#The Creature I Picked up and Raised Wasn’t Quite What I Thought It Was
hxney-lemcn · 7 months
Cloud Nine — Rayne Ames x gn! reader
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summery: reader finds themself not only friends, but falling for the mysterious stoic Divine Visionary. Lucky for reader, Rayne seems to be falling for them as well.
tw: anxiety, breakdowns, but also tooth rotting fluff, hurt/comfort
a/n: I FINALLY FINISHED IT!!! WOOOO! And I'm so proud of this too!
wc: 3.2k
Master List
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You didn’t exactly know what your relationship with Rayne was. It seemed that you had managed to wiggle your way into his soft spot, but that didn’t mean he treated you much differently. He’d watch your every movement and it felt like he was judging you (he was actually just admiring you but he would never admit that). He’d pick apart the faults in your projects or homework (he just wanted to make sure you got a good score). He’d pick apart whomever you’d find yourself fawning over (they were never good enough for you and he didn’t want to see you hurt).
You weren’t even sure how you ended up in this…friendship? You had a basis. It had to be due to the fact that you both ended up in the same set of classes together. Study of magical creatures. You were completely enraptured with animals and insects alike (more so animals, but you found some insects quite interesting). Rayne had a similar interest…though his fascination was more narrowed to a specific animal. You had only found out about his obsession with rabbits when you had been scratched by a creature your class had been tasked to observe. Rayne had handed you a magical handkerchief that he said would heal your wound…it’s pattern being bunnies. 
You bit your lip to stop a smile from spreading over your lips at that. The stoic heart throb of Easton Magic Academy was a bunny lover. That moment had humanized him to you. It showed that he wasn’t just some powerful prodigy that only cared about his own agenda, he had a heart that he hid from the world. He told you to keep it, but you ended up washing it and giving it back to him at a later date. It was nice of him, but it felt wrong taking something from a stranger. 
Well he wasn’t much of a stranger after that, since the next project for your class had been raising an animal of your choosing with a partner. It was to teach you about the importance of development in animals and how their environment can dictate their personalities. To your utter surprise, Rayne had claimed you as his partner for the project, not even allowing you a word in the matter. You weren’t too pressed about it though because you didn’t really know anyone else in the class. The two of you worked together quite well. You weren’t as annoying as Rayne had thought you’d be, and he wasn’t as rude as you thought he’d be. 
You found yourself walking down the hallways with Rayne by your side. You found yourself sharing lunch with each other. You found yourself studying with him in your free time or going to his dorm to check in on what you dubbed, your child (bunny) from your previous project. You had even acquainted yourself with his roommate and best friend Max Land! 
So why didn’t you fully think of yourself as his friend? Well…Rayne had a tendency to send mixed messages. On one hand, he’d walk you to your class, and on the other, you wouldn’t see him for a week straight. Of course you knew he wasn’t going to be as present this year, as he had been donned a divine visionary, but he couldn’t warn you about an upcoming mission or task? It stung when you’d either found out from Max when he asked you to take care of the bunny or when Rayne would just mysteriously vanish off the face of the Earth.
But at the end of the day, you still considered Rayne to be your friend. He wasn’t perfect, but you still cared for him and in his unique ways, he cared for you.
One time that he let his feelings shine through was at this moment.
“Are you stupid?” Rayne asked, eyes squinting at you.
You pouted at his bluntness, “But I wanna pet it!” 
Today in your class you were going over rare creatures, at the moment, going over Bunyip’s. It was a beast that was only found in lakes, rivers, or other bodies of freshwater. They were dangerous as their diet was apparently indiscriminate about what their prey was, but you got hooked on their appearance. Perhaps most people would be horrified or put off (particularly by the fact that no one has seen one enough to give a description), but when you heard that it was sometimes described to look like a seal or swimming dog you were caught in a strange love. 
“There’s not even enough evidence that it exists,” Rayne countered. “And if it did, it would kill you without mercy.”
“That’s okay,” You shrugged. “As long as I can claim I got to pet it.”
“You can’t claim anything if you’re dead,” Rayne huffed, but you had learned to read his emotion through his eyes, and they held a slight glimmer of amusement at the moment. 
You paused, as you weren’t sure how to rebuttal that. So instead you crossed your arms with a pout. Moments like these became more abundant the closer you two got. The stoic Rayne Ames became…well still stoic, but he seemed to become more comfortable in your presence. Awkward pauses in your conversations became far and few inbetween, banter started to become natural between you both. Maybe you dramatized yourself a bit, but that seemed to make it easier for him to tease you (in his own slightly condescending way).
Although the moment that you realized his feelings for you ran deeper for you than you realized happened when you were having a terrible day. You woke up annoyed, no particular reason for it, you just felt like it was going to be a rough morning. Of course, how you perceive the day is going to lead to its outcome. You skipped breakfast, not feeling hungry, only to become ravenous in your first period. Your teacher handed back your previous tests and you didn’t do as well as you thought you had. As the teacher went over ways to better scores for the next test, it felt like they were aiming every word at you. When lunch rolled around, it was hard to hide your sour mood in front of Rayne and Max, but it didn’t seem to matter as the two seemed to completely ignore you, only worsening said mood. You knew it was irrational, they weren’t doing anything wrong, maybe you were hiding your feelings better than you thought, but it felt like maybe they just didn’t care.
So you continued on, not even trying to hide scowl on your face. You felt invisible, so why try? You had finally snapped as someone accidentally spilled ink on your paper that you had nearly finished. You felt your eyes well up with stressful tears threatening to fall down your face. You quickly gathered your things, waving off the person as they apologized. You didn’t care that the class had only started ten minutes ago, you were done. The day was almost over anyways, no harm in skipping your last class. You booked it out of the class, ignoring the stares of your peers and the way your teacher looked at you worriedly. You tried your hardest to stop the tears, but it was no use as they started spilling the second you crossed the door frame of your class. Keeping your head down, you rubbed at your eyes as you walked down the halls towards your dorm. 
So caught up in your torment, you had forgotten that you shared your last class with Rayne. In your mind, it didn’t matter, yes he was your friend but you knew how seriously he takes his schooling seriously. So when you were suddenly pulled into an empty classroom by said Divine Visionary, you were surprised. Not only surprised, but you felt ashamed. You hid your face as pathetic sobs left your lips. You continued to rub at your face, trying to halt the never ending stream of tears. God this was so embarrassing! You didn’t want him to see you like this, it felt like it ruined how you wanted him to see you. 
Rayne on the other hand felt out of his depth. Emotion’s were something he tried to stay away from. That was until it came to you. You had unknowingly shown him the good in feelings, not just the bad he was used to. In fact, you were so good at making things seem brighter, he had failed to consider that the bad affected you just like it does to everyone. Seeing you sob your heart out didn’t sit well with him, hearing your distressed cries felt wrong. You were always happy, cheerful, a shining smile on your face as you shared something you found fascinating. With all the bad in the world you always managed to find something good, and you shared that with whoever would listen. 
“I’m sorry,” You apologized, still hiding yourself from the stoic man standing across from you. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Rayne’s heart broke, even in a pained state, you still apologized. For what? He wasn’t sure, but he had a gut feeling it was because you didn’t want him to see your own pain. Rayne racked his brain for what to do, but seeing you in such a state made it feel blank, like all knowledge had vanished from him completely. In what he lacked with emotional knowledge, he knew even less in comforting or touch. He was completely out of his element, but he refused to just stand on the sidelines and watch you suffer on your own.
You felt yourself pause as you felt a hand rest on your head. Peeking up through your fingers, you watched in slight wonder as Rayne awkwardly patted your head. Tears were still falling down your cheeks, but your breathing started to even and your sobs diminished. You had been so flabbergasted by Rayne’s actions that he had managed to shock you out of your previous hysteria. 
You felt yourself warm at the gesture, how he went out of his comfort zone to try and comfort you. It was awkward, sure, but it meant everything to you. And against your own wishes, you felt more tears start to fall, this time due to how intense all your emotions felt at the moment. You had never felt so grateful towards someone, so much care and love. Out of your better judgment, you jumped at Rayne, squeezing him tightly as you cried into him. His arms froze awkwardly at his sides, unsure if this meant you were happy or still sad. The way your hands scrunched his robe, or how you squeezed him like your life depended on him. He felt his face warm, unused to such a notion. Slowly and awkwardly, he put his arms around you.
That moment had changed things between you both. You had become a lot more affectionate towards Rayne (though you kept that for either if you two were alone or just small things in public). At first Rayne didn’t know how to react, he thought you were warm before, but now you were like a sun shining down on him. He was even more befuddled as your special treatment only seemed to be aimed at him. Unknown to him, he had become warmer towards you as well. After that incident, he kept a sharper eye on you, wanting to make sure you never cry like that again. You found it odd at first when trinkets would show up randomly. Sometimes it was items with your favorite animal as the pattern, other times it was trinkets with bunnies as the pattern. Which was a dead give away that it was Rayne who was giving the items. 
You both had become pining idiots, much to Max’s amusement. He hadn’t expected to ever see his roommate fall for someone else in such a way. Yes, he knew that deep down Rayne was a softie, but he couldn’t imagine his friend to be in a romantic relationship. Even so, Max was overjoyed at the events unfolding before him. He would watch with a grin as you offered parts of your lunch to the spilt colored haired man, or how in return Rayne would slip an animal keychain in your bag. 
It was amusing for a certain period…but he started to slowly lose hope that either of you would try to take it further. You both were in a comfortable spot in your relationship, so why rock the boat? Even Finn couldn’t deny that his brother might’ve found himself a true companion, a fact that made him happy. All in all, no one could deny the chemistry between you both. Not even you could find a way to wave it off as friendly. You certainly felt a love deeper than you’d like to admit towards the Sword Cane, and it was hard for you to brush off how much he seemed to care for you as well. 
You found yourself in a conundrum. You had never been in a situation like this before. Where you had feelings for someone and the person actually seemed to reciprocate. But as always, you managed to find a problem. Was Rayne looking for a relationship? He was busy as ever as a Divine Visionary, and that didn’t seem like it was going to slow down. Could it even work? Maybe it was for the best if you two just stayed friends. While Rayne on the other hand never expected to feel like this for anyone. He hadn’t expected to fall for anyone, it wasn’t in his plans for the future, nor would it benefit him in his goal to make the world a better place for orphans. Yet now, when he thought of the future, it seemed bleak if you weren’t by his side. 
Both of your paths seemed like it was going to stray. You wanted to become a wildlife expert of some kind, while he already had his career. A Divine Visionary and a scientist, how would it work out? (Yes, you were both so in love with each other y’all are already thinking that far ahead). 
Yes, Max found your pining amusing, but he also started to get tired of how hopeless you both were. You both clearly cared for the other deeply, it was time for one of you to push things further. So, Max decided to talk to you first, as you seemed to be the easier of the two to push things forward. What he hadn’t expected was how deep your anxiety ran. He could only sit there sweating as you continued to rant a seemingly never ending list of possible problems that might happen. 
“What about tomorrow?” Max asked, cutting you off before you could go further into how you may both be trapped in a loveless marriage.
“What?” You asked, unsure what he meant by that.”
“If you both were together, what do you think would happen tomorrow,” Max clarified, brown eyes filled with warmth. 
You paused, not having thought of that, “Uhm…I guess what it's like now.”
Max smiled, “So why shouldn’t you confess?”
You stammered, heart beating erratically at the anxiety that filled you, “Be-because what if it goes wrong?”
With a sigh he retaliated, “And what if it doesn’t? You have to just take it a day at a time.”
Pausing once more, you realized the anxiety you tried to work on before had overtaken you. You had a problem with overthinking the future, you had even sought help to combat it. They had told you the same thing: ‘it’s not healthy to obsess over the future like that. Just take it a day at a time’. Thinking over the situation once more, you groaned. 
“Your right,” You grumbled, head falling onto your arms. 
Instead of teasing you like he normally would, Max only smiled at you gently. You were a friend of his after all, and everyone struggles with something. You really cherished Max, especially when he helped you come up with a plan to confess. 
There you stood, just as planned, Rayne was alone in the dorm. Max had left so you two would have privacy. Gathering all of your courage, you knock on the prefect’s door. Your heart felt like it was slamming against your chest. You couldn’t help but feel ridiculous. You were holding a bunny plushie, face feeling aflame. The door opened, Rayne’s stoic face, though it seemed like his eyes slightly lit up when he realized it was you. He let you in, as it wasn’t unusual for you to visit. Your eyes landed on your shared pet rabbit, it hopped towards you and you couldn’t stop yourself to lean down and pet it. Rayne watched on, trying to ignore how his heart skipped a beat at the sight. He found you as cute as a bunny, but he wasn’t sure how to express that. 
Standing back up, you inhaled a deep breath. A serious look fell across your face, but it was hard for Rayne to take you too seriously as you now not only held a rabbit plush, but your pet rabbit. 
“I really like you and I think we should date,” You stated, holding the plushie out towards Rayne. 
He stared at you, his brain felt like it was short circuited. You both stood there, watching the other, warmth overtaking the both of you. Suddenly, your serious face turned into one of horror. Had you really just confessed like that? You felt your face flame up, shoulders rising to hide you. That was close to how you had first asked someone to become your friend (they did become friends with you, but didn’t let you live down how awkwardly you asked). That was when you had vowed to never ask someone to be your friend, every time it was someone making friends with you. So why had you trusted yourself to confess? 
“I-I mean, uh,” You stumbled, eyes darting around to try and salvage it.
“Okay,” Rayne finally spoke, accepting the bunny plush. You had managed to leave him speechless, but he quickly snapped back, ending your fumbling. 
You blinked with wide eyes, “Wait, really?” Yes, it was hard to deny how well you both got along, how you both treated the other like they were special, but you hadn’t actually expected him to say yes. Maybe he would let you down nicely, saying he wasn’t ready for a relationship, or that he just wanted to stay friends, but you weren’t going to complain. 
Rayne nodded in response, “I…like you too.” 
“Cool,” You nodded, unsure how to continue. Like stated before, you hadn’t expected it to get this far. You pet the rabbit in your arms, trying to calm your racing mind. What do people do after becoming a couple? It didn’t help that Rayne had just continued to stare at you, making your heart race faster. 
Once again, Rayne patted your head awkwardly. Yeah, it seemed like you both had to figure out what to do.
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trashytoastboi · 6 months
Hello! Can I request headcanons of Cracker, Katakuri, Usopp, Marco with S/O waking up finding a bug in their bed? This happened with me and my BF and we were freaking out haha
Hi hi! Of course~ Honestly bugs and beds... nope. Don't want any strange bedfellows thank you very much. Sorry for the long wait and hope you enjoy ~
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Headcanons: Cracker, Katakuri, Usopp, Marco x S/O – Waking up and finding a bug in their bed
> Gender neutral
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Charlotte Cracker
🍪 Cracker took a long time, detailing his day and laughing at the idiots at World Government, he walked right past the marines and they didn’t even know it’s him. To further his little taunt he stood RIGHT beside his own wanted poster and those idiots never even picked it up. Cracker did this often and boasted of his tales before bed, to his partner who always willingly listened. He enjoyed the attention, how attentively {Name} listened. “Well enough about me-” he cut his own story short upon seeing how sleepy {Name} was. 
🍪 He crawled into the obnoxiously large bed, right besides {Name}, doing his usual routine. Surprisingly when he wasn’t boasting about his own achievements, or speaking enthusiastically about his family he could be quite affectionate towards his partner. Maybe it was his pride as a lover, or something of the sort but he had a strange softness to his biscuit coated heart when it came to {Name}. He pulled them closer, pressing a soft kiss to their shoulder. He felt a tickling on his thigh, he chuckled thinking it was {Name’s} hand. Until he realized that unlike him, {Name} wasn’t exactly tall enough, with long enough limbs to reach his thigh the way they were laying. So what was tickling his thigh? 
🍪 Cracker decided to ignore it. Surely it was nothing. The prickly, tickling sensation kept moving. Squirming, he could not ignore it. It stopped for a moment and {Name} shrieked at the sudden feeling and practically launched themselves from the bed, entrusting Cracker to find the culprit. He scoffed at seeing their terror, when he lifted the blanket. A monstrosity, some hundred legged demon wriggled and wreathed all over the bed. It set its sights for Cracker and aggressively squiggles towards him, Cracker would tell everyone it was his partner who shrieked high enough to crack glass, but it was him. He discovered he'd rather face an admiral instead of a centipede. 
🍪Cracker unleashed the full force of his devil fruit, making sure there was no possible way for this foul creature to survive. Sure {Name} was scared and grossed out but the extent Cracker went to seemed like overkill. Even after all of that, practically decimating his entire room…He noticed it again. Nonchalantly marching along as if nothing ever happened, the centipede was alive and well, its presence tormented Cracker. Eventually {Name} worked up the courage to approach it, trap it in a container and toss it out the window while it sailed on the wind until probably landing safely somewhere to strike fear to everyone else. 
🍪 Cracker was exhausted. He refused to go to sleep in his room, not until enough time has passed and he was double- no triple sure that it was clean and free of insects..He felt itchy and thought about how long the centipede tickled against him. One thing he can say for certain is he now knows that he has a fear of centipedes. Well any creature with more than four legs already raises his danger bells, this was just the epitome of it. What’s worse, it was a giant centipede! It’s unnatural how it could even get that big. 
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Charlotte Katakuri
🍩 Katakuri is very soft, and finds he really enjoys the nights when he can sleep next to his partner. Their presence is so warm and comforting, evoking the same kind of fluffy and comforting feelings as his tea time. Katakuri rarely expressed this but you could easily tell, he acted noticeably softer and more gentle during these times when his heart felt at ease. With one of the most comfortable beds to ever be created and his partner, what more could he need for a restful night. He had prepared a small plate of snacks, something light to go with a late night beverage, he relaxed with {Name} sharing snacks and talking about the day. 
🍩 After that Katakuri so naturally snuggled against {Name} well seeing that he is as tall as he is, {Name} was designated the role of little spoon every time. Once they tried to be the big spoon but they made Katakuri burst out in laughter. Everything seemed peaceful, although it was warm so Katakuri opened a window in the hopes of a pleasant breeze to come drifting through. Although the breeze was not the only thing that came drifting into the room. 
🍩 Maybe the slightest hum of wings was not enough to alert them. Not even when it got louder, and closer. Until Katakuri felt something tap against his cheek. He thought nothing of it, until it moved. He casually brushed it off and it fell to the bed and made its way towards {Name}, the slightest tickle of an antenna gave them an itch. Although they didn’t expect to feel something when they went to scratch what was tickling them. They went to have a look, maybe they left something on the bed earlier? They spotted some odd creature. A scorpion? The silhouette seemed to match, but they had never heard of a scorpion that had an antenna? It started flying and {Name} shrieked to high heaven - Not a scorpion. 
🍩 Katakuri could see {Name} panicking, being chased by some very tiny thing that had them running for their life. So nonchalantly asked them what the problem was. In their panic Katakuri heard {Name} complaining about ‘it’ crawling into their ears and tickling their brains. The idea actually sounded quite disgusting even by his standards.  He easily captured it in a mochi cage and threw it outside to ease his partner’s concerns. Katakuri didn’t even see it for that long but the sheer terror that it evoked in his partner was strange. {Name} described in great detail about earwigs and all the horrific old wives tales that exist about them. 
🍩 After hearing the tale about how they’ll crawl into your ears and lay eggs Katakuri started sleeping with earbuds in to prevent such. He brushed it off saying that he’s not affected but {Name} knew otherwise, plus Katakuri no longer opens the windows. So there’s something to suggest that maybe he’s not as unaffected as he makes himself out to be. 
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🏹 Ussop said goodnight to all of his lovely little plants, making sure everything was ready for tomorrow and he kept telling {Name} that he’d be there in a few minutes. In the meantime, {Name} prepped the bed making sure it was all comfortable and ready to turn in for the night. They knew Usopp could get stuck with his plants for hours, talking to them, tending to them and deciding they’d turn in before him. They got comfy and were in a half asleep state. 
🏹 They’d just managed to lightly fall asleep, they felt the weight shift and the bed dip when Ussop climbed inside. He was talking to himself about the to-do list for tomorrow to remind himself of everything he wanted to attend to. He climbed under the blanket humming to {Name} with some random lullaby. {Name} shifted closer out of habit and all was well until something very evidently came crawling on the bed. {Name} could faintly make out the silhouette of the thing coming closer, closer, - it wasn’t big enough to have significant weight but they could see the blanket move underneath it so clearly it was big enough to do that. They silently watched as it got closer before being unable to take it anymore. 
🏹 {Name} didn’t know what it was but they flailed, and flung themselves all over the bed to get away from it. Usopp obviously woke up from all the panicking wondering what had his partner so riled up and perturbed. When Usopp lifted the blanket to catch the culprit it revealed a spider. Eight legs, walking along like nothing could go wrong. Usopp chuckled and scooped the spider onto his hand “Don’t worry this little guy won't hurt you.” He reassures {Name} while admiring how pretty the little fellow looked. {Name} was terrified, reassured and surprised to see Usopp so unphased while he let the spider run around his hand and arm. 
🏹 Usopp moved the spider to a container and he took it outside, while {Name} just remained inside, confused and too scared to look in the bed. Maybe they should just sleep elsewhere; they wracked their brain until they heard Usopp return. He fixed the bed and invited them to lay beside him. {Name} asked if there were any more bugs, evidently afraid to return. Usopp reassured them that it was just that little guy. {Name} told Usopp just how surprised they were to see him handling that with no issue ever, he’s never found bugs scary and rather on the cute side. 
🏹 {Name} was too scared on their side of the bed and scooted closer and closer until they were practically sleeping on top of Usopp. Not that he minded all that much, he thought them being afraid of a little spider was adorable. They protested that they’re cute until they bite, Usopp couldn't really argue with that but explained he’s never been bitten. 
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🍍 Marco quite enjoyed his midday naps, granted if everything was quiet enough to permiss that. He even roped {Name} into joining him and it almost became routine when they would disappear for an hour or two to just rest and recharge before getting back to the grind. He didn’t even bother opening the bed and threw a soft blanket on top instead, without checking it. Had he checked things might have been different for the two of them. He plopped down and awaited {Name} wondering why they were so late. 
🍍 {Name} arrived to find a very half asleep Marco who greeted them with a sleepy tune and an interrupting yawn. They walked over and plopped over, smiling as they saw Marco’s resting face. The moment felt so serene and peaceful, warm and comfortable. {Name} wished it would last forever until they felt some hard, cold thing MOVING next to them. A slight hissing sound arose and they froze, a snake is easy no big deal. But this didn’t feel like a snake. It was smaller, still sizable and more rigid. 
🍍 “Marco-” {Name} called softly, trying not to move, “Marco!” They called a little louder, before reaching up and shaking him. Marco woke up, flustered “What’s wrong? Enemies? Marines?” he searched around, when {Name} shuffled closer to him “There’s something behind me…Take it away please” Marco was confused but noticed the genuine fear that lingered in their expression. He came closer and reached behind them, to feel something. For a moment relief washed over him, it was probably a random item. He thought that until it moved in his hand and Marco threw whatever he was holding across the room with a muffled shriek. 
🍍 Marco and {Name} skedaddled to the polar opposite side of the room and looked for any sign of movement and there it was. Red, brown and black amalgamated onto a palm sized insect. An intimidating and shrill hiss escaped the creature, Marco did the only rational thing. He took {Name} and left the room before burning it, the flames would leave nothing behind. After watching everything turning into ash, Marco seemed relieved. Until he saw something JUMPING at him through the ashes.
🍍 They shut the door and Marco called for someone who was better at dealing with such things than he was. To his surprise it was easy to find someone…Enthusiastic about bugs amongst the eccentric crew. They were excited while ‘admiring’ the fine specimen which they identified as a parktown prawn. Marco didn’t care what kind of creature it was but more to the fact that his whole room had been overturned by its existence. 
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litchifaerie · 4 months
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Guilty as Sin [Aemond Targaryen]
pairing: aemond targaryen x niece!reader (unspecified dad)
warnings: fluff, very little angst, not Daemon's daughter but she has silver hair, ooc!aemond (?), "i burn for you" typa confession. niece!reader strikes again.
word count: 3.3k
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After the incident of Driftmark, it was a known fact that the family of the dragon has now broken into two factions, namely: The Hightower Greens and The Targaryen Blacks. Young Prince Lucerys had somehow managed to blind his uncle, Prince Aemond, in an act of what rumours say to be “self defence”. The family damaged beyond repair went on to live separately, no longer finding joy in maintaining the facade of a “happy joint family” to appease their king. Now years later, the question of inheritance of Driftmark is raised. Lord Corlys Velaryon is feared to be nearing his death and thus Vaemond Velaryon has raised a petition for himself to be declared the heir instead of its true heir, Lucerys Velaryon.
When the Blacks made their home in Dragonstone it took them quite a while to settle in with its rough seas and jagged cliffs. In a few months everyone seemed to settle in well. Everyone except for Rhaenyra’s eldest child, her only daughter, you. Back at King’s Landing you loved the court. You loved meeting the ambassadors of kingdoms you had read about in books with Aemond. You loved sneaking around the castle at midnight with Aemond. Your bare feet hurriedly rushing over the cold of the stone floors in search of some leftover lemon cakes in the kitchens. You loved sewing with Helaena and learning the names of her friendly little creatures. You and Aemond were perhaps the only companions she had growing up.
Yes, yes, you missed Aemond even more so. And now six years later, here you are, sitting in the carriage with your mother and step-father awaiting to reach the Red Keep soon. You’re busy gazing out the windows, looking at how much King’s Landing has changed. I wonder if that jeweller still has a shop in the city market. Lost in your thoughts you jump a little when you hear your mother speak. “Do keep an eye on your brothers there. Daemon and I have some matters to attend with the King the moment we reach. I do not want those two to pick a fight with your uncles.” Rhaenyra speaks calmly.
You nod with a polite “Of course mother”. And with a moment of hesitation, you ask “Is it alright if I invite Helaena for an afternoon tea, perhaps even a play date for her twins and little Viserys and Aegon? Please allow it mother! It has been ages since I last saw her! I wish to see my baby cousins and catch up with my dear aunt…” Rhaenyra can never say no to your pleading eyes. She only chuckles “yes my dear you may”.
It wasn’t a long while before the carriage came to a stop. A knight comes to open the door for you. “No one to greet us hmm” murmurs Daemon. His ability to remain stoic sometimes makes him seem invisible even in close proximity. He steps out first, helping you and your mother down next. Jace and Luce come rushing begging to go to the training grounds. “Boys”, you call out, “Mother and Father have some matter to attend to. Now if we may, lets see how the knights here train at King’s Landing.” With that you just turn around and they follow you like ducklings, ever the obedient little brothers.
You make your way to the training yard, looking around and seeing specks of your past. It all seemed like a far away dream now. How happily the boys played fight together, with you dabbling in some swordplay at times. Distant shouts of cheers catch your attention and you look their way. “Seems like there’s a fight going on” Jace remarks. And Luce replies energetically “Lets go see how the knights fare then” and drags you both towards the crowd.
A clash of swords and flurry of movements of men later you are able to catch a glimpse of long silver hair. A Targaryen. Long hair and a fine swordsman? Can’t be Aegon. That leaves the 2 others. And as you get closer you recognise his silhouette. It took you a little time but you can spot him anywhere still. It’s not your eyes that tell you of his identity but your heart. Its him. Yes, it is. Its Aemond.
“Well done my prince. In no time will you be participating in Tourneys.” Says the knight, who if your memory serves right must be Ser Criston Cole. “I don’t give a shit about tourneys” Aemond replies trying to gather himself after that tiring display of amazing swordsmanship. And then he spots you. At first Aemond believed it to be untrue. His mind had played many such games with him through the period of your absence. The Gods were cruel to not only rob him of his eye but also his dearest friend the same night. Maybe he stared at you a moment too long because that was enough for Jace to step in front of you and shield you from his uncle's view. At that Aemond seems to snap back to reality. “Nephews, come to train? Shall we see who has turned into a better swordsman these past 6 years.” He clearly is still looking to pick fights. You put your hand on Jace’s shoulder “Do not engage he just wants to rile you up”.
The crowd whispers amongst itself. Do you see that? The sons of the Queen and Princess do not get along. Are the whispers true then- You think you need to squash these whisperings now by a show of goodwill. You walk towards Aemond in the “dainty” manner a proper Lady should approach a Lord. “Uncle” you come to a halt just a bit away from Aemond, a few inches closer than it is deemed appropriate. “How have you been? I see the years have been kind to you. The tales of your growing talent of sparring has reached Dragonstone. And I am happy to say those words do no justice to your skill. You’re much better than what they lead us to believe.” Flattery. Heaps of it. So what if it’s a little backhanded. I need to patch things up even if it’s a little. “Dear niece” Aemond raises your hand to place a kiss on your knuckles “Ever the beauty. That must mean the tales of Lords and Knights fighting over a chance to court you must be true then?” and all you can do is chuckle. Oh so he will play this game then. “You flatter me too much my prince. I was wondering if you and Princess Helaena would have your afternoon tea with me. I’ve missed you incredibly. And I just can’t wait to meet little Jaehaera and Jaehaerys”
Ser Cole places his hand on the prince’s arm, “Perhaps some other day Princess. Prince Aemond has some mat-”. “Yes I will” Aemond butts in before Cole can finish. “Very well then” you fold your hands together. “I shall take my leave now. The journey here was rather long and tiring”. You look behind you to see the astonished faces of your brothers. You know what thy must be thinking. What the fuck is going on in her head? “Come Jace. Come Luce. Let us go freshen up. Mother is waiting for us” You wait for your brothers to take one of your arms each. And you leave just like that. Maintaining eye contact with Aemond for as long as it was societally acceptable of you to look his way without it spurring rumours.
Are her hips swaying? Is what Aemond notices as he watches you leave. With a smirk on his face his last thought is: You’re home now zaldrītsos.
You walk with your brothers to your room, both of them still silent, a little surprised at your actions that’s all. You’re at your door when you turn around “Brothers if you may. Please go to your respective rooms and tell your servants how you’ll like your rooms arranged. The long jouney has taken a toll on me and I wish to be alone.” They know that tone. They know what you say is less of a suggestion and is most definitely a command. And they know better than to cross you when you’re tired. Being short tempered is something you have learned from Daemon while growing up. He truly was your father in every way imaginable except biologically.
Once in the comforts of your room you let a deep beath out. And there it is on your bed. You hoped it would be. The letter with the blue wax seal on it. A sapphire blue.
“Welcome back dear niece.
 The crown jewel has finally returned to the court.
 See you in the evening.”
                              ~ A. T.
It’s evening now and in another part of the Keep, Aemond seems to overhear a very important conversation on his way to his sister. One about the matter of your betrothal. “Those Hightower cunts” Daemon seethes openly. Mother? Aemond hides behind a pillar in the seemingly deserted corridor while he heard his uncle openly badmouth his “kin” without any care of who might hear. The doors to the chamber were left ajar. “When you suggested y/n be betrothed to Aegon and Jace to Helaena. She refused the very moment it was suggested. Appalled that such a proposal can even be made. And now when we are here to have the king’s blessing to betroth Jace to y/n, the so called Hand has already made a suggestion for a match between that one eyed boy knight and our daughter!” Rhaenyra is just silent. Daemon seethes in his anger. But all Aemond focuses on is that he could have your hand if his mother finds a way. And also, a little angry that Jacaerys Velaryon, rather Strong, might covet what’s his.
Fuelled by what he refuses to call jealousy, the prince makes his way through the Keep. With only one destination in mind, he storms through the corridors paying no mind to the strange looks he receives. And its as if he is 10 again, knocking at the doors of his beloved friend. But now he is a man of 19, and she is more than his friend. She is his destiny and he will have her.
You’re busy taking your heavy necklace off, opting to wear long delicate crystal earring instead which matches the long flowy gown you changed into for the tea when you notice the knocks. Thinking its your ladies-in-waiting you yell out a “Come in.” Setting the necklace on top of the dresser, you’re surprised to find Aemond’s reflection staring at you through the mirror. “My prince” you turn to face him, still sitting at your vanity, “Aren’t you here a little early for the tea?”
“Hmm…” Aemond just hums in reply and sits on the settee nearby, “I’ve come to know of an interesting proposition regarding you my niece”. That was enough to have your attention, “And what that might be Aemond?” you cock an eyebrow at him. “You’re going to be betrothed by the time your stay here ends”. You’re a little stunned but you expected this coming. Your mother has given you the liberty to choose who you might marry but you won’t do so at the expense of her political foothold. Marriage cannot always be for love and you will follow your duty like the honorable Princess of the realm you are if that is what’s required of you. “Yes, I’m aware” you tell him plainly. “I think they have Jacaerys in mind.”
“And you have no issue regarding it” Aemond asks, finding himself to be a little unnerved at your calm demeanour. “No issue whatsoever?” And you can’t help but sigh “It is what is expected of me uncle. Targaryens are known to marry their siblings. Look at yours. I always knew that there might be a possibility of me marrying Jacaerys. I am my mother’s firstborn. Her heir. But I am not a son. She only seeks to squash any problem that might raise for when I ascend the throne by marrying me to her firstborn son.”
“He’s not worthy of you. None of those plain-featured boys. You’re more valyrian than they are with your silver hair.” Aemond speaks out. “If I were you, I would watch my tongue Aemond. Don’t want you to lose your other eye due to your idiocy.” You say casually while combing through your hair.
Aemond was a little sick of your nonchalant attitude. How can you agree to this match? Why do you seem so fine? Why are you willing to go through with this? All he can do is sit in silence, his eye refusing to watch your figure, his ego stopping him from expressing what he wants. But you know what he wants, and you want him to say it out loud.
You get up from the vanity, your silver hair in loose waves, the setting sun casting an ethereal glow around you. You look like the very picture of an angel to Aemond with a halo behind you. And suddenly all he can see is you, all he can breathe is you. You’re close, too close to him, his knees are touching your leg as you stand in front of him. The door to your room is only closed shut and not locked. One can just simply walk in and catch you.
Your fingers ghost over his cheek, trailing up to his eyepatch. “Does it hurt now?” he hears you say. There is no pity on your face, just curiosity. And your touch is so delicate, so soothing. “Not as much. Sometimes when I have worked myself too hard a sharp sensation shoots up but then subsides in a while”. And now its your turn to hum. Bringing your other hand to his other cheek you gently cup his face. And Aemond’s lone eye meets yours.
His eye seems so vacant. But if I look hard enough, I can catch a glimpse of the young boy who chased me through the gardens. “Can I see it. Your eye?” you rub your thumb against his cheek. Affection. Aemond bring his hand up to reach for yours, the one on the side of the maimed eye. “It is ugly. It might frighten a lady.” He hesitates. She will take one look at me in my hideous glory and never look my way again.
“Not to me. Especially when its you.” That sentence holds a lot more meaning and truth than what one might think and you only hope Aemond understands. And Aemond does what you ask of him. He gently removes his eyepatch waiting for you to let out a gasp. He wants to close his eyes for your inevitable disgusted expression but he cannot look away from you. He looks at every muscle you move on your face but he doesn’t see a grimace, instead could it be, is it awe?
A soft smile graces your face, wildly different from what he anticipated it to be. “The sapphire compliments your features nicely. I hope the gem isn’t uncomfortable?” He is dumbstruck for a minute. “No, it doesn’t, I always wanted to thank you in person for this gift.” When his eye healed, Aemond was surprised to find the city’s most famous jeweller with a chest full of his best gems waiting for him in his mother’s parlour. A reparation I suppose, the queen had said, the Velaryon girl wrote this letter saying how “sorry" she was for her brother’s action and expresses her regret for not being able to defend you against her brother. He wanted you to be there with him when he woke the next day, he remembered your crying face when the master said Aemond’s maimed eye can’t be repaired. It’s worth it y/n. I lost an eye but gained the biggest dragon that there is.
You resume rubbing your thumb gently over his scar and that’s what brings him back. “No man, no matter how noble he is, deserves you”. “Then who does my prince? Pray tell”, you say. You know his answer. Just say it Aemond. I beg you. “I have a duty to the crown Aemond”, dropping your hands from his face, you walk away from him. “And I will do it, even if I don’t wish to.”
Aemond was furious “How can you be so blind? Do you not see my pain?”. Your back was turned to him and you closed your eyes in frustration. You turn to look at him, with angry tears in your eyes, “I am tired of waiting for you!” you yell, “These past years have been agonising. It hurt not to be around you. But those letters kept me going. Our secret exchanges were what I kept looking forward to every week.” Aemond’s chest is just heaving. “And just when I thought that there’s a sliver of chance you feel the same-”
“I do.” Aemond interrupts you. He reaches forward to hold you but you back away. “Then why Aemond” there’s a slight tremble in your voice. “Thousands of lords and knights came to have my hand. And I rejected every single of them, hoping that you will present yourself in front of my parents and ask for me. You claim to have affection for me but I don’t see it.” You cut him off before he has a chance to explain.
“I’ll show my love for you” is all the silver haired prince says before tugging you to him harshly and planting his lips on yours. Its wild, full of passion and fury. The kiss seems to ignite something in you. Both your inner dragons coming to life and breathing out fire. He’s burning you with the force of the emotions the kiss conveys.
Although you feel breathless you still craved more of him. Your hand went at the base of his neck, tangling at his roots. You drag him even close if that’s possible. Aemond’s one hand is around your throat, controlling your movement, dominating you completely. His other strongly grips your waist keeping you in place. Your lips move together in perfect synchronisation although there seems to be a bite here and there.
The Targaryens are only gods because of their dragons. Right now, right here, were two young lord and lady lost in each other and were in dire need of air yet unwilling to be apart, fearing what comes next. You’re the first to break the kiss. The evidence of your passion is seen on Aemond’s swollen red wet lips and messy hair and you can only imagine yours to look the same.
Aemond leans his head against yours, your foreheads touching. His eyes are closed in pleasure and a rare smile graces his leeps but all you can do is admire him through your eyelashes. “Make me your wife” you call out softly. “Ask my mother for my hand. I do not wish to marry Jacaerys…he is too much of a brother. It is you I want. I’ll fight for you if needed be” Aemond opens his eyes at that. “Silly girl”, he says, “The Queen has asked the King for our match to be made.” Your brows furrow in confusion, “My mother agrees?” Aemond brings a hand to caress your face, “I think she does. Daemon on the other…” Even you become anxious at that statement. “My uncle is a challenge I welcome” he continues, “Nothing can keep me away from you. I’ve waited years for this, I can’t let go of you now.”
You can’t help but smile. You loved Aemond but marrying him meant going against what your mother had taught you. Knowing the distaste Daemon held for the members of green party, and thinking of your brothers’ action against Aemond made you feel immensely guilty. But you waited all these years, you were the exceptional daughter all this while, ever obedient, ever graceful. Never a hair out of place. Always the perfect princess. And if Aemond is the treason you commit against your family, then you will happily be guilty as sin.
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leighsartworks216 · 11 months
A Spawn Could Get Used To This
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Wrote this on 1 hour of sleep. I did proofread it. I am so so sleepy. I'm going back to bed after this
Warnings: embarrassment
Word Count: 1,163
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First Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist - Second Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
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In the few weeks he’d been traveling along with this not-so-merry band of weirdos, Astarion got used to a lot of things very quickly. Gale loudly explaining anything at the drop of a hat, Lae’zel and Shadowheart fighting, the smells. Some things were positive, too. The sun was always nice and warm, and the odd sort of comfort being with a group of weirdos brought was nice. And, of course, some things were neutral.
One of the neutrals he’d adjusted to came in the form of you, their leader, and in fact the forms you could take on. He wasn’t sold on the whole druid thing before - all of them were tree huggers who cried over a crushed blade of grass - but, well, being romantically involved with one came with some quirks.
Quite often, almost any time you weren’t busy exploring or risking their lives, you would transform into a cat and go about the camp. If Scratch and the owlbear cub were any indicators, small fluffy things raised morale. Most everyone would scratch along your spine or behind your ears, all their woes forgotten for even a brief moment. It became rather commonplace. Mundane. What an odd thing to be called mundane.
Along with this came another little quirk.
After you did your rounds, getting pets and listening to their smaller issues, you’d come back around and rub against his leg. This very quickly became a way of asking for him to pick you up. You rather enjoyed being close to his chest and purring as loudly as possible.
Today was just like any other. You’d come back with a sack of stolen goods and bloody armor, drop everything unceremoniously in a pile, and transform to make your rounds. Well, he assumed that’s what you did. He was a little preoccupied when you disappeared, but he didn’t think much of it when a cat started wandering around the tents.
So he stood and flipped through his book and busied himself, waiting to drop the act and pick you up and cuddle. It was a rather good act, he thought. He’d furrow his brow or lightly chuckle, and become so engrossed in pretending to read he stopped noticing the passage of time, until something small and fluffy rubbed against his leg.
He closed the book carelessly as he looked down at his feet. Sure enough, a cat rubbed its cheek against him, already starting to purr. He grinned, though not too wide, lest the others begin to think he went soft. “Hello, my love,” he cood. “Want me to hold you?”
The cat meowed, head butting him. He chuckled and tossed his book onto a pillow, before bending down and lifting the darling creature - his darling creature - into his arms. It flipped to its back to be cradled like a baby in the crook of his elbow, paws stretching out and claws latching lightly to the fabric of his shirt. It purred so loud he was sure everyone else for a mile could hear it.
Unusually, it didn’t seem to like when he tried stroking its belly. He thought, perhaps, you just didn’t want that kind of contact today. He’d been getting used to the boundaries touch should have, and the fact you would respect them. It was only natural to have the same grace in return.
“Awe, you got yourself a little friend!”
Astarion startled at the voice, jostling the cat slightly, who mrowled at the movement. Sure enough, standing beside his tent toweling their hair dry was his beloved druid. Not in cat form. He gaped in confusion and awe.
“Darling, don’t take this the wrong way but, where the Hells were you?” The cat rolled to its side to knead biscuits into his chest. He barely felt the pinpricks of nails.
You gave him an odd look. “I went for a wash. Our battles were a bit bloodier today, and while you may like the smell of blood, I, personally, don’t. Especially when it’s up my nose.” You scowled, rubbing your nose at the memory. “Why? Did something happen?”
His frown didn’t disappear as he slowly replied, “No, nothing at all.”
You gave him another odd look. “Are you alright?”
He blinked, shaking himself out of his dumbfounded stupor. “This is going to sound ridiculous, but…” He looked down at the cat in his arms that seemed to settle down and prepare for a nap. “Well, dear, I thought this was you.”
The laugh bursts out of you unbidden, and Astarion glares embarrassed at you. You try to bite down the giggles trying to escape. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! It’s just,” you giggle and step forward to pet the cat. You have a bubbly sort of mischief in your eyes. He prepares himself for the worst. “You can’t tell the difference between us?”
“I didn’t think I had to memorize the precise hairs, no,” he bit. “It looked like you - why would I have any reason to believe it wasn’t?”
“You don’t need to be defensive,” you assure sweetly. “It’s cute! And it seems to like you.”
He huffed and looked down at the creature. The points of its fangs peeked out as it drifted off into sleep. The purring persisted, now almost reminding him of snoring. He pouted, though he hated when you called it that. He preferred the term brooding. “Yes, well, I was rather hoping it was my darling druid come to join me for a lazy evening.”
You chuckled and kissed his cheek. “I can do that. But I don’t think your new friend is going to want to leave you alone.”
He peeked at you from the corner of his eye. “I could be persuaded to share myself with both of you.”
“What if I turned into a cat and purred, too?”
He hummed, pretending to consider the deal, but the slight lift of his mouth gave it away. “I don’t know, darling. You know how much I simply loathe sharing. I think you can do better than that.”
You smile. “Okay, what if I throw a kiss into the mix?”
He grinned, the points of his fangs peeking out just like the cat’s in his arms. “That might even it out.”
You do your best to avoid disturbing the cat as you lean in to catch his lips. You taste of fresh spring water and the barest hint of a health potion. And he loves it. The kiss doesn’t last nearly long enough before you pull away and kiss his cheek. “Get comfortable. I’ll be back in a moment.”
“I’ll count the seconds,” he teases, though there’s no hint of a lie in his voice.
You chuckle and walk away, back to the pile of stuff that Wyll and Gale are already sorting through, counting 1, 2, 3, 4… And 97 seconds later, when you and this stranger cat are both laying atop him, purring incessantly, he finds he could get used to it.
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bubblybloob · 8 months
I dare you to draw smitten with either cold or the beast, you pick.
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This is because I said I hadn’t gotten many asks for the Smitten, huh?
This might actually be a bit more Cold focused, long thing I wrote below.
There were fights, a lot of fights, actually. How could there not be? Eleven voices given form, only to be cramped back into one space. At least this time it was a house, not a body.
It wasn’t a bad thing, far from it; Hero wagers most were thankful for the permanent, familiar company, while the rest indifferent. Hero himself quite enjoys chatting or playing games with the others, it isn’t uncommon for him to seek out one of the voices simply so his stirring thoughts can have an outlet.
However, sometimes the others don’t click. Usually it was fine- Broken, Hunted and Contrarian seldom got physical. Opportunist and Paranoid might if they felt strongly enough about something to throw away their pretenses or fear, but they weren’t often the issue.
The rest tended to jump to bold accusations and wild conclusions, looked forward to it even. Skeptic occasionally found himself going from relatively mundane quarrels to all out brawls from causing accidental offense. Stubborn and Cheated had a tendency to get too excited about coming out on top in one way or another, and the other two…
Sometimes it felt like they only ever fought each other.
Okay, that was lie, Cold purposely ruffled the other’s feathers out of pure boredom. Hero wondered if he had made up some sort of challenge to see if he could get the non confrontational voices riled up for a fight, given how often he pushed their buttons. Once he flat out punched Contrarian in the face just to see if he’d retaliate.
If Cold couldn’t get them to crack he’d sigh with something akin to dejection and approach someone like Cheated, maybe Stubborn if he was feeling risky- pretty much anyone with a shorter fuse so he could get some form of thrill.
But they weren’t his go to, that would be- of course- Smitten.
“You vile, wretched thing! I won’t hear another word of nonsense out of you. Begone! Foul creature!”
“Call me all the names you like, you won’t get the response you’re looking for.”
It happened just about every other day: Cold would say something off putting, Smitten would respond with something that would offend anybody else, a bit of snarky back and forth later, and suddenly hands were being thrown.
“What are they arguing about this time?” Cheated grumbled, coming up to stand beside Hero, whose eyes were encircled by dark shadows.
“I ‘dunno, woke up to them yapping at each other, or at least Smitten’s yapping, I don’t think Cold has ever raised his voice.” Hero yawned out, scratching at his horn tuft.
“With how often those two are at each others throats, I think we should count ourselves lucky one is so soft spoken.” Cheated stretched his arms and body upwards, his wings instinctively snapping outwards and flapping as he tried to relieve his muscles. The large wings smacked Hero’s side as he did, which had the heroic voice stumbling backwards as Cheated mumbled a small “sorry” out.
“It’s fine. I think it’s less that he’s soft spoken and more that he’s sharp spoken. He talks like he knows where all your vitals are.” Hero responds, shivering at his own words.
Cheated shrugs. “Probably does, he’s our resident freak after all.”
“How is it then that you feel nothing? Without feeling one will rot away, yet you’re still here.” Seems Hero had missed part of drama during his and Cheated’s little chat. Smitten had now grabbed Cold by the chest feathers and was looking ready to tear into him.
“Who knows, really? Maybe I’m like a ghost, haunting the remains that our godly self expelled. Or maybe we simply can’t die, I haven’t eaten in a while.” Cold replies with a sharp whistle.
“Ooo, he shouldn’t be so candid about saying that out loud, never know when Hunted’s listening.” Cheated says behind a wicked smile. No doubt the avian had tucked the information away for blackmail, or to get a favor from Opportunist, who also found a new joy in digging up dirt on the others for his own benefit.
Hero was about to step in at this point. Smitten looked ready to let loose, and Cold seemed to be passively soaking in the drama of it all. But before Hero could open his mouth, Smitten’s hold relaxed, and his head hung low.
“No, I see through your tricks, scum. I will not loose myself to anger over frivolous things such as this. Leave, now, I must prepare myself for the morning time.” Smitten let’s go of Cold’s feathers, which were not bunched together and frayed. Cold hums something tired.
“Weak willed of you, can’t approach her killer?” Cold tilts his head.
A flinch. “I know what you’re doing, I won’t fall for it this time, villain!” Smitten whips around, and goes to walk from the conflict.
Cold’s wry smile falls flat on his face, he turns his head toward Cheated.
“Not today pal, Paranoid seemed extra twitchy though, probably didn’t get much sleep. It’s still early and he isn’t fully alert in his head, might be able to start something up with him if you push hard enough.” Cheated suggests. Hero punches him in the arm, just when he thought there would be no morning fight to put down.
Cold’s brow raises, evidently interested in a fight with someone who rarely raised his hands. He moves past the two, already on the prowl for their jumpiest member.
“Troop on, you emotionless fuck- ow, stop that!” Cheated yelps when Hero punches him again, this time a little harder.
Cheated’s words seemed to have stopped Smitten in his tracks however, he mutters something to himself, and whips back around. “You can’t be as dispassionate as you claim! You’re merely afraid of your own feelings!”
The accusation makes the Cold stop dead. His expression is hidden, but Hero swears he sees his feathers puff out. He expects them to quickly flatten back down.
But they don’t.
Cold slowly turns the upper half of his body, his face looks… almost strained. His composure had finally cracked.
“Hmm?” He darkly hums. It’s an oddly moderate response, given how Cold takes any and all opportunities to tease whomever he talks to, especially for outlandish claims such as this.
They were outlandish… weren’t they?
Hero had a bad feeling in his gut, one he couldn’t explain.
“I’m right.” Smitten looks a little surprised, before a damn near elated expression creeps onto his face. “I’m right, aren’t I?”
Cold doesn’t respond, still half turned to leave. He hasn’t moved, hasn’t swayed in the past ten seconds. Hero wonders if he was still breathing.
“You aren’t unfeeling at all, are you? You’re full of emotion! What’s is it then that makes you push them under the deep, dark waves of the heart? Fear? Want? …Guilt? I can guess what it’s for.” Smitten continues with his theory, the Cold still hasn’t retaliated.
“Ooo, might be onto something there, Smitty.” Chester looks almost excited as he says this. His words seem to encourage Smitten further, who puffs up under the praise.
Cold stands there.
“Go on then, tell us the harsh truth, fiend. You’re no emotionless husk.” Smitten moves closer and closer to Cold’s position. Hero wonders if he should put himself between the two, but he can’t say he isn’t interested to where this is going.
Smitten stands face to face with his Cold counterpart. Hero swears Cold shrinks back under the close attention.
“You’re afraid.”
For a moment, they stand there, a stare down. Hero briefly hears the faint phantom sounds of glass breaking under the weight of godhood.
In a blink Cold draws his arm back, and his fist connects to Smitten cheek.
WoooOooO cliffhanger that might never keep going.
I’m unsure if this is common theory or whatnot, but I’ve not for a moment believed Cold was emotionless. I think he’s hurt by what’s happened to him, so much so that he thinks being emotionless, acting only to entertain will bring him some form of twisted comfort.
I think he’s too afraid to let himself feel, so he pushes his feelings far, far down, and pretends he feels nothing. He’s so good at it that he believes it to be true.
He’s so good at ignoring both physical and mental feeling that he himself believes he is nothing but a thrill seeker. In reality, his emotions, his physical needs, it all hurt him, so he squashes both.
Think about it, you usually get him by killing the princess in cold blood, and then subsequently stabbing yourself. Both hurt him. He only knows hurt from both, so he throws them aside.
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g0blintears · 4 months
Dark Devotion [Yandere! Dead By Daylight x Reader]
Summary: You are a mystery to both the survivors and killers within the fog. A servant of darkness, a creature created by the entity itself, you are the shadow behind the scenes that provides the survivors with the necessities they need to survive, while also assisting killers with the weapons they need to sacrifice. You are a servant void of humanity, but not one that seeks out despair. An empty slate that perhaps just needs to be taught a little bit of hope and empathy to help the survivors escape once and for all.
Four. Bitter Murmur
Placing the new box of knives out on the counter, you gazed down at the magenta colored blades, inspecting the new weapon as they shined under the dull cabin lights. It hadn’t been long since you left the entity realm to retrieve these new accessories. Since it was difficult to travel, the entity would often send you off to one of the many different worlds to get new clothes and items for both the survivors and killers to use. 
You couldn’t quite understand why it was necessary to get these meaningless items. Apparently all of the clothes you’ve retrieved held some sort of significance to both the killers and survivors from their past lives. You couldn't see the value in those things. Sure, some were curious such as one of the survivor’s blue, white, and red sailor outfit with the ‘scoops ahoy’ logo, or one of the killer’s bunny masks that was worn down and burnt. However, you couldn’t see why those clothes would fuel either side with determination.
You didn’t question it though. You simply took what you were asked to take and stock those items in the store.
Picking up a new throwing knife, you carefully wiped down the blade before placing it gently on the velvet cushion display. As you did so, your eyes peered over to the entrance of the store. 
Swinging open the door, Ji-Woon stood at the entrance of the cabin in curiosity. His eyes wandered over the cramped cabin, from the creaking, wooden floorboards to all the odd trinkets that were set out on display. He scoured the store with a scrutinizing gaze until his sharp golden hues finally landed on you.
“Greetings, Trickster.” You welcomed him. Placing a blade down, you looked over at him with a pointed stare. “Is there something you need?”
The male looked at you with a single raised brow, but after a moment he chuckled and waved a hand dismissively at you.
“Just looking around. Go back to what you’re doing.”
You gave a curt nod and turned back to the knives display.
While you cleaned, Ji-Woon looked around the make-shift store. His eyes went from the other killer’s weapons and outfits. He grimaced at all that was displayed. They were all so tasteless. Tacky. Nothing that would suit his style. In fact, everything in this realm didn’t suit him. 
When Ji-Woon first agreed to coming to the entity realm, he thought he’d be living his same old lavish lifestyle, except with the freedom to as many victims as he pleased. Unfortunately, that wasn’t quite the case. Sure, he was happy with the endless amount of freedom to kill, but he wasn’t told that he would have to wait. In fact, he didn’t even know there were others like him. Killers. Whether they were there on their own free will or against their will, they were all killers, and Ji-Woon realized that he wasn’t as special as he had hoped. 
Although he hadn’t been special in getting this kind of opportunity, he was special in a different category.
While all the other killers kept to themselves, Ji-Woon preferred a more spontaneous style. Be it his looks, attitude, or brutality in the trials, he was different. So when he heard that there was a store in the realm, something more to set him apart from the others, he immediately wanted to check it out. 
All of the outfits and accessories though, none of them caught his interest. Chainsaws were too unruly. Kitchen knives were too bland. And masks? Why would he want to hide his handsome face? Nothing in the store would suit him.
Or at least he thought, until his gaze finally landed on a section of the store where you stood. Sauntering over, Ji-Woon smiled as though he had just found his long lost love.
“Hello gorgeous.” He hummed, picking up the black bat with purple stripes and gold accents on the spikes of the bat. Giving the bat a few good swings, the male laughed to himself, imagining hitting those survivors with a powerful blow. “Ahh, I haven’t seen you in so long! But back then you were merely a prop for a music video, but now…” Ji-Woon turned around one of the mannequin displays. Putting as much force in, he blew the head right off the mannequin. 
“Now you’re perfect!” 
Turning around, Ji-Woon walked over to where you stood. His eyes glanced at you for a brief moment before his focus was solely on the displays behind you. All of them from old concerts, runway shows, and music videos he had been part of. It was all him.
The male hummed to himself, not caring if he were taking up any of your personal space. He simply grazed his fingers over the outfits while squishing you between him and the corner. Usually he wouldn’t be so chummy with strangers, however, he was in a good mood, and being the generous person he was, he wanted to make your day as well by letting you be in his presence. After all, he was The Trickster. 
Rummaging through the racks, Ji-Woon set a few outfits on his forearm all while you stood in place, still and silent.
You weren’t quite sure what to do. You’ve never been so close to anyone before. Well, that wasn’t necessarily true. You’ve only ever been close to two individuals, and they only ever been so because they wanted to kill you.
It was odd though. The trickster wasn’t trying to kill you. Unlike the times where the two killers would press you up against the wall, knife in hand and trying to tear at your skin, the trickster being so close was different from that. You could feel his body heat, smell his scent- a mix of mint and blood, and see every detail of his features. It was peculiar. 
You stared up at him with focused [eye color] eyes.
He reminded you of an insect.
“Hey.” Ji-Woon began, his eyes not once leaving the outfit display, “Take this back to my cabin.” He ordered, his arm stretched out to show the black and gold bat. 
You glanced down at the very rare item. You already knew it was too pricey for him to get, but still, you continued to look directly at him and ask:
“Would you like to purchase these using your iridescent shards or conjure using auric cells?”
“The shards.”
“I’m sorry, you can not afford this using the shards.”
Ji-Woon sighed, “Then use the auric cells.”
“I’m sorry, you can not afford this using the auric cells.”
This time, he did look at you. The once happy smile that tugged on his lips was long gone and what followed was an annoyed grimace. It only showed for a moment though. In a blink of an eyes, Ji-Woon was back to smiling his Cheshire grin, however, those eyes of his looked as steely and sharp as ever.
The idol chuckled. His chest rumbled as his deep laugh echoed from deep within himself. Ji-Woon continued to stare you down. Were you purposefully trying to sour his mood? Why would you bother to ask him how he would like to pay if you knew he didn’t have enough? In fact, why did he need to pay for these items when they were already his to begin with? 
Picking up one of the knives on display, the idol flawlessly twirled the blade between his fingers. Within an instant, he has the sharp edges of the knife pressed harshly against your throat. 
“Now, why are you toying with me like this, huh?” Ji-Woon tilted his head with a click of his tongue. “And here I thought you were nothing more than an obedient pet, but it seems you have a wicked sense of humor. How troublesome.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but the idol placed his free hand up to your face and pressed a sole finger to your lips.
“Shh, I don’t want to hear it.”
So you closed your mouth, your eyes watching as the Trickster studied you. 
His gaze moved from your eyes to your lips, his mind memorizing your features from each curve and freckle that adorned your face. You weren’t bad on the eye, he’ll give you that much. However, something was off about you. His fingers subconsciously moved from your lips to your chin, his hand tilted your head up so he could get a better look at your eyes. Those eyes. The way you stared at him as though you weren’t even in your own body…it caught him off guard.
Anyone who met Ji-Woon Hak was instantly attracted to him. They all looked at him with glimmering eyes and slacked open jaws, as though he were a literal god amongst men. Starstruck. Everyone always looked starstruck upon meeting Ji-Woon Hak. 
Thus making them easy prey.
Anytime he played as the charming idol, people loved him. They adored him. No one could resist him. Even the most uptight, egotistical civilians couldn’t stop themselves from staring at him in awe. 
So why. 
Why were you looking at him as though he were nothing. 
“What are you exactly?” He muttered, though he wasn’t exactly asking you directly, his gaze seemed lost in thought as he stared into those deep pools of [eye color] that sucked him in like quicksand. There was something about you that unsettled him, and he wasn’t sure what that was.
There was a moment of silence, before you spoke. 
“I’m the servant to the entity.” You responded, though that wasn’t quite the answer the idol was looking for, it was enough to snap him out of his stupor. 
“I see.” He muttered. His hand then let go of your face and the other hand holding the knife to your throat fell to his side. Taking a step back, Ji-Woon covered the bottom half of his face with his hand, hiding the relieved smile that curled on his lips. You were nothing but a mere servant. Those words seemed to snap him back to reality. Your existence? It’s meaningless to someone like him. Why should he worry himself on you when you weren’t someone on the same level as him!
He hummed at the thought. Of course, just another servant.
“A servant, you say?” The male chuckled. “If you serve the entity as you say, then your existence is meaningless, right?” His golden hues flickered over to you, his eyes searching for a reaction. “I mean, if I were to bring this knife to your throat, she’ll just make a replacement, correct? After all, servants are just beings beneath their masters. Easy replacement.” 
Bringing up the knife once more, he showed you his star dazzling smile.
“Since you’ve blatantly disrespected me, I should only show you your place, right?”
Your eyes stared into his wild golden orbs, those cat-like pupils stared at you with feral, murderous intent. Although you weren’t sure when you disrespected him, everything he said wasn’t a lie.
“That is correct.”
He grinned.
“Under the circumstances that I am killable that is. However, I’ve been given the form where I can’t be harmed.” You replied, much to his surprise. 
Unkillable you say? Well, whether what you said was true or not, he just wanted to punish you. He wanted to hear you scream. Ji-Woon took another step closer. With the knife twirled between his fingers, the idol gazed at you mischievously. 
“Really? May I test that then?”
You lowered your head in a bow, “You may do as you wish, as long as you don’t go against the entity or her rules.”
Ji-Woon smirked, “Perfect.”
Before he could raise the knife over his head, the cabin’s door swung upon. 
“Oh hey, there you are!” 
A young woman with mid-length magenta hair walked in. She wore a long, black hooded jacket that reached a little below her waist, and a red stained plaid skirt over some black tights. If you ask anyone else, most would think she was a survivor that somehow crossed the border and got lost on the killer's side of the camp. However, upon looking at her face, those who would mistake her for a survivor would be met with one of the masks of Ormond’s most infamous group of serial killers. 
The Legion.
Although the two couldn’t see it, the woman was eyeing the idol warily as she spoke.
“I need your help. Danny and Frank are fighting again.” 
You gave a curt nod. “I’ll be right there.” You responded, before turning your attention back to the trickster, “I apologize, but it seems that I have to cut this conversation short.” You bowed once more, “I also apologize for disrespecting you. I wasn’t aware that what I said or did could be seen as rude. I will learn from this interaction and make sure it never happens again.”
Although your words seemed sincere, the tone of your voice was anything but profound. Ji-Woon could feel his anger rise and a sneer wanting to crack his charming smile. He didn’t want an apology, he wanted to see you suffer. Something about you just irritated him. He wanted to see you cry. To scream with tears running down your clear [skin tone] cheeks. 
However, it looked as though it would have to wait. 
Taking in a deep breath, the male let out a loose chuckle. “Of course. A servant must attend to their duties.” 
Standing up straight, you could feel Ji-Woon’s eyes follow you like a wolf to a rabbit as you wandered over to the masked woman’s side. 
Behind her mask, Susie stared down at the idol with glare. Placing a hand on the small of your back, she proceeded to guide you to the door. But before the two of you could leave, Ji-Woon spoke. 
“Oh, and servant? I do hope to continue with where we left off. I’d love to test out your immortality.” He spoke slyly, sending a shiver down Susie’s spine.
You could only give a curt nod, moving as the pink haired legion member quickly ushered you out the door and down the pebbled path until the two of you were a good distance away from the cabin. Once out of earshot, Susie was quick to let out an angry groan and lift up her mask, revealing her dark, sky blue eyes that swirled like an angry hurricane, and pale pink lips that turned downwards into a scowl. 
“Man, that guy is a jerk! And I thought Frank had a big ego.” She huffed out, “Who does he think he is? He just got here and he’s acting like he can do whatever he wants! The nerve!” She exclaimed. “Agh!” She scratched her head, mumbling incoherent swears to herself.
After a moment of brief pause, Susie quickly turned to you with furrowed brows of concern. “Are you okay though? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
You shook your head, “No.”
Susie smiled in relief, “That’s good. I heard the commotion walking by and I thought you needed saving.”
“I can’t be harmed so I wouldn’t need saving.”
The woman could only roll her eyes at your words, “I know, I know, but still.” She fiddled with her sleeves and looked away with a blush coating her cheeks. “I hate when the others give you a hard time. You’re too cool.”
You looked at her curiously, “Cool?”
As in, temperature wise? You brought a hand to your forehead, feeling the smoothness of your skin. You didn’t particularly feel cold. Also, how could she possibly know your temperature? The two of you hadn’t interacted in quite some time. 
While you stood there confused, Susie looked at you in amusement. A snort soon left her lips as she held in her giggles, watching as you stared at her curiously. 
“No, not cool as in how hot or cold you feel, but- aha, nevermind. You wouldn’t get it.” She giggled, looking down and kicking a few pebbles with her converse. 
You weren’t sure what she was trying to say, but you didn’t bother asking for her to elaborate. Susie has always been a bit of a curious one to you. Saying odd phrases like how you’re ‘so lit’ and that you’re ‘high-key goals.’ Despite being the more timid one of all the other legion members, she was surprisingly the oddest one of the group. Around you, she always did curious things that you couldn’t understand, but you didn’t necessarily mind. 
After a brief moment of silence, you remembered why you had followed her outside the store in the first place. Looking around the camp, you waited to see two men going at each other’s throats with blades in hand, only to be met with a quiet forest. 
“Where is Danny and Frank?”
Susie perked up, “Oh! I lied. Everything’s fine.”
Again, you were left in the dark with many questions only to be left unanswered as you nodded, blankly. “I see.”
Susie swayed back and forth on her converse, she looked at you with a cheeky grin and pointed over at the forest with her thumb, “But could you walk with me for a bit?” She asked, gazing at you with hopeful blue eyes.
You didn’t even have to think of the answer before responding. 
As the entity’s servant, you had duties to attend to. If it weren’t with the killers or survivors, then it was out looking for them. Any little time in between was nonexistent. 
You opened your mouth to decline, but before you could utter a word, Susie was quick to speak.
“And before you say no, just note that my performance for my next trial will be merciless if you say yes!” She exclaimed. 
Pausing, you looked back at the shop cabin. You could see the trickster had already walked out, his form walking away from the store and disappearing into the fog. It wasn’t as if anyone could steal from the shop anyways, not without a punishment. And if the legion member was true to her word, then the entity wouldn’t be too displeased. Especially since the killer before the legion was someone who’s been notorious for leaving the entity to hunger.
Looking back over at the legion member, you nodded. “Okay.”
WIth a bright smile, Susie grabbed your hand and excitedly dragged you into the forest until the two of you were a long distance away from the killer's camp. Once away, she linked her arm with yours, strolling through the gaps between the looming trees that towered into the empty, black abyss of the sky.
Susie took a deep breath. Her gaze fixated on the path ahead before sneaking a glance over to you. 
It had been a while since she had a moment alone with you. Being the neutral party between both the killers and survivors, your time was scarce. If you weren’t doing your daily tasks, you were often busy with one of the two troublesome stealth killers that always seemed to seek your attention. 
It was annoying.
For the past few trials, she had been longing to be in your presence. Susie had so many things to say, but your time was always snatched away just before she could ask if you had a moment to spare. Between doing your tasks and keeping everyone entertained, Susie barely had a moment to speak to you.
It was fortunate timing that she heard the commotion coming from the store, otherwise she wouldn't have gotten another opportunity to be alone with you for a while. 
Determined not to let the moment go to waste, Susie cleared her throat. 
 “So,” She began, looking over at you with a tilt of her head, “Speaking of trials, when is mine coming up?”
You thought for a moment, “After the next two trials.”
Susie’s eyes glimmered in excitement. “Really?! Oh man, I can’t wait! I’ve had the heart locket in my drawer for so long that I thought I wasn’t going to be able to burn the offering!”
Bringing her hands to her face, Susie squished her cheeks as she continued to ramble, “The entity is so cruel. My last three trials I was sent to Autohaven, possibly one of the darkest maps in the entire realm. It sucks, especially for a hunter like me! I can’t see anything when I go feral! Do you know what that’s like? Cuz let me tell you, it’s not cool.”
You didn’t respond, allowing the young woman to vent out her frustrations with her feral frenzy ability and the hardships she faced in her past few trials due to map obstacles. 
“It’s like, okay I get this super cool superpower of speed, but at what cost? I can’t see footprints, and lately the survivors seem to be so coordinated that when I manage to hit one of them with feral frenzy, they all run to the opposite side of the map and make me waste my ability! By the time I get one hook in, they’re already at three generators!”
Susie huffed out in annoyance. Massaging her temples, she released a sigh. 
“No matter, the next trial is going to be a game changer once I bring us to Coldwind Farms.” The girl grinned, “Ah, I can’t wait to have such a pretty map! Listening to the winds as the cornfields sway, and to finally feel the sun again!” She chuckled for a moment, but as soon as she said those words, her once bright blue eyes dulled and the smile on her face was quick to vanish.
Before Susie knew it, she stopped in her tracks. Glancing up at the starless sky, the young woman furrowed her brows, her thoughts lost between her words. 
“I-I miss the sun.” 
Although her eyes were on the black void above, her eyes seemed hazy, as though she was looking into the past upon gazing in the blanket of black that loomed over the realm. 
You stopped in your tracks as well. Turning to face the legion member, you watched as she continued to speak her mind. 
 “Actually, I miss home.”
She admitted, letting the words fall to her lips without thought.
Unlike the other legion members, Susie has not let go of who she used to be. She wasn’t a good guy. She knew that, but sometimes when she gives the survivors hatch, or when she rambles to you about her interests in fandoms, she sometimes feels as though she’s her past self. She’s not a killer. She’s sweet, shy, innocent Susie.
That’s why she likes being around you. You listen to her. Unlike Frank who tells her to let go of the past, or Julie who gives her unsolicited advice, you listen to her. You make her feel like naive little Susie again. 
Suddenly, a chill ran down her spine. Feeling eyes on her, Susie glanced over at you, startled upon meeting your cold [eye color] gaze. 
Although she was comfortable speaking to you, sometimes she forgets she shouldn’t be too comfortable. After all, your loyalty wasn’t to her.
Susie could feel sweat begin to form on her brow. She quickly raised her arms up and shook her head frantically, “D-Don’t get me wrong though! I’m not going to betray the entity or anything like that!” She quickly exclaimed, her worried eyes moving back over to the ground. With her hands fidgeting with the hem of her jacket, she could feel the blade of her weapon poking from her pocket. A frown made its way to her face. 
“I…I just… I don’t know.”
A moment of silence passed between you two. While you stood there observing her, Susie stood motionless, cursing herself for saying too much. She knew better than to let her mind talk, but she couldn’t help it. Not being able to speak with you, bottling everything up, it just became too much. 
She knew she could get in trouble for saying the things she said, but at the same time, the feeling of her words slipping from her mouth brought her peace. 
Susie glanced back over to you, “Have you ever felt the sun?”
She asked, her eyes boring into you, as though searching for any form of comfort. The two of you seemed to have a stare off, with Susie wordlessly spilling a thousand words while you took in every syllable and tossed it into a void of [eye color].
“Did you like it?”
You didn’t know how to respond. 
Susie sighed, a ghost of a smile danced on her lips. “I like the sun. Before the fog, I used to live in a cold mountain town. Nothing but snow all year long. But sometimes, there were rare occasions where the sun would peak and flowers would bloom.”
Susie could feel her eyes get bleary, “It was so beautiful.”
And she took that beauty for granted. 
Letting out a heavy sigh, Susie brushed down her hair with her fingers. The feeling of weight pulling her down suddenly felt much lighter. Although she said too much for her own comfort, she didn’t regret it. She said enough to let her mind come back to reality. 
She will possibly never see Ormond again. No, not the worn down map conjured by the entity. That one was fake. The real Ormond. Her home. She will never go home and sit on her computer, reading fanfics, watching YouTubers, or conversing through online chats. She will always be here, in this pit of darkness where monsters killed and served for who knows how many eons.
She was okay with that though. Or at least, that’s what she tells herself until those overwhelming thoughts resurface. 
But when that happens, she knows she could just go find you again. 
Blowing a raspberry, Susie strolled over to you until you two were just a few feet apart. A nervous smile moved on her lips as she fidgeted under your intense gaze.
“You know, I can’t talk about these things with anyone.” 
She shouldn’t even be talking to you of all people. 
Susie tossed that thought to the back of her mind. Her fingers fiddled with the cuffs of her sweatshirt, as her eyes peered over at you anxiously. “You’re the only one I can talk to, so thank you.”
You said nothing, but Susie figured as much.
Scratching the back of her head, Susie took a few steps back. “Well, I should let you go now! You’re probably really busy, as usual.” 
Upon seeing you turn your head away from her, your eyes going over to the direction of the survivors side of camp with a curt nod, Susie’s lips curled up into a smile of relief. 
“Well, if that new guy ever gives you any more trouble, let me know! I will be sure to kidnap you again!” She grinned cheekily, walking in the direction of the killer's camp, but not before turning back to you one more time with a wave.
As Susie walked away, you stood still in silence. Your eyes glancing up at the empty sky, your mind thinking over the question the legion member had asked you. 
What did the sun feel like again?
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wildflowerblurbs · 25 days
Late Night Negotiation | Asirel Cain
Asirel Cain x GN! Reader
CW: slightly suggestive at the end, asirel's usual dynamic with the listener, dependent behavior
A/N: don't mind me, just clearing out my drafts.
When Asirel had first referred to you as “pet,” he’d done so emphasizing the fact that you now belonged to him but, although he knew that you were motivated by your need to be wanted, he never expected this. 
You were settled on the floor next to him while he sat at his desk, resting your head on his thigh as if it were the most common daily occurrence. You’d walked into his office with not so much as a knock or warning, something he’d punish others for doing but his quick acceptance of your actions made him realize that he may have spoiled you a little too much. He said nothing as you sat down on the floor and maneuvered his chair to give you the necessary room beside him. He felt you sigh in contentment as soon as you were comfortable and he couldn’t quite find any words to comment on your behavior for a good while.
It’s not like you’d caused a big scene or were trying to get his attention. You’d taken the precaution to stay quiet and seemed to just be happy in his presence. He wasn’t sure if it was the endearing nature of your actions or his newfound instinct to return your acts of affection but it was of his own volition that he’d reached down to stroke your hair while he completed his work. 
To anyone else witnessing this, this would seem laughable and insane. Here you were, a creature so dangerous you could wipe out his entire estate without so much as a scrape to your own body yet choosing to simply lounge by his side like a house cat.
“And to what do I owe this warm and sudden visit, pet?” His voice finally broke the comfortable silence you’d created, his curiosity finally outweighing the importance of the work in front of him.
“…You said you were going to visit me today but you never showed up.” 
Upon hearing your words, he quickly looked over at the clock on his desk and realized it was already past midnight, six hours past the time he’d promised to have dinner with you the night before. He was so caught up analyzing the intel he’d received earlier that day that he’d completely lost track of time and broken his promise to you in the process. 
He pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a heavy sigh before pushing the chair back and motioning for you to come up and sit on his lap. Despite the disappointment and slight annoyance you felt when he essentially stood you up a few hours ago, you quickly obliged him, wasting no time in settling in and resting your cheek on his shoulder. 
“I apologize, pet. I’ll have my dinner schedule cleared tomorrow so I can make it up to you. How does that sound?” 
You noticed that his voice carried a hint of regret at his actions. He wasn’t a gentle man by any means, but he did take responsibility when he did something wrong. It was times like these you were grateful that you chose to go with him the day he’d come to “adopt” you. He was someone you could depend on. 
“I want to stay with you tonight too,” you requested, knowing that he was more likely to accept now than any other time. 
His eyebrow raised at this request, the edges of his mouth seeming to fight off a smile. “Are you negotiating with me right now? It seems you’ve picked up a few things from me as of late.”
You don’t bother lifting your head from where it’s resting, opting to stay put as you fidget with the collar of his shirt and answer him, “I am simply asking my gracious master to grant me a wish to make me feel better after abandoning me.”
“I did not abandon you.” 
“It sure seemed like you did.” 
Ah, so that was the game you were playing, he thought to himself.
“Fine,” he relents while getting up from his chair, picking you up in the process and leading you towards his bedroom. “As your gracious master, I’ll grant you a space in my bed tonight.” 
Before you can silently cheer the success of your plan, Asirel leans in close to your face and you can see unclear intent in his eyes, “But I will be the one to decide how we spend our night.” 
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nuria-schnee · 16 days
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Hi! ❤️ For this week's sneak peek, have the boys having A Moment™
Most of the time, Edwin was aware of Charles’ presence around him, even if he wasn’t looking at him. It surprised both of them when Charles touched his shoulder and startled Edwin.
“Edwin?” Charles muttered, pulling his hand away and sitting on the edge of the desk, facing him with kind, bright eyes. “Are you okay?”
“Yes,” Edwin answered, readjusting his posture and straightening his back. “I only wished to note down tonight’s indecent before I forget any details.”
“I don’t think that’s possible, mate,” Charles smiled at him.
Edwin sighed, wishing that was actually true.
“Could start filing some of these,” Charles added and reached for the first report over one stack of cases. “If you want.”
“No. Not yet,” Edwin sighed, opening his notebook and picking up his pen. “It is alright, Charles. It has been quite a night. You may rest, if you wish.”
“What about you? When will you take a break?”
“I have not had to fight a poltergeist and escape a legion of rabid bumblebees,” Edwin noted, remarking the last part. Then he dropped his gaze to the pages before him and began taking notes.
“Yeah, but,” Charles grimaced a bit. “You’ve been overloading yourself since this started. You should take a break too.”
“Considering the current situation, I do not think that is the wisest decision.”
Keep reading under the cut!
“But it might help? You know, to see things from a new perspective and all that?”
“If you wish to rest, I am not against it. You do not need to feel obligated to do anything else,” Edwin said absentmindedly.
“That’s not what I meant,” Charles muttered, keeping his voice cheerful, but tinged with sadness. “I just— I think you really should stop for a bit after you’ve finished with this, yeah? We could do something fun. Or just laze about. Play Cluedo, maybe.”
Edwin stopped scribbling, raising his eyes to Charles. He was starting at him with a plea written in his expression, shining with hope. When their gazes locked, his smile turned softer.
“Come on, mate,” Charles tilted his head to the side, his earring dangling enticingly. “It’s been weeks since we’ve done anything but work. Things are calmer now and we should make the most of it, just in case. Catch our breath. Get our energies back, yeah?”
For a few seconds, Edwin just stared at his friend, hopeful and bright in the warm light of the office. Admiring the way he was breathing evenly, deeply, his body tense with expectation, with quiet hope. Edwin had trouble remembering why he was so adamant about depriving himself of a bit of time together. The resolve to keep working until he solved the case, until he cracked the greater mystery, was slipping away with every second he kept his eyes fixed on Charles’. An incessant thought that this was precisely the reason he was doing it, to have more quiet moments with him, simmered in his mind. However, Charles had him transfixed with the way he was pleading at him with such fondness, with a need for company he wasn’t sure he could refuse.
Edwin felt he had to be running out of luck by now. He just had to. Even if his life and death had been plagued by suffering, the fact that he was there, accompanied by that beautiful, diligent creature, couldn’t be anything but a causality born out of pure luck. He had escaped Hell and met him. After only a few hours of knowing each other, Charles had decided to stay with him, and chose to again and again, for forty years. They could have lost each other a lot of times and hadn’t. Edwin confessed his love, and Charles still stayed, comprehensive and supportive until the point Edwin found himself struggling to believe he was real at all, all over again. Every time he could have lost Charles, he hadn’t. More often than not, Edwin was shaken by the fear that the next time would be the definitive, the time he truly lost him. Whatever he could do to avoid that, he would. He had to keep working. He had to keep the agency productive and remain useful himself. He had to solve this case, once and for all.
But Charles wanted time with him. It shouldn’t be as baffling for Edwin as it turned out to be. They’d only had each other for decades and Charles still enjoyed his company, looked happier when they spent time doing things together outside cases. To be honest, Edwin hadn’t realised how long they had gone without a break. He’d been too absorbed in the case to notice. Charles’ expression was making him realise how much he too yearned for it. For a peaceful night, spent with Charles on the couch, looking at him, hearing him laugh—
When they got back from Port Townsend, there had been a part of him still scared of how his confession might have changed things between them. Crystal had been mostly doing her own thing those first weeks, and that had left them alone for long stretches of time again. The relief he felt when he realised they seemed to have grown even closer after those experiences was unmeasurable.
Charles’ absolute easiness about his feelings escaped him still, in some ways. Edwin suspected it had more to do with some of his unearthed shame, still encysted in the core of him, than with Charles. Edwin hadn’t felt anything but loved by him, even if his heart yearned for more. That was enough.
If his inability to get rid of those feelings would cause problems in the future, he wasn’t quite sure. He wasn’t inclined to examine that at the moment. Not that he had the time either.
“Alright,” Edwin conceded in the end.
“Yes!” Charles lighted up like a thousand suns, his smile blinding, and he pushed himself away from the table, ready to jump into whatever activity Edwin proposed.
Edwin couldn’t help the smile curving his mouth. “Once I am finished with this,” Edwin added, swallowing down the laughter in his tone. “It will be only a few minutes.”
“Brills,” Charles said, cheerful.
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wolven91 · 1 year
The light clicked on, illuminating the kitchen in the dead of night. 
The creature that still stood, brazenly, in the middle of the kitchen floor paused, freezing in place thanks to its deep rooted instincts to remain still enough to not be noticed. The fact that it still had stolen food halfway stuffed into its mouth did not go unnoticed by the ursidain that stood, still with her paw over the kitchen light switch, also still as a statue as the two creatures waited to see what the other would do.
The ursidain didn’t want to spook the smaller creature. 
The human wasn’t thinking, its brain was attempting to figure out how to explain why she had been caught with her hand, metaphorically, in the cookie jar.
“What are you doing?” Asked Tihan blankly. 
Charlotte swallowed the chunk of the sandwich that was only half chewed in a panicked attempt to reply. 
Her resulting choking and coughing fit was arrested by the ursidain grabbing a bottle of water from the cool storage and passing it, opened, to the human. It was the middle of the night, she had woken to investigate the quiet, but persistent, noises coming from her kitchen. When she found her human ward eating, she had assumed it was sleepwalking, and had mentally prepared to deal with that, now she didn’t quite comprehend what the human was doing. 
“I wanted a midnight snack.” Charlotte explained nonchalantly.
Tihan’s brain stalled. Like trying to speed away from a traffic light in the wrong gear.
She’d heard all those words before, but never in that order or in this context. 
“What do you mean a ‘midnight snack’? It’s… nighttime…?” She confusedly asked, her face screwing up as she tried to fit the square peg of an idea into the round hole of her brain. 
The human smiled, hopped up onto her kitchen booster… er… stool, Charlotte hated it when Tihan called it her booster to reach her higher kitchen counters. In front of her was an opened bread bag, a buttered knife and an open jar of fruit preservative. 
“I woke up, couldn’t get back to sleep and had a snaccident.” 
Again. It was like she’d unleashed a flashbang of words inside the ursidain’s skull.
The human was gesturing at the evidence of her sandwich making, picked up the second half of her sandwich and offered it to the dumbfounded ursidain. She gently plucked it from her hand and put the tiny human sized sandwich half in her mouth. It disappeared without ceremony. 
“So you just… woke up to eat?”
“Yup. Sometimes I can’t get to sleep until I get something. I’ve had to join a gym in the past when I got insomnia for a time.” She explained idly as she wiped the loose crumbs into her hand and into the open bin to her side. 
Within the ursidain’s brain, a synapse connected with another, in a manner that hadn't happened for several decades. 
“You can… snack… at night…?”
“It’s not good for you, your metabolism is slowed so you’ll put on weight they say.” The woman laughed as she realised and pointed at her. “Don’t you folk like that though?”
The woman in front of her held a paw to her forehead as the implications washed over her. 
How had she never thought about this before!? 
She looked up at the human woman as she slowly chewed the other half of the sandwich whilst looking at the ursidain with a confused and concerned look. Tihan stepped closer to her, looking blankly between her and the still opened bread bag. The ursidain reached over, pulled two slices out, her claws dimpling the soft foodstuff as she plucked the knife up. Buttering both slices, she placed the two together, raised it to her mouth and ate it without issue, testing the concept whilst glancing at the clock.
“You okay?” The human asked.
“I never… It never occurred to me that I could eat in the middle of the night… It’s nighttime… you sleep… not eat…” She idly explained looking at the breadbag.
She reached to make another. 
“Really? You’ve never got the munchies before?”
“Yes, but… you wait until morning?”
“Well.. this is your stuff, what stops you?”
“Nothing… nothing can stop me. Nothing at all…”
She had a grin on her face as she made another. 
Charlotte left her to it and went to bed, she slowly drifted away, but never heard the ursidain leave the kitchen, all the human heard was the knife periodically being placed back down on the counter. 
In the morning, the two of them returned to work. It was not lost to Charlotte that some of the kitchen cupboards had been left ajar and with a curious peek, confirmed the cupboards were now completely bare. 
The human also noticed that she gained a shadow in the form of Tihan who, far beyond what was normal, followed her everywhere during the day, barely allowing the human out of her sight for more than a few moments. 
But it wasn’t until the following month, that Charlotte realised that Tihan was subjected to being the centre of a rumour mill. 
Over the last four weeks, Tihan had successfully and rather proudly put on several inches around her waist and had to reapply for clothing measuring. None of the other ursidian could work out when she had the time to put on so much weight in such a short amount of time. Charlotte herself had been cornered more than once to be asked what she specifically was doing to help the ursidain. 
The human tried to explain that she wasn’t doing anything, but it was only when the offending ursidain realised that they were intimidating the human that they backed off. Charlotte had been honest; Tihan hadn’t been locking herself away in her free time, nor was she eating anything different during breakfast, lunch or dinner time beyond the ordinary. 
And yet, to their perspective; she grew, much to the overwhelming envy of her peers. 
When Charlotte asked one of her colleagues why it was such a concern, they corrected her; it wasn’t concern, it was envy. Thanks to her mass, Tihan would be considered extremely successful at a glance, she’d be first considered for upward mobility in her career on just appearance alone. 
“But you’re all huge already!” The human exclaimed, looking up at the rotund space bear, all of them easily twice her height with either the jigging belly or strongman or rather ’bear’ muscles to match! 
“Well it’s sweet of you to say so honey, but obviously I can get bigger if she can!”
The alien put her hands on her hips and looked determinedly over to Tihan, who was handling a particularly abrasive geckin. 
“I mean.. All she’s been doing is having midnight snacks.” Charlotte explained idly as she looked over to her roommate. She wouldn’t be a bad manager if her new waist was going to help in that regard… 
“..she’s what?” Asked the alien next to the human.
“Midnight snacks? You know? Munchies after dark?” Replied Charlotte, turning to look back and suddenly noticed the group’s expressions.
The ursidains genuinely looked as if she’d slapped them multiple times as she blinked down at the smaller human. One of the aliens bent over, reached out to grasp her shoulders before asking, very quietly. 
“She’s eating… at night? After Dinner?”
“Well… yeah? Dinner… Supper… Midnight Snack? You guys really don’t think about eating after you go to bed?”
The giant ursidain blinked at her as unused gears between her ears began to turn. With a glance to Tihan, and back to her, the other ursidain gently released her and sounded distracted.
“It… never occurred to me…” She murmured before walking away.
In the following twenty four hours, across the station, the ursidains descended upon the various corner shops that usually simply provide basic foodstuffs to take home in the event one didn’t want to go to the station’s cafeteria and bought nearly every edible item that could be taken away.
Ursidains in the system soon began to visit the station to investigate why the bears on this particular station were becoming larger all at once…
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molarbeardoc · 7 months
I love cooking. Sorry if this isn’t as high quality as the rest! I forgot to save it earlier and it deleted like 7 paragraphs and dialogue so I had to rewrite some of it AND I was struggling to think of how I wanted to continue it. Also it gets kinda funky at the end so uhm yeah if you’ve got any questions about that part feel free to ask ily guys remember to be silly
Split would open her eyes, finding herself in an empty white void. This was definitely a dream, or a nightmare, she hasn’t figured it out yet. Hopefully it wasn’t the latter..
She sat up, looking around before trekking through the blank space, curiosity fuelling each step she took. Something about this place was… ominous. Like she shouldn’t be here.
If that didn’t make it better, she felt as if she were being watched. As if something were documenting her every move while she made her way deeper into the void.
`What if someone is..?`
The thought made her shudder. Someone, or something, was hiding in this blank canvas. Hiding out of sight despite there being no crooks or crevices, nor shelves or walls, to hide in or behind. Whatever this threat was, she did not plan on sticking around for a friendly meet and greet, picking up the pace as her ears lowered.
As she continued on his invisible path, she noticed something in n the far distance. She couldn’t entirely make it out but it seemed… Well she couldn’t really describe it. But seeing as there was nowhere else to go, she made her way towards it.
As the trekked closer she began noticing how the floor was fading from its pristine whiteness to an inky black. If that wasn’t enough, she also noticed how every pawstep she took left a small ripple effect on its surface, as if she were walking on water.
That’s not possible is it? The only times she’s heard of that happening is in religion and that one lizard. Maybe it was oobleck? She knew enough about it, well the basics at least. It was a liquid when there was no force applied and solid when there was.
If so why didn’t it stain her paws? She’s seen it stain people’s hands went dealt with, so why weren’t hers becoming black or at least grey?
She was yanked from her thoughts as she heard the subtle sound of movement behind her, whipping around to meet whoever her friend, or enemy, was. Unfortunately, it was no friend and a deep scowl graced the Fruit-Taur’s face.
"You?! What are you doing here?! How are you even here?! Out of everything, it’d had to be you! I don’t get why DrRETRO doesn’t just use a sledge hammer against you already! No one likes you!"
She snapped at the smiling rock beneath her a quiet yet guttural growl rumbling in her throat as her ears folded back.
"Silence dog creature."
She was taken aback, quite literally, when it spoke, blinking as she stared at it incredulously. Its voice horrifically deep and statical.
"You can talk? You’ve been able to talk this whole time?!"
"Always have been. Now leave."
"Leave. You’re not supposed to be here. I don’t want you here, your thoughts are too loud and disturbing my work. So shoo shoo, I’m busy."
MR stared up at her, its smiling face unable to show up its obvious glare of disdain and condescending contempt for her.
"You’re still here?"
"You act as if I want to be here."
"Then leave."
"Tell me how!"
"Don’t raise your voice at me, I have divine authority you’d only see on your glass screens."
Split let out a mocking snort.
"You? Divine authority? The most you can do is magic tricks."
The rock, now infuriated, glared at her shoulder, a small flame appearing on her clothing as it did as she let out a yelp and immediately pat it out.
"Apologize and I’ll consider not breaking your limbs. At least not all of them."
"I’m not apologizing to an oversized geode! Especially not one who set me on fire!"
MR was about to set her ablaze entirely, turning her into a blackened banana before a moment of malicious remembrance crossed its mind as it hummed in response. Physical torment lasted long, yes. But anyone could recover from it. Even the most vicious wounds of attacks can be healed, even if they left scars, they still healed.
Emotional and mental torment however... Those were difficult to conquer. Even the strongest of men can crumble at the feet of a weak mind. The detrimental effects that it can leave behind are sickening. The way it can drive people mad and take drastic measures to make it stop. It was too perfect of an idea for the rock to let go. It had used it many times in the past on specific victims, especially its current one.
Besides, it'd be killing two birds with one stone...
"Your friend."
"I have a lot of friends."
"The hairy one."
"I have a lot hairy friends."
"The detective."
"You two are close, no?"
"Duh! She’s-"
"You care and love her don’t you?"
"Love is such a… strong word? I adore her! But of course I care about her!"
"Interesting. How is it you tell her of your life and she never responds with similar information?"
"She’s probably just had a bad childhood? Wait a minute how do you kno-"
"How do you sympathize with a freak such as her?"
Split’s expression hardened, but before she could jump on the defence, it continued.
"You know she’s a a failure right?
"A mistake."
"She’s not even supposed to exist."
The fruit-taur snarled at it, a spark of fury slowly growing into a bonfire.
"Now listen here you-!"
"What is your goal?"
"What are you talking about?!"
"Is it to be her rock?"
"Is it to be her white knight in glistening armour?"
"To fix her?"
"You’re wasting precious energy on her.. You can’t fix a vase that’s been shattered in to millions of pieces. You can’t fix a broken record. You can’t fix her."
"This isn’t about fixing her! Shut up! You’re just trying to trick me!"
"Au contraire. I’m just trying to enlighten you of your situation. After all we’ve both had someone we care for."
"Well, you still have that someone…"
Despite her fury, a small twinge of confusion nagged her.
"I had someone. I cared for their every need. When they were hungry, I was the first to feed them. When they were thirsty, I always brought them enough water to last them throughout the day. The others? They saw them as an experiment. An analysis. Something to simply studied. Me? I treated them as if they were my own child."
Split felt the anger in her begin dying down as she listened on. For once, she felt… bad for the rock.
“I taught them to walk, to speak. Countless nights I would lay awake for them when they were ill. Whenever it stormed, they were afraid of the thunder, so I would stay by their side to help to rest. To bring them comfort.."
As cruel as the stone was, it sounded like an excellent paternal figure. She never knew it had such loyalty and affection in it. Perhaps something changed it?
"I did everything for them. I would’ve given my life for them. And you know what they did?"
"They stabbed me in the back. They left me when I needed them most. I returned to find them gone and my life’s work with them. I loved them and they abandoned me as if I were garbage. Do you know, how painful it is, to care for someone as if they were your successor, your own blood… just to have them turn their back on you..? It’s worse than any physical wound imaginable…"
The fruit-taur couldn’t help but sympathize with it. Clearly it was hurt, hurt beyond imagination. It had gave and gave and gave, only for its affection to never be reciprocated. Whoever did this to MR had turned it into what it was now, a bitter and broken mess. Who could do such an awful thing?!
As if it could read her thoughts, it spoke up.
"You know them too."
"I do..?"
"Yes. You give them the same amount of love and attention as I once did. You treat them with respect and kindness while others turn their back on them, as they rightfully should."
Split stared at it for a moment, surely it didn’t mean..? No! That’s impossible… Right?
"You’re not talking about..?"
"Your little detective friend? Unfortunately, I am…"
She felt her heart drop. No. That couldn’t be true! It had to be lying! Yeah. That’s right! It’s lying. She would never do such a thing. Sure she wasn’t always the most morally correct person, but to do that?! That’s too far. Not even Gnarpy was that cruel, and xe threatened everyone! Even Fleshcousin! But there was still sense of doubt that whispered in her head, its voice quiet yet loud enough to be heard.
`What if it’s not lying..?`
"Hard to believe isn’t it? I assume you have no intent on locating her now do you?"
"She’s here you know?"
"Right now?"
"… Can I talk to her?"
"I guess so. Continue going forward in the direction you were originally going. You’ll find her eventually."
Spilt looked behind her, tilting her head slightly.
"That’s all? She’s th-"
She turned back towards the stone, a quiet ‘oh’ escaping her mouth as she realized it was gone. How does a rock move that fast? Does it have legs or something? That’s a funny idea- Wait no no! She needed to get answers. No distractions.
She sighed as she continued forward, the questions that whirled in her head made her feel ill.
Is she actually the reason MR was who it was now? Did she actually break its heart? Why didn’t she tell her this earlier? Was she trying to hide her true self? Was she even who she thought she was?
The more Split thought, the more distraught she became. She was starting to believe that everything she knew about Bive, everything she cared for, everything she adored about her was a flat out lie. How stupid could she be? How naive was she?! She thought she finally found someone she could connect with, to spend time with, to love even.
Then the truth came and proved it all to a sick and twisted fantasy.
Eventually, she came across the paranoid detective. She seemed distressed, like usual but it seemed much more intense. Like she was expecting something. Like she was in immense danger. She seemed more jittery than ever.
As Split got closer, Bive soon took notice of her, seeming to calm down a little, a small grin even appearing on her face. However as she saw the hardened expression on the fruit-taur’s face, she tensed up once more, her grin slowly disappearing as she got closer.
She paused a few feet in front of her, staring down at the detective before sighing. Bive tilted her head as she tried to read her face, why’d she look so upset? Did something happen
"Why what?"
"Why’d you do that to it?"
"Do what to who?"
"You know what I’m talking about!"
"Well, to be honest I really don’t."
Split bit back a harsh retort, forcing herself to remain calm.
"Why’d you just… abandon MR?"
Bive was completely taken aback. Firstly, how’d she even find out about her history with the stone. Secondly, who told her she abandoned her?! She never abandoned anyone! If anything she was abandoned! Well not really but that’s not the point!
"Aha… What?"
"Bive please tell me it’s a lie."
"You don’t believe it right? You don’t actually believe that do you?!"
"The more I think about it, the more believable it sounds!"
"It’s all a lie, I promise! Who even told you this? It’s obvious they’re trying to distract you from the real threat such as the clowns and snow so-"
Bive was taken aback. Never had she heard Split so upset, and especially never at her. It hurt. It hurt a lot actually. Did she even know the actual story? Who tricked her like this?!
She tried to stammer out a response before Split just responded with a frustrated growl.
"Please just tell me the truth. Did you leave? Yes or no?!"
"It’s a much more complicated answer than that! That’s not fair!"
"So you do know it?!"
"Well! I didn’t say that!"
"Then what are you saying?!"
"That our connections are more complicated than that!"
"That sounds like you’re trying to tiptoe around the fact that you know MR."
"I- Well-! Just please!"
She watched as the fruit-taur sighed, turning her head to the side as she used her hand to rub the temples above her forehead.
"I may know it just a bit but-"
"I didn’t abandon it! I just left!"
"That does not make it sound any better…"
"Well I just-"
"We just aren’t on the best of terms because of previous events!.."
"I wonder why.."
It was like every answer that came out of her mouth wasn’t the right one. At this point Bive was beginning to panic. Apart from Split she had virtually no one else. Scratch that, she HAD no one else. Everyone else didn’t listen to her, they found her insane, they thought her truths were lies. She couldn’t lose Split, the mere thought of it scared her more than anything else.
"Look I dunno what they told you but it’s not true please! I promise!"
"It’s getting harder to believe you…"
Bive watched as Split took a step back, her panic growing into pure terror as she noticed the stone that had materialized beside her. Of course. Why hadn’t she realize it sooner? That dumb rock was the reason Split didn’t trust her, it was the reason she didn’t believe her. It lied to her and got her on its side. She hated MR, it was lying, cheating, skank that fed off of suffering.
But so far, it seemed as if it was winning this battle..
"Split, please! You can possibly believe it can you?! You-You don’t actually… Right?… RIGHT?!"
Split only stared at her, too upset to think of a response. The agonizing 'reality' had set in that the detective she once loved was a two-faced traitor. It hurt her too much to even think of it as she fought back tears.
The stone looked towards her, despite the permanent smile that graced its face, it seemed express some sort of empathy towards the fruit-taur. As if it knew how she felt, as if it had once been in her place.
It let out a quiet hum, signalling for Split to go of which she did without hesitation. Her paws heavy as she left the two alone…
Bive could only watch as she left, her own feet stuck in place, her mouth too dry to let out a pleading ‘stay’. Before she knew it, she was gone. Where? She had no idea, but she had disappeared past the horizon and could no longer be seen. She turned to the stone, watching as it gave her its sickening and mocking grin. How could something be so cruel? How could something be so vile?! How could something be so… cruel?
A wave of pure hatred and grief washed over her, the stone knew it too. It felt it coursing through her body, and it relished it. It fed off of such negativity, and right now? She was a gold mine…
"You… You stupid-! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!"
The rock didn’t answer, just stared… Just stared as tears streamed down her face, just stared as she trembled with mental agony, just stared as she glowered at it with pure unfiltered hatred.
Her breathing was heavy and irregular as the stone answered her with a command.
"Drown… Let your suffering be the waves that kill you…"
The ground beneath her seemed to liquify as she fell straight through it, letting out a yelp as she splashed into the inky 'sea' beneath her. She had tried to swim back to the surface, despite her poor abilities, but it was futile as some sort of thin layer of invisible 'glass' blocked her escape. She held what little breath she had as she pushed at it.
She could see MR staring down at her, staring at her as she tried to break through. It’s mocking grin still gracing its face. It knew it had won but it wouldn’t indulge in its victory until it saw the realization in the detective’s eyes. Until it saw her realize she had lost.
She kicked and punched and clawed and scraped at the layer, fighting to escape as her lungs pleaded for air. Her chest felt as if it were on fire as she continued, her movements becoming weaker
Split would awaken from her sleep before groggily looking around. She was back in reality, back in the maze, back with her… Split looked down at the sleeping detective, a wave of guilty disgust washing over her as she realized she was leaning against her.
Bive felt herself getting tired, her limbs began aching as her actions became weaker and weaker
The fruit-taur nudged her off, not enough to wake her up to prevent an awkward and painful conversation.
The detective’s movements became slower before eventually stopping. Her body tired and aching as her chest continued to burn…
Split let out a sigh, getting up as she gathered her own belongings, despite not being much, and began leaving.
She gave the stone a glance, the sudden realization of defeat hitting her as she began to slowly sink. The 'water' was cold yet oddly comforting in a way, it quelled the fire in her chest. Bive couldn’t help but feel relaxed in its waves..
She avoided thumbtacks and coffee cups as she made her way out of Bive’s corner of the maze. Meeting Fleshy by pure coincidence due to accidentally bumping into it.
Her vision began to blur and her mind began to cloud. Bubbles escaping her mouth as she continued to sink down into the dark abyss.
Fleshy escorted her out of the maze, babbling random nonsense as it usually did while remaining upbeat and optimistic, not picking up her solemn attitude.
For once she felt at peace, no more running, no more fearing, just peace.. It was a nice feeling. The light around her had began to dim as she sank deeper and deeper.
She waved a polite goodbye to the fleshcousin as she made her way back to the elevator, pressing its button as she waited patiently.
She eventually hit the bottom, the light dim as she laid on the sand-like ground. The aching in her body had stopped. The fire in the chest had been quelled. All that was left was for her to close her weary eyes…
She heard the familiar and welcome ding of the elevator, her floppy ears lifting as she stepped into it. Mark and Wallter were there but paid no attention to her as they argued over wood and concrete. She placed a coin in the elevator’s slot and selected Splitsville. She needed some time to herself for now…
Anyway I hope you enjoyed the Four Part Spive Angst series! I did enjoy writing it for the most part and I’m glad you all like it
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Plus my #1 Fan (They get their own section because of how COOL and AWESOME and NICE (evil) AND KIND (mean) THEY ARE!!!!!!
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(I was listening to this while writing someone of this fanfic as well you should too)
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gracefully, trying to get a fucking grip
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Summary: Gale finally makes his move in act 2 but the dark urge struggles to take hold. AO3 link Pairing: Resist fDurge (Nyx)/Gale
Notes: This was inspired by some gorgeous art by @kudzuoath The wild magic surge that happens is #39 on the dnd wild magic surge table I felt like none of bg3’s limited options were as whimsical as I wanted for this.
“Shadowheart!” Nyx shouted as one of the ghouls slashed through Gale’s throat and knocked him to the ground. She shot a panicked glance away from the winged Flaming Fist in front of her to try to spot the cleric only to see her standing between Isobel and a ghoul, not even registering the sorcerer’s shout over the chorus of screams that rang throughout the inn. 
Nyx quickly shot off a burning hands spell at Marcus before she misty stepped over to the wizard’s side. Lae’zel took her place in front of Marcus, blocking his path from the rest of the party refusing to let him pass and swinging down on him. Within four swings she had him disarmed, on the ground, and finally dead. 
It wasn’t over, of course, but with the biggest threat out of play, she took a moment to focus on Gale. His face was pale, eyes closed, hand grasping at the gaping wound on his neck. 
She ran a gentle hand over his hair as she poured a healing potion over the wound on his neck before shooting off a quick-spelled magic missile killing the ghoul that stood over them. 
Gale’s eyes opened, they were unfocused but he was alive. 
The final seconds of the battle unfolded around them but Shadowheart did find a moment to send a healing word Gale’s way that fully sealed the flesh of his throat. As the last ghoul was defeated the cries of terror died down into a general horrified silence. They’d spent the battle trapped in Isobel’s room and she shuttered to think of what carnage awaited them on the first floor. 
Most everyone ran from the cleric’s room to go assist the refugees and Harpers but Nyx stayed with her wizard for a minute, feeling the enormity of what they were facing for the first time as she stared at the mutilated former flaming fist that lay across the room. 
A weak cough brought her attention back to Gale who was holding her hand and looking up at her with a look she’d seen from him quite a lot the past couple of months; unmasked longing. He hardly ever tried to hide it, a trait she admired as someone who played all her feelings close to the chest. 
“How are you feeling?” Nyx asked after feeding him another potion and helping him into more of a seated position, though still in her arms. She didn’t feel ready to let go of him just yet and found her fingers tracing the delicate black lines that ran from his eyes down across his cheek. He was warm and alive and watching her with shining eyes.
“Much better thanks to you,” Gale said, a smile on his bruised and bloodied face. 
They were both quiet for a moment which might have been awkward if it wasn’t so charged. 
He broke the silence first, “It’s quite thrilling, to fight off such grim creatures as this region throws at us. Especially being at your side.”
He looked away briefly before continuing with slightly less confidence, “I, um, once read a book that explained in some detail the effect a brush with danger has on one’s desire for… other forms of stimulation.”
Nyx could feel a grin spreading across her face as his eyes finally met hers and he asked, “Have you ever read anything on that subject?” “Read it? I could have written the thing,” she said lightly but felt a pit in her stomach as she remembered the euphoria that usually accompanied her kills. She buried those thoughts though, something she was very good at doing, and focused instead on the handsome wizard.
“I believe you,” he reached up a hand to cup her cheek, “you never look so beautiful as at the end of a stirring battle, your cheeks flushed, gaze bright, muscles glistening…”
Nyx raised an eyebrow at him as her pace picked up a notch.
“Perhaps it’s just the thrill of our near-undead experience talking. But standings at your side through such darkness and disrepair, it only makes me want you more,” his fingers weaved into her hair and she leaned into his palm, closing her eyes for a moment. 
She’d wanted Gale for most of this journey she couldn’t even remember where she’d first felt it, possibly from the moment she’d pulled him from the portal, and until just a couple of days before he’d been beyond her reach. 
But she could have him now, she moved her fingers further along the lines on his face down his neck until her hand was resting over the orb and it began to glow faintly beneath her touch.
Before Nyx could say anything a throat cleared nearby and she looked up to see an aggravated Shadowheart. 
“Jaheira is asking for you, whenever you’re done mooning, of course,” she bit the words out at them but Nyx could hear the humor behind the irritation. The Sharran was gone before Nyx could reply and the two of them shared a laugh at her abrupt exit. 
“Unfortunately this is neither the time nor place to indulge such feelings. So, we must be patient and push all such thoughts aside,” Gale said tiredly as he tried to sit up more fully on his own. As he began to move out of her embrace though he kissed her cheek and added, “For now.”
The kiss was sweet and chaste with a promise of things to come but Nyx wanted more and before he could leave she grabbed his arm and pulled him into a kiss. Two months of pent up passion released between them and Nyx could feel her always tenuous hold on her wild magic slipping as his hands landed on her waist and pulled her body against his, drawing a small moan from her. 
All of the glances between them, the intimate moments cut short for fear of setting off the orb, the nights she’d touched herself and imagined him burst out between them in a wave of wild magic. 
She would suppose later they were lucky she didn’t summon a lava mephit instead, as if it had been choreographed, flowers and moss sprung up at their feet. They hardly noticed the new foliage as they kissed, lost in the moment and in what was to come. 
Nyx’s tongue slid between his lips and with a groan the wizard pulled her even closer. Peaking from beneath his robes the orb glowed brighter than it had a moment ago, its danger stripped by Elminster, she was able to simply enjoy the effect she was having on him. 
The purple glow slowly brought her back to her senses, if they didn’t get a move on Shadowheart would be stomping back in here again any moment. And so with a sigh, she pulled away, laying one more peck on his lips with a grin. 
Swiftly Gale bent down and grabbed a lovely yellow flower that he tucked into her circlet. 
“Tonight?” She asked, her tone was breathy, she couldn’t be bothered to pretend any longer. 
He nodded and cupped her cheek. “Till then.” 
She stayed behind a moment to quietly retrieve the tadpole from Marcus, feeling as disgusted about using them as she had the first time but also unable to deny how much they helped. The room was a mess a far cry from the quaint comfortable quarters they’d entered just a few minutes ago. It felt like the statue of Selûne was watching her as she looted Marus’s corpse and an unbidden fantasy played before her eyes of bludgeoning the cleric to death with it. 
“No,” she whispered to herself, to the urge, “I won’t do it.”
A sense of vertigo took over and the need to kill Isobel became one of the strongest urges she’d ever felt. 
She took some deep breaths and tried to stuff the feeling away again but as she continued to persist her head began to throb, pain worse than a rusty Goblin blade to the gut, she was blinded by it. The memory of the bard surfaced in her mind and a cold dread filled her, they would not linger at the Last Light her control was hanging by a thread. 
Through the pain, Gale’s concerned voice sounded, “Nyx? Can you hear me? Shall I get Shadowheart?” 
Fear gripped her at the thought of him seeing the monster that lived inside of her but the sound of his voice and the feel of his arms holding her up cleared away the worst of the nightmare, Gale had always chased away her darkness.
“Sorry, just vertigo, I’m alright,” Nyx said and gritted her teeth against the headache, “been a while since we’ve eaten.”
Lovely brown eyes watched her with concern but he nodded his head, taking her at her word, and leading her out of the room. 
“Then let’s get you something to eat,” he said with a look of adoration she didn’t deserve. 
Flower and fungi trailed in her wake as she went but when Gale pointed it out with a smile all she could see was a trail of blood and ruin. 
Ignoring the madness creeping in she smiled back, she was such a good liar she’d almost convinced herself.
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baastetscribbles · 2 months
Heroes Aren't Born
I took a deep breath as I walked through the trees and out onto the clearing at the edge of a cliff that overlooked Greenguard Forest. 
“This was always our place,” I said softly to myself as I set my pack down and began pulling a small ceramic pot out of it, “This is where you gave me my first sword, taught me how to clean and sharpen it.” My voice cracked on the last word and I had to take another deep breath to recompose myself. Tears had begun to slip from my eyes and roll down my cheeks. 
“We made it, dad,” I spoke again, “I made it. Almost entirely thanks to you, how you raised me,” My voice cracked again and I let the silence grow for a moment. Then I walked to the edge of the cliff, pulled the lid off the pot and moved to dump it off the edge
As I upturned the pot and dumped my father’s ashes over the edge of the cliff, the wind began to pick up hard enough that I was concerned that I’d angered an unseen wind elemental. But as I looked around, something flew over me and the shadow it cast was large enough to throw everything around me into shade. Tilting to look up, I saw a very large red thing plummet from the sky. When the thing landed at the base of the cliff, the ground shook hard enough that I nearly lost my balance. As I regained my composure and looked forward again, I found my gaze met with a large pair of glowing amber eyes.
Wait, is that a dragon!? 
I began to panic but fought hard to keep it down, instead drawing my sword and preparing to do…anything? As the dragon began to lift its head, I let out a war cry and began to charge forward. Sure, this thing could easily kill me but that doesn’t mean I have to go down without a fight. Seconds later though, I came to a skidding halt out of confusion. The dragon was seemingly bowing its head to me.
As it lowered far enough for the top of its head to be level with the cliff I stood on, it revealed the two riders that were on it; one was a moglin, a small red creature with very large ears. The other was a woman wearing an ornate white and gold robe, with a hood obscuring her face and a large black box held in her arms. I blinked a few times before the moglin spoke, his voice high pitched but not shrill.
“Hiyas!” He said, before turning back toward the woman, “The path is clear, Priestess!”
The moglin hopped off the dragon’s head first, followed by the Priestess. 
“Please pardon us friend,” she said as the two of them moved past me, “we’re just passing through.” 
Once they were gone, I turned around and my gaze met the same glowing pair of eyes as earlier.
“Uh,” I said, “hi?”
The dragon huffed, a bit of smoke exiting from its nose before it crouched then leapt skyward. For the second time I was almost knocked off my feet, this time from the wind that came from the dragon’s wings as it shot skyward.
Huh. That’s…not something you see every day. I thought to myself, still a little in shock as I tried to casually dust the non-existent dirt off my chest plate. Shaking my head, a small smile spreading across my lips, I turned around and began to head toward the tree line when I heard a scream. It sounded like the moglin from before.
With sword still in hand, I began to sprint in the direction they had gone.
As I grew closer to where I thought the cry had come from I began to hear a man’s voice, though I wasn’t quite close enough to make out his words yet. I slowed a bit to try and gather a sense of what was happening ahead but I heard the man speak again.
“Give me the box Priestess, and we’ll kill you quickly.”
That was all I needed to hear to know that these guys were bad, so I charged forward once more. As I burst through the trees, everybody in the clearing turned to look at me. 
I counted two bandits and a third guy, possibly their leader. He had dark hair, a purple cape and what looked to be an iron crown on his head.
“Velyn!” The Priestess shouted, “We must protect the Black Dragon Box at all costs!”
“Got it!” I shouted, swinging my blade at the man who seemed to be in charge.
“I don’t know who you are, or why you want that box but,” I began, but the man cut me off as he blocked my attack.
“My name is DRAKATH!” He screamed and launched his own attack wildly, causing one of the bandits with him to jump back or be injured by Drakath.
“I am the leader of the Darkwolf Bandits!” Drakath continued, swinging his sword again for emphasis. 
As I blocked his blade, he went on some more. 
“I am the rightful ruler of this land and that box is the key to my throne,” his eyes were wild now as he continued to scream, making him look exceptionally deranged, “and there’s no way I’m going to let a peasant like you stand in my way! Stand down or, like the trash that you are, you will be blown away by the winds of my great destiny!”
“Buddy,” I said with a grunt of effort as I knocked away another one of his attacks, “I was gonna take the box and leave but you just made this personal.”
As he drew back for his next swing, I threw myself forward and slammed my forehead against his nose. I could hear a satisfying crunch that left Drakath stumbling backward. 
At that moment a horn blew in the distance, followed by another that seemed closer and then a third that was almost on top of us.
“Boss,” One of the bandits said, “we’ve gotta go, the oaklore guards are comin’!”
“No!” Drakath screamed, “you got lucky this time, peasant!” 
The three of them turned and began to flee deeper into the trees. As much as I would’ve liked to follow them and finish the fight, I needed to check on the two that I had come to help.
“Are you two okay?” I asked.
The moglin looked a little dazed and had what looked like dirty boot treads on his chest. 
Did they kick the little guy?
“Thank you for coming to our aid,” The Priestess said, “but during the fight a sneevil managed to run off with the box.” 
“What? Isn’t that box important? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Well, you were in the middle of a fight with three opponents,” She spoke calmly, “I didn’t think it was the best time to distract you.”
I just stood there blinking in silence, not knowing what to say.
“I can pay you, if you’ll assist us with recovering the box,” She began, but before she could continue a large blonde man in plate mail wielding a very heavy looking ornate war-hammer burst into the clearing. He slid to a halt, eyes going wide as they met the Priestess.
“Lady Celestia,” he nearly shouted, “what are you doing here? The escort party said you never arrived at the meeting location!”
“We were apprehended by some bandits, Captain,” she responded, “but this individual here came to our rescue.”
The captain turned and looked me up and down slowly. I could almost see the gears turning in his head as he seemingly upped my importance in his mind. 
“Well,” he said, “Thank you for helping the Priestess. You may call me Captain Rolith. What’s your name?”
“Oh, it’s not a problem,” I said cheerfully, sheathing my sword and holding my hand out to the captain, “I’m Velyn Alfyr. I just happened to be at the right place, at the right time.”
He nodded then turned back to the Lady, “Well, if you’ll at least let me escort you the rest of the way to Falconreach I would be a lot more comfortable.”
“Oh,” I said, “I can help, I’m headed there myself!”
Lady Celestia smiled and nodded, saying, “Yes, I’d appreciate the company.” 
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Ball Of Energy (Fives Pets4VetsAU)
AU Blog!: @p4vserviceanimalsau
Dividers used from @dystopicjumpsuit
Pairing: Fives x Non Binary OC
Word Count: 2,168
Rating: Safe for Work Content Warning: Brief Mention of cybernetic eye
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“I understand that you aren’t that keen on the idea, Fives, but you seriously need someone or something to help with all of that energy.” Echo attempted to plead with his brother, turning in his chair as he rested his head on his hand, leaned up against the table of their shared apartment. “Fine, if you’ll stop pestering me about it, I will put in an application.” Fives sighed. It had been another long string of nightmare after nightmare, and the only thing that seemed to help was exercise, but the clone hated doing it alone, finding it almost suffocating to be alone for too long with his thoughts. “In person. I’ll even walk you there. Turn in an application, get an interview, they pair you up with an animal that’ll suit your needs.” Echo reassured him, slipping out of his seat and grabbing a few bottles of water, already knowing how long they’d be out of the apartment. Fives rolled his eyes and grabbed his shoes from the door, slipping them on. “At least we’ll be out of the house. How long does this whole thing take anyways?” Fives slipped out of the apartment, Echo following behind him. “Holo-net says the process goes by faster if you’re honest with answering the questions in the paper and the interview.” Echo spoke up, quickly matching Fives’ speed as they continued walking. “Hey, hold up. How do you even know where to go?” “I’ve passed the building a few times out for jogs. I’m not entirely useless here, Echo.” Fives chuckled a bit, continuing to make his way towards the clinic, taking one of the bottles of water Echo offered out. 
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“Alright. Tell ya what. How about a few more laps, then back inside, okay?” Roachie attempted to plead with the hyper-active massiff, holding onto the leash for the creature. “Great. Cmon, let’s get a move on.” Roachie immediately stood back up, waiting for the massiff to finish drinking from its bowl before the two began to jog laps around the outside field area attached to the creature clinic. They were beginning to regret wearing their all black flight suit beneath their beskar armor, but they’d push past. The moment the massiff began to slow down, Roachie knew it was time for quits. “Hey! There we go. Finally tired out bud? We’ve only been running for hours on end.” They chuckled, gently patting the head of the creature. The two of them slowly made their way back inside of the clinic, back into sweet sweet air conditioning. “Good job today. Probably felt great to get your limbs all stretched out, huh?” Roachie happily chimed as they unclipped the leash and harness from the massiff, helping to lead it back inside of its pen, locking the cage once it settled down nicely. They carefully placed the leash and harness on the side of the pen and picked up the datapad attached, marking off on all the physical activity and other information they needed to fill out. It had been a decently slow day at the clinic, which the mandalorian always appreciated since it meant they got to spend more time helping the various creatures stretch out their limbs and get acclimated to being walked on leashes and being outside with other people or creatures. Although, that didn’t mean they weren’t wishing it wasn’t at least a little busier. A handful of the staff had gone on their breaks, leaving Roachie with a smaller team so not as many people to talk to. Roachie raised their head, their helmet turning as they heard the chime of the door being opened followed by the unmistakable sound of the doors sliding open. “I got it!” Roachie called to the other staff members who were currently attending to the other creatures, administering medication as needed. They knew the drill. Sometimes, working with vets meant helmets couldn’t always stay on, so Roachie carefully unsealed their helmet, brown hair with orange tips immediately fluffing out. They mumbled a bit as they readjusted their hair, covering their left eye. Or, well, current lack, therefore of considering they’d been in a rush this morning and forgotten their cybernetic eye, so they were currently stuck with their emergency eyepatch. Once their hair was shifted into place, they walked out to the front desk. “Hiya there, welcome to Pets 4 Vets. My name is Remi, though most people just call me Roachie. What can I help you boys out with today?” Roachie chimed as they greeted Echo and Fives with a large smile, leaning against the counter.
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“Erm… looking to fill in an application for an adoption?” Fives would be lying if he said he wasn’t expecting a short mandalorian to step out and greet them. “Well, I can certainly help with that. I’m going to ask that you fill out two forms. The first one is just some basic information about you. Name, address, current living situation like how large the area is, all that fun stuff. The second one I promise is a lot more questions. You’ll just need to fill out the form on what is bringing you here with us today, what you’re looking for out of a pet, so that we can get you into an interview and pair you up with a new friend.” Roachie hummed as they squatted down behind the counter, grabbing one of the datapads and punching in their own credentials before handing it off to Fives. “Don’t forget to answer it truthfully, Fives.” Echo chimed in, peering over his shoulder to look at the application. “I already know that, Echo.” Fives huffed, but the faintest smirk could be seen on his face. “If you boys need any more help, or have any questions at all about the application process, feel free to ask me. I’ll be up front until our receptionist comes back from lunch, so I’ll do my best to help out.” Roachie hummed, picking up their own bottle of water and taking a long sip before sitting down at one of the computers to start logging in all the physical activity of the day with the massiff they were currently helping exercise while they waited for someone to come along and adopt. “Hey, sorry to bother. But it’s asking me about my sleep schedule? Why in the galaxy would you guys need that kind of information?” Fives spoke up, holding up the datapad in minor annoyance and mild confusion. “Hm? Oh, some creatures we have for adoption aren’t awake during the day and may only be active at night, while others are active only during the day and sleep through the night. In some instances they may only be awake during dusk and dawn, sleeping the rest of the day and night away. Helps us make sure you and your new companion are synced up.” Roachie answered back plainly, their eye focused on the two clones. “Any other questions?” “No, no. I’m gonna go with the assumption that “activity schedule” also has to do with the whole syncing thing?” Fives went back to the paperwork, eyes glancing over the forum. “Yup, all of the questions on there are to help us out with making sure you get the best companion possible, and your new companion getting the best home possible. Feel free to ask anything else, even if it isn’t about the applications or anything.” Roachie hummed cheerfully, going back to typing.
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Echo glanced back over at Roachie, noticing the badge clipped to the front of their armor with their keybadge that very proudly stated “I TALK A LOT” in bright colors that stood out against their primarily brown and red armor. “I gotta ask. Roachie is an interesting nickname. Interesting story to follow up with it?” Roachie looked back over with a sparkle in their eye and a giant grin that could rival the sun if given the chance. “Well, a good part of it is cuz of my armor. Mostly red and brown. Makes me look like a cockroach I’ve been told. Especially when I’m scamperin’ on the ground. I don’t have it on currently, but the whole look really comes together with my kama. Some of the animals here like it when you get on the ground to play around with em, so I end up looking like a massive roach skittering along the ground. Been told I look silly, but I don’t mind. A good smile can brighten some people up, and it helps the animals feel comfortable when they’re getting trained.” “Safe to assume the badge is from your co-workers?” Echo mentioned towards their badge. “Actually! I wear it on my own because I will talk for hours if I’m given the chance. Thankfully for you two, I’m a little less energetic today. One of our massiffs really likes to go out for runs and play a ton, and I’m usually in charge of getting the guy to tire himself out playing so he gets good rest and is happy and healthy. Just got back from it.” They continued, submitting their paperwork before getting up from their chair and stretching a bit before walking back up to the counter. “And… done. There you are.” Fives let out a sigh of relief as he finished the application, passing the datapad back over. Roachie carefully took it from his hands and went over it. “Awesome! Everything looks great! Let me go ahead get that submitted for you, Mr. Fives. We’ll give ya a ring once we get everything through and get ya an interview set up! Now then, was there anything else I could help you out with while you’re here? Of course, if any questions pop up after you’ve left or you wanna check on the status of your application, by all means drop us a line.” Roachie submitted the applications and information, printing it out on a data card which was then sorted into its appropriate slot to be went over once the rest of the crew was back. “Actually, yeah. You exercise in your free time? You said you were running for a while with a massiff and I heard those things can run for hours. So is it just something you do for work, or just in general for fun?” Echo leaned up against the counter, flashing a small grin.
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Fives was a bit confused by the question until it clicked for him. He huffed and nudged Echo in the shoulder, recognizing that his brother was trying to get him an exercise friend. “Yeah! I do different kinds of activities in my free time! Usually a lot of jogging, but I’ll usually do whatever sport I end up finding myself in the middle of. Beats being cooped up at home doing nothing and just bouncing wall to wall. Then, weekends means I’m off at whatever dive-bar I’m allowed into and find myself near. But I usually spend most of my time here, practically here all day with naps through the day since some animals are only awake during certain times. That’ll change up soon, I’ve heard. Getting someone new onto the team, which should be pleasant. I know a good majority of the animals love interacting with people of all different sorts. I can absolutely guarantee the most effort will be put forward to get you guys a good animal companion match!” Roachie smiled even brighter, clearly ecstatic someone was actually talking to them for more than a few seconds in a passing hello. “But enough about me! Any other questions? Even about the other program we help offer, called the Right To Love matchmaking services. I won’t be able to help too much on that one, but I can get you guys all the resources you’ll need if you’d like!” “No need, thanks Roachie.” Fives nodded his head, nudging Echo again who just nudged him back. “Oh, and no need for the whole Mr thing. Just Fives is alright.” “Sounds good to me, Fives. Well, feel free to drop a line. Thanks for coming in and filling out the forums, and taking the time to chat! You guys have a good rest of your day!” Roachie beamed as the two clones walked back out. “Echo, I cannot believe you. Seriously?” Fives laughed, shaking his head. “You saw the badge and you spoke with them anyways?” “Hey! I wanted to see if it was true. Besides, it’s good news. They’re almost more hyperactive than you. And now we know that they 1. Are always out jogging in this area. 2. Are frequently at bars in this area, and 3. Will soon have an open schedule.” Echo smirked as the two continued to walk back to their apartment. “Just to tide you over until you get a new companion who’s perfectly matched with you, right?” “Oh, bug off.” Fives rolled his eyes before laughing, feeling the slightest bit of weight off of his chest, now having an animal companion to look forward to.
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Bahaha imagine reader in Moments watching high Benedict for the first time🤣
Moments: A High Moment
Moments Masterpost
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: Benedict says some interesting things while high.
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Warnings: none… just fluff
Word Count: 0.5k
Authors Note: Hi Nonny! Well after saying I wouldn’t be writing any celebration drabbles… look what you made me do!! This thought was too cute/fluffy/fun not to write down. I was planning some Moments-verse one-shots, but this wasn’t one of them haha. This outtake would be set somewhere between chapters 8 & 9 of Moments, when the Darbys are sojourning at Aubrey Hall. (ie they all know James is Benedict’s son, but it’s before reader and Benedict get together). Unbetaed. Enjoy! <3
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“Jamesssss, can you see? So many colours lookkkkk,” Benedict slurs with a happy grin, his eye pressed against an empty crystal glass as you all await dinner service.
James picks up his glass and smushes it against his face. “I see! I seeeee!” he enthuses.
The fact he has his little 5-year-old eye closed makes it more adorable somehow, not quite cottoning on, but loving the attention from his favourite person.
You turn pointedly to Colin. “He was fine before you went to see him; what happened?” You quiz quietly.
“This,” Colin gestures at Benedict, who is now staring at the ceiling with a frown, “is NOT my fault. I merely offered a small elixir. I did not suggest he drain my supply. If anything, I should be the indignant one, I have nothing left!” he argues. You just raise an eyebrow.
“Benedict, I can see mummy in my glass!” James exclaims, giggling, turning towards you, looking through the bottom of the glass at you. You smile indulgently at him and pull a funny face that makes him laugh more.
“Alas, James, I cannot in mine!” Benedict pouts in response, “you must have a very special glass. Can I borrow it?”
James happily stands up on his chair and passes it over.
“Oh yes!! I see her now,” Benedict says happily, fixing the glass in your direction, “she is so very pretty, isn’t she, James?”
The table goes quiet, and you blush.
“Mummy is very pretty,” James concurs, oblivious to the audience the pair now have. “She says I’m handsome too.”
“Of course you are!” Benedict cries in agreement.
“Yes, she told me my daddy was the most beautiful man she ever saw, and she couldn’t help but create me with him.” James babbles on, playing with his fork idly. You wish the floor would swallow you up as you feel everyone’s eyes on you.
“Well, I think you are the most beautiful creature ever created,” Benedict declares, dropping his fist to the table as if to emphasise his point. “So your mummy is very wise. She is wise and pretty and lovely. So very lovely.”
You stare at him as he lowers the glass from his face, lips parted, heart pounding at his words.
“She is also very naughty cos she stole my heart many years ago and never gave it back,” Benedict says in a stage whisper to James, behind his hand, “but shhhhh, that part is a secret!”
Your stomach flips and butterflies roar to life in your rib cage—something breathtaking and bittersweet all at once.
“I won’t tell her,” James whispers back loudly with a conspiratorial wink.
They both turn to you and grin innocently, humming a nonchalant tune. Everyone at the table seems to chuckle, and quiet conversation resumes, no doubt about what they just witnessed.
After a few moments of thought, you turn to Colin and say quietly. “Are you sure there is none left?”
He smiles enigmatically and asks why.
“No reason,” you say quickly, your cheeks blushing yet again.
At that point, Benedict tips off his chair, James gets the hiccups from laughing so hard, and the moment is gone.
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Benedict taglst: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @wysteria-clad @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat Moments only taglist: @queenofshinigamis @khaleesjj @starslibrary @magical-spit @honeylovemoon @justwant2read8421
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thebigsl33p · 2 years
The Wake
This is...exactly what you’re expecting it to be. Funeral angst and acceptance, general Sandman stuff. Recently I’ve realised I’ve been narrating bits of my own life which is strange to say the least but I’ll blame it on the amount of writing I do in third person. Anyways... warning for Sandman spoilers. Very slight Daniel Hall X Reader. 
The Kingdom now lies in the hands of the Queen, and it will remain so until the ceremony is complete, the wake and the funeral. And then it can be passed over to the new Dream of The Endless, not Morpheus, no, but Daniel feels all he felt and remembers all he lived through. After the procedures it is up to The Queen of The Dreaming what she wishes to do. Whether she wants to be put to rest by her husband, continue as a monarch of The Dreaming or be freed from the reigns of royal duty, she isn’t sure. Y/N has yet to make her choice.
At the moment she stands at the gates of The Dreaming, dressed in black and lace, thinking of the last time she saw her husband. She had known his choice to die from the very beginning, it was something he had been mulling over for a while - should the opportunity present itself - and when The Furies came and reigned terror across The Dreaming the Queen could simply nod and smile, kiss her lover, as she knew what must come next. The end.
She had yet to meet the new Dream of The Endless, an internal storm raging on inside her. Should she love him as she had loved her husband? - No it wouldn’t be right. She had to no right to be angry at him, it wasn’t his choice. Morpheus had made his decisions and that was that. That was that.
The Queen of The Dreaming was interrupted from her thoughts by the arrival of Five figures, all of which she recognised: Death, Destiny, Despair, Desire and Delirium. She greeted them gracefully, expecting formality and poise. But then Death pulled her into a hug, Desire crossed their arms and Despair’s eyebrows  scrunched together, Delirium pouted like a child on the edge of tears and Destiny flipped through his book, as the Queen of The Dreaming clutched her sister in law and the two women began to cry.
Y/N watched as The Endless built the wall, taller than any creature or citizen, she watched as they picked up bricks and placed them, her neck bent to the sky, her hands folded gracefully and Matthew, perched on her shoulder.
He ruffled at his feathers for a minute before speaking, “Have you made your choice?” 
“No, not yet. And you, dear bird?” She raised a hand to gently stroke his feathers, run a finger down his beak.  The raven simply shuffled about and huffed before responding, “No.” 
“The Guests will arrive soon.” “All those Dreamers...” The raven sighed, “That many people in The Dreaming must have quite the toll on you, no?” 
She nodded gently, “True, Matthew. But it was the burden Morpheus had to bare and as his wife, I must too.” She stated and that was the end of the conversation as the two of them watched The Endless build the wall the doors of The Dreaming began to open. 
But the Raven managed to slip a few last words in, “You’re allowed to be sad y’know. Everyone’s sad...but you deserve it more than most.” And then he was gone. 
By the time The Endless were done all the guests had arrived, and those killed by The Kindly Ones were resurrected through, if she had to guess, Daniel. He wasn’t Daniel, she knew that, but it felt wrong to call him anything else because Dream of The Endless was a title reserved for Morpheus, her Morpheus.
Once everyone had arrived and offered their condolences to the wife and family, it was time. People shared stories of The Dream Kind and the chatter of the crowd seemed to go on and on with stories and wine and laughter. A joyous occasion for most, to celebrate the existence of someone who inspired many.
But the noise silenced when the great gates, built by the endless, swung open, and on the other side stood the only five Endless in attendance. The Queen stepped forwards first, taking each Endless by the hand, sharing solemn looks with steely eyes before they all turned and walked forward, leading her kingdom and people into a new reign. 
The area that had been crafted was beautiful, a place for eulogies to be spoken and stories to be shared. The onlookers watched as an avatar of desire spread a cloth over a slab of marble and slowly, Morpheus appeared under the sheet, his silhouette as sharp as ever. The sight took Y/N’s breath away and her fingers itched to tear the sheet back and see what was under there. But she composed herself and listened to the words of her husband’s siblings, all of them with their own opinion of Morpheus. The only one who didn’t speak was Death, and when they were all done it was her turn.
She cleared her throat, “People of The Dreaming, I stand here before you today, not just as a Queen but as a sister, a lover, a wife who has lost her husband. Dream - Morpheus - meant more to me than I could comprehend and now that he is gone, his absence feels like the loss of my heart.” She steadied herself, “My husband was a loyal king who learnt much in his time and still had much to learn. The only thing that can come next are better days than this one.” She nods, a sad smile and tears in her eyes, “He loved us all in his own unique way, and he has made many sacrifices for The Dreaming. So, the most we can do is respect his decision and let him go peacefully into the night.” She finishes her speech and steps gracefully of the podium. And as someone takes her place, Lucienne, she knows this is a pain she will carry with her forever. 
Y/N sits in the library, Lucienne across from her, a glass of wine in both their hands. For the first time today the two women are allowed to relax, and they sit and sip their alcohol while reminiscing. They know things will change in The Dreaming, and they make a point to savour the way things were before everything becomes different. 
But the two know it is small conversation, a distraction from the nerves that eat Y/N whole. Because at the moment, Daniel Hall is meeting his new siblings, and then he will meet the person who was once his wife and then the kingdom will be his. There’s something sad in the idea of the handover - Morpheus and her had planned forever, until the universe ended and Death kissed them both goodnight - but he had let her take him earlier than they had agreed on, and it had lefr her in a compromised position. 
She sighed, swilling her wine around her glass before leaning her head on her palm, “I don’t know what to do Lucienne...” 
Lucienne pushed her glasses up her nose and sighed, “You must do what a King would do.” She told her, “You must do what your heart tells you to. If your heart says “stay” then stay. If it says that your time as a ruler of The Dreaming is done then so be it - and we shall say goodbye to you too.” 
Tears sit in the Queen’s eyes, “I don’t want to go Luc. I’m not ready to go. I love this kingdom so much, my friends - family - but I know it won’t be the same without him.”
Lucienne’s eyebrows furrow and then she is also crying, standing from her chair and approaching Y/N. She gets down on her knees and takes her hand, “Perhaps it is time for me to go too... I am a relic of the past. We don’t have to die, but just know, my Lady, that where you go I will go too. This I swear.” 
Y/N nods, “And I to you, Lucienne.” She says, and then she is pulling the librarian up and into a hug, tight and loving. And it’s just the comfort that both of them need right now as they cry into each others shoulders and savour the embrace of true, unsullied friendship.
That is until there is the clearing of a throat and the squawking of a raven.
Y/N quickly pulls away and both women face their new ruler, Daniel Hall. He looks so much different than Morpheus did. Whereas the previous Dream Lord had taken to wearing blacks and had sharp features, Daniel was covered from head to toe in white, and his face was soft... even friendly.
“My Lord.” Both ladies echo and bow to him. Lucienne splits off from the two of them with a quick, “I shall give you two a moment.” And then she has slipped through the doors of The Dreaming’s Library, leaving the Old Queen and The New King alone. 
The moment is tense and awkward, two sets of hunched shoulders and stiff hands, flickering eyes and nervous glances. And then Daniel Hall speaks.
“He loved you too much.” He says, the ghost of a fond smile on his lips, “I can feel all he felt for you burning away inside me, like a forest fire but so much stronger, so much brighter. What he felt for you could never be put into words. He tried, you know, he tried so many times.” She knows the words he is saying are cruel comforts and validations but it melts away the awkwardness and she smiles lightly.
And deep down she knows that this is the end. Visions flash behind her eyelids of Lucienne and her in a small cottage by the seaside, the picture-perfect life where they spend the rest of eternity, as planned. They bake and craft and volunteer and read books and eventually open up a little cafe off the side of their house. She can smell the lightning as he speaks, the burning and extinction of a thousand stars, birth and death all at the same time.
And Y/N, Queen of The Dreaming, looks at Daniel Hall, and in a single blink, a single breath, hands over the The Dreaming. He tells her she is welcome to come whenever she wishes, and she will always remain as The Queen, in title and honour. But she’s not sure she’ll ever take him up on his offer.
She knows what waits for her at the end of her life - how her bones will melt into stardust and Death will pick up the sand in the palm of her hand and gently blow, until she has found a place in the night sky, right next to her husband. And then, her story will be over. 
I’m not sure I like this... but the idea is sweet. 
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gossipsnake · 1 year
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TIMING:  June 3, 2023 LOCATION:  The Pines PARTIES: Anita @gossipsnake & Alan @alan-duarte SUMMARY: Anita makes her way home from a night out and comes across a sweet Vegetable Lamb, over which she becomes quite protective when Alan tries to make a meal out of it. CONTENT WARNINGS: N/A
As her nights often ended, Anita found herself walking home to her secluded mansion on the edge of The Pines and Seven Peaks late in the evening - or was it very early in the morning? - after being out at one of her favorite local bars until closing. Well, this wasn’t how her nights often ended, given that she was walking home alone and not with someone she had picked up at the bar. She didn’t mind the solitude every now and then, though. Especially at this time of year when the spring was thawing nature out of its prolonged winter freeze. 
Unsurprisingly given her chosen profession and academic pursuits, being surrounded by nature put Anita at ease. While the mountainous and often cold landscape of New England varied immensely from the deserts she was raised in, the area was slowly beginning to feel like home. Especially given the amount of supernatural people, places, and things that were always about. That’s why when she heard the smallest bleat of what sounded like a lamb, she decided to investigate with reasonable caution. 
As she rounded a grouping of trees, Anita saw something she had only read about before - a vegetable lamb. In her rather intoxicated state, however, she wasn’t sure if she fully believed her eyes. So she got closer, so entranced that she hardly even noticed the sound of footsteps nearby. 
Alan usually wandered further into the woods on those nights. It was safer for him. It was safer for everyone. The taste of copper was one he’d gotten used to over the years,and he had stopped blaming himself for the damage he caused. Most of the time, he supposed it must have been animals. Deers, moose, maybe a boar, a hare… And if people were going to go camp in the woods on a full moon… Well, some people were better at surviving than others and that was all there was to think about here. If only he had been able to think at all tonight. 
The damn full moon. A bloodthirst that simply couldn’t be quenched, and one that he struggled, every month to contain anyway. 
The frail bleating of a lamb had lured the wolf out of the woods, to the edge of the forest. Near the ground, the hunter advanced, huddled on his velvet paws, his gray coat blending in with the dim light of daybreak.
But while a thin and tall silhouette approached its prey with an unsteady step, the wolf, rather than changing its target, got it into his head that the latter wanted to steal his meal. His chops curled, Alan groaned in annoyance, huffing through his nostrils as he walked around the lamb and the one in his path, making the fallen leaves rustle and crackle with each step he took.
Almost instinctively as Anita saw the impeccably large wolf rush across the space in front of her she looked up into the sky. Of course it was a full moon. Without giving it much thought, she rolled her eyes in light annoyance. Sure, part of her pitied werewolves for the fact that they were so controlled by the lunar phase. But mostly she thought it was another bit of proof of Lamia superiority. 
It appeared from the wolf’s movements that he didn’t want Anita getting to the lamb but it took her a few moments to figure out the likely reason why. “You’re gonna eat that poor little guy, aren’t you? I mean… come on dude. Look at it!” She gestured enthusiastically at the tiny creature behind him. “Like, go find a stupid human to eat or something. Doesn’t that sound more appetizing?” 
The lamb bleat again. Alan's claws curled against the damp floor, leaves and dirt crumpling under the wolf's massive paws. A low growl, guttural, coming from deep within replied to the poor vegetable lamb. That woman really was going to stop a wolf from eating the proverbial lamb? Even as a human, he loved a damn lamb chop, Easter’s roasted lamb leg, which his mother prepared better than anyone else. 
If she wasn’t going to move, he was going to make her. With a bark, a short yelp, Alan took another step forward. It’s just a fucking lamb, move. He wouldn’t have dreamed of slaughtering such an innocent little thing as a human, but as a wolf, Alan didn’t feel so disgusted about ripping a man’s head off or feasting off of his organs. Funny how that worked. Hairs raised on his back, the werewolf growled again, baring his teeth in final warning. Yeah, if she wasn’t gonna move, he was going to go ahead and eat them both. 
Clearly logic and reason were not going to get her anywhere with the dense wolf. While she never minded resorting to violence Anita did prefer to use her intellect over brute strength. Not that she lacked in either category, though. “Okay, okay, big guy… give me a second here.” Gently, Anita tossed her purse off to the side of her and then began to take off her faux leather jacket. “I mean, we’re in a forest. You have plenty of other snacks about.” 
After discarding the jacket in the general direction of her purse, Anita shook her shoulders out in an over-the-top dramatic fashion. “Last chance to walk away,” though she didn’t give much of a chance admittedly and immediately began to shift into her lamia form. The rough green, brown, and yellow scales of the mojave danced along her body and within seconds she was towering over the wolf. “Back off, furball,” she hissed. 
Eyes trained on the woman, Alan’s head tilted to the side as she tossed her bag, and then her jacket to the side. That was dramatic. He’d have liked her a lot in different circumstances. Of course, he didn’t really understand why she was doing all this. Getting naked in the forest was the sort of activity you expected from nudists and shifters. Nudists didn’t particularly strike him as the type to chill in front of an angry werewolf. 
A tawny owl’s shriek distracted him for just a split second, long enough for him to miss part of her transformation into a gigantic beast. Alan only had himself to blame as he realized a bit too late that a normal fucking woman would have ran away in the sight of him even one who had had, like her, one too many drinks at the bar. Fuck. Even standing on his hind legs, the wolf only reached the snake’s height now. In her back, the lamb’s bleating had resumed, and angry eyes remained set on their objective. 
And yet, in the far distance, by the horizon, fate was pushing forward in favor of the innocent bleating plant. It would be minutes only before the moon released the hold it had on the realtor, one long minute, during which the lamb’s fate would remain uncertain, during which his hunger would listen to no other logic than the law of nature. 
Being in her true lamia form always made Anita feel more powerful and centered. The restrictions on her human senses stripped away and the world opened up before her - she could see the hot and cold patches of the world and with a quick flip of her tongue she was inundated with a melody of scents. It was soiled only by the wet dog smell before her. 
Anita avoided fighting with her fellow shifters when she could - and she had no intention to cause any real harm to the wolf - but she didn’t mind some friendly combat when it presented itself. She was not bound by any natural cycle in her transformations and admittedly was never quite sure how deep into the morning wolves maintained their power. None of that mattered to her, however. 
Pushing forward slightly and closing the distance between them,  her focus remained locked on the lycan. The lamb was behind her and unless her foe could get past her scales and fangs, it would surely remain unharmed that evening. Maybe Anita would have paid closer attention to her surroundings if not for the drinks that were still coursing through her cold bloodstream. She seemingly forgot that in a town like Wicked’s Rest, danger always lurked in every inch of the forest. 
Baring his teeth again as she darted toward him, Alan stepped back from the nightmarish creature, and as wolves did, threw his head back and howled to the moon. Some wolves far in the distance, some undoubtedly closer to them joined his plea. Guided by seemingly feral instincts, the werewolf growled low, barking, yet keeping his distance. He had seen those fangs, and he could only imagine what they’d do to him, but he had one objective and he was willing to take a shot at it.
The more the sun approached the horizon, the more he’d be able to regain a sense of consciousness but for now the wolf’s padded paws carried him quietly around the mismatched pair, leaving a trail of pheromones that could have betrayed his current mood. He was upset. He should have sensed that she wasn’t human. Was the idea of a meal so important to his stomach that it completely disconnected his brain? He was upset, frustrated, but not willing to let go of what he wanted without putting up a fight. Eyes shifting between her and the lamb, the wolf first darted to her left, before going back on all fours to try a new approach on her right, sprinting through the fallen leaves. 
The cry of the wolves echoed loudly in Anita’s head. Typically a pack creature, she wondered if those who cried out in response to him would come join in his potential skirmish. It was sort of funny, seeing the wolf preparing to attack. Was he aware of how quickly Anita could end this if she wanted to? Did he have any idea how potent the venom within her was? Probably not. Nor would he find out, not anytime soon anyway. In the hierarchy of life, the wolf did sit above the vegetable lamb. Both of which were above humans, and all of which were below lamia. That meant that if she had to pick between letting the lamb die and killing the wolf, the sacrifice was clear. 
As she worked to anticipate how the attack would come Anita let her tail do its thing and emit a gentle rattle, gradually getting louder. It served as one final warning. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t head the warning. Initially, following his own movement, the snake moved to her left prepared to address the anticipated attack. She was less prepared for an attack from the right, but not unprepared. Her tail was ready to thwart off the attack, whipping around and making contact with the side of her opponent. 
The wolf might have been mighty in the forest, the gigantic snake, though it didn’t seem to fit right in the septentrional woods, must have been royalty in another ecosystem. Alan’s flank was brutally hit by her tail. He knew already that he would bruise there, bruises that would certainly cause wincing and grimacing in the days to come. Still, he didn’t like to stoop down, accept defeat or back down. When he had something in mind, Alan didn’t stop until he had it. 
The wolf might have yelped in pain seconds before, it was back on its front legs now, examining the snake’s movements. She moved faster than he had anticipated, and those fangs looked like they could tear right through him as if he were made of butter but he was confident he could move faster yet. He had legs. Clearly that must have given him an advantage, right? 
The rattling of her tail could become an advantage if he paid more attention to it. He just had to dart to the right again, remain quick on his feet, keep on moving and then leap claws out, toward the bleating small thing, to drag it into the depths of the woods with him. A growl carried through his first steps toward the scaly creature, dying out as he picked up speed and executed his plan. 
There was some twisted joy that rushed through Anita when she heard the wolf cry out, even if the pain she inflicted didn’t seem to slow him down at all. It had been a little while since she had been in an all-out brawl like this before and her adrenaline was spiking. That plus the alcohol coursing through her prevented the cold breeze of the nighttime from bothering her. 
Working as strategically as she could muster, Anita tried to fend off the hairy beast. While her size compared to the wolf was certainly an asset it also made her a bigger target. Normally she would make herself a smaller target by looping her tail around herself and above her head, but it wasn’t just her own wellbeing she was selflessly defending - she had to keep the lamb safe. It was that thought that made her realize that something in the air had shifted, a new smell wafting her way and a small but present heat signature from her peripheral. Distracted, her guard was down for just long enough to allow the wolf to land a swift attack. Her tail rattled louder and faster, as she felt her focus being torn between the known threat in front of her and the concern over what was approaching their battle ground. She wasn’t willing, however, to take her eyes off of the wolf. She wasn’t willing to lose a fight to a wolf. Even if that meant losing the lamb. 
Todd was an idiot. Chad had just proven it. 
This was the perfect addition to the hazing process but no. Todd insisted that it was too dangerous to send freshmen in the woods on a full moon. And yet, Chad had just spent one complete night in here, and was now walking out without even a scratch. Aside from a couple of owls, deers, one moose and the distant howl of wolves, far, far inside The Pines, he hadn’t really seen much action tonight. The sun was rising now, and he was about to walk back to the frat house triumphant, with evidence of his prowess. Chad : 1 Spineless Todd : 0 
“Fucking moron,” with a scoff, the business student reached in his pocket for cigarettes. 
The wolves howled again. Were they getting closer? That was close, right? Heh, if he took a picture of one, he’d surely show this moron just how much of a cheeto-dick asshole he was. 
Quietly, he approached the sound, getting his phone out of his pocket, his cigarette hanging precariously from his lips. This would be a triumph. 
Alan was quick on his feet, but the snake was neither backing down nor showing any signs of tiredness. God fucking damnit. He had to try a different approach. The cold blooded animal really wasn’t his first choice when it came to getting a nice snack and he had his eyes set on that lamb. Sure it was a bit small but the snake was way too big and again, he didn't like the taste of these. 
He tried again, from the right, the left, running low, baring his teeth, but nothing seemed to get past her radar, until… 
Alan might have had less control of himself on full moons, he had enough to keep himself alive. When the largest predator paused to look at the bushes, you didn't keep on attacking. 
Standing on his hind legs, the werewolf's neck craned, hoping to catch a glimpse of their company. Perhaps it was another wolf, who smelled of Takis, blue Gatorade, cigarette smoke and dirt cheap aftershave. Alright, no wolf would have accepted carrying that scent around. 
No… that scent could only come from a goddamn human. 
As the human approached, because it practically had to be a human with that heat signature and stench, Anita’s presumption was that it was a hunter. Had their fight gotten so loud that it really drew that much attention or had they just been so unlucky that a hunter was passing through at the exact wrong time? There was too much to focus on - the wolf, the lamb, the man. Despite her desire to both beat the wolf and keep the lamb out of harm's way, Anita knew that self preservation needed to be her priority. It didn’t much matter what else happened that night, the snake just needed to make it back home in one piece. 
Maybe the human could be a common enemy and the two of them could stop fighting each other for a moment and take care of this interloper first. Her eyes scanned the wolf’s face trying to determine if he was having a similar thought. Anita shot her tail into the general direction of the presumed hunter. They were too far away for it to hit but her intention was simply to signal to the wolf that they weren’t alone. 
“On my signal?” Anita asked quietly, hoping the wolf understood. Without letting him out of her line of sight she began to slowly slither backwards closer towards the approaching person. The plan was to set herself up to make a quick attack against the human before returning to the wolf in the event that he wasn’t interested in taking care of the threat together. Though if it was a hunter there was a chance that Anita’s venom would do nothing more than irritate the man. She’d much rather attack together. 
Ears pulled back, the wolf’s eyes fixated on the intruder. He had seen his fair share of hunters in the past, none of them foolish enough to let the entire forest know they were there through scent alone. One of the defining traits of a good hunter, Alan found, was their ability to make themselves invisible through any mean available. They were remarkably quiet, they often left not a single track behind them, they tried to remain unseen and they did their best not to get spotted with their odor. 
The werewolf narrowed his eyes, lowering himself onto four legs as he examined the man standing before them. He seemed speechless, which wasn’t necessarily a synonym for quiet. 
The snake’s tail hit the ground, lifting dried leaves into the air. Alan looked at her, and something akin to a whimper came as a reply to her question. The human didn’t seem frightened at all. Phone in front of him, as if it were a shield, he seemed blissfully unaware of what awaited him. 
While she took care of the front side of that foolish man, the wolf darted out of the clearing, leaving the bleating lamb there. The sun was starting to break through the leaves, coloring the scenery with hues of pale gold, but though the harness of the moon had now been removed from the wolf, he moved to the side, ready to block any attempt the young man would make at running for his life. 
Anita was never sure if the pure ignorance to present and apparent danger was a learned human deficiency or if it was simply further proof of Darwin’s theories of survival of the fittest. Because, after all, humans were certainly not the fittest creatures and this man was not the fittest in the forest that evening. Expectedly, that meant his chances of surviving the night were not great. 
In sync with her former opponent, Anita began to circle around the opposite direction away from the lamb and around towards their joint prey. She was not sure what the wolf’s plan of action was but it was her intention to not give this man any opportunity to escape his pending fate. Allowing herself to get down low to the ground, her body moved swiftly along the forest as she allowed the gentle shadows created by the moonlight hitting the trees above to conceal a fair amount of her movements. As she closed the gap between herself and this human, who was so clearly at this point not a hunter, Anita prepared her attack. 
Not bothering with her usual methodology of injecting a potent dose of her natural toxin into her victim’s blood stream, Anita quickly lifted her torso up from the ground so that she was suddenly towering over the human. Then, in one swift movement, she opened her mouth as wide as it could and came down upon the man and clamped her fangs down around his lower waist, as she spotted the wolf with his teeth already clamped down on the man’s lower half. She hoped this meal would satisfy his craving and that he would not turn his attention back to the lamb once this feast was completed. 
If he had been fully in control of his psyche, Alan would have been absolutely terrified right then. The snake blended in well in this environment, and the morning sun did a number on his perception of her movements. If he could have been mesmerized by it, what came next was horrifying.
No matter how much shit he had been exposed to through these last years, nothing prepared you to see a man getting nearly swallowed whole by a gigantic snake. But his werewolf had taken over, and Alan could only decide on what leg he would sink his teeth in, on where he would drag his half of the man to, but certainly not on whether he wanted to do that. No. Tonight, he once again had not been in control of the what. Only of the how. 
Undisturbed by the shattering of bones, the spilling viscera, the wolf growled low as he raised onto his back limbs, the intruder's ankle in his jaw and the rest of his legs dangling to the side. Blood stained his grey coat of fur as he confronted the snake one last time. His gaze was drawn to the lamb again, but the taste of blood on his tongue seemed more enticing than that little tender thing there. 
His prize secure, he retreated out of the clearing, leaving the snake behind him. 
So engrossed in her meal, which had quite a strange aftertaste that she didn’t quite enjoy, Anita had almost missed the fact that the wolf retreated out of the area and into the shadows and anonymity of the woods surrounding them. She looked back towards where the lamb had been and felt content in knowing that it would survive another day. Would it survive longer than that? Well, that wasn’t her concern anymore. 
Her attention darted between her jacket and purse that she had discarded near the lamb and the treeline where the wolf had disappeared into. Glancing up, she noted that the moon was nearly gone as the dawn had nearly replaced the dusk. Anita wondered how immediate the reverse transformation happened once the lunar influence disappeared. 
Swiftly, to try and catch up to the other shifter quickly, Anita darted towards the woods. Each second that passed was filled with less moon light. As she moved expertly around the trees she suddenly heard a telling noise, the familiar sound of bones crushing. Slowing herself down and zeroing in on the wolf’s heat signature, Anita caught the tail end of his transformation back into human. The man was scruffy and completely naked … and familiar? Yes, she knew that face somehow but she couldn’t place it. Interesting. Had he recognized her too? That would have to be a question answered another day, and Anita quickly darted back out of the woods to collect her discarded purse and jacket before finally making her way home.
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