#That isn't until after Fangs revenge
askthealphabet · 2 years
You just wait until another anon gives you and Liam a daughter. She will find out what you have been doing to Liam for the past eleven years. And what you have done to his grandmother's grave.
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"You're an odd one."
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sky-fire-forever · 9 months
To the people who say that Ed never harmed the Kraken Crew:
I am genuinely so confused by this take. First of all: Ed is shown to be violent even if that's not directed at the Kraken Crew specifically. He threw Lucius overboard and thinks he killed him in cold blood and he tortures Izzy by mutilating him. Even IF he never physically harms Jim, Frenchie, Fang, or Ivan directly, he is still behaving violently. He is killing people and taking out his depression on both Izzy and the innocent people (ish, they're still naval officers) that they are raiding.
Even if Izzy (and Lucius, remember) are the only direct victims of his physical abuse... they are still victims of that abuse? No matter what Izzy has done, be it threaten him, verbally lashing out at him, or even abuse of his own if you interpret it that way justifies how Ed physically takes him apart and makes him EAT parts of himself. That is beyond abuse. That is both physical and mental literal torture
And remember, Lucius was entirely innocent. He was actively trying to HELP Ed and that did not stop Ed from behaving violently towards him.
If you say since we see no signs of Ed abusing the Kraken Crew, I will remind you that the way Ed led the Kraken Crew got Ivan killed. Ivan DIED due to decisions made during Ed's time as captain of The Revenge, likely due to the constant raids making them exhausted and weakening their ability to fight.
We don't know enough about Ivan's death for me to really say that for certain, so it's speculation. But if Ivan died during a raid, the responsibility still falls on Ed's shoulders. He is their captain, it is his job to protect and defend his crew and we are explicitly told that he did not bat an eye when Ivan went down. We even see Ed kill a member of his own crew during his suicide attempt. A crew member falls overboard and we see Fang reach for them. This is directly caused by Ed sailing into that storm.
He points a gun at his crewmates and they have NO IDEA if he's going to shoot him. They're clearly afraid that he might. Fang starts crying and they all tense up. Frenchie expects Ed to kill him when he finds out that he's been hiding Izzy. They are afraid of their captain, they believe he does not care about their lives and that he could kill them at any moment.
This is abuse. I genuinely do not care if it is physical towards anyone but Izzy or not, it is abuse plain and simple. Ed behaves in an abusive manner towards his crew. That abuse actively puts their lives in danger. Constantly forcing them to go on raid after raid after raid for no reward (because he makes them dump the treasure that they believe they are earning for themselves, as Frenchie flat out asks Izzy if they're receiving "their cut") and exhausting them in the process makes them more likely to be killed on the field. Fighting while exhausted and demoralized is fucking difficult!
And before anyone says that's just life aboard a pirate ship, isn't Ed supposed to be better? Isn't he supposed to be better than Hornigold? Even Ed remembers having good times on Hornigold's ship with Jack. And the Kraken Crew appear constantly exhausted and terrified, carving out their own moments of joy just like Ed had to while under Hornigold
I have seen posts claiming that Izzy fans have a disconnect between interpretation of a character and their actual actions, but the lengths I have seen (certain, not all) Ed fans go to to completely absolve Ed of his cruelest actions absolutely baffles me. Like... Ed made Fang kill his dog and that's BEFORE he became the Kraken.
Ed is a dark character. He does twisted shit. Is that not INTERESTING to you? Does it not fascinate you that a man perfectly capable of torturing his crew and driving them harder and harder and harder until some of them die fueled by his own desire to make himself irredeemable STILL at his core is a man who wants nothing more than to be loved? Do you not find it somewhat beautiful and that this man with so much blood on his hands is still told "someone will love you. You are not a monster, but a person despite your cruelty"? Do you not think the story of a man so completely consumed by all he has done realizing that he can not erase the damage of what he did isn't a good tale to tell? Do you think there is a fundamental difference between the man who tells Stede not to kill and the man who has killed for himself?
I feel like stripping him of his horror takes away so much of who he is. So much of what makes him interesting. He CHOOSES to leave Stede's crew on an island to die of exposure or starvation. He CHOOSES to basically kidnap Frenchie and Jim. He CHOOSES to hurt those closest to him in horrible ways
And he chooses to come back from that. Chooses to try to do better. To learn. To grow. To love.
I have issues with season two, but if we had more time to watch Ed come back from this, to see him make amends with the crew he so horribly damaged, I would have thought this was the best arc ever. Redemption stories are my favorite because it shows that everyone is capable of both good and evil. Ed is capable of both too. I really wish people would see his growth for what it is: a man so entrenched in violence with a nonlinear recovery that hurts people and still keeps trying anyway. Rather than someone who never hurts anyone at all
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amuseoffyre · 10 months
Got pondering today on the baseline for Ed's experience and life up until he arrives at the Revenge, based on the various fragments of backstory and implicit history that are scattered throughout both seasons.
"we're just not those kind of people"
recurring violence - his mum's black eye and the kraken flashback, which carries over into Ed's instinct to recoil from anyone touching/coming near his face (except Stede)
"Remember how he stabbed us?" "He treated us like dogs. Like worse than dogs" - introduction to a world beyond his family and it's even worse and relentless
"his name was Felix and he was a really nice guy" - his peers being killed slowly and painfully as punishment in front of him
"It's poison!" / "I got the gift you left me, in my glass" - not even food or drink were safe
"that's what you fucking get" - a system of anticipated and constant violence
"cutting off a bloke's toes and feeding them to him for a laugh", "love a good maim" - inured to doing violence to others without question
"I don't wanna go back to the old days, drinking all the time" esp. after Jack's condescending "I didn't know I had an audience with the fucking pope" when he tries to refuse rum - twice, Ed comments on two of his friends about their drinking and twice, he gets scoffed at and then takes a drink from their bottles himself
"I was gonna kill him and burn his face off" - Anne and Mary (his peers from his youth) nodding in agreement that this is normal
"Run me through" / "Whip my balls!" / "Six inches of steel right in you" - violence and brutality as foreplay (And ohhh this puts a whole new light onto his extended freak out about Stede and him sleeping together straight after the Ned Low incident)
Knife Parade - finding it silly and funny and utterly unaware that he was terrorising people because he'd grown up surrounded by that kind of behaviour with Jack, Mary and Anne.
"Didn't apologise for shit" - no apologies, no admitting mistakes, no awareness of doing something wrong (and once he realises, he promptly apologises to Fang and then, awkwardly, stiltedly to Izzy the next episode)
"Your friends are very troubled" / "Yeah. Well, they're pirates" - the self-awareness there that this isn't a normal, healthy way of behaving
No wonder having a glimpse of something different with nice clothes and good food and marmalade and well-meaning friendship opens a door he never knew was even an option 😭
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justsigma-bsd · 4 months
Everything Seems Small (From High Up)
Basically what happened after Sigma left the note and before Chuuya showed up.
Also me trying my hand at a different writing style-
TW for survivors guilt (I think), implied/mentioned starvation (it's small but there), a lot of injuries being mentioned and their causes.
@fukuzawa-armeddaddyagency may I perhaps interest you in seeing the aftermath of "lost one son to save another"? (ngl it would've probably happened anyway)
He doesn't remember how he managed to get there. The entire way is a blur. He doesn't remember how he managed to climb down, just that he somehow managed to slide down the gutter without falling.
In hindsight, he's more surprised he managed to hold on. His hand and arm ached from the effort of carrying his own weight, which the whole incident had reduced by quite a bit, but he barely cared. He just prayed that neither stab nor bite opened, and went on his way. 
Sure, both are wrapped tightly in bandages, along with pretty much most of his limbs, leaving pretty much all of the bites and stabs and cuts he'd endured hidden from prying eyes, but it'd be a pain to rewrap them all again... and he doesn't want to bother Chuuya with this. 
It's his own fault anyway, he dug his own grave, and now he may as well lie in it. 
His legs ached all the way, but he barely paid it any mind. He just walked and walked and walked, until he barely even knew where he turned left and where he turned right. He just had his destination in mind.
And his legs still ache, an hour later, when he's finally sitting where he'd wanted to go. 
He stares down, and for a moment he remembers falling from Sky Casino. Remembers the terror of thinking he'd die. Remembers the air whipping past his face, howling in his ears as if he'd been caught in a hurricane.
His legs, aching and stinging from bites that hopefully haven't started bleeding again, dangle down over the edge. He fidgets with his hands, plays around with the bandages wrapped around one of them. The bite underneath hurts as well. 
Everything hurts, if he's honest with himself. 
His legs hurt, courtesy of the dogs who'd dug their fangs into his flesh. 
His hand hurts, from when another dog bit it and dragged him back into his room- back to Mori. 
His face and arm and leg hurt from the cuts and stabs Other Kris had left on him. 
His knee hurts, and he can't remember that one clearly, but he thinks a bullet grazed it. 
His back hurts, from when he'd fallen down the stairs.  
His throat hurts, and he wishes desperately for the bruises to fade so he can stop wearing turtlenecks. 
He lets out a sigh and watches the city. From so high up, everything looks so... small. Insignificant. He knows his friends are down there. His family. His love... yet part of him think that maybe, just maybe, they'd be better off if he stayed here. 
He'd left a note. Granted, a very vague note, but he did... god, who was he kidding? Everyone's a mess right now. Everyone's in various stages of grief and dealing with it better or worse. Everyone's mourning, and what is he doing? Running from his problems. 
He lets out a breath, tears gathering in his eyes. 
It's his fault they're mourning. What was it that Fukuzawa had said? Ah, right. He'd sent Dazai to get him out. He'd weighed his options and lost one son to save another. 
He feels like screaming. Like crying. Throwing something, breaking something, tearing something apart and crying over that as well. 
It's his fault, start to finish. 
He'd started all of this with petty revenge that had been entirely pointless, and to what has it led? To Dazai dying. 
Fukuzawa should've made the right call. He should've left him to rot instead of sending help. He wasn't worth another's life. Hell, he isn't even an actual person- just some writing on a page. 
Karma was right. He's useless. He's useless and incompetent and he still doesn't know the reason- but he can see why he'd hate him. He wonders, silently, how many people hate him and are just too polite to say it to his face. 
It should've been him who died. Would've been better for everyone... or no, scratch that. He really just should've stayed in the desert. Less pain and suffering for everyone involved. He should've stayed away after Meursault, at the very least. 
... well, too late to prevent that mistake from happening. 
So he sits, high up above the city, and watches. Watches while everything looks so small and distant insignificant, and he silently wonders why he ever thought he could be a part of that without ruining it. 
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dougielovelove · 9 months
part one (1,028 words)
My first fic lol. I hope you guys like it 🌬🤍
Also, sorry if there are any writing errors, I use a translator so some words may be wrong.
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It hurts. Everything hurts.
Everything happened so fast... You and your battalion were resting in a forest. A well-deserved rest after days of a bloody and brutal war. You and a few more soldiers were in your tent, already organizing and strategizing the next steps for the days to come. But, your train of thought was soon cut off by an agonizing scream. A scream of agony from one of your soldiers.
You and the other soldiers who were with you quickly leave your tent, and are faced with a bloodbath. An ambush. You see enemy soldiers killing each of your men, who unsuccessfully try to fight back. You see the enemies' weapons piercing and tearing your battle companions, who wither from the inside out after the blows. Enchanted weapons. It all happened so fast... You draw your sword and attack your enemies, but an arrow hits your arm and pierces the hard iron of your armor. A bewitched arrow. You feel the poison from the arrow entering you, and mixing with your blood. Another arrow is shot your way, but one of your allies jumps in front of you, taking the shot for you. Before succumbing and turning to dust, he mutters, weakly. "run..."
And that's what you did, reluctantly, with the little strength you had left, you ran deeper into the forest. You can feel the poison seeping more and more into your blood with each passing moment.
You walks, weak, your vision already going dark. But something in you won't let you die so quickly. Your determination. Your determination to recover, and take revenge on everyone who killed your battle companions. your friends. You continue to walk aimlessly through the forests, and your weak eyes spot a cave. You can hear the sadistic laughter of your enemies from afar. They're getting close. Left with no choice, you walk to the cave, feeling your life slowly slipping away, the poison eating you from the inside out , and gods, how it hurts.
As you walk deeper into the cave, you feel your legs losing strength, but you force yourself to keep walking. You can see the slimy walls of the cave, filled with ancient engravings: several people kneeling, and apparently worshiping what appears to be a... black blur…? you don't quite understand what it is.
You kept walking and walking... until you reached what seemed to be the end of the cave. You can see what looks like a stone altar, and around it, old human skulls.
You may be going crazy, but... you can hear someone... calling you. Someone who isn't there... But suddenly, you howl in pain. The poison. You stagger forward in pain, and fall to your knees in front of the altar. When you look up, you see something that gives you goosebumps.
There's a man behind the altar.
Quickly analyzing his appearance, you can see two red eyes that pierce your soul, and seem to look beyond you. It has huge, pointy fangs, and looking down, you can see claws, also huge. It also has large, powerless horns on its head.
He looks down at you with a sneer, finding your situation amusing. Without bothering to be gentle, he takes his hand to your hair, lifting your head, and analyzing your features better.
"Hm... let's see..." The creature speaks, his voice thick and frightening. "It would be a shame to let something cute like you die in such a deplorable way..." He brings his other hand to your face, squeezing your cheek, and brings his face closer to yours, speaking once more. "I can help you... the revenge you want so much... I can help you with it."
You look up at him, your mind filled with questions. ‘Who is he? What is he?’ You are losing control of your body. You can hear enemies getting closer and closer. your time is running out... You open your mouth to respond to his proposal, but you can't speak, and instead, you cough blood in his face. But it seems that didn't bother him. "Shh.. one look is worth a thousand words, mortal…” He speaks, his smirk growing on his face, becoming more and more sinister.
Your time is up.
Your eyes close, and the pain slowly begins to fade, and death's embrace begins to comfort you. But, suddenly you are pulled from that limbo between life and death, by a kiss. You feel warm and soft lips against yours, and you feel something taking over you, and invading your body.
. . .
The enemies soldiers arrive. They walked around laughing, and talking loudly, making fun of your situation. They observe your body at the end of the cave, on your knees in front of the altar. What appears to be their leader, walks confidently in front, wielding a sword in his hand, towards you. But all the men jump in fright when they see your body contort, and in an agonizing way get up. Your armor slowly begins to take on a reddish hue, and a huge, imposing red sword begins to slowly appear in your hand, and you turn to them. Your empty, ruby-red eyes stare at all the men there.
Terrified, the leader advances towards you, with the sword aimed at your neck. But in the blink of an eye, he is torn apart, chopped into bloody pieces of flesh in a matter of moments.
A scream of terror echoes through the cave.
And so, you begin your killing spree; brutally killing your enemies one by one. At every moment, a sadistic laugh echoes in your mind. A laugh from a being that now you understand what it is.
His original name is unpronounceable, but... His old worshipers called him Miguel.
Miguel, The creature of the night, worshiped for millennia by the angry, vengeful and brutish.
Miguel, The creature of the night, who gives his blessings to those who, in his eyes, are worthy.
Miguel, The creature of the night... who apparently really liked you.
Miguel, The creature of the night... who laughs sterically at the calls for help from your enemies.
And so, you emerge from the cave a new man, and with a new purpose.
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agonizedembrace · 22 days
a twist of fate. that’s what her whole life is. one moment, she is running, fighting. getting away. trying to steer her life in a direction she can manage, amidst grasping roots, cawing ravens, prowling beasts. then she’s hunting. taking flight. prey after prey in unforgivingly sharp talons. for herself. then for evelynn.
for evelynn, too, does she watch with a narrowed gaze as the rest of her followers disperse, leaving the two of them alone. the additional unwanted company has ruffled her feathers, yet still she stays by evelynn’s side. a silent tension has been building up as they remained within arm’s reach of each other since earlier. the space between them ever tauntingly present. so close, yet so far. until evelynn reaches out should she have the mind to. fleeting touches, meant to make one thing known: akali is hers. a word needn’t be said, however. akali leaves herself open to evelynn. a connection—every thought and emotion available to evelynn as if the raven were an open book, or an instrument waiting for its strings to be plucked and it will play as its mistress wills it to.
and so, the raven exhales softly, willing the budding nervousness that arose within her to leave. she takes evelynn’s hand, clasping it in hers with great care, and she leans down to press her lips against it. a silent request for permission in fear of breaking the intimate atmosphere that they made for themselves. then she places her other hand under evelynn’s forearm just as she brushes her lips against the demigoddess’ wrist, breath heavy.
“evelynn.” she whispers into the air. only they and the forest know of the weight of the name uttered with such devotion in it. then she’s shifting to place kisses higher up evelynn’s arm, carefully, slowly, until her lips meet evelynn’s own. there’s something electrifying in the kiss that has akali leaning forward to take more, to want evelynn to take more. fangs find purchase on soft lips, quiet groans being kept between sealed mouths.
as they kiss, the raven steps around the throne to settle in front of evelynn to the best of her ability, then she kneels, gradually drawing away from tempting lips. her hands rest on the harrier’s knees, sliding up to her thighs, and akali gazes up at her with clear want in them. she shall prove herself worthy of her affection.
to live freely ; that is more than a promise which evelynn preaches.
her father granted her it, and so she will to those who follows their will. to be confined by the other gods -- not an ideal which she takes kindly to. it is a delicious life, one that she has only ever known, and each day she'll gladly preach the freedom of it all ; until she's able to take revenge for her father's demise.
idly her wrist flicks, bored of the additional company that resides in her throne room. she needn't say more, obedient and eager to please ( oblige ). ' yes my lady ' they chant, and so they go. another moment isn't granted of her attention -- not needed as who sits, rather perches, at her side is far more worthy of her gaze. doting, she would call it, in secrecy. adoration : only to herself.
freedom she has offered to the raven, and in turn, devotion she receives. she is well aware it is simply more than that ; the rustling of feathers upon each encounter with another devotee, the gaze that is much more than any lustful stare granted by others. worship by it's own right. the demigoddess doesn't speak of her own affections, for as it is not needed ( well known is the fact, her doting touches, though rare as they may seem, make it well apparent ) and to not speak of her one weakness.
her hand that waves away her followers never meets her throne, rather her raven's own. her brow raises at the action, both curious and eager to see what commands her to do so. when lips grace her digits, her facade does not break, one that has been practiced so well. but one with a careful and knowing gaze can see past it to the pleasantries that reside in her crimson eyes. this is a whole other way of devotion: one that she allows only her raven to perform.
fleeting kisses that rise on her arm, accompanied with a commitment to prove just how devoted she is to the demigoddess. normally it would be a sin to so freely speak her name, by any of her followers, but akali has always been different. she is evelynn's - in more ways than one.
her head tilts into the kiss, allowing such an act is one thing that she's certain her father would have raised a brow to, but to let the raven take the initiative is another. to which, she shrugs the thought away with a pleased growl as fangs prod at her lips deliciously. a woman's desire to be satisfied is unlike any other, and she's certain she can excuse such actions. gradually, and ever so casually, does she trace her sharp tendrils along the woman's arm until they caress her face. but not for nothing, as the raven's skin tears, ever slightly and just enough to draw a fragment of blood.
a coo escapes her lips, her hand shifting to cup akali's jaw as she circles her throne. evelynn's own lowers as the raven goes down on her own knees, fully aware of where this exchange is going. so she lets go, leaning back in her seat as hands traverse up her thighs. to touch her in such a way would be unheard of to any of her followers, yet the desire that resides in the demigoddess' gaze is unmistakable.
" pray tell, dearest raven, " her breath is heavy, eager for this to continue. " how does thou desire to please thy goddess? if thou worships mine so, prove thyself. "
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paletigers · 1 year
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Found this template on Twitter (@ TheMoYouKnow_ ) and now I want to explain Marrowe's friendship dynamics :) (Under the cut :) and BG3 spoilers ahead!)
Lae'zel is Marrowe's first friend. Since Marrowe has amnesia regarding most of his "life" (see my this post for context), Lae'zel's companionship meant the world to him (he knew of his background during the events of BG3). He respects the hell out of her blunt personality because he doesn't really understand what people really mean a majority of the time. They butt heads a lot regarding opinions, but both can call it quits when they're proven wrong. They also had some sexual tension during the events of act 1, even getting to the point of undressing each other and ready to go at it, but they both kind of looked at each other and went, "is this like, awkward for you? i think i just find you to be a friend" and now theyre best friends :)
Shadowheart doesn't really earn Marrowe's respect until the end of act 2 during the Gaunlet of Shar. Marrowe didn't really understand her Shar worship but didn't want to get in the way of her becoming a Dark Justiciar, so he just helped her until they found the Nightsong. Shadowheart casted aside the spear and saved the Nightsong, much to the suprise of Marrowe. Marrowe isn't a hero, but seeing Shadowheart cast aside Shar made him rethink his worldview as well. They're buds, but Shadowheart not respecting Lae'zel really soured his perception of her, lol. He's really damn loyal to a fault.
Astarion!! Marrowe learned Astarion was a vampire from the moment Astarion knocked him to the ground. He saw his sharp teeth, his fangs, his red eyes, and saw himself. They're both monsters. He didn't say anything to Astarion about his knowledge of Astarion's vampirism, instead keeping a watchful eye over him. When Astarion woke Marrowe in the night attempting to bite him, Marrowe was extremely understanding. Marrowe is unfortunately, really really REALLY enabling to Astarion's bad behavior and vice versa. They're both full of revenge and hatred for people, so Marrowe agrees to Ascend Astarion when the time comes. They're both sick of being controlled and not having ownership over their bodies. By the time Cazador's mansion rolls around and Marrowe sees how Cazador affects his lover, he can't agree with the Ascension anymore. Astarion stays a spawn, and Marrowe is there by his side until the end of time. (After credits, they move into the Goblin camp area in act 1. They clean the fuck out of the place so they have access to the overworld and the underdark, so Astarion can roam freely where he chooses. They've made a lot of sun free areas outside so Astarion can still go out during the day. Don't ask how it works, just accept it.)
Karlach quickly turns into a best friend to Marrowe after they meet. Marrowe had already killed the people hunting Karlach before they met and was on Karlach's side from the get go. Marrowe does everything he can to aid Karlach's heart, not wanting to see his friend hurt. They're both incredibly touchy with each other after her final upgrade, hugging and cuddling all the time. They're the type of friends who are attatched at the hip. (In my canon, Karlach lives a happy long life with Astarion and Marrowe in the renovated goblin camp. no one can tell me otherwise.)
Halsin has the hots for Marrowe from the moment they met, but Marrowe isn't really interested in him. Halsin lives in the Marrowe Hype House post credits. (thats what im calling it now)
Gale and Marrowe are kind of weird around one another. Gale doesn't really like the shit him and Astarion get up to, but they're all weirdly drawn to each other. Astarion flirts with Gale during act 1 and Marrowe is quick to see this. They sort of all dance around each other, riling each other up and having weird unresolved sexual tension with each other. Marrowe is quick to help Gale with whatever he needs, ready to fight Mystra the second she even suggest Gale to blow himself up. Marrowe sort of favors him by giving him really nice equipment for spellcasting even when Marrowe (being a warlock) could use it more than him. He loves talking about magic with Gale and hearing his input on certain decisions. (Gale's like, "Me or Astarion!!" and Marrowe's like "havent you seen us kiss like 500 times already? I thought you knew we were dating." and Gales like "wait what" and Astarion is just "you could always join us yknow like i wouldnt mind kissing you too if thats whats holding you back" and gales fragile virgin mind cant handle it LMAOOO)
Wyll! Marrowe doesn't really understand the whole "Lets fight evil! Yippie!" Thing but respects the hustle. He finds it hilarious that he wants to fight the forces of evil but has Mizora as a patron. He gets really annoyed with Wyll not liking Karlach for a brief moment and him and Astarion bickering pisses him off but its more like "come on my boys kiss and make up before i punch you both". Wishes Mizora would leave the poor fucker alone and gets into shit with Mizora constantly at camp. "Will you please fucking leave im so tired of you" "no but like id fuck you if i had the chance" "PLEASe LEAVE???" (this happened in my game i dont even know why mizora wanted to fuck so bad) (the other three companions i didnt really talk to or have in my camp LMAO) Marrowe WILL have his toxic gay yaoi with Astarion and Gale as the Astarion's thirst card foretold
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Daniel and Johnny having pretty much the same conversation with their students, though Johnny takes on the blame for everything.
Also I wonder who prints all these gi's, because this is the first time Miyagi-do has gi's. And Daniel never had an officially made gi, he just had something Mr. Miyagi put together for him. Though, he also is on the All-Valley comittee so maybe that's how he figured out how to get the gi's.
Random side note thought. the LaRusso's try to create a restraining order between them and Kreese, however how does that help their students? And what does Demetri's parents think happened to his arm? Like Hawk did it. Do they know that? I mean they know Eli's family so surely they'd have told his parents and something would've happened. Or told the school. Does that mean despite getting his arm broken Demetri didn't snitch on Eli?
Our allies have turned against us. Kreese you're just unhappy that Johnny isn't following the story you have in your head.
If you're looking for revenge you can start by digging two graves. So far in the land of revenge both you and Sam have tried and done that.
If you have hate in your heart you've already lost.
Uh so season 1 and 2 Daniel? When you went after Johnny just for being back on your radar?
I swear every time I see Kreese's classes despite pruning down to the most necessary students, he has new ones.
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This is actually so sad. Johnny had so many but he lost them all to Kreese or because of Kreese for the Cobra Kai ones, or because of Hawk's actions which were for sure a continuation of Kreese's no mercy poisoning.
Also note that Demetri's arm is out of the cast, and later even out of the sling. A good chunk of time has passed.
I also want to point out that while Cobra Kai is nearly always in gi's, this is the first time Miyagi-do is. So Miyagi-do and Eagle fang have kind of switched. And I don't know whether it's Johnny lost all their gi's when he lost the dojo or if he there hasn't been time for branding yet for the gi's. I mean he just scraped together what he needed for the shirts.
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Where Robby was.
Johnny trying to force his way into the juvie to get his son. So impatient.
It's raining.
"You gotta be kidding they called you?" "I called them."
What's interesting is Daniel just shows up. Robby's ignored his emails and calls this whole time. Johnny's actually seen him, but made a mess of it and is trying again. It makes me wonder if they called Johnny. Which I appreciate that he's on their list just like he was with the school.
Daniel, come on, it is Johnny's kid. I get the, I want to be there in case no one shows up, but Johnny's kinda right, you don't need to be there. You dropped Robby twice and then were there when he was caught and arrested.
Just like you had kreese under control. Dude, Kreese is his own thing and you know that Daniel.
What did you think would happen when you summoned that devil back to earth?
Daniel, Johnny literally thought the man was dead. And because he was trying to forgive himself and working on himself and saw that Kreese was also down and out and trying in his own way he got tricked. While Johnny was out of town with a sick and dying friend who literally died Kreese put all the wheels in motion to steal the dojo out from under him and turn his students against him. And when Johnny caught it he kicked Kreese out and Kreese bided his time until the bond between him and his students broke with Miguel getting hurt and then stole them and the dojo at his next lowest point. But does he ever tell Daniel this? No. Instead he decides he's going to be the one to take care of Kreese himself with his like 6 students.
Daniel's Kreese isn't just your problem any more, should really be something heartening, like we're in this fight together but instead it's like you're doing this shit wrong I have to do it. He literally says as usually I'm going to have to be the one to clean up your mess. Which Daniel, WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!
Brings down the tally map again. Do you mean his wrecked car? That was a gift, and your daughter was part of that hit and run. Do you mean the billboard? You didn't clean that, Anoush and Louie did. Did you mean Robby? Who you've abandoned multiple times when you no longer want him as a student but never tell Johnny about it? Because that's your mess. Kreese being a mess, sure that's a Johnny issue but it's also Kreese being a dick issue that was exasperated by your rivalry with Johnny. I don't understand what you mean by cleaning up Johnny's mess other than you think that's literally what you've been doing rather than I don't know, upping his rent, blaming everything on him that he didn't do not realizing he does go yeah I did that to the things he does do, like punching Anoush which was due to cause and affect of you not telling Johnny where his son was and him getting concerned for Robby's well being.
What are you going to do barge in there and beat him up? Says the guy whose wife did that and will soon do that and it's actually the best thing.
Ah right, the chop shop. When Johnny ran in and kicked ass because he was scared about Robby and needed to know where he is so completely and utterly different then the time Daniel broke into Johnny's apartment and started a fight because he was scared for Sam who was literally sleeping off a drunken night and to scared to go home and face him.
I love Robby showing up, they didn't even hear the buzz, sees these two idiots are fighting right outside of Juvie and is like why'd I end up with these two? I'm sorry Robby but you went from one dad struggling to now...two dad's and one grandpa all struggling but also strugglign to try and be your father figure. You're truly in like a twisted version of Mama Mia.
I told you I didn't want you to be here. you're my son. I wanted to be here.| So did I.
Robby blames Daniel for juvie.
I am proud of Johnny for quickly saying Robby has a home with him. Because it's his second offer of this, and the second time Robby turns him down. But it's something that always still stands.
Kreese must've already offered him a place since he turns down both homes. I get turning down Daniel's since he's gotten kicked out of it twice. Also note, that Daniel doesn't say you always have a home at my place, ala the LaRusso's but at the dojo. Which is kinda...heart breaking. Like karate got Robby in juvie, and it's not Daniel's home he's offering, it's a spot back in the karate club. I don't think that's necessarily what Daniel fully meant, but he's so focused on Cobra Kai and fighting them that his wording and focus is only on defeating them and thus come back to our dojo rather than you can live with me. (Which pretty sure Daniel still has all of Robby's stuff. But he put it in storage because Robby was sleeping in the dojo and it was gone the last time we saw the dojo, when him and Sam were sparring) So Robby is once again homeless and now he doesn't even have anything beyond the clothes on his back.
School has a winter solstice festival celebration happening soon.
There's also a toy drive and some snowflakes up so I assume it's December?
Daniel's being a little hard on the students. They're not all going to be at Sam's level, and just because Robby's still (rightfully) pissed at you doesn't mean you should take it out on your students.
What I do like about this new leaf is that Amanda is sort of at the dojo more and can realize Daniel is frustrated and taking it out on students and can intervene.
Amanda made iced tea and lemonade for them.
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I don't think the decks with that stone lantern are really a good place to teach kids karate. Also with those posts that seems like it's going to be in the way.
It's my fault they found themselves in this position.
True. Not 100% just your fault, but some of the blame is yours.
I love that Amanda is like okay so you're upset about Robby. She can tell so fast.
Daniel: I can't just let him go, he has no one.
Daniel really tends to forget other people exist. Robby has his father and mother. And yes Shannon's in rehab but Daniel never counts Johnny despite the fact that Johnny shows up time and again only to get pushed away. This is just your firs time getting pushed away. Johnny's a veteran at it and still gets back up and comes back. He failed to show up during the run of this show's time line where he's got his life together, once. And that was because Miguel was in surgery and that was a screw up but he shouldn't have double booked. He got a second chance on that one but put his foot in his mouth. But that doesn't mean Johnny isn't there for Robby or wouldn't try to be. Because he does try.
Ron from the all-valley committee (their board meetings are at the rec center)
Johnny stole someone's frisbee to use as a target for the kids to kick. Ugh that hurts. He spent so long chipping away at the equipment he needed for his dojo and had finally gotten it, had finally expanded, and now he's using frisbee's in the park.
He sure is resourceful.
Mitch: Does my nickname from the previous dojo have to carry over?
What's interesting is that Bert and Miguel get to be their first names but Mitch is still assface/penis breath.
Miguel's little tap. 🥺😭 Poor guy is still recovering and wants to try harder but Johnny has wrapped him up in bubblewrap and is coddling him a little.
His eagle fang classmates though and Johnny are so worried about him, and you'd think it'd bring them all closer together to watch Miguel recovering, but instead Miguel is just so frustrated he's snapping and what not.
Which fair. He was a karate champion and now he can't even hit a frisbee without falling over.
Johnny keeping an eye on where they can get water and warning them not to drink where it's unsafe.
I miss when Johnny lived fully sleeve-less. His sleveless jean jacket, the gi, now his eagle-fang t-shirt.
Mitch got a shirt that fits.
Also I'm glad Johnny has students again because they let him know about things like the cancelation of the all-valley, meanwhile Daniel gets a personal visit from Ron to let him know (Daniel's on the comittee so it makes sense.)
The city council pulled the permit.
Ron's state farm agent is named Taylor and he's upset he has to call and tell him that the all-valley is cancelled and they can't be a sponsor to...nothing.
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Daniel. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The person who can overturn maybe the committee's feelings: The two time champ, and guess whose hows up to the meeting? 3 two time champs, however only 2 of which are all-valley two time champs and they all fail.
Truly the only one who can do it is Miguel who got hurt.
Crystal Light lemonade. 🤣 Though I get why Ron would think that they grew their own lemons after seeing the dojo. (He makes a joke, de-light-ful. 🤣)
Ron also apparently told Daniel first before the rest of the board.
So the probation office hasn't taken down their signs. Because when Robby was looking at his emails it was October.
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But the probation office's blood drive is September 24th.
The lady at the front desk doesn't even look at him.
The way Robby sees Tory, is startled, slams his stuff onto the chair next to him and jumps up ready to fight. and Tory just stares him down and is like 'go ahead they'll send you straight back to juvie.' and since that isn't what he wanted at all he uncurls his fists.
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This is their first true interaction without Sam or Miguel.
Thanks to you for starting the fight | and you for finishing it.
What amazes me is that these two literally are having the worst time in their home lives, are on opposite sides, literally because of each other got sent to juvie, and yet end up dating and being friends.
Plus Tory points out the reality that it's unfair that the two of them got in trouble while everyone else got to go back to normal. Robby's still touchy about Sam at the moment. Sam made a mistake, she's a good person. Tory saying Sam will turn on him, just like Miguel (Miguel I don't think meant to turn on you Tory, and you need to give him some slack he's recovering from a terrible injury and surgery, pretty sure he meant you need support in your life that you don't have)
On the section for home life, just check off stable, they don't care and they don't check. Somehow Tory knew exactly what Robby needed to hear and that they were in the same boat on so many levels.
Lol Johnny serving juice he doesn't think is expired yet.
Carmen telling Johnny that he himself needs the tournament.
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I think Carmen and Miguel might be the only people to ever tell Johnny this for like anything.
Mr. Carter is the name of the guy upset about manhole covers.
The way Amanda points out that Johnny's there but then Daniel physical throws a fit about it.
councilperson roberts
at an abandoned recreation facility. It was laser tag dressed up to look abandoned in the golf n' stuff and Kreese is right technically sam struck first.
Johnny's giggle when Amanda snaps at Kreese
Johnny's: He's a thief and liar
Daniel: He put a live cobra in my dealership
Johny's look of he did what now?
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Like children put in time out
Johnny jumping up to define a swirlie 🤣
Okay we'll host the all-valley but y'all gotta sign waivers. (Surely they've always had to do that)
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The thing with TKK films was that Daniel kept trying to hug Mr. Miyagi and it just wasn't what Mr. Miyagi was comfortable with so he didn't get to hug him fully until TKK3. And getting to hug his daughter...that's not a big deal, it's his daughter. But Johnny hugs Miguel multiple times.
And you would think after hearing that passionate speech from Miguel Daniel would warm up a bit more out of his snap judgements on Johnny. That their kids could stand up there and defend the tournament shows how much it means to both of them and that they're doing something good.
Anyway, proud of both Sam and Miggy. Lol Johnny and Miggy do a little spinning rocking hug, it does get a little cut off. But it's cute.
OOH I forgot this is Miggy's first time ever to Miyagi-do.
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I'd like to point out that they avoid ever showing Coke or pepsi and nearly always show RC cola. Johnny drinks it too. (Oh and Mr. Pibb)
Sam doesn't know what the rock says. Probably because the rock says gibberish.
Miguel's adopted his new dojo with it's regular rocks and vandalizing park benches.
Sam: You can train here whenever you want.
Are you sure? Daniel's never actually met or warmed up to Miguel. And was rude to Carmen last time he saw her.
Do you actually do karate here? It looks like breathing exercises. 🤣
Miggy loves that he trains in junkyards and cement trucks.
I would like to point out that I don't know if Miguel officially broke up with Tory, but Sam probably hasn't officially broken up with Robby based off the way Robby defended her when Tory even dared say her name. So as much as flirty sparring is fun and Miguel needs someone willing to actually spar with him and not hold back, maybe not the right time to be doing the flirty version of it.
Miguel is having a great time because Sam's not going to hurt him and she's actually sparing with him and so he can actually see how well he remembers.
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This is a cute move.
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Only flirty non-violent headlock in the series. (pretty sure anyway)
But of course Robby.
Daniel said he was allowed at Miyagi-do.
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Poor Robby, looking for a place to sleep, coming back to Miyagi-do to see his girlfriend sparring with Miguel. They haven't kissed just flirty sparring. But still...
Sam didn't want Robby hurting Miguel, she sparred with him but gently, Miguel can't handle a real fight, but Robby doesn't know that or at least isn't thinking about that. And Miguel is itching to prove himself so he's not going to back down. They are all dumbasses.
Johnny being honest and telling Carmen he didn't tell Miguel to go because he thinks he's going to get blamed for Miguel going, only not to realize Carmen's delighted that her Miguel got up in front of a bunch of people and stood up for himself in a way that won. (the kid who lied about being in debate club winning a debate of sorts 🤣)
Rip TV #3 (Johnny you phoned that one in if a bump into the wall from a kiss knocked it down)
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Carmen's literally not looking around but slowly leading the way to Johnny's bedroom. She's reaching around her looking for that room. Like this whole thing is Carmen.
Poor Robby, doesn't even try to go to his dad's because why go anywhere near Johnny when it'll put him near Miguel who he's pissed at, so he goes straight to grandpa Kreese.
Also Kreese doesn't turn around and just waits to find out who it is, and then that smug smile when it turns out to be Robby and when Robby honors him with sensei Kreese.
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is stede a himbo or a bimbo? discuss
short answer: bimbo
long answer: oh boy.
he gets called both at different points along the way. in that way where inside jokes grow and evolve, the crew jokingly and affectionately cycle from calling him bimbo to himbo and then back to himbo.
it starts when he's trying to get them a boat. bumbling around the republic of pirates in his plain white shirt that's gotten ripped up at some point and now his tits are out and he's being so incredibly stupid and someone (roach, maybe?) is like "you guys ever notice how captain acts like a whorehouse bimbo, but like... it's not an act?" and black pete is like "what?" and roach is like "you know, those types of working girls who play dumb–" and black pete's like "no i know what a bimbo is, jesus. i meant in what way is the captain a bimbo?" and wee john chimes in "no i see what he means" which leads to a long debate about whether stede is a bimbo or not
[PICTURED BELOW: roach, black pete, wee john, olu, and buttons discuss if stede demonstrates enough bimbo behavior to be called one]
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for like three days they all argue about this whenever stede isn't around for, until at some point they all witness stede get mistaken for a prostitute. again. (they'd all heard about the first time from lucius, and it had been a strong piece of evidence for the pro-bimbo argument) this time, lucius isn't there to immediately correct stede, and all five crew members watch as stede unknowingly agrees to an hour of buggery. roach, black pete, wee john, and buttons want to see how long it'll take for stede to realize what's going on, but they never find out (the answer is “until the man grabs stede’s dick”) because olu steps in before stede can be led away through the back alleys of the republic of pirates.
after that, even pete has to admit that yeah, okay, stede is kind of a bimbo.
they jokingly start calling him a bimbo, at first only to each other ("buttons, captain bimbo wants to ask you something") but eventually someone slips up in front of stede and of course stede is like "bimbo? what's that?" and pete is just like "oh it's a word for a girl who–" and olu jumps in with "it's a title of great respect!" trying to cover their asses. and stede is like "but you said it's a term for women?" and olu's like "um, usually? but it doesn't have to be" and stede is like "i see. well, i like it!" and from then on he's addressed as "bimbo" and "captain" interchangeably.
there is zero malice in this btw. in a weird way, olu's lie that it's a respectful title actually makes them all subconsciously think of it like a legitimate title. one time roach burns a cake and pete is like "bimbo moment" to which roach is like "as if i could ever be as much of a bimbo as captain" to which everyone is like
"yeah, nobody could ever top him”
"takes bimbo to a new level, that one"
"an inspiration to us all, honestly"
"oh, word"
idk how exactly, but like a week or so later olu learns that getting compared to a woman is actually a sore spot for stede. and olu is like "oh shit, do you want us to stop calling you bimbo?" and stede is like "you said it could be a masculine term?" and olu's like "well... it's still mostly for women." and stede is like "ah. well, i've grown quite fond of the nickname, but i'm not sure i appreciate the female title. not that there's anything wrong with women! i was married to one, you know!" (feminist icon stede bonnet, everyone) "but i am not a woman. so im not sure how to feel."
that night olu calls a brainstorming session with the crew while stede is asleep and he's like "we have to come up with a masculine version of bimbo." it takes them three hours and two mild flesh wounds to come up with himbo
[PICTURED BELOW: roach, black pete, wee john, olu, and buttons brainstorm a male variation of the word "bimbo"]
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himbo sticks for a long time, long enough for them to get a ship and find the Revenge. jim, frenchie, lucius, fang, and ivan yeah i know let me live in denial pick up the nickname pretty quick. nobody lets izzy tell stede that bimbo is not actually considered a term of great respect. ed isolates himself enough that he doesn't ever learn about everyone calling stede a himbo
as ed and stede slowly start to reconcile, the crew realize that for all his general stupidity, their captain is actually at his most dumb when it comes to ed. they start calling him Blackbeard's Himbo. then someone is like "damn, that's a mouthful. let's just shorten it to bimbo."
this one, ed eventually hears about it, and he fucking chokes on his spit when lucius casually slides up to stede one morning and is like, "good morning, bimbo." ed is like "WHAT" and stede is like "ah, bimbo! a term of great respect! i'm so honored that my crew appreciates me enough to grant me this title" and lucius is smirking at ed like are YOU gonna tell him? and ed decides that no, actually, he's not gonna tell him. obviously HE never calls stede bimbo but he hears stede respond to "bimbo" often enough that he's like. damn. i guess this is just my life now.
so the nickname sticks. at some point someone tells stede that bimbo is not actually a term of respect and it basically means dumb slut. and he's just like "well, i am a dumb slut when it comes to ed!" and that leads to a fun nickname game around the whole crew where they call everyone [x]imbo, where [x] is the initial of their partner(s) because honestly, who isn't a bit of a dumb slut (aro/ace inclusive) for the people they love? olu is a jimbo. pete and fang are limbos. frenchie is a wimbo, wee john is a fimbo (QPP-friendly term, if that's how you hc it). buttons is simbo (s as in sea).
stede also tries really hard to nickname all of them the rimbos (Revenge bimbos). nobody but him uses it.
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zorkaya-moved · 10 months
❝ my father has never been able to imagine the world without himself in it. ❞ ( you know who father is aksjhdhggf )
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The so-called faux creators will always witness themselves as the center of the universe, a star that has everyone circle around them. They are the lying saints, the fake creators, the self-important self-fulfilling prophecy that will end up in the darkest corners of the world. As Mania surrounds them all, DisCity will end up in the turmoil of endless screams and hardships. Only Death will deliver them from suffering, only Death will be the kindest touch they'll ever know, only Death will bring salvation.
Life has forgotten how to be merciful, Life has forgotten its joys, Life has shown its fangs dripping with blood.
After all, it seems it might be true for Mya: Death will be kind to her. A once long forgotten friend from Syndicate, a girl with such bright eyes that they will never lose their fire and will forever keep burning like the Legion's leader akin to a flaming star. The Abyssal Whispers keep reminding her of the hardships witnessed and what victims have fallen beneath the woman's hands, her weaponry is expansive and her mind is ever blooming with violence and wrath that runs in her veins. There are more ways to call her, to know her, to witness her. Some may call Mya an Archangel, one who will deliver justice and wrath upon those who wronged her. But is this Archangel going to deliver justice upon her so-called [creator]?
Oak Casket does not remember her father anymore nor does she remember what he used to tell her. Everything she remembers is a careful touch of her mother, a gleam of familiar golden eyes (but yours hide behind dual colored contacts, isn't that right?) and a familiar lullaby that would ring in her mind once in a while. But now, there is silence only in-between them as Mya spoke of her father.
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"Even he will meet his end one day," Oak Casket responds, bringing up a teacup to her face to take a sip. The silence of Romanesque Hall only cuts ears of those who do not hear the whispers of the dead. Even now, Oak can hear the sounds of those who lament and who grieve, but also those who hate and who despise the one sitting in front of her. But they are whispers, whispers she can repress and tune down to the point they are just white noise. "Those who strive for godhood and immortality, they will always witness themselves as a prophecy. They'll follow their paths without an ounce of regret, no matter the sacrifices. In their eyes, all is just as long as it is them who brings down the judgement."
The cup is returned to the small plate, they will continue to exist until either of them perish in the flames or until they reach the end of the road. As Sinners, their salvation will be death. As always As with everyone. Syndicate will be reborn anew, sooner or later, and the flames will consume all. Their past, their present, but it may or may not grant them a new future where goals will be reached. Will Mya reach the destined end where her claws will dig out the heart of her [creator] from his chest, laughing maniacally at the revenge fulfilled? Or will she fall in the pool of blood, choking on the red liquid and watching as her [creator] and her [father] looks down upon her? The Devil lurks, but it will not escape Death. Not forever.
"The question is..." Oak Casket breathes in, closing her eyes and listening just a bit closer to a new whisper before opening her eyes and looking at Mya. "...Will you bring him to mortality or will you suffer from his devilish whispers?"
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necr0-mantix · 1 year
8. what does your muse fear losing the most? 12. does your muse tend to push themselves too hard? 13. how does your muse outwardly express their anger?
8 -- Sanctuary's loss is the one potential that haunts him more than anything. After seeing events that proved his own armageddon prophecy to be set in motion, he became more reclusive than legend stated he was simply out of fear. Any shift to his visions due to meddling could mean anything could change the outcome he saw, and while it is terribly difficult to change fate, it can be done, even by accident.
Trag'oul - before his silence - noted that this could happen, and implored to Rathma that he should have faith, but years of solitary silence only made his dread grow worse, and he became apathetic. While he was never paralyzed by fear - and rarely showed it tangibly towards the end - he barely stepped food back onto Sanctuary towards his death to ensure he would greet it as foretold.
Nothing else mattered to him but maintaining the balance, and securing the future of his children.
12 -- As far back as his nights as Linarian, Rathma was known for being both stubborn and far too invested in whatever it was he had taken interest in. Upon his discovery of death magics, he would remain awake until the bright hours of morning, exhausting himself in a manner that concerned even Lilith.
His fellow Firstborn used to mock him for his strange vigor, and after they discovered death, would mock that he would meet it simply because he just never seemed to take time for himself. His appearance at forums and parties was always a welcomed surprise... after intervention to convince him to relax. (And they would ensure that his time was enjoyable, if only to pull him back above ground more often.)
Even the guardian took note of his excessive obsession with research, and needed to mend his student's ways. One cannot study the balance if they themselves are not.
Despite the snake's best intentions, however, even to this day Rathma slaves tirelessly over his research, using it to distract himself from the future. He is, after-all, only "human" and could not escape slipping back into old habits.
13 -- Rathma is of the blood of hatred, and yet, it is rare to see him truly angry. And even when his rage manifests, years of meditation and numbing has allowed him to harness it for focus, rather than lose himself to it. He would rather simply leave, and then deal with the hassle in a clearer state of mind should it be needed, than actually confront or harm. Curses from the darkness between realms, however? A little balance. As a treat. He isn't entire above being petty and seeking revenge when it makes sense to him.
However... his past is a different story. During the time of the ancients, Linarian was known for his quiet and reclusive nature, so when his voice did raise upon his loss of patience, it shook the others. The commanding presence of Inarius was absolutely within him, and there was a venom from Lilith as well that forced most to listen. He would rarely fight with his kin, but should it come and his emotions were fire, his ferocity was unmatched. It usually took little more than fang and word to cause another nephalem to back down, but should it come to fists or weapon, Linarian would. His lithe stature, however, meant that physical altercations didn't always go in his favour, and he learned quickly that such fighting, no matter how much his blood boiled, wouldn't end well for him always.
Blood has been spilled by him in rage before, but only blood for blood. A partner, a child (even not his own directly) - if any harm came to them, he would retaliate in kind, and it is said these were the only times one could see the sadistic side of demons in his being. 
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wu-kongs · 2 years
I wonder how Wukong would feel if he ever found out that Liu and Macaque were in something of a relationship together.
(this post is me trying to make sense of macaque/liu happening so it's really just babble. i'm adding this note as i'm getting to the end of the post. btw i'm calling this ship sugarplums. sugar plums are associated with winter because of the nutcracker that is associated with christmas. winter because that is liu's season, and plums for the obvious. are you seeing the vision. are you picking up what i'm putting down.)
i honestly don't know how he would feel or react. as it is, whatever liu and macaque would have would be... complicated. and hardly romantic. it's a thing born out of loneliness and desperation, never good.
and when does this thing of their start? ok, liu is the sole survivor of the huaguosida from erlang's fucked up shade of justice, and macaque survives too. they find each other. realize this is all somehow wukong's fault. macaque just about knows what's happened to wukong and where he is and what he's doing and is thoroughly convinced they've been fully abandoned. does he immediately begin to pursue wukong? or does he bide his time, consummate this thing with liu, try with them to keep what little left of FFM they have? i can't imagine liu abandoning FFM. i can imagine macaque abandoning FFM.
macaque leaves. liu doesn't. maybe there's something there then, maybe liu, on their own for the first time in a very long time is frightened of it, and desperate for some kind—any kind—of companionship. maybe that leashes macaque for just a little while before he can't take it anymore and has to go get revenge.
what then, where does that leave liu, loyal liu who knows what's left of FFM is suffering and will fall apart without someone to guide them? this is their home, they can't... leave. wu—. wukong instated them as a general for a reason. FFM is part of the reason.
so liu stays on FFM to take care of who's left. macaque goes off to. die. the rest of the journey happens. most of the monkeys who did have any shred of longevity are long gone to live lives away from their home that hosted much trauma to them, and eventually, liu has no one left to take care of. ma, ba, and beng are still. dead.
macaque is dead. until he isn't.
so macaque comes back. wukong is in self-imposed exile. he'd just missed liu by a few decades. liu does Not return to FFM at any point after they permanently leave. all-hearing liu'er mihou easily locates liu. enraged. confused. desperate. alone. explains everything. liu becomes. enraged. confused. they're desperate. already alone.
ok so this is how it happens.
and wukong is angry at macaque. but not at liu. never at liu. wukong would definitely feel... hurt. betrayed, in some way. but knowing he doesn't have the right (when it comes to liu at least) to feel that way. what happened to FFM was his fault, and he's been tryna make up for it ever since he re-settled, knowing that could never be. (he's been tracking down the monkey yaoguai that used to live there to check on them. see how they're doing. give help without exposing who he is to them when and where he can. sends clones to do the same.)
he'd also be confused. when did they even have time to do that? ("my liege," oozing with poisonous sarcasm, "you were gone a very long time.") oof. that stings. alright, he admits that was his bad (it wasn't his bad, he was imprisoned by the journey with no other choice, but that's no excuse. it's never an excuse.)
he's lost two of the most important people in his whole existence thanks to his mistakes, and they've found each other in this awful, wretched way that's like fangs injecting venom into flesh. he's.
he's heartbroken.
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wyvernseeker · 2 years
Seeing this got me thinking:
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This is likely saying "Jetstream Sam should have been the final boss of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance." It's something that seems good at first thought but wouldn't actually work in practice.
Quick warning, Monster Girl Quest is the subject I will be talking about, and while no naughty images will be displayed, it's still going to be about an 18+ series, for those of whom are squeamish about that sort of thing.
Alike with Jetstream Sam for MGRR, Black Alice wouldn't have worked as the final boss of the original Monster Girl Quest, no matter how charming she may be to some or how people hate the idea of Ilias foreseeing her and Promestein's betrayl oncimong. They work as one of the last enemies you fight in their respective games, but it would be to their stories detriment if they were the end-all, be-all opponent (MGQ Paradox being a different beast altogether). Since this is about MGQ, let's continue from there.
Black Alice, aka Alipheese Fateburn VIII, is established in-story as the most depraved and evil of the Monster Lords, necessitating the legendary hero Heinrich Hein to stop her tyranny. However, Ilias, seeing her as necessary for her ultimate plan, decides to save her life (likely after Heinrich defeated her). She's established as someone who's power-hungry, sadistic, controlling and manipulative, having recruited several monsters under her banner throughout main protagonist Luka's journey. However, it's evident that while she is powerful, she's merely a co-dragon of Ilias' and that in a straight up fight against her,Black Alice wouldn't come out the victor, hence her need of Promestein using the Six Ancestor's Great Seal to weaken Ilias and then devour her (so as to make use of the White Rabbit drug she's taken in order to become the ultimate being).
Ilias, on the other hand, makes sense as the final boss. Unlike Black Alice, she is actually the cause of the system that prevents coexistence between humans and monsters. Several sorrows and tragedies such as the Queen Harpy being forced to abduct men to prevent her race from going extinct, the slaughter of Remina, the beliefs that led to the foundation of Ilias Kreuz, all of these stem from what Ilias enforces upon humans with the ultimate goal of bringing monsters to extinction. Even things she's had no direct hand insuch as the ultimately senseless sacrifice of Alice's mother Alipheese the XV in the name of coexistence is due to Ilias repeatedly resetting progress and promoting strife and conflict.
As for her planning for Promestein and Black Alice's betrayals, it would be unquestionably stupid to not do so. Even before her flashback explaining how and why she became the way she is, Promestein's meeting with her group the Seekers of Truth has her saying that even a god would have to face their fangs. Speaking of said flashback, that only further justifies why Ilias would need to keep her back guarded until the time was right, as to a scientist like Promestein, having your life's work and research repeatedly denounced and you branded as a heretic would be borderline unforgivable. Plus, as we see with Promestein, while unquestionably brilliant as well, she still isn't infallible, as seen with her complete surprise at Luka being able to use Serene Mind to dodge her attacks even though she had placed a seal on the four elements (forgetting that Granberia can also use the technique despite not having any elemental spirits, even weak ones) As for Black Alice, the fact that she's willing to work with someone who's made it clear in her dialogue that she wants the extermination of monsters and the fact that she is willing to betray the monsters she once ruled over by allying herself with the one trying to commit genocide on them in order to try and rule the world for once makes her no more trustable.
As for the battle you have against Black Alice, it's not as grandiose as Ilias', despite having more phases. Yes, Black Alice can use all four artificial elemental spirits and is even capable of canceling out Luka's should he try to have more than one summoned, but these don't truly imbue her attacks with the elements like we see with Luka, as well as the fact she only uses them in her final phase (and one at a time at that) after she loses control of her powers and becomes a mass of tentacles and flesh (thanks, Setouchi). Not to mention, all three of her phases have only Luka and Alice fight her. Speaking of her final form, the one who will often be attacking more in that battle won't be Luka, but Alice herself, and it's not uncommon to see Alice land the killing blow on her in the battle.
In contrast, Ilias' second and final phase has the Four Heavenly Knights as well as Micaela join in to help weaken the mad goddess, followed by Luka and Alice using a wind, earth, water, fire, holly and darkness-infused Quadruple Giga to finally put an end to Ilias.
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@rejectshumanity said: ❛ just face it, you’re stuck with me now ― whether you want to or not. ❜
(found family starters - open!)
"Right," Salvatore snarls, baring his sharp fangs at the taller vampire. "Just what I always wanted: an annoying fuckin' gnat that won't leave me the fuck alone."
His words are harsh, but that's mostly a matter of habit. Really, he knows well by now that Dio isn't that easy to shake. After all, he'd come back even after being imprisoned beneath the ocean for years, after he'd achieved his fucked up dream of becoming a powerful monster. Salvatore would never admit it, but he's almost impressed by that kind of tenacity.
More than that, though he'd never openly consider Dio a friend, a small part of him, the part that craves companionship and loyalty after all he's been through, is... touched that Dio did come back for him. Of course, he'll never tell Dio that. The fucker doesn't need that ego boost.
And that especially doesn't mean that Salvatore thinks much of anything of Dio's obsession with vengeance against the Joestars.
"Look," he says, leveling Dio with a glare that doesn't have nearly enough heat behind it for his liking. "I'm real fuckin' grateful you decided to help little ol' me get out of that hellhole, but I ain't interested in any fuckin' alliance with you or whatever the fuck you wanna call it." His expression becomes a sneer as he crosses his arms over his chest.
"In case you forgot, I have more pressing shit to worry about than whether or not your old adopted brother's still got livin' family out there." As he speaks, Salvatore rolls his eyes. He's heard Dio's talks about his desire for revenge against the Joestars plenty of times by now, and he's not any more interested now than he was the first time. After all, Salvatore has his own revenge he's seeking. Until he's had the chance to skin Victor alive, he doesn't have it in him to care about anyone else's problems.
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avastyetwats · 9 months
I can't thank you enough for all that you've done for me (ed to izzy)
The silence had been comfortable. It was the early hours of the morning, still several minutes before the full sunrise, and Izzy had come out onto the deck first. Fang, another early riser, was already out, readying himself to go catch some fish and bring back to Roach for breakfast. Early mornings were the best time to catch fish, after all, though Izzy was a little surprised to see him alone. Lately Ed had been accompanying him, learning all he could about catching fish and even catching some himself. Small ones, mostly, but the other day e did manage to catch a much larger fish and Izzy remembers how excited and proud he was when he climbed back onto The Revenge and showed off his best catch yet. The First Mate was smiling in the back, proud of Edward and glad to see him so happy about something so... different. Something so simple and mundane compared to the things they've done during their life of piracy together.
And that's what consumed Izzy's thoughts currently as he leaned against the railing of the ship, watching Fang row himself further out to sea. The man waves at him and Izzy smirks, returning the wave in kind before he lets out a heavy sigh and drops his hand, wishing he had a bottle of rum in the other, but it was too fuckin' early for that. He was trying to drink less. Trying to rely on that shit less, though it helped numb a lot of his pain. Both physically and emotionally. Hell, he could use some right now thinking about Ed and their life together. All the shit they've been through, all the shit they've put each other through, especially recently. Though, things had calmed down since and they were trying to find their way back. But it wasn't easy. Nothing in life ever was, though.
He'd been so consumed in his thoughts and the calming view of the horizon in front of him that he didn't hear anyone approach him until he heard Edward's voice, snapping Izzy from his thoughts. But it's his words that surprised the First Mate. They came out of nowhere and he hadn't even started with a good morning or anything of the sort. No. He just... thanked him for all that Izzy had done for him. He didn't expect that, especially with how tense things between them had been lately. He isn't sure what he wants to say in response because they'd never been much for the emotional and sentimental conversations. Sure they've had their deeply intimate moments, but not for a while. They hadn't even talked about all the shit that happened since Stede Bonnet came into their lives.
So, Izzy stands up straight and stretches his neck out a bit, wishing more than ever that he had a bottle of alcohol in his hand. "Was surprised to see Fang out there alone." He doesn't mean to ignore his Captain's words. He just... wasn't sure what to say to that. Not just because they hadn't really talked about everything, but because of the guilt that still ate at Izzy. All the things he had done for Edward? What about the things he had done to him? If not for Izzy, the crew wouldn't have been put in danger, nearly killed. If not for him, Lucius would've never been thrown overboard. If not for him, the others would have never been stranded. If not for him, Edward wouldn't have almost died... yes, he's been told it wasn't his fault and that he didn't deserve losing his leg and nearly dying, but fuck, he still felt guilty for it all. He felt angry and hurt and sick and guilty. He hated what became of them. Fuckin' hated it. "'s beautiful, isn't it?" A pause. "Sunrise." It wasn't the first sunrise they've watched together.
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vocesincaput · 1 year
Thinking about my Fang wishlist thing.
What if there's a raid or an exchange of prisoners for random (or something similar) or maybe a raid, where when the crew gets back to the Revenge, they all realise that Fang isn't with them. That the ship that's not sailing away took him somehow.
Maybe if it was a raid for supplies/treasure where they didn't kill the opposing crew, the opposition could somehow capture him (would be interesting considering the big guy) and it isn't realised until after both ships are sailing away.
Because 1) he's been captured & 2) they didn't realise he wasn't with them.....
Or he could get injured or something in a raid and someone has to look after him...
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