#The Society The Guard
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viinchester · 5 months ago
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The Society :: 01.10 — How It Happens
The Coup // The Arrest
(Allie Pressman, Will LeClair, Gordie Monero, Clark Beecher, Luke Holbrook, Jason Alvarado, Campbell Eliot, Shoe)
Links: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || x || Part 5 || Part 6
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the-worms-in-your-bones · 4 months ago
The thing about the time lords is yeah they’re a super powerful species, it wouldn’t be all that inaccurate to call them gods of time, but you get yourself a time lord and like 70% of the time it’s like oh this is a guy I could kick in the shins really hard and get away with it unscathed
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myuuchii · 25 days ago
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some more golden guard x abomination track willow stuff
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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teaboot · 3 months ago
you are so weirdly dedicated to making flowery sympathy posts for demographics such as "masculine men" and "cops and security officers who stop people from shoplifting". have you noticed that?
You must be new
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madarah52 · 11 days ago
It always feels like Soi-Fon's flipping everyone off when she does this pose
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marnievanhelsing · 3 months ago
To those who love Dead Poets Society, I beg you, watch "The Changing of the Guard"
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For context, I am a massive fan of The Twilight Zone, and I swear episode 102 of the original series, "The Changing of the Guard," inspired Dead Poets Society. What supports my theory is that "The Truman Show" (also directed by Peter Weir) has been rumored to be inspired by an episode of The Twilight Zone.
The Plot, you may ask?
Spoilers for a several-decade-old episode ahead.
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On Christmas Eve, an elderly English Literature teacher (played by Donald Pleasance) at a boy's school in Vermont is forced to retire after 51 years by the school's dean. While he is cleaning his office, he comes across old yearbooks and convinces himself that he has made no impact on the lives of his students and decides to take his own life with a gun in a drawer of his office desk.
Before he can, though, the ghosts of several of his students stop him, explaining how his teaching and encouragement changed their lives, leading a couple of them to die heroes and others to have lived good lives because of him.
This moves the professor to tears, and he realizes he did do some good after all, putting away the gun. Outside, his current students come to his house to sing him Christmas Carols, and he decides to gracefully accept his retirement, knowing he did his part to make the world a better place.
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Something about this episode reminds me of a reflection of the plot of DPS, where Keating and Neil's stories became one. Some of the parallels, like the professor standing in the snow with the gun in his hand contemplating his death and the themes of how a teacher touches the lives of his students, feel closer to DPS than it does something like It's A Wonderful Life. Then it is set at an all-boys boarding school in New England, and you can see where I'm going with this.
Anyway, that's my rant. Go watch The Changing of the Guard if you can find it. It can be dated at times, but it's one of my favorite episodes of the Twilight Zone, and I think some of you may enjoy it, too.
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decepti-geek · 4 months ago
tbh an important part of my take on the 'don't be like Sentinel' question is that hours earlier D16 had very decidedly assumed leadership of the High Guard, after which any attempt at resolving his very understandable personal trauma via murder was also, on a wider affects-everyone/your-new-power-means-something scale, inherently going to count as a military coup.
yknow. the thing Sentinel did to assume power/hand it over to the quintessons in the first place
#like you don't get to Be A Leader/wield power and also gratify your personal wishes/needs first and foremost#I feel like is an important part of the movie's whole ethos#sure Sentinel managed it for a bit but the point is it was unsustainable and he lost it again#tf one#transformers one#Megatron#d 16#Sentinel Prime#and tbf Orion's choice to ally with the high guard was also always gonna cause problems but in terms of like. people's general safety#it was also undoubtedly the preferable option compared to 'lets allow them to take point/call the shots'#cause the thing is honestly genuinely#if D16 had either turned his back on the high guard OR enlisted and then disobeyed orders to go after sentinel#then Orion would've been on waaaay shakier ground if he objected#cause in the kind of society they were living in vigilante justice/isolated terrorism/whatever you want to call it#would be no great sin against the ruling powers. like the 'left with no other option' argument definitely would have stood#but like. ORION is the one who's actually engaging in that shit. because he's not decided 'im the commander of an army now'#he's the commander of like. a terrorist cell made of miners. they're not a military organisation with training or much of a power structure#and meanwhile D16 is like 'this is my army now' which. okay cool but that means you are Not anything approaching a vigilante anymore#you get that right#stop operating on the assumption that that's what you are#you REPRESENT an established power structure now you're not just fighting one
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thesummerestsolstice · 1 year ago
Part four of my series on Rivendell's guards! Wherein I finally talk about why Hrivossa and Celecoll keep getting into arguments. You might want to read parts 1, 2, and 3 first for context.
So we pick up after the siege of Rivendell is broken by Gil-Galad's forces
Among those forces is Hrivossa and her Feanorian faction, who weren't in Eregion when it fell (they were supposed to go as reinforcements later, but never had a chance)
So Hrivossa is very relieved that her lord is alive, obviously, and fully approves of Elrond creating his own little haven in the valley
Anyway then she meets Celecoll
Let me be clear; it is absolute loathing from first sight for those two
Hrivossa is decked out in Feanorian stars, Celecoll is still wearing some old Iathrim armor, they know what they're dealing with, and they're not happy about it
They are both just sensitive enough not to start yelling obscenities at each other in the middle of Rivendell's main courtyard
Especially when Hrivossa finds out that Celecoll has been an impromptu guard for Elrond during the siege (and Celecoll finds out that Hrivossa is normally Elrond's guard)
As far as Hrivossa is concerned, Celecoll is a coward who hid behind the girdle and shamefully ran away when her kingdom needed her most, all while keeping the Silmarils from their rightful owners, and who has no business around Elrond, a good Feanorian lord
As far as Celecoll is concerned, Hrivossa is a remorseless murder who's probably still extremely dangerous, and definitely crass and improper, and who also maybe kept Elrond prisoner(?) and who has no business around Elrond, a good Sindar lord
(Sidenote: a lot of people had issues with Elrond's former jailers basically becoming the basis for his house as a lord but that's another post topic)
I want to be clear both of these people almost immediately made peace with the actual orcs they were now living with and they still hated each other
After a few loud arguments (because a few cups of elvish wine can easily overcome both their abilities to not start yelling at each other) Elrond decides he's had enough and separates them
Alternating schedules where they don't have to see each other, and now they live at opposite ends of the growing city
Problem solved, right?
Celecoll moves next to Hrivossa and they start fighting again
I feel like I should note that half the time they aren't even arguing in the same language
Subjects for discussion include: whether or not Thingol was bad, who the Silmarils rightfully belonged to, and most importantly, who gets to guard Elrond
Can you become a toxic divorced couple without ever being romantically involved? Local elves sure are trying
This cycle repeats several more times before Elrond decides that they clearly, like, need the enrichment from arguing or something
He gets their rooms soundproofed so that their fights don't wake anyone else up and just kind of lets it happen
For some ungodly reason yelling at each other a few times a month actually seems to help both of them be more calm and relaxed the rest of the time
Some things are unknowable, even to the wisest minds, and the reason why they're like this is one of them
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viinchester · 5 months ago
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The Society :: 01.10 — How It Happens
The Coup // The Arrest
(Allie Pressman, Luke Holbrook, Campbell Eliot, Shoe)
Links: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || x
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dalekofchaos · 4 months ago
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bananonbinary · 2 years ago
god, Exceptional Risk gets me so much, this guy isnt even an avatar but the way he TALKS about the prisoners he "guarded" is far more chilling than any of the supernatural shit
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bianxiousandcute · 1 month ago
rules: without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favorite films and then tag ten people to do the same
Thank you for the tag @charleslelurk 💕
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Tagging @alinelovelace @randomfingthings @cheer-me-up-scotty @singaporehelmet @aruccchin @hatalien @tetrafelino @figurante-no1 @hazy-forest @eatingpastr13s
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pvrrhadve · 1 month ago
society if the old guard 2 soundtrack is good this time
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madarah52 · 3 months ago
Soi Fon
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Also Soi Fon
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swordmaid · 3 months ago
this convo hitting so different if ur a lolth drow like minthara
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#ntm shri'iia's initial fear at the start (and what lead her to eventually break her oath (accidentally!!)) was her getting hatecrimed#bc she's a drow. bc she's been told how much the surfacers hate her kind and how they are the Enemy#like if surfacers are scared and wary of lolth drows bc of what they do up there i think they'd be scared and wary of surfacers too bc of#what they've been made to believe in. and the fact that kindness or anything Good generally does not Exist or is very scarce in their#society so getting treated better is something that doesn't come to mind (more so for shri'iia bc she was raised in the Braeryn where#the drow nobles go down there to terrorize the poor people. like i dont think she had that luxury or chance to experience goodwill UNTIL sh#was dropped off in the surface and was given the benefit of the doubt -> which is more than what she expected or what she was given before#but anyway that convo where minty says they begin to see you in the same light probably ‼️‼️ alarmed her#bc i think she's only starting to become comfortable and safe around other people. like this is early act 3 shri'iia too#it does take her a long time to get accustomed to other people and let her guard down. then minty says something like that and i think it'l#set her off. like she's gonna start getting paranoid again. then vampire abduction happens the next night she's like OUP.#takes the astral tadpole out of her own fear and paranoia bc she's had that belief that having power and strength will make her feel safe#(it does not.) it's the same reason why she took the tadpole in act 1 in the first place#since she takes it after breaking her oath and feeling like she's significantly weaker. shri'iia can't feel like she's lacking in anything#ever she needs that security net that she's strong enough or capable enough and she needs others to know that about herself too she's too#insecure. and i think having two instances where her paranoia gets ticked off will push her to take the astral tadpole. like its#really out of impulse. and i think part of her oathbreaker arc is her learning how to tame that paranoia too and just generally learning#how to feel comfortable and safe. but anyway. thats part of the reason why i like minty#to be the one who gets kidnapped hehe. second part is the toxic yuri of it all 🤤🤤🤤#shut up about bg3.
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bookcub · 1 year ago
Graphic Novel Rec
that have less than 100,000 ratings on Goodreads
The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen- If you haven't read this book, please do it now, it is amazing! It is about a Vietnamese American family telling stories to each other alongside the events of their lives.
10/10, one of my favorite books of the year!
Tea Dragon Society by Kay O'Neill- This series is so sweet and the epitome of cottagecore fantasy! Filled with little dragons, found family, and beautiful pictures!
10/10, a feel good book of mine
Sleepless by Sarah Vaughn, Leila del Duca, Alissa Sallah- Has anyone done bodyguard romance this well? No, they have not. A lovely romance at the center and lots with court intrigue.
9/10, a swoonworthy romance fantasy!
Fangs by Sarah Anderson- Who hasn't wanted a romance between a vampire and a werewolf? Low stakes and adorable.
8/10, a super quick ad satisfying read
Trickster: Native American Tales, A Graphic Collection- A collection of short stories by various writers and artists about the many tricksters from the various cultures.
7.5/10 full of tricks and stories
The Old Guard by Greg Rucka- A little too gory for my taste, but as someone who loved the movie, I really enjoyed seeing the material it was adapted from!
7/10 action packed and emotional
The Girl from the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag- An adorable sapphic romance with a selkie as the love interest!! Super lovely!
7/10 a darling love story
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