#The Essential Ozzy Osbourne
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 6 months ago
Ozzy Osbourne - Rock 'N' Roll Rebel
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dedalvs · 8 months ago
I've been listening to the langtime studio chats and it's made me wonder, what are some of your favorite hard rock/heavy metal bands? What kind of genres do you tend to enjoy?
What is and is not metal has changed over the years. It's kind of like how in the 90s every single new band was "alternative", a genre designation which ended up meaning nothing. I loved (and still love) bands like Van Halen, Bon Jovi, the Scorpions, and Def Leppard, which, believe it or not, were considered metal at one time or another. I was also a huge fan of Soundgarden which was called metal on an episode of Northern Exposure I recently rewatched. But my first real metal band was Megadeth.
In 1994 Megadeth came out with an album called Youthanasia which was accompanied by a music video for the song "Train of Consequences" that ran on MTV. The same way that Van Halen's "Hot for Teacher" begins with a drum solo that's reminiscent of a motorcycle engine, the guitar in the beginning of "Train of Consequences" is reminiscent of a steam train engine. Trains are something that have always fascinated me, so the video caught my attention. Soon I was looking forward to it in the regular rotation of music videos on MTV (at the time, this would've been Weezer, Stone Temple Pilots, Soundgarden, Coolio, Nirvana, Liz Phair, TLC, etc. [all good stuff!]). The singer of a band can really turn me on or off, and Dave Mustaine's voice is unique. At the time, when I thought of metal, it was primarily screaming, but Dave Mustaine was singing, and I found that interesting. I bought the album, and soon had all of Megadeth's albums. I was hooked.
From Megadeth, I moved on to Metallica, when I learned that Dave Mustaine formed Megadeth after getting kicked out of Metallica. Metallica itself was an interesting story at that time. They came out with the black album, which was a mega mega hit (and controversially so, as metal fans saw it as a departure from real metal), and then they disappeared, with Nirvana and alternative taking over. Then, after years of nothing, suddenly they release a new song, "Until It Sleeps", which sounds...weird. It was followed by the album Load, which...I mean, listen to "Mama Said" and tell me that's metal. I heard "Hero of the Day" played on Coast—the adult easy listening station. Whether you could get into or not, it definitely did not sound like Metallica—or metal, as we understood it. They did accidentally invent the band Volbeat with Load, for which we must all be grateful, but still, with Megadeth getting a new lineup very album, Metallica going off the rails, Iron Maiden with Blaze Bailey, it was clear that metal was moving forward, so I needed to move backwards.
I started going back and finding any metal band from the 80s that I'd heard of to see what I liked. Guns N' Roses and Ozzy Osbourne were easy favorites. I dug everything they did. Other more glam/hair metal bands I didn't really get into as much—Poison, White Snake, Mötley Crüe, LA Guns… But then I found Queensrÿche. Queensrÿche was the favorite band of my history teacher, so I gave them a listen. They'd come out with a new album, Promised Land, and then I happened to get as my second album of theirs Rage for Order, and I lucked into what would end up being my two favorite Queensrÿche albums and two of my favorite albums of all time. The album Rage for Order is sheer perfection—and one of my name-alikes is thanked in the Special Thanks section! I mean, look at this photo:
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If that isn't a fuckin' mood! Geoff Tate singing like a gothic opera singer, everything that can have a harmony being harmonized, every one of them taking every aspect of it so desperately seriously. This album is an entire genre all by itself. It was so good Stratovarius wrote, essentially, a terrible fan fiction song based on "Screaming in Digital" (with, perhaps, some influence from "NM 156" from Queensrÿche's first album The Warning). It also serendipitously to introduced me to Dalbello (a real life Robin Sparkles transformation), whom everyone should check out (seriously, check out whomanfoursays. She just laid it all out).
Queensrÿche also disappointed after Promised Land in the 90s, but I want to return to Iron Maiden. My introduction to Iron Maiden was The X Factor. This was their 1995 album, the first with former Wolfsbane singer Blaze Bayley. I didn't know that. I assumed what I was listening to was the Iron Maiden—the ones Bill and Ted waxed so eloquently about. All I could determine is that maybe they just got old...? I didn't get how the band I was listening to could have ever been popular.
Fast forward a couple years and I'm listening to the only metal show left on SoCal radio after KNAC died and I hear a song that sounds like nothing I've ever heard before. Fast-paced with a beat like galloping horses and a singer with power, range, vibrato, but also a kind of wild, undisciplined menace not found in more refined singers like Geoff Tate of Queensrÿche. Who was this band?! Clearly someone from the 80s I hadn't heard, but I thought I'd heard everything. The song finished, and then the DJ came on listing all the songs in the set, finishing up with "Run to the Hills" by Iron Maiden.
Clearly I had been duped. I went back to the record store to look up Iron Maiden's old albums and, lo and behold, only the most recent album featured Blaze Bayley. Before that there were seven albums featuring lead singer Bruce Dickinson.
A few albums later, Iron Maiden was my favorite metal band. Pretty soon I'd listened to everything—including the first two with Paul DiAnno which I would come to appreciate later—and I was disappointed. There was nothing left! Iron Maiden came out with a new album with Blaze, and we were cursed with "Como Estáis Amigos?" and other disappointments, but it became clear that the Iron Maiden I'd falle in love with was a thing of the past. Imagine what I felt when I was back home from college and heard on the radio a commercial for a new Iron Maiden album with a song I'd never heard being sung by none other than Bruce Dickinson. The song was "The Wickerman", the album was Brave New World, and I would go on to see Bruce Dickinson and Iron Maiden in concert six times—and a seventh coming this October (with the Hu!!!!!! I'm so pumped!!!!!).
There's a lot more to tell here—like the time I visited my ex-girlfriend in Michigan after she'd moved away hoping to rekindle a relationship that I didn't realize was deader than 8-track only to be introduced to Dream Theater by her older brother, or the time the company my friend worked for was hacked with all computers playing a song that would introduce me to Finnish heavy metal, or how looking into James Ronny Dio led me to the truly baffling yet kind of sweet story of Blackmore's Night—but as this is getting long, here are some highlights that haven't yet been mentioned with one song I'll recommend (bands with an asterisk I've seen live):
European Power Metal
Nightwish* ("Bless the Child")
Sonata Arctica* ("My Selene")
Epica ("Cry for the Moon (The Embrace that Smothers, Part IV)")
Lacuna Coil* ("Our Truth")
Delain* ("Stardust")
Amberian Dawn ("I Share with You This Dream")
Helloween ("Power")
Sound-Alike Bands
Crimson Glory ("Lonely")
Autograph ("Hammerhead")
Enforcer ("From Beyond")
The Sword ("Lament for the Aurochs")
Black Sabbath* ("Sweet Leaf")
UFO ("Doctor, Doctor")
Deep Purple ("Burn")
Hawkwind ("Assault and Battery/The Golden Void")
Not Quite Metal
Faith No More ("From Out of Nowhere")
X-Japan ("Silent Jealousy")
System of a Down ("Chop Suey")
Tool* ("Sober")
Monster Magnet* ("Mastermind")
The Mars Volta ("Goliath")
Mdou Moctar ("Ilana")
All right, I put a lot of time into finding all those links, so listen to some of those songs! I could write a book on this. I've already taken two hours too long, though. Need to get back to the stuff they pay me to do! >.<
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queer-and-nerdy · 1 year ago
this has been tumbling around in my mind for the last week so now i have to expose all of you to it. shoutout to @wellgoslowly for listening to this in person
lockwood LOVES listening to classic rock and metal (as well as a few older pop-punk but he'll never admit to it). anything from the seventies and eighties (he pretends that no other era of metal exists and if you even say the phrase "nu metal" around him he WILL see red and draw his rapier). it doesn't matter who the band is or what subgenre they are, as long as the song was released pre-nineties he loves it, although he tends to prefer more mainstream bands and artists (respect) like ozzy osbourne, judas priest, kiss, etc. the only band he will break this rule for is metallica - they are his all-time favorite band and i will die on that hill. and when i say he WORSHIPS james hetfield... that is an UNDERSTATEMENT. james is like a pseudo-father to him. he doesn't want to put posters on his walls so he keeps a scrapbook of pictures cut out of old magazines of james, lars, kirk, cliff, even jason and rob. he is a number one dave mustaine hater and will defend lars's drumming skills until he's blue in the face. lucy got him a signed copy of ride the lightning for his birthday one year and george didn't see either of them leave lockwood's room for a week. there are only three things he loves in this world: his family, his friends, and james hetfield.
lucy, i feel like, has the most whiplash taste in music. like, yes, we can all agree lucy is your average indie pop listener and i am a major supporter of that hc (i know what linnie’s playlists sound like) but i guarantee you when she shuffles her most-listened-to playlist it goes from crane wives immediately to cannibal corpse. she loves death metal, deathcore, goregrind; the nastier the better (except for black metal - iykyk). the era doesn’t matter to her either although she tends to gravitate toward the older stuff. think opeth, cryptosy, morbid angel, deicide, obituary, venom, slayer, even xavlegimaofffassssitimiwoanindutroabcwapwaeiippohfffx - she loves playing the “can i figure out the name of the band given the logo” game and if she loses she listens to them. she finds it a great way to unleash her stress and anger without hurting herself or others or even taking it out on a case. she doesn't like to mosh (autism) but she loves watching people in the pit at concerts. she drags lockwood and george to the store to help her pick out plushies to give to corpsegrinder. one night she goes to a taylor swift concert and rushes out at the end to make it to sanguisugabogg in time. she's also a big female-rage/female-led fan (fem supporting fem yk how it is). if there is even a single fem-presenting band member she is instantly ride-or-die (within reason, of course). any time conquer divide/castrator/cyrpta do an eu tour she essentially becomes a roadie.
george. oh, george. my beloved kin. the only one who understands me and i him. his taste in rock and metal is... i don't know a better way to describe it other than neurodivergent fruity. it needs to have some kind of element to it that he can latch onto other than just the music - costumes, over-the-top production, detailed lore, etc. like lockwood, he doesn't really care about the subgenre; as long as he likes the sound he'll listen. he tends to frequent more of the nu/prog/melodic/symphonic side of metal, though. he's your average autistic ghost fan and makes it everyone else's problem. he knows all the lore and has dedicated his life to every incarnation of papa (primo is his favorite but he loves them all). he can tell the ghouls in every era apart in an instant and is a consistent quintessence ghoul kinnie. he will not hesitate to get into twitter beef to defend his opinions (bro's in the trenches of toxic ghostwt). he's one of the most well-known ghost accounts on every social media platform and actively writes fanfiction (about the characters, NOT the real people), character analyses, and essays. he's also a HUGE sleep token fan (he understands their lore better than vessel himself and has created a youtube commentary channel just to break down each of their songs) and ice nine kills fan (he's a number one ricky armellino lover and has forced lockwood and lucy to watch all of the horror movies that the silver scream one and two are based off of). he loves avatar and made his own ringmaster costume (lucy walked in on him trying to recreate johannes's makeup and slowly backed out of the room; the situation was never mentioned again) and when chris motionless unveiled his new hair he screamed so loud that the others thought someone had broken into portland row (lockwood had to restrain him while lucy hid his laptop to prevent him from ordering purple hair dye). he has a ziplock bag of (definitely expired) marshmallows that he calls his “rammstein concert care package.” he pretends to be a gatekeeper but the instant someone mentions even a passing interest in any of his favorite bands he will burst into tears.
skull enjoys smooth jazz.
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manmetaphysical · 1 year ago
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It is well known that Sagittarians make great teachers, lawyers, performers, comedians, artists, philosophers, leaders and musicians. And even with Mercury in Sagittarius, great writers too. So that runs the gamut. So this is a comprehensive round up just in case you missed how multi faceted this zodiac sign actually is, its range is wide. Top of the list are the giants like William Blake who straddles poetry, art and mysticism, and Ludwig Beethoven whose work is monumental and will still be listened to in hundreds of years. But there was  also Oliver Messiaen who composed music  La Constellation du Sagittaire which was his zodiac sign.
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Sagittarians make great magicians like Franz Bardon.  He was much less known than Aleister Crowley, but nevertheless regarded as one of the most important occultists of the 20th Century, and still we have Dion Fortune, let’s not forget, who was also a Sagittarian and an acute psychologist. for a modern Sagittarian magicians look to  Uri Geller. Needless to say Sagittarians also make great astrologers like Robert Hand Nik Kollerstrom and Karen Hamaker-Zondag and these are only the known charts.
Dec 2nd, is the birthday of Britney Spears, who in spite of her wobbly personality is still much loved and, when on form, delivers the goods as a performer. But so many Sagittarian singers. Note also Christine Aguilera, Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, and Nicki Minaj- who all love to perform. But before them some of the greats of old include Frank Sinatra, Dionne Warwick and thunder thighs (Sagittarius is linked to the thighs) herself, Tina Turner who became the ultimate Buddhist fulfilling the yearnings of her spiritual nature.
There are also some oddball singers Little Richard, Frank Zappa, Ted Nugent and Tom Waits, and there are two outstanding opera stars Maria Callas, whose voice no one can match, and Jose Carreras.
Sagittarians can even be great hedonists crazies who go off piste from time to time, but are still entertaining. There’s Jim Morrison of the Doors, Ozzy Osbourne of Black Sabbath, Jay-Z and wild man Billy Idol. Some Sagittarians in this category can come across with a certain edgy swagger like Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones.
Then there are philosopher teachers, leader and gurus like Osho, Bruce Lee and B.K.S. Iyengar also embody many quintessentially Sagittarian traits as ultimate teachers all offering some form of physical practice yoga and martial arts-which marries the higher and lower self. Iyengar said ‘my body is my temple and the asanas are my prayers’ but he also said, as a true Sagittarian, that ‘honesty is essential’ in teaching. With Mercury in Sagittarius he could sometimes be difficult to understand when speaking. But there’s also wiseacre, Noam Chomsky, who functions in dual areas as linguistic philosopher and political activist, and then there's author who popularises 'Life School' philosophy, Alain de Botton.
Then we have the artists and painters from Masaccio, to Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Jan Toroop to Lucien Freud and the ever controversial, Marina Abramovic. But one mention must go to French artist and teacher of painting, William Adolph Bougereau, His name was tarnished as being too traditional, not  being ‘modern’ enough by Picasso and the art gallery owners who ganged up against him and cast him into the margins of art history as an old fuddy duddy, but he was was as skilled and technically accomplished as any of the Renaissance painters, ran his own school and more hard working and prolific than any of the Impressionists or Post-Impressionists or Cubists.
Then we have the visionary Sci Fi writers  Philip K. Dick author of the stories that made it into film: Blade Runner, Minority Report and The Adjustment Bureau. Dick spoke of visions of the future that have if not come true, then are resonating widely. His imagination was as fertile as any and he worked at top speed even bringing downloads of Gnostic wisdom into novels like Valis. Also Arthur C. Clarke and C.S. Lewis were both Sagittarians. These are the big names in the field whose legacy remains strong.
And the film directors can’t be bigger Fritz Lang, Stephen Spielberg and Ridley Scott who directed some of the best known films in past decades and has just directed Napoleon. But working on a smaller, more intimate scale we should not ignore Woody Allen, John Cassavetes, and the lesser known Argentinian film director, Marco Berger.
And who is the most loved actress in the UK?  Yorkshire born, Dame Judi Dench as talented and versatile as any actress can be. But world renowned actors include Liv Ullman, John Malkovich, Christopher Plummer, Brad Pitt, Kim Basinger, Julianne Moore and Jake Gylenhaal, most of them known around the world not just in their home countries.
Finally the athletes. Sagittarius is a fully developed physical sign – the hybrid centaur- so we have runner Florence Griffiths-Joyner, Donovan Bailey, and Oscar Pistorius, and football player Kylian Mbappe, along with Tennis players Boris Becker and Monia Seles.
See who else you can recognise in the collage of famous Sagittarians and in the list.
And now to end with comedian Bill Hicks, a Sagittarian, capturing the essence of a daily thought in the minds of these fiery, idealistic spirits:
“The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it’s real because that’s how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it’s very brightly colored, and it’s very loud, and it’s fun for a while.
Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, “Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?” And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, “Hey, don’t worry; don’t be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride.” And we … kill those people. “Shut him up! I’ve got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real.” It’s just a ride. But we always kill the good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok …
But it doesn’t matter, because it’s just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It’s only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here’s what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.”
If you think the world is accelerating towards a collective psychosis, you are not alone but it could be a  magnified reflection of our own fears. According to author Paul Levy to recognise that there’s a dream-like quality to reality is the first step to activating your creative higher self, and to use the Daimon- the inner genius or ‘higher’ self- is a way to counter the wetiko mind-blindness that appears to have become virulent in the world. This means taking a ‘quantum’ perspective and Sagittarius is at home with the quantum world and the weird and multiple perspectives and dimensions it brings to bear on the old solidified way of seeing reality.
#Sagittarius #Sagittarian #Jupiter #Zodiac #SagittarianWriters #SagittarianArtists #SagittarianLeaders #SagitarianSingers #SagittarianComedians
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ceremonyanddevotion · 10 months ago
i'm very sorry to be reaching out to you with this but i really feel like i'm going crazy.
the entirety of r/ghostbc seems to be more than convinced that TF is a freemason. i learned the basics from your videos, and in the iceberg it's stated he himself never commented on the matter in any way, correct? google search would support this. all the redditors have is some mason magazine that wrote about the band a few times. the judge, from articles on music sites, spoke of it as a given thing ("i didn't know he's one of us" essentially) but i can't find anything from TF or really the band as a whole. my takeaway has always been that the ex bandmates who sued just came up with this after the trial wasn't going like they wanted, but i haven't read any actual court documents...
i consider you a voice of objectivity when it comes to matters Ghostly and related, hence this ask, but feel free to ignore it. in the end, TF's life is only his private matter.
hope you're doing well!
Never apologize for reaching out! I like yapping.
To put it bluntly, Tobias has never mentioned anything about the Freemasons, any and all rumor come from third parties.
It was 'revealed' during the last days of the lawsuit, as a way to ruin the court case for Tobias who was set to win his appeal. Because in the Swedish sect members must protect each other, and the Judge was a Freemason.
It was thrown out I think due to lack of evidence that the Judge knew and/or the Judge obviously didn't blindly side with Tobias.
There has been whispers of him being at a couple of meetings, but no proof or even sources I think? I lose track of all the little things.
One thing to point out is that to be a member of the Swedish Freemasons you have to be christian which uh... Tobias is not.
The topic of Tobias and his spiritual/religious beliefs have been overtaken by people who want him on 'their' side. Tobias gives us an inch, they take a mile.
Many satanists will scream that Tobias is a theistic or agnostic satanist till the cows come home, but in interviews where he talks about his feelings on satanism, he always says 'pop satanism'. he looks at Satan through the eye of pop culture and it's impact on society. Hell Ghost, while being a parody of the Catholic church, is a great critique of the satanic panic, Ghost is what parents and many governments thought Black Sabbath/Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, Twisted Sister, Alice Cooper etc. was, rock stars working for the devil to take over the world by inserting Satan into their music, I mean that is the premise of Ghost!
I do think Tobias got into masonry for the moment, Square Hammer is filled with legitimate Masonry themes, I do remember hearing asking someone if they are on the level is a mason call out to find other members or something.
Ghost has always attracted edgelords who want Ghost to be more than it is, even in the darker days of Papa 1 and 2 it was never meant to be real or a full reflection of Tobias's beliefs.
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therecordchanger62279 · 7 days ago
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     This time, let’s turn up the volume and rock out! Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine……
Van Halen: 1. 1984 2. 5150. I’m of two minds about Van Halen. They were a terrific Hard Rock band that defined the spirit and energy of their time. They were also one of the most overrated bands in Rock history whose legacy is rescued only by having been blessed with a world class guitar talent whose ability was undercut by his apparent lack of ambition and drive (or maybe it was drugs). The Van Halen catalog as it is, is one of the thinnest of any major act in the music’s history. Most of the records clock in at 35 minutes or less, and many of their most notable tunes, and hits were cover versions. There isn’t a decent live album available to document their touring history, the anthologies are patchwork, no one seems to agree which of the primary two lead singers were best (a third is dismissed out of hand), and there isn’t a single five-star album in their catalog; not a single work that defines them the way it does so many other icons of the genre. All of that made this task especially difficult. If ever a homemade mixed CD or tape would serve the purpose best, that would surely be the case with Van Halen. But, in the interest and spirit of this exercise, I forced myself to choose two albums from the group’s catalog as keepers. I picked one from each of the two most prominent versions of the band, and chose what are the albums I think are most consistent from start to finish. Those albums came back-to-back, two years apart with a change of lead singers (David Lee Roth to Sammy Hagar) in-between. And I’ll leave it at that except to say that a proper live set, and a career overview in the form of a boxed set is something this band sorely needs. I doubt either is forthcoming at this late date, however. For me, Van Halen was a band that undersold its talents, and was far more popular than they deserved.
Ozzy Osbourne: 1. The Ozzman Cometh 2. Live and Loud. Ozzy may be, if reports are true, much closer to the end of his life than we are to yet another Black Sabbath reunion. He’ll always be remembered primarily as Black Sabbath’s first and best front man. But he managed to forge an impressive solo career than had greater longevity than did his career with his old band, but did not quite reach the heights they did. I think most Ozzy fans would simply take the easy road and choose his first couple of solo albums – both still staples of Rock radio more than forty years after release. But I would need some of the best tracks from many different albums, along with a definitive live set. And that’s what we have here. The first is essentially a hits collection and rarities set, while the second is a rip-roaring live set with a production sound that recreates “live” in your living room. It’s not slick, and hasn’t a sheen or a polish on it that renders most live records sterile. It’s high-energy, the set list is great, and it’s what I would’ve imagined a great Ozzy live show to sound like.
Rainbow: 1. The Very Best of 2. Final Vinyl. Rainbow is always going to be Ritchie Blackmore’s “other band” – the one after Deep Purple. It took me awhile to make peace with Rainbow because I was a Purple devotee then, and now, almost 60 years later. But eventually I grew to like, and appreciate Rainbow in all their different incarnations. As with so many bands with any tenure, there are different versions, and they’re most often identified by whoever happened to be singing and fronting the group at any given time. Ritchie was temperamental, and difficult to work with by all accounts, but he could spot talent. Any band with three front men the likes of Ronnie James Dio, Graham Bonnet, and Joe Lynn Turner is a band to be reckoned with. So, this was fairly easy. I chose two compilations. The first is a standard career-spanning “hits” album, and the second is a career-spanning anthology with studio, and live cuts, along with rarities, and, like the hits set features all three singers, and all eras (save the reunions).
Scorpions: 1. Deadly Sting: The Mercury Years 2. Love at First Sting. I regard Scorpions as a solid Heavy Metal outfit who did just enough great stuff to get my attention and keep it. I can’t say I was ever a big fan, but I remember a few videos from the golden age of MTV that were fun to watch, and the Love at First Sting record got some airplay in the shop I worked in at the time – much to the displeasure of my co-workers, none of whom were metal fans. So, I took that album alongside a two CD anthology that has more than you’d ever need. It’s nostalgia for me now. I was never much of a headbanger. But one of my co-workers once said to me, “You always had that itch for Metal that you just need to scratch sometimes, don’t you?” He was right.
Dio: 1. Holy Diver 2. The Last in Line. Speaking of Ronnie James Dio, his early solo career was as impressive to me as his stints in both Rainbow, and the post-Ozzy Black Sabbath. But after his first two records, and a good portion of the third, his divided attention to both careers caused his solo career to suffer a bit. Still, his first two albums under his own name are cornerstones of Metal – especially the second – and still sound good to me today.
Rush: 1. Retrospective 1 (1974-1980) 2. Moving Pictures. I used to hate Rush. When I listened to Redbeard’s FM radio show back in the mid-70s, the only time I ever changed stations was when he played Rush. I despised Geddy Lee’s vocals, and for years could not grasp their appeal. But eventually, I got used to Geddy, and began to appreciate the guitar of Alex Lifeson, and the drums of Neil Peart. I even came to appreciate some of their more progressive songwriting. It wasn’t until 1980’s Permanent Waves, however, when they grabbed and held my attention. The follow-up was Moving Pictures, and it remains their masterpiece. So that was an easy choice. What came after was all competent, and well-done with moments of brilliance mixed with the ho-hum. But a single disc anthology that collects the best of the early period I had once found unlistenable is very well-chosen, and has everything you’d want or need from those first half-dozen years.
Free: 1. Heartbreaker 2. The Free Story. Let me preface this entry by saying that for a brief period (the year 1970), Free was the best band in the world. There are no bad Free albums. There are no bad songs on any Free albums. They were great live. The records are all still pretty easy to find, and they are well-served by a stellar boxed set, and some hits collections. Any money you spend on Free is money well-spent. Heartbreaker was their final record, and some fans did not care for it because founding lead guitarist Paul Kossoff was absent for much of it dealing with a drug problem that would kill him on an airplane at the age of 24. But the album plays like an elegy to Koss – even though he was still alive when it was recorded. It sums up the majesty and tragedy that was Free. Easily one of the most powerful records in Rock history. It’s #42 on my all-time Top 200 Albums, and I still play it 52 years after I bought it. The Free Story, for decades, was at the top of my “want” list. I saw an import of it in the shop I frequented just after it was released. But it’s a double set, and I was short of cash that night. I went back a couple of nights later, and it was gone. It was almost 25 years before I saw it again, and finally could buy it. Now I own two different versions of it on vinyl as well as the CD. (The vinyl is preferable because they left off a track for the CD so they could issue it as a single disc.) It’s a definitive career overview with everything on it that should be on it. It’s a masterpiece.
Humble Pie: 1. Hot ‘n’ Nasty: The Anthology 2. Performance: Rockin’ the Fillmore. God! Talk about a band overflowing with talent. Steve Marriott, Peter Frampton, Greg Ridley, Jerry Shirley and “Clem” Clempson, who replaced Frampton when he left to conquer the world. The first is a perfect 2CD career overview, and belongs in every Rock music collection. The second is one of the greatest live albums of all-time, and anyone who says otherwise is tone-deaf.
Grand Funk Railroad: 1. We’re an American Band 2. Capitol Collector’s Series. Grand Funk Railroad may have been the most polarizing act in Rock history. There was no middle ground. They were either the best band in the land, or the worst – depending on whether you were talking to a fellow fan or a Rock critic. They sold a bucketload of records, and they didn’t have a single great songwriter or instrumentalist in the band. But it didn’t matter. The records they made were organic, and they connected more completely with their audience than any band I can ever recall. They were “the people’s band” and over the decades, I’ve come to enjoy their best work even more than I did at the time. My first choice here is their biggest, and best record (#129 on my Top 200, and another one I still play in its entirety). My second collects all those killer singles, and album tracks that peppered AM, and FM radio throughout my teenage years – including their crowning glory “I’m Your Captain (Closer To Home)” – the introduction to which you can hear on a 2024 Chevy Silverado truck commercial that still turns up on television these days. I have never, to this day, ever met anyone who doesn’t love that song.
Black Crowes: 1. Amorica 2. By Your Side. They burst onto the scene in 1990 when Rock was about to go on life support, and managed to infuse some energy into the genre for a few years before it entered hospice (where it remains to this day). All their records sound pretty much the same, so it’s down to which one has the most songs you like the best. Most Crowes fans like their second album, The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion, and claim that as their definitive statement. I disagree. I never cared much for that one. The songs are too long. It’s repetitive, and the songs are under-written and under-arranged. The third album, Amorica, however, is a gem, and that was my first choice here. (Get the one with the original cover, though. The censored cover is the one I find offensive.) Five years later they made what I thought was the best record of 1999, By Your Side. That one is one killer rocker after another, and one of those rare albums you play start-to-finish, never skip a track, and when it ends you play it again. Most of the Crowes catalog is worth the time, although I don’t care for the internal band politics, and in-fighting that undercut the hippie ethos they put forth to the public for years. I sort of see them now as hypocrites. I don’t search out their new records (though I hear they’re pretty good), and I doubt I ever will. But I have the old ones, and I’ll still play them from time-to-time, and enjoy them.
That's all for part nine of this Take Two series. And since we left your ears ringing with this one, next time we'll turn the volume down, and try to get in touch with our feminine side (although they can get noisy, too sometimes).
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signalsfrommars · 19 days ago
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darkmaga-returns · 1 month ago
00:00:00 - The hosts discuss strange monthly internet challenges like "No Wang November." They also mention the history of cereal and its connection to controlling impulses, referencing Kellogg’s Cornflakes and other early cereals. The discussion takes a humorous turn about whether Lucky Charms have the opposite effect.
00:10:00 - News of Black Sabbath’s reunion show surfaces, featuring Ozzy Osbourne performing despite severe health issues. There’s speculation on how he will manage, given his reported inability to walk. Discussion of rock legends performing late into their careers and comparisons with Axl Rose's past performances.
00:20:00 - The conversation shifts to asteroids and how media portrays their potential danger. A 200-foot asteroid has a 1 in 83 chance of hitting Earth in 2032. The hosts reference movies like Armageddon and Deep Impact and joke about how governments might handle informing the public if the worst-case scenario happens.
00:30:00 - A discussion about nuclear weapons for asteroid defense, with news articles arguing that nuclear arsenals should be maintained not for war, but to blow up incoming space rocks. The hosts joke about Hollywood tropes involving nuclear solutions.
00:40:00 - The topic shifts to overweight tourists complaining about accessibility issues in places like Disney World and Amsterdam. A viral video features plus-sized travelers reviewing theme park seating options and food. The hosts critique the normalization of obesity and reflect on how times have changed.
00:50:00 - A segment on food additives like Red 40 in sleep aids and other medications. The conversation turns to alternative sleep remedies, such as herbal teas and melatonin, with personal anecdotes about the effects of drinking alcohol before sleep.
01:00:00 - A viral Sesame Street-style parody video depicting Middle Eastern Muppets wielding weapons sparks debate. The hosts discuss whether it’s real or satire and speculate on its origins.
01:10:00 - The USAID controversy: Elon Musk shares reports about billions of taxpayer dollars being misallocated overseas. A viral TikTok rant criticizes the wasteful spending of U.S. government programs while essential domestic issues remain underfunded. The hosts analyze how media covers these revelations.
01:20:00 - A discussion on working from home vs. productivity. The hosts explore whether federal employees working remotely are truly productive. The “Fauci Effect” is mentioned—referring to how people avoid work while still appearing busy.
01:30:00 - The Power of Napping: An article promotes workplace naps, with comparisons to cultures where afternoon siestas are common. The hosts joke about workplaces introducing nap pods and whether corporate America is pushing for increased productivity under the guise of wellness.
01:40:00 - Bill Gates and LSD: A resurfaced claim states that Steve Jobs told Bill Gates he should have taken acid to improve the design of Microsoft products. The hosts discuss psychedelics, creativity, and tech innovation, wondering how LSD might have influenced the industry.
01:50:00 - Workplace rebellion at an Indiana auto factory: Employees at a Jeep engine plant are smearing feces on the walls in protest. A leaked company memo confirms that feces have been found on door handles, disability bars, and bathroom sinks. The hosts joke about disgruntled workers and compare this to previous workplace controversies.
02:00:00 - Closing thoughts on how society is changing—from bizarre workplace behavior to the rise of simulated realities. A philosophical question arises: Are we living in a simulation? The show ends with a mix of humor and existential reflection.
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dmtrecordspvtltd · 2 months ago
The Magic of Duet Songs in Music Collaboration
Music has always been an essential part of human expression, and among the most captivating styles of performance are duet songs. These songs bring together two voices, harmonizing melodies to create an emotional and immersive experience for listeners. Whether it’s a love ballad that captures the essence of romance, a power-packed rock anthem, or an R&B groove filled with soul, duets continue to hold a special place in the music industry.
From the early days of opera to the modern pop scene, duets have evolved across genres and eras. The chemistry between two singers can elevate a song, making it unforgettable for audiences worldwide. Whether performed by two established artists or bringing together emerging talents, duets often symbolize artistic unity and emotional depth.
A Brief History of Duet Songs
The history of duet performances dates back centuries. In the classical era, operatic duets between sopranos and tenors were used to dramatize powerful emotions on stage. These performances allowed composers to experiment with harmony, dialogue, and contrast. Fast forward to the 20th century, and duets became an essential part of musical storytelling in jazz, blues, and gospel.
By the 1950s and 60s, duet songs had cemented their presence in pop culture. Iconic duos such as Sonny & Cher and Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell created timeless classics that are still beloved today. The 1980s and 90s saw an explosion of unforgettable collaborations, with hits like Endless Love by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross, I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me) by Aretha Franklin and George Michael, and Beauty and the Beast by Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson.
In recent years, modern artists have continued this tradition, experimenting with new sounds and blending genres to produce fresh and exciting duets. Songs like Shallow by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, Señorita by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello, and Stay by The Kid LAROI and Justin Bieber have shown how duet performances remain a dynamic force in the industry.
The Appeal of Duet Songs Across Genres
Duets are not limited to one genre—they thrive in multiple musical styles.
Pop & R&B – Many of the biggest pop and R&B hits have been collaborations. Beyoncé & Jay-Z, Rihanna & Drake, and Ariana Grande & The Weeknd have produced chart-topping hits that blend powerful lyrics with infectious melodies.
Country Music – Country duets have long been favorites among listeners. Whether it's Johnny Cash & June Carter's Jackson or Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton's Islands in the Stream, country music has used duets to tell heartfelt stories.
Rock & Alternative – Rock music has also embraced duets, often blending raw emotion with intense instrumentals. Songs like Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie or Close My Eyes Forever by Lita Ford and Ozzy Osbourne showcase the genre’s ability to bring together contrasting yet complementary voices.
Bollywood & Regional Music – Indian music has a long tradition of duets, especially in Bollywood. With male and female playback singers collaborating, Indian cinema has given us iconic duets like Tere Bina and Tum Hi Ho, which continue to captivate audiences.
Why Duet Songs Resonate with Listeners
One of the main reasons duet songs are so popular is their emotional depth. When two artists bring their unique styles together, the resulting synergy makes a song more impactful. Whether it’s a romantic ballad or an upbeat dance number, duets often convey two perspectives, making them relatable to a wider audience.
Additionally, duets offer opportunities for vocal contrasts that solo performances simply can’t achieve. The interplay of different vocal tones and techniques can add drama, tenderness, or even tension to a song, making it more engaging. This is especially true in songs where two singers engage in a lyrical conversation, exchanging verses and harmonizing in the chorus.
Duets also foster collaboration between artists, sometimes bridging different musical styles. Many modern collaborations have introduced fans to new genres and artists they might not have explored otherwise. When a pop artist teams up with a country singer or an R&B star joins forces with a hip-hop icon, the result is often a song that brings together diverse musical influences.
Famous Duet Songs That Left a Lasting Impact
Over the years, duet songs have produced some of the most memorable moments in music history. Here are a few iconic duets that have left an undeniable impact:
Endless Love – Lionel Richie & Diana Ross
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart – Elton John & Kiki Dee
Something Stupid – Frank & Nancy Sinatra
I Got You Babe – Sonny & Cher
A Whole New World – Peabo Bryson & Regina Belle
The Time of My Life – Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes
These songs continue to be beloved across generations, proving that the magic of duets is timeless.
How to Create a Perfect Duet Song
For artists looking to create a great duet, several elements need to be considered:
Chemistry Between Singers – The most successful duets come from artists whose voices complement each other. Whether it's a contrast in vocal tone or a similar singing style, finding the right partner is key.
Lyricism and Storytelling – A duet song should feel like a conversation between two people. Well-written lyrics that allow both singers to express emotions make the song more compelling.
Harmonization and Vocal Blending – A duet should use harmonization effectively. The interplay of voices in the chorus can elevate the song’s emotional weight.
Genre and Instrumentation – Choosing the right musical backdrop is crucial. Whether it’s a soft acoustic setting, a grand orchestral arrangement, or a high-energy beat, the music should support the dynamic between the two singers.
The Future of Duet Songs
As music continues to evolve, duets remain a powerful tool for artists to connect with audiences. Streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube have made it easier for collaborative tracks to gain traction, with listeners eagerly awaiting unexpected pairings between their favorite musicians.
Today’s artists are experimenting with new sounds, blending electronic music, hip-hop, and even global influences into duet performances. The rise of virtual collaborations, where singers record from different parts of the world, is also changing the landscape of music. Social media and short-form video platforms like TikTok have further amplified the popularity of duet challenges, where aspiring singers can add their own vocals to an existing track.
Final Thoughts
The magic of duet songs lies in their ability to bring artists together, creating something greater than the sum of their parts. Whether it's two legends sharing a stage or a fresh collaboration that surprises audiences, duets continue to shape the world of music. If you’re looking for a playlist filled with timeless duets, explore some of the classics and modern hits that showcase the beauty of musical collaboration. The future of duets is bright, and as long as music thrives, these collaborative masterpieces will continue to capture hearts worldwide.
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How to Create the Perfect Birthday Song for Someone Special
For additional resources on music marketing and distribution, visit DMT Records Private Limited.
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mondoradiowmse · 4 months ago
11/27/24 Mondo Radio Playlist
Here's the playlist for this week's special edition of Mondo Radio, which you can download or stream here. This episode: "Thanks a Lot" - Mondo Radio's Cold Turkey 2024! If you dig these songs of gratitude, don't forget to also follow the show on Facebook and Twitter!
Artist - Song - Album
Sly And The Family Stone - Thankful N' Thoughtful - Fresh
Mother's Finest - Thank You For The Love - The Very Best Of Mother's Finest: Not Yer Mother's Funk
Ray Charles - Thanks For Bringing Love Around Again - Thanks For Bringing Love Around Again
Diana Ross - Thank You - Thank You
Peanut - Thank Goodness For The Rain - One Kiss Can Lead To Another: Girl Group Sounds Lost & Found
Webb Pierce - I Thank My Lucky Stars - Country Music Time
Johnny Cash & The Tennessee Two - Thanks A Lot - The Essential Sun Singles
Otis Redding - I Want To Thank You - The Great Otis Redding Sings Soul Ballads
Sam & Dave - I Thank You - Greatest Hits
Trombones Unlimited - I Thank You - Grazing In The Grass
Bob Marley - Thank You Lord - All The Hits
Mighty Voices Of Wonder - I Thank The Lord - Good God!: A Gospel Funk Hymnal
Donny Hathaway - Thank You Master (For My Soul) - Everything Is Everything
Little Chris & The Righteous Singers - I Thank You Lord - Good God!: Born Again Funk
Faison - Thanks To The Fool - Love Fire
Gas Mask - Thank You My Dear - Their First Album
Ruth Copeland - Thanks For The Birthday Card - Self Portrait
Cottonwood - Thank You Mr. Man - Camaraderie
Led Zeppelin - Thank You - Led Zeppelin II
George Harrison - Thanks For The Pepperoni - All Things Must Pass
Talking Heads - Thank You For Sending Me An Angel (Live) - Stop Making Sense
World Party - Thank You World (Live) - Thank You World
Leonard Cohen - Thanks For The Dance - Thanks For The Dance
Wilco - The Thanks I Get - Alpha Mike Foxtrot: Rare Tracks 1994-2014
Ozzy Osbourne - Thank God For The Bomb - The Ultimate Sin Swans - Thank You - Filth
Ty Segall - Thank God For Sinners - Twins
Doom - Thank Yah - Born Like This
Lee Rosevere - Thanks For Nothing - Backtime
Massive Attack - Be Thankful For What You've Got - Blue Lines
Flying Lotus - Thank U Malcolm - Flamagra
Röyksopp - Thank You - The Inevitable End
Patrick Cowley - Thank God For Music - The Ultimate Collection
Sparks - Thanks But No Thanks - Propaganda
ABBA - Thank You For The Music - The Definitive Collection
The Angels - Thank You And Goodnight - Growin' Up Too Fast: The Girl Group Anthology
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 6 months ago
Ozzy Osbourne - I Just Want You
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90363462 · 7 months ago
Ozzy Osbourne has made a lasting impact on rock music and influenced countless artists. With his longevity, enormous impact, and iconic persona, Ozzy is a phenomenon unlike any other in rock music.
John Michael "Ozzy" Osbourne (born 3 December 1948) is an English musician and media personality. He rose to prominence during the 1970s as the lead singer of the heavy metal band Black Sabbath, during which period he adopted the nickname "Prince of Darkness". Ozzy Osbourne is rock’s beloved Prince of Darkness, a key architect of heavy metal, and one of the most successful solo artists of all time. Ozzy’s voice is instantly recognizable – haunting, powerful, raw, sincere – and capable of conveying a wide array of emotions. As a live performer, he is a force of nature, with onstage charisma and showmanship unlike any other. Ozzy brings theatricality to his electrifying performances, captivating audiences with his magnetic energy and rightly earning the title Godfather of Heavy Metal.
First rising to fame as the frontman of Black Sabbath, Ozzy delivered unforgettable rock classics, including “Paranoid” and “Iron Man.” His contributions were essential to the band’s success, with his distinctive voice synonymous with their sound. After parting ways with Sabbath in 1979, Ozzy formed the Blizzard of Ozz, notably featuring Randy Rhoads, now acknowledged as one of the greatest guitarists of all time. Releasing albums that forever changed metal in the 1980s, including��Blizzard of Ozz and Diary of a Madman, Ozzy became an international superstar, selling seventy million albums and filling 2,600 arenas in concerts around the world.
As a solo artist, Ozzy has continually surrounded himself with incredible musicians and developed young talent, including guitar heroes like Rhoads, Jake E. Lee, and Zakk Wylde. In the 1990s, Ozzy and his wife/manager Sharon Osbourne established Ozzfest, one of the most successful music festivals ever, and in the 2000s, their family became stars on the hit MTV reality show The Osbournes. While now retired from touring, Ozzy remains musically active well into his seventies, still releasing new albums and collaborating with artists, including Eric Clapton, Elton John, Slash, Travis Scott, and Post Malone.
Countless artists from many genres have credited Ozzy as a major influence, including Metallica, Lita Ford, Rage Against the Machine, and Busta Rhymes. With his longevity, impact, and iconic persona, Ozzy Osbourne is a phenomenon unlike any other.
Selected Discography
“Crazy Train,” “Mr. Crowley,” Blizzard of Ozz (1980) 
• “Over the Mountain,” “Flying High Again,” Diary of a Madman (1981) 
• “Bark at the Moon,” Bark at the Moon (1983) 
• “Shot in the Dark,” The Ultimate Sin (1986) 
• Tribute (1987) 
• “Miracle Man,” No Rest for the Wicked (1988) 
• “Mama, I’m Coming Home,” No More Tears (1991) 
• Down to Earth (2001) 
• Black Rain (2007)
 • Ordinary Man (2020) 
• Patient Number 9 (2022)
Favorite song?
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turnupthevolumebelgium · 1 year ago
6 April 2024
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519magazine · 1 year ago
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alicemaeisawitch · 1 year ago
On Fandom
 mentioned in my Introductory Post that I would make another post about my fannish interests - and this is that post.
I'm only really in one fandom - Stargate. The original movie, SG-1 and Atlantis. I didn't really gel with Universe, I haven't seen (or am at all inclined to do so) Infinity or Origins. My heart definitely belongs to SG-1 though which I have loved since I was a pre-teen
Pairing wise, It's Jack/Daniel. I have been shipping them before I knew what shipping was, before I knew what sex was - and even more so after! I'm not an OTP person though and will ship pretty much anyone/everyone. Especially anyone/Daniel, with Daniel on bottom. I enjoy most combinations of Jack/Sam/Daniel, Cam/Sam/Daniel/Vala. But my heart will always belong to Jack/Daniel
I don't watch a huge amount of TV/movies, and when I do, I tend to stick to the ones I know and love. Indiana Jones, The Librarian, The Mummy, National Treasure, Tomb Raider, Charmed, Farscape, The Librarians, Relic Hunter, The Sentinel I have recently enjoyed The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina, A Discovery Of Witches, and Blood and Treasure. As well as that random interest in Ancient Aliens. There's a National Treasure show on Disney+ that I want to see, and I do want to try the Charmed remake. Essentially, I love cheesy, fun, treasure-hunting - but also witches!
I can't pick a favourite book, I never have been able to. I'm usually reading 2 books at a time, one non-fiction and one fiction
Music-wise I love heavy metal and my favourite band will always be Iron Maiden. I also really like Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, Motley Crue, Korn, Rammstein, Slipknot, Disturbed, System Of A Down and Avenged Sevenfold.
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whatilistenedtoatwork · 1 year ago
From October 31st to November 3rd, 2023
MADONNA “Bedtime Stories”; LADY GAGA “The Fame”; BENGA “Diary Of An Afro Warrior”; CLIVE GREGSON & CHRISTINE COLLISTER “Mischief”; LIVING COLOR “Vivid”; GRANT GREEN “Grant’s First Stand”; THE WEDDING PRESENT “George Best”; DICK DALE & HIS DEL-TONES “King Of The Surf Guitar”; BRITNEY SPEARS “Blackout”; MILEY CYRUS “Can’t Be Tamed”; CLIVE GREGSON & CHRISTINE COLLISTER “The Last Word”; GILBERT O’SULLIVAN “Himself”; PINK FLOYD “Ummagumma”; PANASONIC “Vakio”; MILEY CYRUS “Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz”
THE ORB “Pomme Fritz”; R.E.M. “Green”; GRANT GREEN “Grantstand”; ROY BAILEY “New Bell Wake”; B.B. KING “My Kind Of Blues”; THE CORAL “Roots & Echoes”; CAMP COPE “How To Socialise And Make Friends”; CLIVE GREGSON & CHRISTINE COLLISTER “A Change In The Weather”; REEL BIG FISH “Our Live Album Is Better Than Your Live Album”; LE TIGRE “Le Tigre”; R.E.M. “Document”; PLANXTY “Words & Music”; LADY GAGA “Born This Way”; ORANGE JUICE “The Orange Juice”
BLAZON STONE “No Sign Of Glory”; THE LIGHTNING SEEDS “Cloudcuckooland”; MILEY CYRUS “Plastic Hearts”; THE BOOKS “Thought For Food”; OZZY OSBOURNE “No Rest For The Wicked”; DREADZONE “Sound”; SCOTT BRADLEE’S POSTMODERN JUKEBOX “The Essentials II”; CHUCK BERRY “Chuck Berry Twist”; LEILA “Like Weather”; RAY CHARLES “The Great Ray Charles”; THE COUP “Steal This Album”; BUDDY KNOX “Buddy Knox”; CURTIS MAYFIELD “Roots”; ORCHESTRA BAOBAB “Pirates Choice”; THE WEEKND “After Hours”
MEXRRISSEY “No Manchester”; PAUL ROBESON “Paul Robeson”; DEPECHE MODE “Speak & Spell”; TOM WAITS “Small Change”; STEREOLAB “Cobra & Phases Play Voltage In The Milky Night”; ALY BAIN & MIKE WHELLANS “Aly Bain – Mike Whellans”; BLECTUM FROM BLECHDOM “Haus De Snaus”
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