#The Royal Academy
ladylamrian · 3 months
Nightbound • Blades of Light & Shadows • Crimes of Passion
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Pairings: F!MC×NikRyder ; F!MC×AerinValleros ; F!MC×MalVolari ; F!MC×M!TrystanThorne
Summary: Principal Liam has an interview today with a new teaching staff. Will they try to impress him and get the job?
Chapter 1 - The new staff - Word Count: 2.8K words - General
-> My complete Choices Masterlist <-
Choices Fanfiction Taglist: @lilyoffandoms ; @secretaryunpaid ; @blackcatkita ; @infactnoimmasitinthemiddle ; @mikaelsrose ; @peonierose ; @jdstar88 ; @hopelessromantic1352 ; @tessa-liam ; @mxdanni ; @mariemarieohcontrary ; @rosepetals1 ; @stars-are-within-me ; @dutifullynuttywitch ; @artbyalz ; @bri1234 ; @thosehallowedhalls ; @choicesficwriterscreations ; @choicesjunechallenge2024 [Theme: Liminality - Time, Punctuality, etc...] ; @choicescommunityevents
Comments via Reblog wholeheartedly welcome
Author's note: It might take a long time till the next chapter releases. I have a lot writing plans, so I hope you understand. Inspired by @a-cloud-for-dreams series: Scholars of B. Lane.
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Welcome to The Royal Academy, a place for a prince, princess, duke, duchess and other royal nobilities to study and learn more about their royal life filled with responsibilities, duties and challenges. Led by husband and wife, His Royal Highness King Liam Rys from Cordonia and Her Majesty Queen Riley from Cordonia with their right hand, Duchess Olivia Nevrakis from Lythikos... What challenges await this year? With new students, there will be also new staff available.
King Liam, now Principal Liam was seated in his office in the academy, preparing some important documents for the new year tomorrow. He was the head of the academy and was also expecting a new full-time teaching staff today for an interview since Duke Simon Montjoy and his American wife were expecting a baby soon. Family was one of the most important things for him since he was also a father of three children. His children are very young, that's why his wife was only working part-time for now. The Cordonian friends, Drake, Hana and Maxwell always supportive and on their side to support him and take care of his children.
Sadly there weren't many applicants eligible for this position, so all the hope was that this job interview would go excellent. Time was short. Really short.
"Hey honey, I made you some tea.", his wife, Riley entered the head office which she shared with his husband. She carried a teacup filled with warm green tea and placed it on the wooden table. Liam thanked her without meeting her eyes as he was still focused on his unfinished paperwork which got Riley a bit worried and tried to reassure him.
"Liam, don't worry. You will do great like always."
"It's not that. I'm worried about the future of my new students. I just hope today's interview will go excellent and I don't have to look for another teaching staff anymore.", he confessed and looked at his wristwatch.
It was already 5 minutes past the job interview which should have already started. Whoever the applicant is, is late and it can't be tolerated in the academy. Teaching staff who should be educating young royals about manners, responsibility and to fulfill any task correctly before the deadline... Is late?? Not a good first impression. Punctuality is important.
"I assume the interview won't happen today.", Liam sighted as if he just accepted defeat. But his wife was sure that the applicant would come today and tried to keep up the positive side.
"Liam, people can get late. There must be a reasonable explanation and...", she couldn't finish her sentence as a sudden knock at the door interrupted.
"Come in, please.", Liam commanded the guest inside their office. The door lightly opened a few centimeters, but not more. It stayed still and there was no sight of someone entering. Seated on his office chair, Liam was stunned and so was his wife.
"What was that?"
"Perhaps just the wind, darling."
"Can the wind knock, Riley? I'm pretty sure that we both heard..."
"Excuse me, sir.", a high-pitched voice was requesting for some attention.
"Uhh, Liam, did you hear that?"
"Yes, but I don't see anyone here.", he and Riley were surprised until the same voice appeared again. This time it sounded almost annoyed.
"Pardon me, but would you humans just look down. I'm here!!", a black cat with bat wings flew up and landed right in front of Liam on his desk.
"What the...??!!! What are you?", King Liam panicked as didn't expect a talking cat to appear.
"Awwww, isn't the cat cute?!!!"
"Riley, it's a talking cat and not cute."
"Pardon me, but I cannot handle such disrespect. If the lady thinks I'm cute then please respect her opinion.", the creature annoyingly hissed which frightened the principal.
"Please, leave!! It's a school and people could be allergic to cats like you. Where did you even come from?!!"
"Pardon me, but I'm attending important business here and need to speak to the head of this school. Perhaps even complain about you since you cannot speak to me, Threep Pompedorfin, a wise nesper like this.", the winged cat licked his paw with attitude.
"Wait, you're Mister Pompedorfin??! The new teacher I'm expecting for the interview??!! I... I didn't expect you to be... like this.", Liam was highly surprised about the sudden reveal.
"Meow me? Excuse me, and you are...?"
"Principal Liam, Head of the Academy.", he spoke with confidence while adjusting the collars of his white shirt underneath his fancy, black coat. His introduction shocked the bat-winged cat.
"Purrrr... You're the head of the academy and king of Cordonia? Well, I expected someone more... older and wiser? Pardon me.", Threep licked his paw again, then brushed it behind his ear.
There was a long silence between the Rys couple and their furry guest, trying to progress. Liam's wife, Riley encouraged him to still continue the job interview and give Threep a chance. It didn't take long till the king agreed to it. Folding his arms, his focus turned back to Threep.
"So, Mister Pompedorfin, tell me more about you."
"Of course, I'm Threep Percivacurus Pompedorfin, a very wise, respectful and ancient nesper. And I love food, so I hope the food in the cafeteria is worth it."
"Very interesting. Also, a nesper?"
"Yes, I'm a nesper and so is my pregnant partner, Loola. Nespers have wisdom and the impeccable ability to judge character. So my apologies for that. It is my solemn duty and distinct pleasure to offer aid wherever I can. Even when it means giving life lessons to the young generation because it is them and my wiseness who'll form the upcoming future."
"Well, it's good to hear that you care about the future of my students. And your motivation to teach them some fruitful lessons. Why did you choose my academy?"
"Because my sixth sense told me that I am desperately needed, sir. Wherever people seek my help, I'll be there... Well... And my partner is pregnant, so I need something well-paid to feed her and my unborn babies."
"Awww, such a cute kitty is having baby kittens?!!! Congratulations on becoming a father soon, Mister Pompedorfin. Please, I'd love to meet your wife, and the babies after they're born.", Riley was excited and still found Threep cute.
"Riley, dear, please... Let me handle this. It's an interview.", Liam silently whispered and held her by her shoulder. Threep meowed to get their attention.
"Meow! Excuse me, but do I have the title of Professor and staff member of your academy already? Do you take me? I'd like to know before taking a look into the cafeteria and then flying home."
"Of course, Liam would accept such an adorable face like you, right?", Riley encouraged and patted Threep's tiny head, still amazed by his cuteness.
King Liam pulled Riley towards him and requested their guest to wait outside to discuss this matter with his wife in private. The newspaper did as he wished and waited outside for the final answer. Will Threep be accepted in the Academy or will he immediately be thrown out?
"So Liam? Do we give him the job?", she asked him.
"Honestly, that was... It's not what I expected. I can't believe it. Tomorrow's the first day of school and I can't even arrange a proper teaching staff?"
"What about Mr. Pompedorfin? He's our last chance. We can't pressure the teaching staff we have already more work. At least accept Threep. He knows a lot and seems very wise."
After hearing his wife's words, he stood up from his chair and walked around his office in circles. To think. It took him a few minutes until he stopped walking and finally came to a conclusion.
"Okay, Riley. Fine, I'll hire Mister Pompedorfin. But if he doesn't fulfill his duties properly, I'll immediately start looking for another staff and fire him. Look, I'm normally not like that. Everyone deserves a second chance, but it's also about the future of our students."
"I trust you, Liam. And I'm pretty sure that Mr. Pompedorfin won't disappoint.", she moved closer towards her husband and embraced herself in his arms while he pulled her closer. Planting a tiny, sweet kiss on her bare shoulder, he thanked her for supporting him.
After their sweet little moment, Liam hurried towards his desk and pulled a list out.
"I'll hire Mister Pompedorfin and will hand him over the smallest class of students. Just in case. If he handles this well, then I'll be more confident about him in the future and he'll stay with us in the academy. I already have a few students in mind to put in his class. They're so various, that perhaps he might have already experience with them. I want to take things slowly for him.", Liam warmly smiled, ready to welcome the new teaching staff. Professor Threep Pompedorfin.
After the nesper found out in Liam's office that he got accepted, he was amazed and delighted about the news.
"I knew that you would finally see that I'm suitable for this honorable cause, your Highness. That's the respect I deserve."
"Congratulations and welcome, Mister Pompedorfin. May tomorrow's first day be a success."
"Puuurrrrfect. Now if you'll excuse me, I want to stop by the cafeteria downstairs and ask about tomorrow's menu and if they have something already prepared today that I could taste. Someone has to check. For the students, right? See you tomorrow."
These were the last words of the winged cat before it flapped it's wings and flew outside the office.
"Isn't he adorable, Liam?"
"Why do I have the feeling that many women will get easily charmed by him? Well, anyway... I need to focus on work."
For the next two hours, King Liam, Queen Riley and their loyal friends from Cordonia were seated in the office discussing the upcoming school year. They had often those kind of meetings about the academy and their dedication towards their kingdom of Cordonia. This one was just the last meeting to discuss the opening of the Academy in the new year like they did every year.
Olivia Nevrakis, the right hand of the Rys couple was delighted for this year, especially after she just saw the name of her cousin from Drakovia on the students list. She's also the new head of security in the academy because it was essential to secure safety for the high-elite students.
"Liam, I found two of the best people I could hire to secure the safety of our students and the academy. The parents have nothing to worry about. This year we will have two people for our security and safety.", Olivia, the Scarlett Duchess spoke with high confidence.
"I like our new security standards, Olivia. If you trust them, then so do I. I want the students and the academy to be left in safe hands.", Liam trusted Olivia's decisions and was excited to meet the two, new members. Only a few Cordonian guards are now in the academy, but they are mostly needed in his kingdom.
During his absence, Drake Walker was responsible for the security of Cordonia. His home and where his children lived. His wife, Queen Riley will only support him for the beginning days, then she'll return to their children.
"Have you already made the timetables?", Lady Hana curiously asked, wanting to know her times and which class she'll get. She would be teaching the subjects Art, Music and some Fashion classes. While Lady Kiara specialized in Foreign Affairs, Cultures & Languages.
The rest of their friends, Maxwell, Penelope and Madeline had royal duties in Cordonia to handle like Drake. Plus, Maxwell loved to spend time with the Rys children and take care of them.
Class schedules and lists were now already made. And like Principal Liam decided, the new teacher, Professor Threep Pompedorfin would get the smallest class group of students. He checked all the lists one last time before they were finished. The new school year can come...
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Servants rushed in the early morning around the dining room serving the two children their breakfast on their first day of school in the Royal Academy. They bowed as their ruler, their duke entered and then continued their work.
"Good morning, my lovely children. Are you excited for your first day?", he sweetly asked before planting a gentle kiss on their cheeks.
"Yes, father. I can't believe today's our first day and I'm so excited. It'll be just like high school again, right?", the daughter answered while she continued to eat her fresh fruit salad.
"What's high school? Well, never mind. I still think it's not right. Why should we go to a school led by human beings?", the younger brother snorted who definitely wasn't thrilled about going to school.
"My son, I figured that it might be the best. Perhaps this way you would understand the life your sister had among humans and that they're not all bad after all. I love you and just want the best for my shining stars. And I heard that other beings will be there too. You will learn a lot there."
"Tialo, could you hand me over the orange juice? Please, I can't reach it.", the sister was struggling as her hands couldn't reach the filled glass carafe. The younger brother, Tialo didn't care and ignored her request until their father, the Duke, Lord Elric spoke.
"Tialo, help your sister.", he ordered him, then reached for the juice himself to hand it over to his daughter.
"Father, how many times did I tell you that she's not my sister??!!", Tialo almost shouted while his innocent Alex was too focused on her meal.
"Enough, Tialo!!! Your mother and I accepted her as our own already. She may be my child from another woman, but I still love her."
"Father, that woman you were together with is a human and so is Alex!!! Humans are nothing. Alex is half fae, half human. A halfling who shouldn't be among us. There's nothing royal about her and..."
"You said enough, Tialo. Quiet now!!! Perhaps sending you to the academy with your sister might be wise, so you would understand eachother. Support each other and learn how to get along."
Tialo wasn't thrilled at his father's words and decided to stay quiet, but that won't happen for long... He'll figure out something. Just wait and see.
"Chop, chop, you're getting late for your first day. Hurry up, my children.", the sweet voice of the loving Lady Thalissa, Lord Elric's wife rang across the room as she entered. She rushed towards them and planted a gentle kiss on each of their foreheads. Some fae servants brought the suitcases of Lady Alexis and Lord Tialo already downstairs for them.
"I will miss you two very much. You'll stay away from home. I wish...", the duchess whispered to them and her green eyes sparkled with tears.
"Mother, I'll be fine. Don't worry."
"Yes, Thalissa. Tialo is right. We'll be alright. Don't worry, we're strong. You're not alone, Father is still with you. Please, don't cry.", Alex tried to assure her caring stepmother and squeezed her free hand.
"I know, it's just... Promise to take care of each other, to eat enough, and to behave yourself. Don't forget to drink water and wear clothes that are made for the weather. And...", she got interrupted by her husband.
"I think they understood and we shouldn't hold them any longer. They're getting late."
"But father, we won't make it. It's already..."
"My princess daughter, you're forgetting that we're fae.", Elric answered with amusement and to her surprise, opened a portal that would directly lead them to the academy in the human realm.
And with that, Alex and Tialo met each other's eyes before focusing back on the portal in front of them. Tialo may have been used to fae magic and portals, but his half-sister wasn't. Clutching her suitcase and saying her goodbyes to the parents, she closed her eyes, finally entering the portal along with Tialo. Bright light was all she could see even when her chocolate-brown eyes were closed. After a moment, she slowly opened them again and faced...
"Wow!!! Beautiful.", she happily twirled in front of the gate of the academy. So huge and majestic.
"You find that beautiful, halfling? Poor thing, then you haven't seen our home completely yet.", he spoke in a mocking manner and then laughed at her.
In front of the two siblings, other students entered the gates of the academy with their suitcases, one by one after a proper security check. It was very astonishing to see various students from different places. European, Asian, Hispanic... Even different species which weren't only humans, like elves and even faes like them. Perhaps an Inter-realm Academy?
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the-cricket-chirps · 1 year
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Laura Knight
The Cruel Sea
circa 1967
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ahb-writes · 1 year
Book Review: ‘Ascendance of a Bookworm’ #13
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Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 4 Volume 1 (Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 4 by Miya Kazuki My rating: 4 of 5 stars A royal education is for reflection, focus, and fortitude. A royal education enables self-discovery. A royal education is a privilege for those whose fortunes are known, yet not entirely fulfilled. The Royal Academy is about to get blown up by a tiny girl with dark-blue hair and way too much mana for her own good. Lady Rozemyne awakens from two years of slumber and is almost immediately forced to attend the Royal Academy in the Sovereignty, the nation's central district. ASCENDANCE OF A BOOKWORM v13 quietly and conveniently eschews the awkward and vastly unresolved conclusions of the previous narrative arc and nudges readers in the direction of something entirely different: Rozemyne goes to the rich kids' school and causes all sorts of havoc. The young woman has the academy's two-story library in her sights, but before she can even step foot among those hallowed stacks, she must first conquer weeks of intense study, socializing with archnobles, and a half-dozen pass-fail tests on geography, mathematics, history, music, practical magecraft, and more. She'll be fine, right? Ferdinand prophesied misfortune was on the horizon, but what's a guy to do, knowing full well that Rozemyne is a beast when books are involved? ("I have faith in your abilities," p. 117). Regardless, readers encounter a great deal of worldbuilding in this volume. New maps. New characters. New alliances. New enemies. New frenemies. ASCENDANCE OF A BOOKWORM v13 sets the stage for a lot to happen. For example, readers follow characters as they move through their first-year magecraft lessons on mana control, highbeast creation, mana compression, and schtappe acquisition/creation. It's a lot to take in, and each academy instructor responsible for these lessons provides varying detail and information that fill in a lot of the gaps this series has ignored for ages. Naturally, the author puts their own twist on things. Rozemyne invents another new manner of mana control. Rozemyne causes a bit of a ruckus with Lessy, her unconventional ("abnormal") highbeast. And, apparently, Rozemyne snares the material to create her schtappe in a quietly exceptional way. To the last of these, one wonders if the author will return to the quirky circumstances that saw the young woman acquire the "divine will" (pseudo-sentient crystal power source) that becomes her schtappe; after all, Rozemyne is clearly the most powerful character in the country, it's only a matter of time until someone else challenges her on it. This is a good volume. Notwithstanding the novel's painful segues out of old conflicts and into those yet to form, the book's character development takes keen and purposeful strides. Wilfried, for example, after two years of playing catch-up to his brilliant (and incapacitated younger sister), has matured into a decent kid. He's still somewhat naïve and emotionally vulnerable, but he's more circumspect. His main problem no longer concerns living up to the expectations of the Aub, but of outmaneuvering his scheming cousin, Detlinde, the daughter of the nefarious Georgine of Ahrensbach. Other, newer characters are quite fun. Hartmut, an apprentice archscolar and ally, is essentially a miniature Justus; he's reliable and intelligent, but he's too nosy for his own good. Professor Hirschur, the dorm supervisor for Ehrenfest, is a bit of a mad scientist; she's hilariously obsessed with studying Rozemyne, and the author also reveals she had instructed Ferdinand back in the day (Hirschur: "You clearly have no self-awareness whatsoever," p. 242). But none of this matters. Not really. Because the Royal Academy's library is almost within reach. True, Rozemyne nearly causes an interduchy incident by totally snubbing royalty (Anastasius, the second prince). True, Rozemyne accidentally scares the daylights out of people by inadvertently bringing to life two long-slumbering magical tools that assist the academy's librarian. Now, all this intrepid young woman has to do is ace her entrance exams, force all of her student peers from Ehrenfest to ace their entrance exams, and keep her head down. She'll be fine, right?
Light-Novel Reviews || ahb writes on Good Reads
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umburgrr · 2 months
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another one of my twst ocs! wanted to give kier a friend so i made parker — he’s a first year at rsa
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i think parker would communicate either with a notepad or by using sign language. he can speak but just prefers not to, for whatever reason
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^^^^ and above here is the original sketch i made for him… slight improvements have been made since 🤞🤞(he definitely looks like a reptile here but in a bad way LMAO)
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ninjaart-fan · 3 months
Part 6
After Neige and the boys took the stranger to the infirmary and the nurse gave them the green light to stay and take care of her overnight, waiting to see if the girl would wake up. Chenya joined the group out of mere curiosity, not really to help, but just to find the most comfortable place to rest and have all the tea.
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part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
parte 7
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anonblubb · 7 months
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You wake up after a nap in the forest and see these 3- what do you do?
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ryllen · 7 months
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alternative delinquent yuu RSA au,
with female sebek failed to go to (all boys school) NRC
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boopshoops · 1 month
little chef meow meow
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I- i like to imagine that chenya would not take cooking/baking seriously at all. To the point where during the hypothetical event, we dont even know whether or not he's good at it by the end- though im sure he's at least somewhat familiar since he's childhood friends with trey. skrunkly lil shit (affectionate)
Who next? :D v
Anywho ik this style merch (gurihiru) is making the rounds as profile pictures so if anyone may want to use this- sure go ahead just credit me :D
@the-trinket-witch @thehollowwriter @distant-velleity @justm3di0cr3 @kitwasnothere
@techno-danger @cecilebutcher @scint1llat3 @lowcallyfruity @skriblee-ksk
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dibbledoodle · 1 month
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Beau :
Age: 18
School: royal sword academy
Dorm: dorm leader
Personality: he is very aggressive and mean because he hates people but he is tolerates his dorm members enough that nothing bad to happen to them. is very protective over his twin
Likes: reading ,black coffee and being by himself
Dislikes :people and bullies
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Age: 18
School: Night Raven College
Dorm: Pomefiore
Personality: he’s shy and not super confident but is very sweet after his shyness cools off
Likes: reading , feeding birds, and tea
Dislikes: coffee and ripping clothes.
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Background :
The twins family are under a cursed every 40 years a son or daughter will be born as a beast and the rose will grow back and will reset itself for every 40 years. The twins were the last one to be born and unfortunately one of them was cursed as they grew up the twins were treated differently. One was treated with kindness because of his beauty and the other was treated like he was unwanted. Beau notices that and he doesn’t like it. He never understood or why his parents and other people treated his brother so poorly because of something he could not control. The days that he was bullied, he was there to protect his brother, he refuses to be friends with anybody because he believes that everybody has the same thought process but he’s in RSA to learn not all people are like that be kinder in the process. Aurélein grew up with a lot of self doubt and not confident in his appearance because of how people treated him in the past so now he’s in NCR in vils domain to build up his confidence.
Hope you enjoy them That’s all I got.
Pose references:
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ladyazurith · 3 months
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violenteconomics · 3 months
twst freshies, except they go to RSA on, like, an exchange program for a few months or something, and because this place is filled with disney princes or whatever, they (excluding Ortho, obvs) get aggressively flirted with the moment they step inside.
but it's like in that disney prince way, so sebek gets asked to go on a boat ride in the middle of the lake to go watch lanterns, jack gets invited to dinner with a large plate of pasta (hint hint, wink wink), ace gets nervously asked to dance at a masquerade ball without realizing that the person asking is the PRINCE OF A KINGDOM, deuce overhears someone singing out their feelings about him, and epel gets into a training exercise that ends with his opponent falling madly in love with him. Ortho on the other hand, gets himself adopted by the Hercules dorm lol. they treat him like a king, he's so spoiled.
it gets worse when neige -- who i imagine runs, like, an RSA podcast or something -- invites the new transfer students onto the podcast, and they're so different from everything the RSA students have seen
and they're all oblivious to this, because they haven't gotten accustomed to the idea that other people could actually like them for them (i imagine deuce is just thinking: wow, they're really good at singing! rather than worrying about anything they're actually saying).
unfortunately, the NRC students (who caught wind of the podcast thanks to vil's unholy screeching) absolutely do realize this.
cue overprotective dorm members stalking them.
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sleepymeowcat · 1 year
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A new sketch
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escapismsworld · 10 days
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📍Academy of Athens, Greece
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ninjaart-fan · 7 months
Hahaha, the Headcanon that Neige is like a Disney princess, falling in love at first sight with the prefect,feels so fitting to his personality 🤣😝
Part 2~
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Though the chaos that's coming when the guys realize what Crowley did...Brace yourself for the storm💚😈
Part 1
Part 3
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searchsystem · 3 months
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Anish Kapoor / Royal Academy of Arts / Svayambhu / Installation / 2009
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