#The Locked Tomb Tarot
comparativetarot · 1 year
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The Sun. Art by Nico Rabelo, from The Locked Tomb Tarot.
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Has anyone put together a multi-artist Locked Tomb tarot deck? Ive seen various cards which are all amazing and I’d love to throw my money at a project combining of them (obviously including the artists who wanted to be part of it, split wages, etc)
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mariellavee · 6 months
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Hi Tumblr! It’s been [redacted] years that I haven’t posted something, which is rather silly actually. Fixing that.
Anyway, here’s Harrowhark Nonagesimus from The Locked Tomb series! :) Enjoy!
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onefleshonepod · 3 months
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Nona leant into her and said, “Thanks. I love you too, Camilla,” and: “Do you know who I am yet?”
Beyond the fact that this scene instantly came to mind — a parallel to the Rider-Waite tarot card with a figure merrily walking off a cliff, white dog trotting at their heels — when I thought of this card, Nona as a character works perfectly for The Fool.
On both literal and metaphorical levels, she is experiencing life for the first time. Her existence represents a new beginning for the series, with a new unanticipated book exploring new people and new stories.
Her innocence, however, sees her delve several times into the reversed meaning of the card: taking on tasks she can't fully comprehend, throwing eldritch tantrums, and making naïve mistakes and misunderstandings which drive the plot.
The jig was finally up. [...] “Nona,” said Palamedes [...] “that was very important information—information that changes everything—[…] and the type of information Camilla and I personally trusted you to prioritise.” This was too much to bear. “I’ve had things to think about,” Nona wailed. “I didn’t want to get in trouble.”
ID: A digital collage of "The Fool” tarot card as Nona from the Locked Tomb series. The design parallels the Rider-Waite Fool card. Nona, dressed in a yellow raincoat and respirator, is stepping off the edge of a cliff with Noodle at her heels. A destroyed city is in the background in tones of orange and purple, and Varun the Eater is a bright blue orb in the top right corner of the smoggy yellow sky. Nona’s outfit is from illustrations by Holly Hobbie, Lou Rogers, Howard Smith, and Henry Hintermeister. The cliff is from Brunhilde by Arthur Rackham. The city images are photos of 1940s Warsaw. Noodle is from a painting by Cecil Aldin, with some added legs. The left side of the card shows the upright meaning of The Fool and reads, “Beginnings | Innocence | Leap of Faith | Spontaneity | Idealism" in all caps. The right side of the card shows the reversed reading and reads "Chaos | Foolishness | Naïveté | Poor Judgment | Gullibility" in all caps. The base of the card reads "The Fool | Nona" in a groovy font.
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crowsandtrinkets · 2 months
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Another sketch for a potential Locked Tomb tattoo 💀
I'm happy with the central piece but less with the tarot style background but oh well
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sporkart · 1 year
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Gideon the Ninth, Knight of Swords.
(process gif under the cut, please click on the image for better quality 🙏)
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sleeves-art · 2 months
the fool
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Rune Saint-John- The Tarot Sequence by KD Edwards
Ianthe Tridenarius- The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir
Nico di Angelo- Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan
Thomas Lightwood- The Last Hours by Cassandra Clare
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niff-of-draws · 10 months
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heartbreaking: worst person you know just became god
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ghost-in-the-hella · 1 year
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It's that damn time again. Day one: "Fool" from the Knightober prompt list, featuring Nona from the Locked Tomb book series.
I know virtually nothing about tarot cards, but it seemed appropriate enough based on, like, five minutes of "research". ^_^'
[Image description: Digital illustration in the style of a classic tarot card representing "The Fool." The figure of the fool is Nona from the Locked Tomb in her attire from the cover of Nona the Ninth (hamburger t-shirt, oversized trench coat hanging off her arms). The fool's stick and bindle is replaced with a longsword slung over one shoulder and the rose is replaced with a vertebra. The dog is represented by Noodle, the six-legged dog. The mountains are replaced by sweeping sand dunes and the ocean. The sun is replaced by Varun the Eater. End of image description.]
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comparativetarot · 1 year
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The Devil. Art by Nico Rabelo, from The Locked Tomb Tarot.
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hobiinobs · 3 months
This is absolutely based on my very limited understanding of Tarot, but I thought it might be fun to map characters from The Locked Tomb on to the major arcana. Please if you disagree tell me who you would put where.
0 - The Fool - Paul
I - The Magician - Augustine The First
II - The High Priestess - Cytherea The First
III - The Empress - Mercymorn The First
IV - The Emperor - John Gaius
V - The Hierophant - Gideon The First
VI - The Lovers - Camilla & Palamedes
VII - The Chariot - Coronabeth Tridentarius
VIII - Strength - Pyrrha Dve
IX - The Hermit - Ortus Nigenad
X - The Wheel of Fortune - The Resurrection Beasts
XI - Justice - We Suffer
XII - The Hanged Man - Gideon Nav
XIII - Death - Harrowhark Nonagesimus
XIV - Temperance - Dulcinea Septimus
XV - The Devil - Ianthe Tridentarius
XVI - The Tower - Commander Wake
XVII - The Star - Abigail Pent
XVIII - The Moon - Anastasia The First
XIX - The Sun - Kiriona Gaia
XX - Judgment - Alecto
XXI - The World - Nona
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mariellavee · 5 months
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Utterly blown away by the kind words and responses to the previous Harrow piece everyone! ❤️
Here’s the matching Gideon Nav, in the same Alphonse Mucha x The Locked Tomb series! (I know, armour isn’t strictly canon, but it’s badass, so yeah. No apologies) Enjoy!
PS: Both this and Harrow will be available in 11” x 17” print form at Otafest this upcoming weekend! (I’ll be at the charity Sketch Drive all three days)! If you’re planning on coming out to the Con, stop by and say hi! :)
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onefleshonepod · 3 months
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ID: A digital collage of "The Emperor” tarot card as John from the Locked Tomb series. The card shows a daguerrotype portrait of John framed in wood at a bone altar flanked by cow skulls and books. John is a bearded Māori man wearing the Lyctoral robes of office and a crown of finger bones. Below the shrine are images of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. In the background is an abstract halo of yellow, pink, and blue, from The Womb of the Universe by Delta Venus. John’s image is from a photograph in the collection of Te Papa of an unknown Māori man from the 1870s. The bone altar is from the Sedlec Ossuary in Prague. The left side of the card shows the upright meaning of The Emperor and reads, “Authority | Structure | Control | Fatherhood | Stability | Law | Leadership | Power” in all caps. The right side of the card shows the reversed reading and reads “Tyranny | Rigidity | Coldness | Stubbornness | Manipulation | Loss of Authority” in all caps. The base of the card reads "The Emperor | John” in a retro 1970s-style font. Before “John” is a list of his titles in smaller text: “His Celestial Kindliness, The First Reborn, King of the Nine Renewals, Our Resurrector, and the Necrolord Prime, the Emperor of the Nine Houses.”
I paired the design for this card with my design for the Empress card, inspired by the “portrait of the Emperor as Kindly Master” in Silas’ rooms in Canaan House, and the “waterproof portrait of the Emperor, here portrayed as the Merciful Resurrector” from Tamsyn Muir’s house sorting quiz. I imagined this scene as a necromancer's altar. The cow skulls are a nod to the ram skulls adorning the Emperor's throne in the Rider-Waite-Smith card, tweaked slightly to fit John's story. The Very Hungry Caterpillar was referenced in Nona the Ninth in John’s narrative of his apotheosis and is also an apt metaphor for empire.
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frenzyarts · 9 months
I am incredibly interested in your Harrow Tarot card wip 👀👀👀
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Lots of Harrow Enjoyers :D so the story behind this piece is that I was going to make some Locked Tomb tarot cards to sell on Etsy. I really like the card back I came up with, but for whatever reason I really struggled with drawing the front. Something about Harrow’s eyes look off and the whole thing looks really stiff. I’m a perfectionist and refuse to put out a product that I’m not happy with, so this is going back to the drawing board
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Harrow was based off The High Priestess of course :3
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going-loud · 4 months
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so we all know i'm horrible at posting consistently on any social media but its especially worse on tumblr and for that i apologize Dx
but ive been reworking all my tarot prints lately to incorporate the new border that i used on the Lovers card! these might be blurry bc i had to resize them for the internet to be happy but i promise the prints are high quality haha
i've been posting a lot more on my instagram (@henriheffronstudio) because im selling stickers on my etsy and i have more traffic there than here, which is really my own fault bc i never post here but anyway
if anyone is interested in just checking out my etsy shop, i'll link it below! i'm also selling certain stickers as a fundraiser for the PCRF to help children in Palestine, so definitely check those out if you want! I'm also hoping to continue my tarot series soon now that i've finally reworked all of my old ones, so look out for that sometime in the not so immediate future (we all know i'm gonna forget to post it)
etsy: etsy.com/shop/henriheffronstudio
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