#amylla neffari
spindlekick · 3 months
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You know what that means! 🏳️‍🌈
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cervicrazed · 1 year
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We are SO fucking back
Spankin new refs for two idiots afraid of commitment ‼️
Bonus Amylla outfit variations:
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spindlekick · 5 months
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She enjoys driving him insane
Based off this glorious work of art:
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spindlekick · 11 months
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Halloweenies 💕 🎃
+ bonus under cut
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spindlekick · 2 years
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Undying Love 😘
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cervicrazed · 5 months
Long Q&A on The Most Annoying Couple You've Ever Met under the cut:
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^This is Amylla! ^This is Warren!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Warren -> My favorite letter is 'W' and there was a period of time where every new OC needed to have a 'W' name. I went a little nuts with it as you can see..
Amylla -> In her very first draft her name was actually Amelia! but that sounded too bland to me so I threw in a 'y' and a couple extra 'L's. Funnily enough, until you asked me how to pronounce her name I had absolutely no clue & settled on the "rhymes with vanilla" in a panic
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Warren -> Technically he's supposed to be in his 50's or 60's but he stopped aging after being brought back from the dead at the ripe age of 25
Amylla -> Her actual age is unknown, but she enjoys presenting like she's in her late 20's - early 30s
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Warren -> Amylla! He acts like he hates her even though they both know he doesn't
Amylla -> Warren! Driving him insane is her love language
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Warren -> He partially lost his sense of taste to necrotic damage, but his favorite food will always be the banana pancakes his dad used to make for him
Amylla -> Her favorite food is literally sadness and misery - part of the reason she originally spent so much time around Warren ((before catching feelings herself))
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Warren -> Spends most of his time researching the limits of the Soul and bridging the gap between magic and science. Most call his methods grotesque and unethical, so he's unfortunately not paid for his research
Amylla -> She flip flops around the job board, but bounty hunting is her main specialty. With her shapeshifting & psychic abilities, the job is sometimes too easy. She gets bored very easily.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Warren -> He considers his work his hobby. Nothing else feels important enough to "waste time on"
Amylla -> Her favorite hobbies include poking, prodding, throwing, chewing, chasing, trapping, pestering, and loving Warren
🎯 -What do they do best?
Warren -> He's the most skilled necromancer known to monster and man, and takes great pride in that title - even if it comes with a dangerous amount of infamy
Amylla -> She's an expert sharpshooter - mostly with her blaster, but human guns are easy enough to maneuver
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Warren -> Loves finding new ways to perform old magic - even more so if he can do it with known scientific methods. Hates having to go on errands for supplies, takes time away from the work itself. Luckily he has an excitable niece willing to do that for him
Amylla -> Loves looney toon-esque hijinks, specifically the traps and tricks - bugs bunny is her biggest aspiration ((she's thinks he's real)) Hates being alone with her thoughts. It's much more fun to eat someone else's.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Warren -> His first real date with Amylla - she took him with her on one of her bounty jobs for support. Funny enough, he only started having fun when the job went horribly wrong. Taking out alien guards and henchmen together was the most fun he'd ever had ((it was hot to watch Amylla fight too))
Amylla -> Shockingly, one of her favorite memories doesn't involve Warren at all - but Walt! They had a brief fling after bonding over being endling shapeshifters. Their time was short, as Walt couldn't get over his previous partner. Still, it was nice to know she wasn't the only one anymore.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Warren -> The day his father remarried, way back when he was 12. Without his cultish step-mom, his dad would (probably) still be alive, he would've gotten to finish med school, and her weird son wouldn't have mauled and killed him (the first time). Warren is certain every terrible thing that ever happened to him could be traced back to that day.
Amylla -> The day she lost her childhood best friend. They'd been hired to rescue any stragglers left behind from the initial evacuation of a dying planet. Comets of varying sizes bombarded the planets surface; her friend pushed her out of the way to get hit instead. Amylla tried to free her to no avail. To save herself and the other survivors, she was forced to leave her behind. The memory often manifests as a recurring nightmare
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Warren -> Nope! First design for Warren was, admittedly, your average brunette boy-next-door design. He and Wilton had a better relationship in the first draft, with his death being the tragic catalyst for Wil's journey. Now they have a worse relationship and his death is still a tragic catalyst...but for his own journey now
Amylla -> No but also yes. She started out so white she was pale + had a plain green short sleeved dress. I updated her design by giving her some color and slapping some 70's styled clothes on her for fun and profit. The profit being my own amusement
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Warren -> Wayy back when in the year 2015, I wanted to make a more "realistic" backstory for a silly little rp charcter i made on a programming website for kids. Warren came about bc I wanted to give him an older brother he could look up to & bond with.
Amylla -> I originally made her for a completely different story about aliens and time travel ((it was pretty complicated I'll admit)). She was meant to be the femme fatale antagonist but I was closeted and didn't want anyone to think I liked girls so she only ever wore that long green dress with sleeves. Tragic.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Warren -> Oh gothic drama definitely. If he'd been a theater kid instead of science nerd you could plop him into Phantom of the Opera and nobody would notice
Amylla -> Sci-Fi adventure comedy, no contest. It's the genre I created her for!!
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Warren -> Cis + Bisexual! ❤️💜💙
Amylla -> Genderfluid + Bisexual! ❤️💜💙
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
Warren -> Just the one. He's got mixed feelings about his half-brother (y'know, bc of the mauling) so prefers to see him as little as possible.
Amylla -> She was the middle child of 5, but hasn't seen her siblings in many, many years. She hopes they're just far off in some unknown galaxy and not rotting away somewhere.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Warren -> Both his bio parents died long ago; his mom when he was 11 (disease) and his father when he was 15 (murder). They were both incredibly supportive of his dream of becoming a doctor; he just hopes they're still proud of him.
Amylla -> No particularly strong feelings towards her parents. Neffari don't really nurse their young, they give birth to small clutches underwater and leave; only coming back once their children are old enough to learn how to shapeshift (about 1 year in human time, if they survive that long) then leave again for good. She's always thought of them more as helpful strangers than beloved family members.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Warren -> the contrast of how weird he is vs how normal he thinks he is. Compared to Amylla he may seem like the straight-man but rest assured he's just as unhinged in his own special way <3
Amylla -> Drawing her while she's shifting!! Horny jokes aside I just really like drawing the bends and loops of tentacles it's very relaxing to me
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Warren & Amylla -> Been doing more doodles of them recently bc I forgot how much fun their dynamic is. They're a package set so I can't really draw one without including the other
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Warren -> I have! Many, many times. Luckily (or unluckily for him) none of them are permanent due to his Lich status
Amylla -> Only once, but I didn't like how it sat in my brain so I scrapped it.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Warren -> The only thing he's afraid of is his step-mom. dunno what phobia you'd call that (i looked it up. It's Novercaphobia. Unreal)
Amylla -> No phobias, just healthy doses of rational fear when needed
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Warren -> None as of right now, but I've been toying with the idea of giving him an obsessed loser rival that he doesn't even know exists. same dynamic as Miles & The Spot but with fucked up evil magic instead of fucked up evil science
Amylla -> You haven't met her yet but you will.... ;)
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Warren -> holy shit it's been 9 years....he's almost a decade old what da hell
Amylla -> 7 years!! the lucky number!!
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
Warren -> 14 Amylla -> 16
Just look at how far they've come :')
Wanna know more lore? Send me any of the listed emojis + the OC's name!
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spindlekick · 11 months
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They both know it but will never admit it to the other
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