#The Double magical girl Isekai
lowkeyclueless5137 · 10 months
I just realized something. Remember that Double Magical Girl Isekai AU, what if technically the rest of the dorm leaders(plus maybe Jamil too, heck maybe Sliver) got the magical girl treatment too, except they look more royal and elegant too like the Go Princess Precure. Strong, “Kind”, Beautiful. They fight with clear elegance
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And their special attack not involved them looking more regal and graceful but also gracefully mega beaming the enemy to oblivion(believe me that series group did something like that). So they definitely better than Grim’s first years, and instead probably CLOSE(not exact but close) to Yuuki and Sebek in magical girl status(maybe) So what do you think?(I mean that AU probably won’t have enough magical girls 😅)
That would make uhhh... Like... 14(16 with Jamil and silver) magical gurls and 5 mascots. O-O;
Probably not, since then there would be too many magical girls. And no one would have enough time to shine on their own. :'3
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grubus · 3 months
Started reading "Magic Academy's Genius Blinker", a manhwa, and I must say. I do love it. I love it a lot, though it's only 22 chapters right now. It's an isekai, of course, because I love isekai. Is it a masterpiece??? No!!! No it's not, it's definitely a bit convoluted, but I'm a sucker for stories that take themselves too seriously.
Also it's a DOUBLE ISEKAI!!!
Main Character is a gamer who gets pulled into the game he's been playing for years, into the character he mained- Baek Yuseol, one of the most challenging characters to play as due to only having ONE magical ability- blink/teleport short distances, as compared to other characters who got like 20 different spells.
The game he's playing is a dating sim/fighting game set in a world of magic and it was originally aimed for a female audience, but gained a huge male following instead.
In the game, the main character is a girl named Flame....... who was isekai'd into her favorite novel, a romance story. This book is ALSO real in our mc's world. So basically
Game is based off of book, and the game decided to spice things up by adding a new female main character that will steal the female lead spot (by accident) from the book.
we have TWO isekai characters who work from very different plots. Flame is going off of the book, not knowing that she's a character in a game. This of course leads to Uh Oh moments because Baek is not following the plot of the book AT ALL, and is also accidentally fucking up the plot of the game and-
It's great. I love it.
Below we have Baek Yuseol
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And then we have.... the original love interest of Flame, this dude who is Too Good at Everything and Bored of it All (classic), but somehow now wants to hang around Baek instead of Flame??? I don't think this is a BL comic but it would be very funny if it was.
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(look how cool he looks in his Cool Future Era)
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krystal-blossom · 6 months
Equestria Girls in reverse would've been pretty cool
Like an MLP isekai, where a depressed, socially-isolated high school student gets suddenly transported to the horse dimension, and becomes a horse.
Or, imagine our depressed, socially-isolated high school student doing the horse isekai as a double-life. They have to do mundane, depressing schoolwork in the human world, before being called to the magical horse world in a villain-of-the-day / "there's a friendship problem; we need your help" sort of fashion.
Bonus points if they realize they're gay and get a partner in the horse world, having to juggle their normal, human life, with their relationship in another dimension. Imagine them having to hide their romantic relationship with a magical horse from their human friends and family.
One episode can feature the universe-hopping magic going haywire (haha), and then the mc is stuck in the human world as a horse for 24 hours. One of the main villains gains access to the human world, tries to take over, and our closeted-horse protagonist has no choice but to out themselves as a magical horse in front of everybody, in order to save the world.
I mean, sounds better than Ladybug
(Go ahead and make this into a whole AU/fanfic, if you want. Just credit me, please :p)
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yunarim · 1 year
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our rainbow-coloured days will advance forward, so shine forever
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❤︎ summary : Yuuka, a completely ordinary magicless girl, finds herself in an incomprehensible predicament. Soulmates appeared in the human world only a few decades ago and still have many inconsistencies, but Yuuka's case, to her dismay, becomes rather unprecedented.
Apparently, her soulmate is waiting for her somewhere beyond this world. ❤︎ tags : female reader, soulmates, reader is yuu, sfw, fluff, pining in some chapters, one character = one soulmate prompt ❤︎ ao3
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ִ    ꕤ Caprice of the leaves | Leona Kingscholar
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⏤ . . . prompt : scars of one of the soulmates turn into flowers on the body of another ⏤
It hurts when Yuuka tugs it on, and the pain spreads all over the left side of her face when she’s touching the petals. Gentle light pink flower with a richer crimson hue settling on the tips of the petals responds to her with a shock wave accumulating under her skin right where she touches. 
It’s been a while since she touched it willingly last time. 
She couldn’t remember when she got this rather prosaic yet frail mark on her body. At first it was small yellow flowers, reminding her of gypsophila, covering her back, as if stars were falling down her spine, leaving a long constellation map with blinking dust. She didn’t mind as she was quick to adapt to not sleeping on her back. It was bearable. 
She did notice something wasn’t right when one day she woke up, realizing she couldn’t see with her left eye. Opaque blurry stain covered her vision, and when her fingers reached the face right where her eye was supposed to be, she screamed.
Thankfully , nothing happened to her body afterwards. Still, the last modification was an unpleasant one, that is for sure. 
She wasn’t the first one with a whole confusing soulmate mess like this. Yuuka did investigate this case, and according to data received throughout countless surveys and examinations, this one could be related to her own situation.
Scars-flowers complementary pair . Apparently, her soulmate was the one with the scars, considered an addresser of sorts, and she was the addressee, who converted scars into flowers. 
Even if it meant she wasn’t alone in this world with such a cruel soulmate mark, she couldn’t help but laugh almost hysterically at the amount of provided data. According to it, the percentage of those who actually found their soulmate when faced with such a case did not exceed a thousandth . Scar on an eye is one thing, but small ones which could be easily covered with clothes, was a way of another.
Even if she actually meets someone with scars like that, it couldn’t mean she’ll get rid of the flowers. An eye contact is needed in order to do so. Now that — that was a problem. At least she tried joking.
“That’s a difficult task for me to do. I could double the chances if I looked with both eyes open, but you’ll get very interesting math results when you realize I can’t use both of my eyes, right?”
Anyhow, she tried just… get over it. Touching the flower on her eye was painful as hell, and the prospect of accidentally touching or tugging it on by someone else was a scenario she couldn't find pleasant at all, but then again, she could… no, she will manage.
Or so she thought.
Waking up in a coffin wasn’t her best plan, and Yuuka thought her most hellish scenarios couldn’t surpass this unfathomable mess. Getting isekai in another world, full of magic and… Actually, she adjusted quite quickly, it took just an hour after being dragged into catching the fire-eared cat and brief explanations to realize — magic wasn’t unfamiliar to her, giving soulmates was a new feature of her own world.
What a predicament. A magicless girl in an all-boys college. For a mere second she thought no one cared about her face and a lotus-looking flower on her left eye, but then this happened.
“Although Dark Mirror stated you have no magic, is it a common feature in your world to have a flower on an eye?” Crowley asked, finally bringing her attention to the fullest. 
“Huh?” Yuuka shivered. “No, actually, let me ask you… Do you have soulmates in this world?”
“My, my, of course we do! Though it’s the first time I’m seeing this kind of soulmate bond.”
“Glad to be of help in discovering something new then…”
She spent countless hours thinking whether her soulmate was left in her original world or was it the chance for her to actually find her person in here?
Leona yawned at first. 
It is a tribute to him, Leona actually thought it was quite unusual to witness such a situation. Amusement came to him, and he chuckled, his lips curving into a small sly smile. What a wonderful motive it was to collect new Savanaclaw students and get going already, he had to nap, after all. 
“What’s with her eye?”
“Is it a flower?”
“Looks kinda aesthetic tho…”
“Get yourself together already. Don’t you find it terrifying?”
“Yeah… must be tough.”
“I wonder if it’s painful.”
Leona's left eye twitched as he felt irritation build up somewhere under his ribs, comparable to a boiling lava. He couldn’t comprehend so many useless talks at once, yet couldn’t help but take a look at a stranger girl either.
Sudden wave of pain almost paralyzed him and he thought it was his imagination at first. 
Was it so poignantly painful because a flower on someone’s eye did sound like a serious problem in maintaining casual routines? That too, but what was the scalding feeling spreading right in his chest, making it hard to breathe? 
Her gaze fixated on Crowley, on mirror, on that damn stupid cat — on anything but him. But he had no right to feel disappointment, and why even would he?
She moved a bit, arching in the back when she tried to catch a cat, and small dots pointing through her robe were almost unnoticeable, yet Leona did — he did notice.
Maybe… just maybe he considered making Ruggie turn the whole library upside-down in order to find books with a soulmates theme in them. He did not voice it outloud, but Ruggie always was a quick one to catch on things.
It was a peaceful warm day, when Leona wondered for once if he had a soulmate in his current lifetime.
It was habitually cozy in the botanical garden, perhaps a little stuffy from the accumulated air, but the atmosphere was conducive to sleep. The rays of the sun reflected from the mirror surface of the walls, creating sparkling splashes of light dancing on the surface of the plants, to which Leona squinted his left eye, twitching his tail.
Something will happen today and he couldn’t say he was amused at the thought.
Soulmates. The word, haunting him at nights in his dreams, and the image of a Ramshackle prefect. Time rushed away from him, as if afraid of being caught, and Leona sometimes got lost in its flow. A girl with a colorful flower on her eye absorbed all his thoughts, which he clearly was not happy about.
He searched for every possible soulmate case in the books available in the college library, brought some outside, made Ruggie ask that damn Fish Mafia leader or what was his name again… 
Apparently, there was one which affected one of the soulmates, causing them to live with flowers instead of another person’s scars. He wasn’t fancying this thought, and he was even ready to declare it was… unfair. 
Leona wasn’t stupid. He didn’t need a soulmate, he never asked for one, but if there was someone suffering with flowers which were making life incredibly difficult, he wanted it to be canceled right away. He thought it would be okay to look into a person's eyes and be over it forever, everyone will be pleased and happy, continuing to live normal ordinary lives of their own.
And yet… He smelled this sweet flowery scent as if it gently touched his nose. It was pleasant, but Leona wasn’t thinking about becoming a perfumer or whatsoever. 
The sun was still shining in its magnificence, but for a moment Leona saw a halo of flowers. He blinked away this delicate apparition, as he felt an unpleasant weight on his tail.
“O-oh! I’m sorry I didn’t notice it was someone!.. Well, it’s not like I’m seeing people with tails everyday, though…”
“I believe you have to now.”
Leona, who had previously been lying on the trampled grass, took a sitting position and carefully examined the girl who was avoiding his eyes. He wondered, what caused such a reaction?
Her gaze followed from his tail, which thumped the ground uncontrollably in displeasure, to his strong arms crossed over his chest.
“Oi, herbivore. Does it hurt?”
“Who are you calling herbivore!..”
She shifted her gaze to his face, and then a muffled breath escaped her lips.
Delicate petals began to fall, swirling in the air, as if in a playful romantic waltz, and finally silently, almost weightlessly, settled on the grass right next to Leona's tail. She blinked once, first with her right eye and then with her left, not fully realizing that the familiar pain had finally left her.
Leona felt a burning sensation in his chest, his eyes widened in disbelief.
Yuuka stared at him, her gaze was almost piercing him right through bright green-coloured iris, as if trying to reach something hidden, something more intimate than just a confusion. 
She broke the silence first, but no words were needed. 
She laughed, falling to the ground uncontrollably, and Leona involuntarily reached for her shoulders in order to prevent her falling, — he failed, though, but no one cared — noticing how a pile of yellow petals fell from under her jacket, and only now found out his own eye and entire back felt like burning.
“Never… never in my life thought I actually will find my soulmate in another world.”
“That makes both of us.” He responded quietly, not knowing what he should do.
They weren’t even acquainted. They weren’t close. They weren’t friends, they weren't lovers. 
Yet when she smiled at him, arranging fallen down petals around him in a heart-shaped composition, he thought he was a complete fool.
Was it even foolish to feel something warm in his chest when she asked if he would tell her his name?
“I’m Leona,” he didn’t mind this stupid flower heart around him, reaching for her hand. “You, herbivore?”
“I’m Yuuka, please refrain from calling me strange names.”
“Hm… don’t feel like it.”
“Ugh, of course my soulmate just has to be an annoying one.”
He pulled her on his lap, gently holding her chin and making her stare at him. She has beautiful eyes, indeed. 
“You don’t look like you’re not enjoying every second of it, though.”
A light and carefree smile lit up her happy face, and she settled herself comfortably on his lap.
“Oi, herbivore. Hope you don’t mind me making amends.” 
She didn’t have time to ask what he could possibly mean, when she felt a light kiss on her eyelids. 
The touch on her eyelids was fleeting and ephemeral, as if illusory. Leona recoiled from her, peering into her eyes, as if trying to look deep and explore her soul through them, but she quickly deprived him of the opportunity to carry out this idea. Grabbing Leona by the collar, she pulled him back and placed a tender kiss on his scar.
“I spent almost my entire life trying to find my soulmate, don’t you think it would be only fair if I kiss you a little longer? You have a beautiful face, you know.”
“I guess I can say yours is quite decent, too,” he chuckled, clasping his hands around her waist. 
“Decent, huh? Oh, I’ll make you change your mind until you’re crying out of appreciation of the perfection of my face. Are you ready? I’m starting now.”
“Ooh, how scary. Let’s see what you can do.”
The kiss, which she had begun by touching her lips to the scar on his left eye, moved straight to his lips. She greedily picked them up with her own, completely forgetting herself in the tangled feelings, but it seemed that Leona himself was no better than her. 
Perhaps he would figure out the details in the process, but for now, all that occupied his mind was her and the scent of lotuses hanging in the air around them at that moment.
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❤︎ notes : song : caprice of the leaves - hoyo-mix (i just like the song name, but its vibe can be applied to just an end of the chapter ig…)
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© yushiiae 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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I chose the OP option (because I can't decide which stats I wanna focus on 😭) and I developed a little head canon to explain why my character is good at everything. In his former life he was less than OP. He was one of those people who have potential, but never applied himself, out of a mixture of laziness, procrastination, and a crippling fear of failure! When he died he was extremely disappointed in himself. He always figured that he'd pull himself together in the future, but now he's dead and he never achieved anything he wanted, other than gathering some useless facts (like maybe ancient technology such as the treadwheel crane perhaps 👀). When he got his second chance he decided he was gonna make full use of it. The instant he was able to comprehend the language of the world and was able to read, he'd sneak books and accelerate his education through reading things someone as young as him shouldn't understand. He also would go through physical training, again in secret, and watch the guards train in swordsmanship in hopes of picking something up. Since for years he had little to no responsibilities, and the mind of an adult, he has been able to devote almost all his time to developing his mind and body
TL;DR: my MC went from a procrastinator to a try hard and it payed off
Nice headcanon!
i think alot of people would be similar if they had their old memories and would give themselves a strong head start
Its really interesting to think about how you'd really act in a similar situation to the MC as you yourself.
The MC is canon to be "good" from the start, and its up to the player to choose how the MC progresses over time...honestly the best reincarnation works ive seen out there arent the traditional Isekai protag animes, its actually works that deal with a woman being reincarnated or isekai'd. Either a reincarnated villainess trope, or general isekai trope work, the ones with female leads are generally better in my opinion since it usually aint a power fantasy
Eh idk where i went with all this but it was fun to think about haha, so thanks!
Oh, some of my favorite anime that deal in reincarnation and isekai with female leads or kingdom simulators in general that do it well with male or female leads are these:
Fuuuuuck youre making me break out my old bookmarks and im seeing my mangas are now updated with new chapters...dozens of new chapters!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I WANNA STOP WRITING AND READ INSTEAD
This one has adorable art that I feel in love with as the MC starts as a baby lol, and the MC is competent, which is really nice
The MC is alright, she tries doing stuff to get out of shitty circumstances but the real highlight of the story are the titular Monster Duchess and her husband. Nooo idea how it is now but theres literally double the chapters now from where i left of and im so tempted to read lolololol
OMFGGGGG I FORGOT ABOUT THIS!! This is a fav of mine since it deals with the cinderella story! The MC is a reincarnated chick who plays as the evil stepmother in cinderella's story, but omfg its such a good twist on the trope and it really does alot of things well, and THERES SO MANY NEW CHAPTERSSSSSS
YOOOOOOOOOO I forgot this one too lmaoooo ima bad fan haha
Anyways, this is another great subversion of the reincarnating trope since the MC is on her THIRD reincarnated life, and she actually conquered EVERYTHING in her second life. But she got betrayed and killed by people and she said mannnnnn fuck this, ima get hitched with the dude who was nice to me in my old life and never asked for shit! And so begins a funny as romance story lol, GOD DAMN AND THEYRE ON THE SECOND SEASON NOOOOOOW
Someone either here or on Discord recommended this to me, and whoever did so, I love you! This is a weirdly realistic take on the historical figures of the Sengoku period having to deal with this weird girl who appears to have come out of nowhere but knows a bit of practical modern knowledge that helps Oda Nobunaga win some victories. Honestly, i really appreciate how grounded it is for a manga! The truth of the matter is, we really wouldnt be able to do that much if we were in her shoes either lol!
Bruhhhh when i tell you i squealed when i saw how many chapters this has now! Without a doubt, this is my favorite! The MC is hyper competent, she uses her femineity to her advantage and doesnt fight against it like other works do when they wanna show their female lead "isnt like other girls", and shes honestly such a joy to watch running circles around other people that screwed her over in her past life. Read this one for sure!!!!
Another competent female lead how got reincarnated and has to survive death flags by marrying one of the romance options, but the world system keeps screwing her over and its funny to see how she has to navigate trying to romance obviously shitty romance options who sound really hot (like the enemies to lovers trope would NOT be easy in real life lmao) or (the crazy mfer who makes you scared but horni)
Read this and then decide if you'd survive lol
AHGHGHGHHHH This is so good!!! Basically a girl has to become the stepmother to children how are close in age to her. She tries to do things her own way at first, but she dies. So she gets reincarnated and tries to do better the second time around. If you wanna read a good female lead doing introspection and learning from her past mistakes, read this. Its really good!
Alrighty. This is honestly a guilty pleasure, and should really be read after reading alot of villainess or female lead reincarnation manga to basically cleanse your palate with this funny ass story lol. Instead of playing by the rules of society like the previous stories, the main character does "not like other girls" very well and its enjoyable to watch lol! Use it once you get tired of the previously mentioned ones!
Annnnnnd that's it! Thank you for making me out myself lmaooooo
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hxhhasmysoul · 9 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "hxhhasmysoul "?
10? No order because I'm copying them from the tabs I opened from my ao3 bookmarks. Read the tags, especially for the M and E ratings, some are a lot.
Blue Waters by TwilaStar
Creepy and dystopian killugon fic. Rating: T
Paper Ties by sub_divided
Kalluto character study by a hxh meta queen. Rating: T
Separation Anxiety – Put your lips on my scars and teach me to love by yuujispinkhair
A beautiful and romantic canon divergence sukuita fic where Sukuna is very not self-aware and will need to deal with the consequences of that. Rating E
What Remains by SkinLizard
A heart wrenching what if Gon and Killua didn't meet as kids killugon fic. Rating: M
Ten Years and a Day by EvilPeaches
A deeply tragic and disturbing Sukuna wins sukuita fic. Rating E
The Sea Torn Hearts by fireolin
A beautiful killugon AU with magic and sea creatures. Rating E
Baby you're Violent (Sukuita) by Snakespell
A deeply tragic sukuita AU where Sukuna is a god and Yuuji is a human he owns. Rating E
Enshrined by Cogni_Diss
A funny but also kinda heavy sukuita Heian AU where Yuuji becomes a living kami. Rating M
Tease by litrallymadlad
A funny and melancholic killugon college AU but where Gon is a porn star and Killua is weird. Rating obviously E
Double-Edged Crown by cyberflamingo
An endearing and well plotted royalty AU where Gon is a prince and Killua pretends to be a girl. Rating T
Into the Wood by SchrodingersCat_DoA
A disturbing and very folklore sukuita AU. Rating E
Iseka- I can't believe this shit by Roxie23
A hilarious isekai sukuita AU where manga Sukuna switches places with a Sukuna from our reality who is an MMA fighter. Rating M
A Feint Vow by runboyrun
One of the maybe 5 itafushi fics I liked while reading through that tag, and the only one I loved. A royalty AU that tickles my anthropological preferences. Rating E
Greed Academy by Senket
A hilarious and sweet killugon actor AU, rating G
Werewolf in Swaldani by jyuanka
A LeorioXCheadle werewolf AU. Phenomenal worldbuilding and language. Rating M
Picturesque by Im_only_mildly_ashamed
Beautiful and so so painful runion-ish killugon fic. Rating M
Ephemeral by AvaCelt
Amazing murder boat fic, if Togashi never ends hxh, you have Ava. Rating M
Dance of the Butterfly by ChumbalieWumbus
Heavy, obsessive Meiji sukuita AU, deep in my rotten heart I'm praying for it to get a continuation. Rating E
Bound Together by Cogni_Diss
A sukuita canon divergence which starts with Yuuji being trapped in with Sukuna in Sukuna's inner domain for a year. Rating M
I have surely forgotten some. Also my taste is so all over the place. It's from cutesy fluff to hard and quite disturbing porn.
Re: the other question, I'm very bad at coming up with account names. And this name represents the deep victimisation I felt at the time and still feel to this day, HxH traumatised me to the extent that I joined a fandom for the first time in my life.
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princesscolumbia · 6 months
Double Isekai - Chapter 9
So here we are at the end of my backlog. It was nice to be able to post once a day and not have to stress over jumping straight back into it, but I knew that wasn't gonna finish LLW ch. 14 anywhere near the time my backlog was gone. It did, however, firm up my desire to actually get a backlog going and eliminate that stress-point from my life.
Ranma gets the chance to talk to someone who isn't directly impacted by the isekai and knew her both before and after. She gets some advice that she probably should have received in her previous life.
And here we have the first canonical events that are directly impacted by the new timeline.
Preview below the cut:
The visit to Dr. Tofu's clinic went about as well as they could have expected, given the man's general open-mindedness about things involving magic and spiritual. It helped that the man could read qi auras; he'd described what he saw with Ranma like blending flavors of ice cream, which both isekai'd individuals smiled at.
"I must say, as much trauma as I'm seeing in your auras, you're remarkably well adjusted even after...well, all this." The doctor gestured up and down at the pair of them, sitting side by side on his exam table.
"Thank you, Doctor," "Thanks, Doc," they said at the same time. Ranma rolled her eyes and Nodoka giggled.
"Fascinating," he murmured under his breath, "If it's alright with you two, I'd like to set up ongoing monitoring appointments. Even in your other world the concept of the 'isekai' was fictional, so there wouldn't be any medical knowledge for managing cases like yours. While it's unlikely that I'll ever get a chance to publish anything on the issue, it would be good to at least make sure everything is working out okay for you two long-term."
Nodoka smiled warmly at the man, If I swung that way...ah well, he'll make someone a good husband soon enough, I'm sure. "That sounds lovely, and I'd be interested in reading your findings and discussing your conclusions."
"If you're sure you can keep up..." he returned her smile.
Ranma snorted, "Doc, c'mon. We taught ourselves data analytics and auto repair. Might need a reference or five, but we aint slouches."
Like many aspects of the conversation so far, Tofu showed all the signs of being pleasantly surprised by the new fold in the origami puzzle that was his most complex patient. "Fascinating...was the intelligence always there but expressed in purely martial ways or was your previous incarnation for this universe a savant and this more broad-spectrum intelligence a new addition from the merging?"
Ranma shrugged, "Think it was prolly the first one. Pops did his level best t'beat anything that wasn't The Art outa me. Kinda made me stupid in all sorts of ways. Aint sayin' I know for sure, but I did teach myself the 'roasting chestnuts' thing using adaptive methods thanks to an artificially imposed temporary disability, an' that was a LONG time before the isekai."
The conversation lasted a bit longer, Doctor Tofu completing the same physical that he did for the Tendo girls and providing a referral for a gynecologist he'd already 'felt out' about the Jusenkyo issue with a promise to have another ready if they should prove less receptive than he'd expected.
"I'll see what I can do about a counselor or therapist as well," he said after Nodoka brought up the concern, "That will be...harder, most likely. Not only is that a bit outside my specialty, without the ability to see qi and already having a history with either of you like I did, any therapist is going to be inherently skeptical."
Nodoka nodded, "As can be expected, this is a highly unusual case, to say the least." She paused visibly, as though bracing herself for a challenge, "I...don't want you to do anything that might violate your ethical obligations or result in a loss of your license, but about Ranma's male form..."
Tofu leaned back, a clearly intelligent mind piecing together the request before she could even make it but allowing his patient to ask the question anyway. Such manners...maybe some Jusenkyo water? No, don't be silly. You're a horny old woman but that's no reason to go looking for people to make dysphoric. Out loud, she said, "Might it be possible to see about transitioning her other body?" she gestured to her daughter, who was clearly doing her best to not get her hopes up too much.
Tofu appeared to ponder the question, "I'll admit I don't believe anyone has asked for such a thing in the annals of Jusenkyo." He stood and walked over to the counter he'd placed Ranma's file on earlier and flipped it open, jotting a few notes down, "I've started a correspondence with Cologne's tribe as they're the nearest group of people to the springs and so have the most experience with them." He finished his note and closed the file, facing them directly, "Most 'curse victims' opt to simply have the curse locked."
Nodoka grimaced and Ranma squirmed. The younger isekai'd woman piped in, "I aint sure that's a good idea, doc. It's...well, it's like noise-cancelling headphones if I'm thinkin' correctly."
"'Noise-cancelling...'?" parroted the doctor.
Nodoka chuckled, "I believe they're working on industrial applications for the technology now and it won't be on the consumer market for a decade or two yet, but they use the principal of a cancelled waveform to block sound." She traced a sine wave in the air in front of her, "Sound is just pressure waves in the air, so one simply sets up a microphone to capture the sound, a computer processes the opposite waveform, then broadcasts that back in the direction of the audio source," she traced an opposite sine wave going the other direction, "And the two waveforms cancel each other out."
"Problem is, doc, it's technically just more sound, only ya can't hear it," added Ranma. "And dependin' on how loud the original sound is, yer slamming a LOT of dee-bees into your ears."
Tofu gave her a confused smile, "'dee-bees'?"
Ranma smirked, "Decibels, or dBs." Tofu nodded with a quiet 'ah!' as Ranma continued, holding up a hand and punching it lightly, "It's like yer hammerin' yer eardrums twice as hard but ya can't hear it." She dropped her hands into her lap, "Aint interested in getting' magical tinnitus or whatever it'd be called."
He chuckled at her metaphor, "That's not a bad comparison, though I'll want to confer with some experts to see if that's actually a concern. If it is, then we'll definitely want to look into alternatives. As for hormone replacement therapy," he sounded hesitant, and his next words made it clear why, "We'll need to try some things, and I'll need to confer with some colleagues with discrete inquiries. I'm not an endocrinologist and I'm not equipped to do the hormonal testing here, so we'll need to bring in some others to see what can be done." He adjusted his glasses thoughtfully, "This could be an interesting, if extremely niche article in a journal somewhere." He chuckled as he put a hand on his hip and scratched the back of his head, "I'll probably need to find a way to introduce the Amazon's magic and traditional medicine doctors to some open minded colleagues," he focused on Ranma, "Would you be willing to demonstrate your curse to a select few people? If your descriptions of dysphoria are anything to go by, it might be uncomfortable and I wouldn't want you to subject yourself to that..."
Ranma smirked, "I aint sayin' no, but I can talk to Shampoo t'see if she'd demonstrate first. I'm betting a girl turning into a cat'd be enough of a metaphorical gut-punch to convince just about anyone of how real magic is."
Tofu could only chuckle at this proposal, "Now, if you'll excuse us, Nodoka. We're at the part of the appointment where I talk to Ranma about things teenagers don't want their parents to hear about."
(Read the whole thing on AO3)
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toxictac · 30 days
Did this drawing yesterday but i forgot to post it lol, been really into isekai genderbend manga
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So yeah i basicly made batman isekai, as the brother of a fan of a otome game reincanates as the villaness and takes in a double life as vigilante
So for a random drawing i got suprisingly deep into the idea, so im gonna try to make it consince
So the main character isnt a fan of the visual novel perse, being the brother of a girl that due to an illness spend her days at a hospital where she would play (and obsess over) said visual novel
The main character is transported to this world after opening the laptop of her supose decises sister and gets transported to the world of the otome game as the villaness
Due to his mental state he mostly tries to keep appearences untill a fatefull encounter, where seeing a mysterious person save her he from a bounch of thiefs (the main protagonist) gains a porpouse on his life, he decides to take on the injustices of the world by becoming a vigilante
I imagine the series would pick up from an early age and just like other villaness stories he would have certain hints from his past (althought not as clear due to his second hand knowlage) that he would try to use while still keeping up appearences as the villanes
I specially would like for her brother to be the main antagonist as the main chief officer and her sister to still be alive but as the main character (with neither of her or his brother knowing their secrets)
Im basicly imagine isekai political royalty with kickass and a dash of fun comedy shonen, in a sortha generic fantasy setting with some sorth magic tecnology
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yuripoll · 1 year
making good headway in reading (or rereading) everything for propaganda collection & rec writing, but @whysapphics suggested posting the list of titles for season 3 in case anyone wants to read things beforehand
still subject to change if i end up quibbling over what to include, but here's the current roster (under the cut)
dark forest, white road <- yoshida chiyu (high school drama including a blind girl)
ayaka is in love with hiroko <- sal jiang (silly office romcom)
the moon on a rainy night <- kuzushiro (high school drama including a deaf girl)
serendipity <- mimiyori (webcomic about an overworked magical girl)
handsome girl and sheltered girl <- majoccoid & mocha au lait (silly miscommunication romcom)
aoi hana <- takako shimura (classic schoolgirl yuri)
composing spring in this room where cherry blossoms bloom <- tokuwotsumu (angst. ough.)
makoto no momoka <- sumiko arai (oneshot)
i decided to fake a marriage with my junior to shut my parents up <- kodama naoko (exactly what it says on the tin)
sakura namiki <- takahashi makoto (OLD old. proto-yuri)
i'm not cut out to be a princess, so i'll elope with the villainess <- yamagata atsuka (isekai oneshot)
netsu wo obiru veil <- sakura togane (oneshot about unrequited love)
muted <- miranda mundt (fantasy webcomic)
the girl that can't get a girlfriend <- mieri hiranishi (autobiographical lesbian dramady)
a lady's table <- hwemi (girl dinner <3)
because you are a red rose <- mokuzuko (oneshot about unrequited love... again. im not having issues i prommy)
that time i was blackmailed by the class's green tea bitch <- xian jun (silly high school romcom)
2dk gpen aftertime <- yayoi ohsama (anthology including an epilogue to 2dk gpen alarm clock)
kanojo ni naritai kimi to boku <- takase umi (kind of a stretch to call it yuri (for spoiler reasons) but about a girls crush on her childhood friend who recently came out as trans)
indigo blue <- yamaji ebine (down to earth josei drama about a writer cheating on her bf with a woman)
destroy it all and love me in hell <- kuwabara tamotsu (so THIS is the toxic yuri ive heard so much about)
mahou josei chimaka <- kaiju (webcomic turned real comic about an ex-magical girl who needs to save the world again; no longer available online which unfortunately means i wont be able to read this one at the moment... hmu if anyone knows of an ebook sale for it ToT EDIT: oh im dumbbb i looked at the submission to double check for content warnings and its on IA)
savior <- junqi & jo9 (vampire yuri)
to die in june <- kuragenanami (alternate history where young girls were recruited to the jp army in ww2)
soulmate <- wenzhi lizi & ke ran bing (woman gets bodyswapped with her 17 year old self)
yuki and the authoress <- nagori yu (historical romance)
blooming sequence <- lee eul (college student romance)
you are my angela <- murasakino (short romance about an angel)
maria-sama ga miteru <- konno oyuki & nagasawa satoru (classic schoolgirl yuri)
a kiss and a white lily for her <- canno (modern schoolgirl yuri)
ohana holoholo <- torino shino (gay josei family drama)
kakegurui <- kawamoto homura & naomura tooru (not strictly yuri but, like teppuu, ive been led to believe its homoerotic enough to break that barrier)
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thelargefrye · 1 year
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rules : post the name of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
tagged by : @writingmochi wow, thank you for the tag! it was a nice surprise!!
there's... a lot so be prepared DJDHFJKSDHF i have it divided up by universes and aus. i'm probably missing some to be honest, but a lot of these i've been planning for like... two years now so yeah lol.
starseed franchise
dragon from the window – dragon au, will list planned chapters
quiet days ( yeosang focused )
dear moon, my best friend
umbra witch
homage heart ( san focused )
wicked witch ( mingi focused )
collision hearts ( jongho focused )
the princess and her dragon
the little witch and the lost demon – miniseries prequel
song of fourteen years – atla au
book one, chapter 2
the white lotus - a what if chapter for mona
song of the past
library of illusion – mythical library au, five chapters left.
horror section : the devil was here
history section : a memory thorn
keeper of keys : the little mermaid
restricted section : the stone flower
kaledia – rome inspired au, magic / supernatural au. a girl and a flower. still in early development.
moons of venus – space pirate au, treasure planet au. still in early development.
come back home – ateez lore au, dystopian au. currently remaking.
starseed on tragedy: when the world fell – apocalypse au for haru. still in early development.
body of eve – witch au. still in early development.
idealism – isekai au
ragnarok – spirit world au
truly sick – berserk inspired au, dark, fantasy, dungeons and dragons inspired.
joongfryeverse franchise
sweet sorrow of evil – evil queen au, collab with topaz. chapter one planned and needs to be written.
rose blossom – what if twilight academy (by topaz) inspired au, wizard au, wizard school au. woosan focused. still in early development.
other series
allergy – hybrid au. wolf!wooyoung, cat!f!reader, human!seonghwa for the first chapter. planned but not written.
carnage – monster!teez, smut, fantasy au. hongjoong's introduction chapter in the works.
love-heart-xx.com – pornstar au, director!hongjoong and actress!reader ft. other ateez members. chapters listed below:
the beginning
film with seonghwa
two doms teaching a sub how to dom another ( w/ seonghwa, san, wooyoung )
in a log cabin with husband!yunho
the outlaw : masquerade – vampire the masquerade bloodline inspired au, choose your own adventure. still in heavy early development.
death vision – demon au, office au, reincarnation au, historical / modern au. still in heavy early development.
seoul revengers – tokyo revengers inspired, high school au, gang au, time travel au. chapter names below:
the girl who leapt through time
june 2017
visage city – coven au, supernatural au. ateez x multiple ocs. chapters listed below:
the she devil comes
awaken the nap star
farewell, neverland
need the light
shooting star
broken melodies of my soul
puzzle moon
against the tide
untitled #1 – dark pictures anthology inspired au, supernatural au. still in heavy early development.
untitled #2 – werewolf au. same universe as honey cycle. planned but not written.
other one - shots
by the ocean – sea creature au (siren and mermaid), modern fantasy beach town au. merpeople!woojoong & f!reader, siren!yeohwa, and human!yungisanho. still in development.
untitled #3 – handler!wooyoung and fighters!san & f!reader, van smut, for topaz.
god's right hand – hero and villain au, soulmates, horror, dark.
untitled #4 – double possessed au. eve / lilith. college au. that's all folks.
keep my secrets and heart – husband montage au, single dad!idol!yunho, angsty. planned but not written.
midsummer night of the dragons – house of the dragons au, mature. still in early development.
other groups and misc.
seventeen werewolf fic – werewolf au, same-ish universe / au as the ateez au. still in heavy early development.
enhypen found family fic – fantasy au, supernatural, found family, no romance / all platonic relationships
seventeen addition
ateez addition
girl group
tags : @sanjoongie @invuwrld @flowerboykun @stardragongalaxy @ad0rechuu @seonghwaddict @little-lazuli @gummygowon and anyone else who wants to do it! also no pressure to the people i tagged! you're more than welcome to ignore this!
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hey so I saw your "THIS SHIT AIN'T NEW WHEN IT COMES TO ROWLING!" Reblog and i have always had this thought in mind.
you know how the Harry Potter fandom and you know how it is more well known that the bigger the fandom the chances of maybe mass harassment of some on who says something even wrong for like a piece of media like as an example how Anime Fan's tend to go after anyone who is even uncomfortable about what is shown or how fans of celebrities do not take it well when you point out that some one they like is awful?
I have been thinking, was there a chance that some one who tried to point out the nasty implications in the series could have been chased out due to trying to criticize the work and may have done so well that people like forgot?
its like I can't help but feel paranoid that that could have happened and been forgotten. because fandoms can be awful or cruel to critics.
That wouldn't be surprising, hell I might as well say YES because I can damn near guarantee that it's happened multiple times and is still happening to this day, but to take your consideration further as to commentate on the problems of fandom culture… I am gonna go on a bit of a tangent/rant so if you don't want to read that understand that you're spot on.
Anime/Weeb culture has existed and doubled down on and incentivized by the Anime and even Manga creators/studios to such an extent that women are outright ostracized to a point that it's disgusting. I have a question?
How many men have been asked to name every single anime title that had been created in the 90’s?
How many men have been asked to name every single song on the 12 album of the Beetles in order of length and then in order that is played?
How many men have been asked to name every album made by Sleep Token?
I can, with my full chest, say that no man has been asked these sorts of questions. But a woman? They've been asked these sort of things a million times for a million different fandoms.
I myself haven't, despite being a woman, only because I rarely interact with fandoms and do my best to avoid these sorts of situations, specifically online where I can easily be assumed to be the opposite gender. But there is also another aspect to it when it comes to anime as you've indirectly pointed out:
The treatment of female characters in just about 98% of anime and 99% of Isekai anime. That being female characters are either damsels in distress or just tits on a stick.
Softcore porn because the creators honestly think that their viewers are so unabashedly stupid and lack an attention span to such a point that they think they need to shove enough tits and ass shots – doubly so for under age characters – in order to keep the viewers’ attention.
Many weebs defend this sort of behavior because and I quote “Anime isn't for girls”.
My response is always, “Then you need to stop watching every anime made by women and you also have to step away from every magical girl show ever created.”
Fullmetal Alchemist: made by a woman.
Black Butler: made by a woman.
Revolutionary Girl Utena: made by a woman.
Fruits Basket: made by a woman.
Violet Evergarden: made by a woman.
The entire Manga and Anime industries face so much sex-based discrimination that female creators have to hide their genders through a pen-name. Your favorite anime was probably made by a woman who had to hide her gender/identity in order to get it published.
But this will never be acknowledged by the “Boy's Club” that is the Anime/Weeb community and the Industry. They don't want to acknowledge their bullshit.
They don't want to look at the opposite gender as anything other than objects. Objects to save, objects to look at, a pretty face to wank one out to.
It's so easy to piss off the Weebs that it's damn near ridiculous.
Write somewhere “Sakura is actually not useless, read the Light Novels which are actually cannon and she's actually written as a decent character.” and watch how many weebs will be pissed off by that alone.
Make a video talking about how you’re tired of being taken out of Isekai anime because the needless sexualization of the female characters just shoots your immersion down so hard that it hurts, while casually mentioning that you do like Dr. Stone and Demon Slayer, and watch as those casual mentions are ignored and get screamed at by so many weebs that you're forced to ignore it because it's clear they don't care about the other half of the audience.
Try to talk about how female characters are needlessly sexualized in their designs and it's getting to the point that you're unable to take the characters seriously when their own lore shows them to be something else entirely? Yeah good luck with how many assholes call you a “soyboy feminist who hates sexy characters”.
No matter what you do you're gonna get attacked and downed out. And that to me is horrifying.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 11 months
hi can i request a drawing of Yuuki and Ortho in both magical hero form and cute mascot form please :). Also I want to see Idia in cute mascot form too(let the two brothers be seen together in mascot form. Two fire cats except Idia is bit bigger than Ortho :}. Maybe even Lucius secretly adopting the two cause they are kittens to the cat). Maybe even Yuuki and whoever Idia’s magical hero?(Why do I see Mrs Shroud give magical girl advice to Yuuki if she ever meets them)
I don't have my tablet :'3
So take this crappy photo of a sketch I had for Yuuki (ps, I had a glitter pen in my case... Also ignore my finger)
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The ✨loafs✨ are just simple poses I have for them to somewhat compare sizes :'3
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isekai-crow · 8 months
Sasaki and Peeps / Sasaki to Pii-chan Episode 1
Overall Rating So Far: 7/10
(Purely because I have no idea where this is going and there is So Much and I can't make sense of it)
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(This promo art implies it won't be a harem but I'm starting to have my doubts...)
I have no idea where to put my hopes in this anime, as everything that interested me initially got blasted through in the first episode.
Also, the MAL page has been updated since I last looked at it to show an almost all female cast whereas it had more male characters like French in it before it started airing...
However, I still hold hope. We've got quite a few big name VAs, but a studio thats mostly put out harem isekais (and possibly some hentai?).
Fricken Namikawa Daisuke is in here as a side character, French the cook (a bit on the nose for a name but..). He's one of my favorite VAs, and his famous roles (for me) being Hisoka from HunterxHunter and Chousou from JJK among a host of other huge roles. His basic existence is a draw for me. The fact that he is in this at all has gotta mean something, right???
Sasaki-san is also voiced by a big name VA, Sugita, Tomokazu !! Gintoki from Gintama, JOSEPH JOESTAR, Rudeus from Mushoku Tensei, KATAKURI from One Piece!!
And Pii-chan HAS ANOTHER FAVORITE!!! Pii-chan voiced by the amazing Yuuki, Aoi!! Our Beloved Maomao!!! who, btw is also the voice Madoka!! Tsuyu-chan from BNHA!! Tanya Degurecha from Youjo Senki!! Tatsumaki from One Punch Man!! An awesome voice with an amazing range.
I'll give it a few more episodes and see if the supposed actual plot keeps my attention. I'm decent at ignoring harem and fan service when it suits me (See, My Love: Tensura) (and I do also love me a good yandere)
Episode 1 Spoilers below~
Our main character is a salaryman/office worker name Sasaki, who is ready to "This is fine" and "Yes, and" his was through life.
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We have a Java Sparrow, and exotic pet that said officer worker decides to buy ON A WHIM with NO pre-emptive research whatsoever.
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Said Java Sparrow is a MASSIVE CHUNIBYO EDGELORD named Piercarlo who has been isekai'd twice?? and is a wizard, but can't use his powers because HE'S A SPARROW.
The scene where Peeps is calling for someone to pick him is hilarious, but man, the ability to just walk into a pet store and buy an exotic pet with no license, training, or background check continues to be terrifying. (I had the chance to buy a hooded crow for $2000, and was mind boggled that they wouldn't let me pet it but would let me take it home with me that day if I just paid. Japan animal laws aren't great yo)
The first episode was a double feature but I didn't notice until we got to the second magic system and went wtf?? It's still going? (I needed to LEAVE and was like... one more episode? *sparkly eyes* and ended up getting two... Nuuuuuuu not like thiiiiiiis I'm gonna miss my traiiiiin)
Last time this happened was with Ragna Crimson (Which SURPRISE SURPRISE IS BY THE SAME STUDIO) and I think Capybara and I made it to episode three? I feel like it's a sign if you need two whole episodes to express one episode's worth of set-up, there's too much going on. And that might be the case again. We get multiple magic systems! We speed run the setting up a trade business and a restaurant in another world! THAT WAS WHAT I WANTED THO, WHY'D YOU SPEED RUN THAT.
I was sincerely hoping for another Campfire Cooking in Another World...
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I DO love that Sasaki-san rolls with everything that comes his way, including a yandere high school girl (however it's implied is being neglected since she's always sitting outside her front door while her mum fucks some rando... and I guess Sasaki does nothing or just doesn't notice?)
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But after all the set up, suddenly a lady in a business suit shows up and is actively getting MURDERED by some dude with Magic?? But they're in the real world?? ? And she's about as Genki as Shion is in TenSura, (but I hope not as annoying as anime Shion, because manga/LN Shion is a badass).
After a bit of research...
"The author, Bunkorori, says that he wanted to develop a story that would create a sense of tension in the modern world instead of showing a slow life in the other world. The author says that he wanted to keep a pet but was unable to and that he wanted to express his desire through writing, which was the impetus for writing this work."
This makes a bit more sense now... Not really, but that's basically all the pieces of what was included in this first episode set-up. I'm kinda bummed if it's not actually gonna be a slow life in another world, but maybe the tension of the modern world will be fun?
Not that I don't already have enough tension in my real world...
Anyways, a few more episodes! We will see if this is worth sticking with or if I'm gonna drop it.
ep2 ep3 ep4 ep5 ep6 <- these will eventually become links
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mistress-chan · 1 year
Its weebsday my dudes
Sorry about missing last Weeb Wednesday, started a new position at my job and life was crazy, but it got me thinking about jobs and long story short I thought of isekai because this devil is not just a part timer. I am not a fan of most isekai, even though one of my favorite stories is an isekai (Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There) I did want to talk about an isekai I did like. Also because it is Weeb Wednesday it has to involve gay magical girls, okay that might not be the rules but the world just needs more gay magical girls. I mean technically one is magical(ish) but does travel through time and there is something about time traveling lesbians.
Anyway the anime I am wanting to bring up is Shokei Shōjo no Ikiru Michi (The Executioner and Her Way of Life) which I loved because it started out as your normal power fantasy isekai where some guy gets summoned to a fantasy world and turns out he has a magical ability that gives him incredible power. Now, in your average isekai the hero would:
Meet up with a priestess, ⭕ like he does
She shows him how to use his ability, ⭕ like she does
They go on an adventure. ❌ wrong.
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Nope, turns out the priestess was not your normal member of the clergy but an executioner who was sent out to kill anyone who ended up getting isekai'd.
So the “main character” gets murked halfway into the first episode and all the nerds got upset on MAL (MyAnimeList) and review bombed the episode because they “killed the main character.” From then on it follows the story of the priestess Menou as she tries to kill other “lost ones” but turns out that is harder than you think, mainly because the one she has to kill is just a normal Japanese school girl, Akari, but falls in love with Menou and can turn back time (yep a time traveling lesbian). Throw in her assistant Momo who also has a crush on Menou and Ashuna the warrior princess who has a thing for both Momo and Menou and you get the gayest anime in the spring of 2022 that did not involve golf (yes golf). It is not really a polycule but damn close. Unfortunately it looks to be just one season but the light novel is better than the anime in my opinion. 
Oh and last thing, just to twist the knife the last episode showed the corpse of the “main character” being used as a component in a spell so he is double dead.
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visceralcoma · 2 years
So I hit a pretty big fanfic milestone today!
I don't normally put much weight into kudos or hits to be honest, but I recently checked my stats to see how many subscriptions, bookmarks, and comment threads I had, and I noticed how many kudos I was about to hit on one of my fics and had to do a double take. I hit 1000 Kudos. I'd never breached the four digit threshold before. My long wips all get to about the 500-800 kudo range and then stop getting new kudos (but plenty of comments). So I was honestly shocked. I had to take a moment to sit back.
And then immense doubt overfilled me so I went to the fic in question and noticed about 330 of those kudos were guest kudos, so it could have been people logging out to kudo the fic again to inflate the numbers like they used to when rapid-clicking the kudo button.
But even still... four digits! 1000 kudos. I thought I'd never see the day. Especially because I write OC-centric fics, Portal Fantasy/Isekai sorta stuff. So I never thought it would be read all that much. It's wild.
And to add to it, I was just considering posting the fic over on fanfiction.net because I know gen fics tend to do better over there vs on ao3. Guess this is all the motivation I need to do just that.
The fic in question that hit 1k kudos is Rippling the Pages, an adult fan of HP steps through a red telephone booth and lands in the Ministry of Magic and has to be quick on her feet to get help without revealing she's not supposed to be in their world.
To be honest I owe this milestone to my prior fics and the people who read them and supported me through out writing them. Each wip I've done, even if I've stopped updating them, has helped me improve my writing. Including but not limited to all my Modern Character in Thedas/Modern GIrl in Thedas fics.
My MCIT/MGIT long fics that really helped me get here are (in order of when I was working on them)
Maker Have Mercy (2015-2016 - In Rewrite)
By the Tits of My Ancestors (2016-2021 On Hiatus)
No Deed Left Unpunished (2017-Present)
Mea Culpa (2019-Present)
Sins Against the Wall (2020-Present)
These aren't all of them but they are the biggest/longest ones I have.
Anyway that's all. Just wanted to share this milestone.
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peppermintchaos · 6 months
Which Peppermint would be the last man standing if placed in a ‘kill your double’ scenario
ignoring god au because like. that's an entirely different power scale if we counted them in they would sweep without trying oops. other than them i think it would end up being either isekai au or magical girl au? maybe genshin au but i think they're more defensive and would end up getting beat out. plus isekai v. magical girl au minty would be hilarious idgaf vs. EXTREME gaffery
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