#Thanks Macross lmao
ryo-maybe · 1 year
chmod b111000000/n is the ar tonelico song
Oh it really was Ar Tonelico after all lmao. My bet was that if it wasn't, it'd probably either be Symphogear or Macross.
Yeah that tracks. Thank you! I really should scope out 1 and 3 some day (and replay and actually finish 2 for that matter)
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frostclawdragoon · 5 years
TRUST NPC - Rayana Cobrastrike
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Selection: “I will do my best.”
Job: Songstress (DPS/Healer)
Weapons: Two War Fans, casts spells by singing
AI Behavior: A mixture of song and dance, Rayana is a support healer capable of getting her hands dirty if need be. She mostly will stand in the back, providing support with her songs, such as damage boosters, heals and esunas. She will run away from AoEs and do her best to keep her party members alive, and will usually choose a DPS as her partner. However, if given the chance, she will bolt into the fight quickly, and attack enemies using her war fans before sprinting back out of the fight to resume her place as support. It should be noted, however, if she is partied with Silianaux, she will only ever choose him as her partner, and will become flustered and worried by his presence, resulting in her goofing up mechanics by trying to either protect or impress him. (Tip: You should only really ever plan to take Rayana into a dungeon if you really, really like listening to music.)
Battle Lines:
“We do this together!” - Battle begins
“Oops! Sorry!” - Attacking enemy, variation 1
“Don’t hurt people! It’s very rude!” - Attacking enemy, variation 2
“... May you find peace.” - Lands a killing blow
“Let our hearts beat in-sync!” - Using Closed Position
“I will give this performance my all!” - Entering Standard and Technical Step
“Don’t be afraid, I’m with you!” - Charging in to help or gather for a stack mechanic
Song: “Bokura no Senjou“ - Casting damage boosts /  Devilment
Song: “Seikan Hikou“ - Casting protection magic / Shield Samba
Song: “God Bless You“ - Casting healing magic / Curing Waltz
Limit Break:
“I can do this…!” - Using limit break with 1 bar
“Was this power in me all along...?” - Using limit break with 2 bars
Song: “Sayonara no Tsubasa” - Using limit break with 3 bars
 “I--... I’m sorry…” - Variation 1
 “I failed again…” - Variation 2
 “Oww… That will hurt more in the morning...” - Variation 1
 “Thank you! I’ll do better next time!” - Variation 2
Templates are from here!
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okaycontinue · 4 years
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My only hobby is collecting graphic tanks from LookHuman.
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listen-to-his-song · 2 years
oh my god hi hi hi hi I saw your blog a few days ago while working on my finals and I found ur website thru it and IM SO HAPPY I DID!!!!! I've been into Macross 7 my whole life (I watched the movie with my dad when i was 3 and that scene with basara and emilia scream singing in the mountains impacted my psyche permanently) ITS HARD TO FIND ANYONE TALKING ABOUT IT 😭 ur website was a super fun to go thru while i was taking a break from my work LMAO ok sorry thats all i wanted to say
Omg that makes me really happy, thank you!! I understand the excitement of finding another Macross 7 fan lmao, it really feels like we are few and far between! ;v;
It really makes my day when other M7 fans find my site and write me excited thank you notes lmao
It's so cool that you were a fan for so long tho!! Kudos to your dad for raising you with utmost culture lmao
I really hope that i'll find the time, energy and drive to add the last few bits I wanted to add to my website, there are like two or three things left on my to-do list but they were on that list for years TvT
I should really rewatch the show sometime but boy, I'm just constantly busy these days ;;
Again, thank you so much for your message, it made me really happy 💖🔥
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arr-jim-lad · 5 years
2 and 19~
2. first anime crush
Well I’m ace so I don’t get romantic feelings for anyone and I’m genuinely disgusted with the idea of being in a relationship, but tbh whatever weird-ass attachment I feel to DIO might as well be called a crush at this point LMAO
It’s not a romantic attachment by any stretch of the word, it’s more that somehow he grew into this huge comfort character of mine to a point where my heart is having a grand ol’ fuwa fuwa time whenever I see him, my life is in shambles and my crops are dead all thanks to Andrew Chaikin being way too good at dubbing him in the OVA.
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19. favorite anime ships 
Strength from Stardust Crusaders immediately comes to mind
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And if space ships count, definitely Macross 7, I absolutely LOVE its design!
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saltine-kakyoin · 5 years
macross, hi!!! before i go off the deep end about everyone’s fave himbo, i just want to let you know ur header + blog title were a double fuckin whammy and i was NOT ready to read them at 3 am, hhdhgh. anyhow, thank you so much for asking!!
octet- I copied the link so it’d start at 3:49, but if it didn’t transfer over, this song only applies to him from that point on! c: this interpretation is based heavily off of my own hc for the sda, so i apologize if it doesn’t make too much sense otherwise! in my head, after the crusade, polnareff takes iggy back home w him to his family’s house in sancerre and finds himself, for the first time in years, just really lost. There’s this huge sense of finality with coming back to that house- the last time he was there was right after sherry’s murder... Although J. Geil is long dead now, being there is such a lonely thing (despite iggy’s presence), and he’s acutely aware that something is missing without being able to place his finger on WHAT. It takes one phone call from the still-hospital-bound Kakyoin going “Polnareff you would not Fucking Believe it...abdul.. that son of a bitch, he’s not dead! we have to go reunite w him!!” to realize that the suffocating absence he’s been dealing with is Abdul’s. Having him back after thinking he was dead for so long was such a wonderful thing.. and then he actually was dead- or so Polnareff thought! So the Crusaders all reunite after months of being in a funk, and Abdul appears to them... ; o ; (the part w the piano and “oooo”s after that line is like a really pretty transition to the avpol wedding in my head but this is not 100% necessary for the song so. ghhdhgjashgsghahg)
see you again- kind of a funky choice for polnareff, but i think it ties in really well to him missing sherry and abdul so desperately and really being Cool with dying just so he could actually be with them again. I know this song got a lot of mainstream attention, but i feel like it’s such a funky beat that really suits polnareff’s Litch rally Mad personality well. + the vulgar parts are good for him as well, lest we forget his is a Stupide Himbeaux.
the impossible dream- We only get honorable and chivalric polnareff for 3 seconds (rest in peace king... 3) but whenever I like seriously brainstorm or write about polnareff, I always find myself coming back to this song. Something about it always makes me indescribably sad, which is also how I feel when I think of polnareff throwing away the last of his youth to sell his soul, basically, to a vampire in pursuit of the man who raped and murdered his sister (that the vampire is also employing!!)...everyone rags on polnareff, but his story makes me like Deeply sad. he’s fr fr the man of la mancha....
rest and recreation- this song kind of ties into the sentiment from the last song. it starts off like, “aha it is time to party and get laid yeehaw” but then has a short “oh god...life is horrific” interlude in the middle, which I feel is really Polnareff. I think that Phoebus and Polnareff are kind of similar characters, and that Polnareff would translate into this song Very well. (plus in the end of this song, phoebus’ plans to party and get laid are cut short by frollo, which....what big polnareff energies lmao)
season 2 episode 3- another song that sounds fun but is then like “oh no...baby what is you doin” once you take a proper gander at the lyrics. like, “Leftover breakfast, cereal for lunch/ She's broken but she's fun/ My girl eats mayonnaise from a jar when she's gettin' blazed/ She's drunk on old cartoons, liquid TV afternoons/ Sometimes it makes me laugh, sometimes it makes me sad.” OOF. i feel like this ties in really well to the childish parts of polnareff while also addressing that this man... he’s not doin too good boss :( 
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go-our-own-ways · 6 years
Gundam NT - Experience and Initial Thoughts
Hello tumblr...it’s only been 94857589746575 years, eh? 
Well. So it finally happened. Gundam NT finally got an official run in America, and I finally got to see it. I’ve finally seen the dang mecha movie that I’ve been dying to see since last November. 
But, not without some dramatic mishaps at first (lol). 
I was lucky enough to have my local theater showing the movie, but it took them 20 minutes to get the movie running (it was just a dead screen up until then)...only for us to realize it was for Bohemian Rhapsody, and not, in fact, for Gundam NT. Some jokes were made from the other movie-goers (”Gee, Macross sure looks funny!” “Hey Hawthorn you okay there?”) but soon the chatter turned into serious consternation and concern. Eventually, theater staff told us the movie couldn’t be shown because the projector didn’t have it, so we all filed out of the theater to head to Guest Services. While we waited in line to get vouchers (in lieu of a refund), we were also told that staff was working to fix the issue, so we were welcome to go back to the theater to wait it out. 
And boy am I glad I decided to go back up, because soon enough, they had it up and running. THANK GOD. 
Unfortunately, they skipped over most of the bonus footage featuring the interview and introduction from the producer and director in the interest of time... I’m actually really sad and salty about that, but it’s better than not seeing the movie at all, at least. 
And so, after like 30-40 (or maybe more?!) minutes delay...we finally began the movie proper. LMAO. 
Before diving into things, a bit of a head’s up: 
Frankly, I’m new to Gundam, and I’m by no means well-versed in Gundam lore. Additionally, I’m also not someone who is usually nitpicky about details in animation or story-telling. So, my POV is basically of a casual bystander who happened to check out the franchise, and decided to stick around because it seems fun and interesting. If you’re someone who is more or less opposite to me...then this “review” of sorts is definitely not for you. 
Actual movie thoughts under the cut! Not spoiler free!!! 
I’m not gonna lie...honestly my memory of the movie is really cluttered and foggy. However, despite this, I still very much enjoyed watching the movie! 
So...pacing. I’m no expert, but I seriously feel like this movie could have benefited from getting like maybe 2 hours of screen time rather than an hour and thirty minutes. It felt like the production team was trying to cram SO MUCH into TOO LITTLE time that the whole movie felt really fast. Despite this, the tension build-up was definitely there, especially as we got closer and closer to the end. About halfway into the movie I began to clutch my coat and scarf (it was quite chilly out today) really tightly just out of the continued anticipation of what will happen next...needless to say, my hands are now very sore, lol. 
I do wish the plot wasn’t revealed in such a non-linear way. Of course, flashbacks and the like are sure to be used in storytelling, but much of NT’s story-telling felt more like oddly-placed snippets that went back in time, rather than a series of flashbacks. For the most part, I’d say each of the trips back into the past were important and revealed important information...but it made the movie feel cluttered and kind of all over the place. And honestly, the non-linear way NT’s narrative was told made it difficult to keep up with what was going on and how everything tied into it all until the very, very end. That’s probably my one gripe about this movie, I think. 
Now, despite the pacing and the scrambled nature of the plotline, NT was still a lot of fun for me to watch, and I think I can credit the fight scenes, the characters, and the acting for that. The fight scenes were thrilling to see on a BIG ASS SCREEN, for one. And then just generally anxiously waiting at the edge of my seat to see how the battle would pan out is of course always a thrilling part of (my so far very short) Gundam experience. Animation-wise I really don’t know if I can say anything, since I didn’t notice anything especially jarring or bad. But, I’m also terrible at noticing small details when it comes to animation, so it could have also missed it. 
The characters were a pleasure to watch, in my opinion. Rita honestly seemed like a cooky mystic Newytpe for most of the movie, and it really grated on my nerves. I kept thinking, “Surely there’s more to her than wondering about heaven and wanting to be reincarnated as a bird.” But the very end of the movie finally revealed the more human side of her, and that definitely made me feel better about her as a character. I do wish they could have shown more of Rita’s human-ness, but I suppose in the interest of time, they couldn’t. 
Michelle seemed really cool, up until she started to look like a nasty manipulative player with huge stakes on the line. But as more and more of her story unfolded, I began to see the layers of the onion, so to speak. I was glad that she wasn’t just a vengeful person greedy for power, and at the same time I was also glad she wasn’t just another corner in a love triangle. Her humanity was evident, but I wished that we could have seen more of it through showing rather than telling. Ultimately, it was Brick who made the final reveal on Michelle’s true character in his last message to Jona, and I just wish that we could’ve seen more of it through Michelle’s own actions instead. We did get glimpses of it, of course, and I suppose maybe choosing to not show it much was to reflect that side of Michelle’s character--someone who guards her personal emotions closely and puts on a show, a facade for the public to see. But even then, I still wish we could’ve had more glimpses into Michelle’s humanity through her own actions. 
Jona, Jona, Jona... Where do I even begin. Ultimately, I resonated with his humanity the most, I think. Seeing how much he still thought about those years with the lab even after all this time, how angry he was with Michelle, how distraught he was over Rita being taken away...it all felt very raw and very human. I guess it was just all very relatable, seeing how emotional Jona could be. I’m a pretty emotional person myself in the sense that I feel emotions very intensely, and it seemed like Jona’s personality was like that, too. 
He says a line towards the end of the movie where he’s wondering out loud what is the point of continuing to live. He pretty much wonders, after the only people you cared about have left, after you’ve witnessed such horrendous things, after you’ve had to LIVE through such awful events...what even is the point anymore? I really felt for him in that moment. It made me remember how much I’ve wanted to give up before when everything seemed to be terrible and miserable in life. When nothing seems to go well, what point is there to continue going on, right? 
Then there’s the returning characters from Unicorn. I was happy to see all the characters who returned, of course, but MAN...I was SO happy to see Banagher finally, at the very end of the movie. And the words of encouragement he says to Jona...the classic “Even so...” MAN. MAN OH MAN did I cry...! Like I mentioned before, I was already really resonating with Jona in like the prior scene, so the emotion from seeing Banagher again combined with the emotions from HEARING those words of hope...that really did a number on my heart, and in a good way. 
The dub cast did a fantastic job, I thought. Normally, I feel like I’m suffering every time I have to watch a dub, but the cast made it work for this movie. I think the only bone I have to pick would be Rita’s dub actress, and that may just be personal preference. I figure the actress was told to sound kind of mystic and airy (since that’s basically Rita’s personality for about 99% of the movie, so that’s a fair direction to take with the acting), but it sounded a smidge too...fake? plastic? for me to really buy into. But again, this is probably just me being picky, lol. I LOVED the acting for the other 3 main characters though (Jona, Michelle, and Zoltan). I have to commend Jona’s dub actor (Griffin Puatu) because he really pulled off a similar tone and feel to Enoki Junya’s acting, I thought. (At least, based on the long preview; I’ve yet to watch the first 23 minutes of the JP version of the movie.) I have other thoughts for the other actors but I think I’ll leave them for another day... Also, I’m merely a fan when it comes to voice acting, so these are purely just the feelings and thoughts the performances gave me as a viewer, and nothing more. 
So, after having seen Unicorn AND Narrative, I really get the sense that the story of Newtypes, and I guess Gundam on the whole, is about humanity. At its very core, Gundam is seeking to tell a story about the differences that could tear us apart, but also the humanity that holds us together. It feels like watching a story that tries to remind us that at the end of the day, no matter our differences, we’re all human, and we ought to remember that if we ever hope to survive as a species. 
Furthermore, I really feel like Gundam is trying to show the importance of both communication and emotion. Both UC and NT showed how Newtypes can communicate on a higher level, but that communication typically ultimately conveyed the person’s feelings and will. Sure, we got thoughts and important backstory too, but I think the main thing we tend to get from their communications is emotion--what is that person feeling, and how is that emotion then translating into the actions they’re taking. Not only that, but we also then see the subsequent actions taken in response to being revealed someone’s deepest, innermost feelings. Of course, there were times when the person was mercilessly murdered, be it by accident/misunderstanding or out of “necessity,” but there were also moments where the action taken ended up being to withdraw an attack, or to let go of the captured person. 
Maybe this is just me going off on a limb, but I think that’s a really important message to take in. Communication is important, but what’s even more important is communicating our emotions to others, and respecting others’ emotions in turn. That’s probably the big message I take away from seeing the Newtypes’ stories in Unicorn and Narrative. 
Well, needless to say, I’m now very curious to see how the UC plotline continues on. We’re already slated for another movie this upcoming winter, so I guess I’ll have to wait until then. In the meantime...I suppose I’ll finally get around to finishing Origin (lol). Even if the next movie doesn’t show much of the previous characters, or even if the JP voice cast doesn’t feature anyone I know, I think I know too much of the plot now to be able to abandon the series. 
All in all, NT was a fun movie to watch. I definitely don’t recommend watching it if you haven’t watched Unicorn yet, but once you get through Unicorn, NT is a nice way to wrap up the story from that point of the UC timeline. 
Now to eagerly await the BD release for those sweet, sweet bonus materials! :3c 
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tomatetoro · 6 years
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
hjhhmm...typically , I relate to the youthful male characters in most media, like in anime it’s not the protag bland guy but the cute background character boy who likes to eat desserts or dresses cuter, do u feel me? or in american movies it is characters like peter parker more than someone than captain america. i see myself in astolfo from fate or ferris argyle from re:zero , also in kojuro shuri from masamune kun no revenge ! dgndkfgfgd lmao, an Embarrass not quite sure which one I relate to most yet, but I’m Debating
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
hmm maybeeee...today i feel it would be:  1. to redistribute the wealth and food and housing equally among everyone 2. to live a peaceful life where i end up living in a nice home with someone i really enjoy 3. to be able to live off of whatever i want to do, whether it be drawing or music or medical stuff i could easily live off my happiest hobbies 
an alternate to 3 would be ... experiencing only happy occurrences the rest of my life, heh 
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
definitely a forest with fairies! so cute and peaceful
💒- which show would you want to live in?
ohh that’s a tough one, I think maybe..an idol type anime like Macross, ...or a mahou shoujo/nen type anime..BUT A NICE ONE !! I want to save people with cute abilities or music , i know..this...seems....unnerving to u... sweats
otherwise i cannyot think of anything else rn hmm, my memory fails me
thank you for the asks merc!!! I sob everytime
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plantspirit · 6 years
I was tagged by @sakuroid, thank you so much!
nickname: Em, Emmy zodiac sign: Pisces height: 5′3″ ish? last movie i saw: Back and Forth (a Foo Fighters documentary) last thing i googled: ‘dave grohl age’ skjsdlkajfkl favourite author: J.D. Salinger favourite musician: I’m obsessed with music my top favorites right now are Jimi Hendrix, the Voidz, Green Day, also listening to Macross 82-99 lately ! Also Frank Iero and the Patience is my musical aesthetic if that’s a thing lol song stuck in my head: Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones other blogs: I’m not on tumblr all that much these days but my main is @saulhugson. I’m much more active on my instagram which is dedicated to my new and retro gaming collection if anyone wants to check it out ! do i get asks? No but that would be fun!! Ask me stuff or tag me in things ! how many followers? I just hit 500 yesterday <3 amount of sleep: 7 hours and 50 minutes (yes, that specific) lucky number: I don’t have one what i’m wearing: Jeans, tank top, and green flannel dream job: I’m not really invested in anything tbh. But I’m getting my degree in digital art this year so developing video games kind of interests me. dream trip: I’d like to visit San Francisco or Tokyo someday! favourite food: Sushi or egg rolls, I’m a big fan of the Asian cuisine play an instrument: I play the flute and the guitar (guitar is my favorite). I’m kind of playing around with the bass guitar lately too but I’m not very good at it yet >.< languages: English and basic German random fact: I’m very uninteresting haha.. Well I love animals and used to foster dogs ! describe yourself as aesthetics: rainy and foggy days // 80s-90s tech // neon lights // tbh the most spot on would be ‘never grew out of their 2004 emo phase’ lmao // also a big fan of soft pink aesthetics and space age-y stuff !
I’m not really sure who I could tag on this so if you want to do it go ahead!!
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picsofkeith · 6 years
K, not even gonna lie, the entire reason I even got addicted to the show Voltron: Legendary Defender was because I was scrolling through tumblr one day and stumbled upon a picture of Keith and immediately picked up my iPad and began binge watching the entire show after seeing his face XD Now Voltron is my favorite show and I can thank Keith and his beautiful face for that.... and I need to thank you for this blog. You deserve eternal happiness.
You, like me have the similar story. I didn’t even see ship art yet, but I saw Keith and like, I hadn’t even heard of Steven Yeun yet either, or that he was in TWD (I’m literally watching it for his character Glenn and Michonne only, after that I’m done lmao). But hearing him speak - I could recognize he was a veeery good actor just listening to how he has an immense control over his voice that matches the emotion being conveyed in his character. There’s just something about Yeun’s voice where he pushes and pulls everything in all the right places, rasps™️ in all the right places and fucks up my heart strings and no matter what just listening to him moves me. His role just made me a Yeun stan so therefore I’m also following his work in Final Space.
So I’ve been in Voltron for Keith, but by extension of Keith caring for Shiro immensely, I was there for him as well and overall, I like Voltron cause when I was a kid, I watched what was called Robotech here, but most people know it as Macross and I immediately just generally loved the fighting space robots and subtle cameos. And the more I find out about Keith, the more fun headcanons I have about him because I just relate so much to his written life experiences.
Keith truly is a beautiful young man with so much potential still to be explored as he discovers more about himself, and picks up the lost pieces of his life, and I’m excited to see what he learns about himself through his mother because I KNOW what it’s like to have your mom leave you. My case is different, but similar, so I KNOW. So this series is for him, for me, I’m all in.
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tenkaichis · 6 years
tagged by @vormirs, god fuck dammit you know im a sucker for these lmao
rules: tag ten people you want to get to know better!
gonna tag @goblintofu, @tomarimasu, @loveandjustice, @dqvis, @palenimbuswhite, @perfectblue7, @sugarcoatedvenom, @zorthy, @c-ardcaptor, and @yung-usagi (this is totally optional btw its no biggie)
star sign: virgo height: 6′ put your itunes/spotify on shuffle. what are the first 4 songs that popped up?: Bennie and the Jets - Elton John, Blind Threats (feat. Raekwon) - ScHoolboy Q, TEMPLES - Macross 82-99, Dreams - Fleetwood Mac grab the book nearest you & turn to page 23. what’s line 17?: “[...] the circumstances. I kept telling myself, “be quiet, be calm [...]” (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson) ever had a poem or song written about you?: I think Jules wrote a poem about me once? when was the last time you played air guitar?: like yesterday i was air guitaring to Thank You, My Twilight by The Pillows. who is your celebrity crush?: Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Elijah Wood what’s a sound you hate + a sound you love?: peelouts at a Publix parking lot; guitar solos. do you believe in ghosts?: i guess? how about aliens?: they’re out there i swear to god do you drive?: i have my license but ill die backing out the driveway if so, have you ever crashed?: not at all but these florida drivers are in such a fucking hurry my god what was the last book you read?: i skimmed through the entirety of Metamorphosis (Emergence) and i was depressed and disturbed for like a good three days so yeah please don’t ever read it (like not joking it’s incredibly fucked up and disgusting and it can be triggering for a lot of people). do you like the smell of gasoline?: lowkey yeah like its weird that i find the smell of spicy dino juice something i like what was the last movie you saw?: Deep Impact. I came out of the shower and I just see teenage Elijah Wood motoring away from a huge tsunami on tv and im like “is that elijah fucking wood?” What was the worst injury you’ve ever had?: i scraped my elbow ding dong ditching a strip club and that shit took me like a week and a half to heal. do you have any obsessions right now?: marvel shit, serial experiments lain is pretty cool right now, and im sure thats it. do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?: my aint-shit roommate kept taking my silverware without asking and leaves them dirty and crusty in the sink since he eats fuckin three week old food every fucking day. he leaves like 4 half-eaten bowls and plates of rice or whatever out in the kitchen and just takes my freshly clean shit and i dont see it until the next day covered in thousand island dressing or some shit so yeah fuck that guy and his gf. i have to hide my shit in my room in a drawer and now i cant even leave my clean stuff to dry near the sink because he’ll just take it and lie to my face saying “ummmm nope i havent seen your fork or spoon hehehe” like listen fuckface if you have both your blue sponges out here dry to the bone, im pretty sure you know how to clean goulash from fine china but no, all he knows to do is overstock the fridge with shit thatll expire tomorrow when its ripe with the the moldy flavor he apparently loves so fucking much. so yeah, i do. in a relationship?: yep! and my s/o’s a fucking memester like me B)
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aquaburst3 · 6 years
ursae-minoris-world replied to your post: ursae-minoris-world replied to your post: ...
LMAO, really ? That doesn’t even sound fishy, that sound ridiculous. I doubt they would even be allowed to give that guy a major role without the other company agreeing, which I don’t expect, specially for something like that. They had issues with their law department because of some references to disney and stuff in the treasure in the Monster & Mana episode, so they would NEVER allow something that big…
Wait, really? Never heard about the series having trouble thanks to the Monsters and Mana episode.
But yeah, I agree. The likelihood off the company who made Macross greenlighting Roy Fokker being in a gay relationship with Shiro is in the negative zone. It seems like a fanfic or fan art idea then a way to cap off the series! 
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polyx · 7 years
Get to know me tag:^)
I was tagged by @criminalmastermine
Star sign:
170 cm
Put your music on shuffle, what are the first six songs to pop up?:
Ok because I listen on Soundcloud, Spotify and my folders on my phone, I’ll do 3 separate :^) Spotify 1) VIXX LR – Chocolatier 2) BTS – Lost 3) MOBB – Hit me (feat. KUSH) 4) Taemin – Thirsty 5) VIXX – Dynamite 6) BTS – Moving on (Ok it’s pretty obvious that I use Spotify mostly for k-pop lol)
Soundcloud 1) Sunday – Only 2) Sofi Tukker – Hey Lion 3) マクロスMACROSS 82 - 99 - 葛城 ミサトYEBISU (YUNG BAE EDIT) 4) Vantage // - Patrick Converter (ft. Chrollo)
5) M.RUX - Rembetiko Mon Amour // ρεμπέτικο αγάπη μου 6) Seiun – otogibanashi My folders on my phone 1) Lorde – Liability 2) Clueso - Achterbahn (Handgepäck Version) 3) Incubus – Pistola 4) Lana Del Rey – Once Upon A Dream (Maleficent OST) 5) Little Boots – Working Girl 6) Banks - Haunt
Grab the nearest book, turn to page 23 and write line 17:
“(…) because “a realisation that comes from society itself” could “already contain a reform (…)“. (roughly translated from German)
Last time you played air guitar?:
Uhm… I don’t know ^^° I rarely do it tbh… I usually dance
Celebrity crush?: The first person that comes into my mind is Lucy Lawless :^)
What’s a sound that you hate/love?:
I love it when it’s 4 in the morning and my window next to my bed is open, and the rain softly hits the glass and no car drives by, or when you sit by the beach at about 7pm in Greece in the summer, when most people had their share of sun and leave the beach, and the water softly hits the shore and a seagull are audible somewhere in the distance, or when you float in the water and your ears are under the water and  you hear the water and your heartbeat… also the soft flat breathing of the person laying next to you, or the rustling of the fabric of your bedding when you lay down to sleep… Idk I like a lot of subtle sounds. I hate hearing my joints cracking because I feel like I am breaking apart or something (?)
Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?:
Ghosts not so much, aliens? Definitely.
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?:
I’ve had my licence for 5 years now and I never crashed :3 I don’t drive much though.
What was the last book you read?:
Simon Beckett – Totanfang / The Restless Dead (original title)
Do you like the smell of gasoline?:
Hm… kinda.
Last movie you saw?:
Fack Ju Göhte 3
Worst injury you’ve ever had?:
Broke my left arm.
Any obsessions right now?: A lot, although I should focus on studying: k-pop (like the biggest obsession atm), writing/reading fanfiction, drawing (my go to instant stress reliever), gaming (I still need to finish Hellblade!!), music overall, manga, my succulents (my babies)
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who’ve wronged you?: Yes. I try to forgive or forget (or both) for my sake, but often it doesn’t work.  
In a relationship?:
I have long brown and blue hair, brown eyes and a long thin nose. My face is quite rectangular, and I have olive skin tone (but pretty light compared to others). I am chubby and well-proportioned I’d say. My nails are always short (except for holiday season because my nails won’t constantly break like during work) and usually some kind of varnish is on it. 50% of the time I wear clothes with some kind of pattern on it or colourful stuff, 25% of the time black and 25% pink shit, and always my casio on my wrist. I have 2 tattoos and 4 piercings, one stretched earlobe. Usually I wear make-up, and everyone knows me for wearing colourful eyeshadow.
I am quite outgoing and like spending time with my friends and family and partner, but as much as I love having people around me, I need time to be alone. I just need to. I try to have an open ear for other people’s problems, but be prepared I might cry along with you because I am a very emotional person (like on Friday I was in a concert and started crying because the song was so touching lol). I’d say I am quite confident, but I need time adjusting in a new environment before returning to my confident self. At work I am the most patient person, but with my family I tend to be impatient a lot and I hate myself for it, but it’s getting better. I am very creative and love dwelling on details on random stuff (like I could tell you for an hour why I like a particular song for example). That’s also a reason why I can’t get shit done sometimes because I daydream a lot. Like… a lot… one person told me I remind them of Luna Lovegood because I seem trapped in my own bubble. I love arts. I used to be super tidy as a child, but now I am quite messy. I am often late (sorry to anyone affected by this v.v°). I love travelling. My bag is always ready for my nomad life, as I am always on the go.
I speak 3 languages! Also I draw and make jewellery. Also I have the ability to make a mess out of my room in the shortest amount of time, just watch me :^) professionally I am a druggist (but not the one working at a pharmacy, mind you) and I have a bachelors degree of trade and commerce. Also I’m a certified trainee instructor.
Well? I don’t know what this refers too… Maybe some random shit: -I used to do traditional greek dance as a kid. -I’ve never left Europe (sadly), but I’ve travelled to London, Vienna, Paris, Berlin and other cities. -When I was a smoll bean, I went to the central plaza of my dad’s village in Greece and returned with a puppy in my arms. My grandmother kept the pupper. -I love freaking LOVE technology, when I used my huge ass multitalented wireless printer for the first time and printed something via my phone I almost cried in excitement. -I can stop reading a book if it’s boring. -Once on my way home I sat in the tram, and there was a group of friends, drunk, pretty loud and happy, they were wearing traditional Bavarian clothing (Tracht), and they were …deaf! And one of the girls sat opposite to me, and complimented my hair, like we talked without using words, only by using our facial expressions and our hands, and she grabbed on piece of her hair and pointed at mine and we laughed, and then she offered me some of her vodka and I was so yolo at the moment I accepted, although I don’t accept drinks from strangers usually. I had such a blast these 10 minutes we spent together on the tram, I often think about her, and hope she is doing fine :’) - I remember as a young girl, I was sitting on an old faucet which was built in the short wall framing my grandparents’ house, and I was starring at the sky in disbelief. There I was, a young city girl, born and raised in Munich, sitting on an old faucet somewhere in an small village in Greece starring at the beautiful nightsky, seeing something I’ve never seen before. There were so many stars, just…so… so many stars… thousands and thousands of shiny dots across a black canvas. And they seemed to be alive. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Till this day, I remember this night, and I hear my mom asking what I was doing out there alone, surrounded by the wild noises of thousands of bugs around me. It has been more that 10 years, and this night is so vibrant in my memory. I will never forget this moment till my dying day. Still, I often spent time in Greece watching the stars, always in the back of my mind what my grandma told me once: don’t count the stars, it brings misfortune. - I pierced my ears on my own (…stupid). - I pretty much had my hair dyed any colour of the rainbow (except yellow, but I guess blonde counts?). - I’ve been to A LOT of concerts.
(I have some negative experiences too of course, but I don’t want to dwell on them) My life:
I still live with my parents, because I cannot afford anything on my own atm, but also due to other circumstances. Till the end of September I worked full time, now I started studying sociology (BA). I have been employed in the company I work for for 10 years now, and I love my work although it’s tough :’). I have a little sister who I love dearly, and she is making me a proud big sis:). My parents are the best parents, seriously you could not wish for better parents. I am super grateful to them for all I’ve been able to do in my life and all the love and support they have given, and are still giving me. Also, I’m so proud of them. The thought of what my parents have gone through makes me cry. I used to think I don’t have a lot of friends, but I do! And they all are beautiful unique personalities, I love them! I live the nomad live, as I feel I’m rarely home, always on the go. My co-workers are the sweetest people, I love seeing their faces light up when they see me :’) (ILY!!!) And my partner… there are no words to describe what sweet of a person he is. A puppy is nothing against him. I want to cuddle him forever. I am online a lot, but I don’t get involved with a lot of people online, safe for… 2 :’D Rach and Mine! I usually admire from afar, and fangirl in the tags for example. Overall I wake up everyday being thankful, my life is good! I appreciate every moment. I am blessed.
Relationships: I’ve only had 2 lmao, and I’m still friends with my first partner. Random stuff:
Ups I think I answered this earlier already…
Relationship status:
In a relationship. We have an imaginary daughter lol.
Fave colour:
All hues of blue! Basically every colour but blue is the most dear to me.
Lipstick or ChapStick:
Lipstick for sure. I always have one in my pocket.
Last song:
Shahmaran by Sevdaliza
Last movie:
Fack Ju Göhte 3
Top 3 shows:
I don’t watch TV, neither do I have the time for series (I have GOT on halt, as well as “Halt and Catch Fire”) … But “The Vision of Escaflowne” is my favourite series of EVER. The story, the characters, the music, the art, the world building, I could cry it’s so beautiful. Also the whole ATLA and TLOK Series, it is so good!!! *cries*
Top 3 ships:
Oh man… ok. I’ll go for Amorra (Amon and Korra, TLOK), Truhan ( Gohan and Trunks, Dragonball Z) and basically every possible VIXX ship, because I love them all (but Wontaek though…)
I’d like to tag @valkerymillenia, @abnaxus, @coolera but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to :’)
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gainsbruh · 7 years
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters Rules: List 10 fandoms and a favorite character for each.
Tagged by @siberion , thanks!!
1. Harry Potter- Sirius Black
2. FFVII- Aerith
3. FFXIII- Vanille
4. Persona 5- Futaba
5. Tales of Xillia- Elize
6. Love live + sunshine- Eli and Dia
7. Macross Delta- Kaname
8. RWBY- Ruby
9. Six of Crows- Jesper
10. Fire Emblem Awakening- Lucina
Tagging @shoujo-moogle and @legendflame lmao u don’t have to do it if u don’t want two tho
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bekicotwrites · 7 years
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Hey everyone!! Uni has already started for me this Monday and... I’m so not looking forward to doing my thesis lmao I just want it to end quickly welp.
This month’s theme is featuring Macross singers! I’ve been a fan of Macross since watching Frontier, and then I started watching more of the older series and a bit of Delta when it came out I stopped when my favorite character died I couldn’t take it. Now I’m in deep Macross hell (no thanks to my brother too) to the point of making the Macross stickers set in this spread (which I also sold in a local con last week).
Who’s your favorite Macross songstress, guys?
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ugokushiro · 7 years
Tagged by @reiqen, thank you Angie! 
And I’ll just tag all my mutuals (you don’t have to do it ofc ^^) @kurooa @takezo @kozurou @twotheleft @sasageyo @enlad @hueylaforet @tekkon @sukerokus @dicennio @ohreigen @zdf @macross
Name: Patricia Nickname: Patri, Pat, Pats, Betty, etc.  Zodiac sign: aquarius Height: around 170 cm ?? 5′5 if you don’t use cm Orientation: straight  Nationality: Spanish 💃 Favorite fruit: papaya,mango, bananas, melon and watermelon  Favorite dish: I just love food in general  Favorite flower: peonies Favorite scent: anything sweet, spicy/garlicky food when it’s being cooked, that fresh clean smell when you come out of the shower hhmmm Favorite animal: dogs Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate~ Average hours of sleep: I want to say 7/6 ? I need to sleep more, but I’ve been having to study for finals, gr8 stuff Cats or dogs: DOGS, but cats are cool too  Favorite fictional character: Howl + many many others Favorite movie(s): I can’t choose favorites lmao, unless you want an endless list Number of blankets you sleep with: two Dream trip: Iceland 🙏 I fell in love when I watched ‘’The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’’ Blog created: I think I made this one on the 26th of Feb this year, but I’ve remade a number of times *cough* Number of followers: 170 
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