#The Julian Diet
elsyrel · 2 years
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That's unhygienic, Julian
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thebooshthatdare · 4 months
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The Mighty Boosh
Interview for Impose Magazine 5 August 2009
[referring to S3E5 Party]
J: It breaks a lot of rules in terms of double acts.
N: It's really crossing the line, there's no way you should kiss your double act partner 'cause it's that sexual tension that keeps you going.
J: And what happens when you lose that?
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neuroticboyfriend · 9 months
between my parents telling me incessantly to lose weight and eat less (despite me telling them repeatedly to stop), and my sister going on a new year's calorie-restriction low fat/sodium etc. diet (with her boyfriend no less)... i am feeling incredibly triggered. i'm sick and i am so hungry but i feel guilty every time i eat.
whenever i haven't eaten a lot my dad tells me that's good. whenever i'm hungry and go for 2nds my dad tells me to stop. whenever i have a medical issue and need my parents' help, my dad refuses to help me and tears me apart, telling me i need to stop thinking about these things so much/letting my pain stop me and i just need to lose weight.
i just wanna shrivel up in a ball and cry. they really treat me like i'm just crazy and there's nothing physically wrong with me except for my weight and diet.
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I am not a murderer... Okay, technically i am. Not even technically. Literally. But i refuse to be defined by the one time i murdered someone.
Julian, after his accidental fascist era
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sid3buns · 1 month
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Julian & Charles on a walk when they're back home (Julian is on the Parisian breakfast diet)
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Julian's modern day diet being instant noodles and frozen meals
Him crashing the nurse's station to boil water for his instant coffee, to the point that he's become the equivalent of a cryptid to the med students doing their residencies
You haven't really become a true part of the hospital until you've had the fear of god put into you by wandering bleary-eyed into the break room at 2 AM, only to see a gangly 6'4 sleep paralysis demon staring absentmindedly into the abyss of an instant coffee packet, somehow reaching a new stage of enlightenment to the meditative sounds of the sputtering microwave and ancient electric kettle
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whencyclopedia · 5 months
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Childbirth in Ancient Rome
Childbirth in ancient Rome was considered the main purpose of marriage. Roman girls married in their early teens, and in elite society, some married before they reached puberty. The legal age for marriage was 12 for a girl; 15 was accepted as being an age fit for conception.
The ability to produce a family was also an explicit political concern in Roman society. Emperor Augustus (r. 27 BCE to 14CE) was particularly troubled by the declining birth rate, especially amongst the upper classes, when he promoted legislation, the Julian Laws in 18 BCE and the Papia-Poppaean Laws in 9 CE, which included measures to promote marriage and reward freeborn women who had more than three children.
Risks & Mortality
There were many risks involved during pregnancy both for mother and child; Pliny the Younger (61 to c. 113 CE) in his Epistulae highlights those risks when he writes of his own young wife, who did not realise that she was pregnant and failed to take certain precautions resulting in her suffering a miscarriage and being gravely ill (8.10). He also writes of the tragedy of two young sisters whom he knew, who both died giving birth (Epist. 4.21.1-3). For any pregnant young girl in labour, physical immaturity could have an adverse effect on the possibility of a normal birth; the remains of a 16-year-old pregnant female discovered in Herculaneum, buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, indicates that this girl may have died anyway struggling to give birth because her immature pelvis was too narrow.
The rates of child mortality at birth or in the first five years of life were high with one in three children dying in their first year, many within the first few weeks. Fronto (95-166 CE), the tutor of Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (r. 161-180 CE), tells of his own personal experience of having lost five children, losing each one separately, each one being born at a time when he bereaved another (1.2 Fronto, To Antoninus Augustus ii. 1-2). To counteract mortality rates, fertility rates needed to be high, a woman in antiquity on average gave birth five or six times as some of those children would not survive. Certainly, the cases of maternal and infant mortality would have varied with the socio-economic classes in Roman society; families in the lower classes had to cope with hardship and poverty, and for the newborn, the risks of infant mortality were compounded by poor diet, poor sanitation, and poor medical knowledge.
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marienoirbel · 6 months
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I can't fucking stop drawing her wtf
Anyways Margo's stanked form (might change it later)
She can stank other students for a short amount of time. Yes this is a reference to the fact she stinks and smells weird
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Been planning with my friends about how I would introduce her to the show and thought abt her showing up on a Valentine's day special where maybe she asks Randy to send a mysterious letter to Julian but he fucks up and everyone on the school reads it and starts making fun of her and yeah
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And also Julian doesn't even know who the fuck she is bc she's a weird girl who just watches Julian from afar (in not a creepy/stalker way ofc/j)
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Oh and also I was joking around about the fact that her diet consists of mostly McFist's trash and she barely drinks water and she might not be affected by the contaminated water on "Winner Takes Ball" bc well she barely even bathes or drinks water lololol. While she isn't zombified she talks to Julian through a mirror idk he might be so bored
Oh and also
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saibugslegacy · 11 days
Percival Valley Ask Game
Because of my foolishness I am now committed to make these with all my MCs so here we go. Questions by @rypnami
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1) if your mc was an animagus, what would their form be? if they are, what is their form?
I genuinely have no idea for Percival. Maybe a horse?
2) if they could choose what animagus form they would take, would it be the same? or would they want to have a different animal form?
Percival would choose to not be an animagus because he has enough to worry about and the process is a lot of work
3) does your mc have a favourite colour? why is it their favourite?
Purple! No reason, he just really likes it. Idris is definitely lucky it's purple though considering his hair is stuck that way
4) in a modern au, would your mc use social media? what would their preferred platform be? why is if their preferred one?
Probably Reddit and Twitter if I'm being honest with myself
5) did you consult wand lore when choosing their wand? if so, why did you pick what you did? if not, would you ever change wand details to match your mc?
I did! Percival has the most main character wand ever: elder wood and phoenix feather. Elder wood is ridiculously powerful and rare, and apparently the users are marked for a “special destiny”. Phoenix feather is mainly to allude to his patronus being a phoenix
6) what is your mc’s diet? are they vegan, vegetarian, do they eat whatever? Why?
He's a fairly picky eater because he has a lot of sensory issues around food but otherwise no special diet
7) what is your mc’s backstory as to why they didn’t join hogwarts until 5th year? or did you retcon that part of the story when creating them?
Percival (and Idris) didnt go to Hogwarts because their father kept sending the letters back with the reply saying his children would not be attending. Then he died and the twins were stuck in an orphanage. Professor Fig personally showed up to tell them about Hogwarts and magic and they decided to go 5th year
8) what house is your mc in? why are they in that house?
Percival is a Ravenclaw because he is a fucking nerd. Kidding, but it's not entirely wrong. He hates not knowing things, he loves answering unanswered questions, and his curiosity is a hust part of him. There are so many times he gets scared and wants to bail on everything, but he stays because he's so curious and refuses to leave the questions unanswered
9) were you inspired by characters from other media when making your mc? if so, which characters? and how did they influence your mc?
Not from media, but Percival was based on one of my old OCs named Julian Athantis
10) does your mc have any special abilities? (legilimens, parsletongue, metamorphagus, etc) how do they choose to use these powers? did you give them powers for fun, or does it relate to their backstory/plot?
Other than the sense that at first he has more Ancient Magic abilities no. Unless a dark curse counts
11) what is your mc’s blood status? how does it affect their time at hogwarts? how does it affect their home life?
They're both half-bloods but it doesn't affect them that much. The most it does is that they were raised muggles and have to try and uncover their father's legacy
12) did your mc open the repository? why or why not?
They did not because they knew they didn't want that much power
13) if your mc opened the repository, how did absorbing all that power affect them, if it did at all?
14) what does your mc think of the keepers? do they trust them? why or why not?
Percival fucking hates those people. They're hoarding and hiding and even erasing knowledge. But worst is that they are testing and forcing 15 year old children to do their dirty work. A N D they constantly talk down to and about Idris
15) how does your mc’s story continue after 5th year? how do they cope with everything that happened with ranrok, sebastian, etc?
Well I can't spoil that, but I can tell you Percival's curse has a large part to play
16) did your mc learn the unforgivables? why or why not?
No, but he would have had he been given the opportunity because he thinks the limitation of knowledge is absurd
17) did your mc turn in sebastian? why or why not?
He does not. For….reasons :)
18) what is your mc’s family like? do they have siblings? do they still have parents?
They had two parents who were amazing parents and a little sister Annabelle but all three were killed by Ranrok and their father did lie to them their whole lives
19) does your mc have a love interest? who is it? why did your mc fall for that character, if they do have a love interest?
Garreth Weasley! Percy falls for Garreth because he's so…laid back. He's a spot of sunshine and fun when Percival doesn't have it. And he just cares so much about Percival, even thought Percival isn't as fun or sweet as Garreth
20) does your mc have a favourite spell? if so, what is it and why do they like it the most?
If he had to pick one probably the disillusionment charm. He prefers charms over any other type of spell and he prefers being discreet so this spell helps him avoid unnecessary fights
21) if you could change anything that the mc does in the game, what would it be? why would you change it? how would you change it? (ie; a line they say, an event of a quest, things of that nature)
The storyling of the Sallow twins has such a huge impact on the game but nothing comes of it in the end. Whether its curing Anne, not being able to, or even something as simple as knowing how/where the twins end up would be better
22) does your mc have any pets? if so, why do they have the pets they have? and for fun, what are their pets’ names?
Prof. Weasley gets Percival a Eurasian eagle owl over the summer so he can keep in touch with his friends but that's it
23) when designing your mc, why did you choose the appearance you did? has it changed at all since you first made them? would you change anything now?
Honestly I had a pretty clear image of Idris in my mind and even made them first. I just used the same face and shape and such to make Percival then changed his hair, skintone, and scars. I wish I could find a style that was curlier because his hair isn't supposed to be that straight but that one was the closest I could find
24) where is your mc from? where is their family from?
They are scottish on their father's side and South African on their mother's
25) what is your mc’s favourite season? why is it their favourite?
Summer, he loves being able to sit outside and read without it being too cold or rainy
26) how about your mc’s favourite holiday? what makes it special to them?
He doesn't particularly care for holidays anymore but he used to love his and Idris’ birthday
27) if your mc wasn’t in their current house, where would they have been sorted? why do you think they’d be there?
Gryffindor. Percival wants absolutely nothing to do with Ancient Magic and goblins and poachers. In fact he's terrified of all of the above. But every time he squares his shoulders and does it anyway. That screams bravery to me.
28) does your mc have a favourite childhood toy? if so, what was it? do they still have it with them?
He has a bracelet that a little baby Idris made him that he doesnt wear anymore because hes so scared to lose it
29) what kind of music would your mc like? is there a reason?
Im sorry but Percival would adore Taylor Swift. He likes lyrics and hed like fun pop songs so Taylor is the best bet
30) last but not least, just tell us something you love about your mc!
I loooove that his hair is purple. Something about having a character in the 1800s with colored hair makes me excited
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"What's that sound behind the thick door"
Anyway, another crappy SVE one-shot, but this time I'm back to Lance x My OC Farmer because I haven't written anything about Julian in a while. So, yeah...
⚠️ Warning: light NSFW, swearing
The full moon reflected silver on the surface of the sea water, creating a beautiful path that Drake was eager to walk along. The young First Slash Clan member had used up almost all of his mana today to learn how to stand on the water surface without getting wet, but it wasn't enough for him. He's finally figured out how to read the spell correctly, and so he wants to practice more and more until his leg muscles ache from the flow of mana circulating through his veins. But fainting from fatigue is not an option, as his and Brianna's patrolling the Fable Reef today.
So Drake stood on the sandy shore for another minute, enjoying the coolness of the summer night and the seascape, and then headed towards the Guild entrance.
He didn't have to look for his partner for long, as the grumbling of the violet-haired girl could be heard throughout the hall.
"Agh! Fucking hell, stupid- if I'd known this torpedo trout was going to be so stinky - I wouldn't have never touched this damn thing. Yuck! All the soap, and it's still not enough..."
To be honest, the strong smell of fish is quite usual for all members of the First Slash, as most of their diet is fish and seafood, and all thanks to the Gem Ocean, which is rich in marine fauna. However, because of the torpedo trout, created by "dumbass cowards wizards from Gotoro" (Brianna's words), not only ships and boats of the Ferngill Republic's inhabitants became endangered, but also local fish, some species of which were on the verge of extinction.
A member of another Guild, a good friend of Lance's, and the topic of discussion of almost the entire community of adventurers and mages, came to the rescue of the First Slash with fish - Julian needed only a week, a trusty rod and good bait to catch almost the entire shoal of this cursed trout that terrorised the ocean. And since this magical fish, when studied, remained an ordinary fish and, most importantly, safe to eat, the issue of the First Slash clan's expiring provisions was solved as well.
Only the smell from the fish was unbearable - even for regular fish - to the point where cutting and further study had to be moved to fresh air. Brianna, unfortunately, was a "victim" of that odour.
"It's not so bad, and you don't smell like a cut durian anymore." At Drake's not-too-successful attempt to cheer up her partner and lover, Brianna threw a 'stinky' glance in his direction.
'We'll see how you talk when we're both in the same bed after work. Friendly reminder: there are no windows in our room." Still, the girl's stern look softened as she looked at Drake's sympathetic face. "Okay, we'll be patrolling the shore soon. Jolyne and the others have probably gone to bed by now." Brianna's gaze travelled from Drake's face to the wooden door to the guest room that was behind him.
"And that guy with blue and green eyes... Does he sleep here too?"
"Hmm?" Drake turned back around, shifting his gaze to the door as well. "I don't remember Julian leaving the Guild. Though... I haven't seen him in like two hours either. Can't say for sure" He hesitated.
"Shall we check the guest room?" Briana suggested.
"Why? Maybe he's in there, and asleep already. Don't wanna bothering him."
"Him, or them?"
"Them?" Drake asked.
"With Lance."
Sigh, this again...
During the whole time Julian had been at Fable Reef, Brianna had noted to herself that Lance had begun to behave unusually in his presence. Everyone couldn't tell at first glance, but she was not dumb. The look that their second-in-command and that blonde weirdo gave each other... It was the same look she had given Drake when their feelings for each other had just begun to blossom.
That's when the rumours of their secret affair started. Edmund quickly joined in to listen to his friend's gossip, because life on the island was getting a little boring. Gale pretended not to be interested, but still listened to what the others were discussing. All the guild members decided not to let their commander Jolyne in on the details, or else she would have kicked everyone's ass for slacking off on patrol.
"What makes you think there's anything between these two?" Drake still didn't believe Brianna and her 'connected dots theory."
"Because," she said, "I was keeping watch, not exhausting myself in salt water trying to master a spell."
" Wha- Hey, I was practising, you know! While you sneaking around and-"
A muffled moan could be heard behind the thick wooden door of the guest room. The couple of blue cloaked adventurers instantly fell silent, exchanging surprised looks.
"Well, this farmer is definitely here...."
On tiptoe, Brianna and Drake moved closer to the door, trying to hear anything else. For half a minute there was complete silence, broken only by the sound of the sea from the window and the unpleasant buzzing of gnats near the hall lamps. Both of them were about to think that they had imagined it, when suddenly they heard the same muffled but more clear words:
"Gentle, La -ah! Lance... hah..."
Although the building itself was old, the soundproofing in the rooms was still great. So it had to be really loud to hear this
"Wow, they're definitely fucking." Violent-haired girl conclusion was final.
"Edmund owed me a bottle."
"I never thought... Well, I mean, Lance is within his rights to date whoever he wants, I just didn't expect that farmer to... Wait," Drake stopped, "what bottle?"
"Edmund said he didn't believe Lance and this Julian guy were in a secret relationship at all. We bet on a bottle of 'Bluemoon' wine from Stardew Valley. I won," She smiled victoriously at her partner.
"Why am I not surprised..." he signed. "Can we move away from the door, please? I feel uncomfortable, like we're intruding...."
"Aren't you curious?"
"No! Brianna, c'mon!"
She put her hands up. "All right, all right, let's go already," the girl looked into Drake's dark blue eyes again and prodded him. "And after work.... we can open a bottle, light some candles~"
"Heh, you think the smell of candles will block out your fish stench?" This time Drake got a little poke in the side with Brianna's elbow.
"You asshole...." But there was no irritation in the girl's voice. She spoke again, "Hopefully this wine will be good, because the last bottle from Edmund was so terrible..."
""Last bottle?", huh."
Jolyne's commanding voice immediately made the young adventurers stand up in a string.
"It's already midnight, why aren't you two on patrol?" The Guild Head crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow questioningly, humbling her subordinates with a single glance.
"Uh- uh... O- on our way, ma'am." A startled Drake quickly saluted Jolyne, and grabbing Brianna by the sleeve, pulled her towards the hallway exit. Jolyne gave them a glance, stood by that very door for half a minute, listening to the silence, before sighing tiredly and shaking her head, heading for her room.
"Ouch! Love, can you- ow! Can you please be careful..." For a Stardew Valley hero and stoic adventurer, Julian had been whimpering for about half an hour now from the simple massage his partner Lance had graciously provided.
"You should have been more careful earlier, my soul." The pink-haired man pressed Julian's bare back with precise finger movements, forcing the muscles to relax. "Didn't I tell you about the importance of exercising periodically and not sitting in one position for long?"
"The torpedo trout nibble was insane, you saw the bubbles over the water yourself!" Lance wouldn't argue here: his lover had indeed had a very successful and exciting fishing trip. So exciting, in fact, that the blond-haired young man had sat on the sandy shore today with a fishing rod for almost seven hours straight. In one position.
Lance started rubbing Julian's back again. "Still, stretch your body more often, okay? Because if this pain caught you in a fight, it could end badly." Under Lance's hands, Julian almost melted like butter on a hot day. And how his partner knew which points to press.
"Mhm, m'kay. Thanks, love."
"You're welcome, Julian," he paused for a second. "How are you feeling?"
"Never feel better." mumbled Julian sleepily, to the chuckle of his pink-haired lover.
"I think we're done here. Come on, we should get ready for bed. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for the two of us."
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dougielombax · 9 months
Round 1
1. Kid Named Built Different:
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He destroys ALL who stand in his way using the power of his MIND!!!!
2. Mauricio.
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Bottom text.
3. Hittite Man.
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Everybody Wants to Rule Mesopotamia
Everybody Wants to Take a Shit
4. The Monument Monster aka Thursday aka Big Jim.
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Mirrors lie twice.
Bottom text.
5. Evil Bernard Black (Manny White)
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Perpetually furious. Always drunk. Lives on a diet of pisswater and cigarettes.
100% explosive. 0% fuse.
Puts the fear of Man into God himself.
Will threaten you and your family by name.
6. The First of the New Horrors
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The last scion of the True Children.
Herald of the Great Flesh Star.
Devours all living things in sight.
A very poor fighter but a champion at snooker.
7. Big Bertie
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Will block your major trade routes AND destroy everything you hold dear.
8. The Oldest Tree
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Speaks in riddles and esoteric jargon.
Doesn’t do much else.
9. Big Julian. The World’s Angriest Frenchman.
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Can name all the plants in the world.
Will kill you stone dead if you do so much as look at him funny.
Never runs out of stamina.
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teamwindsorroyals · 3 months
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Source: Old History Memories/FB
Deborah Cavendish the Duchess of Devonshire (1920-2014) and her husband Andrew Cavendish, the Duke of Devonshire and their two children; Peregrine and Emma. The family were photographed by Norman Parkinson for Vogue magazine, in August 1952.
Debo as she was affectionately known, was the youngest of seven siblings. She has five sisters Nancy, Pamela, Diana, Unity, Jessica and a brother, Tom. Her death in 2014 as the last of the clan, signalled the end of an era which had spanned 110 years of the Mitford girls capturing society.
Her parents, David, 2nd Baron Redesdale and his wife Sydney were for the best part penniless and eccentric aristocrats. School for the girls was frowned upon, in case they should develop thick calves from playing hockey (Tom, who spent time away studying at Eton, was a Barrister and musician, later killed in Burma in 1945). Amongst other things, linen napkins were abandoned because of the cost of laundering them, and the children were forced to follow a kosher diet on the premises that cancer was less prevalent among Jews. The girls were very hands on and practical at home, developing enquiring minds as they were essentially left to their own devices. This made them ever more appealing when they entered society. Of the sisters, Jessica, Nancy and Deborah became writers.
Their combination of beauty, brains and humour catapulted them to celebrities status and they remained continually courted by the press covering stories of affairs, notoriety and extreme politics.
Diana’s affair with fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley caused her to leave her marriage to Britain’s wealthiest man at the time, Irish brewing heir, Bryan Guinness. Unity followed her infatuation with Hitler to Germany and died from an attempted suicide. Jessica’s communist support of the Spanish Civil War led her to flee to Spain at age 18, eventually settling in the US. Nancy became a Dior wearing socialist, who left her marriage and moved to France where she indulged in a doomed affair with Charles de Gaulle's right-hand man, Gaston Palewski. Pamela, married the millionaire scientist Derek Jackson and sought of a quieter life out of the limelight. At the time, 15 year-old Debo, who had a crush on Derek, fainted when she heard the news.
Much like the Queen Mother, Debo was looking forward to a life of relative obscurity by marrying the second son of the Duke of Devonshire, Andrew Cavendish in 1941. Unexpectedly, when the 10th Duke died in 1950, they found themselves the 11th Duke and Duchess of Devonshire. Inheriting Chatsworth, Hardwick Hall, Lismore Castle and Bolton Abbey. Death duties meant they donated Hardwick Hall to the nation and precious works of art were sold as Andrew negotiated endlessly, until the debt was finally settled in 1974.
Their lives changed when Billy Hartington, Andrew’s elder brother and heir, was killed during the Second World War by a sniper's bullet in 1944. His death only four months after his marriage to the very popular Kathleen 'Kick' Kennedy, JFK's sister. Four years later, Kick died in a plane crash and is buried in the churchyard at Edensor on the family estate.
Debo redecorated Chatsworth which had previously been leased to a girl’s school, opened it up to the public and spent 54 years of her life there. Her initiatives included the Chatsworth Farmyard – set up to provide people of all ages and backgrounds with the opportunity to learn about farming, food production and traditional landscapes; Chatsworth Farm Shop; and the Orangery gift shop. A pioneer of her time, it paved the way for the commercialisation of other farm estate businesses like Daylesford and Highgrove Farm shops.
Debo moved into Derbyshire vicarage on the death of her husband and assuming the title Dowager Duchess of Devonshire.
Writers of period dramas and historical fiction have looked to the world of the Mitfords sisters for inspiration. Julian Fellowes’ Violet, the Dowager Countess of Grantham in Downton Abbey is said to be based on Nancy’s wicked humour.
Diana was portrayed by Evelyn Waugh in Vile Bodies, Deborah was painted by Lucian Freud and Jessica had a cardboard coffin named after her. John Betjeman - who at one time was in love with Pamela - celebrated the sisters in a verse, the first lines of which read: "The Mitford girls! The Mitford Girls/ I love them for their sins".
Her last publication before her death was her autobiography, ‘Wait For Me!’. See less See less
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fox-daddy · 11 months
how would the arcana react to an mc with multiple rows of teeth
I honestly didn't expect this to be my first ask but I don't think I'd want it any other way.
Also, I started to get extra sleepy while doing Lucio's so sorry for any spelling mistakes;
-but seriously would be curios about it having never seen anyone else with more than one set of teeth at a time.
-Is it natural? is it some kind of magic thing? Oh, you had it before your amnesia.
-Either feels slightly stupid for not noticing it sooner or noticed it immediately but decided not to comment on it incase it's a sensitive topic.
-Would be worried if Mc loses teeth as often as sharks do and makes sure Mc is taking care of themselves. Once told it's normal for them to lose a tooth or two like that he'd calm down a tiny bit.
-No, it doesn't hurt. Yes exactly like losing a baby tooth.
-might keep a tooth or two to compare with other human teeth he has. Don't ask where he got them. He's a dr people losing a tooth or two isnt suprising.
-if you're self-conscious will walk around with a pair of those cheap fake vampire fangs to draw the attention away from you. While also letting you know how much he adores everything about you in private. Might act slightly very over dramatically if you bite him while he's mid rant about how amazing you are.
-knew about it before Mc died because of course they did.
-always thought it was super cool and interesting. It only works to make Mc that much more unique in their eyes.
-If Mc doesn't mind might ask them to bite something to help with Halloween decorations.
-could he cut that pattern himself? sure. Does it look cooler and more natural when Mc bites it? 100%
-Might show it off to other people if Mc isn't self-conscious about it.
-If Mc is then he'd make sure they know just how much he adores it and how much they adore them for the way they are.
- Plus the more teeth the better Mc smiles.
-Might maybe collect any teeth they find laying around, won't deny it being tired of keeping secrets. Although you might have to ask him about it since he won't openly admit it without being asked.
-are you part shark? is that insensitive to ask?
- it just looks so cool and it reminds her of this mermaid character. No not half human half fish, half human half shark. What do you mean sharks are just fish with big teeth?
-okay, maybe she knew sharks were fish and just enjoyed watching Mc explain. Sneaky? A little, but who can blame her?
-as much as Mc enjoys watching Portia go on about books and scrolls the feeling is mutual.
- genuinely interested in it. How do they brush all their Teeth? Do they have a special toothbrush? Show her? It probably looks really cool.
-if you dont have a special toothbrush you can bet Portia is making you one. Is it just a slightly longer toothbrush? Maybe. Does it work better? Surprisingly yes.
-if their human like then probably won't keep any teeth. If their shark like then she's making shark teeth necklaces, bracelets, you name it. What is cooler than a weird sharp tooth that pokes your skin when you least expect it?
-2nd biggest fan of your teeth and wants you to love them as much as she does. If you don't she has enough love for the both of you.
-kinky 2.0
-most concerned but not for the reason you might expect;
-she's wondering if this means you're dietary needs are different, do you need more calcium in your diet to help with the extra teeth? Is their certain foods you avoid? Eating soup might he harder with the extra teeth. Or maybe it's easier to eat soup with them.
-doesn't let any sly comments pass. Mc is still her magician, it's not really up to Valerius or anyone to decide how many teeth is acceptable. For all she cares Mc could have gills and need to be kept semi moisturized. It wouldn't stop Mc from being the person they are.
-but do make sure to tell her if you do require anything like that, the last thing she'd want is to deprive you of something you need or even simply just want.
-probably won't keep any teeth. Why would she need to? If she was curious she isn't above asking you to go 'ahhh' while in private. Private because looking into someone's mouth in the hallway is a good way to have rumors start about you.
-if you're self-conscious about it doesn't bring it up but when it is brought up only praises about how amazing you are. How she thinks it just makes you that much cuter.
-cares the least.
-I don't mean that as he dosent care, the first time he noticed it probably startled him. He's 6'10 and covered in scars and chains. Extra teeth or not he's more scared to hurt you accidentally than he is of you bitting him.
-tries to understand it the best he can so he can make sure you have everything you need.
-might keep a tooth or two to carve since the unique shape makes it fun to work with. Assuming their shark-like. Otherwise probably is mainly concerned about you losing a tooth every week.
-have to remind him that it's the equivalent of losing a baby tooth and even show him theirs no gaps due to the tooth being pushed out by another tooth already ready to take it's spot.
-Morga jokes if you're opponent gets too close worst case you can bite them. Muriel disagrees with that idea but also agrees you should be able to defend yourself.
- self-conscious? Same! You can help eachother through your doubts about yourselves. Sometimes having someone there who loves you for you is enough to allow yourself to slowly learn to love yourself.
-are you part shark 2.0
-is that offensive to ask? Ehhh who cares? Show him those awesome teeth.
-jealous he can't shed his teeth every week. Even after explaining it's only one tooth a week
-tries to convince you to give him a scar so he can lie about fighting a shark. (Don't do this, don't encourage him.)
-asks if this means you can smell blood a mile away. Doesn't understand why you cant even after explaining your not part shark a million times.
- self-conscious? Why? your teeth look so good. Anyone with half a mind would go crazy for a set or three themselves. Babe you're gorgeous.
-if anyone says otherwise bite them, or they might find a dagger in their side for insulting you.
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thedemonofcat · 4 months
I recently watched the 1977 film Suspiria, which inspired this idea:
Ballet dancer Julian Pankratz, now going by the name Jaskier, is a new student at a prestigious Dance Academy. He soon begins a relationship with Geralt of Rivia, a butcher who delivers food to the Academy weekly.
As time passes, strange events unfold: Jaskier falls ill and is put on a special diet; the school is plagued by a maggot infestation; mysterious sounds echo through the halls; and the pianist is killed by his own dog. Geralt urges Jaskier to leave, but Jaskier dismisses his concerns, believing there must be logical explanations and thinking Geralt is overreacting.
Then Jaskier vanishes.
Determined to find him, Geralt delves into the Academy's sinister past, searching for clues to Jaskier's whereabouts.
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killerwithknife · 5 months
12 , 13 , 28 , 20 !
a song from my preteen years: diet Mountain Dew by lana del rey
fav 80s song: I’m not a huge 80s guy but I love the cure so.. Let’s go to bed by the cure
a song by an artist who’s voice I love: this one’s gonna be shocking. you’ll never believe it. I’ll try anything once by Julian Casablancas
a song that has many meanings to me: She’s my friend by Catherine Wheel
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hewwo-its-floof · 9 months
Wilmina/The Cast's Dynamics
To be clear, Wilmina's partner is Asra in this.
Asra: Not only someone she admires and loves deeply, but also someone who helps a lot with her illness- she still suffers from mild/moderate plague symptoms despite being healthy. He's very much helpful when it comes to finding whatever magic can make any flare-ups better. Also, they're so accommodating on adventures, recognizing Wilmina's love for adventure and doing their best to make sure she has fun but doesn't overextend herself.
Julian: They worked side-by-side during the plague, and he was the one to diagnose her with the plague first. This is where we steer away from the canon, because Julian actually stole Wilmina away to keep her in hiding, knowing what was happening to the other victims. After the upright ending, he does a lot of work with managing Wilmina's pain and weight issues, finding a calorie-dense diet to keep her from wasting away. Outside of office hours, they're somewhat friendly and hang out, though not as close as they were during the plague.
Nadia- Oh geez. Royalty and politics causes Wilmina a little anxiety and at first she felt really awkward talking with her. However, as Wilmina got to know Nadia better she became a lot less intimidating. Now, Wilmina may take a visit to the palace every now and again for tea or a walk in the gardens.
Muriel- Since he's friends with Asra, he's also friends with Wilmina. She tries to visit when Asra does, plus some extra... And when Asra leaves Wilmina at home and has Muriel keep an eye on her, Wilmina never hesitates to invite Muriel in, whether he wants to hang upstairs when the shop is open or stay downstairs when the shop is closed.
Portia- Portia probably was so worried at first seeing Wilmina so skinny, oh no... But, they are definitely besties. Portia actually helps Julian with the calorie-dense diet thing, by literally loading Wilmina up on baked goods and Mazelinka's soup. In return, Wilmina uses her proficiency in water magic to help water the gardens. And it's yet another excuse to wander around the gardens.
Lucio: She's highly hurt by his actions and can't begin to forgive him. Even though Bip was a gift from him when Wilmina was very young.
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