#The Jockey Dancing Jax
slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
Hey guys do you know much I love The Jockey from my favourite books Dancing Jax?
Fuck these people, thats how much
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theforbiddentower · 1 year
"My glance has oft been your shadow ere today," he said as he paced warily from side to side. "Your hands are coarse as an ox's tongue and your smudges and smuts rival only the mudden-man. And yet... I have observed you long and I am enamoured and enslaved by you. The dirtier you are, the more like a queen you appear. A celestial goddess, come down amongst us, disguised in rags and ashes. My lord, the Ismus, would bring you to his bed only if you were soaped and scrubbed by the tiring women til you shone like a shield. But I... I would have you as you are, all grimy from your base toil, with mutton grease and straw in your hair, soot etched in every cranny and aglow with sweat that smells of pepper and freshly sliced onions. I would tongue-bathe every inch of your fire-bronzed skin, baste you with the juices of my mouth and rip those rags from your shoulders and hips, as you have torn the feathers from that goose. You are a banquet I intend to gorge on and my appetite will never be sated."
- Freax and Rejex, Robin Jarvis
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cavalier-life · 7 years
Day 24 - Dancing
Prompts are here.
Two in a row coming.. I had the next one done for days and just finished this one. ;) 
Jaxan rarely went to the cantina in the evenings. He knew he was pushing his limits badly enough just being in the same room as Lyorek on a regular basis. Hanging out in the frequently rowdy and licentious night time crowd seemed like a recipe for disaster to the Jedi. But it was late, and he hadn't seen Lyorek for most of the day. Not in passing, not from a distance; not at all. It was unusual for the Inquisitor to be even slightly low-key.. it wasn't as if Lyo was a quiet or mousy individual.. and if he was honest, it stung a little that the Zabrak hadn't come looking for him at least once during the day.
That had resulted in the current situation, where Jaxan found himself lingering awkwardly near the bar of the cantina, jockeying for space with drunken soldiers and pilots, watching dark-clad Sith entangled sensually with their chosen partners out on the dance floor before drifting away to the quieter rooms attached to the main sections of the bar. He'd been looking for some time now, but though it seemed nearly everyone in the Alliance was up here letting off steam, he hadn't seen Lyorek.
The music was ear-shatteringly loud, a throbbing, suggestive beat with almost no words to it at all. A Mirialan pilot came up, scooping up a tray full of shots as Jaxan finally reached the bar, raising his voice enough to be heard. One of the Imperials on one of the stools nearby jerked his thumb at the Mirialan girl carrying the tray. “Follow her, you'll find that Zabrak. Tell him to quit monopolizing all the good ones, would you?”
Jaxan looked at the pilot, gliding her way through the crowded room with the tray balanced on one hand. Apprehension rolled through his mind, and he trailed after her, afraid to lose sight of the woman in the crowd. Jaxan pushed down the feeling of unease, trying to bury it. A flash of red skin and white armor in a darkened corner caught his eye briefly, and he saw Selirah wrapped up with Arcann at a small table, their heads close together, so completely focused on each other that neither of them noticed him, or anyone else as far as he could tell. He slipped past them, watching the green-skinned pilot reach a small table on the wall and deposit the tray there.
She picked up one of the shots and slammed it, picking up a second one and heading into a knot of intertwined dancers on the floor. The music echoed in this room, bouncing off the stone walls and feeling like a pounding heartbeat that all the bodies were moving with in sync. The mass of dancers parted for the pilot, admitting her and then oozing closed like a living thing, and Jaxan came closer, his height giving him a better vantage point. He couldn't tell who was in the group; it was dark, barely lit in this section, and half the people on the dance floor were wearing dark grey or black or brown clothing.
He saw the Mirialan reach one black-clad dancer, and she draped herself over him as he turned. Lyorek gave her a wide, inviting smile, then opened his mouth for the shot as she poured it straight in between his lips. Everyone around them cheered as a new song started, and Lyorek pulled the pilot against him, her arms sliding around his shoulders. The crowd closed around them again, and Jaxan could barely see him in the seething group of moving bodies.
It was strange. Jax couldn't categorize the feeling twisting in his belly, but it felt like something he didn't want to look at very closely. He knew he could push his way in, find Lyo among all the others, and that the Zabrak would be happy to see him. That Lyo would just pull him in the same way that he had the pilot, and be charmingly excited to dance with the Jedi too. But something about that idea made him feel sick, and uncertain about his place with the Sith.
He knew, rationally, that Lyorek wasn't doing anything but dancing and having fun, and that this was his personality. He didn't even want him to change, not really. Lyorek came into view again, dancing with two other people now, a handsome male Togruta who worked with Lana, and a Twi'lek woman with beautiful blue skin. Jaxan just watched, resentful and not sure why he felt the way he did. Lyorek's effusive pleasure in every aspect of life was a huge part of his appeal and charm; there was no reason to feel hurt, or angry. Or worried. So they hadn't seen each other today. It didn't mean Lyorek was getting tired of him, or that he'd started to pull away.
Turning around, Jaxan left the room, making his way slowly through the crush of dancers on the main floor as he headed for the exit. He was being paranoid, he told himself firmly.
There was nothing to worry about.
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Dancing Jax-Robin Jarvis: Barry Milligan/The Jockey
*SPOILERS AHEAD*I love this book so much! And Barry/The Jockey is my absolute favourite character. Anyway, I believe that Barry was back for the last book! I don't care if it's actually canon that he wasn't or if I’m reading this wrong and this might have even already been done but just hear me out! 
1. Remember when the Jockey was ‘pretending’ to be Barry when he came to get Martin and the Refugees from N. Korea? Well I definetly remember him saying something along the lines of(Sorry, I don't have my copy of the book yet so this will be sketchy) ‘I got a glimpse of Fighting Pax and then I had this terrible pain in my head and then, boom! I was back’ or something like that, at least. My question is: How would he have known that's what the Fighting pax did?! How would he have even imagined thats what would have happened. Why would he think anything along those lines? He could have said something easier like that he remembered the joys of rugby or something! And as for the bit where whoever reads the Fighting pax book tries to kill someone...well...who would he need to kill? People would want to kill him, not the other way around and isn't that the reason Kate/Columbine eventually did? 
2. HE HELPED MARTIN BAXTER. Martin Baxter. Barry Milligans best friend. He prevented Martin from doing something the maths teacher would surely regret. And yes, ‘The Jokey’ did say that it was because he has to ‘ride’ everyone in court, including the Ismus, which is why he was helping Martin. But he had already ridden the Ismus. Remember in Freaks and Rejex when the Ismus thought he had the Castle Creeper practically in his clutches already because Lee left his earplugs in Mooncaster on accedent and all Jangler had to do was find which kid was missing a pair? Well who messed that up and forced the Ismus to take Christina’s body? Hmmm? THE JOCKEY! He stole all the earplugs and bundled them all up! That was seriously messing up Austerly Fellow’s plan!! So the Jockey had already played the Ismus! 
He helped Martin because he wanted to. Why would the Jockey do that? He wouldn't. But Barry would. 
3. Why did RJ have to be so mysterious in the blurb? The exact words are ‘but when someone accedentally reads the manuscript’. Why not just say ‘One of the queens’ or ‘Queenie’? Why be so mysterious if not to keep our minds open and it's not like RJ hasn't left things to our, as the readers, interpretation before! 
Ehem, anyway, sorry if that was completely obvious to everyone else or I feel it was canon and just went off on something completely obvious to everyone else! 
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slashingdisneypasta · 9 months
No context Literary Villain quotes; The Jockey Edition (Dancing Jax, Robin Jarvis)
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🃏 -Still, now we are quite alone, with only dead geese for witness and they shall not honk any secrets.
🃏 Jab away, prick me, fillet me- shred my being even more than your grubby beauty already has.
🃏 The Jockey rides everyone at Court in the end. One way or another.
🃏 I don't care who you are, Mr President, the Holy Enchanter is a very busy bee and not taking anymore irksome calls. *proceeds to skip to a balcony and fling the phone over the edge*
🃏 Here we are in a top-secret bloody military base, dug into a mountain - in North Korea, with China breathing down our necks - and thats the best you can manage? Thats just rubbish that is.
🃏 Now now, dont irk. Let us not curdle this jolly day with your vinegary humour.
🃏 No trick, no game. Not on you, not this time.
🃏 … one last naughtiness, Martin.
🃏 ‘Tis the way I am. ‘Tis the part I must play. I can be no otherwise. I am tasked to hinder and needle, thwart, upset and confound and now, at the very brink of Ismus’ triumph, I am compelled to meddle.
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The Jockey stepped forward. "And what of me, my Lord?" he asked humbly.
The Ismus smiled indulgently. "Of course. Take yourself away to the Great Hall and enter the furtherance with the rest of the Court there. You have behaved yourself well this night, my caramel-coloure jackanapes. I thank you for that. Go and find your deserved reward- and take Posy here with you. I'm sure she is also anxious to read Fighting Pax."
~ Forty-Eight pages Later ~
"No trick, no game," The Jockey promised, holding up his hands. "Not against you, not this time."
"You'd say that anyway! Stay still! I mean it, I'll use this if you take another step. Why aren't you off reading Fighting Pax? Or have you finished it already?"
The Jockey gazed beyond Martin, towards the glorious spectacle of the Dawn Prince. He ached to go and worship Him. But first of all...
"One last naughtiness, Martin," he explained. "The Jockey must ride everyone of the Court, including the Ismus. That is why I am here, that is why I sent Nosy Posy to the Great Hall alone. I must pay one final trick on the Holy Enchanter before I leave this dreary place for good."
Martin didn't understand.
"'Tis the way I am," the Jockey said simply. "'Tis the part I play. I can be no otherwise. I am tasked to hinder and needle, thwart, upset and confound and now, at the very brink of the Ismus's triumph, I am compelled to meddle."
- Fighting Pax, Robin Jarvis
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The Ismus read his intention and laughed scornfully. "Have you learned nothing yet?" he asked. "Aren't you the one who teaches by repetition? You drill and drill the same things into those poor young heads every week and yet you refuse to be taught in the same way. So pig-headed. After everything you've heard. You're a very stupid creature to even dare think of raising a hand against me. I am the Holy Enchanter of Mooncaster, the Ismus, the owner of this house, the author of Dancing Jax- I am Austerly Fellows!"
"You're insane!" Martin snapped back. "You're not him!"
The Ismus's grin became wider. "Oh, but I am!" he said. "I am!"
He threw his arms wide and Martin stared in horror as dark spots of mould blotched across the pale skin of the man's face and hands. Thick streams of spores shot out from his sleeves, striking the boarded-up windows on his left and the bricks of the house on his right. Foaming waves of mould gushed upwards, racing high until they streaked across the pitched ceiling and met in the centre where they blossomed into a festering, clotted cloud that throbbed and pulsed above their heads.
- Dancing Jax, Robin Jarvis
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theforbiddentower · 1 year
And then a new voice interrupted them.
"Haw haw haw!" it laughed.
Martin stared around them. Through the open doorway of this pillbox he saw an old man hurrying towards them along the road. It was Gerald Benning. Concern and anguish were written on his face. But the laughter had not come from outside. It had echoed up from beneath- from the underpass.
"Hoo hoo hoo!" the mocking voice sounded again. "I rode you, I rid you, I played you, I puzzled you. I helped you, I hindered you- and now... I've shocked you!"
Martin felt a sickening coldness in the pot of his stomach. He knew that voice now. He turned from the sunlight and peered back down the steps to the mouth of the tunnel.
There came the squeak and creak or new leather. A pair of caramel-coloured trousers dances into sight. The torso above was paunchy and the brand-new, bellboy-style costume was slightly too tight, just as in the illustration. At first the peak of the cap concealed his face, but Martin didn't need to see those florid features.
"Barry," he uttered.
The Headteacher raised his face and let out another "Haw haw haw!" The ex-rugby player, the man who had always looked like a hard-bitten detective superintendent, came skipping forward.
"The Jockey has been up to his usual naughty tricks," he confessed with a mischievous twinkle in his eye and a shrug of his shoulders. "The Ismus is most displeased, but now I shall atone and be spared the gaol. I will deliver unto him something he prizes most highly and earn his gratitude. My pranks will be forgotten- til the next time I ride those are court. Hee hee hee!"
- Dancing Jax, Robin Jarvis
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theforbiddentower · 1 year
The Jockey stepped forward. "And what of me, my Lord?" he asked humbly.
The Ismus smiled indulgently. "Of course. Take yourself away to the Great Hall and enter the furtherance with the rest of the Court there. You have behaved yourself well this night, my caramel-coloured jackanapes. I thank you for that. Go and find your deserved reward- and take Posy here with you. I'm sure she is also anxious to read Fighting Pax."
~ Forty-Eight pages Later ~
"No trick, no game," The Jockey promised, holding up his hands. "Not against you, not this time."
"You'd say that anyway! Stay still! I mean it, I'll use this if you take another step. Why aren't you off reading Fighting Pax? Or have you finished it already?"
The Jockey gazed beyond Martin, towards the glorious spectacle of the Dawn Prince. He ached to go and worship Him. But first of all...
"One last naughtiness, Martin," he explained. "The Jockey must ride everyone of the Court, including the Ismus. That is why I am here, that is why I sent Nosy Posy to the Great Hall alone. I must pay one final trick on the Holy Enchanter before I leave this dreary place for good."
Martin didn't understand.
"'Tis the way I am," the Jockey said simply. "'Tis the part I play. I can be no otherwise. I am tasked to hinder and needle, thwart, upset and confound and now, at the very brink of the Ismus's triumph, I am compelled to meddle."
- Fighting Pax, Robin Jarvis
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"My glance has oft been your shadow ere today," he said as he paced warily from side to side. "Your hands are coarse as an ox's tongue and your smudges and smuts rival only the mudden-man. And yet... I have observed you long and I am enamoured and enslaved by you. The dirtier you are, the more like a queen you appear. A celestial goddess, come down amongst us, disguised in rags and ashes. My lord, the Ismus, would bring you to his bed only if you were soaped and scrubbed by the tiring women til you shone like a shield. But I... I would have you as you are, all grimy from your base toil, with mutton grease and straw in your hair, soot etched in every cranny and aglow with sweat that smells of pepper and freshly sliced onions. I would tongue-bathe every inch of your fire-bronzed skin, baste you with the juices of my mouth and rip those rags from your shoulders and hips, as you have torn the feathers from that goose. You are a banquet I intend to gorge on and my appetite will never be sated."
- Freax and Rejex, Robin Jarvis
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And then a new voice interrupted them.
"Haw haw haw!" it laughed.
Martin stared around them. Through the open doorway of this pillbox he saw an old man hurrying towards them along the road. It was Gerald Benning. Concern and anguish were written on his face. But the laughter had not come from outside. It had echoed up from beneath- from the underpass.
"Hoo hoo hoo!" the mocking voice sounded again. "I rode you, I rid you, I played you, I puzzled you. I helped you, I hindered you- and now... I've shocked you!"
Martin felt a sickening coldness in the pot of his stomach. He knew that voice now. He turned from the sunlight and peered back down the steps to the mouth of the tunnel.
There came the squeak and creak or new leather. A pair of caramel-coloured trousers dances into sight. The torso above was paunchy and the brand-new, bellboy-style costume was slightly too tight, just as in the illustration. At first the peak of the cap concealed his face, but Martin didn't need to see those florid features.
"Barry," he uttered.
The Headteacher raised his face and let out another "Haw haw haw!" The ex-rugby player, the man who had always looked like a hard-bitten detective superintendent, came skipping forward.
"The Jockey has been up to his usual naughty tricks," he confessed with a mischievous twinkle in his eye and a shrug of his shoulders. "The Ismus is most displeased, but now I shall atone and be spared the gaol. I will deliver unto him something he prizes most highly and earn his gratitude. My pranks will be forgotten- til the next time I ride those are court. Hee hee hee!"
- Dancing Jax, Robin Jarvis
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
top ten characters and your favorite color?
Oooh, thank you for the questions!! My favourite colour is green, it will always always always be green, and my top ten favourite characters... so hard!! 😅 I picked the ones that always comfort me/cheer me up when I think about them ^^ These are the keys to my heart basically XD
Greasy Weasel
Jim Bickerman
1996! Cruella De Vil
Lots-'O'-Huggin' Bear
The Evil Grimhilde
Professor Callahan (2007 Broadway ver.)
Otis B Driftwood
The Jockey (Dancing Jax)
(Villains only, because if I try to make a top 10 ten list involving both my favourite villain and favourite hero characters my brain will explode 😅 XD)
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Oh... You don't say? 👀 (I swear to God I didn't want to kiss Wheezy before your writing- I SWEAR! You did this to me, and you KEEP doing this to me! XD)
Also, he's not your F/O? Ngl I thought he was one of your F/O's alongside Greasy XD
(*cough* for Peezy, Poppy had no idea you could even do that with bras. And she would get so dang flustered if he did do this *cough*)
Hey, you encouraged me!! XDD Haha
And yeah, he's not really. I do love him (And Greasy) a lottt, as you know, but I like them both in a more... aghh I dunno, a different way XD Though I do like to consider those two using F/O posts cuz they're just so fun!
These are my F/O's! ^^ (The ones that are generally consistent, at least! )
Movie Villains:
Cruella De Vil, 101 Dalmations 1996
Jim Bickerman, Lake Placid; The Final Chapter + Vs Anaconda
Otis B Driftwood, House of 1000 Corpses + Devils Rejects + 3 From Hell
Movie Protagonists:
Ambrose Cornell and Biker Guy, The Mist
Doc Hudson and the Sheriff, Cars
Mr Snake, The Bad Guys
Book Characters:
Barry Milligan / The Jockey, Dancing Jax
Yicker and Bezuel, Freax and Rejex + Fighting Pax.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
You see, this is why I don’t read books. Because once I’ve read them, I am TORTURED BECAUSE THERES NOWHERE I CAN PUT ALL THIS LOVE FOR THE DELICIOUS VILLAINOUS CHARACTERS. 
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
SO- there is a good chance I'm gonna start writing for book antagonists, as self care haha XD I'll probably start with some from Karen M McManus' books since I just finished the most recent one, SO- I'm warning you to block the following tag if you don't want serious spoilers from all of her books.
Tag: Karen M McManus Spoilers
Other book antags I want to write about, if you're at all interested, are: The Jockey and Austerely Fellows/The Ismus from Dancing Jax by Robin Jarvis, Burg from Hellhole by Gina Damico, and Mr John Gabriel and Principal Kingston from The Evil Librarian by Michelle Knudsen. Probably more, but those are my favourites ^^
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