#The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
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yutaan · 4 months ago
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Papercraft Liu Qingge! Trying to strike a balance in his expression between "could and would and WILL fistfight you" and "UNBELIEVABLY pretty, THE delicate-faced beauty of all time!!!" was fun.
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luminouslumity · 2 years ago
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All of MXTX's English covers! At long last!
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littlesolvy · 9 months ago
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My little angry puppies🤭
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morethanwonderful · 7 months ago
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Sweeping away his competition with a constant lead and a final victory by 22%, Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu has officially beaten Qi Rong and been crowned the MXTX character that was/would be most insufferable if given access to the internet!
In the end, it turns out that this whole elaborate tournament was for naught. Even Qi Rong, the man voted more annoying that 63 other characters, cannot hold a candle to the sheer degree of insufferable that we know our dear Peerless Cucumber was and would be. Absolutely nobody can compare to Shen Yuan's canon keyboard warrior antics.
Thank you all for joining me on this journey! I hope everyone had fun voting in this tournament, as I know I had a lot of fun running things and watching everyone's hot takes. Shen Yuan may have rendered all but the very final round of voting moot with his sheer loveable obnoxiousness, but maybe the real most insufferable people online are the friends we made along the way :).
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fanovember · 5 months ago
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rubrum-lanites · 2 years ago
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- Что за...?
- What the hell...?
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ladyprophet · 7 months ago
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First attempt at disciple Binghe
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bones-napss · 2 months ago
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*gives you a tummy ache with my blood minions while you are sopping wet and cold in my dungeon* :)
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Paul Fleischer/Julian Fromme- These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever
Will Kempen/James St.Clair- Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat
Shen Qingqiu/Luo Binghe- The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Damianos (“Damen”) of Akielos/Laurent of Vere - Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat
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eaion · 6 months ago
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Happy Death-/Transmigration-/Birthday, Shen Qingqiu (Shen Yuan)!
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grassbreads · 2 years ago
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On a scale of Chang Geng to Luo Binghe, how well does your teenage protagonist cope with the realization that he has a massive thing for the guy that's basically raising him?
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yutaan · 5 months ago
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Assorted MoShang mini papercraft! I'd been wanting to make minis of these two for a while, and finally decided the time was NOW. I just wanna pinch their little cheeks! ^_^
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opossum-art · 3 months ago
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Happy New Year! 🐍💚🎄
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princessshikky · 1 year ago
Okay, this post has been a long time coming.
Basically, there is a huge amount of misconceptions about liujiu and their history, and it's very frustrating to see in arguments about canon, so. I'm here to clear Liu-shidi's reputation and browbeat SJ with a newspaper (affectionate).
There is a whooping total of 4 liujiu interaction scenes in SVSSS. In chronological order:
The first meeting occurs at an inter-peak competition, where SJ hates LQG at first glance. LQG wins a sparring and has an air of "matter-of-fact arrogance" about him, which only strengthens SJ's dislike. What's interesting is that next SJ ambushes LQG after the sparring and "uses every means" to attack him, as recounted by Yue Qingyuan. Which does nothing to endear SJ to LQG and makes LQG very understandaby wary of SJ.
The second meeting occurs in a brothel. Backstory: SJ stumbles upon a Baizhan disciple named Ji Jue on the street, they have a quarrel, SJ beats and seriously injures Ji Jue, then goes to a brothel. LQG hears about it and rushes to "teach SJ a lesson". Interestingly, nowhere in the text is it mentioned that SJ is injured in any way after his scuffle with LQG, even though the fight has apparently taken quite a while and LQG is a way better fighter than SJ.
The well mission. SJ, LQG and SQH are assigned to deal with some evil spirits in a remote village. Spirits fly out of an old well, one of them attempts to attack LQG from behind, SJ sees it and attacks the spirit, but accidentally brushes over LQG's shoulder, which LQG mistakes for an attempt to kill him. SQH tries to clear the misunderstanding, but SJ threatens him into silence. Again, LQG and SJ come to blows, but no injuries are mentioned.
The disciple acceptance ceremony. SJ and YQY are watching the potential recruits, LQG arrives, has a brief but civil conversation with YQY, SJ intervenes, LQG insults him and leaves.
That's it, folks! That's literally every liujiu interaction in canon! Now with this out of the way, let me disprove some of those fanons I see in liujiu fics every damn time I dare to open one.
LQG did not mistakenly believe SJ to be a son of a wealthy family. Nowhere in the book does LQG ever comment on SJ's origin. This is a fanon from "The Grand Unified Theory of Shen Qingqiu", which is a great fic, don't get me wrong, but god did it mess with people's perception!
In the same vein, LQG never accused SJ of being lazy. Ever. That was QQQ.
LQG wasn't unreasonable to immediately assume SJ was trying to kill him during the well assignment. Think of what LQG knows about SJ at this point: SJ is willing to ambush someone because of entirely stupid and petty reasons like a lost sparring; SJ is perfectly willing to seriously injure his fellow disciple (see: Ji Jue); SJ is constantly threatening to kill LQG (mentioned in the brothel scene); SJ is not above using dirty tricks to achieve his ends. Yes, the suspicion made SJ feel bad, which is perfectly understandable (poor SJ was just trying to help!), but it wasn't entirely baseless. LQG's conclusion was based on SJ's prior behavior.
Speaking of SJ's dirty tricks: no, when people mentioned SJ's penchant for dishonest means, they weren't talking about harmless tricks like qiankun buttons. SQH insinuates in canon that SJ wouldn't be above shanking LQG with a poisoned knife in the middle of a sparring (Airplane extra, when he watches LQG spar with SY!SQQ), and Ji Jue, someone who's fought SJ personally, seems to agree.
LQG did not condemn SJ's womanizing and/or his visits to the brothel. The only times when LQG comments on SQQ's private life in canon have to do with LBH and bingqiu. To put it simply: LQG did not give a damn about SJ allegedly spending time with sex workers. Nor did LQG constantly stalk SJ to try and catch him in a brothel. Nor did LQG ever lecture SJ about sex being bad for his cultivation (that was YQY, but no one ever remembers this bit).
Actually, it can be inferred that most of the time liujiu tried to ignore each other when forced to be in each other's presence. They only interact when they cannot avoid it/when SJ does (or seems to do) something so shitty LQG cannot ignore it. Or when SJ deliberately attracts LQG's attention.
Conversely, LQG did not constantly pursue SJ demanding a sparring with him. Not ever. I have no idea where this particular fanon stems from.
LQG did not gossip about SJ's private life. It is never mentioned in the book; however, it is said that several Baizhan disciples knew of SJ visiting a pleasure house. Any of them could've spread the rumour; or hell, it could've been someone else who saw SJ entering the place at a later date. Or the brothel workers may have shared the story with their other clients. It's never clearly stated, but there's no reason to believe LQG specifically was the one responsible for spreading this rumour. For one, YQY promises SJ that LQG would keep quiet about their skirmish. Also, it just isn't in character for LQG to gossip.
Just... every time people write liujiu, they go out of their way to completely erase SJ's shitty behavior, blaming all of the bad blood between them on LQG "misunderstanding" the poor innocent SJ. Oh, if only LQG knew the truth, he'd immediately recognise the error of his ways!.. Except no, actually, it's not how it is at all. And I'm so tired of the people constantly mistaking fanons for canon.
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morethanwonderful · 7 months ago
Which MXTX Character Would Be Most Insufferable Online?
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Full Bracket
(Bonus match theme: Dudes whose inner monologues instantly transform any scene into angry-rant-based comedies)
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stiltonbasket · 3 months ago
I feel the need to inform everyone that in my next Bingqiu Gotcha fic, a doctor literally takes Luo Binghe aside and goes "hey I think your husband is dangerously in love with you. I've never seen anyone down this bad for their spouse in the history of ever and if something happened to you he would literally die, so avoid any and all danger until the honeymoon fervor dies down a little. if that even happens. if it doesn't, cancel all your other plans and become a househusband immediately."
plot twist this is pre-abyss and Bingqiu are pretending to be a married couple in order to night-hunt incognito, so 17-year-old disciple Bunhe has to listen to this doctor waxing eloquent about how much Shen Qingqiu adores him for over an hour, and then pretend that he didn't hear any of that. ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ
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