#Thankful Tuesday
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ungiorno-nellavita · 7 days ago
Thankful Tuesday: A Decade Without Mamang
Five days ago marked ten years since my grandmother’s passing. Ten years. It feels like they flew by in an instant. Every time February comes around, it brings bittersweet memories—of love, loss, and the passing of time.It’s always hard to write about my grandmother. My heart shatters when I think about all the things I wanted to do for her but never got the chance to. Time was a thief. I thought…
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dartumbles · 6 months ago
Thankful Tuesday
And good friends are not small. They are huge in love!
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mizgnomer · 2 years ago
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Crowley’s hairstyles/looks - down through the ages ...now including Good Omens Season Two
The original Season One post [ x ]
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mycorrhizastar · 1 month ago
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Only one bean tall!!
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fantastic-nonsense · 6 months ago
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nyerusnova · 10 months ago
Okay I'm weak and couldn't resist diving in, so here are all the cute Timmys from this week's issue, Batman #147:
First, some flashback babbie tims.... (also yes that's him and bruce in matching Wayne-monogrammed sweatshirts I'm crying)
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And then for present-day timmy being such a sweetheart aaahhh (and also getting ready to kick ass)
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BONUS adorable bruce and tim moment:
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hello-that-happened · 1 year ago
kinda wild how oil executives could decide to stop all new oil projects and move the funding to renewables tomorrow but they just…don't
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Tumblr Tuesday: Furry Fun ⊙⁠ω⊙
Furry fans, how we doing? Sex is the spice of life, and furries know how to make life spicy. On these cold winter nights, furry #ArtistsOnTumblr can show you how to keep it hot!
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lmao can you imagine
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dyed-indigo · 1 year ago
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believe it or not i am reading
[ID: A meme redraw of a quote-retweet with Scum Villain characters.
Luo Binghe @/shizunliker: you see me chasing you down wyd (Attached art of Luo Binghe running on Chinese rooftops while scowling)
Peak Lord Shen Qingqiu @/peerlesscucumber: Killing myself in front of you to forever change our bond and the trajectory of our lives. End ID]
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m-a-salter · 1 month ago
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Twelve Touches His Own Face Tuesday (8 of 8): biting his fingers
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ungiorno-nellavita · 1 year ago
Thankful Tuesday: Looking Back on 2023
This past year, 2023, has been a rollercoaster of moments worth remembering. Today, on this Thankful Tuesday, I want to take a moment to appreciate the good stuff. There were times of pure joy and excitement—a bunch of wonderful moments and new experiences that made each day feel special. Learning new things and trying out cool hobbies added some extra fun to the mix. Even when things got…
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dceasesd · 9 months ago
why juni ba’s the boy wonder has my favorite jason characterization of any contemporary comic run: a needlessly in-depth analysis (pt.3)
go check out part 1 and part 2 if you'd like! this is a long one, sorry guys.
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if you haven't already i'd recommend you check out pt. 1 & pt. 2 (linked above), but if you haven't checked them out i've been going over some of the main things people have been criticizing ba's characterization for: 1. the typical boiling down of jason's character to "the angry one" 2. his lack of strategy going into the fight with the demon is out-of-character 3. the neighbor's kid interaction
alright, so this last point is purely based off of one page of the entire comic: the one where the child of one of jason's neighbors is dragged inside his home when his mother see's jason coming.
first off, i love this page. it might be my favorite page in the entire issue. everything about it is great. just thought i needed to say that.
anyway, there's some people who are seeing this page and reading it as "jason protects kids! that's one of his big things! why are they scared of him?"
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here's the thing, though: the kid isn't scared of jason, the mom is. the kid is literally playing dress up as the red hood-- he's not scared of jason, if anything he's trying to replicate him. little kids dress up as their heroes all the time; why is this kid any different? it doesn't really make sense for the kid to dress up of something he's scared of (not everyone is as weird bruce wayne), especially a real person that could be a real threat rather than a concept. i doubt you see many kids in gotham dressing up as the joker or something, because that's just asking for trouble.
the dress-up honestly seems like a ploy for attention to me. the kid clearly knows that red hood lives in his building (which is honestly so funny. take off the mask jason you're giving you're position away (actually this is a really good instance for analysis but i'm determined to not go on a tangent)). if the kid knows red hood lives in his building, what better way to get his attention that dressing up as him and playing pretend? if the kid was scared of him, he wouldn't want to draw that sort of attention to himself. if he had a sort of hero-worshippy thing going on like i suspect, then he would want to get jason's attention. to sum it up,
it's the mom who pulls him away when jason nears, because she either a) perceives him as a threat, b) doesn't want her kid to try and replicate him even more, or, the most likely option, both! the kid isn't scared of him, but the mother believes they should be.
once again, we come back to the whole perception vs. reality theme i talked about in part one! we've come full circle, everyone!
when looking at the neighborhood's perspective of the red hood, ba gives us a few contradictory examples. there's the kid and the mother, obviously, but there's also a slew of other citizens who interact with him at the beginning of the issue, both in fear and camaraderie.
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the unhoused man and the people outside of his building clearly have a familiarity and are comfortable with him, while the shopkeeper is terrified and literally has a banned poster on his wall featuring jason (i am so curious what he did to deserve that, if he even did anything at all). from this, it appears that jason's reputation teeters between fearful and familiar-- a sentiment that also colors jason's relationship with his family.
furthermore, this concept underscores just how lonely jason is-- one of the only good relationships he had in his current life was his fucking landlord, for gods sake, and he's dead.
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i think it's important to note that jason doesn't respond to the friendly greetings from the men-- he could attempt to build camaraderie, the roots are there, but he chooses not to. he could work to try and show the mother that her son is safe with him, but he chooses not to. why? jason is obviously lonely (as ba states in the panel below) and he caves pretty easily when damian asks him for help (both of them are so desperate for human interaction its tragic). so why does he distant himself from the community?
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obviously it is in part due to the vigilante lifestyle, but it is also jason's perception of himself and how he believes others perceive him, especially in regards to his family (ba is literally hitting readers in the head with that theme baseball bat).
he doesn't see that the kid with the mask looks up to him, all he sees is the mother pulling him away. he sees the banned poster in the store. and, as ba narrates, "he was sure he'd been forgotten about" by his family. utrh is jason's twisted way of attempting to reach out and connect with bruce, and obviously that doesn't work-- so he chooses loneliness over rejection.
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like in part one, though, damian refutes this idea by describing bruce's perspective, showing how what jason believes differs from actuality. bruce hasn't forgotten about him and doesn't hate him, as he suspected, but instead harbors guilt over the situation and desires to make it better, which jason must come to understand to be able to open the locked door and begin to move past his trauma.
so, that's what the little kid in the red hood outfit looks like to me. i actually have a lot more i'd like to say about the boy wonder, especially in regards to the whole "door to my past life" thing and what ba does with lighting and blocking in his artwork, so i may do a little post on that as well! i was gonna try and shove it into this one, but i've run out of room! i hope you guys liked my analysis, if you'd like to chat about the boy wonder or any other comics, my dms, asks, and reblogs are happily open! thanks for reading! :)) <3
pt. 1 / pt. 2
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mizgnomer · 6 months ago
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David Tennant from The Times Magazine - September 14th, 2024 promoting Rivals
for Tennant Tuesday (or whatever day this post finds you)
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leupagus · 1 year ago
On Voting in America
So one of the most profound comments on routine chores that I've ever encountered was, hilariously, the Pickle Rick episode of "Rick & Morty," where (after a lot of shenanigans have already ensued) this therapist absolutely lays Rick out:
"I have no doubt that you would be bored senseless by therapy, the same way I'm bored when I brush my teeth and wipe my ass. Because the thing about repairing, maintaining, and cleaning is: it's not an adventure. There's no way to do it so wrong you might die. It's just work. And the bottom line is some people are okay going to work and some people, well, some people would rather die. Each of us gets to choose."
I think about this at least once a week — usually while I'm doing my laundry or sweeping or some other task that needs doing and won't get me anything more than clean clothing or a dog-hair-free floor. There's no Pulitzer for wiping down your microwave or scrubbing your toilet; no one's awarding you for getting all the dishes out of the sink. At best you have the satisfaction of crossing it off your list.
Voting is very much the same (and I'm talking about the US here, as an American). Sure, you sometimes get a sticker; but nobody's going to cheer for you. There's no adventure here, no potential for anything more than crossing something off of a list. It's a chore, something that needs doing in order to repair, maintain, and yes even clean. So I get why people don't like doing it.
And I've decided I don't give a shit.
Do it anyway. Your country takes astonishingly little from you — taxes, the once-in-a-blue-moon jury duty, and a theoretical draft that hasn't been used in over half a century and likely will never be again — but it asks you (asks! not requires! not demands!) to vote once or twice a year. It's not always easy; especially in conservative states, the impediments to vote can be ridiculous. But it is once a year and unlike in our nation's all-too-recent past, you will not die if you do it.
In fact, the worst outcome from voting these days is that the person or issue that you vote for loses — but you won't know if they lose until after the election. Polls are less accurate now, for a whole host of reasons; you cannot know until after the election who or what will win. This makes your vote more valuable than possibly ever before.
Use that power. Not because it's exciting or even rewarding, but because your vote is what keeps our country's metaphorical teeth from falling out and our metaphorical ass from stinking.
Brush, wipe, vote.
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staff · 2 years ago
tumblr tuesday: the last of us in art
Look, ok. We've really held it together here on Tuesdays since The Last of Us began. You've not had a peep from us on the topic. With one week left, we're getting close to the end, and no one knows what we'll do after that. So here, finally, is us yelling about your fanart. Please enjoy this very long (yet far too short) post collecting a fraction of your incredible TLOU fanart. What a time to be on Tumblr.
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bethdehart · 10 months ago
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Taursday 5-14-24
Lavendeer! Drawn on stream. I'm naming them Velle (and I'm keeping them lol). I love them deerly <3
(For $3 a month you can see exclusive sketches, sneak peeks at upcoming adoptables, and behind the scenes content of my comic hallowed hijinks! https://ko-fi.com/bethdehart )
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loveandleases · 1 month ago
Isaac's ex is : Jade
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I had mentioned to @blackaquokat that I could see Isaac dating Jade if they had met differently and it would have been a disaster. Jade would have done to Isaac what she has to others, use them until she's done, and cheat on them. (totally her m.o.) And of course Kat came at me with logic! Good logic, smart.
Isaac ends up being another person who chose MC over Jade (thanks for that Kat. Jade is gonna love it! :D )
Since that's been decided, I'm going to shift a scene from Chapter 2, to a future chapter. MC needs a little more growth before that scene anyways so this works. Plus it's already written it, so yay future me. I've already figured out the scene to take it's place, so. Just one another thing to write, but it will be worth it!
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