#The Hopeful Native [Felicity]
At first, Felicity was incredibly thankful that they had finally gotten back to her.
She hadn’t expected Rusty and Sapphyra to show up at her door today, but that could be remedied with an explanation of why they were there. They had finally finished working around the system to get Joe a new citizen’s ID card.
But the way Sapphyra said it... it made Felicity incredibly uncomfortable.
“Okay, so first of all, I have to thank you for bringing the card over to us,” she said as she sat down on the far end of the couch. Joe had sat up  and was occupying the other end, which made her feel like this was some kind of awkward couples counseling session. “But why the long face from you? You’re never this serious about things.”
Sapphyra looked over to Rusty, who shrugged with a small frown, then looked back to the blonde with a small sigh. “Well... we were able to get him into the system, but...” She trailed off, unsure of how to really explain things.
Felicity looked over to Rusty. He seemed equally uncomfortable. “Um... you guys just wanna spill the beans? I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
There was silence for a bit, and even Joe seemed to be getting uncomfortable with the silence. Finally, Rusty cleared his throat and looked up to make sure both of them were listening.
“Just so you’re aware--” His gaze was fixed on Joe. “--the you from this timeline is long since dead, but his actions left an impact.” Once he was sure that tidbit had settled in the other’s mind, he continued. “As a result, the names individually are flagged for surveillance to ensure compliance. But with both of them together, it causes an error to pop up in the system.
“The only workaround - and I mean, out of countless possibilities that I explored and tested, the only workaround for the alarms to not go off was to register you as engaged to someone in the City. With cameras already having seen you with Felicity, I didn’t really have any other choice but to pair you two together.”
Felicity felt her heart drop into her stomach. The thought of being unwillingly engaged to a man she barely knew brought back so many repressed memories from just under two years ago. And she desperately tried to keep herself calm, though she was almost positive that they could both tell by how she clenched her fists in her lap.
Sapphyra saw how the blonde tried to keep herself collected, and let out a small sigh. “I know this is probably a shock, to say the absolute least, for both of you,” she said, the even tone in her voice somehow helping to keep Felicity grounded in reality. “But if there was another way we could have worked it into the system, we would have done so.”
The silence between the two pairs felt even more awkward. And to his credit, Joe didn’t seem to have anything witty to say. “Well... that explains why it took so long to do.”
“Part of the reason, yes.” Rusty glanced away from them. “Along with other problems that cropped up during that period, I had my hands full trying to juggle responsibilities.”
Felicity closed her eyes, took a silent breath to help steady herself, then looked back to Sapphyra. “How long until the flag for it goes away? Or... is that even possible?”
Sapphyra looked to Rusty, and the two shared a conversation without a word ever being spoken. When she looked back to Felicity, the blonde knew what the answer was. “I don’t think there will ever be a time when the flag goes away on its own,” she explained. “The only way to do that would be--”
“To overthrow the government,” Felicity finished. “Yeah, I... kinda figured. I was hoping it wasn’t the case, but...”
The awkwardness seemed to fade as Joe asked questions about how he should conduct himself in this new timeline, as well as to fill in the gaps of what happened after his alternate had apparently died. Rusty and Sapphyra both helped to fill him in with information, but the latter couldn’t help but to glance over at Felicity, who had seemed to all but shut down everything else around her in favor of keeping herself calm.
A small sigh escaped her. She supposed that the worst of this situation had now passed, and hoped that it would only get easier for Felicity as time went on.
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Embarrassment - T.Nott
Summary - Because they stayed at Hogwarts this year, the Slytherin gang and their significant others spend time together in the common room as they exchange gifts and enjoy each other’s company. However, the two Italian speakers in the group quickly find out that they aren’t the only ones in the building.
Word Count - 920
Warnings - Italian Speaking!Reader, female reader, use of Y/N, swearing, Snape makes an appearance, Italian sentences but they all have the translation, not proofread
Author’s Note - Day Eighteen! One more week left! My Italian is very rusty so I did use Google translate for most of the sentences. I haven’t used Italian in a long time so I thought it was time to dust off and get back to using it. I hope you enjoy!
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25 days of fics masterlist
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not my gif
It was officially Christmas at Hogwarts, the Scottish Highlands coated with a blanket of white snow as more fell from the clouds above. It was a picture perfect Christmas morning, the Slytherin gang all getting up and meeting in the great hall for breakfast first before they started their gift exchanges. Theo’s girlfriend, Y/N, had been the last to join them at breakfast, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she sat down beside the aforementioned boy. 
“Buongiorno amore, come hai dormito?” Theo greeted his girlfriend in Italian. (Good morning love, how did you sleep?)
“Buongiorno tesoro, bene, tu?” She yawned as she leaned into his side. (Good morning treasure/darling, good, you?)
“Enough Italian you two, we would like to understand you too you know?” Pansy teased the couple, earning a flip of a certain finger on his hand.
“Bene. Mangi(you eat) amore. Happy Christmas,” The boy whispered to his girlfriend before planting a kiss on her forehead.
“Happy Christmas, Theo.” She kissed his cheek before eating her breakfast consisting of pancakes and eggs. As the ending of breakfast came, the group made their way back to the common room where they agreed to exchange their gifts. They gave their friends gifts first before significant others, Y/N running up to her dorm to get Theo’s gift. As she came back down to the common room with a wide grin, she held out the gift for him. “Per il mio principe,”(For my prince) She smiled, pecking his lips as he grabbed it from her.
“Grazie principessa,”(Thank you princess) He thanked her before tearing the gift open. She had gifted him a watch that he had been eyeing up the last time they went to Hogsmede together. “I love it, grazie bellissima." He kissed her gently before hugging her tightly. As they pulled away from the hug, he handed her his gift.
She tore it open to reveal not only a gorgeous golden necklace with a diamond encrusted crescent moon but also a photo of them on their first date that someone had sneakily taken. “Chi ha scattato la foto? Lo adoro, Theo! Grazie, grazie, grazie!” (Who took the photo? I love it, Theo! Thank you, thank you, thank you!) She asked her boyfriend as she threw her arms around his neck to pull him into a loving embrace.
“Draco preso(took it). Sono felice che ti piaccia, amore(I’m glad you like it, love),” Theo replied before connecting their lips again. They only pulled away because their friends were fake gagging.
“I heard my name and I would like to know why,” Draco insisted.
“The picture, Dray, thank you for taking it,” Y/N assured the boy before letting go of her boyfriend to hug her friend. 
“In that case, you’re welcome, I’m glad I was able to take it without you noticing.” She giggled as she kissed both his cheeks in thanks once again. She made her way back to her boyfriend as they began to chat in Italian.
Much to their friends’ dismay, they continued to speak Italian back and forth. Their friends had given up telling them to try and speak English so they could all talk together. Pansy found it sweet that her best friend had found a guy with the same native language as her and a guy that treated her well. Blaise on the other hand was practically sick because Theo was constantly talking about his girlfriend when they weren’t together. Deep down he loved seeing his friend so happy but he would rather be mad at Theo for his constant rambling. 
The couple had switched back to English as they were readying themselves to talk with the whole group rather than just each other. They got teased by their friends for the switch but it was all in good fun. The rest of the day was spent with their friends, joking and fooling around, playing some games and exchanging embarrassing stories about each other. The Slytherin common room might have been nearly vacant but it was more lively than ever as the friends mucked about. They had only quieted down after Snape had stormed in to tell them that some of their housemates had complained about their volume.
“Cazzo in culo(cock up your ass)!” Y/N swore, causing Theo to burst out into laughter.
“Posso parlare anche italiano(I also speak Italian), Miss Y/L/N. Detention for a week once the term begins, same for you Mr. Nott. Happy Christmas,” Snape spoke before exiting the common room. 
“What did you say to piss him off?” Draco asked with a chuckle.
“Cock up your ass,” Y/N muttered.
“What was that?” Pansy asked, not hearing her friend.
“Cock up your ass. I didn’t know he spoke Italian! Sono così imbarazzato(I’m so embarrassed), Teddy!” She whined to her boyfriend.
“I know you’re embarrassed, principessa, but you should probably watch your mouth around professors. I do have to say that was the funniest thing I have ever witnessed in my life,” Theo teased her. She let out a groan as she hid her face in his warm chest, their friends laughing along with him in agreement. Y/N joining in sooner rather than later, the embarrassment going away quickly.
Although their Christmas was spent at Hogwarts away from family, the Slytherin gang had enjoyed spending it with each other. Having fun with no responsibilities for a couple weeks and having nearly the whole Slytherin common room and dorms to themselves. It was the best Christmas any of them had ever had.
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Mario walked back and forth in the kitchen mumbling in Italian and biting his nails his fingers started bleeding Luigi was going to scream at him for that then he heard the doorbell running to the front door grabbing Dk by the tie and pulling him inside "Auk! Rio what the fuck."
Mario was walking around again clearly shaken up "I'm sorry it's just Luigi is going on a date and it's with a guy, Sono felice per Luigi ma questo tizio di cui sono preoccupato perché probabilmente sta usando Luigi per avvicinarsi al regno dei funghi." (English version "I'm happy for Luigi, but this guy I'm worried about this because he's probably using Luigi to get closer to the mushroom kingdom.")
Dk grabbed ahold of Mario holding his small body in the air "You are talking in Italian again Rio and what's so bad about little Green going on a date with a guy?"
Mario looked at Dk his body shaking not knowing how to tell him, and trying to get down "Mario I need you to tell me."
Mario takes a big deep breath looking into Dk's eyes "Luigi è in un appuntamento con Bowser." (English version "Luigi is on a date with Bowser")
Dk sighs rubbing his eyes with one of his hands "I need to learn Italian for when this shit happens... English Mario.."
Mario sighs "Luigi is... on a date with Bowser..."
Dk stared at Mario his mouth opening and closing not knowing what to say just staring at him of course Mario didn't look happy after saying that either "That's also another reason why you are here."
Dk squinted his eyes looking at Mario "What do you mean?"
Mario grabbed his face looking into his eyes "We need to spy on them."
Dk thinks about it "I call being the rapper!"
Mario rolled his eyes "Of course you want to be the rapper and I guess I need to think of an outfit."
Luigi walked on a path with a basket of food looking for Bowser getting a little nervous then saw Bowser waving at him smiling as he ran over and sat down "Hi"
Bowser looked at Luigi smiling "Hey short stuff what with the basket?"
Luigi smiled "I got us some food I hope that's ok?"
Bowser nodded looking at the basket and then at Luigi thinking of something to say opening his mouth then closed it Luigi looked into his eyes "Are you ok Bowser?"
He asked putting on his hand on one of his paws then he noticed some people that looked suspicious Bowser looked over at what Luigi was looking at as the two people hid "what is it?"
Luigi faked a laugh slapping Bowser's arm "nothing just thought I saw something!"
He replied faking a smile as they continued to talk and eat out of the basket enjoying the moment then two people walked by one looked like a rapper and one looked like a hippie but Luigi knew for a moment that it was Mario and Dk and when Bowser wasn't looking Luigi would throw a piece of bread at them making them running away then changed when Bowser looked back at him "oh quick question what is... um... what is Italian?"
Luigi looked at Bowser then thinks for a moment before getting a text from Mario "call him ugly in our language"
Luigi texted back angrily telling Mario to leave him alone as he stared at the crappie hippie then looked at Bowser faking a smile again "sorry I got a text from a spam but it's a Nationality I was born into you would probably like it!"
Bowser thought about it for a while then made a sour face "sounds dumb"
Luigi chuckled then looked at Bowser "Beh, hai dei capelli carini e dei problemi di rabbia terribili." (English version "Well, you have nice hair and terrible anger problems.")
Bowser's face went red hearing Luigi's voice change "Did you just put a spell on me?" Luigi chuckled "no I spoke in my native tongue"
"What are you two doing here!?" He angrily whispered
Dk pointed at Mario "it was Mario's idea"
Mario slapped his hand "Dk what the hell!"
Luigi gave them both a mean glare "what are you doing here"
Mario looked at Luigi "I'm just really worried Lu, I mean this is Bowser you are with, he is probably up to something"
Luigi sighed looking down "Mario I understand but I need you to trust me on this one and if Bowser tries anything I won't stop you from hurting him"
Mario sighs softly "that's the reason why I'm worried"
He said as Luigi nodded then walked back over to Bowser Dk took off his disgusting disguise "remind me to never spy with you ever ag-"
Before he could finish his sentence Mario grabbed him by the tie pulling him to a bush and as he tried to say something Mario shoves his wig in Dk's mouth then watched Bowser and Luigi closely Dk spat out the wig and then grabbed Mario's head messing up his hair (surely that won't become important :>) "that's for the wig."
Mario rolled his eyes grabbing his fat fingers "well if you're brother was dating the bad guy you would do anything to make sure he doesn't get hurt."
Dk rolled his eyes "fine we'll keep watching them but don't try something like that again."
Later in the night Bowser and Luigi walked back to Luigi's and Mario's little home talking about stuff along the way once they stopped at the door Bowser looked at Luigi "by the way it was nice seeing you again greenie."
Luigi smiled looking at Bowser "it was nice seeing you again too oh if you don't mind me asking are you free next weekend there's this place I wanted to check out with you if that's ok."
Bowser smiled a little bit "I'll have to see but I'll definitely let you know the moment I know and of course have a wonderful night."
Bowser said gently grabbing his hand kissing it making Luigi blush hiding his face "You have a wonderful night as well Bowser goodbye"
Luigi then waved as he walked inside his home while Bowser waved back smiling then Luigi closed the door feeling giddy after that little kiss he received "so how did the date go."
Luigi stared over at Mario who was sitting on a chair in the middle of the hallway and Dk was laying on the couch knowing Luigi was trapped a little bit he took a deep breath before opening his mouth "it was good he was very kind and friendly like I knew he would."
Mario raised an eyebrow "How do you know if he wasn't pretending?"
Luigi sighed looking at Mario "Mario we talked about this you and Dk know this."
Mario nods agreeing with Luigi "yes we did but my point still stands you don't just suddenly be kind and friendly after oh I don't know trying to take over the world?"
And Dk mostly watched not wanting to interrupt the bros sometimes he would be eating something then stop half way listening and Luigi sighs "yeah I guess that raises more questions than answers."
Mario nods getting up and walking up to Luigi grabbing his hands "look Luigi... I'm supportive really I am and I don't know about Dk but whatever... but this guy.. I'm worried he'll do more than break your heart especially physically..."
He said as Luigi looked down "can you at least give him a tiny chance?"
Luigi asked looking into Mario's eyes smiling a little bit and Mario sighed as well rubbing his eyes and Luigi looked at Dk for support but all he did wasshake his head fast not wanting to get in between this conversation as Mario looked at Luigi "alright I'll give him a tiny chance but don't expect me to be a kind person to him."
Luigi smiled hugging Mario tightly "thank you Mario."
Mario smiled a little bit hugging him back tightly "also Mario did you and Dk have fun while watching me and Bowser?"
Mario and Dk looked confused staring at Luigi "what are you talking about?"
Luigi giggled pointing at Mario's stomach "you're both are covered in leafs and sticks and both of you are a mess especially you're hair."
Both Mario and Dk realized what Luigi was saying quickly denying any of that but Luigi wouldn't take no for an answer smirking "you spied on me if anything you deserve this."
Mario and Dk tried to argue against him but Luigi covered his ears walking away as he laughed (what he doesn't know is he predicted the future >:>)
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Taste of Home
Taste of Home
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Leonardo Da Vinci x Le Comte de Saint-Germaine
Tag: Established relationship Cooking Kisses Spicy lines Fluff
Word Count  991
Author’s Note: The song is La donna è mobile from Rigoletto written by Giuseppe Verdi.
A little something to celebrate Italy with Leonardo and his lover, in a ordinary day with a normal amount of dishes prepared from our italian chef, much to the delight of the residents, with some sweet and spicy adding, I very much hope will be of your taste like this little dish I prepared myself take a seat and enjoy the feast. 🥰
Tag list
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome  @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @natimiles @nightghoul381 @dragon-liquorice @candied-boys
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it 😊
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It was a summer day at the mansion, the whole nation simmered with perfumes and sounds he never heard of more pleasant, except the ones of his native country, an heavy sigh escaped from his lips at the thought as he shifted around the table, filled to the brim with his skillful hands creations.
La donna è mobile
Qual piuma al vento,
Muta d'accento - e di pensiero.
Sempre un amabile,
Leggiadro viso,
In pianto o in riso, è menzognero.
The fragrant perfume of white bread still warm from the oven placed in a plate next to the baci di dama, the unmistakable aroma of gianduia melted well with the bitter scent of coffee of the tiramisu, the yellow color of the polenta stalked in contrast with the red cover of the lasagna placed next to it, on a side of the candid tablecloth stretched a feast of pasta of any kind and pizza with various filling, enough to satisfy every taste, everything rigorously handmade following the recipes he known by heart. Amidst its chaos stood the improvised cook who do not even remotely cared about any intruder immersed in the task of stirring the red tomato sauce in the pot, carefully blowing air on it before savouring its taste rolling on his tongue as he hummed in delight, his fingers from time to time threw some ingredients in one of the pan like a magician practising his magic in broad daylight, bathing everything in sight in its warm hues.
È sempre misero
Chi a lei s'affida,
Chi le confida - mal cauto il core!
Pur mai non sentesi
Felice appieno
Chi su quel seno - non liba amore!
He let out a chuckle, laughing at the irony of singing about the love for a woman, his parents words ringed still clear in his ear. 
-Do not show us your face unless you have took a wife.-
-Ah if only they knew.
“What are you preparing today ?”
The arms of his husband wrapped around his torso, like the sun brushing away all his dark thoughts, smiling at the soft kiss he left on his neck
“Geez there are people watching us ya know ?” his low chuckle reverberated in his chest, a tone of defiance in his voice he loved so much hearing sing for him in the bed
“Who ?”
“Someone will surely come out of this frat house you create.”
a soft giggle escaped his lips as he pulled away, he leaned against the counter to face him as he spoke.
“I see you have given Sebastian the day off.”
“He deserved it that poor guy acting all up as he is our maid and butler at once.”
He dipped the spoon in the tomato sauce pot once more, bringing the point to his lips, it tasted like home, like the country he could not come back to if not as outsider or traveller, the one he still felt to belong, both italian and french at once even though he far preferred to call himself citizen of the world, inhabitant of the earth, belonging anywhere and nowhere at once, but when the light goes down and he had to find a shelter he knew exactly where to go, the same place he would have kept coming back to over and over again, the one and only he would have chosen in every universe in every timeline even after thousand years he would have still come back home to him, the only man who intrigued him, he felt to know everything and nothing of every time they talked, a mystery he would have gladly spend all eternity discovering, each side of him a precious treasure he collected in his heart.
Before he could do anything he moved to block him against the counter, a cat like smirk on his lips as he stared in his husband’s golden eyes sensual and alluring, leaning over to press a soft kiss on his nose, his gesture made him smile at his boldness, he never was good at masking his own desire, at least not like le Comte taught from a young age to conceal every emotion and so he took action cupping his face in his hands melting his own lips on his, lacing his own hands on his husband’s hips to steady him.
Their kiss was sweet and deep, intoxicating and exhilarating pervading each and every one of his sense leaving him speechless and astounded, butterflies swirling inside his heart, fluttering with all the love he felt for his husband, the sweetest of flavour invading his tongue spreading on his palate, it was the most delicious meal he had ever had in all his life and it was only the first course he though smiling to himself, for the even sweeter dessert that waited for them both in bed, late at night when all the others were asleep and the clock struck midnight signing the start of the time for lover.
Reluctantly they pulled away panting for air, lost in each other's gaze so much to not notice their butler peeking from the doorframe, sliding noiselessly away once he witnessed that forbidden view.
He kissed his forehead tenderly, revelling in the astoundment glimmering in his golden eyes 
“I love you so my ferret.” a smile so bright like the sun itself brightened his gorgeous features
“I love my cat too.” he smiled softly to him, feeling his lips leave a little kiss on his nose making him chuckle, he really did puzzled him one minute he was bold and the other shy, but he knew that despite all their bicker and banter their love was genuine, hidden deep in their hearts only for one another.
Their love confessed countless time with each moan and groan escaping their lips, with every kiss sealing their soul together and that night would have been not exception, basking in the soft alluring gleaming in his eyes at his heartfelt words murmured tenderly on his skin as they laid on their sides looking at one another with only the aster as guardian of their love, because it did not matter how much times they kissed or made love or how many refined dishes they tasted, he always had and always would have been his favourite flavour of them all, because to him his husband tasted like home.
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Pitch for a Dark Pictures Anthology game:
1) The title:
ISLAND OF BRASIL (based on the urban legend)
2) The plot:
(Prologue) In the year 1010, Viking warriors Ulric and Magnus, along with their crew, come across a mysterious island shrouded in fog while sailing past Ireland. The Vikings make camp on the island before being slaughtered by a mysterious force hidden in the shadows.
(Main story) In the present day, world-famous British photographer Colin Brenner has lost his creative spark. He feels that he has done photoshoots in every possible exotic location he could think of. One day, he learns about the island of Brasil, a mythical island that lies west of Ireland that appears once every seven years. Despite the ludicrousness of the story, he decides to find Brasil in the hopes of doing a photoshoot on the island. One last, epic photoshoot before retirement.
Along with four famous supermodels (names will be listed below) and his crew, Colin sets sail for Brasil. Miraculously, the group finds Brasil and lands on the island. But what should’ve been the vacation trip of a lifetime quickly becomes a disaster when the group realizes the same thing the Vikings did centuries ago; there’s something on the island. Something…evil.
3) Details of the game
* Based on the Irish mythical island of Brasil (also known as Hy-Brasil)
* In terms of horror movie inspirations, I pictured this game as a modern take on the cannibal horror movie. For those who don’t know, there’s an entire sub genre dedicated to primitive cannibalistic tribes that terrorize “civilized” people. Movies in this genre include The Green Inferno, Bone Tomahawk, and Cannibal Holocaust.
What I wanted to do was change the setting since most cannibal horror movies feature tribes of Asian, South American, or Native American descent. I wanted to do one where the cannibal tribe, for once, is of European descent.
So, yeah, the game’s main villains are the cannibal tribes of Brasil and it’s up to the players to get our main characters (Colin and the four supermodels) off the island.
4) The main characters
* Colin Brenner (AMBITIOUS, OVERBEARING, ABRASIVE): World-famous British photographer who led the expedition to Brasil in hopes of one last photoshoot to cement his legacy. He is voiced and motion-capped by Idris Elba, the game’s starring actor.
* Amy Simpson (CONFIDENT, ADVENTUROUS, STUBBORN): Supermodel from the United States. Amy uses the same face model as Julia from Man of Medan.
* Claire O’Reilly (FOOLHARDY, PASSIONATE, CHARMING) : Supermodel from Ireland. Claire uses the same face model as Clarice Stokes from House of Ashes. Also, Taylor/Tanya from Little Hope.
* Karin Yoshimitsu (SUPERSTITIOUS, INSECURE, EMPATHETIC): Supermodel from Japan. Karin uses the same face model as Felicity Graves from Hidden Agenda.
* Aminder Chopra (RATIONAL, CURIOUS, WITTY): Supermodel from India. Aminder uses the same face model as Erin Keenan from The Devil in Me.
5) The prologue protagonists
Ulric and Magnus: The two Viking warriors who find Brasil and are later killed (and eaten) by the island inhabitants.
Ulric uses the same face model as Eric King from House of Ashes.
Magnus uses the same face model as Merwin from House of Ashes.
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parkerbombshell · 3 months
Rules Free Radio July 9
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Tuesdays 2pm - 5pm  EST Rules Free Radio With Steve  Caplan bombshellradio.com On the next Rules Free Radio with Steve Caplan, we’ll hear new music by Rob Moss and Skin Tight Skin, Redd Kross, Boston’s Mutual Admiration Society, Burr Island, The Armoires, Stephen Pastel, Local Natives, The Felice Brothers, Loma, Dirty Three, Homeshake, and Marina Allen. We’ll sample a few tracks from a new tribute to Tom Petty as done by Country artists. We’ll revisit a couple from the newly released 50th-anniversary deluxe edition of The Grateful Dead’s Mars Hotel album. In the third hour, we’ll check out some recent Jazz releases and new singer-songwriter offerings. Along the way, we’ll hear Squeeze, Gin Blossoms, Permanent Green Light, The Jam, Secret Affair, The Stones, Son Volt, The Band, The Lovin’ Spoonful, The Small Faces, The Youngbloods, Crosby Stills & Nash, Willie Nile, and a bunch more. Redd Kross - Too Good To Be True Squeeze - Another Nail In My Heart Permanent Green Light - (You and I Are the) Summertime Gin Blossoms - Follow You Down The Greenberry Woods - Nervous Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - I Need To Know Steve Earle - Yer So Bad Luke Combs - Runnin' Down A Dream Tom Petty - You Wreck Me Jamey Johnson - I Forgive It All The Young Fresh Fellows - Rock 'n' Roll Pest Control Rob Moss and Skin-Tight Skin - The Next Time (I See You) Mutual Admiration Society - Heavy Music The Jam - Beat Surrender Secret Affair - Going To A Go-Go The Rolling Stones - All Down The Line The Airport 77s - Too Tight Son Volt - It's Gonna Be Easy The Band - Time To Kill The Grateful Dead - Wave That Flag (Demo) The Grateful Dead - Scarlet Begonias Bright Eyes - Bells and Whistles The Small Faces - Lazy Sunday Sopwith Camel - Hello Hello The Youngbloods - Rain Song (Don't Let The Rain Bring You Down) The Lovin Spoonful - Lovin' You Henry Thomas - Bull-Doze Blues (Going Up The Country) Crosby, Stills, Nash - Helplessly Hoping Burr Island - Mother The Armoires - Here Comes The Song Stephen Pastel - The Most Beautiful House in Airdrie Fred Neil - December's Dream Local Natives - As Soon As You Arrive Dirty Three - Love Changes Everything II Loma - Affinity Homeshake - Empty Lot Dana Gavanski - Jano Mome The Felice Brothers - Let Me Ride Away With The Horsemen Willie Nile - Across The River Marina Allen - Deep Fake U.S.E. Trio - Clstrfck SML - Rubber Tree Dance William Parker, Cooper-Moore, Hamid Drake - Five Angels By The Stream Shabaka - Kiss Me Before I Forget Read the full article
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spanishskulduggery · 2 years
Somewhat unrelated to the other topic of the names but just something fun and interesting I thought I’d point out:
As someone mentioned - there are many female names that are Marian in nature, meaning they’re derived from the Virgin Mary or particular iterations or locations that have a strong connection to Mary or where miracles occurred
The names tend to seem a little confusing if you hear it in English based on what they literally mean, but they’re often religious in nature
“Dolores” comes from “Our Lady of Sorrows”, you also have Angustias which comes from Nuestra Señora de las Angustias “Our Lady of Anguishes”, and Soledad from “Our Lady of Solitude”, Mercedes/Merche is said to come from Virgen de la Merced “The Virgin of Mercy”, and sometimes Nieves from “Our Lady of the Snows”
Others are Concepción or Concha meaning “Conception”, or Encarnación “Incarnation”, and Asunción “Assumption”, Rosario “Rosary”, or Natividad “Nativity/Birth”
Sometimes it’s related to shrines or locations - Nuria, Candelaria, Lourdes, Guadalupe/Lupe/Lupita, and Fátima
I believe these kinds of names are quite common in countries that have a strong Catholic cultural tradition
In English we don’t often come across names like that, though we do have names after cardinal virtues like Prudence and Temperance, and a few others though many sound old fashioned today. There was also a tradition for people to be named after certain qualities that were favorable or related to religion in some way, especially if you’re talking pilgrim times - names like Silence, Felicity, Hope, Faith, Liberty... the English version of this trend feels more old-fashioned than the Spanish does
But if you like Federico García Lorca then you know all about how people can use these kinds of names to great effect
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whats-k-popping · 2 years
Hey I have a request💜
Jungkook with a bad and sneezy cold and fever, he become sad and cry a little bit, while the members take care of him making him soup and clean his nose for him. I would like Jungkook with stuck sneezes and cant sneeze so the members make him sneeze to help him in many ways.
Ps: Im italian so english isn't my native language Im sorry😅
Grazie per la richiesta! 💜💜 Mie piaciuto scrivere questo!
Sono felice che ti piaccia i il mio lavoro da un altro paese. (Il mio italiano non e buono. Non lo uso piu molto. Scusa!)
Pairing: OT7 - platonic intentions but ship how you want.
Words: 2684
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Cold Symptoms || Illness || Snz Content || Congestion || Graphic Descriptions of Snot || Induced Snz Content || Sick Member || Snzing on Members
See Also: @sneezyminniejo did a very similar fic recently to nearly the same request. It can be found here. They also did such a good job with it and it's such a pleasure to read! Please make sure to read that fic as well! <3
Jungkook's been fighting a cold for three days. It’s a brutal battle; there are empty blister packs and crumpled up tissues strewn about as evidence that Jungkook’s holding his own. But when he wakes on day four, it seems the cold is coming out on top. The combined efforts of cold medicine and nasal spray prove useless. He can't breathe at all though his nose, and he's hacking merciless coughs that tear through his chest. In these minutes of misery, he believes being mauled by a bear would hurt less. 
He stands in the bathroom white knuckling the edge of the sink. After a round of wet coughs, he spits the phlegmy remains down the drain and sniffles harshly. But nothing moves in his sinuses. It's an impenetrable wall of snot. He tries forcing air in, he tries forcing air out. It's all ineffective. He whimpers pitifully, splashing warm water over his face hoping that might help. Still, nothing changes. He momentarily contemplates using that neti pot that Namjoon swears by. 
The six members can hear Jungkook hitching and sniffling heavily from the bathroom. But they give him space. Jungkook was adamant from day one that "it's not a big deal" and “It’s just a small cold” and the ever so mature "I can take care of myself." So they wait. They agreed to let Jungkook come to them, when he needs it. They try not to coddle him too much, unless that's what he wants. So they are seated around the table, breakfast served, listening to Jungkook lose another battle with his nose. 
It goes on for a while and Jungkook's not coming down to eat. Seokjin cracks and stands from the table. Hoseok immediately interjects, "He said he doesn't want any help." 
"And I'm not going to help him," the elder answers nonchalantly, "I'm just feeling a little warm." He casually goes over to the home thermostat and lowers the temperature a few degrees. There’s a mischievous look in his eyes as he presses the down arrow repeatedly. The other members seem to understand what their hyung is up to. They nod collectively around the table, Seokjin retaking his seat. They don't need to speak about it, everyone already knows there’s a plan. 
There's another round of painful sounding coughs followed by throat clearing and spitting. Then they finally hear footsteps walking toward the staircase. Seconds later, Jungkook joins them at the table. His food has already gone cold. 
"Bornin, hyunds" Jungkook greets, pushing the plate aside and resting his head on the table. Maybe if he hits his head hard enough against the table, the snot clogging his sinuses will finally shift. It's a fleeting thought, and he ultimately decides not to act on it. Instead, he just sniffles thickly again. 
"Still got that cold, JK?" Jimin asks, hoping maybe Jungkook would admit that he's feeling bad. They don't have anything to do today, so what's the harm in seeking a little attention? 
"Yeah," he sniffles thickly as if to prove his point. "I dink id's gettig wordse. Id anyone else cold?" His teeth are chattering as he wraps his arms around his upper body. 
Sure, they know Seokjin lowered the temperature a few degrees in the dorms. But Jungkook makes it seem like he's sitting in a winter storm without a coat. There's several replies around the table that all convince Jungkook he's alone in feeling cold. He kind of suspected that was the case. 
Hoseok leans over uninvited and presses a hand to the maknae's forehead. Surprisingly Jungkook doesn't pull away; instead, he leans further into Hoseok's touch basking in the memory of what warmth feels like. 
"Aigoo, you feel a bit warm, bun." The dancer announces to the table. Jungkook groans in response to the news. Instead of pulling his hand away, Hoseok uses it to stroke gently down Jungkook's cheek as a comforting gesture. 
Jungkook melts at the touch. It's just the simple comfort he's been denying himself for the past three days. The same comfort he's been craving, but has been too ashamed to ask for. But now he's feverish and stuffy and miserable. And he just wants to be cuddled. 
"Hyunds," the maknae's eyes begin to water as he looks at them. He can sense their pity. He knows they won't be mad. "I deally don'd beel good." 
Jimin stands from his seat and wraps his arms around the sick maknae, pressing a long kiss to the crown of his head. No one else moves, they don't want to smother him. Besides, Jimin is the best when it comes to physical comfort. "That's okay, Jungkookie. Hyungs are here to take care of you." He reassures, wiping fallen tears off his fellow vocalist's flushed cheeks. 
Despite Jimin’s soft tones and gentle touches, Jungkook breaks down into hysterical sobs. He knows he’s been a jerk to his hyung for days and they didn’t say anything to him about it. He feels bad, physically and emotionally. And he can’t help but think that maybe if he would have let his hyungs help days ago, he wouldn’t be feeling so badly now. “Hyunds, I’b dorry. I’b do dorry.” He repeats through broken, hiccuping sobs. 
Jimin repositions so he’s sitting on Jungkook’s lap. He pulls the maknae in and buries his face into his own shoulder, petting his damp hair slightly. He doesn’t care about the mess it will make. He just wants for Jungkook to calm down. It hurts his heart to hear Jungkook wail like this. Jimin’s whispering sweet nothing and reassurances into Jungkook’s ears so quietly not even Hoseok, who is seated beside them, can hear. 
As Jungkook starts to finally calm down, Jimin makes subtle gestures to the other members. He’s got Jungkook for now. But they’re going to need a team effort if they want Jungkook to be effectively taken care of. So the table disperses to various areas of the house. Jungkook doesn’t even hear them leave. 
When he looks up, Jimin’s holding a napkin toward him encouraging him to blow his nose. Jimin doesn’t let go of the napkin, and when Jungkook turns away Jimin’s hand follows. Eventually, Jimin just cups the napkin around Jungkook’s nose and squeezes. The napkin fills, now sticky and wet against Jimin’s fingertips. But there’s room for more. And from the sound of Jungkook’s sniffling, there’s definitely more. “Good, now blow for real this time,” Jimin commands in a low assertive voice. It’s eerily close to Yoongi’s tone. Jungkook doesn’t mess around when Jimin deepens his voice. He knows it means he’s serious. Jungkook blows hard, relieved that crying had loosened his sinuses. He files it away as a quick fix should he feel stuffed up again. 
Jimin pulls the napkin away, wiping at any left over on or around Jungkook’s nose. He puts the napkin on Jungkook’s untouched plate of food and goes back to coddling. Jungkook’s on Jimin’s shoulder again, the one that’s not soiled with tears and snot, and Jimin’s rocking them from side to side. It’s a peaceful few minutes of comfort. Then Jungkook’s breath hitches and he scrunches up his nose. “Hhe- EHet-” He anticipates a sneeze and points his face away from Jimin. But he loses it as soon as it snuck up on him. “Ghuh” He sniffles and shakes his head, trying to will the sneeze back. The need is still there. Less urgent, but it will happen sooner or later. He prefers sooner. 
Jimin chuckles at the disappointed and determined look on Jungkook’s face. He knows how annoying it can be to feel a sneeze that’s not ready to come out yet. “Ah, Kook-ah, let hyung help you.” Jimin pulls Jungkook’s face back, brushing longer strands of hair against the edged of Jungkook’s nostrils. The thin strands tickle at Jungkook’s nose. And the residual chemical smell of hair dye from Jimin’s new color is strong enough for Jungkook to sense. The combination does wonders for Jungkook’s stuck sneeze. 
It’s a matter of seconds before Jungkook’s hitching and pitching with a flurry of sneezes. “Eh-NgtCHI, Heh-PFTIchu, HEI-gnxtch” He tried to turn away, but Jimin kept him tucked in. The sneezes sprayed against Jimin’s neck, some of the dampness getting in the short vocalist's hair. But Jimin doesn’t flinch or cringe. He doesn’t pull away. 
Jimin waits patiently for the fit to end and then looks at Jungkook’s face. His eyes are red rimmed, nose dripping with fresh snot that he tries to sniffle back. There’s a small pout on his lips. And the maknae’s breathing is labored, like the force of the sneezing took his breath away. He smooths over Jungkook’s hair. “Feel better?” he asks softly, reaching around the table for an unused napkin. He wishes they were closer to a box of tissues. 
“A biddle,” Jungkook replies, already wiping the drippage on the back of his sleeve in the interest of time. “I wadda sleeb,” he admits.
Jimin chuckles. “Okay, baby. The couch should be all set up for you now.” He leaps off Jimin’s lap and offers the maknae a hand. Jungkook accepts the hand and allows Jimin to guide him to the living room. Like Jimin alluded to, his personal bedding is set up on the couch. It’s clear now Jimin’s affections were meant to bide time. 
Jungkook makes himself comfortable on the pillow that’s leaned up against Hoseok’s lap. He knows Hoseok is a bit of a germaphobe, but he can’t resist getting as close to the dancer as possible. He assumes it’s okay when Hoseok coos and starts rubbing Jungkook’s arms over the blanket. 
Before he gets too comfortable, Seokjin and Yoongi emerge from the kitchen. Seokjin’s holding a steaming bowl and Yoongi’s got a small pharmacy in his arms. “You’ve gotta eat something before sleeping, JK.” Seokjin advises, “And take some medicine.” 
“Bill you feed be?” Jungkook asks in a small voice as he sits himself up. He continues to lean against Hoseok. Seokjin isn’t going to say no to such a precious request. He sits on the floor in front of Jungkook and spoon feeds him. Jungkook eats half the bowl before he says he’s full. Jungkook’s not usually the type to get full, especially on less than one serving; but Seokjin doesn’t argue it. When Seokjin steps away, Yoongi approaches with blister packs of cold medicine. 
“Do you want daytime or nighttime?” Yoongi asks before he opens anything. 
“Night,” Jungkook pleads. He just wants to be asleep. Yoongi pops the pills and hands them to Jungkook. While the maknae works to dry swallow those, he’s pouring a dose of cough medicine which Jungkook takes with only a few complaints. “Cab I dleeb now?” He’s still making a sour face from the taste of cough syrup. Yoongi smooths a fever patch into his forehead. 
Yoongi nods and settles nearby. One by one all the members come to rest around the couch. There’s a movie playing in the background but no one can give it much attention. With Jungkook’s constant thick sniffling and wet coughing, everyone’s attention is on the sick maknae. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to try the neti pot?” Namjoon offers, as is standard everytime one of the members has a cold. The answer is always a resounding no, but he’ll make the suggestion until the day he dies. In line with the tradition, Jungkook cringes at the mention. He’s terrified that he’d drown or his brain would fill with water. It’s not logical, but neither is pouring water up your nose. 
“What if we make you sneeze?” Taehyung suggests mischievously. There’s a silence among the members. Taehyung feels judged for even suggesting it, so he elaborates, “If you sneeze, you might clear up your sinuses. And finally be able to sleep.” 
Jungkook’s entranced by the idea of sleep. He’s beyond drowsy and sapped of energy since he took the night med. He’d be asleep if it weren’t for the heaviness in his chest and head. His only reservation is that he doesn’t think he has the stamina to sneeze. Each one rips out of him with such force. He doesn’t have the energy for that. But he’s willing to try. “Led’s try id.” He admits. 
Taehyung’s up and out of the room at light speed. He doesn’t tell anyone what he’s planning. The other members look around and try to come up with ways to make Jungkook sneeze. Jimin stays silent. He’d already been sneezed on today, he feels it’s someone else’s turn. Seokjin makes the first move. He blows in Jungkook’s face, a slow stream of air directed toward the top of Jungkook’s nose. It makes the maknae’s nose twitch. He hitches once. But nothing productive. 
Namjoon instructs Jungkook to look at the light, hoping that might trigger something. But the cool lighting of the dorm isn’t bright enough to trigger a reaction. Still his nose itches and he scrubs at it. Hoseok grabs a candle sitting on the side table. But when he looks at it, he notices it’s unscented. Of course all the candles are unscented. Scented candles make Jungkook sneeze. So they don’t keep them in the dorm. Yoongi shrugs and jams a finger under Jungkook’s nose.  
“Hyung, that’s how you stop a sneeze,” Jimin remarks with a chuckle. 
Yoongi stutters embarrassed, “Ya, maybe it works both ways. You never know.” Jimin raises his hands in surrender. Yoongi’s finger doesn’t have any effect on Jungkook’s stuck sneezes. He hitches again gasping for air, desperate to relieve the tickle in his nose. 
Taehyung runs back into the room with a shaggy throw pillow in hand. He shoves the pillow against Jungkook’s face. The surrounding members can clearly smell the strong cologne that Taehyung wears to award ceremonies. It smells as though he dipped the whole pillow into the bottle. 
Jungkook inhales a heavy dose of the cologne and is immediately thrown into a sneezing fit. “hep’tehCHU, hmf’NXTchi, he-eh'HXTt, HA’tichu, hpti’atCHI, HXTngt, Hi’TISHuu” He sneezes relentlessly into what he knows if Taehyung’s favorite snuggle pillow. Each sneeze is louder and messier than the next. They are hard on his throat and they hurt in his nose, but it’s working. He can feel mucus shift with each sneeze. He can tell just from the stickiness alone that the pillow is now covered in his snot. 
He wants to pull it away. The heavy scent of the cologne is still attacking his nose. But he doesn’t want the others to see the mess he’s made. After 13 harsh sneezes, Namjoon rips the pillow away and tosses it onto the reclining chair in the corner. “Alright, Jungkook. I think that’s enough.” He tries to keep it lighthearted, but he’s seriously concerned about Jungkook’s vocal cords after all the sneezing. 
Jungkook’s left with nothing to hide his messy face. There’s snot glistening his skin all the way down to his chin. He hastily rubs the sleeves of his sweater against his face to clean himself. He’s tearing up at the same time, embarrassed. Seokjin’s got a box of tissues in his hands. He grabs three and approaches the maknae. 
“Jungkook-ah. Don’t use your sweater. That’s not clean.” His voice is calm and sweet. “Here, hyung has tissues for you.” 
Jungkook grabs them hastily and finishes cleaning up. He throws the balled up tissues on the same chair as the pillow. He figures they should keep all of his mess together. “More, please.” Jungkook asks, his voice a lot clearer than it has been all day. Seokjin just passes the whole box. 
Jungkook blows his nose loudly three more times before he finally feels empty. Or emptier, at least. He’s now able to breathe better through one nostril and his head feels less heavy. And as expected, the sneezing fit wore him to bits. He finally feels like he can sleep. He nestles back in against Hoseok who accepts him with open arms. 
Taehyung smiles, reclaiming his previous seat. “Sleep well, Jungkookie.” He rubs the maknae’s calf. 
Still no one can focus on the movie over the sounds of Jungkook’s congested snores.
A/N: As always, thanks for reading to the end! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. Please call me out for any errors you notice!
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leafvy · 4 years
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𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
hello everyone! i am finally back with a new name list, i hope you enjoy it and find it usefull!
[ disclaimer: my sincere apologies if there are any spelling/meaning/origin mistakes in any of my name lists, i am by no means a professional in this area, i just like creating lists to help aid storytellers. i do try my best to find each name’s corresponding origin/meaning/spelling but i am a human who is prone to make the odd mistake. p.s, i take requests! ]
Adalina - German derived - Noble 
Adelaide - English - Noble natured 
Adrianna - Latin - Person from Hadria 
Aishwarya - Sanskrit - Wealth, prosperity 
Alethea - Greek - Truth
Alexandria - Greek derived - Feminine form of Alexandros, defender of men
Alexandrina - Greek derived - Feminine form of Alexandros, defender of men
Alianora - Unknown - Unknown
Amaryllis - Greek - Sparkle, shine
Anastasia - Greek - Ressurection
Anastazja - Polish - Reborn 
Angelina - Greek - Messenger
Angelique - Latin - Messenger of God
Annabella - Italian - Loving
Annabelle - English - Favoured grace
Annalisa - Latin - Graced with God’s bounty
Annamaria - Italian/French/German - Bitter, grace
Anneliese - Latin - Graced with God’s bounty
Antoinetta - Latin - Praiseworthy
Antoinette - French - Priceless one
Antonella - Italian - First born
Antonia - Italian - Priceless, praiseworthy, beautiful
Antonina - Spanish - Priceless, highly esteemed
Arabella - Latin - Yielding to prayer
Araceli - Latin - Altar of heaven, heavenly homemaker
Araminta - English - Prayer, protection
Arianna - Greek/Italian - Most holy
 Ariella - Hebrew - Lion of God
Aubrianna - German - Elf
Augusta - Latin - Great, magnificent
Augustina - Latin - The exalted one
Avabella - Hebrew - My God is an oath
Avalina - English - Little bird
Avianna - Latin - Birdlike
Avrielle - Unknown - Unknown
Bathilda - Germanic/Norse - Battle
Benedetta - Latin/Spanish - Blessed
Benedicta - Latin - Blessed
Bernadetta - French - Brave Bear
Bernadette - French - Brave Bear
Busarakham - Thai - Yellow Sapphire
Cairistonia - Unknown - Unknown
Calliope - Greek - Beautifully voiced
Candelaria - Spanish - Candle
Carlotta - Italian - Free man
Carolina - Latin/French - Free man
Cassandra - Greek - The one who shines & excels over men
Cassiopeia - Greek - Unknown
Catalina - Spanish - Pure
Celestina - Spanish/Italian - Heavenly
Celestine - Latin - Heavenly
Charlotta - French/German - Manly
Charlotte - French - Free man
Chrysanthemum - Greek - Gold flower
Cleobella - Unknown - Unknown
Cleopatra - Greek - Glory of her father
Cordelia - Welsh - Jewel of the sea
Corinthia - Greek - Woman of Corinth 
Cressida - Greek - Gold 
Daniella - Latin/Hebrew - God is my judge 
Dayanara - Spanish - Forceful 
Debbonaire - French - Good natured 
Deianira - Greek - Man destroyer 
Delphina - Greek - Woman from Delphi 
Demetria - Greek - Follower of Demeter 
Desdemona - Greek - Misery, unlucky 
Dolores - Latin - Sorrowful 
Dominica - French/Latin - Lord
Dominique - French/Latin - Lord
Donatella - Italian - Gift of God
Dulcinea - Spanish - Sweetness
Ekaterina - Russian/Bulgarian - Pure
Eleanora - Greek - Sun ray
Elenora - Greek - Sun ray
Elisabet - Scandinavian - Pledged to God
Elisabetta - Italian - Pledged to God
Elizabella - Spanish - God is my oath
Elizabeth - Hebrew - My God is an oath
Elizaveta - Russian - God is my oath
Elladora - Greek - A gift sent from heaven, one who is filled with light
Emmanuella - Hebrew - God is with us
Emmeline - French/German - Work
Esmerelda - Spanish - Emerald
Esperanza - Spanish - Hope
Estefania - Spanish/Greek - Crown, garland
Eulalia - Greek - Well-spoken
Evalina - Latin - Desired
Evangelina - Latin - Gospel
Evangeline - Latin - Gospel
Evelyna - Unknown - Unknown
Fatehmeh - Arabic - Captivating, woman who abstains
Federica - Italian - Peaceful ruler
Felicity - Latin - Happiness
Fernanda - Portuguese/Spanish/Italian - Bold voyager
Fiorella - Italian - Little flower
Francesca - Italian - From France
Frederica - German/English - Peaceful ruler
Gabriella - Spanish/Italian - God is my strength
Galatea - Greek - She who is milk-white
Galilea - Italian/Hebrew - Born in Galilee
Gayatari - Sanskrit - Goddess
Geneva - French - Juniper tree
Genevieve - Celtic/French/German - White wave
Georgetta - French/Greek/Latin - Farmer
Georgianna - Catalan/English/Greek/Romanian - Farmer
Georgina - Greek - Farmer
Giovanetta - Unknown - Unknown
Giullietta - Italian/Latin - Youthful
Gwendolyn - Welsh - White ring
Helena - Greek - Shining light
Henrietta - French/English - Estate ruler
Hydrangea - Greek/Latin - Water vessel
Ingeborg - Norse - Stronghold, protection
Isabella - Italian - God is my abundance
Isabellina - Portuguese - My god is a vow
Isadora - Greek - Gift of Isis
Itzayana - Mayan - Gift of God
Jacqueline - French - Supplanter
Jaganmata - Hindu - Mother of the world
Jasmina - French/Persian - God’s gift
Jessamina - Persian - Gift of God
Jessamine - Persian - Gift of God
Josephina - Hebrew - Jehovah increases
Julianna - Latin - Youthful
Julietta - Italian/Latin - Youthful
Katerina - Greek - Pure
Katherine - Greek - Pure
Kathleen - Irish/Greek - Pure
Laurentia - Latin - From Laurentium
Leocadia - Spanish - Splendid brightness
Leonora - Greek - Compassion, light
Liliana - Spanish/Italian - Lily, flower
Liliosa - Spanish - Lily, flower
Louisiana - German - Famous warrior
Luciana - Latin - Light
Lucinda - Latin - Light
Maddelena - Italian - Woman from Magdala
Magdalena - Greek - Woman from Magdala
Magnolia - Latin - Magnol’s flower
Marcelina - Latin - Dedicated to Mars
Marceline - Latin - Dedicated to Mars
Margaery - French - Pearl
Margaretha - Greek/Latin - Pearl, margarita
Marguerita - Greek - Pearl
Marguerite - French - Pearl
Mariana - Spanish - Grace, drop of the sea
Mariella - Latin/Dutch - Star of the sea
Marielle - Latin/Dutch - Star of the sea
Melania - Greek - Black, dark
Miabella - Italian - Beauty
Millicent - German - Strong in work
Mirabella - Latin - Wondrous beauty
Momilani - Hawaiian - Pearl of heaven
Montserrat - Latin - Jagged mountain
Morganna - Welsh - Sea-born
Nicoletta - Greek - People of victory
Nicolina - Greek - People of victory
Octavia - Latin - Eighth
Olivia - Latin - Olive tree
Olympia - Greek - From Mount Olympus
Onaiwah - Native American - Awake
Ophelia - Greek - Help
Penelope - Greek - Weaver
Persephone - Greek - Bringer of destruction
Petronella - Latin/Greek - Stone, rock
Petronilla - Italian/Latin - Stone, rock
Philomena - Greek - Friend of strength
Priscilla - Latin - Ancient
Raffaella - French - God has healed
Raphaela - Hebrew - God has healed
Rosabelle - Latin - Beautiful rose
Rosalina - German - Gentle horse
Samantha - Hebrew - Told by God
Santana - Spanish - Holy
Saphhira - Greek - Sapphire
Seraphina - Hebrew - Burning ones
Serenity - Latin - Peaceful
Shoshana - Hebrew - Lily, rose
Sophronia - Greek - Wise
Stellamaris - Latin - Star of the sea
Tatiana - Russian - Fairy Queen
Temperance - English - Moderation
Theodora - Greek - Gift of God
Ululani - Hawaiian - Heavenly inspiration
Valencia - Latin - Strong, healthy
Valentina - Latin - Strong, healthy
Vasilisa - Russian - Queen, Empress
Venezia - Italian - From Venice
Veronica - Latin - She who brings victory
Victoria - Latin - Victory
Violetta - Italian - Purple
Virginia - Latin - Virginal, pure
Vivienne - French - Life
Waleria - Polish - Healthy, strong
Wilhelmina - Dutch/German - Will, desire, helmet, protection
Williamina - German - Protection, resolute
Xanthippe - Greek - Yellow Horse
Yaroslava - Slavic - Fierce, glorious
Yevgeniya - Russian - Well born
Zenobia - Greek - Life of Zeus
Aballach - Arthurian - Father of Modron
Abraham - Hebrew - Father of multitudes
Acacius - Greek - Thorny
Alessandro - Italian - Defender of mankind
Alexander - Latin - To ward off, defend & protect
Alexandros - Greek - Defender, protector of man
Algernon - Norman-French - Moustached man
Alistair - Scottish - Defending men
Alphonsus - Spanish/Italian - Noble & ready
Ambrose - Greek/Latin - Immortal
Ambrosius - Greek/Latin - Divine, immortal
Anderson - Greek - Son of Andrew
Antonio - Spanish/Italian - Priceless one
Archibald - Germanic - Bold, genuine
Augustus - Latin - Majestic, venerable
Aurelius - Latin - Golden
Balthasar - Greek - Bal protects the King
Barnaby - English - Young warrior
Bartholomew - Aramaic - Son of Talmai
Beauchamp - English/French - Beautiful field
Beauregard - French - Beautiful gaze
Beckett - English - Beehive
Belvidere - Italian - Beautiful to see
Benedict - Latin - Blessed
Benjamin - Hebrew - Son of the right hand
Broderick - Welsh/Irish/Norse - Son of Rhydderch, descendent of Bruadar, Ginger brother
Callahan - Irish - Descendent of Ceallachán
Caspian - Arabic - Treasure of the sea
Cassander - Spanish/Greek - Brother of heroes
Channing - English/French - Young wolf, church offical
Christian - English - Follower of Christ
Christopher - English/Greek - Bearing Christ
Cillian - Irish - War, strife, church
Cleveland - English - Cliff land
Clifford - English - Lives near the cliff
Constantine - Latin/Greek - Steadfast, constant
Constantino - Latin/Greek - Steadfast, constant
Cornelius - Latin - Horn
Dartagnan - French - From Artagnan
Dashiell - French/Scottish - Heaven, sky
Douglas - Scottish - Dark water
Elmwood - English - Forest of Elm trees
Elwood - English - Forest of Elder trees
Emerson - German - Son of Emery
Emiliano - Italian - Rival
Emmanuel - Hebrew - God is with us
Evander - Greek/Scottish - Strong man, bow warrior
Finnegan - Irish - Son of fair haired
Fiorello - Italian - Little flower
Fitzwilliam - English - Son of William
Francesco - Latin/Spanish - French man, free man
Frederick - German - Peaceful ruler
Gabriel - Hebrew - God is my strength
Grayson - English - Grey haired one
Gregory - Latin - Gregarious
Guillermo - Spanish - Resolute protector
Harrison - English - Son of Harry
Heathcliffe - English - Cliff near a heath
Henderson - Scottish - Son of Henry
Holden - English - Hollow in the valley
Humphrey - French/English - Peaceful warrior, bear cub
Hyperion - Greek - The high one
Ignatius - Latin/Etruscan - Fiery one
Jackson - English - Son of Jack
Jameson - English - Son of James
Jefferson - English - Son of Jeffrey
Jeremiah - Hebrew - Yhwh will raise
Jonathon - Hebrew - Son of Jehovah
Joshua - Hebrew - Yhwh is salvation
Kenderick - Scottish/English - Royal ruler, champion
Lancaster - English - Habitational name
Lawrence - Latin - From Laurentium
Leander - Greek - Lion man
Leonardo - Italian/Spanish/Portuguese - Strong as a Lion
Leopold - Germanic - Brave people
Lorenzo - Italian/Spanish - From Laurentium
Lysander - Greek - Liberator
Madigan - Irish - Little dog
Malachi - Hebrew - Messenger of God
Marcellus - French - Young warrior
Marmaduke - Irish/Gaelic - Follower of Maedoc, leader of the seas
Maverick - American - Independent
Maximilianus - Latin - Greatest
Maximillian - Latin - Greatest
Montgomery - French - Gomeric’s hill
Mordecai - Hebrew - Little man
Morrison - English/Scottish - Son of Morris
Muhammad - Arabic - Praised, commendable
Napoleon - Greek - Lion of the new city
Nathaniel - Greek/Hebrew - God has given
Nicholas - Greek - Victory of the people
Nicholson - English/Greek - Son of Nicholas
Octavian - Latin - Eighth
Oswald - Anglo-Saxon - Divine power, ruler
Ozymandias - Greek - Tyrant, dictator
Percival - French - Pierce the vale
Peregrine - Latin - One from abroad
Phineas - Hebrew - Oracle
Randolph - English/German - Chief-Wolf
Reginald - Latin - King
Remington - English - Place on a riverbank
Roderick - Germanic - Famous ruler
Salvatore - Italian - Savior
Santiago - Spanish/Latin - Saint James
Sebastian - Latin - Venerable
Simeon - Hebrew - To hear, to be heard
Solomon - Hebrew - Man of peace
Sullivan - Irish - Black eyed one
Sylvester - Latin - Wooded, wild
Tennyson - English - Son of Dennis
Thaddeus - Aramaic - Courageous heart
Theodore - Greek - God given
Tiberius - Latin - Of the Tiber
Tobias - Hebrew/Greek - God is good
Tristram - Welsh - Noise
Ulysses - Greek - Wrathful, hater
Valentino - Latin - Strong
Vincenzo - Italian - To conquer
Wallace - Scottish/English - Foreigner
Wellington - English - Place name
Whittaker - English - White field
William - Germanic - Strong-willed warrior
Willoughby - English - Willow farm
Xerxes - Persian - Hero among heroes
Zacchaeus - Hebrew/Greek - Pure, innocent
Zachariah - Persian/Hebrew - God remembers
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hillerskaroyals · 2 years
tonight i’m choosing to be mad about the mistranslation in ep2.
during felice and madison’s conversation while they’re waxing felice’s legs the english cc captions are as follows:
maddie: is it too hot?
felice: no, it’s not too hot. it’s okay. it just feels warm
maddie: i know but i don’t like to sound like an idiot
which makes literally no sense and always left me confused however the swedish cc (as well as the regular english subtitles) has felice say:
“nej det är lugnt. du kan prata svenska med mig, maddie” which means “no it’s okay. you can speak swedish around me, maddie” which makes maddie’s response actually make sense.
it also answers the question of why maddie never speaks swedish in the show. it’s not that she can’t it’s because she’s worried she’ll make a mistake and be judged by her peers. which is a valid concern when speaking a second language around native speakers and especially in this population where we see how they treat people who are different than them.
we really don’t know much about maddie so i’m annoyed this little bit of information about her got lost in translation. that being said i hope we see maddie being comfortable enough around felice to try speaking swedish
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glisteninbrown · 3 years
Fixed stars in natal charts (mega post)
There are many fixed stars but these are only a few, check the planets and angles they are conjunct with. Fixed stars can only be conjunct as stars do not cast out rays, they usually only allow an orb of 0°-2.50°. Any other aspect to it is only meant to enhance or hinder the conjunction, Fixed stars in charts add more tension but result in a stronger individual. These descriptions should be taken with a grain of salt.
Antares | 9°-10° Sagittarius (depending on year): Is one of the 15 Behenian stars with a nature of Mars and Jupiter. It is apart of the constellation Scorpio and makes one tough, determined, but also rambunctious and prone to violence. It also gives understanding and memory, help against evil spirits, and the power of driving them away and binding them. Sagittarius placements 7°-11° will feel this activate this star.
ASC conjunct Antares: Riches and honor but prone to violence (Mahatma Gandhi). 
Sun conjunct Antares: Honors and riches ending in ruin, dangers of treachery (Pablo Escobar, Britney Spears, and Winston Churchill).
Part of Fortune conjunct Antares: Poverty; drastic financial situations (Doris Day, Sigmund Freud, and Édouard Manet).
MC conjunct Antares: Honor and good fortune; military honor (Pablo Escobar and Abraham Lincoln).
Moon conjunct Antares: open-minded, popular, influential friends, great power, great honor and wealth but these may not last long (due to Antares’ brash nature), liable to blindness or eye injury (Michael Jordan, Pablo Picasso & Yoko Ono).
Mercury conjunct Antares: uses ecclesiastic influence in business, unpopular, accuses friends, funds obtained slowly and with difficulty (Steven Spielberg, Jane Austin).
Venus conjunct Antares: ruthless, deceitful, & able but selfish. (???)
Mars conjunct Antares: quite favorable for gain but detrimental habits powerfully affect relationships; trouble in relationships. (H.P. Lovecraft)
Jupiter conjunct Antares: Great zeal (even if pretended), & benefit from relatives. (Emperor Nero)
Saturn conjunct Antares: Materialistic, trouble through enemies, many failures, & trouble from children (Paul Cezanne, M. C. Escher, Megan Fox).
Uranus conjunct Antares: May have abnormal and extreme ideas, be extremely socialistic, lie and exaggerate more than the average person, and have trouble having children ( Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex & Katy Perry).
Neptune conjunct Antares: Can be cunning, dishonest more than the average, gain through hard work, & tendency to steal more than average (Abraham Lincoln, Leonardo DiCaprio, David Beckham, & Angelina Jolie).
North Node conjunct Antares: Hardworking & ambitious (Ariana Grande, Pablo Picasso, Leonardo DiCaprio).
Regulus | 28°-29° Leo (depending on the year): Is one of the most fortunate stars in the heavens, it is of Mars & Jupiter nature. It gives glory, riches, and power to all who are born under its influence, asserting that those born under it have a royal-like nativity. Leo placements 27°-29° & Virgo placements 0°-2° will activate the star.
ASC conjunct Regulus: Great honor and wealth, violence and trouble, benefits may not last, victory of enemies, courageous & frank character (Paul Gaugin, Donald Trump, Drake, Édouard Manet, George H. W. Bush, Natalie Cole).
Sun conjunct Regulus: Power, authority, great influence over friends, honor and riches, violence, and benefits may not last (Liam Payne, H. P. Lovecraft, Kenny Rogers, Coco Chanel).
MC conjunct Regulus: Military honor, preferment, good fortune, if conjunct Sun, moon, and/ or Jupiter ample honor and fortune (Clint Eastwood, Jim Carrey, Liam Payne).
Part of Fortune conjunct Regulus: Fame, Ample fortune, & powerful friends (Liza Minnelli, Michael Jackson, Steven Spielberg).
Moon Conjunct Regulus: Powerful friends, dangers from enemies/ false friends, public prominence, makes women high spirited and independent (Megan Thee Stallion, Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill, Dolly Parton, Venus Williams).
Mercury conjunct Regulus: Honorable, popular, generosity abused by opponents, & gain through high position (Gene Kelly).
Mars conjunct Regulus: Fame, strong character, & public prominence (Henry Ford, Ariana Grande, Donald Trump, Princess Diana of Wales).
Venus conjunct Regulus: Many disappointments, trouble through love affairs, & famous partners/spouses (???).
Jupiter conjunct Regulus: Riches and power could fall to these natives easily (Bill Gates).
Saturn conjunct Regulus: Success in Church or law, scholarly, gain through speculation, companies and friends, and/ or high position (???).
Uranus conjunct Regulus: Can be energetic, ambitious, successful, may be unjust or dishonorable, panders to aristocracy, favorable for marriage, friends may become enemies at end of life, and may retire and live in seclusion (Jim Carrey & Johnny Depp).
Neptune conjunct Regulus: Prominent leader, strong character, influential friends, few if any enemies, & natural death in old age (Clint Eastwood, Audrey Hepburn, Anne Frank, Andy Warhol).
North Node conjunct Regulus: Their destiny/life path leans towards getting noticed, obtaining wealth, fame, and fortune (Princess Diana of Wales, Barrack Obama, Martin Scorsese).
Sirius | 13°-14° Cancer (depending on the year): Is on of the 15 Behenian stars with a nature of Mars & Jupiter. Sirius gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men with the power to pacify nobles and others. Well connected, it promises fame, honors and riches. According to tradition, Sirius will give a famous death with honors beyond the grave if positioned in the 8th house. In good aspect with Mars and Jupiter and close to the MC, promise is given of gaining extensive wealth, a lucky hand in commercial enterprise or matters of government. Cancer placements 12°-16° will activate this star.
ASC conjunct Sirius: Military/CEO honor (Michael Jordan, Albert Einstein, Robert De Niro, Steven Spielberg).
Sun conjunct Sirius: Success in business, If rising or culminating, kingly preferment (Frida Kahlo & George W. Bush).
Moon conjunct Sirius: Success in business, influential friends of opposite sex, favorable for the father, good health, beneficial changes in home or business (Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger, LL Cool J, Paris Jackson).
Mercury conjunct Sirius: Great business success, help through influential people, worries unnecessarily, & possible physical defect through accident (Will Ferrell, Khloé Kardashian, Elon Musk).
Venus conjunct Sirius: Ease, comfort and luxury, extravagant, gain by inheritance (Ernest Hemingway).
Mars conjunct Sirius: Courageous, generous, & military preferment (Pablo Picasso & Meghan, Duchess of Sussex).
Jupiter conjunct Sirius: Business success & possible help from relatives.  People born with this star aspected are generally born into a large family, and all those in the family circle are also interested in the large families themselves (Warren Buffett).
Saturn conjunct Sirius: Steady, reserved, diplomatic, high position through friends, favorable for home, gifts and legacies (David Beckham).
Uranus conjunct Sirius: Gain and prominence in Uranian matters, help from influential friends, & gain through harmonious marriage (???).
Neptune conjunct Sirius: Intuition, occult interests, good organizing ability, many influential friends, favorable for gain and domestic matters, and natural death (Frida Kahlo).
North Node conjunct Sirius: Military honor (Prince William of Cambridge & Adolf Hitler).
Spica | 23° Libra: Is on of the 15 Behenian stars with a nature of Venus & Mars. Spica gives success, renown, riches, a sweet disposition, love of art and science, unscrupulousness, unfruitfulness and injustice to innocence. However, if Spica is placed in angular houses and conjoined with Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, and if these planets are afflicted, a rise followed by a downfall with tragic ending could be the result. Libra placements 21°-25° will activate this star.
ASC conjunct Spica: Unbounded good fortune, happiness, unexpected honor or advancement beyond native’s hopes or capacity (Hanz Zimmer, Bob Hope, Princess Anne, Jennifer Aniston, Gene Simmons, Eric Clapton).
MC conjunct Spica: Happiness & unexpected honor or advancement beyond native’s hopes or capacity (Princess Diana of Wales).
Part of Fortune conjunct Spica: Great wealth & voluptuous propensities (???).
Sun conjunct Spica: Great and lasting preferment, immense wealth, great happiness to native’s parents and children, & favorable for public and legal affairs (Eminem, Zac Efron, Ne-Yo, Chuck Berry, Keyshia Cole, John Mayer, Felicity Jones).
Moon conjunct Spica: Gain through inventions; success (Marie Antoinette & Justin Bieber).
Mercury conjunct Spica: Favor of clergy and people in authority, gain through investment, and responsible position (Margaret Thatcher).
Venus conjunct Spica: Benefits from friends, social success, & false friends of own sex (Woody Allen & Warren Buffett).
Mars conjunct Spica: Popular social success, may have good judgment and quick decision or be violent in dispute, and a straight fool (Viola Davis & Cameron Boyce).
Jupiter conjunct Spica: Social success, wealth, ecclesiastical honor and preferment (Bill Clinton & Winston Churchill).
Saturn conjunct Spica: Sharp or rugged, but does much good, occult interests, good speaker, many friends, gain through legacies but extravagant, good health, and favorable for domestic matters (Emperor Nero, Rudolf Hess, Leonardo Da Vinci).
Uranus conjunct Spica: Mediumistic, popular, gain through marriage, fortunate, & possible sudden natural death (???).
Neptune conjunct Spica: Comfortable surroundings, always sufficiently well off, associated with companies, gain through legacies, somewhat fast and extravagant (Michael Moore, Harvey Weinstein).
North Node conjunct Spica: Wealth, popularity, & powerful friends (Michael Jackson).
Altair | 1° Aquarius: Is a fixed star of Mars & Jupiter nature. Altair confers a bold, confident, valiant, unyielding, ambitious and liberal nature, great and sudden but ephemeral wealth, and a position of command. Capricorn placements at 29° and Aquarius placements 0°-2° will activate this star.
ASC conjunct Altair: Military honor and a natural born leader (Kirk Douglas, Hilary Duff,  Billie Holiday, Alan Cumming).
MC conjunct Altair: Near the Midheaven and in good aspect, Altair promises rise in life and honors. The native tries with sincere conviction to reach out for his aims with utmost will-power. He will avoid nothing in order to achieve them (George Washington).
Part of Fortune conjunct Altair: Military honor (Harvey Weinstein & John F Kennedy).
Sun conjunct Altair: Public honor, notoriety, favors from superiors, many friends and some envious ones who cause trouble through writings (Paul Cezanne, Charles V of France, Jeff Koons, Sam Cooke, Billy Ocean, David Lynch, & Dolly Parton).
Moon conjunct Altair: Interest in a strange or ancient discovery, disappointment and loss over property and gain, friends become enemies, trouble through companies or public affairs, difficulties through or misfortune to children (Russell Crowe, Napoleon II of France, John McCain, David Beckham, Abraham Lincoln, & John Lennon).
Mercury conjunct Altair: Many difficulties, misfortunes, and strange experiences, bad for partnership, loss of a relative under strange circumstances (Marilyn Monroe & Michael Jordan).
Venus conjunct Altair: Unfavorable for love affairs. Strange and peculiar attractions, & losses through friends (Elvis Presley).
Mars conjunct Altair: Sharp mind, trouble through friends, society and companies but eventual gain (???).
Jupiter conjunct Altair: Hypocrisy, trouble through legal with relatives, disappointment over inheritance (Barrack Obama & Pablo Escobar).
Saturn conjunct Altair: Sorrow and disappointment, separation from family or parents, possible danger of accident involving inability to work or lifelong affliction (Elizabeth Taylor, Jim Carrey & George Clooney).
Uranus conjunct Altair: Sympathetic though sometimes abrupt, just, idealistic, interested in occultism, disappointments throughout life, good mind, considerable gain, and natural death at a very advanced age (Richard Nixon).
Neptune conjunct Altair: Over-sensitive, high ideals, mystic, drifts without personal effort, secret enemies and trouble through occultism (Mark Twain).
North Node conjunct Altair: Military honor (Elvis Presley, Dwayne Johnson, & Albert Einstein).
Dubhe | 15° Leo: Is credited with the destructiveness of Mars, working itself out, particularly in mundane maps. If rising, wealth, power, courage, generosity, ingenuity, rise to authority, martial success. Subject to cuts, wounds, accidents, sores and injuries to the face, pains in the head and fevers. Leo placements 14°-16° will activate this star.
ASC conjunct Dubhe: Wealth, power, courage, generosity, rise to authority, martial success, subject to cuts, wounds, accidents, sores and injuries to the face. When rising is said to presage those who are kind to wild beasts and who “associate with bulls and lions as if they were people” (Marilyn Monroe, Andy Warhol, Eddie Murphy, Sean Lennon, Chris Brown, Tyler The Creator Johnny Depp, & Michael Moore).
MC conjunct Dubhe: Martial eminence and success in trade (Katy Perry).
Sun conjunct Dubhe: Martial success, courage, & popularity (Barrack Obama & Andy Warhol). 
Moon conjunct Dubhe: Martial success and courage (Megan Fox & Barbara Windsor).
Venus conjunct Dubhe: Trouble with/in marriage (???).
Mars conjunct Dubhe: Ambitious but ruthless, courageous, impatient, and subject to accidents (Serena Williams and Hillary Clinton).
Jupiter conjunct Dubhe: Martial success and courage (Elizabeth Taylor).
Saturn conjunct Dubhe: Disappointments, setbacks in career, ruthless,  dishonest, & possible martial success (Adolf Hitler & Frederick the great).
Uranus conjunct Dubhe: Sharp; sudden changes in life more than average (Winston Churchill).
Neptune conjunct Dubhe: Scandals; many enemies (Marie Antoinette).
North Node conjunct Dubhe: Martial success (Robert De Niro & Mick Jagger).
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His head was swimming, but he couldn’t remember how he got there. He let out a small groan and tried his best to ignore the wet nose pressed up against his face. After a moment he scratched the dog’s head before he managed to push himself up into a seated position.
“Oh, finally awake? Marley, down.”
Marley? ... right, the dog. The dog’s name was Marley. His name was Joe. At least he could remember that much. He looked over to where the voice came from, still a bit delirious, but didn’t mind the fact that the dog - which looked like a terrier of sorts - wanted to get up on his lap to cuddle with him.
But the woman that was there? Her skin was tanned, which was paired with almost dark blonde hair pulled back into a braid. It was a loose braid, and it harbored what appeared to be a few strands of ribbons, and she definitely looked like she was born to be in the middle of the desert.
He couldn’t get over how pretty she looked.
“Hello?” She waved her hand in front of his face, and he shook his head to get back to his senses. “You with me, bud?”
A small pause. “Yeah, I... I think so,” he muttered. “Where am I...?”
“My living room,” she explained. “You crashed your bike and had a pretty nasty meeting with the concrete of South District, so until you can get on your feet again and have your new cit ID, you’re stuck hiding out here.”
He blinked, a small frown on his face as he tried to remember. He could remember saying goodbye to the girl he’d been chatting up at the bar; fetching his father’s old motorcycle from the shed; finally getting it working before he sped through the streets of the City.
It was hazy from there, but he did recall that a strange light that appeared from the alley to his right. He’d turned the bike to head that way and investigate, but when he realized it was a large doorway of sorts he tried to get the bike to stop.
It hadn’t worked, and he’d fallen through the doorway. The next thing he could rationalize was being found by the woman and her dog.
“Right... yeah, it’s... it’s startin’ to come back to me,” he admitted.
The woman let out a small huff, and handed him a glass of ice water. “Here, drink up. You’ve been out for over a day, and honestly I was getting a bit worried.”
He took a sip, but couldn’t keep the smirk from his lips when she mentioned she was worried. “Aw, really? Worried ‘bout little ol’ me? I’m flattered, babe, but--”
“I’m going to stop you there.” She had pointed a finger towards him, and the smirk quickly fell from his face. “All these pet names stop right now. I could cut you some slack because you were delirious before, but it’s not gonna fly now. Got it?”
Seems I hit a sore spot... He nodded at her question, a hand held up in surrender. “Yeah, sure,” he said. “Sorry ‘bout that...”
She let out a sigh, and brushed some of the loose strands of hair from her face before she gathered up her shoulder bag. “I’ve got to get to work, so I’m leaving you here in good faith that you’re not going to wander outside. Or take anything that isn’t yours.” When he was about to protest that he wouldn’t do anything like that, she gave him a small glare. “And believe me, Marley fits the role of a guard dog very well. You don’t want to test him.”
Joe was left speechless as she walked out the front door, a small click as she locked it behind her. He hadn’t been expecting such a raw confrontation from her, but at least now he knew better than to try his luck.
He may have been reckless, but he sure wasn’t stupid.
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phantaloon · 3 years
gotta say i really appreciate how they all look refreshingly like teens?? it's unlike most teen shows, like they actually look young, i can believe these are high school kids instead of 26 year old adults
also, the diversity?? it's so fucking welcome, especially in a show set in what's most likely one of the whitest countries, we don't actually see the stereotypical norse god/goddess look on nearly anyone, you don't see the long legs, blond almost white hair, pale blue eyes look that you'd expect from sweden, and that just wonderful, like there's actual diversity and poc representation and body positivity and mental illness representation and obviously queer representation, this is a great show for young teens and young people, because everything is so normalized?? i love it
speaking of poc representation, nothing NOTHING makes me as happy as seeing latinx characters who actually and genuinely speak like fucking latinx, it's so refreshing to hear latinx characters who actually act like latinx people, like I'm shit at recognizing accents, but Linda speaks with an accent that's obviously native and real (maybe venezuela or colombia?? cuba?? puerto rico?? no tengo idea??), and them speaking spanish inside their home its just !!! yes thank you
also! the way they don't look like perfect models 24/7 is just amazing, we have the main character who deals with a lot of acne, but no one ever comments on it, no one gives him shit, no one tries to cover it, felice has acne, sara has eye bags, they have acne scars, again, it's amazing because yes teens rarely have clear skin, and none these kids have clear skin and perfect looks and are runway-ready at any moment, they're just normal teens living their dramatic lives, and i love it
and lastly, truly irrelevant, but whoever gave wille that haircut, i hope you get a raise, because he looks so damn good in it you've done humanity an amazing service, thank you
might rant more later, though odds are I'll just rb stuff from now on, unless I feel like saying something more ajsksk thanks for joining me in this rollercoaster
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andi mack friendom, are you interested in some more thoughts about my andi mack / american girl crossover (which is actually just a thinly veiled info dump about american girl history and drama)? if so, you're in the right place!
the andi / buffy / cyrus doll set i designed would be a contemporary line.
CONTEXT (forewarning, this is basically just an ag info dump about the 2017 contemporary line) (also, tagging @kirstensleepey because i think this write up might be useful for the ag project you're working on <3):
so in 2017, american girl did a brand new thing. they released 3 dolls who were contemporary characters but not girls of the year. (prior to these dolls' release, which are called "the contemporary line" by the ag fandom, the only categories of ag dolls were historicals, girls of the year, and just like yous.)
the contemporary line was controversial for many reasons.
first, we have our main character, tenney grant. (tenney is basically taylor swift as a doll, if taylor were uncool and a r*publican lol.)
one of the reasons why tenney is so controversial is that she overshadowed the girl of the year (henceforth abbreviated as goty) 2017, gabriella mcbride.
tenney was released only one month after gabriella's release. ag's social media gave much more focus to tenney than gabriella. upon tenney's release, gabriella's store displays were downsized (which is unheard of for a goty). tenney even had a larger collection than gabriella!
why are we mad about tenney overshadowing gabriella? well, gabriella was ag's first (and as of 2021, ONLY) black goty. also, gabriella was ag's first doll to have an explicity confirmed disability - her stutter.
only 7 out of the 22 total historical characters have been dolls of color. only 3 out of 22 historicals have been black (one of which is now retired). only 2 out of 22 have been aapi (one of these dolls, ivy, was just a best friend doll and is now retired; and the other doll, nanea, has a problematic face mold. i wrote an essay about why her facemold is problematic here!). only 1 historical doll, josefina, is hispanic, and ag has actually misspelled her name as "josephina" on their social media before.
only 1 doll EVER has been native american, kaya'aton'my, who is a historical character from 1764. (not even any of the just like you dolls have had kaya's face mold! kaya is truly the only indigenous doll!) in fact, ag has had more colonizer characters than indigenous characters. felicity and elizabeth are white character dolls from 1776, and their books fail to address the issues surrounding colonization and treatment of native americans. and kirsten is a swedeish immigrant to wisconsin in 1854. her book does acknowledge the existence of native americans, and kirsten has an indigenous friend named singing bird. (i haven't read kirsten's books and i'm not indigenous, so i can't comment on this storyline.) ag actually had a controversy about kirsten just this year - in 2021, the t-shirt design for kirsten said "settlers gonna settle", and ag actually ended up changing the design to "cabin sweet cabin" after backlash.
moving on to the girl of the year line - out of 21 goty dolls, gabriella is the ONLY black goty. only 6 out of 21 gotys have been dolls of color. there have been 2 hispanic characters (luciana, who is generally regarded as an excellent doll; and marisol, who is controversial because her book talks about how her family moved from pilsen chicago - a real area of chicago that is home to many hispanic immigrants - to a white suburb due to crime. this storyline involves racist stereotypes.) also, goty 2016 lea clark (slightly tan skin, blonde hair, light green eyes) is 1/8th brazilian, and some brazilian ag fans consider the emphasis on lea being 1/8th brazilian racial feticization. next, there have been 3 aapi gotys. one of these dolls, sonali, was one of two best friend dolls for chrissa (goty 2009) - yep, you heard that right, yet another doll of color that is a side character! sonali is the bully in chrissa's books, but she gets a redemption arc. to this day, sonali is ag's only south asian character doll. [additionally, there has been some criticism that all of the aapi gotys are mixed race - jess mcconell (goty 2006) has a japanese mother and an irish/scottish father, kanani akina (goty 2011) has a french/german mother and a japanese/hawaiian father, and sonali matthews has an indian mother and a father of unknown race/ethincity. perhaps notably, the only aapi historical doll who is not currently retired (nanea) is also mixed race (hawaiian mother and scottish father).]
as for the disability thing i mentioned - ag also has a disappointing track record regarding disability representation, lol. it was very lightly implied that mckenna (goty 2012) had a learning disability, but that was never confirmed. mckenna's tutor, who used a wheelchair, was ag's first big disability rep, but she was just a side character in mckenna's story. then, many ag fans were disappointed when mary ellen, a historical character released in 2015, was able-bodied (in canon, she had polio as a child, so it would make sense for mary ellen to be disabled and use mobility aids). finally, in 2020, goty joss gave us some disability rep - she has a hearing aid.
ag's lack of disability rep is very frustrating, especially considering that doll companies, like our generation, have made some really cool disabled dolls. and ag has been doing this ad campaign with the paralympics that feels performative to me - like, they want to seem inclusive by featuring dolls with prostetic legs, but they don't even sell dolls like that!!!
lastly, religious diversity - iirc, there are three jewish dolls (rebecca, goty 2001/2002 lindsey, and goty 2009 chrissa). the rest of the dolls are either christian or of unspecified religion. there has never been an explicitly muslim, hindu, or buddhist doll, or a doll who is a member of any religion other than judaism/christianity/unspecified. (there is some hope that we might get a muslim doll, though, since an outfit with a hijab was leaked, and ag trademarked a persian name that i can't recall off the top of the head at my moment. but take these with a grain of salt - ag trademarks a ton of stuff that they don't use, and the leak could be false or just a truly me outfit.)
so, we get our first black goty, and she's being totally overshadowed by tenney.
here's where a conspiracy comes in:
we can track when ag trademarks their character names. goty names are usually trademarked early in the year prior to their release (by may). but gabriella mcbride wasn't trademarked until october, iirc.
and gabriella is a very underdeveloped character in comparison to most gotys. one of her main hobbies - dancing - was the same main hobby as both marisol (goty 2005) and isabelle (goty 2014). her store displays were underemphasized in comparison to tenney's, as i mentioned before. she was the first goty who didn't get a movie in six years (since kanani, goty 2011). and gabriella didn't even have a big ticket accessory item available until summer!
so, we get our first black goty, and she's underdeveloped, underemphasized, seems to have been rushed (due to her trademark date), and overshadowed by tenney just one month after her release. why is that?
well, some people think that tenney was actually supposed to be goty 2017! (i agree)
tenney was trademarked earlier, had more development, had a bigger collection, etc. we think that tenney was supposed to be goty 2017, but ag decided to do a doll of color (gabriella) at the last minute. (keep in mind the climate of 2015/2016 - ag probably wanted some clout for doing a black goty, and they also probably heard the ag fandom's demands for more dolls of color.)
so that's tenney.
next we have logan everett. logan was ag's first boy character doll. i'm glad that ag had a boy character doll, but logan kinda missed the mark for me. the main source of controversy surrounding logan is his face mold: he, a white boy, uses the kaya face mold. !! it kinda felt like a slap in the face to many indigenous ag fans - kaya is literally The Only Doll with the kaya face mold, and when we finally get another doll with her face mold, he's not even indigenous.
lastly, we have z yang my beloved <3. z yang was done dirty - she is yet another doll of color who is a mere side character, and also, she was available for only a total of 20 months before being retired!
so, that's everything i have to say about the 2017 contemporary line.
now i'm going to talk about the 2021 contemporary line :3
so, it's summer 2020. the black lives matter is becoming more mainstream. brands are now getting clout for appearing "woke."
so, admist this climate, ag is (as always) facing demands from its fandom/collectors to diversify its doll line. so they announce that they're going to be doing a new contemporary line, to be released in "the second half of 2021"!!!! and they promise that the contemporary line will have a black lead character
fast forward to modern day. thanks to ag's trademarks, we can safely assume that the new contemporary line will be called "world by us." we can safely assume that the line will have 3 characters. the 3 characters all live in washington dc and are best friends :) we can safely assume that the characters will be maritza ochoa, evette peeters, and makena williams. i talked about makena and maritza on that ask regrettable-username sent me about my andi mack/ag headcanons! personally, i'm excited for world by us, and i think it has a lot of potential!
alright sawyer, that's the end of the ag info dump fhjhdhfskf.
now for my andi mack friends:
i think the andi/buffy/cyrus line would be structured similar to world by us: andi is the main character, and buffy and cyrus are her best friend dolls :) all 3 dolls would be released at the same time. andi would have 3 books that have buffy and cyrus as side characters, and buffy and cyrus would have one book each.
the big ticket item for this collection would be andi's andi shack. i'm imagining its design sort of like kira's tent mixed with lanie's camper mixed with blaire's farm. andi the walls of andi shack would open up so that when it's fully opened, the four walls are on an even plane with the back wall and extended out like wings. you remove the roof before opening up the walls. the shack is tall enough that the doll can comfortably stand up even with the roof still attached, and wide enough that all three dolls (andi, buffy, and cyrus) can comfortably stand next to each other inside of andi shack.
andi shack would come with a ton of craft supplies inside of it. it would also come with a little flower box that has cece's african violets, like blaire's flower box. (thanks to regrettable-username for coming up with the african violets idea fdjfsj.)
alright i have to go now, so these are all my andi mack/ag thoughts for now, but i might be back later with more thoughts fhdfjs (hopefully not though, since typing this out took me over three hours [sweating emoji]).
sorry for any typos and sorry for how scatterbrained this is! also this may have some forgotten things/mildly incorrect things bc my only source is my brain (and a photo of all the dolls so i can count how many dolls for the statistics portion) and my brain is not the most reliable thing on earth lol.
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
Ok I meant to answer you're question about what I thought of the show ages ago but I forgot.
I LOVED IT OMGGGG! I got so many kitty vibes from Wilhelm and Simon! The touching! The softness! It's those vibes exactly! I want that energy in TWP.
COMRADE SIMON!! We stan! That speech he made at the very beginning about the differences in attitudes towards "tax evasion" vs. "Welfare fraud." Legend behavior.
Sara!!!! My girl!!!!!! An autistic/adhd character PLAYED BY AN AUTISTIC ACTRESS!!!! THIS IS SO HUGE!!! I would die for my problematic queen. I made an entire post on her but the gist is, I get where she's coming from and understand why she feels the way she feels but dear God girl make better choices and stay the hell away from August.
Speaking of.... I wanna run August over several times. Vroom vroom motherfucker. The fact that he
-kissed Sara behind Felice's back when they were still dating WITHOUT HER CONSENT BTW
- Wanted to blame Simon for the drugs because he knew it would be easy because Simon's family is lower class and doesnt have the same social standing as one of the "members of the society"
- Also it didn't escape my notice that the cult like faternety type group with all the rich, mainly white boys is called The Society. This shows commentary on class is vv interesting. Especially the little things like two girls just randomly advocating for THE DEATH PENALTY. The rich people audacity.
-Anyways back to August, when he tried to excuse his actions with Wilhelm and get all teary like no bitch you can't manipulate your way out of this one. And again with Sara! When he said "Wilhelm has everything" I wanted to scream! Like he's fucking closeted and clearly suffering from panic attacks and extreme anxiety you moron.
-Anyways!! I also think that Wilhem might be autistic because he just feels autistic. Like the vibes are there.
- The girl group is so sweet? And to have the popular girl be a Black girl who isn't "stereotypically attractive" with a more medium sized body and bad acne. As someone who has really bad skin I needed that. Felice is kinda awesome imo.
Let me see what else??
-Simon and his mom speaking Spanish consistently throughout the show. It sounded pretty natural to me? But I'm not a native speaker. (Or even fluent honestly lol.)
- Simon and Wilhelm are honestly so adorable and in love and it made my heart ache. (I am so touch starved I swear..)
-My only main beef is the outing plotline and the show using an outdated medical term for Sara, aspergers. It's literally just autism. Also it's kind of offensive because Hans Asperger was a n*zi who literally killed autistic children because they weren't useful to capitalism. SOOOO yeah.
As for the outing plotline, I feel like the cishets have like three plotlines that they use for queer stories. Outing/coming out, one of them dies, or one if them bullies the other until they both fall in love. It's tired.
But overall I really loved it.
I wanted to correctly talk to you about this series so I logged in through my computer to make it easier for me :D
LOOK AT THIS POINT IVE RELATED THEM TO LITERALLY EVERY COMFORT SHIP I HAVE LIKE. I've compared this to kitty, I've compared this to Thomastair, I've compared this to my friends to ocs who she has obsessed me with (youd actually like them if you liked this tbh) IVE COMPARED ME TO MY OCS
what was the point cc??
new favorite character
SHES PLAYED BY AN AUTISTIC ACTRESS?? Sorry I hadn't known! Haven't actually gotten to obsessively look at the cast I've been trying to get over the last episode BUT THATS SO COOL. SARA IS AMAZING AND I ADORE HER. I'll read your post after this! But of course STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM AUGUST GIRL PLEASE
Tbh I understood where she was coming from with everything with Simons image falling apart and her having to suffer when she had just started having friends , just after finding he had been lying to her. But love, AUGUST?
A U G U S T ???
Also random and stealing this from @marzzinaa i totally hc Sara as a demi girl for some reason
Im kinda sad we didnt see her speak spanish as much we did simon :(
You already said it all, I just agree
Ok I'll bring a machete you bring whatever you wish and we kill him sound good?
meanwhile they wanted to pass off to Simon who came from a lower class family the blame
Also I'd like to mention how that would also play into the stereotype latinos are all drug dealers
Which I love how they didnt make his dead beat alcoholic man the latino parent, when I first read the description I thought they might do that, but im so glad they didnt
I think it might have been a comentary idk i liked that they DIDNT make the poc parent the dead beat
I love how they didnt make her stereotypically perfect AND YES MID SIZED REP WAS AMAZING TO SEE
Also im so glad you got to see that represented!!
So I am a native speaker and him talking to his mom MADE ME CRY
pls most her phrases reminded me to my own mom
Autistic wilhelm you say?? omg tell me more (if you want)
Oh thats awful, well I'll just refer to Sara as autistic and hope the showrunners fix that next season because if they dont-
Oh yeah, thats valid critisism. But in my opinion they actually wrote it pretty well so I wont really be complaining about an overall media problem with queer stories rn. If so I'll be here all day. But yeah its an overall problem but it wasnt done bad in my opinion so!
I'll shut up, for now
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mediawhorefics · 4 years
hello!! can you recommend some poetry books?
i can def try, but i feel like this should come with a disclaimer...
while i love poetry (and i genuinely do), it was always the one thing i struggled most with analysing at uni. so i always feel like i’m not really in a position to be any sort of authority re: poetry. i try to read it with as little hassle as possible and let it do its thing. if it elicits a response from me, great! if it doesn’t, whatever...  i’m not going to overthink it. so yeah, not to say i take poetry at face value, but i really don’t overthink ever. and tbh, for a long time i left it with just a poem here and there, quotes from tumblr, etc. and it’s really only this year that i’ve given myself the challenge to actually read full collections. so on the plus side, lots of fresh recs for you.... but yeah, i’m far from an expert. it’s def not what i read the most... 
(i think part of it is the non-native English speaker anxiety... nothing like being in a class full of anglophones talking about stressed and unstressed syllables while you’re there going I DON’T KNOW THIS SHIT DOESN’T COME NATURALLY TO ME !!!!!!!!!! I DON’T WANT TO BE HEEEEERE. so yeah, i hated poetry classes.) 
still, here are a few old favs and recent reads: 
as you might know already, leonard cohen IS everything to me. the two collections i own from him are ‘book of longing’ and ‘the flame’ but i’d rec anything by him tbh. i adore his writing. 
i did really enjoy ‘crush’ by richard siken, though i read it a while ago. 
i recently read ‘dearly’ by margaret atwood, her most recent collection. i’ve been meaning to read her poetry for ages and i def. want to go back and read her older stuff now that i’ve read this one. i adore her as a person and i’ve loved pretty much everything i’ve read from her (which admittedly isn’t a lot and isn’t her most popular stuff but!). 
i’ve also been going through mary oliver’s stuff lately. i read ‘thirst’, ‘felicity’, ‘house of light’, & ‘a thousand mornings’ pretty much back to back so it’s hard for me to pick a favourite. they kind of blend together. but i’ve really enjoyed her writing. 
i’ve been doing a lot of wwi research for a writing project so i’ve been collecting materials to read, kind of building a bibliography if you will.... there’s obvs a lot of very well known poetry from that period. i haven’t read even a fraction of what i want to, but the latest poetry collection i finished was a penguin edition of wilfred owen’s poems and i really really enjoyed that. it’s .... rough and heartwrenching but there’s some beautiful stuff in there. 
i own a selection of e.e. cummings poetry that i think i got for uni and i remember enjoying it at the time, but it’s been years so i don’t know how much i’d stand behind that know. 
i def. want to reread whitman because i was too young/not far enough into my lit studies to appreciate it at the time and i kind of half-assed it, which he doesn’t deserve. so my copy of leaves of grass is def. gonna get dusted off soon i think. 
it’s been a while but i def. remember liking some rimbaud in high school. i don’t know how re: good translations of his work though.  
and that’s all that comes to mind straight away... which is very meagre but i did say it wasn’t my area of expertise. still, i hope you find at least one thing in there to inspire you? 
and if anyone reading this has any poetry recommendations for me and anon, i would love that. because it’s something i kind of told myself i’d explore more this year  (i have so far) and i’d love your thoughts x 
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