#The Screw-Propeller In Nature
mechanical-drawing · 5 months
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April 29th, 1876
0 notes
Determination (Platonic)
As you can tell this is kinda based off of Undertale in the whole. Not a lot but some elements from it that I changed
This isn’t really linear and I’m just jumping from character to characters
Cause screw the timeline
Warning of a lot of child death and spoilers
part 2 part 3 shanks beast pirates
Determination : a Paramecia type devil fruit shaped into a four pointed star. This mysterious devil fruit allows its user to essentially become immortal. When the user dies they “respawn” at a different location randomly. Oddly, when dying via water the effects of the fruit still occur though it takes longer for the user to “respawn” and the user doesn’t age after eating the fruit.
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Determination was something that was sewn into the fabric of the human soul
From the dawn of time humanity fought to survive against nature and itself
This blazing emotion called determination propelled them forwards against all odds
A blazing spark that had pushed them again and again
Through every conflict and tragedy
If is perhaps one of the most important things of the human spirit along with the capacity for compassion
It’s no surprise that determination was a strong thing but even stronger would be the devil fruit you one day ate that you decided to name after that one blazing emotion
It took a long while for you to figure out the ability of the fruit since nothing happened at first all those years ago
You didn’t transform into an animal of any sorts
Nor did you change your body or make something like flames appear
It left you confused…well until you died by accident
In your defence you were a young kid (you still are to be honest) without any spacial awareness
So you didn’t notice the tiger that snuck up on you
There was a small moment of pain and then black
A pure black much like the ocean at night
There’s was confusion and then something appeared in front of you
A glimmering star that glowed softly and appeared out from your chest
Pulsating gently as you stared at it
You touched it and then woke up
Sand beneath between your fingers as you got up confused
It’s there that you saw the ocean stretching out beyond your view and into the horizon
Cerulean blue sparkling with the sunlight
Bits of golden light shimmering around you now fading as you sat up confused
It took a while after that as well to figure out the specifics but you figured out that you died
And that seemingly despite that you were brought back somewhere new, an island across the ocean from what you once knew was home
It’s a lot to take in but with time it settles in on you as you navigate what to do next
You’d always had wanted to explore and sail the seas
What always held you back was the danger of it all
Your parents once warned you of it before their deaths
How you shouldn’t do something so risky that could end up taking your life
But now there was no worry of that
Of leaving them
It was just you on your own in this big world
Now leaving you with that once far off Dream being your only reality
So after that you geared up and set sail
Your ship…er if you could even call it one was Basically a couple of barrels combined together into a small vessel
At least 8 barrels served as the base whilst two were combined together into a hut with a small cut out to make your bed area
There was no wheel or proper sail
You used a umbrella attached to a big stick and turned it manually to control the direction
But you rarely did that
You kinda just let the boat take you to wherever
It was fun that way
Partially because all the friends you’d met were made through this method of letting the waves take you wherever it deemed you go next
How your ship has survived for decades you don’t really know nor care about
All that mattered was that it floated and was a serviceable vessel (many would disagree with that)
Through the years you stayed the same as the world changed
You never aged from when eating the devil fruit and though you become more mature you were still a kid at heart
One filled with determination
Gol.D Roger
Ironically for someone seen as the “pirate king” you’d think that he’d be more mean
But surprise surprise when you pull up on your boat near his own the pirate king himself invites you aboard
Smiling brightly as he offers you a hand and his men tie your boat to his own so it doesn’t float away
Your friendship with Roger was something that you’d consider priceless
He is considerably kind and gentle with you
Almost treating you as if you were his own child
His crew is equally welcoming to you as they all share the thought of how in the world had you survived this long (key point technically you hadn’t lol)
That day in which you had first met him they throw a small party where your their guest
Drinks are shared all round, you even get to sneak in a sip as Roger laughs whole heartedly at a joke
For the first time in a long while you eat and sleep in a real bed on his ship
And the next day he’s sitting you down to have a serious talk with you
Roger may be childish and oblivious but he can tell there’s more to this than meets the eye
He isn’t pushy or threatening like you had expected
Just asking what your situation was
So you tell him
Perhaps it was because you were still naive or because you knew your secret would be safe with him
But something in you told you to trust him and your gut was never wrong
You expect the reaction to be something like asking you how you got it
maybe even jealousy
But what you get in return is sympathy
He thinks of how lonely you must be
Something more akin to a curse despite its benefits
You’d never really saw it that way but his gentle gaze full of forlorn sadness makes you open your eyes a bit
In many ways, yes, never dying was a curse of loneliness
You’d outlive everyone
But in your eyes that time spent and having the opportunity in meeting them i the first place made up for that
Forever sharing their stories and carrying their memory kept you from being alone
He smiles
While you never officially joined his crew you ended up traveling with them for months on end
Becoming apart of their family as the crew took turns letting you sit on their shoulders
Your favourite thing to do though was stealing Rogers coat and hat
Parading around like him as everyone else held in chuckles as you fake ordered them around
It became something of a tradition as Roger would randomly announce to the crew their real captain was here as you walked out
He became a lot like an older brother with fatherly qualities
Fun and caring
Despite knowing you couldn’t really die he always remains careful around you
Especially when their fighting marines
He doesn’t want you targeted for affiliation so he does his damn best in hiding you away during fights
Hell, he even once punched someone across a bar for trying to pick on you
Like when you trusted him with knowledge of your immortality he trusts you with knowledge of Rouge and his unborn son shortly before his death
Perhaps in some ways he knew his death was soon but he entrusts you with something only his most trustworthy allies are allowed to know
You aren’t there when he died but you know for sure he did so with a smile
Clutching one of his coats to your chest you cry with a soft smile as his son is born
Rouge let’s you hold the young baby she named Ace
A fitting name for someone who you knew was bound to be an Ace in the deck of cards that was the world
Monkey D. Garp
You meet Garp cause of Roger
Shocking right (note the sarcasm)
Particularly because Roger entrusted you to show Garp where Rouge was hiding out
It is…tense at first to say the least especially since you knew Roger was likely being walked to his execution
The one person you grew to trust more than yourself
But as usual, with time you both began to talk
He asks if your apart of Rogers crew and you answer truthfully
Your not but they had accepted you as their own
Taken in a small child afloat on the ocean without any hesitation
They all respected that your a free spirit that couldn’t be tethered to one place forever and accepted that
Garp had already respected Roger but it grew as you talked of the pirate king
This the talk time goes away though when Rouge begins to give birth
Your left panicked and doing your best to comfort her as best you could
Your still a kid, there isn’t much you can do but your trying for her sake
For the sake of her unborn child
For Roger
Despite how tears stung your eyes from how hard she held your small hand
You held them back and focused on her
And it’s through that Garp sees how you are indeed not a pirate
Your just a child, one who was alone in this world clinging to a piece of driftwood
Floating from place to place and helping others despite the fact you needed it as well
When Ace is born and Rouge passes away your left to cry as you comfort the young baby boy
The marine carefully takes Ace from your arms and lets you mourn
Not only for a woman who showed you nothing but kindness but also for Roger
And for Ace having to grow up without either parents, for being doomed to a fate of death if anyone else found out of his linage
You end up going with him since you can’t yet peel yourself away from Ace
It feels too soon and you need more time for a proper goodbye
He’s fine with this though
Dare you even say he encouraged you to come with him
Despite your…lacklustre experience with marine’s you find Garp to be nice company
It’s Odd but he acts almost fatherly?
There’s a hidden longing in his eyes of wanting familiar connection
Something that you can relate to after the loss of your mom and dad
A craving for a connection you once thought lost
Eventually though you know it’s your time to leave
With a last goodbye to Ace in the form of a kiss to the forehead and a small handmade charm you set off
Garp is already waiting there though with your boat and a box of supplies
And Garp tells you that you’d make a good marine
You laugh
Never in a million years
And despite knowing your answer he isn’t angry, he smiles and waves as you begin to sail away on your dinky “boat”
He probably should’ve at least bought you a real boat
Maybe next time he muses
Next time
The cycle begins again
Doflamingo and Rosinante Donquixote
After a long while of traveling you ended up at Dressrosa for a pit stop
But decided to stay a bit longer than you anticipated when you met two boys your age
Both were battered and bruised Beyond recognition
Blond hair muddied with clumps of blood and mud
The two brothers were apprehensive at first but eased up when you offered them the pie you bought yourself
Apparently the entire island HATED them with a passion
Something because of them being celestial dragons which you didn’t care about nor understand why that would lead to how others treated them
It’s messed up to you that their practically beaten for something they can’t control
So you stand up for them
Taking the hits for the two brothers as people focus their anger on you apparently betraying them or something
You don’t care
Not like you can die anyways but the two blonds don’t exactly like seeing their only friend beat up because of them
But that doesn’t stop you since you were their friend
And friends help friends
Nor would you stand for such an injustice in your eyes
Rosinante enjoys playing games with you
Out of the two he is more immature in the sense he’s more like a regular kid
He is compassionate and kind despite the circumstances
One who would tend to your wounds as his brother stewed in frightening anger
It scared him…how his brother had some sort of darkness in him that grew
Your the only person he confides this to
And you can’t help but also be worried for his bother but also himself
How this could affect him when considering that he brother was one of the only people dear to him
But that was a worry for later
In the moment you focus on keeping him happy and distracted from the cruelties directed towards him
You’d buy sweet treats, toys and a scavenge bits of pretty shells as gifts
Letting the two keep the small signs of your friendship as a way to at least brighten their days
At some point you had even picked up on his like for heart themed stuff and incorporated that into the stuff you wave gave him
Safe to say he might’ve cried some tears of happiness
Sometimes you worry for him out of the two
Doffy knows that fighting is sometimes the answer but Rosinante doesn’t
Along with the fact he trips over thin air
You don’t know how many times you’d bandaged him up
But everyone has their quirks you suppose
And you wouldn’t change them for the world
Doflamingo on the other hand is very much the opposite of his brother
He doesn’t exactly play, he more so soaks up the knowledge you spill of your travels
Stuff of how the world worked
The politics of some of the islands you’d visited
He’s innately interested to a degree you hadn’t exactly expected
But in some sense you appreciated it
Everyone just lumping it under the ramblings of a child
But Doffy doesn’t
Speaking of which your the only one permitted to call him that lest they get a swift kick to the ass
It’s an honour you hold in high regard
Especially since he even gives you a nickname of your own
It’s cause apparently your like their own personal knight, something fitting cause he one day swore to rise up back to their proper birth right
Before their parents abandoned it
He’s strong and knows it but still insists that your their protector of sorts
You don’t really argue with him about it anymore
In fact you kinda lean into the name
Making a makeshift sword out of a stick and waving it around in mock sword fights
It brings back fond memories of your old friends that have probably long forgotten you
Except for the fact you had to save Rosinante from almost poking his eye out
Nothing however as usual can last forever
You don’t know what had led up to this point but eventually everyone had enough of them
And also you protecting them
Some men dragged you into a town square of sorts one night
Their yelling obscenities at you that you don’t flinch at
Even as they tie you in ropes that bite at your skin and walk you towards a chopping block
The crowd holds you down on the block as flames illuminate your face
You can only watch in pity as the Donquixote’s are forced down to watch as the blade rises above your head
Your only shred tears for your two friends having to watch your death
A smile finds its way on your face
Tears lining your eyes as they cascade down your cheeks, shining due to the warm light of torches
There was cheering from the crowd
Screaming from Doffy
Crying from Rosantine
And the air splitting as the blade came down
And then darkness before a familiar gold shining light appears before you once more
The cycle begins again
What you don’t know is that both boys notice your kicked away body dissipate into golden stardust that travels up into the sky before their both blindfolded and strung up
Whitebeard pirates
During your time with Roger he had several encounters with Whitebeard but your first real encounter happens when you end up at an island in their territory
You once again died and ended up there and almost immediately ran into the well known member of the group Marco
Now in his perspective you were a random child who stumbled out an alleyway with scrapes and bruises
How was he not supposed to be worried?
His mind goes immediately to possible conclusions even as you argue with him that your fine
To please not take you to a medic
In reality you really wanted to avoid Whitebeard in case of unearthing memories of Roger
But you don’t have much of a choice when this blue bird boy is dragging your ass back to the ship to be properly healed
You don’t go down without a fight though…doesn’t do much but it sure does look like a rabid animal attacked him so it’s something
But your brought to the ship, the good old Moby dick which looks even bigger up close and personal
And there sitting down with tubes attached to him is Edward “Whitebeard” Newgate
Otherwise known as Roger’s kinda rival/friend?…it was complicated, too complicated for you to understand at least
Everyone aboard welcomes you with a smile even as you keep punching the (in your words) “oversized chicken with a pineapple for a head”‘S back in vain
Safe to assume the crew grows to like you as your kinda just adopted on board
Their docked at the island for awhile so they haven’t just taken off with you being dragged along
Though from what you heard of their track record you wouldn’t have been surprised
Marco is the one who interacts with you the most at first mostly cause his devil fruit helped with injures
Despite your petty aggression you do have to admit he is nice company
He’s rather levelheaded and exceedingly caring
It’s why he (literally) dragged you here in the first place
Cause he couldn’t just leaven an injured kid on their own
You get the sense that due to his fruit he’s older than he seems, it makes sense with the whole Phoenix thing
So you often pose questions of immortality to him to see if he had differing views to you
Surprisingly he didn’t
He also carried the mindset of it being worth it due to all the experiences you couldn’t have in a lifetime
It’s nice in a weird way
Just knowing you weren’t alone in having to watch the world change as you stay the same
You don’t say this aloud of course but he seems happy in discussing the “possibility’s” with you
He takes to looking after you even after your better and interacting with others on the ship
A sense of responsibility for the fact he brought you aboard in the first place
Along with a possible hint of Kinship and a mother hen instinct (Thatch got smacked on the head for that)
Occasionally he likes to change fully or half shift into his Phoenix form to fly around
It’s a pretty sight
Even more so when he offers to taking you flying as well
Feeling the wind swish past as you soar through the air isn’t something you’d ever experienced before
It is ingrained in your mind that sense of adrenaline and rush of a mixture of fear and excitement
Its single-handedly an experience you’d likely never forget
And everyone seems to know it as he places you gently back down on the deck, shaky legs paired with a bright smile and wide eyes
Sometimes you wonder if he has bird instincts but he doesn’t answer the question (the crew says yes he does)
Thatch is extremely friendly and because of that (and the food) you end up hanging with him in the kitchen quite a bit
Food had always kinda been an afterthought to you and you’d forgotten what having good food was actually like
But with Thatch he changes that quickly
The food he makes brings back nostalgia of old
The home cooked meals in your mouth after a long day, sitting yourself down at the table as she placed a hot plate in front of you
The scent and steam still rising off of it
He has her smile, bright and gentle
The first time you ate one of his meals and he gave you that look you cried
Which caused an angry Marco to try and yell at him for doing something before you stopped him
While you stay on the ship you unofficially become his little helper
Bringing others their meals and prepping up the buffet when they had a party (which was seemingly every other day of the week)
you tease him about his hair and it then becomes a running joke between you two
The others catch on and they all laugh when you call his pompadour something to piss him off
And then he proceeds to whine about it
He won’t admit it but he sneaks food to Stefan
He of course denies this but you catch him late one night and now use that as blackmail to let you lick the spoon used for the batter for pancakes
Sometimes he styles your hair
The crew laughed their asses off when he made it look like a pompadour
While on your stay at the ship he makes sure to memorize your favourite foods
Especially when he catches glimpses of you being especially sad
Speaking of sad
You almost cry when seeing the familiar freckled face of Ace again
Body freezing over and going stiff as the cowboy hat wearing son of tiger gives you a jolly smile
In a lot of ways he’s not like Roger
But in other ways their more alike than you’d ever expected
It’s hard being around him
Especially since all you want to do is cry and hug him
To explain that Rouge and Roger loved him more than you could put into words
That you missed him but your glad to see he found a place where he’s accepted
But you can’t
You know you can’t when your permanently stuck as a child
Never aging even as the world kept changing
Plus you don’t know how he’d react to it. You’d probably sound crazy
So you keep all of it to yourself
But to everyone else it’s obvious that something is going on with you
Sure, they hadn’t known you very long but their all good at reading people
Around Ace everyone notices that there’s a obvious shift in your behaviour
You become reclusive, a look of distant sadness lingering as you avoid him
It doesn’t help that he wants to get to the bottom as to why your seemingly afraid of him
You occasionally hide in random closets when you hear him nearby
Thatch and Marco can’t get a word out of you as to why you act this way around him
But eventually you begin to let up a bit
Being able to have a proper conversation with the freckled male as he has to hold himself back out of excitement
It’s still hard but you push through it
Especially when seeing him smile as wide as he did when you looked after him
He still has the charm you gave him
It’s a little worse for wear but it’s there
As is your matching one that you hide from the crew in your pocket
He likes to show off his powers to you
Watching as your eyes stare at the swirling flames that dance on his arms
What he likes more though is when you question him about his tattoo and brothers
Apparently he has two sworn brothers
One who had sadly passed named Sabo and the other who was still alive named Luffy
His voice is tinged with a certain fondness as he talks about them that you can relate to
In a moment of weakness you ask him about the charm that hangs off his white and red stripped bracket and he smiles
He talks about how someone looked after him when he was younger according to his gramps
They had to leave, but was still out there
They had a matching one to his own
And one day he hoped to find them
You have to turn away and hide your eyes for a moment
With a smile you wish him luck and he replies back that he doesn’t need it
He’d find them
He was right and didn’t even know it
From then on he approaches you regularly while your on the Moby dick
Taking you on mini adventures and letting you sit on his shoulders with your hat covering your head
The crew laughs with glee
He jokingly tells you that your already apart of their crew but you know there’s truth to the words
He’s always a bit crestfallen at your answer, but even with that he retains hope you’d join
First time he passed out you nearly died again and began crying until Marco comforted you
Not your proudest moment but he seemed particularly touched that you were so emotional about his well-being
Kinda like with Ace your initially on edge around Whitebeard
Sure, he’s welcoming you with a smile and is generally warm but seeing him brings up Roger again
You remember the times you’d sometimes peak out to watch them battle with Shanks and Buggy
Honestly your very relived he didn’t recognize you
Nor the coat that you drape over your shoulders
Even moreso cause you can tell he knows something is up with you
Like Ace it takes a lot of time for you to begin to get close to him
But like Ace once again this man is stubborn shit who is patient enough to be able to crash down your barriers but by bit with time
It starts off as him inquiring of your home, your family and if their waiting for you
You respond that your birth family is long gone but you prefer to travel anyways. Finding new friends along the way
The answer worries him but he makes no mention of it
The questions then progress to you asking about some of his experiences
What it was like being rival to the greatest pirate in the world
He laughs at that, mumbling about how Roger was a stubborn pain in the ass
But one whom he considered a friend
Someone he missed
You ask him how he deals with grief, with losing someone close to you but being reminded of them
He says that it’s hard but with that comes a sort of melancholy happiness
That there are still traces of them in the world, even if it’s through simple actions
Like a gentle reminder of their importance and affect on his life
You’d never thought of it that way..but you think it’s nice
It helps you ease into spending time with Ace and him some more
Both of them are happy about it
At some point he begins asking if you’d like a place here
A home on their ship and crew
You smile and tell him that the sea itself is your home, but you know that this place and it’s people are family
But you also have family elsewhere as well
He accepts that but he does seem saddened and worried
In general a lot of what you do makes him worried
Specifically the disregard of your life and safety
To be fair to him though he doesn’t know your basically immortal
Well until…the attack
Everything was fine, a party was happening and Thatch had brought back a devil fruit
Drinks were shared all around as was the food
Thatch was pretty drunk and you decided to bring the fruit he found back to the pantry to be locked up for now
You didn’t see the person follow you
It’s a bit of a blur but all you removed was burning pain as you heard a chilling laugh
And then there was the screams of voices familiar
Through blurred vision you stare up at a crying Ace as he yells for Marco
He goes to run and get him but you grab him with bloodied hands
Shakily you reach into your pocket pulling out the charm as his eyes widen
You smile through the pain as tears swell in your eyes
“You found me”
Whitebeard holds you gently as you hear Ace sob
You fade away cradled in the large warm hands of Whitebeard
The charm matching Ace’s in your hand
They all watch as you crumble away into golden star dust that scatters off into the wind
It is then that the captain of the ship is reminded of what Roger once said
“There’s one star out there that never dies, their just in a different place in the sky. You just have to find it again”
“Hmf….sly bastard. Their out there, we’ll find them again”
The cycle begins once again
You come by him as a complete accident
Just finding yourself adrift at sea once more when a boat quickly pulls up
And before you know it your met face to face with your old friend
Almost immediately your dragged aboard by him as his crew watches on confused as to why he’s acting all nice?
He looks he’s about to cry
Hint: he is
Immediately your whisked to his private quarters and you quickly get a large hug from the blue haired man
And he is absolutely SOBBING
The poor bud can barely make cohesive sentences as you pat his back
After a few minutes he places you down
And then he realized you hadn’t aged a day from when he was a kid
So it’s safe to say you have to explain yourself to him
He’s amazed while simultaneously horrified
Especially since you brush off your own deaths as an afterthought
But then that goes away when he asks if Shanks knows
And you reply that he doesn’t
He begins to laugh his ass off, talking about bragging rights which leaves you confused
Sure, you knew him and the red haired boy had kinda a rivalry but you weren’t sure why he wanted bragging rights
So he then explained what happened after Roger died and you disappeared
Apparently after Roger’s death the two began to drift apart
Petty Arguments growing bigger and bigger before they whet their separate ways
You can’t say your surprised but it’s sure sad in your eyes
That his death caused them to go their separate ways
The dynamic duo you’d come to befriend and see as bigger brothers now separated
But even with that your happy to see that Buggy is still his normal self
Sure, he’s brash and at times arrogant. But you wouldn’t change him
He was Buggy, unabashedly himself
You stay on his ship for awhile and in that time get to know his crew
Their all still kinda confused how their captain knows you but brush it off
Just accepting it as it is
You end up napping with Richie a lot despite that fact many of your deaths was via animal mauling
The lion enjoys your company, especially as you brush his lavender mane and braid it
After seeing that the captain may or may not have asked you to braid his hair as well
You oblige
During your stay Buggy lingers by you a lot
Perhaps a bit scared to let you go
The crew won’t mention it aloud but somehow your presence makes him more agreeable
Also less…aggressive
They reallly hope they’ll be seeing you around more often
Some might have partially cried when you left due to that
The other half is cause they got attached
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sassypossumm · 8 months
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Tywin Lannister is a patient man, but he's far too old for courtly games of love, yet this particular woman has a bad habit of slithering her way under his skin. It behooves him how he managed to wind up in the midst of the very things he's derided others for all these years.
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Tywin's jaw ticked.
His eyes narrowed.
"Tyrell women." He muttered under his breath, uttering it like a curse. This infuriating dance of coy flirtatiousness had been going on for months. Entirely on her part of course. Tywin Lannister was much too old for such juvenile games. The constant back and forth, the thinly veiled inuendo, this hedging around an obvious fact. Naturally this didn't appeal to him. And naturally it wasn't what propelled his feet forward, driving him to grab her arm and give some vague excuse to steer her away from the lingering party goers without a second glance for anyone in the room.
No, there must've been something else that had lit his ire.
Tyrion looked up from his goblet to see his father, clearly perturbed, practically dragging Lady Tyrell towards a secluded alcove. Concerned for his friend, and perhaps just a little curious, Tyrion set down his goblet and quietly followed them at a distance. Slipping behind a column, for once he was appreciative of the architecture that he was usually so vocally derisive of. 
"Lady Tyrell." Tywin seethed, pressing her roughly against the wall of the darkened alcove. 
"Lord Lannister." She met his eyes innocently and smiled retiringly. Tywin leaned closer, supporting his weight with his forearm resting against the wall above her head. His eyes flashed in vivid annoyance, and hers danced gleefully in the distant torch light. 
"Stop it." He growled under his breath; his tone heavy with that signature weightiness that accompanied his quiet threats. 
"I'm not doing anything." She said quietly. Tywin's eyes screwed shut and his forehead came to rest along her temple, his jaw clenched. 
"You know exactly what you're doing." He grumbled, releasing an agitated breath through his nose. 
"Perhaps I do." She conceded. "But" Tilting her head slightly, she grazed his jaw with her nose. "Do you know what you're doing, Lord Lannister." She whispered in faux derision. 
"Hang you woman." Tywin hissed, gripping the back of her neck roughly and pulling her into an insistent kiss, taking advantage of her momentary shock to slip his tongue inside her mouth, quickly bullying her tongue into submission as he swept against the roof of her mouth possessively. Her gasp of shock melted into a soft moan when she felt his tongue firmly brush against hers sending a shiver of pleasure across her scalp culminating in prickly tingles down her spine. He nipped roughly at her bottom lip and ran his tongue softly over the tinging sting he'd left. 
"Tywin." The breathy sound of his name being whispered against his mouth sent the blood rushing straight to the growing tightness in his pants. He growled low in his throat and dug his fingers into the nape of her neck, dragging a pathetically low whimper from her parted lips. Tywin's eyes sharpened on the hollow of her throat that seemed to be dipping further with every shallow breath she drew. Meeting her eyes again, he lowered his head and pressed a lingering kiss to that hollow. 
Her head fell against the wall and her fingers flew to the back of his head. The arm that had been supporting his weight came away from the wall and his capable fingers dug into the material over her hip, rucking the material up slowly. Her name fell from his lips with a low rumble as he pressed soft kisses along the column of her throat. Her grip on his hair tightened as her pulse thundered in her ears, almost drowning out the distinct sound of a third party uttering a curse. 
Immediately, Tywin froze and straightened. His eyes narrowed in on the direction the sound came from. 
Tyrion may not have been close enough to hear the particulars of the conversation, but he was certainly close enough to see his father's proximity to his friend. And he was certainly close enough to see the exchange becoming rapidly more... heated. When his father began rucking up her skirts, Tyrion took that as his sign to turn back to the festivities. He wasn't one for non-consensual voyeurism, and it was fairly obvious his friend was in no immediate danger, at least not in life threatening danger. 
He shook his head, unable to wrap his mind around the idea of the great Tywin Lannister seducing anybody. If he'd paused for a moment to collect his thoughts, he might have noticed the uneven stone that rose up to make firm contact with his large toe. Unfortunately, he had not done that and uttered a rather loud curse as pain shot through his foot. Turning he saw that his father had indeed heard his sound, and muttering another curse under his breath, Tyrion quickly hobbled back through the shadows hoping he'd not be spotted. 
Tywin took wide strides in the direction of the sound, but reaching the spot it seemed the sound had emanated, he ground his jaw in annoyance seeing that the culprit was gone. Turning back, he noted that she'd taken pains to straighten her appearance, however, her countenance was growing increasingly mortified, and her skin was decidedly flushed. 
"Lady Tyrell." He said calmly, making his way back to her side. She struggled to meet his eyes, and instead focused on a non-existent point in the distance, all the while picking at an invisible thread on the bodice of her gown. Tywin sighed and covered the twitching hand with his own. "You'll pick a thread loose with all that twitching." When she still wouldn't meet his eyes, he turned her jaw up with firm fingers and waited until she looked at him. Finally, her eyes lifted, and she tentatively met his gaze. Tywin almost felt his lips twitch at her sudden shift in demeanor. 
"You're so changeable at times, my lady." He sounded amused. Her eyes flashed and her lips pressed into a thin line. 
"I'd have thought you'd be the one taking this more seriously, my lord." He raised a brow at her sharp tone and released her jaw, taking a step back. 
"I am treating the situation with the seriousness that it deserves, Lady Tyrell." 
"Someone saw us." 
"In a rather compromising tableau." She said pointedly. Tywin seemed unruffled by her words and folded his hands behind his back. 
"And as we cannot confirm the identity of this person, it would be foolhardy to tangle ourselves in knots of anxiety and paranoia over it." She opened her mouth to respond but found no words of rebuttal. "Besides," he continued, thoughtfully. "There isn't a man alive that would dare to comment on the activities of any member of my family, and if they did," He stepped closer and looked at her in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. "I do not concern myself with the opinions of those beneath me, and neither should you." She closed her eyes and breathed through her nose, deciding it would not be prudent to point out the inflated egotism of his logic and instead nodded. 
"As you say, nothing shall come of this. All will be well." Speaking more to herself than him, she was startled to see him looking at her in a rather heated manner. Taking a step closer, he allowed a finger to slowly trail along her jaw, tracking the movement with hungry eyes. 
"If you think nothing has come of this... tableau as you put it," Tywin paused to lock those hungry eyes on hers, brushing his thumb over her lower lip. A quivery tingle wrapped itself around her spine and slithered towards her abdomen as he looked again at his finger on her lip. "Then you aren't as clever as I perceived you to be."
"Are you striving to drink yourself under the table, imp?" Cersei commented dryly, looking at her intoxicated brother with contempt. Tyrion looked at her through cloudy eyes and poured yet another goblet of wine. 
"Dearest sister," he slurred, pouring another goblet of wine and sliding it towards her before returning to nurse his own. "I wager that you shall be more intoxicated that I by the end of this evening." Cersei raised a brow. 
"And pray tell, why is that?" 
"When was the last time our father entertained a lady friend?" His voice sounded clearer as he stared thoughtfully into his goblet. Cersei narrowed her eyes and considered him. 
"Never." She sounded proud. "There has been no woman since our mother passed." 
"That you knew of." 
"That anyone knew of." She snapped. "You know perfectly well our father swore that he'd never marry again." Tyrion tapped his fingers on the table and looked at her slyly. 
"I think he's considered it now." 
"Did the wine tell you that?" She chuckled darkly. 
"No, I came to this conclusion all on my own." He said smugly. Cersei's jaw tightened. 
"And how did you come to such an idiotic conclusion?" 
"It was probably around the time I watched him shoving his tongue down a respectable ladies throat some moments ago." He said calmly, taking yet another sip of wine. Cersei paled and raised her own goblet to her lips. 
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aghrhrjdj to the three people who read Primus I AM SO SORRY. I got very distracted with the bridge hug fanart that I neglected to work on the next chapter right after a (sort of ) cliffhanger! Rude of me. Am working on it now, meanwhile please accept these random facts about this bizarre convoluted world I’ve created.
- ‘Fourbounding’ is the term used for when apes propel themselves forward with their knuckles. This is considered low-class and regressive by the Coastals (and some of the higher ranking clans). ‘Knuckle-walker’ is a commonly used insult to refer to another perceived as slow-witted or uneducated.
- The apes speak a unique dialect of English with its own grammatical conventions, such as the lack of contractions and adverbs, as well as frequent article omissions. The use of sign language is regional; the preference for brevity in dialogue doesn’t come from a lack of understanding of complex language, but from the fact it is still physically difficult for apes to speak for long periods of time.
- All of Pacifica is in California. Eagle Clan (officially recognized as ‘Mining Clan’) is a valley in the Sierra Nevada. It’s important to note that the clans don’t necessarily originate in the areas that they currently reside in. When the Coastals sought to round up the ‘sundered’, they would’ve relocated them to the nearest natural resource that could be exploited. The borders were not so strictly defined before the Darkest Chapter (the rebellion). They are now fenced and sometimes patrolled.
- The Appia (aka the Pride of Pacifica) is named after the infamous Appian Way of Ancient Rome. It connects all the clans to the Coastal City, though inter-clan travel is barred save for officially sanctioned duties.
- The equivalent of a passenger train system is the ‘caravans’, salvaged Airstream campers pulled by mules and powered by rechargeable batteries. Each system has one car solely dedicated to preparing food and more than one dedicated to refueling supplies.
- The saltwater batteries are real! They can be made from the casings of regular batteries. They aren’t super efficient but are much less dangerous to manufacture.
- The radios are supplied (and required) by the state, but they’ve been altered to only pick a certain range/ frequency….hmm what was that beeping Mae noticed in chap 3 after Noa started screwing with the radio hghhdhhfhhhhphh.
- Proximus comes from a long line of divine-right rulers who claim not only to be descendants of Caesar but to embody him spiritually. Unlike the areligious Panem, Pacifica is highly faith/superstition based.
- The Coastal apes got into that vault at least a century prior the when the story takes place, hence why the society is much more technologically advanced than what we see in Kingdom.
- That mechanical looking water fountain mentioned in chap two is a clepsydra, or a ‘water clock’.
- In case you didn’t catch it, the dead echo that Noa encounters is the one Mae mentions committed suicide. He was a ‘breaker’, the strongest of the miners. Mae is a ‘fuser’, another class of miners who’s small size is utilized to place explosives in crowded tunnels.
AND some bonus character tidbits:
- Koro (Noa’s father) defeated an invading clan during the Darkest Chapter. The rebellion created a power vacuum that enabled some of the larger clans to overtake the smaller ones. Eagle Clan managed to stay neutral, not siding with the rebels (but they did attempt to enforce their sovereignty). Despite this, the Coastals perceived this defeat as a victory on their side and granted the House of Eagle Sun special privileges post-treaty-of-treason, though they are still subject to the same provisions as the ‘traitor’ clans. Koro is very troubled by his recognition as a war hero, especially since defeating said clan involved killing. He’s now dying of a curable disease called the ‘hectic’, hence all the coughing.
- Soona and Anaya are from a lower class than Noa’s family. As they age into adults this rift becomes more obvious (and uncomfortable). Noa recognizes the narrative transpiring between the two without him and this stirs some confusing feelings….(yeah I am on a soonaya kick they’re prolly gonna kiss on the mouth)
- Noa has dyspraxia. His clumsy-ness is alluded to in Kingdom but will become increasingly relevant in this story. From a young age he’s been prone to neurosis (the reoccurring nightmares, the desire to up and leave the clan) despite his relatively comfortable lifestyle. His emotional intelligence and empathy has allowed him to realize the full scope of the cruelty of the system he exists within, yet he has to actively resist these thoughts because he knows he’ll go mad. Sure hope this isn’t used against him…
- Raka’s partner has been dead for a long time, but Raka suppresses the urge to grow flanges by keeping a photograph of him by his side wherever he goes. He sleeps with it. :(
- Mae has secrets upon secrets. That’s all I gotta say there.
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lnkedmyheart · 11 months
I think the easiest way to show Chuuya's vs. Oda's perspective on Dazai is the nurture vs. nature debate. Basically for Oda Dazai was born evil he is a being of darkness that cannot be redeemed, but that even in his evil he can do good things, while Chuuya sees Dazai as an idiotic little brat who believed in screwed up circumstances and that is why he is so cruel, but that does not mean that at no time has he stopped being human
I agree. Oda's complexity stems from his inability to accept that people like them can be inherently good. He thinks that they need to change their nature because he himself struggles to see himself as good. In part rhis comes from his refusal to actually do things to get out of the mafia. But if you think about it, its a vicious cycle, he wants to leave but sees himself as undeserving so he doesnt try which makes him feel undeserving. The difference between him and Dazai is that Dazai is a very proactive guy and actually takes action. That combined with his promise to Oda is enough to propel him into immediate action asap. Plus unlike Oda, Dazai ends up with a very nurturing environment.
Also overall Chuuya is actively against nature. He doesnt care that he himself might not be human even if it stays at the back of his mind he refuses to act inhuman and he refuses to let Dazai act inhuman despite being human. There is also the fact that Chuuya has more experience with troubled children and is in general more experienced at caring for and guiding people than Oda is cause Oda had always isolated himself.
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sigg-vbj · 1 month
Second Encounter: UA (Part 4)
As days turned into weeks and then a full month, Vanessa's resolve to avoid Bakugo was tested to its limits. Despite her best efforts, Bakugo made his presence impossible to ignore. He didn't just bump into her; he barreled into her with the force of a freight train. These weren't accidental nudges—they were deliberate, punishing shoulder checks that sent her stumbling, nearly knocking her off her feet.
Each collision was a test of her patience and restraint. Vanessa's fists would clench so hard her nails dug into her palms, breaking the skin, and her teeth ground together in barely suppressed rage. Every fiber of her being screamed for her to lash out, to plant her fist right into his throat and end his torment once and for all. She swore she’d do it, the thought of it flashing vividly in her mind.
But each time, she forced herself to take deep, steadying breaths, her chest heaving with the effort to control the tempest of fury within her. She gathered her scattered thoughts, focused on her goal, and continued walking, her steps heavy with the effort of holding herself back. She was determined not to let him get the better of her, not to give him the satisfaction of seeing her snap. Or so she thought.
It was a normal joint training event, this time between her class, 1G, and class 1A. The goal was a typical capture-the-flag scenario. Everyone knew their roles, but Bakugo's eyes were dead set on her, his competitive nature burning like a wildfire. This was his chance—to back her into a corner, to push her to fight him!
Vanessa swiftly dodged oncoming attacks before taking down Kirishima, his hardened body crashing against the ground with a nasty thud. He could take it—he was built for it. But what she didn’t know was that Bakugo had informed his teammates that he’d be the one to handle her. Sure enough, here he came, full throttle, his explosive quirk propelling him forward at top speed.
She glanced in his direction before quickly stepping out of his way and running in another direction.
"Can't run forever! Face me!" Bakugo bellowed. It felt like middle school all over again, when she’d constantly avoid him but he’d always be there. She gritted her teeth as the memories flooded back. Enough was enough. She wasn’t running anymore.
Vanessa spun around to face her opponent, their eyes locking. Bakugo screwed up.
Vanessa unleashed five Red X's toward Bakugo. The unstable energy within them glowing brighter. “X-Plosion!” she yelled, clenching her fist. The built-up energy within the Red X's detonated on impact.
“You want it?!” she screamed, her tone fierce. “You got it.”
Bakugo knew she was a force to be reckoned with, especially when backed into a corner. When the dust and smoke settled, Bakugo stood there, his head lowered. Silence reigned until she heard chuckles rising from him, causing her to narrow her eyes.
He lifted his head, eyes wide, with a massively wicked smirk on his face.
"FINALLY!" he roared, laughing a laugh that shook her to the core. His eyes locked onto hers as he licked his lips. “I’ve been waiting for this moment. SO GIVE ME ALL YOU GOT!!!”
He burst forward with such power it caught her off guard. This wasn’t like their first fight back in middle school; this was completely different. “Tch!” She flipped back, but he was on her like white on rice. She couldn’t gain distance. As he placed the palm of his hand on her abdomen, her eyes widened at the bright light emanating from his gloved gauntlets.
“Nowhere else to run,” he sneered, his wicked grin widening as the energy in his palm reached a blinding crescendo. The ensuing explosion was cataclysmic, a deafening roar that echoed across the training grounds. Vanessa was blasted backward with a force that felt like being hit by a freight train. Her body was hurled through the air, limbs flailing helplessly as she struggled to regain control.
Her desperate attempts to stop herself were futile. She slammed into a metal railing with bone-jarring impact, the force knocking the wind out of her. The railing bent under the pressure, and she crumpled to the ground, falling with a sickening thud onto the concrete below. Pain exploded in her side, radiating through her body. The world spun around her, the taste of blood in her mouth as she lay there, gasping for breath, every nerve screaming in agony.
“Mng…” Okay, that hurt—a lot. If it wasn’t for her last-minute use of her Red X shielding most of the explosion’s power, she’d have felt the heat more than the impact on that railing.
“Oi! You’re not dead, are ya?!” Bakugo shouted, his voice cutting through the haze of smoke and debris as he surveyed the wreckage for any sign of her. For a moment, only the sound of settling dust and distant echoes filled the air. Then, from the depths of the industrial maze, her voice rang out, sharp and defiant.
“You’re a goddamn maniac,” she spat, each word dripping with venom. Vanessa clutched her side, the pain radiating from her ribs. They felt like they were on fire, a relentless, searing agony that made her vision blur. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she forced herself to stand, each movement a testament to her resilience. The rage and determination in her eyes burned brighter than ever, refusing to let him see her falter.
"Enough hiding! I didn't plan this for you to go ghost again," he growled, trying to pinpoint her location. But she was good at hiding—very good.
Vanessa took a deep, steadying breath, forcing herself to focus and push through the searing pain in her side. Her eyes narrowed, and a fierce determination ignited within her. She stepped out of the shadows, her posture radiating aggression. With a sudden burst of energy, she launched herself forward using ‘X-Step,’ her signature explosive skill that sent shockwaves through the ground with each step.
Her speed was blinding, a blur of motion as she tore across the battlefield. The force of her acceleration created a sonic boom, reverberating through the air. Each step left a crater in the ground, a testament to the sheer power propelling her forward. She was a missile locked onto her target, her every movement a calculated strike designed to overwhelm and devastate.
Bakugo knew this wasn’t like their first fight. She was different now—calculated, precise, vicious. Her movements were a symphony of lethal intent, each strike aimed to exploit any weakness. She came at him with a relentless barrage, her powerful legs driving him back with every kick and blow.
Vanessa launched into a powerful flying spin kick, the air crackling with the intensity of her attack. He barely managed to block it, but the sheer force of the impact sent him skidding back, his boots gouging deep furrows in the ground. He lowered his arms slightly, his eyes blazing with a mix of fury and exhilaration as he watched her get back into her stance, ready for more.
“Hell yeah,” he growled, his voice a primal roar. The adrenaline surged through his veins. “AP SHOT! AUTO CANON!!”
The air around him crackled with raw energy as he unleashed a barrage of explosive projectiles. Each blast tore through the air with deafening booms, converging on Vanessa with the intent to obliterate. The ground shook with the force of his attack, dust and debris flying everywhere as the sheer destructive power of his quirk was unleashed.
“What the hell?!” Vanessa's eyes widened in shock as Bakugo's long-distance attack hurtled toward her with ferocious speed. Instinctively, she leaped into the air, using her Red X's as stepping stones, each one exploding with a thunderous crack beneath her feet, propelling her higher. She sent three Red X's hurtling down toward him, each glowing with an intense, pulsating energy.
Bakugo reacted with lightning speed, blasting two of the Red X's out of existence with precise explosions. But the third one slipped through, detonating near him with a blinding flash and a deafening roar. The ground around him erupted in a shower of debris and smoke.
The explosion served as the perfect distraction. Vanessa, moving with lethal grace, barreled down from above, her body a blur of motion. The air screamed around her as she descended, her form cutting through the chaos like a missile. Her eyes locked onto Bakugo, her intent clear: this was the moment to strike.
Bakugo barely had time to register the threat as Vanessa came down on him with the force of a meteor, her figure outlined against the backdrop of the explosion, a warrior descending from the heavens with vengeance in her eyes.
“Ha! How stupid can ya get?! You’re wide open!!” Bakugo bellowed, his voice dripping with savage glee. He lifted his palm, bright, searing energy erupting from his glove, the air around him crackling with heat. But as the explosion surged forward, Vanessa twisted in an arc, her body a blur of motion. Propelled by her downward speed and 'X-Step,' she cut through the roaring inferno, her form slicing the wall of flames as if parting an ocean of fire with sheer force of will.
The intensity of the moment was electrifying, the heat from Bakugo's blast scorching the air around her, but Vanessa remained unfazed, her determination burning even hotter. Her trajectory was a streak of defiance against the onslaught, each movement precise, calculated, and unstoppable.
In that split second, the clash of their powers created a tempest of raw energy, a spectacle of explosive might and relentless resolve. Bakugo’s eyes widened in a mix of shock and exhilaration as Vanessa emerged from the other side of the inferno, unscathed, her fierce gaze locked onto his, ready to strike.
“X-MARKS-THE-SPOT!!” Vanessa roared, her voice echoing through the battlefield as she burst out from the flames like a phoenix reborn. Her body was a blur of fiery energy, the sheer intensity of her quirk creating a shockwave that rippled through the air.
Bakugo’s eyes widened in shock at the sudden, close-range attack. He barely managed to dodge at the last possible second, his instincts kicking in with a jolt of adrenaline. The ground where he had stood erupted in a violent explosion, a massive 'X' scorched into the earth, debris flying everywhere. The sheer force of her attack sent a blast of hot air and flames surging outward, singeing his clothes and rattling his bones.
If he hadn’t moved in time, the impact would have sent him straight to the infirmary, or worse. The realization of just how close he had come to being taken out fueled his rage and excitement. Vanessa’s attack left a crater where he once stood, a testament to the lethal precision and power she wielded.
Bakugo’s heart pounded in his chest, a mixture of fear and exhilaration coursing through him as he steadied himself, ready for the next round. He knew he couldn’t underestimate her—she was a force to be reckoned with, and this battle was far from over.
They stood there, eyes locked in an intense stare-down, the air crackling with the remnants of their explosive clash. The ground around them was scorched and shattered, a battlefield that bore the marks of their ferocity.
Before they could launch into another round, their teachers intervened. Aizawa, the main one on the scene, moved with the speed and precision of a seasoned pro hero.
“Bakugo! That’s enough!” Aizawa’s voice cut through the tension like a knife. He activated his quirk, his scarf whipping out to restrain Bakugo. Despite Aizawa’s formidable hold, Bakugo struggled violently, his eyes blazing with unquenched fury.
“Let go of me, dammit!” Bakugo roared, his muscles straining against the binding scarf, explosions sparking from his palms in his desperate bid for freedom. His rage was a palpable force, a storm that refused to be contained.
Vanessa, meanwhile, was pulled aside by her teacher, who had to physically place himself between her and the scene. She wasn’t exempt from the scolding. Her breath came in heavy gasps, her body still thrumming with the adrenaline of battle. The intensity in her eyes didn’t waver, even as she was led away.
“Dammit, Vanessa! You can’t just—” her teacher began, but she cut him off, her voice still fierce.
“He wanted a fight, so I gave him one!” she snapped, the defiance in her voice echoing the wild energy still coursing through her veins. Her teacher’s reprimand was stern, his gaze unyielding.
“That’s not how we do things here! Whatever you two have going on can be settled at another time and place, but for now,” Aizawa said, his voice firm and unyielding as he handed both Bakugo and Vanessa slips of paper. “Cafeteria duty for a month.”
Vanessa looked at her slip, her face a mask of stoic resolve, while Bakugo’s glare could have melted steel. When they were dismissed, Vanessa was quick to head off, her mind racing. She wasn’t just angry—she was seething, her blood still boiling from the confrontation.
“Hey! Puffball!” Bakugo’s voice cut through the noise, but she ignored it, her frustration evident in every step. She spun around to face him, her eyes blazing.
“I think I’m getting sick of hearing your voice,” she said through gritted teeth. “And stop calling me Puffball!”
Bakugo stopped in his tracks, his scowl deepening with a mix of irritation and curiosity. “Then what’s your goddamn name?” he demanded, his tone low and edged with frustration.
She hesitated for a moment before replying, her voice cold. “It’s Vanessa… Vanessa Johnson.” She turned on her heel and continued walking, her back straight, her resolve unbroken.
Bakugo watched her leave, a grunt of annoyance escaping him. Even knowing her name, Puffball suited her better. But this wouldn’t be the last time he’d see her; they had a whole month of kitchen duty to look forward to.
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irishplaguedoctor · 2 months
New Rain World AU: Colossus AU
Basic Summary:
In this AU, the iterators are colossi in charge of specific, elemental domains while also working on the “Great Problem”. There are several hundred iterators that cover these areas all over the world.
This AU is basically a mash of (Roman, Greek, Egyptian, etc.) mythological fantasy and technology.
Colossal Lore Dump and Art Below~
To ancients, these colossi are godlike in comparison with the abilities to solve the unthinkable and prevent natural disasters from occurring.
Speaking of ancients; instead of all of them leaving by mass ascension, roughly 10% hid away for generations to make sure they wouldn’t be forced to ascend. Inhabitants close to the Local Group just so happen to finally leave their cave dwellings during survivors’s/monk’s timeline. And, of course, when the descendants ‘meet’ some of these colossi…they think they’re going to die. They are TERRIFIED of these beings; despite them doing their best to ease them of their worries.
Example: This is their first introduction to NSH.
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Local Group:
The local group still consists of six original members with LttM still acting as the administrator.
No Significant Harassment runs the general surface and mountain ranges of the local group’s territory. He makes sure earthquakes and landslides aren’t a problem.
Five Pebbles is in charge of the ocean and its depths. The lower half of his body is serpentine, making him the longest iterator of the group, but he cannot walk on land. He makes sure tsunamis don’t breach the shorelines.
Seven Red Suns oversee the underground and keep an eye on both the void and magma activity. Their body is the most flexible and durable, with the added resistance to heat and pressure. They watch for volcanic and void eruptions.
Chasing Wind watches the skies. Unlike the other colossi, they are actually made up of small, nano-versions that combine to make the collective iterator. The small nanites have built-in wings, giving the illusion that Chasing Wind (as a collective) flies without visible wings. They disrupt tornado and hurricane formations.
Unparalleled Innocence is the medical colossus in charge of a very large facility in the center of the region. Similarly to how the original iterators were designed, they are one with the building and can save/cure thousands at once. They prevent plagues from spreading. (Of course, this means they suffered the most when they believed ALL of the ancients left them behind.)
Looks to the Moon oversees all the colossi iterators in the domain. She ensures everyone does their job correctly and reminds them of their own upkeep. She is also known to assist them in the tasks previously stated when there is an issue. Because of this, she has wings and propellers that guide her through the sky and in the water.. Help with Suns, however, is limited because of her lack of heat resistance. But she makes up for this by having cold resistance instead.
I'm still trying to figure a few things out: like the general height of the colossi -- especially since they're all different. They’re supposed to be BIG, but having them be canonical superstructure height (roughly 1.2 miles high according to @delta-orionis 's post) would be too much. Having them be that big would only cause more harm than good. Although, most of them do have the ability to change their size, up to a certain extent. Only the structure-based iterators, like UI, can’t.
For example: I see NSH as being approximately 1400ft. tall -- about the size of the Empire State Building in New York City
Also, plotwise, I don't really have anything except them trying to win back the ancients (or in this case, their descendants) favor and see they only want to help, but they continuously screw up sitcom style.
Also also, they sometimes step on each others toes when trying to do their work AND help the ancients reintroduce themselves from hiding. (On purpose or not)
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That's all I have for now. If you have questions feel free to ask! Also have fun with the concept, don't be afraid to apply your ocs or versions of the local group to it.
I was inspired by Jorge Rivera-Herrans "Epic" sagas, check out his work on Youtube. :D
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, modern AU
Summary: Modern AU. It can be a thin line between like and dislike, love and hate. Or an endless circle.
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI, oral sex (f to m, blow job), vaginal sex, dirty talk, arguing, enemies to lovers.
Word Count: 1.7k
Build a blurb prompt: Benedict + 👅 smut + 😡 enemies to lovers + 🥳 party
Authors Note: Fifth in my 1k follower celebration. Unbetaed. Guys don't ask me what this is, it poured out of me at 3am. Sorry for pics, I needed moody looking modern Benedict. Anon requester, I hope you don't hate this.
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You need a way to shut him up. And this is the best one you can think of, spur of the moment.
His look of confusion is priceless as you grab him by the belt, propel him out of the kitchen of the party, and push him against the coarse brick wall of the house. It’s dark outside, save a waxing moon, but a warm evening, the scent of magnolia vine wafting from the neighbours' pergola. 
“What the…?” 
“Shut the fuck up, Bridgerton,” you grouse and start to pull abruptly on his belt, unlooping it as he seems to breathe raggedly.
He’s not helping, but he’s not stopping you, either. He is doing what you asked, shutting up. You feel his gaze observing as you bat away the belt as it relents and roughly tug open the button at his fly. As you move to pull down the zip, his hand covers yours, making you tilt your head up to look at him.
Even in the shadows, you can see him giving you a questioning, uncertain look. 
“Don’t look this gift horse in the mouth,” you warn, and his eyes flash in the shaft of light leaking from the window. After a second of consideration, he drops the hand from yours. A spike of euphoric victory pulses in your veins as he does so, letting you pull down the zip.
You dive a hand into his underwear, and he gasps as you grab him. Half hard, almost hot to the touch and silky. He grows rapidly, and you smirk as he makes needy little noises, his eyes screwing shut, breathing sharp puffs out of his nose as he twitches and comes to life in your fist. 
You are secretly impressed by what you feel and use your other hand to push down his jeans and free him from his boxer briefs.
He inhales sharply as you drop to your knees and then groans long, low, and predatory as you take him into your mouth. He is sizeable and tastes a little salty and so very Benedict, the natural tang you can smell on his clothing and skin when he’s in your orbit. It makes you drool around him and a little buzz in the base of your skull that goads you to be relentless. 
You have no idea what has possessed you, but as the cold stone abraids your kneecaps and a warm hand rests on your head, you want nothing more than this. And him. Your dislike of him metastasising into a searing desire and twisted affection. You want him mindless for you. And based on the noises he is making, the little spasms in his downy thighs, the underside of his cock throbbing on your tongue, that’s precisely what he is.
“Fuckkkkk,” he groans, his voice tight and thready as you suck him deeper, bumping the back of your mouth—sucking and swirling with your tongue breathing heavily through your nose, not giving him a moment of reprieve from your onslaught. A bead of pre cum drops onto your tonsil, and you don’t hate the flavour. 
“Please, I…” his voice is desperate and whispered, “I want to fuck you. Please, please let me,” his breathy supplication makes you pause. His fingernails in your hair scratch your scalp gently, sending a shiver down your spine right to your throbbing clit.
“Just come in my mouth,” you argue back, gargling around his head as you concentrate your efforts there.
He moans at your suggestion or maybe the vibration of your voice around his cock. 
“Please…” it’s quiet and gentle and makes you pause your actions. Look up into his eyes that are a riot of soulful arousal even in the low moonlight. He may be the first man to ask you to stop a blowjob. And for your benefit, in a way. It makes you irritated how chivalrous he can be. “This is mind-blowingly good,” he suddenly adds, as if your hesitation may be due to a doubt of his enjoyment, “but if this only happens once, I want to feel what it’s like to be buried inside you.”
You let his cock slip from your mouth, and it bobs against your nose. You nip and suck on his underside as you negotiate.
“Why fuck someone you hate?” you throw out casually.
“I never have and never could hate you,'' he implores, looking down at you, astounded. But closes his eyes and swallows hard as you suckle his frenulum. “You drive me to absolute insanity. But that’s not hate.”
He grabs your hands and pulls you away from his cock; up to your feet, resting his forehead on yours in a surprisingly intimate gesture, staring into your eyes.
“You are all that I think about some days. On the days you make me so angry I want to kill you, I can’t, not even in my head, not even in theory. Every scenario, every time, I always, always end up begging to fuck you—I sort of hate us both for it,” he huffs a hollow laugh and closes his eyes again.
His honest, raw confession stops you in your tracks. And you realise everything he said is exactly how you feel about him. Wordlessly and unseen by him, you reach under your dress and remove your underwear.
“Sit down on the wall,” you order him as he reopens his eyes, pointing to a retaining wall holding a riot of plants. 
He does so, his cock standing proud of his body, and with a sigh of inevitability, you straddle him and guide him inside your body with no warning.
He hisses loudly in your ear as you sink onto him. Everything in you knows his cock feels perfect for you, and you hate him for that too. Or rather, you want to, but if the love-hate continuum is a never-ending circle, you are skating the fine line where they meet. Very much the ouroboros head eating its own tail.
You plunge to his root, your knees sinking into the damp earth under the vegetation tickling his back.
“Oh god, it’s better than I feared,” his voice sounds anguished almost, “you feel utterly amazing,” he confesses.
“So do you,” you admit quietly into the warm skin of his neck. 
Then you are riding him slowly; his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, his breath hot on your cheek, making sounds that spur you on and make you want it to last forever. Goddammit, why, why, WHY does it have to be this good?
This is the sort of sex that is addictive and dangerous. A quickie on a garden wall at a house party should be regrettable, short and uncomfortable. Something terrible but memorable. A humorous bawdy story to tell. It shouldn’t be this. This sensual but filthy fuck that has eyes rolling and hands desperately grabbing hot flesh, disbelieving words tumbling from slack panting mouths. You want to hate him for what he’s doing to your body with seemingly so little effort (having a rideable cock, in essence), but you can’t. You’ve had plenty of rideable cocks in your time, but they didn’t make you feel like this. Like you’re skating the edge of a volcano that could swallow you whole in fiery flames or send you shooting to the sky in an eruption that remaps your entire known landscape. Or worse still, possibly both. 
You don’t kiss. Incongruously as you fuck each other senseless, kissing feels like a line you shouldn’t cross yet, big warning signs flashing. So you press cheekbones together and drown each other’s ears with your mutual desperate sounds, pleadings and affirmations—limbs quaking long before an orgasm approaches. 
“I want to fuck you over my desk,” he snarls, “I want traces of your juices all over my work; I want to smell you there as I write, as I paint.”
That sort of dirty talk has you pulsing around him and moaning so loud he shushes you. 
“I don’t give a fuck if everyone at this party hears us, is watching us even,” you assert, drunk on the rush swooping low in your belly, a hook tugging deep inside that throws all caution to the wind and makes you ride harder. The sharp edge of the wall biting into your shin, likely drawing blood from how you are slamming hard onto him now—skin slapping together in a carnal symphony. 
His noises are low and resonant, and he starts to thrust his pelvis up, meeting your downstroke, grunting with the effort. And he rings that jackpot bell inside you, like one of those stupid strength-o-meter carnival machines.
“Just don’t fucking stop Benedict,” you bark through gritted teeth.
He doesn’t stop. In fact, he shifts angles slightly, and you see stars. A hand that tastes of salt and vinegar crisps and spilt red wine clamps over your mouth as you scream and break after a few deadly moments, a questing thumb angled to crush your clit as you sink.
Your whole body convulses, and he has to grab you hard to keep you on him, grunting deep as he spears into you one last time and empties in a huffing mess, twitching with aftershocks that shoot more cum against your hilt. You thank the gods for the IUD at the same time as your cunt clenches at the idea he has somehow fucked you so hard you are with his child.
There is nothing but the muffled sound of the party, a whisper of a breeze through the trees and your panting breaths as you embrace tightly, both reluctant to believe what has transpired.
“What the fuck do we do now,” he chuckles rueful but sated. “It wouldn’t be fair to us not to do this again,” he argues.
“I know, I know,” your sigh, simultaneously burdened by that tricky knowledge but feeling lighter than you have in months. You don’t want to lift off his softening cock; you just want to live on it until he is hard again. What a fucking ridiculous notion that nonetheless tastes so real, your thirst for this new dynamic barely slaked.
“If you take the next week off work, I’ll let you open a credit card in my name and run up a debt,” he jests, but the code behind his words is heavy and authentic. You already know you’d let him ruin you in any way he wanted, and it’s mutual.
You take the week, and so does he. One day bleeding into the next as you finally kiss and fuck endlessly in ways neither of you would have imagined if not for the other. By the end of it, you have all but moved in together.
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @wysteria-clad @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld
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seoafin · 1 year
“There he is!” You exclaim as Mikage ducks into the izakaya. He’s too tall, you think, attracting stares even though he’s dressed as inconspicuous as possible. It’s a far cry from the high school boy whose wealth practically dripped off of him. It’s impossible to completely hide though, and on Mikage Reo, it shows. You wonder if he’s easily recognized. If people often stop him on the streets for an autograph. The explosion of Blue Lock’s popularity had made soccer a cultural phenomena, its popularity rivaling baseball, and now soccer is all the rage.
He meets your gaze immediately and you can see the confusion in his gaze. Why you’ve called him to an izakaya this late at night. You’ve always been a lightweight, and now four drinks in, you’re teetering on the edge of oblivion. If you’re being honest, you hadn’t expected him to come. You had only sent him a location text.
“This is Mi—Reo!” You say with a clap on his back as he reaches your small crowded longtable, full of your fellow younger musicians from the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra. They eye him curiously. “He plays soccer!”
It strikes you that this is the first time you’ve called him by his first name. That must be why he’s looking at you strangely. It’s odd. The two of you have kissed, yet you’ve never called him by his name until now. You’ve felt the heat, all the hard lines of his body pressed uncomfortable close against you. And if you hadn’t been interrupted—
Mikage smiles, and it’s charming enough that even the more prissy members of the orchestra look somewhat awed. Despite the way they had upturned their noses when you had said that he played soccer. To them, a less esteemed profession.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” he says, with a small bow of his head. And then he says your name. Your first name. You are taken aback. You almost miss Mikage telling them that he’ll take you off their hands, that he apologizes for your rowdy behavior. You frown, but then he turns to you, smiling, and you see the twitch of his eyebrow. Oh. He’s mad.
That makes you mad. Well, if he didn’t have to come now did he? Who does he think he is—
He deftly takes you by the arm and takes advantage of your uneven sense of balance to propel you forward. If it weren’t for his body steadying you, you would’ve twisted your ankle.
“My violin—”
“I have it.”
You briefly glance down. Your violin case is in his hands. You wonder when he grabbed it. 
The two of you walk out into the cold weather.
“Where are we going,” you mumble as he leads down the black. “It’s cold out.” Thank god you don’t have rehearsal in the morning. Your head is pounding. He lets you take your violin from him and you clutch it to your chest.
He stops, raising a daring eyebrow that you find yourself naturally narrowing your eyes at, antagonism flaring up in you like an old friend. “You’re the one that called me,” he lets go of you to cross his arms. “You tell me.”
Why had you texted him? He had made it clear it had all been for Nagi, and you screwed it all up anyway. But then again, Mikage had kissed you first, hadn’t he? He had taken you by the neck, pinned you against the wall, and kissed you while you had been frozen in shock. That hadn’t been for Nagi. 
In the end, you still hadn’t been able to say a word to Nagi. The two of you, in that cafe. You hadn’t been able to take that disinterested gaze. You hadn’t been able to bear it one second longer. Your heart sank. The words had died on your tongue. 
What did you want from Mikage anyway? He did his job. It’s pointless to dwell on do-overs. In the world of competitive music, there was no such thing as a do-over audition, a do-over performance. It was all or nothing, and you had failed.
“I…” your lips warble. In the end you hadn’t been able to tell him you were sorry. That it had weighed on you heavily ever since. So many things. “I’m sorry,” you say quietly.
But now, in the silence of the night with no witnesses, maybe you could at least say these words now.
Mikage looks ill. “Uhh—” He raises a hand, hand poised in the air as if he actually intends on doing something.
“No,” you say, suddenly weepy, and then tears are clouding your eyes. “I didn’t see Nagi. Not like you did. I thought everything would be okay…the way he was. As long as he was there. With me. But you…made him better. In a way I didn’t. I was so jealous.”
You knew Nagi was a genius, destined for great things you would inevitably never be a part of. You were jealous and scared, terrified about being left alone. In the end, you had still been left alone. 
“I…still don’t know if I like you. And I still don’t know why you kissed me—” or why you kissed him back “—but I just…wanted to…” you trail off, the cold biting your cheeks in the wake of your tears. You don’t hate him. You don’t think you ever really did.
Reo stares at you as if he’s bewildered. But you can’t tell, not in this lighting, not when everything’s dark, not when you’re already trying your best to keep in a straight line. But one thing you can tell is that there’s a bright red flush on his face.
It’s as honest of an admission he’ll ever get from you. Your stomach churns, twisting into knots. You don’t know what else to say to him. You think he should be pleased, gleeful even. He should lord it over you. But instead he just looks worried. He snaps to activity, draping his coat around your shoulders and waving over a sleek, black car.
“Let’s…get you home.”
Home ends up being Nagi’s high rise apartment.
You change your mind. You kinda hate Mikage Reo all over again.
You dozed off in the car, then let Mikage shuffle you onto an elevator. Mikage had unlocked the apartment door. Some fancy fingerprint setup. You hadn’t realized it at first, until you had stumbled to the living room and seen the unmistakable game station setup.
Feeling suddenly emboldened, you march down the hall, right into Nagi’s room. 
He’s sleeping. Of course he is. He sleeps just like he did young. Blanket pulled over his figure, over his head, leaving any visitor wondering how he doesn’t suffocate to death. You can make out the silhouette of his body, the steady rise and fall of his chest.
And then you’re sixteen all over again, barreling into Nagi’s room next door and waking him up in time for school. The nostalgia grips you fast and hard, and you’re free falling, experiencing every single emotion from your earlier years all over again. The elation and heartbreak of your first friendship. You feel your eyes going wet all over again.
You tear the blanket off of him.
There’s a handheld console in his hand. Figures. And his white hair is even more tousled than usual. He’s always been a restless sleeper. He slowly stirs, eyes blinking drowsily until he sees you. He stares up at you from the bed in silence. You don’t know why his eyes are so soft, and you don’t know why a hand reaches up for you, why his hand brushes your face—
“Wake up!” You bark, pushing at his chest.
Mikage rushes in from behind you and chokes. “W-wait—”
Nagi blinks, eyes suddenly alert enough. He says your name, once.
Your hands are on his chest as you hover over him. “I have…so many things I want to talk to you about.” Your tears land on his face, while he stares at you, eyes marginally wide. “But first. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”
You sink to the floor, and cover your face with your arms on his bed. You hear the rustling as he rises, but you squeeze your eyes shut.
“I watched your games,” you sniffle into his sheets. “I watched a lot of them.”
Resounding silence ensues. 
He pokes your cheek with a finger. He says your name again. You raise your face. You see the slightest hint of a lazy smile tugging at his lips, right before he kisses you.
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
ML Plot Points: Bengala
I said I might elaborate in another submission and immediately after that I thought of an entire plot, character arc, theme and conflict. Fuck it. 
The Tiger villain is a Spanish woman going by Bengala. Referencing both her animal (bengal tiger = tigre de bengala) and the flashy, bright nature of her powers (sparklers and flares are called “bengalas” in Spanish). She showed up two weeks after the S3 finale by robbing a bank. She knows how to power down her Clouts at will so she uses only the absolutely necessary amount of force and how to use the clout from any part of her body to propel herself. Judging by how she fights, she’s also an adult martial artist, both being able to use her powers more than once and knowing how to use them for maximum effect.
Personality-wise, Bengala is not just a lightning bruiser, she’s also smart. Whenever Ladybug uses Lucky Charm, Bengala figures out the plan she’s going to try and takes steps to ensure she cannot be taken down with it. The second she sees Viperion she makes sure to target him in unpredictable ways because with him she’s in trouble (she thinks the snake’s power is to see the future, but the point remains). She’s good at using psychological warfare to trip up the heroes to make them distracted and get in each other’s way to win a fight. 
Légalsatian and Pierre Pietrain both try to capture her and fail. The heroes try to capture her and fail. Shadowmoth throws akumas and sentimonsters at her and they fail. She seems unstoppable.
During her next episode, we learn more about her. She’s a second generation Spanish immigrant called Irene whose parents went to France for work. She has a job at the gym where Nora goes to as a personal trainer, but it doesn’t pay a whole lot. After their house burned down in an electrical fire last year, they’ve been having financial trouble because their insurance company screws them over. Then, because it wasn’t enough, her father got fired and scammed by some random prick who promised him to help sue his former workplace. Bengala and her parents are living in a crappy, tiny apartment with very few possessions. Her criminal activities are supposed to help with that.
Initially, her robberies are very quick and without spectacle. Go in, threaten the bank tellers, get a small but significant amount money, escape. The superpowers mean she doesn’t need to think very hard about it, only needing to make sure people cannot trace the money back to the banks, but she’s still careful and does as little damage as she can get away with. At least at first.
As time passes, as she defeats heroes and villains alike, she starts to get cocky and she starts to show off a lot more. It’s no longer about getting the money, but about proving she can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. She starts attacking the heroes so she can get their miraculi, attacking the akumas to prove that she can, absolutely wipes the floor with the fighters the Order throw at her (I cannot bring myself to see the Order as competent or smart). It’s no longer about having enough, it’s about having more and beating the people who stand against her, both because of arrogance and because of the stress of having everyone. against her. In her civilian life, her parents notice the change and try to help her. At some point, she is handed an easy way out. A way to fix her financial problems and help her parents at very little cost, but she refuses because the solution isn’t one that she figured out. It isn’t enough. Her parents find out and are rightfully pissed.
In the mid-to-late season two parter, after she beats an akuma-sentimonster duo, the heroes decide to just throw every temporary holder at her, not at once, but spaced out. Every time she gets close to winning, another set of two to three heroes come in to fight her.  Beating them doesn’t work, distracting them doesn’t work, causing collateral damage on purpose to get them off her back doesn’t work. Eventually, she gets tired from fighting for so long and the transformation finally gives out. She is promptly arrested and even her parents think it’s the best outcome.
I originally picked the tiger miraculous for this because I wanted a miraculous that would be difficult to take from someone (a bracelet and four rings attached to each otters by chains are not easy to take from someone in the middle of a fight), but the more I thought about it the better it got.
Irene works as a foil to both Marinette and Gabriel.
To Marinette: 
Aesthetically, she contrasts in colour (red and black versus purple, gold and black), motifs (spots versus stripes) and size (small and lean vs big and bulky). Thematically, Marinette’s arc this season is about being a leader; knowing how and when to rely on people and knowing how to use their talents. Irene always works alone, breaks down her opponents to know how to beat them and is gradually pushing the few people who care about her aside.
To Gabriel:
Aesthetically, they are both large, imposing people who wear purple. Power-wise, Shadowmoth works from a distance relying on other people to do the dirty work whereas Bengala is a close range fighter who refuses to take help form other people. Backstory-wise, they are both trying to help their loved ones form a terrible situation and are willing to do whatever they have to. Bengala, however is more like canon S5 Gabriel in that her motives are not even remotely close to justyfing her actions. She’s a spiteful control freak who threw away a way to get what she wanted because she wanted to solve the problem herself. In the end, even the people she claimed to be doing this for think it’s better that she got taken down. Gabriel realises their similarities after the Sentibubbler incident (halfway through the season) and, seing where that path leads, refuses to sink that low again.
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grandhotelabyss · 7 months
How do we not abandon the self to language? Does personality exist in literature or does all writing succumb to the nihilism of linguistic irony? Does feeling, in its aesthetic representation, only exist as metaphor?
A paragraph, if I may, from my doctoral dissertation:
It is tempting to read these ironies as endless and, therefore, as endlessly self-defeating, to see in them Wilde’s radical skepticism about meaning and reference and thus to conclude that meaning perpetually eludes both writer and reader and effectively cancels the distinction between them. Another concept of irony, however, was available to Wilde as a student of the Socratic method and of German Idealism. In this mode, irony is not endlessly negating but endlessly productive: the final turn of the interpretive screw in “The Decay of Lying” is that its performance of its own unreliability confirms its thesis about the necessity of ironic distance for the production of new knowledge, new sensations, and new dialogue. Irony does not defeat meaning but generates it in abundance. Agata Bielik-Robson, who challenges the understanding of irony as perpetual self-negation, explains the productivist approach in her defense of Harold Bloom (a self-avowed practitioner of Wildean criticism): “The ‘negative capability’—to use Keats’s famous expression—of irony is thus an equivalent of original sin in the domain of culture: it triggers expulsion from the paradise of perfect, definite cultural forms and simple identifications into the desert of individuation, a process which is propelled by a wish to return to the cultural pleroma, but only on one’s own individual terms” (2). Irony functions as the text’s spur to its own individuation: by both invoking truth, as transmitted by culture, and questioning it through a recursive form, the text generates new and unexpected meanings, which authorizes it, in turn, to take its place alongside the works of the past. Identical to the aesthetic in its capacity to differentiate the subject from nature, irony is fundamentally progressive, its story a human comedy that ends with mind triumphant over its inert context.
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researchrealmblog · 29 days
Compressor Rental Market Size, Trends, Applications, and Industry Strategies
Market Overview
In 2024, the worldwide compressor rental industry revenue was USD 5,345.7 million, which is projected to attain USD 7,439.6 million by the end of 2030, advancing at a CAGR of 5.7% over the projection period. This development of the market can be credited to the extensive application of compressors in several sectors, like automotive, aerospace, construction, and manufacturing. There has also been a growing need for energy-efficient compressors, which rental businesses are trying hard to leverage.
There has been a rising need for tailored rental solutions, as businesses are widely looking for items that suit their needs; this is in consideration of the increasing price of buying and maintaining such machines. The total price of buying a compressor and maintaining it afterward can put a load on users’ pockets. To alleviate these challenges, rental companies are offering cost-effective and customized solutions, according to businesses’ requirements.
Furthermore, there has been a substantial surge in the count of businesses offering these services. This has led to stiff competition, eventually making it easier for industries to find the accurate compressor for their requirements at reasonable prices.
Moreover, because of the severe guidelines for sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, there has been a rise in the use of energy-efficient compressors, which is propelling the industry development and innovations in these appliances as well. The rising popularity of online channels is also contributing to industry development, as they help businesses discover the right kind of compressor at more competitive pricing.
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Key Insights
Rotary screw compressors dominate with a 60% market share in 2023.
The efficiency of rotary screw compressors due to continuous airflow reduces energy loss.
Longer service life due to fewer moving parts and less wear and tear.
Quieter operations make them suitable for sensitive environments.
Oil-free operation is ideal for industries like food & beverage where oil-free air is required.
Reciprocating compressors are popular in small enterprises with lower maintenance costs.
The construction sector holds a 25% market share due to the extensive use of pneumatic tools.
Compressors are vital in concrete spraying equipment for uniform application.
The industrial sector is significant due to its use in air conditioning, ventilation, and industrial tools.
The oil & gas industry drives demand for compressors for pressurizing natural gas and oil.
APAC region leads with a 55% market share, driven by growing economies and advanced rental models.
Remote monitoring, predictive maintenance, and real-time analytics enhance compressor rental appeal.
Government initiatives in APAC promote energy efficiency and infrastructure development.
Germany shows strong growth in the compressor rental market, driven by automotive industry needs.
The automotive sector in Germany uses compressors for various applications including testing and production machinery.
Source: P&S Intelligence
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cimcondigital · 2 months
Introducing Muni: CIMCON Digital's Generative AI-Based Virtual Assistant that will Transform Manufacturing Decision-Making
Ahmedabad and Boston, August 4th, 2023  
CIMCON Digital, an AI-led IoT technology company in the manufacturing space, is thrilled to announce the launch of its innovative AI-powered virtual assistant, Muni. Designed to revolutionize manufacturing operations, Muni is set to enhance data-driven decision-making and boost asset reliability.
Muni is a sophisticated human-like expert interface to its AI-based Machine Anomaly detection and diagnostics application, tailored for manufacturing stakeholders and decision-makers. By harnessing the NLP (Natural Language Processing) power of Generative AI, Muni enables a human-like conversation with manufacturing professionals to optimize asset availability, reliability, and efficiency in an easy and interactive manner. 
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Muni seamlessly integrates with CIMCON’s VIBit (Vibration, Temperature, and Noise) and CIM edge IIoT Platform. These cutting-edge tools collectively gather real-time machine health and performance data at a split-second interval. The software then employs a combination of physics, proven rules, and a number of advanced machine learning algorithms to precisely detect anomalies and identify machine faults with associated risk levels as well as recommendations to fix them.
“We are excited to introduce Muni to the manufacturing industry,” said Anil Agrawal, CEO of CIMCON Digital. “It is a game changer. It humanizes technology by enabling humanistic conversations where manufacturing professionals can question the system. This includes peeking into the way our software thinks resulting in quick decision making thereby avoiding costly machine downtime, saving plant owners hundreds of thousands of dollars while improving their brand. “
Here is an example of a conversation with Muni and a manufacturing head, Tom:
Muni: “Hello Tom, good morning. A few assets changed their health status since you last logged in. Would you like to know further details from me?”
Tom: “Yes, provide me a list of assets under high risk.”
Muni: “Sure, Tom, the following assets are under high risk:
Screw Compressor (Asset ID: COM-456)
Pump 1 (Asset ID: PMP-789)
AHU Blower (Asset ID: AHU-123)
Force Draft Fan (Asset ID: FD-567)
Tom: “How many days has the Screw Compressor been at high risk?”
Muni: “The Screw Compressor (Asset ID: COM-456) has been at high risk for the past 5 days.”
Tom: “What is its fault mode?”
Muni: The fault mode is BPFI (Ball Pass Frequency Inner) found on ‘Motor Drive End Side’ of the Screw Compressor. The Non-synchronous energy at ball pass frequency in inner race 1xBPFI to 3xBPFI has increased.
Tom: “What’s your recommendation?”
Muni: “My recommendation is to assign this task to the maintenance team for inspection of the inner race bearing and replace the bearing, if required.
Muni: “Is there anything else I can assist you with today?”
Tom: “No thanks, all set.”
As shown above, Muni’s interface is extremely interactive and intuitive, allowing users to get a clear picture of their plant health issues along with subsequent recommendations.
CIMCON Digital’s Muni is poised to redefine the manufacturing landscape, propelling businesses towards data-driven excellence and unprecedented asset reliability. With its real-time insights and proactive recommendations, Muni showcases its potential to optimize manufacturing processes and drive decision-making for businesses in the industry to the next level.
“At CIMCON Digital, we are committed to bringing innovation and efficiency to the manufacturing sector,” added Agrawal. “Muni embodies our dedication to harnessing the power of AI to unlock the full potential of manufacturing processes.”
About CIMCON Digital: CIMCON Digital leverages 35 years of deep domain industrial experience of its parent company, CIMCON Software (I) Pvt. Ltd., to deliver cutting-edge Industry 4.0 solutions that incorporate IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning technologies. CIMCON Digital products and solutions help a diverse range of customers across Manufacturing, Water, Oil & Gas, among others, meet their net-zero and sustainability goals. The company has a global presence, with offices in the United States and India, and its mission is to create “One Connected Industrial World,” making it a leading player in the IoT industry.
For more information on CIMCON’s digital transformation solutions, visit cimcondigital.com. For media inquiries, contact Aishwarya Agrawal at [email protected] or call +91-95128 00836.
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healthcarehubhh · 2 months
Bone Glue Market will grow at highest pace owing to increasing demand in orthopedic surgeries.
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Bone glue is a type of sealing and hemostatic agent that helps join together pieces of bones fractured due to accidents or undergoes orthopedic surgeries and procedures like spinal fusion. It forms a strong bond between bones like glue and consolidates the bone fragments in their original position to trigger natural bone healing. Bone glue is easy to use, less invasive and provides immediate fixation of bone fragments compared to metal plates or screws used traditionally in orthopedic surgeries. The use of bone glue helps save surgery time, decreases post-surgical pain, and does not require any implant removal surgery. Growing sports injuries, road accidents and increasing aging population suffering from osteoporosis and orthopedic conditions are fueling demand for bone glue globally. The Global Bone Glue Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 2,332.0 Mn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.9% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the Bone Glue are Cryolife, Luna Innovations Incorporated., St. Jude Medical, Inc. (Abbott Laboratories), Johnson and Johnson, Cohera Medical Inc, Tissuemed Ltd., Integra Lifesciences Corporation, Baxter International Inc., B.Braun Melsungen AG, DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc., Chemence Medical Inc., LaunchPad Medical, and C.R. Bard Inc. The key players are engaged in new product launches and strategic collaborations to strengthen their market position. The bone glue market is anticipated to witness high growth owing to increasing geriatric population, rising sports, and road injuries. According to the United Nations, between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world’s population over 60 years will nearly double from 12% to 22%. Moreover, as per the Centre of Disease Prevention and Control report 2020, around 3.4 million road traffic accidents occur in India annually with over 1,50,000 road deaths reported in the country. Growing technological advancements to develop innovative biomaterials for bone glues such as genetically engineered adhesives, growth factor incorporated bone glues, and 3D printed implantable bone glues are expected to revolutionize orthopedic treatment procedures over the forecast period. This will further propel the demand for bone glue in orthopedic surgeries globally. Market Trends Growing use of 3D printed bone glues - Researchers are developing advanced 3D printing technologies to fabricate patient-specific bone implants using various biomaterials like synthetic polymers or calcium phosphates that can act as bone glues and hard tissues replacement. 3D printed implants with bone glues are expected to facilitate complex surgeries and accelerate bone healing. Rising popularity of genetically engineered bone glues - Scientists are engineering biological adhesives using advanced gene sequencing and modification techniques. These genetically engineered bone glues are formulated using natural proteins and possess adhesive properties comparable to natural bone structures providing stronger fixation. Market Opportunities - Untapped emerging markets -Majority of bone glue sales currently occur in developed regions of North America and Europe. Emerging nations of Asia Pacific and Latin America offer huge untapped market opportunities with growing healthcare Infrastructure and increasing organizes sports. - Adoption in trauma and accident care hospitals - Though widely adopted in elective orthopedic procedures, increasing promotion and educationactivities can help utilize bone gluing in trauma surgeries too for quick fixation of open fractures in emerging markets.
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synopcppumps · 3 months
Have you been looking for a dependable and effective pumping solution? Well, then you may need to consider progressive cavity pumps. These are well-liked solutions in multiple industries because of their exceptional efficiency as well as adaptability. The benefits of progressive cavity pumps and how they might enhance the pumping operations are many which makes them a special choice. If you are thinking of getting this machinery from the best progressive cavity pump manufacturer, then wait. All that you need to know about its speciality is gathered in this article.
What is a Progressive Cavity Pump and How Does it Work?
A progressive cavity pump is made up of a rotor and stator which makes it a kind of positive displacement pump. Equal volumes of liquid are injected into the cavities by a metal rotor which also propels the stator through the chain and out the pump's outlet. These are known to be extremely reliable and strong pumping mechanism which guarantees optimal performance.
Anyone wondering how this machine works must know that there is an internal rotor which is a progressive cavity pump part. It revolves inside a chamber formed like a double helix. It is composed of a solid metal piece and the pump pulls the process fluid by the suction created by rotation. When a centrifugal pump cannot handle the fluid viscosity levels, the progressive cavity pumps are used more often.
Where are Progressive Cavity Pumps Used?
There are many uses for the high-pressure progressive cavity pump. Some of the areas where they are used include
Food and Beverages Industry
Chemical biology
Coatings and Paints
Chemistry and many more
The advantages of this machine, as you get them from the progressive cavity pump supplier, contribute to the reason for the growing usage of them in different industries. Simply put, they are the most effective option available for handling fluids.
What makes Progressive Cavity Pumps Special?
Before you get progressive cavity pumps from exporters like us at Syno - PCP Pumps Private Limited, let's find out what makes them so demanding, special and advantageous at the same time.
Robust and Dependable
A factor which makes progressive cavity screw pumps special is robustness and dependability. These pumps are guaranteed by their design which offers a continuous flow rate with few changes. This is helpful in processes where constant flow is required. Moreover, it is their precise design which also contributes to the high efficiency.
Adaptable and Versatile
These pumps are known for their adaptable and versatile nature. They can manage a wide range of fluid viscosities which includes thin liquids the viscous materials as well. These are appropriate for use in waste management and mining applications as they are also capable of handling fluids that may have large solid contents.
Ensures Long Term Savings
There are many reasons that make progressive cavity pumps popular in today's time including
They are capable of handling high-pressure
The progressive cavity pumps come with amazing and accurate metering precision
They are capable of handling different viscosity efficiently
These have the potential to prevent backflow
You can expect these machines to deliver excellent suction performance
Get the Best Progressive Cavity Pumps Today
Progressing cavity pumps are a great option for a variety of pumping applications across industries. You may choose the best progressive cavity pump for your purposes by carefully weighing variables including fluid properties, flow rate, building materials, and maintenance requirements. Also now that you know what makes progressive cavity pumps so special, you do not need to rush anywhere.
We at Syno - PCP Pumps Private Limited have got your back. At our services, we offer quality and reliable solutions for progressive cavity pumps that range from 20 series to 1400 specifications. Each of our products is uniquely designed to meet the needs of diverse industries. All our team members focus on ensuring that the best quality products are offered. Our contribution towards the changing innovation has somehow made us the top progressive cavity pump manufacturers from India.
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navneetmetalcorp · 5 months
Titanium Gr 5 Pipes & Tubes Suppliers
Titanium Grade 5, also known as Ti 6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-4V or Ti 6-4, is an alpha-beta titanium alloy with high strength, excellent mechanical properties, and corrosion resistance. It is the most commonly used titanium alloy and is used in aerospace, medical, marine, and chemical processing industries due to its high strength-to-weight ratio and resistance to corrosion.
Key Features of Titanium Grade 5 (Ti-6Al-4V)
High Strength: Typically stronger than other grades of pure titanium.
Lightweight: Has a high strength-to-weight ratio.
Corrosion Resistance: Excellent resistance to corrosion from a variety of chemical and natural environments.
Biocompatibility: Often used in medical implants due to its compatibility with the human body.
Heat Resistance: Can be used in applications where high temperatures are a factor.
Aerospace: Components such as turbine blades, structural members, and fasteners.
Medical: Orthopedic pins and screws, surgical instruments, and implants.
Marine: Components exposed to seawater, such as ship propellers and rigging equipment.
Chemical Processing: Equipment used in aggressive environments where stainless steel and other materials would corrode.
Suppliers of Titanium Grade 5 Pipes & Tubes in India
If you are looking for suppliers of Titanium Grade 5 pipes and tubes in India, you can consider the following reputable sources:
Svamitva Steel Industries: They are a leading manufacturer and exporter of high-quality metals and alloys, including Titanium Grade 5.
Special Metals: This company offers a range of titanium products, including Grade 5 pipes and tubes, with a focus on high-performance alloys.
Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Ltd: Known for their specialty in tubes and pipes, Ratnamani has a solid reputation for providing high-grade titanium and alloy products.
Metallica Metals: Based in Mumbai, Metallica Metals is known for supplying a wide range of titanium and other alloy products, including custom sizes in Grade 5 titanium.
Neo Nickel: They specialize in high-performance metals, including titanium alloys, and provide both custom and standard alloy compositions.
Purchasing Tips
Certifications: Ensure that the supplier provides products that meet necessary certifications, such as ASTM B861 for seamless pipes and ASTM B862 for welded pipes.
Traceability: Good suppliers can provide full traceability on their products, from raw material to finished product.
Technical Support: Especially important for specialty applications; good suppliers can offer technical support and guidance.
Product Range: Check if the supplier has the specific dimensions and shapes you need (e.g., seamless, welded, diameter, wall thickness).
When looking to purchase Titanium Grade 5 pipes and tubes, it's essential to clarify your specific needs, including dimensions, quantity, and intended application to ensure you receive the correct product that fits your requirements. It's often beneficial to request samples or a small trial order to verify material quality before committing to larger quantities.
For more information
Visit our website: https://www.navneetcorp.com/
Call us on:  8369128023
Email us:  [email protected]
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