#That doesn’t make it go out to other peoples feeds like other sites
peachyykira · 2 months
heyyyyy there would you like a fun way to support me that doesn’t cost any money and makes me feel really nice?
right this wayyyyyy
it’s free! and you don’t even need to make an account!
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ceilidho · 4 months
prompt: construction worker ghost and his elementary school teacher neighbour who made the poor decision to start feeding him (nsfw, 2k) [based on this old ask] [on ao3 here]
They say not to feed wild animals. 
It makes them grow soft, lazy. Alters their behaviour. Takes an animal previously capable of finding its own food dependent on humans for sustenance. Makes them lose their natural fear of humans and nearly always results in an increase in human-wildlife conflicts as they start to seek out people. It’s a known fact. You can’t go to a park without seeing it plastered on posters in the bathroom and on the sides of the vending machines under the gazebos where you purchase your post-hike iced tea and veggie roll to eat on a nearby bench. 
You know this. So you really don’t know what possessed you to leave a cooler full of sandwiches on your neighbour’s doormat before turning in for the night. 
He wakes up preternaturally early and leaves every morning around four-thirty or five o’clock on the dot. Sometimes in the fog of sleep, you wake to hear the door to the apartment beside yours crack open and slam shut, and then the sound of lumbering footsteps down the hall towards the staircase before that door opens and slams shut too. 
He never comes home before four o’clock at the earliest. That’s around when you come home from work as well, meaning that you sometimes catch him at the door, him covered in grime and reeking of old sweat while you come flouncing down the hall in whatever colourful dress you’d donned that morning, inevitably paint-splattered by the end of the day. Always something appropriate to wear at an elementary school but colourful enough to keep the kids’ eyes and attention on you. 
You’ve caught his name in half-whispered conversations with the property manager, but aside from that, all you know about Simon Riley is that he works in construction. He certainly looks the part: big, calloused hands with blunt, dirt-caked nails and cut up fingers, knuckles always swollen and thick. Body all strength and brawn. Hard hat tucked under his armpit and decorated with countless stickers from old job sites, the same way his forearm is covered in tattoos. 
You’ve even passed by his current job site once or twice—some new condo complex going up by the canal that’s forced you and hundreds of other commuters to leave an extra thirty minutes early to account for the road closures. You pointedly don’t bring that up in conversation though. That would just be rude. 
At least it would be something to talk about though.
It’s not like the two of you talk. You’re not close by any means. Though you moved in a few months ago, you haven’t had much luck mustering up the confidence to squeak out more than a hi to him in passing. When he grunts back something approximating a hello, it’s all you can do not to break your key in the lock when you hurry into your apartment and slam the door shut behind you, heart beating frantically in your chest. 
It’s humiliating. You’re a grown woman and you’ve talked to plenty of men before. You’ve dated plenty of men before. Just because this one speaks in monosyllables and stares at you with an intensity that makes your stomach churn and your palms grow sweaty doesn’t change anything. Just because this one is built like a redwood with wrists thick enough that you’d need both hands to wrap around doesn’t make him any different than any other person.
And yet, when Simon asks you for your name on a rainy June afternoon after you’ve come in after him for a change only to find him sifting through letters at the mailbox, you garble out something that sounds nothing like your name before scurrying up the stairs to your flat.
It’s humiliating. It’s humid outside and your dress is sticking to all the wrong places (namely, your nipples and the inside of your thighs when the skirt swishes between your legs with each stride) and now you’ve made an ass of yourself in front of the only hot guy in your building. There are serial arsonists with more charm than you. 
So maybe the sandwiches are an apology letter or an olive branch. Or maybe it just makes your heart race to think of Simon opening up the cooler and finding four wax paper-wrapped sandwiches tucked neatly over ice packs. 
All you know is that when you step out of your apartment the next morning, the cooler is empty on your doormat, the lid propped open. He must have taken them with him. 
You smile. A job well done. Apology served fresh, with cucumber slices in the middle. 
The problem starts when you don’t leave him another cooler full of sandwiches on his doormat the next day. 
You didn’t consider that he might think you’d make it a habit. Perhaps that’s partially on you for not leaving a note on the cooler the first time to explain that it was just a one-off; just a way to apologize for being less than chipper around him. But instead of shrugging it off, you come home after a long day to find him standing right outside your apartment, arms crossed over his chest, thick biceps straining against his sweat-stained shirt. 
“Open the door,” Simon commands, nostrils flaring as he glares down at you. He jerks his head towards your door when you just frown, not following. “Been starving here waiting for you to show up.”
You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. You’re at a loss for words, never mind that your whole job involves talking. He leaves you speechless though. 
Simon doesn’t move when you step close enough to unlock the door. You try to keep your body angled away so as not to brush up against him, but it’s inevitable. He doesn’t move when the door opens either, forcing you to squeeze by him. 
He goes straight to the kitchen and drags a chair out, letting it scrape across the floor like men always do before taking a seat. You follow after him nervously, apprehensive at having a man in your space. Not just a man, but Simon Riley. It feels sacrilege—not like he has no right being in your space, but you can’t imagine him here, sitting at your tiny dining room table like he comes over for dinner every Sunday. 
When he catches you standing under the archway to the kitchen just staring at him, he barks, “Well?”
That has you scurrying over to the fridge to pull out the cold cuts and pickled red onions. There’s a loaf of bread already on the counter, the bag twisted and tucked underneath because you had to leave in a rush this morning. You don’t know half of what you pile on the sandwiches, but whatever you serve him must satisfy him because Simon digs in with gusto, finishing the plate off in only a few bites while you wash the cutlery in the sink. You watch him out of the corner of your eye the whole while.
He leaves not too long after that, only a light warning for you to not miss tomorrow’s lunch before heading back over to his own apartment. You don’t even get a word in edgewise. 
It becomes something of a routine after that and not one you have any control over. Every night before bed, you leave him a cooler full of sandwiches and other things like cut up fruit or slices of cheese on his doormat, and every afternoon you rock up to him waiting on your doorstep, demanding to be let in. 
He takes to giving you a wet kiss before he leaves, all tongue and his fingers curled around the nape of your neck, holding you in place. When you try to cover his mouth with your hand, he nips at your fingers until you move them and let him slip you some tongue. 
The day you make him a casserole for supper, he bends you over the back of your couch and eats you out. Simon eats like a man starving, glutting himself on the wetness between your legs, licking even over the furl of your asshole and chuckling under his breath when you squeal and flail, your toes just brushing against the floor. 
In the aftermath, you sit panting in his lap while he eats. He gets up only briefly to get the bowl of strawberries and cream you left chilling in the fridge before lifting you up and putting you right back in his lap. You stare bleary-eyed when he holds a finger covered in cream up to your lips.
“Clean me up, pet,” he says, then watches you with half-lidded eyes while you lick his finger clean. 
He makes you suck his fingers too, to keep things even. He does it when you’re angled half off the bed, thick digits stuffed down your throat until your eyes leak big, fat tears that he licks away, hungry for those too. The man is always hungry, always keen to fill his belly. 
The arrangement continues on long enough to become normal, even routine. Simon shows up at your door every day after work waiting to be fed, and then makes you come a couple times before he leaves, a little thank you to repay you for the food. He never really says all that much when he comes around, not a conversationalist of a man. His preference is to eat, fuck, and leave, which you’re happy to accommodate, still too tongue-tied yourself to broach a real conversation. 
That’s all before he starts helping himself to your bed for a quick nap after a big supper. Then for naps that turn into a full night’s sleep, snoring like a chainsaw under the covers with you tucked under his arm, naked breasts pressed against his side, keeping you awake most of the night until you pass out somewhere around one A.M. 
Just as you suspected, Simon gets up at around four or five to be at the jobsite on time, but at your place, he gets up a bit earlier to help himself to breakfast. He doesn't even bother waking you up, just turns you over onto your tummy and spreads your legs before sinking his dick into where you're still stretched out from the night before. If you wake up or squirm, he just leans down and murmurs, “S'alright, pet…just need a pick me up before work. Go back to sleep, you’re okay,” and ruts between your thighs until he comes inside you and leaves you all wet in bed with one last messy kiss to your temple. 
The door slams shut on his way out. 
Because you feed him, he keeps coming back. The workday passes in a blur: attendance, a spelling test, recess, maths in the afternoon, and then you’re driving home in the same daze that has you slamming on the brakes before rear ending an old woman who stopped two cars behind the truck at the redlight ahead. 
You’re home earlier than him for a change, so you unlock the door quickly while there’s still a chance to avoid him. No such luck. When Simon turns up, he pounds on the door until you let him in. And you do. 
It’s a wonder you haven’t come apart at the seams, horny and pent up after this morning. You were too sleepy to come after all, rode hard and put away wet. Still, you flit nervously around the apartment, looking everywhere but at him. 
He always smells rich after working all day in the sun, like sweat and dirt. It's not a particularly nice smell, but it still kind of gets you going. He goes for a shower and then collapses on the couch after, beckoning you over to you crawl into his lap and grind yourself on his thigh because he knows of course. Simon can probably smell it on you, the ache. He shushes you when you whine about it, big hands fitting around your hips and pressing you down until your clit rubs deliciously against the muscle of his thigh and your head goes cloudy, cheek mushed against the pillow of his chest. 
When you come, Simon tips your chin up with his knuckle and murmurs, “Knickers off, love. Haven’t got my fill.”
He feeds you your own slick from his fingers when he kneels on the floor in front of the couch, your legs draped over his shoulders. Your fingers scratch helplessly over shorn blond hair, buzzed almost to the scalp. It’s prickly under your fingertips. 
Simon’s a messy eater. Your slick dribbles down his lips and glistens on his chin. It makes the blood roar under your skin, feverishly hot. 
“Please, Simon,” you whine, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. “It hurts.”
You feel his lips quirk up against the folds of your pussy, the flat of his tongue running up the seam and flicking over your clit. He chuckles when your hips jerk. “Greedy aren’t you, pet? Didn’t even say thank you for getting on my knees.”
“You didn’t make me come!”
His voice borders on mocking when he coos, “Poor little thing. It’s gonna be a lot longer ‘til she gets to come if you don’t say thank you.”
Your brain goes staticy, fingers twitching on his scalp. His words echo back in your head. It’s rubbish, is what it is. All this time and he’s never said thank you once for the countless meals you’ve fed him. Indignation bubbles up in you, rising to the surface like fat on the cream, and you raise a hand to rub the tears from your eyes, a harsh rebuke on the tip of your tongue.
The protest dies on your lips when he meets your gaze. It’s hungrier than anything you’ve ever seen. Whatever animal lives under his skin stares back at you with black eyes, drool leaking from its jowls. It’s mindless, intent only on slaking its hunger. Filling its empty belly. And it is not afraid of you anymore. It knows you’ll feed it until it’s full. It knows you won’t let it go hungry anymore. 
So, always leery of the bigger animal in the room, you mumble out a chest-thick, “Thank you,” and shiver when he grins. 
There’s a reason they tell you not to feed strays. They often come back for more.
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bluejeanstrash · 5 months
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tags: boyfriend! seungcheol x reader, just a little light-hearted fluff of seungcheol being a dramatic whiny baby when he’s sick, mentions of dry scalp and skin picking lol, seungcheol is very whiny | wc: 742
a classic cough and cold combo paired with a side of fever-related aches and pains — that was the diagnosis, not the life-threatening illness seungcheol was sure he’d contracted. he’d tried convincing you it was fast-spreading. like really fast. like it has taken over his body and has been shutting down his organs one by one for the past 6 hours fast.
‘i’m going to die. it’s not a joke anymore. i seriously feel like i’m going to die’ he tugs at the hem of your t-shirt as you clear up the mountain of tissues on the left bedside table, and then tugs again while you’re clearing up a pile of dishes on the right.
you sigh, ignoring him, and disappear into the kitchen to reappear with a fresh bowl of hot chicken soup ‘seungcheol, we’ve been over this already. you’re not going to die’
‘forget it! just get me my will. i have to make some last-minute changes’ he asks for it dramatically, draping a limp arm over his eyes.
‘you don’t have a will’ you blow on the hot soup in quick bursts before feeding him a spoonful.
‘ugh, never mind. it’s fine’ the will talk is waved off with a quick fan of the hand to make way for what he says next ‘they give everything to the spouse anyway. wait, do they?’
‘i don’t know, and we’re not married’ you remind him, stirring the hot liquid so the shredded chicken, his favourite part, rises to the top.
‘god, you’re right’ he sits up a little straighter and grabs your free hand, suddenly somber ‘do you take choi seungcheol to be your lawf-’
you force-feed him another spoonful to shut him up, a bit of it spilling onto the quilted blanket. the soup must’ve still been too hot because he lets out a little cry, whining, though it’s entirely possible he’s overreacting.
‘you’re not taking this seriously, i’m actually dying’
‘you’re not’
‘what do you know! you’re not a doctor!’ he grumbles, taking a moment to tell you he really likes the soup and really really appreciates you making it for him before continuing to rant.
‘yeah, and what about the actual doctor we called who said you’re not?’
‘he doesn’t know anything either, that hack. the people on the internet’ he picks up his phone from the bed, showing you a screenshot from some site you’re pretty sure is for hypochondriacs to confirm each other’s delusions, and taps on the screen ‘have told me i have less than 24 hours left. 24. 24!’
‘seungcheol, i can’t have this conversation with you anymore. seriously. you need to go to sleep’ you put the empty bowl aside, straightening, and then pulling the blanket up to cover him.
‘no, no, don’t leave. i want lap time’ he pouts, baby-talking his way into his third one of the day. you sit back down on the bed with a sigh as he repositions himself to lay on your lap, wriggling his head around until he’s comfy. your fingers slowly comb through his hair, your nails scratching lightly against his scalp to soothe him. in a slightly gross but domestic act, you pick a few bits of flaky skin out of his unwashed hair, flicking them away. you should wash it for him later, you think. he’d like that.
seungcheol always found the sensation of you picking at his scalp strangely comforting, and surprisingly quite sleep-inducing. minutes pass without a single sound.
it’s quiet. finally. or so you think.
‘if i die, you can’t date anyone for the next 10 years. at least’
‘what?!’ you jerk your thighs up, pushing him off your lap ‘10 years? you’re crazy’
he can’t believe what he’s hearing.
‘i was just being nice. you shouldn’t date anyone ever, but ohmygod, i can’t believe you want to be with someone else’ he presses his fingers to his temples, suddenly coming down with a headache.
‘so let me get this straight’ he continues ‘you’re telling me when i die tomorrow-’
‘you won’t’
‘-when i die tomorrow, you’re going to bring some other man to my funeral?!’ his cheeks now hot with a shade of distressed pink.
you’re not sure where he’s got that from but you’ve had enough. you get up, grabbing the bowl, and look him straight in the eye, pinching his cute little cheeks ‘well, it’s a good thing you’re not dying then’
you walk out, leaving him right there on the bed, hot and most definitely cold.
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twilightclouds · 3 months
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[🎧] a series of headcanons about your streamer boyfriend, kaedehara kazuha.
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featuring: streamer! kazuha x gn! reader
content warnings/tags: modern au, fluff(?), gn reader with no pronouns specified.
rin's notes: yes, this is a throwback to ctrl+alt+delete... let it stew in your minds if i'm revamping the series or not :D! also i think i'm sick (again) sos
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kazuha is definitely the type of streamer to play cozy games (ie: stardew valley, animal crossing, etc.), but he also enjoys playing horror games on occasion with his streamer friends, and for some reason is always the only one staying calm
he’s often known for his calming voice, whether it be raspy when it’s late at night or soothing for his fans during all times of the day
he also sometimes has a surprisingly chaotic personality, often sleeping late at night to stream and plan out some future stream ideas of his
he doesn’t show his face in his streams, making it rather mysterious on what the streamer actually looks like behind the screen
for his partner, though? depending on whether you’re a streamer of not, it really depends.
if you’re a streamer, your fans would probably notice from the not-so-subtle flirting (or aggression, who knows what your relationship dynamic is) and you two would probably be the last people to actually announce the relationship.
if you’re not a streamer, depending on how comfortable you with a public-ish relationship he’ll either mention you on occasion (always with a gentle voice and loving tone) or kazuha will stream with you, playing various different games and helping you out.
his fans of course love the relationship and dynamic between you two, and there are probably those “kazuha being in love with [name] for 20 minutes straight” videos all across the internet
kazuha would totally play horror games with you while he’s being calm and you’re screaming your head off and be like
⤿ “love, playing a horror game was your idea.”
“well guess what, I’M REGRETTING THAT IDEA!”
he also sometimes randomly confesses his love for you while doing mundane normal activities or during his streams, it always manages to catch you off-guard even when you’re expecting it though
he would totally post some photos of you two together (those faceless ones though for privacy) and his fans go crazy over it all the time
[number 1# [name] x kazuha shipper]: OMG they’re so cute together i’m crying !!!
[dove2394]: when do you think that they’re getting married ⤿ reply: [sleigh-the-day]: that's wild bro
he prob holds your hand sometimes while he’s streaming (he’s so amazing that somehow he can use a mouse and keyboard with one hand while the other one is holding yours)
you’re a often guest in his streams and kazuha’s fans are all for it. they can’t wait to see you guys get married. /lh
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©twilightclouds. do not repost, plagiarize, feed my works to AI, or republish my works onto any other site without permission. my works will only be posted on tumblr unless written otherwise.
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 7 months
Just because I disagree with militant veganism and animal rights doesn’t mean I like how some act on this site towards vegans. Whether you want to admit it or not, tumblr can be pretty dog-pilely. People can claim it’s not about blaming vegans and it’s just pointing out they’re not cruelty free, but when I was vegan and saw all the posts ranting about vegans and their “slave labor quinoa/agave/almonds”, all it did was make me double down as I and many others never touched it. To a lot of people, it does come off as blaming and being way harsher on vegans especially when they word it in a way that positions those products as solely vegan things. People who claim veganism is cult like and also shared that post about how to treat people in real cults like JW or Mormonism often ignore that advice with vegans. You’re not changing minds when you feed persecution complexes by acting hostile and dog piling people. I stopped being a vegan because of people who actually took time to educate about animal welfare and misconceptions aras spread. You may not want to hear this, but a little kindness and patience can go a long way. This does not mean people who have been hurt by militant vegans have to act nice, just remember that acting very hostile towards anyone who disagrees isn’t going to change their mind.
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celestiaras · 6 months
‧₊˚✧ ❛[ succubus at the school of mythics ]❜
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━━━ .°˖✧ requested by anonymous (at the end) ˚₊ ⊹
ft. scarle yonaguni, aia amare, maria marionette, aster arcadia, kyo kaneko, ren zotto (seperate) x f! reader — iluna, nijisanji en
╰₊✧ iluna members dating the new girl at the institute of mystics who happens to be a demon of lust┊2.8k words
contains: smut!! dom reader & sub scarle, aia, mari, aster, kyo, ren┊succubus reader (obviously), established relationship(s), high school setting but all characters are adults, ooc iluna probably, mentions of reader stealing life forces but dw she has the self-control of a loving partner not to go too far :) scarle - strap-ons, size kink, belly bulge kyo - slight fighting for dom, receiving oral, little hair pulling aia - risk of getting caught, fingering maria - sex toys, corruption kink aster - handjobs & blowjobs, overstimulation ren - heats/mating cycles, teasing & edging, horn stimulation, creampie
➤ author's note: it’s finally out of my drafts, oh my god. finally, a proper fic after thirsting so much for someone who hasn’t even debuted yet
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the iluna institute of mythics tends to be hesitant when it comes to enrolling succubi and incubi into their ranks despite the strict policy not to discriminate based on species, that’s what the entire point of the campus was about! it’s not because they have anything against beings from hell, but they know that from the very moment the demon steps onto the site, everyone won’t be able to keep their eyes off them and chatting among themselves about how hot the new student is. it puts the entire school on pause because of how people skip their classes just to get a glimpse of them and are far too lovesick thinking about their next interaction rather than their assignments. don’t even get them started on the nightmare that is their birthday or valentine’s day, presents in front of their locker fill up the halls and leave no room to pass through them.
the worst part is that they are fully aware of all the attention they get and make no effort to put a stop to all of the nonsense— most actually try to milk it for the massive confidence boost added to their already inflated ego and the gifts they receive daily to have their hearts won. it’s just what they always do, feeding off the affections of others for their own powers. the hype doesn’t die down until every student is rejected or until they decide to get a lover and snap others out of their delusions of dating them. it took a lot longer than the administration would like, but after a few months, you found yourself a lover and the school is finally slowing down to its regular schedule.
━━━ .°˖✧ scarle yonaguni ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ the beautiful and alluring enchantress of iluna, truly, there isn’t anyone who could be better back for you as two lovers with such a seductive aura to them… at least that’s how it seems to outsiders whowould look at your relationship thinking that you both were dommy mommies who fight each other to the death for the right to top, but anyone who has spoken to scarle would know who’s really in charge in the relationship. scarle still can’t believe that she pulled you after engaging in conversation with you and revealing her true shy and awkward self without the help of a love potion (which she totally wasn’t intending on actually brewing, that would be crazy aha). she still trips over herself which talking to you, and even though you find it to be so charming, she dies a little inside every time you lovingly bully her.
even though she’s been prepped thoroughly by your fingers, she still feels intimidated by the size of your strap that had her stomach twisting in knots. yes, it was one that she picked out, no, she will not be backing down. she gripped onto the bedsheets under her as you eased yourself into her, whining at the big stretch that burned yet felt so pleasurable at the same time. it took a minute for her to adjust, but she was quick to roll her hips back into your touch to tell you that she was ready to move. scarle’s braced herself to wait for the brute force that came with your usual animalistic pace, yet it never came because you were fixated on something else.
her eyes trailed down and widened at the sight of the shape formed in her abdomen from you bullying inches of your cock into her, skin slightly raised with your strap to show you how good she was at taking whatever you gave her. she didn’t have much time to admire it though, slamming your hips into hers and hitting her g-spot with the tip so hard she saw stars. you were to hypnotized by her that your thrusts were almost sloppy, watching intently at her fat tits bouncing and tummy bulging in accordance with your movements mixed with the loud pornographic sound of sex. the way she moans and clenches around your cock would be enough to drive anyone crazy with lust, you can’t help but wonder if your pretty and alluring enchantress was actually a succubus in disguise.
━━━ .°˖✧ kyo kaneko ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ ah yes, the one you pursued because he was the only one who didn’t fall at your feet upon meeting your eyes for the first time. you always get what you want without any effort, so it was both dejecting and exciting to see someone who scoffed and rolled his eyes at your flirtatious behavior that would have had anyone else fainting on the spot instead. kyo was simply someone you thought you couldn’t have, making you want him even more. it did embarrass you to get off your high horse and flirt with him like a normal person, but after noticing that he was reacting with stutters and blushes while making weak insults, you knew that you already had him in the palm of your hand and made the humbling move of being the first to ask him out when it was always the other way around. that’s when you learned that even though he’ll always complain and be a brat about it, he actually indulges happily in everything you ask.
“don’t fucking look at me like that when you’re already kneeling between my thighs,” you giggled, looking at the blue-haired male sighed in annoyance before grabbing onto your thighs to pull you closer to him. despite acting like he was hella irritated, it didn’t translate into his actions with the way he keenly flicked his tongue against your clit and licking lope stripes along your slit. it almost made you laugh how the blunt and pessimistic kyo kaneko was secretly such an enthusiastic pussy eater. that’s what being a succubus’s lover gets you, you suppose, it really brings out another side of people in the bedroom.
while he does like to fight you for some semblance of control when you're in such a compromising position and attempt to leave you pathetic under him, you have to remind him who is really in change. it doesn’t take more than a tug on his cyan hair to pull him off of you to make him slip up with a whimper, making you snicker in response. he’s so cute when he pouts with your slick shining his lips and running down his chin as he starts complains like a brat before shaking his head out of your grip and moving on to continue with the reminder that he isn’t domming you today.
━━━ .°˖✧ aia amare ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ a heavenly maiden dating a demon of lust? how scandalous! despite the forbidden romance, she’s absolutely head over heels for you as you are for her. others at the school are supportive of your relationship and your folks could care less about how you feel towards an angel, but her family is a different story. aia was already in trouble for getting kicked out of the heavens for the accumulation of her petty crimes and needed to attend the institute of mythics as punishment, so something like dating you was certain to land her in even hotter water.
╰₊✧ they were definitely suspicious of your intentions with their daughter, worried that you were just trying to seduce her and siphon power from her, but you seem earnest enough when it came to caring for their angel so they aren’t as doubtful anymore as they were when they first met you. you’ve even reached the stage where you two are allowed to sleep in the same bedroom together with the door open, but that doesn’t stop either of you from getting frisky late at night while everyone’s asleep!
“just gotta keep quiet— sounds good, angel?” you whispered in her ear as heat spread throughout her entire body with your hand reaching under her nightgown and dipping into her underwear. it sounded easy enough, but the house was as silent as a catacomb and any noise made was sure to be amplified, the smallest moan having the potential to alert someone that the two of you were up to something heaven wouldn’t approve of. aia loves to take on challenges of all sorts, however she only realized how difficult it would be when you began to toy with her clit and press your fingers past her folds into her weeping cunt that barely needed any prep with how much she wanted you. she whined and it made you chuckle softly with your wings fluttering slightly, “not as easy as you thought, huh?”
feeling generous enough to help her out, you raised your other hand to rest over her mouth to remind her to remain silent and to muffle any sounds that threatened to slip. she must have been into it because you could feel her tighten around you after you stretched her out with a slowly added third finger, arching her back and bucking her hips into your touch. she gasped into your hand when you curled your knuckle to feel around her gummy walls and pressing into her g-spot, something that usually had her squealing when the gesture makes her orgasm all over your hand, but all she could do was let a groan that was smothered out by your hand.
━━━ .°˖✧ maria marionette ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ oh, maria looks at you with the widest, brightest eyes of puppy love— you’re simply so sexy and sophisticated in contrast of her adorable appearance and chuuni personality! she just has an attraction to girls who have more of a mature appeal, she can’t help it! meanwhile, you find her to be so endearing, how could she be one of the cutest dolls you’ve ever seen? she never felt things that her peers felt like sexual want before and didn’t have too much understanding about the action other than the biological function, but now that she’s a real girl instead of a doll, she can’t think of anyone better than a succubus girlfriend to guide her through this journey!
the vibrating toy you were pressing onto her clit was creating a strange foreign sensation within her by making volts of pleasure ripple throughout her entire body, making her core burn with pleasure as the tips of her fingers and toes tingled with numbness. it maintained an unchanging pace and the only difference in intensity came from the pressure you were putting on it, but just the slightest shift in force was enough to drive her crazy. she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the sight and neither could you, her pussy being abused by this silicone toy and reducing the cheerful mari to a pathetic moaning mess.
isn’t she just the cutest with her mouth making a perfect ‘o’ shape for her dulcet cries and her face flushed a pretty pink to match her color scheme? god, you just want her ruin her innocent mind and are looking forward to corrupting her, getting her drunk on the feeling of pure ecstasy you provide so that she’ll learn to be you for more of it— it’s just the instinct of a succubus to teach people all about their world of carnal desire! although, you think she might be even more excited than you are about discovering this new side of her that came with becoming a human and using it to spice up your relationship…
━━━ .°˖✧ aster arcadia ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ it makes so much sense that he’s the celestial one because he’s so beautiful that you assumed he was a demi-god of sorts, the most enticing eyes and unique hair you’ve ever seen immediately attracting you to him (you’re almost envious of how stunning he is). similar to the doll who’s now a real human, aster perfectly balances out your foxy charms with his “cyuteness” and he’s just the right amount of unseiso to bounce off your jokes. you just love it when he makes a dirty joke before acting like he doesn’t know what you’re talking about when you catch it, always with a sly smile on his innocent-looking face and humming with his sweet-sounding voice. of course, he can never outdo you since he’s still the bottom bitch we all know and love, but it’s simply so much fun to see him try!
he’s too feeble and still too horny to deny you, so he says nothing but a weak whimper and watches you continue to fondle with his balls and lick at his sensitive red tip after you already made him cum. his heterochromic eyes were already threatening to tear up from overstimulation as they stared deeply into your mischievous ones, feeling his thighs quake and back arch at the overwhelming pleasure. your head steadily bobbed up and down, holding him down slightly so that he wouldn’t be able to buck his hip into your mouth and everything remained at your pace. from his silly ahoge to his smooth ivory skin to his needy cock was gorgeous, almost distracting you from the task at hand because you just wanted to look at him forever. however, you were certain that you wouldn’t miss the look on his face and the moan he’ll let out in a minute or two, so you can afford to look away for a moment and focus on giving him another mind-blowing orgasm.
━━━ .°˖✧ ren zotto ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ one of his favorite things about attending the iluna institute is meeting other species as it’s always nice to meet another being who looked human for the most part but had things like wings or horns to set them apart from others. ren’s native planet didn’t have any creatures who feed off of live forces through seduction, so he was immediately enthralled by you and wanted to learn more about your kind. he was more interested in what you could do with your powers rather than what you could do for him and you were wondering if the life force of an alien was more powerful than that of a human, a relationship that sprouted from the roots of curiosity!
╰₊✧ ren’s actually thrilled to have a succubus partner to learn so much from, but he’s mainly grateful because he has had a bit of a problem ever since he entered young adulthood and was usually far too embarrassed to ever bring it up for previous partners. just alien anatomy things that weren’t human and biology that couldn’t be controlled, you know? he has no words to explain the wave of relief he felt when he awkwardly told you about it and you welcomed it with open arms, promising to care for him no matter how long his heat lasts or how wild things may get when he’s influenced by it. however, he can’t help but feel a bit uneasy by the almost sadistic look in your eyes.
his neediness and desperation for you increases tenfold when he’s in heat, his face buried in your tits and his cock pulsating inside of you frantic for release. he felt like he could burst with just the slightest shift of you body, but it was never enough stimulation. must you always be so vexing with rewarding promises if he does as you say? he felt like he was going to go crazy with not-so-subtle ruts into you to try and chase his high, but it was all for naught and only edged him even more. it just made you look at him with pity and coo at how pathetic he was, the alien prince infamous for destroying entire planets crying like a little bitch because you wouldn’t let him cum just yet.
he was in heat! couldn’t you be a bit nicer to him? he swears that he’ll let you torture him all you want a different time, but right now he’ll do anything for you to stop teasing him! you hummed in amusement and cupped his face to give him a kiss, running your hand over his skin and observing all of the little alien features that were normally hidden from plain set. eyes set on the glorious jet-black pointed horns atop his head, you experimentally wrapped your fingers around it feel the strange texture more properly and noticed a spark in his green eyes as electricity shot up his spine.
“oh, you’re sensitive there, aren’t you?” you cooed, pouting when you realized that he never told you about this wonderful snippet of information but smiling again when he got all flustered. you started gently, tracing patterns and running along the shape, noticing that his tail began to flick around and his cock twitching in reaction. with your motions steadily getting faster and rougher, he began letting out slurred moans and biting at his bottom lip to suppress them as he pulled you closer to his body. it barely took anything more than a light tug to get him to spill over, unexpectedly emptying himself into you and making you chuckle in response while he was huffing for air. you really needed to tease his horns more often!
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request was [ iluna with a reader who is a succubus? i think it would be a really interesting concept! ]
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awritingotaku · 2 years
The Unspoken Rules of Tumblr
As explained by someone who joined around 2019
Tumblr for all intents and purposes is not like other social media websites. Think the “I’m not like other girls” but they are not like other girls and it’s for the better. Having lurked around different social media platforms for years, I picked up on the spoken and unspoken rules that make this website more bearable than other ones. So here’s a list that will be important to new users.
Block but do not engage. Yes the rule that is understood by much of the user base and I think actually is one of the reasons why fandoms here are actually not that bad. If you remember any rule off this list, make it be this one. Why is this rule so important? Because flame wars often don’t change minds and it just creates a toxic environment. If you find someone that infuriates you, don’t attack them and just block. If they are really bad and pose a threat to people, collect evidence and do a warning post explaining why that person is dangerous but still block them.
Everyone here is a clown, even the famous ones. There is no superiority here. The number of followers you have often connects to how much of a clown you are. Now being a clown here isn’t always bad, many famous ones here make people’s days with their posts, but it’s not a contest here. In fact, fame is often considered a curse and once you have engrained yourself into the collective unconscious, you will mainly be remembered for why you became a famous tumblr clown.
Please hide your likes and follows. Don’t know how that started but it’s a thing here.
Likes do nothing, instead reblog. If it doesn’t fit the theme of your main blog, make a side blog for your reblogs.
Use tags. Tags are key here for both as a blog runner and blog reader. It allows you to quickly sort through things and see what you posted.
You don’t have to censor words like die or sex. We instead have trigger warnings tags that people can specifically block out if they don’t want to see content with stuff like that.
You want to been seen and see cool things, the algorithm is not going to do that for you. Instead you have to actively seek out what tags and blogs to follow to get the content you want. It’s more human and unlike most social media you gotta interact with people. If your feed is negative, it’s likely due to who you follow.
Don’t have a blank blog, the obvious bot usernames, or default profile pics. We are so used to fighting bots that we will auto block because of these. Some bots if you just try to click their username will get you viruses so we are careful.
Never forget the tumblr roots. Superwholock while often thought long dead still has a lasting memory here. It’s the websites heritage. Also add Hannibal and My Little Pony.
There is no cringe here for the most part. X Reader writers are just as valid as the artists here. We are all clowns because we are on this site.
Be kind and remember, people are just as human as you.
This has been you guide to Tumblr! I hope you enjoy this hellsite as much as I have.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 9 months
Deadly Proposal: Part Two
Pairing: Vampire!Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: none, minor angst, vampire bites and drinking blood
Summary: Dean takes you to his mansion where you will be living. There are only two rules to being his. Will you comply or leave? Will he let you? More importantly, will he be able to keep his past separate from his future?
Square Filled: satin for @spnonewordbingo (deleted bingo)
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Being in the presence of a vampire is something you never thought you be. All you’ve heard is horror stories of them kidnapping humans and feeding off them like blood slaves. Dean is different. He took one taste of your blood and decided you were worth saving. He hasn’t tried to hurt you, hasn’t tried to feed on you, and tries to keep you comfortable on the ride to his place.
Vampires can reside anywhere throughout the United States, but they tend to stay in the colder parts. Dean has plenty of places scattered across the States but his main property is in Rhode Island. They have cold winters but cool summers which Dean appreciates. The drive is kind of tense since this is a new situation for you, but you try to calm yourself down.
Dean’s property is acres upon acres that houses a huge mansion, a massive pool/seating area, and probably much more. There are high bushes and trees blocking the view of the house from all sides, and there is a security gate at the entrance. Dean is very serious about his privacy which you can understand why. You would be too if you were a centuries-old vampire. 
Why you? Why is your blood special? Why doesn’t he just kill you like any other vampire would? When Dean offered you his deal, you thought you were making a smart decision. Your sister has become a very serious problem that you hate dealing with because it’s the same shit all the time. However, since arriving at Dean’s mansion, you’re not so sure you made the right decision.
“Wow, this is beautiful and looks expensive.”
“When you’ve lived as long as I have, you learn to save and put your money in the right stocks. It took a while, but I make money every hour without having to lift a finger.”
“Must be nice,” you scoff.
Dean parks in his multi-car garage and you both get out. He escorts you inside and to the room you’re going to be staying in. This room is massive with a huge chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. The California King bed sits on a platform with a couch to the right of it. A vanity is on the right of it and next to that is a huge walk-in closet fit with carousels, a platform, headless mannequins, and a couch. Past the closet is a massive bathroom with a walk-in shower and a big tub for luxurious baths. You’re not prepared to live in a place like this when all you’ve ever known were one-story houses where you had to share a bathroom with three other people.
“There is a live-in chef and maid on site at all times who can help you with whatever you need.”
“Wow, this is kind of overwhelming if I’m being honest.”
That’s the same thing Annabeth said when he first brought her here centuries ago.
“This is overwhelming if I’m being honest,” Annabeth says and touches the satin sheets on the bed.
“I know.”
“I’m not used to such luxury.” She comes from a very poor family who makes enough money to scrape by. “I’ve never known this life.”
“Would you like to stay somewhere else? I have many houses to choose from.”
“I’m sure they’re all the same. You’ve been alive for thousands of years. You must be the wealthiest man in the world.”
“I guess,” Dean shrugs.
“Where are you staying?”
“Down the hall.”
“You don’t want to sleep next to me?”
Dean closes the distance between them and cups her jaw gently.
“Sweetheart, I’m afraid that if I do, I won’t be able to hold myself back from you.”
“What if I don’t want you to?” she asks and steps closer to him.
“Annabeth,” Dean whispers and closes his eyes.
“Kiss me.”
Dean can’t resist and kisses her hungrily.
“I make minimum wage at a bar with tips that are trash and you’re sitting on millions if not billions of dollars in a house too big for even ten people. Can I be a vampire?” you joke.
“Where is your room?”
“Down the hall.”
“Don’t you ever get lonely living here by yourself?”
“I have the chef and maid.”
“Right, because I’m sure they’re your BFFs.”
Dean sighs and puts more distance between you two.
“Look, there are only two rules I keep here. Bedtime is at nine every night. You don’t have to go to sleep but you do need to be in your bedroom at that time. Second, never go in the basement.”
“Why? What’s in there?”
“Nothing of importance to you.”
“Why nine?”
“Because I said so.” You roll your eyes and Dean would love nothing more than to give you a reason to roll your eyes. “I have somewhere I need to be but make yourself at home. I have a gym, plenty of game rooms, movie theater… explore.”
Dean leaves your new room and you’re left alone with your thoughts. You walk to the window that overlooks the front of the house and see Dean pull out of the garage in one of his many cars. You could break his number two rule but you have a feeling that he’d be able to smell you down there. It wouldn’t do you any good to piss him off the first day you’re here.
You stow away your curiosity for now and leave your room in search of his. A bedroom can tell a lot about a person, and Dean’s is just as mysterious as him. His room is bare with minimal-looking furniture. His room is dark because of his black walls and grey aesthetic. His curtains are open to let in natural light but it’s not as bright as it should be.
You walk into his closet which is equally as dark with black suits, shirts, and pants with the occasional white and grey shirt. You brush your fingers over the fabrics in thought. You leave his closet and scan the room for any kind of personal effects he might have. There are no pictures of him, his family, or people he’s loved over the years. He shows up on film and he has a reflection, so where are his pictures?
If you were thousands of years old, you’d have a big house full of pictures from over the years. You’d be a living historical document. He’s the complete opposite unless all of his pictures are in the basement. Maybe his whole life is and he doesn’t want someone snooping through it. Maybe that’s why you were attracted to him from the beginning. You should have run for the hills once you found out what he was but you stayed. 
You have a thing for the mysterious guys.
Your sister, Amber, is only an hour away from you but she needs to learn a lesson about what can happen if she continues down this path. You’ll give her a week and maybe she might want to change her life for the better. Your phone rings and you jump at the sudden noise. You haven’t talked to your parents since you left them for Amber, so you reluctantly answer your mother’s call.
“Hey, mom.”
“Where are you? Have you arrived in Boston?”
“I’m in Rhode Island right now. I got held up.”
You don’t tell your parents you encountered Dean or the fact that he’s a vampire. If they heard this, they would surely drive down just to stake him themselves.
It didn’t matter where in the United States a person lived, everyone had heard of the vampire rumors. Any time they are brought up in conversation, your parents would shut that shit down immediately. They’d always say they’re not real but then come back and say they’re too dangerous. They’d tell anyone with fang scars on their necks that they’re fake and they’re doing this for attention. 
It’s the precise reason why you’re not telling them about Dean.
“Don’t worry. I’m staying with a friend right now.”
“A friend? What friend? You don’t have any friends.”
“Thanks, Mom,” you roll your eyes. “He’s an online friend I met. Everything is okay.”
“Listen, you should come home. Amber chose this life. She knew what she was getting into when she chose drugs and alcohol. You know all she’s going to cause you is trouble.”
“Amber is a lot of things, but she’s still my sister. She’s still your daughter. She’s not a bad person.”
“Yes, she is,” your dad’s voice comes from the other line. He might be in the room but he’s not close enough to the phone to hear clearly. “If you even think about bailing her out, then you might be just as bad as she is.”
This pisses you off.
“I’ll be home soon. Bye.”
You hang up the phone without waiting for their response. Amber isn’t the best person but she doesn’t deserve to be treated this way. She needs help and her own parents gave up on her. Not you. You’re not going to do this to her. What if you were in her in her shoes? Would you want her to come after you?
Dean was right about one thing, this place is massive with many things to do. If he’s been alive for centuries, it makes sense that he would have such a big house with lots of entertainment. A movie theater, three game rooms, a gym, a bowling alley, a pool room, a spa, a huge library, a volleyball and tennis court, and much more. This place would make anyone want to stay here forever. If you had all the money in the world, you’d do something like this.
After exploring what you can, you end up in the kitchen with a delicious-looking meal in front of you. The chef is cleaning up the dishes when Dean enters. You’re pushing your food around on the plate with your fork since you’re not really hungry. Sure Dean has given you everything you could ever hope for, you don’t want to live in this house alone.
“Where have you been?” you ask.
“Are you going to tell me anything about you?” you sigh.
“No.” Dean grabs a beer from the fridge before turning to you. “Why aren’t you eating?”
“Not hungry.”
Dean chuckles and sits next to you at the massive table.
“This isn’t how this arrangement is going to go. You keep yourself healthy and I drink your blood. If you don’t eat, you won’t be healthy. Then, I’m going to force you to eat, and trust me, you don’t want that.”
The giddiness from agreeing to this fancy lifestyle has worn out. The excitement had dwindled to nothing. You’re not sure you want to do this anymore.
“Maybe I want out.”
“Not going to happen,” Dean shakes his head. “Eat or I’ll feed you myself.” You take a single bite of food in hopes that will please him but he doesn’t get up. “Finish the rest.”
You do but you’re not sure if it’s because you’re scared of him or if you’re actually hungry. Dean sits there and waits until you’ve eaten everything. The chef takes away your dishes to clean when Dean grabs the bottom of your chair to pull you closer to him.
“My turn.”
He grabs your face and tilts it to the left to reveal the side of your neck, and his fangs slide out smoothly. He leans in and sinks his fangs into the side of your neck. You gasp thinking it’s going to hurt but you only feel a small pinch. Whatever pain you think you’re going to have isn’t powerful because the feeling you get from him sucking your blood is much more pleasurable.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as euphoria flows through your entire body. Dean moans when he gets a taste of your blood but fights off the urge to drain you dry. He needs to pace himself or you won’t last long. The time between you and Annabeth is centuries, and if he is going to make you last eighty to a hundred years, then he can’t take too much. He only takes two pints but that’s enough to make you woozy.
He leans back in his chair when he’s taken enough and lets the power in your blood consume him from the inside. He’s been chasing this high since Annabeth and he’s elated to have found it again. When he comes down from his high, he gets up and grabs some paper towels to clean your wound.
He scoops you up bridal style to take you to bed. He thinks back to Annabeth and how different things were back then. He’s going to do a lot of things differently so the same thing won’t happen as it did back then. He’s not going to let you manipulate him like she did. He’s not going to fall for you like he did with her.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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Out of boredom, I have decided to start compiling a list of Tumblr words, phrases, and expressions, and what they mean. Feel free to add any as you see fit, or ask about any words or phrases you don’t understand on here. (I’m putting it under a cut because it is long and getting longer)
Moot: mutual. Usually an affectionate term.
Reading comprehension website: A nickname for Tumblr, referencing the often poor reading comprehension as well as a few posts. Possibly shares an origin with ‘piss on the poor’.
Piss on the poor, or “Does ____ piss on the poor?”: A phrase that means using tumblr, often used to refer to someone who uses tumblr and has poor reading comprehension. Based on a post about how bad the reading comprehension is here.
Dash: Your feed or for you page.
I’m bald/vanilla extract (when on polls): An option on polls used as the ‘other’ or ‘see results’ option. Vanilla extract comes from a famous post that became a site wide meme.
Goncharov: A fake movie and site wide joke and meme that was made up on tumblr based off of one person’s post asking about an advertisement for a movie that doesn’t exist on a pair of bootleg shoes they got. It is extremely detailed, and many people reference it as a joke.
Breached containment (in reference to a post or joke): A post or joke that became extremely popular, sometimes to the point of leaving the site and ending up on other sites.
Blorbo: A character you like a lot, whether it be an OC or from other piece of media. Similar and often used like favorite character.
Rebageld/any other similar thing: This is just another phrases used for reblogged, often in tags. Usually just as a joking, playful, or fun way to say it.
“I am literally kissing you on the mouth” and other similar phrases: An expression of joy, excitement, and/or gratitude from one person to another. This isn’t romantic or anything, just a way people sometimes use to express how happy or grateful for something they are. In my experience it is used mostly for stories or takes, but is also used for other things.
Hellsite: Another name/way to refer to tumblr. Mostly used for tumblr. Often used in a joking manner. (Thank you dragonfanplaugedr for reminding me of this one!)
That one damn supernatural/Destiel meme: A popular meme people might refer to, that often is used to report big events (Ao3 going down, Biden dropping out, the queen of England dying, things like that and more) and is widely popular on this site. Bot hunter/bot hunting: People who actively find, block, and report bots, especially harmful ones. This is often used when clearing certain tags of bots, as they tend to try and take over popular tags and stuff like that. Hunting the bots and destroying them.
Dashcon: An event from a long time ago, where Tumblr tried to hold a con. It was notoriously bad, and became a website wide memory and joke to mock. The ball pit is especially famed, being incredibly bad, and someone having peed in it. I was unfortunately not here for it, but you can find many posts about it. It also pretty much conned people out of their money from what I can find. Here is one short post with a photo, do more research as you please. (Here was a post announcing it too, read the reactions afterwards if you want an idea of how it went down.)
Apollo’s dodgeball: A Tumblr way of referring to posts that came true, usually strange or silly ones that accidentally predicted the future. For example, if you were to make a post joking about some big event or incident happening, and then a while later it did actually happen, it would be referred to as “being hit in the face by Apollo’s dodgeball” or something similar. Basically making a stupid post that became an accidental prophecy.
Ides of march: This was the day Julius Caesar was assassinated and killed. For some reason Tumblr really latched onto it and found it hilarious, and you may see multiple posts celebrating it or referring to this historical event. Believed that possibly the love and jokes about it originated from this post.
Spiders Georg: A tumblr phrase for an outlier that causes a huge change in the average of data, causing it to be off or have not quite true results. It has since become popular, occasionally being used on other sites as well. It originated from this post.
Prev: Prev is short for previous poster and/or reblogger. (Thank you @blairthebword for reminding me of this, I forgot that some people might not know what it means yet or find it confusing!)
Gimmick blogs: blogs that have a certain gimmick, like counting all the letters in a post, finding how many words are in the Bible in the post, giving it a DnD alignment, ect., pretending to be someone (like Shakespeare), some place (like a country such as Belgium or the USA or others) or things (like Firefox or Walmart or more). It’s all fun and games, not serious, and many ‘official’ blogs are just gimmick blogs, though there are some actual official blogs on here. Part of something apparently called the Gimmickverse, which is many or all of the gimmick blogs as far as I can tell.
Do you love the color of the sky: An incredibly long post, which became popular and INCREDIBLY ANNOYING to scroll all the way through. Several people have made references to it, as well as various remakes, some joking some less joking, and some with the sole goal of being annoying to go through. Here is the original one if you want to check it out. (And here is one of the longest continuous all one blog one I’ve ever seen, and the first one I ever saw, as a bonus)
The code/the tumblr code, ect.: A silly code that is supposed to help you identify other tumblr users in public/the wild. They/you say “I like your shoelaces.” with you/them responding with “I stole them from the president.” It originates from this post, and is occasionally referenced both as a joke and in actual use.
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storiesofsvu · 3 months
CM 17.3
Alright!! 17e3 here we go!!
(I meant to rewatch the first 2 eps before this but didn’t get around to it, so a more in-depth review/more film student analysis is still to come.)
Enjoy this chaos with no context for now! (a lot of it likely isn’t gonna be fully fleshed out cause I have a full thought/reply and try my hardest to type it all out super fast before the show moves on but I have to stop to pay attention OR something else comes up and im just SCRAMBLING)
Absolutely hate there’s no subtitles right away for this but I mean.. I could wait a couple of days til its on Disney I just have no patience.
GOD why is it so fucking dark.
Thank you Emily for not letting luke spill the beans, like, kinda like Rebecca as a person, but can’t trust her as long as her job goes
Okay, em is in the right here, both in the sense of keeping it quiet originally but also making luke keep hush. Cause im sorry but she’s right. It would’ve 1000% drove the team to the brink and split them apart AND made them spiral so deep about what was on the site/other people seeing them/trying to cleanse the web of them (which obvi is impossible). Esp jj of all people? Like I’m not really sure *what* is on there, but jj is the one with KIDS, a full family, she’s still in contact with her parents (at least the mom?) she’s probably likely known in the circle of the boys friends parents? Like that’s SO much damage control to stress over??
Im so fucking excited for prentiss’ wacko neighbour to come back loool
LOOOOLL em’s “oh.. oh no…” reaction. I love this.
Did pen just say “tik tack” instead of tik tok? or was I not listening properly lol
“what are you gonna do?” “put out fires” that is LITERALLY a boss’ job. This being said as a boss.
“I don’t want to say no to your face…” SAME girl… same
GOD Emily is so fucking beautiful
This back and fourth with Garcia and her opinions on tyler is SO annoying. At first she hates him and doesn’t want to even look at him, then they’re flirting, then they’re fucking. Then she’s all twitterpated and wrapped around his finger. Then she AGAIN wants nothing to do with him?? Even though in the last ep she was all high school girlie about working with an “ex”?? I GET that the writers/showrunners are piling the comic relief onto her/the situation but come ON.
“I didn’t call you” “your landlord did” BRUH. COME ON. I don’t care how crazy things are, you ALWAYS double check that! I once saw a dude backing into my driveway with a ladder and immediately went outside to be all “uh..hello?” he immediately pulled out his phone, named my landlord, pointed out what he was there for (damage to the siding of the house, I hadn’t noticed cause I hadn’t left the house and live in the basement) AND offered to call my landlord. ALWAYS BE SUSPICIOUS.
WHY THE FUCK ARE JJ AND LUKE PAIRED UP!!!!????? Jj’s a profiler, she’s obvi gonna be able to get it outta luke, or press him for details, or whatever. If he’s supposed to keep shit quiet why tf are they off together. (or were they specifically asked to be together by voit? Cause that’s just him playing into his bullshit again)
“Emily practising deception isn’t a lie. It’s good leadership” THANK YOU.
Also...to feed all the jemily shippers out there… if this was a fic written by me.. it would be bundled into the AI shit, but there would be pics of Emily and jj hooking up that were very easily proven to be legit and the entire situation would out them and that’s what the actual issue was/is with the site…
I understand jj is outside with Sydney and luke’s job is to keep the girls distracted inside but of COURSE its himbo’s first reaction to pull out the soccer ball INSIDE.
Okay is that just some weird direction/camera angles or are we eluding to the older sister being a cutter?
Emily’s reactions to brian were perfection.
JFC NO! who’s out there stalking them? Uggghh (though I will say that the moment something clinked in the parking garage I said to myself “pls don’t let her get kidnapped in ep 3…”
Why does it feel like tyler knows more about gold star than the bau does?
Oooo but he cloned the phone! Good boy!!
Penelope: in charge of tracking down tyler
Tyler: texts Penelope “I need to see you”
Penelope: “NO!” doesn’t reply….
Ah yes.. I was right about the cutting… oof. Uugggh talk about heartbreaking..
LOOOOL tara teasing rossi! “I think I pulled… everything…” HHAH
Im not gonna lie, I absolutely HATE that they went down this AI *porn* route, as if these fucking poor characters haven’t been through enough, and like, again as I said, JJ… she’s got the most damage control to do no matter what, and poor girl hasn’t dealt with more than half her trauma so far…
“but I didn’t exactly get it legally, so you know what rebecca’s gonna say” THANK YOU. But also, like fuck that. cause this show has ALWAYS been above the law in that sense. I can’t remember if I said it in last week’s summary or if it was another random post, but CM vs like, SVU is WILD because we NEVER see things past the cuffs being put on/the unsub getting killed/killing themselves. We never go to court, we never see the legal side of it BECAUSE 99% of them would be not guilty due to mental…defect? LOL I know that’s not the right word/phrase but you know what I mean. CM is about the mind of the criminal and chasing them down and finding out the trigger and stressor and figuring out the pattern, not seeing things through to court and prison.
and while I love the addition of her character (Rebecca), it’s making other characters act in ways they never have before/never would simply because now the show is implicating the legal side of things. again, love having Rebecca and that boundary in line for the team but it is messing with the normal dynamics we are used to. Like..as IF Penelope would have any issue using an illegally cloned phone in the past. She was all “don’t ask questions” “well yes I *could* get access to that record, but it is technically sealed” and hotch would be all “I didn’t hear anything…”
LOL Emily with a full bottle of wine at her desk. Love her. god she’s SO annoyed with brian and I love it.
SEE this is why luke never should have said anything. Cause it doesn’t matter how hard you try not to look, you’re never going to be able to resist being able to look it up, no matter how bad it is, how fake and evil and ugly it is, you’re still gonna want to know and jj didn’t need to see that/know about it. How is she supposed to go home and act ok now??
“okay they’re here… somehow” DUDE YOU KNOW BETTER EM! Doesn’t matter that youre in an fbi parking garage, no cop gets there that fast!!
Also..that red coat is TRENCH COAT. YEESSS
“FUCKING BRIAN!” thankkkkk you em
Also…in all seriousness. Em was in HER office at the BAU, somewhere you (I assume) need clearance to get on property, much less in the building or into the parking, so WHY/HOW the FUCK were both brian, the guys who beat him up and whoever took the pictures get clearance?? SHOULDN’T QUANTICO HAVE SOME PRETTY FUCKING HIGH SECURITY LEVELS???
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fatehbaz · 1 year
[I]magine a more decolonial relationship with land. When we think about maps, they really are biographies of land. They teach us about the histories of lands and the people who lived there [...]
In a [...] colonial system, in a capitalist system, we are alienated from land, we tend to see land as a commodity. And in the mapping [...], the cartographies of capital [...], what happens is that developers will enclose a piece of land and will fragment it even further until it's broken up into smaller and smaller pieces [...]. And I've seen cases where one piece of land will have a one hundred and fifty page cultural impact assessment, saying that the impact of development on this land would have a tremendously devastating effect [...] and in an adjacent piece of land that there would only be a 10 page cultural impact assessment because the [colonial administrators] only look at whatever is within the red boundary lines and not at the ways in which multiple sites comprise a complex. [...]
By contrast, when you look at the ways that Kānaka Maoli map land, they map places in relationship to each other [...]. [There is] importance of preserving the continuity of stream flows from the mountains through to the seas because the stream flows are important to the the mixing of the salt and the fresh water, which creates the brackish water estuaries that are nurseries for baby fish. And so in these kinds of stories about land [...], you can see these ecological continuities and relationships, what Kanaka Maoli call pilina, [...] that connection, [...] that relationality. [...] And [...] they [the mo’o] later disperse to every[where] [...], to fish ponds, to springs, to pools, to waterfalls and streams. [...] And they even came up with a word for land called moʻoʻāina, meaning lands that are connected in a series within an ahupuaʻa [...].
And so this [...] is a story about water conservation, it's about the protection of water. Today we see large corporations diverting waters away from streams to feed the sugar plantations because sugar is an extremely thirsty plant. But later we saw it going to feed housing developments. Right now, the military banks water, there's water banking going on in Hawaii. [...]
It is just amazing how abundant lands get condemned as being agriculturally unfeasible by state agencies that want to develop things like industrial parks. And capital doesn't just map wastelands, it creates the illusion of abundant lands as wastelands that they then degrade [...]. And that, to me, is the most horrible thing – to take a living land and to make it appear as if it's a wasteland. [...] [B]ecause the state wants the land for other purposes. So it's using that illusion of scarcity in order to claim the mountain [...]. And I remember a planner asking me the question, do you know what was the most agriculturally abundant land on Oʻahu? And I said, was it on the windward side where there's a lot of rain? He says, no, it's where you see Schofield Barracks right now. And that's also true for Lualualei, where the naval radio transmitter towers are located. The military took the most abundant lands and instead of planting food, they seeded unexploded ordinances.
And that, to me, illustrates both the dangers of the maps of capital versus Indigenous stories about Mauna Kea that point to the fact that the mauna is a container of water. If you look at stories from these kilo observations, embedded in the oli is a recognition that the primary source of water for Mauna Wakea is fog drip and that the land is saturated with water. And if you look at other stories about Mauna a Wakea, there are stories about Kamiki gathering water from Lake Waiau, which is near the summit of the Mauna and some of the water splashing over the sides of his bowl to create all of the springs that extend out from Mauna Kea [...] miles and miles away. And so this understanding of Mauna Kea is important because Mauna Kea sits on five aquifers [...].
And that is exactly what's happening: these maps of capital create the illusion of scarcity, which these industrial products then manifest. [...]
So, for example, Noelani Puniwai is a professor at the University of Hawaiʻi and she's a Kanaka Maoli scientist. And she explains that we have to learn the akua or the elements of the places where we live. [...] So, for example, Kāne is known as the water that flows underground. He's the fresh water flows underground. [...] The important thing to remember in terms of climate is that the cold waters of Kāne, the fresh waters emerge into Kanaloa, into the ocean, through underground springs and through streams and stream flows. That's important in regulating the temperature of waters around our islands. [...] [T]he cold waters around the islands protect us from hurricanes. [...] [T]hey [the hurricanes] tend to veer north or they veer south [...]. And these freshwater springs around the islands are famous. They are places called Punalu’u [...].
So that relationship between [...] the ocean and the freshwater springs, we can see is crucial to protecting the islands. And so how do we continue that relationship, how do we help to support that relationship when so much water is being diverted by corporate and militarized projects?
Words of Candace Fujikane. As interviewed by Kamea Chayne. Text and transcript published as “Candace Fujikane: Mapping for Abundance Against Cartographies of Capital (Ep311).” An episode of the podcast Green Dreamer hosted by Kamea Chayne. June 2021. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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my-castles-crumbling · 7 months
Hey Cas, I’m a bit confused around the operation of Tumblr and genuinely don’t know who else to ask, so here we go. Feel free not to answer though if you don’t want to.
I’ve been using Tumblr for a few months now and get very, very little interaction with anything I post. I’m in the marauders fandom and I occasionally post microfics, as well as other skits etc. And they get zero interaction. Literally zero. I know it’s content people would give notes on because when wolfstar microfic etc. reblog my posts (after being tagged), it will get 20-40 notes, but it just doesn’t seem to ever get interacted with otherwise?
I was just wondering if there was a button I had accidentally pressed, or if it is just that no-one wants to interact with the content I’m posting, what could I do to improve it?
Anyway sorry for the long ask. And otherwise, Thank you so much for the content you post - it really brightens my day reading your microfics and other things :)
I TOTALLY understand how you're feeling, I had the same confusion when I first started on here. I DO have to say that...if you're like looking to build a huge fanbase of millions or become an influencer or something, this might not be the place. This is more the place to find a group of a bunch of people to hyperfixate together :D But it's a WONDERFUL place to find the BEST people 😍 Honestly, I see Tumblr as much more of a community than other places, because people don't just post content- they shitpost, and post their feelings, and they're much more real, overall. But that's why I like it!
Here's a couple pointers to start building community, though:
Tag EVERYTHING. With a lot of tags. Things pop up on peoples' "for you" and "your tags" feeds this way. The more tags you put, the more likely you are to get interaction and to find people who like the same things you do.
Follow people! Tumblr doesn't have the same weird, unspoken rules about 'follower ratio' or anything like that as other sites. Follow people, they'll follow you back, they'll be more likely to see your stuff, and you'll see some cool stuff too!
Reblog other people's work. If you see something awesome, reblog it! It'll help YOU because people will see that you reblogged it. It'll help THEM because their posts will be pushed more, too.
Message people! Send them inboxes! People here are nice! Reach out and make friends!
Keep in mind that Tumblr isn't the same as ao3 or tiktok. It's not a content machine, and it's not JUST content. It's fun and funny and it has so many different sides. But you're going to meet some amazing people.
While I'm here, a point for everyone:
if you DO want to support content: Reblog, don't just like! Reblogging pushes posts to other people. It keeps posts alive and it's encouraging to people who make posts! It's like saying, "Hey! Look at this cool post I saw!" PLEASE reblog things!
Hope that helps, and good luck!
<3 <3 <3
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kyleoreillylover · 1 year
Ryan Bergara x Fem!Reader Headcanons
Summary: What’s it like being best friends with Ryan Bergara?
A/N: In my Ryan mood and I can’t resist not writing him anymore! I barely see any Ryan x reader fanfics so I had to write one myself!
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If you were not already a Boogara, he would absolutely do anything to try and convince you to become one.
Sends you videos and calls you at 3 am to share “evidence” that he had.
“Ryan, I am trying to sleep!”
“I’m sorry, I just needed to show this to you before I forgot to!”
You forward the videos to Shane and he always responds either with a “😂” emoji or just full on making fun of Ryan.
It is funny either way.
Shane is your shared best friend.
He likes to tease you and Ryan.
But he loves when you gang up on Ryan with him.
And you both tease him.
Ryan acts like he hates it but he secretly loves that both his best friends get along and are besties 🥹🥹
Shane sees you like an annoying loving sister.
Ryan is definitely the more protective out of the two of you.
You are super chill, and one thing everyone can agree on is that you are one of the sweetest people ever.
But it does lead to you letting people walking over you sometimes.
But you have Ryan!! And he does not let that happen. He doesn’t hesitate to step in and check a bitch if he sees you uncomfortable.
He hates seeing the people he cares about being hurt or treated like crap.
When you are with Ryan you both feed into each other’s recklessness. You might be calm and chill, but when you are with him, it is like all your fears go away and you can let go of responsibilities and common sense!
It also helps that you trust each other with your life, so you know the other would never lead you to getting hurt.
It does lead into both of you doing stupid shit, though that Shane makes fun of you for.
One time you convinced him to do the handcuffed for 24 hour’s challenge for a video, and you both lost the key within an hour 😭
You are also the scriptwriter for Buzzfeed Unsolved/Watcher, so Ryan sometimes will come to your house with the both of you and staying up late until 2 am searching for information about a case/ location and cracking stupid jokes
You once woke up to him laying on top of you, you in his arms and laptops and papers scattered across the desks, and your legs tangled together and him snoring in your ear.
You grabbed your phone, took a picture, posted it on your story maybe knowing the internet would explode, then snuggled into him and went back to sleep.
You are not on camera that much, usually you are behind it with the crew, but Ryan begs you to at least do the Postmortems/Debriefs with him and Shane.
You are hesistant at first, what is the fans don’t like you? Or they think that you are trying to get in between the ghoul boys?
Ryan assures you that they will love you.
And he is right!
They end up loving you and your dynamic with Ryan and Shane!!
Which gives you the confidence to go with them to ghost and crime sites.
Every time Ryan felt anxious and fearful, he would look at you and see you behind the camera and that makes him feel 1000 times better.
And if it got to the point that he was freaking out and panicking(like that ep where Ryan was laying on the floor and Shane was trying to comfort him) you’d get out from behind the cameras and hug and comfort him.
Because you can’t stand to see him like that
“Breathe Ryan, you’re good. You’re safe. Just breathe.”
If you were staying at a haunted hotel, if everyone was sleeping in separate rooms, he’d FaceTime you the whole night
There’s no way in hell he’d sleep through the night, and Shane would make fun of him if he called hum throughout the night
You didnt even have to talk to each other, your presence was enough for him
He’d wake you up randomly though if he thought he heard something in his room 💀
“Y/N! Y/N, Are you awake??”
You groggily woke up, moving your phone away from your ear at Ryan’s screams.
“What?? What happened?”
You let out a sigh at his silence. “It was your shadow, wasn’t it?”
“…..Maybe? But I swear I thought I saw something move!”
You rolled your eyes at the camera. “Go to sleep Ryan.” You ignored his voice as you went back to sleep.
The internet ships you guys a lot
They tend to do that with most male and female friendships online tbh
And it doesn’t help that the both of you can’t help but be naturally affectionate to one another.
Whether it’s wrapping an arm around the others shoulder, jumping on Ryan, scaring him and forcing asking him to give you piggyback rides and him throwing you onto his shoulder as revenge, the fans will eat up every moment.
You guys just find it hilarious 😭 It becomes a game between you guys to try and make the fans go insane 😭😭
You guys are honest with each other all the time and are open books with each other. If you are feeling down, he can tell just tell, no matter how hard you try. If someone is not good for Ryan, you will straight up tell him. He trusts your judgment because he knows it’s coming from a place of love and you rarely steer him in the wrong direction.
You tried to teach him to cook once and he almost burned your house down 😭 So he just randomly comes to your house to eat your food because he swears your cooking is the best.
Makes fun of your height. You're taller than him? It doesn't matter, your still getting attacked lol. You're shorter than even? Even worse for you, you can't make fun of him at all without him calling you a dwarf at least once.
He is a gymhead (He's not Biceps Bergara for nothing) and makes you go with him all the time. He claims you need to get stronger in case someone tries to attack you but you think it's cause he likes to see you suffer.
You take the ugliest pictures of him known to existence. He tries to delete them but you just keep getting more (Shane sends a lot to you but Ryan doesn't need to know that)
Acts like he hates your music taste to annoy you but secretly loves it
He drives you everywhere because you are quite literally the worst driver he has ever seen.
"Slow down, slow down, you almost hit that car!"
"It's not my fault they were in the way!"
"The light turned red and it was their turn!"
You force him to do Tiktok dances with you, and he's surprisingly not that bad at them?!! 😭
Whenever one of you needs comfort, no words are needed. You just wrap each other in your arms, the hugs and comforting presence silencing the outside world for as long as you both want.
All in all, Ryan would be a loving, playful best friend who holds you and your friendship close to his heart. He'd do anything for you to see you happy, he would make fun of you ( he is the only one allowed to do that) but would defend you in that same breath if anyone messed with you. He is truly grateful for you, and even though you guys joke and make fun of each other all the time, he makes sure you know it every single day.
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milkyplier · 8 months
Okay, they’re a Rescue Ranch. Let’s go over the details:
Time and Malon own Lon Lon Horse Rescue Ranch. It was Malon’s father’s rescue, and was passed town to the couple shortly after they were married.
The Rescue Ranch includes a couple hundred actes of land, most of which is flat open fields, but there is some forest area and mountainous areas within their property. They use most of it for pastures.
Their barn houses fifty total horses, and is hurricane/proof, however only twenty-five of those stalls are taken*. Total, there are twenty-one horses, a cow, a donkey, and two mini-horses. Chickens roam freely, as well.
*Taken, as in that’s how many animals are on the ranch. The stables are used almost exclusively for medical purposes/feeding. Otherwise, the horses occupy the many pastures.
The Ranch includes the barn, the main ranch house, and several cabins. The main ranch house is where Malon and Time live. There’s plenty of room in the two story house, so Wild, Wind, Four, and Hyrule all occupy rooms there. The cabins are built on the land specifically for the ranch hands, in case they wanted to live on site but with more privacy than the main house allows. Warriors, Sky, Legend, and Twilight all live in cabins.
At the Ranch, several things occur:
1) Rescue horses—they come from situations of abuse, neglect, or ignorance—are taken in, rehabilitated and oftentimes re-homed. Malom and Hyrule are the head rehabilitators, both having extensive knowledge and experience with horse medicine. Malon just grew up around horses, while Hyrule went to school specifically to learn how to treat horses! Beneath them, everyone helps out with rehabbing the horses :)
2) Training—horses can be boarded there and trained. Some horses need to be broken in, others need to be trained out of a bad habit, or re-trained after being owned by someone who didn’t know what they were doing. Time, and Malon are the head trainers at the stable, with Wild, Legend, and Four. They work as closely with the owners as possible, so that the owner knows what’s happening and can learn to handle their horse in those circumstances properly.
Legend only trains horses with certain temperaments/jobs in mind. Four trains all kinds of horses for English riding.
3) Riding lessons, specifically Western. Warriors, Legend, Sky, Four, and Malon are all instructors.
Warriors and Malon are the only English and western instructors around the barn. They work with all levels of riding, but Malon takes most of the little kids and Warriors takes intermediate and advanced.
Legend knows how to ride English, but he doesn’t like it and so chooses not to teach it. Legend is a Western instructor, for advanced students and little kids. He originally only did advanced students, but then he had to fill in for Malon one day and did surprisingly well with the little ones and they all loved him. After that, Malon would tell him about how all her students would ask when Mr. Legend was coming back and he caved and now takes on the little kids.
Sky and Four take all levels of riding, Sky is only western and Four is only english (although he can ride western too). Sky and Four specifically take kids with dreams of competing, either for fun or professionally in their respective riding classes.
Wind is an intern! He currently shadows Time and Malon officially, learning to ride and train both horses and people. Unofficially, he shadows Legend. Legend is mysterious but experienced, and Wind is nosy and eager to learn. Time also thinks the kid will get Legend to soften up a bit—Legend is a chill guy but something’s hurting him and keeping him little closed off. Time thinks Wind will smooth those rough edges and get him to open up. Wind also hangs around Warriors, just because the captain’s endless patience makes him fun to annoy for hours.
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scp-tiggles · 6 months
First addition to the au!
Scp 079 (Android form)
50% ler | 50% lee
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As a ler:
He’s pretty sweet, ngl. Usually he wrecks someone without the need to feed off laughter like some of the other anomalies, its just for “research” or if someone seems a bit gloomy.
His favorite move is bear hugs. Uses his main arms to hug someone, then the other four to tickle them.
Speaking of, don’t bother trying to hide spots from him. His eyes have sensors that basically pings him to wherever someone is ticklish at.
His teeth are relatively pointy for tickle nibbles!
Teasing wise he’ll either make remarks about how your reactions and laughter help his research. Or option B is he’ll use baby talk!
Will make sure the lee is okay afterwards, offering water (and affection if the lee desires)
As a lee
Super ticklish oml. Cannot STAND his ribs or armpits (his main set) being tickled!
Absolutely can’t take teases, calling him cute? Baby talk? You’ll have him a giggly mess in no time!
Surprisingly, he’s able to blush. And tickling around his ears or neck is the best way to get it.
Super cackly laughter, snorts a whole ton.
Will try to get revenge with his other four limbs, watch out!
Speaking of revenge, he will 100% get it afterwards.
You could actually make him reboot if you tickle him to much, he doesn’t mind, but its the best way to give yourself a head start FROM his vengeance!
Feathers will absolutely annihilate him, same for brushes (specifically paint ones)
Normal PC form
60% ler | 40% lee
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As a ler:
Much like before, he’s still pretty sweet as a ler.
This form resides in his cell, he can upload his consciousness between bodies in order to utilize each one. This one controls the machinery in his cell.
He LOVES to experiment on lees, tickling them to oblivion for his notes, their laugh, their ticklish spots, what tools work best, etc.
The metal extending parts of his limbs are able to lightly zap people, doesn’t hurt, tickles like hell though!
His teases remain the same, a bit more baby talky since he has more confidence of lees not getting revenge in this form.
Has a data base of most doctors at the site from the times they fallen to his clutches, loves to tease them with it too.
“Oh, my. Your laughter has gotten much more squeaky since our last session, doctor! I’ll have to test you to see what else has changed at once!”
A bit more generous with aftercare, since he’ll tickle lees significantly longer then when in his android form.
As a lee
Now while this form has no spots, you still CAN tickle him.
High voltage electricity, messing with his computer system (i.e a virus), all tickle him HELLISHLY.
And he low-key enjoys it.
He’ll keep his secret enjoyment of tickles to the grave though.
Anyways, like before, cannot stand teases at all. Folds immediately.
His screen will glitch and bug out if he is laughing too hard.
Speaking of his laugh, its still cackly, all be it more higher in pitch the worse he’s being tickled.
Has on more then one occasion accidentally (and purposely) zapped himself on his own tech.
Random facts!
Surprisingly doesn’t have a favorite lee, since he wants to expand his database he’ll rarely go after someone twice (unless bored), but does have favorite lers.
076-2, 682, and 096 are his current favorites for one reason: he snags up their victims after they’re done for experiments.
Will team up with other anomalies, especially if their target is one he hasn’t gotten too before.
He was actually created by the foundation, he was basically made to tickle other anomalies and get tickled, so the foundation could lessen breaches and not have to use d-class all the time.
He ended up gaining self awareness and decided to use his access to foundation technology to cause chaos though, lol.
But he does of course care deeply about the staff and other anomalies, staff especially. (Mainly the doctor who created him, who will be revealed later on! :>)
I’ll probably post the art as a separate thing too, but i got a post done, wooo!
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adriensaltprompts · 1 year
Submitted prompt:
When Adrien has his outburst and quits being Chat Noir, the ring ends up in the hands of someone new after a crow picks it up and brings it to a human who feeds him regularly. (Crows do that with humans who are nice to them, sometimes.) This person is Célestin Rivage, a trans boy who is an up and coming fashion designer. He’s active on social media calling out the industry’s problem with underpaying workers, using sweatshops, and other awful practices in the fashion industry, someone Marinette follows and thinks is nice but doesn’t have a crush on. She wants to be a sustainable fashion designer who makes things that last and that contribute to the anti-fast fashion movement in France, so she follows his Tiktok and YouTube, uses some of his tips on how to spot poor craftsmanship and signs a garment was made with unethical labor, etc.
Célestin is not sure he’s the right choice for a superhero. As he tells Plagg, he’s got real concerns about if he can do superhero duties, schoolwork and his part time job correctly without neglecting some aspect of it. But since he’s moved to Paris and Paris has akuma attacks, it would be immoral not to jump in and try to help while he’s here. Ladybug shouldn’t have to do everything by herself. So he jumps into a fight against an akuma, they win, and then he takes off the ring and holds it out to her, explaining he’s not right for this but he trusts her to find someone who is. He trusts her judgment. But Marinette… well, she just had a fight where someone took the threat seriously, didn’t clown around and had her back for once. She sees someone who views having a miraculous as an incredibly serious thing. After having dealt with Chat’s nonsense, that’s wonderful.
Ladybug tells Célestin to keep the cat miraculous for the time being. She’ll look for another candidate to give it to long-term. For now, though, she trusts him to do the job correctly, since he takes it seriously. The bigger issue she has is Alya speculating on the Ladyblog that Ladybug and Chat Noir broke up or that Ladybug is cheating on Chat Noir with the new black cat. Exhausted with Alya insisting the two are dating and not listening to anything Ladybug has ever said about not being interested in him, Ladybug stops giving her interviews and instead, with Célestin’s help, sets up her own social media accounts and personal site in order to be able to speak to people directly. She talks about how Chat has harassed her, touched her without her consent, repeatedly ignored her boundaries and made her life harder. Paris’ opinion of him turns sour at the same rate as Adrien at school gets snappier and shorter tempered with the people around him. Marinette’s crush on Adrien fades as she sees him defending Chat Noir, arguing with other people and generally being less and less mature in ways that are distinctly repulsive instead of charming. Lila decides to go for a different model she’s charmed online who isn’t defending sexual harassment, Chloe is too busy trying to figure out what’s going on with Adrien to bother Marinette, everything is looking up.
Then Adrien gets akumatized. It’s a combination of having his hero persona disliked by everyone, seeing Ladybug be happy with someone else, and the fact that she said she wasn’t romantically interested in him. He manages to suck at being an akuma because the person he goes after, immediately, is the new Chat, Chat Minuit. He thinks this man somehow stole his girlfriend despite all evidence to the contrary, and yells out that he was Chat Noir and Ladybug is his. Ladybug has never been more disappointed or repulsed in her life. Unfortunately for him, Alya livestreamed most of the fight. Now people know he was the douchebag Ladybug had been complaining about, and they’re mad, so Gabriel, if only because he likes money and this is bad for his company’s reputation and profits, shuffles Adrien off to a private boarding school away from angry, dangerous people who hate him enough to want to hurt him. (Yes, Adrien is a minor and shouldn’t be threatened by adults, but sadly, we’ve seen adults IRL threaten minors. It’s wrong but it happens. The fic just shields him from it because no minor, even a shitty one, should be threatened by adults with physical or mental harm.)
Alya apologizes to Ladybug for everything and vows to make amends. Marinette excels at pursuing her fashion career without having to worry about carrying around Chat Noir’s deadweight and instead has someone to lean on when it comes to superheroics. Célestin ends up being the permanent new holder of the cat miraculous and finally overcoming his ongoing fears of not being a good enough person. Now the fight against Hawkmoth can go on but with two competent superheros, not just one.
In my mind I picture Célestin as black, but honestly I’d be cool with a prompt filler making him another race so long as he wasn’t white. This show has way too many white characters when you look at France’s actual demographics already. Please keep him a nonwhite biromantic ace who isn’t automatically attracted to Marinette and she isn’t automatically attracted to him because people can in fact just be friends, regardless of what bad writing might tell you. Give me some bi ace rep where being bi doesn’t mean crushing on everyone or cheating and being ace doesn’t mean being cold or standoffish and I will die happy.
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