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#Mortal Kombat#Lin Kuei#Shirai Ryu#Black Dragon#Brotherhood Of Shadow#White Lotus Society#White Lotus#Special Forces#Outer World Investigation Agency#Red Dragon#Tekunin#Seidan Guard#Umgadi#Sun Do Constabulary#Kahn Guard#Sub Zero#Smoke#Scorpion#Hanzo Hasashi#Kano#Kabal#Noob Saibot#Sareena#Quan CHi#Liu Kang#Raiden#Kung Lao#Sonya Blade#Jax Briggs#Johnny Cage
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Ahh, good morning, my little head chibis who manifest my various ADHD mental spasms into a little mind-palace council of squabbling people to make it easier to organize my thoughts. Got a lot going on right now, don't we? We're playing Jedi: Survivor, just finished Hawkeye, caught the premiere of Secret Invasion, and I want to be getting back to Pokemon today. I imagine you have a lot to talk ab--
"That doesn't make any sense. How is Cell supposed to be Shang Tsung if we already decided Ginyu would be Shang Tsung? You already wrote that Sub-Zero escapes from Tsung by ripping him in half from inside-out. You don't come back from that."
"Because he's a body jumper! He stores his true soul in Ermac, but it can move to different people. He can hitch a ride on Jacqui when she comes back in time to warn everyone about Sektor's Tekunin onslaught. Then he takes control of the future's Cyber Sub-Zero and returns to the past in Jacqui's time machine. Over the course of the arc we see him evolve from Cyber Sub-Zero to Tri-borg, then to Chameleon breaking free of the mechanization restrictions, and then finally retaking his true form as Shang Tsung!"
"That doesn't make any sense! How would people not notice Cyber Sub-Zero stealing souls?! That's not a thing Liang does!"
"No, you're not seeing the big picture! When Sektor and Cyrax attack that first city, they're armed with Outworld soul engines salvaged from Ermac and Tsung's invasion of Earthrealm earlier. They're abducting people who seem most fit for mechanization and stealing souls from everyone else to power the Tekunin war machine. So it just looks like Cyber Sub-Zero is doing more of the same."
"Okay but then why would he need to come back in time!?"
Oh, you guys are still on that.
This is fine.
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I’m imagining Sektor becoming an AI and jumping from Tekunin to Tekunin. You kill one and he’s in another body.
I don’t know, I just feel like it’d be an interesting way to upgrade him. Maybe he goes from Cyborg->full robot (Triborg)->to full AI.
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I love science!
As a student, ofc aku punya mapel favorit. Gak aku doang, pasti kalian jg punya kan? Nah, today i'll describe abt my fav subject, yaituuu IPA!!
Okeh, jadi mungkin (?) kalian bertanya tanya kenapa sih aku bisa suka sama IPA? Padahal kan dari kelas 7 aku terkenal anak IPS banget, semua lomba IPS pasti aku ikutin mulai dari OSN sampe Cerdas Cermat, tapi kenapa sih Bara bisa suka IPA? Nah mending sebelum aku kasih tau alesannya, aku kasih tau dulu sebenernya apa sih IPA itu?
Jadi, IPA atau ilmu pengetahuan alam adalah mapel yang membahas tentang segalaaaa hal yang ada di Alam, mulai dari yg paling kecil sampe yg paling besar. Ada banyak jg nih mapel mapel turunan dari IPA, contohnya Biologi yang ngebahas ttg makhluk hidup, terus ada juga Fisika yang ngebahas tentang materi dalam ruang dan waktu, ada juga Kimia yang ngebahas ttg komposisi sifat zat dan materi. Selain itu ada juga geologi yang mempelajari ttg struktur bumi, astronomi tentang ruang angkasa, dan banyak lagi.
NAH, sekarang kenapa aku suka Ipa? di IPA kt bisa belajar banyak hal, yang bener bener bervariasi bangt. Sebagai anak yang anti seni dan olahraga, jujur IPA, Matematika, dan Ilmu Pasti sebagainya pilihan yang tepat banget buat aku. Yaaa gak cuma IPA dan mtk doang sihh, ak suka belajar bahasa juga (pake duolingo HEHE), ips juga okelah, yang lain juga. Intinya, IPA itu seru guys! Tekunin pelajaran yang kalian sukai yah!! SEMANGAT SEKOLAH GUYS!
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am I being overly dramatic?
aku lagi suka nyulam, karena pemula belajar nyulam jadi aku bikin beberapa coaster ada 7/8 pcs yang aku bawa ke kantor dan aku taruh di meja kerjaku. setiap ada yang liat dan tanya ini bikin sendiri apa gimana, iya bikin sendiri lagi belajar nyulam. bukan untuk nyenengin siapa-apa atau bahkan ngasih kesan wah, tapi ya buat nyenengin diri sendiri, biar punya suatu hal yang aku bisa lakuin, walaupun simpel dan mungkin sepele, tapi aku bisa dan mungkin suatu saat kalau aku tekunin lagi bisa punya nilai sendiri. aku jadi punya cita-cita baru, bisnis kecil-kecilan dari sulaman yang aku buat, semoga aja bukan omong kosong dan suatu waktu bisa aku wujudin ya walaupun entah kapan, bisnis kecil-kecilannya buat isi waktu luang aja bukan sebagai pemasukan utama.
dari 7/8 pcs coaster yang aku buat dan aku bawa ke kantor, ada beberapa temen kantor yang tertarik dan bawa pulang, aku seneng banget pas ada yang mau, beberapa langsung aku bagiin ke temen deket di kantor ada 3 orang, sisanya di bawa sama temen-temen dan ada sengaja aku simpen 1 pcs buat mas yang warnanya biru dan patternnya paling bagus dan unik diantara coaster yang aku bikin (walaupun belum rapi).
aku kasih semalem pas ketemu, aku cerita sedikit juga soal cita-citaku, bisnis kecil-kecilan dari sulaman yang aku buat, aku bahkan ngga inget responnya gimana. tapi yang bikin aku tanya ya jatuhnya lebih ke sedihnya, waktu pulang coaster yang aku kasih ngga dibawa, aku yang minta buat dibawa, dia bingung mau bawanya gimana, aku bilang ada saku atau engga. padahal itu barang kecil dan fleksibel, dislesepin di saku atau ditaruh di kantong motor atau bahkan di jok pun ngga masalah dan ngga akan rusak. pas itu kayanya aku sempet nyeletuk aku bikinnya susah lho, mungkin baru dia masukin. ya memang susah bikinnya, telunjukku arthritis kayanya karena terlalu semangat bikin sulaman, dan maksutku cuma mau bagi-bagi kesenengan ke beberapa orang yang aku kenal, dari kegiatan yang beberapa minggu terakhir ini bikin aku seneng dan lupa waktu.
aku berusaha ngga mikirin soal itu, pagi ketemu juga biasa aja (terimakasih kepada diriku sendiri yang pinter nutup-nutupin) kembali lagi ke judul apa mungkin aku yang terlalu berlebihan, atau aku berhak sedih soal hal-hal kecil yang terus disepelein?
he's a pain in the ass sometimes.
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Puji Tuhan hobi yang bisa menghasilkan uang tambahan.
Bermula dari kesukaan makan brownies dan mencoba bikin dari resep2 di sosial media akhirnya menemukan resep yang pas di lidah. Butuh waktu lama akhirnya bisa terwujud untuk jualan brownies. Dari yang awal cuma coba-coba dan respon orang-orang sekitar sudah oke akhirnya berani posting jualan dan banyak yang tertarik.
Setelah di tekunin yang itung2 bisa buat healing karena biasanya banyak teman-teman di jkt bisa main sana sini sekarang sudah beda. Teman2 tidak ada hanya orang sekitar rumah ditambah ada anak kecil yang membuat gemas setiap hari.
Berat memang saat ini di sambi sana sini tapi aku tetap bersyukur.
Terimakasih Tuhan meskipun aku banyak mengeluh tapi aku selalu berterimakasih 😁😁😁🤗
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#TroyBaker #EdBoon #SonyaBlade #Alien #MortalKombatXL #AlienvsPredator #CassieCage #KellyHu #TriciaHelfer #JohnTobias #AshlyBurch #Shinnok #JohnnyCage #Leatherface #KungJin #JasonVoorhees #AndrewBowen #MortalKombatX #DVorah #CorruptedShinnok #Playstation5 #JohnnyYongBosch #JaqcuiBriggs #Predator #StageFatalities #Fatalities #KungLao #Tekunin https://www.instagram.com/p/CoR4JNwuzylGFdbLsEqZwtpsPpoDTbZ9XQNFZU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Sepintas tentang Revou dan Impian
gue lupa udah pernah nulis tentang ini atau belum. yang jelas gue pernah menuliskannya di status whatsapp private gue.
oke memang dari semua film drakor yang pernah gue tonton (sebenernya sekarang ini gue udah hampir ga pernah nonton drakor) film Start Up adalah salah satu film yang bikin gue terpana-pana.
gue merasa memiliki karakter yg 11 12 dengan Seo Dal Mi, tapi juga sedikit pencampuran Han Ji Pyeong.
film yang menceritakan tentang merintis sebuah bisnis startup juga menambah inspirasi gue karena yaa relate dengan impian gue.
Memang hati-hati sama pikiran dan mental sendiri, bisa mengarah ke hal yang kita yakini.
masih belum move on sm fil Start Up, pertama x nonton dulu, liat Dal Mi kok mirip gue ya? Gak, gue ga secantik itu :'D cuma lebih ke karakter-> fuck sayer alias bermulut besar, kadang takdirnya naik turun banget tapi gak kapok buat mencoba lagi, perjuangin orang yang menurut dia berharga banget (Dal Mi ke ayahnya), dll.
Kalau nonton Dal Mi, rasanya gue lagi ada di situasi itu (padahal waktu itu hanya ke setting di otak aja, gak real).
Iya, liat sand box entah kenapa kayak "one day gue ada di sana". pikiran ngasal aja sih..
sadar ga sadar, takdir dan tindakan yang gue ambil pun mengarah ke sana..
nah, waktu itu gue ikut webinar tentang product management dari kak Fadel salah satu PM di Flip, temanya tentang orang yang berhasil switch karir ke PM dari bidang yang berbeda, pematerinya adalah seorang perempuan dengan MBTI ENFP haha, kak Ade Putri Aulia Wijharnasir. nah darisitulah gue follow instagram kak Putri. OOT, agak kaget juga sih kak Putri ini ADHD, udah dari beberapa tahun terakhir gue merasa juga mengidap ADHD, hanya saja masih self diagnosed karena semua signs nya itu gue punya.
ada salah 1 highlight kak Putri yang membahas tentang PM. disini, kak Putri membahas tentang film Start Up, makin sukak lah gue menemukan akun IG kak Putri, haha.
Tau drakor Startup ga? Tau Seo Dal Mi sama Nam Do San kan?
Seo Dal Mi kan jadi CEO tuh disana.
Nam Do San jadi CTO.
Yang inii lhooo. Ini gampang banget buat mahamin apa aja role basic di proses bikin produk digital (cern apps dan website gitu)
Nah di startup baruuuu banget selevel Samsan Tech yang di drakor itu.
Dal Mi itu yang kasih ide mau bikin produk apa, dia yang ngerti itungan bisnis dan keuntungannya, dia yang pitching (presentasi) ke orang lain tentang produknya.
Do San yang bisa bantu dia untuk eksekusi semua rencana dan ide Dalmi akan suatu produk.
Kira-kira seperti ituuu.... produknya apa? ya produknya adalah si NoonGil itu."
Tau drakor Startup ga? Tau Seo Dal Mi sama Nam Do San kan?
Seo Dal Mi kan jadi CEO tuh disana.
Nam Do San jadi CTO.
Yang inii lhooo. Ini gampang banget buat mahamin apa aja role basic di proses bikin produk digital (cern apps dan website gitu)
Memang hati-hati sama pikiran dan mental sendiri, bisa mengarah ke hal yang kita yakini.
masih belum move on sm fil Start Up, pertama x nonton dulu, liat Dal Mi kok mirip gue ya? Gak, gue ga secantik itu :'D cuma lebih ke karakter-> fuck sayer alias bermulut besar, kadang takdirnya naik turun banget tapi gak kapok buat mencoba lagi, perjuangin orang yang menurut dia berharga banget (Dal Mi ke ayahnya), dll.
Kalau nonton Dal Mi, rasanya gue lagi ada di situasi itu (padahal waktu itu hanya ke setting di otak aja, gak real).
Iya, liat sand box entah kenapa kayak "one day gue ada di sana". pikiran ngasal aja sih..
Apa 2 tahun lalu gue tau apa yang Dal Mi lakuin itu mirip-mirip PM?
Engga, mana gue ngerti :'D
gue hanya merasa miripnya, karena diterima di wadah yang mana mirip2 sand box.. ternyata bidang yang gue ambil pun mirip2 Dal Mi..
ini pun ada alasannya kenapa PM?
beberapa bulan lalu gue ada di titik nangis gitu, bingung bertekad banget jalanin bisnis tapi bisnis yang gue ambil ini bukan yang profitable, ngebrandingnya butuh waktu yang ga sebentar, so juga butuh diferensiasi inovasi.
sayangnya, gue udah disaranin beberapa orang untuk realistis, tekunin dulu bidang fashion (yang udah gue tekunin 6 bulan terakhir) atau bidang lainnya buat mulai bisnis yang bisa profit cepet. tapi gue gamau. cita-cita gue bukan di bidang itu. cita-cita gue di bidang lingkungan.
di sisi lain, gue harus realistis. bahkan udah dapet suggest dari pakar lingkungan nasional sendiri, diapun gerak nyambi kerja lain karena satu dan lain hal yang menjadi kendala berbisnis di bidang lingkungan.
akhirnya gue berpikir, kalopun gue harus mulai kerja lagi karena butuh duit masuk terus juga, ya at least kerjaannya bisa naikin insight gue tentang bisnis.
gue gamau ngorbanin pilihan gue hanya bertumpu pada terima keadaan.
masalah diterima/engga belakangan, kalau worth it sulit pun akan gue perjuangin, gagal pun akan gue coba lagi asalkan gue udah yakin sama yang gue pilih.
pas itu gue mempertimbangan 3 (tiga) jenis pekerjaan..
gue gatau kelak bisa berhasil/engga sampai akhir, tapi jujur gue bersyukur banget.
selama ini gue kerja ngerasa ada in line sama tujuan akhir gue,
sayangnya masih ada kurang klik gitu entah apa.
tapi semakin mendalami PM, pertama x nya gue merasakan AHA! moment. ini gue banget. requirements nya yang gue noted emang punya strenghth disitu dari segi karakter. curious, sok ngide ini itu, seneng diskusi, dinamis, deeptalk, dst.
bahkan PM ngajarin antisipasi kelemahan gue, buat gimana caranya nge-filter ide-ide yang banyak, memprioritaskan, dst.
ada yang menemukan AHA! momen mungkin di fase menemukan passionnya seperti gue, ada yang ketika bisa berprogress bareng pasangannya, ada yang ketika bisa menyisihkan uang untuk orang tuanya, ada yang bisa rutin membuka donasi untuk orang membutuhkan, ada yang ketika diterima PNS, ada yang akhirnya menemukan circle yang supportif dan menyenangkan.
semua punya momen dan fase masing-masing.
yang jelas, priceless moment lebib dari soal materi di quarter life crisis itu penting banget.
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Mortal Kombat 11 Koncept Sareena by Jack Meng Kirkman
Story: In events that were now a lifetime ago to Sareena, she was saved from Quan Chi’s vile manipulative magic by Bi Han. She was told to live among the poor of outworld for a time, concealing herself to the watchful eyes of the powerful throughout the realms. Bi Han promised her that he would find her and offer her sanctuary in the Lin Kuei. Then the Mortal Kombat tournament begun and Bi Han was invited to represent Earthrealm by Raiden. It was the highest honour in Bi Han's eyes, fighting the forces of darkness once again, like he had done when he saved Sareena. He found Sareena and told all of this. Sareena saw the tournament as her chance of redemption and asked Bi Han if she could represent Earthrealm by his side. Bi Han told her that joining the Mortal Kombat tournament was too dangerous for her. Quan Chi would be there with his allies, and they would surely take the opportunity to kill her, or worse, put her back under his control. He told her that she need only to remain incognito until after the tournament, then after Earthrealm's victory, Bi Han would come back for her. He explained to her that she could also not come back with him to the Lin Kuei temple during this time, as he suspected there was a sinister poison infecting their order. He had suspicions that the grandmaster himself and his son, Sektor were behind it. Sareena, while frustrated, saw the wisdom in what Bi Han said. He left her and promised that he would come back for her and that she would be safe. Before Bi Han left, Sareena said to him, "Be careful Bi Han... The very thing that allowed you to escape the Netherrealm, is the thing that will lead you back there." To which Bi Han responded, "I am still a mortal..."As Bi Han foretold, Earthrealm won the tournament, but he did not survive to see it. Now Sareena lived in a torn and broken Outworld, chaotic and divided in the wake of Shao Kahn's death and no one was coming for her. There was a power vacuum, and many vied for control. Earthrealm was no better she had heard, Shinnok had returned and his Netherrealm army were invading. The realms seemed to be closing in around her and she knew it was only a matter of time before her former allies tracked her down and submitted her to brainwashing. She would not live in this squalor and wait for that day. Admist the chaos, it turned out that her skills as an assassin and a spy were of great use to many in this race for power and she quickly found work that paid exceptionally well... She had lived with the Tarkatans for years and even knew a Tarkatan assassin named Karbrac, who apparently had taught the famed Baraka kombat techniques. She admired their blades, the perfect concealed weapon she thought. Sareena commissioned a gauntlet with a retractable blade sheathed within it, just like those wielded by the Tarkatans. She called this weapon "Demon Fang".In Mortal Kombat 11: After the time surge that brought individuals from past timelines into the present, Sub-zero was called to meet with the Special Forces to consolidate their knowledge on threats to Earthrealm. While they were briefing Sub-zero, he took notice of a particularly barren file, the name at the top read, "Sareena". This triggered a memory from a time before he was turned into a revenant. Bi Han, his older brother had told him of a woman lost in Outworld. He told Kuai Liang, that if anything were to happen to him, that he would honour his promise to her and give her sanctuary in the Lin Kuei. Unfortunately, Kuai Liang had to deal with Sektor and the Tekunin kidnapping his comrades. The Lin Kuei would make a poor sanctuary at the moment. After Kronika's defeat, time continued as normal for those who were outside of the hourglass. With the help of the Special Forces, Kuai Liang was able to find her whereabouts. It was clear by her recent movements that she was on the run. But from what, he could not deduce... Over the last few months, Sareena had been hunted by her old ally, Jataaka, who had also enlisted the services of the mercenary Erron Black. Jataaka was a master tracker and hunter. Sareena knew that Jataaka was wearing her out. Allowing her to run, and then catching up to her at perfect times. Sareena was largely without rest and she knew her time was running out. She endeavoured to use the energy she still had to confront the two. Sareena prepared outside an abandoned, ruined temple. She set up a multitude of traps. She knew that both Jataaka and Erron were no strangers to these tactics and she knew they would have little effect on them, but buying herself every second she could would be her best chance at survival. The two arrived as Sareena had anticipated. Jataaka made quick work of spotting the preliminary traps while Erron disabled them with expert precision. They entered the building and after much scouring, shadowy smoke burst out from around a corner, Jataaka swung her wakizashi, startled by the sudden movement, but her blade found no purchase in the amorphous cloud. The cloud materialized behind Jataaka, revealing Sareena, she swung her leg backwards at Erron, her heelblade slicing across his chest in the process. Fortunately for him, his armour saved him from the wound, but the kick knocked him down nonetheless. As he landed, he drew his firearm and shot Sareena. Sareena dematerialized into smoke once more and the bullet sailed passed her, nearly hitting Jataaka in the head. "What did I tell you about doing that!" Jataaka screamed at him. Erron sheathed his gun and got up. The smoke materialized once more. "We both know, you can't maintain that form forever Sareena", Jataaka said, a grin creeping across her face. The battle that ensued was hard fought, but ultimately, the combined prowess of Jataaka and Erron proved too much for the worn Sareena. Jataaka pushed her heel into Sareena's knee and an echoing snap and a cry reverberated through the torn building. She got Sareena into a rear naked choke. Erron watched as the life began to leave Sareena's eyes, but his ears pricked up. He turned around to see Sub-zero skating towards the building on a bed of ice with blinding speed. "Time's up", he muttered, realising that the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei would turn the odds against them. Erron pointed his gun at Sareena and fired... Sub-zero rushed into the entrance. Erron was gone. He moved over to the bloody Sareena laying on the floor, as he approached, he noticed Jataaka, also bleeding out. Jataaka started to crawl away. He turned to Sareena, her eyes were half open, looking at him, she tried to speak, but nothing would come. Sareena's vision was blurry and though she was still alive, she could feel herself fading, the man in front of her felt like something from a distant memory, or was it dream. Perhaps it was a mirage. Right now, it was the only thing tethering her to life... Sub-zero sealed her wound. She passed out, but would live. Sub-zero stood up and walked slowly over to Jataaka, who hadn't made it very far. The trail of blood in her wake told him that her wound was fatal. Hearing the footsteps, Jataaka turned around and laid on her back, coughing. "M-Mercy, Grandmaster". He stared into her hateful eyes and said, "You are right, I cannot leave you like this..." He held out his hand and a jet of ice burst forth, freezing over her entire head. He raised his boot and smashed her skull into tiny shards of blood. Unbeknownst to Jataaka, Erron Black had another contract on Sareena from a mysterious benefactor. They told him that Sareena must die, at any cost.Sareena awoke weeks later in the Lin Kuei temple. Sareena explained her story to Kuai Liang and how she was indebted to him for what his brother had done for her. Kuai Liang explained that he too was indebted to her by a promise to his fallen brother. Kuai liang granted her sanctuary within the Lin Kuei, protecting her from assassins of the Netherrealm as his brother before him had promised. Sareena also joined the clan as a protector of Earthrealm. During her healing process, Sareena spoke of a plan to save Bi Han from the clutches of the Netherrealm and Quan Chi’s lingering magic. Kuai Liang was not confident his brother could be turned, but Sareena was persistent. She would never give up on Bi Han. The two set out and eventually learn that Noob Saibot had fled to the Chaos Realm. The travel there through a portal that the Lin Kuei found many years ago, though it was forbidden to use it without the Grandmaster’s permission. Their journey led them to a ruined temple of order. There they found a Cleric. He was heavily cloaked and his features obscured. He openly confessed to aiding Noob Saibot and claimed that he knew that they would come looking for him. But he had another confession. He had helped another individual, who would purge the realms of any demon that dared to breathe the same air she breathed. He muttered a spell and before Sareena and Sub-zero could react, green soul magic erupted from the ground before the cleric. A woman emerged, carrying a lantern with the caged souls of Ermac and a kris blade. She dressed in full white with gold trim and a wide brimmed hat with a ghostly veil. Sareena noticed instantly from her demonic left arm, that she was like her, a demon of the Netherrealm. She thought it strange that this demon was fanatical in their desire to kill their own kin. "Ashrah", the cleric exclaimed. "There is the demon I promised you", he gestured at Sareena. Ashrah lunged her weapon forward, as if her arm was compelled by the kris blade itself. The souls from the lantern lashed out at Sub-zero snaring him. A fight ensued and the cleric stepped quietly into the shadows…
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Mortal Kombat: In the end: Never left behind.
Summary: After the destruction of Sektor’s warships, both sides recuperate.
Chapter list.
Chapter list part two.
Jax didn’t know where his escape pod had landed. The glass was tinted to keep privacy. Still, he could make an educated guess on what to expect. He heard muffled voices from outside. Military voices, perfect.
The pod was damaged by Sektor’s rockets and couldn’t be opened conventionally.
Time for some unconventional ideas.
With a few punches to the door, Jax was able to make an opening to tear the door off the pod and exit to the outside world.
His eyes adjusted to the sunlight, thankfully covered by trees. Before him was a group of OIA soldiers and Sonya Blade at the head with a look of shock.
“Listen, I know-
Before Jax could continue, Sonya wrapped her arms around him. This was an incredibly uncommon situation.
“Woah, missed me?” He joked, while appreciated the sudden warmth instead of cold steel.
“When your signal went down, I assumed the worst.”
Jax chuckled.
“Come on, give me a little credit.”
After breaking the embrace and forcing themselves back to business, Sonya’s posture shifted.
“Now, did you get any intel while you were captured?”
“I heard him talking about making alliances. Something big is coming.”
Sonya’s face was steel, yet clearly trying to work out the scheme. She had slight bags under her eyes. She must’ve been hard at work.
“That matches up with Cage’s info. Shinnok’s back and making allies for some new plot,” Sonya mused.
Jax would’ve been more focused on the mention of Shinnok were it not the mention of Johnny. He didn’t hate Johnny, but he didn’t consider the man a strategic genius who could uncover an unknown plot.
“I’m sorry, maybe that escape messed with my head, did you say that Cage gave you information?”
Sonya smiled and shook her head.
“You heard right, he and a bunch of our allies have had visions of some big battle. We’ve been going around making our own army for whatever Shinnok’s up to.”
“And I’m guessing we’ve been enlisted,” Jax bitterly added on.
Sonya fixed her partner a sympathetic look, he was one of the few she’d give them too.
“You don’t have to join up; you’ve been held captive by Sektor. If you wanted to sit this out, I’d understand.”
Jax shook his head, flexing his metal hands into a fist.
“This is what we signed up for. And if it means payback against Sektor, I’m ready for another scuffle.”
Sonya knew there was no arguing with him, she’d probably respond the same way in his situation.
“Alright, but we’ll send you back to base for medical assistance. We’ll need you at your best and check if Sektor left anything on you.”
As he was led to a military jet by other OIA soldiers, Jax felt himself exhale in relief at the return to form.
It was good to be back in safe hands.
Sektor teleported to the tekunin cyber factory and immediately entered the facility. His soldiers looked to him and bowed in accordance with their programming.
“Is the tracking device intact?” He ordered with mechanical efficiency tinted with the slightest frustration.
The soldier nodded, activating a screen that was tracking Jax’s location. It would lead them right to the SF base. He couldn’t enact his plan yet; Shinnok still required his services.
Everything was going according to plan. Once his alliance with Shinnok was over, there would be a new era of automation.
And Jax would be the key to unleashing it.
#mortal kombat#mortal kombat armageddon#in the end#things i create#my writing stuff#jax briggs#sonya blade#sektor
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just realized that like 3 or so posts back i added a tag that is almost entirely unintelligible to people that don't know about mortal kombat lore
it went like this: "mortal kombat armageddon konquest tekunin warship" but most people just read it as "scrunglo from my games"
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It's hard to study without seeing my rival.
Dari sekian banyaknya hal yang gue lewatin dari SD dulu, ternyata gue baru sadar. Salah satu hal terbesar yang mendorong gue untuk belajar adalah karena gue merasa punya saingan. Dari SD gue selalu deg-deg an banget ngadepin ujian. Gue takut nilai gue turun atau stagnan. Ketika dapet nilai yang ga gue pengenin, gue bisa nyesek abis. 6 tahun berjuang mendapatkan ranking pertama rasanya susah bgt. Akhirnya baru bisa terwujud di SMP. Katanya sih mempertahankan lebih sulit daripada mendapatkan. Well, jatuh bangun gue belajar saat SMP. Alhamdulillah membuahkan hasil juga (gue ga pernah ke geser waktu di SMP). Beda lagi dengan di SMA. Motivasi gue masi ada, tapi kayanya kadarnya rada nurun. Karena lebih realistis liat temen-temen lain yang jauh lebih pinter. Tapi akhirnya pas awal kuliah gue sadar. Bukan sekadar nilai atau nominasi 'peringkat' yang gue cari. Ternyata lebih dari sekadar itu. Baru kali ini gue sadar. 'Gue tuh ngapain ya, kemaren-kemaren?'. Akhirnya dari situ gue kesel sama pemikiran gue dulu. Soalnya gue terlalu fokus sama predikat 'ranking' sekian. Tapi ga fokus sama esensi ilmu. Akhirnya mulai dari situ gue merubah cara pandang, kalo yang penting gue itu paham sama apa yang lagi gue tekunin.
yang penting gue itu paham sama apa yang lagi gue tekunin.
Akhirnya gue ga begitu takut banget sama nilai yang turun. Karena ups and down it's ok. Gue santai aja, terus belajar dan nikmatin suasana pembelajaram gue. Ternyata psikologi seru juga. Sampai akhirnya pengumuman IP semester pertama, ternyata hasilnya memuasakan bgt buat gue. Sampai akhirnya dari sana gue berkesimpulan.
Gapapa berjalan lambat, tapi kerasa bermakna
Maksudnye gapapa lama paham, tapi nempel dan bermakna di otak. Dibandingkan cuma fokus ama nilai.
Tapi bukan manusia namanya kalo ga diuji hehehe. Setelah gue menjalani (harusnya) 5 semester, gue pun merasa bahwasanya dengan cara begitu aja ga cukup. Gue butuh memodifikasi skill dan menambah tools belajar gue. Karena gue ngerasa ada kalanya gue demot banget sama yang namanya belajar. Terus gue mikir-mikir selama pandemi ini, kenapa ya gue jadi males belajar?
Ternyata gue perlu mengubah metode dan model gue belajar
Akhirnya gue telusurin apa yang perlu gue ubah. Sampai akhirnya gue bisa menyimpulkan bahwa
Study need a buddy
Buddy yang gue maksud disana jelaslah buddy yang 'baik', bukan rival gue. Tapi kadang dalam diri gue. Gue sering banget nganggep temen dekat guee sebagai rival guee dalem ati wkwkk. gue nya aja yg ga ngasih tau kalo gue lagi kompetisi sama die.
Dan gue baru sadar ternyata 'tools baru' yang gue butuhkan buat belajar adalah temen gue sendiri yang gue anggep sebagai rival gue. Makanya gue seneng banget kalo temenan sama orang yg suka 'nantangin gue' dalam hal belajar gini.
rival adalah salah satu hal yang gue butuhi buat bikin gue 'panas'
And then in this pandemic situation, I'm not seeing you, my buddy (also my rival). That's why, I lil bit get calm with this situation n condition. So, I got demot. And still searching for seeing my online rival. Lol.
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amora: stories. || @tragicblood || accepting
❄️ || Sometimes his memory is his enemy; surrounded by ebony waves that rise above his face and condemns him within the whirlwinds of emotions that still remain repressed beneath the impervious walls of his gravitas. With his deep and expansive sapphire eyes open and sharply perceptive, yet his mind remains numb in this endless stretch of this ocean. His memories keep him spinning, as limbs dance in their furrowed concentration. His own imposing, erect form sweeping the Lin Kuei warriors, occasionally correcting their postures and giving them words of encouragement.
They are the things that were severely and considerably lacking in his developmental years; encouragement and empathy. Yet, even as Tundra, Kuai Liang realized that life could be truly unfair, but the beauty of a life’s path could be reforged and reconstructed if he could just survive this particular crash, this particular helplessness as his embodied weakness only became the catalytic fuel to push him further than anyone else, to surpass them in not only his unparalleled martial arts prowess, but of his cryomancy.
A visceral feeling of déjà vu collides into his thawed heart; it had been a while ago that Sub-Zero had taken in another hoard of outsiders, lost and drifting like vagabonds in Earthrealm’s grounds, and Lin Kuei needed exceptional warriors, comrades in arms as fighters, and other crucial roles that would make the ancient clan to be self-sufficient. Now with the threats of Tekunin and Cyber Lin Kuei forever eradicated from the course of history, Sub-Zero too, will eradicate this inheritance of cruelty that had been long embedded in the soil of Arctika and continue to reform with peace and thriving comradeship, which had been also lost in the tides of uncertainty and disarray of the past.
An unfamiliar figure, along with a few officers emerge from the pulsating portal, as the dusted unperturbed crystals begin to melt away in the pinnacle of Arctikan summer’s radiance; a healing caress over the solemn severity of the temple’s façade. Kuai Liang’s head does not careen, yet he is starkly aware of them making their careful approach. “I have been not aware of your visitation, may I inquire what circumstances I would be dealing with?” Despite feeling the familiar weight of everything he ever shared with the Special Forces, as they too, have been dealing with grave manners repeatedly, without time of serenity to properly rest and recalibrate, Sub-Zero’s severe countenance softens as sharp orbs hone towards the woman. “Pardon my bluntness, but I have not yet to acquaint you. If you would be kind enough to provide your name and rank?” ❄️ ||
#✗ bone-deep chill of despair (sub-zero)#✗ you are an equal amongst deceivers (iii)#(hope my reply is alright!)#tragicblood
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The questions raised in MK11′s story mode:
So here's everything as it came up in order, in my mind just as I was thinking of things, SUPER heavy spoilers ahead, I just want the fan consensus, please help a confused fan get his bearings, why does everyone praise this story mode when I'm just seeing more holes than a cheese grater? 1. If Gods are immune to Kronika's time tampering, How does she stop Shinnok's blood, which was still pouring from his neck, from flowing on that table? I know this one may be a bit nitpicky but that's just a little one that sticks out and is very visually present. 2. Where do the Kollector's people come from? Probably Outworld but pulling yet another species from thin air for that realm is kinda cheap, okay? 3. Why does everyone from the past look so different from how they did in MK9? It's like jarringly different, especially when Kung Lao JUST supposedly beat down the deadly alliance, something that is only established to happen in the reboot timeline. So what happened there? (Other cosmetic changes would take too long to point out individually, so I won't.) 4. Follow up, there must be a pretty big time gap for Johnny, Sonya, and Jax, because Jax has his mech arms but in the MK2 ark of MK9, he had to be rushed out of Outworld because Ermac blew his real arms off. 5. Follow up 2, why does Jax seem to have deaged? In MK9 he looked to be about thirty+ Whereas here he looks like a really big Twenty-something, his arms are even different. So what happened there? 6. Why does Dark Raiden vanish? The game throws out the explanation that "Immortals" operate on a different timescale, more or less, but if he's unaffected by other time distortions, how was he pulled forward in the first place? 7. Why aren't more people from either side, including Smoke, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Reptile, Ermac, Goro, Mileena, and Kintaro, ALL OF WHOM (Save for Smoke) are Loyal to Shao Kahn, not also summoned into the arena? And "She can only summon people who are still alive" isn't a workable answer because of Baraka, Skarlet and Shao Kahn himself. She later says that she's finding people not happy with the course of history, but I doubt two of the most ambitious characters in the series (The Deadly alliance) would be all that happy about being dead. Nor, I'd wager, would Kintaro or Goro, form the prideful warrior race of dragon people? 8. Why is future Erron Black completely mute? Yeah. In every scene he's in (a few different ones in the coliseum) he never says anything but past Erron has loads of dialogue. 9. How does Raiden know about there being other Temporal nonsense going on elsewhere in not just the realm he's in, but Earthrealm? I know he's Earthrealm's protector but how in the high heaven does he know? 10.As a Little one: How is it that past Johnny is sitting on the other side of the room looking at his nails and then is immediately walking by Sonya and Jax with future Johnny? She was looking in kind of the same direction but how quickly did this guy get up to pull that off? 11.Raiden says he's been getting the premonitions for "MONTHS" But MK9 established pretty roundly that he only got them night one of the 10th tournament. Now, by the time of the MK2 ark in MK9, no more than a week or two could have passed, at least as presented, so how does that make any sense? (I will elaborate if asked but this is already long enough) 12. Why does past Jade have an English accent and why does Revenant Jade not? (Other voice inconsistencies from within this trilogy would take to long to point out, so again, this is just persistent for all of them.) 13. The Cyber Lin Kuei (Who I will call "Tekunin" from here on out because I just like that better) are still a thing, Kronika pulled Sektor into the present too, I can buy that. But why not also try and recruit another realm like Seido? Imagine having Hotaru and the help of his forces. It'd make for some cool scenes, especially at the end when all the Oni are fighting Raiden's army, it'd make things a lot more chaotic, which would look cooler. Why not Chaos realmers? Zaterrans? Vampires? Centaurs? Kytinn? She brought the Tarkatans back completely so how hard would any of these other virtually extinct armies be harder to bring back and sway to her side in comparison? What about the Red Dragon? 14. Raiden apparently knows some of the history of this altered timeline which just makes me wonder how much he could realistically be briefed on, especially when he reacts with shock when he finds out that Sub-zero is friends with Hanzo Hasashi. And yes, the Cyber Initiative was a thing in MK9 but Sektor wasn't the grandmaster when that was going on or when Raiden and co were pulled from time. So what does he know and not know? And why did no one think "That crazy fire ninja is on our side" Was worthwhile info? 15. Why isn't Noob just the past one? He straight up says that he survived the soulnado, not that he's a different version. He never showed up live in the comics so it makes zero sense for him to have full stop survived. 16. How does ripping out two bundles of wire "Reformat" anything? 17. Future Kano references the idea of the Black Dragon being on top of "Not just the black market, Every market." What does that even mean? Is there gonna be a black dragon funded super corporation? That'd be cool, TBH. Shame that's never elaborated on. 18. When Kronika freezes time, is it only local? Or does it hit an entire Realm? Because in the scene where she's talking with Future Jax, and come to think of it, the one with Shinnok's head, What the hell is her bubble of influence? 19. Jade mentions Sheeva "Respecting Kitana's opinion more than anyone else's." Where, At all, in either timeline was that ever represented? Because up to now, if memory serves, their only real interactions were Sheeva telling Kitana to suck it up and die with honor in MK9. 20. What up with Jade's Retcon into being Kotal's girl? It's just kinda weird. 21. When and how did Revenant jade learn to control giant bugs? 22. What is Cetrion even the god of? Raiden, and later Kitana, mention she's a god of Virtue but why then is she able to control the Earth? "Elder god" Maybe but Raiden in the OG timeline got that title at the end of MK 4, then stepped down and he was no more powerful for it but that seems to be what happened with Cetrion, IDK. 23. How far back did Kronika have to pull Past Kano and Kabal from? Because Kabal is still apparently working for the black dragon, whatever age she got him from, but he still has his post-burn super speed. 24. What was the point of blowing Sektor up other than to just lose a major power player for your own side? 25. (Ultimate nitpick on this one) Why is Skarlet and one line from Baraka speaking Tarkatan the only ones that get subtitles? Why not just either A. Say it in English, which they seem to understand enough of, or B. Just not add these translations if they aren't translating the rest of the Tarkatan speech we see? What is the point? "So we understand it." I think you're underestimating people's ability to get the concept of "They said a thing, they did a thing, that must be what was said." 26. In the fight with the Tarkatans, How did Liu Kang and Kung Lao have the time to change back into monk clothes? Where was Kung Lao keeping his hat? 27. What the hell was Shao's last name? at a time "Kahn" was probably just the answer until it became retconned to mean "Emperor of Outworld." But what was his full name? I'm honestly curious, less of a nitpick, more of a "Hm." 28. Why does Future Kano feel a hit to the gut? I understand Johnny's Scar in one way or another, but a hit to the gut, painful as it is, especially when he's showing no sign of feeling any of Past Kano's minor injuries, shouldn't feel like anything after 25ish years. 29. Why does Future Kano have a delayed reaction to "Death by Missing hunk of brain?" The wound instantly manifests but he stands and seems to try to talk for a few seconds before collapsing into sand. Wouldn't it make more sense for him to rot into nothing really fast? Then again, Time travel is always a nightmare in any media that attempts to talk about it. 30. How does Revenant Kabal mistake Past Jax for Future Jax? 31. When Scorpion saves Hanzo, why didn't he just split D'vorah's skull with one strike? Two in a pinch? If he's putting enough force behind it to cut her stabby limbs off, or just generally be a useful assassin, why not just go for the neck even? (This one was answered on a reddit post I made, so whatever) 32. Why doesn't Scorpion just surrender when he goes to the Fire Gardens? Wouldn't it be best to just sit down inoffensively and wait for people to show up? Even if Sub-Zero wants to fight, he could just put his hands up and start disarming himself, Not beat the Holy Snot out of Sub-Zero. 33. If Kronika can just appear out of thin air, freeze all the humans in a given location, and pluck one from the ground, why not just use one of her minions like Geras or Cetrion to help kill them all while they're frozen? 34. Kronika mentions "Playing out all possible Scenarios." How many resets have you done, lady? Millions, I'd wager. How has your utter defeat not come up at least one other time? 35. Where are revenant Nightwolf, Sindel, Smoke, and Stryker during all of this? I find it deathly strange that Kronika couldn't find a use for FOUR undead super warriors. At least three and a bloke with military and police backgrounds that make things like strategy a bit easier, probably. 36.Kronika just MAKES a massive battleship or two, so what was the point of Cetrion building the bridge or asking Kharon to help in the first place? Just make a boat. Barring that, D'vorah mentioned that all she had to do was render Kharon unable to help Raiden's forces during Kharon's introduction. Why not just kidnap him, load him onto a boat, tie him to an anchor, and then just drop him in the blood sea? Rather than this "Slowly torture" BS. 37. How does Future Jax yeet himself onto the upper deck of one of the ferries? 38. Frost says that Raiden "Ignored her, her entire life." Since when is she the Tsundere of the MK universe? Or more seriously: Is this a line that only makes sense when you read the comics? 39. Why would the Tekunin be rigged to Frost's brainwaves? One good conk upside the noggin, or stab, shot, what have you, and what? Do they all drop dead? 40. Why does Past Kang live through having his own soul stolen, something that is always instantly fatal throughout the series? 41. How does Revenant Liu Kang yeet himself off a small boat and onto one of the ferries full stop?
And that's everything, any answers are appreciated. Am I being nitpicky with a few of these? Probably, Do I care? Not so much. I’m just getting sick of people praising this story when THIS MANY holes are present.
#Mortal Kombat#Eleven#Cetrion#Raiden#Liu Kang#Kung Lao#D'vorah#Kronika#Netherrealm Studios#Story mode#Noob Saibot#Cyrax#Sektor#Curtis#Stryker#Smoke#Sindel#Nightwolf#Jade#Kotal Kahn#Kano#Johnny Cage#Sonya Blade#Hanzo Hasashi#kuai liang#Scorpion#Sub-Zero#Jackson Briggs#Jax#skarlet
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How I would fix Mortal Kombat 11
Mortal Kombat 11 is good, but the story was awful. NRS has made it clear they don’t care about the lore, continuity or the fans. So this is how I would’ve handled the story for MK11. Similar to how I would’ve fixed MK9 and MKX
Here’s how I would handle the story
Few things first
Kung Jin and Takeda would be in the game. It was such a baffling decision not to have Kung Jin and Takeda in the game.
Kenshi would be alive and playable instead of killed off in a easter egg.
Smoke would be in the game and playable. Source
Sektor and Cyrax would be in the game and not just NPCs in the story mode.
Reptile would be in the game Source
Ermac would be in the game. They already have the look for Ermac in the game, so why not just have him be playable?
The changes
Raiden is the villain of the story. You teased Dark Raiden and did nothing with him. His goal is to destroy threats to Earthrealm before they happen. His war with Liu Kang and Kitana is threatening to destroy the realms and speed up Armageddon
Jade is the hero of the story. Because of her MK9 ending and her disappearance from MKX, we were all to believe Jade’s return was meant to be crucial, in my version. She is brought back by Argus and Delia. They instruct her to stop Raiden’s madness and bring order back to the realms. This will also gives Jade the chance to bring her friends back
There is no Kronika. Kronika, was just a bland villain. We needed Raiden and The Revenants
There is no Jade/Kotal Kahn romance. It was pointless and unnecessary and just derailed Jade’s character.
Mileena is alive. When Jade was restored by Argus, he also brings back Mileena. Mileena’s role is to help Jade bring her sister back. And this is something Mileena actually wants.
On Jade’s journey she is joined by Mileena, Reptile, Tanya, Taven and Rain. They all join with Special Forces. Most are mistrustful towards Mileena, but they come around
There would be an invasion of Outworld by Raiden, this results in Raiden killing Kotal Kahn. Outworld is in sheer chaos. This makes the Special Forces start to distrust Raiden. An all out civil war for Outworld happens. Shang Tsung, Sheeva, Skarlet and Baraka fight for control. Ultimately, Shang Tsung would win. We would see Shao Kahn brought back since he was pre-order, however Shao Kahn is only brought back so we can witness Shang Tsung stealing his soul. We would also see Shang Tsung killing D’Vorah and burning down the Kytinn hive, because fuck D’Vorah, absolutely everyone hates her.
Jax is not butchered. Something will happen that brings Jax to return to Special Forces. Sonya has had enough of the lies and deception, challenges Raiden, but Raiden is too much for her and causes an accidental death. Johnny and Cassie are hearbroken over her death and vow to bring Raiden down. This is where Jax comes in. Jax takes charge of the Special Forces to honor and avenge his best friend. Jax being back in the Special Forces would show Jax slowly coming to respect Jacqui serving the Special Forces and together they become a kickass father and daughter team.
A mini arc of a war between the Lin Kuei vs the Tekunin. Scorpion succeeds in killing Sektor while Sub-Zero frees Cyrax from the Cyber Initiative’s control. Cyrax takes backs his life and rejoins the Lin Kuei
Instead of pointlessly wasting Frost, she joins the Kombat kids. She is not a cyborg, she is Lin Kuei. Sub-Zero successfully makes her his apprentice and she chooses to follow his teachings and makes friends with Cassie, Jacqui, Takeda and Kung Jin. Her character arc is basically overcoming the Lin Kuei’s past conditioning and seeing Scorpion and the Shirai Ryu as an ally
Noob Saibot. Noob Saibot becomes twisted and his goal is to corrupt the Lin Kuei, similar to how he did so in Armageddon’ Konquest mode, you could even throw in Smoke as Noob’s partner, so it’s up to Kuai Liang and Hanzo to stop them. Bring Bi-Han to light or put him to rest for good. Noob Saibot’s return was meant to be something horrific. He was tossed into a soulnado and throughout MKX we were told that his return is something that needs to be avoided. We needed something that makes all the speculation worth it, not a generic evil for the sake of being evil. But it ends with Kuai Liang able to restoring his brother and Smoke. Bi-Han making peace with Hanzo and together Kuai Liang and Bi-Han become joint Grandmasters of the Lin Kuei.
Taven, Takeda and Kenshi face off against Daegon and the Red Dragon. Takeda and Kenshi get their revenge for Suchin.
Sindel. Before Kitana and Mileena can even think of bringing Kitana back, they have to test it out on Sindel. Sindel is the key to bringing Kitana back. A mother and daughter are reunited, but Kitana extends a hand to Mileena. Kitana realizes Mileena had no say in her creation and just wanted love and validation, Kitana gives her this and offers a chance for them to become “sisters”
Kung Jin. Kung Jin is the key to bringing back Liu Kang and Kung Lao back to light
Kabal overcomes Kano’s manipulations and remembers who he was and puts an end to Kano. It bothered me that they just decided to retcon Kabal’s character in MK9. So having Kano manipulate Kabal and after Kabal’s humanity is restored, Kabal finally takes revenge by taking his head off.
Mileena and Kitana unite Sheeva, Baraka and Skarlet to bring an end to Shang Tsung’s rule. Ermac will be used to fight Shang Tsung. Ermac’s primary soul in control and we see Ermac, Sindel and Kitana facing Shang Tsung, his drained of his soul supply and Mileena delivers the killing blow.
Kitana, Mileena and Sindel bring peace to Outworld’s chaos.
The final battle is Liu Kang and Raiden. This fight ends Raiden’s corruption. Jade empowers Liu Kang with the gifts of Argus and Delia while Fujin blesses him with the Elder Gods powers. Thus Liu Kang becomes Fire God Liu Kang to equal that of Raiden.
The game ends with Raiden joining the Elder Gods and brings back Sonya to write his wrongs and the Cage family reunited and Jax embracing his old friend, Liu Kang becoming Earthrealm’s protector and looking on Kung Lao and Kung Jin proudly, Mileena Kahnum of Outworld with Tanya, Reptile, Skarlet, Sheeva, Erron Black and Baraka ruling by her side. While Kitana becomes Queen Of Edenia with Jade, Sindel, and Taven ruling by her side. Both sisters bringing peace to their perspective realms. Kuai Liang, Bi-Han, Frost, Smoke, Hanzo and Takeda uniting their clans and providing the ultimate protection for Earthrealm. There is a tease for MK 12. The One Being is finally returning.
#Mortal Kombat#My Changes#Mortal Kombat 11#Jade#Raiden#Liu Kang#Kitana#Mileena#Sub Zero#Scorpion#Noob Saibot#Jax Briggs#Sonya Blade#Johnny Cage#Cassie Cage#Jacqui Briggs#Frost#Takeda Takahashi#Kung Jin#Kung Lao#Skarlet#Shang Tsung
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@kathexismania ha dicho: Frost witnessing Hanzo and Kuai working together for the first time & Frost's death ;;
Canon rewritten scene || Open
Would have to be more intelligent and listen to her carefully than before, would have to take her suggestions on this into account, was not something that could be taken so lightly and only she could see the seriousness of the matter. They weren't supposed to be together right now, although her attempt to kill the guest last time failed, rather her image was tainted overnight by her attacking the man who had once killed one of them. This would only go downhill, she sensed it in her bones.
She secretly watched every move or heard every spoken word, she had no trust whatsoever in Hanzo, there was nothing in him that was in any way valid enough to forgive him for his crimes against the Lin Kuei. Oh but none of that was what Kuai could see there, was she more cautious than he? Yes, she was. Someday, when his guard stayed low, she knew that Hanzo would release his kunai or slice off his head with the katana and it would be too late to regret such an act of betrayal. It wouldn't be treason in itself, it would be a direct and intelligent attack. One positive thing about Hanzo: if her thoughts and possible scenarios came true, she would have to give him credit for infiltrating Sub-Zero's head in this way.
These two were completely different minds in certain aspects, one quieter and more methodical, the other more severe and raging, fire and ice shouldn't be combined like water and oil. But she had to accept it, their chemistry was immediate and trust came instantly, something in her was beginning to consume her from the core. Jealousy. Frost couldn't help but think of them now, she remained hidden among the branches as she listened to them talk about their current situations: she had no idea of the names they mentioned as she had never heard them before, but apparently, they were producers of greater torture and sorrow than she imagined.
It would be foolish to attack them now, she would end up humiliated as the last time she did so, she wasn't yet up to the task of eliminating Hanzo from the map, but if she succeeded, his clan would also perish at the same time. But why? His presence alerted her, it was like a sour forgotten memory that needed to be erased, she didn't trust him, couldn't trust any sort of enemy, she would be saving her Grandmaster´s skin if she eliminated him soon. Doesn't he know about betrayal? She does indeed, she has enough visible and untouchable marks to prove it. Trusting the enemy is simply suicidal.
Dying wasn't in the plans set for the new rebirth of the universe, she was lucky to be alive all these years, all the moments when her instinct saved her and the spilled blood of others was the price to pay belonged to her, they taught her that the weakest didn't deserve to live. These cybernetic enhancements had kept her from that impending end that loomed before her, someday her flesh would be too feeble to fight, her bones would no longer be so unbreakable, and her senses would be dulled in a very short time and she would never see the light of the sun again, but simply the flames of hell consuming her soul for all eternity. It was imminent, and this was only a process for immortality, she had become what she truly wanted to be, she lacked only one thing.
Yet the thread of her life was cut short on the edge of the gold scissors, her operating system had been corrupted in the midst of her fight with the thunder god, did she really expect to be able to beat a being who had centuries upon his shoulders? It was a disappointment to end up in that state between sleep and wakefulness, some of it reminded her of her mistakes made during these years, this journey in itself would not have the end she expected, she wanted to continue living, to continue fighting against Raiden or whoever, but living was what mattered to her. The reward was what he desired.
She was in absolute darkness, there was no connection to her own system even if the other cyborgs fought automatically, they could go on even if she was off the grid but alive at last. Was there anyone out there? Her head was searching for answers, something that would allow her to continue, instead she could only listen to her surroundings for the moment without making a move. She heard Raiden and Kuai, not in a distinct way, as if they were speaking in another room away from her, she couldn't see them, she could only hear them, it felt as if she was inside a box with no holes to breathe or see. Her transformation was a gift from a Titan who was looking for revenge and a new beginning, she was also seeking the same damn thing: to start from scratch but with advantages over others, to see the world from the place of a privileged one, that's what she wanted. Control over herself and others, enough power to know that she was untouchable, in the end, she wanted to fill the empty or stolen spaces, Kronika took advantage over her desires for a new beginning... and this is what she got in the end? Complete desolation.
It was so sudden, a beam of light crossed her sight from a linear cut, an electric discharge that screwed up every circuit in her head, liquidated everything she was now in a prison of metal and energy, it could be the intense sunlight or a star about to explode. One shock was enough to sever the connection to the Tekunin's general network, enough to end her life and what she once was. The darkness that followed was replaced by a different territory, it was neither heaven nor earth, it was the Netherrealm as she has never seen before that claimed her soul, the heat had devoured her from the beginning, she had been stripped of the cold to burn her from the veins without stopping, not for eternity, at least.
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