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typosandtea · 7 months ago
from the Fallout OC asks: 21, 32, 58, 64 for Murphy, Tango, and Nathan... or just Murphy if that's too much :o)
Bloody hell this got very long.. Thanks for the ask this has been so great to write! :D
Important things of note or some of this may not make any sense:
Murphy and Nathan and on the same timeline / story, my mutant 111 Au where it was a dual experiment in conjunction with west-tek to create super soldiers by gene editing and splicing. everyone survived the experimentation and subsequent stasis, though by the time Murphy hatches? is born? emerges from chrysalis? some have been killed in stasis by an unknown killer (not Kellogg, though Kellogg still has his role basically unchanged)
Tango is on a different Au timeline also centered around 4, though Tango is NOT sole, Sole in this one is evil institute bastard by the name of Thorn, who did fallout 4 selfish route until fort hagen and then convinced Kellogg to take her to the institute (leaving nick in the dust with scathing words and gunshots, poor nick), she also joins Kellogg as partners / romance / killers and they rule the institute together more aggressively than Father ever did, though Father is very proud of her.
In Tango's timeline there is no one sole as such, Thorn does parts of the institute route but worse. Tango does some brotherhood stuff though they nope out consequences be damned after BB (there are actual consequences unlike in game for disappearing), Preston is the general along with Libby and Slick take some of the minuteman quests, Libby is ~100yo ghoul with a love of explosives and shotguns, and slick is a young ex-gunner with a big mouth they 'recruit' after he sees how awful the gunners are when he is treated better as a MM captive than as an active gunner. Tango occasionally helps minuteman, more so after BB. Railroad is Fixer though he has to be a bit more creative without sole's foot in the door.
Both timelines take place over years rather than the few weeks that 4 does.
21. Do they travel alone or with a companion?
Murphy has the -trauma- privilege of being a fallout 4 'sole' survivor so despite being an obvious mutant, she ends up meeting most of the companions at one point or another! she much prefers to travel with friends since she pretty social and her time in various military groups has cemented the idea that 'alone = less people to spot danger'. though this is kind of an antithesis to her very design as a flying night stealth operative, so what companions she actually travels with is far less than the ones she befriends. she has actively traveled with codsworth in the beginning, and now travels with Nick, Preston and Danse. Though she ends up alone a lot more than she would like as Preston is busy being the general (she does work for them as both normal quests but also as the unwillingly elected 111 mutant ambassador, helping with any 111mutant related drama like finding homes, or dissuading/knocking some sense into/fighting the more aggressive ones) , Danse is #1 bos enemy so it is dangerous for both of them after that happens (she remains bos /minutemen aligned, somehow.. she does have 3 int but also can see that there are good people in the bos.. a real 'i can fix them' mentality -she can't-, its a long while before she realizes just how trapped she is) she still travels with nick frequently but he is often on cases so its usually her helping him not the other way around. the only upside to traveling alone for Murphy is that she is much quicker and stealthy on her own (especially compared to traveling with Danse rip). special mention for Piper since they butt heads a lot until Murphy gets piper to see that how she writes her paper is part of the problem, and that its a style that Murphy has seen before prewar, and shes seen how it ends. Piper doesn't take this perceived slight to her and her paper easily and it takes time and some deadly consequences for Piper to realize that her scare tactics may be having unintended consequences.
Before they got unwillingly turned into Tango, they were a tech scavver who would scour old factories and military facilities for parts, components or even whole robots to hack and sell. they always preferred working alone believing that others slowed them down or could be a threat. They had no friends by choice and very few people they sold to, so when then disappeared back then very few people even knew they were gone. They remain of this prickly mindset even after becoming Tango, and its not until many years later when they reach the commonwealth looking for the secret scientists that 'make clones of people', that they are befriended by Preston and they realized that he really is that genuine and that maybe not everyone is Out To Get Them All Of The Time. After rescuing Preston and gang (since Thorn didn't) Tango has a bit of a crisis in realizing that people actually do care about others and that maybe all those people they pushed away in suspicion might have being genuine. The feeling bad about it doesn't stick around for long though, as many of the people they meet shortly after are raiders, scammers or just as suspicious about others as Tango is. For actual companions they befriend Preston (mostly Preston trying to recruit this hot mess of power armored person, friends after tango has the temporary 'I am a suspicious ass' crisis), Piper surprisingly with how secretive Tango is, this was inevitable as Piper spots someone in unique power armor entering DC and they don't do any of the normal merc things? that's a story for sure! Tango doesn't.. have a lot of patience for Pipers questions and will just. leave. Hit da bricks if the conversation goes where Tango doesn't want it to go (about them). Piper never gets her story (Tango doesn't trust her enough to keep her trap shut) But they do become friends and Tango even travels with her for other stories! For someone so secretive Tango is a nosy bastard. Nick as Tango hires him to help them find a way into the institute, Nick is still a bit stung from Thorn's abandonment and attempted murder of him, he wisely encourages -beats some sense into- Tango that contacting the institute for whatever secret purpose will end poorly for them. though Nick is briefly tempted to help for revenge opportunities against Thorn. Nick is also one of the very few people that gets to see Tango unarmored after a case goes bad and the armor is badly damaged in a partial building collapse thanks to a raider with a missile launcher. After they are dissuaded from institute contact, they wander aimlessly and run into Danse at Cambridge, they become wary acquaintances after Tango joins the bos (without realizing how badly they fucked up until the prydwen arrives, they though Danse and co was the 'bos'). They drive each other bonkers, Tango struggles to adjust to structure and having other people rely on them and not being able to do their own thing at any moment, which frustrates both immensely. (so many arguments over rosters.. "But why are we on night patrol? I would rather be sleeping wouldn't you?""It doesn't matter what you want to do knight that's what we have been assigned so that's what we are doing" both internally screaming. also "Where have you been knight!? Its been two days!!!" "Oh I wanted to upgrade my armors shielding :)" "You were suppose to be helping Proctor Quinlan!!"). Danse also takes Tangos refusal to never leave the armor in anyone's presence as a sign they Tango doesn't trust him at all, and Danse has many theories to why (Ghoul? Synth? ashamed of being seen for some reason? hiding from someone? bad BO?) It doesn't occur to him that Tango Can't leave the armor. Tango befriends Curie immediately with an unconscious mindset of half "I also want a human body again" solidarity and half wow she really is just that genuine and trusting, better help her. Tango often lowers their guard (eventually) around genuine people.
(is 111mutant timelines Nate) Nathan is a bit of a weird one since he is a 111mutant like Murphy, but got many more negative effects. While Murphy lost some intelligence and gained even more anxiety, Nathan lost nearly his whole self, and the bit that remains is so smothered under all of the mutant parts that he is not the same as he was. He wanders the wastes alone and out of his mind, hunting and killing as his mutations have left him with nothing but conflicting half-thoughts, feelings and instincts. Unfortunately for Murphy his love for her is turned into animalistic obsession that his now mutant brain translates as kill. So no Nathan doesn't have any companions post war. though pre war he and Murphy were nearly inseparable, and they both enjoyed the company of the squad they were put in when Aus joined the US. (they were both soldiers for the Republic of Aus before it got captured by The Reds, and then US forcefully took the territory with aussie help and willingly absorbed any remaining Aussies, as the land was war-torn . (Note: if you saw one previous posts that I have done that the aussies were treated poorly by the americans, I have since changed my mind)
32. What is their go-to weapon or weapon class?
Her excellent eyesight and aerial capabilities make her a prime sniper! though she isn't able to snipe till she gets some advice on how to modify a certain laser rifle to be lighter and long range, she struggles to use normal firearms because of her extra sensitive hearing so she was limited to a silenced pistol she 'found' (was sneakily given by deacon, she doesn't like taking gifts that she doesn't think she has earned) + earplugs until she was gifted a laser rifle out of pity for helping Danse at arcjet. She requires help for modifications since she is 3 int. She is below average strength and has an extremely limited carry capacity for flying so ultralight mods are essential. no heavy guns for you. prewar she was one of the first power armor 'willing' testers that survived (not unscathed) and their squad became one of the first to be power armored. so she got used to being able to wield very big guns with ease. misses it immensely. (wings mean no power armor). Always has a combat knife on her person, was caught defenseless while sleeping once prewar in anchorage and will never let that happen again, she only was saved by her squad noticing the camp intruder before they could kill her.
Is not above using the armor itself as a weapon. has done so multiple times in the past with very gory results, doesn't do it often though as they dislike bloodying the armor cause they are a quite vain about it, as its basically their body now. likes the effectiveness of combat shotguns but doesn't use them often cause of the chance of splatter. so often settles for rifles. has a terrible habit of breaking or losing weapons so tend to pick up and horde them. along with ammo. You go into their secret workshop and its just full of weapons in all stages of repair and enough ammo for each to last a lifetime, scavver habits die hard. Doesn't mind heavy guns but finds carrying them around inconvenient enough to rarely use them. Its pretty hard to holster a minigun, even in power armor. Even though they don't have eyes as such anymore still is not great with pistols, prefers the looking down sights of longarms. Despite living in the armor for many a year by this point, they still get their ass handed to them by Danse in power-armored unarmed combat training, is VERY salty about it.
He is the weapon, a very large semi-aquatic stealthy monster. Though prewar he was a mechanic in the same squad as Murphy, and liked pistols as a backup, particularly .44 caliber. Wasn't ever in the thick of it like Murphy and the other PA operators were, though they came close to when one of the camps in anchorage was nearly invaded! Enjoyed time at the range whether it be hanging out with others, letting off some rage, or genuinely practicing
58. Do they believe in luck? Do they have a good luck charm?
If you ask her, she will say she doesn't believe in such nonsense, or perhaps she will crack a joke about her name and Murphy's law, but deep down she is surely becoming convinced that she has been cursed. she keeps surviving situations that she shouldn't have and every time with terrible prices to pay, how long until the price is too great she wonders, does lady luck treat debtors with kindness? she hopes so. Says she doesn't have a good luck charm, but has a chain separate from her bos holotags she wears under her shirt / suit with a growing collection of things from the 'prices shes had to pay': What was left of her Australian dogtags, Nathans wedding ring along with the empty casing of a .44 bullet, A small painted piece of Danse's t60 armor that was removed in repair for preparation of giving it to another paladin after BB, a warped and burnt piece of ornate metal of some kind, and a miniature plastic white chess pawn.
Tango is very suspicious by nature, but also quite prideful thus doesn't believe in good luck as that would detract from their abilities. That mr gutsy in near mint condition they stumbled across before becoming Tango years ago? The many fusion cores they they just seem to trip over everywhere? Always having just enough ammo? all a result of their scavver skills not stupid luck! paradoxically they do believe in bad luck, especially that they became Tango. Though they do somewhat subconsciously know that they have lived far longer as tango that they ever would have if they hadn't stumbled into that particular branch of general atomics .. they weren't making many friends as a scavver but they sure had enemies. has conflicting thoughts on the matter. Doesn't have a good luck charm. doesn't really own much of anything at all tbh. other than scrap hoarding that is.
Believed in luck pre war. prime source of 'murphy's law' jokes. Despite believing in luck doesn't carry a charm of any sort, has a sort of relaxed view on the matter. acknowledges that Murphy has bad luck regularly when she trips over or is the only one splashed by a car on the rainy days. attributes a lot of his own small such occurrences to himself rather than luck though, ie he should have known better than to walk so close to the road on a rainy day, or that was stupid wearing a hat on a windy day even when nobody else lost theirs.
64. How / where do they generally sleep?
i should be asleep lol
Murphy sleeps during the day now, daytime is too bright for her sensitive eyes. so she only ventures outside in the day when absolutely necessary. She didn't really get a choice in the matter, the mutations completely rewired her internal clock ready for night combat operations. an incredibly nervous and anxious person by nature even prewar, she has always struggled with sleeping, she needs to feel safe before she can catch more than a fitful nap. the first few weeks in the new commonwealth are a bit blurry in her memory from lack of sleep haha. She only needs to feel safe, not actually be safe, some of the best sleep of her adult life was in active war zones prewar surrounded by her squad, the one day she stayed in the institute was the most nightmarish ordinary sleep shes ever had, outside of trauma nightmares.
Tango doesn't really have a body that needs sleep anymore, though they still require some sleep to give their brain recovery and processing time like normal sleep provides. they will find a out of the way corner in friendly territory and will lock the armor in place so they don't inadvertently fall over. They have definitely gotten what constitutes quiet corners wrong though and have put themselves squarely in the way for hours haha. If they are not somewhere safe they will find somewhere defensible and will catnap until they feel awake enough to continue onward. Tango has been alone for so long that it hadn't occurred to them that when traveling with others that they can take turns keeping watch and sleeping! score another point towards Tango's 'oh shit maybe this whole 'friends' isn't so bad after all' tally.
Deep sleeper, snoring machine. 'who tf brought a chainsaw into the barracks???' type zzzzzz. Can and often used to fall asleep in unlikely places. At the pub. On the 'bird to the drop zone. Waiting for sleep deprived Murphy to figure out how to get baby Shaun into the new car seat that one time ("why are there so many buckles???"). Now as a mutant will camouflage in some mud somewhere secluded, or will find a damp hidey-hole somewhere to curl up. Needs so much sleep postwar, spends most of his time sleeping, which is great for everyone else since when he is not sleeping he is hunting at night.
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catboygirljoker · 5 months ago
Org 13 cafe orders? Drink, pastry, both, just getting the whole beans, whatever
imagining this in like. vague modern au
Xemnas: americano. piping hot. usually if someone gets a drink that hot it's because they're gonna take it to the office and it'll cool down on the way, but he starts drinking it as soon as it's in his hand.
Xigbar: black coffee, two extra shots, asks them to fill up his enormous tumbler that keeps it hot all day. brags every time about how it keeps it hot all day. also sometimes gets like a protein spinach smoothie or a wrap with bean sprouts in it or something
Xaldin: usually gets a black tea, different ones from time to time. sometimes gets a chocolate croissant or a similarly not-overly-sweet pastry.
Vexen: unsweetened iced coffee with almond milk, including in the winter.
Lexaeus: doesn't really like coffee or tea. might get hot chocolate or a cider or something if he goes to a cafe with someone else. also might get a cinnamon roll or somethn
Zexion: hot chocolate or mocha latte, warm not hot. if the cafe isnt crowded he spends all day there.
Saïx: for himself, iced americano. will sometimes come in with orders for everybody at the meeting he has in fifteen minutes.
Axel: doesnt go to many non-chain cafes because they close before he wakes up at like 2 pm. gets an iced coffee with a stupid amount of caramel syrup. remembers the names of everybody who works at places he frequents and will notice if he hasnt seen someone in a while.
Demyx: goes into a non-chain cafe and ask if they have frappuccinos. they never do but he always wants to ask. does get a sweet iced coffee or a fruit smoothie and always tells the barista they did an amazing job and it's the best drink he's ever had. tips as much as the drink costs.
Luxord: has a pretty strong sweet tooth, you might be surprised. hot latte with extra sugar and coffee cake on the side. plays magic: the gathering in the cafe with friends on weekends.
Marluxia: strikes me as the kind of person who likes to taste different coffees and pairs them with different things and pays attention to the tasting notes and such. will sometimes have a cup in-house but usually prefers to make his own—probably the one who comes in to just buy beans.
Larxene: latte, blond roast, extra shot. (blond roast is more caffeinated—she's lowkey addicted to caffeine.) she'll also get a cheese danish or some other savory pastry.
Roxas: hot chocolate or a smoothie, because caffeine makes him sleepy and he won't like the taste of coffee until he's older. also gets a chocolate chip cookie and dips that in the drink.
Xion: unsweetened lattes, iced in the summer, hot in the winter. has like, a specific sandwich she really likes, and if theyre missing an ingredient for it she looks so sad youd go to the ends of the earth to go get the sun dried tomato pesto she deserves.
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stuffedsand · 11 months ago
Es - 1, 4, 12, and 20
Shidou - 6, 18, 23, and 25
Kazui - 2, 12, 13, and 25
Ok redoing this again 💥💥💥 thankyou for the ask rain Tumblr tried to eat it twice now
1) why do you like/dislike this character?
Ok I have a good few reasons for this!!! I love es milgram that much is obvious but my reasons for liking characters is usually really disorganized so I'll try my best
A) they're so cool looking I love their character design!!! Like holy shit. I've cosplayed them before type of good character design yk
B) they just like me fr
C) they're such a fun concept for an audience insert!! With their own opinions and morals that are somewhat shaped by the audience. Affected by but not entirely reflective of the audiences views and opinions because they're still their own character. Augh.
4) if you could put them in any other media, what would it be?
Hmm if you mean type of media I'd say video game milgram 💥 it'd be fun!!
If by media you mean fandom... Then idk 💀 I'm not the type to crossover single characters, so it'd be like. All of Milgram into something like hsr (iirc someone made this concept... I've thought about it alot but I don't remember who)
12) what's a headcanon you have for this character?
I like to think they regularly check in on the prisoners of their own will! They say it's routine checkup but realistically jackalope didn't say shit about checking in on prisoners outside of interrogations.
Alternatively I think they tend to hold jackalope while sleeping. He hates this
20) ideal best friend for this character
This one's a hard one... Within Milgram I'd say......... Yuno? Or fuuta? Just based on vibes, really. Maybe muu but I haven't watched her voice dramas yet...
6) something you have in common with this character?
He is not a character you'd want to have things in common with if I'm to be honest. Anyways.
Probably my manner of speaking? Doesn't come across as much in text because I make good use of emojis and the words lmao and lol too much. Also the rebuttal of Es' statement in trial 1 vd is something I'd do no hesitation. I was hoping he'd do that actually.
Alternatively... I guess general personality? In the whole mellow, apparently resting bitch face and unintentional aura of intimidation (friends words), and I guess being stupid and stubborn counts, yeah?
18) Relationship with another character in canon that you admire?
....is it off topic to say him and his wife. I think they were cute. Unfortunate, the use of past tense tho lmao
As of current milgram......... Idk he's not the most interactive. Seems to be just acquaintances with most other prisoners... Maybe him n Kazui? The relationship is formed on an unhealthy habit but they seem to by trying to have each other's backs and that's nice.
23) favourite picture of this character
TRIAL 2 ALBUM ART it's so pretty. The way the light flares frame his face like a "halo" in a way no other door art does. The lighting....
Honorary mention to the I think 1st anni art that I have as a standee :)
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His t2 album art makes me insane man. The fucking colours on that thing. I really like the colours purple and blue so like. Gestures. Yeah
25) What was your first impression of the character? How about now?
Oh my god you wouldn't believe. Ok so first impression was amusement if I'm fr. I thought him being the only one going "yeah I'd like to die. As atonement of course" was really funny. After that, because I did buy into the organ harvesting theory at the time, I thought the innocent vote was funny. Then triage made me cry.
Now I have Very Complicated Feelings (positive) of points at him hello Mr morally fucked up. I want to see you get worse. I am extremely strange about my favourites I think you can tell.
2) Favourite canon thing about him?
If you're talking generally then I love the songs I love half so much I love cats so much . What about him makes him always get banger songs
If we're talking traits then....I suppose it's how he acts. Like his regret for his "murder". It's so fun to spin around, that he knows it's not legally murder but by god will he feel responsible for her death, enough to consider himself a murderer. Augh
12) headcanon for this character?
I'm not gonna say he's queer I'm not gonna say that he's queer I'm not I'm a stronger person than thi
Anyways. That even years into their marriage he and hinako continued to go on little "dates" (which isn't common apparently? Not where I am)
Though that might be canon... What with that part in cat. Hm...
I like to think he did actually want to be an actor at some point. Or at least had passion in an artistic field. Oh the woes of social construct
13) emoji that reminds you of the character
I think we know. 🍏
(🥬🍏🤍🩵💙 iykyk)
What he would use tho... 👍 Probably.he feels like a 👍 guy
25) first impression vs current one
Well....on first watch of half I spent an hour analysing it, but I can't quite remember my first impression of kazui as a character...
I know I liked the theatre imagery and the implication that he was hiding something. I also remember that even then I did not believe the cheating allegations. I was right btw/silly
Now he makes me sad. I still hold a similar impression but now there's the extra thing that cat gave me of him being a liar since birth so it's not just a lie thing it's a mask to keep yourself safe thing. Aughghghg
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twotangledsisters · 1 year ago
What songs from Hazbin Hotel would you link up to each TTS character? Like what parts of the songs would they sing?
OH MY GOD THIS IS GOING TO GET LONG CAUSE YESSSS! I have given this a lot of thought, mostly because I keep a long list of possible animations, so here we go (in no particular order because my brain is chaos):
Stayed Gone is Demanitus and Zhan Tiri in world where Demanitus doesn't disappear into a monkey mostly because of the words but also the image of Demanitus teasing Zhan Tirir for being in little blueberry ghost form thinking she's harmless and she really isn't.
It Starts With Sorry is Rapunzel. Everything about it is Rapunzel! Sir Pentious in this song is Dwayne because his the most loveably pathetic and who I can best picture in this song. The 'Can't be just kill him?' is Cass and Eugene. Which makes extra sense because when Rapunzel goes 'But who hasn't been in his shoes?' she's looking specifically at Eugene who was a thief XD
Whatever it Takes I usually see as Arianna (as Carmilla) and Lady Caine (as Vaggie)... but that admittedly only makes sense in my Tangled Sisters AU.
Poison is a difficult one because of all it represents... I do think Flynn Rider like before Rapunzel but I don't think I'd ever animate or do anything with this one because it'd feel like underplaying the severity of the original song.
Loser, Baby. Could definitely see Lance and Eugene singing this one back when they were in the grip of the Baron, unable to escape criminal life. Lance calling Eugene a loser to cheer him up just feels right XD
Happy Day in Hell is Rapunzel just because she's so sunshine!
Respectless... This is going to sound odd but Zhan Tiri and Gothel. The fact Gothel is the only disciple who doesn't seem to have demon form always makes me think she didn't quite play by Zhan Tiri's rules, and the idea of a younger Gothel just going toe to toe with Zhan Tirir is very funny to me.
Hell's Greatest Dad... I can't remove Varian from my head cause of the voice actor xD but if I try to force Varian in there, my brain changed the word of the song so it becomes a 'science versus magic' issue and some saporians are trying to steal Varian's job!
Welcome To Heaven... It's my least favorite song... The palace employees can have it, they sing the beginning part as Rapunzel comes into the palace for the first time.
More Than Anything.
You Didn't Know, I could see Rapunzel singing this to Arianna and Frederic asking them to lessen the excessive sentences for criminals, Arianna can be Emily and Frederic Sera.
Lute and Adam can be Cap and Nigel although I feel bad but they're the least likely to accept change XD
Cass can be Vaggie but because as someone whose dream is to be a guard and part of the system Rapunzel wants to change that kinda fits?
Out For Love. Perhaps my fave song ever in the entire show. Whenever I hear it I see Arianna teaching Cass to use a spear, does it make sense as a choice? No. But my brain is convinced that's the right answer XD
Ready For This... There's a singular piece of this song that I REALLY REALLY want to do an animatic of with Zhan Tirir, Tromus, Sugracha and Cass... but that's an AU thing XD But ignoring that, it's a Rapunzel song. Rosie and Alastor could be Frederic and Arianna as proud parents, but due to the manipulation bit, it could also be Sugracha and Tromus if they're somehow manipulating her in an AU.
More Than Anything Reprise. This is Lady Caine and Cassandra. Nobody can change this for me. I ship them too hard. I'm sorry. And if my ipad weren't crashing every time I try to animate I would be animating these two sooooo hard!!!
Hell is Forever, another one where I can't get my AU out of my head, in this scenario I see Cass trying to convince the other kingdoms magic isn't irreversibly evil and them being like 'nah, it is', especially cause the burning goes to the witch burnings.
Finale, this is a Rapunzel rebuilding Corona after the finale song but maybe she didn't bring Cass back to life?
More Than Anything, I mean the 'protect and adore you' not realising he's getting in the way and being overprotective is a very Frederic line but I still can't stop hearing Varian XD It's just going to have to be a grown Varian and his kids and he finally UNDERSTAND Quirin XD
That was looong!
But also shorter than I expected!
I feel like I'm missing snippets but yeah, quick overview is there! :D
I love this show and these characters!
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agender-vampling · 1 year ago
🐁🐡 🐈‍⬛ for the age regressor ask game?
🐁- What would your ideal regression space/room be like?
I'm not entirely sure. I have a list of toys I want but other than that idk I could be anywhere and be fine I'm not picky. Usually when regressing I'm just sleepy so somewhere comfortable to lay down is all I really need.
But for the sake of the ask I'll share my Microsoft Powerpoint made moodboard of the ideal fantasy regression places I visit in my head
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It's just a cabin in an eternally Autumn woods full of books and moss. My toys are my teddy bear patches (not pictured but the vibe of her is captured) and old keys I find and not much else. I like it, it's cozy and there's lot of exploring to be done!
Sometimes I like to imagine the owner of the cabin is a forest creature/monster of some kind and they take care of me.
🐡 - What is your favorite small activity?
I like being read to, and lining all my toys up in neat rows, and storytelling about my toys and stuffies backstories and lives and friendships and what not. Mostly read to though. I wanna lay down and listen to a spooky story.
🐈‍⬛ - What are your favorite nicknames?
No one's ever called me any nicknames so I'm not really sure... I'd have to hear someone else say them before I knew if I liked them or not. But that involves getting a CG who calls you things first...
I like the sound of Ragamuffin. Sounds very silly scrappy kid to me. And Vampling is a recent favorite!!
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januaryembrs · 10 months ago
tea!! anything bugsy and spencer
the one with the surfboard | Spencer Reid x Prentiss!Reader
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description: there's only one person who could ever get Spencer Reid in the ocean and that's Bugsy
length: 1.6k
warnings: mention of sex, swearing, Penelope and Reid being thirsty for Morgan and bugsy. Pen calls Derek chocolate thunder but this is nothing new! set at beginning of season six.
part of the trouble almost all my life universe
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Spencer settled his feet into the warm sand, trying his hardest to make sure the grain didn’t stick to the thick layer of suncream he’d applied not even five minute earlier, his sunglasses hanging on his nose as he watched Morgan and Bugsy hit a ball to one another over an invisible volleyball net. 
“You not going to take a swim, pretty boy?” Emily asked, basking on her back in a red bikini, soaking up the sun they rarely got so clearly stuck in their office. His face scrunched up, shaking his head until he remembered Emily had her eyes closed, and it only took one look at where JJ was laying incredibly still to know she’d already dozed off on the sun lounger. 
“One litre of ocean water has about one billion microbes of bacteria and around ten billion viruses, so,” He shuddered, his lithe fingers gripping the arms of the chair as he tried not to think about every single one of them entering his mouth if he were to even get close enough it could spray on his face, “No thankyou,” 
“Not even if Bugsy asked you?” Penelope pointed out, a sex on the beach she’d ordered with a giggle and a ‘if Morgan gets lucky.’
His lips twitched, feeling his neck grow hot in a way he told himself was just the sun, and he glanced at the technical analyst with something fleeting, “She did ask me, I told her the exact same thing I’m telling you guys,”
“And?” Emily asked, sensing that hadn’t been the end of the conversation because her sister knew exactly how to get her way when it came to men, Spencer specifically. 
Rubbing under his nose with his knuckle, Spencer downcast his eyes to the beer Bug had handed him, sand sticking to the green, frosted glass as the liquid bubbled freshly inside the bottle, “She said I owed her an hour of fun,”
Penelope’s face lit up at the innuendo of it, nudging him lightly with her shoulder, “Hell yeah, you’re such a stud, Reid. An hour?” 
Emily winced in grotesque, “That’s my sister you’re talking about there, Pen. A sister is very much present here,” 
The blonde shrugged, sipping through her pineapple decorated straw, “Not my fault you have a hot sister, Prentiss,” 
“Can we stop talking about this? Please?” Spencer floundered, his fingers wrapping over the edge of the seat, his jaw tensing as the words hot, hot, hot, smeared all over his brain like a stamp. And everything he’d tried to deny for months bit at his neck so much so he was quickly fiddling with his shirt collar. 
“Agreed,” Emily seconded, taking a long drink of her mojito, and Penelope saw it as a chance to lean in close to him, a smirk on her clementine scented lips.
“Don’t you think watching the two of them play together is like something out of Baywatch,” She murmured, her eyes locking on the two agents that seemed to be on their longest streak yet judging by all the laughing and shouting going on in between hits. 
Spencer had never tuned into Baywatch, nor did he have any intention of doing so. But he did have to admit that watching Bugsy jump around in the ocean, her hair clasped back in a claw clip away from her face, her skin practically glowing from the vitamin D both on her face and on her obscenely beautiful body that was free to see in those bikini shorts and mini top, was more captivating than any tv show he could imagine.
He swallowed, shaking his head, “I think you spend too much time with Derek,”
Penelope held her chest in mock offence, her glass empty in her hand as she looked at him with teasing eyes, “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that, Reid. There’s no such thing as too much chocolate thunder time.” 
Spencer smirked, chuckling to himself and he barely even noticed the two people that were the hot topic of conversation had left the sea until a plastic, bouncy ball went hurtling at Emily’s forehead and rebounded clear off her hairline. 
“FUCK,” The woman cursed, opening her eyes where a few rogue droplets of sea water dribbled down her cheek, her peace and serenity completely wiped away where her little sister stood with a hidden smirk, Derek biting his knuckle to hide his laugh, “You fucker, what was that for?”
“Just making sure you hadn’t cooked alive, you looked very still,” Bugsy held her hands up in innocence, even though Emily stood with a vengeance, rolling her eyes at the cheeky grin she got back. 
Emily muttered something about her being a childish shrew, before she huffed, shoving past her sister and heading towards the beachfront bar, Derek and Penelope in tow. Which left the two of them, and a sleeping JJ, on their tiny corner of the beach. 
“You sure you don’t want to come in?” Bugsy asked, trails of salt water sliding off her hair and down her stomach, the sight of them making Spencer’s mouth dryer than the sand beneath them, “I saw a jellyfish, or at least I think it was, it may have been a condom,” Spencer gagged inside his mouth with an incredulous look on his face, and she chuckled, dropping the ball to his feet, “Relax, I’m kidding. I’m going back in if you want to join, promise I won’t splash you or nothing,” 
“I’m good, you go have fun with your new pal; the condom,” He said with a grossed out pull of his lips, though he smiled when she did and she grabbed the surfboard stuck in the ground beside him, trotting off back towards the ocean, “Remember to reapply soon!” He called, and she flicked a look over her shoulder.
“You're as bad as Emily,” She yelled back, taking off towards the waves with a chuckle, the sea breeze blowing tiny shrapnels of sand against her calves.
Spencer shamefully felt his eyes drop to her butt, and as fast as he did, he looked away, because that was supposed to be his best friend. She’d certainly never made it seem like they were going to be anything else. Perverts watched pretty girls running, perverts watched how their skin lit up with the rays of lights bouncing off the water and their hips swung with every step, and he wasn’t a pervert. 
He was just… human. And who could ever resist her. 
He watched the sea spraying out beneath her feet as she ran right in, and she waded out deep enough that he lost sight of her stomach, the board skirting the surface of the water for a moment. 
She was possibly the coolest person he’d ever met, and she was his best friend. 
He watched her hop up onto her stomach, keeping an eye on the horizon for a big enough wave rolling in. Deciding on an incoming ripple gradually gaining traction, she paddled out towards it, her arms strong and focused from what he could see where he was sat, nursing his bottle of beer. 
“Baby Prentiss got moves,” Morgan whistled as they returned back with drinks cold enough Spencer saw the condensation gathering on the glass already, though that was the only time he actually tore his eyes away from her as she got further away from the safety of land, the black band attaching her ankle to the board the only thing he could really see of her. 
“She talked some bar boy into teaching her the Summer she spent in Mexico with my mom,” Emily shook her head as they watched her jump up into a steady stand, the rip gathering under her surfboard and soon she was floating over the water, the concentration evident on her face as she held her arms out to balance. 
She went a few more times, the group settling into the quiet they had whenever she was busy, because she was not exactly known for her calm nature, yet Spencer’s eyes were the only ones glued to her figure the entire time, ever the worrier when it came to her daredevil side. 
And it was like he was watching it in slow motion; on her fifth turn riding a particularly quick rip her balance got thrown off. Nothing serious, it was only a few ten yards out offshore, and she was a strong swimmer, he’d seen it. She quickly lowered herself back into a straddled sit, only for the wave to gain traction before it fizzled out, crashing into the side of her board right as she was about to take a breath, and he watched her flip sidewards into the water, the tide bringing her close enough he knew she’d be able to stand.
But she didn’t come up for a few moments, and it was enough that Spencer was out of his seat, taking off jogging towards the ocean, every statistic that had been whizzing through that big brain of his about how filthy the water was suddenly evaporating as he watched her throw a hand up to the surface, her board skirting above her being the only pointer for him where to go. 
By the time he made it over to her, he was knee deep before he thought of the consequences, the cold hitting him like a freight train, and she was already dragging herself towards land on her hands and knees, her hair stuck to her face, her claw clip ripped out by the current.
“Are you okay?” He asked, but she didn’t respond, only to cough up sea water with a screwed up expression that told him just how horrible it tasted. 
“I need a beer,” She wheezed, as he lifted his hands under her arms, tugging her to her feet, his entire torso getting drenched as she clung onto him for safety, still spluttering ocean out of her lungs. 
And he shook his head with a smile, brushing her hair back enough for her to see, her eyes sore and red with angry blood vessels where he imagined it stung to get the salty water in them, and all but dragged her back up the rest of the beach where Derek and Emily were laughing at her fail so hard they’d woken JJ up. 
“Yasmine Bleeth never ate seawater, Bug, what happened?” Morgan jeered, earning him a middle finger to the face as Penelope offered her a nice big gulp of a margarita to clear her taste buds. 
And for the first time all day, Spencer wasn’t even thinking about how much bacteria was all over his skin if it meant she was alright.
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felassan · 4 months ago
I received a few asks around a similar topic, so I'm popping them together here. ( ´ ▽ ` ) DA:TV spoilers under cut.
[the Felassan Files]
hello! ◕‿◕ thank you for the lovely and fun ask messages!!
lavendervoids asked: "i’ve been dying to know what ur reaction was to seeing felassan in the game was???? the moment i saw him i was yelling and hollering and my first thought was “omg what does tumblr user felassan think of this” LMAO and thank you for all the documenting you’ve been doing up until and past the release of the game, i ended up blocking every dragon age tag a couple months back to avoid any sort of spoilers but i still came to your blog everyday cause i knew you wouldn’t spoil me haha"
hhhh ( ´ ▽ ` ) tysm for thinking of me at that time!! and for the nice comment about this blog and visiting it. I'm really glad to know that my approach to spoiler tagging etc has been okay for you.
littlerune asked: "i don't even know you but you and dragon age felassan are so intrinsically linked in my brain that when he appeared in veilguard all i thought was "ohhhh i wonder how tumblr user felassan feels about this"
hhhh :D 🥺 thankyou so much for thinking of me!! ♡ some say that his ghost operates this tumblr blog, or that he lives still
songofamazon asked: "I'm still on my first play of the game, but whenever I got to the memories in the Crossroads, I thought to myself, "I hope Tumblr Felassan is having a great time. Did you?"
I had a great time playing the game and when playing the Crossroads memories sections, I loved them a lot, they were very cool and a highlight of the game. thankyou sm and for thinking of me, and I hope that you did too!!
phantabula-interactive asked: "im so glad you're enjoying the game!! I had to ask; how did you feel about seeing Felassan in game?? I was so excited to see the notes from him, I wasn't expecting a boss fight MUCH LESS. FULL CAMEO!!! They made him a lot prettier than I was expecting too (/pos)"
thankyou!! I hope that you've been enjoying it too!
so: I was sooo excited and shook to see Felassan in the game!!! I was like
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(I yelped/hooted out loud like a clown) and then
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and then it was suddenly like too much (pos) and my soul left my body and i astral projected into space/paradise/the Astral Plane/the Void or something etc
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and then it took me some time to process or gather my thoughts about it.
obviously I was super hoping that we would see him in the game. I was sure that there would at least be some references to him in codexes/notes etc or allusions made in passing dialogue like Cole and Solas' lines about him in Trespasser. then when the marketing mentioned that we would see flashbacks from Solas' past in the Crossroads, I was like aaa omg, wouldn't that be the perfect time to actually show Felassan??, as a Fade memory or flashback or spirit echo or something. so then I was hoping like 🕯️🕯️🕯️ and yea. but even so, still when I saw him in game for the first time it was still a huge shocked Pikachu moment for me.
I was already feeling psyched from the first Felassan codex/note that I found, then I couldn't believe (pos) just how many codexes/notes scattered around written by him that there was?? I was already feeling spoiled (not spoiled by spoilers but like spoiled from eating good) from that (a bunch of codexes/notes might not seem like a lot but when your fav is a side character that has only appeared in one [1] tie-in novel..) and then he goes and actually APPEARS, AAAA. I feel like I ate so good. with the Betrayal fight and the rune at the end as well, it felt like he was threaded throughout the game and was really haunting the narrative. some assorted thoughts:
first of all everything about his DA:TV appearances/DA:TV references continues to underscore that he is the greatest of all time
it also continues to underscore the pain of his death/story and of his friendship with Solas
may I please go and start a new life living in Solas' memories of Felassan on repeat. i simply do not care that my body would waste away in the waking world from lack of sustenance
in the endgame I was trying to concentrate and punch Elgar'nan in the face and save the world but I like couldn't see straight through the tears after having been given Felassan's Magical Boyfriend Super Rune (morrigan pls.. what a way to twist the KNIFE at an extremely critical moment for thedas hhhh..)
expansion pack where we relive Solas' memories of him and Felassan dating (he didn't deserve Felassan tho fr. but then, does anyone..?)
I know that Felassan would treat Lavellan sooooo right. so well. so respectfully. felassan would pull their chair out for them at restaurants and open car doors and whatever
Betrayal of Felassan refers to Solas' betrayal of Felassan, not Felassan's betrayal of Solas
also i love how they made him DEVASTATINGLY handsome?? in the game (they didnt need to go that hard), but also how, at the same time - even before the TME Deluxe edition illustrations, we all just inherently knew deep in our bones that he was, you could simply just tell from his energy and vibes and dialogue even in only the written word. cool rolls off this guy in waves, and always has done
did his model have smoky winged eye makeup? love that. love that for him
I liked his sense of style. the hair his model has happened to be one of the ones I was debating using for my Rook. it's one of my fav ones from the CC
I appreciated the attention they paid to detail when making his model. Mythal vallaslin, violet/purple eyes, an undercut - as he was previously described or shown in TME, dev social media comments and the TME deluxe illustrations
I liked the actor they chose for him, his voice was cool
I felt like his codexes and notes that he wrote captured his voice and his character. you can see the depth of his loyalty and devotion to his friend, his concerns, and he retains his 'voice' in terms of some snark, wit etc
it's fun thinking about whether Felassan originally manifested from the Fade (and if so, what was he a spirit of) or whether he was born the usual way of other elves. (it could be either one)
Betrayal of Felassan as a manifested embodied regret and its lines like "his back, turned".. very raw. that fight was hard enough mechanically for me as it was, then the lines were like being hamstrung LOL. how could they??? (pos/lh)
I always thought that, a long time ago, Solas was essentially the player character in a different game, the main character of another story. the leader of his own group of companions and friends on their own quest (to stop the Evanuris), and that Felassan was one of those companions. Alistair to his Hero of Ferelden if you will. in DA:TV we learn that not only was he one of his companions, he was basically the second-in-command of his rebellion, a General, his closest friend aside from Mythal and his right-hand man.
he was so cool back in his heyday
pain. paaaaain. but like in a good way (I unironically love to be hurt by stories pls continue 💀...)
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there are a few further posts containing more bits of my reaction and thoughts scattered through my Felassan tag. ^^
There were also a few other asks about this in my inbox, but Tumblr appears to have eaten them?? :< so if you've asked me about Felassan and my reaction since launch but the message isn't in this post, thankyou sm and I'm very sorry. 😔 pls feel free to re-send it. :)
I do remember that one of the vanished messages asked me what the Slaughter of the Pillars boss regret refers to - the Pillars of the Earth are the Titans. ("Hail Mythal, adjudicator and savior! She has struck down the pillars of the earth and rendered their demesne unto the People! Praise her name forever!") That undead boss embodies another of Solas' greatest regrets, namely what he and Mythal did to the Titans during the war with them - sundering every Titan from their spirit, severing them from their dreams, which resulted in the Blight as the dreams were driven mad. it also in a sense broke the dwarves in two and caused the fall of the fate of the dwarven people. Beyond the mural-memory that pertains to this in DA:TV, there are depictions of this time in the ancient past in the DA:TV artbook: [one, two]. Annotations there describe Solas rendering the Titans tranquil and capturing their souls; dwarves as a consequence then losing their connection to magic and fleeing into the now-Tranquil earth; and the Evanuris then building Elvhenan using the power of the captured Titan souls.
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kimbapchan · 5 months ago
I'm sorry about the people who aren't giving your medium proper appreciation! People are allowed to have preferences, of course, but I think your stories are told well through comics, and artwork adds something that writing can't replicate. Also your comics are so beautiful and fun, don't let inconsiderate people get you down! 💪
Thankyou T_____T like, I am also a fanfic LOVER, especially SVSS fics. I tried writing one myself! I respect writers greatly and regularly talk to danmei fans who are writers! My danmei besties are amazing writers btw :3
But as a comic artist, the most comfortable media of storytelling for me is through drawings.
I know it takes so very long for me to update but I hope everyone would stick around and be a little patient! I promise it's a story-heavy [but still fun and goofy] comic AU series. :D I am so excited to reveal more of the story! My goal right now is to get to some of the revelations in this new world before christmas.
In the meantime, I ask that you guys hopefully will continue to read and give my SVSSS comic series a chance! I really hope to give it my all in telling this story.
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inmyheaddd · 11 months ago
Hi love, could i request maybe a Jameson version of your childhood friends to lovers with Grayson. Maybe in Jamie’s version reader is like the daughter of Tobias’ tailor or something like that.
jameson hawthorne childhood friends to lovers head cannons
thankyou so much for the reqq, this is a long one but def one of my favs i’ve written so far!! wc: 4.9k
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being the daughter of one of tobias’ close friends, who was also his tailor, meant you were often at the hawthorne house.
when your dad needed someone to watch you when your parents would go out, tobias would always offer for you to come over to the House and play with his grandsons.
at 7, you didn’t have much in common with any of them, but talking to them was still the best part of your day.
one of them in particular made your day better, jameson.
the first time you met him, you were 7 and he was 8. you and your dad were standing outside the front door. a maid opened it, and jameson being the curious child he was, was standing not far behind.
“who are you?” he asks whilst holding a pen, an apple, and a usb stick in his hands. you later learned jameson holding random miscellaneous items was a common occurrence; he practically lived for games.
“i’m y/n” 
“hey buddy,” your dad jumps in, crouching to meet jamesons height. jameson already knew your dad and thought of him as a funny uncle he never had.  “this is my daughter, i’m gonna be dropping her off with you lot while i’m out running errands, that okay with you?”
“does she like playing games?” he asks
“she loves playing games, right honey?” 
“yeah…” you say, looking at your feet. jameson sees that and smiles to himself.
“good,” he says with a wide grin on his face “i love games,” he continues.
“great, you two will have so much fun.” your dad says as he pats his shoulder, “have fun, alright sweetie?” 
you and your dad say goodbye, and you’re now standing in the foyer with 8 year old jameson. “hi. what’s your name?” you ask, realizing he hasn’t told you his name yet.
“jameson. do you wanna see my favorite secret passage?”
“you have secret passages?!” you ask, dumbfounded because you thought that stuff only existed in movies.
“so many of them,” he says dragging the “so”. jameson had a slight lisp because he lost one of his top two teeth, and it made you laugh slightly whenever he spoke. 
jameson sensed your nervousness at the start and was by your side all day, doing all the talking and getting the awkwardness out of the way.
you swore he was like your white knight in that moment.
in 10 minutes, you were best friends—well, as close as you could get to a random boy you just met. but as kids, all you need is one thing in common in order to be besties for life.
he then introduced you to his brothers.
grayson was standoffish with you at first, but soon enough, he warmed up. 
nash was 5 years older than you, so he didn’t really see a reason why he would need to be friends with a 7-year-old, but he was still always polite and never failed to make you laugh.
you and xander got along great; he was like another younger sibling to you. 
jameson was just something else. even at 8 years old, he still managed to make little you blush. maybe it was because he was the first one you met; who knows? all you knew was that you absolutely loved talking to him, and you were devastated when your dad came and it was time for you to leave.
“if you want, i can carry your toys outside." he said to you, when you were struggling to pick up all your things and your newfound treasures you and jameson had found in the backyard.(random rocks and stones)
“no it’s okay. i’m a dependent woman,” you say, sticking your chin up high. 
jameson grins at you. “isn’t it independent woman?” 
“i don’t know... i just heard it on tv” you say with an honest shrug as you both laugh.
ever since that day, you were always over at each other's houses.
jameson brought you so much out of your comfort zone
one day you were talking about how you wanted to have a tea party, but you didn’t want jameson to think it was silly.
“what would you think of a tea party? hypo-hyporectically” you ask, unsure of how to say the word you heard some adults say.
“i don’t really think of tea parties,” he replies, as he’s taking apart a pen, seemingly looking for something. 
“but what if you did? like, if someone asked you to one?” you ask again, your voice pitching higher at the end of the question.
“do you want to have a tea party?” he chuckles while raising his eyebrows, looking away from the pen and up at you.
“yeah..? it’s okay if you don’t want to.”
“who said i didn’t want to? i’d love to.”
“oh” you say, and a small smile starts to creep up on your face. “that’s good. we should have one”
“you’re right, let me go call my brothers!" he says halfway through running towards one of the many secret passages.
“wait, no!” you exclaim, and you start to chase after him. “they’re going to think it’s stupid!” 
he shouts as he continues to run . “no they won’t, they’ll love it.” 
“please please please please don’t ask them, jameson.” you’re practically begging him not to ask them. you were extremely comfortable around jameson, but for some reason, the idea of asking the others to join made you feel silly.
he finally stood and turns around, and he’s extremely out of breath. “fine, only if you beat me in a race.”
“what?! no way!”
“i’ll give you a head start,” he says in a singsong voice.
he stays true to his word and gives you a head start; but he still wins.
looking back, you’re so glad he asked them because they all ended up agreeing, and the whole night was filled with laughter and fun. 
it was definitely one of your core memories. grayson was crowned the moodiest tea party princess - there’s a legit certificate of it somewhere in the house signed by all 5 of you.
soon enough, you started to participate in the saturday game mornings, and there was always a friendly fire between you and jameson. 
you’d agree to work together, knowing fully well that you’d both end up double-crossing each other at the end.
jameson made a few nicknames for you: the most used one was sewing machine, but it later shortened to “machine”; he said it also worked because ‘your brain worked as fast as a machine’. jameson and his reasoning...
as tweens, you and jameson were a nightmare to adults.
you would always make up the craziest random competitions on the spot:
“who can skip backwards whilst also saying the alphabet backwards without messing up”
“who can close their eyes and win tic-tac-toe 3 times in a row first.” spoiler alert: none of you won that one.
“who can annoy grayson the most today” usually, jameson would win that one. 
as you grew older, your dad would ask you to drop off some of tobias’ suits at the house and then come back home.
yes, you would drop off the suits, but you’d spend another 5+ hours there hanging out with jameson.
your dad obviously knew this, but he was fine with it. he knew jameson was a good person, and he had a hunch that you felt something for him.
you and jameson went through all the phases together.
he will never admit it, but he did have a pop music phase for a while with you... 
tell anyone, and he’ll deny it like his life depended on it (katy perry, lana, and taylor swift carried him through 2014).
you also had a very short-lived grunge phase. he still has his ears pierced from when you pierced them at home for him.
you both only wore black for a week, but ultimately decided it wasn’t for you.
you also went through a gaming phase. jameson had a whole room built purely for games, which you barely used after that short lived era. it didn’t go to waste though; xander transformed it into his designated robot room.
you guys didn’t go to the same school at this time, so practically every day after school you’d meet up somewhere and talk, or one of you would go to the other's house and hang out there.
you’d usually go to the hawthorne house to talk about your day with jameson, while discovering new secret passages and puzzles in the house.
the thing is, you weren’t like this with anyone else. but when you were with jameson, you never had to pretend or try, being yourself with him was as easy as breathing. you never had to worry about being judged. you always thought this was just because you knew him for so long. 
at 14, you had your first real crush (or so you thought). 
the guy sat next to you in english, and every time you would need ‘to discuss your answers with the person next to you’ you’d talk to him, and you guys would always go off topic. 
talking to him sort of felt like talking to jameson. 
whenever you mentioned him to jameson, he would suddenly seem uninterested. you figured it was because the topic of crushes was more girl talk. you soon stopped talking about him.
you two ended up getting into a relationship with him at 15; it was 2 weeks (2 weeks too long) and extremely boring.
he clearly felt the same way, because he’d always be late to your hangouts or have some dummy excuse. one time he blew you off for the mall when you were already there. 
you decided to roam around anyway and do some shopping, and there he was, walking hand in hand with some other girl in your school. then he leaned in and kissed her.
you didn’t even know what to do. you froze. it's like your brain was on autopilot, and the only thing it knew how to do was call jameson.
“hey machine, what’s up?”
“hey, um, are you free right now?” you ask, biting your bottom lip and hoping for a good response. 
“i’m always free for you. is something wrong?” 
“no, nothing's wrong!” your voice begins to waver, and you pray he doesn't notice.
“i know you well enough to not believe that lie. where are you?” 
“it doesn’t matter, can i come over? i’m fine, just…” you pause, looking for the right excuse, but you come with nothing.
“just what, y/n?” he says softly.
“i can come over right?” you avoid his question by asking one of your own.
“of course you can,” he says, with a hint of confusion in his voice.
“okay, bye”
“wait wh-“
you shut your phone off and take a deep breath, closing your eyes and pinching your nose bridge. “what am i even doing?” you think to yourself
as you arrive to his house, you notice that some of his friends are just leaving. you start to feel guilty on top of what you’re already feeling as you realize he must’ve gotten them to leave for you to come. it’s like, at any second, you’re going to break and pour out all your emotions.
when he opens the door for you, he immediately does a once-over on your outfit and realizes you were meant to meet up with that guy from your english class. he knows this because whenever you hang out with him, you dress like the type of people he likes. not what you like. 
“you wanna tell me what’s going on?” he asks, looking down at you with soft eyes.
you shake your head, looking at your feet, and when you make eye contact with him, the strong facade you put on in front of everyone else cracks, and your eyes start to water. 
he pulls you in for a hug and you try your hardest not to cry.
”you don’t have to be strong around me.” the second he said those words it’s like a dam broke out in your eyes.
a few minutes later, no one could even try to stop your ranting. “he’s always- he’s always blowing me off, and whenever he does show up- he’s always so, so, so late” you say in between hiccups and sniffles. you knew future-you would be mortified from the ugly crying on his shoulder, but in the moment, you just needed to be with jameson. 
you continue to express your feelings, and when you mention the fact that he was hanging out with another girl today, and kissed her, he pulls back from the hug and places his hands on your shoulders.
“i’m sorry, what?” he says with his eyes narrowed. 
“he had you, and he was with someone else? you have to be joking.” 
when you don’t respond, he turns his head away from you and mutters under his breath, “im gonna kill this guy” 
he turns to face you again.
“what’s his name again? full name” 
“jameson.” you warn seriously as you tilt your head.
“his name is jameson too? what a coincidence! we can have a lovely chat about what it’s like to be called jameson.” he remarks sarcastically, with a tight-lipped smile on his face. 
you half-roll your eyes and say, "his name isn’t jameson. ive told you his name before” 
“i don’t store unnecessary, wasteful information in my brain. it messes with my aura,” he jokes to make you feel better as he moves his hand and gestures around his face, then places it back on his shoulder. “now though, his name is very useful to me. his name?” 
you tell him his name, and you can practically see jameson store it away in his brain.
"let's get you inside, yeah?"  
the rest of the night, jameson was being extra unpredictable and funny to make you forget about recent events, and he was literally doing anything you asked.
he always complains and groans when you want to watch old timey movies, but that day he had no problem with watching little women & pride and prejudice.
he was still himself though.
“i don’t understand how you like this movie; it’s so... boring.”
“this movie would be so much better with action cars and sound effects.” that one earned a half-chuckle out of you.
“it’s like you don’t even have to guess or predict anything; it just happens?”
midway through his complaining, he looks over at you and sees you're fighting to stay awake.
“oh, that’s why you weren't responding” he murmurs 
he told himself off in his brain to stop talking so you could sleep, and at the end of the movie he carried you to one of the many guest rooms and put you in bed.
in the middle of the night you woke up, in an unfamiliar room. you remembered that you were last watching a movie with jameson, ‘did he bring me here?‘ you thought as you got up out of bed and stretched. 
jameson heard a knock on his bedroom door and opened it, he was shocked to see you awake. 
“what are you doing here?” he says, his voice low like he hasn’t used it in a while. 
“um, i woke up, and i couldn’t go back to sleep,” you say as you scratch the back of your neck 
“you wanna sleep here?” he asks with his classic jameson smile, even when he’s half asleep.
“if it’s alright with you” you say, starting to smile back at him.
“all yours,” he says as he opens the door fully to let you in first, then closes the door behind you and follows you.
you asked him what time it was, and he answered. but his mind wasn’t focused on the time. it was like every single moment you two had spent together was crashing out of his mind, and all he could think of was you. he laid on his back, staring up at the wall with you next to him, laying on your side, already sleeping. 
he knew he loved you. he had known that for a while. he knew you weren’t only a childhood friend, you weren’t only some girl whose dad was friends with his grandfather, you weren’t just a girl who he’d laugh with sometimes. you were it. you were everything to him. you’d seen him through everything he’s been through, and you still always stayed. you were kind and forgiving in times when no one, not even him, deserved it. you were everything and more. 
but in his mind, he wasn’t.
“compared to your brothers, your mind is ordinary." the old man’s voice rang through his head. 
he looked over at you and realized that he didn’t deserve you. not one bit. he couldn’t bear to see you hurt again, and it would tear him apart if he was the reason for it - because he wasnt good enough. being just friends with you was safer, but it was also tearing him apart every passing day. 
he needed to be better, for you.
over the next few weeks, jameson started to distance himself.
you were so confused. “did i do something?” “was the crying too much?” “i messed everything up” were thoughts that clouded your brain for months.
jameson on the other hand, was thinking this was all for the better. 
“i’ll get better at this, i'll be perfect for her, and then ill come back”
he just kept striving to do one more thing, but it was never enough for him. he felt like he’d always be one step away from perfect. 
but he had to be perfect, so he kept trying.
you and jameson turned into strangers who happened to know everything about each other. you’d still text each other sometimes, pretending like nothing happened and wishing the other a happy birthday.
your birthdays didn’t feel the same without him.
your favorite birthday was when he gifted you a riddle box you had to solve when you were 14. once you solved it, there was a letter inside titled “to my best friend." some spelling mistakes here and there, but you still treasured it like it was worth all the money in the world. 
it was the summer before you started 11th grade, and you were going to be attending heights country day that year.
you went downstairs to get a cup of water, and as you were standing looking at the fridge, you noticed an old drawing you made at eight of you and your family hung up on the fridge. on it, there was little jameson next to you and labeled it “my best friend”.
 your mood was instantly dampened, and you started reminiscing about times long gone.
 you went to reread the letter in the riddle box that he once gave you. you knew that moving schools would mean you’d have to face jameson much more frequently. 
you wanted to remember what you once had. “maybe if i don’t mess up this time, i could have that again.” it was putting salt on an open wound.
you sat down on your desk, placed your water next to you, and opened that riddle box once again. the familiarity of the whole process from how many times you’ve opened it made it no longer a riddle. it was practically muscle memory now. you took out the letter, and reached to turn on your lamp, accidentally knocking the cup of water in the process.
you immediately got up from your chair as the water spilled all over your desk and picked up the letter.
“shit shit shit shit,” you repeated as you tried to salvage it. 
“no no no, this can’t be happening,” you murmured as your voice started to shake.
you brang it up in front of your face and noticed the back, and you started to see writing appear that you'd never seen before.
“am i tripping?” you questioned, and turned it around back and forth, then you started to chuckle. “there’s no way.” 
you then realized he used one of many hawthorne classics - invisible ink.
you sat down back at your desk and took a picture of the letter, just in case it disintegrated later on.
you started to read through the new writing that you had just discovered. 
“hey machine, i know you’ll never read this, but i’m writing it anyway. that’s something i do a lot—things that are useless just for that rush of excitement, for that risk. mother says im “hungry”. im starting to think she’s right.
in all seriousness though, i'm actually not hungry. i just did a scone eating competition with xander. not our brightest idea. i think i wont have to eat for the next 10 years of my life. 
okay, in actual all seriousness, i love you. i should’ve probably done some big lead up to that, but honestly, thats all i know. all i know is that i love you. you make me feel a feeling that’s unexc unexpli unexplainable—that’s love, isn’t it? whenever i’m with you, i never feel like i need more, like im "hungry."  you’re it for me. you’re everything and more. the old man once said to me, “there’s men like us only love once, fully, wholeheartedly. it’s all consuming and eternal." i think he knows—hell, he probably knew before i did—that i love you. how could i not? everything about you is so perfect. i knew you were going to be someone important in my life since the second i laid eyes on you. i just never knew how much.” your hand covered your mouth as you continued to read, as you got to the end, you swear your heart broke in two. “…what i'm trying to say is, i would carry your toys for you any day if it means i get to see you smile - if it means you’re happy. i would go through any phase in the world, as long as it's with you. i would discover every secret passage if it meant discovering it with you. i'd climb every mountain, i'd watch every rom-com, i'd read every book, i'd do anything, if it was you asking.
i love you, machine.
endlessly and eternally yours, 
by the end of the letter, you were in shambles.
he loved you? for all this time? and you never even knew? if he loved you, why’d he leave?
you knew the letter was old, and it was written before you two drifted apart, but something inside of you was itching to call him and tell him what you found—what you know now.
you called him, waited, and waited. you were just about to hang up and forget all about it when he picked up on the 5th ring.
“jameson, hi” 
“machine?” he sounded almost in shock. he cleared his throat and spoke again.
“y/n, hi. to what do i owe the pleasure of this call?” he seems to have regained his composure quickly.
a smile found your face. he still talks the same.
however, it quickly fades when you remember the premise of which you’re calling. 
“i know this is extremely random, but um. i was rereading a letter you once gave me, the one from that riddle box.” you pause and wait for his response. 
''and water spilled on it." you continue
“oh.” you hear him shuffle for a second, and he continues, “i’m sure you enjoyed 15-year-old me’s spelling mistakes."
“there weren’t that many, actually,” you say with a small chuckle. 
jameson hated talking to you like this, like you weren’t practically the same person split into two. but he knew it was his fault.
“yeah, i'm pretty sure i used a grammar checker. or i asked grayson. same thing” 
you laugh. and your laugh has him regretting every single decision he made that didn’t involve you. he was such an idiot for leaving in the first place. he needed to make things right.
“that’s grayson for you,” you reply, and he’s brought back to reality. 
he lets out laugh, and then says, “you know, i heard from a little birdie that you’re moving to heights country day this year.” 
“yeah, i am actually,” you reply with a small smile. 
jameson hears your smile in your voice. the things he would do to be able to see that smile.
the rest of the conversation goes smoothly, and it ends with jameson asking you to come over for a rundown of what to do in school. what he was really asking, was for you to come over so you could talk about the letter. 
you arrived at the hawthorne house exactly on time.
 jameson opened the door and smiled at you. in that moment, you swear you actually felt your heart skip a beat.
a few hours later, when you’ve gotten back into the rhythm of talking with jameson and laughing with him, he actually started to help you with school. he gave you some of his books from last year for you to catch up on. 
he was on a ladder, reaching for one of the books in one of many libraries, and you were behind him basically ogling at his arm and back muscles that were peeking through his white shirt. he really had grown.
he suddenly says “my feelings didn’t change, you know.” 
“the letter.” he says when he turns around with the book in his hand. he pauses for a second, searches your face, and continues. 
“i feel every single thing for you now than i did then, probably even more if it’s even possible. i could never forget about you. every corner of this house has memories of me and you. so does every corner of my mind. i love you.”
he puts the book down, takes a step forward, and you look up at him.
“jameson i..” you trail off, trying to find the right words. i’ve loved you since i could remember. every good memory i have has you right next to it. since the second i went through that first passage with you, i had a feeling that i never felt before, and it kept growing with every step i took. every step we took, together. i love you." and after a second, you continue. "but why’d you leave?” you say that with your eyebrows slightly furrowed and a light shake of your head.
when you say those last words, a flash of hurt passes through his eyes.
“i’m sorry. i wish i could give you some great reason why i did, but i cant." he takes a deep breath in "i wanted to be better for you. i didn’t want to be ordinary with you.” that was the first time he ever confided in someone about that feeling. ordinary.
“jameson. you’re everything to me.” 
“i wasn’t enough.”
“you’re more than enough.” you tell him truthfully, and you reach your hand up to his face.
he does the same, and somehow he steps forward to be even closer to you than he already is.
"i love you, jameson, more than anything in this world. i'll spend every day of my life proving it to you if that's what it takes for you to see that you're not ordinary, you could never be. you're everything."
he looks down at you for a few seconds, and his eyes flicker from your lips to your eyes. 
he murmurs in a low voice, “if i kiss you, i don’t think ill ever be able to stop.” 
“who says i want you to stop?” your voice comes out barely audible. 
and with that, he kisses you. 
it was a slow, passionate kiss. one that said all the words you two weren’t able to. it wasn’t rushed; it was love.
your arms moved to wrap around the back of his neck, and his moved to your waist, drawing you in somehow closer than you already were.
for the rest of the night everything was normal between you two, like no time had passed at all. except you were extremely giddy, and jameson had his flirt on 100x more. 
later on, you two are lying on the couch with your head on his chest. he was playing with your hair when he broke the comfortable silence.
“you know that one guy, from your english class?”
“ugh, don't remind me of him,” you groan.
jameson chuckles, and you feel the vibrations coming from his chest. 
“i’m sorry, i’m going to have to,” he says through a smile as he pats your arm, and he resumes.
"whatever," you grumble through a small smile. "continue?" you add on.
“after you left that day, i told grayson what happened—not everything, but enough. he was the only person at the time who knew i liked you. back to the point, we went to the mall, and lucky for us, that guy was still there. his little lady friend seemed to be somewhere else. but there he was.” 
“oh my god,” you mumble as you turn your head to face him, “what did you do?”
a smirk starts to appear on his face as he looks down at you. “what makes you think i did anything?” 
“well for one, that smirk on your face,” you say with a laugh, “and secondly, well, i know you.”
he looks up at the ceiling and smiles. 
“me and grayson had bruised knuckles for a week or two, but it was worth it.” he chuckles as looks down at you.
“oh my god,” you mutter for the second time that day as you turn your head to the side and look away from him. you look back at him with raised eyebrows and a finger pointed at his face, “you’re insane.” 
“you love it.” 
after a beat of silence you respond, looking into his eyes with your voice barely audible.
“yeah, i guess i do.”
this was so longg, honestly idek if these even classify as head cannons anymore. atp they’re whole stories. sometimes writing for jameson is hard for me because i have no idea how to think like him, so i apologize if this is out of character 😭
anywayy i hope you enjoyed, lmk if you did! 🤍
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bananafire11 · 10 months ago
takes a nibble out of your horror au (and also centipede Ragatha)
erm erm erm uhhhh am I allowed to draw silly things with your au ? And also are all of TADC characters like horror creatures ? Or is like a few people normal like Pomi ? Also (cries in tons of questions) ummmm since Jax seems to have like a sentient type state does that mean that Ragatha can also get like how horror Jax is ? And if so if she aware when she is about to get into a state like that ?
anyway ideas: Abstracted peoples are ghosts that haunt people ,, some are super nice and helpful (I hc Kauf I as one of these people) and some are super dangerous and attempt to kill others :3
-Monika. (Sorry for so much ,,, I am severely neurodivergent ,,)
Hi Monika!!!:D i'm gonna answer these questions in the order in which you asked them.
The fact that you want to draw stuff makes my heart happy, go ahead and have fun! And tag me, i'd love to see it<3
All of the tadc cast are horror-ified, except pomni. To clear things up, when players enter the circus (as they would in canon), as soon as Caine finds them he experiments on them, changing thier bodys and codes to fit his horrific view. He has yet to be aware of Pomni's presence, as Ragatha is keeping her safely in her own room.
Jax's feral hunting instincts are limited to him. This is what causes him to act so feral. So no, Ragatha doesn't have this problem. She has as much control over her emotions as any human would in such a situation.
And thank you for the abstraction ideas,, i honestly really like that! I'll take those into consideration as i still and not 100% sure on what the whole abstraction deal will be.
Thankyou for all of this :D
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mamuzzy-ordocore · 10 months ago
Hellooo! :D could I please ask for
35. A kiss against a wall, with Fives/Echo?
Thankyou 🫶🏻
Hey~~!!! Thank you so much for this lovely request! ^^ It was both challenging and fun! Wanted to give some ambiance without going into details, but the idea of Fives and Echo kissing in one of the alley near the 79's really stuck.
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pseudowho · 5 months ago
happy diwali haitch!! 🪔 diwali is the festival of lights and your blog, your written pieces, the way you answer asks, feels like a little bedside lamp that's there when you need comfort, tid bits of fun or even spice!! i hope there's lots of light and happiness in your and the haitch familys lives!! thankyou for writing the yummiest fics and for answering asks with so much love (this is my first ask to you but i love reading others' and your responses to them as well :D)
happy diwali again! im telepathically sending you my fav sweets 💗
Happy Diwali! I'm fairly well attuned with the festival, actually. I've been fortunate enough to care for a lot of celebrating couples, including a few whose babies have been born on Diwali.
Those delivery rooms were always lively and full of joy after the births. At one point, I had to frogmarch a very excited pair of grandparents out of the room, because I hadn't yet mopped the 'just given birth' off of the floor. They forgave me and fed me after, though, which was very good of them.
Our middle sons' nursery/daycare is also exquisitely multicultural, and they celebrate every cultural holiday going. Today was a mix of pumpkins and lamps, and honestly, it worked. It was very pretty when I collected him this afternoon.
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I'm thrilled you enjoy my Asks as much as I do. I feel like there's a sincere community spirit to my blog that, I hope, makes people feel warm and welcome.
I've just eaten a little pot of ice cream, so I shall telepathically send you that, in exchange for what I'm sure are some of the most glorious sweets ever created (seriously, sweets around Diwali?? They look like gems in treasure chests).
Thank you so much. A very happy Diwali to you.
-- Haitch xxx
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shoezuki · 1 year ago
Dya have any more headcanons for sampard?
Maybe ideas on how they fell for one another. Would you see it as an X fell first but Y fell harder or a flirting for fun but realising you've caught feelings?
Or have ya got an entirely different view on it! :D Oooooo. Do you perhaps have a timeline for how they traverse the "enemies" to friends to lovers stages.
Can you tell I love all your ideas and headcanons T-T
thankyou anon i am ghglg. im in love w u now. yes i have Many Ideas bout these two bastards like i have so many thoughts you cannot believe. like i have a post drafted where i write hcs when im bored and headin to class lkshglhg. heres some hcs
sampo falls in love first. very, very early in when he is new to the planet and is just drawing the attention of the silvermanes. It's not exactly some 'love at first sight' thing its more like the first time gep almost catches him sampo thinks 'oh he's cute' and a few times after that he's like 'wait im enjoying this. a lot.' and its downhill from there
whether sampo Realizes it is another thing tho. i can see him just enjoying the attention and thrill of evading the silvermanes and not realizing his disappointment when gepard isnt there is cuz hes infatuated w gepard.
but he Would realize it. at some point itd hit him like. why he enjoys the chase so much n lets himself Almost get caught. why hes memorized gep's schedule and where he patrols the most. and it hits him n hes like 'oh fuck. what the fuck. holy shit.... well anyways.'
(probably freaks out to seele over drinks but he's too incomprehensible through his tears n she has no clue what hes whining about)
Sampo flirts and teases gepard unabashedly, kisses grenades before throwing them into gep's arms, saying 'woah youre so strong geppie' while gep punches the wall behind him narrowly missing his face, leaves notes with lipstick marks on em at crime scenes, all that stuff.
but for sampo. it isnt supposed to actually Go anywhere. he knows he likes gepard more than he should and its kinda just to scratch that itch in his heart yknow.
sampo very much thinks that. gepard is the captain of the silvermanes, a wellknown and noble person in belobog, and sampo's a slimy secretive conman that just enjoys pushing the captains buttons. theres no hope for anything more so he might as well enjoy flustering the captain right?
gepard on the other hand. doesnt allow himself to really think of sampo as anything else but a criminal. it takes a long Long time for him to realize he even feels anythin for him
gepard does look forward to trying to bust sampo, though, in a sort of frustrated way. sometimes the front lines or patrols are so monotonous and sampo's tendency to appear whenever gep's bored out of his mind is impressive
he is insistant on arresting sampo and 'bringing him to justice' to an obsessive degree, though. he's not even typically assigned to investigating criminal cases but he has basically inserted himself into bein the lead investigator of any sampo related case now
(intelligence officers and detectives and other silvermane's are so used to it now. they could be investigating a house fire or a break in, find a note with lipstick marks on it and curly writing, and they all just sigh and call gepard.)
sometimes other worry that his insistence on arresting sampo and how dedicated to it is concerning. they ask why he hates sampo so much n he just says 'hes the most prolific criminal in belobog and needs to be apprehended'
(he cant say he hates him, though. for some reason. he cant figure out why he thinks about sampo so much. he just figures its to arrest him)
gep finds himself starting to relax when sampo sends him on wild goose chases n they both leave other guards in the dust. its probably not intentional, how sampo always seems to draw him away to somewhere quiet and secluded when his head is killing him or he's stressed or exhausted.
(its intentional)
sampo falls first, but gepard is absolutely the one who initiates.
i imagine it'd take... something for gepard to reconsider sampo and let himself think about sampo outside of his criminal record
during a chase out in the snow plains, just sampo laughing and taunting him as gep tries to hunt him down, they get bombarded by fragmentum monsters
sampo holds his own; he fights with a sort of viciousness gep has never seen from him. his bombs arent just smoke, but powerful explosives that shatter fragmentum. he's insanely fast and doesnt even break a sweat. but as soon as theyre all dead he pretends he's exhausted and that gep needs to carry him back to the city before giggling and vanishing.
gepard realizes that this whole time sampo has been holding back. he realizes that sampo could easily cut through the silvermanes, use his lethal bombs or easily outpace gepard and outrun him.
he starts thinking about other things sampo does; how natasha mentions he delivers medicine to him, how lynx sometimes talks about finding supplies and food in hidden ruins and obvious places around her camp, or the notes sampo leaves and how they sometimes give hidden hints about other criminal operations the silvermanes have been tryin to investigate.
he doesnt know what to make of it, what sampo wants or why he's doing this. the next time sampo sends him running through abandoned streets in belobog he slows down, realizes that sampo also slows to his pace so gepard keeps chasing him.
gepard asks point blank at some point, what in the hell sampo wants from him, why he's doing this. sampo doesnt know how to answer. just shrugs and says hes just trying to have some fun.
from then on gepard and sampo's 'chases' tend to... dissolve. sometimes gepard just sits down and takes a moment to forget about being the captain, to relax. Sampo acts like a skittish, stray cat who's ready to bolt until he eventually relaxes as sits by gepard too.
gepard collects all sampo's notes, all the fragments of his bombs with the hearts painted on metal shells, and keeps them as 'evidence' in his desk.
sampo pushes his luck constantly; as soon as gepard relaxes or gives him any room to get closer, he takes and takes as much as he can get.
gepard catches sampo, entirely on accident, when he's off duty. climbing out of a window or something. and sampo freezes but gepard just says 'hey i'm not working now, i can't arrest you.'
(they both know it's a lie. being out of uniform never stopped gepard before.)
sampo starts just appearing more and more around gepard when he's off duty, showing up walking alongside him like he's been there the whole time, or just 'passing by' when gep is in the florist's shop.
gepard leaves his window open. sampo takes the invitation and crawls in and strange hours when gepard cant sleep. he just sits on the couch or a chair or stands there like he is a foreign intruder. gepard just nods and makes him some tea.
when it would hit gepard, that he's in love with sampo and has been for a while, he'd just blurt it out. 'huh. i think ive fallen in love with you'. and sampo would erupt into flames and kiss him so hard his lips bruise
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cimmerian1275 · 16 hours ago
Hiii Cimmerian! I hope you don't mind me breaking into your askbox to say that I'm genuinely happy to see you having fun here! It's so interesting and fun to watch your talks and interactions with Chil-aglia, hehehe✨ Love your vibes guys💕
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Yeeeeeee thankyou!! The things a cool community and a hyperfixation can do to a person >:)
Tumblr has been GREAT so far, my minds blowing away with the breeze getting to know a whole new community, and its my first time actually engaging in a fandom 👀 ive been living under a rock this whole time xD
TMNT has also been a great introduction to it all, and the AUs people come up with!?!? MIND. BLOWN. When i finished watching the shows (ive seen everything but the 1900's one) which probably took me a few weeks, i stumbled across fanfiction one day and the CAS (cass' apocalyptic series) and OMO (odd man out) is actually my first intro to fanfic, although Two Souls will always hold a special place in my heart because its the first one i really read (im side-eyeing the writer hoping that fic comes out of hiatus soon)
And discovering fanfics? WHERE HAS THIS BEEN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!
I have Chil-aglia's DILLH AU in a death grip, i love the idea of that one so much. The inspo from Death Wish and just the whole entire circumstance of the protagonists existence is such a great idea to run with! Im not entirely sure what it is yet but something about that AU has me fixated, and that fixation isnt going away any time soon.
It could be that i relate to the character, or the writers ideas just fall in-line with something ive dreamed of wanting to read, or the idea that i can help grow/support/be a part of a new AU? Ive found something to focus all of my pent up art ideas/energy at >:)
And rambling about it? DRAWING for it? It comes so easily, and i really enjoy it. Before TMNT i never did any fanart/or gift free doodles to people like this, and still my motivation for it is flaky at best, but now? *gestures at my account* welp, ive found my passion and i do now <3
Ive discovered something that i really love and im making up for the 18 years of it i missed out on. My mutuals are probably going "Woah and this art is FREE? I dont have to pay/ask?" The real joy i get out of drawing for the things i love is way better than earning actual money from commissions n such. <- Sure money from comms is nice but its always stressful work, but thats not why im an artist, im an artist because i want to draw the things i like :D
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sigridhawke · 2 months ago
Author Ask Game
Tagged by @ink-flavored thankyou so very much!! This was an intense one huh lmao.
Blank questions under the cut if anyone else wants to join in!
What is the main lesson of your story?
Asking the hard questions right off the bat omg. I’ll answer these all for Crimson (photos coming soon-ish!!!): For better or worse, sometimes the world is not what you thought it was, how you deal with that is up to you.  
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding?
Egyptian mythology, Norse mythology, dungeons and dragons, dragons in general, real world phenomena and mysteries (namely the Headless Valley), a LOT of hyperfixation and a lot of desire to take common tropes or stereotypes with fantasy races and mix it up a little. Crimson is like the biggest brainworm of hyper self indulgence and I love how perfectly imperfect it is.
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, or help the reader grow as a person?
Narratively, the MC is trying to prove to a god of the world that she and everyone else deserves to exist in that world. But on a deeper level, I guess there is a lot of general religion themes too and how one deals with the different versions/beliefs of faith and what happens with that faith is thrown into question. When faced with the truth do you abandon faith? Hold it tighter? Acknowledge both things can be true? That kinda thing. 
How many chapters is your story going to have?
Lemme check the personal print how many there are lmao.
125 chapters (plus 1 chapter epilogue and 4 chapters prologue so 130 total)
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
Crimson is an original piece!!! I cowrote it with @ur-localkiwi who is also incredible please check out her work <3 At this point is it only personal print, we are going to do a few prints for friends who have expressed interest once we update coverart and stuff. It is an 800 page BEEFY ASS NOVEL LMAO. Flaws and all I adore it so much because we wrote it together. 
When we clean up the cover and sort out a few things I’ll drop a bunch of photos here but for now I will share with you the spine so you can see how massive this thing is lmao. (about 5cm)
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When did you start writing?
I started writing when I was pretty young but I feel out of it for seven-ish years? I felt inadequate compared to my peers and high school was rough to put it lightly, so I stuck with drawing and envied my writer friends cause I wanted to do that too. Turns out it took one teacher in my final year that was like ‘hey this short story idea is real good and I shared it with the other teachers’ to make me want to try again. Cue the announcement of Dragon Age Inquisition and I was like if nobody gonna gimmie the content I want imma make it myself!! And I have been doing so ever since!!! And I love that!! I love writing and drawing equally!!! Which leads into the next answer:
Do you have any words of encouragement for fellow writers of writeblr? What other writers do you follow?
MAKE IT SHAMELESS!! MAKE IT INDULGENT!! HAVE FUN!!! MAKE IT FOR YOU FIRST!!! Also PRINT YOUR OWN WORK!! Make little books!! Treat yourself!! It doesn't have to be perfect, it can be just a bunch of stuff put together, but make it!! Own it!!! Put it on your self and let yourself go ‘hey i made that! :D' I do it all the time.
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It makes my brain so happy.
Divine dragon cover art by the amazing @auroblaze!! and Fandom Anthology cover art by @roseseatea (Edit: artist is still on tumblr!!! please check her art out too!!!)
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And with friends stories with permission of course! (please go check out @ink-flavored's work his writing is *CHEF KISS* GLORIOUS.
But yes, don't let your dreams be dreams!!
Blank Questions 🔽
What is the main lesson of your story?
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding?
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, or help the reader grow as a person?
How many chapters is your story going to have?
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
When did you start writing?
Do you have any words of encouragement for fellow writers of writeblr? What other writers do you follow?
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lazulisocinfodump · 5 months ago
Oc ask thing !!
1. Rona
30. Sec
17. Arlee
7. Arlee, Sec, Clione
6. Rona, Clione
Oh dang that’s a lot. This is gonna be fun thankyou Voyagr :D
(Genuinely, I was feeling crappy and this ask is just what I needed thankyou so much)
Buckle in, This is a long one.
1. Rona - Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
Lol of course she does. She rotates between her toys because she doesn’t want anyone left out. Unfortunately her favorite toy is a big orange transformer-esque robot. Not exactly pleasant to sleep cuddle with. She tried still because she felt bad that he got left out but it was just too uncomfy. So to make up for it she makes him his own little bed out of spare pillows and such every night for him to sleep on.
30. Sec - What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
Ask Kinito to take her inside the computer and love her. Yes this counts for Adminverse AND Abandonware verse. After all, that forgiveness includes her being able to forgive herself.
17. Arlee - Do they like children?
Yes. Granted, she doesn’t like looking after them. She does not have the patience to deal with them long-term. But she does like playing with them, and they tend to like playing with her because shes so high energy and honestly kinda whacky. She’s happy to act silly for kids to get them to laugh. Very “cool older cousin” energy. Arlee also finds sassy kids, or the ones who bluntly state the things adults won’t, hilarious.
Hurt a kid on her watch and you will end up with a black eye at best.
Really the only reason I have not got her interacting with Rona in Electric Dissonance is it would quickly be me talking to myself on the blog a lot. I can’t let her get attached guys it would derail so much! Watsonian explanation is that shes tunnel visoned on poking the bear and helping out Sam.
7. Arlee, Sec, Clione -Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
Arlee: Impulsive, Egotistical and Sassy
Arlee, on herself: Funny, Smart and an A**hole
Sec: Compassionate, Self-absorbed, Lonely
Sec, on herself: Self-absorbed, Geeky, Ineffectual
Clione: Insensitive, Insightful and Authentic
Clione, on herself: Introspective, Analytical, Misunderstood
6. Rona, Clione - Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
Rona thinks a lot of Miss Evans, her tutor. Because she is an adult who spends a lot of positive time with her and listens to her. She considers Miss Evans to be the smartest person she knows, so takes what she says seriously. To a lesser degree, this applies to Rona’s Aunt Karen. After all, no kid listens to what their parent says 100% of the time XD.
If Rona considers someone a bully, then she has no respect for what they might think. In fact, she thinks they should all listen to her advice! She clearly knows better! She stays polite because both Miss Evans and Aunt Karen gave her a dressing down after she started getting a bit actively nasty towards “bullies “rather than just sticking up for kids when needed. She doesn’t want to become like them, does she?
Clione… doesn’t really trust anyone that much. Not even herself. After all, she knows how easily her own internal bias, feelings and unconscious thoughts can cloud her judgement. And if she is like that and aware of it and still constantly makes mistakes, how much more other people who don’t think about these sorts of things? So there is nobody who she would listen to fully without questioning them ever.
But on the flip side, there is nobody she is 100% dismissive of. Everyone has a unique view and that means everyone has at least one thing they can see that nobody else can. Nobody is 100% wrong or right. Everyone has something they can teach you. And there is something in you that you can teach everyone else.
Granted, Clione will absolutely consider her own opinion first and foremost the majority of the time!
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