#Thank you note
petit-papillion · 3 months
Thank you, Charles, for sharing your grandiose surfing skills with us. For allowing us to witness your wide variety of facial expressions. For not being embarrassed to show the whole world your ability to surf sideways and upside down. Grazie mille, Charles. What a joy to have you in my life.
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iloveyou-writers · 9 months
I just wanted to hop in and say thank you.
I found this blog when I was at the lowest of my low, creativity wise. Hadn't written in years, thought that maybe I never would again. Your posts kept that little spark alive.
I went to therapy. I became more patient with myself. More forgiving.
I revived an imagines blog with a friend. Started writing little prompts.
And today, after many years of barely writing anything, definitely nothing original, I wrote the prologue to a story I've had brainstorming for years. It's a small step, but it's also a gigantic step. I've been afraid to write, because I've been afraid I won't be as good as I used to be, because I've been afraid of the commitment and my "track record" for the last handful of years, because I'm a perfectionist and I suck at planning and because I've been afraid of "wasting my time."
I had fun, today, writing those 2k words. It felt like coming back home.
And you are the anchor that kept me from giving up. Your posts always fanned that ember, your posts always kicked that stubborn part of myself awake. Your posts reminded me of how I'm not alone, and that everyone goes through slumps, and that they - I - am still worth it. My work is still worth it.
I feel like this project is doable now. Like any project I want to start CAN happen.
I swore that when I finally wrote something again, and felt that motivation and want to KEEP writing, when I felt that spring come back alive, that I'd let you know that you were a major floatie that kept my head above the water.
So thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.
I can't express how much I needed to hear this and how much I appreciate you taking the time to write not only such a detailed but heartfelt message about this.
Sometimes it can be difficult for me, being someone who is also experiencing a slump in my creativity for a long time. The ideas a flowing but words are not. Hearing that I helped someone else get out of theirs is... god, I feel more relief and joy receiving this than I ever have being the one brought back into writing. :)
I'm so glad I could inspire you and keep your fire alive. That's the entire ENTIRE dream for this blog... so I'm so glad it worked for you. Please never give up, and thank you again for sending this.
You made my entire last year <3
Keep up the amazing work.
Please update me as you go. :)
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moontikore · 3 months
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Forgot to post it here BUT:
✨Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart!✨
We will be posting all the rewards within the next weeks! And we also have 3 special streams to plan for the near future! Can't wait to see you all there! 🎉
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Today's Thankful Thursday exercise is to write a letter of gratitude. You don't have to send it if you don't want to - you don't even have to address it to a single person, or a real person.
For example, I regularly write letters to an angel, who I tell about all the things that are going on in my life. It's not quite prayer, and there's no structure to it, but having a solid entity that I address helps a lot with getting out the thoughts.
So, let's get started!
Step 1: Identify your target
As you may know, all letters start with a salutation. If you're writing your gratitude letter to a specific person, you would write "Dear Aunt Sally," for example, or "Dear mom". If you would prefer to write your letter to an entity, you can try "Dear God," or "Dear Frodo Baggins," or any other being of religious, cultural, or fandom/hobby significance to you.
You can also go with "Dear Diary," or "Dear Journal," if you'd like to keep this letter in your private journal. The idea here is to have a target that you're addressing, whether you intend to pass this letter along or not.
Step 2: Determine your format
If you're writing this letter to a specific person, then the format of your letter is going to center on what you're grateful to that person for.
"Dear mom,
Thank you for always being there for me. I'm so grateful for the way that you have my back in difficult situations, and how you stand up for me when I struggle to hold my own."
If you're writing in more of a diary/journal format, the letter will look a little different. It will be more general and broad, rather than focusing on a single person.
"Dear Diary,
I'm thankful for the bright sun today. The good weather made it easy for me to go out and spend some time with my friends at the park. I had a lot of fun that I might have skipped if it had been cloudy or raining."
And if you're addressing your letter to an entity, a higher being that you don't necessarily interact with one on one, or even a fictional character, you could pick either of these formats, or combine them.
"Dear Mr. Baggins,
Thank you for being the sort of character that I can admire and draw inspiration from. Today I went out with some of my friends, and while we didn't go on a long journey across the continent to save the world, we still had a lot of fun, and being so familiar with your story made me appreciate what I get to have and experience even more."
Just remember, a gratitude letter is different from a gratitude log - you don't have to write the letter like a list of things you're grateful for. Just talk about things that went well, that you appreciate, and that you want to call attention to as being positive.
Step 3: Write the Letter
Now that you've decided who you're writing to and how you're addressing them, all that's left is to write the letter. Try to narrow the focus in to a single incident or event if you can. Even if you're writing to someone and you feel that you have a lot to thank them for, or that your thanks are long overdue, you don't want to go on too much of a tangent - that way lies choppy waters. My recommendation is to write 1-2 pages. Less than that and you're not getting the full benefit of the exercise, and more than that and you might get overwhelmed or stress yourself out.
You can do this! And I'll see you all tomorrow for Finance Friday~
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vivsemporium · 1 year
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One of Chocobos sold today! So as always, it is packed with recycled packaging from previous orders and a cute illustration and thank you letter 🥰
And yes of course i wrote WEH and WOHEEHO on all sides of the box
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the-anxious-artiste · 6 months
I have recently realized that with exhaustion comes inexorable rumination. My soul is deeply intertwined in a battle of endurance against the parasitic shadows in my mind. When I run myself thin, it gets nigh impossible to fight the fear, anxiety, and pain of my past as well as an ill-perceived future. The majority of my daily energy is directed into sustaining my sanity against this fleet of inner demons. This leads to many seemingly unending, sleepless nights as my thoughts flush themselves into the deepest depths of its sewage. Leaving me to pray I stay afloat in the rapids... forced to take a single deep breath before inevitably being pulled under... perpetually hoping to resurface before I lose my vision.
So anyway... All this came about when my QP offered to read to me when I could not find rest, and managed to lull me to sleep with her dulcet voice in a matter of minutes. I wanted to express that there is nothing sincere enough for me to stutter from my heart to serve as an accurate reflection my deepest appreciation. How is one supposed to encapsulate that much gratitude into a simple set of wordage?
I suppose the best place for me to start would be a simple "thank you."
I appreciate you, love.
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wisteria-lodge · 1 year
I am feeling so physically unwell it is almost making me throw up but your latest response to my question had such tremendous spiritual power behind it that I laughed. Also I turned it into a meme based on how I heard it in my mind:
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Also thanks, I will.
This made me laugh. Happy to help :D
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Just a little update, so a few days ago maybe a week or so ago, I asked for clips of an interview with Eddie and Warwick Davis. A friend of mine managed to get a clip of it sent to me, so it’s all good. A very big thanks to EVERYONE who tried sharing links, offered to send documentary via email etc. I really appreciate everyone’s help and offers. It’s ok though, I managed to see it eventually. It’s a shame that the videos on YouTube are not viewable to UK viewers, seems stupid since it was filmed in the bloody UK!! So silly. Anyway, all is well now. I’m happy.
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dreaminmetaphors · 8 months
DC Memory
I miss the vibe back in DC: Take the mask off & get seen. Go 'head, get experimental, Trade thoughts? take mine, it's a rental. We know it ain't good yet: new shit, But everybody cheers at wtf you said? Droopy come by reppin' streeet cleaners Dwayne B's pop u nation, getting meaner (Teaism bento box? prevents me getting leaner) Randall shouts us out, bringing down a "slam God" Del be tellin' y'all: love IS the wet spot. Sonya Renee is Thick with it, jumping to the top. Renegade'll hit your heart, with a haiku. Gotta know you ain't special--Chris August tellin' you. Now Twain's got a confession? Yeah, one or two... Any given night you could stumble out catch that open mic or a Slam bout, quality could vary--but trending high. I started out as okay, but not that guy. But they push you; I mean that in a good way, Hear stuff that flips your mind like a pancake. Advice is given free once you clear the cover charge (and buy a little sumthin, show venue love at the bar). We're mostly broke but still leave a good tip. Feel naked on the mic, raw poem: that's a strip. Feedback is honest. Makes you better, not a rip. & leave with a girl I just met? Now that's a trip. Community of poets is a rising tide. Everybody getting better is No Surprise. Feel it deep, some nights. It's okay to cry. Then 1 night: All 10s? Oh shit. I am that guy.
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toulousifer · 11 months
I have a teacher that I walk bye everyday, and every time she sees me, she says "Hey (name)!" and I don't think she knows how much that means to me. Taking just that much effort to remember somebody can make that someones day so much better, better than you could ever know. It makes somebody feel special, like someone that deserves love.
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jwinsorart · 1 year
I'm writing a thank you note for Irene that is included with all sticker and stationery orders. ☺️ Thank you for supporting my small business! 💕
🖋 @tombowusa Fudenosuke
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thelastsummermonth · 1 year
first time experiencing something awkward that doesnt let the awkwardness linger, but rather turns it into something so wholesome and gentle and innocent. i will be looking back at this moment with nothing but joyous awe, thank you.
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vivsemporium · 1 year
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Another order ready to go for their new home✨️
I always make sure there's a little themed illustration and a thank you note that travels along with the product 🦉🐻
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jbberry7 · 2 years
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Did you know December 26th is #NationalThankYouNote Day. One thing I do know is my husband should write a thank you note to #AdamDriver for making these past 8 years pretty memorable for him. Muhahaha! In all fairness, he is a good sport for putting up with me and my celebrity crush. #mondaymotivation #mondayvibes
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quietlyimplode · 2 years
I’m not the best with words but I wanted a way to say thank you to everyone who supported whumptober. Especially those who messaged, commented, reblogged and just generally supported it.
I’ll be posting four non whumpy short fics over the next four hours as a thank you, as I don’t know how else to say it. <3
Special shout out to @natasha-romanoff-deserved-better (100x), @broken--bow , @redbirdbella, @millenniallust4death, @redroom-romanoff, and @wolferine your encouragement, checking in, and kindness in your words and patience has not gone unnoticed (I’m sure I have missed people so hopefully you know who you are) Thank you doesn’t seem enough.
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scifimagpie · 2 years
I just really need to shout out one of my reader/reviewers right now for giving me little updates and reactions on their reading experience. It means the world to me to see someone reacting to my blorbos and getting so invested! <3 Thanks, @profiterole-reads
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