#The Power of 3 para
salvadorquiroz · 8 months
The Power of 3 | Salbeckstián
Featuring: Sebastián Castillo De Leon, Rebecca Anderson & Salvador Quiroz; mentions of Xavier Mitchell, Leo Castillo De Leon and a few others sprinkled here and there Location: Winter Gala fundraiser Notes: One happening at the fundraiser, during & after the date auction! @castillodeleon @rebecca-anderson
Ever since arriving with Rebecca, Salvador had done his share of mingling around the venue and even dabbled in a few of the casino games before making his way to where the date auction would be taking place. There looked to be a decent number of people in the audience and, upon entering the space, an attendant asked if he would be bidding or not. He gave a simple, "Yes," and was handed a paddle with a number on it. Now seated at a small, round table, his eyes were mostly on the stage but he'd swept the room again until he found Rebecca and waited for her to notice before giving her a soft, affectionate and knowing smile.
Rebecca had a marvellous time at the fundraiser. She thought the food was the highlight, and there were plenty of people to schmooze with as she stood next to her partner while he played table games. They walked into the date auction separately, and she took a paddle with a ‘thank you’ to the attendant. She purposely sat away from Salvador, though close enough so they could exchange looks. They both agreed that this could be a fun way to find another partner.
Sebastián was starting to feel more comfortable about this whole thing. His conversation with Celeste along with Leo’s encouragement was helpful. He didn’t think his son would be okay with him dating again but apparently this made his day. He was behind the curtain on the built stage, adjusting his watch several times over and over just until he heard the last bid on the woman before him. $3,000! Amazing. He didn’t think his bidding would be that high but he hoped it would make some sort of a dent with the fundraiser. Once Xavier wrapped up the bidding he began with his introduction. Now Seb felt even more nervous. He cleared his throat right before the curtains went up, not exactly knowing what to do with his hands. He decided it’d be best to just okay it cool. Up went the curtain and he flashed the audience a giant smile. Several of his friends were there so he could hear the cheers. The lights were intense and he couldn’t actually find anyone but he’d manage. “And now we have everyone’s favorite daddy! Our favorite Guatemalan, Sebastian!! Aka Seb. Seb enjoys reading , a good Latino restaurant, cooking, and spending time with family and friends. Seb is a graduate of UCLA, top honors ya little nerd! He can play the piano and guitar, has the voice of an angel and is the star , producer and Director of the Morning Zoo! Give it up for our very own Sebby! You know the rules, the bidding starts at $200! So we have a bid?” This was it. Sebastian continued smiling and strut on the stage hoping this would continue being this painless. He waited for the first bid and glanced over to Xavier who flashed him an encouraging wink. “$300!” A male’s voice was heard and then “$400!” A woman’s voice was heard. Well look at that !!
Salvador watched the bidding start and steadily grow for a woman on the stage whom, while attractive to be sure, just didn't appeal to him. He'd let Rebecca know as much by giving a small shake of his head while leaving the paddle alone on the table. If Rebecca was interested in her, then she could pursue her but Salvador was content not to. After the woman's bidding ended at $3,000, Salvador watched the auction move on to the next prospect. His eyes fixed on center stage as the curtain rose, revealing a handsome man with a gorgeous head of hair. Salvador listened to the details Xavier shared. Sebastián. Or Seb. Salvador would end up calling him Sebastián if he had the pleasure. He was a dad who had a few similar interests and skills as himself. He worked in radio which, admittedly Salvador didn't listen to much of anymore. But maybe he would start again. He looked Rebecca's way while reaching on his table to reflect his paddle, and once he'd locked eyes with her, he was sure she'd know--before he gave a slight but determined smile, before his subtle nod--that he was certainly interested in Sebastián.
As the bidding began, the first woman up was attractive enough, but Rebecca thought Sal made the right choice to not go for her. She just seemed too… good to accept what they were offering. Too straight as well. However when Xavier introduced the next man, Sebastián, well… She and Sal locked eyes and grabbed her paddle. How could they not at least try? He was absolutely gorgeous. Rebecca had seen him walking around before the auction, talking to Xavier. She upped the ante. “$1,000,” she called out, knowing money wasn’t a factor.
Sebastián couldn’t help but chuckle at the mini war that had been started and it seemed light hearted enough but seconds after the second bidding, he heard a woman’s voice come in with a $1,000 bid and he heard the soft gasps in the audience. He smiled, still unable to see the audience and waved to no one in particular when Xavier chimed in. “Whoaaa! Wehave $1,000 for Seb , do we have $1200?” Seb smiled again, thinking there was no way it’d go higher than that but he continued encouraging the audience to continue bidding. He could see from the corner of the stage how much Leo was enjoying this.
Keeping his smile, Salvador returned his gaze to the stage, hoping to himself that Sebastián would be open to joining him and Rebecca. He heard her raise up the bidding and the glint in his eyes was amusement from hearing Rebecca do so. He was prepared to take the $1200 offer but someone else in the room raised their paddle and called out the proposed number. Salvador cut his eyes in the direction of the person and subtly clenched his jaw while his competitive streak was stirred. He soon followed by matching his girlfriend’s raised amount, lifting his paddle and saying, "$2200." He was hardly concerned about the money but he did believe that Sebastian should be earned for more than the first date had gone--if for no other reason than he and Rebecca wanted him.
Rebecca chuckled to herself as her partner clearly got so annoyed with the person who called $1,200 that he bid $2,200. That other person was also determined to go on a date with Sebastián and bid $2,500. Rebecca quirked an eyebrow and added another thousand. “$3,500!” If that basic woman who went first could be bought for $3,000, surely the gorgeous man on stage was worth more.
And now a new war had started and Sebastián was amused and flabbergasted at the same time. “Yeah dad!” Leo whispered from the side of the stage and he could help but crack up. His giddiness was very evident and he wished he could catch a glimpse of the man and woman That kept upping the bid by a lot. It didn’t matter. He was sure at this point one of them would end up winning and he would be exciting to find out. $3500!! Holy cow!” Xavier called Seb over. “It’s at this point that we have a little pep talk. Anything you want to say?” Sebastián walked over to his friend and grinned before speaking into the microphone. “All is fair in love and war. May the best person win. Hope you love arepas!” He chuckled and Xavier did too. “Now I want an arepa. Great. Do we have $3600?”
Drawing in a deep breath, Salvador watched the bidding go up. Happy as he was for the scholarships and for Sebastián, he wanted him and Rebecca to be victorious. He watched Sebastián step up to the mic at Xavier's prompting and smiled, not only enjoying what he saw but the sound of the voice that came from Sebastián. Deciding to tempt the outside bidder, Salvador raised his paddle and called out, "$5000!"
Rebecca bit down on her lip for a moment when Sebastián spoke. He had a very attractive voice, too. Her partner bid five grand, and she waited a few seconds to see if the other bidder would try to go higher. When that didn’t happen, she didn’t attempt to bid more. There was no need to fight Salvador for their (hopefully) shared prize.
“$5,000 going once…twice?” Xavier grinned and pointed out to the audience. “Sold to bidder number 96 for $5,000!” The whole crowd almost unison gasped and Seb was completely speechless. Who had that kind of money? Who was this guy? Heck, who was the woman trying to outbid everyone? He was so curious b it also grateful that he was the last date to be auctioned off. “Thank you so much for joining us tonight we still have an hour left so please purchase some raffle tickets and enjoy your casino night. Thank you to everyone who participated!” Bidder number 96 sounded so familiar to Xavier but he couldn’t understand why. And when he looked at his sheet quickly, he caught Sal’s name and he knew Becks was in the audience too. Color him confused. “Everyone please meet your dates in the main foyer for drinks and introductions ! Have fun!” He patted Seb’s back and let him go find his date once the curtains fell. Seb was elated. He couldn’t believe someone would have bid so much on him and with such determination. He was more than excited to meet this mystery man so he made his way over to the main room and looked around for number 96, hoping they’d show up soon. His nerves were already getting the best of him but he remembered Celeste’s words. He was going to be himself.
Salvador knew the bidding for Sebastián would be over after he raised the stakes to $5k. He would be prepared to go for more if someone challenged him but he appreciated that neither he nor Rebecca were outbid. A slightly smug smile graced his lips when Xavier called his bidding number, declaring him the winner. Now came the more uncertain part. He had no idea if Sebastián was open to polyamorus relationships but there was only one way to find out. As the audience was encouraged to mingle and to the bid winners and their new dates to meet, Salvador pulled his phone from his suit jacket's inner pocket and texted Rebecca, "Here goes nothing." Once he sifted a short ways through the small crowd, he waited until Sebastián came into view. Again, he smiled and made his way to the other man. "It’s mice to meet you, Sebastián. I know my bid for a date with you was high, but I also hope it shows how much interest you drew."
Seb only had to wait a couple of minutes and a very handsome, well-dressed man approached to him. He hoped right away that this was the bidder in question and when he introduced himself, Seb was relieved and incredibly interested. “That was…well, I still have no words. Thank you for doing this. I cannot tell you how important this is for the kids, for me.” He then flashed the man a smile. “But your words are flattering considering you’re definitely one of the best looking guys here.” He had caught him saying his name perfectly and had to ask, “de donde eres?” Seb was really about to risk it all with a stranger though seeing he was at this event, he had to be safe enough. He had to be someone his friends knew. He reached for two champagne flutes and offered one to his future date. “Como te llamas?”
"My pleasure. And if all goes well, yours too," Salvador replied, still smiling after doing so. He'd shown his teeth in said smile after Sebastián began speaking Spanish to him and without missing a beat, he replied, "Santiago, Chile. Pero he vivido en los Estados Unidos la mayor de mi vida. ¿Y tú?" Accepting the champagne with a quick "Thanks," to the passing server as well as Sebastián, he said, "Salvador Quiroz. Much gusto. Now, tell me, what sort of dates appeal to you?"
He couldn’t help but smirk at the man’s words. It did make it this whole situation easier knowing that his bidder was already packing on the flirtation. “I’m looking forward to finding out.” Seb set his flute on the small standing table as he listened to Salvador speak. “Oh very nice! I love Chile! Such rich culture. Soy de Guatemala city en Guatemala. Also have lived here all my life. Salvador. Lindo nombre.” He reached for the flute, trying to dust off some cobwebs and took a sip before responding, “A nice dinner. Maybe I can cook for you? Good, constructive conversation. A first date should be a good way to get to know one another. Some wine, music in the background. A dance or two. Do you dance?”
"Ah Guatemala City. Such a beautiful place I've only had the pleasure of visiting once before." He heard the way Sebastián spoke his name and the smile on his lips caused his dimples to appear on his cheeks. As he listened, he sipped his own glass and then raised his brows, impressed, "A home-cooked meal on the first date? Impressive. And yes, I dance. Usually just for galas and weddings but I might make an exception if the date is good." He winked and then took another sip, asking, "Walk with me for a moment? I'd like to ask you something with a little bit more privacy."
“South America is gorgeous. There are so many beautiful counties.”Sebastián couldn’t help but it admire the smile on Salvador’s face. He really was so darn handsome. “Yeah, it’s something I like to do. Cooking for others.” He chuckled at the dance response and felt his cheeks get warmer at the wink. The man was definitely a charmer. Seb took another sip and decided to follow Salvador with his flute. “Sure.” He was already feeling comfortable and hopefully the question wouldn’t be some sort of a deal breaker or something. Like what if he collected earwax or something. No. That was Seb’s fear acting up again. He could do this. “Lead the way.”
"I couldn't agree more." Salvador took in the cooking response with a nod, "That's very sweet. Unexpected to hear for a first date, but sweet nonetheless. Plus, there's that saying about the way to someone's heart." The idea seemed to endear him towards the other man for some reason, and it was something he might possibly be open to, with a couple of conditions. But they could talk about that later. Hopefully. For now, he led Sebastián from the foyer through a door in a far corner, leading to what appeared to be a music room. He sent a quick text to Rebecca to let her know where they were, and then he asked Sebastián, "Would you consider yourself an open-minded person when it comes to people, and your relationships with them?" He placed the phone back in his jacket pocket and looked to Sebastián again for his response.
He smiled, "Exactly that! " Sebastián followed Salvador to the music room and admired everything. When Salvador spoke again, Seb gave him attention, leaning against the grand piano. "I would say so. I'm pretty easygoing. There isn't anything I won't try at least once." He chuckled, curious as to why he had been asked that question. Seb placed his flute on a coaster that had already been placed on the piano. He wondered if this meant if Salvador had some big secret to share. If that was the case, he hoped that Salvador didn't feel obliged to. They were just meeting after all. "Why do you ask?"
Salvador listened intently to Sebastián's response to his question. His answer was an important one as far as the actual date for the auction went. He sipped a little more champagne and licked his lips before giving a response. His fingers were idly tapping with nearly no sound as he said, "That's nice to know. And I like that you're open to try anything at least once." He made slow, casual pacing steps around the music room as he explained, "I asked though, because I wondered if you would consider something for our date, and maybe beyond that if there's interest." He stopped his pacing and stood beside a music stand, glancing at the tool and then Sebastián. "I have a girlfriend. And she and I would like to open our relationship to another person." His gaze became a little more pointed to the other man. "I know it's not common, or rather, not a societal norm since monogamy is commonplace, but she and I have discussed it. Extensively, as a matter of fact. And a polyamorus relationship is something we'd like. If you're not interested, I understand. I'm sure this wasn't what you had expected at all, and I completely respect that. But I'd like you to know that we're both interested in you."
Sebastián kept quiet as Salvador spoke. He took in everything he could about the man. He observed his body language and followed him with his eyes. Seb listened intently, secretly hoping this wouldn’t be some strange admission because he was pretty interested in Salvador already. When he stated that he hoped Seb would consider something for their date, he figured it wasn’t going to be anything that would break any deals. When Salvador caught Seb’s gaze, he smiled but the next admission puzzled him. He had a girlfriend ? In those mere seconds, so many thoughts poured over him and Seb was glad that Salvador didn’t wait too long to add the rest of his explanation. “I definitely didn’t expect that…” he chuckled and finished off this champagne. He didn’t want to be rude and keep him waiting. Seb knew of someone at the station in a polyamorous relationship and they were the happiest people he’s known. He wasn’t some snob or square. Seb had done a lot of “experimenting” in college, involving himself with more than one person but never anything serious. “I appreciate you telling me the background. Of you and your girlfriend having the extensive talks and all. I respect that. Also, makes this whole auction that much more special. “ it really did. Not one but two people were interested in him when Seb spent seven years just hiding from the radar. “Is she here? Your girlfriend? And if the first date is successful and we continue on dating to see how it goes, y’all are gonna have to help me navigate. To be respectful and ultimately adoring to you both.” He grinned. “Because I am very interested.”
Salvador waited for Sebastián's reaction and response. Would he be upset? Outraged? Confused? Put off? Frankly, Salvador was internally bracing himself for any of those reactions. Outwardly he kept his cool and when Sebastián seemed...calm? About his and Rebecca's interest in a poly relationship, he was admittedly surprised. He lifted his brows a bit upon seeing the grin appear on Sebastián face and when he said he was very interested, Salvador smiled, letting relief wash over him inside. "She is, yes. Rebecca's the one who had upped the bidding into the thousands for you." As he explained this, he took his phone out to text her while explaining to Sebastián, "I'll let her know where we are so that the two of you can meet properly." He was a bit nervous but mostly, Salvador was excited and trying not to let himself get too hopeful. He would, of course, continue to love and enjoy his relationship with Rebecca and hope she felt the same way. And if it didn't work out with Sebastián, then they could keep carefully looking.
Rebecca grabbed another glass of champagne and tried talking to a couple of people while she waited to hear if things with Sebastián were successful or a bust. Every time her phone buzzed in her bag, she felt her heartbeat race. There were too many messages and emails from people who were not Salvador. When she finally got one, she finished the rest of her champagne and set down the flute before she sauntered into the other room and stood next to Salvador. “Hi, amor,” she grinned and pecked his cheek. Then she turned to Sebastián. “Hi, I’m Rebecca. It’s so nice to meet you. I know Sal already told you a little bit. Just know there is absolutely no pressure to go beyond a first date.” She was hopeful, but would understand if it ended up being too much for Sebastián. And no matter what, she was in this with Salvador for the long haul. She knew she’d spend the rest of her life with him.
Sebastián was extremely nervous but also excited for what was to come. He spent so much time not taking risks that this was a great way to try something new, something that could be good for him and for Salvador and his girlfriend. Nothing about this seemed transactional even if there was an auction involved. It felt pretty easy which hardly happened especially not when it came to dating. When Salvador mentioned that his girlfriend was in the mansion and that she had upped the bidding, he chuckled. He was amused by how cunning they were. “Tell me this isn’t the most amazing piano you’ve ever seen?” Seb tried to make some conversation as they waited and before Salvador could respond, a beautiful redhead appeared and Seb remembered seeing her in the crowd before the auction began. How could he not? He could not notice them both ? They were probably the most beautiful people he’s ever seen. Should he tell them that ? “Rebecca, hello.” He nodded, listening to her explanation and trying not to seem too distracted by how gorgeous they both were. He held up his hands and laughed softly. “No pressure. Honestly this is like a pleasant surprise. You’re both beautiful.” He smiled. “And you know the same goes to you. If you think I don’t fit the… vibe? No hurt feelings. I’ll just always remember the night two actual gods bid on me for a date.” Seb took Rebecca’s hand and kissed the top. “How long have you been together ? And what are you looking for in your third partner?”
"It's beautiful. And I do adore beautiful things. People too," Salvador replied with an unabashed smirk. He turned and smiled a little more when Rebecca joined them in the music room and kissed his cheek. "Hello," he replied, resting a hand low around her waist. He gave her waist an affectionate squeeze and then lowered his hand away as he watched Sebastián and Rebecca's interaction with each other. "Thank you," he replied to Sebastián's compliment on his and Rebecca's looks. And then he chuckled when they were compared to gods. "That's very flattering, which might get you somewhere." He winked and then looked to Rebecca, "We've been together for five years now. And as for a partner, we would like to have someone whom we can share a complimentary relationship with, physically, emotionally, sexually, intellectually..." he trailed off with a shrug and then said, "Flexibility and clear boundaries will have to be established and honored--what we're all in agreement on, what any of us is uncomfortable with, an so-on. And communication will be important no matter what." He looked to Rebecca to add to the answer to Sebastián's question.
Rebecca grinned as Sebastián kissed her hand and complimented her. She was eating it up. “Hm, flattery will get you everywhere, gorgeous,” she said, looking him up and down. Rebecca wasn’t trying to be subtle. “Exactly what Sal said. We want someone who will add to our existing happiness together. We have a lot of love to share, and that would extend to our other partner. But of course boundaries are important. Salvador could like something that you don’t or vice versa. We also don’t think everything has to involve all three of us. If one of us opts out of a date night or anything, we wouldn’t take it personally. We also don’t play favorites.”
Sebastián grinned at Rebecca's flirtation, already enjoying his interaction with both of them. He could already tell Salvador and Rebecca were a lot of fun and had considered many times throughout this conversation that they had to be for so many of his friends to have known them. "I can do boundaries. I'm a dad of a pre-teen. Boundaries are my life." He chuckled, finding it super important to volunteer that information even in jest. He was pretty sure Xavier had made mention of it in his introduction. "Full disclosure, I've never done this before. But I do want to and will respect any boundaries set forth and appreciate your honesty. It's refreshing." He liked that they didn't play favorites and had some freedom in the relationship. "I'd like to go out on a date with both of you so we can see where this goes? What did you guys have in mind?"
With Rebecca and Sebastián seeming to hit it off, Salvador was quietly growing more thrilled about the possibilities for the future. "The disclosure's appreciated. And you would be the first person we've expanded our relationship to. So all of us will be in new territory in a way. But I'm looking forward to it." He idly stroked his fingertips low along the back of Rebecca's forearm while while his eyes were on Sebastián. "Dinner sounds like a nice first date, but I think having someone else cook for us would be better while we get to know you more and you get to know us more." His gaze momentarily dropped from Sebastián's eyes to his lips and back to his eyes again. "I could arrange for somewhere private for the three of us. And speaking of privacy, I'm not sure if you know what Rebecca and I do for a living but we both planned for an NDA to be signed as something to protect the privacy of all of us. It's not to make you feel isolated from being able to talk to your family or close friends about your new relationships. We just know that polyamorous relationships aren't widely accepted and don't need to see the careers we've built suffer for our romantic interests."
Rebecca got goosebumps as her partner gently touched her arm. Salvador was always able to make her feel amazing and comforted no matter how he touched her. “Dinner and wine, if you imbibe,” Rebecca grinned. “We hope you understand and it’s not a deal breaker for you. It would really just prevent any of us from disclosing the nature of our relationship to the press and general public. If you wanted to tell your child, for example, you could,” she said, remembering Xavier mentioned he was a daddy. In more than one way, she thought. “It can always be reevaluated later when we all know and trust each other better,” she smiled. The longer she looked at Sebastián, the more she wanted to get her hands all over him.
An NDA. He hadn’t even thought of that at all and if he was being honest, Seb lived under a rock dedicated his life to his work and child. He didn’t quite know about the status that Rebecca and Salvador possessed but he would want to now know especially when he was about to embark on this journey with them. It felt thrilling and slightly scary only because he was throwing himself back into all of this and with two people. Once he felt more comfortable, he would tell them all that. Watching Salvador and Rebecca made him want to learn more. Their subtle exchanges, the way they were so clearly in love and how much they were willing to make this comfortable for him — a complete stranger. It was endearing. It was special. Hell , it was sexy. “Yeah eventually I’ll tell my son. He’ll figure it out I’m sure.” Seb chuckled, unable to really keep his attention away from them. “Dinner sounds wonderful and I want to lear more about you both. So, I guess the next question is where do I sign?”
Salvador was giving a couple of nods as Rebecca elaborated further about the date and NDA. The response from Sebastián and his continued easygoing intake of it all continued to pleasantly surprise Salvador. It also made him that much more eager but he kept himself from showing as much and smiled a little, "Is your son very intuitive?" he wondered. "Marvelous," Salvador replied, "We don't have the contract here, but w can bring it and a copy for yourself to dinner. If you'r comfortable with it, we can exchange phone numbers tonight and once the dinner is arranged, then all of us can get together to sign the NDA and enjoy our date. Would that work for you, and are there any particular days during the week that would not work at all for our date?"
Rebecca was surprised, but pleased, that Sebastián was on board with everything. She chuckled when he asked where he could sign. “Another question is what are your work hours if you’re on the Morning Zoo. Those overnights must be murder,” she said. Though he looked well-rested enough. Maybe he just went to bed very early. “If you want a lawyer to look it over, we support that as well. We want everything above board.” It was very standard, and she even had plenty of employees sign NDAs so they couldn’t spill company secrets. It was just different when you were making a possible future boyfriend sign one.
"Ah, my son is a bit of a genius. He hasn't been tested or anything but it's in the plans. He's intuitive and wise beyond his age. Nothing gets past him." He chuckled, shaking his head some. "He's one of the kids on scholarship so this whole thing was for him and his friends." That major fact was another reason he didn't feel this was too strange. Sebastián was less nervous and more curious at this point. he wondered whom he could speak to about all of this. Celeste and Khamani were practically like siblings to him. He couldn't imaging not hinting at what was going on. Not right away but at some point. "I come from a family of lawyers. Go figure I become a radio host." He grinned. "I'll have my sister take a look, if anything. "Ah, well..." He laughed. "I'm at the station as early as 330 a.m. sometimes. I have to be ready to work at 4 a.m. On a good day, I'm out before noon. Leo catches a ride with Xavier and his kids and then I'm there for pick up. Try to sleep somewhere in between. You get used to it after a while."
"Is that right?" Salvador responded, finding the way Sebastián spoke of his son to be very sweet. He liked that. And he nodded hearing that his son was one of the students there on scholarship. From the event itself, he could tell that it was a very expensive school to attend and he admired that Sebastián's qualified not only to attend but to receive said scholarship. While he and Rebecca didn't have any children together, he was finding himself interested in meeting Sebastián's son someday. "It's good that he's going to be able to continue attending." Of course Salvador didn't know how much money had been raised but even if they were short, he'd be happy to match the difference. Hearing that Sebastián came from a family of lawyers hadn't fazed Salvador. In fact, it was that much more assuring when it came time to actually presenting the NDA that he would have anything he was unsure of clearly explained to him. His work schedule and the quick look into his day sounded like a long day. "Would an early dinner be better then? So not to cut into your sleep or time with your son too much?"
She couldn’t help but smile at Sebastián as he talked so sweetly about his son. She never had a desire to have kids of her own. It wasn’t because she didn’t like them. Kids were great when they belonged to other people. She just never felt like she could give a child the attention they deserved. Rebecca was also terrified of birth and knew that if she and Salvador ever did choose to have a baby, they would use a surrogate. “You should definitely see if he can be tested for Mensa. A lot of it is about bragging rights, but it would still open doors for him if he got in,” she grinned. As they kept talking, she was still shocked that none of what they said sent him running. “I would happily have an early dinner if that works better. The last thing we want to do is take you away from other responsibilities. As it is, Sal and I are very respectful of each other’s time and work.”
He nodded at Salvador's question offering him a sincere smile when he said it was good that Leo would be staying at the school. "Yes, Mensa. That's what his teachers keep insisting I do. We'll see what happens! I wouldn't be surprised. He enjoys doing people's taxes. It's...he's a character." He hoped that someday Salvador and Rebecca would meet Leo. "That's very nice of you both." He was exactly surprised. Seb was good at reading people and he could tell Rebecca and Salvador were not only lovely on the outside, they were lovely on the inside as well. "I don't do the Zoo on the weekends so they're pretty open and even though I am early for work, I'm a night owl." He chuckled. "It's just easier that way. As long as I get five hours or so of sleep, I'm solid. But let's see how long that lasts me." He smirked. "So..." He shifted his gaze from Salvador to Rebecca, admiring their features. He reached for Salvador's hands, gently letting his thumb graze over the palm before reaching for Rebecca's with his free hand, interlacing his fingers with her. "I think I can get used to this..."
Listening to Rebecca and Sebastián, Salvador felt his excitement for the relationship blooming warm inside his chest. He was private about his true emotions and deeper intimacies with people he loved, cared about and was even infatuated with which made their conversation in the music room all the more perfect. "I can relate to being a night owl." He suffered from frequent bouts of insomnia but didn't bring it up often and chance being pitied by anyone. Rebecca knew, of course, and if this extended relationship with Sebastián lasted, he was sure to be told too. He invited Sebastián'a closeness and at the feeling of his hand in his, Salvador reciprocated the closeness by closing his fingers around the other man's a little. And as he watched him weave his fingers eith Rebecca, Salvador leaned over and dropped a tender kiss on her shoulder. "I hope so," he replied to Sebastián, lips forming a lazy smile. He glanced Sebastián's way, and then looked to Rebecca, feeling hopeful for the future the three of them were venturing to carve out together.
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catlinaofaragon · 5 days
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( feminino • ela/dela • demissexual ) — não é nenhuma surpresa ver CATALINA CARBONI OF ARAGON, andando pelas ruas de arcanum, afinal, a VAMPIRA DO CLÃ VERMILLION precisa ganhar dinheiro como CORRETORA DE IMÓVEIS/CHEFE DA GANGUE DE LADRÕES DE SANGUE. mesmo não tendo me convidado para sua festa de DUZENTOS E CINQUENTA E SETE ANOS, ainda lhe acho ENGENHOSA e CARISMÁTICA, mas entendo quem lhe vê apenas como SANGUINÁRIA e VINGATIVA. vivendo na cidade há CINQUENTA E CINCO ANOS, cat cansa de ouvir que se parece com ANYA TAYLOR-JOY.
A família de Catalina descende dos monarcas da Espanha que reinavam a região conhecida como Aragão, e aproveitara os louros de serem tão bem conectados à Coroa mesmo que não fossem ser herdeiros. O casal espanhol teve treze filhos, mas apenas Catalina e sua irmã mais velha Dolores sobreviveram até a juventude e por esta razão eram bastante mimadas por todos com quem conviviam e bons casamentos eram previstos para seus futuros. Sua infância, portanto, foi muito amorosa e recheada de alegrias junto à Dolores, que era sua maior companhia. Seriam seus últimos anos felizes.
Quando chegou o momento das meninas terem seus casamentos arranjados, foi escolhido para Catalina o Duque de Parma, Ferdinando, com ligações com o próprio rei da Espanha, um ótimo casamento para a menina, que apenas se importava em manter seu estilo de vida e conforto no luxo. Contudo, sem ser do conhecimento de ninguém, este nobre além de muito rico também era um recém vampiro transformado, em uma busca sádica por companhia antes de sumir da sociedade antes que sua imortalidade começasse a ser notada. Casados em um dia, no outro ele estava se revelando para jovem Catalina como uma criatura das sombras alimentando-se dos criados e esperando que ela se juntasse a ele. Assustada e confusa, pois sequer tinha conhecimento sobre vampiros e o que eles eram, Catalina tentou fugir, mas era impossível escapar do vampiro. E esta foi a primeira traição que forjou a mulher que Catalina se transformaria alguns séculos depois. Seu marido trancou-a por dias em suas masmorras, quando Catalina sentiu que estava próximo da morte e este seria seu fim, Ferdinando a forçou a tomar seu sangue vampiresco e a matou em seguida — iniciando a sua transformação para algo que jamais imaginou ser possível.
Quando acordou, estavam acompanhados de uma mulher ensanguentada, Ferdinando finalmente explicou toda a situação e ofereceu a escolha que Catalina teria que fazer, querendo que ela sentisse a culpa de matar uma pessoa imediatamente. Ele agia com muita cortesia com ela, oferecendo-a sangue e seus aposentos antigos, como se tudo que tivesse feito não estaria afetando a esposa, mas Catalina se apegou ao ódio em seu coração no momento de transição para lidar com o marido. Ela se alimentou da pobre mulher que estava sendo oferecida como gado, mas se vingou do marido assim que uma brecha foi oferecida empalhando-o no armário dos seus aposentos e deixando-o para apodrecer, inda que não morresse - pois Catalina sequer sabia como matar um vampiro completamente.
Após a sua fuga, Catalina viveu os seus melhores anos da sua vida imortal, experienciando a verdadeira liberdade de viver na sociedade, mas nunca pertencer, nunca deixar rastros. Após alguns meses sozinha, ela encontrou companhia com outros seres sobrenaturais, que ensinaram a jovem vampira como sua espécie funcionava e como sobreviver e aproveitar a sua segunda vida. Catalina viajou com muitos vampiros por alguns anos, aprendendo com eles como se misturar aos humanos e aos outros seres, mas sua amizade principal foi com uma bruxa que ela conheceu durante as suas viagens e formou uma profunda amizade até Catalina desenvolver sentimentos românticos por essa pessoa; tão profunda era a conexão que elas estavam desenvolvendo. Entretanto, Catalina ao longo dos anos deixou de ser aquela menina inocente e gentil que ela costumava ser — vampirismo transformou-a em uma criatura cruel que vez ou outra se divertia em aterrorizar humanos com outros vampiros, justificando totalmente suas atitudes na natureza de sua espécie. Essa atitude, porém, levou sua companheira bruxa a abandoná-la, mas não antes de levar o seu anel mágico que permitia que Catalina andasse sob o sol ao contrário dos outros vampiros. E essa foi a segunda traição que quebrou Catalina completamente e transformou ela nesse ser movido por vingança e sadismo.
Com sua liberdade completamente retirada e movida apenas por essa fúria incontrolável, restava para Catalina apenas uma opção: mudar-se para Arcanum, onde ao menos ela poderia viver uma existência miserável após o pôr do sol. Sua natureza não melhorou ao longos dos anos que viveu no vilarejo, especialmente porque irritava-se ao ter que seguir as leis de convivência com outros seres sobrenaturais e com humanos - que para ela existiam apenas para ser joguetes e alimentos para vampiros, nada mais. Por isso, ao mesmo tempo que cultivava sua carreira como principal e mais experiente corretora de imóveis da cidade, desenvolveu uma gangue do submundo com outros vampiros tão sanguinários e rebeldes como ela que sequestravam humanos para drenar seu sangue em segredo nos seus porões. Féericos também eram desejados, mas acontecia bem raramente e eles tinham que garantir que ele morreria de "causas naturais" de forma discreta depois. O sistema dependia de curá-los depois do ataque antes que eles morressem, mas alguns acidentes já aconteceram com essa gangue, que restava a Catalina resolver; mas nunca havia remorso.
Catalina continua sem um anel mágico e portanto frequenta a cidade apenas após o por do sol ou no interior de prédios; isto porque a sua rixa com as bruxas já é famosa na cidade. Existiram algumas tentativas de subornar, extorquir e ameaçar bruxas para lhe produzir um novo anel, mas sem nenhum êxito até o momento. 
C O N E X Õ E S (sugestões)
001. eu adoraria ter as interações com a bruxa que "traiu" Catalina e tomou seu anel mágico dela, basicamente amaldiçoando-a a uma vida de reclusão. é por causa dessa situação que Catalina odeia tanto as bruxas atualmente é uma conexão muito importante para ela. precisaria ser uma bruxa com pelo menos mais de 60 anos porque esse é o tempo que ela já está no vilarejo. absolutamente tudo pode ser negociável, não precisa ter nenhuma relação amorosa, podemos fazer algo unilateral da Catalina com essa pessoa; gênero também é negociável.
002. outros vampiros que estejam participando ou se beneficiando da gangue de roubo de sangue, não precisa nem ser um membro da gangue oficial, mas um vampiro tão sanguinário quanto ela que aparece as vezes apenas para consumir o sangue -- por um preço, claro. e guarda esse segredo, o mais importante.
003. vampiros que não gostam dela at all, mesmo que não tenham conhecimento dos negócios mais sórdidos, mas simplesmente pela má fama que Catalina e vampiros como ela trazem para a raça.
004. algum humano ou conhecido de um féerico que foi sequestrado por Catalina e pela gangue. podemos desenvolver algo como ele talvez lembrando de alguma coisa porque algum vampiro não era tão bom na compulsão , parando para investigar o que possa ter acontecido. ele não tem provas de nada, mas poderia ser algo interessante.
005. bruxas com quem ela teve rixas muito públicas e elas são inimigas declaradas até agora.
13 notes · View notes
psychwardpup · 3 months
wondering, even tho ik you already did 2, could you make a couple more userboxes for Snow White. Maybe like pro para for one if youre okay with that ofc :3 😭 (i am so painfully obsessed and addicted to snow white 🫠)
ofc pooks 🙏 i tried to make the second one as youcore as possible <3
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vanoincidence · 6 months
Power Creep || Van, Wynne & Emilio
TIMING: current. LOCATION: deersprings. PARTIES: @ohwynne @mortemoppetere & @vanoincidence SUMMARY: wynne and van are on a walk to the store when they get interrupted. luckily, emilio shows up. CONTENT WARNINGS: none!
Van kicked at a loose rock, watching as it skipped over the edge of the sidewalk and into the road. “I miss winter.” She hated slipping on ice and not being able to ride her board, but hated allergy season even more. She looked over at Wynne with a frown, pulling her hat down over her ears. It was a little too small for her, and every time she talked, the fabric wiggled upwards. “We should have a beach day once it’s warmer though… even if we don’t go swimming.” She kicked another rock, squinting into the darkness as it hit the tire of a car. 
“Maybe we can collect seashells.” Van wanted things to be normal so desperately. It was easier to pretend they were if she didn’t think about the magic coursing through her, or the fact that Regan was leaving. Though, she guessed one of those things was normal. People always managed to leave, especially in this town. “Do you really think Dr. Kavanagh is going to stay there? In Ireland, I mean…” Would she be back, or would she love Ireland so much that she stayed put? “I heard they have free healthcare. I think. But she’s a doctor… doesn’t she already have health care?” 
“I don’t,”  Wynne said, and though the idea of disagreeing with someone didn’t sit well with them, it was the truth. They did prefer summer over winter, thought spring the best season of all. Especially when the days got warmer. Winter made the clouds in their mind seem heavier. “I would really like that, to swim as well. And maybe we can do something fun with the shells we collect. Do you think we could take a surfing class? Or … well do you already know how to do that?” Their eyes followed the rock too and they smiled at the small collision. “If you want, we can also celebrate the spring equinox together. That’s what we used to do at home too, but I do it my own way now. It’s later this month.”
It was nice to walk though. Even if the skin was so cold that it was harsh against their cheeks. Besides, the two of them had a goal — to get a snack! Wynne was glad to have Van’s expertise when it came to treats. They looked sideways at her as she mentioned Dr Kavanagh. “I don’t know.” They looked ahead again, at the way the streetlights were reflected in the icy streets. “Maybe. I hope not, but maybe that’s selfish.” But if Regan’s family was really like their own, they hoped she’d be back. “I don’t know a lot about healthcare, Irish or otherwise.” They were pretty sure they got it through their current job, though. At home, they’d not gone to hospitals. They now understood people had died when maybe they hadn’t had to. “She is a good doctor to have in town.”
“Surfing?” She shook her head, “no, I’ve never tried that… but I’m sure we could find somewhere around here to do it.” Van was sure that somewhere in Wicked’s Rest, somebody was offering surfing lessons in the summer– she just hadn’t ever looked. “We could try snowboarding, too, if you wanted.” She’d only been a few times, mostly on school class trips, but she always became overwhelmed with the ski lifts and opted to stay closer to the bunny slopes. She wondered silently if things would be different now. “Oh, that’s what–” your cult did – it contains itself before it slips, and Van nods instead, “I think I saw a documentary about that the other day! I think um, that’s what it was.” Nice save, idiot. “It’s too bad I wasn’t born on the equinox… I think that would’ve been cool.” 
“What’s selfish about it?” A part of Van felt relieved that she was leaving, but only because it meant she wouldn’t be thrown out onto the street. Then again, she guessed she could go back to her house, even if she didn’t necessarily want to anymore. Dr. Kavanagh’s apartment was sterile in a way that felt right– it was void of any memories, good, bad– any of it. Though, Thea brought in… different feelings– seeing her every day. She cleared her throat and tightened her arms around her, kicking another rock. They weren’t too far from the corner store now and her stomach grumbled at the promise of hot funyuns. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her be like, a doctor. Only talk about it.” Dead people needed doctors too, she knew. They needed to be respected, and it really seemed like Dr. Kavanagh did that. “But I hope she likes Ireland, but comes back…” For her sake, for Jade’s– it seemed like Wynne cared about her too with the way that they had shown up at Regan’s apartment, expecting her. “Have you ever been to Ireland? I’ve never been to anywhere abroad except for Toronto, but we like, drove there, and it was super quick.” 
“Yes, right? Because there’s beach. We sometimes did some watersports at home, but that was a lake. Mostly a lot of swimming.” Wynne missed the lake, the way the fog formed in the mornings. The squeals that erupted when you dove in in the summer. “Snowboarding? That sounds … cool, but also a bit scary. I’d like to go on the mountains, though. I’d love to do that. Is it still cold enough for this? I bet, right?” They nodded. “It would have been. But your birthday is also special!”
They were quiet for a moment, processing that question as well as why they thought that selfish. Wynne shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe I should just be happy for her that she’s going to her family. And not be thinking about my own feelings or something. That feels selfish.” It had always been branded selfish to take their own emotions into consideration. They had been more than just a person, at home — they had been sanctified, a future savior, a beacon of hope. Prioritizing that was key. But maybe not wanting Dr Kavanagh to leave just meant they cared about her. “I have been to her office. She has a lot of skeletons there. I never saw the corpses, though. I don’t want to.” They grimaced, kicked the same stone after it had rolled their way. “I hope she does too.” They shook their head. “No. I’ve only been here, in Maine. And New Hampshire, a little. I have never been in another country. The world is so big, am I right? How was Toronto?” 
Van silently tried to imagine the life that Wynne had before finding themself in Wicked’s Rest. She’d heard enough to picture it in bits and pieces, but it wasn’t entirely clear. She tried to imagine people who looked like Wynne– siblings, maybe, or cousins, who dove beneath the water to grab at rocks beneath the lake’s surface. “It’s definitely still cold enough for it.” Van offered a smile, brushing past the memories she was re-creating in Wynne’s stead. “I want to, for sure… we should definitely do it.” She was a little nervous at the prospect of falling flat on her face, but she was great at skateboarding! The mechanics were there! “The 21… I’ll remember that, I think.” She nodded, committing the date to memory. It was clear that it was important to them, because this hadn’t been the first time they’d mentioned something about an equinox. 
“I think it’s okay to be…” Van gestured vaguely, “upset..?” She thought for a moment before shaking her head, “maybe that’s not the right word, but..” Van shrugged, mimicking the way that Wynne kicked a rock, sending her own flying to the side, off into somebody’s yard. “I don’t think it’s selfish to feel things. You can be selfish, but I don’t think feeling things has anything to do with it.” She offered Wynne a small smile before shrugging, pulling the sleeves of her coat down so that she was cupping them against her palm. “It was okay. It was for a convention.” She couldn’t remember too much about it. Her anxiety had spiraled tenfold, and now that she looked back at it, she was sure that the melted convention tables had been her fault. 
As they continued to walk, Van saw movement out of the corner of her eye. “Oh, the cemetery is over there… I wonder if Nora is home.” It felt weird, calling the cemetery Nora’s home, but it felt right, too. “Should we go check?” She offered Wynne a smile, before it faltered. “Wait, this isn’t hers, never–” The sound of something scraping against the floor, a body being dragged through mud– there was dirt, too. The sound of gagging. Van’s eyes widened as she grabbed onto Wynne’s arm, dragging them backwards from the fence where the creature stood, taller than either of them. “What is that?” Van asked, breathless, skin now itchy by merely looking at it. As if in some kind of response, the creature dropped the individual by the leg it held onto and leapt over the fence, now standing a foot or so away from either herself or Wynne. “Wynne–” 
“Let’s do it! I love trying new things,” Wynne said, glad that there was another possible prospect to look forward to. They had learned that it were those kinds of things they needed to continue to feel like life was valuable, to keep them from sinking into the dark and depressed mood they were always teetering on the edge of. “Especially with friends. And if all goes wrong we’ll at least laugh about it, right?” They smiled at Van. “Sweet. I will let you know where to be when it’s time! I think on the beach near where I live now.”
They were silent as Van spoke, focusing on the pavement. She didn’t think it was selfish to feel things — and it sounded right coming from her mouth, even if the concept in and of itself was wrong. It was selfish to be overrun by emotions, to feel so deeply that it might upset others. Wynne wished there was another stone to kick. “Oh,” they said, as if Van was saying something completely new. In a way, she was. “I think I find it hard to be upset. I was taught it was bad and selfish. But I think you’re right. I wouldn’t think it selfish if you were sad.” And Wynne was no longer someone special or chosen, so why shouldn’t those standards apply to them? They were here now, in this world. “What did you convene about?” They weren’t sure if that was what people did at conventions, but it sounded right. 
They looked at the cemetery, nodding at the suggestion. They hadn’t really been at Nora’s cemetery home a lot, as they’d always met in public or wherever Emilio was living at that time. Wynne was ready to go in, though. Seeing Nora would be nice — but she didn’t live there, Van realized. And there was something else. Their eyes were wide, pushing deep into the darkness to try and see what it was the pair of them were hearing. They too felt an itch running down their skin. “I don’t know.” Wynne took a step backward, felt themself holding onto Van’s hand where she’d grabbed their arm and took them further back with them. It looked monstrous. Their free hand reached inside their jumper, pulling out the necklace Emilio had given them. It seemed to cause some kind of response, the silver cross and Wynne held it out as they kept stumbling back, a moan escaping from their throat. Something fearful, something pathetic, something that wasn’t equipped at all to handle the winged beast closing in on them with a fist full of dirt.
If she and Wynne lived anywhere else, they could have continued their conversation. Van would have convinced them that they deserved to feel anger, if they wanted to— that it was alright to exist for themselves now that they were out of their cult. Though, she still wasn’t sure that was the appropriate word to use. Probably not. It didn’t matter that much, though, because the beastly figure that stood in front of them now took over practicality on Van’s behalf. 
It advanced on them, and Van noticed out of the corner of her eye that Wynne was digging into their sweater, pulling something out— the hand that was closed around theirs tightened, and she half expected something to happen at the reveal of whatever Wynne had closed in their hand, but nothing did. There was no magical light that poured from the necklace, but it did, however, deter the monster for a moment. That moment was all Van needed for her magic to push forward. The ground at the monster’s feet began to melt, cement running grey around the creature’s feet. It caused it to slip, almost too comically, and Van was stumbling backwards, pulling Wynne with her. 
“I did that, and we have to go— what is that!” She was shrieking now, admittance for what she’d done ringing through the air. She thought about all of the times she had denied such a thing, and how it felt almost freeing to finally say that yes, she had been on the other end of the magic that temporarily rendered the beast unable to advance on them. “Wynne, what do we do!” The melted asphalt wasn’t enough to keep it at bay for long, and it was trudging towards them, steps too careful for something entirely beast like— this had smarts to it, Van realized. The dirt that it held in its hand spilled from the corners of its large hands, and Van shrunk away as it got closer. Panic rose in her chest and Van outstretched a hand, willing something to happen, but nothing did. 
Wynne knew that strange things existed. There were demons and vampires, fae and mares. There was such a thing as magic as well, but they didn’t fully understand it — but when the ground started melting they figured that might be it. The thing slipped, ugly and made clumsy and they stared with wide eyes. Disbelief still washed over them, an emotion so familiar to them that they might as well no longer register it. The world was full of strange things, but they weren’t used to it yet.
And then Van was shouting that she’d done that and Wynne wanted to ask her what she was going on about, but in stead ran after her. They too were letting out a shriek, “I don’t know! It — maybe — vampire!” It had responded to their cross, hadn’t it? Did Van know about vampires? She had made the ground melt, so maybe she did. They continued to move backwards, fear continuing to strike in their heart and striking twice as heard when their bodies hit what seemed to be a car. “I don’t know! Do that thing again!” Whatever it had been, it had seemed to slow the creature down.
But nothing was happening and the creature was upon them now, taking hold of Van and ripping her from Wynne’s grip. It stuffed a hand of dirt in her mouth and they didn’t even know what to do for a moment, so stunned by this action. “Stop that!” They kicked at the creature, which seemed very intent on finishing his task of making Van eat dirt. 
“A VAMPIRE?! Wynne, that looks nothing like Edward Cullen!” She wasn’t exactly upset by the lack of Edward Cullen-ness, especially because to her, he was the least attractive in the family. If the vampire looked like Alice, on the other hand… Van’s thoughts jumped from one medium to the next, trying to dilute the idea of vampires into one single image. If both magic and bugbears existed, then who was to say something like vampires didn’t?
While she really wanted to have a breakdown about it, she knew that now was not the time. “I can’t just do it, it just happens!” She was panicked enough, but that brought on another fear– that the ground might come up to swallow both herself and Wynne. 
As hard as she tried to concentrate– to follow Wynne’s instructions, she was interrupted by the beast ripping her forward. Had her shoulder just popped out of place? The pain was blinding. She let out a scream, but it was soon muted by the way dirt poured into her mouth. She choked on it, kicking against the creature. Her fingers dug into the arm, but it was no use– he was far too strong for her. The dirt in her mouth was rancid, and she couldn’t breathe. She was going to die here, all because her stupid magic only worked when it wanted to. 
There was always something to do in a graveyard. Emilio longed for a busy mind these days, needed the constant distraction that came with pumping adrenaline and hands covered in dust. He was no good on his own, with his thoughts and his feelings, and he couldn’t expect to always be surrounded when the people he cared for had worlds all their own inside their heads. So he fell back on old habits. He stalked graveyards with stakes and blades gripped in his hands so tightly his knuckles hurt, he made himself useful. There was relief to be found in destruction, in the sound of commotion that he knew he could resolve.
There was less relief when the voices causing that commotion were familiar ones.
He recognized Wynne’s voice first, of course. It was the one he heard more often, the one he’d had many a late night conversation with in the hallway of their old apartment building or the quiet living room of Teddy’s house. It took him a second to pinpoint that other voice. Not Nora, not Ariadne. Someone else. He was almost on top of them before it hit him, though given the way he spotted the ground half-melted, he wasn’t sure the revelation meant much. Van was the only person he knew with a habit of melting the ground they stood on as a mechanism of defense.
And defense was a necessary thing here. He spotted the vampire instantly, recognized it as a blutsauger with a quiet string of curses. He didn’t have any garlic on him, and he felt stupid for that. These things were rarer than most other types of vampires — it wasn’t the kind of thing you went out expecting to find. But of course, Wynne and Van had found one anyway. And of course, it was doing its goddamn damndest to turn Van with dirt going for her mouth. “Hey!” He called out, unsure if he was trying to get the kids’ attention or the vampire’s or both. “Get over to me. Okay? Get over here.”
Van didn’t know about vampires and Wynne wasn’t sure who Edward Cullen was and it was all a little bit too much to comprehend and explain, so they just tried to focus their energy on what needed doing. The whole vampire and supernatural things exist conversation could come after they’d survived this. Besides, they had questions about what Van had just created! They hoped one day they’d have to stop learning about things that made their head hurt.
For now, they continued to kick at the creature, their anger and fear both growing louder with the sound of Van’s voice. Wynne watched with horror how the dirt got stuck in Van’s throat and they dug for their knife, the one that Emilio had gifted them but that they hadn’t had to use yet, that just sat in their pocket in case of. The knife they hoped to never have to use.
They kicked the creature again, screamed at it to, “Let her GO,” and then tried to hit it with the knife. It wasn’t wood and the skin barely broke, the knife sliding down and leaving a cut that seemed to barely bother the thing. They roared, trying to take Van’s hand to pull her away but Wynne wasn’t strong like that. They didn’t know what to do and they hoped that someone else was here, that —
And that’s when fate seemed to be on their side for once, Emilio’s protective voice calling out and ringing through their body with a feeling of recognition. “I don’t know how!” Their voice was shrill as they called back. How could they just run towards the slayer if their friend was in such trouble? If she might die? The fear struck through their heart and they looked at Emilio. “Van — I can’t — we need to stop it, I don’t know what it’s doing but it needs to stop.” Wynne pushed with their hands at the vampiric monster again, their knife cutting into some of its skin but it was futile in the grand scheme of things. “Van, Van, can you — pull free? We need to run.”
There was another voice– although grating, Van felt a wave of relief. She’d recalled the last time she’d gotten into trouble with Emilio, how he’d taken care of it pretty swiftly. Would this be like the last time, or would she die here? Her mouth was full of dirt and she was coughing it up as the monster was shoving it in. She could see Wynne out of the corner of her eye kicking at the creature, but it didn’t seem to care all that much. She tried to, too, but she was growing tired– exhaustion set into her bones the more dirt that filled her mouth. 
Van spluttered, nails digging into the wrist of the creature as she tried desperately to break the hold it had on her. Tears streamed down her face, both from the suffocation and the fear. She was starting to lose feeling in her toes, she thought– was that what that was? Suddenly, one moment she was being held upright, and the next she was being half-tossed, half-thrown to the side. The ground beneath the monster began to disintegrate, liquid asphalt pouring over the creature’s feet. At least her magic was working now. Was she about to die? Was that what this was? 
She hit the ground hard, stars scattering across her vision as she coughed up the dirt, hooking a finger into her mouth to scoop it out. Tears made her face sticky and wet, and she could only imagine what she might have looked like to those around her. But that didn’t matter– not right now. When she looked back towards the beast, it was stuck in the goo she’d created. The divet into the earth looked like a large pothole, and then suddenly– a giant hand, grotesque and feathery grabbed onto the creature’s shoulder, pulling it down beneath the level at which Van could see it. 
There wasn’t time for this. The blutsauger had a hold of Van, was already stuffing dirt into her mouth, and it wouldn’t be long before it killed her. Maybe Emilio couldn’t keep it down permanently, but he had to do something, had to find some way to at least save the kid’s life. He yanked his holy water from his pocket, pushing himself as best he could to cross the distance between himself and the kids quickly in spite of the pain in his bad leg, but he could already tell it wasn’t going to be enough. Van was sputtering and coughing and running out of time, and Emilio could push himself as hard as he wanted to but he couldn’t force his useless leg to work. He couldn’t close the distance quickly enough, couldn’t stop what was about to happen. He’d walk away from this with another dead kid on his conscience — or two, if he was too slow to save Wynne, too. The thought was enough to push him a little more, make him move faster but still too slow. He was going to be too late, he was going to fail here the same way he had a thousand times before, he was going to —
The Earth opened up beneath the blutsauger’s wretched feet, close enough that Emilio stumbled back to avoid the gaping canyon that had appeared in the world. It looked like what Van had done back the last time he’d run into her, but… different. Bigger, more intense. Something came out of the hole — a hand? None of it made a whole lot of sense, but it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter, because Emilio was close enough now to dart around that hole, to close the distance between himself and the kids.
He came in as quickly as he could, still clutching that holy water. It had seemed small in comparison to the blutsauger, but it seemed utterly miniscule when held up against the size of the hole that had opened in the ground. Emilio held it anyway, unscrewed the cap with his teeth as he crouched next to Van, between her and the crevice that had swallowed the blutsauger. “You okay? You — Can you breathe? Wynne.” He gestured wildly at them, ushering for them to get behind him, to let him put himself between them and the hole, too. “Here.” He pulled the cross from around his throat, shoving it towards Van. Wynne had the one he’d given them, still; it would be better if Van weren’t entirely unarmed. Although… looking to the hole, Emilio had a feeling Van never quite had that problem.
Wynne was moved by pure instinct only, driven by the fear of losing Van, of this ugly creature killing her on a random evening. They had just been on their way to get some snacks — surely that couldn’t be how death went? Death came for old people or happened in grotesque ways, like a sacrifice on an altar or a vampire’s head being torn off. It didn’t just happen like this, did it? Sure, there were stories of things just happening like this, but Van couldn’t just die, right here, on a random evening when they had been going to get some candy. And so they were trying whatever they could, attempting to pull and hit and kick and shriek – but none of it gave.
And then the ground started to move, something strange happening and Wynne jumped back a beat after Van was tossed away. They watched her cough up the dirt and started to pull at the bandana tied around their neck. Their intention to hand it over for Van to wipe the dirt off of was discarded when they looked at what was happening. The ground was transforming, sinking, becoming some kind of hole — and then there was a hand, a tug and it was gone. The feathery hand and the vampiric thing itself. They stared, tasted the salt of tears leaking into their mouth and let out a whimper.
Soon enough they rushed over, pulling off their bandana fully and holding it out to to Van. Their eyes danced viciously from the hole to Emilio to Van, not sure what to focus on. “Is it — is it gone?” They were crouching, hand placed on the ground and an exhale passing from their lips. “Van —” They didn’t know what to say. Should they address it, how afraid they had been? How she’d almost died? No, probably not – it would probably not be sensible, even if it was the thought circling their mind viciously. “Are you okay? What can we do?”
Between colliding with asphalt and the dirt in her throat, Van was gasping for air. Chest heaving, she held onto her shirt, pulling it slightly as if it’d allow her more room to breathe. She wasn’t dead, and neither was Wynne. Emilio was still talking, and now Wynne was talking to her, too. She blinked rapidly, tears blurring her vision making it hard to take in her surroundings. Something dropped into her lap and her hand splayed wildly around until she felt the weight of the cross. She held onto it as if some sort of lifeline, reaching up to rub away the dirt on her face.
“I think I’m okay,” Van managed to choke out, wheezing slightly as she tilted her head back, blinking away the now dirty smeared tears. Her mind raced from Diana in the parking lot to recently with Regan’s apartment, and now–? Once her vision became slightly more clear, she found the space where the creature had been, where the ground had swallowed it whole. It was left with an indent just as it had been when Diana disappeared, and as when the man in the ice cream shop had. She felt less guilt, less fear about this one, though. 
“I did that,” Van whispered, confirming what she was sure both her companions were trying to figure out. “I did that.” She had saved her own life, and possibly Wynne’s by proxy, but it’d been too close– what if the creature had dragged either herself or Wynne with it? What if Emilio had been trying to fight it off? “I’m sorry– I–” She choked on the remaining dirt in her throat and shook her head. “It was going to kill me, and maybe you, Wynne, I couldn’t– I had to do it, I had to kill it.” Even if she hadn’t exactly instructed her magic to do such a thing, the fear had pulled up over her like a second skin, leading the way to the creature’s destruction. She wasn’t sure what had come up to take down the vampiric beast, but she was grateful for it. How many more times would she feed her demons (literally)? “I don’t know how it– I– I was scared, and then– this happens when I’m really scared.” She looked at Emilio, “I didn’t want to hurt Wynne, I swear.” Because Emilio hurt things that hurt other people, right? Van had hurt people, plenty of them. Would Emilio retaliate? She stared at him, eyes glossed over with fear and regret. 
It all happened pretty quickly. There was a threat, there was a hole, there was a hand, there was nothing. Emilio’s adrenaline was pumping, but there was nowhere for it to go now. Nothing to fight off, nowhere to put the energy buzzing beneath his skin. The paranoia that had taken up a permanent residence in the back of his mind worked overtime as a result, insisting that something else was going to happen, that he’d missed something. Was that tingle on the back of his neck anxiety, or his senses warning him of another approaching undead? He whirled around, glancing off to the side with wild eyes. But the only chaos here was inside his head now; everything else was still.
“It’s gone,” he said, half in answer to Wynne’s question and half in an attempt to reassure himself of as much. There was nothing left to fight. He repeated it to himself a time or two, tried to calm the wild beating of his heart. It was gone. Van was alive and coughing, working on getting that dirt out of her lungs. Wynne was at her side, offering her their handkerchief and making sure she was okay. Emilio was scanning the perimeter like a damn crazy person, half-convinced something else was going to pop out of the woodwork and drag Wynne away next, or Van, or him. Was that something he needed to worry about? It must have been Van who’d caused the hand to appear, just like it had been Van who’d melted the asphalt during the goo shit, but how much control did she have over it? He’d wager that the answer was not much. 
Van’s voice managed to force its way through the haze of paranoia in his head only after she’d admitted to the ordeal, and he tuned in about halfway through. She was apologizing, she was scared. Of him, maybe? Guilt churned alongside the adrenaline in his gut. He felt a little nauseous. “Hey, it’s okay.” It didn’t come out quite as comforting as he’d meant for it to. It wasn’t gentle, wasn’t paternal. It was hoarse and uncertain instead, like a man out of practice with kindness. He grimaced at the sound of his own voice, shaking his head. “Look, you — You did what you had to. That thing was going to kill you. Then Wynne, then more people. You did good, kid. Okay? You did good.”
They wiped at their eyes, where tears of their own had fallen in the blind panic that was slowly ebbing from their body. Wynne didn’t know how to cope with these surges of emotions, but it didn’t much matter — there was no time to stress about emotional incapacity when there was something to take care of. And that, at the very least, was someone they had learned at home. Besides, Emilio was there now, and with Emilio they felt safe. Even if the earth had opened up and strange claw had snatched their assailant away, even if Van was still shaking.
And Van was apologizing for killing the thing and they wondered what it said about them that they were taken aback by it. Maybe it was because they hadn’t known a lot of people who apologized for their murders and sacrifices. Blood stuck to all the hands of the protherians, even Wynne. In this case it wasn’t even a matter of sacrifice, this had been self defense. This had been one of the monsters that should be killed, like the vampires in the barn or the demon their people had worshiped. They looked at Van with wide eyes, “It’s okay,” they said. “You did what you had to do. I’m glad you did. Okay? I — but … I don’t know what it was you did. But I’m glad.” If the world was filled with death – which it quite clearly was – Wynne wanted it to be monsters like the one who’d been swallowed whole to die, and not the people like Van. 
Emilio was also saying that Van had done good and they were glad for it. They remembered the vampire falling on their stake and turning into dust. Emilio turning more of them into nothingness, because maybe that was what best. They remembered Padrig, guts spilling. Jac, neck slit. The creature that had just died didn’t tug at their gut the way those last two did. Wynne nodded. “Do you want to go back home?” 
You did good. 
Van choked on the apologies as they swarmed her mind. She would need to explain this in further detail to Wynne, would need to figure out how to make them understand that she wasn’t dangerous in the same way that the creature had been. In a different way, sure, but different. Van didn’t want to hurt anyone, much less Wynne. Van blinked back the tears, both from the fear and agony of not having been able to breathe. She reached up to wipe away the few strays that managed to fight their way through with the back of her hand. 
She grabbed onto Wynne’s hand, holding it tightly as if willing them to be an anchor of some kind. If Van could feel something real in this moment, it would make it easier. She could feel Emilio’s gaze on her, too, and so she pushed herself up, exhaustion evident in her movements as she struggled to get to her feet. Her hands and knees were scraped and she could feel the sting with her movements, but that wasn’t important right now. 
Home was an option, but Van didn’t want to be alone. Regan’s apartment, though put back together after what had happened that night, felt a little… wrong. 
“Can I come over?” Van asked, stare blank as she looked down at the asphalt from where the creature had disappeared. “Is that okay?” She tightened her grip on Wynne’s hand, looking between them and Emilio. “I don’t–” She thought it was obvious, but she forced herself to say it, to bend at will to the idea that maybe they didn’t want her to be alone, either. “I don’t think I want to be alone.” 
There were tears, though none were from Emilio. He wondered, somewhat absently, if Van had done this before. Not the melting — that was familiar enough that he knew it had happened before — or even the hole that opened up and the hand that thrust its way out of it. Instead, he wondered about the creature he presumed to be dead now, wondered if Van had killed anything before it. How much of the fear on her face or the tears in her eyes were for the suffocation she’d nearly suffered, and how much were for the sensation of taking a ‘life,’ however ugly it had been? He tried to remember the first time he’d killed something, tried to remember what it felt like. But it was hard. It was hard to remember his hands before they were bloodied. Maybe it was better that way. Maybe that was the way things were supposed to be.
Wynne assured Van that she’d done what she’d had to, and it was strange that Emilio had thought that went without saying. He rarely considered things like this to be something a person needed comfort for. No one had comforted him, had they? His mother had praised him if he’d killed something exceptionally well but, beyond that, it had only ever been expected. Van killed the blutsauger, and of course she had to. But Wynne said it like the reassurance was necessary, so Emilio nodded as if he believed it, too. It was hard, teaching an old dog new tricks. None of them ever felt natural.
He glanced to Wynne at Van’s question, though he wasn’t sure if it was for them or himself. Wynne’s house was their own; Teddy had made sure of it. But Emilio nodded, anyway. “You can both come to Teddy’s,” he offered, because he thought Wynne might feel safe there and he thought he might feel better if he could keep an eye on them, on both of them. “You can have… Uh, how old are you again?” Wasn’t the drinking age different in America? In the twenties instead of eighteen. Emilio had been far younger when he’d had his first drink, though, and he’d never cared much for laws, anyway. So he shrugged. “Eh, doesn’t matter. You can have a drink. Helps calm you down. Or… There’s probably food. Uh, whatever you want. Yeah? You can do whatever you want.”
Van’s hand was in theirs and Wynne held on tight on her too, her thumb running small circles over the back of her hand. They weren’t sure what to say just yet, but maybe that was okay. There could be conversation about what exactly it was that Van had done and what it meant later, just like they could converse later about the existence of vampires. (And demons, maybe those too, if they were ripping off bandaids anyway.)
For now, though, there was a hand to hold and tears to let dry. As Van quietly asked if she could come over, they were ready to offer their home. Going to Teddy’s (and Emilio’s – even if he didn’t quite see it that way yet) home seemed like a good idea, though. More space, there, and the slayer could remain to linger in their periphery and make sure no other vampires somehow ended up on their trail and attacking them. They wanted to ask if there was a chance that there was more, as there always had been in their previous encounters with vampires. One look at Van made Wynne think twice about bringing up that potential reality, though.
“Sounds good,” they said, nodding. They squeezed Van’s hand. “Are you … did you drive?” They looked up at Emilio, who seemed to be suggesting a favored solution. Liquor. They wouldn’t mind some at this point. “There’s a bunch of stuff there. We’ll just go there and get you cleaned up and relax, okay? Teddy also always has treats. No need for the shop.” They looked at Van, catching her eyes. “We’ll be okay there.”
She wasn’t sure why, but she half expected Emilio to tell her no. She felt a little guilty for that– thinking so badly of him when all he was trying to do was help. Van leaned into Wynne as they ventured away from the scene of the crime. At Emilio’s question, her brows furrowed. It occurred to her that Emilio hadn’t even said happy birthday to her. Actually, that seemed normal. “I just turned twenty-one, and I like pink drinks.” Her voice shook slightly as she explained herself. It didn’t really matter what she liked or not, she didn’t think. 
Van attempted a smile, but she could still feel the dirt on her teeth. “Do you think Teddy has an extra toothbrush?” Would they be upset with her for what happened? Especially after getting her the ring that was supposed to help? She wasn’t sure. She bit the inside of her cheek as she stared off into the distance, She had to believe both Wynne and Emilio that it would be alright– that the beast she’d sent off to… wherever, wouldn’t come back to finish the job. 
“Oh. Happy birthday.” It was flat, and a little uncertain, but it was genuine, too. Emilio was sure Teddy had the ingredients to make pink drinks (were those just drinks that were pink?) back home, though he had no idea how to go about making one. He’d figure it out, he guessed. Fuck only knew the kid could probably use one, after everything.
He turned to Wynne, shaking his head a little. He hadn’t driven — and if he had, he’d have been on his bike, which he wasn’t sure would comfortably carry three people — but they should be fine to walk. And… stop by a store on the way home to buy a toothbrush. “I’ll get you one. Call it a late birthday gift or something. And Wynne’s right, okay? You’ll be all right.”
Emilio would make sure of it.
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quietlyblooms · 3 months
i'm really itching to write, so i'll be working on bingo sheets and replies, and then at some point, i'll send out more asks! i might be pretty absent from the dash, though, bc i'll get sidetracked too easily otherwise uvu
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littlebutternattie · 10 months
hi! i know i've been mia here and owe replies which i'll hopefully get to in the coming weeks so i appreciate your patience until then. thank you! (´-`).。oO
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#*no hace nada* *dice de hacer lo que queda del trabajo entre clases*#algunos dais vergüenza ajena 😂#hacer trabajos con algunas personas es súper incomodo por el simple hecho de que no hacen nada y quieren hacer todo a ultima hora retrasando#al resto del grupo#🤡#en las expos solo somos dos o yo las que sobresalimos porque claro#si no hacen nada del trabajo que preguntas van a responder del profe#en plan 😂😂😂😂😂#encima las expos quedan súper pobres porque dos no leemos powers y dos si#el contenido del curso queda SÚPER pobre y poco enriquecedor por gente así#las cosas se hacen bien coño!#por eso sudo de la gente y se preguntan porque 🤡#también luego no hacen más que copiar en exámenes#así todos sacamos 9s sabes? 😂😭#yo soy bastante franca con la gente y los profes y obvio se les transmite la percepción que uno tiene de todo#así cualquiera se saca el curso 😊😉#algunos profes otros que tales 😂 en las unis te dan 3 páginas de instrucciones de lo que debe incluir un trabajo para ser imparcial y#que los alumnos entiendan lo que deben presentar#si no os aclaráis ni vosotros no pidáis cosas que no habéis dejado por escrito#🤡 si se plasma todo en un enunciado es fácil sacar matrícula#lo digo porque yo lo he hecho :))))))#las chicas con las que voy al patio lo hicieron genial y siempre que hago grupo con ellas ha salido un 9 de nota#no es tan difícil no leer un puto power y aprenderse 3 líneas#que yo sepa más del tema guay pero hacer algo para no quedar mal macho 😂
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ironlvngs · 1 year
As Link turns around after yet another dead end, they see a glimmer of light - a crack between two mirrors that otherwise look like just another wall within the maze. Pushing it open to escape (since otherwise, who knows how long it would take them to find away out), they realize it must be a back door. It’s clearly not the end of the maze, the mirrors likely supposed to completely close together…only they weren’t. And with the muddy footprints leading away to and from the door on the outside…someone had clearly been using this to access the maze. The question is just…why ??
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puppys-rhythm-heaven · 10 months
today i found a shiny eevee and accidentally killed it and then the game autosaved before i could reload my save. great experience 10/10 would recommend.
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futurefind · 1 year
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"...I don't need to 'relax.'"
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cherryblogss · 3 months
Si Tú Supieras
avisinhos: infidelidade(reader é comprometida), pet names 100 vezes, creampie, dirty talk, fingering, penetração vaginal, sexo oral ( f e m), size kink, rough sex, daddy kink? temos, dumbfication, diferença de idade uns 10 anos, enzo meio manipulador, degradação, innocence kink, power play(?), um pouquinho de sexo em locais públicos, sexo desprotegido (quem fizer o cu vai cair), uma frase mencionando sexo anal, eu não entendendo nada de advogados, no início mencionado que a reader é meio girly🎀 coquette🎀, diálogo podreco pq eu só converso com meus gatos.
notinha: oiii, essa é ideia que eu cheguei ate a apagar dos meus rascunho pq não gostei como ficou, mas ☝️ como não consegui parar de pensar nela dei outra chance, não tenho certeza se ficou bom.
meio imoral mas aq é só fanficagem, also pelo bem da fic o enzo tem uns 36 anos. novamente, não tenho o hábito de escrever fics, então peço misericórdia e paciência 🧎‍♀️‍➡️ editei essa escutando my all da mariah carey and o título é baseado na música da diva Tini💋 Espero que gostem!!!
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Sinopse: Quando seu namorado é promovido no trabalho não esperava que nada fosse mudar, além de ficar cada vez mais sozinha, até que você conhece o chefe do seu namorado que te mostra um mundo totalmente diferente do seu. ☆
Enzo!amante x leitora
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Enzo Vogrincic arrancava suspiros por onde passa. Isso não é segredo pra ninguém. Quando seu namorado de 3 anos, anunciou sua promoção de estagiário para sócio no escritório de advocacia Vogrincic&Associados você não esperava que o chefe dele fosse tão... jovem e charmoso.
Conheceu oficialmente o sr. Vogrincic (que insistiu depois de um oi em chamar ele apenas pelo primeiro nome) no jantar especial pra comemorar as promoções na empresa. Ainda sentia aquele arrepio de quando o viu pela primeira vez, se apresentando a você com um sorriso de lado e apertando sua mão acariciando ela sutilmente com o polegar. Ria sozinha sempre que lembrava pensar ter imaginado o carinho ousado.
Podia dizer que se surpreendeu mais ainda quando Enzo foi puxar conversa sozinho com você, após ver como seu namorado não te incluia nas conversa e nem te dava atenção, fazendo você se afastar silenciosamente até ficar isolada em um canto com um copo de champanhe. Definitivamente, Enzo Vogrincic não perdia oportunidades de ganhar e, ele com certeza, queria ganhar sua devoção. Apesar da diferença de idade a conversa fluía naturalmente, vocês dois falando sobre qualquer coisa que vinha a mente esquecendo todo o mundo ao redor.
Não era novidade que o seu namoro tinha esfriado, nem mesmo saindo pra fazer algo te animava mais. No quesito sexual, você não sentia a diferença. Até no início do namoro não era uma experiência excitante, nunca tentavam coisas novas e quase sempre nem dava tempo de você pensar em gozar ou fazer algo mais, porque sempre acabava rápido demais. As vezes sentia que ficava no relacionamento apenas por ser cômodo e confortável não ter grandes surpresas. Conhecer Vogrincic definitivamente ressuscitou uma parte sua que estava dormente. Pensava nele e sentia sua buceta contrair ao redor do vazio implorando pra ser preenchida, fantasiava sobre aqueles dedos te fodendo até suas pernas tremerem. Nas raras vezes que se viram depois do jantar, você sempre passava boas horas no banho ao chegar em casa.
Para Enzo, a vida já era estressante o suficiente. Comandava uma firma de sucesso, tinha um grande número de casos ganhos e funcionários competentes. Sua vida era totalmente dedicada a ser cada vez mais bem sucedido, o que em parte era extremamente desgastante, então adicionar um relacionamento a isso não estava nos planos dele. No entanto, depois de te conhecer não conseguia parar de imaginar como seria ter alguém você esperando ele em casa todos os dias e compartilhando a vida.
Enzo não enganava a si mesmo, quando te viu pela primeira vez igual uma muñequita, toda bonitinha com uma vestidinho rosa claro colado marcando seus seios e cintura, com um tiara rosa nos cabelos encaracolados e longos dando um ar a mais de inocência. Ele sentia sua calça ficando apertada quando mais te admirava e fantasiava sobre o que você escondia por trás dessa aparência adorável.
Durante o tempo que interagiram, o mais velho se aproveitava da sua timidez pra ousar mais e mais, sabendo que até se você não quisesse ele tão perto não teria coragem de dizer pra se afastar.
Enzo não era bobo. Por ser bem mais experiente, sabia identificar quando uma mulher sentia atração. O jeito como você gaguejava, dava risadinhas e ficava com o rosto avermelhado quando ele tocava seu ombro ao falar. Portanto, ele usa e abusa do charme e daqueles olhos de coitado prendendo sua atenção nele. Ele estava determinado a te conquistar.
Por isso, um dia que você foi deixar as chaves de casa pro seu namorado, Enzo aproveitou que ele se encontrava em audiência, te puxou pra sala de reuniões e te fodeu ali mesmo. Sentia que ele tinha lançado um feitiço sobre você. Nunca se imaginou fazendo as coisas que deixou ele fazer naquele lugar. Deixou o mais velho foder sua boquinha enquanto te fazia masturbar sua buceta se fodendo nos dedinhos deixando ela abertinha pra ele meter depois. Ele te fodeu por trás com você empinada e seus peitos pressionados na mesa grande, seu primeiro orgasmo depois de tanto tempo foi tão intenso que sua visão apagou por alguns minutos. Enzo não podia acreditar como sua bucetinha era apertada ao redor do pau grosso dele e quase o engolia toda vez que metia até a cabecinha beijar seu cervix.
Vocês se encontravam pelo menos uma vez na semana em qualquer lugar pra foder. Já foderam na casa dele em quase todos os cantos, no escritório dele, em hotéis, festas da empresa e até no banheiro de um restaurante. Sempre que te via o mais velho tentava - e conseguia - te foder até você ter que tampar sua própria boca por gemer alto demais. Enzo sempre fazia questão de deixar seu namorado o mais ocupado possível pra poder aproveitar cada momento oportuno com você.
A ocasião que você mais temeu serem descobertos foi na comemoração de aniversário da firma em que ele estava mais assanhado que o normal, apertava sua bunda sempre que passava perto e depois te dedou em um lugar isolado do resort enquanto você usava o biquíni lilás minúsculo escolhido especialmente por ele. As vezes parecia que Enzo tinha vontade de alguém descobrir.
Entretanto, tinha o outro lado dele. Um lado que você não esperava em um caso ilícito. Ele era super atencioso, sempre te trazia presentes das viagens e constantemente se preocupava com seu bem estar e felicidade. Uma vez te levou até uma cidade mais distante aproveitando pra tirar múltiplas fotografias suas distraída admirando os pontos turísticos do local. Ness dia, em segredo, gravou um videozinho seu apontando pra uma pintura do museu falando todos seus pensamentos sobre a obra admirando as técnicas de pintura e sombra. Repetia diversas vezes a gravação toda vez que sentia sua falta. Adora escutar sua voz e como sua mente funciona, se ele pudesse escutaria pra sempre seus pensamentos desde os mais rasos até os mais profundos.
Para você estava ficando difícil manter o casinho. Ultimamente, sempre que chegava em casa era acometida por pensamentos melancólicos. Nunca, nem no início do seu namoro, sentia que era tão adorada e ouvida. O que mais pesava sua consciência era desejar se sentir amada não pelo seu namorado, e sim, pelo chefe dele. Após 5 meses se encontrando as escondidas, podia afirmar com toda certeza que estava perdidamente apaixonada por Enzo Vogrincic. Tentando conter seus sentimentos, passou a se ocupar mais no trabalho e ignorar Enzo sempre que podia. Não queria correr o risco dele quebrar seu coração, já bastava estar se sentindo horrível por não conseguir separar sexo de paixão.
Mesmo que fosse recíproco, o que fariam? Ele iria querer algo sério? E se ele terminasse meses depois porque perdeu a graça não se esconder mais? E se ele não fosse feliz no relacionamento por causa da diferença de idade? Tinha muitas inseguranças envolvidas.
Com isso em mente, decidiu que hoje terminaria tudo. Mandando uma mensagem pedindo pra conversar com ele urgentemente, logo se encaminhando pra casa dele depois de duas semanas sem se encontrarem. Estava com o discurso planejado e tentando conter as lágrimas toda vez que pensava em não ver mais ele.
No elevador a caminho do apartamento luxuoso, suas mãos suavam enquanto seu coração batia aceleradamente, receosa pelo o que estava prestes a acontecer. Só restava tentar se acalmar pra poder criar coragem de olhar naqueles olhos castanhos e dizer que não quer mais vê-lo.
Ao abrir a porta, Enzo te recebeu da mesma forma que fazia toda vez, com um abraço apertado e um selinho rápido. Sentia como se estivesse chegando em casa mesmo sabendo que aquele lugar estava longe de ser sua casa de fato. O perfume gostos dele inundava seus sentidos fazendo um arrepio percorrer sua espinha. Entrou no apartamento, deixando sua bolsa e sapatos na entrada, se distanciando dele até ficar no meio da sala olhando ao redor procurando coragem pra quebrar o gelo em qualquer canto.
Vê a gatinha dele dormindo pacificamente na caminha dela, achava adorável como ela era o oposto do dono sempre sendo rabugenta e antipática, até que um dia ela deitou no seu colo enquanto cochilava no sofá e desde então a felina sempre buscava sua atenção.
"Tá muito linda com esse vestido, cariño." Enzo chega te abraçando por trás deixando beijinhos estalados na lateral do seu pescoço na medida que vai arrastando a alça fina do vestido de verão que usava, as pontas dos cabelos longos faziam cócegas nos seus ombros causando arrepios no seu corpo. Você encolhe os ombros tentando afastar os beijos do mais velho que agarra sua cintura e vira você pra ele te obrigando a encarar aqueles olhos castanhos.
"Senti saudades, bonequinha" falou em um português quebrado aproximando o rosto do seu, enfim diminuindo a distância entre os lábios. Você se entregou ao beijo totalmente intoxicada pelo cheiro do perfume dele e aqueles lábios carnudos. "Fiz sua comida favorita pra jantar, chiquita"
Tremendo tanto pelo beijo gostoso quanto pelo medo da conversa que tinha pela frente. Assentiu, deixando ele te puxar pela mão, guiando os dois pra mesa de jantar que já se encontrava servida com duas taças do seu vinho favorito. Enzo sempre insistia em você sentar o mais perto dele possível, porque gostava de segurar sua mão ou sua perna entre uma colherada e outra. Você até tentou sentar meio longe, mas ele puxou sua cadeira pra perto te olhando com o cenho franzido e a boca repuxada pra um lado.
Vocês jantaram conversando casualmente sobre como estava a vida nos dias que não se viram, mas nunca mencionavam a tensão no ar. A mão grande de Enzo de vez em quando acariciava sua perna durante a refeição, mas você não retribuía o carinho e nem reagia, continuando a postergar a conversa e quando terminou de comer primeiro que ele se levantou em direção a pia. Se encontravam em um silêncio desconfortável enquanto você lavava a louça, até que derrubou a taça de vinho na pia fazendo-a se quebrar em vários pedacinhos, Enzo que estava concentrado só mexendo no celular na mesa, olha pra você assustado com o barulho do vidro dilacerando levantando rapidamente até você.
Desesperada, tentou coletar os cacos de vidro com a mão de forma desatenta, sentiu a ardência do corte antes mesmo de olhar pro dedo. soltando um gemido assustado segurou o dedo que sangrava. Enzo pegou a sua mão analisando o corte e levando em baixo da água pra limpar o sangue.
"oh, amorcito, vou ir buscar um band-aid no banheiro pra você." Disse acariciando seu cabelo com a outra mão."Fica quietinha aqui, ok?"
Assim que ele terminou de falar o celular dele apitou novamente um nova notificação, fazendo vocês dois olharem na direção da tela, quando enzo percebeu você olhando apagou a tela e deixou o aparelho na bancada com força, saindo de perto de você encaminhando-se ao banheiro onde guardava o kit médico.
Você pulou de susto quando ele virou o celular na bancada com pressa, assustada com a repentina mudançade comportamento do uruguaio. Mais medos surgiam no seu interior. E se ele tivesse outra? Isso você não aguentaria, já sentia um formigamento nas pernas e enjoos só de imaginar ele com uma outra mulher. Apesar da devoção que ele tinha por você, não era difícil desconfiar disso. Enzo era um homem muito bonito e, honestamente, insaciável.
Espiou na direção do corredor, sorrateiramente pegando o celular pra tentar ver o que ele escondia. Definitivamente não é o que você esperava. Encarava atônita a tela do celular acesa, processando lentamente o que seus olhos viam. A tela de bloqueio era uma foto sua sorridente usando uma camisa social do maior brincando com a gatinha dele. Seu coração errou uma batida e seu estômago revirou com borboletas. Como iria ter coragem de deixar ele agora? Sentia o peso de lágrimas brotando nos cantos dos seus olhos.
Quando escutou os passos retornando devolveu o aparelho pro lugar que estava e se recostou na bancada fingindo interesse pelo dedo machucado.
Durante os minutos que ele fez o curativo no seu dedo, vocês não trocaram contato visual e nem falaram nada, sentindo que a tensão no ar estava pra ser quebrada com o mínimo barulho. Ao terminar o trabalho, Enzo se afastou e quebrou o silêncio incômodo, sabendo que você não teria coragem de falar nada.
"Então... você pediu pra conversarmos" Encarou seus olhos lindos te achando adorável mesmo irritado com a sua enrolação. "Da última vez que pediu implorou pra eu foder esse cuzinho gostoso" disse com um sorriso de canto por mais que os olhos estivessem carregados de preocupação.
"Não tô aqui pra falar sobre... isso" respondeu desviando o olhar sentindo um calor crescer nas suas bochechas e, inevitavelmente, no meio das pernas pela lembrança. Ainda se encontrava sem palavras, buscando dentro da sua mente o discurso planejado durante horas de devaneios.
"Você disse que queria conversar e pelo seu comportamento já devo imaginar sobre o que vamos brigar" Disse com uma expressão séria, cruzando os braços e suspirando como se não tivesse paciência pra nada disso.
Brigar? Você só queria dizer tudo, esperar ele aceitar e poder ir chorar sozinha no banheiro de casa. Não imaginava ter que lutar pra convencer ele. Suspeitava que talvez ele sentia o mesmo? Sim, mas quem disse que ele iria querer algo com uma ex-namorada de um sócio.
"Acho que deveríamos parar de se ver" Disse sem conseguir olhar pra ele, apenas encarava a rua e outros prédios vistos pela janela da cozinha.
"Ah, é?" Disse chegando mais perto consequentemente fazendo você não ter mais nada pra olhar senão ele. A presença dele expressava tanta dominância que te sufocava.
"É" Murmurou em uma voz minúscula que se ele não estivese tão perto não conseguiria ouvir. O uruguaio passou as mãos pelos cabelos, sentindo seu coração errar uma batida, pois rezava muito pra estar errado sobre o seu sumiço e interesse repentino em "conversar".
"Princesa, se você quiser terminar tudo, vou entender, mas não pense que vou te deixar em paz"
"O que? Vai me perseguir na rua e essas coisas de louco?" Começou a elevar a voz frustada com a reação dele. Ele realmente parecia um louco, primeiro mudando de assunto e depois te ameaçando. Ele pensava que você só ia ceder a qualquer coisa pra ficar com ele sendo o que exatemente? ficantes?
"Você que nunca quis terminar seu namoro medíocre e fica colocando a culpa em mim" Disse apontando o dedo na sua cara, enquanto elevava a voz ficando com o rosto cada vez mais vermelho. "Todos esses meses me olhando como se eu fosse tudo o que você queria, mas nem chegou perto de sequer dar um tempo com aquele imbecil"
"Não está sendo justo comigo e você sabe disso" sua voz começava a tremer com as lágrimas ameaçando cair.
Respirando fundo pra se acalmar e tentar pensar no que fazer. Tem noção que ser bruto com você não iria surtir nenhum efeito a não ser te afastar, decidiu tentar uma abordagem diferente, iria te ganhar de novo como sempre fazia, acariciou as linhas de expressão na testa enquanto juntava as palavras pra te convencer que ele podia te dar tudo o que queria.
"Eu sei que é complicado, mi amor" Testando as águas, segurou suas mãos, franzindo a testa enquanto projetava os olhos mais carentes que podia. "Queria que essa decisão partisse de você, amor. Sinto que por causa da minha idade e, sabe, ser chefe do seu, espero, ex-namorado não seria adequado pedir algo tão invasivo"
Percebendo que seu olhar ficou mais distante, virou seu rosto pra encara-lo e tentar transmitir todo o amor que ele sentia por ti. Apesar de nunca dizer em voz alta, Enzo tinha consciência que te amava, fazia de tudo pra te agradar e impacientemente esperava que um dia você terminasse pra ficar só com ele.
"Não sei em qual momento deixei você sentir que eu te quero mais que tudo, todos os dias da minha vida" Continuou falando enquanto acaracia sua pele com as mãos grandes te olhando com os olhos brilhando de amor. "Sou feito pra você e você feita pra mim, nena"
"Larga ele, chiquita" disse segurando sua nuca enquanto distribuía beijinhos no seu rosto "e vem ficar com um homem de verdade"
Sentindo seu último fio de resistência arrebentando, se entregou aos lábios do moreno. Fechando os olhos, gemeu manhosa na medida que Enzo enchia seu pescoço de chupões e beijos estalados.
"Sou seu assim como você é minha" disse quando levantou a cabeça pra te encarar com aqueles olhos cativantes. Percebendo que você já estava totalmente entregue aos encantos dele, abaixou as alças do seu vestido de verão deixando seus peitos expostos com os biquinhos eriçados.
Novamente, distribuiu beijos pelo seu pescoço até chegar nos seios nus, primeiramente, lambeu os dois pontinhos e quando deixou bem babadinho, começou a sugar a carne mordiscando levemente o mamilo tentando enfiar o máximo dentro da boca, suspirando ao redor da pele macia. Depois de deixar seus peitinhos brilhantes com a saliva dele junto de chupões aqui e ali, te surpreendeu ao segurar a parte de trás das suas coxas, impulsionando o seu corpo pra te carregando no colo até o quarto.
Deitando você na cama sem quebrar o contato visual, Enzo voltou a conectar os lábios inchados aos seus, matando a saudade de todas as partes de você enquanto alisava o seu corpo apertando de vez em quando.
"Vou te foder nesse vestidinho de puta" desceu mais ainda a parte de cima do vestido deixando embolado na sua cintura.
Enzo realmente tentava fingir costume, mas toda vez que te via nua era como ver uma deusa tomar forma em sua frente. Um ser mítico que só existia nos sonhos mais distantes. Seus olhos passearam pelo seu rosto perfeito, descendo pra aqueles peitinhos que ele era obcecado e já até tinha conseguido foder, as curvas da cintura e quadris com algumas marquinhas de estrias que faziam ele salivar com vontade de deixar chupões na área, a linda bucetinha apertada e aquelas pernas com coxas fartas preenchidas com pintinhas aqui e ali.
Enzo chupava seus peitos enquanto abaixava a mão esquerda pra te tocar por cima da calcinha. Acariava com dois dedos a extensão da buceta de vez em quando parando pra massagear em círculos seu pontinho pulsante, sentindo que a umidade já começava a manchar o tecido arrastou a peça pro lado. Você arqueou as costas, gemendo manhosa ao sentir o contato pele a pele. Com a ponta dos dedos, ele recolhe um pouco dos líquidos na entradinha apertada e esfrega nos lábios.
"Acho que ela sentiu saudades de mim, né?" disse rindo baixinho inserindo um dedo grosso, enquanto circulava o clitóris com o polegar. "Porra, só com meus dedos você já fica toda molhadinha"
Você arqueou as costas, gemendo alto ao sentir o contato depois de tanto tempo, continuou a te dedar enquanto fazia promessas de tudo que iria fazer com você depois de deixar ele na mão e magoa-lo. Quando ele já tinha 3 dedos estimulando o ponto sensível dentro de você e o polegar massageava seu clitóris, mas quando você estava perto de gozar ele parava. Continuando nessa provocação por mais alguns minutos, ele deixa você gozar depois de dizer que deixaria ele te foder igual a vadia mimada que era.
Querendo matar a saudade dele, implorou com uma voz baixinha pra ele deixar você chupar o membro dele e fazer uma bagunça na sua boquinha.
"Só vai colocar meu pau nessa boquinha se deixar eu foder ela, ouviu?" Fala apertando suas bochechas forçando sua boca a formar um biquinho, a força que ele aplica com certeza deixando marcas. "Tentar me deixar foi um erro, princesa"
Você permanece calada totalmente imersa e perdida nas sensações, nunca imaginando que seu dia acabaria assim. Com o mais velho te fazendo juras de amor enquanto estava prestes a te foder.
"Tá burrinha já é? Responde a tu papi" Soltou seu rosto pra dar um tapa estalado na sua bochecha esquerda. Sua cabeça vira pro lado com o impacto da palma no seu rosto, se obrigando a responder com um um "sí" baixinho. Não podia evitar sentir sua buceta ficando mais molhada com o jeito bruto que era tratada. Adorava o constraste que viria depois mais ainda, após tudo isso ele iria te massagear inteira e encher de beijos.
Enzo levantou ficando de pé perto da cama, entendendo o recado forçou suas pernas a funcionarem pra ir em direção a ele.
"Não, não." Te interrompeu quando você se aproximou engatinhando da figura esbelta do uruguaio tentando agarra o membro grosso com a cabecinha vermelha babando. "Quero fazer diferente hoje"
Te posicionou deitada com a cabeça pendurada na beirada da cama olhando pra ele com os olhinhos brilhantes de amor e desejo, pronta pra receber tudo o que ele tinha pra te dar. Aproximou mais ainda os quadris do seu rosto, esfregando o pau nas suas bochechas deixando um rastro úmido por onde passava.
Primeiro enfiou dois dedos na sua boca fazendo você chupar os dígitos avidamente. Você rolava a língua deles fingindo ser a cabeça do pau que desejava. Logo em seguida, direcionou a mão novamente pra sua intimidade sensível, acariciando levemente a região te fazendo soltar miadinhos manhosos, aproveitando que você abriu a boca começou a esfregar a cabecinha do pau nos seus lábios, metendo aos poucos treinando sua boca pra receber todo o comprimento. Após ver que estava mais relaxada começou a foder sua boquinha com força soltando gemidos graves com a sensação quente ao redor do membro.
Ele apertava sua garganta marcada a cada estocada profunda, quando sentia seus gemidos vibrando ao redor do membro jogava a cabeça pra trás gemendo alto com a voz rouca e impulsionando os quadris cada vez mais rápido. Se curvou sobre seu corpo, te deixando sufocada de pica, começando a distribuir beijos molhados pela sua virilha até chegar no clitóris inchado, chupando e linguando ele com a língua mole enquanto abafava os grunhidos roucos na sua bucetinha quente.
Sentindo que gozaria cedo demais. Voltou a ficar com a coluna ereta, retirou o pau babado da sua boca passando as mãos pelos cabelos sedosos. Tentava recuperar o fôlego te observando respirar fundo com a boca inchada, os cabelos bagunçados, rosto totalmente avermelhado e cheio de pré-gozo misturado com saliva. Ainda sim você continuava sendo a mulher mais linda do mundo nos olhos dele.
"Até queria gozar nessa carinha safada, mas agora eu vou foder a minha garotinha" Te orientou a deitar mais no meio da cama enquanto ele subia em cima do seu corpo cobrindo toda a sua silhueta, o mais velho parecia prestes a te devorar com aqueles olhos famintos. Grudou o corpo inteiro no seu esmagando seus seios com o peitoral musculoso e colando o tronco no seu, deixando o vestido fino mais embolado na sua cintura. As mãos e o corpo dele forçavam suas pernas a ficarem ainda mais abertas expondo totalmente sua intimidade para os olhos sedentos.
"Se quiser meu pau enterrado nessa buceta carente vai ter que pedir" Dizia pincelando a cabeça inchada do membro nas suas dobrinhas vez ou outra fingindo que ia penetrar. Se esforçando pra juntar palavras na sua mente revirada pelo momento, disse as únicas coisas que passavam pela sua cabeça.
"quero que você me foda até eu não poder andar, faz o que quiser comigo, coloca tudo dentro de mim, papi" Encarou ele com seus olhos mais pidões, afinando um pouco a voz pra ver se ele parava com a tortura.
Ao ouvir sua súplica, deslizou a cabecinha do membro grande na sua intimidade, soltando suspirou profundos juntos na medida que ele enfiava o restante do comprimento, o seu canalzinho parecia deslocar-se por inteiro pra acomodar a penetração. Quando ele colocou tudo dentro da sua buceta, levou um polegar ao seu clitóris pra te relaxar e poder começar te foder. O quarto era preenchido pela sinfonia dos seus gemidos com o barulho de pele com pele. Enzo alternava entre te foder com força e tirar tudo pra depois enfiar até tocar seu cervix.
As estocadas profundas eram acompanhadas do som molhado e gemidos baixos dele te chamando de gostosa com outro elogios. Você só agarrava os braços musculosos deixando marcas de unha, uma mão grande apertava seu peito esquerdo enquanto a outra ele usava pra se apoiar na cama.
"Ele nunca te fodeu como eu faço né, princesa?" Disse agarrando seu pescoço forçando o contato visual. Você assentia desesperada, nem entendendo a pergunta com os sentidos totalmente consumidos por ele, concordaria com qualquer coisa desde que ele nunca parasse.
"Você gosta de ser essa bonequinha na frente dos outros, mas pro papi é uma putinha, no?" Você sabia que ele estava perto de gozar pelo modo ofegante que enunciava as palavras. "Deve passar o dia no trabalho só pensando em pica" Disse com os quadris perdendo um pouco a precisão e acelerando cada vez mais, os pelos ralos da virilha dele tocavam seu clitóris com o movimento de vai e vem. Ambos soltavam sons altos, vocalizando o prazer intenso. Sabia que não iria conseguir segurar mais seu clímax, sua buceta se contraindo com um menor de intervalo de tempo junto com o calor crescente no seu ventre.
"Papi... quero gozar, quero molhar seu pau, por favor" se esforçou pra soltar as palavras entre arfadas e gemidos agudos, passeando as mãos pela pele bronzeada por onde alcançava, prendia os cabelos longos nas suas mãos e tentava sentir o máximo do corpo dele, desesperada pra gozar.
"Goza pro seu papi, chiquita" Você não precisava de mais nem uma ordem, relaxou o corpo inteiro deixando as ondas de prazer te consumirem, encolhendo os dedos dos pés apertando ainda mais o uruguaio contra o seu corpo, sentiu uma grande quantidade de lubrificação sair do seu canalzinho com o orgasmo intenso. Ao sentir as paredes quase espremendo o pau dele, Enzo fechou os olhos, soltando um gemido alto agarrando suas coxas com força ao gozar junto com você.
Deu curtas estocadas deslocando ainda mais os líquidos dentro de você fazendo vazar ainda mais. Retirou o membro da sua boceta dormente e gemeu baixinho, dando um aperto final nas suas coxas assistindo a porra dele sair do seu buraquinho arrombado.
Aproximou o rosto do seu, distribuindo beijos pela sua face enquanto segurava um sorriso bobo, estava em êxtase que finalmente te teria só pra ele. Já imagina tendo todas as suas coisas no apartamento dele, acordar ao seu lado todos os dias, te beijar quando quiser e fazer de tudo pra nunca mais você se sentir insegura ou sozinha.
"Yo te amo mucho, pequeña. Não faria nada diferente se o resultado sempre fosse ter você comigo" disse com aqueles olhos dóceis brilhando de paixão.
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enfim a reader e eu deveria passar anos na cadeia por ter feito isso com nosso nanico
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ttlurking · 20 days
More on the Cipher twins, this time with some angst 👍🏻
Stan knows Dipper and Mabel's parents dumped them on him for an indefinite time with the possibility of not taking them back, he hasn't told the twins yet.
Ford spent those years in the portal thinking of what may have happened to his children. From Stan giving them up to him missing out on so much of their life.
Ford does not immediately clock that Dipper and Mabel are his kids, mostly because he expects them to be in their thirties. When Stan tells him his side of the story he realises that they're his. Cue in a bit of a crisis. He's happy to see them and that he gets to still be part of their childhood, but on the other side he realises he's a 60 year old father with 12 y/o kids and they won't get much time with him. He also doesn't really know how to be a father. It ends up with him and Stan co-parenting the twins as best they can.
The twins can't really bring themselves to call Ford "dad" so they stick with Uncle Ford, while Stan stays Grunkle Stan since they've gotten used to it.
Dipper writes his own journal, inspired by journal number 3. His journal has a small 6 fingered handprint with a pine tree on it. He documents all he finds + updates knowledge from journal 3, referencing it as if he was citing a source for a thesis. He's very dedicated to writing a thorough guide. (Tho it's also his own personal diary.) Mabel also writes in it occasionally. Her entries are usually less serious unless it comes to machinery, which is when she goes absolutely ham. They're a great scientific team, kind of like Ford and Fiddleford. They also have taken to write in code on certain pages, which is what they rather keep private between eachother, like little encrypted messages between eachother. They share this diary often and dipper is much less possessive of it compared to journal number 3. He considers it a joint project with Mabel and trusts her insight on things which he's not as much of an expert on. They leave messages to eachother in the diary.
Gideon ended up accidentally getting his hands on Dipper's Journal instead of Journal number 3, leading him to think he got played though he ends up realising (finally) that Dipper and Mabel have the same 6 fingered hans as the author, leading him to deduce they're related to the Author and therefore believing that they must have the other Journal, which is why he goes after the shack, even more pissed at the twins.
The crush thing with Mabel ends much quicker the moment Mabel expresses to Dipper how uncomfortable she is. Dipper is not messing around when it comes to his sister and he's the one who decides to go speak with Gideon. He still ends up getting saved by Mabel. They end up keeping the amulet as means of defence and also to study it further. Mabel made a sort of watch for Dipper for him to store it in. (She's more than capable of defending herself with her often dangerous inventions.)
Speaking of Mabel's inventions, after the encounter with the gnomes she made weapons to defend herself. She has a glitter gun to blind her enemies, which can also turn into a powerful leaf blower once she's out of ammo. She also has her grappling gun, which she uses also as a stunning weapon. She's also made cat claws gloves for herself to scratch her enemies.
Stan has taught both kids how to defend themselves. Mabel seemed to be the one who's taken more after his teachings, and she uses these skills to protect Dipper, who's much less physically active.
Dipper and Mabel are much closer in this au. They find comfort with eachother's company, knowing that there's at least one other person in this world who understands them. Stan and Ford's relationship fills them with dread, as they do not want to end up like that. The older twins' example does nothing but strengthen their relationship.
Dipper favours Stan's cunning and propensity to lie, respects it even. While Mabel prefers Ford's brutal honesty. Though Dipper has an unhealthy amount of paranoia, which he takes after both of the older twins. This makes Mabel more protective of her brother.
Stan gifted Mabel a tool belt, which she bedazzled and personalised immediately. She takes it everywhere she goes.
Mabel often helps Soos with handyman duties while Dipper stays at the registry with Wendy, he's very meticulous with money. (Stan is very proud of them but won't admit it.)
Dipper has an "adventure backpack." It holds Journal 3 and his own Journal as well as all of Mabel's weapons. He made it after becoming Bipper and unlocking part of Bill's powers, the backpack is a pocket into their dreamscape, from which they can pull out what they want.
Speaking of Bipper, it was hard to separate Bill and Dipper, as the twins were originally meant to be a vessel for Bill.
Bipper had to be rendered unconscious, and Mabel had to go into their shared dreamscape to wrench them apart from the inside, risking of also getting "infected" with Bill in the process. It was their closest call yet.
After this episode their dreamscape has changed, incorporating elements belonging to Bill from his stay there. To cheer Dipper up from the quite traumatic event, Mabel suggested studying these part of their dreamscape to possibly discover a new weakness of Bill's
In this AU Dipper is much more involved with Grenda and Candy, as he's also part of their "freaks club". They teach him how to do makeup to cover his birthmark. But it ends up going the opposite way, with the girls drawing their favourite constellations on themselves to match Dipper.
Dipper is super protective of them, he's the one that hates Pacifica the most, despite the girls being her victims most of the time. He agrees to help her only for the girls. Boy can he hold a grudge.
I personally like Dipcifica so I'm considering of adding development to their relationship. Kinda like in the show.
Bill: "Oh you're doing enemies to lovers? Your father and I did lovers to enemies."
Dipper: "what?"
Bill: "what."
Sorry I write a lot 😅
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 months
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Name: Bug Catcher
Debut: Pokemon Red/Green
Hi Everyone :3 Mod Cat Flopter here. We’re continuing to make our way through the Pokedex with Pokemon #2: Bug Catcher!
Now, strangely, Youngster is not Pokemon #1. We’ll get back to Pokemon #1 later. My mistake! We really should have started with Bug Catcher! These classic bug types have not appeared in a national dex since Gen 4. Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl might be the last time they appear! Wouldn’t that be such a sad end?
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Bug Catcher is anearly route bug type Pokemon that first appears in Viridian Forest, with common moves being Caterpie, Weedle, Kakuna, and Metapod! This is basically the most classic Bug Catcher moveset. Particularly high level Bug Catchers will also use moves like Butterfree, Beedrill, and Venonat. Bug catcher is often seen with a white shirt and net, with blues that highlight it.
Gen 2 actually solidifies this aesthetic, using the new power of the Gamegirl Colour to give him a blue stripe on his hat.
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In this generation, their move pool expands, gaining some existing moves like Venomoth and Paras, but also new moves like Araidos and Pinsir!
Moving on, Gen 3 is actually an interesting case, since Hoenn has the first regional evolution of a Pokemon. The Bug Maniac!
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Bug Maniacs have the Bug Catcher aesthetic on lock, with their nice blue dress shirts and blue rimmed nets but yellow khaki hats and pants as well as white socks and net. The gleam in their glasses is similar to bug eyes, which is a nice touch, and they of course use more powerful moves. As we all know, autistic little boys get more powerful when they become autistic young men.
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Bug Catcher’s movepool is changed almost completely in this generation, using things like Nincada, Dustox, and Ninjask, while Bug Maniacs favor Sirskit, Masquren, and Beautifly! As we all know, autistic little boys become water dual typed when they become autistic young men.
Now, onto the fourth gen!
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This is clearly the highest fidelity sprite of Bug Catchers and drops blue in favor of green in their design, which is very interesting. In the last iteration of the Bug Catcher, they decided to drop the water type foreshadowing altogether… which makes sense, because Bug Maniacs did not make the jump! In this generation, their move pool remains nearly the same as gen 3, but they also learn Kricketot at a fairly low level and Kricketune at a higher one. You could tell, though, that Bug Catcher had fallen out of favor with the devs- In Sinnoh, you can only catch them in two spots (Route 204 and Eterna Forest) compared to early Kanto, where you can catch them in Viridian Forest, Route 2, Route 3, Mt. Moon, and others!
It’s very sad that Bug Catcher has fallen by the wayside. Pokemon was originally inspired by bug catching, so the fact that Bug Catcher has been out of the series for almost 15 years is genuinely tragic to me, and having grown up on gen 3 and 4 games, it was a big part of what pokemon WAS to me, even more than other iconic characters like Youngster and Hiker.
I’ll miss its time in the regional dex, but much like its enigmatic bug type move “Venonat” I’m sure it’ll be in a new game someday. See you next time :3
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octopiys · 2 months
Okay I just saw someone’s Olympic x cod au (and it was so cool) so now I’m asking everyone what their Olympic x cod head canons are.
Okay this is actually really cool
First thought was that Soap and Gaz would be synchronized divers. (I love diving, I did it as a kid but couldn't afford to keep doing it) I think they're built properly to do it, and I think when they win their first gold they'd be over the moon, cheering and shaking each other desperately because they can't believe the news. Yes, they'd be on the same team, as Scotland is a part of the GB team.
I honestly feel like Ghost would do rings acrobatics (I think it's acrobatic gymnastics or artistic gymnastics?) He's got wide enough shoulders, and what he struggles in is his weight class and his height that work against him, but his muscles make up for it. (HAVE YOU SEEN THEIR ARMS AND BACKS??? WILD)
Price is a bit interesting. I'll say he coaches Ghost in rings, because that's what I think he'd do if he wasn't competing. He's also got ties with both the Russian team, and the US team, but one of the Russian coaches dropped the Olympics before Russia was no longer allowed to compete, and is frequently spotted on the sidelines near Coach Price. There were rumors in the early 2000s, when both John and Nikolai were competitors, that they would trade each other's team plans and secrets due to their.... ehem, close companionship.
Alternatively, I think Gaz could be on the cricket team. Idk he probably played it as a kid, and would just end up sword fighting his cousin with the bats, and he's not actually really sure how he got on the team, in all actuality, but he's one of the best by far.
Alternatively, Soap might do volleyball. He just seems like he'd play volleyball. Didn't even realize he qualified for the Olympics until he got back home and saw it on the news: "Local Glasgow teen qualifies for the 2024 Paris Olympics" followed by "Unable to reach for comment". He's in the Olympics quite a few times, one of the youngest qualifying volleyball players in Europe when he first started off.
Alternatively, Ghost might do archery, get famous for splitting his arrows twice in a row one game. He gets made fun of, afterwards, by a mohawked Scot on his team just a few years younger than him, who repeatedly calls him Merida. It... doesn't really help that the stadium fluorescents make his hair look more ginger than usual.
Price and Nikolai do shooting. I feel like Price will be that Turkey guy who gets famous for being wildly comfortable (minimal gear, short sleeve, and kind of bored) during his competition, along with his god-given boonie hat. He's won gold every year since 2004. Nikolai sticks to his own challenge, coming in at a close silver, and ended up taking a break after 2016, when an accident on the range was the likely culprit to the abrupt pause in his career. But, he's still spotted like a celebrity at every Olympic games..... is that a Team GB shirt he's wearing?
I feel like Alex would do rowing (men's single scull), and not be terrible at it. He's got one gold and two silvers, before community work he did overseas took his leg. He then keeps it up, if possible, and joins the paralympic rowing (para-rowing) team. He does significantly better in this category, and gets gold 3 paralympics in a row. He still does charity work in the middle east with his wife,
Farah, who either does fencing, or boxing. I can't decide. She would be incredibly powerful in fencing, deadly accurate, and makes Alex thank God that she doesn't have actual access to swords. Her rounds are extremely fast, but she's amazingly skilled, having been placed on the team when she was just fourteen.
Roach would do water polo, or maybe rings with Ghost. That's how they meet each other, and theres no malice in their relationship at all. The media loves it, especially after his wipeout in 2016 because there was an unforseen obstacle (bug) on his ring, thus giving him the nickname Roach.
Rodolfo would be a gymnast too, either pommel horse or parallel bars. He's one of the tallest competitors in that category, at a shocking 5'8 (173cm) and is beloved by every Olympic fan in Mexico. (his job is pommel horse. his job is parallel bar)
Alejandro would also do gymnastics, but he'd probably do pommel horse or the horizontal bar. He's known for his fiery attitude, once making world news for almost fucking up an American competitor from Texas when he made a few comments after Rodolfo suffered a bad case of the twisties two seasons ago.
Graves is a newer competitor, the same one from Texas. He's not as well known, been around since the last Olympics, but he's got an interesting floor routine that will earn him a gold this year. However, he doesn't place in the all around competition, just falling short of the Mexican team, and one guy from GB. Better luck next year, Phillip.
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
Tie Me Up Like I’m Surprised
Sex Escapades With Agent Peña
(Javi Peña x f!reader NSFW)
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A/N: thank you to the lovely anon who sent in a request for Javi to tie you up with his tie. This one is for you, babe &lt;3
Summary: Your boyfriend Agent Peña invites you as his +1 to a cocktail party at the U.S Embassy in Colombia. You can’t get enough of the way your boyfriend looks in that tie.
~word count: 4.2k~
Warnings:established relationship, smut with no plot, semi public sex, office sex, Javi is the dom in this one, reader is 100% sub, consent consent consent, slight power dynamic (if you squint) teasing, edging, some degradation, nicknames, huge fucking praise kink, cream pie, cum eating, oral (male and female receiving), unprotected p in v, pussy play, cock warming, mentions of smoking and drinking. Once again, this is straight up filth/porn and is NSFW. Do not open this around your boss, or coworkers please. (+18) minors dni !
Songs used:
Tuyo by Rodrigo Amarante
needy by Ariana Grande
Dress by Taylor Swift
Pussy is God by King Princess
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You never had said yes so fast in your entire life when your boyfriend Javi asked you to be his +1 at the U.S Embassy cocktail party. The only two people that knew that you and agent Peña were dating were Steve and Connie. They both did a pretty damn good job of keeping yours and Javi’s relationship on the down low. Excitement flooded through your system at the thought of attending this event with you around Javi’s arm. His arm candy. God, the other receptionists were going to be fuming. Almost every woman in the office had a crush on agent Peña. You had nothing to worry about of course. He was all yours, and vice versa.
You had just finished clipping your earrings in when Javi knocked on your apartment door. “It’s open Jav!”
He pushed the door open then when he got a first long look at you and his eyes nearly bugged out of his skull. “Are you ready cariño—holy shit.”
You were wearing a sinfully red cocktail dress. The length was work appropriate, but still flirty. The bodice was tight and hugged your curves beautifully. Just enough cleavage was peeking out for it to show your wild side while still appearing classy, professional. The hem of the dress fell at your mid knee and there was a small slit going up the side of the fabric. You paired the dress with nude, strappy heels that had just a touch of shimmer on the fabric.
“Eres tan hermosa. ¿Te has puesto esto para mí?” (you are so beautiful. Did you wear this for me?) Javi rasped as he strode into your apartment. He wasted no time to back you up into the nearest surface he could find, which happened to be your kitchen countertop. “You’re so fucking beautiful querida. You’re killing me in this fucking dress, baby.” He grasped onto your hips, burying his face between the sliver of skin visible between your breasts. He licked a sinful stripe with his tongue—
“Jav! Baby, we can’t! We’re gonna be late and you know how Murphy gets!” You threaded your fingers through the back of his hair with a giggle.
“Don’t care. He and Connie can wait five more minutes for us.” He drew his face from between your breasts and despite the fact that he knew you’d get upset at him for messing up your lipstick, he kissed you anyway.
“JAV!” You slapped his bicep playfully as you pushed him away.
“I’m sorry, cariño. You just look too damn kissable right now.” He chuckled and swiped his thumb over his lips, wiping off the residue of your lipstick from them.
“Yeah, and now your lips are cherry red Javi.” You shook your head with a grin as you placed your hand on his chest and pushed him away from you playfully.
“Just means I get to carry your kisses on me all fucking night querida.”
Just when you were about to respond to his vulgarity, Steve had honked the horn from where he was parked on the street below.
“C’mon agent Peña, I need a dirty martini stat if I’m going to make it through this event.”
“You and your dirty martinis.” He chuckled, bringing his hand to your lower back as he nudged you towards the front door of your apartment. The hot, humid Colombian air was already causing the fabric of your dress to stick to your skin and you wondered how your boyfriend wasn’t dying in the tailored suit he was wearing.
He held the door open of Murphy’s car for you, letting you climb in first. He may or may not have given you ass a little pinch before he climbed in after you, pulling the door shut.
“Took you both long enough.” Steve grumbled from the driver's seat. “Was about to leave your ass here, Peña.”
Javi was already reaching into his suit pocket, pulling out his cigarettes and lighter as he placed it between his lips. “Sorry, Murphy. Had to ogle at my lady real quick.” He rolled the window down, reaching over you to roll yours down as well before he lit the tip of the cigarette.
“Oh, I’m sure you did just that.”
Javi looked over at you as he took a long drag from the cigarette and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively in your direction as he brought his arm around the back of your seat, resting his fingertips along your exposed shoulder. “It’s not everyday I get to see her in a beautiful dress like this.” He shot you a wink.
At the event, in one of the U.S Embassy’s many large conference rooms, Javi was quick to head to the open bar for your dirty martini with extra Olives. He returned to your side and handed you the glass, his fingertips brushing yours as you watched him closely. The rim of the glass was perched against your lips as you took a sip. Christ, he looked so fucking good.
Much to your disappointment, your boyfriend was pulled away to engage in mindless office chatter. However, despite the distance between you, his eyes always found yours in the room.
You were specifically watching the way his hands would move to adjust his tie. The tendons in his hands would flex under contact as he placed his hand on his hip while his elbow rested alongside one of the high tables. You could tell by the expression on his face, that he was bored of the conversation he was un-actively participating in.
Your glass was nearly empty as you swirled the remaining contents around mindlessly. You caught his attention simply by pushing your hair over your shoulder, exposing your neck in the most casual fashion. Your legs crossed over one another, heels glistening in the lighting as your fingers delicately held the stem of the toothpick. You wrapped your lips around one of the olives on the toothpick and sucked it into your mouth.
You heard the scraping of Javi’s chair before you caught sight of him approaching you. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing cariño?” He hissed, leaning down over you as you gazed up at him innocently, lashes fluttering.
“Eating these olives and trying to get your attention. Think it worked?” Your lips curved up into a cherry red stained grin.
“Oh, it worked alright. C’mon.” He grasped your wrist in his warm palm, pulling you up from your seat. He didn’t care if anyone was watching the two of you at this point. He knew that people would gossip regardless.
“Jav what are you—”
“Shh. Just follow me. Don’t ask silly questions querida.” He tsked under his breath as he released his grip around your wrist and let his hand rest at your lower back.
Soon the two of you were outside the conference room. The echo of your heels clacking along the smooth tile could be heard, followed by Javi’s heavier footsteps behind you. After turning down a hallway, you knew exactly where he was taking you. Straight to his office.
He was quick to open the door and nudge you inside before he pulled it shut and locked it behind him. He reached under the back of his suit jacket, pulled out his gun and placed it along his desk with his badge next to it. “You couldn’t keep your eyes off me all night, cariño. I was looking for a perfectly good excuse to depart from the conversation I was having. You gave me just the excuse I needed.”
He had you backed into his desk with zero hesitation. “I couldn’t keep my eyes off you because you look so fucking good tonight Jav. Not sure why, but that tie is doing things to me.”
“My tie, sweet girl? What about it?” He was already effortlessly slipping off his suit jacket, tossing it down alongside where you sat upon the edge of his desk. When he moved his hands up to loosen the tie around his neck, you reached up to stop him.
“No no. Let me do it.” Your hands were around his, ceasing his movements as the fabric slipped between your fingers.
Javi was dipping his head down, nudging his nose against yours before he was closing the gap and capturing your lips between his. “What do you like so much about my tie, cariño? Don’t be shy.” He mumbled into your lips while his hand ghosted around the outside of your thigh as he hiked it up around his hip, causing your back to lay flat across his desk. You could hear papers and pens clinking to the ground from the movement but Javi didn’t seem to care.
“I just couldn’t stop thinking about all the ways you could tie me up with it.” You breathed out against his lips, tasting the warm whiskey on his tongue wrapped deliciously in faint cigarette smoke. You were quick to grasp the buttons of his shirt, popping them open so his glistening tan chest was exposed.
“Jesus fucking Christ. That’s what you have been thinking about? You’re so unbelievably filthy baby. So filthy for me.” He mumbled against your lips as he slipped his tongue into your mouth, letting out a deep exhale as he gripped onto your thigh tightly.
Your fingers skated across the exposed skin on his chest greedily as you kissed him deeper, your tongues actively exploring one another’s mouths. Your kisses with Javi were never short of filthy. You loved the way he completely took over your lips with his. “Yes, Jav. Please tie me up baby and have your way with me.” You scraped your nails down his chest, eliciting a groan from the cavern of his throat.
“You don’t have to ask me twice, cariño.” His lips detached from yours. They were smeared with your cherry red lipstick and swollen with your kisses. He didn’t waste another second before he slipped his tie from around his neck as he leaned down over you. “I could blindfold you. Or gag that pretty mouth of yours. Hmm..” he pondered while he stood between your legs. He couldn’t help but let his hand that was gripping the outside of your thigh, dip inwards before his thumb was brushing lightly across your clothed clit. He could feel the wetness pooling through the fabric as he let out a deep chuckle. “This turning you on already querida? Your pretty little pussy has soaked through your panties.” He hummed as he applied a bit of pressure to your covered clit.
Your body lurched forward from his touch alone as you took your lower lip between your teeth. Your thighs instinctively spread open for him as he cupped your aching cunt with his warm palm. “Fuck, Jav. Please. I can’t handle your teasing tonight.”
“No? Oh, my sweet girl. You want me that bad, huh? Oh my poor poor greedy little baby.” He stroked his thumb across your clit once more. “Be a doll and grab the box of smokes from my jacket cariño.” He rasped.
You nearly cursed under your breath from how fast you were reaching for his suit jacket and pulling the box of cigarettes and lighter from the internal pocket. You placed the cigarette between his lips, holding in your soft moans as he continued to play with your clit. Your fingers shakily lit the cigarette for him as he took a drag, blowing the smoke off to the side. “Arms behind your back sweetheart. Be a good girl while I play with your pussy, okay? Just want to hear those pretty little sounds from you cariño. Want to make sure that you’re nice and ready for my cock.”
You tossed the box of cigarettes and lighter down onto his suit jacket before bringing your arms behind your back as he requested. “I’m always ready for your cock Jav.”
“I know my sweet girl. You’re always so good for me.” He kept the cigarette pursed between his lips as he removed his thumb from your clit and reached around you. You felt the smooth fabric of his tie wrapping around your wrists as he tied them together in a bow. “Now, if only I had some proper rope to tie you up completely. I think this will do for now. How’s it feel? Not too tight?”
Your breath hitched in your throat when you tried to wiggle your wrists but they wouldn’t budge. “No, not too tight baby. Just enough that I can’t move them.” Your lips were held in a pout as you looked up at him.
“Perfect. I love seeing you like this cariño. Always looking so pretty for me.” He brushed his thumb across your lower lip, dragging it down slightly. “You want my cock now, pretty girl? Ask nicely.”
“Please, Javi. Can I please have your cock now?” You breathed out, feeling the ache between your thighs continue to pulse.
“Of course you can, baby. It’s all yours.”
With his cigarette still expertly pursed between his lips, he quickly undid the button of his dress pants and pulled the zipper down and freed his cock from the restraints. He loved the way that your eyes would widen slightly every time you saw his cock. It’s like you were amazed by the length and girth of him, no matter how many times you had seen it.
You watched the way it slapped up against his stomach, the ridged head was leaking with precum and you were nearly salivating at the sight. “Can I taste you, please Jav?”
“You want to suck my cock baby?”
Your lips were already parted open, eagerly waiting for him. He brushed his tip across your lipstick stained lips as your warm, inviting mouth wrapped around him. Your tongue swirled around the ridged head, tasting his salty precum. You watched with an innocent look, your mouth filled with his cock as Javi’s eyes rolled back into his skull.
“Fuck cariño. You’re going to fucking kill me with that pretty little mouth of yours.” The tip of the cigarette dipped down slightly between his lips as his hand found purchase on around your face. His thumb was gently stroking your cheekbone as you hollowed your cheeks out to take more of him in. “Oh fuck, you’re so beautiful, mouth full of my cock. You love this don’t you cariño? Look at you, filthy girl.” He hissed under his breath when the tip of his cock nudged the back of your throat.
You gagged around him, feeling tears prick the corner of your eyes as you looked up at him. Each time you bobbed your head, Javi could feel himself stretching out the soft, fleshy interior of your cheeks against his thumb.
More praises began to fall from his lips as you continued to suck him off greedily. Javi was in complete bliss, having you beneath him like this, mouth filled with his cock. He couldn’t wait to fill you to the fucking brim.
He reached down, tapping his cigarette out before he slipped out of your mouth with a ‘pop’ before you could speak, his lips were on yours kissing you deeply as he could taste himself on your tongue. “If you would have kept that up, I would have been cumming down that pretty little throat.” His hand was wrapped around your throat, tilting your head back slightly as he nipped at your lower lip. “Wrap your leg around my waist, cariño and prop your other foot up on my desk.”
He brought his other hand around your lower back, propping you up gently so you wouldn’t fall back. Your leg found purchase around his hip while you propped your heel clad foot against the side of his desk. His tip was firmly pressed against your clothed clit, eliciting a moan from both of you. He dropped his hand that was firmly grasped around your throat, to between your legs. His fingers pulled your thin panties to the side, exposing your pussy to him.
He dragged his tip across your slick folds, coating himself in your arousal before he slowly sunk himself inside of you. He loved the way your pussy immediately gripped around him. Your walls were wet, warm, and inviting and he could stay buried inside of you forever. He felt your heel digging into him from where it was wrapped around his waist. “So fucking tight cariño. Taking my cock so well. Fucking love the way your pretty little pussy grips around me.” He jutted his hips forward, knocking you into his desk as your lips parted open.
“Fuck me, Jav.”
“That’s the plan querida.” He chuckled as he rutted his hips into you again. At this angle, with your thighs spread wide, you could feel him everywhere inside of you. Your head fell back slightly as a moan slipped out as he fucked into you.
Javi’s hand was still firmly wrapped around your lower back, keeping you steady as his other hand gripped onto the edge of the desk for support. More things were being knocked over from how hard he was fucking you. He could see your tits bounce under the fabric of your dress with each heavy thrust.
He silenced your sweet moans with his lips where his teeth clashed against yours in a heated, desperate kiss. He drank in your sweet sounds, praising you against your swollen lips as you clenched and pulsed around his thick cock. “That’s it baby. So good for me. Always such a good girl. You wanna cum my sweet girl? Not until I say” he mumbled into your lips.
In one swift movement, he had slipped out of you and carefully flipped you over on his desk so you were bent over the side of it, your wrists bound behind your back with his tie. You were at his complete and utter mercy now.
Javi had given his cock a few quick tugs as he crouched down, and dragged his tongue across your soaked pussy a few times getting a proper taste. Your thighs quivered when you felt his tongue flatten against your clit. “Javi. Fuck. Please! D—don’t tease me you asshole.” You mewled.
“Shh. Don’t worry, my sweet girl. You’ll get my cock again in just a second.” He hummed against you, flicking his tongue a few times before he stood up. You felt his hands harshly yank your hips back against him. “You gotta learn some patience, cariño. Enjoy the moment.” His hand had harshly made contact with your left ass cheek. His open palm stung the soft skin as your body lurched forward. He leaned down over you, soothing the red skin with a kiss before he bit down causing you to let out a surprised yelp.
“Jav..” you warned.
“Be a good girl for me, cariño. Don’t make me tell you again.” His lips dragged from your ass up your spine and between your shoulder blades. His broad frame completely enveloped around you as he slowly slipped back inside of you. He was less gentle this time as he rammed into you, over and over again. The hem of your dress was bunched up over your hips as you cried out his name.
He let his hand dip under you, flattening across your stomach before dipping down between your legs where his fingers furiously began to rub at your already swollen clit. The building orgasm in the pit of your stomach had your ass arching into him, meeting his thrusts half way as you gyrated your hips back into him. “That’s it baby. Fuck yourself on my cock, just like that cariño. Look at you being a filthy little whore for me. Getting yourself off on my cock.” He flicked your clit faster, edging you to your crashing release.
“Javi—javi! Please, baby. Please let me cum!” You were nearly sobbing at this point as he continued to relentlessly pound into you.
His eyes were locked on where your bodies were connected. With each thrust of his hips, and glide of his cock, he could see you gripping him, coating his cock in your arousal. “You wanna cum, my sweet girl? C’mon cariño. I know you’re so fucking close baby. Cum around my cock. I want you to complete fucking coat me. You think you can do that for me baby?”
You replied with a strangle moan, mixed in with his name as you clenched around him.
“Ahh. That’s it. There she is, there’s my pretty fucking girl. That’s it baby. I got you.” He listened to your sweet sounds of ecstasy fill his office space and his greedy ears. His fingers continued to work your clit as you hit your orgasm with a deafening crescendo.
“Wh—where can I cum cariño? I don’t want to ruin this pretty dress of yours—”
“Inside of me Javi.”
“Are you—”
“Yes. Just fucking do it.” Your walls were still clenching around him. “I’m on the pill, and we’re both clean.”
As soon as he had your full consent to cum inside of you, nothing was stopping him as he grunted out your name. Sinking his nails into your hip as he spurted his hot ropes of cum into your pussy. You felt him coat your walls entirely as he collapsed against you, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear as he stayed buried deep inside of you. His cock twitched a few times before it softened but he didn’t have the strength to move yet. “Fuck Me.” He whispered against your hair, pressing a kiss against the side of your neck.
Yours and his cum was dripping out of your pussy and around his softened cock. You both were catching your breath as the post sex high set in. Javi slowly propped himself up on his elbows, looking down at where he was still buried deep inside your pussy before he gently untied your wrists. “How was that baby? You feeling good?” He softly spoke as he tossed his tie over his suit jacket.
“Absolutely turned my fucking brain to mush, Jav.” You looked over your shoulder at your proud grinning boyfriend. “If you’re gonna stay inside of me like this, mind grabbing me a smoke?”
“If you’re alright with it, and of course cariño.” He grabbed a cigarette from the open container on his desk and placed it between your pretty lips before he lit it for you.
“Mmm. Well, you’re in luck because I quite enjoy the way you fill me up baby.” You propped yourself up on your elbow as you wiggled your ass back against him, taking a long drag from the cigarette.
“This is why you’re absolutely going to murder me one of these days. Can’t just go and say that shit to a man baby. You know what it does to me? Not to mention, you look so fucking pretty, cigarette between those lips, my cock still buried inside of you after you’ve been properly fucked. God, you’re so beautiful.”
You let out a soft giggle as you took another drag before plucking the cigarette from your lips and reached back and placed it between his lips.
“Mmm. You should have brought your camera so you could have taken a picture of me like this. Oh well, next time.”
Javi took a long drag, keeping his eyes locked on yours as he slowly slipped out. He used a few tissues from the Kleenex box that was discarded on the floor to gently wipe between your thighs. He gently fixed your panties and pulled your dress back down over your thighs before he tucked himself back into his pants.
“We should probably make ourselves presentable before we head back out there. Hopefully no one has noticed our absence.” He swiped his thumb across your lower lip, leaning down as he gave you a quick peck.
You both quickly tidied up his desk, picking up the discarded papers from the floor and neatly stacking them once more. You both headed to the empty bathrooms, cleaning up your appearance as you did your best to wipe away the smeared lipstick residue from his face.
By this time, Steve and Connie 100% knew that you and Javi were up to no good as you finally made a reappearance. Your boyfriend’s hair was tousled, and his tie was crooked but at least his fly wasn’t down. Your lips were swollen and your dress was a bit crinkled at the bottom. If that wasn’t the dead giveaway, it must have also been the fact that you both had that post sex glow to your faces.
“Where the hell have you two been?” Steve had inquired.
“Wanted to show her something in my office.”
“Are you—did you guys really?”
“We sure did. Anyway, I’m parched. You want another dirty martini cariño?”
“Nah. I’ll take a whiskey on the rocks please.”
“That’s my girl.” He grinned, giving your waist a light squeeze before him and Steve went to go order another round of drinks.
“Did you guys do it in his office?” Connie asked.
“Is it that obvious?”
“It’s written all over your face babe.”
“We did, and it was just as hot as you’re thinking it is.”
“Damn, I’m gonna need to convince Steve to let me visit him after hours sometime.”
You and Connie giggled together as you glanced across the room at agent Peña. He shot you a flirty wink, causing Steve to roll his eyes in annoyance.
Damn you Javier Peña, damn you.
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Taglist: @chaotic-mystery @loquaciousferret @peterhollandkait @userpedros @meveispunk @lovers-liability @atinylittlepain @777-wonders @novemberrain-writes @cutesyscreenname @korynnekorynne @bearsbeetsbeskar @beskarandblasters @yazsos @soaringcloud @soft-cryptids @pr0ximamidnight @last-girl @kirsteng42 @str84pedro @dinsdjrn @bonglorddaryl @mirasantidotes @dreamingofdaddydin
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sleepyslepu · 2 months
I want to try animating something for your red crescent au. I can't promise anything because it will be my first time trying animation, but i will do my best. If i manage to create something worth showing, i'll let you know. Anyway, could you explain a bit how their magic works? does it boost their physical capabilities, or is it more like spell-based kind of magic?
Oh my god animation. But good luck on it omg, it’s still exciting to hear AHHH 😭🙏
To answer the question surrounding magic in Red Crescent I decided to draw the Critters answering, I’ll write the translation on the bottom of each drawing.
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Translation in Spanish:
Casa de Cosmos - Bubbaphant
“Los que todavía tiene magia se basan en hechizos (Ember es una excepción)
Pero mucho antes de que otras criaturas tuvieran magia, también había algunas con capacidades físicas extrañas. No había ningún dios que pudiera otorgar esos poderes, nadie sabe cómo se adquirían algunas de esas habilidades.
Creo que el Dios de la Muerte tuvo algo que ver con eso. Siempre fue representado como un Dios rebelde.
Algunas criaturas tenían la capacidad de tener mucha fuerza, pudieron curar, tener velocidad, súper audición, incluso levitar y muchas más.
Desafortunadamente, se perdieron registros en el incendio de la Biblioteca Real hace 200 años.”
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Translation in Spanish:
(Ex) Casa de Sunlight - DogDay
“Bueno, yo llevo la magia de la Luz. Aunque los libros a veces la llaman Creación. Puedo manipular la luz existente y crearla.
Los miembros de Sunlight han usado la magia contra demonios, hasta ahora es la única forma en que uno puede asegurar sus muertes. Se la considera valiosa solo por esa razón.
Pero, si afecta mi cuerpo por lo fuerte que puede ser. Hace que mi magia se puede descontrolar que Ember. Me puede poner en una situación de vida o muerte.
Lo odio.”
Notas: Espada de Sunlight + Mancha de nacimiento, el color de magia, “Puede cargar la espada con su magia, brilla un color dorado, quema a demonios y a personas.”)
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Translation in Spanish:
Catnap: “De verdad tengo que hablar?”
Bobby: “Si, su majestad. Al menos un poco de information sobre tus poderes/magia.”
Catnap: “Está bien.”
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Translation in Spanish:
Casa de Moonlight - Catnap
“Yo uso el poder de la Destrucción. Normalmente mis poderes destruyen la vida, pero más se usa para neutralizar un descontrol de magia.
Moonlight es más usado para quitar de Sunlight. La magia de esos idiotas es muy fuerte a tiempos, entonces nos ‘comemos’ la magia tóxica (para que no exploten).
Hay otras cosas que podemos hacer pero no puedo decir hasta que tengo el permiso del Prototipo.
Ok Bobby—ya terminé.”
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Translation in Spanish:
Casa de Ember - Hoppyhops
Kickin: “Hoppy se fue a cazar entonces…yo lo voy a tener que explicar.
Ember puede manipular truenos. O sea lo pueden sostener, dirigirlo y transformarlo en diferentes armas (también son capaces de hacer un poco de electricidad).
Ahora de lo que yo sé son considerados peligrosos. Como Sunlight pueden ser expuestos a tener un descontrol de magia por esforzar sus poderes y cuerpo hasta su límite. Pero—nada a pasado entonces…
Cuando usan su magia se poden en un estado frenesí, se hacen más fuertes que un critter o persona normal. No importa si los apuñalas seguirán luchando (da un poco de miedo en ese estado..).
If there are more questions or something isn’t clear do ask me (it’s 1am I have a feeling I might’ve made mistakes)! I tried to explain it as best as I can (my weakest point lol). Honestly I was being careful not to go into spoiler territory 😭
Some extra information (?): 3/4 of the Houses are holders of magic, they are the last families who still kept their abilities. There used to be more users with elements such as; water, fire, air, earth/agriculture. Including other powers such as the ability to: Control time, gravity, manipulate dreams, and many more.
While the majority of critters and humans had magic, there was still a good percentage of them who didn’t. The Royal Family being one of them established by the four Houses (mostly Sunlights idea).
Random note: Kickin, Bubba and Bobby DON’T have any magical abilities.
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