#The Revenant's Hunt
new-revenant · 1 year
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Hunt - Tecnomancy - Day 5
I used a reference for the pose!!! It looks good! Ahh! I’m so proud of the lighting on this one, it’s the best I’ve done so far I think. The gripped fabric and mouth looks off tho for I need to practice that a bit more. Overall, I like this piece :)
There’s some writing about the aftermath of this scene under the cut because I thought it would be cool. A certain someone finds a very vulnerable Danny, who has just escaped from a dangerous confrontation from his parents.
A child appears, far away from the alleyway, scarred from the inside out. He knows he’ll be found soon if he doesn’t transform back, but his mind is as messy as his room that he long for. A breath. His thoughts pause as he looks at vampiric ghost before him. The MONSTER smiles at him. The MONSTER speaks to the FOOL. “They’re hunting the MONSTER that YOU know YOU aren’t. “The MONSTER was never there, but THEY needed SOMEONE to take IT’S place.” “Oh, time and time again, a HUNTER stalks IT’S PREY.” “I...I have no idea what you’re talking about VLAD!” “Join ME, DANIEL! Join ME, so YOU no longer have to look at those HUNTERS with SHAME.” ”...” “That GREEN GLOW shines brightest when it’s shot at YOU, doesn’t it?”
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largemandrill · 2 months
I like to imagine that it’s the same Tibia Mariner every time. He just moves.
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adorablemonk643 · 10 months
playing Revenants hunt almost immediately after finishing black veil is so weird because like black veil felt like it took forever to finish (in a good way, it gave me so many thoughts) but Revenants hunt felt like it went by in a blink of an eye (also not in a bad way, it's like a 500 word fanfic)
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spiritfoxarts · 2 years
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HuSh Modern AU - Dead pun
I’ve said it before and I will say again - I’m shitty at making jokes.
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2tcs · 4 months
DPxDC prompt (?)
Okay I'm thinking Danny, with a de-aged Dan and Ellie, move to Gotham while being hunted by the GIW. What's the first thing he does after securing a place to stay? Why, contact the local revenant of course. This is kinda how I see it going.
“Ay boss, is someun er ta see ya.” Bob said while peeking through the open office door. Everyone knows that when Red Hood has his door open it was okay to pop in. No one has made the mistake of interrupting the Hood when the doors closed a second time.
“Who is it?” Jason asked, not even looking up from his papers.
“Says he goes by ‘Danny’.” Bob said while stepping fully into office.
“Who the fuck is Danny? Don't think I know anyone by that name. What's he look like?” Jason asked, signing off on something before putting it aside.
“Not sommun from round er. Skinny fella. He’s one a them twinks is wha I think they called em. He’s Wayne bait. Thas fo cerain.” Bob saids with a shrug.
With a sigh Jason stands up and moves the rest of his papers into one of his desk’s drawers.
“Fine. Let him in. Probably Replacement with that description.” Jason says. Grumbling the last part.
A few minutes later a young man. Maybe a year younger than Jason walked in. Wayne bait was definitely an understatement. Like I had all the physical characteristics and was marking the exits.
“So Danny, what can the great Red Hood do for you?” Jason asked while spreading his arms wide.
“Me and my kids need to lay low. Crime Alley seemed like the best place for that.” Danny said before shifting his eyes to look a little to the right of Jason's helmeted head.
“A lot of people come here when they have nowhere else to go. But few come talk to me about it.” Jason said while leaning back in his chair.
Danny looked back at Jason with a considering look before sighing and pulling out a flash drive from one of his pockets.
“Look. The only reason why I'm approaching you is because this might affect some of the people in Gotham. And now that I've gotten a good look at you I guarantee it will affect you specifically if the people who are after me come here. It wouldn't sit right with me if I didn't give you some sort of heads up.” He said while placing the USB on the desk and stepping back.
“What's on it?” Jason asked nodding towards the USB.
“Laws that make it legal for people like us to be captured, experimented on, and ended. If you want to know more you just have to plug in the USB and read through the files.” Danny said. “As for me I just want to keep my kids safe. Do you have any questions for me while I'm here or am I good to go?”
“Yeah. What made you decide that here was the best place to lay low?”
“What better place to hide than one of the most cursed cities in America?” Danny said before offering a half hearted salute and walking out of the office.
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azurescaled-arch · 2 years
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i think it’s sexy if izumi does a little heinous action because he feels it’s the right thing to do.
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carn-evil · 7 months
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Requested by: @ Anonymous
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NAMES: Butcher, Scum, Blade, Hound, Molar, Corpse, Mortis, Revenant, Spite, Carcass, Danger, Roadkill, Carrion, Killer, Bones, Rot , Necro, Grim, Graves, Specter, Lucien, Drow, Morticia, Scythe, Cain, Guts, Vesper, Wraith, Belial, Haunt, Sabel
PRONOUNS: rot / rots, rib / ribs, gut / guts, brain / brains, maim / maims, scream / screams, stab / stabs, gore / gores, murder / murders, stalk / stalks, rip / rips, chase / chases, fog / fogs, kill / kills, hunt / hunts, shadow / shadows , death / deaths , fear / fears, tear / tears, crypt / crypts, freak / freaks
GENDERS: mothmancryptic, horrorboy, horrorgirl, psyhorroric, cryptidgender, anomalyic, nonhuknowic, horrgrimmium, horrorgender
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igbylicious · 16 days
bound [hongjoong x seonghwa]
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pairing: necromancer hongjoong x revenant seonghwa
rating: 18+
genre: darkfic, smut, angst, fantasy
summary: Seonghwa will die for Hongjoong, over and over again, and he pretends it means something every time his master brings him back.
wc: 3.4k
warnings: dom Hongjoong, sub Seonghwa, oral; 69, face-fucking, rough sex, choking on cock, cum swallowing, temperature play (sortof), toxic relationship; Seonghwa’s soul is contractually bound to Hongjoong, violence, blood & injury, resurrection; Seonghwa dies but he gets better
a/n: idk if i’d call these doves dead but they def ain’t the pinnacle of health ^^;; pls mind the warnings!
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Seonghwa might die for Hongjoong today.
It won’t be the first time he has died, and it won’t be the last. He can live with that.
There are a lot of things that Seonghwa can live with, or so he’s discovered ever since he signed this contract. He can live with blood on his hands; he can live with the uncertainty of whether that blood is innocent.
He only cannot live without Hongjoong.
“Well done, pet.” His master’s voice is delicate today, a soft purr that never fails to make him shiver. Hongjoong reaches a cool hand to cup Seonghwa’s blood-splattered cheek, tainting his fingers with spilled life. “Hold the rest of them off while I finish the ritual, won’t you?”
“Yes, Master.”
“My brave obedient wardog,” Hongjoong either praises or mocks him — Seonghwa is never sure — and he presses his cold lips against Seonghwa’s warm mouth in a shallow kiss. Sometimes Seonghwa wonders which one of them is more alive.
Hongjoong’s intoxicating scent wraps around Seonghwa and he bites back a whine as a clever tongue briefly teases against his lips; but Hongjoong is gone before Seonghwa can lose himself in the kiss. His master turns away with a billow of his heavy fur cloak, snow crunching underneath his leather boots as he makes his way to the ancient stone altar site.
The fresh body of a careless scout lies on the dais, limbs contorted and flesh ripped. Dragged here after Seonghwa had disposed of him; an easy lonely target who wandered too deeply into Hongjoong’s net. The scout’s lack of caution volunteered him for one of Hongjoong’s aberrant ceremonials, ensuring he will never report back to the hunting party that follows behind.
Hongjoong bends down next to the body and runs a gentle hand across the torn skin, and jealousy pierces through Seonghwa like a fiery hot blade. He tries to shake it off, reminding himself there is no cause for envy. His master holds no contract with this miserable scout; no soul will be pulled from the wretched remains that Hongjoong is about to lay his hands on. This unremarkable corpse is nothing like Seonghwa.
No one else is like him.
He is special.
He does not know why Hongjoong choose Seonghwa’s body and soul to bind with his. Seonghwa is a gifted warrior, but so are countless others. He was desperate when Hongjoong found him — but who isn’t, in this war-stricken land? Out of an overabundance of choice, Hongjoong still picked him.
That means something. It has to.
Otherwise, none of this means anything at all.
Seonghwa focuses himself back to his task, extending out his awareness to the forest around him. Heightened senses are one of the benefits to his contract; his revived body finely attuned to the world. Death has brought him closer to life, so Hongjoong likes to say.
Seonghwa closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and makes note of every sign of life in this otherwise dead forest. Ever since his master made this place his ritual site, wildlife has long fled the area. Driven off by the slow petrification of thickets and flowers, drained of their vitality. And as Hongjoong’s circle of corruption expands, any living thing here is threatened by the same fate.
Except for Seonghwa. Seonghwa thrives.
Just as his master feeds on life, Seonghwa feeds on him; and Hongjoong always provides him a rich meal.
It does not take long for the hunting party to skitter into the edges of Seonghwa’s eyesight, though he sensed their imminent arrival long ago. They have not split up, tactics abandoned by the blind faith in their superior numbers. It is their first mistake.
They close in on Seonghwa, believing him to be the true threat to eliminate; their second mistake.
Hongjoong is the true threat, and Seonghwa is nothing but his fierce guard dog.
He protects his master not only with his body and sword, but by concealing him in the shadows of Seonghwa’s reputation. He covets anonymity, and so Seonghwa eagerly feeds into the horrid myths of a black-clad warrior of otherworldly beauty. By now, there is not a single soul in the land who has not heard of the infamous Black Repose.
Even his attire is deliberately imposing. Black leather covers him from neck to toe, stitched with intricate golden patterns that flatter the elegant lines of his body. His head is left unprotected; exposing the coldness of his dark eyes to his enemies. The delicate, icy beauty of his face is framed by long strands of black hair, slightly curled by melted snow.
He holds up a heavy long sword in his hand, the double-edged blade resting across the back of his shoulders as he waits for his prey to trap itself. Darkened steel flashes in muted sunlight as he slowly moves into position, putting himself between Hongjoong and the soon-to-be-dead.
The first hunter to gather his courage goes for Seonghwa’s unhelmeted head. They always do.
It never works.
Blade clangs against blade in the petrified forest, and Seonghwa is unleashed. He deflects the blow easily, his face contorting in fury as he lets out a rage-filled shout and goes on the offence. Soon the clearing is filled with violent chaos, with Seonghwa at its centre. Steel connects with steel over and over again — until steel finally connects with flesh.
His blade bites deep into muscle, hot sprays of vivid red smeared across the snow-covered grounds. Every move is graceful, filled with purpose, a dance of macabre beauty that Seonghwa performs at his master’s every whim. And Hongjoong doesn't even spare his performance a glance.
No, he is fully immersed in his ritual, nearing completion. The air thickens with rot, permeating Seonghwa’s senses. He can taste the decay on his tongue, a thin film of something cloying gathering on his skin.
Soon there is only a trio of hunters left, confused and shaken by the curdled air around them. One of them finally notices the cloaked figure on the stone dais, and Seonghwa sees the moment of realisation on her face; she has recognised the true source at the heart of this corruption.
She charges forward at the altar.
Seonghwa has no choice but to admire her commitment, as desperate and foolhardy as it is. But fools can make for the most dangerous of opponents; and this is one of them.
The hunter moves so suddenly that Seonghwa is forced to wildly fling himself between his master and the threat, skewering himself on the incoming blade. Adrenaline overrides pain, but Seonghwa knows the wound is deep.
Ah. So he will die for Hongjoong today.
Seonghwa smiles faintly, even as every breath draws blood into his lungs. Imminent death is no excuse to shirk his duties.
The hunter crumples to the ground with her sword still sunken into Seonghwa’s chest. The remaining two watch in horror how Seonghwa still stands, seemingly unencumbered by the grievous injury. That horror is their downfall, holding them frozen in place as Seonghwa’s blade finds their necks in one last brutal swing.
Silence falls in the clearing, only broken by Seonghwa’s heavy, gurgled breaths; and the skittering of bones. Hongjoong’s new servant has returned to this earth in a soulless mockery of life.
Faintly, Seonghwa hears his master call out to him.
There is concern in Hongjoong’s voice, or so Seonghwa likes to imagine. In the moments before death, he always allows himself these sweet indulgences.
Seonghwa collapses as the light leaves his eyes; but it will be back. His master will make sure of that.
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It starts again with a heartbeat.
Sluggishly, the heart pushes at the blood that has accumulated at the bottom of this body, forcing a current to flow through drained arteries and veins once more. Function returns to the body’s organs; to its undamaged ones, at least.
An impulse sparks through a vast network of nerves, shooting all the way up the spine into the brain. It has one clear message for the newly reborn cognition inside this body’s skull:
Muscles flex to open this body’s mouth. The mouth screams.
The pain is excruciating, it is all-encompassing. Anything in this body that is capable of sensation, senses nothing but agony. Torn flesh, punctured lung, shredded skin, all freshly knit together but still filled with memories of past injury. Even the unmarred pieces of this body are screaming in pain, death still clinging onto its meat with clawed fingers. Nothing else exists, endless and endless and endless—
— until it is endless no more. Even the infinite cannot survive superior power.
The pain is not gone, not entirely, but it has receded just enough for the brain to remember its body’s name. Seonghwa.
The entity that knows himself as Seonghwa realises he is naked and cold, and his muscles have regained enough strength for him to shiver uncontrollably. His skin’s nerve-endings send a cacophony of information to his brain, which he slowly untangles to know he is laid down on rough stonework, scraping against him with every twitch of his body.
A pair of familiar hands runs over his skin, a distant voice whispers by his ear.
To translate sounds into language into meaning is still a challenge for his freshly revived brain, but Seonghwa knows the voice belongs to Hongjoong, and that is enough. Seonghwa’s vocal cords vibrate when a jumbled noise escapes past his lips, and he prays that he just begged “please”.
He aches for Hongjoong; the pain of his need for his master is just as agonising as his resurrection, if not moreso. His soul is unmoored on this mortal plane, threatening to drift away, and only Hongjoong can anchor him.
Bleary vision returns to Seonghwa’s eyes. The forest is dark around him, and Hongjoong’s cloaked figure is nothing but a distorted shadow above him. Seonghwa whimpers, not understanding why the blurred image does not clear up — until his master reaches to wipe away his salty tears.
Hongjoong’s fingers are wet, smearing blackened blood across Seonghwa’s cheeks. Its metallic, festeringly sweet scent invades Seonghwa’s nose, but underneath it all he can still smell Hongjoong. His scent like a frigid winter’s morning, all sharp ice and no gentle snow.
His master’s delicate hands on his body go down, down, down, until they find a part of Seonghwa where Hongjoong’s touch causes him to shudder and arch. Pleasure. That's the sensation that throbs through him like a fever, heat flooding his newly alive body. His heart beats faster as it sends blood down to where Hongjoong’s hands stroke and tease. Sharp breaths fill Seonghwa’s aching lungs with oxygen, the air returning out his throat as even sharper whines.
“Are you back, my pet? You performed your duties so admirably today…” Hongjoong coos, his weight settling on Seonghwa’s thighs. As he shifts, his heavy fur cloak falls away to reveal a naked, lean body. He is unbothered by the night’s cold, already hard for his loyal servant. “Allow me to reward your devotion.”
The crescent moon provides little in the way of light, but Seonghwa’s enhanced vision allows him clear sight of the faint glisten gathered on the tip of Hongjoong’s cock. This is why Seonghwa’s master never mocks him for dying, never treats it as a failure in the line of duty. It excites him too much.
“Master…” Seonghwa rasps, feebly reaching for Hongjoong. He can barely lift his arms; his muscles are still weakened from his temporary demise, leaving him entirely to Hongjoong’s mercy. (Then again… isn’t Seonghwa always at his master’s mercy, even at his full strength?)
Dark satisfaction flashes across Hongjoong’s face at his pet’s desperation, knowing exactly what Seonghwa craves. Hongjoong leisurely palms at his cock, smearing his fingers with the clear fluids of his arousal. He then laughs lowly at how Seonghwa’s face contorts in pathetic pleasure as Hongjoong feeds it to him. Seonghwa’s long tongue swirls around cold fingers, moaning at the salty flavour. He always wants the first thing he tastes to be Hongjoong. He needs it to be Hongjoong.
“Such a diligent servant I found,” Hongjoong says with a slow, wicked smile, delighting in Seonghwa’s whine when he pulls his hand away. “So faithful, so greedy. You want more, my loyal soul?”
yes yes yes—
Seonghwa’s voice cracks as he tries to answer, his airways scratchy and raw from his earlier screams.
Hongjoong laughs again — fondly, Seonghwa convinces himself. He is allowed these sweet indulgences in the moments after death. A wired excitement thrums through him while Hongjoong repositions himself, caging Seonghwa’s head between his knees. Seonghwa eagerly cranes his neck to run his tongue over the underside of Hongjoong’s cock, unwilling to wait even a moment longer before he attends to his master.
Hongjoong hisses, his thighs flexing above Seonghwa’s face. “Patience, pet. Find your strength first,” he chides, bracing a hand on Seonghwa’s hip to lean over and wrap his lips around Seonghwa’s flushed cockhead. Seonghwa groans at the wet heat of him; the inside of Hongjoong’s mouth is one of the few parts of him that runs hot. Even his lips are cold, a constant contrast to Seonghwa’s senses as Hongjoong engulfs him, sliding up and down at a torturously slow pace that has Seonghwa writhing underneath him. He is always sensitive, but even moreso at these times, like death has torn the memory of pleasure out of his body, every experience new like it's his first time being ravished by the skillful hands and mouth of his master.
Even in his weakened state, Seonghwa can't stand it anymore; can't stand being the one attended to when it should be him, him on his knees before Hongjoong in ardent worship. He tips his head up to lap at a throbbing vein that runs along the length of Hongjoong’s cock, then takes him inside.
Seonghwa’s worship is clumsy, his muscles stiff from revivification, but he is devout, eager, and Hongjoong accepts what is offered with a zealous groan. He uses Seonghwa’s mouth with deep rolls of his hips, his moans rippling through Seonghwa’s own cock — then a cruel chuckle when Seonghwa gags on him. Hongjoong bucks again, forcing himself deeper down Seonghwa’s throat, like he does not care if his devoted servant suffocates right on his altar. Seonghwa does not care either. He would die for Hongjoong right here all over again — just as long as Hongjoong comes on his tongue first.
Pleasure crackles through Seonghwa’s veins, his eyes tearing up as Hongjoong overwhelms him, his cold lips dragging over his length only to be replaced by his hot tongue, deftly suckling and licking at him. Throbbing arousal floods Seonghwa’s senses, every emotion heightened by the sheer force of physical ecstasy brought to him by his master.
Seonghwa can feel it, how his release pulses closer and closer. How all physical and emotional sensation blends together into a volatile melting pot, the strong catalyst needed to fully align his body and soul after their brutal separation; the final stage to his resurrection to prevent future deterioration. Seonghwa chases it mindlessly, light-headed from Hongjoong fucking his throat, his cheeks puffy and flushed and wet from tears.
He whimpers when Hongjoong’s nails scratch across his thigh, then down to graze over Seonghwa’s ass, two fingers rubbing around the sensitive rim of his tight hole. Drool leaks from his mouth, choking out a moan when Hongjoong ruthlessly pushes him to the very edge of his limits with wet, noisy slurps. He squeezes a hand around the base of Seonghwa’s cock, tongue swirling around the tip as Hongjoong presses his hips down, forcing Seonghwa to take him and keep taking him, staying deep as Seonghwa garbles around his cock, throat spasming.
Oxygen becomes harder and harder to come by as Seonghwa’s nose clogs up, muffled sobs barely able to escape his mouth. His hips buck uselessly when Hongjoong’s lips disappear from his aching cock, but they are replaced by a cool palm that burns against his feverish skin, and Hongjoong brutally jerks him off while sucking at his testes.
The rough edge is just what Seonghwa needs, the soft warmth spreading through his core turning sharp. He cries out, his nails digging into Hongjoong’s ass and hips as he convulses, light-headed with pure pleasure. He uselessly tries to gasp for breath with strangled whimpers, electricity shooting through his nervous system as ropes of white spill over Hongjoong’s fingers and onto Seonghwa’s stomach, swiftly cooling in the night air. Static rings through his ears, exhaustion setting in as the dizzying euphoria clears up — yet Seonghwa also feels stronger, more complete, and while the ritual might be done, Seonghwa is not yet finished.
He hollows his cheeks and curls his tongue around Hongjoong’s throbbing cock, warmed by the wet heat of Seonghwa’s ardent mouth, who groans when his master’s hips move again. Hongjoong presses his hands against Seonghwa’s chest as he grinds down, thighs flexing.
Seonghwa’s eyes roll to the back of his head, darkness flickering across his vision as consciousness threatens to fade. But he hangs on, desperate to please. Crude wet squelches fill his ears, almost overpowering the sound of Hongjoong’s pitched whines. Seonghwa moans in satisfaction when Hongjoong shudders violently, the taste of him bursting on Seonghwa’s tongue, down his throat as he greedily swallows down his master’s essence.
Cold air sears through Seonghwa’s airways and fills his no longer aching lungs when Hongjoong pulls away, slumping down next to his faithful pet. He runs frigid fingers over Seonghwa’s flushed, heaving chest, grinning down on him.
“So tell me, Park Seonghwa,” Hongjoong says, his face split apart by a wide, dangerous grin, a wild glint in his dark eyes, “do you wish to renew our contract?”
The question always feels like an insult, even if Seonghwa knows it is necessary. But Hongjoong’s grin proves he also knows how rhetorical his query is, and that soothes the sting to Seonghwa’s pride in his loyalty. Of course he will.
Seonghwa had been dying and desperate the first time he committed to this agreement, left little choice unless he could make peace with his life’s end. Now he is neither desperate nor dying — yet he still has only one path forward. He doesn’t know what Hongjoong will do if he declines; he never asked. It does not matter. There is no choice; there is only Hongjoong. Seonghwa knows his place; at his master’s feet.
He wipes his ruddy cheeks, blinks the lingering tears from his eyes. “I renew our contract,” he says, steadily meeting Hongjoong’s sharp gaze as he extends his hand.
Hongjoong shakes it, his icy hand sending a shiver down Seonghwa’s spine. There is a strange sharpness to his cold touch, like tiny icicles piercing Seonghwa’s palm. Seonghwa swears he can feel blood being drawn, but his skin comes away unmarred.
And just like that, it is done. The verbal contract has been signed.
The first time, Seonghwa had waited for something grand to happen; for Hongjoong’s dark magic to coil around them in swirling black fog, swallowing them both up and spit them back out as a bound entity. It is nothing like that; no impressive displays of power, only a brief whiff of an acrid smell in the air that leaves Seonghwa dizzy and nauseous until it fades, making way for an odd, fuzzy euphoria.
Hongjoong stands up and picks up his fur cloak, putting it back on with a dramatic flourish. He always did enjoy a touch of theatrical flair. “Come, my faithful guard dog, we have much else to do,” he commands, and his voice cuts through Seonghwa’s disorientation like a siren song.
Seonghwa’s head clears and crawls back onto his feet, gathering the pieces of his black armour that are intact enough to wear. His soul brims with renewed purpose, knowing his place in life — and death. He could have said no to the contract. Hongjoong is many things, not all pleasant, but ‘true to his word’ is one of them. He would have released Seonghwa. Perhaps he would even let him live out this final life in peace as repayment for his service.
But what kind of life would that be?
Hongjoong does not need Seonghwa. For him, a thousand others. But out of all those thousands, Hongjoong still chose him. That means something. It has to.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Do you have any fics where either Derek or Stiles live in a cabin in the woods? Bonus points if they build it themselves.
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Magically Yours: The Sun, The Moon, The Truth by Akinasky
(1/1 I 925 I Teen)
Stiles and Derek go away to a cabin to celebrate their one year anniversary and Stiles uses his abilities to mark himself as Derek's partner, forever.
Snowed In by rororowyourboat 
(1/1 I 4,258 I Teen)
Stiles and Derek get caught in a blizzard while hunting a monster in the Preserve. Their options are trekking a few miles back through the snowy woods in inclement weather while exhausted and injured... or spend the night in a random cabin.
They choose the cabin.
Baby, you should stick around by ElisAttack
(3/3 I 9,543 I Teen)
Derek's driving along a stretch of highway when an unusual sight makes him slow down, the engine of his old pickup rattling in protest.
There's a kid standing by the side of the road.
It's the middle of nowhere, the goddamn apocalypse, and this kid is standing by the side of the road with his thumb pointed skyward. Like he's playing at being a hitchhiker.
Or the one where Stiles thinks he's all alone in a post-apocalyptic world, until he meets Derek.
(Welcome To) Far Far Away, or The Tale of Wolfskin and the Fox Prince by scarlettletterr
(4/4 I 14,716 I General)
There's a wolf sleeping in the cabin on the outskirt of Beacon Hills, and a fox in the Prince's chambers. This is a tale of magic, of lemon cakes, and oblivious idiots falling in love in the country of Far Far Away.
Abominable by Revenant
(2/2 I 20,272 I Teen)
Where Derek buys a secluded cabin halfway up a mountain, meets a yeti and falls in love with Stiles, but not necessarily in that order.
A sacrilege to keep it a secret by babisays
(1/1 I 21,275 I General)
Stiles has a secret he's been keeping from everyone his entire life. But Derek is starting to notice the fact that he'll never go near a body of water when other people are around and he keeps saying that he's really bad at swimming. Derek knows that's a lie because he was able to hold him up in a pool for three hours straight. Stiles knows his secret is a ticking time bomb and at some point, everyone will know it. But he quite likes being the human of the pack. Even though Derek and he know that he isn't. Derek just wants to figure out exactly what he is.
Retreat by words_in_starless_skies (orphan_account)
(12/12 I 43,889 I Teen)
Stiles is not okay. He struggles with the aftermath of being possessed by the Nogitsune. Alone. A worried Derek invites him to his cabin in the mountains, which he shares with Cora and Peter. Stiles is totally on board with getting as far away from Beacon Hills as possible, especially when it means he gets his own comfort wolf.
Move Inside Of Your Light by sterekhale
(17/17 I 73,510 I Mature)
After fleeing from hunters Derek found refuge in a small Wyoming town. For almost ten years, he lived alone in a cabin among acres of land, until one night he stumbles upon a car accident near his place. When the driver comes to with his friendly smile and beautiful brown eyes, there’s no way Derek could’ve predicted the next three weeks.
Stiles is a hunter who can’t go home and the alpha of the fallen Hale pack is his Hail Mary. What he didn’t expect to find was a gentle and broken man in place of the so-called mighty alpha. Despite the pressures from back home, Stiles keeps putting off what he has to do, while falling for the one person he’s not supposed to.
Mating Moons by skinsharpenedteeth (Skinsharpenedteeth)
(15/15 I 85,268 I Explicit)
Stiles just wanted to get Derek's attention. Derek had seemed so distracted as the full moon approached and Stiles was feeling pretty neglected as a friend. Next thing he knows, he's magically bound to a cabin in the mountains with Derek all winter long and they have to figure out whether they want to be life mates?
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DP x DC prompt #4:
(Insomnia struck again with those witching hour thoughts.)
We’ve seen Revenant!Jason. We’ve seen corpse AU. The rare Halfa!Jazz AU has been gifted to us.
But now, I present a result of a bad timeline-
According to Monster wiki Revenants are supposedly,
“the spirit of a deceased human being that has returned to the mortal plane as a visible ghost or a vengeful spirit that has possessed a dead body, likely its own body.”
Which if you’re a fan of Revenant!Jason can be aptly put. He does seem the vengeful sort.
However, the next paragraph is as follows,
“Revenants are said to return to the living realm to take revenge on those who wronged them in their previous life. In a typical myth, only wicked or evil people tend to turn into revenants. Rarely, however, there were cases where a particularly strong willed individual had died before fulfilling an important task or a promise and would return as a revenant to complete what was left unfinished.”
‘A particularly strong-willed individual’, you say?
Jazz is killed trying to get Danny out of Amity Park, her little brother a sobbing bleeding mess on her backseat, her tiny car a contaminated mess of glowing green and dark red as Danny tries to keep his innards within. They are about to cross into Gotham, to lose their ghost hunting parents in the liminal city when something slams into the driver’s side of Jazz’s car.
Jazz has enough left in her to tell the blurry figure in black to save Danny before she gives into blood loss.
Official cause of death is a punctured artery in an unfortunate car accident.
Unofficial? Murder.
Jazz doesn’t become a ghost, no, she’s too angry and worried about Danny to let herself be taken to the Realms just yet. She won’t rest until Danny is safe. That’s all that matters-Danny.
It was fortunate that she hadn’t been cremated just yet, awakening in an unattended body bag.
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
I've seen the episode!!!
(Some comments and) SPOILERS!!!!
Louis saying it was a betrayal and that he wants to be punished for it just when he finds happiness again via a hallucination of Lestat is so... ugh. Louis, honey, god. Also him imagining Lestat biting him - as a punishment, but he also wants it so badly, baring his neck, not trying to fight it, offering himself up there, he just wants the connection so badly. 😭 And god, Louis having Lestat call him out on his own denial. Damn. And Louis knowing he invited this Lestat as a distraction.
Also... that was definitely foreshadowing to how Louis will think the trial went.
And of course it would be a bat. Of course.™
Claudia driving them onwards, not giving one shit is just... incredible. Delainey is Claudia.
I was also right that she honed her senses and available gifts, more than Louis has his (which fits)
Daniel calling their plight the hunt for Moby Dick
Claudia is also... beautifully hopeful, and thereby almost desperately (intentionally) naive. She just wants to connect, so badly. To find more of their kind. And closes her eyes to what she sees. *deep sigh*
That "Adam and Even and God" comment was hilarious. Oh man, I cannot wait to see what the show will make of / with QotD and Memnoch etc.
Not only is Louis aware of forgotten memories now, he actively pursues them, and he has apparently read the missing pages before. And knows he has forgotten.
Claudia's diaries are unreliable, too (as predicted). Also, Louis correcting his own tale there, lol. Also: Armand‘s look and suggestion there.
Daniel and his little speech as to how he works… you go Daniel. “Here’s almost all the story“ lol
“Human affairs“
The revenants.... "the blood is bad here" *shivers* - I BET that's already setting up the "turning fails" arc with Amel, right there
God that old vampire connecting with Claudia, and then throwing herself into the fire in despair. God.
Morgan's arc was nicely condensed, the scene fittingly horrific
I live for Claudia speaking all the languages, but I noticed some of the subtitles were wrong
Whoever doubted DM happening... well. Sorry, but I AM seeing it. The looks, the smirks, the bitching.
Also "real Rashid" (lmao) - who, btw, does not wear a mask! What if the encounter with Eudoxia Marius had went differently and this is Rashid?
... someone wanting to buy a tryptich they haven't even put up for sale... *coughs* Marius? *coughs* (I mean, who else would know they have it? Or the Talamasca, maybe)
God that Dubai bedroom screams cage. And Armand controlling even the lights with his little iPad. Someone edit a blender into a screenshot of that scene.
The look Lestat gives Claudia at that last part of Louis' little speech. Devastating.
Also: the "I do I do I do I do I do"... Louis. Sweetie. I mean, I get it, but still.
Armand's comment that the boy from San Francisco is still in Daniel. Now if that is not foreshadowing.
A propos foreshadowing: Louis saying he will not choose the fire while Claudia walks the earth. *help*
"We cannot be the only good ones". Yeah... about that. -.-
Louis being so relieved that what Claudia wrote was not the truth
The. Score.
Louis pacifying Armand there with the little touches at the end. LOL (the whole setup makes me wonder if ARMAND has also forgotten some things btw). Also that little thank you kiss
The Groan. Once more seemingly when Armand is displeased, so it could be a metaphysical manifestation after all, especially since Louis seems to comment on it. (It could also be a red herring, we'll see.)
Daniel‘s “we‘ll get to you“ to Armand (lol)
Louis‘ guilty look to Lestat when he tries to pep talk Claudia 😭
EDIT: there were two very short flahback scenes with a comment to memory, which is setting up the big one later, no doubt about it, ugh
I legit teared up so often.
I have missed them all so much.
It's all I wanted, and more. Cannot wait to scream about it with everyone.
Also, last but not least: can I just say how glad I am our writers are playwrights.
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moss-on-trees · 2 years
dp x dc prompt: dead on main au where danny leaves the joker's body on jason's doorstep as a courting gift
in this au, danny lives in the ghost zone full time. (he's also a little unhinged.)
along with the power boost he gained as the king of the infinite realms, danny's status as a half-dead half-alive being makes him develop the peculiar ability of knowing the cause of death of all ghosts and undead he encounters.
he meets jason on a visit to the living realm and falls in love with the revenant at first sight. since his ability lets him catch a glimpse of his crush's death, he decides killing the joker would be the best way to win him over, so he hunts down the clown, unalives him and wraps his dead body with a nice green bow and sends it to jason via portal along with a bouquet of asphodels.
cue the bat clan freaking out over the unknown entity who just gifted a corpse to their undead family member with no explanation whatsover.
(danny probably should have remembered to leave a note.)
jason is both creeped out and charmed.
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spiritfoxarts · 1 year
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HuSh Modern AU - Crab Red 2
The saga continues!... XD
First pic might look weird because I drew it maybe 1-1,5 month ago and the rest I finished in like 2-3 days. I hope You like it. :)
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dailyadventureprompts · 6 months
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Villain: Laormoch, Archfey of the Wild Unknown
Embodying the primal awe and terror of those places beyond the edge of the map, this ancient spirit of the land exists to test and torment those who stray too far from the safety of the familiar.
Though the old stories call him the" thane of the faroff" or an "invisible giant as big as the sky", it is hard to put Laormoch's physicality and the fear it evokes into words: How do you describe being lorded over by ancient trees, or the scornful glare of unfamiliar stars? His shape is only ever suggested by how it bends the natural world, but he is always distant, though always so immense that it feels like he may reach out and crush the viewer.
Adventure Hooks
The party stumble into a village to find its inhabitants struggling to recover after a disastrous hunt. Some wretched beast tore through some weeks ago and was only dispatched with great effort. It was a cause for celebration, at least until the thing was seen stalking in the woods, reading for another attack. To prevent it from assailing their walls and destroying their homes the village's best hunter leads the village's strongest on a sortie, downing the beast only after injuring many and losing a few. This has happened three times so far and the village's defenders are wearing thin. Perhaps the party could lend their aid once the beast is spotted again, and perhaps spend the intervening time trying to find its obviously supernatural origins.
Almost inconsolable, a great lord calls for the party's aid in rescuing his son and heir, who he claims was stolen by the sky itself: snatched out of his tower window by a great hand and carried off into the clouds. The servants and courtiers are skeptical, everyone knows the lord was so protective of his son he barely let the boy leave his rooms, let alone the castle, and it's likely the lad finally managed some means of escape. While they're considering exactly how to search for the lad the party will be approached by the Lord's bastard daughter, she was denied her inheritance by her father's traditionalism, and sees the opportunity to have herself recognized if the true born heir is never found. She'll ask that even if the party does find her younger brother, they either help him escape or leave him where he is, as it would be better for the both of him if he doesn't return to the castle.
Seeking to prove herself against a boastful rival, a hunter ventured far from her village into the deep wilderness, where she found and slew an elk of ethereal beauty, eating its flesh to sustain herself and taking its antlers as her trophy. Though she returned in glory, the beast had been marked by the Thane of the Faroff, who has raised its butchered body as a reverent and gifted it bloodthirsting branches to replace what was taken. The revenant won't stop until it's killed the hunter and torn her body to shreds, which will likely be sometime after she's gotten a good portion of the other villagers killed because she's too good at hunting and too stuborn to die without a fight. The revenant has more than one trick though, the branches animating its body bear seedpods which it scatters as it dies or gores others to death. These seeds eventually grow into twigblights, which are slowly massing in the forest waiting to overwhelm the village's defenders and open the gate for the revenant's final rampage.
Wishing more than anything to get away from the suffocating confines of his home, the young heir has found himself on the wrong end of a fairy bargin. Whisked off by Laormoch to his castle beyond the horizon, the boy has been forced to serve as the archfey's cupbearer as repayment for his captor's "kindness". The party will need to dig deep into the local folklore to figure out how and why the sky might snatch up a forlorn youth, potentially missing him entirely until they run into him while visiting the feywild for a completely different adventure.
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ectoberhaunt · 1 year
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Ectoberhaunt 2023: Science VS Magic
Dear Phandom new and old, sorry for the delay but this here is our 2023 theme and prompt list! Once again we've changed it up a little to make it a little easier on all of us, and to invite fun and mayhem Phandom wide! Prompts are once again Monday-Friday, with Friday being singular prompts, and weekends being (mostly) free as catch up days. The only real change is our new 'isekai weekend' on the 21st and 22nd, with two different sub prompts for the days. Isekai is a subgenre of anime in which a character ends up in a different place or world all together. It literally translates to 'otherworld'! The two prompts for this weekend are 'past prompt', where we want to see the Phandom use a prompt from either of our previous calendars. The other is 'portal shenanigans'. We highly encourage you to create crossover content and AUs you've wanted to play with. As always, our last prompt day is October 24th to make way for the Ectober Week event. This means our free days are the 1st, 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th, with the 25th-31st being @ectoberweekofficial's time to shine. Please tag all prompt fills as "Ectoberhaunt23", and follow the additional posting guidelines below!
Posting for this event begins October 2nd!
Down below are our written out calendar prompts (for accessibility) AND our posting guidelines. Check 'em out!
The Prompts
Below are the listed prompts in date order, if it's blank it's a catch up day. First prompt is Science, second is Magic!
Tecnomancy vs Botonamancy
Black Cat vs White Crow
Aliens vs Zombies
Hunt vs Haunt
Robots vs Dragons
Pseudoscience vs Occultism
Dread vs Calm
Obsession vs Repression
Horror Flick
Revenant vs Death Echo
Blood vs Flesh
Unravel vs Intertwine
Claws vs Horns
Danse Macabre
Isekai: Past Prompts (2021 | 2022)
Isekai: Portal Shenanigans
Technus vs Magic
Science vs Dora Ectober Week!
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
Post Guidelines
The following are the posting guidelines. Please follow them so we can reblog and share your posts without issue. We will also have this as a post available on our blog separately.
Tag all posts with “Ectoberhaunt23” so we can find it. If you do not use this tag, we may not find you.
Tag which calendar you're pulling from (“EH Science” or “EH Magic”), which day the prompt is for ("Day X"), and which prompt(s) you completed ("Eyes" "Teeth"). Example: #ectoberhaunt23 #EH science #day 5 #hunt Single day prompts, such as the ones on Friday, do not need a tag for which calendar it's for.
Put your fics under a readmore. Add a summary before the cut with a short preview, content warnings, and which prompts were used. Then, add a readmore no more than 150 words or 10 lines/groups of text under your summary. If you're using mobile, type :readmore: and hit enter to make a readmore. If you do not do this, we will NOT reblog your post.
Make sure to tag all common content warnings (blood, gore, death, drugs, body horror, existentialism, & vermin)
We will try to reblog every prompt we can. Feel free to @ us in the post too or send us a DM with the post!!
Feel free to shoot us an ask about rules/clarifications and any queries on prompts. Our discord is open as are our messages.
Here is a spreadsheet you can use to track your progress made by the talented @ajitated
Title graphic by @kawaiijohn | Calendar graphics by @ajitated
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