#That we saw with 4x02 and the 4x11 flashbacks
imminent-danger-came · 5 months
I don’t even ship shadowpeach but what’s with the attitude let people have fun.
The post you're talking about had a rather joking tone, so I'm just going to assume you're having a bad day! Hope it's gotten better!
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lovecolibri · 2 years
Things that did NOT Spark Joy-4x13
I already know this is gonna be long and incredibly salty so that’s your warning! Not much is going to escape my wrath here so if you just want to continue revealing in all the good, happy, Malex wedding feels, that post is here. Otherwise, click the read more at your own risk because this is messy, and I’m going full salt gremlin! And that’s not even including the stuff I forgot, or had notes about and was just too tired to bother with today. Don’t say you weren’t warned! One final time friends!
Link to previous episode posts: 4x01, 4x02, 4x03, 4x04, 4x05, 4x06, 4x07, 4x08, 4x09, 4x10, 4x11, 4x12
Where to even fucking start? 
A character having flashbacks to the tragic death of another character are all well and good, but we a) have to care about that other character, and b) they have to have been dead for like, at least a little bit. Ending last episode with Tezca dying for some reason, only to immediately start this one with Isobel flashing back to losing someone they just found out wasn’t their mortal enemy was...a bit much and in an episode where so much needed to happen, it felt like a waste of time. We were all there, we know she died. It JUST happened. 
We went 3 seasons without a single mention of The Blue Flame and we for sure could have gone a 4th. Never before seen power from the one alien NOTORIOUS for having zero control? Some fancy thing only Jones had but yet we never saw Jones use or mention? We didn’t need it considering the series STARTED with Max taking out the whole power grid for the town with his lack of control. If they wanted him to give up his powers because he was a danger to Liz, that scene of him losing his temper and impaling her with something would have been enough.
Every. Single. Flashback to Oasis or after the crash has not made sense with any other flashback to the point where I wish they wouldn’t have bothered. Remember when Max was chained up and we wanted to know more? I take it back. Tell me less. Then I wouldn’t have to question how TF an entire planet’s ecosystem runs on crystals that only one evil man with a special gift no one else has ever had, has the power to bring life to.
Clyde is The Worst and I’d rather have had Jones, or had Jones NOT be totally mad-with-power evil and had Jesse/the US Military be the final big bads, or Evil Tezca the shapeshifter, or literally anything else. We didn’t need a Dollar Store Jones knockoff.
ALEX JUST DISAPPEARS BETWEEN ONE SCENE AND THE NEXT WITH NO EXPLANATION. And when we DO get something, of course it’s not about ALEX, or has him asleep in a bed in the background, or includes MICHAEL being allowed to worry about Alex and his healing and refusing to leave Alex’s side. The man was dying of radiation poisoning but sure that’s something that can just entirely happen off screen while Michael gets wrapped up in other things without a single glance back. Thank goodness we didn’t waste time on Alex possibly dying before he and Michael get the chance to get married so they could make room for more m*ria scenes 🙄 
If they knew the star map was broken and they had time, why didn’t they just...take the console away from the portal and hide it somewhere? Borrow a truck from Deep Sky and have someone (m*ria, so they could make sure she was looking “useful” but it would get her out of the fucking way for once) drive it TF out of town as far and as fast as they could? Then use Bonnie’s powers to take away Clyde’s or something instead of just leaving it there and waiting for him to come back. And if their plan didn’t work, oh well! Guess another planet trying to put itself back together for the past 75 years is going to be pulverized for the sake of one dudes ego! But we tried and it’s the thought that counts! 🙄
Maybe instead of sitting around flipping through a magazine, m*ria could be the one helping Liz and researching stuff? Instead of the man who nearly just died and is supposed to be resting? But she wouldn’t get anything out of it so I guess not. 
Love how Kyle has to thank HER for saving Isobel, and not Michael who figured out what they could get from the roots of the burned trees to mimic the fruit fuel, not Max who helped capture Clyde and held off the storm, and then healed the land when they needed something from it, not Dallas who used his gifts to get the fuel back, no mention of Tezca who sacrificed herself to help talk Max through what he needed to do, nope! It’s definitely all down to m*ria learning astral projection in half an hour to get info they could have easily could have had happen a different way. Isobel is our mindscaper, she could have gotten the info to Kyle to solidify their connection and give us some Kybel crumbs, but then what would m*ria have to do? 
And then, turns out, she can’t help find Rosa whose grave she went to every day for a decade but can’t be bothered with now that she’s breathing, because she’s too “drawn” to Dallas to focus on anyone else?! Give me a break 🙄🙄🙄 First of all, finding a childhood friend who is in danger and needs your help should be enough to get you to quit focusing on the new dick you’re trying to hop on, second of all, the show has spent how long forcing all these other characters to praise the ground she walks on as she’s actively being selfish and awful to them, only for her to be unable to help her “best friend” in her time of desperate need because she doesn’t feel “safe” with anyone else but Dallas? Okay. That tracks. Had to invent something for her to do to have another 5 extra scenes this episode instead of giving us a scene of Kyle and Michael talking about how Alex, ya know, the one who was DYING, is doing. Soooo glad we made more time for this instead. 🙄
Clyde and now Shivani are holed up in yet another abandoned church! Who knew Roswell had so many! It feels like just earlier this season they were mentioning the one abandoned church that everyone knew about so that had to be the one they were looking for! 🙄 Season 1 was the multiple bunkers, season 2 was the season of bunkers and barns, 3 was barns and caves, this season was caves and abandoned churches. Everyone and their mother got one! Maybe if they hadn’t spent all that money on having a dozen new caves and bunkers and barns and churches they could have paid for more time using the Crashdown set so every other scene didn’t have to happen in the bar.
Love that the tech guru who is super duper into medical equipment because of trying to save her daughter doesn’t know what the machine Clyde brought was, but somehow magically learned bioengineering because “pod mist”. Also, Clyde....extracted Rosa’s...powers? From her blood? Her frequency powers magically heal alien crystals by...injecting them? With her distilled blood? From some ancient looking earth machine? That was not built to distill alien powers? I can’t.....
 Why did we have to lose Kyle for multiple episodes looking for Allie in Mexico with Eduardo when all it took was a single call from Liz to bring her back? Did...we not think of trying that before? But then the narrative would have had to care about Kyle and use him, maybe for things outside of Liz or Isobel, and we can’t have that.
Liz of course immediately blabs about the existence of aliens to yet another veritable stranger since she hasn’t seen Allie in years, without the approval of anyone who is actually an alien. Remember season 1 when everyone was deathly afraid of anyone finding out their secret? I wish they had kept some of that vibe.
I peripherally feel bad for Shivani, she just wanted to save her daughter, but after eating up so much screentime this season I’m just too tired to really care. We got more effort and screentime put into saving this random girl that they didn’t even end up saving than into finding and saving Alex. What a fucking waste.
 Remember when there was so much speculation fic after season 2 when Alex got with Forrest that season 3 would have Michael getting the chance to go to Oasis and either getting there and the angst of having to watch him leave maybe in the finale, or him having to choose between going, or having to miss the chance to go in order to save Alex? Every single fic, drabble, and speculation was better than anything they tried to do this season about Michael being “torn”. Because at this point it was never a question of if he would leave Alex or not. There were never any stakes, no either/or situation, either Michael chose to go and took Alex with him, or he chose to say with Alex. Or possibly chose to go but not sure if Alex would be able to survive, but it would have been with Alex’s full support and their relationship being fine. They kept trying to have dramatic scenes about Michael feeling guilty about wanting to go but none of them ever landed because there were no stakes! Alex wouldn’t tell him “no” about going, he’d offer to come and if he couldn’t come, he’d wait for Michael and they’d have a mushy scene about it and figure out a way to communicate while Michael was gone. I will never understand the writers insistence on trying to drum up drama out of nothing when they already HAD plenty of drama with Malex that they kept starting and never following through on!
Reiterating how stupid this m*ria/Dallas plot is, crammed into the finale and taking up time when we could have been learning more about Alex’s healing and having Kybel scenes. This won’t be the last time I mention this, but I got to yet another m*ria scene in my episode notes and I honestly can’t believe I made it through watching this whole episode. Dallas left anyway! Why try to build up this relationship now instead of focusing on Kybel who got built up off and on all season only to get totally shafted in the finale?!
Classic villain mistake. Clyde threw Michael and Bonnie, why didn’t he throw Dallas too? Or just snap their necks and move on with his day? It’d be very in character for who they decided Clyde was going to be like, 4 episodes ago. So is he super smart and sooo powerful, or incompetent? As always with these writers, the answer is “it depends on what we need for the scene.”
I cannot express how utterly stupid this thing is with the console needing a sprinkling of fruit juice to work is. We already talked about the giant tree in a shed covered in alien fruit that no one found for 75 years even though everyone supposedly knew about the abandoned church in front of it. But lets talk about why TF we need it anyways when we’ve had 3 seasons about aliens and tech working on electricity and the little electric charges Liz found studying their blood and WHY TF DOESN’T THE CONSOLE NEED AN ALIEN HANDPRINT OR SOMETHING TO RUN?! How much time was wasted this season on this alien fruit that we did not need to spend time on?!
 Why did they show Liz shooting a plunger syringe at Clyde? Him getting stuck with the needle wouldn’t do anything, you have to push the plunger! Unless they were expecting it to break on impact and hope he was dosed enough? Same with the one hidden in her sleeve where should couldn’t have pressed the plunger! 
Why did the whole mark show up on his palm? He had the brand on his shoulder before and it had to be burned into him in that shape! A needle stick “reversing” his mark removal should either have it showing back up in the same place, or not show up in that shape at all because that was the shape of the brand and the thing stopping him was the alien glass in the brand. Then again, at this point, just typing this out, I’ve clearly thought more about this plotline than the writers ever did.
m*ria has barely spoken to Max this entire series but sure, SHE’S the one who should be having this talk with Max. The ONLY reason they had to have her be the one to talk to him, is to have her offer to astral project across multiple galaxies to peek at Oasis because that’s apparently a thing she can do now! Even though a couple hours ago she could even look for her best friend in the same town without having Dallas next to her (also, how did the one Liz couldn’t even tell was alien when she first checked, be more powerful than any of the ACTUAL aliens? Oh right, because the writers had to keep inventing ways to make her useful because she’s utterly superfluous to the narrative), and then they didn’t even show us that scene, only told us about it later! Again, ISOBEL is the one with the mind powers. They couldn’t have opened the portal and had Isobel stand in front of it and put out some feelers or something? Right, because that would once again leave m*ria with nothing at all to do.
 I’ve already talked at length about how utterly disgusting it was to have m*ria not only a part of the wedding, but the only one to have a full conversation with Alex in this episode besides the incredibly short one he had with Michael during the reception, but it cannot be stressed enough what a slap in the face this choice was. Her comments about him being against marriage as a teen are tone deaf considering he COUDLN’T legally get married at that time (who wants to bet he said that one of the times she was trying to make a pact with him that they’d marry each other if they weren’t with someone by like, 30 or something?) She has hurt him so many times and in so many ways while acting like she never did anything wrong and Alex has never been allowed to be upset, or hurt, or even TALK about his feelings about what she did. So having her here in this moment instead of Kyle who we have seen being actively supportive of Alex and Michael for 3 full seasons now, and who we just saw being the ONLY one to encourage Michael in going after Alex and making sure Michael didn’t lose hope as well as (apparently, since we didn’t see or hear about it) saving Alex’s life earlier that same day, is ridiculous! At least if it was Liz who we have been begging to have more scenes with Alex it would be someone who has done about as much to support Alex as m*ria has (nothing) while NOT hurting him nearly as much. Or we could have had Greg (since Alex getting kidnapped for some reason did NOT result in meeting Mindy and Clay Manes or even bringing back either brother we’ve already met) but OH NO, that would be awkward for poor m*ria and we can’t have her feeling uncomfortable at a wedding that has nothing to do with her! 🙄🙄🙄 So the entire conversation is one tone deaf comment, then making everything about her and her love life, with NOTHING about being supportive of him and Michael and the wedding he’s about to have. Par for the fucking course with her. 
It says a lot too of who they wanted to be the center of attention at the wedding given everyone else is in muted colors, Isobel, Liz and Rosa are all in funeral-ish BLACK for some reason, while they put m*ria in the loudest most visible color possible. But this wedding is about Malex. For sure. That’s why instead of watching them dance or hearing their vows, we had to suffer through m*ria trying to get with Dallas. Did she go call Greg on their way to the wedding or is still still putting it off? Probably smart since Dallas is leaving and we all know she’s gotta be with SOMEONE at all times. Maybe Dallas will come back for the Echo wedding and she’ll be able to make that one about her relationship drama too!
Isobel makes the comment that Sanders stuck by Michael through all of his screwups proving the writers STILL do not understand how Michael’s actions were a front to keep people from looking too closely at what he was hiding, a trauma response, and a lot of it to protect Max and especially Isobel. And they don’t understand that Walt LOVES Michael and did what any parent worth their salt would do, and loved Michael as best he could through everything Michael did. 
THEY SKIPPED THE WEDDING. Yeah, we get a bit of it in a montage later but NO VOWS, no hearing the pronouncement of “you may kiss the groom”, no hearing them whisper something sweet to each other when one looks like they might be loosing their composure, NOTHING. Just a montage where we have to watch fucking m*ria walk Alex down the aisle instead of seeing Alex up there with his best man Kyle, the childhood friend he lost and then found again, and MICHAEL who has been looking for a family since the start of the show getting walked down by his siblings and dad. Talk about undercutting your own narrative!
Also, given Alex was just dying and spent weeks on his prosthetic in an alien hellscape, is there a reason they couldn’t be bothered to remember his disability and put him in a wheelchair for the ceremony and let Michael be walked to him? Let Alex be a little self-conscious because this isn’t how he wanted the wedding to go and Michael reminding him that he loves ALL of Alex and his disability IS going to change things about their lives but Michael is ready for all that and he’s getting to marry Alex so who cares about literally anything that happens on the way to that being a legal fact for them! 
The gazebo has been an Echo thing since prom, while Alex randomly brought it up this season. Why not have them get married at the junkyard under that metal trellis we saw during their big "I want to know who you are" moment? Or at Foster Ranch? Or out in the desert where they used to park? Or the drive-in? Or the reservation so his mom and at least one brother could come? Or their own fucking backyard??? Why have it in a place that holds NO significance for them across 4 seasons of the show?
The joke Michael makes about being made into an “honest man” is not only gross in all contexts of it ever being used for any couple across all time, ever, it’s also extra ridiculous here considering Michael has canonically said he’s been dreaming of marrying Alex since he was a teen! This is all he has wanted for over a decade! He then goes on to make a quip about embarrassing Alex over the years, AGAIN proving the writers don’t know anything about these characters because Alex wasn’t ashamed of Michael. Alex was SCARED after his dad committed a hate crime against them and maimed Michael for life (baring alien healing)!! He thought that Michael's acting out and not going to school was HIS FAULT. He was worried when he came back that if Jesse caught a whiff of Michael doing something illegal he would have an excuse to go after Michael and if Alex was associating with him, could have gotten Alex in trouble with the military because of his security clearance. You know, the job that pays for Alex’s medical benefits because he’s disabled? He was terrified as he learned more of what his dad had been doing literally experimenting on aliens, that he could make Michael disappear into his lab and keeping distance kept Michael safe. But the writers would have to care about Alex outside of how his existence affects Michael sooo we get this instead.
 For some reason, while Vlamburn are inventing what love looks like on the dance floor, we’re stuck watching m*ria being forced into the center of everyone’s attention again because this wedding was never going to be about MALEX. Poor Dallas does not deserve any of this. I’m glad he left to Oasis. I’m sure she’ll have a new boyfriend by the time he gets back (or Greg if she hasn’t broken up with him yet), but maybe he’ll find a nice alien who isn’t narcissistic, selfish, and manipulative.
Looks like Bonnie is going to have to learn to deal with rude, grabby handed racists while being paid who knows what under the table since she technically doesn’t exist. I’m sure m*ria is thrilled to save some money on her taxes by not reporting any of that. Bonnie will surely love the kind of clients that frequent The Pony and will in no way be traumatized by them. 🙄
We could have seen a soft morning after for Malex that gets interrupted by Isobel again, but with a far happier conclusion, them loading the car with their packed bags, then going to see Max off before driving out of town at sunrise. Instead, once again, the big Malex moment takes place on a dark, deserted street. Yeah, the truck is decked out with a sign and cans, but there is no one to see them driving off. Them leaving the Crashdown in the morning, driving through a bustling Roswell morning and off into the bright sunrise would have hit better than a deserted street in the middle of the night. It’s literally the same as the s3 finale, with them alone on the street in the dark.
Ending the series with the main couple apart?! Not filming a second ending for if they got canceled where Liz hops into the portal after Max?! Having the last scene being Max again putting what he wants on hold to do what he thinks is expected of him which is NOT growth, and Liz crying and utterly alone at the portal because they didn’t have Malex and Kybel at least standing by to offer their goodbyes and support Liz? WHY?? How is that in any capacity a satisfying ending? The show started by telling us Liz left alone when they had planned to go together and then they spent a decade apart. Why would it not end it with Max being the one to leave, and Liz deciding to go with him to look at alien oceans?!
Max looks exactly like Jones! Did...did anyone plan for the people of Oasis to just...kill him on sight?! He really said, I look exactly like their behated dictator, oh well! and jumped in without a plan. If only Michael had been allowed to jump into a hole without a plan OH WAIT! Because he was doing it to rescue the love of his life, and because it was Michael about Alex it was wrong. But this is Max so of course it’s the right thing to do without giving a second thought or leaving any time to research and plan.
Unanswered Questions! (Just the big ones from this season because if I have to think about the unanswered questions from the show as a whole, I will lose my mind)
What was The Alighting? And how did they figure out a woman who wasn’t even born yet when they went into their pods was the key to bringing it?
What exactly was Ophiuchus? Prophecy? Religion? Hoax made up by Jones? 
What happened to Alex’s necklace? Dallas picked it up, but later m*ria saw it still down there. Why was it there? 
How was Alex part of Jones’s contingency plan?
What happened to Heath?! He said he came to see what was going on with Dallas and yet we never once got to see him interact with Dallas or any other mention that he was updated on what happened to his friend!
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shh-im-fangirling · 3 years
Small reviews of my rewatch of Season 4
- Maddie and Chimney 😢
- Family videocall between Athena, Bobby, Michael, David and Harry 🥰
- Eddie: "At least it's not a tsunami."
Buck: "😒" really funny Eddie 😂
- Bobby with that guy 🥺
- The woman's story 😭
- May worried for Athena 😢
- Buck to Chim: "You're... you're gonna be a great dad." 🥲❤
- Chimney with the pregnant woman 😭
- Athena: "Thankz for coming to get me."
Bobby: "Always." ❤
- Micheal and David ❤
- Carla reading for Chris and Eddie and them falling asleep ❤
- Chimney, Maddie and their mango 😭❤
- Eddie terrified by technology 😂
- "Give me your gun!" Bobby fed up with the robot 😂
- Hen's storyline is boring 😪
- Buck's therapy 😢 (Oliver is so pretty this season 🥺)
- Maddie 😢
- Buck and Chris pranking Eddie 😂😂😂
- "It's a girl." ❤
- May learned how to do her job so well 👏🏻
- Buck and Eddie detectives 😂
- Chimney under pressure because of the secret, poor guy 😂
- How cute Albert and Chim trying to lighten the Buckley's visit.
- "United front." 😢
- Poor Buck 😭 (His "Love me anyway." breaks my heart everytime)
- Buck has always been ignored and underestimated by his parents, "abandoned" by his sister and scared of being left alone. In the 118 he has found the famoly he always wanted 😭❤
- He always puts others first 😭
- The postcards ❤
- This entire episode 😂
- The lightness with which they overcome the storyline with the Buckley's 😒
- The Helium scene 😂😂😂 what a laugh 😂
- Athena pissed off 😂
- But what does Ana's return do for Eddie's character growth? Nothing, it doesn't give him any benefit! 😒
- Denny and Nia are so freaking cute 🥺
- Eddie and Buck with the turkey 🦃😂
- Micheal, Bobby and David's chaotic energy 😂😂😂
- Buck's disgust when he sees Albert at Veronica's 😂
- Eddie was not found in this episode 😒
- This episode was a bit useless 👐🏻
- Eddie and Ana are so boring 😒
- After months without seeing each other qnd the way she treated him Buck is really friendly with Taylor? 😒 Just like Ana to Eddie, she doesn't bring any benefits to Buck!
- Maddie and Athena 🥺
- Taylor didn't actually had a good reason to be angry at Buck for the double date.
-The vaccines scene 🥺
- Buck and Chris 😭❤
- Maddie and Chimney with the false allarms 😂
- Poor Albert 😢 The way the alterned his rescue with the birthof the baby 😢
- "I love us." ❤
- Chimney with Albert 😭
- Eddie cuddling Chris ❤
- Hen and Karen 😢
- Bobby letting off the steam 😢
- More Uncle Buck in season 5! 🥺
- Jee-Yun, like her grandma 🥺❤
- Buck showing the tools to the kids 😂
- Denny and Nia 😭
- The dispachers surprising Maddie 🥰
- Season 1 flashbacks 😭
- Grandma Lee 🥺❤
- Athena and May 😢
- Chimney and Maddie exhausted 😂
- Denny with the new forster siblings 🥲
- Poor Sue 😱😢
- Josh 🥺
- Buck and Taylor as friends are okay. I really don't get why they have to get them in a romantic relationship when they want completly different things! 1000 times better as friends.
- What a genius Josh 👏🏻👏🏻
- Josh and Sue ❤
- Another useless episode. This season is full of filler episodes.
- Oliver's hair are amazing in this season 😍
- Buck in the sewer, poor him 😂
- Eddie's expressions 😂
- Can anyone explain to me why everyone loves Ravi? We saw him twice.😶
- Hen's storyline is so boring.
- Carla comes back and dispenses pearls of wisdom ✨
- Maddie 😢
- Bobby not talking with Athena is so annoying 😑 but he is also right since she doesn't talk to him...
- EDDIEEEE 😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Eddie asking Buck if he is hurt while he is the one bleeding to death 😭
- Buck and Chris 😭❤
- Buck always wants to protect the people he loves - they are the most important thing to him. He considers the risks so no one of his fwmily ends up in danger.
- Taylor wanted Buck onky after he put himself in danger, just like his parents used to do 😒
- Eddie when Buck tells him that it wouod have be better if he was the one shot instead: "😒"
- Athena to the rescue 💥
- The paraller of Bobby and Athena with 4x02 😭
- Maddie 💔
- Eddie chose the person he trusts most to trust Chris; the person who immediately his son and always protected him ❤
- I love the Grant-Nash family! ❤
(S1 / S2 / S3)
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