#The Social Delimma
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Dare 2 Focus: Attention Deficit and Your Focus Factor
Dare 2 Focus: Attention Deficit and Your Focus Factor - Dr. Thomas Maples Discover the impact of attention deficit and unlock valuable insights to enhance your focus. A social scientist's perspective on the modern attention span.
Attention: What’s it Matter AnywaysMental Health & Attention Deficit Disorder: A Case AnalysisDelimitations of AttentionCompetition, Instant Gratification, & The Social DelimmaWhat Can We Do to Focus?More from Dr. TomShop Unique Aromatherapy CandlesA Sacred Journey PodcastFind Me On Instagram Where attention swellsYour Treasure will DwellSo said theEarth to the SkyWhere wisdom yearns,a head will…

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#ADHD#attention#Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder#Competition#Dr. Thomas Maples#FOCUS#Mental Health#The Social Delimma
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New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/the-god-delimma/
The God Dilemma

The Lord is in control, the Facebook entry said. I’m not religious, but I often find “Thank you, Jesus,” remarks threaded through my feed page. Mostly, I ignore or delete them. But on the day this one popped onto my computer screen, I was in a different state of mind. If God is in control, then why should we make an effort? I responded. The reply was swift. Our efforts are under his control. Without Him, they wouldn’t yield anything. So he’s in control of everything. Noting the argument was circular, I asked the writer if he saw circularity as a problem. He answered with a question. What exactly do you want Madam Miller? Clarity, I replied. The United Negro College has a motto I’ve long admired. The mind is a terrible thing to waste. In my world, if sin exists, it is the wilful neglect of thought. Even the pious must admit Reason is a gift from god. Nonetheless, most of them seem to value Faith above Reason, which I why I oppose the voucher system in public education. So many of these private institutions are religious-based, and having found a back door to free money, they bleed and weaken the public school system. Indifferent to the Constitution’s intent to keep a wall between Church and State, parents who support voucher schools probably feel they have a right to send their children to institutions that reflect their values. They too, are taxpayers, after all. But these individuals are wrong in their assumptions. Free education does not exist for the benefit of students or the benefit of their parents. It exists for the benefit of the social order. (John Green) Cohesion, not religious indoctrination, is the name of the game. Only 19 states preserve public funds solely for public education. (“Vouchers for religious schools expanding,” FFRF, June-July 2023, pg. 7.) The remaining numbers allow voucher programs, oblivious, apparently, to studies that show graduates of these private institutions are less well-educated than their public school peers. Admittedly, Faith and Reason are branches of the same tree. Both arise from our early desire to understand our place in the universe. Human survival depended upon that understanding. Absent fangs or claws, primitive man had only two ways of responding to danger–fight or flight. Those who waited in the waving grass long enough to see the lion’s eyes were eaten. Those who saw the grass bend and ran away from a possible predator lived another day. This hypersensitivity to changes in the landscape became encoded in the survivors’ genes. From there it was a short hop to linking cause with effect. If grass bends, warning us of danger, other forces of nature might be doing the same. When primitive minds assigned intent to these signals, then inanimate objects that either benefited or hurt us, like volcanoes, the winds, or the sun, became gods. Religion not only helped us explain our surrounding world, but it developed a community of like minds. It provided social cohesion. Even so, some of our ancestors continued to explore the world in greater detail, hoping to uncover some of its mysteries. Their quest proved to be rich with wonder. A god may have created the rose, but its anatomy was no less fascinating. Eventually, humans learned that, godly or not, Nature conformed to a set of laws. The discovery was key to opening the door to science. Once opened, more findings followed. They lead to Einstein’s theory of relativity, for example, and gave us a glimpse of the quantum world. Using this cursory knowledge of a new dimension, Google has built a quantum computer, the first of its kind. In a minute, It can perform calculations that would take an ordinary supercomputer 47 years to complete. Imagine what we can learn when knowledge accumulates faster than the speed of light. Will we come to see ourselves as omniscient? If so, we face a conundrum. With so much knowledge at our fingertips, what ethics will guide us? Needless to say, we must have standards, or we will become prey to rogue actors who are willing to put personal power and profit ahead of the common good. Perhaps one-day quantum computing will reveal the face of god. The revelation is one devoutly to be sought, for only a Being both omniscient and omnipotent will have the authority to guide us. If no god exists, then, for the sake of social cohesion, humans will have to invent one.
#Einstein's theory of relativity#Google's quantum computer#how humans see their place in the universe#imbuing the inanimate with diety#John Green#obtaining omniscience#origin of Faith and Reason#quantum computing#relilgion and science born of the same necessity#social cohesion#the purpose of public education#voucher schools#which came first--man or god??
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Gaoa Sicheu, Monk of the Zheia River
Type: Shikigami (Court of Clubs)
Attributes: Primary— Social, Secondary— Mental, Tertiary— Physical
Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion (Calming Anger), Stealth (Woodlands), Medicine (Herbal Remedies)
Virtue: Patience— Gaoa understands that every river flows at it's own pace and that things will ultimately happen when they will, and no sooner.
Vice: Fear— The myriad dangers of the World of Darkness frighten Gaoa, and he is uncertain he is fit to face them.
Background: A former keeper of the Zheia River Temple in Wen-Mung, Gaoa was unusual for a man of his people by virtue of a sedentary lifestyle, prefering the routine predictability of maintaining the temple and not having to face the trials and tribulations promised by the path of the nomad. When his soul became trapped in the Dreamlands, it was a mixed blessing for him, as he could continue his way of being without undue interruption, but the Release shattered this cycle cruelly as his temple had suddenly become a battlefield between the Nobility and the Wardens that had been carefully curating the illusion of tranquil certainty in his afterlife. The Gales may have repaired his temple in the aftermath, but he was still left with the cruel reality that it was not at all his temple, not the Zheia River, not the Forest of Wen-Mung, not even the Earth; all of it a crude simulation of a rose-tinted memory warped by time and magic. Gaoa was beside himself, he had unknowingly been dead for millennia, and was living a false life in a parody of his old one. Did he ever even truly live, or was he just another of the many false-people that populated the Dreamlands to give the pretense of a thriving kingdom? Burdened for the first time in ages with crippling uncertainty, he sought out the only person who could be trusted grant him actionable insight, The Queen of Clubs. The Matron of the Forests sympathized with his delimma, what good is a templekeeper when the temple keeps itself and what does one do when he is living a lie? Her answer, "The time has come, it seems, to leave your world of comfortable lies behind and seek truth in the perilous unknown.". By this point, many of Wen-Mung's finest teachers and scholars had long left for the land of the living to become Shikigami and as new Nobles blossomed into being, the demand for more such mentors and companions only grew. It was the Queen's suggestion that he take up the mantle and find new meaning in a much changed world. Gaoa was hesitant, at first, he was no teacher afterall. But ultimately he resolved to embrace, or otherwise endure, the trials that lay ahead.
In his true form, Gaoa Sicheu is an unremarkable man of timid mein. Close inspection of his spindly frame betrays the fact that at one time, he once lived as a woman, but such things are of little relevance. He is clearly in his 30's at the earliest, wearing simple turquoise hemp robes and a pair of oversized spectacles of Dannan-make. Like most monks of the forest, he keeps his head shaved.
He arrived on Earth with a vessel already prepared for him, an oragami praying mantis made by the hand of his ward (Size 1). Despite his history as a hermit, Gaoa is very socially competent. While his attribute and skill dots should emphasize his friendly (sometimes overly accommodating) personality and decent education, he is not a fighter by any stretch, at least not at first. As his ward grows her skills; he will likely endeavor to understand the World of Darkness as it is now learning all he can about the people and places that inhabit it and attempting to provide any insights he can (to this end, he may invest a lot of time into learning how to properly utilize the internet). What's more, he will ultimately recognize the need to be able to support his ward in a combat capacity if she presses the issue or finds herself frequently struggling in the field.
As a teacher, Gaoa struggles to offer anything beyond being an ear to which frustrations can be vented, a friend to binge anime with, and a pretty singing voice when one needs reason to smile.
#princess: the hopeful#chronicles of darkness#shikigami#queen of clubs#monk#forests of wen-mung#magical girl
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Series : To all the boys
Pairing : Yoon Jeonghan x reader
Type : non idol au, ex-lovers au
Genre : angst, drama, fluff, romance
Warnings : one curse word lol
Word count : 1k approx
Synopsis : You decided to write some letters to every boy who was a part of your past as your last message after getting diagnosed with chronical disease.
[Received, 15.10.2020] | next
"They have got to be kidding me, giving us such horrendous amout of assignments."
Jeonghan's room was nothing but a nightmare of any university student, papers splayed across the whole floor, important files being kept neatly at one side of him, laptop with multiple tabs open on his laps.
He didn't even bring his coffee inside his room just in case he trips on it and it spills on all of the hardwork he has been doing from the past week.
He gathered all of the things and neatly stacked it in his desk, falling onto his bed he let out a loud whine of relief that finally all of his work was done.
He stayed like that for few minutes before reaching out for his phone to open up his socials.
Jihyun : don't forget to eat your meal, I don't want you to skip it while you drown yourself in work, love you.
"You know I will eat my food no matter what why bother being so worried."
He, instead of replying just shut down the chat room and wondered out loud throwing his phone beside him.
He has been dating Jihyun for a little over 5 years now and yet he wasn't as interested in her as he used to be years prior when they first started dating, well after meeting you to be precise.
Jihyun wasn't fun, she didn't challenge his head, she never doubted his actions, always blindly trusted him when he himself knew he didn't deserve to be trusted.
And that was boring, he wanted a relationship where he could playfully banter with his significant other, where his partner would be as sarcastic as he was and always had a comeback to his remarks but Jihyun wasn't like that, she always apologized for everything even when it wasn't her fault.
Maybe that's the reason he still yearned for you, maybe that's the reason he every now and then had this urgent urge to hold you in his arms like he used to.
"I can't believe I have a girlfriend who would give me world and here I am sulking over how after our breakup I'm the one who's always reaching out to you and beg you to talk with me y/n."
He reached his phone again as he opened up your messages, he scrolled up to see only his messages asking if you had a time to spare to talk with him from your busy schedule, which he knew wasn't so busy and you were just ignoring him.
You had deleted his contact but never blocked him letting him be in the delimma of always being a message away from you yet he knew you were gone far away from that.
You're heartless, he concluded. He made you heartless and he was proud of it but he wasn't ready to be the victim of it and experience it in first hand.
How could you be so merciless with someone to whom you've shown your softest side possible? You didn't back away from accusing him for your anxieties and low self esteem and he genuinely felt awful for treating you the way he did.
But that didn't mean for you to cut him off from your life like that, he still wanted to be your go to person, he still wanted to be your first priority, someone you would look up to when you were upset because he knew you would never let anyone see that side of you.
He wanted to be the shoulder you could cry on, he wanted to be with you and wipe your tears away, fuck, he wanted to be in relationship with you again if it wasn't so impossible.
He sighed, he was once again getting lost in the thoughts of you, he always hoped you would reach out to him and tell him that you're ready to take him back, he would leave everyone else for you.
You were his rock and he hates himself for letting you go easily and taking you for granted. He got up from his bed to make a coffee for himself and relax.
It was always like this, he had been getting lost in the thoughts of you for a quite while now and even though he knew it was natural for him to miss someone who was so dear to him, past weeks have been way too difficult for him.
It was like he was yearning for you not only emotionally but he wanted to feel you physically, he wanted to hold you in his arms and cry about how difficult university life has been like he used to.
Ofcourse he did have Jihyun for that but all that girl do is give him sympathy and tell him she's there for him but he doesn't want that.
He wants her to cradle his lap and kiss him senseless so he would forget about his tensions for a good time and then hug him tight stroking his hair and distracting him before calming his nerves by talking his problem out with him and coming up with a solution, something he got habitual to when he was with you.
But she wasn't you and he was starting to realize it more as the time slipped through his hands. He did everything he could to keep you by his side and he was starting to doubt why he wanted to keep up the burn-out flame of his and Jihyun's relationship when he had someone as amazing as you.
He didn't wanted to break off with Jihyun cause she was his first love and she never treated him wrong but he realized late that in the long run he didn't want someone as naive as Jihyun to be with. She couldn't handle him although she was trying her best, she just couldn't.
He made his way towards the couch in the living room to drink his coffee leisurely when his eyes landed on an envelope.
He doesn't remember receiving a mail as he wondered if it was of Jihyun since she had spent whole day with him yesterday.
He called her before touching the envelope.
"Jeonghan, you wanted something? Are you stressed? Want me to bring something?"
He closed his eyes momentarily, she was always too worried about him and he didn't like it, he rather preferred being babied by you cause you didn't like babeing people.
"Nope, but stop worrying too much please, I'm not a baby, plus I called you to ask if you by any chance have left an envelope of yours on my table?"
"Ohh the envelope it isn't mine but its addressed in your name-"
He cut off the call throwing his phone to the side as he reached it, reading his name on the envelope he knew it had to be you, there's no way it wasn't you. He knew you.
The smile which he wore was starting to make his cheeks hurt but all he cared was about the envelope and your handwriting.
He tore the envelope taking out its content to see two letters and a sticky note fall out on his lap.
"You're still the same, you have your own unique ways of expressing."
📩 Yoon Jeonghan. I know, when you touched this letter you knew it was from me and I can imagine you smiling widely while reading this. See, how beautiful I made your world. Why Jeonghan? Why did you break me? I've been stuck up on you way more than the time we have spent together. Why did you do that?
He smiled ironically, he was breaking too, he had been stuck up on you way more than you did, you indeed made his world beautiful and he beat himself up regularly for playing with your heart.
"I love you y/n and I hope your stubborn heart would realize it soon, you don't want to accept that fact because you're scared but why would you suddenly send me a letter? It's making me feel scared, the sickening feeling inside my stomach isn't helping at all, I hope you're fine."
#Yoon jeonghan#Seventeen Jeonghan#Jeonghan au#Seventeen au#Seventeen series#Seventeen#Jeonghan imagine#Seventeen imagines#Jeonghan blurb#Seventeen blurb#Jeonghan drabble#Seventeen drabble#Jeonghan one shot#Seventeen one shot#Kpop#Kpop au#Kpop imagines#Jeonghan series#Jeonghan scenario#Seventeen scenario#Seventeen angst#Jeonghan angst#Jeonghan yoon#Angel yoon#yoon angel#seventeen#seventeen scenario#seventeen au#Seventeen x reader#Jeonghan x reader
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Vertex can help me gain more exposure for my promo videos and at the same time helps build quality backlinks to my videos which will definitely boost my rankings on youtube and google which ultimately will lead to sales
Vertex seems to be one of the best video syndication softwares I’ve seen in a while. How it could help me? Well, it can help me launch my online education business faster by uploading my promo videos and my instructional videos all over the internet! So, yes this is definitely a tool that could be life saving for any start-up online business!
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The Vertex guys have a whole bunch of successful case studies and testimonials – and even one from a 11 year old girl who made her first $200 online using this thing. It really does live up to the hype.
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9/25/20 - 100 days of productivity - 25/100
9:15am - did a quick little english thing
10:05am - made a couple videos for english but i just gotta put it together
4:55pm - took the trash out, remembered to post my 100 days of productivity post for yesterday, and finished my monthly spread for october in my bujo. the theme is halloween related but you won’t find out until the first :) comment what you think it’ll be and i might tell you if you’re right :)
5:30pm - submitted an english video that’s due sunday
11:50pm - watching the social delimma on netflix and it was so good!!!!
xo- gg
#studyblr#studyspo#studygram#mine#xo- gg#studyspiration#study#student life#student#life of a student#ggsstudies#100 days of productivity#100 days#productivity#productivity challenge#100 days challenge#what i did today
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Bad Batch Tech headcannons 🥺🥺 bc I’ve been accumulating some over the past week:
He’s the charmer of the group. Who could resist a) someone as enthusiastic as him and b) someone as wholesome as him? He’s very wholesome and appreciative of everything— a trait you just can’t overlook and also— he’s super cute 🥺.... tbh he might be the promiscuous one of the group too. Considering that the Bad Batch probably planet hops a lot long-standing relationships wouldn’t really be realistic, but people can’t help but be charmed by Tech and he can’t help but indulge because everyone deserves love!!
His brothers are also super protective over him in situations such as those above ^ they’re afraid of him being hurt emotionally, or being taken advantage of— they just don’t want him to get in over his head and become cynical like Crosshair. He’s their little brother and they think he’s wayyyy more naive than he actually is (or is he 🤔).
He is unconventionally attractive in the eyes of most. He’s not bad looking at all per se, but his personality and intelligence really helps sway the tide— at least among other humans. I think that other species would take an interest in his appearance, especially knowing that he is a clone who looks so vastly different from the others.
He’s insecure about his appearance. He’s much smaller than his brothers, and also has a fairer skin tone, he definitely looks the least like them, and is definitely very self conscious about that. He’s also a tad bit envious and insecure about his hair and ever so slightly receding hairline. Aside from Wrecker, all of his brothers have a full head of hair, as do the Clones (unless it was shaved, point is, it’s not like natural balding is common for them), and also being the youngest doesn’t help. Why doesn’t he have a full head of hair too?!Definitely something he’s self conscious about :( .
This falls under most “smart character tropes” but while he’s well above average intelligence he can also be so. dense. He’s so used to critical thinking that he often neglects simipler situations and reasonings. So he overthinks everything to the most unnecessary extents. This was pretty evident in episode 2 of season 7 (A Distant Echo), when he keeps losing Echo’s signal, only to come to the conclusion that the reason why was much simpler than he had initially thought. That’s not to say he’s dense, he’s just overthinking, but social delimmas are another story entirely. Man can’t function in unnecessary “drama” as it is, especially involving himself. He’s the type of guy best described this way: He can tell you exactly how long a shoelace is, just by looking at it, but all the while forgets to tie his own shoes sometimes.
He’s flexible. Like really flexible. He’s incredibly agile and would probably have to be the one to get into tight spaces for a mission. He’s small, agile, it just works out. He does this kind of unnecessary but cool combat roll while shooting some droids in episode 2 (A Distant Echo), he probably does that a lot. Also he doesn’t have any armor or padding on his thighs, maybe it’s to aid in his mobility? Less constricting? More movement? He’s probably double jointed too, can naturally just do the splits, basically he’s gumby.
If you really watch closely, in just about all of their battle formations (minus the Shockwave in episode 1, the Bad Batch) Tech is located in the middle, or is surrounded by the others. He’s significantly less armored than his brothers and honestly, probably much more fragile, those formations were definitely done on purpose to protect him. They have to protect their lil bro at all costs. But him being surrounded by the rest of the group is evident in literally every other episode, he also never shoots first (which is more obvious and easier to notice) so it’s clear that they’ve established fighting perimeters where, he knows his brothers (literally) have his back, will protect him, and that he doesn’t HAVE to fight. He’s their techie 🥺.
He’s definitely somewhere on the spectrum, he most likely has aspergers to some degree but he doesn’t let it affect him. He has supportive brothers who know how to accommodate him.
He definitely is an insomniac and definitely has ADHD. It’s not that he’s unable to focus but that he CAN’T regulate his focus. There’s always so much going on in his head (a result, of course, from his mutation. He just has a rapid stream of consciousness, it’s ongoing). There are definitely instances where it’s obvious, with him being so zoned out with his computer devices— also his impulsivity when correcting factual information 🥺🥺.
He’s not allowed near caffeinated drinks anymore. He probably had them a lot when he was still growing (maybe it stunted his growth, maybe his brothers tease him about that). But he’s exceeded his life limit of caffeine.
Fuzzy animals are his favorite. Especially the cuddly ones. He loves anything with fur.
He loves wookies. The feeling is actually mutual, the wookies take a liking to him because well, he can understand them and he’s also very precious!! They wouldn’t let anyone mess with him and are just as protective of him as his brothers are. They definitely pat him on the head.
So do his brothers. They pat him on the head too.
He is definitely infantized by almost everyone around him. It used to bother him but he’s probably gotten used to it. There’s no use in fighting it because he knows he’s smarter and much more mature than they let on.
He was so little as a kid and teen. He probably had a major growth spurt as a teen and shot up like 8 inches before settling at 5’8.
He loves spaceships and shuttles!!!! Pod racing? Heck yeah! It’s awesome. He definitely keeps track of all the new speeders, shuttles, and ships that come out. He probably has plans to build a speederbike of his own at some point— time permitting— and collects parts whenever he can on missions.
#expect more along the way#but heres what has been on my mind so far#star wars#the clone wars#swtcw#tcw#cw#star wars the clone wars#the bad batch#clone force 99#clone trooper tech#trooper tech#tech#headcannons
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Right now im currently building a neural network from the scratch using machine learning which is fun as fuck because i'm also doing a lot of limits, trigo functions and partial derivatives, which were absolutely my favorites (these are all for the metrics and backpropagation) and i've never been so delighted this year. Just working on this feels like heaven. Its all about the process more than the results tbh. That being said, i'm obviously too preoccupied and cannot be bothered to care about anything else right now. People can wait and if they can't then i'm sorry 😌 i mean i still do the bare minimum when it comes to social responsibilities by listening atleast 20% to my friend's stories while we take a midnight walk for an hour or two (which is also a good exercise). 80% is spent to thinking in diffuse mode about mathematical concepts.
i just have this small delimma because i know the most efficient way to get more work done is to eliminate a few of my hobbies from my schedule such as working on my guitar piece, learning spanish, studying Nietzsche or other philosophy, and learning automotive stuff. Unfortunately i have been doing these things consistently on a daily basis (including workout) for awhile now so its just hard to break its like my day is not complete without daily dose of those so until now i'm still trying to figure out how to squeeze them in my schedule. I was thinking maybe even a few minutes each wouldnt bother that much. Duolingo doesnt even take me two minutes to finish a lesson and learning a new chunk of a guitar piece only takes <2 mins for me. I can memorize a new chess move instead of getting my ass whooped in in call of duty. I can also listen to a philosophy material while taking a shower or working out instead of listening to music. I just hope i wont be too restless. I have no evidence but i am kinda worried i'll exhaust myself mentally
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What Qualification You Need To Be A Yoga Trainer
Are you looking for a Certificate Course for Yoga in Kerala?People used to think that yoga is meant for flexible people. Same way there is a social delimma that only flexible and lean people can become yoga teachers. But this is a very narrow view of mind. There are many other factors which determine the qualities to become a yoga trainer.

The first and foremost quality that is needed is communicational quality. The trainer should be able to communicate , instruct and observe with the students very effectively. Then the second and most important aspect is the knowledge of yoga. Without authentic knowledge the teaching skills are useless.
So the question is, How can we acquire authentic knowledge and teaching skills?
Those who are genuinely interested in becoming yoga professionals have different options nowadays. The top and effective way is to study yoga from a world recognised and renowned yoga school from India.
Amodagiri Yoga Sanctuary is one such authentic and traditional school of yoga based on gods own county, Kerala. The school provides internationally recognised certification from Yoga Alliance, USA.
Amodagiri provides RYT-200 certification by the end of the 28 days residential program. The program is designed in such a way that you can learn yoga in an ancient style which is called "Gurukula samprathaya".
So anyone who is passionate about yoga can go through this program and can learn the yogic wisdom and teaching skills.
Yoga courses in Kerala
Website: www.amodagiriyoga.com Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91 8301991220, +91 9447418249
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Im sitting infront of the mirror and remembering the delimma that we faced last year. I can still remember how my parents died, how we cried for help for almost ten hours, many lives gotten during the typhoon.
What a beautiful day, "Goodmorningg everyoneee" I greeted them with full of joy. "Oh, goodmorning Cyxn" mom and dad greeted me "Goodmorning sis, let's eat" my brother greeted me "alright, kuya Yvez". After eating breakfast we heard a news about the typhoon coming this evening.
As the time passes the eye of typhoon reached our province. Gloomy weather, strong winds, heavyrains, flashfloods. We're crying for help, some are asking for assistance in social media. I can't find them "moooom, daaaaad, kuyaa, where are youuu?! pleaaaseee help ussss!" I was crying, I can't find my family, we're helpless.
After ten hours the rescuers came and we're now safe. I already found my brother in evacuation. People are starving and crying, I can see the pain in their eyes. many people didn't survive as well as our parents, I'm crying like there's no tommorow, because they are hugging each other t'was like they know that they won't survive.
*End of flashback*
After fixing myself, kuya Yvez drove to Maude cemetery, graveyard of my parents. As I go here, I can't control my emotion and cry, this is a lovely, peaceful, and relaxing place.

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Urban Delimma Blog 2
In this blog I will be talking about the representation of racism in films in the United States and the history of the racial terrorism in the United States. In the book America on Film by Benshoff & Griffin, the authors analyze the portrayal of race, class, and gender in American film history. In this book the authors talk about the Constitution of the United States and how it starts with “We the People” yet when it was written some saw individuals are more equal than others. They make a claim that the United States was founded on and still adheres to the ideology of white patriarchal capitalism. This means that in the US people of Western and Northern European descent are better than people from the other parts of the world. We are advertised as a having a free market economy but that’s not the case because of the lack of opportunities some have compared to others. The ideology of white patriarchal capitalism tries to support the idea that white men deserve greater social privilege. In this book there was a case study on The Lion King (1994) in which the examples were shown of dominant white culture in the film industry. There were characters in the movie which were voiced by people of color and all these characters were shown as foolish and half-crazed. Some of them were linked to stupidity and anti-social actions. These are all different interpretive strategies and there really is no right or wrong because it all depends on how you perceive certain things. These movies support the ideology of white patriarchal capitalism. In the real world we rarely see people of color in CEO positions in companies all over America. In the list of the top ten richest people in the world there isn’t even one person of color. Back in 2019 when a person of Mexican descent shot up to the number position in the world for the richest person almost instantly the validity of his position was questioned because he wasn’t white. This might be a little off topic but I can connect this topic to people of color in what I see in real life. Whenever a person of color is seen with an expensive car or flashy clothes people assume that this certain person is a drug dealer and is associated with illegal activities. That person could be a very hardworking individual with a good paying job but these stereotypes or assumptions is something that we just can’t run from or avoid. The second reading that I’ll briefly summarize is The Geopolitics of Jim Crow by David Delaney. In this reading David talks about the Segregation in the United States and the Jim Crow laws. He talks about the laws that were promoting white supremacy. The author talked about real estate and how realtors in the early 1900’s were trying to find loopholes in the laws and trying to stop colored people from owning property or moving into white neighborhoods. We can see examples of this in a lot of cities where there is a lot of gentrification. Earlier in the course we saw an image of a house built in a low income neighborhood and it was all gentrified and didn’t belong there. It was out of the ordinary and easily spottable. When I was growing up I didn’t learn too much about the racial terrorism in the United States. In school we were taught about the lynchings and Jim Crow laws but didn’t really go very in depth or think much about it.
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“We live in a world where trees are worth more dead than alive”
- The Social Delimma
Daily Mirror, England, November 26, 1920 Image © The British Library Board. All Rights Reserved.
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The social delimma is a Netflix orginal documentary concentrating on the side effects of social media on our life .The documentary starts with interviews of former Google, Facebook, Pinterest employees. The social delima shows how the tech industry sell certainty and how the social media make us competing for other's attention,how the decisions made by few individuals affect the 2 billion active internet users,and how the internet companies become the richest companies in humanity. Showing us the reality from a other perspective, internet companies track,moniter,and record all our datas,And how we are becoming more like a lab rat to watch ads ,so they can make more money.How we curate our life around this perceived sense of perfection because we get rewarded like hearts,likes,thumbs-up and we conflate that with value,but actually it is fake brittle popularity.How AI manipulates our information and be able to judge our next move. The whole democracy system in our world is literally based on this,they can even judge our vote and predict the results. It made me wonder that the fake news thought twitter spreads six times more than the actually news. This really shows how the consprisacy theories manipulates us through the social platform. The documentary parallely shows the teenagers get's most affected by this and results in violence, suicides. Technologies can also bring out the worst to the society, political polarization, depressed teens. Are we all socially connected without our social media? Just think about it. Don't think it does not affect you ,or has anything to do with you. The social dilemma is a Highly recommend and one of the best eye opener out there, take a bow jeff oriowski and team.
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The peasants delimma
The Peasant's Dilemma. The peasant is caught between the uncontrollable forces of survival and the will of his rulers. The peasant must maintain what little acquisitions acquired from his toils, or risk all to remove a ruler that will be replaced by another. It is the burden and the choice of the peasants alone. The peasant looks to Kings, Hero's and Priests to guide their lives, fight their battles, educate their children and maintain their well being. They reward them with praise, taxes and social order. Indeed the peasant believes at the core of his being that the government that governs best is indeed the government that governs least. Instead they hope that the king, happy with their sacrifices in his name does not involve himself in their lives. The only weapon of the peasant is revolution, and indeed it is such a blunt instrument that it must be used rarely and sparingly. The goal of the Peasant is through becoming a merchant, or a priest. Some May hope for knight hood, but realize this is unlikely. The Peasant easily aligns with both, perhaps even being unaware of the presence of others within the system aside from the king. Through this upward mobility to these stations the Peasant may improve their lot in life, educate their children at a higher level, and enjoy some moderate comforts away from a life of constant toil. So the peasant looks both to the merchant and to the church to assume the responsibility of answers and explanations. The peasant is unaware that they are the cause of the system, and not the subjects of it. Indeed this is the first necessary illusion to maintain the world of force. They create leaders to blame for their lot in life, while attempting to maintain order and knowledge at the lowest common denominator. That which all can comprehend becomes acceptable truth, while the complex unpleasantness of the world can be avoided and indeed ignored, as the peasant's toil continues. The only weapon of the peasant is revolution, and indeed it is such a blunt and final instrument that it must be used rarely and sparingly. In the end, the peasant creates their own shackles, not out of a desire to do so, but instead out of a basic understanding that the world they have created is indeed the only one that can exist. And so the Dragon comes. When the Dragon comes the choice is made, maintain the system of repression which could not prevent the Dragon, or overthrow the system from which the peasant has benefited his entire life. If the Dragon is real or not, the peasant must make a choice. Some peasants will follow the Hero into battle while others will flee to the church, and others will either protest or support the king. They will do this, all in the hopes of restoring stability. All peasants realize that stability is the only true system the peasant is capable of grasping or will truly benefit from. However the peasants ability to restore stability after the dragon will not occur. It only exists in memory. The peasant will not accept that, and continue to try and create something which can no longer exist, longing for a better time that most can barely remember. So the peasants return to their toil, and continue to re-build from that point on. They will chose new leaders who are equally incapable of preventing the rise of Dragons, and at the same time promising to do so to preserve the kingdom. So the Peasants start their cycle over again, and leaving each to their constant Dilemma.
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ok, here is the delimma. I am violently depressed. I could ask my friend for weed but if I do that, i’d be self medicating and that’s just a barrier i do not want to cross. i can’t see a doctor because it’s a holiday weekend.
i’ve gotten high before, but just for fun and when i was in social situations. i’ve never used it because i was sad. But in high school, I was abusing opiates to just get through the day. I don’t want to treat weed the same way or get reliant on anything that isn’t strictly medication.
bUT. i am so sad 😞
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Delimma of 1 or 2
The delimma of 1 or 2..
Seriously one of the toughest decisions in a women's life after the 1st baby is born..
Though i have been very clear with what i want but i spoke to one of my best friends today and she was also as confused as all the ladies at this stage..i felt like writing this to her..
When you get married the pressure of having a kid is so much ,that when you finally give birth to your baby you feel so relieved, like you have achieved the one and only goal of your life.. not that i am against this belief, i feel so complete after my daughter was born.. its the best feeling in the world..i enjoyed every part of being a mom.. taking care of her , i love the part she depends on me so much and she needs me.. but the part that i hated about our society ,when she was born almost 80% of people who came to meet us gave a typical comment that you will have to plan the second kid after few years... seriously..let me enjoy this moment.. bloody i have gone through so much pain delivering ,just to hear this that i have to go through this all over again..
You should complete your family now.. isnt my family already complete... i love my daughter and i dont feel that i need one more kid to say that my family is complete..
I have heard people saying that how can you be so selfish by thinking about only yourself and not your kid.. she needs company.. how can a mother be selfish.. every mother wants best for their kids its just a perception..
does loving yourself makes you selfish.. after pregnancy when my daughter is now 3 years old ,i get sometime for myself..is there something wrong with it..my life completely changed and revolves around her.. i did not watch a single movie in theatre for past 3 years just coz my daughter wont be comfortable, and i am not sad about this fact , its just that i have been leaving no stone unturned in taking care of her.. my hair is a mess..lost almost half after pregnancy, not that i blame my daughter for this, but is there anything wrong in thinking about your looks..and i give no right to anyone ,to comment on the fact how good i am as a mother...
Going through the entire process of pregnancy.. being sick for almost a year.. you have to think yourself that do you really want to go through all that all over again just because of the social pressure??
How will you teach your kid sharing?? This is also a very big agenda in people's life.. believe me i have seen almost every kid who have siblings fighting like anything over this issue..parents just become referee all their life teaching them to share but nobody learns anything like this.. infact there is a void in almost every elder kids mind that my parents favour the younger sibling.. isn't this a problem that everyone should discuss..
To be frank i started valuing my sister only after marriage, rest we fought all our life over clothes food and what not..i see my daughter playing with her friends and she knows the concept of sharing.. sharing and being kind i feel is all about the values that you will give to your kid..infact i have started feeling that already ,she feels more complete and satisfied as she has everything for herself.. she might turn out to be very calm as she gets everything and she will start sharing things with her friends on her own.. there is nothing wrong or right.. this society who pressurises for having two kids itself says that two brothers always fight once they get married.. when you know it all then why these dual statements, or you yourself want to break your family in future??
Not that i hate ladies who plan their second kid but what i want to say here is do it when you really feel doing it.. do not succumb to social pressure of having the second kid..
Do it for the right reason.. not because your kid needs a company.. not because he will be left alone after you.. not because you need to teach your kid sharing..
Do it when you really want to become a mother of another kid.. do it because the second kid has its own identity.. do it when you are ready to compromise on your life all over again for few years..
Its a very big responsibility and you just cant do it coz the society wants you to..
My husband has always been very supportive with me.. throughout my pregnancy, after my daughter was born.. I hardly give time to him as i am always busy in maintaining my daughters routine.. we used to watch serials, movies together a lot before ,now watching a half hour episode of friends with him is a big task.. as i have to sometime feed my daughter or clean her..he never feels bad about it ,but i do sometimes.. i miss cuddling with him and watching our favourite series together.. or just go out at odd hours at night and have a cup of coffee without worrying of time..
Life changes when you become a mother.. but don't stop living.. love yourself too.. there is nothing wrong in it..
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