmas apologize at the same time. Tsukasa asks what he could have possibly forgotten about that day. Saki realizes that Tsukasa hadn't forgotten anything, just misinterpreted her smile. Honami catches up soon after the two finish apologies, and Toya is asked to stay for the party. Saki places both the old and new dolls on the stand before posing for a picture.
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pjsk-headcanons · 5 months ago
i feel like whenever i have school my motivation just drains like a sink but HEY I GOT THIS DONE FAST!!! wish i could say that for new dream au designs...tracing traditional art to online is hard :(
hinomoris: hostile
-flashback to shiho online name backstory, they were pretty fine up to the point until shizuku quit being a model and decided to focus on being an idol. this was probably only a little bit after canon leo/need was SERIOUSLY over (high school, shiho pushed them away). not good mental states.
-the arguement went something like:
"im going to become an idol"
"i need to (prove myself)" (i really need to figure out shizuku in this au huh...)
"why would you need to? you shouldn't do things to just prove people wrong"
the fight escalates, shizuku makes some points about canon l/n and shiho makes some points about being a model/idol. it ends with shiho locking herself in her room.
-if they're ever in the same place, things get very tense (like dinner with your parents when you know theyre going to ask you want to do with your life)
design for soul and heart! - post 1st anni
character boost - emu (focus), shizuku, airi, shiho, city luka
-so um what happens is that emu sees a fashion poster. is thinking about it ALL week when she sees shizuku at school
-thinks "ohhhh that lady is really pretty maybe she'd be interested"
-she meets airi and shiho at pxl and invites them too. she didn't tell them shizuku was there though
-awkward silence between idols and glaring between sisters. however emu makes them all work together
-emu figured out the problem and was really confused (she and her sister get along really well?!!?)
and hinomoris have some sort of silent agreement to not talk about it in public
glistening snow over silent tears - pre 2nd anni
character boost: shiho (focus), tsukasa, honami, shizuku, stage MEIKO
-itsssss snowing! first snow of the year!! shiho gets happy lil memories of her and shizuku. event sad speedrun any %.
-tsukasa notices her being down during midnight calls and decides to talk to her. mental breakdown over a voice call at 2 am? thats what i call modern
-hinomori sibling relationship reveal
-feeling a bit better after the talk, shiho confesses in honami. they are friends again!
-now that i think about it shiho is by far having the most character development in mds at least.
-flashback to mds call, shizuku overheard shiho crying over the call. hmmm i wonder who those people are... CLIFFHANGER BABEY
take my hand, so our dreams fly further - post 3rd anni
character boost: shizuku (focus), shiho, rui, toya, studio rin
-shizuku decides to confront shihom maybe about the midnight calls. maybe about the fight. maybe about the wishes for earlier times. maybe about everything?
-however she doesn't know how to approach so she goes to rui. he's like "oh im not sure i can help but i think i know someone who does :3"
-toya. spoiler alert its toya because tenma and he has brothers and horrible parents and hes friends with shiho. this wasnt planned beforehand i promise
-with a bit of pondering, shizuku finally decides to do it straightforward
-the conversation is up to interpretation (i am not creative) but after that their relationship is something between canon shinonomes and canon hinomoris
MUST KEEP COMPOSING...i feel like a kanade right now (tired) but i will probably have shinonomes done in a few days. no promises for designs
(also!! update on colorfes pulls. i got ena1, kohane3??? (one sheep) akito, banner ichika, tsukasa, minori (twice), colorfes KAITO, and a saki dupe in 33k. one day colorfes shiho and sunflower akito WILL come home but hey at least i have a 4star akito card)
have a great day mod!!! you will get through it!!!
🌐 anon
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myunghology · 2 years ago
hi luvs. supporting sm because im the best out of all bestfriends-- anyway, as my first ever request to you, any domestic cute stupid dorky stuff with tsukasa? yapyapyapp i trust you that it'd be good. ♡
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✧ domestic headcanons w/ tsukasa! ( tsukasa tenma x gn! reader ) reqs open for pjsk only, read my rules b4 requesting. i only write for the males btw.
fluff / crack, headcanon layout! ( a/n ; ang corni, ang corni, ang corni corni corni )
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the time you moved in was.. questionable..!!! but that isn't the topic let's move on wwww living with tsukasa is.. you can say a hand full. but let me show you what it's full off!
living with tsukasa means loooots of spending time with the other tenma sibling as well. but not as much as tsukasa though! you and saki = bffs frfr. best wingwoman for both you and tsukasa. why is this suddenly turning into a saki x reader...
but anyway, living with tsukasa also means dancing or singing in his room wwwww. it doesn't matter if you don't know how, he's willing to teach you! for dancing.. it's really fun but really exhausting. don't worry! you both take a nap right after. for singing.. don't worry as well, he makes sure you don't break your vocal chords.
let's move on to nights with tsukasa. cuddles with him.. hmm.. there's nothing i really know about, but, one thing i know is he likes being the little spoon and small spoon <3. one alternative is him resting his chin on your head while one, or both of his arms are on your waist. never falls asleep until you do, but sometimes when he's really tired— he sleeps before you do.
oh— but late nights with him are better. why? because it means staying up with him on a weekend to watch ghibli movies. headcanon that tsukasa likes watching ghibli movies, looots of snacks too, but he makes sure it's not a lot, and that you have a balanced meal the next day.
look xin its your worst nightmare. cooking! but it's cooking with your lovely bf.. one word, chaos. he looks like he doesn't know shit about cooking, as long as it's edible it's okay, he says. but you're there to save the day! he's willing to learn too if it's you <3 baking with him is really funny as well, but i won't get into detail on that!
this also means being good friends with wxs, they always go to you to ask him how he's doing when he's not like his usual self. sometimes akito asks, "how tf do you put up with him?" and you reply with, "it's a 6th sense."
also— please try to understand he's pretty busy too. so you have to continue helping him and supporting him! if you don't, i will come to your home and commit arson.. if you do though, he wonders to god everyday on how he got you as an s/o <3
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uwua3 · 4 years ago
a3! as genshin impact characters
🌸🌻🍁❄️ all troupes
author’s note: all twenty-nine (29) playable characters are included in this post! some boys have two characters associated with them ✺(^▽^✺) ✺(^O^)✺ (✺^▽^)✺ (if you’d like me to elaborate or anything, please ask!!! this was so hard ╥﹏╥)
word count: 5,012
♡ RAZOR + TRAVELER — the heroes who will save the world with their love alone
everything they do is out of love. to destroy or create, it all has the same source: the pure love from their hearts
they work hard every day to protect the ones they love no matter what. they’re the first to stand in front of you, ready to sacrifice their life to make sure you see another day
would go to the ends of the earth to save you. no continent is too big for them to travel across. if they can find you, all those years would be worth every moment
they wouldn’t hesitate to assist a stranger in need even if it cost him their life. friend or foe, they are a friend to all because they only see good until proven wrong
has the natural ability to make everyone want to root for them. you can’t help but believe in them against all odds!
has the biggest heart to take everyone in despite having their own burdens — has lost everything but still loves unconditionally because they never want anyone to experience the heartbreak they did
believes in lupical = fated family (knows family comes first at the end of the day, blood-related or not)
♡ DILUC + XINYAN — the outcasts who would do anything for their inner circle
the first to run into battle for the people who have earned their lifelong loyalty
longs for the embrace of parents who are never coming back for them. even if the parents left first, a part they desperately try to hide wishes that they’d prove them wrong and come back. it’s a hopeless case...
despite presenting themselves as standoffish and blunt, the general public still admires them for their natural skill & ability. it doesn’t matter what they do, their background actions are more than enough to redeem their somewhat problematic attitude
devoted to mankai/mondstadt’s safety even if they won’t admit it. they’re the last to verbalize their concerns because they’ll fix it without telling anyone
difficult to get to open up; expresses their loyalty through meaningful actions instead of words
finds comfort in music regardless of how popular/trendy it is. as long as it makes them forget the judgmental world around them, that’s all they need
challenges prejudices by being upfront and confrontational about their opinions even in the face of criticism
♡ MONA + JEAN — the prodigies who have something to prove to themselves
extremely talented but receives little to no recognition for it/taken for granted
overwork themselves to find worth in their existences; see their actions as proof of deserving good things — if they’re not working, why would they deserve to take care of themselves?
would rather pass out before ever asking someone else for assistance; their independence is both their greatest strength and weakness
are always involved in any type of situation because they’re insistent on finding a solution (automatically feel responsible for other people’s problems). as a result, they often pass boundaries without realizing because they’re too curious and care too much
regardless, they’re a person of their word and can be counted on at any given time. they can have a full schedule but they’ll still put you on top of their list
the older sibling type who can scold their subordinates very effectively (listening to them lecture is tiring, but all of it is true and they always mean well) — can play the guilt card too well and becomes satisfied when people admit they’re right
becomes uncharacteristically quiet and at a loss of words when they realize they’re necessary to their company (people often forget they’re real people just like us)
♡ ALBEDO + KAEYA — the two-faced mysteries who keep running from their past
no one will ever truly know who they are past their facade, and that’s how they want it
their past is indistinguishable at best, they’ll take the secrets of their harrowing and misunderstood history to the grave
no matter what their reasons are, they’re an enigma. they can adapt to any social situation possible with ease and charm everyone in the room to take the side of a stranger. it’s a blessing and a curse to be so well-liked and unknowable
their relationships are mainly acquaintances; it’s nearly impossible for people to maintain close contact with them. they’re like impersonal ghosts who appear right when you need them (they’re there at your worsts and bests, but no where in between)
whether it’s at the top of dragonspine or down below in mondstadt, you can always find them in isolation, where they dedicate themselves to a hobby of theirs to ignore the voices of their past. yet, oddly enough, no matter how caught up they are in their work, they’ll always sense when a person sneaks into their room
their words are carefully chosen and rarely are they impulsive, unless at their wits end and exhausted from maintaing a mask all this time. if they do happen to break character, they’ll apologize the best way they know how to: insincerely
it seems like nothing can crack their carefully formulated exterior, until a genuine act of good is done for them, then you might be able to catch a true smile from them
♡ AMBER — the story-teller who is a friend to all no matter what
it doesn’t matter if you’re an outsider or not, you will always be accepted by them for who you are
they’re the type to cheer the loudest for you at an event you’re losing in, because there’s never a doubt in their mind you’ll win
always updated on intel and information on every person around them for some reason. the stories they tell are sometimes so strange, bizzare, and far-fetched that it’s hard to believe. yet, it’s often true because they genuinely have no reason to lie
prepared to take on any challenging task due to their unstoppable efforts! for any obstacle they face, they’re doing it with unparalled energy and enthusiasm (even if they do it wrong)
popular with strangers and has the special talent of making people warm up to them quickly. they’re easily recognizable from people you’ve never even seen before on the streets and they never forget a face! they have no problem recalling names with a big smile
used to doing things by the handbook and often requires assistance when making decisions not based on rules. can unintentionally cause problems when acting on impulse, which only further encourages them to explore more
despite being a friendly (albeit naive) person, they’re extremely capable and much more perceptive than anyone would think. they catch details first but misinterpet them depending on the person. they’re just too blinded by their belief in everyone!
♡ XIANGLING + DIONA — the passionate hot-heads who will beat any challenge
watch out for them because they’re ready to burst at any given moment or time! anything can set these firecrackers off; they’re a fuse that’s always lit
in no way do they intend to hurt other people’s feelings, but their competitive streak and fatal flaw of doing anything on a dare make them problematic to some
yet, it’s hard to dislike them when they’re so skilled and talented. whatever they set their mind to, they execute it the best and add their own flavor to it! they impress crowds with their fiery nature and bold approach to life, they’re a force to be reckoned with
it’s even more impressive considering how young they are. they’re so sure of themselves and present their ego confidently, knowing what they like and dislike. it’s such a convincing act, almost everyone would buy it
while these constant competitions to better themselves may make them seem self-centered, it only proves they can’t win it all. when they try to care for others, it comes off as awkward when out of their field of expertise. if they can’t offer advice on their speciality, it’s suddenly foreign to them
they seek your attention and validation, even if they know they’re good. they offer to escort you home even if there are street lights and become quickly embarrassed and in denial if you bring it up. they’re trying their best, they just don’t know how to be a good friend when they’ve been a great entertainer their whole life
they’re doing their best no matter what! they are always working on being the best versions of themselves even if they jump into challenges head-first. they do so because they know they’ll win, it’s a confidence that burns red hot
♡ KEQING — the skeptic who never settles for less
their standards are the highest anyone has ever seen, yet they pass them every single time
as a perfectionist, they will never do less than their fair share of work for as long as they live. they expect themselves to be ten times better than the average human because they know their own capabilities
they’re relentless and unmovable, as solid as a rock. they won’t stop at a task, no matter how big or small it is, until it’s perfectly complete and ready to be presented. they take pride in their work and demand others to be respectful of their efforts
they live honestly and in the most straightforward manner possible. there’s no question about their beliefs or values because they wear it proudly like a badge
even if their society looks down on them for it, they’ll always speak their mind and will never be silenced. they expect others to do the same and have a distaste for fakeness in all forms
aren’t afraid of self-reflection and instrospection; although it may take a bit, they’ll eventually admit their inaccuracy and will do anything to correct themselves if proven wrong
use their downtime by shopping and exploring what the shops have to offer. they know exactly what they’re looking for and hardly get distracted from their to-do list at hand
♡ BARBARA — the “perfect” idol who can’t let go of their inferiority
adored by all, they can make anyone feel energized again just from the thought of them alone!
ever since they were young, they made people smile with their bright optimism. everyone claps when they perform, they’ll always receive a standing ovation from friends and strangers alike
they work hard for every accomplishment they’ve achieved, but they often feel like a fraud or imposter. like they truly don’t deserve or haven’t earned the success in their life
their inferiority complex is hidden carefully behind their helpful actions and entertaining theatrics for others. as long as they can make someone laugh, they’ll believe in themselves for a moment, too
despite struggling with depression, they have never once gave up on their hopes and dreams! even if they’re certain they’ll never compare to everyone else, they still beat every monster with a smile on their face
although they dream of becoming the most popular person around, they bury it deep inside. all they want is for people to like them... but sometimes, they question if others like them for who they are or their image
♡ NOELLE + SUCROSE — the hard-workers who are held back by their own insecurity
though they’re not the most dependable of people, they still commit themselves to learning more and more!
made of big dreams and an even bigger heart, they’re certain they’ll make everyone proud one day with their hard work and perfected skill
they often lose themselves in fantasies and find their mind to be the most entertaining place to be in. in their imagination, they can be anyone they want to be! a knight, an alchemist, an actor, anything is possible! of course, they’ll do these things in real life, too, but a little self-indulgence never hurt anybody~
incredibly curious and can find themselves in strange situations simply because they couldn’t resist learning more. luckily, they can always save themselves in the long run
polite & professional, they’re stubborn in their principles and can stand up for their own rules if need be. while they may come off as weak at first, they have it in them to defend anything they care for
has a habit of stuttering around others — nervous and humble, they find confidence to be intimidating and hard to approach. they respect leaders and could never imagine themselves in such a position (despite being fully capable of doing so)
the only person holding them back is themselves! if they believed in themself, they’d be someone their childhood selves would admire!
♡ KLEE — the energetic dreamer who’s a kid at heart
energetic & outgoing, they are always found running around, looking to make every moment of their life fun and interesting (though... they might be followed by a worried friend who fears the worst)
filled with childish youth and spirit, they live in the moment and wish to make friendships wherever they go!
when you meet them, all you want to do is make them happy. they’re innocently naive and remind you of how much good is in the world. they wear their heart on their sleeve and no one could ever be so evil as to break it
they do everything and anything to make their friends proud, such as following any rules they set in place. they become genuinely guilty when they make a mistake, so please comfort them the best you can!
they’re terrified of losing another person in their life. that’s why they treat everyone nicely when seeing one another, they’re scared of every meeting being the last
much more capable than they appear. they can take down anything in their path even if they seem a little lost & confused half of the time. they’re every team’s secret weapon as long as they’re with their friends!
as much as they are a handful, they always mean well and will be a friend until the end!
♡ CHILDE — the fragmented weapon who is always picking a fight
when meeting them for the first time, it isn’t until they leave that you release the breath you didn’t know you were holding
always front and center, their power is unmatched and is present in every unpredictable move they make. under their mask of youthfulness is an aged soul traumatized by reasons unknown
they’re willing to be any person you want them to be, as long as they get what they need. so one minute they’ll be smiling and laughing away, next they act like they didn’t even know you
wildly unhinged and deceptive, they imitate the wind of freedom but are truly restrained by their own private thoughts & feelings. their nonchalance and “i don’t care” attitude is a fool’s act
rarely feels alive — only feels the effects of a challenge when at the verge of death. it is only then that they let all hell reign loose. though, that rarely happens considering they barely have to try before being crowned victor
despite their moral ambigiousness, they are as straightforward as can be and are true with their word. if they say they’ll do somethig (at a price, of course), they’ll do it quickly and efficiently. they use any method possible to finish a task, as long as it guarantees results
isn’t used to others playing them at their own game. if you trick them (which can be done if you inflate their ego), they’re sure to have a grudge against you for an exaggerated amount of time. they may not admit it, but they expect others to be as honest as them (it stings unpleasantly when they realize they do not have the upper hand)
(it’s okay though, because they’ll never show their rare moments of weakness to anyone)
♡ QIQI — the wronged ones who were reborn for a better life
all they ever wanted was a second chance at life. now that they’ve got it, they’re going to do everything they can to make it right
despite the world being so cruel & unforgiving, they cannot give up on it. they do their best to live proudly and happily, to heal their inner child who wasn’t so fortunate
has fascinations with the littlest things in life. in their rather monotone voice, they express their want for anything sweet (such as “cocogoat” milk or candy)
though, it’s hard to tell their mood based on voice alone. but, their eyes light up at the thought of anything that makes them happy. they will always have that childlike wonder no matter how old they get
quiet & reserved, they are oblivious to any amounts of attention on them and prefer moving in solitude. they find comfort in strolling far away from the human eye and take things one step at a time
their strength is unprecendented by every mean! just because they’re on the quieter side, doesn’t mean they can’t hold their own in a fight. in fact, it’s a rather hilarious sight to see an unassuming person staring down at someone with a blank expression (only they can order themself to cause such violence, however)
give them a moment to process you if they seem to have forgotten! they firmly believe it is better to forget. forgetting painful memories is a way of releasing
♡ GANYU + BEIDOU — the gentle giants who could end the world, but choose not to
despite being capable of violence and causing bloodshed, they have left that life behind to be a regular person of society
though their past is tarnished by unsavory acts, they work to redeem themselves and bring comfort to others instead. whether it be taking on a larger share of work than necessary or preparing homemade meals, they’re an essential coming back after a long, hard day
therefore, their favorite way of group bonding is laughing over drinks and food with each other! they have no problem spending money on a feast as long as everyone comes to have fun
because of this, they have a great amount of appreciation for anyone who does a good thing for them. if it’s food, they’ll eat it all even if on a full stomach. if it’s an accessory, they’ll wear it at all times even if it clashes. they wish to take care of anything with sentimental value from now on
their faith and loyalty can be considered blind, but they have immense trust in others. they’ve lived far too long being suspicious of others, they want to live believing in good even if it stabs them in the back later on — yet, this doesn’t mean they’re naive in any way. in fact, they have no fear towards powerful entities that most would usually run away from. they’re confident in who they are after years of training and strength-building
due to their many years of experience in every predicament possible, they have a talent of reading people easily. tiny changes in facial expression are nothing to them and they can tell good from bad right away
so if they consider you a close friend, you have a strong ally besides you that will always do the right thing
♡ BENNETT — the unlucky unwanted ones who carry the weight of the world on their shoulders
no one expects them to be the oldest sibling, but they are! they have the responsibility of taking care of those around them, whether it be younger siblings or elder adventurers
although it becomes quite exhausting and difficult the older everyone gets, they never complain about their duty and will always see it through. sure, it’s more trouble than it’s worth, but if they don’t do it, who else will?
seldom do they feel discouraged, but when they do, it’s not long before they get back up and try again! their tears never last long because they’re never giving up. they can’t lose when so many people are relying on them...
they’re used to doing everything by themself. whatever you need to get done, they’ll do it with one more band-aid on their face! they’ve acquired so many skills that they’re a jack of all trades (and a master at none)
because of that, they’re always smiling no matter what life throws at them. there will always be tomorrow if today is bad, and they’ll do even better! so you better believe it!
even though it seems like they’re “cursed” with bad luck, you can often hear them say, “i’m the luckiest boy alive!”, when anything good happens. those little things keeps them going throughout all the bad
after all, how can they possibly have bad luck when they have so many great friends? they haven’t given up on them, so they’ll always do their best!
♡ NINGGUANG + ZHONGLI — the businesspeople who can never have enough money to feel secure
growing up with absolutely nothing, they refuse to go back to a time where weakness was all they had. therefore, even “dirty” money is considered a blessing these days
some may call them “frugal and cheap”, they like to put it as “saving money wisely”. they accept money isn’t permanent and anyone could lose it, even themselves. excess extravagence is a luxury even they won’t indulge in (for themselves especially, but others have a higher possibility)
everything they’ve earned has come from hard work and perseverance. they’re self-made and continue building their empire from the ground up. they’re never comfortable and are always seeking good opportunities to expand their wealth
even as they reluctuantly take on assistants, they’re still uncomfortable with the thought of asking for help when they’ve done everything by themself for so long. they hate to make themselves seem like a parasite and compensate fairly through other means
they’re not afraid to get into debates with just about everyone and see arguments as a way to solve problems and move forward. they’re relentless when speaking the cold truth and hard facts, but they do it to get the hurt over with. they’re not intentionally mean, they’re just cut-throat
they believe their past their “prime time” of experience and encourage others to aspire for more. they act as if they’ve lived several lifetimes (it is questionable if they have) and speak with wisdom so certain, no one thinks to disagree
they can bargain and negotiate for hours; it’s what they know best. should they lose this money... that is simply not a possibility. money protects them and they use it to protect others as well. any loss of money is a sign of danger to them
♡ XINGQIU — the booksmart leads who commit to doing good
at first, they are perfect students. their nose is always in a book, they retain information like its water, and are always gracing others with their polite manners and elegance
they were born with potential and promise, with the knowledge strong enough to change the tide. parents were envious of their achievements and clear excellence and often compared their own children to them (much to the dismay of their inherent humbleness)
yet, beneath their picture-perfect status is a much more curious, troublesome side. their thirst for knowledge grows more and more each day, they have to know. ignorance is not bliss at all
despite their constant learning, they never do it in an underhanded method. they’re honest if their principles are on the line and they believe in upholding morals & ethics
if they do not adhere to these righteous ways, how can they expect anyone else to? as long as they’re doing the right thing, that’s what matters
therefore, it’s more often than not that they give credit to others. they hardly take time to put their name on a project first and pass their own hard work to others. they find it much more rewarding to see people get praised than to receive it himself
though, if you want to thank them, it’ll be much harder to find them to begin with. they can disappear for days at a time before coming back. do not ask why, because the only answer you’ll hear is, “a moment of solitude”
♡ CHONGYUN — the ice-cold actor who does everything to conceal his secret side...
stoice & composed, it’s nearly impossible to get a reaction out of this serious person. unless...
they can become two completely separate people if the case calls for it. blame it on whatever you want, whether it be congenital positivity or acting, but they can become friendly and illogical if their job or roles requires it
this is always an entertaining sight for their friends, but it’s extremely embarrassing for them personally. they will apologize again and again, but it’s bound to occur in the near future
regardless of their quirk, they have strong ambitions to be the best in their business and will continue trekking down the long road ahead to do so
in order to be at the top of their game, they have immense self-control and follow a strict routine all for self improvement
they can get up early in the morning and work late into the night with no problems. their endurance is like no other and there is no limit to how far they’ll go for perfection
though anyone can be intimidated by their talents that go beyond the normal standard, they’re just a normal person at the end of the day who has a lot to work on
♡ LISA — the brains & beauty who make sure no one underestimates them
despite being the smartest and most self-sufficient of their group, they’re simplified to their appearance and charismatic personality at first glance
while they’re used to being objectified, they’ve figured out a way to use it to their advantage. because of this, no one can ever make them react genuinely. they have a calm, composed persona that never fails
hard to read and a master of charm, the only way you can tell they’re visibly not pleased is when the air crackles with electricity. the tension they can create is unfathomable and only they can dispel it. so, better to make it up to them quick or the uncomfortable atmosphere stays!
even if they appear as languid and slow as a cat, they do everything flawlessly. nothing is out of place wherever they go and their attention to detail is second to none. no matter who scrutinizes them, they’ll always exceed every standard with high remarks
yet, they can become easily bored. they need many things to keep them entertained for extended amounts of time. once they get their hands on something, they’ll study it so much until there’s nothing left to learn. if you have any questions, they can explain it in the plainest terms possible
please do not ask them to go do a task, however. they avoid troubling work that has the slightest possibility of giving them wrinkles. they’re lazy by nature, and it’s something they will not change
while they are confident they can handle any situation, they choose not to. more work is something they can never accept on their own terms
♡ FISCHL — the robotic wanderers who have no place to call home
disguising their true self behind frivilous words and outlandish theories, they almost seem like they’re not from this world at all
due to their odd behavior, they rarely have friends that go along with their roleplay and require translation half the time
regardless, they speak in poems and rhymes for the fun of it. if it makes them happy, so be it!
they take comfort in literature and fantasy stories and project onto characters they love. if they can become a story protagonist, they’d be able to do anything
because of this reliance, it’s hard to meet anyone who can get past their eccentricies. not to mention their family who attempts to be supportive but ultimately grows confused by their grand demeanor
yet, they’re unapologetically themself and refuse to break character for anyone. they don’t compromise their words or actions and are authentically themselves
they’re writing their own story and will never let anyone else decide it for them again
♡ XIAO + VENTI — the land-bound souls who wish to be relieved by the wind
there is more to them than that meets the eye; no one has ever dealt with more loss than them
the pains of their mysterious past have made them seem like they’re ancient; moving slowly with the weight of their forgotten responsibilities and promises upon their shoulders
their piercing gaze and ability to be dangerous is a rare sight, though you would be extremely lucky to even survive long enough to see it at its worst. its like muscle memory to them, their violence is like an instinct when threatened
due to experiencing so much in so little time, they now have no fear of others’ judgment whatsoever. they won’t hesitate to mock anyone when prompted and doesn’t need other people’s approval anymore
that is because they can still hear the voices of those they could not save. the dead haunt them whenever they sit idle for too long, so they escape their reality through many means, whether it be sleeping or drinking
they attempt to live freely, like their losses should’ve. they live the life they know their ghosts would’ve wanted and uphold the price to pay for surviving
“it shouldn’t have been me, not them”, you can find them saying in the latest of hours. nevertheless, they fight on. they have an eternal debt to pay to god knows what
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emilycollins00 · 4 years ago
omg it's now open!! can i ask for the tenma and izumi's sister street act pretty please? hehe uwu thank you very much!
Wish I could hug you so bad love, I’m so sorry this one took so long!
I’ll be honest, I had for a long time an idea but I just wasn’t feeling it, didn’t like it. So I waited to get some other ideas and honestly I’m much happier with this version! Hope you like it too.
Note this is another short of the Izumi’s sister!reader Series. I know for sure it will be a mess if I start to link each previous post, so I will put the link to my Masterlist HERE and if anyone wants, you can look for the previous parts there.
Once again, thank you so much for your patience 💕 Please enjoy! 
Izumi’s little sister! Reader. Pt. 4. Street act and thoughts
“Wait, you mean THAT'S why everyone keeps Masumi from talking to me?”
Izumi laughed awkwardly inside her coat, small clouds coming out of her mouth due to the cold. “It's fine, Y/N. He’s a good kid and most of the time it only gets a bit weird.”
“Most of the time?”
“Anyway!" Izumi clapped her hands and looked at you with a big grin. "I'm so excited you are staying tonight. We should have done this sooner!"
You raised your eyebrows. It was as clear as day she was trying to get out of the conversation. Sighing, you decided to humor her and let it aside for now. “Are you sure it’s fine though? You said the winter troupe was rehearsing for the upcoming perf-”
“Of course it’s fine! Everyone was delighted when I told them you were coming,” she insisted as you both crossed the Veludo district. “Besides, thanks to you we’ll even get to have curry sooner than I counted for!" as she lifted some bags, you couldn’t help but laugh at her expression.
“You look more excited about the spices and ingredients I brought than me staying over, you know”
“Hey! Not true" Izumi pushed you lightly with her hips, making stumble and giggle. You had been sceptic, but it felt nice having some sibling quality-time with your sister again.
A few minutes later, you two finally arrived at the dorm’s entrance. Izumi took out the key to enter when someone slammed the door so loud you even let out a shrill screech.
“Yes! Yes, I am deeply sorry!” you blinked with a mixture of worry and wonder at the manager of Mankai talking on the phone feeling a deja vu. How could someone bow so fast while moving around? “Of course! Yes, I'm already on my way!"
“Matsukawa-san?!” Izumi called out worriedly, but he was already out of her reach. The man did seem to hear her though, turning slightly but not stopping.
“Everything’s fine, director! Please don’t worry, I’ll make sure…!”
Neither of you got to hear the end of the sentence, the silhouette of the man getting smaller and smaller. You saw your sister looking at the distance with a tired expression “You don’t look surprised”
Izumi shook her head at your comment, pulling the door knock and allowing you to enter “If I had to question everything that happens around here I... Anyway, let's-“
“Here comes the tour guide! Here comes so don’t move another step!”
She pressed the bridge of her nose.
“Ah, welcome back you two,” you heard Omi’s voice coming from the kitchen as Izumi opened the lounge door with you behind. “You arrived just in time. I’m finishing some scones.”
“Omi-kun, did Matsukawa-san say…”
“Y/N-pi!” Kazunari’s voice vibrated from the living room’s couches. “Come here, we missed you! I’m sure you’re looking as bomb as always though!”
“Took you long enough, Wild Currian Performer.”
Tenma turned to you as well to talk but stopped halfway. “What the hell.”
Looking up, you were thinking the same. Kamekichi had yet to move from your head “Uh, thank you for… bringing me inside.”
The bird flapped its wings vigorously. “Of course, took you long enough! I am the tour guide!” after that, he took fly and left.
You stared at the hallway visibly confused. What was up with this dorm.
“Wait, was he waiting at the entrance all this time?” a blond man with a phone frowned from the couch. “No wonder I couldn’t find him to bring me- shit, advertisements,” he groaned, glancing at you and then turning his attention back to the screen. “Anyway, nice to meet you in person, Y/N-san. Although Citron and Sakuya talk so much about you I feel like I was there the first time.”
“Uh… thanks?”
As if summoned, the spring leader popped his head into the room “I heard the door, did- Y/N-san! Welcome back, I’m so happy you could come to visit us again!”
You smiled at the boy.
“Okay everyone, help yourselves, there’s more if you want.” Omi walked towards the table and left the plate of scones in the middle, allowing everyone to grab a piece.
You took one, humming delightedly at the sweet flavor. The autumn member chuckled “Would you like anything special for tonight’s dinner, Y/N?”
“Ah, we already covered that, Omi-kun! Y/N brought spices from home, this curry will feel so nostalgic!”
All the actors in the room flinched.
“I see…”
“F in the chat. Why am I not surprised” Itaru mused to himself.
“I-I am sure it’s really good…!”
“You two really are family uh…no, wait!” Tenma shook his head. “Forget about curry!”
“Hey! What’s with everyone dissing curry?” you frowned as you cleaned the rest of the crumbs from the scone, raising your eyes to everyone in the room.
“That’s not what I mean” he rubbed his forehead. You and director were too alike. At your confused stare, he pointed at you indignant “You owe me a street act, remember?”
“Ah, that!” taking another scone and biting it, you nodded. You hadn’t really done street acts before, but you would lie if you said you weren’t interested. “Sure, if you still want?”
“You bet I do.”
He had heard Taichi and Juza commenting on your acting during that autumn rehearsal too- there was no way he would pass the opportunity to test it himself.
“U-um!” Sakuya stood up, his eyes shining “If you are going out to do a street act, I’d like to join too!”
You tilted your head at the boy, curious why he seemed so eager. Didn’t they usually do acts outside?
“All right then, let’s do this.”
Tenma smirked walking towards the door, looking somewhat excited too. Well, they wouldn’t be living in a theatre dorm if they didn’t enjoy acting after all, you concluded shrugging it off.
“GG guys.”
“Tenten, do your best!”
“Yeah, try not to embarrass yourself, hack.”
“What does that mean?!”
By the time you all three walked out of the dorm, jackets and everything on, the sun had started to set up. You shivered. Maybe you should have brought more clothes.
“Was the winter troupe in rehearsals?” you turned to the troupe leaders walking alongside you “Izumi told me they are doing a mystery play of some kind.”
“Yeah, Hisoka-san is the lead and whenever he’s not sleeping he’s pretty good… so they’ve been going all out.”
Sakuya agreed at Tenma’s statement “I’m excited to see them perform!”
As you all continued sharing some light talk, you arrived at Veludo. Looking around, one could see winter was almost there. There weren’t many kids around, just adults and teens returning home walking faster than usual given the time and cold weather.
A bit later, you finally decided to stop on a roundabout next to a fountain to perform.
“What do you guys usually do?”
“We normally just pick a theme and go along with it!” the spring member answered smiling while Tenma stretched. “Do you have anything you’d like to do, Y/N-san?”
You looked around humming. You weren’t usually given the freedom to choose so nothing really came to mind except… “How about doing something similar to the winter troupe? There are not many people around, but maybe we can engage them.”
Sakuya might as well have started jumping.
“A winter-like street act sounds perfect! I don’t think I’ve ever done something similar to what they do. What do you think, Tenma-kun?”
“Not bad. Let’s go with mystery for our theme.”
“Wait, I know I just said that but if the point of a mystery is to solve it, shouldn’t we plan how to-”
Ignoring you, Tenma walked to the middle of the road and turned to you and Sakuya knowingly. His eyes shone with expectations.
You frowned confused still. None of you hadn’t decided anything, was he really-
“You can’t be serious!” Tenma’s tone of voice changed, cutting through the somewhat calm street like a knife. You also noticed his whole demeanour turning hostile, making people look his way. "I have better things to do than wait here to be murdered!”
Even faster than you had anticipated, Sakuya ran to him. "P-please wait, uncle Miles! I won’t move from here until I know who killed my brother. I’m sure the detective must have a reason for having us stay here!"
“What’s this, a play?”
“Hey, these guys are from Mankai!”
As expected, people stopped noticing the performance.
You felt a thrill in your stomach, engines already turning inside your head. So you had indirectly gotten the part of the detective and therefore in charge of being the one to solve it uh.
Walking slowly, building anticipation, you placed yourself in front of them, blocking out the noise.
Tenma and Sakuya were awaiting, as well as the crowd surrounding you now and it was a strange feeling, if you were honest. Who knew what their next sentences would be after you spoke? You had no idea what could happen, and somehow, that made you smile. This really was a street act.
And so, you chuckled dryly but with elegance “I can assure you, gentlemen, this won't be a problem.”
She’s good. "HA!” Tenma crossed his arms, looking grim “Bet this is just another plot, typical of Marshall and his-”
“Uncle, please!”
And so, it began.
You didn’t notice how long you had this push and pull of allegories, fake names or places. At this point you were just a detective in charge of solving the death of Marshall Jones, a fraud who had been the successor of the Jones Industries.
...And that the biggest suspects were the two people in front of you; his younger brother, William Jones and their uncle, Mr Miles.
“This is stupid, I have men working for me on the government! They will turn a blind eye if I command it I-!”
“Just tell us who did it! I need to know who killed Marshall!” Sakuya trembled anxiously.
You just nodded calmly at both of them “You are right. This has taken too long and I apologize for it.”
Tenma and Sakuya both held their breaths. Acting with you was being a mental workout to keep up, but none of them could dismiss the thrill that came with it.
“However, I feel like I shouldn’t be the only one apologizing. Isn’t that right, Marshall?”
Confused, Tenma followed your pointing finger towards the crowd, and Sakuya almost let a gasp when a shadow made his way towards them. The crowd whispered furiously at the sudden change of flow of the act.
‘Since when was he there?!’
While they stared at the summer member, Misumi didn’t look that surprised, to which you inwardly breathed in relief.
Everyone’s eyes laid on him, his attitude perfect for the act, gloomy and mysterious.
Nothing like the happy young man who had wanted to show you triangles the first time you met "I was wondering if you would call out for me at some point, detective."
"Thought I would let you enjoy yourself for a while" you shrugged, and Misumi laughed huskily at your comment.
“Thank you for taking the job.”
“Yeah, yeah. Next time just try to not hide in such a melodramatic way.”
“B-brother? Is that really you…?" Sakuya walked slowly to Misumi, almost making it look like he was about to break into a cry.
Tenma took advantage of the situation to step in. He wasn’t about lose there "Y-you were supposed to be dead! I made sure of-!" he stopped half-way, covering his mouth. "Shit."
“Turns out you should have stayed in the room to check the works of the poison, Mr. Miles.” you made it look like you pulled two sets of handcuffs “As tender as this familiar reunion after death might be, I'm afraid you will have to accompany me. You are both been placed on a charge of murder… and inflicted fraud.”
And scene.
A few seconds passed and you swallowed. Had this been too much?
As soon as the first stupor faded, the now quite big surrounding crowd erupted in applause.
“T-that was amazing!”
“Wait, what?!”
“Didn't think another actor would be hiding!”
“That was Mankai, right? Wanna check their next performance?”
After thanking the audience, you hurried to the boy with a triangular earring, embarrassment running through you, noticing now what you had done. “I-I’m sorry for pulling you in! My body moved on its own and when I saw you…”
Tenma just scoffed, but you could tell he was proud. “Yeah, well- if there’s someone who shouldn’t have any problem with what you just did, it’s him.”
“It really was great!” Sakuya approached you both. “I almost broke character for a second there. Where you watching the whole time, Misumi-san?”
“Not really! I was looking for triangles and then I heard Tenma’s voice… and when I got closer I saw you guys acting!”
“Still, sorry for...”
“Mhm! It’s okay, it’s okay!” suddenly, Misumi started patting your head. “Good job, detective Y/N.”
You felt a blush rush to your cheeks at the touch and so you stepped back, laughing embarrassed. “I-I was also surprised how good everyone is! I mean of course you are, you guys are real actors but-”
"Let’s do another one."
“Uh?” you squeezed your eyes at Tenma. Maybe you hadn’t heard correctly. “But we just-“
“We have time. Misumi, you stay too."
Turning back to Sakuya the boy laughed nervously, but didn’t look surprised.
Ah, you were so screwed.
The streetlights started lighting up when you made a decision to finally head back to the dorm.
“That was great!” Sakuya was moving as if he had received a burst of energy “It’s so much fun acting with people outside Mankai, isn’t it!”
“Everyone’s applauses were really suuuper loud too!”
“…and you say you only go sometimes to your theatre club?" Tenma saw you nod and shoved his hands into the pockets of his winter coat, groaning. "Just what's up with people like you and Misumi?"
"Hmh? Y/N and I are similar? Yaaaayy!"
"Misumi? it didn't sound like a compliment to me."
Sakuya laughed at the exchange. It truly had been an amazing experience. "Did you do theatre with director when you two were younger?"
You hummed, thinking about it. To be honest, theatre had always been around but you hadn’t really... When was it that you started acting again?
A scream stopped your train of thought.
“You scared the daylights out of me, Misumi!"
Turning to the young man, you noticed him making a triangle with his hands and, while using it as a telescope, suddenly speeding up the pace. "It's a triangular cloud!"
"Misumi-san, please don't follow the cloud, we’ll be late for dinner!"
"Tri-triangle, tri-tri-triangle…!"
"Oi Misumi, quit singing and stop! I know you can hear us!"
Watching the interaction, you couldn't help but laugh, running after them.
They were a weird bunch… but in an endearing kind of way.
“Oh? If it isn’t our cute Y/N” Azuma smiled softly as you all walked in.
“Did you guys go do street acts?” Tasuku lifted his head from the script in his hands. Sakuya nodded eagerly at the older actor, explaining the performances and the audience reaction.
Tsumugi laughed after the spring leader finished. “Seems like you all enjoyed yourselves out there.”
“Ah, youth! If only time would let us stop our bodies to enjoy the real pass of time of our souls!”
“Arisu… you’re annoying...”
“Okay everyone, let’s call the rest and start plating everything, okay?
You spent the rest of the night with the majority of the dorm. 
You had a banter with Masumi about not giving your blessing, being cut by Citron’s weird proverbs and him being at the same time stopped by Tsuzuru. You laughed at Banri’s and Juza’s not so passive aggressive comments, heard some more stories about everyone and of course, you talked about acting and performances.
You shook your head amused. They really were acting addicts.
By the end of dinner, you excused yourself to go to the bathroom.
Closing your eyes, you splashed water in your face, deep in thought. “Living in this dorm must be amazing though…”
They all seemed to work so hard on any act they did… that it confused you. Izumi had always been insistent about you doing theatre and, while you appreciated it, you never took it seriously.
You enjoyed it, sure, but was it maybe because it came naturally to you? …What if you chose to act for real and then didn’t feel the same way after seeing the bad aspects of it?
Your mother was another matter too. She had made it clear she wouldn’t say anything, but you could tell it didn’t… exactly enthusiasm her. She barely mentioned Izumi’s work at home.
However, acting with everyone in Mankai had been fun. Every time.
Even you were surprised. Just how many street acts had you done after the first one today? You hadn’t practiced that much improv in a long time, not even in your theatre club.
It wasn't as of you didn't enjoy your own theatre activities, but surely there had to be a reason why you found yourself so awestruck by everyone here.
Or maybe not. Your mind was a mess. Closing the bathroom door, you sighed before noticing a figure walking towards you.
“Hey, I got the money ”
Without skipping a beat, you ‘tch’ed at Tenma. “First you’ll have to show me the body.”
“I have to see the money,” he pointed at you with his chin.
“First the body… or yours.” A few seconds passed and you both finally sneered. Tenma sighed, shaking his head.
“Thought I could get past you, dammit. You really should consider acting.”
“Actually- Tenma, I was thinking” you faltered. “Um, did you… always want to be an actor?”
“Well- I was pretty much always in the industry since I was young, so yeah, I’d say so?”
“You never thought it could have been your parent… you know, telling you how you had talent what might have made you start acting?”
The summer leader thought about it, looking at the ceiling. However, he soon shrugged “If so, what?” noticing your confusion, he kept talking. “I mean, I guess they did have some influence… but in the end it was me who decided to stay. For me, not for them.”
You nodded. That made sense.
“Why the question?”
“Ah, nothing it’s just- I think Izumi tends to overreact saying I am like dad, you know, with acting and all. I didn’t think much about it until these acts made me feel…”
“Fulfilled?” The summer leader finished for you. Seeing he was right by looking at your face, he shrugged again in response. “I don’t know Yukio-san to say you are a copy of him, but yeah, you are good. Still though, you should do what you want above everything else.”
You nodded again.
You both headed back to the living room as a heated karaoke discussion between Citron and Banri while a few others tried to act as mediators.
Izumi turned to you and smiled “Everything okay?”
You faced her. The thoughts about acting and theatre could wait. As Tenma said, you didn’t have to rush and for now. You decided to let it aside and enjoy the warm feeling of being reunited with your sister and her weird, but lovable group of actors.
You took her hand and squeezed it. “Yup!”
Hope you guys liked it. Have a wonderful day!  💕
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imaginesfora3 · 5 years ago
Hi hi would it be okay to ask for headcanons of sakuya, tsuzuru tenma and yuki reacting to their s/o saying that they would want to marry them in the future please and thank you!
Minagi Tsuzuru: 
Tsuzuru is caught off-guard by what you said and doesn’t know how to properly reply, sending you a gentle smile as he admitted that marrying you is something he’d thought about as well. He had been worried about bringing up the topic to soon but it seemed you’d once more been a few steps ahead of him just like when you’d first asked him out. 
Now that he didn’t feel the need to be secretive about his own thoughts he quickly dipped into the topic of your wedding, asking what type of theme you’d like and sharing his own opinion of what he’d like. He knows he’d have to find something for each one of his siblings to do and he laughed at the thought of having to shove them into formal wear, with you quickly joining him since they’d soon be your family, too. 
Tsuzuru curled up in bed that night, hugging a pillow to his chest and wishing it was you. When the two of you were married he’d get to see your face every morning and come home to you each night, and though it’d be a big change from living in the dorm, it’s not as though he wouldn’t still see everyone often. The thought of change made him slightly anxious but it was exciting to think of such a big change coming, knowing he could overcome any challenge with you by his side. 
Sakuma Sakuya: 
His feelings show very clearly on his face as his eyes slightly widened and his mouth hung open, surprising you’d mentioned such a thing when you were both still so young. It was almost more embarrassing for you as he didn’t immediately agree that the idea was a good one. 
Sakuya is quick to jump back into the conversation once the wheels in his brain had begun to spin again, grabbing your hands with a determined face and telling you that he should’ve been the one to say that! To make up for it he promised to present you with the most romantic and memorable proposal he could possibly come up with, smiling brightly at you and relishing the thought of having you as his spouse. 
That night he’s restless as he thinks about you all dolled up for him, nervousness settling into the pit of his stomach as he thinks about how serious your relationship was becoming if marriage was already being talked about. In the end, there’s no one else he’d rather marry even if he did feel nervous about the concept, and he couldn’t wait to see what your future together would bring. 
Rurikawa Yuki: 
He’s incredibly embarrassed by you saying that so bluntly to him, his entire face turning red as he refused to look at you and told you in a harsh tone that that particular future was far off considering your ages. 
But Yuki had never felt this type of romantic love for a person like he had for you and he hadn’t never suspected he’d be in this relationship, so hearing that you still wanted to be with him despite how difficult he could be… It made his heartbeat just a little faster and he just wanted to smile like some sort of simple-minded idiot. 
That night all he could think about was the beautiful outfits he’d make for you and he for your wedding day, they’d have to be handmade as the wedding would be incomplete others… Plus, there was the matter of making the decorations suit the outfit, the proper flowers to put on display and- His thoughts immediately drift back to how wonderful you’d look and his heart jumps in his chest again, with nothing left for him to do but bury his face in his pillow and admit he was completely in love with the idea of marrying you. 
Sumeragi Tenma: 
Tenma practically spit out the water he was drinking, really wishing you were the type to give him some warning before you said outlandish things like that. He thinks you’re joking at first but you begin to pout at him for doubting you, he realized just how sincere the idea was to you. 
Tenma managed to suppress most of what he was feeling in front of you though he was still unable to meet your eye, saying that such a thing could clearly happen but it wouldn’t be for a little while so he had some time to set the groundwork for your family home. He muttered to himself about the other things he’d need before he knew he’d be able to take proper care of you, leaving you to listen with a smile as he essentially admitted he would say ‘yes’ if you proposed then and there. 
That night he slept well and felt more content than he ever had. He had never doubted your feelings for him but to actually hear that you were planning a future with him in it made him happier than words could ever express, and his dreams are filled with the sound of wedding bells and your laughter (with perhaps a few tears from him as he envisioned you walking down the aisle). 
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nervouscoffeeheart · 4 years ago
Yup yup! I'm back again!
With Part 4🎶
*everyone sitting quietly in lounge with pin drop silence*
Tsuzuru: sigh... I'm finally back.... Wait... Explaintion time?
Sakuya: yes.
Tsuzuru: ....
Izumi: ......
Kamekichi: haha, and I meet a new hot girl! And guess what, I got her number!
Manager: Well, can't argue with that today is the most amazing day ev-
Everyone: *glazing at Manager and Kamekichi*
Manager & Kamekichi: ...gulp...
Izumi: *door closed* Everyone's here?
Izumi: Good. ..... Okay now, let's start. So, who's first?
Everyone: *trying not making eye contact with Izumi*
Izumi: Okay, then we will start from... Homare, Itaru, Omi and Taichi's story.
Homare: Oh well... *Homare looking at Taichi, Omi and Itaru* ..gulp... Them let me explain.. Actually.... Wait, Taichi, you'll explain first, please?
Taichi: HUH?! oh well... Actually... Remember what happened yesterday night?
*night before this all happened*
Omi: Here you go!
Taichi: Thanks for the dinner!
Guy: As always, Fushimi makes the most amazing looking and delicious food.
Omi: haha, thanks again, Guy.
Kazunari: Hey, I've heard that there's an app which delivers fresh meat and seafoods!
Itaru: oh yeah, I've heard about that one!
Sakyo: well, it sounds useful, but can we trust them that they'll really sell fresh food?
Kazunari: don't worry, Frooch! If they did that we can complain them!
Muku: well, looking at the reviews, people gave them 5 stars and they said that they are trustworthy.
Taichi: Yeah! Hey Sakyo-nii! Let's eat something amazing tomorrow! Please!please!
Sakyo: ..... Well I don't have any issue with that.
Tenma: wait, for real?!
Banri: who are you? And how did you kill or kidnapped Sakyo? Please tell me how?
Sakyo: ......
Banri: haha... I shouldn't have asked that...
Sakyo: it's good to eat something new once in a while, what about you, Director?
Izumi: hm? Well, I don't have any problem.
Taichi: YAY!
Omi: hmm. Let's make Crab tomorrow! -of course we'll make sushi and some other fried foods with it!
Homare: Thanks, Omi. I knew you'd understand that I don't like seafood that much...
Hisoka: well, I don't think you're alone.
Chikage: Yes, Chigasaki also don't like seafood.
Itaru: Yup, Yup.
Guy: I'll help you, Fushimi.
Omi: Thanks, Guy!
Azuma: Then, I'll take that new sake I got tomorrow!
Taichi: Yay! I'm so excited for tomorrow!
~~~~~~~Time before Izumi came home~~~~~
Delivery man: Excuse me, You're order.
Izumi: oh, Umm, thanks! Uhhh... Taichi! Can you take this? I have paid for it. And I'm in a hurry so...
Taichi: it's okay, Director! Take care!
Izumi: Thank you, bye!
[In Lounge]
Taichi: Omi, we've got that Crab!
Omi: Nice! But... Taichi keep it there, I'll keep it in fridge later.
Taichi: okay~
Itaru: Argh! Why! Won't that SSR comes Home!?
Itaru: ....hey Homare... Wanna pull?
Homare: hm? But what?
Itaru: An SSR Card...? Just click this!
Homare: oh, okay!
Itaru: ..... YES! I got it!!! Thanks, Homare!
Homare: well, thank you as well Itaru! My poetic inspiration is coming out! Do you want to hear it?
Itaru: Yeah, No.
Homare: Aww... Hmm... Anyways, Itaru, have you seen my pen?
Itaru: ha? I thought it was in your hand, when you said you got an inspiration.
Homare: hmm..... Wait a minute.... Is that box is...moving...?...... Uh? Must be my imagination.
*box moving*
Itaru: Yes!, Hahaha. I got it! .... Hm? That box.... Ah, no how can that box move...
Omi: hmm.... Where's that box...? Taichi! Where's that box?
Taichi: Huh? I kept it here!
Omi: you sure?
Taichi: yes!, I'm sure. ....Itaru, Homare, do you guys know where's that crab box?
Homare: Well, I don't really know...but, I think I saw that box moving around, haha, I have a quiet imagination!
Itaru: ...wait...you also saw that..?
Homare: .....?
Omi: ....wait look! ....that box...
Itaru: it's torn apart....
Taichi: then...that means...someone took that crab awa-
Homare: Taichi!, On your Hair!!!
Taichi: huh? My hair... WOAH WAAAAHHHAHAHAH!
Omi: don't worry, Taichi, I got you covered!
Taichi: ha... Thanks Omi!!!!
Itaru: wait... That crab was alive the whole time?!
Omi: I agree with you!
Homare: wait that crab is going somewhere...
*crab going towards the table in lounge...and grab itaru's phone*
Itaru: WAIT WHAT?!
Itaru: I'm not gonna forgive him! } toge-
Homare: I'm not going to forgive him! } -ther
Izumi: I see, this much explaintion is enough for now...
Homare: sigh...
Taichi: gulp...
Omi: haha...
Itaru: well, after that me and Homare were trying to find that crab...
Omi: Turns out that both of 'em wanted to kill that crab...
Izumi: Okay. Now, Tsumugi, Yuki and Azami. Explain.
Azami: don't look at me.
Yuki: sigh...
Tsumugi: Well, ummm.....
Tsumugi: .... Oh Azami, welcome back!
Azami: Thanks, Tsumugi.
Tsuzuru: Wait! Don't run!
Azami: huh? Children?
Tsuzuru: Ah, sorry Azami, these are my three youngest siblings.
Tsumugi: Aww, if I'm correct, this one is Mitsuru, the last Third one, and this one is Takeru, last second one, and then Yuzuru the last!.
Tsuzuru: Haha, yes, you're right Tsumugi.
Azami: Hah? Y'all so cute!
Tsumugi: That's true! ~
Yuzuru: thank you, uncle...
Azami: ..u-Uncle?! Haha, I'm like your brother!
Tsumugi: Fufu, well I think he meant by me.
Takeru: I don't think only you, Onii-chan.
Mitsuru: hey, don't disturb Onii-chan.
Tsuzuru: Yes, Mitsuru is right!
Tsumugi: haha, well aren't they funny as well?
Azami: yeah..!
Tsuzuru: well, all my brothers were busy, that's why they told me if I can take care of them... But seems like I've got a little meeting with Sakyo today.
Tsumugi: then, I can help you, Tsuzuru!
Tsuzuru: oh no, Tsumugi. I think your busy...
Tsumugi: no! It's nothing! I can at least help you with this! After all you wrote our scripts and rest very rarely. It's okay I can handle!
Tsuzuru: Umm, well, if you say so... Thank you Tsumugi! But don't worry let them. They'll be fine.
Tsumugi: hmm... If you're sure... If anything happens I'll take care of them.
Tsuzuru: yes, thank you, also I'll be here so you don't need to worry, okay?
Tsumugi: okay...
Azami: hey! Don't touch my face that much!
Tsumugi: Seems like they like Azami!
Yuki: I'm back.
Tsuzuru: Welcome back!
Yuki: Woah, what a coincidence, I was just about to come and ask you that if I can borrow your little brothers for a while.
Tsuzuru: borrow..?
Yuki: well, you see my neighbor told me to make a costume for their youngest son and daughter. That's why I wanted a little model.
Azami: Ah, if that's the case... I can also help. There's a new cream I got. I wanted to try it on Banri, but he told me that he's a little busy... That's why I wanted someone to try it.
Tsuzuru: well, as long as they're happy with it...
Tsuzuru's siblings: YAY!
Tsumugi: Can I come to? I can help you guys.
Yuki: Of course you can!
Tsuzuru: then I should go too. Bye.
Everyone: bye, bye~
Yuki: huh? Why are you sniffing around, stupid dog?
Taichi: YUKI! Azami and Tsumugi! Ahh... You see the-
Omi: well, are you guys going somewhere with these children? Looks like they're Tsuzuru's Siblings.
Tsumugi: oh yes, we are going to Yuki's room.
Omi: oh okay then, have fun!
Omi: I don't think we should tell them about that crab... They have kids with them... They'll get panic...
Taichi: guess you're right...
[Tenma/Yuki's Room]
Yuki: Okay, thank God, that hack is not here. Okay, Umm sorry I forgot your names.. Mitsuru...right?
Azami: we'll start with you, Mitsuru.
Mitsuru: oh okay...
Tsumugi: good luck!
Yuzuru: hey, look! A pigeon!
Takeru: Shhh.
Tsumugi: oh yes, that's a nice pigeon!
Yuki: Tsumugi, can you help a bit here?
Takeru: Now's our chance! Yuzuru, hold my hand and don't make noise.
Yuzuru: Shhh... Okay..!
*Yuzuru and Takeru slowly escaping*
Tsumugi: Wait... Where are you two thinking you're going, hm?
Takeru: ?!, haha...ahno... Haha.. Just going to bathroom... Yuzuru wanted to go...
Tsumugi: Then, don't worry I'll take you there, Yuzuru. Come on.
Yuzuru: okay...
Takeru: Awww...
Yuki: Heyyy, Takeru, you wanna do something drawing..?
Takeru: huh? Well, okay.
Yuki: here are pencils and book.
Azami: is that Tenma's book?
Yuki: ...haha what...? No. Well, it would've been fun but... Unfortunately, it's not.
Azami: don't worry, I can understand, if we were in my room I would've gave him Sakyo's book.
Yuki: haha, so true!, That Money Grubbing Yakuza, But it's not hack's book, though...
Mitsuru: t-There's a hack and money grubbing Yakuza here?!
Azami: haha, don't worry Mitsuru.
Takeru: ........
*slowly escaped while they were talking*
Takeru: haha! Now, let's explore this dorm like a big boy!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Part 4~~~~~~~~~~~~
(If there's any mistake, error or any sentence that doesn't make any sense so, my apologies for that....)
Note: I actually don't know much about Tsuzuru's Siblings... But, I'm just putting the stuff I know about them. Also they're super cute (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡
Thank you for reading this post until the end♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§tay Δuned~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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jumukus · 5 years ago
A3! Event: The Last Runway Epilogue “Scarf of Memories” Translation
Following the final show of their play, Yuki made something for Taichi.
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Izumi: We have wrapped the final show. Good work, everyone!
Yuki: Good work.
Taichi: Cheers to a job well done~!
Masumi: Great job.
Omi: I’ve prepared Yuki and Taichi’s favorites for dinner today, omelette rice and hot dogs.
Taichi: Yeaaay! Let’s dig in.
Yuki: It looks tasty.
Tenma: So we’re having junk food today.
Omi: I’ve made some salad too, it’s all right. We have minestrone soup and plenty of veggies as well.
Izumi: The soup also looks delicious!
Misumi: I draw Sankaku-kun on the omelette rice~!
Kazunari: Ah, me too, me too! I’m gonna draw something.
Muku: You’re so good, Kazu-kun!
Kumon: Amazing! You can draw even with ketchup!
Tenma: We were worried whether the costume would suit us or not at first, but we pulled it off without any problem.
Masumi: I’m tired.
Izumi: The costumes were really good because you guys helped make it. They all looked so cool onstage.
Yuki: Of course they were.
Izumi: I’m glad Taichi-kun’s family came to watch the play yesterday.
Taichi: Yeah, me too!
Banri: Your sister is still in kindergarten, right? Did she understand the dialogues?
Izumi: I actually talked to her a little bit after the show. Looks like she enjoyed the play.
Taichi: Ah! Now that I think about it, she told me to hand over a letter to you, A-chan!
Azami: Me? Why? I wasn’t casted.
Taichi: She said she drew a portrait of you.
Azami: ...This one?
Izumi: It’s a cute drawing.
Banri: So it’s a fan letter.
Omi: You’re popular, Azami.
Azami: It’s, It’s not like that!
Izumi: Taichi-kun’s brother and sister get attached to Yuki-kun as well, it seems.
Yuki: They like me for some reason.
Taichi: Ever since he came to my home, those two seem so into Yuki-chan…
Mi-chan told me she wanted to be like Yuki-chan, while Ma-kun said he wanted to meet Yuki-chan…
All they only talk about is either Yuki-chan and A-chan instead of me. I have mixed feelings about this…!
Yuki: Not only a siscon, but you have also developed brocon.
Izumi: (I guess siblings also have similar taste when it comes to the person they like…?)
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Muku: With this we have bought all the requested items.
Yuki: I’m going to stop by the craft store, you can go home first.
Muku: Ah, I’m coming with you. I want to buy some materials for wool felt.
Muku: You too, Yuki-kun?
Yuki: Yeah. I also want to buy various new tools and more yarn and cloth.
Muku: I see.
Yuki: …
Muku: Are you going to buy that red wool?
Yuki: ...I’ll buy this for now.
Yuki: …
...I guess I really should make this part the same.
Tenma: That’s rare of you. Are you knitting?
Yuki: ...Can you not look here?
Tenma: I can’t help it, you know! We share a room!
Yuki: Do something about that, then.
Tenma: Don’t be unreasonable!
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Taichi: Hmm, I see…
Sakuya: Taichi-kun, what are you reading?
Taichi: Fortune telling corner. Seems like my luck will be very good this week!
Sakuya: Heh, that’s good, then!
Masumi: How about my love luck?
Taichi: Masumi-kun is an Aries, right. Uhh… Looks like your luck will raise if you have curry items with you!
Masumi: ...Give it to me.
Taichi: Ah! But I’m still reading it!
Masumi: Curry items… I’ll sew a felted curry on the curry pochette and give it to director…
*notification sounds*
Taichi: ?
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Yuki: Ah, you’re here.
Taichi: What is it, Yuki-chan?
Yuki: I want to properly thank you for helping me out during this play.
Taichi: You, You don’t need to!
Yuki: All right, here it is.
Taichi: ?
This felted wool… Ah, is this bear that bear that you designed yourself, Yuki-chan?
Yuki: It’s for your sister. She told me the bear is cute, after all.
Taichi: Whoaah! I’m sure she’ll be happy! Thanks, Yuki-chan!
Yuki: And then--this one.
Taichi: Eh…
Yuki: That scarf is ragged.
Taichi: Ah, is this for me?
Yuki: Use this one.
Taichi: Yuki-chan… thanks!
Does it suit me!?
Yuki: You don’t have to wear it right now, though.
...But well, it looks good.
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Taichi: Hehe…
Omi: Hm? What’s with that?
Taichi: It’s a scarf!
Omi: No, I mean, I know that. Doesn’t it feel hot to wear that now?
Taichi: Nope, I’m fine. This is my treasure, after all!
Omi: I see. That color looks really good on you.
Taichi: Ehehe!
< Chapter 10 | Masterlist
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guidingthulite · 7 years ago
A, B!!!, J, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, Z!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLS TELL oof i love ur writing!!
aaaaa you love my writing? i’m so happy to hear that
A: Your current OTP.
HAMAHAYA. HAMAHAYA BIG TIME. And also lowkey Ishimondo but HamaHaya is my main one!!! I love them so much and I have so many headcanons and stories for them!!! That’s kinda why I want to put them on poly relationships? Like I want these relationships to be explored but I can’t take them away from each other
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
I haven’t considered Yuuichi ² (and i refuse to call it any other way) but man did you change my mind. Did you.
Also there was this one time I just liked MasaHika as a BROTP but then @producktions and my brother came and… I surrendered :’D
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
Oh, Voltron definitely! I saw all this fanart, and fics and stuff and all I knew it was filed under ‘gays in space’, but then @justanothermatsugirl and @srta-double invited me to watch and… Porntron came to be. And Porntron is the best thing. Ever.
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
It depends? I usually try to make both of us happy when it comes to requests, for example, if that person likes, say, HamaHaya but I feel like I want HamaKura I will ask them for HamaHaya anyways because 1. HAMAHAYA and 2. Maybe they will put more feel into the art!!! And what is most important of art is the feelings that it is put into it! Best art is the art you can tell the author put all their heart on~!
but if i could choose anything, give me the hamahayakuraminamana, you cowards
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
Um… Is it normal I want to say the MOTHER fandom on 2014? Especifically on DA. It was like a tiny family… Everyone knew each other. Everyone was nice with each other. It was so nice. But now everyone parted ways and I have no idea where everyone is. Most left DA (and so did I) and I can’t help but wonder where they are. But my current fandom is really nice too… It’s like a family, too… Sometimes.
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Lately I’ve been thinking about a Go Ares AU a lot and hamano goes to tengawara for obvious reasons but that’s kinda boring so I gotta think about something more interesting >:3c
Kind of a joke AU, but still:
Have you guys ever heard about ~LA FERIA~? It’s like this weird Spanish thing we have. Everyone dances and sings these lame guitar songs which are mostly like aAAAAaAAAaaaYYYYYYYY @loreprotectionsquad can confirm BUT! that’s not the interesting thing! The interesting thing about Feria is that we basically get a mini amusement park on our town, just because! 
So my brother and I thought about some Go kids there and it just…
Hamano gets Kurama a giant Snake plush and he tries to ride on a… Ride with it and it almost slips out but he clings to it and manages to save it. Hamano thinks it’s adorable. Kurama swears he’ll kill him if he tells someone. Hamano promised Hayami he’d get a plushie for him too, but he is unable (because you can only win one plush per day) so Hayami gets a dolphin plush for him. Imagine Hayami walking around with two overly joyful boyfriends clinging to their giant plushies. Goals.
Kirino and Shindou ride on the ferris wheel which they don’t set up anymore, but still. and Ibuki tries to climb it but fails (?
Shinsuke rides on some dinosaur themed train, and there’s clowns with balloons and stuff you can snatch from them. He gets a plastic axe. Which are super hard to get i need to tell you the story of how i got one when i was like 8. it was so stupid it’s funny He somehow convinces Tsurugi to ride too, while Tenma and Aoi look at them. They have become the ultime balloon snatchers. No one can stop them. Aoi and Tenma are so proud.
Taiyou comes, sees Tenma and waves at him, approaching him. Then all of the sudden, Fuyuka comes rushing after him, and tells Tenma that ‘Taiyou should be in right now, sorry for the inconvenience’ and picks him by the stomach (you know… like a kitten, with her arm around his torso? you get me, right?) while Taiyou tries to escape, but fails.
Kariya and Hikaru try to hide from Hiroto and Midorikawa, who have come with them, but Kariya wants some time alone, while they want to take pics of everything they do, basically.
Something about Yukimura and Fubuki was mentioned, along with Kishibe and Aphrodi, but I don’t remember ;v; Also, Amagi going with Mahoro and Yukie, and all of the third years (Minamisawa as well, for some reason) going together too.
My brother kinda dislikes Galaxy (except Tetsukado, Kusaka and Konoha) so I’ll do their stuff myself.
Minaho and Manabe compete to see who will get more plushies. They only get one keychain working together. They give it to the first team member that they see because they don’t know who should keep it.
But that was after the previously mentioned day, so the Second Year Trio got them plushies instead (they got the hang of one game and they WILL make the most of it. And, they have to help a boyfriend out, right?
So they spend the rest of the festivity together. And they have fun and stuff.
There’s one ride with horses. Konoha spends 98/100 there. Otherwise, she wouldn’t come. It’s so noisy, and crowded…
Kusaka comes and goes to check on her. He can’t ride on most… Rides (this is redundant) anyways. He’s too tall.
Tetsukado and Hamano competed to see who was better at Duck-Fishing. Let’s just say that Shinsuke and Hamano’s boyfriends came home with lots of plushes and prices…
Sakura aced all the games. How did she manage, no one knows (she was, in fact, the first one Minaho and Manabe offered the keychain to. But she rejected it and got two super sparkly keychains for them instead. Minaho and Manabe offered it anyways in exchange but she said that it was nothing and that they should keep the one they got.
Matatagi showed his brothers the place and rode on some rides (seriously how is this so redundant). Eventually they joined the Plushie Fest. Matatagi’s brothers cheered. He, not so much, not when he had to carry around giant plushies for the rest of the day, as his brothers were too busy exploring around.
I think that’s all??? Am I forgetting someone? except zanakurou but i don’t know what to do with him. he dances sevillanas. i don’t know. sorry darling
Oh, yeah, and there’s also this AU my brother and I made in which Kurama is a time traveler and quite literally Hamano and Hayami’s son (he has a big sister named Estrella but that’s for another time) and he has come because their parents were too slow too realize they had feelings for each other and he fears for his existence and his sister’s (???
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why.
Can you believe I used to ship Min/////a/kura? But, to be honest, I didn’t know what that was. I just found some comic of them and I thought it was cute. Then I got more into InaEle, and well…
I’m saying that one because I can’t think of anything else XD
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
The Kurama multiship fest, which I will proceed to explain, even though the first one is sorta popular, but still:
Hamano and Hayami, because I saw HamaKura and I thought it was really cute! (when i got used to kurama, at first i didn’t like him but i found hamahayakura and i went ‘eeeeeeeehhh’ but you already know that story) then I thought of HamaHaya + HamaKura and Hayami just got into the package for some reason XD
Hikaru, because I was salty I didn’t ship him with Minamisawa and I wanted to ship him with someone but I didn’t know who, then he had a little scene with Hikaru on the games (when they go look for Shinsuke or something) and a lightbulb light up on my head
Tenma because, honestly, how can you have someone you ship with everyone but not Tenma? Plus it’s cute. 
Tsurugi because I saw somebody posting drawings of them and I went ‘hey they cute’ and that’s all. also the fandom team might or might not had something to do with it
Kariya because they had this scene when they went to China on CS that i don’t even remember but what i do remember is my brother asking me why i wasn’t saying anything about the ship, and i went ‘well, i don’t, BUUUUUUUUUT’ and so it started.
Minaho because, and listen well because this one is weird, I was in class, and I was bored, and I decided to make quadrants for some InaEle characters, I started by Minaho and went ‘huh so, Moirail, Manabe, Matesprit, Manabe, Kismesis, Manab-wait’ so I decided to crack it up a bit and now it was ‘Moirail, Hamano, Matesprit, Manabe’ but I wanted to give him a Kismesis (that could’ve been perfectly Matatagi, but I didn’t think of that because I’m dumb) (also read: a love rivalry more or less) so I gave him Kurama. THEN I played BigBang and they had a small interaction and since back then I couldn’t even read Hiragana I don’t know what they said but Kurama made a sad face afterwards so I take it as I was right
Fei because Kurama learns Bouncer Rabbit on Galaxy (actually the two-people version. He does it with Hamano because I’m obvious) and also Fei stole his number, now Kurama has to steal something back (???
Taiyou because on my CS game Kurama, Taiyou and Hikaru always do hissatsus together on the random thing (that makes also Sakura and Matatagi do Butterfly Dream together all the time for some reason. Which is funny because I lowkey shipped it before starting Galaxy) so I got used to seeing them together.
Ibuki because my brother always calls them losers (he’s a bit mean sometimes, but I love him ;v;) so I started relating them n stuff.
Hakuryuu because my brother and I have this thing called the ‘Spammer Club’ which is for characters that say other character’s name a lot. We have Hakuryuu (who we jokingly call churugispammer) Miyasaka, Ibuki, Hakuryuu and Kurama got in too for some reason. So yeah. It happened. N stuff.
Also I brotp him with Kinako, but I brotp Kinako with everyone.
S: What’s a headcanon you have?
Hmm… I headcanon that out of the Second Year Trio, only Hamano has siblings (2 sisters, him being the middle sib- and no that’s not me self projecting ok) 
Hayami has mentioned more than once on the games that he wants to be a scientist, and I headcanon that it’s because his mother is! Which also means she’s super busy most of the time. So Hayami is quite dependent, but he can’t cook for his life. Hamano is surprisingly okay at cooking, and he’s learning to bake.
Also, Hayami really likes penguins for some reason.
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships?
Ack, that’s a hard one ;v;
- Male/Male - (to keep things fresh from 3 diff fandoms each)
Hamano/Hayami (Inazuma Eleven)
Ishimaru/Oowada (Danganronpa)
Killua/Gon (HxH) 
Shu/Valt (Beyblade Burst)
Hau/Gladion (Pokémon)
- Female/Female -
Diana/Akko (Little Witch Academia) (i gotta continue it sob aaa)
Ootani/Anna (Inazuma Eleven)
Moon/Lillie (Pokémon)
Z: What’s a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
Ahahah, what are you talking about [hides my polyship mess under a rug] it is not much that they hate it, just that no one is interested XD
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havendance · 8 years ago
After the Storm
When Nohr invades Hoshido, it's like a storm hits. And everybody is swept up in it. Age swap AU for the endgame of conques. Spoilers for the ending of Conquest.
AN: This was inspired by @rapis-razuri’s age swap AU Down the River Line. This was meant as a sort of continuation of the story so I would recommend that you read it first. It’s really good. You can read it on fanfiction.net  and ao3. There are spoilers for the Conquest path end game. You have been warned. I hope you enjoy reading this. :)
As soon a Ryouma sees the enemy, he knows that he cannot retreat and let Fort Jinya fall to them. Fort Jinya is one of the most important parts of Hoshido's line of defense, if it falls, Hoshido falls. He knows that his siblings sent him to the fortress to keep him safe, but he will not hesitate to fight, and fall, alongside his men.
They fight well, but not well enough, as the battle drags on, it becomes clear that the only options that remain are death and surrender. Ryouma knows nearly everyman under his command. He has learned their hopes and dreams and fears. He doesn’t want to see them die.
And so, when Corrin offers a chance of surrender, Ryouma takes it. But not for himself. He refuses to be a pawn of Nohr; to be taken prisoner and used as a tool. He knows what a samurai’s final duty is.
It is when he is lying on the ground, impaled on his own sword, with the world fading around him that he hears the screams of his men around him. The last thought he has before he dies is that he made the wrong choice.
Marx is disturbed by the massacre at Ft. Jinya, but he tries not to show it. He doesn't want to be an embarrassment to father. He will do what father wants, and right now, if father wants this slaughter, then Marx will do nothing to stop it. There is nothing he can do.
Afterward, as he walks through the fortress with Corrin and the others, he notices the body of the prince who was defending this place. He is lying in a pool of his own blood. Marx has heard stories of Hoshidan samurai warriors who would rather face death than dishonor. But he sees Corrin trying to not let his grief show, and he wonders if what the prince did was really all that honorable.
Confidence has never been Marx's strong suit, but this war is changing things. After walking through the carnage that day, he knows that he has gained glory and he knows that he can fight. But that doesn't stop him from wondering if what he is fighting for is really what is best for Nohr. Maybe, if he had the confidence to confront father, none of this would have happened.
That day, Marx swears that he will find the confidence he needs to help Nohr in the right way.
Hinoka watches the Nohrian army approach the Great Wall of Suzanoh. Takumi warned her that the army would try to come this way so she isn't surprised to see them approach. What worries her is the direction that they are coming from.  Ryouma was supposed to be safe at Ft. Jinya, she thinks, sending up a silent prayer to the Dawn Dragon that her little brother is safe.
She rallies her troops, not letting anyone see the nervousness that she feels. Hinoka knows that failing here means Hoshido will almost certainly fall. The stakes here are higher than any that she have ever faced. But she has never been one to back down from a challenge. Not ever.
No matter how hard she tries, she can’t stop the battle from turning in the Nohrians favor. Hinoka finds herself at the receiving end of a Nohrian archer's bow. She falls. She counts herself lucky that she didn't break her neck. But her faithful Tenma is dead and she can't help but remember that it was an arrow that injured it when they first met.
HInoka forces herself to walk away. She knows that this battle has been lost and that she must stay alive to fight Nohr if everyone else has died. She can't bring her mount with her, but she can bring Raijinto, a treasure that will serve her well if she must fight.
Let Nohr think that she is dead, she will rise from the ashes like the phoenix.
Camilla never feels more alive than when she is risking her life. She swoops and slaughters on the back of her wryven. She has heard the fearful whispers of the Hoshidans. They talk of a demon on a dragon wielding a dark axe as they curse her name under their breath.
She doesn't care about what they think. So what if she’s not the young lady that she’s supposed to be? She will use the strength that she has to defend her siblings. Marx, Elise, Leon, and Corrin. Leon and Elise are not always appreciative of her efforts, but she will fight for them nonetheless. Corrin is different, he is older than her, but he acts like he is younger. Camilla decides that she will be an older sister that protects him.
So, at the Great Wall of Suzanoh, when she hears Corrin's tears for the sister that is no longer his, she goes and looks for the body. Camilla can't bare to see Corrin cry.
She finds the body of a temna in the forest, but no sign of the princess. Camilla tells nearly everyone that she is dead. Corrin is the only person she tells the truth. If the princess is still alive, she can consider her life a gift.
Camilla hopes that the possibility is enough for her brother.
Takumi knows that as the crown prince of Hoshido it is his duty to guard the throne, to be the last line of defense against Nohr, but he insists that Sakura take that place. They previously received word that Nohr was pushing forward and had taken the capitol. There is no other reason that pride to keep fighting now when there battle is all but lost.
So he insists that his sister stay back because, while he knows that they are going to die, he can't help but hope that somehow he can push back the Norian army. He knows that it won't make a difference. He knows that they are surrounded and hopelessly outnumbered. He knows that they are going to die. It is clear that the question is not whether or not they will survive, but how much of the Nohrian army they can take down with them.
They fight Corrin's little army. Takumi wonders how his traitor brother can act like he regrets what he's doing, and still fight his family. He fights them furiously, but he can't win.
He is dieing from dozens of wounds and he can't help but think that if he had the Fujin Yumi, it would've made a difference, even though he knows he was doomed from the start.
Leon can see the worry in Elise's eyes when she looks at Corrin. Elise has always wanted to protect everyone, and Leon is quite content to help her do it. She draws him aside as they enter Hoshido's palace, and asks him to help her to find a way to save Sakura. She wants Corrin to have at least one of his Hoshidan siblings survive because she can see how their deaths hurt him. Leon tells her that he will try. They both know that his success is dependent on whether or not he can fool father.
Sakura is the last obstacle that they must face. She challenges Corrin to a duel, though it seems to Leon that she does it primarily out of a sense of duty. He watches as Corrin accepts, though it is clear that he has no desire to bar his sword against her.
While the chaos of battle rages around them, Leon watches Corrin's duel carefully. And, when he has defeated Sakura, but not killed her, Leon steps in to deal the final blow.
Father objects, but not as much as he would of if Corrin had argued with him once again.
Only Leon and Elise know what really happened. Sakura is injured, but not dead. Though Corrin weeps now, he'll know the truth soon enough. Elise will tell him.
And Leon will watch and continue to work his own brand of magic from the shadows.
Sakura isn't sure why she is still alive. She wakes up in the care of none other than the Crown Princess Elise herself. When she first wakes things are a blur. There is talk of peace, a treaty, and a coronation. People are addressing her as queen. Bit by bit, she puts together the pieces. Takumi is dead. Ryouma is dead. For a time there is talk of Hinoka being dead, but she is alive. Sakura thanks the Dawn Dragon for small mercies.
Without explanation, Nohr packs up and leaves, as if the invasion never happened. Sakura is left behind to mourn. It is her duty as the queen of Hoshido to try and forgive Nohr and to forge a hopeful future. She tries, but it is hard act as if the two new graves next to Sumeragi's don't exist.
There is talk of a marriage in order to solidify the treaty. And, though Sakura knows that it will probably be necessary one day, she ignores it. Right now, she just wants to focus on rebuilding Hoshido and recovering from her own, personal losses.
She tries to comfort Hinoka, but her sister refuses to be comforted. Sakura watches as Hinoka fights as if strength is all she needs to bring back her family. She envies the way that her sister is able to forget herself in her training.
Sakura can't pick up the Fujin Yumi without remembering Takumi and how much he had wanted the weapon.
Sakura doesn't feel ready to take the throne. Queen Elise of Nohr is willing to talk and cooperate in ways that have never happened between Hoshido and Nohr before. There is so much resting on Sakura’s abilities to repair her war torn country. Everyone is looking to her to make things right; to solve problems that she doesn't know if she can solve.
Sakura finds herself admiring what her stepmother did more and more everyday.
Elise has finally achieved the peace she dreamed of. Tensions are still rocky between Hoshido and Nohr, but there's nothing that she won't be able to overcome. The largest problems that she faces are the ones at home. She pretends not to hear the rumors whispered behind her back saying that she was planning this all along, that she killed her father in a premeditated move, that she's going to destroy Nohr with her new policies.
But the words still hurt because she can't help but see the truth in them. Elise loved who her father used to be, she didn’t love who he became, but she stood by his side nonetheless out of respect for the man she remembered. The man who was a good king.
When Corrin told them that their father was dead, and had been for years, Elise hadn't wanted to believe him, but when she saw the monster that took her father's place, it was clear that their was no other choice but to destroy what he had become.
Elise remembers her father the clearest of all her siblings, and so she regrets their actions the most of all of her siblings. She knows that she must look to the future, so she leans on the father that she loved in the past. She has always leaned on her family even as they leaned on her.
The entirety of Nohr is her family now. Elise vows to live for it and protect it. It will be her monument to the family that didn't live to see this day.
Corrin feels regret more than anything else. He has eyes. He could see the way that Sakura and Hinoka looked at him when they attended Elise's coronation. He has ears. He can hear the whispers calling him a traitor behind his back whenever he sets foot in Hoshido. He knows that he's not wanted by the people that he tried to help.
He blames himself for the deaths that happened. Mt. Garou, Ft. Jinya, Ryouma, Takumi. At least he managed to save the ice tribe. Corrin can't help but feel that if he made a different choice, those people would still be alive. He tells himself that he will find a way to make amends for his actions.
Corrin refuses to believe that Aqua is truly dead. He knows what he saw, and he saw her, he heard her, that day. He throws himself into a search for her, telling himself that if he finds her, he will finally feel that his actions were justified. She could always convince him that he was making the right choice
They say that he is living in the past, but they just don't understand that it is his duty to make things right.
Aqua is lost, but not forgotten.
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