#The Jek
spindlekick · 11 months
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Halloweenies 💕 🎃
+ bonus under cut
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cervicrazed · 5 months
walt + all the other named members of his species
GAH this one took so long whoops
Haven't technically introduced other members of The Jek just yet, but I'll throw in one lil guy I've been rotating in my mind
OC Lore under the cut! (body horror cw)
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^ Walt's "Human" form ^ 'Standard' Jek form
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Walt-> a year or so after I made Wilton, I made Walt(on) - they weren't originally gonna be in the same story so I didn't notice there was only a vowel difference between them🤦🏽 I fixed this by having Walt choose his name to be similar on purpose, unknowingly bonding the two forever afterwards
Iniko -> originally heard it from an amazing artist of the same name! Really liked how it sounded so I looked more into the etymology & started crafting the story from there (working backwards this time around)
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
The Jek as a species are as old as fear itself - but Walt is around 80 or 90 years old by the start of the Dead Wood plotline
Iniko is about 15 years older than Bambi
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Walt -> There've been a few, but Wilton is the only one he would die for. Since emotions are all he can see/smell, he often forgets that others can't tell what he's feeling just by looking
Iniko -> Not yet. They're a bit too preoccupied plotting revenge to think about anything else
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
All Jek feed on Nightmares, but as an individual, Walt's favorite are ones that involve the dreamer being chased by A Creature™ (Adrenaline is particularly sweet)
Iniko enjoys the taste of paranoia the most - it's not as filling as a full on nightmare, but it's in a much richer supply
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Walt -> Fulfills the role of a Boogeyman-esque urban legend to keep potential trespassers away from his family. Not to say he doesn't enjoy it, as the fear he inspires is it's own reward.
Iniko -> political subterfuge/espionage; despite having no interest in whatever politics are going on. Their services can be bought, but not with money; they'll only take the job if you agree to do something for them first (you may live to regret it).
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Walt -> Painting! He can't actually see the final product, but part of the fun is hearing Bambi and Wil try and guess what the art depicts
Iniko -> Enjoys studying and growing plants since they're the only living thing they can't mimic very well
🎯 -What do they do best?
Walt -> he's a skilled strategist! Prides himself on staying at least two steps ahead of everyone else; unfortunately doesn't mean he's never wrong
Iniko -> Mimicry! They've perfected their shapeshifting into an art - even being able to seemlessly mimic the voices & cadence of others
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Walt -> Loves spending time with his family! Wil and Bambi are his entire world. Holds nothing but righteous rage towards Casters (magic users) - he blames their greed for driving The Jek to (near) extinction
Iniko -> Loves the feeling of 'getting away with it' & gossiping. It's a valuable way to get information, but they easily + inadvertently get too involved with local affairs. Hates everything about the Rader family, especially Bambi.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Walt -> Dutifully watching and waiting for his daughter to grow. It took her a year and a half before she was ready to pluck out of the ground
Iniko -> Finding out they had a sister this whole time!
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Walt -> Watching Wilton waste away to disease. While happy there was a way to revive him, Walt's not sure he can survive losing him again
Iniko -> Finding out they had a sister this whole time.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Walt -> kinda? His 'human disguise' hasn't really changed that much, but his 'true form' has changed at least 3 times
Iniko -> as of rn they don't have a design yet 💀 I'm workin on it!!
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Walt -> i wanted to make an OC based off supernatural's leviathans + that balerina girl from Cabin in the Woods (2011) bc I really liked the idea of a person's head/face being nothing but teeth
Iniko -> Getting this ask & watching Boy Kills World (2024). I haven't made another Jek character since Bambi, kinda wanted to change that thanks to this ask!
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Walt -> Animated Dark Comedy, but bonus points if the hypothetical director can pull off the live action practical effects
Iniko -> Dark Fantasy Revenge Thriller....like The Prestige (2006) if there were monsters as well as magicians
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Walt -> Masc but not exclusively + Demisexual
Iniko -> Agender + Asexual
🙌 - How many siblings does your OC have?
Walt -> one, but he suspects they're long dead by now
Iniko -> one, and they hate her
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Walt -> Was stolen from his family shortly after sprouting; still aches for that lost connection but tries to make up for it with his new family
Iniko -> Relentlessly hateful towards their parents. Doesn't want to kill them, but not out of mercy; they want to take everything away from them first.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Walt -> teef. They make drawing him take foreverr but it's always worth it to me. Pincushion of a creature
Iniko -> their antagonist status. Dead Wood's been desperately needing one for a while now and they're a very fun fit
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Walt -> admittedly haven't drawn him in a while ...gotta change that
Iniko -> been drawing them a lot trying to figure out what they even look like. Haven't settled on a design I like yet
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Walt -> nah. He'll live forever, which is much more tragic
Iniko -> maybe? They're too new for me to want to do that
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Walt -> I guess technically he has all of them?
Iniko -> the only fear they have is of failure
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Walt -> his father in-law, an ancient forest demon
Iniko -> their sister, a moody teenager
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Walt -> Easter, 2015...9 years...
Iniko -> as I'm writing this... a month or so?
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
Walt -> 14...
Iniko -> 22 💪🏽
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wasn't gonna post these, but since it will be a while before I can draw for myself again, here's the coloured sketches of the next SW illustrations I'd prepped up, this time random moments set during the Clone Wars
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kenobes · 2 months
The Coruscant Guard as Shitpost Pics I Have Saved on My Phone
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brbarou · 1 month
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girlfriends!!! 🌷🌷
designs by the amazing @els-moonleaf
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jeksburyofficial · 22 days
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els-moonleaf · 2 months
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liveship girlies
(amber making them friendship anklets is canon)
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itzshrike · 6 months
Okay okay we already got tales of the Jedi and are getting tales of the empire but are we forgetting something? 🤨
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silverdragon12 · 19 days
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Some liveship traders ladies!! Because I love them.
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mellowthorn · 7 months
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althea & jek
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spindlekick · 1 year
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Dads & Daughter time‼️
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wantonlywindswept · 2 months
Definitely True Facts About Commander Vertex #3
He has negative Force bacteria.
[forgotten Fox AU tag]
"Midichlorians," Patches said, for the third time, his head in his hands. "They're called midichlorians."
"Tiny little buggers that live in your body," Jek scoffed. "I might have barely scraped by my biology modules, but that sounds like bacteria to me."
Patches whimpered.
Jek grinned and reached over to pat his babiest of brothers on the head. Their youngest medic really was too easy to rile up. 
Still, at least Patches was capable of taking a break on occasion, even if it was just to sit at Jek's bedside in the medbay while he recovered from a round of Force cleansing. He always felt a little like the mess hall slop after every session, squishy and mostly-liquid, though the effects had been lessening as the treatments went on. 
Turned out that working in close proximity to an evil Sith overlord for an extended period of time could be 'damaging' and 'harmful to the spirit', and as soon as the Jedi got the okay from Marshal Commander Thorn they'd instituted regular healing sessions for the Guard. Some of them weren't overly affected--the ARF division hadn't been allowed in the Senate Dome that often anyway, and the medics rarely left the infirmary, much less Guard HQ--but the majority of them were on rotating schedules to get their minds checked for Sith residue or whatever.
It was even worse for the Force-sensitives.
No one was more surprised to find Force-sensitive clones than the clones themselves, and a frankly unsettling percentage of the Guard tested for above-average midichlorian counts. That was just those who agreed to submit to the assessment, too--a lot of the Guard refused to do even that. It wasn't like they could be Jedi, and with the war over, what did it even matter?
(Except it did matter, a lot, because apparently evil Sith overlords could also drain the life force from sentients around them, and particularly enjoyed ones with the Force. Palpatine got a little tasty burst of power like they were some kind of energy snack, and it wasn't like the Guard weren't already exhausted anyway.
That kind of siphoning left even worse traces of Sith influence; Jek's cleansing sessions made his bones feel like wobbly gelatin, but Glitch's sessions hurt.)
"I bet Defib's m-count is the highest in the Guard," Jek mused absently as he watched their CMO stalk around the medbay between the beds--and the Jedi--with a scowl on his face. 
Patches lifted his head to give Jek a horrified look.
"Don't say that where he can hear you."
Jek, who lacked both bones and a sense of self-preservation, merely shrugged. Defib had refused testing, scoffing that he didn't need the Force to heal, but he wasn't named after a defibrillator for nothing: he'd brought more than one brother back from the brink of death against impossible odds.
Jek had his suspicions about Patches, too. 
Even with Defib hovering suspiciously over their shoulders, the Jedi healers--there were four of them, led by Master Rig Nema--moved around the medbay with an almost unearthly poise. Jek was more familiar with ordered chaos in the infirmary: medics shouting across the room to each other, rushing back and forth to see how far their meager supplies could stretch. The Jedi were quiet, coordinating with each other soundlessly while still seeming to be aware of everything else happening in the room.
The mesmerizing little dance wasn't even interrupted by the main doors opening, which drew Jek's attention to Commander Vertex stepping into the medbay. The commander had his bucket tucked under one arm, and sharp eyes surveyed the room in a quick glance.
Patches waved at Vertex, because he was adorable. 
Vertex waved back, because he was a sap.
Defib immediately veered off his self-appointed task of looming to intercept Vertex before he got too far into the room. They ducked their heads together in a brief conversation with far too much angry gesticulating on Defib's part, and the calm competency Jek had come to expect on Vertex's. Jek watched, fascinated, as Vertex managed to settle the fuming medic with just a few words and a gentle touch to his shoulder. 
Defib made a bitchy face, but he did seem to lose some of his protective bristling; at Vertex's nudge he sidled over to his desk in the corner of the medbay, dropping into his chair to finally take a break and...to angrily chew on a ration bar?
The Jedi, meanwhile, had continued on with their Force nonsense, which lasted up until Vertex tapped one of the healers on the shoulder and their serenity shattered with a resounding squawk.
The poor Rodian who made the noise spun around, flailing wildly, and would have fallen back onto one of the beds if Vertex hadn't grabbed her to keep her upright. The other three Jedi's heads snapped up in eerie synchronicity, startled expressions on their faces, and Master Nema took a jolting step forward before seeming to register what had happened.
In the frozen stillness that followed, Defib's sullen crunching took on a distinctive note of glee.
"Apologies," Vertex said. "I didn't mean to startle you."
"When did you even..." 
"How can we be of assistance, Commander Vertex?" Master Nema asked, stepping away from her patient to take the place of the still-baffled apprentice healer. Both she and Vertex smoothly ignored the disbelief radiating off the other Jedi, who were looking at Vertex like they didn't know how he had appeared. 
Jek wondered that sometimes, too, but it didn't bother him.
"Hey," he said, nudging Patches with his elbow as the two bigwigs conversed, "What do you bet that Commander Vertex has negative Force bacteria?"
Patches stared at Jek like he'd kicked a baby massiff, and then slowly sunk lower in his chair with a low, despairing whine.
So easy.
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lychgate · 1 year
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HELLO WELCOME TO MAY 4TH here’s the clone trooper set I been working on! Total there’s gonna be 90 different troopers so take a peek if you’re interested! These are currently for PREORDER, but there’s both price discounts, a bonus sticker, and the ability to pick a specific clone depending on the bundle you get!  STORE: etsy.com/shop/itsMRKITTYS
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kotemf · 15 days
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brbarou · 8 months
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i think jek should fistfight fitz
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jeksburyofficial · 4 months
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Decided to try out a new style with bigger eyes and rougher line-art. Critique and advice is welcome and appreciated!
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