#The Grand Huntsman Child of the Stars ( The Collector )
mixed-up-multiverse · 11 months
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@collectalong sent: "trick-or-treat!" from collector ^_^ hiii
Tricks or Treats | Accepting until November 2nd!
It was time to go trick-or-treating, and Kirby was ready. He'd just fitted himself with an angel costume, and he was ready to go when--
Rat-a-tat-tat-tat, tat-tat.
Oh, someone was here? Maybe they were here for Candies? Kirby had some to give out in case anyone arrived while he was dressing up, he hoped the knocker would like it. Once he gave them their share, he would head out too and turn off his home's lights behind him.
The tiny puff tottered over to the door, opened it, and saw...
Oh, a new friend! Kirby had never seen them on Popstar before, perhaps they were new! They could even Trick-Or-Treat together, as a team.
Well, either way, Kirby reached into the bowl on the table next to the door, and put a few star-shaped cookies in the other's bag.
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"Here you go, poyo!" he says, turning off the lights to his home and quickly following the other as they set down the path towards the other nearby houses.
"Hey-Poyo, wanna go together? I'm just about to do trick-or-treating, too!"
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Archivist lore???
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Sure @owhouselover
But 1st gotta reveal their names
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"NH" and stuff are shorter initials I use for them using the 1st letters of their titles(Unless it's Constellation). So Comae is our Collector!
Anyways the PAST. Before the discovery of the Titans, there lived an "wonderful" family. Although they weren't really good as u thought..
Librae, who was looking for an planet to catalog on, found the planet, Titan(NO NOT THE MOON OF SATURN). The Planet was in the Habitable Zone along with 3 other planets. Librae decided to gather few information about the new planet she diacovered before leaving.
When she got home, she told her siblings about the new planet she discovered and her predictions that she had when gathering information about this type of planet. Since it was an planet she discovered, Achelois decided to let the Archivists be the leading role of the Planet. Along with a Star Child, Comae.
Comae didn't really get along with Acallaris and Asteropaios. To them, they were scary. They only liked Librae and Amphiaraus cause they were nice. The Archivists had a meeting, they discussed about Comae having their 1st mission, to collect a Titan from the Planet. But Librae and Acallaris said they shouldn't do this considering Comae was still young. But Asteropaios insisted, so it was decided Comae should have their 1st mission. By collecting a titan. An baby titan.
Comae was an really playful child. Favored by many Collectors cause of their playful personality. Comae went on their 1st mission on the Planet. But it failed, cause they were supposed to COLLECT a titan, not be friends with a titan. The Archivists had another meeting, Acallaris, who started the meeting, said the titans can overpower Collectors, and if an Collector gets hit by the titan's power, it could severely harm them. A titan, more powerful than a Collector? Horrible and disgusting.
Asteropaios said "Powerful? THAN US? Impossible! Nothing is more powerful than a Collector!", it started an really big conflict. Then a choice was decided, it was decided Librae and Acallaris should start gathering information on the Titans, and any other information that is useful, while Asteropaios and Amphiaraus start planning the Killing of the Titans. Asteropaios started an cult called the "Titan Trappers", an group of witches who follow orders from The Grand Huntsman. Their 1st order was to kill as many titans as possible, alive, or dead. After gathering as many information Acallaris and Librae tried to get, the plan had started.
Yall already know the next part, they kill the titans, yeah u know u know
Now Collector lore!
There are Enforcements like Story-Rhyming Enforcement and Law Enforcement but u would have to be very old to join tho. And it acquires efficiency.
Collectors can date mortals, its just that it would cause an conflict between family, friends, and other Collectors. And Mortal's lives are much shorter compared to Collectors. So it's very rare if u see or hear an Half Mortal-Half Collector baby. Also if u want to date one, let it be known the chances of Collectors liking u back is very slim. Most Collectors would rather date other Celestials inorder to keep the Collector Bloodline. Collectors are very serious :)
U indeed can have kids in the Enforcements. It is very safe for kids. Totally. Tho if u're the types who have to get supplies and sh-t, then other Collectors inside the Enforcements will be ordered to watch over your babies. Like The Storyteller(Lament) and The Wailing Star(Roxana) :D
Collector babies are made from spells. Half Mortal-Half Collector babies can be made from spells?? It's just complicated since it would require the mortal's DNA inorder for the baby to biologically be related to both parents. Haha. Also, Half Mortal-Half Collectors have a higher chance of being with a mortal than a Collector due to the amount of conflict Collectors have with Half and Half babies.
Collectors WILL face consequences if 1 or more of their children died. Tho if u weren't the reason ur kids died, boy u better be telling the truth cause they will find out the true story with Specialists.
Specialists are Collectors. They're b-stards. U will not like them 1 bit. Maybe hate them. It depends. Anyways Specialists help with certain cases that involve babies randomly dying, yeah u know. They are basically like a lie detector but not at the same time. When other Collector children are alive, they will ask questions if anything was wrong at home. Generally comforting the babies, if the parent were to lie about them not being the reason why their kid(s) died, they will face a death penalty and children are taken by Caretakers
Last bit of lore. So Caretakers are Collectors who specializes in checking if the child is ok, etc. They are like parental figures. They are not b-stards. There was certain cases where they were called to take children of Collectors, they tried their best to calm down the kids and tell them they're in a safer place now. Away from their parents. Kids removed from their homes absolutely love them! Some children confessed Caretakers are like parents to them. So 1. They are very good with children. And they love babies
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101flavoursofweird · 2 years
Agony of an Aunt
“You don’t have to be her nephew anymore,” the Collector snapped, clutching King’s hand. “She can’t tell you what to do now. You’re safe with me!” 
“Um…” King glanced from the Collector to Lilith’s body. “What?”
OR: The Collector gets the wrong idea about Lilith.
Spoilers: For the Future spoilers
Set: After the opening of FtF
Warnings: Mentions of Belos physically harming Hunter.
The Collector had moved the moon with a swish of his finger. (The whole stinking moon!)
It should have been a relief when the Draining Spell stopped and that hellish red light faded from the sky, but then, stars and sparkles started raining down on the Boiling Isles. Most of the screaming citizens were turned into puppets— Lilith and Hooty included.
Eda had been spared from a similar fate, but she had transformed into the Owl Beast when the Collector touched her. 
Months ago, King had craved the Collector’s kind of power…
He had longed to command an army of loyal subjects. He would have laughed  at Lilith’s defeat back when she was still a leader in the Emperor’s Coven. 
Once, he had tried to use Owl Beast Eda to take over a playground. 
But now… Now, King just wanted his family back.
The Collector had assured King that the puppet-people weren’t hurt and they would all be transported to the ‘Archive House’, ready to play.
This ‘house’ was a white crown-shaped castle— something King could have only dreamed of in the past— and it was floating above the Titan’s skull, like it was made for King… by the Collector. 
If he’d been younger, King might have fought the Collector over who got to be the ultimate ruler of the Demon Realm. 
Wasn’t it in the natures of Titans and Collectors, after all? Their rivalry was legendary:
Before King had freed the Collector, the kid had chatted about how King’s father had trapped him and hidden King away. 
This was most likely to protect King from 
the Titan Trapper cult that wanted to sacrifice him in the name of the Collector— AKA, the ‘Grand Huntsman’.
And then there were those murals…
In the hallways of the Archive House were images of Titans battling Collectors. 
King caught a brief glimpse of them when the Collector whisked he and Owl Beast Eda up to the house.
Despite the… feud between their families, the Collector didn’t seem to fear or resent King. The Collector just wanted to be his friend.
Right now, King didn’t want anything to do with the Collector. 
King had just unleashed this child with godlike powers onto the Boiling Isles. He’d had to say goodbye to Luz.
Lilith and Hooty had been made into puppets. And, to top it all off, Eda had been consumed by her curse when she attempted to rescue King. 
When King cried, the Collector tried to comfort him.
“What’s wrong, King? Don’t you like the house? I can change it if you want—“
“I want you to CHANGE THEM BACK!”
King sobbed. His tears fell onto the shining pink floor tiles. “Eda… Lilith— EVERYONE!”
“Okay, okay!” the Collector actually agreed, much to King’s shock. “Who’s Eda and Lilith?”
“That’s Eda!” King sniffled, pointing at her. Eda was currently charging up a flight of stairs.
With a wave of his hand, the Collector lifted Eda off her feet. Eda growled and clawed at the empty air. 
“What a beast!” the Collector breathed. “She’s so cool…!” 
King spluttered, “She was cursed—“
“I didn’t curse her…” The Collector folded his arms, pouting. “…Did I?” 
“No, but…” King held his paw to his mouth.  The Collector had… activated Eda’s curse, but maybe that wasn’t the wisest thing to say right now. “She was cursed a long time ago—“
“By who?” 
“It doesn’t matter—“
“Who?” the Collector persisted. He flew over to Eda and started poking her in the face. “Who? Who—?”
“Her sister,” King blurted out. “It was Eda’s sister, when they were younger.”
“Why’d she do that?” 
Eda tried to bite the Collector’s finger. The Collector snickered.
“Because… ‘cause Eda and Li— her sister, were meant to have a duel, and her sister wanted to win.” King summarised the Clawthorne sisters’ backstory as quickly as he could.
The Collector was invested now, though. “So, her sister cheated? Booo!”
“Yeah, but… it wasn’t meant to be like this.” Again, King gestured up to Eda. Eda stretched her claws out towards him. 
King continued, “Lilith thought the curse would only last one day—“ He bit his tongue when he realised he’d let Lilith’s name slip. 
The Collector had realised it too. He grinned mischievously. “Let’s find Lilith and teach her a lesson!”
“Wai— no!” King yelped. He pictured Lilith’s puppet body, shattering like an antique doll. “Lilith’s my… my aunt!”
(He’d never actually called her ‘aunt’ out loud before… It felt weird.) 
“Your ‘ant’?” echoed the Collector. He held his fingers around his eyelids, widening them, and scanned the floor. “Is she really small?” 
King enunciated, “My aun-t! I’m her nephew—“
“Her?” the Collector gasped. He clenched  his fists. Something wooden-sounding clattered onto the floor behind King. 
Turning, King’s saw that it was Lilith’s lifeless body. She looked like one of King’s discarded toys.
Before King could run over to Lilith, the Collector grabbed his hand.
“You don’t have to be her nephew anymore,” the Collector snapped, squeezing King’s claws. “She can’t tell you what to do now. You’re safe with me!” 
“Um…” King glanced from the Collector to Lilith.
Did the Collector know about Lilith’s past— when she was the leader of the Emperor’s Coven? Maybe he’d overheard her talking to Belos about capturing Eda? And King, by extension?
King had to tread carefully, or else Lilith might get tossed out a window. 
“Look… I don’t know what you’ve heard about Lilith,” King said hesitantly, “but she was only working for Belos because she thought he could heal Eda’s curse.”
That wasn’t completely true; Lilith had relished in her high status, her free reign over magic, and the resources granted to her by the Emperor’s Coven. She had gone about enforcing the Emperor’s will… but King would skip that part. 
Waving towards Lilith, King went on, “She betrayed Belos and stopped working for him a… a while ago. She helped us beat him. She’s on our side—“
“Did she ever trick you?” the Collector whispered. “Or hurt you?” His eyes darted over the crack in King’s skull and his left horn.
Lilith her never personally come after King— aside from catching him when he and Luz went to rescue Eda— but right before that, she had threatened Luz’s life… 
If Luz hadn’t been present, would Lilith have used King as bait for Eda? 
“Don’t lie, King,” the Collector warned him. 
“I’m not…” King trailed off when the Collector kept frowning. King admitted, “O-okay, so maybe she did lie to me, but then, everyone was lying to me at one point.”
Eda and Luz had lied about him being the Demon King, because they thought the truth would hurt him more. Lilith had actually been the one to shed doubt on the lie… but she had played along for a short while at Luz’s request.
“Phillip always lied,” the Collector mumbled. He loosened his hold on King’s hand. “And he liked to hurt his nephews.” 
“O-oh…” King’s swallowed. Of course— this was about Hunter (as usual)! 
Had the Collector witnessed Belos attacking Hunter— or the previous Golden Guards?
“Lilith won’t hurt me,” King vowed. 
Yes, Lilith had made mistakes— lots of them— but this had all stemmed from her need to join the Emperor’s Coven when she was a kid.
(How many other kids had Belos indoctrinated into his coven system over the years?)
The lack of attention from Lilith’s parents might have had something to do with it… King could definitely relate to that, with his father’s absence. If Eda hadn’t found him, would King have become more like Lilith? 
Cold, cutthroat and apathetic? Lonely, unwanted and filled with remorse? 
Willing to grovel at a tyrant’s feet if they threw her a scrap of recognition?
Though King would never go as far as cursing his sister… he couldn’t act like he was completely innocent.
Like Lilith, he’d hurt his family several times:
He’d scrapped Luz’s story ideas and signed a writing contract, which almost got them both crushed inside a box. 
Then, he’d (accidentally) shrunk himself, Luz, and their friends at the carnival. 
Luz had nearly died accompanying him to Titan Trapper Island… 
And not to mention, the almighty Child from the Stars King had released upon the Demon Realm.
King nodded. “She’s not perfect, but she’s nowhere near as bad as Bel— Philip.” 
The Collector hummed. 
“Please!” King begged, clasping his claws together. “Please, Collector… Lilith’s… She’s the only one who can help Eda.” (A tiny lie— but King had no idea where Morton or the other elixir-sellers were!)
Looking at Eda again, King let his eyes well with tears. “I don’t know what I’d do without Eda—“
“Ugh, fiiiiine!” The Collector sighed like he’d just been asked to clean his room. “But Lilith can’t stay here!”
The Collector popped two fingers in his mouth. He inhaled and blew out air.
King almost found this funny. “Are you… trying to whistle?” 
“I can do it!” the Collector insisted. On a second attempt, he managed to let out a loud whistle. 
King gasped as a bright blue star soared into the room. It looked big enough for both King and the Collector to fit on.
The Collector hopped onto the star and steered it towards King, picking him up. King clung to the star for dear life as they left the Archive House. (It was more spacious than Eda’s staff, but still terrifying!)
Behind him, King heard a screech. He glanced back to see that Eda and Lilith were following them on their own stars. (King wasn’t sure what power was helping them stick to the stars, but he hoped it wouldn’t fail!)
“Woohooooo!” the Collector cried as they shot across the sky like a comet. “Isn’t this fun, King?”
Much to King’s relief, their star-ride soon descended into a forest of purple trees, their leaves glittering with tiny blue crystals. King was reminded of Luz with her purple cloak and her Light Glyphs.
Their star landed on the grass, as did Eda’s, before vanishing. 
Compared to the pandemonium at the Titan’s skull, it was eerily peaceful here…
until Lilith was unceremoniously dropped onto the grass beside them. 
Startled, Eda snarled and charged at Lilith.
Throwing himself at Eda’s feathery chest— holding her back from Lilith’s body— King shouted, “Eda—STOP!”
It was useless; Eda knocked him aside and lowered her head to Lilith, nudging her.
The Collector hovered upside down above them. “Is Eda hungry?”
“N-no!” King protested as he sat up.“Collector, do something!”
Watching Eda, King held his breath. He half-feared and half-hoped Lilith would awaken and morph into her Raven Beast form. Anything would be better than that dead-eyed puppet stare…
The Collector lifted his hand— palm facing Lilith and Eda. Eda froze. 
The yellow crescent moon sigil(?) flew off Lilith’s forehead and into the Collector’s hand. 
A blue light shone around Lilith. Her limbs lost their wood-like texture. Life returned to her eyes. 
Lilith gasped, threw out her arm and bolted up on the grass. “HOOTSIFER… H-huh? King…?” 
Trembling, Lilith gaped at King as he edged towards her. Questions tripped out of her mouth. “King, what’s going on—? Where are we?” Her eyes widened at Eda. “When did Edalyn transform…?” 
The Collector landed next to them. 
Lilith exclaimed, “Y-you…!”
She leapt to her feet and pulled King away from the Collector. 
The Collector’s eyes glowed ominously. “King stays with me.”
Lilith put herself in front of King. “I won’t let you hurt my nephew!” 
King was touched; Lilith no longer viewed him as a pest or an all-powerful god, but as her family. 
She was trying to shield him from what was probably the strongest being the Demon Realm had ever seen.
King was so proud of his aunt, but right now, he needed her to stand down. 
“Whoa, guys!” King interrupted before Lilith could be turned back into a puppet. “It’s okay! Lilith?” (She turned her head to him.) “The Collector is my friend. He very kindly set you free when I asked him to.”
“Really?” Lilith said, not sounding very convinced.
“It’s true!”
“Really,” King said through gritted teeth. “He changed you back into a witch, so you could find a way to heal Eda’s curse.”
“That’s our deal,” the Collector said. “You’ll heal Eda and leave us alone.” 
“R-right!” King agreed. He stepped out from behind Lilith.
“Are you sure about this, King?” Lilith breathed. 
“I can hear you!” the Collector yelled.
King nodded to Lilith. Lilith rested her hand on his skull, before letting him return to the Collector’s side.
Lilith bowed her head to the Collector, blue hair obscuring her face. “Thank you for freeing me, merciful Collector. I have but one request, if I may…”
The Collector huffed impatiently. “What?”
“I may require assistance if I am to heal Edalyn as swiftly as possible. Would you please free my friend Hootsifer as well—?” 
“Maybe later,” the Collector dismissed. 
When Lilith raised her head, she was scowling.
The Collector whistled again— summoning two stars this time. He lifted Eda up on one star. He led King onto the other. 
“Bye… Lilith,” King called. (He’d considered calling ‘Aunt Lilith’ but he didn’t want to upset the Collector.) “Good luck!”
“Goodbye, King.” Lilith smiled softly. “Be careful… Take care of Eda and try to get Hooty out, if you can. I’ll bring you Eda’s elixir—“
“You’d better,” the Collector said darkly.
With that, he took off with King and Eda, leaving Lilith alone in the forest.
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darkmatter-nebula · 2 years
I just found the "Lost but now found" AU, and I really wanna know more about the story/context now
Good morning, my dear @cozones-chaos! 👋😊
My "Lost But Now Found" AU:
*clears throat*
Collector, later known as Colli, was freed fifty years ago by Emporer Belos. Belos had Colli's disc for a very long time, but only started to interact with the small starboy shortly before he was released. Belos returned with the very grateful immortal and eternal child to the Castle with the teleportation glyph.
At the Castle, Colli's trust immediately was betrayed, as Belos lied to him about a "game" that required Colli to sit on a weird chair, the Draining Chair, to be specific. From this moment, Colli was for fifty endless years Belos' living battery. The poor kid wasn't only drained off all of his powers, Belos was also verbally and physically abusive towards him.
Around the time of "Young Blood Old Souls" Colli was found and saved by King and Luz. Colli was in a secret chamber. King is the one who named him Colli, by the way. Colli is their beloved brother since then. Eda, who calls Colli affectionately Little Star, is his mother. His family should grow, with three more parents and two more siblings.
Meanwhile, Belos made a very high bounty for Colli, and VERY exaggerated wanted posters. He wanted his Little Battery back. The only one who knew about Colli besides Belos, was Kikimora, by the way.
I should mention, Colli is not The Grand Huntsman. He never hunted anything. That's why the Owl Beast inside of Eda isn't afraid of him. King is the first Titan Colli ever met. The reason why Colli was in the In-Between is, that a few centuries ago, he taught some people who pretended to be his friends powerful spells.
As soon as they didn't need Colli anymore, the jerks sealed him away, so that he couldn't teach anybody else.
Colli's magic was weakened, due to the fifty years on the Draining Chair. His first encounter with Hunter at the Eclipse Lake fully restored his magic. It had something to do with Hunter's galdorstone heart. As the Golden Guard, who tried to capture Colli at first, had his first hug with the celestial boy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a kind heart.
Hunter's brotherly love for Colli awakened and he swore to protect this precious child. After that, Hunter became officially Colli's big brother.
Vee is, like Luz, Colli's big sister. He has four parents, by the way. Eda, Camila, Raine and Darius. They have nicknames for their son. Little Star by Eda, Moonpie and Little Cherub by Camila, Little Songbird by Raine and Stardust by Darius. They are, just like Lilith and Hooty, super protective of Colli. Same for the starboy's siblings.
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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Ah, I see The Collector used his space magic to summon a book filled with the completed version of all the fanfics I’ve never finished. I know I always say it’ll be a miracle if I ever get all my ideas written down, but I didn’t think it’d take an actual miracle.
You guys might think I’m exaggerating, and I am for comedic effect, but not by much. Just today, I started jotting down yet more notes on my phone while eating lunch at work. What if Masha discovered that they had psychic powers? I have so many unfinished first chapters, short snippets of dialogue, and premises for stories written down on my computer, phone, in various notebooks, pieces of cardboard, and reciept paper lying around. It’s honestly a bit ridiculous.
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Oh wait, the pages are stone slabs? Or maybe they’re supposed to be clay tablets? That’s kinda cool actually, brings to mind the earliest stories written down by man in our own world. You know, like the Epic of Gilgamesh.
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…hold on, I gotta go get myself a drink to dramatically spit out in shock and disbelief, give me a sec.
”Right, now where was I?” I say as I sit back down with a refreshing beverage. I rewind the video by a few seconds and hits play as I take a sip of my drink.
”Collectors live long, we watch things pass.”
”Pfft!” I spit out my drink in shock and disbelief, spraying my computer screen with liquid. ”What!?” I exclaim between coughs. ”Other Collectors?
I mean yeah, sure, The Collector is a child of the stars and whatnot, I kinda figured there’d maybe be some subtle hint at a larger pantheon out there, but, uh… I guess we get it confirmed right here, right now. I was even thinking of including a joke about The Collector’s parents being Mother Nature and Father Time, I just couldn’t figure out how to work it in.
Alright, calm down Lampman, think…
Based on this short summary, it appears that the collectors are if not gods, then at the very least god-like beings. They travel the cosmos and collect specimen of various lifeforms to preserve them in their collections. That in and of itself doesn’t sound all that horrible… but, ah… that second paragraph is a bit concerning.
Should the mortal beings they collect begin to meddle in the affairs of the Collectors (like, oh, I dunno, maybe NOT wanting to be turned into a collectible), they’ll scorch the planet and wipe them all out. Which… yeah that sounds about right for gods of mythology.
Our little Lord of the Fireflies doesn't like that mentality though, they’d rather play games and have fun and make friends (though evidently, The Collector still don’t care too much about what the mortals want).
Right of the bat, this does make me wonder something: is it possible that The Collector we saw in the Owlbeast’s flashback in Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door wasn’t THE Collector, but another collector? Cause that’d explain why that one didn’t look a whole lot like this Prince of Plastic
It also makes we wonder if maybe The Collector ISN’T the Grand Huntsman worshipped by the Titan Trappers, but rather, another collector (or several of them). Indeed, we see at the bottom of the page, three collectors looming over several worshipping humans. Because’s I’ve been wondering about that; aside from calling King’s dad a bully for putting him in divine time-out, The Collector really didn’t seem to have much against Titans from what we’ve seen thus far. Heck, he was super excited to meet King. So could it be that The Collector was not the one responsible for wiping out the Titans, but rather some other collector?
What I’m thinking right now is that The Collector is the divine equivalent of a kid that ran away from home. And their family either doesn’t care, doesn’t know, or enough time has not passed for them to notice.
(hm… a kid that ran away from home because they didn’t fit in with their peers… where have I heard a similar story before…?)
(the book mentions that the collectors would scorch the air… the demon realm planet is covered in a boiling sea… perhaps scorching the air is a more poetic way of saying ”set off a bunch of volcanoes”? In real life, the worst mass extinction event known was caused not by the meteorite that wiped out the non-avian dinosaurs, but a massive flood basalt taking place about 251.9 million years ago, colloquially referred to as ”The Great Dying.” Volcanoes are good at killing stuff, is my point. and undersea volcanoes spewing out lava would explain why the sea is always boiling)
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I mean, look at this face. Does this look like the face of someone who could wipe out a race of giants? Look at him! He couldn’t hurt a fly.
Except Belos, but he doesn’t count.
And I guess they did turn an island’s worth of people into puppets and force them to play along in their games, hmmm…
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susie-dreemurr · 2 years
King/Collector for ask game?:3
Ship it / Don’t ship it.
I accidentally wrote a lot so uh. Sorry.
(I love them as a platonic duo, though!! Someday I will write a whole ass post talking about their dynamic, it’s so interesting to me.)
Why Don’t You Ship It?
They have very few screen time together, for starters. The dynamic they have now is unhealthy, and the one I think they will have in the future just Does Not give romance vibes. These two characters are unshippable with anyone ever to me,
Plus, while the Collector is very clearly meant to be a young child, they still knew King’s dad while King was an Egg, so until we get more info on that I’m willing to wait. Also the whole Grand Huntsman of Titans thing,,,,yah until we get more info on what actually happened (I don’t think what we got in edge of the world is entirely false, just that it’s not the full context of the situation. ) I’m iffy on shipping these two.
What would have made you like it?
I still wouldn’t ship it because, again, I just don’t see them as the type of characters it do the romance thing Ever. However, post collector redemption arc, some time to heal and process, and clarification on the stuff I mentioned in the second paragraph would make it way nicer me thinks.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say?
I love these two’s overall dynamic so much I’m so mentally ill about them dear god. I want to post an analysis about their relationship (canon and potential) someday, but that day is not today bc head ache.
As a ship, I think they’re the only ship these two characters can have with anyone because, well. For starters, both of them are, even though they’re thousand(s) of years old, still mentally and physically younger than the entire cast due to their species.
And as both “Titans” and “whatever the heck star kiddo is” are species that have a life span of thousands upon thousands of years, they likely wouldn’t outgrow the other, keeping the ship Legal 👍 and also having them be each other’s company after the main cast dies. King really needs someone he can be with after he inevitably loses his family and, judging by their own loneliness, so does The Collector.
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syllego · 2 years
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the ever-mysterious “collector”, known to be the grand huntsman, the child of the stars, and presumably many more titles
a childish entity of unknown origin who has been locked away for y e a r s
they’re free now, and though they lack the abilities they once had, they’re still as high energy as ever!
considered one of the most powerful beings back in his world, and holds millennia’s worth of arcane knowledge
also known to be a dangerous kid with a penchant for trouble
if you play a game with him he may be nice to you, though!
loves rhyming, hates being unable to rhyme
sometimes they can be a shadow version of themself for ✨ dramatic flair ✨ 
can hold a mean grudge
ooc. i’m willow (aka will) and you’re watching disney channel. APP | STATS | RULES | MUN | AFFILIATE
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
So I’ve been thinking
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I still think that on the left is the Titan Trapper(looks humanoid enough) and on the right the Titan(even has the similar jaw. and well, is bigger and more animalistic). The drawing was done either by King’s father or his servants.
But what I am curious about is the depiction of the falling star/comet. And it’s not just a one-time thing. There was one in Grand Huntsman room. Which works for him since he most likely appeared as a shooting star.
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But The Collector mostly goes by Sun/Moon/Star symbolics
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That made me think that originally Collector was known as just a child of stars and was described like that on murels. His sun/moon theme came later, most likely with his cult and Collector himself exploring his powers.
But King’s dad/servants didn’t use the sun/moon on his fresk. Which means the conflict between Titan Trappers and Titans existed before Collector’s arrival. But he was soon drawn in into this as a poweful figure.
UPD. I noticed this before but didnt know what to make of it. The first mural. The star’s glow is the same color as Titan Trapper has. What if this symbolises Collector ‘powering’ them up. He gave them his knowledge and power and they used it to kill the Titans.
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introvert-celeste · 2 years
Who and What is the Collector?
I've been thinking a lot over the last few of days about the Collector: who he is, his origins, what the deal is with those black disks, and the version of the Collector that we see in the Owl Beast's memory, and I have a couple theories about what it could all mean.
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As Kikimora says, the Collector is "neither witch nor demon, a child from the stars." "A child" implies the existence of more of his kind. The fact that the Collector we first see looks and sounds decidedly different from this one--and the fact that they are significantly taller/larger--seems to reinforce this idea.
On the other hand, "The Collector" suggests that there is only one. Seeing as the being from the Owl Beast's memory is credited as being the Collector, it's fair to assume that the name is, at the very least, a title of sorts that's handed down. But all of this fails to explain the purpose of the black disks, the existence of which pretty much throws a wrench in this idea.
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We see in King's Tide that the disk cracks and breaks in half when the Collector is released. Where else have we seen this?
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In Edge of the World, the Titan trappers are in possession of an identical disk to the one that Philip retrieved from the head of the Titan, but this one is already cleaved down the middle similarly to how the disk cracks in King's Tide. What's more is the location of Titan Trapper Island is in the same place that the former Collector hunted down the Owl Beast.
We know that they worship "The Grand Huntsman," so this isn't surprising. What I find most interesting about all this, however, is the fact that not only can the Collector still (presumably) be summoned via the broken disk, but the psychic connection that King forms is with the same Collector that Belos speaks to. This says to me that both the former and current Collector are one and the same.
Given their differences, I'm thinking that rather than there being a more than one Collector, it's more of a phoenix scenario: when he "dies," he is simply reborn. He's an immortal, god-like entity who doesn't have the mortal disposition of aging over a certain amount of time, but as he comes into his powers. That's my thought, at least.
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So uh. I get the newest Imagine Dragons song stuck in my head, and suddenly I’m b u r s t i n g with ideas about Bill’s backstory, the history of the Titan Trappers, their relations to the Collector (and even some good old-fashioned speculation on how things might play out in the future if they made a return and showed up on the Isles) - allll kinds of stuff. As ya do.
I am planning to make an animatic with the song and these ideas (once I get a good but simple enough animation/editing program, figure out how to sync drawings to music; fun shtuff) but for now, you shall all be presented with a good old-fashioned infodump! :D
Backstory Headcanons
Bill comes from a place where the locals are fascinated by the Collector and question why the Titans are worshipped - also mistaking the Collector’s rather aggressive, chasing-and-throwing-things-oriented games he plays w/ the Titans as deliberately hunting them down and killing them. Bill always sort of felt like he was destined to do something big, and one day, at a young age, he came across the Collector’s disc. Upon realizing who he’s just found, Bill saw this as a massive opportunity.
The Collector explained that they were imprisoned, and needed Titan blood to be freed. So, Bill gathered a whole party of people from his (village? Idk) and set out to slay a Titan. They came across a young one and successfully took it down, leading to Bill realizing that these Titan guys aren’t invincible.
He took the Titan’s skull and wore it as a trophy, then went back to the Collector and freed them. As thanks, the star gremlin granted Bill longevity, and the two began to bond a bit, for a little while.
When King’s dad found out that the one who was known for accidentally killing Titans with his questionably hunter-and-prey-esque games (and insisted vehemently to play with King while the little guy hadn’t even hatched) was now being buddy-buddy with a guy who had deliberately organized the murder of a young Titan and now wears its skull, he put the Collector back into gay baby jail.
Once the news reached Bill (maybe by him crossing the now broken tablet he probably kept and feeling a flicker of their presence through it), he took this as proof that the Titans are not just unworthy of worship, but downright evil and must be purged. He abandoned his last shreds of decency and officially assembled the Titan Trappers under a banner of power-hungry lies and false hopes that the “Grand Huntsman” will bring glory to them all, with multiple generations eventually being able to finish off the Titans altogether, fully convinced that this is what the Collector wants.
Future-Event Speculation
Bill and the Titan Trappers find a way to get to the Boiling Isles. Unbeknownst to them, King and the Collector see them coming, and King stresses that they will definitely take him away if they find him, so the two hide. When night falls, Bill sends out a few small, stealthy search parties for King, leading one of them himself. His search party comes across King, at which point he orders the others to each go back and grab one of the other search parties to alert them and bring them back to the rest of the cult. Then, he swipes King himself. When the Collector finds King gone and realizes he’s been taken, they’re incensed. During his search, the deity comes across the Titan Trappers and lashes out at them, demanding to know where King is.
When Bill gets back w/ King and sees that the Collector is free and absolutely ravaging his cult, he takes this as a moment of triumph and reveals his lie, proclaiming that the Grand Huntsman is going to give glory only to him, as the original Titan Slayer and thus the “only worthy one”. The Collector descends and Bill obliviously lifts his arms in glee, thinking a blessing is on the way, only for the star child to strike him dead for stealing away their playmate.
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The Collector!
(These are a mixture of canon facts and headcanons)
-They use he/they pronouns and he’s a child for his species, despite being over 2 million years old. He’s the star-child equivalent of an 8 year old.
-He was literally born from a supernova. The power from the exploding star is why The Collector’s magic is so powerful! The closest thing they have to a parent is a literal black hole.
-Personality-wise, The Collector is energetic and playful, but has a GIANT disregard for others’ safety and feelings, and he basically doesn’t have morals. The closest thing to morals The Collector has is “don’t break a pinky promise” and “don’t cheat in a game”. However, The Collector will still go back on these ‘morals’ and will basically be fine with anyone doing breaking promises and cheating, as long as it isn’t done to them. On the other hand, he is pretty much always honest, so that’s something.
They can be quite violent and sadistic, which is enhanced to very very very violent by their powers. He’s very easily bored and HATES it. They’re also quite lonely, and they don’t like being alone. They want friends that they can play with forever and ever.
-They like collecting all sorts of things. Shiny pebbles,bones,games,sticks,whatever they feel like. He likes to hoard massive piles of whatever he’s currently trying to collect.
-If I use “ ” , then that’s The Collector speaking!
-They collect names. Some of their names are: The Collector, Nova, Supernova, The Grand Huntsman, Stellina, Hans (they collected this name from that ‘reblog if you’re not Hans’ post)
-more may be added later!
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shattered-hue · 2 years
I had a thought about the Collector
Obligatory *TOH spoilers ahead*
What if they're an embodiment of Death?
I think it makes sense, honestly. Death can be considered like a collector of souls. Some forms of Death are depicted like a hunter.
"The Collector" and "the Grand Huntsman" are certainly feasible alternate titles for Death. As for his celestial symbolism, who's to say that couldn't reference the sky, stars, and celestial bodies being referred to as "the heavens", a word also used for some religion's afterlife. A fair few even have the idea of souls becoming stars or constellations. A child depiction of death has been done before, too. I don't know of any mythological Deaths who appear as kids, but I saw a neat short film that used the idea, once.
As for his recently revealed predicament, what if who or whatever sealed him away did it because he got a little carried away. (Read: mass extinctions)
Of course, we can see that that's not going well.
Here's a bit into more speculation and wanting a redemption arc:
Since he could be an embodiment of death, he probably either rules over or resides in an afterlife world. Maybe he plays with souls, here, as a way to pass their time there.
Maybe since he's now locked away, they can't lead anyone to this afterlife anymore. It makes him so lonely to be away from the souls that are there, and it makes them so upset that they can't bring more playmates anymore. Maybe part of Belos's deal with him was to set them free so they could guide all those souls back, as well as the ones to come.
Maybe King or Luz, maybe even Eda gets a chance to talk to him. Maybe they learn what he really wants. They may help him become free, after talking it out with him.
(He'll have more souls to play with if he's patient, if he lets the beings in the Demon Realm live for now.)
Anyway, idk. Just, looking at this little guy and rotating them in my brain. Could totally be an embodiment of Death and I enjoy that idea
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Aliases:the Collector(most common), the Grand Huntsman(by their cult), a Child of The Stars Pronouns: they/he, sometimes star/stars Gender:stargender
Personality: They are an energetic and intense child with sadistic tendencies. They find other people being scared or in pain hilarious!
He’s very much an attention- and thrill-seeker, and can’t stand boredom or being ignored, meaning that they can be quite reckless and annoying. They’re insensitive at times, since they don’t get why other people’s feelings matter. Unlike canon, this version of the Collector does know what death is, and they don’t get why people get so upset about it. Why be so upset when they’re a mortal who was gonna die soon anyway?
The Collector can be surprisingly perceptive at times. They can also seem very oblivious, due to a combination of denial as a trauma reaction, not noticing stuff , and not understanding social cues. Star is the type of kid that many would view as a “problem child” --and because of their powers, they can be quite dangerous but, like many real-life “problem children”, they’re act like that due to being lonely and traumatised. They want to be loved, but they don’t understand how to have healthy relationships. He deeply cares about his friends (he is callous and apathetic to pretty much everyone else) and is fiercely protective of them, as well as quite clingy and somewhat possessive. However, they are capable of learning boundaries and learning how to have healthier relationships. His friends tend to be the ‘exception to the rule’ when it comes to the Collector being violent and sadistic..
He is usually a lot nicer when around King, and when around friends who encourage kindness (the opposite if their ‘friend’ encourages their crueller side, such as Belos).
The Collector was neglected by the other collectors, and spent much of their early childhood wandering space alone.
They found the boiling isles planet by themself, and they lived there for a couple centuries or so before some other collectors found them and decided to annihilate the titans.
Can react to mirrors with intense fear and/or anger, depending on his mood—especially if they’re round mirrors.
Very, very touch-starved. They will most likely flinch if someone tries to touch them, unless they’re the one who touches the other person (such as by holding hands). Can be very clingy with friends. He finds physical touch such as hugs very grounding, especially if he’s dissociating. They like tight hugs from friends because then they feel sure they won’t be left behind.
stims: hand flapping, chewing their sleeves, pulling on his hat, spinning, humming, repeating his and other people’s words. He also has some self-destructive stims like biting and scratching.
Was supposed to collect living things, but finds it boring when living things aren’t doing anything, so he rarely does that, instead opting to collect anything that interests him: smooth pebbles, pieces of glass, bones, eyeballs, teeth, plushies, stickers.
Chaotic neutral
After being freed and splatting Philip, they sometimes find themself missing him. Even though he was not a real friend, he’d been their only companion for 350+ years.
Boredom is actually quite painful for them to experience, hence why they avoid it at all costs.
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darkmatter-nebula · 2 years
The adult collectors tell colli that if he’s not going to act like one of them then he has to compromise and look like them, by that I mean they give him a cloak that conseals him, and a mask like the grand huntsman has but colli’s is a star
Hi! Thank you for the request!
Drabble: But, I Don't Want To Hide My Face...
Hunter was angry! Very, very, VERY angry! The young Grimwalker's beloved little brother Colli was on the verge of tears, thanks to the adult members of the immortal and eternal child's species. "But, I don't want to hide my face..." Colli whispered, clearly sad.
"Little One, do it or we're going to punish you!" "Shut up! You can't force him to dress like you do!" The former Golden Guard chimed in. "You don't have a say in this matter, Grimwalker! You are an lower lifeform!"
Colli went wide eyed at this statement. "That's not true! My big brother isn't a lower lifeform! You are just mean!" The small starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold tried to look intimidating. It didn't work. Colli was way too adorable.
The adult Collectors were annoyed and decided to retreat for now. "This isn't over yet, Little One!" One of them glared at Colli. The sweethearted celestial boy's heart was slamming against his ripcage. Soon, the tall figures were gone.
Hunter didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around his beautiful little Sunshine. Colli immediately cuddled close to his beloved big brother.
The End
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darkmatter-nebula · 2 years
Estella would be like this
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Hi again, @importantnightwerewolf!
Pretty much, yes. Originally, I was going to name her Nova, but I saw another Collector OC with that name. So I named my female Collector OC "Estrella", since it's spanish for "star". She and The Grand Huntsman are the only adult Collectors who took a liking to Colli. The others don't take him serious because the starboy is an eternal child.
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