#Sumeragi Tenma
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ashipikaur · 2 months ago
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the-himawari · 1 month ago
A3! Sumeragi Tenma - Translation [SR] Bright Star of Blooming (1/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Kumon: What’dya buy, Muku?
Muku: A postcard. I was told it’s sold in Europe.
Yuki: Nice. It’s pretty cute.
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Misumi: We’ve arrived at the rendezvous point~!
Kazunari: Ah, those 3 are here already.
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Kumon: Sumi-san, Kazu-san! Were you guys able to buy what you were looking for?
Kazunari: Copped and in the bag.
Misumi: I bought a nice triangle~!
Muku: I’m glad the World Market came around again!
Kazunari: I know, right! There were loads of awesome items~.
Kumon: Hold on guys, where’s Tenma-san!? It’s almost the time we agreed to meet up again…
Yuki: I hope he didn’t get lost again.
*Tenma shuffling around*
Tenma: …
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Muku: Huh? Could that person wandering around over there possibly be Tenma-kun…
Yuki: …Surprise, surprise.
*walks over*
Tenma: It was over here…? Geez, this landmark is hard to spot.
Misumi: But you’re the one who said this spot would be fine when we split up~?
Yuki: If you’re going to get lost, then don’t go off on your own in the first place.
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Tenma: I-It’s not a big deal! Plus I wasn’t lost!
Yuki: Sure, whatever you say.
Misumi: So what did you buy, Tenma~?
Tenma: An Arabian light. Doesn’t it look like something from “Water me!”?
Muku: Wow, it looks so cute!
Kazunari: Your taste is on point, Tenten~!
Kumon: I’m so hype for the screening party coming up!
Tenma: We’ve gotten into costume and we’re all set to go for the screening party.
Kumon: We performed this play pretty recently so it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long!
Misumi: I can’t wait to chat with everyone~!
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Yuki: Tenma, is it just me or have you lost a bit of muscle since the play?
Tenma: D-Did I… really!?
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Kumon: Don’t worry about it, Tenma-san! You look strong and cool like usual!
Tenma: …But now I’m worried since you mentioned it. There’s still some time before the talk show, so I’ll work out a bit.
Misumi: Right now~!?
Izumi: It’s almost time to go on stage!
Kumon: We were just talking about this in the dressing room, but since this is our most recent play, it doesn't feel like it's been that long compared to our other ones.
Tenma: But that also makes it easier to remember and talk about things that happened during our rehearsals.
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Kumon: I appeared before in the re-run of “Water me!”. But this time I got the chance to interact with everyone as the ring genie which was super fun!
Misumi: Unlike our first play, I liked how all of us joined up and went on an adventure together~.
Yuki: I was nice going to America before the play too, right?
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Misumi: Yeah! It felt like all of us were travelling together, just like in the play~!
Kumon: Oh yeah. Tenma-san almost got lost in America too, didn’t he?
Yuki: He sure did. We were all walking together, yet he almost went down a different road by himself.
Tenma: T-That doesn’t count as getting lost! Besides, it wouldn’t be surprising if someone did lose their way since it’s an unfamiliar place.
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Yuki: Why are you being stubborn? Might I remind you who got lost at the World Market the other day?
Kumon: But Kazu-san said it’s not safe to walk alone in foreign countries even if it seems safe!
Misumi: Everyone, be careful if you get the chance to go on a trip, ‘kay~!
Audience: Okay!
Tenma: Hold on, why are we talking about this!?
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ashipiko · 9 months ago
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🫶 og img under cut
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m0cachin · 8 months ago
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i'm a little late, but happy birthday to summer troupe's beloved leader ! 🌻☀️
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fishyishy · 8 months ago
A3! Translation - Hyodo Kumon SSR 【MANKAI Treasure】 Treasure Hunt: KUMON (1/3)
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Director: What's up, Yuki-kun?
Yuki: Yeah, that's fine
Kumon: I'm homeee!
Tenma: I'm home.
Juza: I'm home.
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Director: Ah, welcome back everyone!
Yuki: Welcome back. Looks like its a full lineup of the Yosei University members.
Taichi: Hehe, we just happened to meet at the school cafeteria~.
Yuki: Hmm...with so many people on the way back, it must have gotten insufferably hot.
Kumon: That's not the case at all! It's so much fun being able to talk about the lectures while taking detours to get back home!
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Director: (Haha, looks like Kumon-kun is enjoying his time at Yosei University)
Taichi: Or rather, what's on the table is... Kyucchan's birthday bromide!?
Director: That's right. I was looking at Kumon's bromide photoshoot we took the other day.
Kumon: The bromide is now finished. It was super duper fun taking the photos.
Tenma: Wow, they're all really well taken. Won't the fans be happy to see this too?
Tsuzuru: It's all sparkly and makes your birthday feel special. The accessories are luxurious as well.
Taichi: I know right~! Also, hasn't Kyucchan become more grown up since he's become a university student!?
Kumon: Really!? I'm super super happy to hear everyone's compliments!
Juza: ......
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Tsuzuru: Juza? Is something wrong?
Juza: No....it's just, how should I put it... he's grown up.
Tenma: So you were just having the feeling of your brother growing up.
Kumon: Niichan! I'll always be your cute little brother!
Yuki: Uh huh, if that's what you want to do.
Tenma: If the bromide is done, then it means that project must be coming up soon right?
Director: That's right, it's about time to start preparing for Kumon's birthday project.
Yuki: This bromide's costume is so sparkly and treasure-like, so it's a "treasure hunt" themed project.
Kumon: Yaaay! I've been looking forward to my turn ever since this project was decided!
Taichi: The birthday boy will receive a note with hints and use it to find the present and member who prepared it!
Tsuzuru: I think they also shoot the video by themselves.
Director: It's for personal records and memories. It should give off the same feel as home videos.
Juza: I see.
Kumon: I can't wait to see who will get what! I'm super duper uper excited~.
Tenma: Kumon's birthday treasure hunt looks like it's going to be interesting.
Director: ---Yes, please bring a camera and the hint notes.
Kumon: Yesssss! Thanks! I'm excited for the treasure hunt!
Kumon: Okay, let's turn the camera on... and open the hint!!
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Kumon: Etto, what's written is........"Daily special braised pork meal set"?
Kumon: This is.... definitely that place!!
Director: (It looks like he immediately thought of a place)
Kumon: Well then, I'm off director!
Director: Alright, have fun!
I next
please let me know if there are any mistakes !
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mikacchi0 · 1 year ago
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currytantou · 10 months ago
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[translation] – Mankai Channel vol 2 Natsugumi Ban drama track also x-posted on my wordpress blog
do not use my translations to create subtitled video or base it for re-translation to other languages. linking is permitted but do not copy paste whole blog content. sharing partial screenshot for fangirl/boying purposes is acceptable (with link back or credit).
0:01 Tenma: Ready? All: Blo-bloo-blooming! Tenma: Hello eve- Kumon: Hello guys! Misumi: Thank you for watching! Tenma: This time- Kazunari: It’s Summer Troupe’s turn this time! Misumi: Spring Troupe’s episode last time was fun, right? Kazunari: We played that game in the dorms, didn’t we? Tenma: Don’t say hello all at once! Ehem. Starting over. I’m Sumeragi Tenma, the leader of the Summer Troupe. Thanks for tuning in to Summer Troupe’s episode, following the previous episode with Spring Troupe. Yuki: Thank you. Muku: Thanks for having us! Kazunari: Summer Troupe’s plan is “morning routine”! Kumon: We had various plans in mind, right? Playing games like Spring Troupe, no-foreign-words-challenge, and ghost prank! Misumi: Tenma won the rock-paper-scissors! Muku: Tenma-kun’s spirit when he played rock-paper-scissors was amazing! Yuki: Especially when he wanted to avoid the last option; the ghost prank~ Tenma: Shut up! Kazunari: That said, each and every member’s morning situation was recorded on camera so let’s check them out at once~!
1:11 Tenma: First, it’s me. I woke up at 6am on this day. I woke up earlier than usual because I had a shooting. Muku: Tenma-kun barely had bed hair on him. Yuki: His usual hairstyle pretty much looks like bed hair anyway. Tenma: What are you trying to imply? Misumi: Oh, he’s taking care of *UneUne-kun. (literal meaning: zigzag) Kumon: Huh, who? Yuki: His bonsai, I think? Tenma: This is a white pine. Apparently, it is 20 years old. It’s about time to cut its old leaves. Kazunari: It took several years to reach this form, right? What a fine bonsai~ Tenma: Once I’m done cutting bonsai, I’d have some plain hot water in the kitchen. It’s Azami’s recommendation and I find myself in a good condition when I do that. Yuki: Hm? Guess I should try that too.  Tenma: After that I did morning workout. As recommended by Tasuku-san. Kumon: You do everything that’s recommended! Tenma: I would try anything good for my body. Misumi: Like a grandpa. Tenma: Uh, it’s granted for an actor to take care of his health. Kazunari: A body is an actor’s asset! Tenma: After I’m done with breakfast, Igawa picked me up by car and I went to shoot for magazines. Muku: Igawa-san always comes punctually. Tenma: He’s a reliable manager. Yuki: It’s unusual for him to praise someone. Kumon: Maybe Igawa-san would cry if he saw this video..?
2:36 Yuki: Next is me. On this day, I woke up at 7am as usual. I think I slept at 10pm the previous day..? Kazunari: Yukki washes his face thoroughly! Yuki: Recently, I’ve been using this facial cleanser. I like how it is hypoallergenic and creates plenty of foams. Misumi: That reminds me, Azami told us to wash with lots of foams. Muku: I wanna see how Yuki-kun washes his face. Yuki: I switched face lotion to this one, after sticking to the same brand for a while. Recently, I feel like my skin type has changed and after discussing with Azami, he suggested that I use one for sensitive skin. So far so good, I guess? Kumon: Can skin type change? Yuki: I suppose you can tell if you look at it everyday? Misumi: What is ‘skin type’? Yuki: You should start from there and learn through Azami. Kazunari: I wanna ask him for some suggestions too. I should ask Azamin skincare tips later! Tenma: Sounds good. I wanna ask him what my skin type is too. Yuki: Once I’m done washing my face, I get prepared and wear my school uniform. Kumon: You’ve made preparation for school, eh? Yuki: I made sure to do that the day before. Misumi: Yuki is so firm~ Yuki: Then, I’d have breakfast and check fashion related news and think of any designs, I guess? Muku: Is it easier to brainstorm design ideas in the morning? Yuki: Maybe. I sometimes come up with a better idea the next morning even though I was stuck yesterday. Kazunari: Perhaps, your brain thinks of it while you are sleeping. Kumon: I wish I could memorise English vocabularies while I’m sleeping~
4:15 Kazunari: Next, let’s check out my morning routine~! I woke up at 9am! I woke up a little late on this day because I stayed up to make it to the deadline. After waking up, I spent time idly on bed and scrolling through SNS, replied to comments, checked out what’s trending.. Yuki: Hurry and get up. Muku: Kazu-kun takes it easy in the morning. Kumon: Like it takes a while to get the engine heats up in the morning? Kazunari: Maybe~ Then I dressed up and prepared my bag for college. Tenma: So many different gadgets. Misumi: Kazu’s bag is like a magical pocket. Kazunari: Recently, I’ve been carrying around this portable charger and mobile monitor! These are freaking convenient for quick work outdoor and online meetings. When I told Itarun, he immediately started using ‘em. Also, these are my favourite noise cancelling wireless earphones! I’ve tried others but for me, this works best. And, a smart watch! Although I don’t keep it in my bag. These are the gadgets that I carry around. Tenma: I’ve been contemplating on getting this smart watch. Kazunari: I totally recommend this! It’s much better than the previous release so you should buy it now! Tenma: Hmm. Show me that later. Kumon: Kazu-san knows a lot, you’re so cool!~ Muku: It’s best to ask Kazu-kun when it comes to gadgets. Misumi: These videos were recorded using the camera lent by Kazu. Kazunari: It has good image stabilisation and spot on waterproofing. Easy to use, right?
5:56 Muku: My turn next, right? Uh..I woke up at 7am on this day. I washed my face and changed…Sorry that it’s way too ordinary! Tenma: It’s odd to apologise for being ordinary. Kazunari: Mukkun’s dailies are systematic. Muku: I had spanish omelette and freshly baked walnut bread for breakfast on this day. As I ate, I talked about newly released shoujo manga with Sakyo-san and Azu nee-san…. Yuki: The latter half is nothing ordinary though. Kumon: What kind of shoujo manga? Muku: A girl who has been living under oppression of her family meets the son of a distinguished family who runs a sports gym. She starts to workout and solves all problems with muscles. It’s a really interesting success story! Tenma: The second half is way too unexpected! Yuki: Some of Muku’s favourite shoujo manga are quirky… Kazunari: But it makes you curious to know more! I kinda wanna read it! Muku: I’ll lend it to you later. I did other stuff before I left the dorms, but I watched tv with Juu-chan on this day. They happened to broadcast a coverage on sweets. Yuki: Right, you two were glued to the tv. Muku: We planned to check out the chocolate ice cream shown on that program.
7:20 Misumi: Next is me. Yuki: Where is this place? Outside? Misumi: Rooftop. On this day, I said my morning greeting to a cat that I’m friendly with, and I joined the cat’s meeting. Kumon: Cat meeting! Wahahaha! So many cats! That’s cool!! Tenma: You’re doing this first thing first in the morning? Kazunari: As expected, he blends in with the cats. Muku: What do you do in the cat meeting? Misumi: We talked about so many things. Neighbourhood’s rumours, notices about stray cats, info about homes that give away food or any problems. On this day, *Kuroneko-san ranted how it can’t walk past its usual passage. (lit: black cat) So I went to help it. Tenma: So? Where is this place? Misumi: The passage that Kuroneko-san strolls by. Kazunari: Looks like a cat’s documentary footage. Muku: It’s interesting, since it’s a view we usually don’t see. Yuki: You’re breaking the expectation of a morning routine in many ways. Kumon: Ah! What jumped against the wall just now?! Misumi: See? I removed the trash thrown in this narrow passage. And I found a beautiful triangle here so I picked it up. Yuki: That’s how he picks triangles, huh? Tenma: I had no idea. Misumi: I cleaned the triangle with water at the park and made it to the dorm for breakfast time. Kazunari: Sumi had such an adventure before he joined for breakfast~ Muku: That is so dramatic!
9:00 Kumon: Finally, it’s my turn! I usually wake up at 6am! I had time to go for a run with nii-chanand Tasuku-san! Yuki: So much energy first thing in the morning. Kumon: After running, I practised swinging in the yard! Tenma: That’s way too much energy! Misumi: Looks fun~ Kumon: Sumi-san should join me next time! We can do karate with Guy-san! Misumi: Let’s do that! Muku: It feels good to move your body in the morning~ I feel refreshed when I start my day with running. Kumon: Yes, yes! I’m in good condition throughout the day!~ After practising swinging, I did some light squats and showered before having breakfast! Yuki: Now I know why you’re always fussing about being hungry in the morning. Tenma: Of course you’d get hungry if you move this much. Kazunari: Kumopi, you’re so healthy! Kumon: I’d brush my teeth after breakfast and I would check out the English vocabs app before I left the dorms. Muku: A test is coming up soon. Misumi: Kumon, that’s admirable. Kumon: I forgot I was supposed to be early ‘cus I was on duty on this day. I hurriedly left and dashed to school! Tenma: Running again? Yuki: His energy has no limits.
10:09 Tenma: That wraps up Summer Troupe’s morning routine. But is it interesting for them to watch these videos footage..? Kazunari: With the variations of morning routine, I suppose it is interesting~ Yuki: I thought the content would be pretty much the same but our routines are much more different than expected. Kumon: The cat’s meeting was fun! Misumi: It’s interesting to me, knowing what you guys are doing in the morning. Muku: I think Yuki-kun’s skincare tips and Kazu-kun with his gadgets are useful! Tenma: Well, I’m glad if this makes the audience happy. That said, do look forward to Autumn Troupe’s episode next. Kazunari: If you enjoyed it, please like and subscribe to the channel! Misumi: Bye bye~
Thank you for reading! <3 - curry
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saliosis · 1 year ago
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imagine you buy those fruit jelly cups but these fucking things are inside
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nikokrsu · 8 months ago
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stardustcasti · 30 days ago
An Azakyu texting post
(pt 2)
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Part 1
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dave-the-timelord · 2 years ago
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ashipikaur · 5 months ago
“You’ll never be able to stop us, no matter where we go!” △
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annual sky pirates post. HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE
extra under cut
😔 ITS BLOCKED BY JONNYS HANDS but I just want the people to know. skypaul hands are so close. even when you think it doesn’t exist they exist and I just wanted to share that <3 sankyu minna
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the-himawari · 1 month ago
A3! Sumeragi Tenma - Translation [SR] Bright Star of Blooming (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Yuki: I’m glad we finished the talk show without a hitch.
Misumi: It was tons of fun chatting about the show~!
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Kumon: The story about Tenma-san getting lost was a huge hit!
Tenma: That’s a weird point to get riled up about.
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Izumi: Tenma-kun, can I ask you to take the polaroid photo now?
Tenma: Sure. We’re supposed to make a heart pose, right?
Izumi: Yep, exactly. It’s to express all your gratitude to everyone who’s always supporting you.
Tenma: I see. You got it.
Izumi: Okay, I’m taking it. Say cheese!
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Misumi: It’s a cheek heart~!
Kumon: You’re cool as hell, Tenma-san~!
Yuki: …Well, nothing’s wrong with a classic.
Tenma: Why does that sound like a jab!?
*dream starts*
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Tenma: (…Ngh?) (Where… is this? This is definitely does not look like the dorm’s ceiling…)
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Alibaba: …Oh, you’re awake now?
Tenma: !? (—Alibaba!?)
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Alibaba: Woah, easy there. Are you alright to be getting up so suddenly? You were sleeping so soundly just a moment ago like you had listened to one of Scheherazade’s bedtime stories.
Tenma: (I see… so this is Alibaba’s house. And I assume this is the world from “Water me!!”.) (…This is probably a dream then, huh?) (That being said—)
Tenma: Um… why am I here?
Alibaba: You don’t remember? I rescued you in the street when you couldn't move since you were being surrounded by townspeople. But then they started chasing after us, so I decided to hide you in my house for the time being—. As soon as we arrived, you suddenly said you felt sleepy. You’ve been fast asleep ever since.
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Tenma: (I have absolutely no recollection of that. I mean, we’re in a dream, so I guess I didn’t actually experience it… so that’s what we're working with here, huh?)
Alibaba: Those folks had a keen interest in your clothes. If you stayed there, they would’ve stripped you of everything you had.
Tenma: I see… I guess you're right. In any case, thanks for saving me. And sorry… for falling asleep after you let me into your home.
Alibaba: Don’t sweat it. You were only asleep for about 10 minutes—. And Scheherazade… my wife was out too, so the timing worked out.
Tenma: (As I thought, Scheherazade is here too… It feels kind of fresh hearing him call her his wife.)
Alibaba: Well, I see why they were interested though. You don’t see the clothes you’re wearing around here.
Tenma: Ahh… I came here from a different country.
Alibaba: That makes sense. The roads here are complicated and it’s easy to get lost. Tourists better be careful.
Tenma: I-I’ll be fine! I won’t get lost.
Alibaba: …That’s good to hear. … By the way, I have something I’d like to ask you… you see…
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Tenma: What is it?
Alibaba: Does your country… have a legendary paradise oasis?
Tenma: —! Pfft…
Alibaba: Hey! Why are you laughing!?
Tenma: No… sorry about that. (Alibaba’s still the same as always.) I’m not sure… But I can’t say for certain there isn’t one.
Alibaba: For real!?
Tenma: Yeah. I hope you’ll come visit my country one day. If you do, I’ll show you around.
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Alibaba: Sounds great. I’ll ask you when the time comes then. I’m Alibaba. What’s your name?
Tenma: …Sumeragi Tenma. I’m the man who’s going to sweep all the best male actor awards in the world—.
*dream ends*
Tenma: —! (…So I finally woke up? I’m glad I don’t see the ceiling in Alibaba’s house anymore). … (I have to admit it was a pretty interesting dream getting to meet and talk with Alibaba.) (It’s a shame that I woke up right before we shook hands at the end. But next time I'll win the best male actor award…) (And once I’ve become an even more famous actor than before, I hope I can meet him in my dream again and proudly re-introduce myself.) That being said, that’s kind of like meeting myself though. Actually, does he even know what a best male actor award is…?
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Yuki: …What are you doing talking to yourself?
Tenma: Gah… since when were you here!?
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Yuki: I’ve been here the whole time. You suddenly started reaching out your hand even though you were asleep. I figured you must be dreaming, but I see you're still dwelling over it after you woke up.
Tenma: There’s nothing wrong with that!
Yuki: So? What kind of dream was it?
Tenma: …It was nothing, okay?
Yuki: Oh, was it a dream that you can’t tell anyone else about or something?
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Tenma: What kind of dream would that be!?
Yuki: You tell me. People get curious if you hide it, you know?
Tenma: I’m not trying to hide anything… But it was a good dream.
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ashipiko · 1 year ago
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AKA. natsugumi gets stuck in the rain and has to survive w one umbrella 😔 gone wrong
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m0cachin · 2 years ago
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yayayaya tenma day !!! 🌻 he belongs in a magazine cover
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fishyishy · 8 months ago
A3! Song Translation - ゲキ夏☆Go My Way! (Geki Natsu ☆ Go My Way!)
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Oh yes! Summer goin' on!
How's it going?
This isn't the place for your excitement to go down Hot Hot Hot Hot!
Yes! Summer goin' on!
How's it going?
This isn't the place for your excitement to go down Hot Hot Hot Hot!
Super summer ☆ Go My Way!
Follow me, Say!
Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!
More and more
Let's go up higher!
Hey, my homies from the mic check?
Look up at the sky, it's super clear!
Going against the wave of time Go Go My Way!
It's natural to worry about this and that
But let's turn that into power,
so let's (let's) just go for it, for real (for real)~!!
Yo, the ice cream everyone ate together
under that scorching midsummer sun,
the tears of regret and frustration
from when things didn't work out that day,
all those memories are our good luck charms,
so hold them on tightly and let's go
Go for it!!
Waaaaaaaaaaaay! ↑↑↑↑
Always Go My Way!
Let's run with all our might and enthusiasm
Say (All right!)
Each of us (All right!)
Has a different Life,
which is why this is so fun! (Hi! Hi! Hi Hi Hi Hi!)
Yeah!! Friendship is forever!
No matter where we are it's like the sun
so (All Right!) That face (All right!) I'll illuminate it for you
Let's go and chase our dreams! Yeah! (Hi! Hi! Hi Hi Hi Hi!)
Super ☆ Summer Go My Way!
You can do it right?
Let's go further and further, let's go higher!
It's a reckless style
but isn't it okay to have dreams that are too big? Go Go My Way!
Be greedy this time,
from ambition to desire,
everything (everything)
Everything (and anything)!!!
Hold on to it!!!
On the night of our summer training camp,
the fireworks everyone did together
and our disheveled smiles are treasures
that will never disappear,
they'll gently push us forward, right?
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ↑↑↑↑
Believe and Go My Way!
Let's go forward on this special path Say (All right!)
Break free (All right!)
It's not a weak bond that can be broken
just because we're apart (Hi! Hi! Hi Hi Hi Hi!)
Youth is Forever!
Even so, one day I'll get tired So
(All right!) With haste
(All right!) I'll rush to your side
I'll encourage you
To the point of annoyance!
Alright! I'm getting pumped up!!
Ooh! Hot! Ooh! Hot!
Ooh! Hot! Ooh! Hot!
Ooh! Hot! Ooh! Hot!
Ooh! Hot! Ooh! Hot!
Ooh! Hot! Ooh! Hot!
Ooh! Hot! Ooh! Hot!
Whoooo! yeahhhhhh!
You can do it!
You can do it!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaay ↑↑↑↑
Always Go My Way!*
Yes, take one step forward Hi! Hi! Hi Hi Hi Hi!
Yeah!! Friendship is forever!
No matter where we are it's like the sun
so (All Right!) That face (All right!) I'll illuminate it for you
Let's go and chase our dreams! Yeah! (Hi! Hi! Hi Hi Hi Hi!)
Super ☆ Summer Go My Way!
Yes! Natsu goin' on!
How's it going?
This isn't the place for your excitement to go down Hot Hot Hot Hot!
Oh, yes!!!
Oh yes! Natsu goin’ on? 
Choushi doyo?
TENSHON sagachatteru baai janai ze Hot Hot Hot Hot! 
Yes! Natsu goin’ on? 
Choushi doyo?
TENSHON sagachatteru baai janai ze Hot Hot Hot Hot! 
Geki natsu ☆ Go My Way!
Suite koi Say! 
Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!
Motto motto
Ikoze motto ue he! 
Hey! Maiku chekku kara no maimen?
Miageru sora wa chou kaisei!
Jidai no u-evu sakaratte Go Go My Way! 
Arekore nayan jau no wa touzen sore sae
Chikara ni kaeyou ze
iccho (iccho)
majide (majide)
Yo manatsu no antenna minnade tabetta aisu mo
damedatta ano hi no kuyashi namida mo
Takusan no omoide wa omamorida
nigirishimetanara saa yukou 
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ↑↑↑↑
Itsudatte Go My Way!
Zenryoku de muchuude hashitte ikou Say (All right!) 
Sorezore (All right!)
Chigau LIFE dakara kon'nani tanoshiindane! (Hi! Hi! Hi Hi Hi Hi!)
Yay!! Yuujou wa FOREVER!
Dokoni ite mo ano taiyou mitai ni
So (All right!)
Sono kao (All right!)
Terasukara sorezore no DORIIMU
oikakete ikou ze Yeah! (Hi! Hi! Hi Hi Hi Hi!)
Geki Natsu ☆ Go My Way!
Yareru yo ne?
Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!
Motto motto ikouze motto ue he!
It's Gamushara SUTAIRU
yume wa deka sugiru kuraide iin janai?
Go Go my Way!
Konosai baribari yokubatte yabou
kara yokubou made issai (issai)
Gassai (gassai) motte tte!!
Natsu mo gasshuku no yoru minna de yatta hanabi
mo kushakusha ni natte egao mo
itsu made mo kienai takaramono
sotto senaka oshite kureru yo soudesho?
U~eeeeeei shinjite Go My Way!
Tokubetsuna michi o saa susunde ikou
Say (All right!)
Hanareta (All right!)
Kurai de kireru youna
yowai kizuna janai ze? (Hi! Hi! Hi Hi Hi Hi!)
Seishun wa FOREVER!
Soredemo itsuka tsukare chatte tokiniha So (All right!)
Sokko de (All right!)
Kaketsukete hagemashite yaru yo
Uza ikura i!
Yossha kiai ireru zou!
Ooh! Hot! Ooh! Hot!
Ooh! Hot! Ooh! Hot!
Ooh! Hot! Ooh! Hot!
Ooh! Hot! Ooh! Hot!
Ooh! Hot! Ooh! Hot!
Ooh! Hot! Ooh! Hot!
Whoooo! yeahhhhhh!
You can do it!
You can do it!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ↑↑↑↑
Itsudatte Go My Way! * Sou ippo demo mae e Hi! Hi! Hi Hi Hi!
Yay!! Yuujou wa FOREVER! Dokoni ite mo ano taiyou mitai ni
So (All right!)
Sono kao (All right!)
Terasukara sorezore no doriimu
oikakete ikou ze Yeah! (Hi! Hi! Hi Hi Hi Hi! Geki Natsu Go My Way!)
Yes! Natsu goin’ on? 
Choushi doyo?
TENSHON sagachatteru baai janai ze Hot Hot Hot Hot! 
*i think geki is used here as slang for putting emphasis on things like "very", "really", or "extremely"
*around this part in the song you can hear the natsugumi members talking~! i think can make out someone saying "that's impossible" and "what's that?", misumi saying sankaku, muku saying "look at this, kazu-san" and kazunari saying "over here, sumi!"
*there are solo parts and group parts in this song, but some are harder to tell apart than others which is why i didnt label anything haha, if anyone wants to help with that feel free !
*if you want the kanji lyrics, please let me know. i am not able to post them due to tumblr character limits
*this is my first song translation ! please let me know if anything is incorrect.
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