#Lord Dariam Bosphoramus
elane if you never let anyone beat you at anything youre gonna get an inflated view of your skill
But have you considered the fact that winning is FUN?
*Chirp! Chirp!
Besides! My skills are amazing already! Just LOOK at how many flights of stairs I just jumped down!
Yes, and your skills nearly gave me a heart attack. I thought you were going to break your neck...
The only thing I’m breaking is my speed-hopping record!
Well there’s lots of people bustling about downstairs, Elane, so don’t go rushing off now. Why don’t you use that endless energy to find my son. He’s probably somewhere around here...hiding off the corner again, perhaps...
Hm? What is it, Terrako?
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I sure hope you arent preparing for some dangerous battle in the akkala region where several soilders get hurt when you lose
No, no. Florimond's the last person I would expect to allow battles or dangerous acts of aggression to happen. No, it's probably Kleos' obsession with the dragons, again. I heard Dinraal has been changing course.
Mr. Bosfo, can you play frogs with me?
I can certainly try...?
You have to hop down as many steps as you can, and be the biggest frog! Terrako! Demonstrate!
I...cannot promise that my acrobatics will surpass that of your somersaulting egg...
That's ok! Katashi and Dad are always worse than me anyways. You just have to do badly so I remain superior!!!
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—and of course I would want to bring those tiny gift wrapped ones—how many are there again? Just the two?
I’ll note it down, sir. Her Majesty might have already handled it.
Right! Of course, you go do that. And maybe just in case I’ll bring—
Oh! Starlight! Terrako.
...Lord Dariam.
Your Majesty.
Hi daddy!! I stole his apple for political compromise!!!
*Beep bop. Chirp chirp!
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mr dariam sir it sounds like your babying your son
I'm simply observing the fact that this guardian seems to be in a less-than-ideal state for accompany a young princess to a queen's party. Do you want me to drop it off at your father's study? In the first place, I hardly think it responsible to bring such an item all the way to—
NO! Terrako stays! I don't know what you're talking about, he's perfectly fine!
He just got extra jumpy, is all. There's nothing wrong!
*Beep beep!
He's just a little guy! I'm sure Terrako was just really excited to see Rhoamy—Oh goodness, Terrako, stop eating his hair, come here...
Guh...great. Now I'm going to look like a birds nest in front of a bunch of fancy people...
You already looked messy when we arrived here, Rhoam. Look at you, your sleeves are all dusty. Why are you secluding yourself in the corner, again?
And you can't be playing with that sword so much, what have I told you?
"A weapon never used is a weapon of the wise..." A weapon never used is a weapon of the wise—Very good, so you do remember!
But dad, I was thinking—
Rhoam, today is a big day, ok? Leave that stuff to knights, you have a different duty you need to fulfill today...Yes?
... ...Yeah.
Great! So Princess, why don't I lead you both to the carriages and you two—
*Beep bop!
Aha, yes. You, Terrako, and Rhoam can keep each other company for a bit. And I'm sure in no time, your father will arrive, and you can all head towards the festivities. Sound good?
Yaaay!!! Oh my gosh, Rhoamy, I should tell you about all the dead fish I saw at Deya Village!!! It was so cool!!
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Don’t worry as long as your not mean or abusive or neglectful to your child we won’t hurt you
Princess Elane, is there an off switch to this guardian of yours? It's one thing to cause a giant mess with the guests in the castle, but I consider it an entirely different ordeal when its.....acting dangerous so closely with my son—
Whaaa?? No way! I would never turn Terrako off, he's my best friend!
Don't be silly, Rhoamy, he's just cuddling your hair. That's normal friend stuff!!
*Boop >:)
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Rhoam pog
GHOSTS??? GUARDIAN?? What is happening, I am......fear.
Rhoamy!!! Hello!! Don't worry it's not ghosts, just demons!
Don't try it, demons! I went to church two weeks ago, so you're outmatched!!
Can I hold your wood sword, Rhoamy?
*Beep boop!
Terrako, you're acting back to normal! Yay!! Now you need to apologize this instant to me and Rhoamy, I got a scratch from you on my bedazzling arm and I NEVER—
Now, now! Let's all settle down...
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What's the egg freaking out about?
Is it supposed to be scurrying around like that? It seems a bit...unnatural...?
I'm not too sure...Dad said he was fixing him up earlier but... Terrako? Are you ok?? Here, let me pick you up and see—WOAH!
Terrako violently spun out of Elane's grip, its metal claws screeching across the polished floors. The princess yelped in fright as a pale scratch mark nicked into her arm. As Terrako scampered off, she tried to grab for him again, but Dariam scooped her up in his arms.
"I told him such technology should be around—"
"T-Terrako?! Where are you going?"
As the guardian trampled across tile and rug, scurrying between other people's legs, its eye was endlessly turning this way and that—
Like it was on the hunt.
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whats the special occasion? a birthday?!
Well of course. Preparing for a queen's birthday is a very special matter! Speaking of, Elane, if you've finished your breakfast, why don't you head downstairs.
Are you coming with me? Can we play frogs down the stairs again??
Ah, I...will have to be down later, starlight. I have to deal with a few matters before I go. I think Katashi was helping me with something, and maybe in fifteen minutes I could—
I could accompany Princess Elane, Your Majesty.
O-Oh. That's, that's alright, Lord...Dariam. I wouldn't want to trouble you—
Please. I see no need why you should trouble Master Asu or General Hartell with the matter. I have to go tend to my son there, anyhow.
Oooh! Rhoamy!! Yeah!! Let's go see Rhoamy!!
I...would still be more comfortable if—
I insist, sire.
... ...Well...alright—
Yaaaay!! Rhoam time!!!
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florimond! how are you today
H-Hello, Terrako? Voices? I'm well enough. Sorry. Never really sure how to properly address you.
Oh, so this little addition to Terrako wasn't your doing?
I'm afraid not. It's uh....it's a work in progress. Maybe when I'm less busy, I'll...I'll...
Florimond! Thank Hylia I found you. Her Majesty isn't around, and we need a second opinion on this reply to these requests from Akkala. Could you look this over?
I....wow, that's certainly...very...intricate. And...has good penmenship!
...I just saw General Hartell down the hall, and he didn't look too busy. Perhaps it would be good for someone of his position to look that over before you give your final word, Your Majesty?
Oh! Yes, good idea. Sound advice, would you pass that off too Casimir, please?
Very good, sire.
Daddy, do you want to hear what Terrako told me about chicken, today??
I would love to, dear! Is it about the chicken? I couldn't possibly dis...
...well actually, maybe when we're in less chaotic circumstances we can talk about it further.
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well given that i technically do not have a mouth in this scenario i do NOT accept the apology. there is too much florimond hate in this castle and I'm putting my foot down!!! #FlorimondLoveForever2021
That's...understandable. I’m certainly not one to give the greatest outlook on His Majesty, the king. Look, my issues with Florimond should stay with Florimond, and Florimond alone. I don't see the need to bring up politics over breakfast, on a special occasion no less.
But...do you wanna give us ideas for how to make him not a king anymore??
Why do you want to do that again?
To make him happy! I think he's sad about being the king.
Well, you're very smart, Princess Elane. I wouldn't disagree with that being part of the problem.
However, I would encourage you to put the subject to rest. Dethroning your father would be a short-term solution, it wouldn't actually help him in the way that he needs. In fact, I'm a bit concerned that his own daughter is attempting to fix his personal issues for him...
But I gotta help!! Because he's the best dad ever!!
I'm sure he is. But maybe creating a power vacuum and shredding up the fragile stability of the kingdom isn't the best direction to take. As the future queen, I would advise you not to take short cuts for these sorts of things.
Hmm...I guess you're right...
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Sorry for that other guys, but yes we are random folk possessing this egg, ergo, we are demons. Anyhow, we just don't like you because you were mean to floridad, sorry not sorry
...Ah. So you overheard our conversation the other day...I apologize for that. Children shouldn't have to hear about such matters.
WaitamomentohYEAH! I remember now! You called him a parasite! That was not very nice.
*Beep bop >:/
I apologize, Princess. I was just very frustrated with...he...Your father is a very particular man, I lost my temper over...uh...
......would you like my buttered apple as compensation?
You think you can just win me over with delicious food?!
...Well you can! Thank you very much...*nom*
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Yeah I'm sure a dick like YOU would be happy if florimond wasnt king
Demons!! Bad demons!! Stop saying things like that, Mr. Bosbo is very nice!! Stop saying bad words!
"Demons?" I thought it was an egg...?
It’s complicated.
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Terrako! Stop jumping all around like that, and come back here!
Your caretakers this morning seem to be bickering intensely...
Yeah, they do that. But Katashi always handles it though! He’s great.
I see. And you’re fine just eating here alone?
Yep! Me and Terrako got a lot of important things to discuss!
Yes, I couldn’t help but overhear. You plan to...make your father not the king anymore?
*Beep. Boop!
I see...And have you formulated a more detailed plan around this goal?
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Oh, it's a bospho bro, bro
Oh? Your egg speaks now?
He sure does!
Your father certainly is talented with Terrako, I’ll give him that.
May I sit here, Your Highness? I'm also eating my breakfast.
As long as you’re not agreeing with Terrako’s riDICulous notion that fried chicken is better than waffles, sure! Sure thing!!
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I’m partial to the omelettes and cheesy noodles. Although I do see the appeal to the milkshakes...but far too sweet for my tongue, unfortunately. 
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