#The Gimme a K Street Job
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leveragecentral · 3 months ago
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Leverage (2008-2012) The Gimme A K Street Job (S05E05)
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amazzyblaze · 11 months ago
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"The Gimme a K Street Job" doodles
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 8 months ago
“2-4-6-8 who do we annihilate” okay I love that I will be using that to describe annihilating my own problems
Cheerleading is Not all about popularity you bitch, just cause you were one of those folks Does Not Mean that’s what the sport is about
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bandomfandombeyond · 2 years ago
Eliot just compared Hardison to a tree frog. and parker said she was "only sort of" a teenage girl. THEYRE ALL QUEER
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renew-leverage · 10 months ago
LEVERAGE REWATCH MARATHON Streaming today: The Gimme a K Street Job
It’s Sunday, Leverage Marathon folks, time for another episode! This week we’re watching the 5th episode of season 5, The Gimme a K Street Job, in which Parker expects too much of teenagers, Hardison hacks the law, Eliot is suspicious, Sophie gets a military base, and Nate knows politics. Come and watch the episode with us on our Sunday Leverage Marathon discord server and post all about your feelings, thoughts, comments, anything & everything.
Come on in, say hi to your fellow fans, get comfortable. We’ll be starting in about fifteen minutes at 3:35 PM Eastern U.S. Time.
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leverage-ot3 · 8 months ago
op: #nathan ford is not a nice man but he's the only thing standing between us and jimmy ford's son
Who wants a really sad Leverage headcanon?
Was re-watching the Gimme a K Street Job -- Season 5 Episode 5 -- and a couple of things stood out to me.
1) Nate says "Let's go steal some congresspeople", and then sends everyone on the team (except Parker, who's being a cheer coach) out to con one of their targets. But it feels like there's a profound mismatch in who gets which mark.
For the "not like other girls" feminist congresswoman who's inclined to dismiss cheer as worthless and demeaning, you need Eliot to come in looking like a man who very much knows what does and does not count as a sport, and be his tiny angry respect-women-juice self about how regardless of what you think of their choice of clothing they are working as hard as any other athlete and they deserve safety as much as anyone else. But instead they sent Hardison.
For the "Yes I am very busy and important; admire me" chairman, you need Sophie, who is better than anyone else on the planet at making you feel admirable when you're doing what she wants, and scummy and low when you're not doing what she wants. But instead they sent Eliot.
For the "Look I am trying, but I need corn subsidies or I won't be able to do anything else" newbie congressman, Hardison could happily have gone on an infinitely recurring series of fetch quests until he sees the place where they loop around and bottom out and every problem solves every other problem. But instead they sent Sophie.
2) Eliot struggles the most, so Nate works with him the most, but he doesn't help him out hardly at all; he just keeps saying, "So what's your next play?" and then revealing that he's already anticipated Eliot's next play and has all the materials in place to enact it. And of course, they do eventually get the dude on board, and it all works out, but afterwards, Eliot tells Nate, "I trust that some time soon you'll tell me why you had me slogging through all that when you already knew how to hook him."
And of course, knowing what we now know about how season 5 ends, it makes sense that Nate is trying to train the OT3 to work without him, looking for his replacement.
If the plan is to fuck off into the sunset with Sophie, then why did he throw Sophie into this uncomfortable not-my-wheelhouse scenario?
No, Nate's preparing the entire team to carry on without him. He's forcing them to learn how to plan, learn different ways of approaching problems, to think about bigger pictures and approach them strategically.
I think Nate just got the first diagnosis of the disease that's finally going to kill him. And again, we -- the audience -- now know that he's going to live for many years after that initial diagnosis. But he doesn't know that, at this point. He knows he's tested positive, and he knows it's eventually going to kill him, and he has no idea how long he has.
And in some sense, it doesn't matter how long he has. Three months or thirty years, that kind of revelation makes it stunningly clear that taking care of the people you love means making sure that they can take care of themselves.
So that's what he does: he throws them into new, uncomfortable situations where they'll have to grow and support each other without him, so that no matter what happens, they'll be able to keep going. Because he's not a nice person, Jimmy Ford's son, but by God does he know the importance of protecting your family.
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 7 months ago
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"I'm gonna need an assistant."
Leverage S05E05 The Gimme a K Street Job.
Bonus Eliot squint:
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smol-warrior-1258 · 2 months ago
It really is so gratifying to hear these stories of how much the Leverage writers/crew care (and rage) about the real world topics bc you can absolutely see it in the end product
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Update: Article
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thefourthwifeoftengenuzui · 10 months ago
some headcanons about dating timeskip!Kenma please!!
thank you Anon, I would absolutely love to share some stuff about this beautiful boy~ As always, feel free to send any other requests you got, I’ll be more than happy to share my thoughts~
status: unedited
word count: 1.4k (damn that’s the most I’ve written in a hot minute)
warnings: cursing, pure fluff, mentions of weed, crackfick a little suggestive? Idk man I’m sleepy
wrote this instead of studying for my physics final exam😋
🩵Aged Up Kenma Headcannons🩵~
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Ok first off we gotta get the basic facts down. This boy may be sweet as sugar, but he’s also one lazy mother fucker. And For the most part, I’d say that he really doesn’t change much from when he was a kid. The most I can say about him, is he definitely is a lot more confident being in front of people, ( I mean that’s kinda his job now, but bear with me) and has become less awkward around people. Very different from when he first met Hinata, he can actually hold a good and relaxed conversation now. That’s not to say he isn’t introverted anymore, (he definitely still would rather be at home) but he is more confident in himself to be able to actually be able to engage with someone. Is he gonna go out of his way to talk to someone? Hell no, but he can at least handle being approached without overthinking and triggering his anxiety.
This definitely also translates to his relationship with you. You still will have be the one who makes the first move, or at least initiating conversations.
But one things for sure, once he likes you, he loves you. Like wanting to wife you up regardless of gender. And I feel like, (later on in the relationship ofc) if you ever had kids, he would be the best most present dad ever. Like he wouldn’t be a house husband, (his YouTube gig is completely paying for your mortgage) but because the majority of what he does has him, stream for like an hour, go on call for a few minutes, or just edit his videos for a bit, he would be able to make a lot of time for any and all children he has. But that’s way later on in the relationship.
Once he’s comfortable in the relationship with you, I can definitely see him involving you in his content. Not like a whole boyfriend and girlfriend couples channel, but like a once a year “reacting to fucked up shit with my girl” type beat.
And since we’re on the subject of content, <<<<<<<<
Like imagine having the most shitty day possible and you come home to your boyfriend streaming COD or some shit. You just face-plant into the bed next to him and he snaps his head towards you.
”shit baby you good?” he asks as he raises an eyebrow, looking at you concerned as you mumble angrily. He recognizes the nonverbal gestures and just pats his lap with a quick, “c’mere baby,” and hugs you, letting you muzzle your face into his neck away from the camera, and wrapping a fluffy blanket around you, before he kisses you head and say, “gimme ten more minutes to finish this and we’ll order some takeout k?”. He gives you the most sincere and adorable smile ever sending butterflies not only to you, but all his fans watching, as he smiles and goes back to playing like nothing happened, the chat going wilddddddd. (My gay ass heart go brrrrrr)
I know for a fact that somewhere out there in haikyuu internet, there is a corny ass edit of y’all doing that shit, trust. (I need to keep my slang outta here man 😭)
ok, getting off the sidetrack, kenma is still like rlly introverted. Like his ideal date is just sitting at home watching some cheesy studio ghibi movie (His favorite is the boy and the heron, fight me on that, it’s the hill I’m willing to die on.)
If not some cute Disney movie, I also feel like he’d be into like some mystery or like not quite horoscope stuff. Like I feel like he would really be into Wednesday. If he had to watch an actual horror movie, I feel like I’d be like some of the older ones like scream or Nightmare on elm street type shit.
Speaking of scream, I feel like at least once yall would have to do the ghostface couples costume thing. Like I feel like this would just suit him so well. Idk my brains just going feral on it right now. (This was supposed to have a link attached, but it kept fuckin up and I’m to lazy to deal with it so just look it up, the couples version, it’s hot af)
aside from the specific stuff that I know people hate reading, the next thing you gotta know about this version of kenma is he is a TEASE. Like not even like an NSFW type tease. Just like a “he’s an ass but I love him.” Like when he was younger I feel like he was too nervous and flustered to point that kinda stuff out. But now? Man is a menace and a half. The type of dude to be like, “I have no idea how your ass fits in those shorts. Oh no, you’re not taken them off now~” or like the most basic annoying shit like bro fuck off and let me cuddle you in peace without being annoying. Like, he’d be like, “ damn someone’s neady today~ you tryna fuck me in front of everyone?” Like bro stfu I’m just tryna cuddle. Either that or he’d call you clingy for returning the affection he initiated. Like bro, quit being a lil bitch and let me be happy you butt muffin.
Man is putting full pussy into annoying you. He’s the type of guy to call you the most vile, disgusting, cringe ass nicknames, specifically to piss you off. You need him to take out the trash? “Yes my Pookie Wookie McSmoo Moo bear~” *gags while writing this* You’re yelling at him for some stupid thing, “I sorry my sugar booger~.”
Yeah this part is real OOC, and I was gonna write more but I physically cannot bring myself to do it so anyway, his other 3 favorite things to annoy you by calling you is, Cutesie Poopsie, Shnookums, and side piece #2. (Bro I just gave myself the ick)
Beige flags aside, he does have some green ones . For example, he’s a fabulous listener. Like, you just wanna rant and yell about your day? C’mere babes, he already got fluffy blankets, stuffies, and fluffy socks at the ready. You just wanna cry in piece? Looks like his lap has a vacant spot, he can play games and scratch your head at the same time. #bbgtreatment (regardless of gender. If tumblr has taught me anything it’s that nobody is to thug to be bbg, can I get an amen?🙏 )
The more comfortable he is with you, the more he will make jokes, but in the most monotone voice ever. Like you could be ranting to your bestie on the phone like, “I forgot my umbrella at work… yeah I’m soaked,” and you just hear him from his corner calmly shouting “that’s what she said,” not even turning away from his game, as if it was natural to him. It’s always so easy to talk with him, unless it’s about his problems, but we ain’t gon talk about that rn, I’m feeling too fluffy.
There is one thing that I absolutely have to address for this man though. The average female height in my country is 5’4. And Kenma is only 5’6. Chances are, he’s not gonna be towering over you or nothing. Especially if you a tall specimen like me. (AFAB but gender is a construct yolo on those hoes). So chances are, this mf is for a fact, stealing your clothes. No article of clothing is safe. Hoodie? Sorry boo he got cold streaming. T-shirt? None of his were clean. Miniskirt? Onlyfans- He was pulling a Gojo sorry 😋
Tbh I don’t see him ever really having a wedding, or really ever getting married. Too much social interaction and attention on him. Gross. The most I can see him doing is, one night while y’all smoking pot or something, being like “yo wanna get married?” He wants to be with you forever without the government getting involved, but hey, times are tough, and marriage helps with tax returns. So y’all just kinda go to the courthouse, get it done, then fly off to some place to elope.
in all Kenma is just a great loyal guy, who is the biggest pain in your ass, but the biggest cutie patootie this side of the nuthouse.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hope y’all enjoyed, this was so fun to write, if you liked this and want more content like this make sure to request and check out my other stuff. Love y’all bastards, Thots and Enby Hots🩵
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lindseymcdonaldseyelashes · 7 months ago
Very distracted so I alphabetized the Leverage titles
Sharing in case anyone else also finds these interesting...
The 10 Li'l Grifters Job The 12-Step Job The 15 Minutes Job The Bank Shot Job The Beantown Bailout Job The Big Bang Job The Blue Line Job The Boiler Room Job The Boost Job The Bottle Job The Boys' Night Out Job The Broken Wing Job The Carnival Job The Corkscrew Job The Cross My Heart Job The D.B. Cooper Job The Double-Blind Job The Experimental Job The Fairy Godparents Job The First Contact Job The First David Job The Frame Up Job The French Connection Job The Future Job The Gimme a K Street Job The Girls' Night Out Job The Gold Job The Gone Fishin' Job The Grave Danger Job The Ho Ho Ho Job The Homecoming Job The Hot Potato Job The Ice Man Job The Inside Job The Jailhouse Job The Juror #6 Job The King George Job The Last Dam Job The Lonely Hearts Job The Long Goodbye Job The Long Way Down Job The Lost Heir Job The Low Low Price Job The Maltese Falcon Job The Mile High Job The Miracle Job The Morning After Job The Nigerian Job The Office Job The Order 23 Job The Queens Gambit Job The Radio Job The Rashomon Job The Real Fake Car Job The Reunion Job The Rundown Job The Runway Job The San Lorenzo Job The Scheherazade Job The Second David Job The Snow Job The Stork Job The Studio Job The Tap-Out Job The Three Days of the Hunter Job The Three Strikes Job The Three-Card Monte Job The Top Hat Job The Toy Job The Two Horse Job The Two Live Crew Job The Underground Job The Van Gogh Job The (Very) Big Bird Job The Wedding Job The White Rabbit Job The Zanzibar Marketplace Job
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foobar137 · 2 years ago
John Rogers’s post-game on that episode.  “It was the angriest I've seen the room since Season Two.”  They can’t name which bad guys they based it on because lawsuits, but that one’s based on multiple companies pulling that particular grift.
i am just so happy that Leverage did an episode on competitive cheer!! as a former cheerleader i know how difficult the sport is, and just *how much* of a sport it is! i like that they took on a lesser-known pocket of the high school sports world
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brinnanza · 5 days ago
I think everyone should watch like all of leverage but ESPECIALLY these days the gimme a k street job because people seem to be forgetting that laws are extremely complicated, appropriations is infinitely more so, and enforcing them is a whole other kettle of fish entirely. a whole lot of people have to say yes before anything gets passed neveemind enacted. it's a lot easier by far to make something legal that was illegal but then people handwring about crimes committed before the change as if there's any acceptable/moral./just response besides to immediately release and pardon everyone imprisoned for something that is no longer illegal but that would be bad for the private prison industry so it'll never actually happen.
anyway leverage is good if you want to see some billionaires face the consequences of their actions while some career criminals fall in love and who doesn't want that what with the horrors and everything
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poguesmaybank · 1 year ago
Leverage Episode Battle
The 12-Step Job: Season One, Episode Ten. The team goes after an unscrupulous financial director who stole from charity. After forcing him into rehab for his many addictions, the mission changes when Nate learns their mark is in fact robbing the rich (and criminal) and giving to the poor.
The Gimme a K Street Job: Season Five, Episode Five. When a cheerleader is injured through corporate negligence, Parker takes over the role of the cheerleading squad's disgraced coach while the other members of the Leverage team attempt to get safety legislation passed in Congress.
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illarian-rambling · 10 months ago
Thanks for the tags @phoenixradiant and @tildeathiwillwrite!
OC Interview
Let's go with Djek :)
Are you named after anyone?
Not specifically, but you wouldn't believe how many godsdamned Djek Kaguras there are. I swear, half the world's Amaranthi had the same idea for a baby name.
When was the last time you cried?
Crying? Who's crying? Not me, that's for sure. I got a heart of nails and skin like stone. Call me a duck the way bullshit slides off my back.
(It was two nights ago. He stayed up too late and convinced himself his friends didn't actually like him)
Do you have kids?
Gods, I hope not. I wouldn't mind a few little brats running around eventually, but for now, I'd like to stay untethered and unbothered.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, never. Who would even think that?
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Where their wallet is. Not only is it an old street kid habit, but wallet placement tells you a lot about a person. Whether they're careless and leave it in their back pocket. Whether they're paranoid and have it strapped under their shirt. Whether they're crafty and have a decoy somewhere. Only some of the time do I make good on this knowledge and pinch some cash.
What’s your eye colour?
As red as any full-blooded Amaranthi could wish. I've always appreciated how distinct my eyes are, even if they barely work. I'm the only member of my family to have a true crimson color.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Gimme scares! If I want sappy nonsense, I'll throw cookies at an orphan. I like something that's gonna keep me up at night. Or better yet, something that's gonna keep my friends up at night and checking their closets for any creepy masks I perhaps stuffed in there.
Any special talents?
I'm a dab hand at cards, both the games and building card castles out of them. I can do a ton of fancy shuffles you wouldn't believe. I'm also quick with lockpicks, and I guess I have some sorcery too. It's pretty measly though.
Where were you born?
The city of Fayuki, in the Quandi province of the Janazi Archipelago. I grew up on the industrial side. I don't think I ever smelled clean air till I was fifteen.
Do you have any pets?
Yeah, two fish. They do a lot of tricks.
What sort of sports do you play?
I usually stayed away from the other kids when I was young, so I never played street ball or anything. Izjik’s been teaching me to fight recently, so I guess that counts.
How tall are you?
5'5", which is a perfectly respectable height! It's not my fault I didn't eat enough as a kid.
What was your favourite subject in school?
I never went to school, but I've enjoyed learning to run a business. Twenari says I have a head for numbers, which doesn't sound like me at all, to be honest. It's not like I'm really good at math. It just clicks sometimes.
What is your dream job?
I've learned a bit of the locksmithing trade, and even though it's been rough learning to ply my wares in an honest environment, I enjoy the challenge. I want to be independent and able to buy my friends lunch for a change. I want people to hear the name Kagura and think of safety, not a nighttime mugging.
I'll tag @meep-writes-stuff @k--havok @reininginthefirewriting @greenwytchbooks and anyone else who'd like to give it a whirl :)
Questions below the cut
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 8 months ago
Called it
Is he an honest man or is he just already been bought and paid for by the pep people?
My guess is on the latter
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gnar-slabdash · 2 years ago
Leverage Mark Showdown Masterpost
2nd Place: Damien Moreau
3rd Place: Victor Dubenich
4th Place: Meredith
What we’re looking for:
The “favorite” Mark out of the original five seasons. “Favorite” here means the mark you ENJOY the most. That could mean you love them, love to hate them, like their style, like the actor, or even sympathize with them. 
So it’s pretty personal and pretty open. But what we’re NOT looking for is like, the biggest baddest mark: the one with the objectively best plan, or the one who does the most harm, or anything like that. It’s not “who could beat up whom.” We’re also not looking for the best episode or con. We’re just looking at the characters themselves.
Other Helpful Posts:
First Heat Contestant Info
Second Heat Contestant Info
If you would like to be added to the tag list to be notified when the polls go up, go to this post and like or comment on it.
If you would like to NOT see stuff about these polls, blacklist “favorite mark poll” 
***MARK DOYLE (The Bottle Job) ***v. David Lampard (The French Connection Job)
Mayor Brad Culpepper III (The 3 Strikes Job) v. ***IAN BLACKPOOLE (The 1st & 2nd David Jobs)***
Mark Vector (The Morning After Job) v. ***GREG "THE MAKO" SHERMAN (The Boiler Room Job)***
***VICTOR DUBENICH (The Nigerian Job, The Last Dam Job)*** v. Judge Roy (The Bank Shot Job)
Gabe Erickson (The Real Fake Car Job) v. ***MARCUS STARKE, CHAOS, MIKEL DAYAN, and APOLLO (The Two Live Crew Job)***
Scott Roemer (The Very Big Bird Job) v. ***JACK HURLEY (The 12-Step Job)***
***MONICA HUNTER (The 3 Days of the Hunter Job)*** v. William Quinn and Tobey Earnshaw (The Juror #6 Job)
***EDDIE MARANJIAN (The Order 23 Job) ***v. Caroline Cowan (The Low Low Price Job)
Jack Lattimer (The Last Dam Job) v. ***JIMMY FORD (The 3 Card Monte Job)***
**DR. ANNE HANNITY (The Inside Job)*** v. Dalton Rand (The Future Job)
***NICKY AND HEATHER MOSCONE (The Wedding Job)*** v. Alan Foss (The 2 Horse Job)
***DAMIEN MOREAU (The Big Bang Job, The San Lorenzo Job) ***v. Henry, Dennis, and Randy Retzing (The Snow Job)
***MEREDITH (The Lonely Hearts Job)*** v. James Kanack (The First Contact Job)
***MITCHELL KIRKWOOD (The Studio Job) *** v. Hugh Whitman (The Gone Fishin' Job)
***LARRY DUBERMAN (The Reunion Job)*** v. Wendy Baran (The Gimme a K Street Job)
***ANDREW GRANT (The Miracle Job)*** v. Irina Larenko (The Stork Job)
***MARK DOYLE (The Bottle Job)*** v. Ian Blackpoole (The First and Second David Job)
Greg "The Mako" Sherman (The Boiler Room Job) v. ***VICTOR DUBENICH (The Nigerian Job, The Last Dam Job)***
Marcus Starke, Chaos, Mikel Dayan, and Apollo (The Two Live Crew Job) v. ***JACK HURLEY (The 12 Step Job)***
***MONICA HUNTER (The 3 Days of the Hunter Job)*** v. Eddie Maranjian (The Order 23 Job)
***JIMMY FORD (The 3 Card Monte Job) *** v. Dr. Anne Hannity (The Inside Job)
Nicky & Heather Moscone (The Wedding Job) v. ***DAMIEN MOREAU (The Big Bang Job, The San Lorenzo Job)***
***MEREDITH (The Lonely Hearts Job)*** v. Mitchell Kirkwood (The Studio Job)
***LARRY DUBERMAN (The Reunion Job)*** v. Andrew Grant (The Miracle Job)
Jack Hurley (The 12 Step Job) v. Monica Hunter (The 3 Days of the Hunter Job)
Mark Doyle (The Bottle Job) v. Victor Dubenich (The Nigerian Job, The Last Dam Job)
Meredith (The Lonely Hearts Job) v. Larry "Doucherman" Duberman (The Reunion Job)
Victor Dubenich (The Nigerian Job, The Last Dam Job) v. ***JACK HURLEY (The 12 Step Job)***
***DAMIEN MOREAU (The Big Bang Job, The San Lorenzo Job)*** v. Meredith (The Lonely Hearts Job)
CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND: Damien Moreau (The BIg Bang Job, The San Lorenzo Job) v. Jack Hurley (The 12 Step Job)
THIRD PLACE ROUND: Victor Dubenich (The Nigerian Job, The Last Dam Job) v. Meredith (The Lonely Hearts Job)
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