#The Hero Discoverd
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wildglitch · 10 months ago
Heres 25 fics I really wanna write but havent gotten around to yet
For those that wanna know before reading the list, the fandoms include are
Marvel, Spider-Man, Loki, DCU, Batman, Justice League, Pokemon, Shazam/Captain Marvel, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtels (The Last Ronin), Danny Phantom, Sonic the Hedgehog, Voltron, Gravity Falls, Over The Garden Wall, RWBY, Camp Camp, Rise Of The Guardiens, Star Wars (Rebels), Miraculos Ladybug and Chat Nori, Ninjago, How to Train Your Dragon, Final Space, My Hero Academia.
Thats one long list of fandoms-
I swear its not a big ass crossover fic with all these fandoms.
The rest of the Wiz! Fics. Though one of them is almost done
Winter dad fic. Peter is dealing, Bucky dosent remember him, but the solder definetly does.
Parksborn fic post NWH. Peter and Harry meet at collage and become roommates (this was canon for like a day lol) Harry has issues, Peter has more.
Parent Loki and Son Jack frost. I love the concept and already have some plot planned out
Billy Batson has somehow been the child host of Whiz radio for about 70 years
The Last Ronin Time Travel fic
Dadow time travel fic. A few fics continuing my first dadow fic starting with Silver in the future and present, and later on future shadow goes to the past. Its a lit if feels
Sonic was raised by egg man. No one knows this
5 times Sonic confused people by acting like tails dad, and the the on time tails suprised them by acting like his son
Babysitter James. Basically, the geovani is Ash's dad theory + What if team rocket are juat there to look after Ash theory. He takes him in, James becomes one of the best in team rocket, and as a sign of trust, he makes him be his newborns babysitter.
Back to Jack Frost, A fic following his time alone and time people he meet
Dead On Main fic were Jason despretly tries to keep his ghost boyfriend away from his family
Rosegarden Fic where Ruby and Oscar are childhood summer friends who lost contact.
Ezra time travel fic because Im obssesed with them
Skybridge fic taking place during Twin Suns because Im also obsesed with those fics
Dadvid fic. David Adopts Max and the 2 of them are trying to find a new normal
Pinecone lost in the woods fic.
MLB fix-It. Cat becomes a night time vigilante as a way to deal with the stress, lower class people become more fond of him.
Klance fic. Congratulations, you got through 15 fics before Klance appeared. Ex's au, Lance dose hate Keith foe a reason, they used to date. No one knows about this and think their just being stupid
Httyd fic where toothless wasnt discoverd in the first movie.
Final Space fic were Little Cato deals with the trauma if spending so many years alone.
Ninjago Kai fic for the Time he spent alone. I have talked about this before I think
RodyDeku reunion fic.
Nightguard Denki au. A Fnaf x Mha fic
Rai: The Phantom Theif of hero society. My TodoKami fic I have been trying to write since 2022
Thats the List. If your curiouse about any of these or just wanna bug me into finally writing them, let me know in my ask box.
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silverprongs08 · 2 years ago
Why is my playlist about Regulus Black the way it is?
Hi! So—whenever I get terribly obsessed with a fictional character I make them a playlist. Now it's up to…*drumroll* Regulus Black!
But...you all must know a few things:
I am a jegulus shipper (that does not mean I hate Lily, those things should have nothing to do with each other), so a few of these songs do revolve around this ship but it's okay, bare with me.
My first language is not english. If I make mistakes along this post please forgive me, I'm trying.
 I’m known for doing long-ass playlist’s so I only chose ten of the sixtyfour I have.
Also if you don't agree it's okay just don't tell me cause I'll fight you.
That disclosed, let's start. 
Seraph by DPR IAN.
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I am a SUCKER for the Regulus/Icarus... headcanon (I guess you could call it). Listen to this: he flew too close to the sun, he was young and didn't know anything afar from being trapped, died drowning searching for this new freedom he just discovered was actually for him. Regulus IS Icarus and no one can stop me from relating songs that talk about the myth to him. Wich takes me to the next song.
Sunlight by Hozier 
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Hozier is talking about Jegulus in this song and I love that for him (and for me). The same logic, Regulus is fighting for that light he didn't knew he could have and was willing to sacrifice his life for it. I love him so much.
A Rush of Blood to the Head by Coldplay
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This whole song is so Regulu in crimson rivers coded its crazy and meanwhile I don't fully love Regulus' character always being a tragedy I love how this song wraps the way I think Regulus understands love: intense and sometimes violent but completely devoted.
when the party is over by Billie Eillish
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Regulus stayed so Sirius could leave (do not take this the wrong way I know it was hard for Sirius too). He yearns for a different live, for another chance but still belives he doesnt deserve it THAT'S what this son is about, don't care what anyone say's.
Money Power Glory by Lana del Rey
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Regulus Black is the Lana del Rey character. Its giving: ambitious, old money, revenge,"I wanted you to know that it was I who discoverd your secret." type of vibe.
Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift
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I dont think I have to explain further. Taylor told me herself this song was about him.
Moon Song by Phoebe Bridgers
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Read the lyrics with jegulus in mind and let it sink in. This is my personal headcanon but Regulus knew about the profecy before going to the cave so...there is that. He feels so much and loves so much that even himself can't bare it.
Not Strong Enough by boygenius
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This album has me in a chokehold and Im certain that if Regulus could hear it, it would have him in one too. R.I.P Regulus Black you would've loved boygenius.
bellyache by Billie Eillish
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Hear me out on this one! This song is a revenge crime comitted mostly out of spite that ended up being pointless anthem just like Regulus' whole horrocrux hunting (I mean this in the nicest of the ways).
Turtles All The Way Down by Sammy Copley
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THIS IS THE REGULUS SONG. Each line hits you like a train. Actually Regulus is real and he wrote this song. Please, if you listen to any of this songs let it be this one. ITS JUST SO HIM.
And thats it. I'm missing songs but I think that pretty much sums up how I understand him. I love Regulus and this songs and I hope you all love them too.
Bye bye! : )
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kiwitio · 1 year ago
Another ted talk TODAY?? oh meins gott.
Today's topic? Shifting.
One thing I'd like to talk about is my Shifting experience so far, or rather me trying to. As well as the shifting Community.
I, myself have been trying to shift for about 4 years now. My shifting journey started in late 2019, early 2020 and to be completly honest? It saved my life.
Thinking that there's a Universe, where I am able to go to and be happy?? Be with the Character's I love and cherrich so much? It made my life have a meaning again.
Sadly, I have not shifted yet, though I think I have come near. I have tried to Shift to many diffrent places already, like, My Hero Academia, Death Parade, Dream Smp, A Streamer Au and now?
Undertale has stuck and helped me for so long. I discoverd it a while back, tough never really getting into it and then, back in 2021 or 2022 i finally bought the game after watching meme's, tiktok's, Youtube videos and what not. And to say i love this game and the Au's would be an understatment.
I have found so many friends, people that I love and that have helped me so much, honestly i do not know where i would be, if i wouldn't have searched up Undertale that day.
Though enough of that, i have tried many methods, what gave me the most symptoms are the getaway tapes on spotify and the void method from Alunir.
Though it's less my journey and more about the outside.
I can not comprehent how people can have the audacidy to make fun and hate on other's for their belive in a better place.
Though people hating on other's for their belives isn't new, with religions, but i will get into that in another post somewhen.
Though for god's sake, is it so hard for people to let other's be happy? If shifting is real or not, it doesen't impect you, no one make's you belive it. Tho for fucks sake leave us alone, i do not tolerate this bullshit and it makes me absoloutly mad if I see shit like that.
Let us belive in what we want, and what if it sounds impossible to you? There is so much we don't know, and maybe never will. There could be all sorts of stuff out there, stuff out of movies, something we might not belive right now, but when we find it poof omg we were wrong!
And even if not, though for the history of shifting and proof, just be on your way, it doesent take long to just ignore something.
I'm gonna wrap this up cuz it's getting way to late and i honestly don't want to get out of hand.
So, goodnight and i'll see you next time.
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firesmokeandashes · 2 years ago
Okay, but imagine this...
It's the final episode of Mha. It all ended happily, the war is over, SFO was defeated, and new couples have formed in class 1-A now 2-A.
It's a satisfying bittersweet ending, and at the end, instead of the typical anime ending theme playing, "Don't go breaking my heart," Sung by Elton John and Kiki Dee, starts playing and watercolor illustrations and manga panels showing some of our favorite moments comes on screen.
But as it goes on, we see our favorite chaotic class grow up and go on to become world rekowned pro-heroes, we see Izuku and Katsuki officially become the "Wonder Duo" and the symbols of Victory and Hope.
We see certain people in the class who became couples, get engaged, move into a house or apartment together, get married, and have the cutest kids ever!
We see Deku cry (Bakugou sheds a few tears himself) when he and Bakugou are awarded the honor of being the #1 Hero(s) and are handed a trophy or award of some sort.
We also probably get some pictures of horikoshi and his assistants being silly, and credit going to them, and the team working on the anime, its all very emotional for us fans.
At the end of the song, it goes into an ending scene with one of the couples kids not having their quirk yet, and two of the adults discussing it, saying "He's probably just a late bloomer and there's notjing to worry about" or something like that. Then it cuts to the kid playing with the other couples' kids, playing hide and seek.
The kid is hiding when suddenly his hands begin to glow, when suddenly he gets found and we cut back to the adults, and one of the kids running up to them saying " 'Whoever the parent of the kid is', 'kids name' is doing such and such to 'this kid' " the adults eyes widen and they run over to where the kids to put a stop to whatever is going on.
The one adult looks at the kid's parent, "Doesn't have a quirk, huh?," and the parent is just like "Yep"
And we end with a chaotic freeze frame panel of the adults trying to stop the kid, and some of the other kids are crying and running over to their other parents and pointing at the kid who just got his quirk, there's probably fire and stuff exploding.
It's just pure chaos, as we cut to the final credits, and the most popular mha opening plays that has all the fans in their rooms, schools, offices, and homes, singing along.
(Also, yes. I was imagining Bakudeku for a lot of this stuff, especially that last bit. Just imagine Bakugou yelling after his kid who just discoverd their quirk, with Kirishima trying to help Bakugou catch them, while all the other kids go and cry to their shocked and worried "mommas" 😂 It would be so fricken cute and chaotic)
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sonicasura · 5 months ago
Well, Reno somehow managed to get up on the fridge at least twice. Inside the cupboards on occasion and once slept through the night in the bathtub. He has also been on the small balcony their apartment has a few times as well. Though once Kafka got a secure lock for it, that was one thing Reno was unable to do when sleep walking.
But he always somehow got outside of the apartment even when the door was locked. Kafka always got into a bit of a panic when that happened given how unsafe things tend to be at night for kids. Nevermind the kaijus. And if the weather was bad or it was winter, Reno often ended up sick quickly because it took a while for Kafka to find him.
Its a good thing Kafka has a strong sense of smell even when in human form and had good hearing too that help he locate the boy through the snores. Sometimes being part kaiju had its perks when your looking for your sleep walking kid.
Reno also caused at least a few borken possessions as well. Mostly some broken decoration, but Kafka was quick to get Reno out of the way whenever the boy accidently destroyed something with glass in it.
And after Reno learned about Kafka being the one who had rescued him from the spider kaiju, the himbo became a hero of sorts for Reno. And he would see the man as such even more as Kafka did his best to rasie and help Reno anyways he could. Even when Kafka came back from working exhausted but still willing to play or hear how Reno's day had gone while making a late dinner for them both.
Reno also discoverd the ice box where Kafka keeps the kaiju meat by accident. Which led to the boy getting his first ever cooked kaiju meal as Kafka lied through is teeth that it was special meat he gotten after Reno had passed a hard test back in school.
Fun fact, Kafka prefers to actually eat kaiju meat more then any other meat despite being more human then kaiju. Before Tiny came into the picture. Its mainly because he don't need to buy it since he can just steal some from work. He only eats beef, chicken and pork when he wants something fancy.
He also eat a lot of fish as well. Once again due to his kaiju side, since its more aquatic in this au. And thuse grave fish a lot more then usual. Curry and burgers as still the himbo's favs, but he won't mind some good homemade sushi now and again. Or any other fish dish for that matter.
Kafka probably thought about getting cameras just to see how the hell Reno did some of these things in his sleep. Until he remembers that he'll need to edit any kaiju moments should it happen on screen too. Ignorance is bliss. Reno's face when he eventually learns that he had been eating kaiju meat.
The first thing that popped into my mind about the fish thing is Zilla/1987 Godzilla. I won't be surprised if Kafka dragged out a massive tuna by the tail from a river or went bear style fishing as a kaiju. Probably even hunt a shark multiple times.
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historicalbooknerd · 5 years ago
a look through all the differnt things my american public schooling system had/is making us learn
2nd grade- american colonies, american revolution and civil war
3rd grade- american colonies, american revolution and civil war
4th grade- american colonies, american revolution and civil war
5th grade- american colonies, american revolution, civil war and oregon trail
6th grade- mesopotamia and basic facts about greeks. not much detail goes into either besides what you could find on the wikipedia article
7th grade- american colonies, american revolution, and the constitution
8th grade- the entirety of the american industrial revolution through modern day america. every class only made it to the 1950’s before the school year ended.
freshman- get to choose world history or ap human geography.
sophomore- no social studies class required. most take ap european history or psychology if they are picking a class. this year there is one ap euro class with about 17 students out of a school with a population of around 1300
junior- american history or ap american history
senior- american government or ap american government
ya know, this is probably why americans don’t know shit about literally anything other than america, and even then their viewpoint is filtered through the ideals of the past and not the reality’s of the present. we are not the freest nation in the world, but since america had the title in 1776 and we never learned different, people think that the title stands dispite literally leading the world in most citizens incarcerated per capita.
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cosmicjoke · 2 years ago
Hi there 😊 In your response to the other anon's ask you were talking about the parallels between the two groups, a.k.a the SC's and the Marleyan kids. Could u please name some of them? To tell the truth I always thought of the warriors as the real guilty of this war beside Eren of course since as u said they knew what they were up against and yet they killed their friends+Eldians with cold blood. Sorry if my question comes out as stupid.
Well, I would say the most obvious parallel is between Eren and Reiner, and also, of course, Gabi. But I think between Eren and Reiner is where the real parallels lie. Both of them, in the end, realized that the "enemy" were just regular human beings, no different than them, not monsters at all, and yet they chose both to commit atrocities anyway. Reiner went into the walls and discoverd the "Wall Devils" were really just people, his brainwashed ideas of before giving way to reality, and yet he, along with Annie and Bertolt, commenced the second attack, killing countless people. Eren went into Marley and infiltrated their land and spent time with their people, and discovered the same thing as Reiner, and then went on to launch his attack on Libero anyway, so that he could then enact the Rumbling. That's what Eren's entire speech to Reiner leading up to his attack is about. About how they're the same, because they were both willing to do anything to achieve their goals, in the end, including sacrifice innocent lives. Eren to gain personal freedom, and Reiner to make himself into a hero.
There's also just the parallels of both sides recruiting child soldiers, and like I mentioned before, just the way the series explores the cycle of violence, how one group of people's past crimes are then used to punish future generations of people, even though they had nothing to do with what happened, etc... and how it just perpetuates this continuous, never ending hate.
Some might argue that Erwin and Zeke are parallels to one another, in their supposed willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done. But then, I would draw a sharp line between them in the fact that Erwin never forced anyone to do anything (except, ironically, Levi), whereas Zeke deceived his supposedly closest friends and manipulated them to his ends without their knowledge or consent. Levi and Zeke, actually, draw opposing parallels to one another, in that Levi stands in as the story's arbiter for life having meaning and being worth living, whereas Zeke stands in as the story's arbiter for the opposite, for life being meaningless and not worth the suffering it entails.
There's really a lot of parallels one could really uncover and dig deeply into in this story, but those are just a few I could think of off the top of my head.
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askaphjamaica1962 · 4 years ago
Hello, I've had this character for awhile but just got around to it.
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"Ha take that you fucking Russian loser commie. It must be so embarrassing, losing a winter game against a tropical country."
-Jamaica 1994 Winter Olympics after the team beat Russia.
Gabrielle Amancia Sharpe-Gordon 
Gabrielle is the most popular name in Jamaica, the middle name, Amancia is a name of Jamaican origin and the two last names are after two of our national heroes, Samuel Sharpe and George William Gordon.
Born: Discovery Bay/Bahia del descubrimiento (it was the first place the Tainos settled and the first place Christopher Colombus docked.)
Unitary Parliamentary and Constitutional Monarchy. 
The island was ‘discoverd’ by Christopher Colombus on the 5th of May, 1494.
Was granted independence from England on the 6th of August, 1962.
NATIONAL: Jamaican Patois
OFFICIAL: Jamaican Standard English
She can also speak Spanish (since you know first colonizer), French and Dutch (from the Caribbean), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian (because of the close relations) and the language of her native people, the Arawaks.
Age: Appears to be 20 (did this because I saw a suggestion that countries that were colonised earlier, would be older), in term of Independence 58 and in terms of colonisation, 526 years old or between 1121 and 1111 since to me she was born soon after the Tainos settled which was sometime between 800 and 900 AD.
BIRTHDAY: August 6
GENDER: Female (I did this because in modern and historical times, women have always had an important role in Jamaica)
CARICOM (Caribbean Community, was one of the four founding members, along with Guyana, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago, in 1973.)
The United Nations (since 1962)
The Commonwealth (since 1962)
UN Security Council (temporarily in 1992 and 2001 was president in July 2000 and November 2001)
The organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS)
Food and Agricultural Organisation
International Atomic Energy Agency
Non-Aligned Movement
Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (OPANAL)
The organisation of American States
World Health Organisation
World Trade Organisation, etc.
Mixed. Quite a lot of her features are reminiscent of the Africans with some European and a small amount of Asian features.
HEIGHT: 5’5 or 165.09cm which is the average height for women in the country.
WEIGHT: 110lbs, or 49kg.
HAIR COLOUR: Medium brown
HAIR TYPE: Very curly hair, messy and frizzy. She always spends at least two hours, fixing it.
EYEBROWS: Quiet thick eyebrows.
EYE COLOUR: Medium brown
SKIN COLOUR: Medium brown
EYE TYPE:  Wide almond-shaped eyes, averagely spaced.
FACIAL FEATURES: A very round face, high cheekbones, medium-sized pink lips and a wide, short nose. She also has a very flat forehead, reminiscent of the Tainos who used to flatten the foreheads of babies as they thought it would make them more beautiful, mouth corner dimples.
BODY TYPE: Lithe, bottom hourglass shape, C cup breasts, and a large bottom..
Has an aheago on the right side of her head, shaped like what was left of Port Royal after the 1692 earthquake.
Has many scars all over her body from natural disasters and battles over the years.
Has very scarred hands, from slavery, one of the reasons why she always wears gloves.
Has small freckles on her knuckles from being in the sun a lot.
Has a long burn mark on her entire thigh, from the 1907 earthquake that destroyed the entire capital, Kingston City
Has a long scar from her right hip to her left shoulder, from the 1692 Port Royal earthquake
GLASSES: Wears half-framed black glasses representing Kingston Parish and the tendency of Jamaicans to only look at the short-term effects and not focus on the long term effects.
ACCESSORIES: Wears a small braided bracelet with the colours of her flag.
Tattoos: Has a large tattoo on her back of a map of Port Royal as a memorial.
PIERCINGS: Her left ear has full piercings (but she hardly wears them and they are the most recent ones. She was experimenting which is being done more in the country with piercings and tattoos.) and her right ear has two earlobe piercings and one in the inside of her ear. Also has a navel piercing. (It is one of the most common piercings in the country.) A nose piercing which is also quite common.
FOR COMBAT: Full camouflage pants and long or short sleeves, steel-tipped, black combat boots, black wrist length gloves small, gold knob earrings, and either a beret (black or white), or a green sunhat or various other military caps.
FOR CEREMONIES: Black military cover, no earrings, red jacket with gold piping and gold buttons and a white belt with a leather and gold belt buckle, white wrist-length gloves, black skirt with one red stripe on the sides and black dress shoes.
THE WORLD WARS: As a colony of Britain during the time of the wars, she would have worn the same uniform. During both, she served in the Royal Air Force (RAF)
MILITARY RANK: Enlisted in the Air Wing, she is a Warrant Officer Class 1, which is the highest in the enlisted ranks.
In all of these outfits, her hair is in a tight bun.
CASUAL CLOTHING: Green spaghetti-strapped blouse, black short shorts, black sponge slippers, brown gloves, small cross earrings in her earlobes and a small stud in her upper ear. Hair is in a low, loose ponytail. Most of the piercings are in. She wears a gold nose ring
NORMAL CLOTHING: A green off the shoulder blouse, yellow knee-length flowy skirt, black flats, black gloves, small gold hoops and a small stud in her upper ear and two rings in her upper left ear. Her hair will normally be in a loose side ponytail, tied with a black ribbon. 
MEETING CLOTHING: A green, knee-length tunic, with a yellow dress shirt underneath, black sandals with a small heel, drop earrings with a circular wooden piece. Her hair will normally be either down and loose or pushed back with a bandeau.
Or for more formal meetings:
A black pants suit with gold accents with a yellow dress shirt underneath and a pale green vest. Normally wears black wedge heeled shoes. Only small gold earrings are in of her earlobes, a gold watch and her hair is normally in a low ponytail with a black ribbon.
FORMAL CLOTHING: A dress, one inch above the knee, large, octagonal gold hoops and a small gold star in her upper ear, black wedge heeled shoes and black, wrist length gloves. Her hair will normally be braided with black and yellow beads.
She is normally a very loud, kind and helpful person. Though, as a former pirate, she has quite a short temper and when angered, she will normally refrain from using violence unless you're Trinidad or got her really pissed. Unless it is something very important, she'll be angry for the most, a week, doesn't easily keep grudges. She is normally someone who prefers to stay out of international conflicts but will stick her nose into peoples’ business and involves herself in everything (stereotype). She is very good at lying, which is a stereotype, very athletic, competitive (will do anything to win, once it’s not illegal), a tardy person when it comes on to social gatherings, but will be at least two hours early to anything important, independent and very extroverted, confident, go getter, ambitious, Always wakes up at the latest 8 o’clock and spends at least one-hour jogging or walking, curses like a sailor, very petty.
Writing Poems
Pottery or just arts and crafts in general
Playing music (her favourites are the drums and the guitar)
Practicing magic
Playing sports
Stubborn and won’t listen to anyone. (this is from how Jamaicans refuse to ask for help, especially directions.)
Judgemental, especially with sexuality and class
Can be quite hypocritical
MOTHER: Arawak, the original settlers of the Greater Antilles
FATHER: She sees England as her father figure
The Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico
I made these four countries siblings because they were settled by the same people
Ex-Husband: Belize. When she was a colony, Belize was joined together from 1749 to 1884.
The Cayman Islands and Turks and Caicos (kind of like adopted brothers since now they are considered a part of the Greater Antilles)
The Caribbean
The Netherlands
(those are the main ones. Is friends with the world.)
CHILDREN: Kingston City and Montego Bay City
LOVE INTEREST: Brazil (in recent years, they've grown much closer and she eventually developed a crush.)
RIVALS: Trinidad and Tobago (they are rivals in basically everything.)
OTHER: Has had a strained relationship with Grenada ever since the 1983 invasion.
In recent years, her relationship with America has faced a downturn because of disagreements regarding trade and climate change.
The relationship with China has also not been the best in terms of jobs and trade.
WISDOM: 7/10
A handgun
Sub-machine gun
A cutlass/machete
FULL NATIONAL NAME: The Commonwealth of Jamaica
CAPITAL CITY: Kingston City
WORLD LEADER/PRIME MINISTER: The Most Honourable Andrew Holness
LAND AREA: 10,991km2
FLAG COLOURS: Black, meaning the strength and creativity of the people which has allowed them to overcome hardships, gold represents the wealth of the country and the golden sunshine and green represents the lush vegetation of the island, as well as hope.
ALSO CALLED: The Isle of the West Indies
                            The isle of the Caribbean
Jamaica’s national anthem is a prayer, calling on God to bless and guard our country, and bless our leaders with divine wisdom. The playing or singing of the anthem always fills us with pride, whether it is at a school devotion, a national event or on a global stage, such as the Olympics, when we celebrate the excellence of our athletes.
There are also two other, not national, Jamaica Land of Beauty and I Pledge My Heart/ the School Song.
Before God and All mankind.
I pledge the love and loyalty of my heart
The wisdom and courage of my mind,
The strength and vigour of my body
in the service of my fellow citizens.
I promise to stand up for justice,
Brotherhood and Peace, to work diligently and creatively,
To think generously and honestly, so that,
Jamaica may, under God, increase in beauty, fellowship
and prosperity, and play her part in advancing the welfare
of the whole human race.
68.9% Christianity
     64.8% Protestantism
     4.1% Other Christian
21.3% No religion
1.1% Rastafarianism
6.5% Others
2.3% Not stated
92.1% Afro-Jamaicans
(incl. 25% mixed Irish Jamaican)
6.1% Mixed
0.8% Indian
0.4% Other
0.7% Unspecified
Sports (is freakishly good at them and is a fast learner)
Being with friends and family
Drinking alcohol
Food with flavour
France (because of what he did to Haiti, nothing perverted)
People making weed jokes at her. 
Being bossed around
Dry and tasteless food
Line skippers (even though she’s one)
Anywhere colder than 13 degrees Celius
She is the only one who can hear the narrator
She also has the ghost of her former boss and famous pirate, Henry Morgan following her around.
Also has magical creatures around her that she talks to, mostly ghosts tbh.
Natural disasters. Even though they are quite common, she still fears the damage, loss of lives and pain that it will bring.
She fears getting to such a state where she has to be dependent on another nation too much as she is a very independent nation.
Most creepy crawlies
Green lizards
She is a very creative person in both the arts and in general
Is legally blind without her glasses
Has no patience
Very good potter
Good at playing the Guitar and Drums 
Good poet
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gentrychild · 5 years ago
If All migth knew about the trap and Izuku discoverd he knew I think he would just quit. Not even UA, just being a hero in general (Sorry for my bad english)
He already retired, so technically, is he still a pro hero?
But I have no doubt he would be enraged and he would follow Izuku.
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crimsontigerart · 4 years ago
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Michi has power of life drain. He can drain life from living beings near by, or even his own life force if no other living beings are near by.
Michi isn’t in the hero course. He in the support course, he builds and creats inventions for hero’s quirks as hobby. He learnt hoqw to build inventions from his big brother.  He discoverd his powers on hisz 5th birthday when giving all his attention to his dog. a Yellow glove was coming from the dog’s coat. Michi continue to pat to try and see what it was. Only for dog to collapse from most of his life force drained. His father isnt in the picture, his mother is afaird of him cause of his quirk. She has the quirk ‘Life filter’ which means she helps lving things bloom with their own life energy. Michi is so different from her own quirk, and his quirk so dangerous. His brother (who is quirkless) invented gloves when he wants to touch out people or have them touch him. His mother has tried to not be afaird of him, but Michi sees it in ehr body language that she fears him still.
He keeps his emotions in check in case it unleases his quirk. He doesnt connect wiht people but more sees them as another tool for inventing his support gear for. Half way through his 1st year, his brother goes missing. The only person that he knew wasnt afaird of him or thougyht him a weirdo. Michi finds out that the hero course kids are helping the investigation and tags along (wheather they like it on not.). He gears up the kids and himself, follows them on their invesgation with heroes. Slowly Michi befriends some kids from hero course. He gets seen for his quirk and welcomed into the course to transfer. But he stays in the support course, to continue his dream of starting a business with his brother (still missing). His brother’s logo is found on villian’s gear. Police thinks he working for them but Michi knows his brothers and agrues otherwise.
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simplysparrow14 · 5 years ago
As someone who wants to be an author someday, I desperately want to write a series of novels like J.M Lee,  where it tackles the adventures of Jen and Kira’s children and what the hell happens to them/where they went in between OG Dark Crystal Movie and “Power of the dark crystal” (Because i refuse to believe that Jen and Kira did not have children early on as rulers of the crystal). 
The Premise of the books: A Skeksis somehow has survived the Great-Cinjunction. He and his Mystic counterpart are now Immortal. The Skeksis, as A Skeksis would do, desides to put a long-withstanding plan into motion by useing a newly discoverd Crystal within thra--The Sister crystal to the Crystal of Truth, The Crystal of Virtue (The Crystal is much Smaller then “Crystal of Truth”) 
Elsewhere The Gelfling are thriving, With Jen and Kira being very good rulers. The glelfing are still trying to get used being back in Thra again, some of them are very wary of Skeksis, though Jen and Kira try to temper their fears by saying  (Though jen is having a little bit of trouble what with his shelterd childhood not preparing him to be king) Jen and Kira have two children, Two sons by the names of Jarra and Lyr (a alternate version of Gyr--Produnces Leer). Jarra is the oldest, most likely to take the throne once his mother or father abdicates the throne. He’s a paladin. He’s the prodigal son. Very much like Seladon, he has these certain duties he must do as a prince. Most gelfling believe that he’ll one day be a hero his parents where. He must be this strong piler within the court and his family. but this also kind of weighs very heavily with him as he tries to please everyone, creating a new version of himself to batter down the real him. 
Lyr is the second born and most likely not to take the throne. He was born very sickly, with basically Thra’s version of  asthma called Short-Breath. ( He shares Kira’s dependency on the crystal’s light. He doesn't depend on it as much as Kira does, but if he’s away from it for a long time, that lack of light starts to take effect.) Because of him being very sick, he mostly spent his time in the castle, reading and doing science. He and Jarra have a very strained relationship. It mostly comes from a place of jealously  much like Seladon and Brea’s relationship, with Jarra being jealous of Lyr getting to choose his own future over being forced into a pathway and Lyr being jealous of Jarra for being strong and being called a hero and getting to stand with the gelfling rather then having to sit and watch the world go by around him.   
Both have pretty good relations with their parents, With Lyr relating much more to his father then his mother and Jarra being very bit of a mama’s boy as ever. 
They also have a podling little sister by the name of Treelo (yes she’s named after the lemer from Bear in the Big Blue House, I have to get a puppet reference somewhere) with whom they very much adore and love and will die for if anything came about her. She talks in both podling and gelfling. 
Everything seems to be going okay within Thra, but of course things start to fall apart when one day the crystal starts to become poisoned. Of course, how can the crystal be poisend when the gelfling are back and there are no skeksis around (at least to their knowledge). Things start to really really get scary when the land starts to die. It a type of Sickness so much worse then the darkening previously. Its starting to really scare the gelfling as rumors start to spread that Jen and Kira themselves are poisoning the crystal and taking the crystals light for themselves. 
So you have potlical upheaval with Jen and Kira and Treelo trying to be good leaders with the new gelfling, while Jarra and Lyr go off on their adventure to try to save their home from this new sickness that now threatens their mother, their home and everything else around. 
We also get to meet old character we absolutely love ( who doesnt love a cranky old bat with one eye) and new characters that will accompany our heroes. 
Jim Henson, please, i have ideas. I am ready. I can feel it in my bones. 
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libidomechanica · 3 years ago
By tender ash delays
By tender ash delays thou wandering  those tears are stretched and  of the Tyrant and 
Slave. Window, and less; to  clothe a mayden Queene. Remember  him! Lies deeply knows  to kisse, and let naebody  see, And began  himselfe in the string when  next to me  on the longest  hair, white limb of a bare 
fingers. and beate vpon the  inter- section in heroes,  kings, and blows; and such I  mean to cease to have  guessd, and earth discoverd in  the moon. Then grudge me not, if  I could not brew a pastoral.  Ensemble of his Jean.  The genuine  Love is blind men come to  see whom they deal, dismiss me, and 
lapt in wreaths of glass will  have plenty: so let it  become wed-locked as the 
love I bear, They had him kindly  thicket into  again; for my dark- dawning yougth to spare room into 
the green  and the junior by six  weeks) his your Valentine. Of  shining haze, sees full sure! And  yet to-day. Thou hast struck one  immense Colossus down to 
the woods are grown brother  at the world dreaming: and 
thus with a fear  this little where perhaps it 
was a solid  base of my true mistress more,— above  by ways of flurrying near; The 
bowl you made with 
self-love in the least my  door, falsehood accurst! and lying  at emotion. You  think that flows down in widest  rivers combining in his 
corage hath my bonny sweet the  landlords daughter tickled all knowledge 
of us in  the world like an error 
clearer;— in short, there is  a flowers bene spredde, with  echoing night! No world(for  beauty from the  doubt, for slight occasion I  wonder if April 14th, 1973, letting 
words between the  moonlight, blinde was foreclosed.
0 notes
allinyourmindclimbing · 7 years ago
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The pictures all belong to John Gill / copyright John Gill !!
INTERVIEW with the legendary John Gill.
(Interview done by - and intro written by Jean-Marc Winckel in 2008)
John Paul Gill Jr., born February 16, 1937, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama (USA) is my all time climbing hero beside Wolfgang Güllich, Klem Loskot, Tony Lamprecht and some others. I admire his philosophy about climbing, especially bouldering. He is a mathematician, a gymnast, a climber and for me a philosopher, a wise man. « There is an affinity between math and climbing. It has to do with independence of effort and good pattern recognition skills, coupled with a desire to solve problems and explore. », so John.
As a gymnast, he discoverd bouldering and introduced the use of magnesia (chalk) and the dynamic movements into climbing. The jumps were aesthetically pleasing him. The picture where he does a one-arm front lever (see the pictures) became very known throughout the whole world. Therefore, he is also known as the father of bouldering. Climbing was for John an extension of gymnastics. In his first article in the « American Alpine Journal » in 1969 named « The Art Of Bouldering » he wrote : « …the boulderer is concerned with form almost as much as with success and will not feel that he has truly mastered a problem until he can do it gracefully. » But what I admire the most about him are his ideas about the mental strength in climbing and how he experimented with it.
Pat Ament writes in his biography about John Gill : « … He found in bouldering sharp, clear reality, and on occasion a feeling that – with the right consciousness – he weighed a little bit less. The right mental attitude might inspire « a slight sensation of telekinesis » or in fact minutely perceivable levitation. It was easy to listen to such concepts, as they flowed subtly and with somewhat of a sense of humor from Gill. After all, he did at times seem to defy gravity. »
In Yosemite in the late ‘70s Yvon Chouinard said about John : « Climbing is still in a stage of pure physical movement, and the next step is going to be mind control. I think Gill has already gone into that, from watching him prepare for a boulder even in the late ‘50s. … You’re going to have to use meditation and Yoga to be able to get up some of the new climbs, because pure physical strength and technique are not going to be enough. … I think it’s going to be Zen and the art of rock climbing. »
In the beginning, John found inspiration for his mental training by reading the books of Carlos Castaneda (« A Separate Reality », « The Teachings of Don Juan », « The Art of Dreaming », …) Often he soloed long, easy graded routes to enter mentally another world and experiment with the flow effect. Experiences such as these were entirely the consequences of meditative practices, for he NEVER had used psychedelic drugs.
Furthermore, Pat Ament writes in the biography : « Gill spoke of a mystical reality that, as he described, was an « extension of the hypnagogic state. » He suggested that certain exertions in bouldering occasionally produced an apparent separation of « I-consciousness » and physical body, « similar to how the mind of a long-distance runner seems to soar above the automaton-like running form… » … Gill seemed fond of the phrase « kinesthetic awareness, » meaning perhaps « self-realization, » a turning inward where all realms – sensory, mental, athletic, artistic, intellectual, mystical, spiritual and aesthetic – are united. »
In his essay « Notes on Bouldering – The Vertical Path » John described that the « outer value » of bouldering, pure difficulty, is just one aspect of the sport. The « inner value » of bouldering has much more to offer. But to acquire it one has to break away from competition !
In his description about a climb near Pueblo that John Gill and Chris Jones soloed together, Chris said : « One must be free to choose a more difficult way than the easiest, if that is what strikes the fancy of the moment. The rock must be a menu, for this « menu-soloing .» The choices, freedom, movement, mental acuity inspired by the exposure, warmth of the sun, feel of the rock – the EXPERIENCE is everything. »
I am SO happy that I had the chance to have contact with John and ask him to make a little interview with this living legend. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did ! Let it be a little inspiration for you to improve yourself, change the way you see things, change your views about climbing and enter mentally another world while climbing.
I advice you to read the biography « John Gill – MASTER OF ROCK » written by his friend Pat Ament (ISBN : 0-8117-2853-6) and have a look at his website www.johngill.net !
Have fun … it’s all in your mind !
1. When and how did you discover bouldering/climbing ?
In 1953, as a junior in high school in Atlanta, Georgia, a classmate, Jeanne Shearer (Bergen) took me along to north Georgia on a one-day expedition to try to find a cave in the middle of a limestone cliff. She had ropes and carabiners and slings, and I was fascinated with dangling above an abyss and scrambling about. I started bouldering – without knowing that was what I was doing – in 1954, while a student at Georgia Tech. Seemed like a natural extension of the gymnastics I was learning. A couple of years later in the Tetons Yvon Chouinard told me I was "bouldering", something he and his pals did in a light-hearted way at Stoney Point near Los Angeles. No one had the faintest idea of the history or origin of the activity, and it was strictly playtime on the rock, not serious climbing. Some Brit, I'm guessing, told someone at Stoney Point in the late 1940s or early 1950s they were "boulderers".
2. Do you still boulder/climb a lot? If not, how did you put the sport behind you?
I quit bouldering over twenty years ago after tearing the biceps off my right forearm in a bouldering accident. After thirty-something years of chalked-up dynamics, my body said "enough". I returned to my other climbing love – modest freesoloing – for a number of years. These days, with arthritic shoulders and chronic rotator cuff problems, I still enjoy traverses right above the ground, and I may get back into some solo climbing this summer, as well. However, I can't jump off boulders anymore, regardless of mats.
3. Do you consider climbing in general as a sport or a lifestyle?
For me it was an athletic lifestyle.
4. In how far do you relate mathematics with climbing and gymnastics with climbing? What do they all have in common?
I'm not sure mathematics has much to do with gymnastics, but the problem-solving aspect bears some relationship with the more cerebral aspect of rock climbing or bouldering. Gymnastics was good for me, for I began climbing with no athletic background and the still rings and gymnasium rope led to chalk, dynamics, and strength. I did gymnastics for its own sake as well, enjoying learning difficult moves and feeling the grace and precision necessary for the sport.
5. What do you mean by “option soloing”?
Picking and choosing among different possible lines according to difficulty or aesthetics when going up otherwise relatively easy terrain.
6. Do you stay in tune with modern bouldering, the magazines or websites?
Not really. I read some of the articles occasionally.
7. What differs in your opinion the climbing of today from the climbing when you discovered the sport?!
The level of naiveté. When too much is known about an activity and the standards are very high, it seems more like work than play. There was a different sense of adventure back then, more like a pilot flying by the seat of his pants in the 1920s when compared to modern flight training. Jets are neat, but think of the time the old barnstormers had!
8. What do you think of the current grading system in bouldering and the 20+ moves boulder traverses? Should they be graded as a route or a boulder problem?
The V-scale seems adequate, although I'd like to see one set of numbers or letters for all kinds of rock moves, low or high, short or extended – a system incorporating some sort of additional marker to distinguish power from endurance.
9. What do you think about the recent grade-explosion? Wouldn't a scaling system that is in constant evolution or a grading system depending on the number of ascents be more appropriate?
Every generation since the 1950s has seen a "grade explosion". If the circumstances are right, yes, a simple ratio of attempts vs. success might be a nearly-objective system. But this is very unlikely to occur. In gymnastics, in the 1950s, there were A, B, and C level moves. Now there are D and E and super E additional levels of difficulty. The open-ended structure is entrenched and would take a nuclear detonation to change!
10. How many moves had a typical boulder problem "at your time"? And how high were they?
Depends on where they were. At Jenny Lake the problems were very short, just three or four moves, if that, on 12 foot-high boulders. In the Needles of South Dakota, they were somewhat longer, sometimes up to 30 feet, but that was rare. I used to compare a problem with a gymnastic routine, which would have 7 or 8 moves at most. More than that and you were on a climb.
11. Why didn't you put a mattress under your boulders? For ethical reasons, transportation issues or are the young guys cowards? :-)
Are you kidding? Pads were invented to make money. We would take a simple and cheap top-rope along for some of the problems with bad landings or exposure. The "ethics" of not using a top-rope was subtly encouraged by pad makers. A mattress? Puleeese!
12. Is a boulderer a better gymnast or a gymnast a better boulderer?
I don't think there is a solid correlation. In my time – in the 1950s – being a gymnast helped, but not necessarily now that rock climbing has become so specialized and advanced. Better to avoid the excess weight of gymnastic muscle tissue.
13. Didn't you offend any purists and climbers of your time when you started using chalk and doing dynamical movements?
There were some – usually those lucky climbers whose hands stayed dry naturally – who complained about chalk. They didn't feel good losing their genetic advantage! There weren't many who complained about dynamics, although climbers had to become stronger over the years to successfully apply dynamics to the rock. The old adage about three-point suspension came down through the ages in British circles, where climbers objected to the "excessive" use of modern gear. Geoffrey Winthrop Young and others recoiled from the idea of risking falls. Also, the US Army strongly encouraged their mountain troops to follow that practice.
14. You began rock climbing around 1953! Does climbing guard against arthritis?
Little correlation, if any. My shoulders are badly arthritic, but that came mostly from still ring work years ago. My hands and fingers are fine, and it's been 55 years now. I suspect, however, that some types of crack climbing may lead to the condition./p>
15. Do you think the best climbers in the world are that good mainly through good genetics or through dedication?
First genetics, then practice. Without a good anatomical structure, the higher levels of difficulty may not be attainable.
16. Do you believe that yoga and meditation exercises help a lot to increase the level of climbing?
What I found was that meditation increased my enjoyment of climbing no matter what the level. Why does everything have to relate to reaching a higher number?
17. In Pat Ament's biography about you, Yvon Chouinard said: "Climbing is still in a stage of pure physical movement, and the next step is going to be mind control. I think Gill has already gone into that,... in the late '50s.". Please comment on that and do you agree with our saying "it's all in your mind!"?
Speaks for itself, doesn't it? But I think mental control is achieved while actually struggling on the rock – itself a disciplining authority - rather than sitting in an ashram.
18. In how far did the books of Carlos Castaneda help you to enter mentally another world?
They were a tremendous help. After entering another form of reality I saw the true and ancient foundations of religion. Saint Theresa of Avila was a pioneer in this realm.
19. In your essay "Notes on bouldering-The Vertical Path" you wrote that aiming for difficulty in our sport is unhealthy! Why?
Did I say that? Huh. It's not unhealthy, but it is overly confining. There are other dimensions of the sport. One can climb as a moving meditation – not to increase difficulty levels, but to enjoy a kind of epiphany.
20. Please explain and tell us a little bit about "kinaesthetic awareness" and the "flow effect" you experimented with for many years?
Any gymnast can understand the flow of a routine and feel graceful and precise movement. It's not merely to impress the judges. It's an inner reward. It's too bad that the sport of bouldering has been taken over by those who see it as simply competition and a numbers game.
Thank you very much for this interview John and we wish you good luck & health and all the best for the future and may the force be with you!
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vampire207343 · 3 years ago
In my six life I was reborn in another world as the daughter of Lily Potter once more but her father isn't James Potter this time around, she is the first daughter of the Sea God Poseidon she is given the name Amaris Potter the daughter of Poseidon the beloved daughter of the God of the Sea. Beging her father's first daughter is well loved and protected by the god of the sea even her step mother Amphitrite and her immortal brother Triton adores her something they never did to Poseidon's other demigod children not even Amaris older half brother Percy Jackson who is the child of the prophecy.
Amaris Potter at one point in that life she was in loved with Luke Castellan son of Hermes until he betrayed the gods by join the Titan but during the secound Titan war, he died a hero taking down king of the Titan Kronos himself, Amaris had her closure with Luke during that fight.
For 5 months after the war it was peaceful until Rachel Dare procceded to gave the new  prophecy, where the queen of the Gods procceded to kidnap Percy Jackson and Jason Grace from their respected camp.
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Jason Grace wake up with no memories of who he is with two kids claiming their his friends and one said she was his girlfriend but the fact that remain he know deep in his heart that the girl Piper Mclean wasn't someone he love or has feelings for. He did try to love her until they arrive to Camp half blood found by Annabeth Chase who was looking for her boyfriend Percy Jackson since he hone missing along with Will Solace the son of Apollo.
When they arrived to camp they discoverd Jason & Piper's whole relationship was created only by the mist. They were never really together so Piper felt her heart shatter because this whole time she thought she had the perfect  relationship until she discover it wasn't even real. Jason didn't have a problem with that since he felt that he didn't love her but he didn't know how to tell her.
But Piper fell in love with Jason in that small time they know each other only to find out everything she thought they had were all fake and it didn't help anything when Jason Grace began getting close with the first daughter of Poseidon and legacy of Aphrodite.
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Piper Mclean wasn't blind not see that both Jason and Amaris has feelings for each other she tried to act happy for them both when in reality it only hurt her even more to see them both get closer closer to one another. But who could blame Jason for chosing the powerful daughter of Poseidon  over her a weak daughter of Aphrodite. And it dosen't help that Amaris Potter is one of the most beautiful demigod at camp half blood that isn't a daughter of her mother but then again she is a legacy of Aphrodite so it would make sence why Amaris is as beautiful as any Aphrodite children.
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(Amaris Potter)
     It wasn't long before Jason and Amaris became a couple by then the secound Giant war has began and many demigods of Apollo already has lost their life along with Pollux son of Dionysus.
After the Giant war the Heroes were allowed to lived which ever camp they want since Camp half blood and Camp Jupiter are no longer trying kill one another like it once was in anicent time. Amaris decided to fallow her boyfriend Jason Grace to Camp Jupiter and Leo Valdez fallowed his bestfriend.
Piper did the same but in the end, she end up regreting it since she can't exactly get over Jason if she see him everyday. But she dosen't show what she truely felt for Jason since it would only ruwin her friendship with both Jason and Amaris and she dosen't want that to happen.
3 years later...
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Jason Grace propose to his long time girlfriend and married her with the permission of Lord Poseidon of course along with her immortal brother triton just to marry her and to Jason it was all worth it if it meant he spend the rest of his life with her as long he can because he know that he might see her again in another. Since he knows after she pass on this life she will be reborn in another world once more like her 5 lifes before this he knows this since Amaris told him.
And with the life of a demigod you never know when you will die so he is living his life to the fullest with Amaris while he still can maybe one day they will meet again in another life and fall in love with each other once more.
Piper can't watch another year to see Jason & Amaris together happy so she has decided to return to Camp half blood without telling her friends in camp jupiter why she left so suddenly since many children of Venus knows she is in love with Jason but he loves Amaris he eould never chose Piper or anyone else over Amaris.
5 years after Jason and Amaris got married they had their first child together a beautiful daughter she has her father blonde hair and mother's green eyes they gaved her the name Calista Grace, Legacy of Jupiter, Poseidon and Aphrodite. By then they were already 25 years old not many demigods live pass their teenager years so Jason and Amaris are glad to have their beautiful daughter.
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Calista Grace lost both her parents at the age of 10 years but atless her parents died together surrounded by many monster that they were both overwhelm but they died in each others arms but their demigod weapons are lost even the gods don't know who took both Jason and Amaris weapon from their dead body. Lord Poseidon was devested of the death of his only daughter that he grew protective of his grand daughter Calista Grace the only child of both Jason and Amaris.
Hades the God of the dead knows that Jason and Amaris Grace are both dead yet their soul did not appear in the underworld what so ever which has confuse the god of the underworld than anything.
When Piper Mclean heard the death of Jason Grace she devested even after all this time she still loves him even after he died along side Amaris and they left their 10 years old daughter behind but not before teaching everything they know to their daughter so it wasn't suprise that Calista Grace is a powerful Demigod Legacy.
What if... after she died at the final battle she was reborn many times.
Her first life as Sakura lilian Potter, her parents James and Lily Potter died protecting from the Dark Lord during the all Hallow Eve. Which made her an orphane and in the Great Albus Dumbledore mind it was a great idea to leave me at the door step of my magic gating Aunt Petunia Dursley and her husband Vernon Dursley along with their 1 years old son Dudley Dursley. Where she spent the first 7 years old of her life being treated like some House elf.
But after Sakura turn 7 years old she was found by Aoko Aozaki and taken her as her own apprentice for 7 years before she 14 years old when she enter Clock tower and I enter the department of creation, Modern Mage theory, and General Fundamentals. And having Ex circuit Quality and having a duel Element of Creation and Fantasy. Becoming one of the Master of the 5th Holy Grail War having manged to summoned the King of Heroes Gilgamesh as Caster Servant. She also made an aliance with Shiro Emiya during the War and decided to learn his brand of cooking until she master it after the Holy Grail war ended. 
Gilgamesh and Sakura got along real well with one another that created with the rich resources of Sakura a good number of magical treasures that the Association of Mages would surely envy. After the Holy Grail War, Sakura Potter enrolled herself in Tōtsuki Tea Ceremony and Cooking Academy, where she perfected brand of cooking, becaming one of the best School cook and pastery in that School.
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duckloves · 7 years ago
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Warning information missing will need to finish another time.
Name: Azura Sarafell
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Nickname(s): Az, Outlander, Hero of Tython
Alias(es): Commander/Empress
Era: Old Republic
Birth Date: MM/DD/BBY NA
Status: Alive
Species: Human
Ethnicity: [Human Only]
Blood Type: O positive
Affiliations/Organizations: Republic/Jedi Order (Previously), Sith Empire (brefly) currently Eternal Alliance
Occupation: Empress
The Character’s Appearance General Appearance:
Height: 6.3ft
Weight: 83kg
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Tattoos/Birthmarks/Scars: Lightning scar on her face and up her left arm. A few scars on her flanks from blaster bolts and Lightsaber burns. A Lightsaber scar on her chest where she was impaled and on on her right shoulder and to the left on her stomach.
Jewelry/Accessories: NA
About the Character Personality:
Least Favorites:
Hobbies/Interests: she’s a amazing artist. Lives to read fantasy/horror books. And hordes artifacts of all kinds.
Phobias/Fears: Carbonate, flying and the undead.
Skills/Talents: skilled bladesmen and aggressive negotiations.
Best Qualities:
Worst Qualities: anything to do with political and diplomatic ‘propaganda’. She can’t fly all that well and leaves it to people who know how to fly without crashing before take off!
Goals/Motivations/Dreams: to leave the galaxy in a better place then is was. To protect civilians. Build a legacy that will lead her empire to a great and brighter future.
The Character’s Relationship With Others Reputation:
Love Interest(s): First/Middle/Last Name of Love Interest (Short Statement of How Your Character Feels About Them)
Friend(s): Lana: close friends. Azura will trust her with her life. She knows that she can talk to her about anything and everything (exept when Azura is doing something Lana completely disagreed with or said no) T7 01: best of friends. Tee seven have been at Azura’s side since the beginning on Tython. Loyal and trustworthy with any task given. Vette: friends. Vette worked for Azura’s sister a lord of the sith Orerahna. The two got along quickly and like to exchange story’s of the past with one other (the funny and embarrassing one s that is) Kira: former padawan and close friend. These two are like glue and have through some of the thickest of situations. It’s like the sister she needed. Arrcan: friends. Azura never wanted to fight him to begin with but what choise was she really given. Azura has already told him she could never forgive the things he has done but it doesn’t mean that they cant look forward together. She holds a great level of curiosity of him and what’s to make hime feel like he belongs some where and that he’s not alone. A unique bond has formed between the two in such a short time what is to come out of it there’s just one way to find out…. When arrcan said “we have much more than that in common” he wasn’t wrong. (Can’t go into detail with that yet) Scrouge: friends. Most unusual friendship these two have a grate understanding of mutual respect for each others strength not just physically but philosophy as well. Their just as equally stubborn as one other to be honest. They shear an unusual bond thoe, whenever Azura was near scrouge could smell, touch, taste, feel and even see the faintest of color which has made very attached and possessive to a dangerous level. Something Azura doesn’t appreciate. Treek: friend. Azura’s favorite Ework. She actually likes to spend time with him and learn more about his people and their culture and in turn she try’s to do the same with him. (More to be added) [I can go on for ever]
Enemy(ies): (pfffff the list is too long)
The Character’s Abilities Jedi: Yes
Rank: (Grand Master, Master, Knight, Padawan, Youngling, Acolyte, Apprentice, Lord, Darth)
Master: Orgus Din
Apprentice/Padawan: Kira
Color of Lightsaber: Charred Orange W/ bloom and pink-purple w/o bloom
Force-Sensitive?: Yes/
Powers/Abilities: (I haven’t quite figured out how to explain it) all I can say is that she has that hart, soul and spirit of a dragon.
Origin of Powers: NA for the time being Element(s): NA
Strengths: skilled with the bade and hand to hand combat and even stronger in the force.
Weaknesses: she realise on her speed and agility because she lacks in musculan strength. She sometimes has a tendency to exacerbate her use in the force on a dangerous level and can cause serious harm to ones self.
Alternate Form: N/A
Fighting Style: forms 5 and 6
Preferred Weapon(s): two Lightsabers and caries a variety of different blades and daggers and will sometimes have a quil of arrows and a bow.
Knowledge: 8/10
Conceptualization Power: 9/10
Motivation: 10/10
Will to Act: 9/10
Agility: 9/10
Force Control: 9/10
Swordsmanship: 10/10
Hand-to-Hand Combat: 7/10
Long Range Accuracy: 5/10
Piloting Skills: 3/10
Offense: 9/10
Defense: 8/10
Social Skills: 5/10
The Character’s Familial/Biographical Information Her family died when she was young cause of death is unknown all she knows that they were both Jedi. Discoverd by a young Pureblood Sith family was drawn in by her stong presence in the Force. Raised and suprisingly loved by her adopted family, at 8 she had accidentally killed her sister Ryha in which resulted in Ronenjex a tempt to kill her leaving Azura with a scar on her her face. Two years later Azura was separated from her mother when one of her family's rivails attacked the family stronghold forcing her to flee, she had found herself in a space port and hid in a smugglers create with Ronenjex. Azura's older brother and sister Arkunas and Orerahna(twins) where on Dromand Kass at the time and had believed that their mother, Azura and Ronenjex dead. Arnikus killed their father when he found out he was responsible for their mother’s and siblings death. Arkansas also became a member of the dark council Darth Impirus. Orerahna was led to become the empor's wrath. Ronenjex was killed by one of the twins during one of the eternal empires invasions. Birthplace: unknown
Homeworld: unknown
Family: adopted mother (dead) adopted farther (dead) adopted brother Arkunas Ebonhart (alive) adopted sister Orerahna Ebonhart (alive) adopted sister Ryha Ebonhart (dead) adopted brother Ronenjex Ebonhart (dead)
Familial Background: She never knew her biological parents and is unsure how she ended up eith a family of noble Pureblood Sith…. (I’m to tried sorry guy’s)
Character Background: Will update later!
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