#The Suicide Squad Imagines
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aliceinborderlandsquidgame · 2 months ago
We meet again | In-ho x Fem!Reader | PT3
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Summary: It was only one night for fun, you never thought you would see him again. Even less in a place like this one.
Warnings: S2 Spoilers - Canon violence - Pregnant!Reader - Non canon background for In-ho - Use of (Y/N) - Angst - Protective!In-ho - Soft!Dae-ho - Panic!Reader - grammar mistakes -
Morning came once again, this time you managed to get some good sleep, between the extra blankets and Jun-hee body heat (who told you she may end hugging you since she liked to cuddle in her sleep), you did not mind and so you woke up with her snoring over you.
"How does you two feel?" Dae-ho asked from besides the bed, for him it was like seeing his sisters from back home.
"I think we are both fine, better than last night" You slowly moved Jun-hee who asked for five more minutes, not catching up were she was.
You let out a small smile and looked around, Gi-hun and Jung-Bae seemed to be engrossed in a deep conversation, there was no trace of In-ho.
"Hey Dae-ho" He made a noise to let you know he was listening "Where is In-ho?"
"Oh, he said he needed to use the restroom and asked me to keep watch over you two" He responded like it was a normal thing. "He is really protective you know? I think he sees Jun-hee like a little sister of sorts but..." He closed his mouth not wanting to make things akward.
"But?, you can tell me"
"Its different with you. I see the way he looks at you, he was very atentive when we were walking the stairs and even let you held on him"
Well, he kind of forced me to.
"And, well the first night...I saw him giving you his blanket, I dont think he sees you like a sister at all" He added a small blush on his cheecks as he felt like he was sharing a secret
You did also blush, his words hitting your heart hard and deep. Did he really care ? Did he really care for his baby ? And yourself ? Was it true that he would have stayed or went back ?
"I think you are overthinking, he most likely does it because im...fragile right now"
But Dae-ho moved his head "No, im positive that he sees you more than a friend, trust me, I grow up with four sisters, im used to see which men would see them as friends and which would see them as lovers"
"Does that mean you see me like a sister?" You asked him trying to make him forget about his ideas.
He suttered responding "W-well, I mean, you are a woman" You nodded and he laughted "Right you are, and you are pregnant no less...two of my sisters were pregnant once and I was besides them during it so...m-maybe im acting on instinct. Sorry if it brothers you"
"No, no it does not. If nothing im happy. My brother left the country when he fell on debt, and passed it to me. He never called me or contacted before it. So...if you see me as your sister then its fair I see you as my brother"
Dae-ho smiled softly at your words He was going to talk once again but the voice of Jung-Bae calling him made him stop.
"Its time for the game yet?" Jun-hee said getting up blinking to adjust to the light.
"No yet, we have a few more minutes to rest" You responded "How do you feel?"
Jun-hee dismissed your worried tone with her hand "Im fine, slept better than last night. Thank you for sharing the blankets"
"You are welcome, we must take care of each other, right?"
She smiled, a sincere one. "We have"
In-ho with his clothes of Front Man read over the food for the next days, besides him stood The Officer not saying a word knowing better.
"Add one appel for each player" He finally said, giving the officer the tablet back who nodded. "And kept the vitamins for player 222 and 344"
"Attention players, today we will be giving food, form a line and wait" The Guard called.
Jun-hee and you moved to get in line, followed by Jung-Bae, Gi-hun and Dae-ho. "Why are they giving us breakfast? And where is In-ho?" Jung-Bae asked looking around with confusion, even Gi-hun had started to get worried.
"Well...he did say he needed the restroom, but he has been gone for much time now" Dae-ho said looking around too.
"Maybe he got lost?" Jung-Bae said getting a look from the four of you. "Well dont look at me like that!"
"You four went to the restroom last night, how far is it?" You asked a bit worried
"Not far, and the guards keep watch" Gi-hun responded
"Maybe he tried to escape?" The voice of Jun-hee asked
All of you fell in silence, the words of the other players muffled by your own thoughts.
Slowly the line went on, the four of you moving in a robotic way, like already mouring his death. 
It cant be, I cant lose him again.. 
You almost fell but Dae-ho noticed it and took you in his arms
"Hey...he may he alright..."
You wanted to cry, maybe the pregnancy was getting on you, maybe the stress was too much.
"And what if not? What if..."
Dae-ho helped till you two were in front of the guard who this time gave milk, bread, an appel and the same plastic bag as last time"
Dae-ho looked with curious eyes but a loud sound from the guard and and an almost violent push of food made him look away.
You took a seat and forced yourself to eat and take down the pills. You knew you needed them for your baby.
Dae-ho followed by the others came too, once again Jung-Bae offered Jun-hee and you his milk.
All of you ate in silence, no one knew what to say or do, everyone was confused because of the suprise breakfast but also worried over their other teammate.
"What's going on, the food cant be that bad" The voice from In-ho broke off the dead silence.
"In-ho!" All of you exclaimed, it was a fun scene for the outside of it.
In-ho took a look at all of you, he could tell all of you were worried over him. His gaze lingered on you for a longer moment but he broke the eye contact and took a seat.
"Where were you?" Gi-hun asked between worried and suspicious
In-ho kept his eyes, "I had a small injury from last game, needed to check it" He lied "Tried to go during the night but the guards did not let me"
The silence was still tense but you decided to break it.
"Im glad you are fine" You went to munch back the appel blushing a bit under his eyes. He smiled at you and passed his appel to you, "Jun-hee and you can share it, I dont need it"
"Attention players, the next game will start soon, form a line and follow a guard"
All of you moved, In-ho once again being in front of you while Dae-ho was behind.
"Really, I can climb these just fine" You told them but they just ignored you.
However this time the guard lead the line of players where you were around a different path one with almost no stairs and the ones that did appear where short ones.
You did not want to show it, but you were grateful for this. Not questioning why the path had change.
Jun-hee was as content as you, holding her own belly, even if she was not as pregnant as you, she still got tired from time to time. She looked at you smiling a bit when he saw In-ho looking over his shoulder to check on you.
Oh, she was sure you two had something. Maybe he was indeed the father of your baby. Maybe it was fate that you two met in here. Much like her own....even if she did not want anything to do with the father of her own baby.
If by the next game all of you were out then she would like to stay close to you. Maybe you two could go and look for cheap clothes for your babys, pick a color for their rooms. If you were living alone maybe you two could live together, or she could live close to you if by any chance In-ho and you shared a place.
She would love to go and have dinner, the three of you. She could picture In-ho not letting you or her do a thing, he would most likely cock and clean.
Maybe Dae-ho could come too. He did said he grow up with four sisters, maybe he would give you two some tricks and help you two. He could introduce his sisters to the two of you.
Her dream ended when they arrived to the next game.
In-ho was nervous. He knew he could not change the game itself, it would make these watching it get too invested and suspect, last thing he wanted was for the "VIPs" to get their attention on you.
Still, this game was dangerous. Specially for you, it did include running and the spinning, he swear to himself to stay besides you during all of it. But even with that...what if the stress was too much ? The music ?
Fuck, fuck all of this. Fuck it being The Front Man, fuck the dam games, fuck Gi-hun for causing trouble. Why could him just take the money and live his life?
Maybe it was wrong to blame Gi-hun for this. After all, it was not his fault that he had let you pregnant....
But it was his fault he had to make things harder, use all his energy for the games, for these on top of him to be satisfied, if he had not cause trouble outside....
"In-ho" Your sweet voice made him get back "What do you think? About the next game?"
Were all of you talking ? He never noticed.
"Mhm, could be migle" He trailed off
"Like, when we used to count run and hug each other?" Jung-Bae asked
"Must have something to do with these doors" Gi-hun pointed out "Make teams and go inside, something like that"
You little fucker....
"These are too far away..." You said starting to get nervous
"We wont leave you behind" In-ho told you giving your hand a quick grip
I wont leave you behind.
The guards had been ordered to not shoot you. Only to take you to his room in case you did lose. But In-ho would not let you go, he did not want to be separated from you.
"Yeah, we are a team" Dae-ho said taking your hand and Jun-hee who was also scared. "We wont let you two behind"
Maybe the four men from your team had different reasons to be in the games, but they had one objective this time.
Protect you and Jun-hee at all costs.
"Attention players, the next game is Migle, please get on the platform, when the song stops a number will be say. You must form teams of that number and go inside one of the rooms. If you fail to do so, you will be eliminated"
"You were right" You said to In-ho who helped you get on the platform "And Gi-hun, you were also right about the doors, you two seems to share the same brain"
Gi-hun said nothing while In-ho gave your hand a small grip. The platform started to spin, he could see you already feeling dizzy.
"Try to focus on a specific spot" He said avobe the music "That way you wont faint"
You did as he told you, eyes focus on a specific spot, the song was the old one you would hear kids sing back in your town. It made you want to vomit, to think on how twisted this was.
All of you started to look around, you were already six, just needed four more, but no one seemed to be around even if there were lots of players.
"Fuck what do we do" Jung-Bae said looking around
"How many are you?" Player 120 asked, behind her player 095, 007 and 149 stood.
"Six" Gi-hun responded quickly scanning the group seeing they were four, the number they needed
"Alright lets go then" In-ho said taking your hand between his, Dae-ho took Jun-hee hand with his, player 007 seemed to be dragging player 149, they were mother and son after all.
"There!" Gi-hun said running ahead opening a purpel door and making sure all of you went inside before he did it.
All of you were breathing hard after the run and stress.
Suddendly the door lock and the voice said time was up, next thing that came were the sounds of gunshots and screams.
"Oh you poor girls" The older woman said looking at Jun-hee and You like a mother would look at her daughter.
"We are fine" Jun-hee said hand on her belly as she took a quick look at you who nodded with a small smile.
"We are holding up" You told the older woman who was now cursing whoever would let two pregnant woman enter such a dangerous game.
In-ho had his face void from any emotion, even his eyes were stone cold while he listened to player 149 rant. It was destroying his heart.
The door unlocked again and the ten of you went out. Not knowing which number could be said next the ten of you decided to be close once the platform started to spin again.
Fuck, two will be out. You thought and all seemed to think the same, each one looking at the rest.
"Dae-ho, In-ho you two go with (Y/N) and Jun-hee, you four go together" Gi-hun started to make teams
"W-wait, what about-" Jung-Bae nervously asked but Gi-hun talked again "We will find two more, now go"
All of you splitted out, you were able to see the other four go inside a room before Dae-ho found one.
The four of you stood there, you went to look outside since the door had a small space, but between the lights and chaos you could not see Gi-hun or Jung-Bae.
"Hey, Seong was here before, and Jung-Bae its his best friend" Jun-hee said pulling you away from the door "I think they will be fine"
The door lock once again and the same sounds from last time repeated.
You closed your eyes feeling the breakfast trying to go up and out but you forced yourself not to.
Time passed slowly till the door unlock, the four of you inmediatly started to scream for Gi-hun and Jung-Bae but they did no appear.
"I dont see them" You said starting to panic "I- are they dead? I cant remember their numbers...did they said their numbers?" You asked getting more and more nervous not seeing around a player hitted your side
"Watch it caw" player 009, the same from the last game said.
"That little-" Dae-ho was about to go towards him but the screams from Gi-hun and Jung-Bae stopped him.
"Guys!" You said going towards them and hugging them, you felt Gi-hun tense under the hug, maybe he was not used to being hugged. "I was worried over you two" You separated yourself from them
"Gi-hun managed to find two more, its all thanks to him" Jung-Bae said but Gi-hun said nothing still lost in some thoguths
"Im glad you are safe" He finally said. He felt specially protective over you and Jun-hee, but since you seemed to be almost about to cry he could not help but let you know how he felt.
"We are, thanks for your quick thinking" In-ho appeared besides you, it did appear that he was covering you with his body but you did not say a thing.
The six of you went back to the platform, the other four players decided to stay close in case a high number was said.
The platform started to spin once again, the song was short played
"Let split" Jung-Bae said, already getting besides Gi-hun, "Jun-hee you can come with us"
"But-" Jun-hee did not want to separate herself from you. Last two rounds were heavy on her, being close to you had helped her calm down. She knew you would be safe with Dae-ho and In-ho, specially with In-ho.
"Go with them, we will see each other again" You softly told her giving her a quick hug and parting ways with Dae-ho and In-ho who was looking for a room. Most were already occupied but he would not let that stop him. He will get you inside one no matter what he had to do.
"There! Green one on the left" You screamed at them and both nodded going towards it.
However the three of you were not the only team that was going towards that door, In-ho noticed them right away and with decision ran faster taking one by the collar and punching him. The other two went to help their fallen companion but In-ho managed to fight them off giving Dae-ho and you enoguh time to get inside the room.
"In-ho, lets go time its almost up!!" You called him from the door not being fully inside yet.
He took a glance at the timer and sprinted towards you, barely making inside when the door closed with a loud sound.
"You fucker!! That was our room" One of the players that In-ho had stopped started to punch and scream.
Dae-ho hugged you pulling yourself as far from the door as he could while In-ho stood at the front, blocking the view.
He knew what was coming next and the player being too close would only make it worse.
"Cover her ears" In-ho told Dae-ho over his shoulder who catched up and did as told
The gunshots happen again, this time louder and closer. The player that had been screaming was dead outside now.
"Its ok, we are ok. (Y/N) how do you feel?" Dae-ho asked worried seeing you trembling. "H-hey whats wrong?"
In-ho moved towards you pulling you against his chest. He felt the tears falling down your face and the sobs.
"Shh, its fine. We made it, you and the baby are fine" In-ho calmed you down his own heart beating fast. If he was not inside the room before the time was up something could had happen. Even if the orders were clear to not hurt you, he had no idea how the guards would have manage the fact that inside the room where only two and not three players.
Would they ignored it? Kill Dae-ho and let you live? Give him more time?
He was taking many risks and was getting more worried over you and his baby. This game was too stressful, what was he going to do?
Once the guards removed the bodies the door did unlock, it was a nice suprise not seeing a pool of blood outside the door of the room you were in.
"Guys! Here" Gi-hun voice called, behind him Jung-Bae and Jun-hee followed
"Hey..." You said in a low and tired tone.
"What happened?" Jun-hee asked taking your hands in hers
"T-here was another team and we-" You could not finish the memory of them coming back.
"Its not your fault" Gi-hun said, knowing that most likely you three had to fight for the room. "Its no ones fault"
"In-ho saved us" Dae-ho said patting his back
In-ho tried not to let a groan, he only gave a small smile.
"Players get on the platform, next round will soon start"
The six of you went once again. In-ho made sure to take your hand in his. You looked at him giving him a significant grip and nodd.
It was like heaven had hear your prayers, the six of you did not waste time and ran to a nearby door. Not lots of players had exactly six so luckly you all made it without having to fight.
"I think this has been the easiest round" Jung-Bae said letting himself fell against a wall
"We got lucky, other number would have gave us problems" You said also slowly falling to sit
"How many rounds do you think we have to play?" Jun-hee wondered and all of you started to think
"Most likely one, I believe they had eliminated enough players by now" In-ho said feeling a headache forming.
"Then which number?" Dae-ho asked making silence fell over the room.
"It would be too much to ask for six again, right?" Jung-Bae said
"I dont see them being that generous" Were your only words.
Finally, the last round. The platform was once again spinning, song playing, In-ho knew it was the last round and that it was going to be two. He had decided he would go with you, the rest could separate as they wanted. But he would not leave you.
"Pairs! Form pairs and go" Gi-hun said seeing that most players had already started to move
In-ho took your hand once again not giving you time to think as he took you to the nearest room.
"W-wait, what about-"
"Jun-hee will be fine, and so will the rest" He said opening the door and making you go inside. "Stay at the back in case they try pulling the door open" He ordered and you did as he said.
Not sooner than later players were trying to open the door but In-ho had an iron griop on it, he was using all his force to not let them in.
Cmon, just finish the dam timer
"Times up"
The door locked for the last time and In-ho took a moment to collect his breath back. He turned to see you on the floor, eyes red and tears falling, hands over your belly.
"(Y/N) look at me, you are fine. The baby its fine" He assured you getting closer taking your face between his hands and cleaning your tears.
"I wont let anything happen to either of you" He added with lots of conviction "I will make sure you two are safe till the end, alright? Dont worry about anything just focus on surviving"
"But im scared, what if you die? What if you leave?" You asked criying a bit more.
"I wont, I promise you. Im sorry, sorry for everything. Even if you dont blame me anymore, im so sorry. Nothing like this should have happen. You should not be here"
You did not know. But In-ho was apolozising not only because of that. But because he was the one who came up with the games. Made them so he could break Gi-hun's will. It never ocurred to him that you would end here. Never in a millon years would he have thought the girl who he slept once was pregnant, the girl who plagued his days and nights was going throw a lot alone.
He felt deeply sorry for everything.
"Stop it, you know I dont blame you. If anything...im happy" That made In-ho look at you suprised. "I never thought I would be a mother, I never saw myself as one but, you made it possible. Even if things were not ideal. Im happy, and im happy with you. Im happy I could see you again, im happy that you care for me and the baby"
"You have no idea how much you two mean to me, listen (Y/N) you said it, it was not ideal, and our moment together was short. But never, I have never cared for someone as deep as I care for you"
Maybe only for his brother, but he had shoot him, so you were higher on the list.
"Can I kiss you? Please, please I need to kiss you, I need to know this is real" He begged you his walls falling and desesperation coming out.
You nodded and he leaned in keeping his eyes look in yours till his lips were on you.
It was soft, and tender. His movements were slow but passionate pulling all his feelings on it. It felt like the first time you two kissed, the world fading outside, only you two mattered.
In-ho pulled his hand over your belly not yet touching it, but you moved them and for the first time he was able to feel your belly. To think his baby was inside, was too much, too emotional, he did almost cry.
But a kick, a soft one directly where his hand was made him stop. He looked down, not beliving it when he felt it again. His baby was kicking him, his baby was alive.
"I think it knows its father" You said smiling feeling one more kick. Your baby almost never kicked, it was mostly quiet and would move when the sun was too strong but nothing much.
However, with In-ho around it was like it had woke up from a long nap.
"Do you know the gender?" He asked in a state of bliss
"No, I want it to be a suprise"
"Then, how do you call it?"
"Little one"
"Hello Little One, im your father In-ho" at this the baby kicked once again "Stay safe in there, your mother its going amazing so far"
And there, in that small room. In these deadly games, with blood and bodies outside. In there, In-ho found himself being the happiest man alive, with you by his side and his little one.
@maria-trisha @blueyesuguru @imenekiki @victorie767 @futuristicdefendorfart @heyitsmefall
@love-you-louise @fantasylovestoryme @sleepyycatt @nightdark-dreamdark @lindsay000000 @ourlovesarang @smally97 @zigmasstuff @aleemendoza2425-blog @the-disaster-in-waiting @ilovequeen978 @sc4rrc @sylviavf @l4venderia @blueeclipsepaperstudent @annasnape7
I could not tag some, sorry.
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impyssadobsessions · 6 months ago
DPXDC Jr Squad (im sure you will come up with a better name)
DPXDC Prompt
Amanda Waller frees Phantom from GIW(Guys in White/ Ghost investigation Ward )- however he has to work for her. Since the suicide squad she had her eye on recreating another team- one of dangerous teens who are in a need of… guidance.
She wants to put Phantom in "charge" due to his record. Danny doesn't like having a leash around his neck but after months of putting up with the GIW, he'll play nice. But he will have his freedom one day.
And soon his new teammates who disrespect him at first for being a "hero"- become protective of him for the same reason.
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magicalqueennightmare · 4 months ago
Nothing Will Change
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(Again a Takeshi gif cause Rick ones are in short demand)
Rick Flag X Meta!Marine Reader
What starts off as a friends with benefits situation between you and Rick becomes so much more
Violence, cursing, sexual situations
"Insubordinate" "Overbearing" 
"You disobeyed a direct order!" "Yeah because it was a stupid fuckin order!"
You and Rick stood in the center of the plane, glaring at each other as you argued while the remaining members of the team watched in amusement. He crossed his arms over his chest and you purposely mimicked his posture, hearing Harley bite back a giggle. "I'm your superior officer and over this team!" "Well good for you! I'm the mother fucker that got us out of there and back on this damn plane!" "You took a stupid risk, corporal!" you bristled at him at pulling rank . "Fuck you Flag! What you call stupid I call worth it. It got done, didn't it?" 
Contrary to how it would seem to a bystander you and Rick were actually damn good friends off the clock. He was a fucking sweetheart under that tough exterior and you trusted him with your life. You really did work well together just sometimes you butted heads on missions and he wanted to treat you like he did the squad which meant he expected to bitch you out with little to no push back. You turned to head towards the back of the plane, planning to sit right near the drop doors so you'd be first off. "Easy marine" he muttered and you spun on your heel.
"You may outrank me Colonel but don't think for a minute I am your subordinate on this fucking team" you waved a hand around the plane where Blackguard, Harley, Mongal and about a half dozen other residents of Belle Reeve sat "They answer to me as much as they answer to you, most of them answer faster to me than to you" you covered the few steps between the two of you to be standing right in front of him, never mind that you had to look up to meet his eyes "I respect you Rick, I really do but sometimes you're simply a fuckin asshole"
A beat of silence fell before one by one the squad started hooping and hollering knowing Rick would never tac more time onto them for something so trivial despite the glare he shot their way as you raised an eyebrow and lifted your arms out "See Colonel? You may outrank me but it appears they prefer the corporal" 
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"Fuck Rick" you gasped, clutching to his shoulders as his hips snapped up into yours, driving himself deeper inside of you with every roll of his hips. Your fingernails dug into his flesh, head dropping over onto his neck as light sobs of his name mixed with praises and curses fell from you.
Your thighs tightened around his waist, one hand moving to brace yourself on the headboard behind him as another orgasm slammed into you. He didn't slow down, didn't give you time to adjust before he was pulling you tight to him and turning the two of you so his weight was pining you to the mattress, he hiked your left leg up further around his waist to give him a new angle as his fingers found your clit, intent on wringing another orgasm out of your already spent form.
"I can't Rick. Fuck, I can't" you pratically sobbed. He slowed his thrusts slightly, hand stilling but fingers staying in place as he leaned down to catch your lips in a kiss that was so damn gentle compared to how hard he was fucking you it made your head spin. He licked into your mouth almost playfully then moved to kiss down your jaw and to your neck before biting the soft flesh there "You can't take anymore baby?" you shook your head weakly and he laughed "But where's my little smartmouthed marine?" "Rick please" you moaned when he rolled his hips deeper into yours. "Where is she, sweetheart? The one who couldn't listen to orders? The one who loves calling me an asshole?" 
When you didn't respond he slammed his hips roughly into yours, accentuating every word with a snap of his hips "Where's.that.marine?"  you felt your eyes roll back in your head as another orgasm started to build and Rick chuckled darkly "Well I'm be damned honey looks like you had another one in you after all" 
When his fingers curled against your clit again the orgasm slammed into you fully causing your legs to lock around his waist and your walls to squeeze down on his cock. "God damn darlin" he growled, forehead pressed to your chest as he chased his own release. You felt his lips connect to your skin, sucking dark marks on your flesh just below where your clothes would fall so no one would see. Your nails dug into his back as he moved up to kiss you "Feel so fuckin good baby. You've been so good for me" he praised and you felt your walls clench around him. His eyes fluttered shut, a smirk forming on his lips "You like that sweetheart? Like hearing you're my good girl?" 
You could feel his thrusts start to falter and knew he was so damn close. You hadn't even felt another orgasm building so it took you by surprise when his teeth grazed your earlobe right as you fell over that edge. "Fuck, squeezin the hell out of me baby" he growled before burying himself inside of you with one final thrust. You felt when he came, thick spurts of cum coating your walls and dripping out of your overworked cunt.
The only sound that filled the room was both of you working to get your breathing back to normal and the light kisses he was leaving across whatever patch of your skin he could reach. "Guess you were a little more pissed at me than you said?" you teased, running your fingers through his sweaty hair and down his broad back, tracing scars and the marks from your nails. 
He lifted his head to look at you and you could see the worry in his eyes "Did I hurt you?" you shook your head "No Rick but tell me the truth" he kissed the base of your throat and you knew he felt you swallow hard at the action "You could've gotten yourself killed" "We're called the suicide squad. Kind of our thing, isn't it?" you joked and was rewarded with those hazel eyes full of fire glaring up at you "Very fuckin funny. Next time just listen to me. I hate arguing with you and pulling rank" "Especially when you lose?" you joked and he dipped his head down to bite down on your breast just hard enough you gasped. "Dammit Flag!" He gave you a broad grin "You behave and I'll behave" 
You shook your head "I promise that as long as your orders doesn't mean I have to stand on the sidelines and see a mission go sideways for no good reason besides I may get killed I'll listen to them" he dropped his head back down to your chest "You're fuckin killing me. Your legs feel like showering yet?" you nudged at his chest "If a big asshole would get off me" he lifted his head and gave you a smile that made your heart flip "You weren't complaining a few minutes ago about me being on top of you"
This thing between you and Rick had started as a way to blow off steam. Neither of you had energy or time to date and definitely not to keep up pretenses of a relationship outside of work. He was someone you trusted to not hurt you plus the added benefit that you knew each other was clean of diseases and he couldn't get you pregnant from documented precautions you'd taken.
It was enjoyable, Rick was fucking amazing in bed. You'd never had anyone like him before who actually seemed to draw as much, if not more pleasure from giving than receiving. You spent most of your time together anyways so the friends with benefits idea was easy to wrap your head around after a conversation that set ground rules.
If either of you found someone you wanted to pursue it was over. If you stayed overnight whoever's house it wasn't slept on the couch. You didn't let it bleed into your work relationship or your friendship because you were too important to each other. You were honest with each other and most importantly and the one you were having a harder and harder time with looking in the eye was if you started to catch feelings you needed to tell the other person.
You couldn't tell Rick you were starting to feel more for him than the friend that you had mind blowing sex with for numerous reasons. Hell he didn't know the biggest secret you carried and you could only imagine the betrayal in those hazel eyes you loved so much when the day came that he found out. 
You'd hold your heart close at hand so when that day came the crush would maybe be a little cushioned or so you hoped. 
You were half asleep when you heard your bedroom door creak open and rolled over to see Rick leaning against the doorframe with a grin "Mornin" "Mornin" you repeated with a smile. He held up a coffee mug in his hand so you held your arm out which caused him to laugh "So damn independent until she just woke up and she wants coffee" he walked over to the bed and waited until you'd pushed yourself up into a seated position to hand you the mug. You took a tentative sip and damn near moaned, Rick always made the best coffee. 
He raised an eyebrow before a smirk slipped onto his face "I haven't even touched you this morning but I'll take the compliment" you rolled your eyes and stared at him over the brim of the mug "If you're waking me up, Waller called you and will be calling me.." before you could finish the sentence your phone started chiming. You cut your eyes at Rick and he nodded, mimicking locking his lips before sitting down on the edge of the bed while you answered the call.
You answered the phone on the second ring "There's a briefing at ten. I already spoke to Colonel Flag. I expect both of you to be in attendance, Corporal, understood?" "Yes ma'am" You replied then the phone went dead in your hand. You rolled your eyes "She's always such a fuckin peach" 
Rick laughed and leaned over to place a gentle kiss right over your pulse "I gotta get going. I don't wanna roll in with the same clothes I left in. I'll see you there?" You nodded "See you there. Thanks for the coffee" "Anytime sweetheart. Anytime" he replied before standing up and walking out of your bedroom. 
You sat there and listened to his footsteps as he grabbed his jacket and slipped his boots on then walked out your door, smiling to yourself when you heard him lock the handle lock before shutting it behind himself.  You let out a deep breath then kicked your blanket off. Best not to keep Waller waiting. She was a bitch on a good day, let alone when she'd gotten impatient.
When you pulled into your parking spot Rick stood with a shoulder leaned against his truck waiting on you to park your jeep. While the two of you made sure to never come into work together you always seemed to unconsciously wait on the other to actually walk into the building.
Once you'd shut your door and started walking towards him he pushed off his truck and took a step towards you "So, any idea on what we're walking into?" you asked and he shrugged "With Waller? You and me both know there's no telling" a laugh fell from your lips because there had never been a truer sentence spoken. 
You fell in step next to him as you headed towards the front entrance. Whatever it was, you could handle it, right?
You and Rick shared an office, it made sense considering you were at ARGUS very little and what time you were there it was either reporting to Waller or doing paperwork. Of course it was a little crowded with two desks shoved into it but it was better than either of you having to share space with anyone else or having to have a desk out in the bullpen with Waller's office flunkies.
The two of you managed to make it into the office, sit down your belongings and sign into your computers before Waller's secretary Christina knocked on the door "Colonel Flag? Corporal Y/L/N? Miss Waller wants to see the two of you in her office" you opened the door and smiled at her "Christina, We've both told you to just call us Rick and Y/N. You don't have to use ranks or our last names" she smiled "Yes ma'am." before scurrying away
You glanced over your shoulder at Rick "How the hell is she working here again?" he shrugged "No clue on that one sweetheart?" you narrowed your eyes and his own widened "Sorry Y/N" you shook your head but laughed "You southern men" he held the door open with one hand so you could walk open, a smirk slipping onto his face when you barely had to duck "Let's go see if we're in trouble"
Waller's office was at the far end of the building, away from everyone else's. Normally the door would be closed along with the blinds being drawn but Christina must have told her she was successful in summoning the two of you because the door stood open and you could hear Waller's voice along with another woman's. Rick must have clocked the other voice as well because he glanced down at you with a questioning look. You shrugged but continued walking, letting him take the lead since that's what Waller would expect.
When Rick knocked at the open door her voice drifted out "Come in" you followed Rick into the door, clocking another woman standing with Waller. She was probably around your age, long honey brown hair that was done up in a pretty updo with light makeup and the bluest eyes you'd ever seen.
Her pantsuit looked freshly freshed and more than likely tailored to her. She smiled broadly when she saw the two of you, even when you both unintentionally fell into standing at attention until Waller gave an almost imperceivable nod. Once you and Rick eased your posture Amanda introduced you both in turn before waving a hand towards the woman "This is Kristin Jameson. She's a leading scientist in meta and mutation studies"
You felt your heart stutter when Waller's eyes flickered towards you, only Rick's voice saying "Pleasure to meet you ma'am" keeping you grounded enough to manage "Nice to meet you ma'am" she smiled "Miss Waller has assured me Belle Reeve and ARGUS has a lot to offer to my studies and my upcoming lecture in DC"  You could see the amusement in Amanda's eyes when you swallowed hard as Rick asked "She studying prisoners?"
"Among others" Waller replied and you nodded sharply before she said "The two of you are to assist her in any way she needs as you have working relationships with a lot of Belle Reeve" "Yes ma'am" you spoke first, managing to keep your voice steady as you spoke, hoping like hell Rick wouldn't notice anything was off and quickly felt your heart fall when you realized his eyes were firmly on Kristin "You're dismissed for now. I'll let you know when she needs an escort or assistance"
You nodded and turned to walk out, hearing Kristin say it was nice to meet you both and Rick returning the sentiment. You couldn't be bothered to worry about it.You had to ignore the aching feeling in your chest at noticing how Rick's attention had been on her because of how Waller had been looking at you. Damn her. She'd do anything to prove she had the best tools at her disposal no matter who got hurt.
Rick caught up with you before you could get all the way back to your shared office which given how much longer his legs were there really wasn't a surprise there. "What do you think that's about?" he asked, watching you as you walked straight to your jacket and slipped it on despite having been warm just moments before. "Don't know" you spoke more to yourself than to him. 
He nodded towards your jacket "You good? I can turn the heat up?" you shook your head as you sat down in front of your computer. You had two stacks worth of paperwork to go through and your stacks were small compared to Rick's. "And heat you to death? No, I'll warm up in a few" you replied and he nodded slowly, a lazy smirk working its way onto his face "Unless you want body heat to warm you?" you cut your eyes up "I'll shoot you" and was rewarded with one of his laughs that made your entire body warm. You loved when he genuinely laughed, especially when considering most of the time only you were allowed to hear it. It felt like a part of him reserved only for you. "Just sayin" he shrugged.
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So far Kristin had been around for a couple weeks and she'd yet to approach you about anything other than escorts to the prison. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad. Maybe you could get through this with your head and heart intact. You walked around a corner after delivering a stack of finished work to Christina and felt like you'd been dipped in ice water when you heard that same sound that normally warmed you to the core, Rick's laughter. This time it wasn't at your teasing or Boomer busting his ass falling off the ramp of a plane, no he was standing next to the coffee pot talking to Kristin. He was turned facing her and the way she was looking up at him made your stomach churn.
Why hadn't you seen it before? June. The one person Rick had let claim his heart. Genius, gorgeous and the exact same type of woman as Kristin Jameson. You'd been so concerned about her for other reasons you hadn't realized she was perfect for Rick but from looking at how they interacted there was a good chance they may have started to figure it out for themselves and that thought made you want to vomit. Fuck, you fucked up. If Rick got with Kristin, you'd have to be happy for him but you'd never be able to look him in the eyes again because he knew you too well. He'd know something was wrong and then you'd lose him for good.
You hadn't realized your attention had been so focused on them until you slammed into Anderson headed to the copy machine and papers went everywhere.
"Shit Anderson! I'm so sorry!" you muttered, crouching to help him collect the papers. He smiled at you "No problem but are you ok? I've never seen you so distracted besides that time Harley caught those squirrels and let em loose in Belle Reeve and you had to help catch em" you laughed at the memory of that chaos "Yeah, no I'm good. Maybe I'm going a little stir crazy? too much calm?" he shook his head "My dad always said marines were a different breed" you raised an eyebrow "Wasn't your dad a marine?" he nodded "Yeah" you laughed and handed him the papers you picked up "Sorry about that again. I'll watch where i'm going" 
You hadn't noticed your little debacle had earned Rick's attention because when you straightened up Kristin was gone and Rick was watching you. "You ok?" he mouthed and you nodded "Perfect" before turning on your heel, where you were going you weren't sure considering your office was a shared space but you needed to catch your breath without being within touching distance of Rick.
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"You doing anything tonight?" Rick asked, perched on the edge of your desk. You barely glanced up from looking over the team list for the upcoming mission "Sleeping?" he reached for the file in your hand and took it before you could snatch it back. When you cut your eyes up at him the smile he gave you made your heart flip, god why had you ever thought you wouldn't fall for a man like Flag? The tact pants he wore hugged his thighs and legs beautifully and that damn black t shirt clung to his biceps and shoulders in a way that very well would've had any woman drooling and you were not exempt.  When he realized he had your attention on him he laughed "She does still have eyes! Been so long since I saw em I was startin to worry darlin" you rolled your eyes and held your hand out "Can I have that back Rick?"
He shook his head "Only when you tell me what I did to piss you off" you ran a hand across your face "Nothing Rick. It's just been a lot with babysittin the scientist, finding out we have an upcoming mission and oh yeah if we don't die on that mission we have to go play Waller's good little pets in D.C. nothing I love more than that" he nodded slowly "Then come over or let me come over. I miss spending time with you" 
You raised an eyebrow and saw a blush color his cheeks which considering the things the two of you had done, was short of comical "Not like that Y/N! Well I mean I wouldn't tell you no but I mean just spending time together, movie or dinner something like that. Catch our breath and talk without it being around files or team lists" oh boy this was it. Him telling you he wanted to pursue Kristin. Fuck, how were you gonna get out of this? "Maybe after the mission?" you offered and saw the way his shoulders dropped "The mission is still three days away" 
You nodded "We need to prep. Make sure we're as ready as we can be cause god knows Amanda isn't ever gonna tell us everything we need to know" he studied you for a second before finally saying "We promised to be honest with each other when we first became friends. I can tell when you're lying to me but I'm gonna pretend I can't and say ok sweetheart because that's what you want me to say. Whatever it is, you can tell me. You know I'm not gonna judge you and I'm always gonna have your back" "I know Rick and I will, I promise. This mission and everything just has my head a little crooked" he pushed himself up off your desk, standing to his full height before leaning over to place a kiss right under your right ear "I'll be here waiting to help you get it back straight whenever you'll let me" then passed you the file back before walking over to his own desk.
You looked up at him and he smiled before turning to his own work. You just had to get through this, right? 
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Getting through it was easier said than done as it seemed. You were used to missions going a certain way or well what happened before missions. The suiting up, the debrief and the roll out to collect your team. 
You hadn't expected Kristin to still be at ARGUS. You hadn't known Waller had given her a desk or well maybe you had and buried the information but when you spotted her when you walked out of the debriefing you forced a smile onto your face. You were a lot of things but rude for no reason was not one of them.
You gave her a small nod and headed for transport telling Rick over your shoulder you'd meet him at the air strip. You looked back in just enough time to see her and him talking and felt your heart drop when he leaned down to say something in her ear. A mission was good. You could focus on something besides your heart breaking.
You slammed into the door leading outside and bit your cheek when the cold wind slammed into your face. Fuck, you'd forgot your jacket. No way were you going back inside. Maybe there would be an extra one in the squad's gear. You rubbed your hands across your arms and headed for the truck waiting to take you to pick up the team.
You stepped out of the transport truck and locked the door into place so everyone could file out. Luckily it was the usual suspects so no one needed to hear the rundown about the implants in their necks or how much time they'd get off their sentences. 
No one had an extra jacket and you hadn't wanted to take Boomers bomber jacket or Harley's cropped leather one that they'd offered off their own back so you stood with your arms tightly crossed while they one by one unloaded from the truck then headed for the plane where Rick stood talking to the pilot. 
You hadn't looked his way since you stepped out of the truck. You were being childish. You'd known this day was coming. Rick Flag was a good man, anyone could see that. You couldn't hold it against Kristin even if you wanted nothing more than to.
Once the last member of the squad was off the truck and walking up the ramp of the plane you closed the door and slapped it "We're good!" The truck rumbled away so you took a deep breath before following the team.
You tried to walk past Rick considering the pilot had even headed on-board to start the takeoff process but his hand shot out and wrapped around your right bicep.You cut your eyes at him and saw he was holding your jacket out with his other hand "You forgot this"
"Thanks" it was barely a mutter but you got it out. You took the jacket from him and he dropped your arm to allow you to slip it on. You could feel your arms start to thaw slightly as soon as the jacket was covering them. He nodded and looked up towards the plane then down towards his boots "Now's not the time. I know it but what is going on with us? We aren't ever this out of sync" 
You shrugged one shoulder "We're good Flag. Don't worry, please" you didn't want his focus to be split when you knew bullets would be flying in no time. He held your gaze and took a step closer, effectively eliminating what little distance had remained between the two of you and using his height over you to his advantage. His voice was deeper than usual when he spoke, his accent bleeding out "That right there is how I know we're not. Outside of joking you ain't called me Flag when we've been alone in years now"
You swallowed hard, ignoring how his voice made your entire body feel like a flame was licking across it. It was going to be hard to get over him. You raised your eyes to fully meet his and saw a bit of a smile threaten his face before it quickly fell when you asked "Did ya tell Kristin bye?" You saw the confusion spread across his face and used the opening to slip past him onto the plane. 
"WHEELS UP IN FIVE" You hollered to the pilot as you took your seat next to Harley. "Yes ma'am" the pilot replied as Rick finally walked up the ramp and sat down across the walkway from you, his eyes drilling into you but you refused to look at him. You had to focus on this mission. 
Harley bumped your boot with her own and you looked at her "Where'd ya find ya jacket?" You nodded towards Rick "Our fearless leader brought it to me" you could see the muscles in his jaw clench at your words. You never referred to him as team leader because you ran the squad together but Waller had introduced him as leader to Kristin. 
"Awe that was sweet of ya Flag" she laughed and he nodded, eyes never leaving you "I'm less of an asshole than given credit for"  You didn't want to be the first to break eye contact but knew you had to. The squad would get restless if you and Rick were arguing before takeoff. When you let your eyes drift to Harley she struck up a conversation about getting you a jacket to match her own. You half heartedly listened because while normally you actually did enjoy her company your attention was currently on the set of eyes you could still feel on you. Yeah this was going to be a long mission.
You were pinned down with Harley and two bodies of fallen squad members. This shitty mission had gone from bad to worse. "Corporal, report!" Waller's voice echoed through the com in your ear. You met Harley's eyes, both of your chests heaving with every breath "Sorry, kinda busy right now. Check on Colonel Flag and I'll report soon if I'm not dead" You clicked the button on your com so you could hear chatter but they couldn't hear you. A bullet whizzed right past Harley's ear causing you both to flinch. You eyed the doorway that was separating you from getting the hell out of this. The only problem? Someone had to get it open. Easier said than done when every time these assholes even thought they saw either of you they started shooting.
"Toots, you know I love ya but I think we may be screwed" you huffed out a breath, forming a plan that was really really bad but the only option you had. You dug the two computer drives out of the pocket of your pants and held them out to Harley "Keep these in one piece and when I say go, get that damn door open. That is your only focus, not me, not bullets. Understood?" She tucked the computer drives away but looked confused "How are you gonna block em?" You gave her a tight lipped smile "Just trust me Harls and if we get outta this I'll make sure this one is twenty off"
She nodded and slid to the edge of the half fallen wall you'd taken shelter behind. You checked the automatic rifle in your hands, along with the two 9mm you carried. All you had to do was buy her twenty seconds tops. "Now" you breathed, stepping out to draw their fire.
You heard Harley's boots hitting the floor as she ran and the sound of the chain on the door giving way but couldn't turn your attention from the hail of bullets. You thought you were clear and had gotten lucky. Three were down, two had been called back to pursue Rick's half of the team. You made the mistake of glancing back to ensure your footing was clear and felt a bullet tear through your right side, just above your hip. 
Harley screamed your name as you stumbled, hand clutching your side but you shook your head "Dammit move Quinn!" her eyes went wide when she saw how much blood was gushing from between your fingers. "Flag's gonna kill me" "Flag will be fine" you told her from between gritted teeth. You needed to get somewhere secure to dig into your med kit but with Harley here, there was no way she wouldn't want to help. "Just help me move, please" you begged and she moved to your left side, throwing your arm over her shoulder. 
The two of you ran sloppily through the halls, clearing the corners as best as you could until you came to what appeared to be a janitor's closet. "This'll work" "Work for what? You're gonna bleed to death!" she nearly squealed and you shook your head, feeling dizzy from the movement and blood you'd lost "No I wont. I just need you to trust me and to know I can trust you" "You can trust me" she helped you into the closet and down into a sitting position.
You fumbled twice for your med kit before her hands covered yours "Tell me what to do" you leaned back against the wall, closing your eyes against a rush of pain "We need bandages, forceps to dig out the bullet and a few of the pyro packs that are in there" "pyro packs?" she asked and your eyes flew open to glare at her "Ok ok" she dug out the metallic bags that read "Caution. Burn Risk" and looked them over "What now?" you swallowed twice "Open them up" she did as you asked, being careful to not let the material touch her skin before looking up at you. You smiled "Now's time to dig the bullet out" she shook her head "How about I go find Flag! Or we call him over the coms? That man would fight this whole place to get to you"
You shook your head "No time. You're who's here" she nodded and grabbed the forceps. You managed a smile "It's gonna hurt me but you're not. Dig in,find the bullet and snatch it out. The moment the bullet comes out, put the entire contents of both bags directly into the wound. Don't question it. Then bandage it up" She swallowed loudly then nodded "Fuck, I wish someone was here to hold your hand" you laughed "I got it Harley. Just do it" you leaned your head back and closed your eyes as you felt the cold forceps touch the edges of the wound followed by the excruciating pain of Harley trying to secure the bullet "You got it" you breathed and she pulled it out. 
You heard the metallic twang of it hitting the floor before she poured the heat pack into it. You let out a breath at the familiar warmth flooding your system. Your entire body relaxed into itself as that gene inherited from your grandmother kicked in. You could feel the muscles and flesh that had been shredded by the bullet begin to knit themselves back together as Harley taped a gauze over the wound that had already stopped bleeding. Her eyes widened at the lack of blood "Wanna tell me what that was?" you shook your head "And Rick doesn't find out I got shot" she held your gaze and a silent understanding passed. You smiled weakly "Give me a few breaths then I'll be able to get on my feet. Blood loss is a bitch" "Even to someone like you?" Harley guessed quietly and you nodded "Yeah, even to someone like me"
By the time you were able to get your feet under you Rick was screaming across the coms "GOD DAMMIT Y/N. WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?"  Harley winked at you and hit her com "Easy Flaggy. We got a little pinned down. We lost the two new kids" "Fuck. Are you two ok?" you hit your com "We're good Rick. Retrieved what we came for. See you at evac?" he took a deep breath after you spoke and his voice was a bit more gentle when he said "Yeah. See you at evac" 
When you and Harley burst out the building you made a run for the chopper where Flag stood outside of. He smiled slightly when he saw the two of you then his eyes trailed down to the blood soaking you and it quickly dropped. You stopped to let Harley get on board and he snatched you close enough you could hear him over the rotors "What happened to you not being hurt?" you glanced down and shrugged "Who said this is my blood? Now light this bitch up and let's go home" 
You squeezed into the chopper between Rick and the pilot, watching as the building beneath you all burnt to ash once you were high enough to detonate. You could feel sleep tugging at you, a side effect of healing a wound that would've killed any other human but you couldn't sleep yet. You still had to get to the plane home. You felt your eyelids flutter but shook your head to resist and knew Rick noticed when he moved close enough his shoulder was right in place with your head that all you had to do was barely lean over to be resting against it.
You wanted to resist but fuck you were tired and he was so warm, your body craved the extra heat to help replace the blood loss faster..before you knew it he was waking you up to move from the chopper to the plane and once again on the plane you let yourself fall asleep against him again...if he was ending the intimacy between the two of you once you made it home you could enjoy it now plus the added bonus that you would have replinished the lost blood and not be weak for the debrief with Waller.
Harley curled up to your back like a cat and for once you didn't try to stop her, whether she knew you needed to raise your core temp or she was just tired you didn't care. It was a cocoon of warmth that lulled your aching body to sleep.
You followed Rick through the halls toward Waller's office. While he'd been signing everyone back in at Belle Reeve you'd managed to change your shirt at least, fuck your dry cleaner got half your salary at this point. He kept eyeing the blood that stained your pants and you hoped he hadn't figured out from the spill pattern that it had indeed come from you. The bandage itched like crazy which meant the skin was mended or almost. You had luckily found a dark enough colored shirt no one could tell the bandage was there.
Once you walked through the bullpen you were glad to see Kristin at least wasn't there. You weren't sure if you could keep up being polite. You followed Rick into Waller's office and stood back while he went through the basics of the missions and handed over the computer drives and other files that had been recovered. She listened, stoic as always then dismissed the both of you. 
You walked slowly behind Rick, fighting the urge to scratch at your side. You knew he would probably hold you to the whole getting together after the mission like you promised, but you hoped he'd let you off the hook for the time being.  When the two of you hit the parking lot before you ever had a chance to shiver his jacket was draped across your shoulders. You looked back at him and he shrugged "Yours was soaked in blood Darlin" you felt your heart flip at how gentle his voice was. "Rick, I don't want to talk tonight, please"
You headed for your jeep but before you could get the door open he caught your arm and spun you around so your back was to the side of the jeep and he was as close as he could get without invading your personal space, one hand resting just over your head on the jeep and the other hovering above your hip "No, I think we need to talk. Your choice whether it's here or your place" you swallowed hard at the warmth radiating off of him. How the fuck did this man smell so damn good after a mission like that? You wanted to bury yourself in him. "My place" you finally said after a moment and he smiled before leaning down to let his lips brush against your neck "Good girl" you shivered lightly before shoving against his chest "Go get your truck! We both need a shower!" he groaned "Damn, I can't shower with you after missions. You try to fuckin cook me" "Cry baby" you teased before gently shoving him again "Now go, I'll meet you there"
You stood under the stream of the shower watching the pink tinged water spin down the drain. Damn, you'd had more blood on you than you'd thought. After washing your hair and body, your fingers found the new scar decorating your side. If it was on anyone else and you were asked how old the scar was you would say at least a couple weeks, old enough that the skin wasn't still soft and sensitive but still new enough it was a light pink color. Maybe it was better that Rick was ending things, at least you wouldn't have to explain weird scars anymore. If he touched you like this there's no way he wouldn't notice the scar and you weren't sure you could play it off as him just having never noticed it. 
You heard a knock at your door and knew it was Rick. You sighed and turned the water off before grabbing your robe. You'd let him in then get dressed. If he insisted on having this conversation tonight he could very damn well wait in your living room while you got dressed. 
When you unlocked the door and swung it open his eyes trailed down your body and a look passed over his face that made a different kind of heat roll through you. No, you weren't going there. "Well damn sweetheart, I'm overdressed" he teased and you rolled your eyes, running the towel in your hand over your hair "Very funny. I just got out of the shower. I was caked in blood" he nodded "Yeah, that's what took me so long to get here" he leaned down as if to kiss you but you side stepped. At his confused expression you pointed towards your bedroom "I'm gonna go get some clothes on. Want to pour some of that whiskey Simon sent me for my birthday?"  
If you were having your heart ripped out you needed something strong to keep up a front and god bless your sergeant he always sent you a bottle of the good shit every year. Rick nodded and headed for your kitchen while you made a beeline for your room. You could hear him opening cabinets but focused on finding comfortable clothes. After a while you decided on a tank and sleep shorts. The tank was tight enough no bra was required. After running a brush through your hair you took a final look in the mirror then took a step into the living room. Rick looked up from where he'd been leaning against your kitchen counter apparently watching your bedroom door. He'd kicked his shoes off and his jacket was across the back of your couch. The way he looked at you made your skin flush, you had to reel it in. He was too important to lose because he no longer wanted to sleep with you.
You walked across the floor to him and he held out a glass tumblr of the whiskey. "Thank you sir" you whispered before downing almost the entire thing in one gulp. His eyes widened slightly. "That kind of night?"  You scoffed "You could say that" he was still sipping on his glass and a part of you had an urge to grab his and down it just for the burn of it. You tapped your nails along your glass "What was so important Rick?" you asked looking up at him and he laughed "Always straight to the point with you"
You shrugged "Well I mean no point in beating around the bush here" you gulped down what was left in your glass then sat it down. He swallowed his then reached for your hip, pulling you closer to him "C'mere. I've missed being alone with you" you let him pull you against his chest but braced your palms against the hard muscles to keep some distance between you even as he tried yet again to kiss you and you turned your head "Did I do something wrong? I don't think I broke any of the rules" he asked, settling to kiss the top of your head as his hands settled on your hips.
You laughed lightly "You did nothing Rick but I know what you want to talk about" he pulled back to look down at you and he looked uncertain? "You do?" you nodded "You're my friend Rick, probably one of my closest friends if not closest anymore. You're important to me and I wouldn't want to lose you but I ain't really a fuck me goodbye type. You don't fuckin want me? cool. You want Kristin? I get it, she's your type but I don't have to like it nor do I have to see it flaunted in my face so if I'm distant for a while don't take it personal" He took a step back, untucking himself from around you. 
You watched as he shook his head, running a hand down his face before he looked at you and laughed. The noise still managing to wrap itself around you despite being at your expense "You've been jealous?" "No I haven't" you argued and he took a step closer, whispering your name. 
You shook your head "I knew what this was from the start" "Still not answering the question" he took another step and you unintentionally took a step backwards "She's a scientist and gorgeous" he nodded "Yeah" a flame of anger flickered through you at him admitting it that easily and to your face.  "I knew whatever this was wouldn't last from the moment we met her" you breathed and he took two steps towards you which caused you to take two steps backwards and you cursed when you felt your back hit the counter. He planted a hand on either side of you, palm flat down on the counter and leaned down to speak into the shell of your ear "Still avoiding the fact that you've been downright mean to me because you've been jealous"
You turned your head slightly to meet his eyes, trying to ignore how close your face was and how you'd barely have to lean in for your lips to find his "Yes! Ok? Fuck you Rick! I've been fucking jealous! For so long I've been at your side, leading the squad and dealing with Waller's bullshit, having your back and you having mine. I've been in your bed, you've been in mine and I fooled myself into thinking just because I wouldn't want anyone else that you wouldn't either and now I have to sit back and watch you be with her and pretend that it's not hurting me to not lose you completely so yes I am fucking jealous that she'll have you. Happy?"
His eyes studied your face for a heartbeat and you could feel your heart stutter. Normally you could read Rick's emotions fairly easily but this was once you had no clue what was going on in that head of his. After what felt like too long he laughed again, lighter this time before closing the distance between the two of you. The first brush of his lips against yours drove reason out of your mind. You knew it was a bad idea, a clean break healed easier but fuck you needed this man like you needed air.
His hands moved to your hips, easily picking you up and sitting you on the counter so he could step between your legs. His tongue slipped past your lips, teasing yours as he swallowed the moan that escaped you. Your hands tangled themselves in his hair, tugging gently. When the need for air forced the two of you apart he moved from your lips to kiss down your jaw then to your neck. One of his hands slipped between your thighs, cupping your clothed core as he bit down on your pulse point then sucked the skin into his mouth. a broken sob of a moan that was somewhere between a praise and a curse falling from your lips. 
When your brain caught up to the fact that he was marking you, visibly you shoved a hand against his chest "Rick, stop" he froze the moment the words left you,hands moving off your body and lips leaving your skin. His broad chest was heaving as he looked down at you through heavy lashes "What's wrong sweetheart?" it took you two times to manage to get enough air in your lungs to actually form coherent thoughts "What kind of fucking response is marking me?" he grinned "I thought a clear enough one" he leaned in again to brush a gentle kiss against your lips "I don't want Kristin. I haven't wanted to talk about her. I want you. I only agreed to these damn rules because you freaked after the first time we slept together and I couldn't stand the idea of you running away from me" 
You swallowed hard, this was Rick. The best man you'd ever met, the only man you'd ever truly could imagine something with. "You want me?" you asked in such a small voice you flinched. He pushed your hair back out of your face, hand cupping the back of your neck as he kissed your forehead then the tip of your nose then your cheek before his lips found yours, a lingering kiss full of every promise he couldn't put words to "Every part of you" you felt a twinge of guilt when you thought about the parts he didn't know about. "Rick, I.." he cut you off with another kiss before saying "Darlin, anything you want to tell me you can but please let me take you to bed. I've never got to go to sleep with you in my arms and wake up with you there" you nodded slowly and started to climb off the counter but instead he pulled you into his arms giving you no choice but to wrap your arms around his waist "I can walk Rick!" you squealed and he nipped at your throat "I prefer this" 
You were half asleep with Rick's head laid on your bare stomach. Even after so many times of the two of you sleeping together he'd treated you like this was the first time, exploring every inch of skin. You were spent from how many times he'd pushed you to that brink and over so you were currently just enjoying the feeling of him exploring the body.
He kissed passed your navel and you felt him still right before his fingers grazed the new scar on your right side "Baby where'd this come from?" you tried to control your heart rate because you knew he could hear it from where he was laying. You leaned up slightly to look and shrugged "I'm not sure honestly" his lips trailed across it "It wasn't there the last time we had sex" You laid back against the pillow, trailing your fingers through his hair "Are you sure?" when you cut your eyes back down at him he was giving you that "Cut the bullshit" look "Fairly certain I've kissed every inch of you multiple times" you shrugged "I honestly don't know Rick" he finally nodded before making his way up your body.
When he got to your lips he kissed you gently before pulling you over to lay across his chest. Your fingers traced the mark he'd insisted you give him to match the one he'd planted on your neck "What about Waller?" you asked and he scoffed "That bitch sees us as tools, weapons. As long as we're effective she doesn't give a shit. Hell she'd probably he thrilled to have more shit to hold over our heads" 
You shook your head "Yeah, I don't like the idea of her using me to make you jump through hoops" he smiled before brushing his lips against yours "She's had the power to do that for a lot longer than you think" "Oh" you said quietly and he nodded "Don't worry, we'll handle it as it comes. Now let me hold you since I've never been allowed to" you laughed and turned to tuck your back against his chest. He pulled you as close to him as he could before placing a kiss to your bare shoulder "Get some sleep. We can handle the crazy tomorrow" 
If Waller noticed a shift between you and Rick she didn't comment on it. Your work dynamic didn't change, hell it shocked you to realize a lot of your dynamic didn't change. Had you and Rick been a couple and you were the last to realize?
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You were finishing up paperwork when a knock at the office door made you look up to see Kristin standing there "Hey" you spoke and she smiled "Hey" she cut her eyes at Rick who looked busy at work but you knew he was listening to every word then back at you "Can I buy you a coffee so we can talk?" you felt your stomach knot but nodded nonetheless. You stood up and grabbed your jacket off the back of your chair, walking around your desk. You tapped Rick's on the way by "Want me to bring your usual back?" he looked from you to Kristin, a silent ask of if you were ok in his eyes. You gave him a smile so he nodded "Yeah. Thanks" 
You turned to Kristin and smiled "Your car or my jeep" she shrugged "Your jeep is fine by me" you waved a hand towards the exit "Then let's go. Any excuse to leave that Waller wont blow a coronary about is fine by me" when she laughed a part of you felt bad about how much you'd disliked her when you thought there was something between her and Rick "Can't blame you there. I'd offer for you to bring Colonel Flag but I think you'll want this conversation to just be the two of us" ok that made you nervous but you both knew she couldn't say anything further in the building so you nodded "Rick's a big boy. He can amuse himself while I'm gone"
You sat across from Kristin, staring down into your coffee and trying to process what she'd just told you "So the military is doing what exactly? experiments with meta and mutation genes?" she nodded "They're trying to form better soldiers. Find better mutations to see if humans could develop them,from the medical records Amanda released on you, how your blood has healed the squad even without them knowing..they're going to want samples before the lectures in D.C" 
You nodded slowly "How much blood? Are they going to try to drain me here?" you could feel yourself start to panic, not for yourself as much as the fact that you knew if they came for you the three most important people to you would be willing to die to save you,Rick of course along with Sergeant Simon O'Reilly and Staff Sergeant Johnny Moore. Not to mention if they knew of your genes they may know of Johnny's.
"I've made a deal for one vial of bone marrow and that is it. That was the best I could do, I'm sorry. I never meant for my research to be bastardized like this" you could tell she meant every word so you reached across the table to gently take her hand in yours, squeezing it lightly "Thank you for fighting for me and for not exposing me to Rick before I'm ready" she nodded and in turn squeezed your hand "If it's any help, if it was me,no matter how bad of dealings I'd had in the past nothing could change my feelings for my wife. I've seen the way Rick looks at you. That man worships the ground you walk on. He won't be angry at you for who you are but he may be angry for you feeling like you had to hide who you are from him all this time" you knew she was right but you were so deep now how the hell were you supposed to get out of the hole?
JM: Fuck the government 
SO: Video call asap luv
The moment you rolled over and checked your phone you knew that Johnny had been cornered about his genes as well. While you had a healing mutation he carried a different type, he found at a young age he could manipulate time around him. Slow it down or speed it up. Made him hell on the battlefield. "Fuck" you cursed under your breath, forgetting Rick was in the bed with you until his arm encircled your waist and his lips brushed the base of your spine "Somethin wrong?" his accent was always heavier when he just woke up. You turned to place a quick kiss on his lips "No baby. Johnny and Simon just got into some shit and need me to call em" he chuckled "Always pulling the men in your life outta the fire" you winked over your shoulder at him "Someone has to" before slipping out of his bedroom and out into the living room.
You hit the buttons on your phone and within a few seconds both Simon and Johnny's faces were on your screen "There she is" Simon spoke first, his irish accent making your lips quirk up. Johnny leaned closer to his phone "Hold on now. That isn't your place" you felt your face warm when both of their eyebrows shot up. "Has our little spitfire got herself a boyfriend?" Simon chuckled and you rolled your eyes "Wasn't there a reason for this call?" Johnny nodded with a grin "Yeah but we can get to that in a minute" you shook your head "No, now" they both laughed then went into telling you how Johnny had gotten the call about a vial of bone marrow having to be given. "Yeah, I did too," you whispered. "Are we fucked?" Johnny asked and you shrugged "I hope not? I've got to escort Waller and the leading scientist to DC for the lectures behind the science so maybe I can dig more" 
Simon grinned "Good, we'll be there too" "Really?" you asked with a  matching grin because you hadn't seen both of them together in person in years. "Yeah, someone has to represent the corps considering someone got pulled over to the redacted sides of things" Johnny teased and you shook your head "Please Moore, once a marine always a marine" "You better remember that" he laughed then he whistled to get Simon's attention and you knew what they were thinking before Simon ever asked "So, who is this mystery fella that got our little lassie to settle down?" 
Before you could say anything the bedroom door opened behind where you stood in the center of the living room and Rick walked out behind you, shirtless. Johnny and Simon both spoke over each other "Good morning Colonel Flag!" the shit eating grins on their faces made you want to stab the both of them considering you could just give them blood and heal them afterwards. He looked from you to the phone before nodding "Simon, Johnny" 
Rick stopped to kiss your cheek "I'm making coffee" then headed for the kitchen. You finally looked back to your phone screen to see Simon had his arms crossed and Johnny was shaking his head "We need to discuss a dowry" "I want to know his intentions!" "Goodbye boys! See you in D.C!" you laughed before hanging up the call.
Rick leaned against the counter when you looked up and motioned towards your phone "They're gonna be in D.C?" you nodded and he smiled "Might not be that bad then if you get to catch up with them" you shook your head with a laugh "Or may be worse, with them there is no way to tell" 
The day you went to give the bone marrow you were grateful for the healing you possessed because that shit hurt. You were still limping slightly when you got back to the office but Rick was luckily at Belle Reeve handling something about someone trying to make an army of possums. When you walked into your office you realized it was warmer than normal and a coffee was sitting on your desk, still steaming. A box sat next to the cup of coffee and when you opened it there was a small thing of what looked like hand cream inside with a note from Kristin "This is a more diluted version of what's in your pyro packs. It'll help" you smiled and sat down gently in the chair, wishing like hell you could help Johnny because he'd be in pain for a few days from this shit at least.
By the time Rick got back your hip was a dull ache and you'd turned the heat down in the office. He closed the door behind him and shook his head "Twenty six" you laughed at how tired he looked from chasing giant rodents over how he normally looked after missions. He walked around your desk and leaned down to place a gentle kiss to your lips "Your physical go ok?" you nodded "All clear for another year" he smiled "Good to know" you hated lying to him but how the hell did you bring it up in conversation now?
D.C. was gorgeous as always. The lectures were being held in a nearby conference hall that was so far locked down you were surprised the guest list didn't require a dna scan to get in the front door. Day one was casual, meaning you and Rick were both in suits. The skirt you wore hit just above your knees and you'd caught Rick being distracted more than once and had to remind him that the two of you were supposed to be looking the part of guards for Waller, that was why she'd allowed your holsters to be worn in plain sight.
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His hand skimmed your lower back and he whispered in your ear "Something about you in a skirt and armed is just beyond sexy" you shook your head with a laugh "Easy soldier. We have time for that later" you just hoped Waller had nothing else up her sleeve. Johnny and Simon had landed about an hour after your plane but you hadn't met up with them yet, you hoped to see them soon but Waller had to dismiss you and Rick for you to be able to socialize anyways.
The two of you walked in behind Waller, you on her left and Rick on her right. She headed for the front of the room so you trailed behind like good puppies. She greeted an older gentleman who eyed you "Amanda" she introduced both you and Rick by rank. the older gentleman nodded to you both "Colonel, Corporal" 
The next two hours went pretty much like that until the blessed time came that she disappeared into meetings that you nor Rick had clearance for so you were dismissed until summoned. Rick cut his eyes at you considering you were still in the conference hall "Well we got a couple hours" you felt a smirk pulling at your lips until you heard an accented voice say "Nope, if she's not busy you gotta share her" you turned to see Simon and Johnny walking towards you. 
"Simon!" you greeted, pulling him into a hug first then when Johnny pouted letting him go to pull the other man into one as well. You looked them over and couldn't help but laugh. Both were around Rick's height, Simon maybe had an inch on him. Johnny had dark black hair and bright blue eyes while Simon had honey brown hair and the darkest green eyes you'd ever seen. Both were decent looking men and despite the suits they were clearly being made for them they looked so damn uncomfortable it was pathetic.
Johnny held onto your waist and looked over your head at Rick "Flag. Treating our girl well?" he nodded "Of course" Simon winked at you before saying "I think we should all go to lunch while you two are free. Me and Johnny want to have a talk with Rick" you spun out of Johnny's arms to playfully glare at him and he laughed "C'mon lassie, think the colonel gonna scare off that easy?" Rick cleared his throat and when the three of you looked at him he waved towards the exit "Let's go get lunch" then reached for your hand. When you let him take it you heard Simon chuckle "oh he's gonna be fun"
They'd known Rick for a while now but knowing him as your partner versus knowing him as your boyfriend? That was two very different experiences. You shot a look over your shoulder at Simon "Behave Sergeant" he winked at you "Don't worry luv. If he can hold up under you me and Johnny wont phase him"  
"Oh I absolutey did fuckin not!" you laughed, tossing a mozzarella stick at Johnny across the table. He was currently embellishing a story about one night when your unit had gone for drinks in Germany and a bar fight had ensued. Rick cut his eyes at you, a grin pulling at his lips "I don't know baby, sounds like something you'd do" you mock gasped then looked at Simon for backup "A little help here Sergeant?" he shook his head "You're on your own luv" you tsk tsked "Three men like yourselves ganging up on a defenseless woman" that made all of them bust out laughing "You're a lot of things, defenseless ain't one of em"  Rick teased pulling you closer so he could place a kiss on your temple.
Simon gave you a look at the action and you felt yourself warm even before he reached for your hand "C'mon Corporal, let's go pay the tabs" Rick passed you his card before you could ever reach for your own and Johnny made an approving sound before you glared at him and he raised his hands in defense "I said nothing!"
You followed Simon across the little bar and grill the four of you had chosen, waiting for him to ask. He managed to wait until the waitress came back with your receipts "Have ya told him?" "Told him what?" you decided on the innocent route but knew that would fall flat "About your.." he paused when someone passed by before deciding on "diagnosis" you didn't meet his eyes and that was answer enough "How the hell have you kept it from him this long?" you shrugged "It hasn't been easy believe me and that was before I started sleeping with him" 
He shook his head with a laugh "How did that come about anyways?" you shrugged again "Shit happens?" this time he was the one to shrug "Foundation of some of the most solid relationships right there. I may be overstepping but can I ask, do ya love him?" you opened your mouth to deny it then closed it back when no sound would immediately come out. Did you love Rick? When a few seconds passed with you neither confirming nor denying he put a hand on your shoulder and squeezed gently "If he cares about you as much as I believe he does it won't matter to him. Didn't matter to me when I found out about you or Johnny"  you nodded slowly "Thanks Si" he smiled "Anytime luv" before the two of you headed back to the table.
For the next few days whenever you and Rick weren't at Waller's beck and call you ended up making sure to carve out time in your day for Simon and Johnny. You hadn't realized how much you'd missed them. You and Rick had just made it back to your room from a bar with them when you finally decided on having enough liquid courage to tell him the truth. 
You watched him close the door and lock it as you slipped your shoes off then walked over to where he stood, leaned back against the door, watching you with an unreadable expression "Rick?" he seemed to break out of whatever trance he'd been in and smiled before pulling you into his arms. "I'm glad to see you having fun catching up with your guys sweetheart. I can tell they missed you and you missed them: You nodded, letting your hand trail down the front of his shirt to begin working on the buttons of it "I want to talk to you about something important" His hands covered yours, stopping you from disrobing him any further "Are you transferring from ARGUS?" "What?" you froze at his question because even if you wanted to you couldn't for five more years and even then you'd want him to leave with you. 
He slipped his shirt off and tossed it onto the bed before crashing his lips against yours in a kiss that was hungry and rushed. You kissed him back, trying to pull him closer until he suddenly broke away from you "If you want to transfer I'll support you, it's just..:" he trailed off and leaned down to place a kiss on your neck before continuing "I love you and I want you to be happy but I can't pretend it won't hurt to be away from you"
You damn near stumbled back from him in shock and wanted to kick yourself for how defeated he looked "I'm sorry. It's too soon. I shouldn't have sprung that on you and I'm not wanting a response I just wanted to tell you" he ran a hand through his hand and moved to step around you "I'm gonna go shower" your hand moved to grab his before he could get too far past you "Rick, wait"
The moment he turned you pulled him into a kiss. He hesitated at first then gave in quickly, his hands moving down to grip your thighs and lift you into his arms. You wrapped your legs around his waist, breaking away from his lips to kiss across his jaw and down his neck before finally saying "I love you Rick and as much as I miss them I'm not leaving" the smile he gave you made your heart jump "Really?" you nodded and he leaned his head over on your neck "Thank god" then caught your lips in another kiss before walking you over to the bed and gently laying you down on it before climbing up your body, slipping your shirt off and leaving a trail of kisses as he did so.
When he got back to your lips he smiled "In that case can whatever you needed to tell me wait? Because the way these jeans fit has had my dick half hard all night" a laugh fell from you that quickly turned into a moan when he rutted his hips down into yours to prove a point "It can wait"
Unfortunately for you it seemed fate saw fit for Rick to find out one way or another.
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You stood next to Rick, both of you studying the room around you. The highest value targets in the free world were currently in attendance so nerves were a bit high to say the least. Simon and Johnny were working the north exit while the two of you were covering the south. A few more teams were set up throughout but you didn't trust any of them the way you trusted your guys.
So far you'd heard three lecturers drone on and on along with a few people that were definitely on Waller's christmas card list. You would be glad for the next three hours to be over. You were just about to crack a joke to Rick about the man currently on stage when one of the other team's voices cut through your com "We've had a security breach. Level one evac" 
"Fuck" you and Rick both swore as you moved in unison. Each team of guards had been assigned four targets each to move. You had Waller, Kritstin and two more. Once they were secure you would come back and help as you were needed. You spotted Johnny and Simon herding their targets towards the stairwell leading up to the helipad as you grabbed Kristin and pushed her in front of you. "Move" Rick took point going up the stairwell with you guarding the rear.
Once your targets were loaded and gone you headed back down, meeting Simon and Johnny halfway. "What is this shit?" you asked and Johnny met your eyes "Extremists for humankind purity" Fuck. That was a hate group targeting anyone with mutant or meta genes and there were civilians here. "Fuckin assholes" Rick cursed and Simon smirked slighlty "Lets show em Flag" Rick nodded so Simon looked at you "You with Johnny, Flag with me"
Rick looked at you "Stay safe" you winked at him "Always" then bumped your shoulder to Johnny's "Like old times. Lets get it" 
You fell into a rhythm with Johnny so damn easy it was like no time at all had passed. You could feel the pull of his power simply because you knew what to look for but it helped the two of you to clear civilians out faster and take enemies down easier. The banquet hall looked like a fuckin war zone and that description was a little too accurate for your liking. 
You saw Simon and Rick take another group out and was about to call an all clear when you saw a barrel blast half a second before a bullet tore through the air towards you. Johnny was too far away to slow it so you were helpless but to feel the consuming burn which was so different from the one that healed you as it ripped through your abdomen and came out the other side. Johnny took out the shooter and was to your side in a heartbeat pulling you into his lap. You saw a few grazes on his arms and what looked like a knife slash on his face. Your hand shakingly moved to your stomach, a gasp of pain leaving you when you touched the wound "Fuck, it hurts Johnny" "I know baby. I know" he was already stripping his shirt off to hold pressure. "SIMON" he screamed as Rick and Simon came running in. Rick screamed your name and fell to his knees at your side "What the fuck happened?"
Your eyes moved to Rick's face and you saw tears threatening to fall "It's ok Rick. I'm ok" he shook his head "Sweetheart" Simon shouldered him out of the way "Move Flag" Rick's eyes turned hard "I'm not leaving her" Simon moved to pull you out of Johnny's lap and into his arms "Then you'll be what kills her and I'm not losing her either. We know how to save her. Now on your feet and lead us to her luggage or get the hell out of the way" Rick looked to you, tears working their way down his face and you nodded, grimacing from pain "Trust them" "Follow me" Rick told Simon before heading towards the stairwell leading up towards the rooms, all three men taking three steps at a time.
Rick argued you needed a hospital. Simon argued him and Johnny could help you just fine and you told him that they could so he was pacing the room, watching Johnny dig through your med kit and throw different things onto the bed next to where Simon had laid you. Simon ripped open four metallic bags and Rick watched as he poured them directly into your gunshot wound after ensuring there were no bullet fragments in, your screaming during that time had nearly made him kill both men. He could hear your teeth grit from where he stood, even when you whispered something to Johnny who whispered something back before finally sighing and leaned down to let you wipe your  blood soaked fingers across his face and the grazes on his arms. What the fuck was going on? 
You could imagine what was going through Rick's head but you were focusing on not dying at the moment, then arguing with Johnny to take enough blood for where he'd been grazed and sliced. Eventually Simon gingerly bandaged your stomach then looked over at Rick before looking back at you "We'll be nearby luv" You grabbed his hand "Thank you" he smiled "Always"
You tried to push yourself up into a sitting position and Rick moved to help you, being careful of your stomach. You noticed his hands shake slightly, "Y/N?" he was looking at your bandage. The bleeding had already stopped. You smiled slightly "I meant when I said I love you Rick, please know that" he sat down slowly on the side of the bed to not jostle you before taking your hand "And I meant it when I told you I love you but what's going on" You swallowed hard before saying "I have a meta mutation gene"
"Healing?" he asked and you nodded "The packs are called pyro packs, they force my core temperature to rise high enough to jumpstart the process. As long as it's not my heart or head and I get help fast enough I can heal from an injury" "The scar on your side" he spoke and you grimaced "I got shot on the last mission and talked Harley through the first aid"  
He nodded, running a hand over his head "So Harley knows?" you shrugged "Kind of?" "Who definitely knows?" he asked in a small voice so you took a breath before saying "Waller, Kristin, Johnny and Simon." he nodded slowly "Can I ask why you didn't trust me?" when you finally looked at him your heart crumpled "I didn't want you to look at me differently" 
He reached for your hand and when you let him take it his shoulder sagged slightly "You're still you. There's nothing that would change that to me. I just don't know why it took something like this for you to tell me" 
You felt tears start to slip free from your eyes and he quickly brushed them away "Don't cry darlin. Please don't cry" you leaned into his touch "Do you hate me Rick?" he shook his head "Never. You hear me? Nothing could ever make me hate me, especially not something like this" you smiled as he leaned closer and brushed a gentle kiss onto your lips before pausing "How many times have you healed me?" you grinned with your forehead against his "More times than you probably want to know" 
He laughed and pressed another kiss to your lips "You'll have to teach me how to take care of you" "I will" you promised and he smiled against your lips "Good, because you're not getting rid of me that easily Corporal" you laughed before saying "Nice to know because I kind of want to keep you Colonel" 
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cherrycocaineee · 10 months ago
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41. Happy Birthday, Slut - Joker
*Synopsis: It’s Athena’s 19th birthday, it’s also been a complete year since she ran away with the Joker after he killed her abusive father. The Joker wants to make the day special for Athena, wants her to have a good birthday since it’s been awhile. And her birthday present…he’s got something special planned for that.*
*Warning: nsfw, 18+, dumbification, degradation, praising, rough sex, choking, restraints, legal age gap, daddy kink, semi-public sex, whatever else you wanna consider a warning lol.*
*A/N: just a reminder that I’ve changed the character name to Athena bc I had my daughter five months ago and named her Paisley.*
*Athena’s p.o.v*
Rays of sunlight pierced through a crack in the black curtains that covered the large panel glass windows in the room. I groaned, stretching my bed over the black, silk sheets. The Joker wasn’t lying beside me but that was normal most days, he was probably down in his study or something. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes before throwing my legs over the side of the bed. I flinched when I touched the cold floor. The floor was always so cold, I really needed to get some slippers.
   I push myself up and head to the master bathroom, turning the light on. I turned on the hot water before slipping out of my silk nightgown. It slipped off my body with ease, then I took off my underwear and climbed inside. Hot water cascaded down my small frame, soaking my hair as I rinsed off. I grabbed my loofah and washed my body, then moved on to washing my hair. After my shower, I turned off the water and grabbed my towel, dried off then wrapped it around me before grabbing another towel to dry my hair.
As I walked out, I noticed the bed was remade and there was an outfit sitting out on the comforter. I looked around the room but didn’t see anyone. Either Mister J or one of his henchmen, Frost, did this. I walked over to the outfit and looked at it. It was a short sleeve, red dress with white polka dots and a low v-neck; it was also thigh high and I was sure if I bent over it would live zero to the imagination. There were a pair of white platform pumps that were absolutely gorgeous, a pair of ruby red earrings, and a small white handbag. It was a lovely outfit. I threw it on before going back into the bathroom where I straightened my hair and did my makeup.
   My heels clicked against the marbled floor of the house as I walked down the stairs and headed towards Mister J’s study. Frost was just coming out when I arrived.
 “Good morning, Frost.”
He looked at me and smiled. “Good morning, Athena.”
  “Is Mister J in?”
He nodded his head before opening the door and letting me inside. I thanked him as he closed the door. Sitting behind his desk, Mister J was scribbling some stuff down on some papers; he looked up when he heard my heels. A grin stretched across his painted red lips.
  “Ah, good morning, darling.”
  He stood up from his chair and approached me, his tattooed hands immediately finding my hips. I smiled at him.
 “Good morning, Mister J.”
Mister J leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss against my lips.
 “Happy birthday,” he added against my lips.
 My eyes widened, I couldn’t believe I had forgotten my own birthday. I giggled and touched his chest, my fingertips grazing over the opening of his blood red, button up shirt as well as the ink on his pale skin. He watched me.
  “I’d completely forgotten,” I laughed.
  Mister J laughed too, his fingers touching my face before his fingers gripped my chin and he crammed his lips onto mine. He kissed me for what felt like forever but when he pulled away it felt like the kiss had barely been there.
  “Have you had breakfast yet, birthday girl?”
 I shook my head “no.” He took my hand in his and led me out of the study down to the kitchen. I smiled as he looked at me.
 “You look stunning in your new outfit, darling.” Mister J said.
 “Thank you.”
In the kitchen, Mister J gestured for me to sit down on the barstool before he started making me breakfast. I watched him cook, it was rare for him to be in the kitchen making our own meals. He’d normally tell one of the cooks to do it.
  “Well, aren’t I special,” I giggled
  “You are special, darlin’.” He grinned.
When breakfast was cooked, Mister J placed my plate in front of me and stood behind me with his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder. The food looked amazing. He had made me waffles with fresh blueberries and strawberries on them, scrambled eggs because he knows I hate runny yolk, and some breakfast sausage. It was absolutely perfect.
 “You aren’t going to eat?” I asked him, shoving a bite of egg in my mouth.
He grinned and shook his head, “no, I’ll be saving my appetite for later this evening.”
I was about to ask him what he meant but then his hands squeezed my exposed thighs. I knew exactly what he wanted, it’s what I’ve been wanting too. Mister J and I hadn’t had sex the entire time we were together and that was because he had been so busy with so many things that he was tired. That and I was a virgin, so the thought of having sex immediately after we just got together didn’t seem appealing to me. I had been afraid that after I gave him what he wanted, he’d leave. But after awhile, I longed for him to touch every part of my body, to feel his cock inside my cunt, and the sounds he would make while he was fucking me.
  Mister J tapped on my head. I hadn’t realized I had froze in deep thought.
“What’s running through that pretty, little head of yours, Athena?” He grinned.
I chewed the remainder of the egg in my mouth before swallowing it. I turned and looked at him, our blue eyes staring into each other. God, he was handsome, no one could convince me otherwise.
  “Do you think that we could…uhm…” God this was embarrassing to ask for.
Mister J watched me intently, waiting for me to say what I was gonna say. I gulped, feeling my cheeks turn red.
  “Come on, sweetheart,” Mister J teased, “Can’t give you what you want if you don’t use those pretty words of yours.”
A tease. He was a ginormous tease. He knew exactly what I wanted.
  “Can we…can we please…please don’t make me say it.”
 “Oh, well then you must not really want it.”
Mister J kissed my neck and I shivered as I felt him move along my neck. His hands squeezed my thighs and I moaned. He chuckled.
 “Mister J,” I whimpered, “I need you.”
 “Need me to what, darlin’?”
 “N-need you to fuck me.”
He grinned wider than I have ever seen. He was waiting for this day just as much as I was. I bit my bottom lip and he stared longingly. He chuckled and looked at me.
 “I sure can, but you’ll have to wait for tonight after all the fun birthday things we do. Now eat your breakfast, you’ll need the energy for what I have in store for you.”
  Mister J walked away from me and headed off probably back to his office. I huffed. He was really making me wait until the end of the day, that was totally rude. I sighed and started finishing my breakfast. After I was done eating, I cleaned my dishes even though the cook insisted that she would do it. I shooed her away, telling her she does enough for me already. When I was finished cleaning my dishes, I headed to a different part of the house but was stopped by Frost.
 “Miss Athena,” he said, “Mister J has asked me to tell you to go out to the car, he’ll be waiting for you there.”
 “Oh? Are we going to his club?” I asked.
 “No, he has something different planned.”
  Frost didn’t say another word to me, he just walked away. I tilted my head and went outside to find Mister J waiting in his purple lamborghini. I approached the car, Mister J pushed the passenger’s side open for me like normal and I climbed in, closing the door.
 “Ready, princess?”
 “Where are we going?” I asked, curiously.
 “Thought you might like to go shopping, get yourself whatever you want. You don’t really spend a lot of my money, so I figured this might be a treat. I’ll go with you so I can make sure you’re actually spending a lot.”
 “You want me to spend a lot?” I asked, with wide eyes.
 “Sweetheart, if it doesn’t say you spent the length of a phone number, I’ll be quite annoyed.”
My eyes widened. He wanted me to spend that much money. I did the math in my head and gasped.
 “But the size of a phone number is like a billion dollars.”
  Mister J started driving towards Gotham. He asked which store I’d like to go to first. I looked down at my phone wondering how the hell I was going to spend a billion dollars or if he was just exaggerating and I didn’t actually have to spend a billion. I perked up. This phone was the same phone I had since I moved to Gotham, Frost had picked it up when he went to get my belongings and kidnap my dad.
 “I would like a new phone, if that’s okay.”
 “‘Course it’s okay!” He laughed before driving me to a phone store.
People in Gotham didn��t really pay any attention to anyone unless they were being robbed or some other criminal act was being performed, mainly violence. So I wasn’t shocked when Mister J walked around the phone store with me, our hands clasped together, and no one jumped to call the police. I was looking at all the phones that they had on the floor while the Joker watched me. Finally I picked an Iphone 13 in a pink color. The Joker paid for it and we headed back to his lamborghini. For the remainder of the day, Mister J took me shopping at various different stores before taking me out to dinner later that evening. The restaurant he took me to was absolutely stunning. There was a chandelier directly above the entire restaurant that illuminated a soft glow over all the tables. Mister J and I were escorted to a VIP section so that neither one of us could be bothered. I was staring at all of the beautifully, expensive art that hung on the walls, the mahogany brown color that mixed with the egg shell white. The restaurant was gorgeous. We sat down and the waitress came in to take our order. Mister J ordered himself a large steak and I ordered myself a grilled chicken salad. I looked at Mister J.
 “Thank you, for all of this today.”
 “You’re welcome but the day’s not over and I’ve got one more thing for you.”
  He had a mischievous grin on his face and I felt my heart rate speed up. He knew what he was doing, that asshole. Our food came and we started eating while chatting about random things. I couldn’t keep my eyes from staring at him. He was handsome. From his green hair, to his ruby red lips, to his tattoos, and his muscular body. God, he wasn’t just handsome, he was sexy. I slowly chewed my food, it tasted good but I didn’t want it right now. Mister J looked up from his steak.
 “You alright, darling?” He asked, grinning.
 I didn’t answer him, I just stood up and walked over to him. I climbed into his lap and he looked at me, a grin stretched across his ruby red lips. I smiled back.
 “Someone couldn’t wait, hm? Impatient little thing.”
“How can I wait when you’re sitting across from me looking so good,” I point out.
 “Well who can argue there, doll?” He laughed, his hands moving to my hips, rubbing small circles against my exposed skin, “I can’t keep my eyes off you either.”
 “Then why are we waiting?” I whispered seductively in his ear.
Mister J ran his hands down my hips to my exposed thighs. I shivered from his touch, my eyes wandering down his exposed chest. He always wore his shirts slightly unbuttoned, giving me a perfect view of his pretty, tattooed chest. I was getting so tired of fantasizing about him fucking his cock into me while I touched myself, I needed it. I ran my fingers down his chest before I started unbuttoning his shirt exposing more of his skin. I sighed softly as I leaned down and peppered his tattooed chest with kisses, leaving behind a trail of dusky rose lipstick against his pale skin. Mister J groaned. That sent a shiver up my spine. I loved how deep his groans were even if I’ve only ever heard them when he was frustrated with his work or someone was pissing him off. This was different, this was a groan of pleasure that I was giving him.
 “Like that?” I asked, my eyelashes fluttering as I looked up at him.
 His hand went to my throat while his other stayed on my thigh. I grin as he moves closer to me.
 “You know I do, doll.”
His grip on my thigh and my throat tighten just a little bit; not enough to hurt me but enough so he was holding me tight. I could feel my cunt practically drooling. Mister J slammed his lips against mine and we kissed feverishly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I moaned, his tongue running over my bottom lip before slipping it into my mouth. He tasted like steak, obviously, but I could also taste expensive scotch, smoke from his cigars, and just…him. I moaned as I grinded my hips against him, my aching cunt desperate for some type of friction. I was sure I was leaving behind a wet spot on his pants but he didn’t seem to mind. He moved his lips from mine and started kissing and sucking on my neck. I moaned again, my movements becoming rougher as I felt his hard cock through his pants.
  “So pretty,” he whispered before he lifted my dress revealing my black, lacy panties. He grinned softly. “Look at you. All ready, wrapping yourself all pretty for me.”
 I moaned at his words. He grinned and pushed my dress up more until it was completely off of my body. My black, lacy bra being revealed. He growled, his eyes darkening in desire and lust. He pulled me closer to him, his lips attaching to my own. His tongue ran over my mouth and he groaned. I gasped as he squeezed my breast, my eyes rolling back as I filled his bulge pressed against my cunt.
 “Mister J…”
 “Ah,” he interrupted, “what’s my name?”
 “Daddy,” I corrected; his grin stretching further across his face.
 “What can daddy do for you?”
 “Fuck me.”
A low chuckle rumbles from his chest as he grips my breast again and I moan. He held me close to his body, his piercing blue eyes staring into my lust filled eyes.
  “Such a dirty slut wanting me to fuck you in this restaurant,” he grinned, “you like the idea of the waiter coming back in here seeing me stuff your sweet little pussy, huh?”
 His words made my cunt even more wet. I moaned and nodded my head. Whatever got me railed sooner. Mister J pulled me off his lap, making me stand up. He got to his feet too, unclipping my bra with one hand, my breast fully exposed as he tied my wrist behind me back with my bra. The fabric was tight against my skin but I liked it. Once my hands were secured behind my back, Mister J pushed me down to my knees. His shirt was still unbuttoned, but not completely off; he unbuckles his belt and pulls it off before setting it down on his seat. I watched him with doe eyes as he undoes his pants and pulls out his cock. It’s already hard and standing at attention, the tip of his cock already leaking with precum. Drool slips past my lips and he grins.
  “Open wide for daddy, baby.”
  I don’t even hesitate or think about it, I just open my mouth. He guides his cock into my mouth and I moan as he fills my mouth. He moves his hips slowly, his cock moving in and out of my mouth each thrust getting rougher and rougher as the tip of his cock hits the back of my throat. Mister J groans as he grabs my head pushing himself deeper into my mouth. I felt tears prick at the corner of my eyes, my hands struggling in the restraints he had me in. It was my bra so you’d think the fabric would be easily tearable but not for me. Mister J growled.
 “That’s it, baby, suck daddy’s cock.”
 The back of my throat made squelching noises as he fucked my face. I felt tears stream down my face but I was enjoying every moment of it. I ran my tongue over every inch of his cock, groaning as I felt every vein that decorated his cock.
  “Fuck, you’re so good at this.”
I moaned around him. Mister J grunted before pulling me off his dick, I started gasping for air. He turns me around and pushes the food onto the floor before pushing me down on the table, my back facing him but my ass out. He grabs the fabric of my panties and rips them off, tearing the fabric easily. I moan. He kneeled down and pulled my ass cheeks apart, my eyes rolling back as he gave himself a perfect view of both my cunt and my asshole. Mister J spits on my pussy before devouring it, his tongue and mouth slurping and licking at my soaked cunt. I moaned, pressing my head against the table as he ate me out. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as he nipped my clit.
 “Oh fucking god,” I moan out, I grip the side of the table.
  Mister J keeps eating me out, his tongue pushing into my cunt. I tighten around his tongue and he growls. I try to move my hands but can’t. My legs started shaking and I knew I was about to cum.
 “Daddy,” I moaned out, “I’m gonna c-cum.”
 Mister J moved his mouth from my cunt, his chin dripping with my juices. He rubbed my clit harshly, the sound of my arousal echoing in the room mixing with both our heavy breathing. I moaned more as he looked up at me, grinning.
  “Come on, baby, cum for daddy.”
 “Oh fuck, cumming, daddy.”
  My knees buckled as I came hard, my eyes rolling back as a silent scream left my lungs. When I was done cumming, Mister J stood up and picked me up and placed me on the table, spreading my legs. I was still panting from the previous orgasm. Mister J spit on his cock before rubbing it over it and positioning himself in front of my pussy. I propped myself up the best I could so I could see him shove his cock inside me. I moaned as he pushed himself inside me, his cock stretching me out to his width. Mister J groaned.
  “Such a tight, fucking pussy, doll.”
 “Yeah, daddy?” I moan, he nods his head as he starts moving his hips faster and harder. I groan as he pounds into my cunt. Mister J reached his hand up and grabbed my throat and squeezed tightly as he fucked me. His hips moved at an animalistic speed, the table shaking back and forth, his hand on my throat was the only thing that kept me on the table.
 “Holy shit,” I moaned, “you’re so f-fucking deep.”
 Mister J grinned as he continued to fuck himself into me. I fall back on the table, my hands still secured behind my back. With each thrust, my breast bounced. Mister J leaned down and sucked on one of my nipples, the speed of his hips never faltering.
“Such a stupid whore,” Mister J growled roughly, sweat collecting on his body. My own body glistened with a small film of sweat. Mister J grabbed one of my legs and threw it over his shoulder allowing him to go deeper. My eyes rolled back and drool started spilling from my lips and collecting on the table I was one. Mister J watched me, a grin on his face as he continued to move his hips roughly. My heart was hammering inside my chest as adrenaline and pleasure soaked every inch of my nerves. I couldn’t focus on anything else, just the way he cock stretched me out and the sounds coming from my wet cunt each time he drilled himself into me.
  “Look at that,” Mister J grinned, “now we’re getting somewhere.”
 My entire body was buzzing and I was approaching my climax once again. I moaned and arched my back the best I could with my hands behind my back. The fabric of my bra rubbed my wrist raw but I didn’t care.
 “G-gonna cum,” I managed to pant out.
 “Panting?” The Joker laughed, “like a bitch in heat. You wanna cum, doll, beg me for it.”
  His words were so lewd, it was only gonna get more intense from here. I moaned and looked up at Mister J the best I could through teary eyes. I wasn’t crying from pain, but from pleasure.
 “Please, daddy, wanna cum.” I whimper.
He laughs. “You can do better than that, baby. Beg daddy and I’ll let you make a pretty mess on my cock.”
  “Daddy!” I moaned louder as he rubbed my clit at the same time as he fucked me, “f-fuck, please, please let me cum. Need it, need it so fucking bad. Wanna cum, please, please.” I didn’t care if the words made sense or anything, I just needed to cum. Mister J reached down and grabbed by my neck with his free hand and yanked me closer to him, his cock still working its magic. I moaned again.
 “Cum.” It was an order. Either I cum now or not at all. So I came hard all over his cock, my legs shaking and my eyes rolling back. I might have looked like the main character from the exorcist. A scream was ripped from my lungs as my juices coated every inch of his cock, my pussy squeezing around him. He groaned too but didn’t stop. Instead, he pulled me up and sat down on his seat.
  “Ride me.”
  “Don’t think so, doll, you wanted to be an impatient brat, ride me.”
I moved myself up and down on his cock. His hands were on my hips as I bounced up and down. My hair bounced with the movement. My sweaty skin caused some strands to stick to me.
 “That’s it. Ride daddy.”
 “L-legs getting tired, daddy.”
  Mister J looked up at me and smacked my face, not enough to physically cause me pain but enough to tell me that he didn’t care. He was right, I wanted this now and was too impatient to wait when I got home. There was a knock on the door and I covered my mouth. Mister J laughed and pulled my hand down.
 “What is it?” He laughed.
The door opened and the waiter walked in. His eyes practically popped out of his head when he saw me riding the Joker’s cock. Mister J pulled me off of him and bent me over the table.
  “W-was just coming to check on you two,” the waiter stuttered out, I could see the growing tent in his pants.
 “Hold on a second, kid,” Mister J said, he removed one of his golden chains and wrapped it around my neck before pulling on it. Not tight but enough for the cool metal to dig into my hot skin. He slammed himself in from behind and I moaned out again. By now I knew, without actually seeing, that I was completely fucked out. The waiter’s eyes met mine, which were teary eyed and my eyeliner and mascara probably smudged to hell. 
  “See that, kid. This dumb whore likes that you’re watching her get fucked. Her pussy is practically suffocating my cock.”
 The waiter couldn’t move or say anything, he just stood there and watched; his mouth slightly open.
 “Oh my fucking…” I couldn’t even finish my sentence.
 “What a dumb slut,” Mister J laughed, “gonna cum on my dick again in front of this man?”
 “Yes daddy.”
 “Then let’s see it baby. Give this man a show.”
I moaned louder this time as I came hard on his cock for the second time, this being a total of three orgasms in I don’t know how long. Were we here for an hour, two, maybe it was closing time and that’s why the waiter came to check on us. Mister J rubbed my clit quickly and I felt a different type of pressure before I released and ended up squirting for the first time.
 “Ohhh, fuck,” I cry out.
  In front of me, the waiter now had a wet spot on his pants meaning he probably came too. Mister J smacked my ass roughly before grabbing it and continued to fuck himself into me.
 “Gonna breed this cunt, baby, ready?”
 I nod vigorously, still moaning and panting. Mister J fucked himself into my cunt a few more times before he growled and released his cum into my pussy. My eyes rolled back as I felt his entire seed push all the way inside me, deep. Mister J rutted against me, groaning as he watched my greedy pussy take all his cum before he pulled out. He zips himself back up and looks at the waiter.
 “Bring the check.”
 “Y-yes sir.” The waiter ran off and Mister J helped me to my feet.
He untied my hands from my bra and grinned down at me.
  “Get dressed doll, sorry about your panties and bra. Looks like you’ll have to walk out of here with my cum running down your leg.”
 He wasn’t actually sorry but I didn’t mind. In fact, I moaned at the thought. He wrapped his arms around me.
 “Happy birthday, sweetheart. Let’s get home so I can rough you up some more.”
 I giggled and nodded as I got dressed. Mister J paid for the food that we didn’t eat, the waiter refused to make eye contact with either one of us, and we left. I was excited to see what more he had in store for me when we got home.
Tags: @w4nt-h1s-d1ck
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writersblockiskillingme · 26 days ago
There’s barely anything for him:((
It can be literally anything but rn I’m craving comfort so maybe Gi Hun comforts his girl when she starts crying and she can’t really explain what’s wrong
Comfort | Seong Gi-hun x reader
Pairing: Seong Gi-hun x fem!reader
Summary: You knew that hunting down the salesman was going to be difficult, but after everything that you've been through in the games alongside Gi-hun, sometimes everything feels like it's going to suffocate you. Luckily, he's always there for you.
Warning/s: angst, hurt/comfort, a little fluff, short fic, just two traumatized people trying to heal each other, PTSP (talking about the games), death, tears, sadness, depressed atmosphere, cigarette addiction, cursing (?), mourning, guns, hunting down the salesman, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
Author's note: So I finally got out of the writer's block, and I found some spare time, so I finally sat down to write. I gave it my best shot. I hope you like it! More to come.
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Being his friend was easy. Being in love with him was even easier.
Once the games came around, everything became more complicated. I simply never thought that something like this was going to happen. Working in a job position that I did never brought me much money. Sure, it was enough to bring some food on my table and to cover the bills, but it wasn't anything big. However, once I found myself drowning in debt, I found myself in a horrific situation with no way out.
The money that I earned was not enough for respectable food, I couldn't pay my landlord for a few months, and I was a few weeks away from being kicked out on the streets. Not to mention the debt for which it seemed like I never paid enough to get out of. I thought moving back to Korea would somehow help me at least to escape the loan sharks and pay for necessary things, but I couldn't imagine how wrong I would be.
That's when I met him. The Salesman. Playing the ddakji with him for some money earned me some food for that night, but it also gave me an opportunity of a lifetime. It was an opportunity that I now know I would have never taken if I had known what was waiting for me out there once I called the number at the back of the card that he gave me.
Before the first game, I saw him. My old childhood friend Seong Gi-hun. Up until I saw him, I came to a realization about just how much I missed him.
Truth to be told, I have always felt something more than friendship for him ever since I was I kid. At first, I brushed it off, but when I entered my teenage years, I realized that I really loved him.
I had to move away when I was twenty years old. I haven't seen him ever since. I only heard a few snippets about his life during the years I spent away from Korea. I heard that he had a, now ex, wife, and a daughter.
It was his mother who called me. She used to watch over me sometimes when we were kids, and since I was her son's best friend back then, we kept in touch over the years. It was nice, to be honest. Up until the day that she called me for a regular check-up. I had just gotten off of work after a really bad day. I had just sat down by the kitchen counter when I heard my phone ringing. The entire time I was on a call with her, she sounded strange. Kind of nervous, maybe even a bit disappointed. After a while I couldn't take it anymore and when I asked her what was wrong she told me the joyful news.
"Gi-hun is getting married."
I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was suffocating. I somehow forced myself to finish the phone call, trying to sound as happy as I could, considering that the love of my life was marrying another. A few years later, he got a daughter, and I soon heard about the divorce. I tried calling him multiple times to check on him. He never answered.
We reconnected during the games. During the bloodshed. During the pain. During the tears. During the final game, where it was down to Sangwoo, him and I. After Sangwoo died, I knew I couldn't kill him. He couldn't either. After the stunt that we pulled, we survived. We were about to kill ourselves, we truly were, but then at the last second, just as the knife had scraped the surface of my neck, they announced two winners.
After that, I realized that I couldn't live without him. I didn't have a family, didn't have any friends. His mother died, and his daughter moved with her mother and stepfather to America he lost his family, too. We were everything to each other. We still are.
As the months, years, passed, we set ourselves on a mission of finding the salesman.
At first, we didn't touch the money covered with the invisible blood. We couldn't bring ourselves to do so, but when we realized that we may have a shot at taking down the games, we used the money only for that sole purpose.
The first thing we did was to pay off our debts. Then together we bought the love hotel called "Pink Motel" in Seoul. The sign outside was always tured off. We decided to buy it so we could live there and now we also use it as headquarters while tracking down the salesman. Which was always.
That was currently our only purpose in life right now.
After we figured out our plan, we started to work with the loan sharks that were chasing us because of our debts. We paid them to find the salesman, and they were searching relentlessly.
Our mental health hasn't been all that great either.
Both Gi-hun and I have developed a cigarette addiction. Sometimes all we did was breath in the intoxicating smoke instead of air. In a strange way it helped me breath. I wasn't so nervous anymore. My hands shook less.
Gi-hun has nightmares. Every single night. I have them, too, but not that frequently. He had a gun next to his nightstand. I had mine under the pillow. It brought a sense of comfort that was always short-lived.
The nightmares kept us up all night, and because of them, we couldn't find any rest even during the daytime. It was always the people we lost on that cured island. Sangwoo... Sae-byeok... Ali... The images of our friends dead never left my brain. And neither did Gi-hun's. Other times, we dreamt that we're still playing the games. Us dying. Each other dying. The Frotman. The salesman.
It was too much.
I was just monitoring the room where our most trusted men were practicing. I didn't realize when it had happened, but I fell asleep. I guess all those sleeping pills that Boss Kim gave to Gi-hun and me finally caught up to me.
I felt trapped. Gi-hun... he was dying in front of me during the squid game. I couldn't do anything about it. I held him, covered in his blood, crying, screaming, curing at the sky for the misfortune we had to live. Cursing the makers of the game. Cursing the Frontman. Cursing the pink guards that just stood there and did nothing. Cursing the world.
They were shaking my shoulders.
My name.
It was uttered from the lips of the man that I would die for.
My eyes snapped open, meeting Gi-hun's worried ones. Once he realized that I was awake, his face visibly relaxed, relief washing over him as I heard him let out a sigh, his head and shoulders hung downwards.
"A nightmare again?" He asked me as he brought his hand up to my cheeks, whipping away the tears that I didn't know fell, but also wasn't surprised that they did.
"I-I can't-" I sobbed, unable to form a sentence as he quickly brought me in his arms, drowning me in his chest.
"Shhh..." He whispered as he ran his hand down my hair as I cried against his neck, drowning his black shirt with my tears, "I'm here. You're okay."
"Yo-You w-were-" I stuttered, tears streaming down my cheeks, "You were dying, and I-I couldn't s-save y-you."
For a moment, there was just quiet in the room. Neither spoke. The only thing breaking the silence of our bedroom were my cries.
"Do you know why I never answered your phone calls after you found out about the divorce?" He asked me, his voice low, but soft with comfort. His sudden question about that topic surprising me a bit, "Do you know why my mother told you about it instead of me? The wedding, the divorce?"
"It was because I didn't want to face the fact that I was the cause of your misery." He whispered, still softly running his hand through my hair, my cries slowly dying down as I listened to him speak.
"I have always loved you and I knew that I hurt you with my decision even though I never wanted that to happen. I just tried to forget about you, I never knew that I could actually be with you." He sighed, "I thought that it would be the best for you. I didn't deserve you, I'm not even sure I still do." He chuckled softly.
"But even though I may not deserve you, I will never stop fighting for you and your happiness. You are my everything, and I would be damned if I ever let you feel any sort of pain." He lifted my chin with his hand as he leaned down, pressing his forehead against mine, our lips almost meeting each other's, "We will find him and end this, but for now, how about I make you some tea and we get you to bed huh, my love? What do you say?"
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xstarrgirllx · 4 months ago
his queen
- joker!rafe cameron x villain fem!reader
a/n: inspired by the joker and harley in suicide squad but a little less toxic (lowkey obsessed with it)
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the dim light of the club bathed the room in a murky haze of reds and blues, the air electric with pounding bass and the clink of glasses. but none of that mattered to him. not the noise, not the bodies moving around the room, not even the wad of cash burning a hole in his pocket.
the joker’s bright blue eyes were locked on her.
she moved in the center of the floor like she owned it, and maybe she did. every sway of her hips, every arch of her back was deliberate, intoxicating. the way she laughed, sharp and wild, sent a jolt straight through his chest. his queen. his chaos.
sitting in his booth, a drink untouched in his strong hand, he leaned back, draping one arm over the edge of the velvet seat. his signature smirk curled across his face, beautiful yet dangerous, but his gaze softened in a way it only ever did for her.
she twirled, hair whipping around her face, and when her eyes caught his for just a second, he felt it like a punch. he gripped the edge of his glass, the tension in his chest mounting. how did she do that to him? bring him to his knees with just one look?
“boss, you good?” one of his henchmen muttered from nearby, his voice tentative.
rafe didn’t even bother looking at him. his focus was all hers. “good?” he echoed, his voice low and dripping with that dangerous charm. “oh, i’m more than good, barry. that—” he gestured lazily toward her, his rings catching the dim light. “that right there is a masterpiece.”
she laughed at something or someone too close to her, and his smirk twitched. one thing about him was that he didn’t share well, and she knew it. he could see the game she was playing, feel the tug of her invisible strings pulling him in. it wasn’t fair, but he loved it.
toxic? sure. obsessive? definitely. but he didn’t care.
when she finally found her way back to him, her breathless smile daring him to say something, she slid onto his lap as if she belonged there. cause she did.
“enjoying the show, rafey?” she teased, her voice dripping with mischief, knowing she’s the only person he’d ever let call him that.
his tatted hands gripped her waist, pulling her closer, his grin sharp as ever. “you know i can’t look away, doll. you’re the fire, the spark and i’m just the poor fool who keeps getting burned.”
she laughed, throwing her head back, and he watched her like a man possessed. feeling a sense of pride as he watched her necklace with his initial glittering in the light. “is that what i am to you?” she asked, brushing a hand along his sharp jawline.
“you,” he murmured, his voice a low growl now, “are everything. and you’re mine. don’t you ever forget it.
and she wouldn’t, because even as twisted as they were, the joker’s love for her was the one thing that was undeniably real.
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Mind the gap (between his ears)
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strunmah-mah · 3 months ago
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unused concept art for Kon-El as Superman from Future State Suicide Squad TPB
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timethehobo · 7 months ago
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Sketch. Wish the game was brave enough to properly wound the Squad after fighting a League member at the very least. Would’ve upped the stakes imo.
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misfitgirlwrites · 11 months ago
The Joker Masterlist
I feel like I have enough fics to make this its own separate post, and I'll add the link to the masterlist instead :)
Where else do I write?
Wattpad | Ao3 | Fanfic.net | Quotev
Writing Request Info | Commissions Info | General Masterlist
UPDATED 3/30/24
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CW Guide
🔞 | Smut
💀 | Gore
✨️ | Fluff
💔 | Angst
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THE JOKER (Heath Ledger)
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We'll Laugh Together Masterlist
Til' Death Do Us Part Masterlist (Sequel)
Overprotective!Joker x Reader ✨️
Mistletoe ✨️
Don't Tell Me You're Jealous 🔞
Joker Having A Crush On You/How Would He React ✨️
NSFW Alphabet 🔞
Rainbow Hair ✨️
100 Degree Adventures 🔞
Clumsy Bunny ✨️ | x reader ver.
Ace 💀 ✨️ | x reader ver.
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Late Night Inconveniences 💀 ✨️
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Arthur Fleck/Joker Having A Crush On You/How Would He React ✨️
NSFW Alphabet 🔞
Deep Breaths 💔 ✨️
Arthur with a Touchy-Feely S/O ✨️
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Rain 💔 ✨️ | Ice Cream (Part 2) 💔 ✨️
Speeding Ginger ✨️
Cart Rides & Samples ✨️
Let's Rob A Bank! ✨️
New Year's Destruction ✨️
Jerome with a Cheerful S/O ✨️
Just Picture Them with Their Heads Blown Off! ✨️ | x reader ver.
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (Valeska Twins) Part 1 | Part 2 🔞
Until We Meet Again ✨️ | x reader ver.
One More Time 🔞
Height Exceedment ✨️
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Death By Pleasure 🔞
Pre-Spray Jeremiah Having A Crush On You/How Would He React ✨️
You're Mine (Post-Spray Jeremiah) 🔞
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (Valeska Twins) Part 1 | Part 2 🔞
Dream Blurb ✨️
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By now I've 100% put my focus on other fandoms, but any request for The Joker is welcome ALWAYS
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ghettogirly · 8 months ago
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-> synopsis: it’s your first day at the psychiatric institution within Miami, assigned to the most notorious criminal Armando Aretas, you must navigate your professionalism and your evolving crush for the male. How far with the lines blur?
-> format: one-shot
-> theme: twisted love.
-> warning: themes of toxicity, mature language, themes of violence, Armando is a little rough, themes of manipulation.
-> authors note: sorry for being gone so long, i wanted a little break! i know this is not a request but i wanted to write a story with Armando based on the Joker and Harley Quinn. 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝!🌸
Walking through the rusted, steel gate, the click and clacks of heels were heard echoing off of the concrete floor. Tapping her keycard amongst the galvanised aluminium door, a woman strolled through. Her nervousness filled up the air as the receptionist lazily glanced up at her. “What.”
“Oh! It’s my first day here, i’m supposed to be meeting up with the head of the institution Mr-“
“He’s not here.”
“He told me he would be here though-“
“Well he’s not, so leave.”
“Wait a second-“
A click was heard next to the two women as a buff guy walked through the door, signalling you to follow him, which you do with haste. Quickly collecting your things, you follow him through the door to which he leads you down a hallway, leaving the miserable old woman behind the desk.
“Don’t mind her, she can be a bit grouchy in the morning.” Your superior, Micheal Brown reassured you as he took you towards the staff room.
“It’s fine.. happens to everyone i guess.”
“Did you get here okay?”
“Yeah traffic wasn’t that bad-“
Cutting her off, screams could be heard throughout the institution as you heard metal banging and footsteps retreating. Forcing you to the left, a big group of officers came running down the hall with gas masks and shields as they approach a particular cell where the interference was occurring. A pale caucasian man was being whisked out of the cell, his arm falling limp as his soul seems to have left his body. His lips turned blue, the colour slowly seeping down his body. He was killed.
Another man seemingly walks out of the cell, his hands behind his back as a bunch of guards surround him. To your surprise, Micheal walks towards the guards to figure out the issue. You follow behind.
In the middle of all the bodies, a broad, built man stood coolly between them. His tan skin being lit slightly by the dim ceiling light that hung above him. A slight scar ripped through his eyebrow as he was shirtless. His muscles and toned abs popped out with his tattoos slowly trailing down his arm, forming a sleeve. Slowly putting his head up, he looked straight at you. His eyes low. His lips forming a slight smirk.
You recognise him to be Armando Aretas.
Slightly gasping, you look straight at him. Intimidated by his presence but unable to look away. He lightly chuckled at your reaction to which he got his neck grabbed by one of the guards, unhappy by his recent activities. “Fucking hell Aretas, don’t you ever want to get your shit in order?”
No response.
“Nothing to say? Cap let me sort him out-“
“That’s enough.” Micheal shouts, pushing past the swarm of guards who managed to contain Aretas. “Take him to the solitary unit.”
A myriad of huffs were heard throughout the group who manhandled Aretas, urging him to walk down the corridors.
“Was that Armando Aretas?”
“The one and only. You’re his new therapist.”
Your jaw went slack in shock as you try to fathom all the consequences that could arise from this. Good or bad.
“Don’t worry, if you don’t want to do this then i can assign you with someone else-“
“I’ll do it.” Jumping at the offer as it can progress your career further if you manage to change the psychologically scarred man, a sense of fear yet adrenaline bubbling through your veins.
“Great. It’s a plan.” Standing up, you shake his hand at the man who happily smiles towards you. Was he smiling at you because you’re helping him? Or was it for a different reason?
You sat in your car, munching on some pesto pasta while flicking through his files. Usually, you wouldn’t really psych yourself out by reading the clients files before you met them but your curiosity took over. Wanting to see what was beneath the male’s cold, callous exterior. Scanning through the paper, you looked at his psychological records noted down by his previous psychiatrists. ‘Sociopathic tendencies, manipulative, signs of antisocial behaviour…’
“The list could go on..”
Munching on the rest of your pasta, you glance up at your car system where the clock struck 9:45am. You were late.
“Oh god, i need to go!”
Quickly getting out of your car, you fiddle with your car keys as you try to lock the door. Running to the entrance, you quickly pass the receptionist, not even waiting for her smart comment today. Now speed walking down the corridor, you open the barricaded door with a keycard, just before stepping inside someone stops you.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” It was Micheal.
“Yes, i’m sure, thank you.”
A darkness welcomed you in as you entered the secluded room. Looking up at you , Armando gave you a side smile. His features entrancing you as you notice his messy beard and hair, his rough hands and built shape. His reputation of being a cold blooded killer who ran Miami clearly preceded him.
His arms was cuffed to a bar that separated you and him from the table. A guard was in the corner to which you signalled him to leave, giving you a peculiar look, he obeyed.
“Hello Armando, i’m your new psychiatrist.”
“I know. They were nice enough to give me an attractive one this time.”
You coughed as you felt a heat rise to your cheeks. “Moving forward. I’m [enter name]. I think we can be a first name basis here, don’t you?”
Getting out your folders, you scan through his section and start asking him questions. He answers some and answers none. Throughout the whole session you stay focused on analysing and observing his behaviour, even though you could feel his glare on you.
Over the next couple of weeks, you become more comfortable within the facility and with Armando. Showing good progress within the facility and your sessions, to the point where even the staff have noticed and complimented you. However, a feeling of pleasure seems to mix within your profession as through every session there seems to be progress with you too.
Your love for him.
You seem not be able to get enough of him, scanning him up and down in his orange jumpsuit as he always leans forward to answer your questions. Leaving the tiniest bit of space between the two, to the extent of which you can feel his breath on your nose. His tattoos trailed down his body, creating its own story the further down you go.
“¿Te gusta lo que ves?”
“I’ve noticed the confidence mamas. You’ve been wearing more revealing shirts, been more assertive. No te hagas el tonto.”
Leaning forward, Armando slowly reached for your neck, tracing it slightly. “Te he estado sintiendo, sé que tú también me has estado sintiendo a mí".
Feeling the your emotions of love and lust wash over you, the walls protecting yourself and your future come crashing down. Now fully succumbing to him and his actions as you lean into his touch.
“Of course i been feeling you puddin..”
Planting your lips on Armando’s, you embrace him into a passionate kiss to which he accepts, roughly grabbing your neck in an attempt to pull you closer. Moaning into the kiss, it continues for a couple seconds longer before he pulls away.
“¿Puedes conseguirme algunas armas, nena?”
“¿Te gusta lo que ves?” : You like what you see?
“No te hagas el tonto.” : Don’t play dumb.
“Te he estado sintiendo, sé que tú también me has estado sintiendo a mí". : I been feeling you, i know you have been feeling me too.
“¿Puedes conseguirme algunas armas, nena?” : Can you get me some guns, baby?
[🌸] 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @shurisgf @milliumizoomi @deadpool15 @armandosbabymama @tyneshaaa @thedarkworldofhananerea @5tarlan7 @wizewhispers @dyttomori @dyttomori02 @amplifiedmoan @believeinthefireflies95 @bootlegroach @sarcasticbitchsblog @yeahnohoneybye @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful
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In-ho as Yandere/Obsess with You (Player) |
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This is going to have two versions.
Yandere!In-ho x Fem!Player!Reader
Yandere!Detective!In-ho x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Obsessive!In-ho - Yandere - Power Imbalance - NON CANON EVENTS DOES NOT FOLLOW PLOTLINE - Suggestive parts/NSFW - Manipulation - Grammar mistakes -
Yandere!In-ho its the type of Yandere who first goes into denial over his obsession. Yes, he has read your file multiple times by now. At least ten more times than the other files. He just wants to know all about you.
No, he wont admit it out loud. He would rather pass his little free time in his room looking at the cameras he got around Seoul to keep tabs on you.
Gets angry when he first sees the video of you getting slapped during the recruit time. He may call that centrain recruiter to dispose of him.
While he sees everybody who ends at the games as nothing but low trash (yes even knowing he was part of them once) you are different to him.
You may have ended there for the most stupid reason and yet he wont mind but would feel pity over you.
Will order that the games are easier for you, that the food you get its more healthy and has more cantidad than the rest. But its subtle since he does not want the rest of the players to think you are getting special treatment (you are).
If he sees any player getting too close to you, or its informed by the guards that a centrain player has not so pure desires over you, that one is out. The next game its harder for them.
Will he joy the games to keep a closer eye ? Depends. 
Part of him likes to stay in the shadows, and enjoy the show. You are his Star during these games. The only time he moves the games so you can easily win. He hopes that you feel watched and protected, that when the times comes you will ask to stay with him. He already prepared another room till you are ready to fully move with him.
He becomes so enamored that his actions are off. While usually calculated, with you he wont waste a single time on getting the most cruel deaths for these who  go against you. A traitor? He will tell the guards to keep them alive so he can personally torture him.
The guards prays that you accept on staying with him because his mood has been down and bad the last few games and they need a rest.
There are cameras everywhere, and he uses his position to keep a close eye on you. During night one camera will point at your bed, he passes most of his night watching you. It relaxes him.
He also has a not so saint side, he watches you go to the bathroom to relieve some stress. These are his favorite moments. The sounds and faces you make as you try to get yourself off. He has recording that one and used it multiple times till he is out of cum.
When the games ends and you win, he does things different. Does not send you home at once but rather keeps you in a well secured room with some lame excuse, and what can you do ? This Man has an army behind him.
The Manipulation starts from him slowly getting closer to you, sharing the same interests, faking the same or similar traumatic past.
Yes, you probably resent him a lot. But he is such a good liar, snake tongue and all. That you fall for his lies, how he was forced into this and how when he saw you he could not let someone as precious as you die.
Will take advantage of how emotional drained you are. Offering his ear to listen you rant about different topics from the games to your life.
You are quiet touch starved so he uses these times of vulnerability to hold you close to his chest and caress your hair.
Does give you a bit of freedoom to go and walk around the island, but a guard its with you during all of it.
He is in fact no scared to hurt you in order to keep you by his side. But his favorite way to do it would be forcing a baby inside you. Now dont get me wrong, he WONT force himself on you. He would just casually forget to use a condom and also confuse the anticonceptive pills.
He cant wait to have you all round with his baby. Maybe this is not the best place to raise a kid, but hell does he care ? No. He can make some calls and get things sorted out.
The important part is that you wont be able to leave him.
Now, what if he decides to join the games and be your personal guard dog?
He gets enamored by you from reading your file. Maybe there is a detail that resembles his past and that pulls him towards you. So much that after see you almost die in the first game he cant help it.
He needs to be there for you.
He is the quiet player that goes to you in the first night to probably offer you a shoulder or a ear to rant to. Maybe if you are reserved about it he would sneak some sweets not telling you how he got them.
He is the one who protects you from any player. Specially males that wants to use you for their own pleasure. Most get the hint to not approach you in order to not get their bones crushed.
Its clear you have a special treatment, from how the guards just give you free pass to the bathroom or you seem to get a bit more times in the games.
When others notice that they beg you to team up with them since you are an advantage yourself.
By this point In-ho its your shadow and no one questions it. He will ever start to poison your mind with his ideals. Like how the game are a necesary evil and how if players did not truly want them then these would not happen.
Hell he would even request a voting to show you.
And no matter why you ended there. He would whisper sweet lies in your ear at night telling how you are different and how you are above the rest. No one compares to you. That if you win he is sure you would have an incredible life and make something out of it.
He already has planned on getting you "eliminated", pay up your debt and make you stay with him at the island.
Is he going to tell you who he is ? Well yes. And he does not expect you to fall quick for him. He knows whatever progress he made at the games will be like nothing and he will do even more calculated moves from now on.
And how does he make you fall for him at the games ? Well first he protects you, lets others know that you are off limits. He gives you part of his food, during nights he sleeps close to you till one night a fight breaks and he defends you like his life depends on it.
After it you most likely ask him to sleep with you. At first he may leave some space between both of you since he does not want to push you too quick. However his heart is beating so fast he cant even close his eyes, he may keep an eye on you liking how peaceful you look while you sleep, away of this reality.
He will let you come at him first. Like one night you may have a nightmare and you will end asking if he can hold you.
Of course he says yes. It does not matter how, maybe he will let you put your head on his chest or be the big spoon and cover you with his body.
Its almost a shame how much better he sleeps with you in his arms.
During games if its a game where you must play alone he still keeps himself close to you. When it comes to teams he is there.
The bathroom stalls end being your meet up place to relief some stress.
For you probably at first its just sex. No feelings, to him its so much more.
Its passionate, its dirty. He knows no one will bother since he is there with you. No one is allowed to enter.
How would he take you ? He can easily lift you against the wall, kiss down your neck and collarbone. Will held himself back from marking you. Its going to make you wrap your legs around him as he pushes his hard dick inside you. He wont bother on muffing your moans, no he wants to listen to them knowing he is the cause of them.
If during one of the meetings you want to give him head he wont complain. But wont be soft. He will use your mouth like his personal toy, pulling your head and fucking your troath till he sees tears down your face.
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moonlit-imagines · 7 months ago
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requested by anonymous
“You alright, kid? You’re lookin’ a little pale.” Harley nudged you with her elbow and you looked over at her with wide eyes. “You know, I’m a psychiatrist, actually. I know I don’t look it, but you can talk to me.” She smiled through her black lipstick and waited for a response.
“I just don’t belong here. I didn’t want to do this.” You admitted.
“‘Don’t belong?’ ‘Didn’t wanna’—what?!” She, the Harley Quinn—looked at you as if you were crazy. “Then why’d you come along?”
“My sentence is eight more years, I do this and I’m home free.” You explained, fidgeting with your gloves and staring at the floor. “I didn’t do anything that crazy to get in, but I’m more than ready to get out. I just didn’t know I was signing up for a suicide mission.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve done tons of these things. I’ll be your good luck charm,” Harley pat you on the back, “no harm done to my new friend!” You gave her a weak smile and nodded. “Hey, maybe I’ll visit you when I get out!”
“Aren’t you in for life?” You chuckled, letting up on the “nervous kid” routine.
“You never heard of a prison break?”
taglist: @locke-writes // @captainshazamerica // @summersimmerus // @deanzboyfriend // @zoeyserpentluck // @mr-mxyzptlk-1940 //
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magicalqueennightmare · 4 months ago
Always Us
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(Always having to use a Takeshi gif cause they're ain't enough Rick ones)
Rick Flag X Reader
You and Rick have been best friends through so much but will an undercover mission change everything?
Warnings: normal suicide squad level of violence, cursing, NSFW happenings
It was a rare occasion that the suicide squad was called in to answer to anyone other than Waller on a mission. She was a greedy bitch and hated sharing her toys and loved everyone knowing that the squad was her attack dogs and hers only. The only exception was when she wanted to look good, make bigger connections so here you and Rick stood in a room filled with FBI agents, DEA agents and numerous other agencies from other countries and every single one of them had their eyes on the two of you.
There was a big time smuggler by the name of Ezekiel Morrison. Drugs, people...didn't matter. He was in the business for them. No one had managed to get close enough so far. Everyone who'd gotten close had ended up dead. That was where the idea to use the squad had come into the play, have a task that seems like a suicide mission? Who better to use? Besides the moment they mentioned that the last "shipment" of his that had been intercepted had been teenaged girls you and Rick hadn't hesitated to say you were in.
You listened as the agent in charge went over the floor plan for Morrison's club where the meet would go down. The working plan was Rick would go in as a buyer and Floyd as his business partner, you and Harley unfortunately had to play arm candy. All you had to really do was get close enough to the asshole long enough that the handy little device laying in the center of the table could clone his phone.
That would give you access to every account, password, location of his warehouses and holding units. "Lucky for us, he has a type" Waller spoke from her spot to your right and you raised an eyebrow "Underaged girls?" she shook her head "He sells them but doesn't touch that product. No he has a particular taste" the way her eyes were trailing over you made a pit form in the base of your stomach. She'd looked at Rick and June the same way when she'd figured out that the two of them had developed feelings for each other. You'd wanted to kill her for the pain that had caused Rick when he and June split even if that was years ago now.
"Let me guess..my hair color, body type and build?" she smiled brightly which was beyond creepy considering "and smart to boot, look at that" She opened a folder and laid out a stack of photos on the table. Every woman could've been your sister or at the very least a cousin given the similarities in looks. You felt a shiver run down your spine when you realized there were three photos of each woman. One was a driver's license or I.D. of some sort, one was a photo of them with Morrison and the last was a crime scene photo of their deaths.
"Rick is the lead agent on this but you're running point on getting his phone cloned. The device will be planted on you. It's up to you to get it done" you could feel so many eyes in the room on you and became acutely aware of how few women were in the room. You couldn't back down for a magnitude of reasons. One set of eyes in particular drew your gaze to them, the hazel hue of your best friend from where he stood with his arms crossed, listening to Waller and from the way the crease between his eyebrows was deepening, not liking a single word she was saying.
He started to open his mouth, no doubt to protest but you gave a subtle shake of your head. If he said something..Waller wouldn't let it go unpunished, not to mention there was no other agent here that matched the description of his type and you hated the idea of some rookie getting plucked to get sent into the lion's den and this benefited Floyd, Harley and the usual suspects of the squad along with you and Rick if it went well not to mention the potential victims you were saving.
You knew with Rick, Harley and Floyd at your back you'd be safe enough. "Then let's get on with it ma'am" You spoke, meeting her eyes with a smile that was nowhere near friendly. She nodded then turned to face the room "Colonel Flag and his second in command will get this done. They're the best there is" you cut your eyes at Rick and knew he was thinking the same thing you were just from the look you shared. Normally she talked about the two of you like you were well trained junkyard dogs at best. He tilted his head with the barest hint of a smile before turning his attention back to the room.
The plan would be set for when and where along with personas for everyone being laid in place then all that would be left would be to play the part and rip the asshole to shreds. You knew Harley would enjoy the undercover part, Floyd was a smooth talker and Rick was trained for this shit. You could handle your part. The facts at hand left you no choice but to handle it.
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"Are you sure you're up to this?" Rick asked as he sat down next to you where you were currently curled up on his couch going over the files on Morrison again. The two of you along with Harley and Floyd would be flying out bright and early to meet up with the other agents working this joint op. That meant you'd spent the better part of the day with Harley and Floyd going over their personas. You cut your eyes up at him and you knew from the way his smile dropped you'd unintentionally glared at him "I'm not doubting your abilities sweetheart. I know you can handle this but Waller is waving you around like bait on a fucking hook. I goddamn hate it, I hated this guy before seeing those photos. After that? It's gonna take a lot for me to be civil"
You grabbed over your heart playfully "Oh Rick I didn't know you cared!" and fell over against his shoulder with a laugh. He shook his head and wrapped an arm around your shoulders "Bullshit on you not knowing I cared. You're my best friend, have been since before any of this shit ever fell into our laps" you laughed again "But damn isn't life so much more interesting than when you were just a grunt and me training to be a medic?"
He shook his head and reached for the file still in your hand before tossing it onto his coffee table "Enough of this asshole. Let's finish this movie we've been watching for the last two weeks so we can get some sleep" You had a habit of staying at each other's place the night before missions, especially ones like this. That was why Rick had picked out your couch and you his. Had to make sure your beds were comfortable.You turned to lean into the pile of pillows you had on the arm rest of the couch and Rick watched you with a raised eyebrow "What are you doing you fuckin gremlin?"
You shrugged "Getting comfortable. I always fall asleep before you and end up getting tossed around like a sack of potatoes so you can go to bed but.." you put your feet in his lap and tossed a blanket over your legs and his lap before continuing "this way maybe I don't end up feeling like a ragdoll when you want to go to bed you fuckin giant" he shrugged "Ain't my fault you're short. You never let that stop you on a mission. Hell you and Harley get twice the kill count of most of the guys" you winked at him "Never underestimate feminine rage"
This was the definition of your relationship with Rick. The two of you had met way back when and had hit it off, he needed chaos and you needed grounding and that's what you bought to each other. You met in the middle most days and when you did argue it normally never lasted long because you needed each other too much to stay mad. He was the one person you always counted on to be in your corner. You trusted him with your life and he trusted you with his.
When you'd started seeing GQ it had been a little bit of a blow up. Something along the lines of "You can't seriously date one of my men!" but when Waller had launched the idea of the squad and drew your card for their combat medic he couldn't say too much considering you were both then "his men" he'd just given his blessing when he met June. The speed at which he'd fallen for her had made your head spin but if that was what made him happy you'd been happy for him but Midway city had blown a hole in your life in more than one way.
After losing GQ and the squad becoming a concrete thing you threw yourself into work while Rick threw himself into the relationship with June. There was one thing while you were with GQ you'd never done and that was ignore Rick. Hell you'd had more than one relationship implode due to the six foot two man sitting next to you, because you refused to lose him. He'd been there for you during some of the worst years of your life. Unfortunately it had seemed he hadn't felt the same.
For weeks the only time you'd seen or spoke to Rick was over briefings. You hadn't pushed. He'd said he loved June. You'd seen it in how hard he fought for her so you concentrated on training the squad, on training yourself more,traveled with Katana a while, even going back and forth between D.C. and Louisiana on errands for Waller. Anything to not sit still.
The startling realization that your feelings had somehow sank so much deeper than you'd ever intended snuck up on you. You'd been in D.C. when he texted you asking where you were. A part of you wanted to ignore it but it was Rick. Your heart could only take so much distance from him. Waller was making you want to smash your head against a wall, Katana was depressing at best most times and the squad...well Croc was the best behaved currently. When you'd told him you were in D.C. He'd asked when you'd be back in Louisiana so you'd told him and he asked if the two of you could have a movie night "like old times"
You hadn't meant to be snarky but before you thought about it you'd typed out "Are you sure June would be cool with you coming to my place?" "No but we're not together anymore" your heart broke for him in that moment. No matter how you'd felt about June or the entire situation you hated knowing Rick was hurting. You texted back to tell him you'd see him when you got home.
That night when he'd come over it was like any other night in a lot of ways but he'd been quiet until you pushed. "Rick, not that I'm not happy to see you outside of Belle Reeve or D.C. but you haven't said anything outside of hey and asking how I've been. Are you ok?" you'd turned on your couch to face him, drawing a leg up underneath you. He stared down at his hands as he spoke "I've been a really shitty best friend to you. I don't think you loved G not yet anyways but I know you cared about him and goddamn deadshot comforted you more than I did. Midway City was hard as hell and I left you high and fuckin dry after it. You've been running errands for Waller, been traveling with Katana and training the squad" "So just a recap of the last few months?" you teased before he raised his eyes and you saw the actual pain there "Oh Rick, I'm kidding"
You moved to pull him into a hug and he wrapped his larger frame around you, burying his face in your shoulder. "I know June isn't used to any of the crazy shit we are. She was possessed by an ancient meta.Thats huge and hard as hell! I was just trying to help so you had more time to help her adjust" "I fuckin left you" it was muffled but you caught his words. You had to put most of your strength into it to push him back to look him in the face as you said "I'm a big girl Rick. I can handle a few weeks. You don't have to put your life on hold to still be my best friend"
You couldn't stand seeing him in any pain, especially mental. You couldn't even attempt to fix that. He raised a hand and brushed your hair back "It's always been us" you felt your heart flip at his words but knew he meant it platonically which was fine, you loved Rick in every way there was to love a man. The recent distance from him had forced you to realize that. You covered his hand with yours "Nothing will change that Rick. You loved June. It's normal to bury yourself in a new relationship, especially when your girl has trauma like she did. Now what happened"
He ducked his eyes before laughing lightly "She wanted me to quit the army, get a job in North Carolina where she's from" your heart crumbled at the idea of losing him but if that's what made him happy "Do you love the army or her more?" he shrugged "Doesn't matter because she also told me I had to cut ties with you. That was the deal breaker. You're my best friend. I'm not losing you"
You were drawn back to the present by Rick's hand squeezing your ankle lightly. When you flicked your eyes to him he smirked "Dozing off on me already?" you grinned "Maybe? Tomorrow is a whole new type of fucked up, even for us" he nodded then lifted your legs long enough to stand up before gently placing them back on the couch "Get some sleep. I'll wake you up when my alarm goes off then we'll head to meet transport"
You watched him walk across the floor to his bedroom, he was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and nothing else but you couldn't exactly say anything considering you were wearing one of his old shirts and a pair of his boxers because you'd forgotten to pack something to sleep in from your apartment. The ink on his biceps drew your eyes when he turned to look back at you and grinned when he saw you were already looking at him "We'll get it done like we always do. Those photos just threw me off a little" you laughed lightly "They didn't look like you" he nodded "True. Goodnight Y/N" "Night Rick"
The bedroom door closed so you rolled over to face the back of the couch and hoped sleep would come soon.
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You were glad you never got roped into undercover work,wrangling a team of maniacs from Belle Reeve was easy compared to this. Wardrobe had been insane to say the least. The guys had the easy part, nice tailored suits and a shave for Floyd and they were good to go. You and Harley on the other hand, the two of you had to go through literal hair and makeup. After that you'd tried on several different outfits, damn near growling at a few of the choices because the vest you normally wore on missions would've covered more. You'd even been forced to wear a different style of bra and panties than you'd packed.
Eventually the choice was made with Harley deciding on a spaghetti strap dress that was gold with a plunging neckline and heels that hurt your feet just from looking at them. Your dress for the evening was black with sleeves that skimmed your arms, hiding the scar on your shoulder from a bullet a few years back. Where the sleeves should've cut down on the sexy factor the neckline made up for it considering it dipped down to mid sternum and hugged your body in all the right places. Harley, bless her for feeding into your comfort zone as much as possible, found a pair of knee high, heeled boots that went along with the dress beautifully.
You did a little spin for her and the two agents that had been helping the two of you get prepared. "Ya look delicious babe. No way is he not taking the bait" Agent O'Rourke who was probably a year or two older than you gave you a smile before leaning down to your left boot. You were about to question what she was doing until you felt a sheath slip into your boot and hook into the side of it. When she straightened up she winked at you before saying "It's a ceramic blade, even if they wand you it won't go off" An understanding look passed between the two of you before you nodded slowly "Thank you"
She tapped the com in her ear, listening to one of the other agents before looking back to you and Harley "Let's get you two mic'd up then we'll go meet the men of your team. A driver will take you to Morrison's club for the meet"
You followed Harley and Agent O'Rourke out into the hall. Rick and Floyd were just waiting for the two of you. Your nerves were through the roof but that was normal for a mission, right? Besides, you'd feel better once Rick was at your side. You always did.
You were trying to not pick at your outfit, you stopped short when you heard the unmistakable sound of Floyd whistle. You cut your eyes up to see him and Rick standing with a few agents. He gave you and Harley both an appreciative once over before raising an eyebrow "You two out here looking like full course meals and I don't get a single damn taste...really gonna do me like that?"
You laughed, feeling the nerves fade a bit. Leave it up to your squad to cut jokes before undertaking something like this. "Easy deadshot, Harley is your girl for the night" Rick warned and for just a second you could've sworn he sounded jealous but he was probably just feeding into the personas set out. You turned your eyes towards him, trying and failing to not let your eyes linger on just how perfectly that suit hugged his shoulders. You felt a blush warm your face when he gave you a once over, his eyes following the neckline of your dress before he swallowed thickly and muttered "I fuckin hate Waller" you couldn't help the small laugh that escaped you.
He held a hand out so you took it and he pulled you into his side "Ready to do this Allison?" That was the name of your persona, the long term girlfriend to Rick's persona Jonathan Kenzie. When Waller had told you that you wouldn't just be playing arm candy but someone Rick's persona was actually supposed to be committed to you'd nearly flipped the damn table on her but it was too late to back out. "Ready as ever Jon" You replied, brushing a stray piece of hair back from his forehead.
Floyd's persona was Anthony Colton, Jon's business partner. Harley was Alexia Long, Anthony's most recent fling. You turned your attention from Rick to Harley and held your hand out "C'mon Alexia" She smiled and grabbed your hand. Rick held your gaze as he addressed the room "We get in, we get what we need then we get the hell out. Everyone goes home in one piece after we tear this mother fucker's entire enterprise down around him" Floyd slapped Rick on the shoulder and laughed "I'll be damned! You finally learned how to give a fuckin pep talk"
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The heat from the club hit you the moment you stepped inside, whether it was from the heat of the lights or the amount of bodies shoved into the small space you weren't sure. You swallowed hard, without thinking your hand shot out for Rick's. He laced his fingers into yours and gently rubbed his thumb across the back of your hand. You felt the tension in your shoulders loosen at the touch. You could handle this. You'd handled a lot worse than one psycho.
Rick led your small group through the club, avoiding the overcrowded dance floor and heading for the V.I.P. section where a booth was reserved. Morrison had told "Jon" he wanted to meet in public to get a feel for each other before moving the meeting to his office. You knew the play was probably to get surveillance photos of all of you and run them to ensure you were who you said you were but considering the agencies behind you on this you were confident on that end.
Rick's hand never left yours, even as he took a seat at the booth before pulling you down into his lap. Floyd sat across from Rick, pulling Harley down into his lap as well. The four of you were supposed to look like couples so you had to play the part because you knew from the moment you stepped into the club Morrison already had eyes on you. Harley and Floyd had no issue with falling right into flirting and even suggestively touching each other. To anyone else it looked like they were completely oblivious but you knew if you asked, Floyd could tell you what color the third person to the right of the Dj booth's shirt was and Harley could probably psychoanalyze someone from their body language where she sat with her face in the bend of Floyd's neck whispering something to him.
Rick's hand slid up into the hair at the base of your neck,nails lightly scraping your scalp and it took every ounce of self control you had to not let a soft moan escape you at the feelings that small touch evoked.He pulled you back against his chest, careful of how short your dress was before pressing his mouth to the shell of your ear and speaking barely above a whisper so the coms wouldn't pick it up "Sweetheart you've got to loosen up and act like you want me. We're supposed to have been together for eight years" You couldn't even attempt to hide the shiver that ran down your spine and he chuckled lightly. Nothing on earth would have prepared you though for Rick to gently graze his teeth across your neck right over the pulse point. "Oh fuck" you gasped, feeling heat roll through you as he shifted under you "Atta girl"
What the fuck was he doing? More importantly how the fuck was he making you fall apart with so little actions? Damn you were in the middle of a mission and those nerves you were feeling just moments before were long forgotten, replaced by the feeling of Rick's lips on your skin as he kissed the spot right behind your ear that made your legs tremble. You felt your body react to his touch even more and had to bite down on the inside of your cheek to keep from leaning into him even further.
You turned to look over your shoulder at him and he gave you the slightest of smiles before mouthing the word "Relax" about the time the feeling of eyes on you grew stronger and you had to fight the urge to not clock the bodyguard standing about four feet from where all of you sat. There were a few more posted around the club and if you were right from their formation it meant Morrison's office was behind the stage, near the very back of the building but at least it was on the base floor. You didn't feel like going out of a window wearing those boots.
You sucked in a breath of air, smoke and an abundance of different colognes and perfumes assaulted your senses but it still managed to ground you. Rick was playing a part. He was a trained soldier. This was nothing more than another mission, a different type of firefight.
You cut your eyes over at Harley and Floyd as Floyd struck up a conversation with Rick about their "Most recent trades" Harley was comfortably wrapped around Floyd, her eyes lazily flickering around the club. When her gaze met yours they shifted to Rick then back to you before she raised an eyebrow and grinned.
"How long is the damn background on us gonna take?" You spoke low enough only they could hear you and O'Rourke's voice in your ear nearly made you jump off Rick's lap when she responded "Few more minutes. He's gone through Floyd and Harley. He's currently working on you and Rick"
A bodyguard near the stage looked toward your group so Rick slipped an arm around your waist, effectively locking you in place against him as his fingers trailed down your side "Always so damn impatient Allie. Enjoy a night out" Floyd waved a waitress down and ordered drinks when Rick gave him a nod.
"That one has always been a live wire Jon" Floyd spoke with a look towards Rick that felt a lot more loaded than it should've been. You shook your head and let a laugh fall from your lips "Easy Anthony. I've known you for how long now? I could tell Alexia some stories"
Harley perked up at the chance to play her part and honest to God giggled "Oh please do!" She looked past you to Rick "If I can manage to get you out of Jon's grasp I may have to drag you onto the dance floor with me so we get a little one on one time"
Rick looked up at you from where he was propped back against the seat with an arm up like he owned the entire place "Allie, you wanna go dance baby?" You looked towards Harley then pulled your bottom lip between your teeth for a second before nodding "Yeah" he smiled and leaned up to place a kiss on your neck, right along your jawline before saying "Go have fun baby. Just stay where I can see if any asshole tries to put his hands on you is all I ask"
That was Rick reminding you and Harley to stay where him and Floyd could back you up if need be. You nodded and placed a kiss on his neck, feeling his pulse under your lips and felt a little thrill at how much faster it was than normal "I promise love"
Rick and Floyd watched you and Harley head to the dance floor. Rick's eyes never leave you even as the music started and Harley eased you into dancing, a broad grin on her face.
"She has you wrapped around her little finger doesn't she?" Floyd asked him and Rick was thrown off for a second because he wasn't sure if it was Floyd asking him or Anthony asking Jon or Floyd using the excuse of Anthony to be nosy and not get his head knocked off.
Rick turned his eyes back to you and couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face when you winked at him. That reaction was all Rick, no Jon required. "More than she knows" he answered without thinking and Floyd chuckled lightly.
You were enjoying yourself actually. Harley was her usual wildness but you were used to it and her mood helped yours. The two of you had probably danced for two songs when you felt someone touch your back.
You knew Rick's touch well enough to know it wasn't him. You turned around to be face to face with Ezekiel Morrison. "Showtime" O'Rourke spoke over the coms and you could feel Rick's gaze even before you cut your eyes over at him and Floyd.
You'd seen Rick ecstatic, horrified, downright depressed and if someone had asked you before that moment you would've said you'd seen him angry but the look in his eyes made a shiver run down your spine of an entirely different kind and you knew for a fact he'd never hurt you. He looked enraged at the fact that Morrison had touched you even if that was the plan. You gave him a small smile, hoping that would calm him before turning your attention to the man in front of you.
"Excuse me?" You asked, making your voice sound as innocent as possible. Ezekiel would've been a decent looking man had you not known what he'd done. He was about an inch or two shorter than Rick, nice build and light brown hair with straight, extremely white teeth. "I'm sorry to interrupt you and your friend but I couldn't forgive myself if I didn't ask for a dance"
You forced a bashful laugh "Oh my. Well um I'm here with my boyfriend" you pointed towards Rick who had to school his features when Morrison smiled even broader "You're Mr Kenzie's significant other? My my he does have fine taste indeed. I'm sure he wouldn't mind one dance"
Yeah, you'd need four showers after this. You looked from him over to Rick, making sure to pull the whole doe eye act before nodding "You're right. One dance won't hurt"
Harley smiled "I'm gonna head over to Anthony" Morrison didn't take his eyes off you to acknowledge her. Yeah he was basically a serial killer on top of everything else and Waller had laid you on a silver platter.
You took Morrison's hand and allowed him to pull you back out onto the dance floor, focusing your mind on how Rick's touch had felt, on the teenaged girls this mother fucker trafficked, on anything but how oily his hand felt and how his eyes were glued to the flesh your dress showed "So miss..." "Allison..Allison Gore" he nodded "Allison. How did you meet Jon?"
You fed him the backstory that had been laid into place, all the while listening to O'Rourke's voice encouraging you to keep him talking. He nodded as if he was enthralled but you knew he hadn't heard a single word you said.
You felt his hand that had been on your lower back begin to slip lower as the two of you danced. You knew this was a possibility and could handle it gracefully or would've had you not heard "Goddammit Flag" over the coms right before you felt that familiar touch pulling you back against that toned chest you'd know anywhere "Mr Morrison! I see you've met my Allie"
Ezekiel winked at you "I did indeed. She's extraordinary" "stay within two feet of him Y/N. We just need three more minutes" you leaned up from Rick's embrace to lay a hand on Morrison's arm "This club is wonderful but I understand Jon and Anthony as here on business. Let's move this somewhere more private"
Morrison nodded "Mr Kenzie do you want to grab your partner and his girl. I'll gladly escort Ms Gore" you looked up into Rick's eyes and the look made your heart flip. "Jon, go get Tony and Alexia" he nodded stiffly then leaned down close to you. To anyone else, including Morrison it would look like he was kissing your neck but he whispered into your ear "If you say stop. This shit stops. Nothing matters more than you"
When he pulled back you knew your eyes were wide but you recovered fast enough "Love you too babe" then turned to Morrison and took his offered arm "Lead the way"
You swallowed hard and heard O'Rourke's voice "Two more minutes" as Morrion led you towards a darkened hallway at the far back of the club. You shifted your foot to feel the sheath in it as a comfort as you heard Rick growl across the com "Hurry the fuck up"
Ezekiel was purposely invading your space, leaning in too close. You could smell his God awful cologne and the cigars he smoked. Rick, Floyd and Harley had yet to make it to the office but you imagined that was on purpose.
"Tell me miss Gore, are you happy with Mr Kenzie?" You nodded "Very. Jon's a good man to me" the bastard shrugged "Does he treat you like a queen? Because I could give you an empire" he put one hand on your hip and was leaning closer when you finally heard O'Rourke say "It's cloned. Teams are moving into position. When they hit the warehouses and holding units we have the all clear to take down Morrison and any guards. Hold positions. Ten minutes tops"
Where was Rick? You stepped back from Morrison "Where is Jon and Anthony?" You asked and he smirked "I wanted some alone time, ya know. Get to know each other better. They'll be here soon" "Find her now or I'll blow this whole damn op sideways" Rick's voice across the coms hit you square in the chest. He was pissed, worry evident in his tone laced with an underlying fear you'd seen in his eyes when he'd looked too close at those photos. You just hoped O'Rourke knew he meant every damn word.
"Where are they?" You asked and he smiled "Don't worry. I want their business. I'll be gentle" he brushed your hair back and spoke close enough to your neck you could feel his breath "Unless you want me to be rough"
O'Rourke and Rick's voices both drifted into your ear "Nine" "WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?"
Adrenaline flooded your system mixed with a little bit of relief. He hadn't figured out they were undercover, he still thought this was just a buyer who happened to have a girl who matched his fetish. That, you could handle"Yeah, No"
You made a move to go around him and he tried to grab for you so you side stepped and slammed your knee into his crotch "No means no" "Fuckin bitch" he growled, hitting the floor. You stood over him and repeated yourself "Now do you want to act like a gentleman or continue to act like a neanderthal?"
He cupped his balls as he glared at you "I'll fucking kill you" "Wrong answer" you smiled, drawing back your foot and kicking him where you'd previously caught him with your knee. Harley's voice finally graced your ear "North end of the club Flag. I'll get the guards' attention. You go get our girl"
O'Rourke's voice followed "Colonel Flag, Harley we just need five minutes" "Better be a fast five minutes" Floyd's voice was clipped, he was pissed.
Morrison was beginning to recover so you backed up, crouching to slip the knife out of your boot because you had no idea what he was doing "You either give me what I want or I'll kill your man, his friend and your little whore friend while you watch"
"Those three can handle themselves," you replied with a shrug. "Three" O'Rourke's voice rang through your ears as Morrion moved to grab you again. You flipped the knife up and drove it into his left arm. You weren't trying to kill him. Not yet anyways.
He roared in pain and called you a few choice words before the door slammed open, barely hanging onto the hinges from the force and there stood Rick, anger rolling off him in waves. Morrison fell back from you "Your whore attacked me Kenzie"
Rick strode into the office and didn't say a word as he closed the space between himself and Morrison with few steps. He wrapped a hand around the other man's throat before looking over at you. You saw a few marks gracing his face that was evidence of a fight of some sort but he didn't look too injured.
Rick looked back at Morrison before snatching your blade free of his arm and putting it at his throat, the tip of the blade digging in enough you saw blood begin to trickle down Morrison's neck. "No, you're just a sorry excuse for a man that likes to put his hands places they don't belong"
The blade drove in further and you heard O'Rourke's voice "We're coming in. I repeat we're coming in. Start taking down who you can" "Rick!" You grabbed his arm and when he looked down at you his eyes trailed over your face "Did he touch you?" You shook your head "No. He tried but no"
He nodded slowly before smashing Morrison's head roughly into the wall. You watched the slimy mother fucker crumple before you heard gunfire break out and you both looked at each other "Got me a gun?" you asked with a hopeful grin.
He lifted the back of his jacket and you smiled when you realized he'd placed one where he'd have no chance of drawing it but it was the perfect position for you. "I knew you loved me" "More than you know" he muttered so low you barely heard him before pulling his own gun. You didn't have time to ask what he meant, the two of you taking one final look at each other before joining the mayhem in the remainder of the club.
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Both yours and Harley's dresses had somehow gotten ripped in the fighting. The material wasn't exactly made to hold up to the two of you so the plane ride home consisted of the two of you wearing FBI sweatpants and the guys' suit jackets. You laughed from where you sat across from Floyd and he raised an eyebrow at you "Y/N? You finally flip your shit? I knew hanging out with Flag was gonna get to you"
You looked towards the front of the plane where Rick had been on the line with Waller since all of you had stepped on board "Naw, he's not that bad once you get past that wall he puts up" Floyd shook his head "You two and your puppy eyes are kinda sickening" Harley slapped his shoulder "Shut up! I think it's cute"
You looked from one to the other "What?" They exchanged a glance before Floyd said "Dollface, you nearly melted into a puddle in that man's lap from him doing very little" "Plus he looks at you like you hung the fuckin moon" Harley added. Floyd nodded then shrugged "Not to mention the entire reason they sent everyone in early is because he told em that was their only option if they wanted Morrison alive"
You looked back towards Rick, he had his back turned to you. You could tell from the set of his shoulders he was arguing with Waller. He glanced over his shoulder after a second as if he could feel your gaze and when he did his entire body seemed to relax when he looked at you. You smiled at him and he smiled in return before turning back to whatever Waller was saying "See?" Harley and Floyd spoke in unison.
You shook your head "Get some sleep. You two earned your walking papers with this one, I hope this is the last mission I work with either of you" they both grinned at you "You'll miss us" Floyd teased so you nodded "Yeah but I'll be glad to see you go home to your little girl" then looked at Harley "and you better stay out of trouble" She winked at you "I'll try"
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You followed Rick out of Belle Reeve into the parking lot where both your car and his pickup were parked. He'd been silent the ride back and during the group debrief besides when asked a direct question but then Waller had asked to speak to him alone. You'd gone to the warden's office to finish up Harley and Floyd's paperwork while you waited on him. You'd changed into one of his extra shirts he kept in his office so it was a bit more comfortable than the suit jacket considering you were still wearing the boots. Hell you were considering seeing if Rick had any extra shoes stored anywhere even if they'd be too big.
He stopped when you got to your car and dug his truck keys out of his pocket before looking at you "Um..can I come over?" "Movie night?" you asked and he started to nod then stopped "No, not movie night. I want to talk to you but not here when I know every damn thing is gonna run back to that bitch" your eyes widened at his words but you nodded nonetheless "Ok"
You stepped out of the shower and heard your front door open. It had to be Rick because outside of him only your brother had a key and he was currently states away. You'd ended up pulling one of his old shirts he'd left at your place out to sleep in and considering how long it was on you, nothing else but panties. He'd seen you in less when you'd been hurt.
You walked out of your bedroom into the living room and he was sitting on the couch with his head back and looked half asleep, from the looks of it he'd showered at his place when he'd grabbed his forgotten overnight bag. He was now wearing black sweatpants and a white t-shirt, his shoes were by the front door where he'd kicked them off time he walked in. You smiled when you realized he had locked all three locks behind himself. "Well that was insane" you spoke and his head shot up at your voice, a lazy smile slipping onto his face "Yeah, thats a word for it"
He patted the cushion next to him "C'mere" any time he was tired his accent slipped out so much thicker. You loved it. You walked over and sat down next to him, curling your feet underneath you so you could lean your head over on his shoulder "How pissed was Waller?" he shrugged "You and the team are in the clear. I think a part of her enjoys being right about having something to hold over my head" He slipped his arm around your shoulders as he spoke, head dipping down so he could place a kiss on top of your head "What does she have?" you asked, praying you were right but refusing to say it outloud.
He laughed lightly "You're gonna make me throw every damn card I got on the table, ain't ya?" You leaned up off his shoulder so you could look into his eyes "Yeah. I want to know what's going on in that head of yours. You know it's always been us and always will be but I need to know just what you mean" he leaned forward until his forehead was touching yours and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before saying "She knows I'm in love with my best friend and that I have been for a very long time" you gently cupped his jaw and waited until he slowly opened his eyes. He looked so damn uncertain. Where was that man that had you falling apart in Morrison's club just hours before? Was it that much easier when it was under the facade of a mission?
"Please say something," he nearly begged. you let your hand caress down his jaw, trying to collect your nerve before finally leaning in to let your lips connect to his. The kiss was gentle, hell chaste even but it lit a fire in you as you pulled back to look at him. a smile slipped onto his face "Please do that again" a laugh fell from you "Rick Flag, you had me squirming in the middle of a club! I think you're more than capable of taking control of a situation" "Do you want this? Want me?" he asked, reaching for your hand and placing it over his heart where you could feel it thundering even through his shirt. You rolled the soft material through your fingertips before nodding "For a very long time"
"C'mere" he repeated, pulling you across the couch. You gladly let him pick you up and put you in his lap, slipping your legs down on either side of his hips to be effectively straddling him "First time you've not complained about me picking you up" You shrugged "I like how big you are when I'm the one getting to take advantage of it" he smirked at your words "Darlin, I just ask two things of you" he dipped his head down to let his teeth tease across your pulse like he'd done earlier and you tried to muffle the moan that it caused by biting your lip but he moved one hand up, cupping the side of your head and using his thumb to gently coax your lip out from between your teeth "Tell me if you don't like something and don't try to be quiet baby. Please let me have every little sound I can pull from you because I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure you forget any man that was in your bed before me"
You nodded, unable to form words at the moment but he shook his head "Use your words sweetheart" "I will Rick, please just fuckin touch me" he raised an eyebrow and looked down to where his hands were touching your hips "I am touching you baby" "Rick!" you pratically whined and was rewarded with the rumble of his laughter when you tugged at his shirt. "Ok ok" he teased before pulling his shirt off and tossing it next to him on the couch "That what you wanted?" he asked and you answered him by letting your hands and lips trace the familiar scars that decorated his chest, the muscles shifting under your touch as little groans escaped him.
When your lips moved from his chest up to his neck his head fell back against the couch "Damn sweetheart that feels good" you moved across his neck, kissing and biting the smooth skin there. His hips jutted up against yours when you hit a certain spot and you gasped feeling how hard he was, fuck you'd always figured Rick was well endowed. Boxers and sweatpants didn't hide much but feeling it rubbing against your core with only thin layers of material separating it was an entirely different feeling.
Your lips found that spot again, rolling your hips against his as you sucked a dark mark over it. His grip on your hips tightened as he swore under his breath "That's it darlin. Mark me. Let everyone know I'm yours" you whimpered into his skin at his words. He slipped a hand between your body and you broke away from his skin to gasp when his fingers made the first swipe across your clothed center, the material not offering much of a barrier given that they were soaked.
"Fuck, you're soaking wet honey..that for me?" he teased, pushing your panties to the side and allowing one thick finger to tease past your folds before finally pushing it inside of you, grunting when he felt how your pussy squeezed just one of his fingers "Oh sweetheart" he curled his finger up, finding that spot inside of you that had you gripping his shoulders. "It's ok, I got ya" he kissed the side of your head as he added a second finger. "Fuck..Rick" he used his thumb to work your clit as his lips found your neck attacking the spots that had you shaking in his touch as he worked you towards an orgasm.
You felt that pressure building a half second before that wave crashed over you "Oh god" you moaned, burying your face in his neck as he used his fingers to work you through the orgasm. When your walls stopped tremoring around his fingers, he slowly pulled them out of you. When you lifted your head he winked at you before sucking his fingers into his mouth, humming in contentment at your taste "I need more than a tease of a taste" he spoke before moving you off his lap to lay you back across the couch.His hands went to the shirt you wore, eyes flickering to yours "Can I take this off?" you nodded then remembered he wanted more "Please"
He grinned, slipping the shirt off of you then tossed it "Fuck, look at you" he started at your panty line and left a trail of open mouthed kisses up your body until he got to your breasts. He rolled one nipple into his mouth and your back arched up when he let his teeth just barely graze the sensitive bud. "Fuck, just like that..feels so good" you praised and felt him grin against your flesh.
He moved to the other side giving it the same attention before moving up to catch your lips in a wet kiss that had you both gasping for air when you pulled away. "So damn gorgeous" he praised before moving back down your body leaving wet kisses everywhere he could reach. When he got to the top of your panties he looked up to meet your eyes, the request silent. "Please" you whispered and god the look he gave you in that moment damn near made you come undone "I fucking love you"
He slipped your panties down off your legs and tossed them before tapping your hips "Spread your legs for me beautiful. Let me love ya" you did as he asked and felt the first tentative flick of his tongue which had your eyes rolling back in your head. Your fingers buried themselves in his hair as he dove in like a starved man offered a four course meal. Your hips rocked against his face as he worked you closer and closer to that edge and when he slipped two fingers in to tease at that spot deep inside of you while barely letting his teeth graze against your clit your back arched off the couch and you came with a scream of his name on your lips.
Once you weakly pushed at his head from being oversensitive he started to kiss his way up your body, marking every inch of skin he could with his mouth along the way. When he got to your mouth he pulled you into a passionate kiss, rolling his tongue against yours, allowing you to taste yourself on him. Your hands were locked around his neck, holding him to you "Rick, I want to return the favor, I want to do so much but right now I need you inside me" you begged.
He kissed the tip of your nose before saying "It's ok baby" he leaned up far enough to slip his sweatpants off and kick them away. You felt the head of his cock teasing at your entrance and you felt yourself clench even before he started slowly easing in. When a loud gasp ripped from you he froze "Did I hurt you?" you shook your head "You feel so fucking amazing Rick, never been filled up so much"
He leaned his head over against your chest, kissing the few scars you also had before sliding the rest of the way into you until his hips rested against yours "So fuckin warm and tight and fuckin perfect" he groaned as he gave a tentaive thrust and when you responded by hooking your legs around his waist he lifted his head up to look at you "You're gonna be the death of me..but what a way to go"
Your fingers dug into Rick's shoulders as his dug into your hips. Both of you desperate to pull each other closer as both of your highs drew near. He moved to kiss you but you could barely get your mouth to meet his from how fuckin amazing he had you feelin which resulted in you gasping into his mouth "So damn close Rick...fuck I love you" his hips faltered slightly at your words before regaining his pace, pushing you both towards as orgasm.
When he moved his fingers down to rub tight circles onto your clit your eyes tried to close but he spoke with his mouth right next to your ear "Open those eyes darlin. I wanna see you come apart" you opened your eyes and his hazel ones were inches from yours. You pulled him into a kiss just as your orgasm washed over you and when your walls clenched down hard around him it pulled him over the edge with you, he groaned loudly as you felt him coat your insides.
"Fuck that was amazing" you cursed and he looked down at you and smirked "Just what I was thinking" before placing a gentle kiss on your lips. When he pulled out of you,a small gasp left you so he apologized before asking "Wanna get another shower?" you raised an eyebrow "You carryin me Flag? Cause my legs are kinda jello after that" he couldn't have looked more proud of himself if he tried in that moment.
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You laid across Rick's chest, one leg throw over his waist as his fingers traced imaginary patterns on your bare thigh "Did you mean what you said or was it an in the moment thing?" he asked and you were confused for a second then realized what he meant and shook your head "Rick, I've been in love with you for longer than I care to admit but I wasn't losing my best friend because of it"
He nodded slowly before using his other hand to tilt your head up to him "You'd never lose me and now you damn sure won't" you felt a blush warm your face. "Rick Flag, I'm yours. You don't have to keep being such a sweet talker" he laughed before shaking his head "Damn right you're mine and I'm yours but I will sweet talk you until the day they put me in the ground darlin" you laughed lightly "Lets get some sleep" he somehow managed to pull you closer before saying "I think I like sleeping in your bed even better than the couch" you grinned up at him "Good, cause tomorrow night we need to break in your place" "Yes ma'am"
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geekynerfherder · 9 months ago
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Qistina Khalidah.
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fandomnerd9602 · 10 months ago
Harley readies for the club…
Y/N: it’s all recon, babe.
Harley: are you reassuring me or you?
Y/N: I just don’t like people trying to grab or gawk at you.
Harley giggles mischievously before sitting on a nearby table and opening her legs…
Harley: remind me I’m yours and I’ll treat you to a private dance afterwards
Y/N: (smirks) if you insist
Y/N gets down on their knees before her…
Harley giggles and massages Y/N’s scalp before…
Harley: (moans) oh! Oh!!…Oh Yahtzee!!!
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