#The Crimson Dynamo
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pat1dee · 1 year ago
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Essential Iron Man Vol 1.
Cover by Bruce Timm
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why-i-love-comics · 3 days ago
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Sabertooth: The Dead Don't Talk #3 (2025)
written by Frank Tieri art by Michael Sta. Maria & Dono Sanchez-Almara
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moontheoretist · 10 months ago
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So many cameos today! (Why human-like Apocalypse is so HOT?!) Also Tony at last looks like a metal bucket I remember him as xD
Silver Samurai (Kenuichio Harada) Captain America (Steve Rogers) Iron Man (Tony Stark) Daredevil (Matt Murdock) Dr Strange (Stephen Strange) Black Panther (T'Chaka) Dora Milaje Clock (Tyrone Johnson) Dagger (Tandy Bowen)
Winter Guard Team:
Darkstar (Laynia Petrovna)
Crimson Dynamo (Valentin Shatalov)
Omega Red (Arkady Rossovich)
Alpha Flight Team:
Aurora (Jeanne-Marie Beaubier)
Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier)
Puck (Eugene Judd)
Cipher (Alisa Tager) Psylocke (Elizabeth Braddock) Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) Polaris (Lorna Dane) Peter Parker (Spiderman) Mary Jane Watson
On the photos:
Colossus (Piotr Rasputin)
Dust (Sooraya Qadir)
Archangel (Warren Worthington III)
Magik (Illyana Rasputin)
Iceman (Bobby Drake)
Havok (Alexander Summers)
Exodus (Bennet du Paris)
Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde)
Emma Frost
Mother Askani (Rachel Summers) Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur)
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coolcomicbookcovers · 1 month ago
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comicwaren · 8 months ago
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From Invincible Iron Man Vol. 5 #020, “End of the Line”
Art by Andrea Di Vito and Bryan Valenza
Written by Gerry Duggan
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splooosh · 1 year ago
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Gil Kane
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thevondoom62 · 9 months ago
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A man like Tony Stark sure knows how to keep himself busy.
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thebibliomancer · 7 months ago
Essential Avengers: Avengers #320: UNDERLYING CURRENTS!
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August, 1990
The Crossing Line Part 2 of Six VENGEANCE!
I don't know what Vision did that running him over with an underwater jet-ski is considered vengeance. Maybe it's not vengeance at all. Maybe it's just rude.
Also, Underlying Currents just seems like a less pithy way of saying Undercurrents.
The Crossing Line. Which is not the Crossing.
Last time in the Crossing Line: A Russian terrorist group called Peace Corpse (good wordplay) took over a British nuclear submarine called the Waterwind.
The British government called the US government and asked them to do something. So the US government called the Avengers and asked them to do something.
Since Namor wasn't available, what the Avengers did was contact their back-up underwater expert Stingray and fly off to find the Waterwind.
Which they did do but they found their Russian equivalent superhero group the People's Protectorate also trying to stop Peace Corpse. And instead of working together, the two groups got into a big, dumb superhero fight.
Which happened to be too close to Atlantis and aggroed the people still hanging around after it got double destroyed in Atlantis Attacks.
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I like putting the cast up on the splash page. It starts strong because Captain America and Red Guardian, Vision and Vostok are pretty much counterparts.
Sersi and Fantasma don't have much in common besides being The Girl of the team.
And then Quasar ends up paired with Crimson Dynamo and Stingray with Perun which just makes you feel like the story is missing an Iron Man and a Thor.
Maybe a mistake there. Being a guy in a technological suit maybe Stingray should have been opposite Crimson Dynamo and Quasar opposite Perun?
Also, Atlanteans. They don't get a cast list on the splash. If they wanted in on that, they should have filled out the paperwork.
Crimson Dynamo: "Uhm... comrades...?" Quasar: "Now we're comrades, Dynamo? A second ago we were fighting over a stolen submarine!"
But be that as it may, Vision points out that it's in their best interest to team-up to prevent the Atlanteans from damaging the Waterwind. Which Vostok agrees to.
I guess we had the misunderstanding fight and now we can get along.
Crimson Dynamo points out that the Atlanteans might be justified since the two groups were having an exciting comic book fight scene right next to their city. But nobody listens to Crimson Dynamo.
His is the saddest lot.
Orka tries swiping at Vision and instead swipes through Vision because intangibility. But Vision also can't do his intangibility fisting trick because Orka is just too girthy.
He's a big whale man. He's got the whale power of blubber. Yes, even though he looks like a weightlifter.
Vostok uses his power over machinery to wrap Orka up in an Atlantean craft, bending and twisting the vehicle around the big, girthy whale man.
And with Orka held in place... uh, in water... Vision is able to dive intangible through his whole body to get to his heart and do the thing where he partially resolidifies and it hurts so much the person passes out.
That's what I mean when I say Vision fists people, by the way. It's his power move.
Vision: "It would seem, Vostok, that the Avengers and the People's Protectorate function more efficiently as allies than opponents!" Vostok: "Then-let-us-work-together-to-deter-the-Atlanteans--and-apprehend-the-Waterwind."
(I can just tell I'm going to avoid quoting Vostok as much as possible.)
Elsewhere in the fight, Sersi uses her matter transmutation to troll the Atlantean soldiers.
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Excellent jape, Sersi.
The battle is going so immediately against the Atlanteans that U-Man decides to sneak attack Sersi. He claims that this is not in his character, to attack in a dishonorable manner.
I don't know this man but a quick glance at his marvel wiki shows that he worked with the Nazis so I dunno, man.
Either way, before he gets the chance, Perun hurls his mighty axe and strikes U-Man's underwater gun before he can fire at Sersi.
But, whoops, this causes the gun to misfire and strike the Waterwind.
The Peace Corpse group that hijacked the sub are startled, to put it mildly.
Most of them want to flee from this comic book nonsense as fast and as far as they can. Whatever their goals (still unelaborated on), fighting superheroes doesn't help them accomplish them.
A man with an intense mustache refuses to flee because he's a soldier dammit! But one of the others points out that they need to berth now due to the damage. They need the sub in well enough repair to threaten the United States for their vague plan.
Captain America and Red Guardian notice the Waterwind take damage and start to flee. And they discuss just letting the submarine flee so its out of the way of any more misaimed attacks.
But also, fighting the Atlanteans is pretty much a stupid distraction that they don't have time for.
Atlantean Soldier 1: "For our lost honor!" Atlantean Soldier 2: "For Atlantis!" Quasar: "For crying out loud!"
Stingray sees the sub amscraying and decides to get back to his plan of sneaking onboard. Remember how he was going to try that?
Well, he's going to try that again. He'd rather face a sub full of armed terrorists than bully some Atlanteans who are just protecting the ruins of their home.
Which... fair enough.
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I say he'd rather but he's also not too happy about doing that either.
Stingray: "I should be able to get in through the aft torpedo tube without being detected... of course, once I get in, I have no idea what I'm going to do! I'm an oceanographer, not a super hero! I could've stayed at O.M.I.T. when Cap called... told him I had a hangnail or something... but no... If there's a problem under the ocean waves, they call Namor. If he's too busy to answer -- they call me. And noble, caring, altruistic dunce that I am, I always say yes."
It's fun that the Avengers have a superhero on their consultant list that's not a superhero. Just a normal oceanographer guy who built a suit for underwater exploration that unfortunately looks like a superhero outfit so he's constantly getting drawn into superhero stuff. The fact that he hangs out in Namor's general orbit doesn't help. The man is a drama magnet.
Despite the damage to the sub and specifically the radar, Peace Corpse manages to surface not only near land but near a port town. Somewhere in Newfoundland.
Inside the sub, Stingray finds and frees the captured crew from the room they've been locked in. But a member of Peace Corpse spots him.
Back at Atlantis, the Avengers and the People's Protectorate are still fighting Atlanteans.
Quasar starts to worry. Not about losing but that he might get so exhausted from prolonged fighting that he fails to pull his punches and kills a guy.
Ah, the worries of superheroes before the modern age.
There's just so many Atlanteans, that some are getting to the Quinjet and the PP craft and trying to smash the windshields in.
Quasar swoops in, makes a net to wrangle all the Atlanteans on the Quinjet, and then smashes the net full of guys into the guys on the PP craft. Solving that particular issue.
I'm still not sure why the Avengers and People's Proetectorate haven't withdrawn once the sub was clear. This is the very definition of a derailed plot.
But the two hero groups don't need to ever get around to acting on the realization that they don't even need to be here because the Atlanteans withdraw on their own once Perun knocks out Tyrak, the last named guy on the Atlantean side.
Such a weird writing decision for the heroes to constantly go 'wow this is a pointless fight' and then keep fighting until the other side fucks off.
The two teams return to their respective vessels (just in time for the ones who like to breathe air) and decide what to do next.
FOR SOME REASON, despite the constant refrain of how pointless it is to fight the Atlanetans, who are just protecting their ruined home, its a serious consideration whether to pursue the Atlanteans all the way to the ruins and keep kicking their asses.
I have no idea why.
Captain America even says he hates to let the Atlanteans escape but dealing with the Waterwind is more important.
IT IS but why do you hate to let the Atlanteans escape? What is your end goal there? You've already kicked their asses. Have they done anything (recently) that gives you cause to... arrest them? The writing around this plot point is so weird.
Anyway, both groups agree to pursue the Waterwind.
Stingray calls in and reports that he's on the Waterwind and where the Waterwind has surfaced. And since there are berthing and repair facilities, Stingray even narrows the possible location down to the bays of Trinity, Placentia, or Conception.
Not bad for a guy who can't even look out a window.
But the call suddenly cuts off, leading Captain America to fear that Stingray was attacked.
The Avengers and People's Protectorate agree to work together to stop the sub, especially since it is now surfaced near a populated area and has an operational nuclear arsenal.
Captain America: "Let's do it then -- together -- efficiently -- but cautiously!"
And then the narration reveals that the Waterwind is surfaced in Conception Bay in St. John's Newfoundland and that "after today, it will be known as the site of the world's worst nuclear detonation" so my condolences to Conception Bay.
Sucks that you are going to get destroyed in a fill-in arc.
Off-panel, the Peace Corpse member with the fabulous mustache, Strokov, has captured Stingray and recaptured the rest of the hostages. But he let Stingray make his call to the Avengers to force leader Illyich Prokvitch's hand.
According to Strokov, now Prokvitch has no choice but to execute the vague plan.
The Avengers and the People's Protectorate arrive but they can't move right away because of all the hostages.
Captain America tries to see if Sersi can be the Win Button but like I've said, with powers as plot breaking as hers, they can never make things too easy.
He wants her to turn all the terrorists into flies but she says she's too far from them to do it. And she doesn't know enough about how nuclear submarines work to transmute it either.
Oh, so I guess she needs to know a thing before she can transmute a thing. Very Full Metal Alchemist of her and also a logical limit on her powers.
Well written, Fabian Nicieza.
Mr. Illyich Prokvitch, leader of the Peace Corpse, gets on the bullhorn and loudly announces he demands access to St. John's maritime facilities.
Captain America says hell no, release the hostages instead.
Prokvitch says he'll start executing the hostages - starting with poor, sweet Stingray - one every five minutes until his demands are met.
So the heroes take a huddle.
Cold, calculating Vostok points out that the Waterwind can't launch its nuclear arsenal while surfaced. And if they kill all their hostages, then there's nothing to stop the heroes from punching them in the faces in abooooout five hours.
Captain America does not like the suggestion that they just let over a hundred people be murdered.
But Vision offers his own computer-brained opinion that because the hostages are so necessary to keep the heroes from punching Peace Corpse in their faces, logic dictates that Peace Corpse will hesitate to harm their hostages.
Cap decides this does seem logical, thanks computer-brained Vision, and yells at Peace Corpse that he's not going to accept their terms as given. Y'know, leaving the door open for some haggling. Some negotiation. A little diplomacy.
Instead, Prokvitch shoots Stingray in the head.
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You might not have a future career as a hostage negotiator, Cap.
(I'm pretty sure Stingray is alive because I've seen him alive in later comics and also there's no blood and also he's wearing a helmet. I'm sure his ears are ringing, though.)
Quasar tries to rush in at seeing Stingray shot, held back by Cap.
Red Guardian argues that at this point they should just call it acceptable casualties and just rush over and punch Peace Corpse.
But suddenly A NEW CHALLENGER!
Guardian: "No citizens and no property will be placed in jeopardy without our say so. In case you've forgotten, you're on Canadian soil, which means jurisdiction of this little mess passes on to -- ALPHA FLIGHT"
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So now we have a third superhero team in the mix.
I love it. How many more people can we get involved? A lot, I'd bet. This is a six part story.
Hopefully, someone on Alpha Flight is a better hostage negotiator than Captain America.
To sum up the issue: there's more of the issue to go. Remember that backup story thing? Where Jarvis tormented Jarvis? We're due more of that. Well, more of something like that.
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Instead of Jarvis, Michael O'Brien. The Avengers chief of security. And, for some reason, chief of table acquisition.
The original table, which was probably always consistently portrayed don't even bother looking into it, was destroyed when Hydrobase sank.
So O'Brien just spent fifty thousand dollars on a new one. And instead of getting a dolly or an anti-gravity dolly (because this IS a comic book universe), he's getting two dudes to carry it by hand.
Maybe stick to security, O'Brien.
He has the table brought to the room which will become the Avengers' inner sanctum, where only Avengers will be allowed. Like a very exclusive club but instead of drinks and cigars, there will be discussions on the crisis of the month.
After sending the two table carrying guys away, O'Brien spots the flash of a light down a corridor where nobody is supposed to be.
Obviously, he goes to investigate by himself.
Where he is accosted by his dead brother, Kevin, in a set of the Guardsman armor.
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There's history here which I don't know very well because I haven't read a lot of olde Iron Man comics. But apparently, Kevin got jealous of Tony's money and girlfriend. So he used the Guardsman armor Tony built him, teamed up with a dude who was trying to steal Tony Stark's stock, and attacked a protest at a Stark Industries plant.
Just going off marvel wiki here.
Tony was forced to fight him as Iron Man and accidentally blew Kevin the fuck up.
His death inspired Michael to put on the Guardsman armor and attack Iron Man but after some plot happenings, Tony was able to convince Michael that his dead brother was nuts.
Which Kevin is not thrilled to hear now.
How dare Michael believe Tony over his own kin? That and not using his brogue probably makes him a traitor to his Irish heritage!
Michael thinks that this Kevin is probably an imposter and tries to unmask him. Only to get flipped.
So he runs off to get a gun.
He finds one of the emergency guns that the Avengers Sub-Basement just has and threatens to shoot Kevin in the head.
Kevin calls his bluff and tells him to do it. What's it matter to a ghost? Turn your back on family, dick.
And Michael can't go through with it.
Michael: "I... can't, Kevin. I did -- do -- love you, no matter what you did. Do with me as you will."
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So Kevin blows Michael the hell up.
Geez. Being confronted with his demons ended a lot worse for him than it did for Jarvis.
Is this part of getting rid of everything new Stern wanted to implement before he got fired? Hydrobase got sunk so are the Avengers Support Crew all going to be killed off?
Grim if true. John Jameson is one of the support peeps and he's a tertiary Spider-Man supporting cast member.
I guess I'll see next time. But we pop back over to Avengers West Coast first. There's a dumb Immortus plot to wrap up.
Follow @essential-avengers. Like and reblog. Have a good day.
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browsethestacks · 1 year ago
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Incredible Hulk #258 (1981)
Art by Frank Miller And Al Milgrom
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random-movie-ideas · 2 months ago
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funnypages · 10 months ago
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"Uwuwuw Daddy"
"shock me hawda daddy"
"Oh fuck this"
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why-i-love-comics · 6 months ago
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Invincible Iron Man #20 - "End of the Line" (2024)
written by Gerry Duggan art by Andrea Di Vito & Bryan Valenza
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holy-shit-comics · 11 months ago
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coolcomicbookcovers · 4 months ago
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comicwaren · 4 days ago
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From West Coast Avengers Vol. 4 #004
Art by Danny Kim and Arthur Hesli
Written by Gerry Duggan
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splooosh · 9 months ago
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Gil Kane - Al Milgrom
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