#The Follower King Florimond
Terrako, activate lullaby protocol, please?
*Boopbop! Beepbeep!
Night fades blue Stars move into view May all your dreams ne’er escape you Close your eyes For the endless skies All things come in time
So keep my starlight company Suns will rise, but then you’ll see Darker nights are better for the dawn
Night fades blue Stars move into view  They’ll be brightest in memory Close your eyes And then when you rise We can meet again
Keep my starlight company Suns will rise, and then you’ll see Darkest night are better for the dawn...
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Some hotly requested Florimond and Kleos picrews
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Haha...Awake as well, are you? Then can’t you walk on your own? Is it really necessary to flop on my head like this? My poor barber will be having a word with you...
*Beepbop chirp!
Oh, don't be like that, I was only teasing. And not so loud now, you might wake her up...
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oh, "demonic possession" is back on? sweet
My word...something is very wrong with your audio. I knew I should have allowed more time researching these Sheikah components...
Ah. Sleepy daughter first, talking oval later. I’ll deal with you once this little worm is snug and warm.
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How's Elane doing?
Look daddy!! I made some oregano!!
Oh! A little origami bird. How marvelous, dear. I’m so proud! You’re going to show this little guy to your mother?
She’s a little GIRL, dad. And yes!! I still have to put a gummy worm boa on her though...
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Now, I would never accuse you of being tired, but perhaps I’ll just leave you here and come back ‘round morning?
...Goodnight, my little starlight.
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—and of course I would want to bring those tiny gift wrapped ones—how many are there again? Just the two?
I’ll note it down, sir. Her Majesty might have already handled it.
Right! Of course, you go do that. And maybe just in case I’ll bring—
Oh! Starlight! Terrako.
...Lord Dariam.
Your Majesty.
Hi daddy!! I stole his apple for political compromise!!!
*Beep bop. Chirp chirp!
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Ah, Elane! I trust you took care of yourself this evening? Hopefully you weren't too bored?
Oh I don't think you need to worry about her. She spent plenty of time rummaging through the old antiques I had in storage.
Yeah!! Miss Hartell let me have a cool abbertabe!
It's pronounced, "astrolabe!"
Hey! No yelling down the stairs! Come here, now—
Aha, well I'm glad to hear it, my little star.
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issue? excuse you! i am a delight to be around, okay? i am a sweet treat-
It’s just a bit...unconventional, for my daughter’s best friend to be hijacked by the curiosities of random stangers, is all. 
They’re not random dad, they’re from the ~future~ heheheheheh...
Oh? Is that right...
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Open up now, Terrako. We have to leave soon.
Terrako, pleaaaaaase?? I know you like gummy worms, but it’s gonna clog your gears!!
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You seem... nice, Your Majesty. We haven’t seen somebody as nice as you in a long time, and especially not a father nor king
Oh? I am one of many, then? *chuckles* I’m glad to be admired so dearly, that’s certainly a change of pace.
You speak in past tense...Is this a habit of yours, then? Satisfying your curiosity with the nearest royal father that has also built a Sheikah guardian? That’s certainly a very specific set of circumstances.
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Florimond? Oh he’s fine, he’s fine...you and I are currently beyond time.
Elane was looking quizzically up at her father. “D-Dad? Are you alright?” 
The fool king was clutching his daughter close, wiping tears away from existence before they could so much glisten. “Aha...yes, I’m fine, starlight.” He disguised his shaking arms with a sigh. 
“You know daddy loves you very much, right?”
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where'd the princess' nickname come from? it makes my heart melt
Weeee! Dad, put me down!!
But I’m just so excited to see you! Come and spin with me. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3...
I’m gonna get dizzy...
I felt the same way when your mother first danced with me, you know? I think I accidentally puked on her...aha...1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3...
The demon asked you a question, dad! It’s rude to not answer!
Hm? Oh yes, what was it again? Names?
Well, if you weren’t a precious little princess, I would have named you Estrella. My mother studied the sky, you see. 
I don’t like that name, it sounds like a grandma...
Well your grandmother did have a similar name.
See? I’m glad you changed!
Aha...Well lucky for you, a Zelda Estrella already existed in some time past. So your mother and I settled for Zelda Elane, “blessed sun ray.” The best star of all...
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Who casmir
Oh, of course! Where are my manners, it’s good to get aquainted with others. General Casimir, you remember Terrako, no?
I do recall, sir, yes. 
And Terrako..er. Anonymous voice, this is General Casimir Hartell! A fine friend of mine. Sharp mind, colorful persona, and still greying on the beard, I see?
Hm. Is this another one of your little experiments, sir? 
Yes and no. I didn’t cause it, but I’m intriguied enough to let it persist. Just some folks spontaneously graced with a place in Terrako, it seems. 
Sir, if you’re careless enough to let random citizens get front row seats to whatever conversations that Guardian happens upon, such circumstances could prove harmful to Her Majesty—
Well from my analysis, I’m fairly certain that the people listening through Terrako are in a fairly useless situation. They ask questions like this is unknown territoty, sure. But their choice of wording indicates they’re not truly after anything of value. In fact, I’m 100% certain they don’t actually have means of sharing what they heard with anyone in Hyrule. Maybe amongst themselves, but...Terrako’s the only input and output. If he’s here, information doesn’t go anywhere. Not that there's ever really a situation where a ten year old is in possession of anything that imperative, so that negates a lot of the risk, actually! Oh, but then again we are—
But sir—
—and I actually haven't yet checked out if the visual components are also—
Ah—! My...My apologies. Sorry, General. But the point still stands. If I truly thought there would be immediate harm to anyone, I would take care of it immediately. Have a little more faith in me. Besides, this is the first real challenging mystery I’ve had in a long time, and you can’t solve mysteries by shutting them down before they start!
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Your daughter is pretty cool
Thank you very much....Terrako? Or, no. Terrako was broken before we came to Serenity...Elane mentioned she fixed Terrako up with a new component...while he seems to be functioning, there's now a new audio glitch.
And obviously you’re speaking like you don’t know Elane personally...and your voice is changing differently, you speaking jokingly of possession...
So all that combined....am I under the correct assumption that your some group of Hylians from out of the castle? Supposedly you’ve done this before, with just Elane at the antique shop?
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Up you go, sweetheart. 
Can I pet the horses again before we go???
We’re in a bit of a rush, Elane. No one wants to spend the night in a fishing village. 
How about you sit on my lap and look out the carriage window, instead. Does that sound alright?
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