#The Disney Afternoon Collection
smbhax · 10 months
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Altered box art for DuckTales (GB JP) from The Disney Afternoon Collection (PC/Steam) (which does NOT contain the GB ports of the NES games, just the box art for them! 'p'). The Nintendo marks have been scrubbed.
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writebackatya · 1 year
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Well I can now legally say that I beat DuckTales
On the PS4
Using the rewind feature whenever I felt like it
Still counts
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anymousse · 5 months
Lorcana Deck Building Rant
So I spent most of last weekend and this morning cataloguing Disney Lorcana cards and for me personally, building a deck with these cards is maddening.
I've played Magic the Gathering before, so I know the goal of deck building is to build using strategies. How you're going to win; a deck that can obliterate your opponents; decks that restore your health, etc. And quite frankly, my way of building Magic decks is to deconstruct a starter and go from there.
For Lorcana, I know it's about getting cards that can hinder your opponents, maybe get you more lore or having cards that allow you to draw more cards and/or take cards out of your discard pile or cards that give you more ink, etc.
But if I want to build a TaleSpin deck, I'm limited to two colors and it's like, most of the cards are Sapphire and Emerald, but there are three that are Amber. So I can't use the Amber cards. In DuckTales, the majority of the cards are Ruby and Sapphire, with the exception of the Gizmo Suit (Grey), Magic and Lena cards (both Amethyst).
Let me build my beloved Disney Afternoon decks using the characters, not the colors!
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With the Disney100 celebration going on this year and the confirmation that Darkwing Duck is included in the festivities as confirmed merch drops, I really hope when the thing gets to the 90s themed stuff that maybe, just MAYBE, we finally get a QuackerJack toy.
Dude's been a character for like 31 years, and he ain't go no collectible toys. Y'know. The guy who's main schtick is toys?
The funny cartoon duck who lives and breathes toys, and hates video games... and is in like seven video games, two of those appearances of which have been released in the last five years.
I just want a QuackerJack plushie or a figurine or, heck, even a FUNKO POP FIGURE, he'd look so good with my Megavolt toys. I'll even be fine with a rubber ducky collaboration thing that squeaks when you squish him, I don't care, I just want a tangible QuackerJack object that isn't a shirt, comic, game, episode, or a postage stamp. 🥺
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mastertuki · 3 months
Some screen captures I get from the Disney Afternoon Collection on Xbox (2017).
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megahorous · 2 years
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When the Disney Afternoon Collection came out, I wished it were on Switch--but now I got it on Steam !
I played through Rescue Rangers and DuckTales, two old favourites
And then I just played through Rescue Rangers 2 !  I never actually owned that one, though I played it years ago 
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fimmiest · 7 days
light - danielle x fem!reader
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"you always had me, you're always shining"
non!idol au, established relationship, purely fuffly!! not sure abt the pacing but just needed to get this one out of my system... enjoy :)
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"beach! beach! beach!!" two excited voices cheered in the backseat, the windows rolled down and you remember seeing the shoreline getting closer and salty breeze pickling on your skin. every summer break you would go with danielle's family at the beach, it was your favorite thing.
a spot where you and dani had spent countless afternoons digging in the sand, collecting shells, and daring each other to jump into the waves, how her eyes would always be full of wonder and excitement, full of life. it was just how she was, always shining.
"look yn!!" little danielle exclaimed holding a shell out like a treasure meant only for you.
you glanced at her and there was a glow about her, like dani belongs here, in this moment, with the ocean and the open sky. her sunburned skin from being out in the sun all day, and pretty sure yours were too.
"it is beautiful" you take the shell and hold it close to your heart, gaze not on the ocean trinket but on her.
you remember falling asleep at dani's shoulder at the ride back that day.
if you could choose, sunday night would probably be your least favorite time of a day. just the thought about the next day being a monday and all the stressfully school week coming back again it was enough to loom your head... well it would be. but since danielle noticed you got what you named 'monday blues' she made it her mission to spend every, not skipping a single one, sunday night with you.. not that you ever tried to stop her
just like right now, it didn't even needed much to be enjoyable. you two were just laying on your bed after dinner, danielle was watching another disney movie since she said she would marathon them all over again, you payed attention on the first one laughing along with her but at the second your focus had drifted. you were teetering on the edge of boredom and sleepiness, lulled by the warmth and comfort of having danielle close.
your fingers absentmindedly played with her hair, since she was lying on your chest, her head nestled against you as you traced random patterns on her hairline and face.
she turns her attention to you, her heads tilts in a silent question that you didn't understand, you tilt your head back at her, confusion written on your face.
"you've been going around at this side of my face for a while" danielle smiles pointing at your fingers resting at the right side of her face and you freeze for a second by the observation
"oh, sorry does it bother?" you began to pull your hand away, embarrassed that you hadn’t noticed.
"no no" she replied quickly, grabbing your hand and holding it in place. "is just funny.. cause you always do this when we are laying down"
"i..." thump "i like your little moles, you know? they are like little stars.. a tiny constellation"
"yeah?" her smile was teasing but the longing on her eyes told you the otherwise, it made your chest tighten.
"uhm.." without thinking too much, you leaned down, pressing a soft peck to the moles near her cheekbone. there was one near her eye, mostly hidden, but for you it was the most adorable one, you lingered there for a couple of seconds longer, hearing dani let out a tiny involuntary squeal soon after.
"you know what I want?" you heard dani saying, her hand tugging on your shirt to draw your attention to her, as if it wasn't ever
"go to the beach"
you nod absentmindedly, missing the beach days you two used to go when kids "yeah, well the test season is ending next week. i think we can go-"
"no. i mean, right now"
"what??" you turn to look at her, eyes wide "dani we can't-"
"look" she starts "it's only.. six and it's like uhmm a hour and half to get there, right? and then we stay for a solid two hours, if all goes right we return home before midnight!" she finished with a big smile, you are not even surprised by the sudden burst of organization.
you shake your head already knowing this would undeniable, until your remember a detail "and how are we going there, my sun?"
"yn" she looks at you like the answer is already obviously "my star, darling, aren't you a licensed driver now?"
you open and close your mouth, thrown off by the fact that she trust in you driving "i mean.. yeah, but-"
"then let's go!!" dani jumps up and grabbed a bag that, conveniently, was sitting next to your desk.
the sudden footsteps coming from the stairs makes your mom, who was at the living room look up surprise at you girls "where are you two going?"
"to the beach!!" danielle exclaim excited, you tried to answer her question but dani was already dragging you by the hand out of the door.
"hey, sunshine?"
"hm?" dani turns to look at you, normally bathed by the sun it was different looking at her in the moonlight glow. if it was even possible, she looked more beautiful under the stars.
you smiled softly, reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
"nothing" the words you didn’t say hung in the air, you were sure it didn't needed to be said, for the moment you look at the ocean back again
dani chuckles loveably and rest her head on your shoulder "i love you" her holds your hand, fingers intertwining as if it were the most natural thing in the world, you gently squeeze her hand in return.
"i love you, too"
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wonies-cheeks · 4 months
Skincare & Disney | l.hs
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Genre: fluff
W/C: 2.2k
Warning: swearing
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, and you and your boyfriend, Heeseung, had decided to spend the day in, pampering yourselves with a skincare routine and watching a Disney movie marathon. Your bedroom was cozy, with soft blankets piled on top of your bed and a selection of your favorite snacks laid out on the nightstand beside your bed. Heeseung was already rummaging through the various skincare products you had brought out, a look of determination on his face.
"You sure you know what you're doing?" you teased, watching him examine a face mask with intense concentration.
He shot you a playful glare. "I have no idea what half of these things are, but I'm willing to learn. Besides, my skin could use some TLC."
You laughed, shaking your head. "Alright, skincare guru, let's start with a cleanser."
Heeseung fumbled with the bottle, accidentally squirting a bit too much product into his hand. "Shit, sorry, how much of this stuff am I supposed to use?"
"Just a small amount," you replied, stepping closer to help him. You took some of the excess cleanser from his hand and began to gently massage it onto his face. Heeseung closed his eyes, a contented smile spreading across his lips.
"This feels nice," he murmured. "I could get used to this."
"Don't get too comfortable," you warned, grinning. "We still have a whole routine to get through."
After cleansing, you moved on to toner, which Heeseung found surprisingly refreshing. He flinched a little at the cold sensation but quickly relaxed. Next came the serums and moisturizers, and Heeseung watched with wide eyes as you carefully applied each product to his skin.
"This is a lot of steps," he remarked. "How do you keep track of all this?"
"With my big brain, something you lack," you said with a shrug. "Plus, it's worth it for that glowing skin."
Heeseung let out a scoff, “Something I lack? Weren’t you the one who put a frozen burrito in the microwave, and when it didn’t heat up, you threw it away and tried heating up a different one?” he shot back.
You felt your face go red, “Shut the fuck up. You promised you wouldn’t bring that up.” You whined.
Heeseung chuckled, clearly enjoying your embarrassment. "Just saying, maybe your big brain isn't as big as you think."
"Whatever," you muttered, trying to hide your smile.
Heeseung leaned in, his face close to yours. "Am I glowing yet?"
You examined his face with exaggerated seriousness. "Hmm, not quite. But you're getting there."
He chuckled and gave you a quick peck on the lips. "Thanks for being my skincare expert."
The next part of your routine involved face masks. You handed Heeseung a bright green avocado mask and kept a calming lavender mask for yourself. Heeseung stared at the avocado mask with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.
"Are you sure this is safe?" he asked, eyeing the bright green goo.
"Yes, it’s perfectly safe. Besides, it's fun," you reassured him. "Now, smear it on your face like this."
You demonstrated, applying the lavender mask evenly across your face. Heeseung followed suit, but a bit more clumsily, and soon you were both sitting on your bed with your faces covered in colorful masks.
"Wow, we look ridiculous," Heeseung said, catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror.
You couldn't help but burst into laughter. "We really do. But it's all part of the experience!"
"Speak for yourself," Heeseung teased. "I look like a healthy avocado smoothie. You look like a flower shop exploded on your face."
"Oh, shut up," you laughed. "You're just jealous because my mask is more luxurious."
"Luxurious? You mean it smells like a grandma's soap collection," he shot back, smirking.
"At least I won't look like a green monster when this comes off," you retorted.
"Hey, green monsters can be cute," he defended, trying to keep a straight face. "Just look at Shrek."
"Oh my god, did you just compare yourself to Shrek?" you asked, giggling uncontrollably.
"Only the best for you, my Fiona," he said with a mock bow, which made you laugh even harder.
Heeseung's laughter joined yours, and soon you were both laughing so hard your stomachs hurt. Heeseung clutched his side, gasping for breath. "I can't believe how silly we look."
Tears of laughter streamed down your face, mingling with the mask. "This is the best. I haven't laughed this much in ages."
"Me neither," Heeseung agreed, wiping away his own tears. "I guess this is what happens when you mix skincare with Disney movies."
Speaking of Disney movies, you decided it was time to start the marathon. You settled back onto your bed, carefully avoiding smearing your masks on the pillows. Heeseung grabbed the remote and scrolled through the options.
"What should we start with?" he asked.
"Beauty and the Beast," you suggested. "It's a classic."
Heeseung nodded and clicked play, and the familiar opening music filled the room. You sat in between his legs and snuggled up into him, resting the back of your head on his shoulder as the movie began. It didn't take long for the bickering to start, though.
"You know, Belle's kind of a nerd," Heeseung commented, a teasing tone in his voice.
You rolled your eyes. "She's intelligent and curious. That's what makes her awesome."
"Yeah, but she falls in love with a beast," he pointed out. "That's a little weird."
"It's called seeing beyond appearances," you retorted. "You could learn a thing or two from her."
Heeseung laughed and pulled you closer. "Okay, okay. Belle is great. Happy now?"
"Very," you said smugly, giving him a quick peck on his lips.
The movie continued, and the two of you got more and more invested, singing along to the songs, and making silly comments about the characters. When the iconic ballroom scene came on, Heeseung suddenly got off the bed and extended his hand to you.
"May I have this dance?" he asked, trying to keep a straight face.
You giggled and took his hand. "You're ridiculous, you know that?"
He grinned. "But you love me."
You couldn't argue with that. Heeseung twirled you around your bedroom, humming the tune of "Beauty and the Beast" as you danced together. It was silly and sweet, and you couldn't stop laughing.
When the movie ended, you both collapsed back onto your bed, slightly out of breath from your impromptu dance session. Heeseung turned to you, his eyes twinkling.
"Okay, what's next?" he asked, reaching for the remote again.
"How about The Lion King?" you suggested. "I haven't seen it in ages."
"Sure," he agreed. "But first, let's get these masks off before they permanently become part of our faces."
You both made your way to the bathroom, standing side by side in front of the mirror. Heeseung started peeling his mask off, wincing dramatically as if it were a Herculean task.
"Stop being such a baby," you teased, carefully removing your own mask.
Heeseung stuck his tongue out at you. "You try peeling avocado off your face and see how you like it."
You couldn't help but laugh. "It's just a face mask, Heeseung. Not a life-or-death situation."
Once you were both mask-free and had rinsed your faces, you applied a light moisturizer to finish off the routine. Heeseung watched you with a playful smirk as you gently massaged the moisturizer into his skin.
"You missed a spot," he said, pointing to his cheek.
You rolled your eyes and smoothed the moisturizer over the 'missed' spot. "There, happy?"
"Very," he said, leaning down to give you a soft, lingering kiss. "Thanks for taking care of my skin."
"Anytime," you replied, feeling a warm flutter in your chest from the kiss.
Back in your bedroom, you settled onto your bed once more, ready for the next movie. Heeseung grabbed the remote and started The Lion King, and you both snuggled up under the blankets.
This time, the bickering was about which character was the best.
"Simba is obviously the best," Heeseung declared. "He's the main character."
"Pfft, Timon and Pumbaa steal the show," you argued. "They're hilarious."
"Yeah, but Simba grows up to be a badass king," He countered.
You rolled your eyes playfully. "And Timon and Pumbaa teach him how to live life with no worries. 'Hakuna Matata,' remember?"
 "Yeah, but did they save the Pride Lands? No, Simba did. So, he wins," Heeseung said smugly.
"Oh, please. Timon and Pumbaa are the real MVPs. They raised him and taught him how to survive," you shot back.
"Okay, fine. But what about Rafiki? He's the one who gets Simba to go back," Heeseung said, raising an eyebrow.
"Rafiki's cool, but he's more of a wise old mentor. Timon and Pumbaa are the heart and soul," you insisted.
Heeseung chuckled. "You just like them because they're funny."
"Exactly! They bring the fun," you grinned. "Once again, you could learn a thing or two from them."
Heeseung laughed and pulled you in for a kiss, his lips soft and warm against yours. "You're a pain in my ass, you know that?"
"But you love me," you replied, echoing his earlier words.
The kiss deepened, and you felt a rush of warmth and happiness. Heeseung's hand cupped your cheek, his thumb gently stroking your skin. When you finally pulled away, you were both smiling.
Heeseung smiled and said, "Alright, I'll admit, they are pretty funny. But Simba is still the best."
You sighed dramatically. "Fine, we'll agree to disagree."
As the movie continued, you both got more invested in the story, singing along to the songs and making silly comments about the characters. When Scar's song "Be Prepared" came on, Heeseung couldn't help but make a dramatic gesture, imitating Scar's villainous demeanor.
"Look at me, I'm the king of the hyenas," Heeseung said in a mock-serious tone.
You burst out laughing. "You could never be as evil as Scar. You're too much of a goofball."
He pretended to be offended. "Hey, I can be serious when I want to be."
"Sure, sure," you teased. "But let's be real, you'd probably end up befriending the hyenas instead."
Heeseung grinned. "True. They'd be my squad."
When the iconic "Hakuna Matata" scene came on, you both sang along at the top of your lungs, laughing and dancing around your bedroom. Heeseung grabbed your hands and twirled you around, and for a moment, you felt like carefree kids again.
After the song ended, you collapsed back onto your bed, slightly out of breath but grinning from ear to ear. Heeseung looked at you, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
"You know, we should have our own 'Hakuna Matata' philosophy," he said. "No worries, right?"
"Absolutely," you agreed, leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek. "No worries as long as we're together."
Heeseung smiled and pulled you into him. As the movie continued, you both got more comfortable, with Heeseung's arm wrapped around you and your head resting on his chest. You watched the characters on screen, but your attention kept drifting back to Heeseung. His laughter, his silly comments, the way he kissed you – it all made you realize just how lucky you were to have him.
When the climactic battle scene came on, Heeseung couldn't resist making more dramatic gestures, pretending to be Simba facing off against Scar.
"See, Simba's the hero," he said, puffing out his chest.
"Okay, fine, you've got a point," you conceded, laughing at his antics. "But Timon and Pumbaa still helped save the day."
"Team effort," Heeseung agreed, pulling you closer for another kiss.
As the final scene played and Simba took his place as king, you both sighed contentedly. Heeseung looked at you with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Ready for round three?"
"What do you have in mind?" you asked, curious.
"How about Aladdin?" he suggested. "We can argue about which genie is better – Robin Williams or Will Smith."
"Oh, it's on," you said with a laugh.
As the opening scenes of Aladdin played, you couldn't help but feel a wave of gratitude for moments like these. Lazy afternoons filled with laughter, bickering, and sweet kisses with Heeseung were the best kind of days. And you knew that no matter how many Disney movies you watched or skincare routines you tried, what mattered most was the love and joy you shared.
When you looked over at Heeseung, his eyes were already on you. He leaned in and gave you a kiss, his lips lingering on yours as if savoring every second. You felt a warmth spread through your entire body, and you knew that this moment, right here with Heeseung, was perfect.
He broke the kiss and whispered, "I love you."
You smiled, your heart swelling with happiness. "I love you too."
With Heeseung by your side, even the simplest moments were magical.
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estrellami-1 · 3 months
Steddie Microfic
June prompt: stuff
Word count: 483
No warnings apply
Rated G
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“Baby,” Eddie whispers. “Baby, wake up.”
Steve hums, too content—and too tired—to do anything other than lay exactly where he is, halfway on top of Eddie. “No.”
“But what if I told you I have something for you?” Eddie tries, shifting to kiss Steve’s shoulder.
“Wha’ya got?” He shifts slightly, getting even more comfortable. Good luck, Eddie.
“Well… what would you do if I said we were going to Disney?”
“Di’ney,” Steve mumbles, drifting off again.
Eddie chuckles. “Guess it’s my fault for trying to get you up before you’re ready on your one day off, huh?”
A couple of hours later, Steve wakes up again. He sighs, presses a kiss to Eddie’s chest. “Baby.”
“Yeah?” He put his hand in Steve’s hair.
Steve groans. “Keep doing that, I’ll fall back asleep.” He pauses for a second. “Did you say earlier that we have tickets for Disney?”
“That I did.”
“When are we leaving?”
“How long are we staying?”
“Five days. You need a vacation, baby.”
A smile begins to pull at Steve’s lips. “You’re too good to me.”
“No such thing,” Eddie says immediately, rolling them over so he can scoot down and catch Steve’s lips with his own. “Baby? You wanna go to Disney?”
Steve chuckles. “Yeah, Eds. I’d love to go to Disney. With you, especially.”
Eddie grins and captures Steve’s lips in another kiss, this one immediately more heated, and it’s late afternoon by the time they’re showered.
“We need to start packing,” Steve says. “Five days, so five outfits, and toiletries, and-” he mumbled to himself as he walked into his closet, getting down his and Eddie’s suitcases from the overhead shelving.
He started on his immediately, while Eddie was preoccupied with memorizing the entire Disney song list.
He picks up a broom handle—Steve stops trying to figure out where he finds things—and practices sword fighting moves, singing, “One jump ahead of the breadline, one swing ahead of the sword. I steal only what I can’t afford.”
He finds one of Steve’s shirts in his suitcase—folded exactly where he wanted it—and picked it up, holding it against his chest as he sings, “And so I read a book, or maybe two or three. I’ll add a few new paintings to my gallery. I’ll play guitar and knit and basically, just wonder when will my life begin?”
He sways behind Steve as he’s bent over in their bathroom, looking for the travel toothbrush toppers. Steve swears the same elves that steal socks also steal travel toothbrush toppers. “Look at this stuff,” Eddie begins, smacking Steve’s ass as he passes. Steve straightens up with a yelp and a glare in the mirror. “Isn’t it neat? Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete? Wouldn’t you think I’m a boy, the boy who has everything?”
“One more song before you’re packed,” Steve warns, but he can’t keep the grin off his face.
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dilatorywriting · 2 years
Heroes vs. Villains : Pomefiore
Gender Neutral Reader x Pomefiore vs. Neige Leblanche Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: Woe to the Ramshackle Prefect, being caught up in the drama between the Disney Villains and their respective heroes. Pomefiore Version ie. Wherein Vil tries his very best to correct your abominable wardrobe and you swoop in to kidnap save an unsuspecting gentleman in distress.
[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
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“Your wardrobe is atrocious. And I’m not going to be seen with someone who looks like they rolled around on the floor of their closet and put on whatever stuck to them first.”
Firstly, your closet wasn’t big enough to step inside, let alone roll around in. So take that, Mister Metaphor.
Secondly, you didn’t even own enough clothing for that to be an option. Dressing yourself like some kind of confetti monster? Yeah, no. You had three pairs of donated, grey, uniforms and a couple over-large sweatshirts that Jack had kindly donated to you once fall set in. Today it just so happened to be Uniform #2 that was the clean one of the set. So.
All of that being said, from the sounds of things, your Crimes Against Fashion had spurred an emergency shopping trip. A shopping trip spearheaded by the Vil Schoenheit, and very hopefully being funded by his seemingly never-emptying wallet. Also, to be perfectly honest, Ramshackle was cold. And you would very much like some new socks and at least one fuzzy pair of pajama pants to go with Jack’s old crewnecks. Maybe a nice throw blanket. That alone was worth the blow to your dignity.
“Will I survive?” you lamented, as Rook fussed with your sad excuse for an umbrella.
“No,” Epel drawled, entirely unsympathetic. Not that you could blame the guy. An afternoon that the House Warden spent with you was one less hovering over Epel—one less hour stuck in front of a mirror, one less etiquette class that was more punishment than lesson. Perhaps one more secret rack of barbecue ribs snuck in from the Savanaclaw Dorm.
“Mon Coeur, you are going to get soaked,” Rook tutted, finally conceding on trying to fix your shredded nightmare of a parasol. You’d found it in one of the many dusty closets Ramshackle had to offer. One of the ghosts said they recognized it from their time on campus two-hundred years ago.
“It is far from your fault!” Rook gasped, and Epel rolled his eyes.
“Why don’t you ask Vil to buy you one?” your purple-haired friend mocked, and you fought the urge to stick your tongue out at him.
“Maybe I will,” you sniffed, indignant.
“More likely he’ll just see it an’ get all upset, and be like, ‘ah! How ugly this darn thing is! Throw it away before my eyes bleed!’” he crooned, dramatic—so caught up in his theatrics that he nearly dropped the little apple carving he was working on.
“Yeah, right. Like Vil would ever be caught dead saying ‘darn,’” you jabbed, and Epel hurled the fruit at your head. Rook caught it gracefully and returned it to the grumpy farm boy with a gentle toss. “But otherwise, spot on.”
“‘Spot on’ about what, precisely? Your collective complete and utter lack of decorum? This is a public space, show some class please.”
And with that scathing remark, Vil Schoenheit had officially entered the scene.
The venomous beauty’s purple eyes traced over you in the way that they always seemed to—picking apart whatever things he deemed worthy of plucking. His gaze landed almost immediately on your near-disintegrated umbrella, and it narrowed with distaste.
“You’re not bringing that with us. In fact, you might as well just toss it with the garbage on the way out.”
You and Epel made painfully long eye contact.
Rook shoved a red-and-white checkered parasol into your hands with an indulgent smile.
The journey to the outlets from there was actually pretty pleasant. Vil’s private car was swanky and smelled like the fancy sort of air fresheners that didn’t prick at your nose with an oversaturation of chemical fruitiness. He rattled off list upon list of ‘essentials’ that was sounding longer and more expensive by the minute. But (as he immediately confirmed upon seeing your mounting horror) this was to be a Schoenheit Expenditure, so you decided to let him enjoy himself and tally up a ridiculous amount of brand name garbage.
The stores had private parking. And that was immediately intimidating.
Vil fixed his ‘normal people disguise’ more firmly in place before walking you through the building with a surprising level of enthusiasm.
“It works a bit differently—” he continued, piling item after item into a cart that was already close to overflowing. “—Most of these products are meant to be customized, but I suppose we can look into that later. Off-The-Rack is not usually my preferred method of browsing, but it will have to do until we’ve bulked out your general wardrobe into something passable.”
He was muttering to himself like a mad scientist—holding swatches to your face, tugging bits of various fabric against your fingers. His efficiency and complete competence in all things was endearing, if not a bit terrifying.
Then, Vil draped a soft, amethyst, scarf around your neck.
“Here,” he said, still mostly buried in the racks. “You can wear this now—for the cold. This color suits you.”
“Really?” you hummed, doing your absolute best not to let your eyes fall to the price tag dangling off the end of it. You failed. “It’d fit you better,” you rambled, trying to take your mind off the triple-goddamn-digits you’d just seen. “It actually matches your eyes kind of perfectly, don’t you think?”
There was a pause then, and for a moment you worried that you’d said something irritating—maybe unintentionally questioning his fashion judgements or blablabla. One thing that you knew for sure was that when the King of Poisons had to stop and ponder on a reply, you’d done fucked up. And were his ears red? Oh no you must have really pissed him off—
“I am trying to focus on turning you into an even marginally acceptable member of society,” he rushed out finally, sounding strained. “So if you wouldn’t mind.”
“Fine, fine,” you sighed. “I’ll go grab us some coffees or something.”
“Don’t wander too far,” he called, sounding distracted. “And no—”
“No caffeine, decaf only. Stimulants will ruin your skin, and digestive tract, and blablabla,” you droned. “I know your drill.”
“That goes for you too, potato,” he tutted, a pleasant warmth coasting over the reprimand.
You waved him off with a grumble and headed out into the main building. It was bright—nearly unpleasantly so—and every surface looked like it was made of a stone so expensive that you probably wouldn’t even be able to pronounce its name.
You wandered around aimlessly for a few minutes, wondering idly if a place this upscale would even have a café kiosk. Surely rich people still drank coffee, but you’d also heard something once upon a time about how ‘to-go cups’ and ‘not savoring the brew’ were some kind of gross social faux pas. You sighed, and as your shoulders slouched you felt a brush of sinfully soft fabric against the back of your arm.  
You froze and reached hesitantly up to your neck. You were still wearing the purple scarf. You pinched at the ridiculously expensive cashmere with wide eyes. Did this make you a thief? I mean, no one had bothered to stop you or anything. Did these sorts of stores have different rules? Like an honesty policy maybe? And you technically hadn’t even left the building yet! So maybe—
“Ah! I’m so sorry! I just—I have to—!”
You were ripped out of your morality spiral by a sound like a storm, and you looked up past your assailant to see a herd of people stampeding in your direction. Immediately, your I-was-shopping-with-an-internationally-recognizable-superstar instinct kicked in, and you bodily hauled yourself and whatever poor sap who had nearly mowed you down into the nearest store and then into one of the changing rooms beyond that.
The tempest that followed was a roar of cacophonous noise, but thankfully brief. Only a few people ducked into the store you’d taken refuge in, and none of those ventured very close to your hiding place. You breathed out a sigh of relief. It sounded weirdly muffled behind the changing room’s thick, velvety, curtains.
“Th-Thank you for that,” stuttered whoever you’d just kidnapped.
“Don’t worry about it,” you shrugged, and turned to get a better look at your new partner in crime. Immediately you froze, an odd sense of recognition working through you. “Uhm—Are you Neige? Neige Le Blanc?”
“Leblanche,” he corrected gently, and then winced. Like he’d only just realized that maybe outing himself after being nearly accosted by a mob was not the best idea.
“Oh. Alright,” you said, dazed.
This was Vil’s arch nemesis? He reminded you a little of a cocker spaniel—with big, wide, heavy-lashed eyes and soft, dark, curls framing his perfectly petite face. Sure, he was lovely. And maybe you were a little biased here, but this guy—this, this walking cherub—was standing in the way of Vil’s absolute, tyrannical, reign over all things sexy? Sure, he was adorable enough. But most beautiful of them all? Come on.
“U-Uhm…” Neige stuttered, nervously clasping his fingers. “Do you… Want an autograph or something? As a thank you?”
“What?” you blinked, allowing yourself to be pulled back into the very surreal situation unfolding around you. “Oh. No thanks. I don’t want to be massacred.”
He gasped. “I know that they may not have left the best first impression just now, but I promise that my fans would never do that!”
It wasn’t his fans you were worried about. Vil’s high heels looked sharp enough to gut a man, and you did not want to be the first test subject for that hypothesis.
“Don’t worry about it,” you shrugged.
“…I might have to camp out in here for a while,” he mumbled after a quiet moment, morose.
“Probably,” you sighed, sympathetic. “Sorry.”
“You, uhm, you don’t mind keeping this a secret, do you?” Neige smiled, wobbly.
“I’m not going to turn you over to your ravenous fangirls,” you reassured. Because sure, the mean-spiritedness of the residents of Night Raven College may have been rubbing off on you, but you had yet to become that heartless.  
“Thank you,” he relaxed, genuine appreciation warming his dark eyes. And then he aimed that kilowatt, darling-of-the-world, smile in your direction and fired. “You’re my hero.”
For a moment you were honestly, thoroughly, dazzled. It was like you could hear songbirds and heavenly choirs singing all around you—filling the dark space with sparkles and warmth that danced merrily across your skin like the soft fizz in a soda pop.
But then, like a sign from God, your phone buzzed angrily in your pocket and you glanced down quick enough to catch a bright V.S. flash across the screen.
Oh shit.
You turned, ready to make a bolt for it and leave your companion stranded, when something atrocious caught your eye.
“Is that a sweater vest,” you gaped, poking at the stitched material poking out from beneath Neige’s RSA blazer. “With squirrels on it.”
“U-Uhm. Yes?” he squeaked, cheeks dusted pink.
How in the fuck does Vil think he’s less fuckable than this guy, what the fuck.
“I-I’m sorry, but did you just say—"
You hurriedly pulled the (stolen?) scarf from your neck and shoved it pointedly over Neige’s mouth, before wrapping it securely around the rest of his head. Your phone was buzzing again—longer and sharper this time. Like a certain someone was spamming you with indignant, ‘how dare you abandon my magnificent ass,’ essays.
“So that hopefully no one will recognize you,” you (lied) explained cheerfully, and tightened the makeshift gag. Now he could be the accidental thief. Neige gurgled his thanks into the fabric, or at least, you assumed that’s what he was spluttered out. It was hard to tell past the, you know, gag.
You peaked out beyond the curtains and observed the empty storefront like a proper super spy. All clear. Thank God.
You swiveled back and thumped Neige Leblanche on the shoulder with what was perhaps a bit more force than necessary, seeing as his knees had started to shake. He swayed in place, an odd shade of pink creeping past the barrier of the scarf and nearly all the way to his hairline. Hopefully he wasn’t about to faint or something—you really didn’t have time for that.
“Good luck,” you told him emphatically, before darting out of your hiding space and back into the horrible fluorescent nightmare before you.
“Wait!” you heard him call. “I didn’t even get your name—"
But at this point, your phone had graduated from spurts of rage to outright howling in indignation, so you didn’t have much choice but to keep on running. You pressed down on the green ‘accept call’ button with all the enthusiasm of a soldier being sent off to the front lines.
“Don’t you take that tone of voice with me,” Vil hissed, doing an impressive job of keeping his voice low and level while simultaneously sounding ready to tear your ass to pieces. “Where are you?”
“I got lost looking for coffee with no caffeine. You know. The best part of the coffee,” you admitted. Sort of.
“You got lost?” he sounded incredulous. “In a single-story shopping center? With maps at every corner?”
“There were a lot of people,” you defended.
He sighed, clearly put upon, and you had the distinct impression that he was pinching the bridge of his nose. “Just meet me back at the side entrance. We should leave—it’s starting to get crowded and I don’t want to deal with the stampede when I’m inevitably recognized.”
“Of course,” you agreed easily, and made your way up to one of these supposed ‘maps at every corner.’ And oh. It was actually… very well drawn and very helpful. Fuck you, huh? “Did you get everything you needed?”
“I got everything you needed,” he corrected. “And we will be trying every single item on when we return to campus.”
You whined, and man, oh man. You didn’t think it was possible to smack someone upside the head through a phone, but somehow Vil made it work.
It didn’t take long from there to find the exits, and just in the nick of time too it would seem! As a steady stream of eager ‘shoppers’ began to flood into the building—most of them twittering about ‘did you catch a photo’ or ‘I heard someone saw him around that one store!’ Vil watched them through the tinted lenses of his glasses, lips pursed.
You were just about to step back into the car and out of the chilly rain when an eruption of screaming broke out somewhere in the near-distance. You immediately braced for impact, but when you were not immediately trampled into a pile of gelatinous goop beneath the thundering feet of hundreds of fanatics, you chanced a glance upwards.
Neige Leblanche was being herded out of the main entrance by a troupe of security guards, each one holding a different black umbrella over his head. It created a shadowed canopy that, despite the rain and gloom, somehow managed not to dull the radiance oozing off him and his perfect-perfectness. The fair beauty rubbed awkwardly at the back of his head, as if perplexed by the swarm of people ducking in and out like a pack of dogs circling a big, juicy, steak. Nevertheless, he waved to each and every fan—smiling demurely and sweetly as he went.
“We should go while they’re distracted,” you whispered, tugging at Vil’s arm. “And in case the swooning is contagious.”
He didn’t move. There was an odd sort of look on his face, one that usually preceded some of the most brutally cutting insults you’d ever heard.
You turned back to the growing mob, curious about what could have possibly snagged his attention—and ire—so completely.
Wrapped artfully around Neige’s neck, and flapping neatly alongside the chilly autumn breeze, was your purple scarf.
The dainty actor lifted the soft fabric to his lips, burrowing his chin into it not unlike how some adorable little round-cheeked bunny might photogenically cuddle into a—a cloud. Or a pillow of cotton candy. Or something else equally as cute and ridiculous. Neige’s cheeks bloomed a fetching shade of pink and his wide, brown, eyes glittered from over the folds of cashmere. His audience squealed.
“Well, at least it’s not you they’re mauling this time,” you hummed, shooting Vil another hesitant glance. That sour expression had twisted into a familiar and awful icy sneer that you hadn’t seen him dawn in a very long time. “Vil?” You called. “Are you alright?”
“Hmm?” he blinked, seeming to come back to himself. That frigid snarl was washed away by a mask of complete stoicism, and honestly, you weren’t sure which was worse. “Oh. Yes. Of course. Shall we?”
The hand he offered to help you climb over the many boxes of clothes and into the backseat was stiff, tight. It clapped around your wrist like a pair of manacles, and he didn’t let go until you were out of the parking lot, past the backroads, beyond the gates of Night Raven, and all the way back into the lavish halls of Pomefiore. 
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disneytva · 3 months
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Disney Munchlings Celebrates 40 Years Of Disney Television Animation With "Breakfast Set" Inspired By The Disney Afternoon.
There's so much to do, getting the breakfast just for you!
Disney Munchlings is celebrating #DisneyTVA40 with a Disney Afternoon breakfast set ft DUCKTALES, DARKWING DUCK, TALESPIN & GARGOYLES. The irony of this is the plushies featured on this set have reboots on the way DuckTales with "DuckTales (2017)" son Disney XD, Darkwing Duck with a reboot by Point Grey Pictures for Disney+, TaleSpin with a reboot by Point Grey Pictures for Disney+ and Gargoyles with a live action reboot by Blumhouse Television and Atomic Monster also for Disney+.
A new wave of micro plush makes its debut embracing the theme of Morning Menu. For this collection fans can scoop up foodie versions of characters including Darkwing Duck, Kit Cloudkicker Goliath, Uncle Scrooge McDuck and The Triplets.
The full line up includes:
Scrooge McDuck Dollar Pancakes with funnel cake scent
Huey, Dewey and Louie Cereal Bowl with Fruit with cereal milk scent
Kit Cloudkicker Brown Sugar Muffin (DuckTales) with gingerbread scent*
Darkwing Duck Fruit Cup Parfait with tropical punch scent
Gosalyn Mallard Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice (DuckTales) with tropical punch scent
Goliath Berry Breakfast Pastry (Gargoyles) with strawberry scent
One mystery plush (LIkely be from Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers or Goof Troop)
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smbhax · 10 months
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Ducktales (NES)
Dumped from The Disney Afternoon Collection (PC/Steam) with game-extraction-toolbox and played in Mesen. The normal NES "Nintendo" blurb is missing from the title screen in this ROM revision.
Session: https://youtu.be/VJw4-Fd_Njg
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do you happen to enjoy fairy tales as much as (character) Miss Raven does? I got the feeling not just because of- well, you choosing that as a big characteristic on her, but also bc of how you sometimes talk about your fav characters in scenarios where they have "princely" attitudes or stuff like that HHAHSHSHSH plus I think a certain amount of that type of writing shows in your pieces (which I love!!!)
if the answer is yes, then I wanted to ask: what kind of dairy tales are your favorites? is there certain motifs you specially like?
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YES 🤡 I’m super into fairy tales! One of my favorite Disney movies is Enchanted, but I also love the Shrek universe (Shrek 2 and Puss in Boots 2, my beloveds) and Ever After High before it quietly got cancelled. I listen to fairy tale-themed songs (I’d recommend Cinderella Step by Daoko; been listening to that a lot lately), read fairy tale retelling novels, collect fairy tale themed blind box toys… All of it 😭 And one of my favorite anime ever is Princess Tutu, which references a lot of classic ballet and fairy tales ✨
As I mentioned in this post, Miss Raven (the OC) is not meant to be a self-insert, but she is in part informed by my own tastes since I did create her. I injected her with my love of fairy tales, but tried to incorporate that in a way that makes sense. While she was still an actual bird, she often people watched and then daydreamed about being a part of “that world”. Her wild imagination eventually leads to this rose-colored expectations of how great “that world” is. She’s expecting a fairy tale but is then slammed with the reality that the students at NRC aren’t exactly the perfect princes she was imagining. Miss Raven copes with it by being delulu daydreaming and penning stories~
Before TWST corrupted me, I love Love LOVED princely/knightly characters… and butlers and bug brother-types still I blame that in part knowing me enjoying fairy tales so much. snvsjwbskwkekdbsk I-I didn’t realize that that kind of dreaminess bled through into my writing 😭
I think it’s pretty obvious by my blog name, but I love Alice in Wonderland for its whimsy and nonsensicalness. Many of the motifs that commonly appear in Alice (mushrooms, card suits, tea and sweets, talking flowers, clocks, white rabbits, etc.) are charming to me. It’s a big reason why I was super into the White Rabbit Fest event. Anything Alice-inspired… I’m so tempted to grab 😔 I once went to an afternoon tea inspired by this story, which was so fun! I’d like to go again someday, and this time with my TWST plushies.
Some other stories I like are Little Red Riding Hood, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and The Ugly Duckling (though this one is more a fable than a fairy tale). I also quite like stories told in ballet, such as Swan Lake and Coppelia. If you squint at Miss Raven, you’ll notice that she has elements from each of these stories. I just really enjoy stories with themes of self discovery and/or getting lost but then finding your way. Again, this is also echoed in Miss Raven’s own growth and development journey.
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michimonie · 8 days
Inspired by this amazing, beautiful, perfect collection. (Seriously, the books fit perfectly on the shelf like *chef's kiss*)
My tiny (physical) Disney Comics so far:
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I keep Mickey Mouse and Disney Afternoon together. All Duck comics go together, too. The exceptions are oversize and unusual books (Donald manga, Disney recipes, concept art, old Disney tales, etc...)
The two Scrooge collections are massive, so they stay in the closet. Scrooge occasionally gets to come out of the closet (lol).
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This is my "to be read" stack.
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So my bestie and her family got me some of the Disney Afternoon-iverse stuff I was missing on the home media side of things, and I'm feeling pretty good about it because I've been unable to find those in stores where I live and online buying is not always the best prices...
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Before that, I just had Darkwing Duck, Chip n Dale, and A Goofy Movie. 😁
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Support System pt. 2
Thanks for reading! I figure if I can get this out of my head I can get on with the other stuff.... or I'll just be compelled to write more Roy. Who knows?!
Chapter 2
Shrieks and giggles and thundering footsteps sounded throughout Sara's house. You sat at either end of the sofa with a large glass of wine and rolled your eyes. 
"I can't decide if someone's going to get hurt or…"
"Nah, they're fine," sudden silence, Sara looked up to the ceiling, "I think…" The giggles returned and she relaxed. "Andy didn't fancy helping out yesterday afternoon then?"
"He had plans apparently." You sigh. "I don't get how he can be this super organised dad for years and then decide he's not that person anymore."
"He's punishing you. For having a better job, for the long hours and the commuting. Typical 'this is what I've been doing for ages, you should be able to do it too?' bullshit. Phebs dad did the same till he buggered off completely."
"He knew my job was tricky, it's never been flexible - that's not new information. Now I'm trying to force flexibility and redo how I work."
"You'll find a balance. It'll take time."
"I just wanted to show Lexie that mum's can have great jobs. That I can do both. I totally fell for the you can have it all bullshit. You can have it all as long as you sacrifice yourself to do it." She patted your knee in comfort. 
"You can have it all. Just never expect to eat a hot meal, shower in peace, or have sex ever again."
"I haven't had any of those things in years anyway!" You laugh. 
"You have half a week alone now - you've never had that before! Time to introduce eating dinner and having sex!"
"It's the weirdest thing. The house is so quiet." A thud comes from upstairs. 
"I know, it's bizarre. Even if Phoebe's not here, I still do everything the same."
"Are we saddos?"
"Definitely. I guess that rules out the sex."
"Hmmm. I guess so!" You'd ordered pizzas for dinner and put on a Disney film for the girls. Sara could do French plaits, but you couldn't, so she braided hair while you painted nails. The girls loved every second. The following morning, Sara, with a rare full weekend off, was taking Phoebe to the Richmond game. She'd text Roy the night before and asked for two extra tickets for you and Lexie. While she was wrangling the girls to the breakfast table, the front door knocked, so you went to answer it. Roy had his back to you, but turned at the sound of the door opening. You were suddenly very conscious of your matching sleep shorts and t-shirt - he looked great in dark jeans and a black henley. He looked from your bare feet, up your legs. Thank god you'd put a bra on. 
"Mornin'" he said gruffly, handing her two tickets, "these are for Sara. Yours will be at the ticket office."
"Oh, thank you. Do you want some money for the tickets?" You turn to find your bag on the coat hooks. 
"Don't be fucking daft, course I don't. You might want to put some more clothes on though, it's cold." He was heading back down the garden path before he'd finished speaking. 
"Duh. I don't exactly go out in public like this." You called.
"Shame." You heard as he rounded the corner to his car. 
"Prick." You had no idea why Phoebe was so obsessed with this rude uncle who took the piss out of everyone. 
By the time you'd all gotten dressed and wrapped up, it was nearly time for the match. You walked round to Nelson Road, stopping at the ticket office to collect the tickets he'd left in your name. The noise in the stadium was unreal. It was mid March and the team didn't have long left till the end of the season, they were doing well and everyone had high hopes. Your seats were in the designated family area just behind the dugout. High above you was the owners box and directly in front of you were the Richmond team and coaching staff. Phoebe and Lexie were already joining in the chants and cheers around them. The combination of two 9 year old girls made them significantly louder than normal, Roy turned to seek them out and gave the girls a little wave, catching your eye as he did so.
"Does it remind you of loving boy bands when we were girls?" Sara asked as the stadium began it's 'Jamie Tartt doo doo doo doo' song. 
"Oh yeah, your brother is a real Robbie Williams!" You laugh. The team wins and you have to practically tear the girls apart when it's time to leave. "You'll see each other tomorrow." You reason, but it's not enough. "Why don't we pick Phoebe up in the morning and I'll take you both together?" That suggestion elicits some cheers. 
"Are you sure? I'm on early so I'll be leaving at 6am but Roy will be there. He comes straight from training Jamie at some stupid hour of the morning."
"That's fine, collect her from yours - about 7.30?"
"Yeah perfect, I'll let Roy know you'll be there." 
"Great, hear that girls? We'll get Phoebe and I'll take you both to school." The girls finally seem appeased and you manage to separate them. The rest of the afternoon you spend trying to straighten up the house, do Lexie's homework and cooking. You make sense of the coming week, Lexie gets collected by her dad on Wednesday afternoon so you know that the back half of the week can afford to be crazier and busier. Bathtime and bedtime are quick to arrive and once Lexie's settled, you finally get to sit on the sofa in silence. Sara has text to thank you for a lovely couple of days, and she's sent you Roy's number should you ever need it. Lexie is so excited to see Phoebe the next day that it takes a lot less arguing, bribery and shouting to get ready for school. You find a little extra time to put some effort in yourself with a black shift dress, heels and your hair loose around your shoulders.
"Mum, your hair looks so cute!" Lexie says happily. 
"Thanks bun. Let me brush your hair, see this is what happens when we both have time to get ready properly! No shouting and we both look smart." Lexie rolled her eyes, 
"Yeah yeah. Let's go get Phebs!"
"We'll be too early if we go now, love."
"Pleeeeease?" You check your watch, way too early but hopefully Roy won't be too much of a dick about it. It's a tube day today so you walk the short journey to Sara's. It's Phoebe who flings open the door and the two girls are inseparable once more. 
"You're really early, better come in." Roy calls from the kitchen. 
"We're walking to school so not that early." You clarify. He looks at your shoes, skeptical. 
"Walking to school then to the tube? You must be mad. I'm going past the school, I'll drive and drop you off at the station after." 
"You don't need to do that."
"I know, but I'm only going to end up driving past you in about 20 minutes anyway." He arches an eyebrow, daring you to argue. He pours another cup of coffee and hands it to you. "Besides, now you've got time to for a coffee before your day starts." You take the cup,
"Thank you." The girls come back to the kitchen, angling for extra breakfast so Roy opens a cupboard and hands them little chocolate croissants.
"Lexie's mum, you look lovely and your hair is beautiful today."
"Thanks Phoebe, that's very kind of you." You see her elbow Roy, 
"Doesn't she look lovely uncle Roy."
"Yeah, you look lovely."
"Thank you. Again." You blush, hiding your laugh behind your cup. 
"Got everything girls? We're goin' in a minute." You both finish your coffee while the girls get their bags and coats. Roy's 4x4 feels huge, he holds the door open for you at the same time as he does the same for Phoebe, then goes around to let Lexie in. 
"If this car wasn't so big, maybe it wouldn't be so easy to block you in?" You tease as he starts the car. He looks at you and for the briefest second you think he's angry, then he laughs and it's a low, deep chuckle which lights up his face and makes you feel warm in your belly. You jump out to take the girls into school while he turns the car around and then all too soon, you're outside the station. 
"Did you need me to get Lexie this afternoon?" He asks. It's a stark contrast to everytime you've had this conversation with Andy. Roy asks with ease and without judgement. "I'm getting Phoebe anyway?"
"I should be done in time, but thanks. If I get there first, I can get Phebs?"
"Nah it's OK, her mum should be home in time for bedtime tonight so I won't have her long anyway." You open the door to get out of the car but his warm hand on your elbow stops you, "Let me know if you're running late though, yeah? I don't mind. Sara gave you my number?" You nod, dumbly, "OK. Just call me or something."
"OK. See you… soon."
"Yeah, see you soon." You swear you're still blushing even once you're out of eyeshot and down on the platform. 
The kids manage to survive by seeing each other at school, and the lighter Monday and Tuesday you'd planned mean for a smoother week. You don't need to call and beg Andy for help and you don't have to lean on Sara or Roy either. It's not until Wednesday morning that you cross paths again. You're waving goodbye to Lexie at the door when she spots Phoebe across the carpark with Roy. Since Lexie refuses to go in until Phoebe is there, you decide to wait for them. The girls hug and race inside for breakfast club. 
"Mornin', you alright?"
"Yeah, not bad. You?"
"Yeah good. Need a lift to the station?"
"That would be great - if you're sure?"
"Wouldn't have offered otherwise. Busy day?"
"Yep, a long one today. Lexie's dad is picking her up so I've got a late meeting." He holds the door open for you.
"What is it you do?"
"Deputy Director of Communications for a charity."
"Nice. Sounds… boring?"
"Hmm. They're not a great company to work for to be honest. They don't really have any people skills so they couldn't give a shit when you need something from them. It's all take take take." He shrugged,
"So leave?'
"Said the millionaire ex footballer with a great job as a coach. I have bills to pay - it's not that simple. Plus anything else at the same level is longer hours and generally more demanding than I can do at the moment."
"Fair enough. This is your stop." He pulls up at the station.
"Thanks. Probably won't see you till next week now, Lexie's with her dad till Saturday so no emergency pick ups needed. I can avoid the school completely."
"Lucky you. Let me know if anything changes and you need me to get the little un." You're suddenly overcome with gratitude for the support he and Sara have given in such a short amount of time. As if sensing how overwhelmed you are, he nudges your shoulder, "Don't be fucking weird about it. Off to work you go."
"Fuck off. I think you're nicer than you let on." You narrow your eyes at him. 
"Yeah well don't get fucking telling everyone. I don't do favours for the whole of the fucking town."
"Just the mums of Phoebe's friends."
"Just one of them."
"Ahh, it's survival of the fittest at the school gates and that's definitely not me."
"You're doing a great job. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Now, fuck off before you're late." You can see a grin pulling at the corner of his mouth. 
"Bye Roy!" You hop out of the car and turn back with a quick smile. 
The second half of the week is as hectic as you expect it to be. You call Lexie each evening through yawns, promising her a fun weekend of baking. When Andy drops her off on Saturday morning, he invites himself into the kitchen despite you trying to avoid him. 
"Did you take her to the football last week?" He asks. 
"Yeah, her little bestie Phoebe got us tickets. Her uncle is one of the Richmond coaches."
"Not that miserable twat who picks her up from school? Roy Kent?"
"Yeah him. Phoebe adores him," you don't hesitate before adding, "I think Lex has taken a shine to him as well. And he's not a twat." 
"He had a go at me yesterday in the playground. I ain't having her go to a Richmond match, she should be West Ham."
"You can't force her to support anyone. She doesn't even have to like football. She likes Phoebe, she's a good friend and her mum is just as nice." You reply with a shrug. "Why did he have a go at you? Did you park on the hatches?"
"No I bloody didn't. I said Lex couldn't sleepover and he told me she could if she wanted to."
"Course she can if she wants to. Look, if you don't want her to spend time with her friends when she's with you, then fine. But when she's with me, we work out our plans together and we do what makes her happy." He shook his head and slammed the front door. It was barely 9am and you were done with his bullshit. You pull out your phone and text Sara, Going to the park if you want to come. Coffee on me x Then you call Lexie.
"Come on babe, let's go to the park and then we'll do some baking later." You don't get a reply from Sara so you head out anyway. Lexie is somewhere near the top of the big climbing frame when Phoebe barrels into you for a quick hug, and then goes off to join her best friend. "Hey Phebs!" You don't really want to turn away from the climbing frame but you do a quick scout around to see how far away Sara is. But it's not Sara on her way over, it's Roy with Phoebe's backpack on one shoulder and two coffees in his hands. He hands you one with a small smirk. 
"Park this early?"
"Thanks, rough morning. I heard you and Andy had a delightful conversation at school yesterday?"
"Dickhead said Lex couldn't have a sleepover with Phebs when it's his time with her."
"I know. I told him she could do whatever the fuck made her happy when she's with me."
"That's what I said," He growled. "Did he tell you he made some sly dig about it being so you can go off and do whatever or whoever you want?" You spin in anger to face him, his eyes stayed on the top of the climbing frame. 
"What?! No, he didn't dare say that to me. Ugh, he knows full well that single mums aren't exactly beating prospective new partners off with a stick. Just cos he's already met someone." You wipe your hand across your cheeks, shaking your head. Roy doesn't say anything. He reaches into Phoebe's bag, pulls out a paper bag and passes it to you. A chocolate star biscuit sits inside. 
"It's not a gold star, but whatever. You're a million times better than he is. More than that. You don't need validation from him and you don't need to compare yourself to him." He holds your gaze, his dark eyes are the darkest you've ever seen. He glances at your lips so briefly you think you imagined it. You smile sadly.
"Thank you. Chocolate's better anyway."
"Course it fucking is." He smiles.
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