#Thanks for the ask :D
pepperpepi · 6 months
Draw more of tissues from ii I LOVE HIM!!!
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love this guy so silly
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ja9-animations · 7 months
Do you have more of silly Hyde and Jekyll being chill with eachother? 👁👁
Here's a few more scenarios I came up with! They give me sibling energy lol
Jekyll is deciding what to wear. Hyde suggests wearing green and the two argue on why Jekyll would look bad in green.
"I don't look good in green."
"I know you don't, that's why you should wear it."
"I hate you."
"I know."
Jekyll having a dumbass moment and asking Hyde a stupid question cause he doesn't want to seem like a dumbass to anyone else and then the two have a conversation about the dumbass question neither of them know the answer to.
Hyde saying "Watch this." And then jumping around rooftops. Jekyll daring him to jump even further until Hyde ends up nearly falling.
Hyde getting into a bar fight and Jekyll encouraging him on.
Sometimes right before Hyde drinks the potion to turn back into Jekyll he's like "You know... What if I don't drink this and just stay as myself?" Jekyll tells him to shut up and calls him out on his bluff. The first time Hyde did that Jekyll genuinely freaked out and Hyde was like "You idiot I was just kidding I can't believe you fell for that."
I just kind of feel like these two would have at least been on somewhat good terms with each other before the beginning of the comic and some of this could have happened. But yeah. I'll probably think of more later!
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Hola Cheeto! You seem like a good person to ask this:
I’m feeling like my writing is in a bit of a slump, like I’m saying things in the same way every time. Do you have any advice on how to spice up one’s writing?
Hey! First off, I would like to offer an encouragement. A lot of times in the art world, they say getting into a slump means you're about to have a wonderful breakthrough/revelation. I believe that the same thing occurs in writing. So, don't worry. Just keep pushing, and you'll reach that breakthrough your subconscious is cooking up <3
Anyways, I do have a few words of advice, if you want to speed the process up :)
1. Read. A LOT
In general, I believe that input = output, when it comes to reading and writing. Not in an easy 1:1 way, but in the way that your style, your storylines, and your choices are influenced by authors you read. Thus, if you want to improve your writing, my number one piece of advice would be to read, and to target your reading. If you're struggling with vocabulary, read some poetry. If you're struggling with original plotlines and emotional turns, read outside of your regular genre in order to get yourself some more perspective. Bing some fics that capture the feeling you're going for, and figure out not only what they do right, but how. Heck, read a fic that makes the same mistake as you do, see if you can figure out where they went wrong and how you'd fix the mistake in your own work. We're all learning together, and it's a great process <3
2. Identify and analyze the problem in your own work
Reread one of your pieces that doesn't jive with you, and not only identify where it doesn't work, but justify why it doesn't work with evidence. If your words are repetitive, highlight them and perhaps make yourself a list of your crutch words. If your action isn't strong enough, figure out which verbs you can spice up and how you can streamline your cause/effect to get the most punch out of your sentences. If your scenarios are repetitive across your writing, you can note that too, if it bothers you. If you can't figure what's wrong---instead, mark the places that you DO like, and by process of elimination you can probably figure it out. Next, as in the step before, brainstorm how to fix it. Search up some synonyms to your crutch words. Read some professional author's advice on how to reorder your fight scenes. Search up tropes that you may not have used before, etc.
However, we are our own worst critics when it comes to self-evaluation, and paying attention while you read and taking notes can feel like a high school English class and can be rather unenjoyable. Additionally, insecurity can make us see mistakes where there are none. So, here's my final piece of advice.
3. Beta Read (And if you can, swap beta read)
This is the best of both worlds, in my opinion, and the one that has improved my writing the most. First, you get your eyes on another's work, and you're literally tasked to pick out the things that you don't like and to say why, which gives you more experience to do so in your own work and perhaps even lets you solve a few problems in your own work before they even crop up. Additionally, you now don't have to go through the horrible slog of evaluating your own work (although, you probably shouldn't give it to the other person until it's pretty postable (@needfantasticstories I'm so sorry I'm so sorry about Ch 24 Skip I'm sorry about the convolutedness of Arc 3 please---)). You can ask THEM to figure out what's wrong where, and, if they're open to it, you can brainstorm together how to fix it, which is so much more fun than doing it alone. Heck, if you have a good idea what's wrong, you can set them after it specifically. And obviously, you don't have to take a beta's advice if you don't think it fits (phrases that belong on wattpad) but it's a good way to get your brain chugging on how you should fix it.
Anyways, there's my little rant. If you're already doing all of the above---my advice would be to just keep pushing, friend. As I said before, I've heard that in the art world, a slump means you're about to have a breakthrough. It's not that your work has gotten worse, it's just that your taste has changed and gotten better---now, your skill just has to catch up to that new level. You'll do great things, whatever it is that you're cooking up. I know that you've got this.
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redo-rewind-if · 6 months
The first thing I said reading this is
"fuck my life please don't try to Romance the dude that killed you.."
Also me: I'm probably gonna romance the dude that killed me... 😬
Is romancing the guy paid to kill you a good idea? Of course not.
Is there a solid chance your attempts to get closer to him blow up in your face? Absolutely!
But really, August just wants to manipulate manwhore manslaughter his way into your heart. Is that so wrong? 😔
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moonlit-orchid · 8 months
In Boruto, Sasuke only has 1 arm. So you can expect that Naruto and Kakashi make puns out of it while Sakura does it accidently.
Remember how I said as far as Naruto's concerned, Sasuke's the harmless one and Sakura's the actual threat?
Well, when eventually the kids all badger their parents for stories and ask if Sasuke looked/was just as "scary" when he was little, Naruto immediately goes "Nah, just look at him. He's 'armless." He didn't even think, it just came out so naturally that Naruto himself was shocked by it, and Sasuke just stared at him with his jaw hanging like Bro did you just go there?! and Naruto just looks at Sasuke's shock, and looks at Sakura, and then looks at Kakashi. The kids are all silent.
Then the old Team 7 (minus Sasuke) fall to pieces laughing to death and Sasuke's like "oh ha ha very funny guys absolutely hilarious"
After that, the next time Sakura needed a favour from Sasuke she went, fully calmly, "Hey, can you spare me a hand-"
It was impossible to tell whether Sasuke or Sarada choked more.
Sarada later asked Sasuke for help with something going "Dad, can you give me a hand-" and then. Just FROZE. That was the most awkward five minutes ever for both of them. Sakura was laughing for the next hour.
The jokes haven't stopped since.
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decked-out-2-ravagers · 4 months
can i be a victim?
Oh? We have a volunteer? @decked-out-2 come get your victim
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yelenapines · 5 months
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
roma. ive seen some people headcannon him as bisexual and i. i dont see it.
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wowa-bublord · 15 days
Yay!! Yippee!!! <-(guy who has uneven eyes)
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bolithesenate · 26 days
What're you gonna make with the plums?
I just cooked them into oblivion with some sugar, to make some sort of jam or smt!
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and now i am eating some of it on a good portion of porridge :D
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di-diwata · 29 days
📝 ? :3
hmmm okay fun fact!
about 1 in 3 of my fics are written by hand. I have a collection of notebooks filled with fic's i've written when i'm supposed to be asleep :D It's actually really fun to write by hand, the only downside is having to copy everything onto my computor again.
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spinnysocks · 2 months
ok but like. what would the skinks even do after the events of season 2/3?
ok ok ok SO
the outlands reforms when jasiri becomes leader, and she slowly reforms all of the inhabitants/scar's army. though the skinks are one of the last groups since, you know, they're sneaky and they don't really care that much. jasiri eventually convinces shupavu to remain in the outlands as there's plenty of room for them to stay. along with the rest of the outlanders, the skinks gradually become better animals. though still with their devious personalities, they improve and have less of an evil drive, eventually letting go of ushari's death. he was the only animal who gave a shit about them, until jasiri, but that doesn't mean they're immediately gonna drop everything to reform for her. still, she does hold a vigil for ushari and that earns their respect for her. they still enjoy sneaking and spying, it's what they're good at after all, so over time they become jasiri's unofficial spies! though this time they're spying for "good". there's not a lot of drama or action going on anymore, so they tell jasiri how everybody's doing :) and by doing so they learn to be more compassionate
for example, @devilsrecreation and i thought of this scene where the skinks see janja all sad and they ask him what's up. they never really got over the mutual hatred, until this moment where they show they care, even if it's in a small way of looking out for him and everyone else in the outlands, so ya :]
TLDR; they remain spies but eventually, slowly, reform and help jasiri check on the rest of the outlanders
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pepperpepi · 6 months
May I request ALL of the II Bright Lights (This includes Tissues, Cherries and all the other ones as well as the core lights) just,,, hanging out? Like, going camping together or something?
I need this.
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day 5 of drawing backgrounds because they scare me and i need practice this prompt was so fun thank you ^^
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resident-rats · 1 month
F, Q and U for the ask game!!
F: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic?
you don't fare well without me by realpoutydadsurvives
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
I have a a document titled edited out bits and I’m sure you’ll never guess what it is 👀
But was gonna have a bit in Knives Are Faster where Leon got bullied before the drown proof test in the changing rooms, but decided to leave it out
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven't tried yet.
Answwered here :)
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ja9-animations · 2 months
To Mayn: Who's your favourite? Kandid or Lyke?
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In all seriousness though, Mayn sees both Lyke and Kandid as brothers even though Lyke is her brother. She can't choose, she loves both of them equally :)
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turtle-bee-rayne · 9 months
6, 11 and 31 for the tkl asks😊
6. Describe your laugh
I don’t really know how to describe it 😅 probably just super giggly
11. Favorite memory involving tickling
Probably when one of my neighbors would just ask me for tickles or make it super obvious she wanted them it was adorable
31. Who do you think you could beat in a tickle fight?
Mmmm probably @ash-does-theatre 😇 /lh
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benjhawkins · 3 months
Ahoy, friend! Since you wanted asks, is there any historical discovery (in the sense of information/sources you found that are generally rather obscure or that you simply didn't know about) you made recently that you would like to share?
And, kowing you and @pentecostwaite have an impeccable taste in interior design, is there a recent antique you acquired that you enjoy particularly?
All my best to you, @pentecostwaite and your feline friends!
I've been learning a lot with this internship and it's wonderfully fulfilling work. I'm working on a project pertaining to Black printers of New England and I came across this (obvs. modern illustration of New Hampshire's Primus Fowle who was active in the latter half of the 1700s.
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Pentecost has found a great many ladderback chairs and recently found one that has a strengthened cane seat that is sittable!
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