Pictured with teammates during supervised outdoor time, this Mathieu is enjoying both the sunshine and the company. His big smile and relaxed body language indicate a well-socialised Mathieu looking forward to the chance to hunt and share prey with his companions!
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This show-quality Mathieu is a rare fancy breed from Luxembourg. Unlike working Mathieus (almost all trained Mathieus stem from working breeds), the fancy Mathieu has been bred for depth and clarity of colours, and a demure and mindful demeanour. The Mathieu shown is displaying vibrantly, with crisp boundaries between colours, and although he is fidgety, he is resisting the urge to play with the microphone. Though unlikely to take Best in Show, he is bound to do well when colouration is judged!
Every Mathieu, whether trained or untrained, show-quality or otherwise, deserves a loving and enriching forever home.
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The juvenile Mathieu in the top photo is shown in the process of being introduced to a Wout. The two are in adjoining but separate enclosures, allowing them to become accustomed to the sight and scent of each other. The Mathieu is copying the Wout's posture, a positive sign, and his vibrant rainbows show he is eager for closer contact. The Wout, looking down and away, appears a little more hesitant, and may require a slower pace to be set.
The bottom picture shows two adults in their natural habitat, likely a bonded pair. The Mathieu is offering comfort to the Wout, whose densely cropped dark pelt shows he is in good health, but appears disappointed. The Mathieu is visibly dirty, and it is likely the two will return to their nesting spot for mutual cleaning and comfort.
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This Mathieu is injured! Displaying in bright orange which makes visible his shock and hurt, his body language and facial expression show he is in pain. He appears to have had a fall and damaged his back, the most common injury site among Mathieus. He should be gently placed in his travel enclosure with a favourite comfort item, and veterinary help sought immediately.
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Pictured during supervised outdoor time, this French Mathieu is displaying in pure gold, a sign of intense joy. Visibly out of breath, it is likely that he has just completed a successful hunt and wants to share his happiness and his prey with his trusted handlers, supervising outdoor time with the aid of a car. Although not a social species, a Mathieu will share food with his mate, bonded companions and close family. If your Mathieu offers you a bite of his prey, pretend to eat even if you don't actually consume it - this is a sign of deep affection!
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This Mathieu appears to be displaying threat colouration, however his wistful and distant facial expression shows this is not in fact what he is trying to convey. Unlike in the top photo, where another Mathieu is shown playing on a podium with a Jasper, this deprived and unenriched Mathieu is desperately trying to make himself visible against a plain backdrop. He appears to be longing for something not pictured - perhaps a better life, or a bonded companion he has been separated from. We can only hope he has since been rescued and adopted into a loving forever home.
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Another day of Mathieu saying that he needed Wout and it should have been the two of them and the usual shenanigans
It brings me back to 'Ik heb Wout gemist. Ik had hem nodig'.
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Pictured at an overcrowded public park during supervised outdoor time, this Mathieu has clearly had enough socialisation for one day. Although his name is being called, he is making no attempt to interact, but instead immediately ducks down and tries to hide.
The travel enclosure he is pictured next to does not appear to be his usual one, and this may be an additional source of distress. Although he should be returned to it immediately and allowed to be alone on the journey home, first offer a favourite comfort item to help him to self-soothe.
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Pictured during supervised outdoor time, this Mathieu is shown exploring an urban setting. He is staying appropriately close to the photographer, and from his big smile and relaxed body language we can see he is enjoying the city environment. An urban area makes an exciting choice for an occasional visit, but is no substitute for regular supervised outdoor time with access to sand, water and mud.
The Mathieu pictured appears to have some understanding of road safety, but it is never appropriate to allow your Mathieu to roam unsupervised where traffic may be present. Consider harness-training him, to make urban outdoor exploration both fun and safe!
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Pictured during supervised outdoor time, this Mathieu is displaying bright, vibrant rainbows as he practices a balancing trick. Good balance is an important skill needed for hunting, as it enables the Mathieu to pursue his prey across precarious terrain. At the end of the clip we can see him lose his balance, but without becoming discouraged. This suggests he has learned to handle small setbacks well, and that this Mathieu is a confident learner who will persist until he reaches his goals!
This Mathieu seems enriched, am I right? @is-this-mathieu-enriched
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This trained Mathieu is being used to advertise wet food. Whilst he is shown holding up the food package with a big smile, he appears uncomfortable with the physical contact and is leaning away from his companion.
Just because a Mathieu has been trained to perform a specific task does not mean that he no longer has any boundaries! This Mathieu would clearly prefer not to be touched, so the task should be restructured to make this possible. He should then be rewarded with a favourite treat, lots of praise, and a session of high-intensity active play before being returned to his enclosure.
A Mathieu should never be forced to have physical contact with another; this may lead to biting and spitting.
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If I had the chance to touch his little waist for an ad I would do it too… I understand
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Pictured socialising with a teammate at the park, this happy Mathieu is making a sweet attempt to mimic the Jasper's display. His big smile and open body language show this Mathieu's joy at getting to play together with a favourite friend!
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This Mathieu is being used for advertising purposes, but is clearly struggling to remember his memorised line. His body language is fidgety, showing he is bored of this activity. Pictured in a semi-tropical park during supervised outdoor time, he would clearly rather be playing on his bike.
It is cruel to force an untrained Mathieu to perform labour, especially without reward.
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Pictured during supervised outdoor time, this Mathieu's vibrant rainbows and blond curls show that he is at peak fitness for mating season! Shown embracing a Jasper, likely a bonded companion, this Mathieu may well have thoughts of romance on his mind.
It is never appropriate to allow your Mathieu to mate in a public park. He should be immediately returned to his travel enclosure with his chosen mate, before his pheromones have chance to spread.
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Pictured in his natural habitat, this Mathieu is enjoying hunting in the mud and making faces! This natural behaviour is used both to intimidate rival Mathieus and as part of courtship rituals. Depending on whether or not he has caught his prey (not pictured), this Mathieu may be attempting to appear intimidating, or to catch the eye of a potential mate!
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Mathieu van der Poel of The Netherlands and Alpecin-Deceuninck competes during the Superprestige Boom 2022 - Men’s Elite on December 03, 2022 in Boom, Belgium. (Photos by David Pintens/Getty Images)
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This semi-aquatic Mathieu is basking in the sunshine while enjoying phone time with a companion (not pictured). Phone time may be offered as an occasional treat, or to a sick or injured Mathieu, but should never be used as a substitute for active play.
Distinguishable from the true aquatic Mathieu by his display (the true aquatic Mathieu is entirely bronzed), this Mathieu is attempting to reflect the sunlight, indicating that he has finished basking. It is unclear whether he has access to shaded areas, but he does appear to have ample access to fresh water. Food is shown in front of him, and it is likely that this Mathieu has just finished sharing his freshly-caught prey with his companion!
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He’s literally a phone time addict incurably
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Pictured relaxing in his nesting spot, this juvenile Mathieu is enjoying an affectionate snuggle with a companion. Note that he is combining this with pulling faces, demonstrating that he is in a playful mood. Despite a reputation as stand-offish, most Mathieus are very tactile, although their tolerance for cuddles may extend only to bonded companions, close family, teammates and trusted handlers.
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This Mathieu is hunting in a non-preferred style - a Mathieu is not a persistence hunter, but catches his prey using short bursts of speed - but is demonstrating the dexterity and sharp reflexes which make him so formidable. Mathieus have diversified into a range of ecosystems, although they are not nearly so adaptable as the widespread Wout, but their strength and speed ensure they are always top predators. In the time it takes to blink, a Mathieu can already have snapped his jaws closed around his prey!
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