#The Art of Flight
pocketss · 2 months
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flight rising dot com 😩
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ink-the-artist · 7 months
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Bon Voyage
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mayomkun · 19 days
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Glasses buddies 😎
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anna-scribbles · 5 months
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inspired by recent events from my sister’s actual real life
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superbat-love · 9 months
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- Dan Mora, NYCC 2023
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linuxgamenews · 9 months
Bring the Epic Battle to Life With The Art of Flight
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The Art of Flight bullet hell SHMUP game is due to makes its way onto Linux via Steam Deck with Windows PC. The game comes to life thanks to the dedication and hard work of the team at Et Al Games. Due to make its way onto Steam. The Art of Flight brings a fresh take on space action games. Instead of piloting just one spacecraft, you find yourself in command of an entire squadron. So you will have multiple spaceships that all move in sync, darting and weaving through the vastness of space. This isn’t just about shooting and dodging; it’s about coordinating a dance, where each move has the potential to change the outcome of an epic battle. Visually, The Art of Flight stands out. The choice of using water color aesthetics gives everything a dreamy, fluid quality. It's as if you're gliding through a mesmerizing artwork where colors blend and swirl. This isn't the crisp, digital look you might be used to; it’s softer, almost otherworldly. And it's all due to be playable on Linux via Steam Deck.
So we'll definitely be usable thru Proton as we're planning to release for the Steam Deck.
According to the The Art of Flight developer's email reply, there are no plans for a Linux port, but they will keep the option open post launch. What you can expect, proper Vulkan support via Proton. Complementing this is the The Art of Flight soundscape. Think of the strum of warm guitars and the rhythmic beats of drums that seem to pulsate with life. There's something deeply engaging about the audio; it's not just background noise. The most unique part is how it's responsive. As you maneuver your squadron, the music alters, echoing your moves. It's as if you're not just controlling spaceships but also designing a dynamic musical composition.
The Art of Flight - SHMUP Fest Trailer
Challenges pop up in the form of episodic encounters. Each of these has its own spin, urging you to adapt and reconsider your The Art of Flight tactics. Navigating these waves becomes a blend of strategy and reaction, making every session feel distinct. Power-ups, when captured, grant your squadron enhanced abilities, broadening your approach to battles. Boss encounters amp up the challenge. Using a single ship against these titans would be a colossal task, but in The Art of Flight, you've got an entire squadron. Coordinate, strategize, and find those weak spots. For those who thrive on high stakes, the scoring mechanics are crafted to reward daring plays. Every decision, every move, could mean the difference between setting a new record or starting over. Local co-op introduces another layer. Collaborate with a friend, and the coordination reaches new heights. For those who prefer a more leisurely pace, or perhaps just want to immerse in the visual and auditory experience, there's the option to adjust the speed. This thoughtful feature ensures that everyone, regardless of skill level, can dive into The Art of Flight and enjoy it. In essence, The Art of Flight transcends typical space action experiences. It's an artistic journey, a synchronized ballet of ships, combined with strategic depth and immersive visuals and sound. For those who've ever dreamt of the stars, this offers a chance not just to fly, but to command, to orchestrate, and to truly experience The Art of Flight.
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guardian-of-da-gay · 10 months
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eventual Mama's boy
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unikorpi · 2 months
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Fae animation practice
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jtlnptfr · 24 days
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A swim with a lady
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cattnipt · 17 days
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maybe I really was born to meet you
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flightdescending · 2 months
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some Ancient designs for if ancients were more like what i thought they would be like when gaolers first came out (prototype modern breeds)
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korokonas · 2 days
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Gryphons gryphoons griffins gryffs griffoooon gryffy griphs gryphffoons griy-
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nightlight-rising · 3 months
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final commission from my batch! Don for XXVeil. this one was a doozy
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corvidus-fr · 14 days
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when's Tidelord coming back, anyway? i can't wait for his new album to drop
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semolinaart · 1 month
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ridgeback dragon, but I didn't look at the official art for a reference
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saltednoodlesfr · 19 days
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"We got it done as quick as we could Captain. One of our delivery dragons will be there shortly. We just hope we got your likeness right considering we don't know what you look like yet..." - End of correspondence between Onomatopoeia and Captain Merrigan
Posters such as these have begun showing up in flights surrounding the Water Flight's territory. Newly arrived Captain Merrigan features in these motivational or encouraging posters.
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