#azami x kumon
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stardustcasti · 29 days ago
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gatos-e-flores · 3 months ago
a BUNCH of A3 drawings I did throughout the year, never posted them here. I have zero ideia how's the fandom here, hope you guys liked it x
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lcs-library · 9 months ago
Can I request Italian Soda and Mocha for Azami and Kumon(if you write for them) thank uu, have a good day💖
Of course, of course!! I'll really write for anyone lolol, but it has been actual years since I wrote Kumon so I hope this turns out okay hehe<3. Have a lovely day!!
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Mocha: How do they show affection?
Italian Soda: How clingy are they? 
💄 He definitely values quality time the most methinks.
💄 He’ll go out of his way to spend as much time with you as possible, no matter how or where.
💄 Hell, he even seems like the type that would be really happy to just parallel play, anything so long as he knows you’re there with him.
💄 “You free this afternoon? Good. There’s a new store that opened nearby, according to #cosme they’re top-notch. The troupe’s been running low on good stuff, and you’re a good model. Wh- No, I-I didn’t mean you’re cute! You’ve just got good skin to try stuff out on! Jeez, you gotta stop taking what I say in such bad faith…” 💄 That blurb was longer than I wanted wow. Anyway.
💄 He makes SO many excuses to see you.
💄 One day he might need a model, the next he needs help figuring out the schedule to help at one of Veludo Arts’ shows he offered to volunteer for. 
💄 Whatever it is, his claims are fairly easy to see through, and you can’t help but want to laugh at his childishness. 
💄 Aside from trying to spend time with you by any means possible, he also will buy small things for you as thanks for doing so. 
💄 Usually, it’s something like a drink or a snack, but on occasion, he’ll just randomly buy you something really wild, like an expensive piece of jewelry or a pricey menu item.
💄 When you ask him why, he’ll try and brush it off as nothing until you force it out of him with some affection. 
💄 “You didn’t have to kiss me to thank me, you idiot, you could’ve just said it! God, you are impossible! Fine, fine, I got it for you because… well, you’ve been really good to me. That’s it. I am NOT blushing!”
Italian Soda
💄 He can claim whatever he wants, but he’s clingy. Look at that man. 
💄 He loves you. Sorry but it’s true. He can complain and act tough all he wants, but he wants your attention and he will have it, dammit. 
💄 Like I said with the affection thing, he will constantly be coming up with ways to hang out with you, it’s very cute. 
💄 Hell, he’ll even enjoy your touch once in a while, that’s how smitten he is with you.
💄 I can see you two just sitting on the ground, with him sitting in front of you while he plays with your hands, bending each finger this way and that without saying a word. 
💄 It’s one of the rare times he lets his mind wander for a bit, not having the pressure building up in his head, and allowing himself to relax. 
💄 He doesn’t have to think about anything or anyone except you, holding him safe and close.
💄 He probably cried the first time you did this, too, and now he asks for it all the time.
💄 It’s what he deems a “safe” form of affection, he’s not going too far beyond what he’s comfortable with, and it’s soft and warm
💄 Augh I made this about affection again whoops. It’s fine, again, he asks for your attention as much as he can, even if it’s in his own silly way. 
⚾ He’s very physical when it comes to affection!! ⚾ He’ll be all up in your business 24/7 to the point where you have to ask him to back off.
⚾ It’s cute tho so it’s ok<3
⚾ “Aw, but I gotta make sure you get your daily dosage! It’s really important that you know you’re loved! I wanna make sure you’re happy!”
⚾ Sweet boy… 
⚾ He’ll also be asking for affection from you often, usually hugs. Again, very cute.
⚾ He greets you every day with a big tackle into a hug, often surprising you. 
⚾ “Hehe, did I get ya? I missed you, cutie! C’mon, let’s go do something fun, okay?”
Italian Soda
⚾ If you thought his clinginess with his brother was annoying, boy just you wait. He is way worse with you. 
⚾ Okay, maybe not worse in the way of constantly asking for acknowledgement, but worse in the way of, again, being in your way. 
⚾ You cannot walk two steps without him trailing behind you, scooting in close. 
⚾ It’s to the point where you often have to ask him for space.
⚾ After setting some boundaries, he’s all good. Mostly.
⚾ Half of your phone’s storage is taken up by voicemails he left simply saying “I miss youuuuuuu you should come visit Mankai soon, okay! Alright, bye, love you!” And you just don’t have the heart to delete them :( 
⚾ But like. I don’t blame you :3
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currytantou · 10 months ago
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[translation] – Mankai Channel vol 2 Natsugumi Ban drama track also x-posted on my wordpress blog
do not use my translations to create subtitled video or base it for re-translation to other languages. linking is permitted but do not copy paste whole blog content. sharing partial screenshot for fangirl/boying purposes is acceptable (with link back or credit).
0:01 Tenma: Ready? All: Blo-bloo-blooming! Tenma: Hello eve- Kumon: Hello guys! Misumi: Thank you for watching! Tenma: This time- Kazunari: It’s Summer Troupe’s turn this time! Misumi: Spring Troupe’s episode last time was fun, right? Kazunari: We played that game in the dorms, didn’t we? Tenma: Don’t say hello all at once! Ehem. Starting over. I’m Sumeragi Tenma, the leader of the Summer Troupe. Thanks for tuning in to Summer Troupe’s episode, following the previous episode with Spring Troupe. Yuki: Thank you. Muku: Thanks for having us! Kazunari: Summer Troupe’s plan is “morning routine”! Kumon: We had various plans in mind, right? Playing games like Spring Troupe, no-foreign-words-challenge, and ghost prank! Misumi: Tenma won the rock-paper-scissors! Muku: Tenma-kun’s spirit when he played rock-paper-scissors was amazing! Yuki: Especially when he wanted to avoid the last option; the ghost prank~ Tenma: Shut up! Kazunari: That said, each and every member’s morning situation was recorded on camera so let’s check them out at once~!
1:11 Tenma: First, it’s me. I woke up at 6am on this day. I woke up earlier than usual because I had a shooting. Muku: Tenma-kun barely had bed hair on him. Yuki: His usual hairstyle pretty much looks like bed hair anyway. Tenma: What are you trying to imply? Misumi: Oh, he’s taking care of *UneUne-kun. (literal meaning: zigzag) Kumon: Huh, who? Yuki: His bonsai, I think? Tenma: This is a white pine. Apparently, it is 20 years old. It’s about time to cut its old leaves. Kazunari: It took several years to reach this form, right? What a fine bonsai~ Tenma: Once I’m done cutting bonsai, I’d have some plain hot water in the kitchen. It’s Azami’s recommendation and I find myself in a good condition when I do that. Yuki: Hm? Guess I should try that too.  Tenma: After that I did morning workout. As recommended by Tasuku-san. Kumon: You do everything that’s recommended! Tenma: I would try anything good for my body. Misumi: Like a grandpa. Tenma: Uh, it’s granted for an actor to take care of his health. Kazunari: A body is an actor’s asset! Tenma: After I’m done with breakfast, Igawa picked me up by car and I went to shoot for magazines. Muku: Igawa-san always comes punctually. Tenma: He’s a reliable manager. Yuki: It’s unusual for him to praise someone. Kumon: Maybe Igawa-san would cry if he saw this video..?
2:36 Yuki: Next is me. On this day, I woke up at 7am as usual. I think I slept at 10pm the previous day..? Kazunari: Yukki washes his face thoroughly! Yuki: Recently, I’ve been using this facial cleanser. I like how it is hypoallergenic and creates plenty of foams. Misumi: That reminds me, Azami told us to wash with lots of foams. Muku: I wanna see how Yuki-kun washes his face. Yuki: I switched face lotion to this one, after sticking to the same brand for a while. Recently, I feel like my skin type has changed and after discussing with Azami, he suggested that I use one for sensitive skin. So far so good, I guess? Kumon: Can skin type change? Yuki: I suppose you can tell if you look at it everyday? Misumi: What is ‘skin type’? Yuki: You should start from there and learn through Azami. Kazunari: I wanna ask him for some suggestions too. I should ask Azamin skincare tips later! Tenma: Sounds good. I wanna ask him what my skin type is too. Yuki: Once I’m done washing my face, I get prepared and wear my school uniform. Kumon: You’ve made preparation for school, eh? Yuki: I made sure to do that the day before. Misumi: Yuki is so firm~ Yuki: Then, I’d have breakfast and check fashion related news and think of any designs, I guess? Muku: Is it easier to brainstorm design ideas in the morning? Yuki: Maybe. I sometimes come up with a better idea the next morning even though I was stuck yesterday. Kazunari: Perhaps, your brain thinks of it while you are sleeping. Kumon: I wish I could memorise English vocabularies while I’m sleeping~
4:15 Kazunari: Next, let’s check out my morning routine~! I woke up at 9am! I woke up a little late on this day because I stayed up to make it to the deadline. After waking up, I spent time idly on bed and scrolling through SNS, replied to comments, checked out what’s trending.. Yuki: Hurry and get up. Muku: Kazu-kun takes it easy in the morning. Kumon: Like it takes a while to get the engine heats up in the morning? Kazunari: Maybe~ Then I dressed up and prepared my bag for college. Tenma: So many different gadgets. Misumi: Kazu’s bag is like a magical pocket. Kazunari: Recently, I’ve been carrying around this portable charger and mobile monitor! These are freaking convenient for quick work outdoor and online meetings. When I told Itarun, he immediately started using ‘em. Also, these are my favourite noise cancelling wireless earphones! I’ve tried others but for me, this works best. And, a smart watch! Although I don’t keep it in my bag. These are the gadgets that I carry around. Tenma: I’ve been contemplating on getting this smart watch. Kazunari: I totally recommend this! It’s much better than the previous release so you should buy it now! Tenma: Hmm. Show me that later. Kumon: Kazu-san knows a lot, you’re so cool!~ Muku: It’s best to ask Kazu-kun when it comes to gadgets. Misumi: These videos were recorded using the camera lent by Kazu. Kazunari: It has good image stabilisation and spot on waterproofing. Easy to use, right?
5:56 Muku: My turn next, right? Uh..I woke up at 7am on this day. I washed my face and changed…Sorry that it’s way too ordinary! Tenma: It’s odd to apologise for being ordinary. Kazunari: Mukkun’s dailies are systematic. Muku: I had spanish omelette and freshly baked walnut bread for breakfast on this day. As I ate, I talked about newly released shoujo manga with Sakyo-san and Azu nee-san…. Yuki: The latter half is nothing ordinary though. Kumon: What kind of shoujo manga? Muku: A girl who has been living under oppression of her family meets the son of a distinguished family who runs a sports gym. She starts to workout and solves all problems with muscles. It’s a really interesting success story! Tenma: The second half is way too unexpected! Yuki: Some of Muku’s favourite shoujo manga are quirky… Kazunari: But it makes you curious to know more! I kinda wanna read it! Muku: I’ll lend it to you later. I did other stuff before I left the dorms, but I watched tv with Juu-chan on this day. They happened to broadcast a coverage on sweets. Yuki: Right, you two were glued to the tv. Muku: We planned to check out the chocolate ice cream shown on that program.
7:20 Misumi: Next is me. Yuki: Where is this place? Outside? Misumi: Rooftop. On this day, I said my morning greeting to a cat that I’m friendly with, and I joined the cat’s meeting. Kumon: Cat meeting! Wahahaha! So many cats! That’s cool!! Tenma: You’re doing this first thing first in the morning? Kazunari: As expected, he blends in with the cats. Muku: What do you do in the cat meeting? Misumi: We talked about so many things. Neighbourhood’s rumours, notices about stray cats, info about homes that give away food or any problems. On this day, *Kuroneko-san ranted how it can’t walk past its usual passage. (lit: black cat) So I went to help it. Tenma: So? Where is this place? Misumi: The passage that Kuroneko-san strolls by. Kazunari: Looks like a cat’s documentary footage. Muku: It’s interesting, since it’s a view we usually don’t see. Yuki: You’re breaking the expectation of a morning routine in many ways. Kumon: Ah! What jumped against the wall just now?! Misumi: See? I removed the trash thrown in this narrow passage. And I found a beautiful triangle here so I picked it up. Yuki: That’s how he picks triangles, huh? Tenma: I had no idea. Misumi: I cleaned the triangle with water at the park and made it to the dorm for breakfast time. Kazunari: Sumi had such an adventure before he joined for breakfast~ Muku: That is so dramatic!
9:00 Kumon: Finally, it’s my turn! I usually wake up at 6am! I had time to go for a run with nii-chanand Tasuku-san! Yuki: So much energy first thing in the morning. Kumon: After running, I practised swinging in the yard! Tenma: That’s way too much energy! Misumi: Looks fun~ Kumon: Sumi-san should join me next time! We can do karate with Guy-san! Misumi: Let’s do that! Muku: It feels good to move your body in the morning~ I feel refreshed when I start my day with running. Kumon: Yes, yes! I’m in good condition throughout the day!~ After practising swinging, I did some light squats and showered before having breakfast! Yuki: Now I know why you’re always fussing about being hungry in the morning. Tenma: Of course you’d get hungry if you move this much. Kazunari: Kumopi, you’re so healthy! Kumon: I’d brush my teeth after breakfast and I would check out the English vocabs app before I left the dorms. Muku: A test is coming up soon. Misumi: Kumon, that’s admirable. Kumon: I forgot I was supposed to be early ‘cus I was on duty on this day. I hurriedly left and dashed to school! Tenma: Running again? Yuki: His energy has no limits.
10:09 Tenma: That wraps up Summer Troupe’s morning routine. But is it interesting for them to watch these videos footage..? Kazunari: With the variations of morning routine, I suppose it is interesting~ Yuki: I thought the content would be pretty much the same but our routines are much more different than expected. Kumon: The cat’s meeting was fun! Misumi: It’s interesting to me, knowing what you guys are doing in the morning. Muku: I think Yuki-kun’s skincare tips and Kazu-kun with his gadgets are useful! Tenma: Well, I’m glad if this makes the audience happy. That said, do look forward to Autumn Troupe’s episode next. Kazunari: If you enjoyed it, please like and subscribe to the channel! Misumi: Bye bye~
Thank you for reading! <3 - curry
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veludo-rae · 1 month ago
confession: i don't watch squid game and the first time i saw you put ship art of that purple haired guy and that black haired guy on my dash i thought it was a kumon x azami squid game AU
LMAO I can see why you would think that! I am actually working on an a3! squid game AU art piece rn so 👀 it’s v angsty and ALMOST DONE so maybe we’ll be seeing it soon :33
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jujumin-translates · 2 years ago
Event | Sanrio characters x A3! | Chapter 8
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Citron: Well then, let’s give it our ball at today’s practice again!
Guy: Give it a fall? Why would we want to fall?
Masumi: Not ball or fall, give it our all.
Citron: That! Jeez, Guy is even messing up here too.
Tasuku: There’s a lot of people leaving Puroland, huh.
Azuma: Fufu, everyone’s smiling… Oh?
Child: Waa~ah!
Mother: It’s time to go home now.
Child: No! I don’t wanna go home yet! Uuue~e!
Taichi: I feel you, little guy, I feel you…!
Kazunari: IKR. Leaving a theme park is like waking up from a dream and then being back in reality, it’s re~al sad.
Kumon: If that were me, I’d wanna stay and play more too.
Itaru: That’s def a theme park mood.
Yuki: Someday, it’ll just be a nice memory.
Mother: C’mon, let’s say bye-bye to Kitty-chan and her friends, okay?
Child: No, no, no! I don’t wanna say bye-bye!!
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Sakuya: …
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Alright, let’s take a short break.
Omi: Practice is going pretty well. I think we’re getting to a really good point.
Sakyo: Agreed. But there are still areas we can improve on, like blah, blah, blah…
Azami: And it’s started… Every damn time with his stupid long-ass speeches…
Izumi: …Ahaha.
Sakuya: …
Citron: …
Citron: There is something not right with Sakuya today.
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Itaru: …You think so too, Citron?
Masumi: …Well, he has been kinda quiet. And he seems kinda out of it.
Izumi: There was nothing wrong with his acting… But something is definitely up.
Chikage: I hope he’s not trying to keep something all to himself.
Tsuzuru: I’ll try and talk to him.
Izumi: Me too!
Tsuzuru: Something up, Sakuya?
Izumi: Is there something on your mind, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: Tsuzuru-kun… Director… I was just a little lost in thought.
Sakuya: …Can we really just have a story about having fun?
Tsuzuru: Eh?
Sakuya: …No, it’s nothing! Just pretend you didn’t hear that!
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Tsuzuru: …If you need anything, you can always talk to me, okay?
Izumi: (Sakuya-kun… I hope he’s okay.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: …
Child: No! I don’t wanna go home yet! Uuue~e!
*Flashback end*
Tenma: Sakuya, you coming or not?
Sakuya: !
Sakuya: Sorry! I just spaced out for a bit…
Sakuya: …
Tenma: …
Sakuya: …Tenma-kun.
Tenma: Hm?
Sakuya: Is it really okay just to do a play about having fun?
Sakuya: Just having fun, just smiling… But is that really all there is to it?
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Tenma: …Depends on the situation.
Tenma: Like, Summer Troupe specializes in comedies, right? So comedy is the majority of it…
Tenma: Some of our stories are just funny ones about passionate friendship, but some are a little more sad, and make you feel nostalgic.
Tenma: But it all depends on how we want the audience to feel and what we want to put into our plays.
Tenma: And like how Autumn Troupe and Winter Troupe have lots of stories about not being able to be saved. But people still like to come and see those stories.
Sakuya: Yeah, I guess you’re right.
Tenma: People come to watch sad stories that make you cry, or thrilling stories that have you at the edge of your seat…
Tenma: And people come to see stories that are so stupid you’ll laugh until your stomach hurts.
Tenma: So there’s nothing wrong with having a story just about having fun. But it depends on whether or not that’s what you want to convey to the audience.
Sakuya: What kind of story I want to tell… What… I want to convey…
Sakuya: Got it… Thanks, Tenma-kun. I’ll try to think about it.
Tenma: No problem.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Banri: …So how’s somethin’ like that?
Izumi: Sounds good. I’ll check with the staff.
Banri: Thanks.
Banri: Hm? Sakuya?
Banri: You wanna talk to Director-chan? We just finished up our meeting.
Sakuya: I’m not really here for anything in particular…
Sakuya: …
Banri: Is it about the show?
Sakuya: …Eh.
Banri: Figured.
Izumi: Sakuya-kun, you were saying something about it before, right?
Sakuya: …
Sakuya: … I was… Wondering if the story was really good enough.
Sakuya: The show I saw at Puroland brought smiles to all of the audience’s faces.
Sakuya: I’ll never forget that sight. It made me think that I want to do a play like that.
Sakuya: But when I saw a kid crying because they didn’t want to leave, I couldn’t help but wonder.
Sakuya: The more fun you have, the harder the sadness and loneliness hit after the fact.
Sakuya: Adults can understand that, but little kids can only take that sadness and loneliness at face value.
Sakuya: Someday, it'll just be a nice memory, but it’s hard for a little kid to understand things like that now.
Sakuya: Tsuzuru-kun’s story is wonderful. It’s a gentle and fun story that’ll make everyone smile. But…
Sakuya: I really want people to take home the memories of the fun they had as souvenirs. And I just kept thinking about that…
Izumi: …I see.
Sakuya: Tenma-kun asked me what kind of story I wanted to tell. But my thoughts are kinda all over the place, so I still don't have an answer.
Sakuya: Sorry. We’re already pretty far into rehearsals, and now I’m just telling you this.
Banri: You’re really sensitive to this kinda stuff, huh, Sakuya.
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Sakuya: Eh.
Banri: I ain’t as nice and good-natured as you. So I never woulda thought about somethin’ like that.
Banri: Guessin’ that’s the perspective of someone who works at a daycare, huh?
Sakuya: Ahaha… I guess so.
Banri: But you should really get better at conveying this stuff to the people around you.
Banri: Even if you can’t figure out the answer yourself, someone else might have the solution.
Banri: You might be able to get more ideas by listenin’ to someone else’s perspective.
Izumi: Yeah, I think so too. …Fufu, Banri-kun pretty much said it all.
Banri: My bad.
Sakuya: …I guess you’re right. Thank you so much, Banri-kun, Director.
Banri: No problem.
Banri: I mean, it ain’t easy talkin’ about something that’s supposed to make everyone in the audience smile.
Sakuya: …Ah.
Banri: Well, ya gotta have pretty high aspirations to do it.
Izumi: I think it’s a wonderful objective to have.
Sakuya: …Yeah.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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clovariia · 2 years ago
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“lipstick stains”
💄 azami izumida x kumon hyodo (azakyu) 💄 3k words 💄 GUESS WHO FINALLY FOUND AZAKYU CONTENT IN THEIR OLD GOOGLE DOCS
🔗 https://archiveofourown.org/works/46052665
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caropiyo · 2 years ago
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alpacitron · 2 years ago
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for azakyuweek2022 !!!
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imaginesfora3 · 4 years ago
Who would be more nervous to hold their crush’s hand: Kumon or Azami? How would the cuties overcome it 👁👁
Izumida Azami: 
Azami is, without a doubt, the one who’s more nervous as physical contact was such a huge leap in the relationship he doesn’t know how he’d even function. His beliefs that most affectionate things should be left for after marriage still held true but you had asked him about holding hands, looking disappointed when he gave off his normal spiel but you didn’t push the subject. His thoughts were a little different now that he was actively pursuing a relationship and as traditional as he preferred to be, holding hands wasn’t too indecent, right? It takes a few nights of convincing himself it’ll be fine before he just suddenly reaches out to do it, shocking you as you hadn’t expected him to change his mind at all. 
Hyodo Kumon: 
Kumon is nervous but he’s a little excited to take this next step as well, having dreamed about holding your hand ever since Muku had talked about how wonderful it must be. He doesn’t want your first impression of holding hands to revolve around how sweaty his palms are so he’s constantly wiping them on his shirt, the worried glances you’re sending his way clearly showing you noticed. He knows he has to go for it, everyone in his troupe had encouraged him to just do it, and do it he did. You’re surprised when Kumon grips your hand a little tighter than what might be considered normal but once you squeeze his hand back he relaxes, beaming at you proudly as he felt truly accomplished now. 
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stardustcasti · 30 days ago
An Azakyu Texting Post
Cuz I love these sillies <3
And since I had these in my gallery for ages...
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Part 2
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halloweenismyfav · 3 years ago
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❥ Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
❥ A3!
❥ Twisted Wonderland
❥ Genshin Impact
❥ Fire Emblem Three Houses
❥ Arcane
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❥ Extreme Gore/Gruesome Injuries
❥ Pedophilia
❥ Incest/Stepcest
❥ Yandere
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❥ Fluff
❥ Angst
❥ Suggestive Content (to an extent and only characters 16+)
❥ Oneshots
❥ Headcanons
❥ Character Interactions
❥ X Readers
❥ Character x Character
❥ AUs/Crossovers (depending on if I know the other media well enough)
❥ General/Platonic Relationships
❥ Same Sex Relationships
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Please forgive me if there is a character you wanted to request but isn’t on this list! I just have my own preferences of who I write and which ones are easier. (i.e. sometimes certain characters don’t have enough screentime)
bold = platonic only
◦ 𝐓𝐁𝐇𝐊 ◦ Yashiro Nene, Hanako/Yugi Amane, Yugi Tsukasa, Kou Minamoto, Teru Minamoto, Mitsuba Sousuke, Akane Aoi, Aoi Akane, Yako, Tsuchugomori, Hyuuga Natsuhiko, Nanamine Sakura, Shijima Mei
◦ 𝐀𝟑! ◦ Sakuya Sakuma, Masumi Usui, Tsuzuru Minagi, Itaru Chigasaki, Citron, Chikage Utsuki, Tenma Sumeragi, Yuki Rurikawa, Muku Sakisaka, Misumi Ikaruga, Kazunari Miyoshi, Kumon Hyodo, Banri Settsu, Juza Hyodo, Sakyo Furuichi, Taichi Nanao, Omi Fushimi, Azami Izumida, Tsumugi Tsukioka, Tasuku Takato, Homare Arisugawa, Hisoka Mikage, Azuma Yukishiro, Guy, Izumi Tachibana, Matsukawa, Tetsuro, Ken Sakoda
◦ 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 ◦ Riddle Rosehearts, Trey Clover, Cater Diamond, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Leona Kingscholar, Ruggie Bucchi, Jack Howl, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Kalim Al-Asim, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt, Epel Felmier, Idia Shroud, Ortho Shroud, Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt, Cheka, Che'nya, Neige Leblanche, Grim
◦ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 ◦ Aether, Lumine, Paimon, Dainsleif, Scara/Wanderer, Albedo, Amber, Arataki Itto, Barbara, Beidou, Bennett, Chongyun, Collei, Cyno, Diluc, Diona, Eula, Fischl, Gorou, Hu Tao, Jean, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kaeya, Kamisato Ayaka, Klee, Kujou Sara, Kuki Shinobu, Lisa, Mona, Ningguang, Noelle, Qiqi, Raiden Shogun/Ei, Razor, Rosaria, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Sayu, Shenhe, Shikanoin Heizou, Sucrose, Tartaglia, Thoma, Tighnari, Venti, Xiangling, Xiao, Xingqiu, Xinyan, Yae Miko, Yanfei, Yelan, Yoimiya, Yun Jin, Zhongli
◦ 𝐅𝐄𝟑𝐇 ◦ Byleth (male and female), Edelgard, Hubert, Ferdinand, Linhardt, Caspar, Bernadetta, Dorothea, Petra, Dimitri, Dedue, Felix, Ashe, Sylvain, Mercedes, Annette, Ingrid, Claude, Lorenz, Raphael, Ignatz, Lysithea, Marianne, Hilda, Leonie, Yuri, Balthus, Constance, Hapi, Flayn
◦ 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐞 ◦ Vi, Jinx, Ekko, Caitlyn, Jayce, Viktor, Mel
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I automatically make the reader gender neutral unless you specifiy otherwise!
I tend to write more general things now for TBHK rather than reader inserts, but I'll still accept requests for X Readers if you wish.
I’ve seen up to Chapter 5 with TWST, along with about half of Chapter 6, so try not to send requests that include spoilers for anything beyond that! It'd be greatly appreciated ^^
For FE3H, I don't write for the Church of Seiros (except for Flayn). I like them all but I just don't enjoy writing for them as much qwq
I’ve watched all of Arcane but I haven’t played League of Legends so if there’s something that I should know about, please let me know!
For any requests involving the fluff alphabet I have, I'll allow a maximum of 5 letters and 5 characters per request. Just remember that the more letters and characters there are, the longer it'll take me to finish.
Regarding suggestive requests, anyone under 16 will not be allowed to have suggestive requests. It just makes me uncomfortable. (Suggestive meaning no full blown NSFW but some mild spice.)
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【 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒 】
💌.answered prayers — Answered requests!
💌.apprentice's prayers — Non-request writing!
💌.pragma — Romantic and/or Fluff
💌.mania — Angst
💌.eros — Suggestive
💌.philia — Platonic (as Friends)
💌.storge — Platonic (as Family)
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mashuhiso-writes · 3 years ago
A3! Masterlist ❀
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Harugumi / Spring Troupe: ❀ Sakuya Sakuma ↳ none yet...! ❀ Masumi Usui ↳ Headcanons with a Fem!S/O that Crossdresses ❀ Tsuzuru Minagi ↳ none yet...! ❀ Itaru Chigasaki ↳ none yet...! ❀ Citron ↳ none yet...! ❀ Chikage Utsuki ↳ none yet...!
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Natsugumi / Summer Troupe: ❀ Tenma Sumeragi ↳ none yet...! ❀ Yuki Rurikawa ↳ Headcanons w/ a Quiet & Gentle S/O ❀ Muku Sakisaka ↳ Fluffy Dating Headcanons ↳ Best Friend Headcanons ❀ Misumi Ikaruga ↳ none yet...! ❀ Kazunari Miyoshi ↳ Reader Helping Taichi&Kazunari Dye Their Hair ❀ Kumon Hyodo ↳ none yet...!
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Akigumi / Autumn Troupe: ❀ Banri Settsu ↳ Banri Settsu x Veludo Arts Student!Reader HCs ❀ Juza Hyodo ↳ Headcanons w/ an S/O that has a huge sweet tooth like him ❀ Taichi Nanao ↳ Headcanons w/ an S/O who loves art ↳ Reader Helping Taichi&Kazunari Dye Their Hair ❀ Omi Fushimi ↳ none yet...! ❀ Sakyo Furuichi ↳ none yet...! ❀ Azami Izumida ↳ none yet...!
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Fuyugumi / Winter Troupe: ❀ Tsumugi Tsukioka ↳ Headcanons w/ an S/O that’s similar to him ❀ Tasuku Takato ↳ none yet...! ❀ Hisoka Mikage ↳ none yet...! ❀ Homare Arisugawa ↳ none yet...! ❀ Azuma Yukishiro ↳ none yet...! ❀ Guy ↳ none yet...!
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averinna · 3 years ago
I wonder why I think about it only now but JJK X A3!!!
I can perfectly see Nobara befriending Yuki. They would be perfect together. Yuki and Azami teaming up to do her a makeover!
Yuji would definitely get along with Kumon. And like wanting to learn to cook even better from Omi? And he would get so much along with Taichi too!
Nanami and Guy looking at the chaos that the meeting of Gojo and Citron is provoking while sharing a drink distributed by Azuma to the adults
And idk add more maybe?
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jujumin-translates · 2 years ago
Event | Sanrio characters x A3! | Chapter 10
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Masumi: Director… How do I look?
Izumi: W-Well…!
Kazunari: Eh!? You’re like, totes adorbs, Massu!? I thought I was the cutest one here, but it’s def might be you, Massu.
Masumi: I wasn’t asking you.
Izumi: No, but Kazunari-kun is right, your costume is really cute!
Yuki: Well, duh. I put as much cute stuff as I could think of into them.
Chikage: When I heard that, I was wondering how they’d turn out.
Hisoka: Your’s looks surprisingly good, Chikage. I like your costume too.
Chikage: That’s enough from you.
Juza: Puttin’ on the costume’s really got me fired up. Also… I feel like there’s… Some sorta sweet smell.
Tsuzuru: I mean, I guess that’s a good thing…? Well, anyway, they’re really well-made.
Sakuya: And the timing for this scene is…
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Sakuya: (Tonight’s the night. I’m so nervous and excited, my heart is racing.)
Muku: Waah, there’s so many people in the audience.
Kumon: Ah, look, look! Everyone has heart-shaped lights, they’re so cute!
Muku: Wah, they really are…! They’re so sparkly and beautiful.
Banri: I wanted the audience to be a part of the whole thing this time. So I talked to Director-chan about havin’ those lights work together with the main lights.
Izumi: Everyone, it’s almost time.
Sakyo: Everyone gather up. We’re all ready over here.
Guy: No problem here as well.
Tenma: Sakuya, we’re all huddled up.
Sakuya: Okay.
Sakuya: This whole show came from a little dream that I had wished for.
Sakuya: But then the whole thing grew so fast… I guess dreams like this really do come true.
Sakuya: So I want small dreams to grow in the hearts of everyone who comes to see today’s performance.
Sakuya: I hope there will be that kind of opportunity.
Azuma: Yes, I think so too.
Azami: Hmph, not bad.
Sakuya: And… I’ve had the support of so many people this time.
Sakuya: This has always been the case, but once again, this play was possible because of “good friends” and “compassion”.
Sakuya: So let me express my gratitude again. Thank you, everyone!
Citron: You are welcome.
Omi: Happy to help.
Sakuya: Alright…!
Sakuya: So let’s all be friendly, compassionate, and cute today!
Everyone: Yeah!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Nico - Sakuya
Fuwa - Masumi
Hoku - Tsuzuru
Kira - Itaru
Rune - Citron
Ooh - Chiakge
Kanra - Tenma
Kusu - Yuki
Kyakya - Muku
Yoh - Misumi
Waku - Kazunari
Uki - Kumon
Izumi: (Every 100 years, the Worlds of Joy, Anger, Sorrow, and Happiness come together for a festival.)
Izumi: (This time, the Tree of Wisdom was chosen as the place for the event to take place.)
Izumi: (The fairies are coming to visit the Tree of Wisdom as soon as possible. The first one to arrive is…)
Kuromi: “Alright, over here! Make sure not to get separated from the rest of the group!”
Kira: “Thank you for guiding us. It was really helpful.”
Hoku: “If it weren’t for you, Kuromi, we would’ve gotten lost.”
Kuromi: “It’s nothing! Since this is a festival, let’s all have fun!”
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Nico: “So this tree is the Tree of Wisdom… I never knew a place like this existed.”
Fuwa: “They said we couldn’t come to this festival without an invitation.”
Nico: “I know, right. Everything’s so new and I’m looking forward to it, but I’m kinda nervous…”
Ooh: “The fairies from the other worlds should be getting here soon.”
Fuwa: “It’ll be the first time I’ve met the fairies from the World of Joy.”
Hoku: “Yeah, me too. I hope we can get along.”
Izumi: (Sakuya-kun, Masumi-kun, and Tsuzuru-kun’s expressions are different than usual. They’re expressing the excitement and anxiety of participating in a festival for the first time really well.)
Rune: “Fufu, It’ll be okay. They’re all nice fairies. I’m sure you’ll get along.”
Fuwa: “You’ve been to this festival before, right, Rune?”
Rune: “Yes, I have. Kira and Ooh have also been to it before.”
Kira: “Yeah. Once, 100 years ago.”
Ooh: “I’ve participated twice.”
Rune: “I have an old friend from the World of Sorrow. I’m looking forward to seeing him again.”
Nico: “But the festival is only held once every 100 years. Isn’t it kinda sad that we only get to see each other once every 100 years…?”
???: “Waah, it’s so pretty here!”
Ooh: “Ah, speak of the devil…”
Waku: “Amaaazing! This place is like the real deal~!”
Kusu: “Fufu, I can’t wait for the festival!”
Kanra: “Ooh, it’s everyone from the World of Joy! It’s been a while!”
Kira: “Seems like you’re as energetic as ever.”
Kusu: “Well, yeah. Not like you’ve changed either, yeah?”
Kyakya: “Who are these guys?”
Kanra: “The fairies from the World of Joy.”
Uki: “We’ve never met them before.”
Kyakya: “Hello!”
Fuwa: “U-Umm…”
Hoku: “N-Nice to meet you.”
Uki: “Hey! Hehe, c’mon, let’s shake hands!”
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Fuwa: “Uwah…!”
Ooh: “Haha, it’s these guys’ first time too. Don’t be too hard on them.”
Yoh: “C’mon, today’s the festival! We’re all friends here! Let’s all dance and fly together.”
Kanra: “C’mon, you guys too!”
Nico: Wahwhoa…! Ahahaha.”
Yoh: “That’s great! Let’s dance more!”
Izumi: (There’s such a lively atmosphere, as expected of Summer Troupe. Everyone in the audience is smiling along with them.)
Yoh: “Aaaand, whoosh, whooosh!”
Waku: “Yay!”
Kyakya: “Uwahh, I know you guys are happy, but you’re all over the place!”
Waku: “C’mon, have some fun, Kyakya ☆ We might not get to come back next time!
Cogimyun: “Myu~n… You’re going to get separated myun…!”
Daniel: “Whoa, whoa, whoa! That was a close call… Are you okay, Cogimyun?”
Cogimyun: “Myu… Thank you myun…”
Nico: “You guys are…?”
Daniel: “We’re the ones that brought them here. I was just planning on meeting up with someone around here.”
Cogimyun: “The Fairies of Happiness… Have incredible energy myun…! Cogimyun and Daniel got caught up in it too myun…”
Nico: “Ahaha… Seems like a tough job.”
Daniel: “…Hmm, she’s not here… I know! Have you seen a girl named Kitty anywhere?”
Nico: “Eh? Nope, haven’t seen her.”
Daniel: “I see… Well, if you see her, let me know.”
Nico: “O-Okay! Got it!”
Nico: “I’ve got it, I’ll ask everyone else who came with me to look too. Hey, guys--.”
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Nico: Huh!? Where’d they all go? Did I get separated from them…!?
Nico: “Not good… Where did you guys all go?”
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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nanamisflowerfield · 4 years ago
Can you write kumon x reader! Cuddle headcanons. I love the way you write! ( idk why but it sounds kinda weird lol) Also love the the amount of azami and yuki content here! ^^
Aww thank you, my dear!❤️ There are surprisingly really many Azami and Yuki content here! I hope that you like it! Have a great day!~
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⚾️ Kumon would be like an excited puppy! So happy to cuddle with you!
⚾️ At first, Kumon would be damn shy and even asks you shyly, if you would want to cuddle with him and when you say yes, he will jump on you happily!
⚾️ “Hey, (y/n)...“ Kumon scratches his head, glancing to the side to avoid your gaze. “Do you want to cuddle...?“
⚾️ Loves you a lot, when you cuddle with him, when he is upset or stressed out. It will calm him down and he will appreciate it a lot!
⚾️ When you ask him for cuddles, Kumon‘s cheeks will blush and he will wrap you into his arms faster than Misumi and Muku could ever run!
⚾️ When you feel down, be prepared for a cuddle sessions! He would love to hold you and never let you go.
⚾️ If neither of you are shy to sleep with each other on a bed, you will cuddle while falling asleep!
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