#Thank you for this ask anon
askmarcille · 25 days
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*She shrugs and smiles as if she knows something she's not willing to share.*
Who knows?
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boy-gender · 5 months
something i wanna mention re: your post about the bots stealing photos, it’s important to note that many of these come from transphobic, exorsexist, and intersexist targeted data breaches and are sourced/scraped from malicious sites/boards like the k-farms.
i’m ace and sex-oscillating (sometimes i’m fine with seeing sexual things sometimes i’m not) and even when i’m at my most sex-repulsed i want everyone to know that the sex workers in the tag are some of our most vulnerable population members (no matter their gender(s) or exact identity/terms) because they’re being targeted by these sites.
idk sorry if this is reiterating your post but you’re the first person i’ve seen mention the importance of “these photos are stolen btw” instead of “oh yucky porn” like. y’all some of these are photos which were only intended for one or two people to see. these workers can now no longer regulate that OR how people interact with them.
they get so much harassment because of stolen photos when it’s been ripped out of their private accounts…. it’s awful
Thank you so much for adding that. I sometimes forget that not everyone is aware of how dangerous sex work, even purely online not in person sex work, is. I should have emphasized more that sex workers are not the danger; they're largely *in* danger.
And not just of being harassed, having their material stolen, or being targetted, but also by the death of internet privacy and net neutrality. Bills like fosta-sesta, and it's successor kosa- which is moving forward as we speak- are steadily erasing protections for anyone who creates nsfw content anywhere on the internet. It removes software and data tracking that allow sex workers to vet their johns before they interact with them, especially if they're going to meet up in person, and that data was one of the CHIEF ways human traffickers are found and arrested, and their victims tracked down.
KOSA isn't just a danger to fandom- though it is *also* a danger to fandom- but to very real people doing a job as old as time. Outlawing the expression of sexual materials is never going to stop sexual activity, it just forces it to be done in the dark, where sex workers, a large chunk of whom are queer, are at increased risk of being harmed, killed, or losing their ability to make a living.
One of the things I said in my post was that sexual materials belong on tumblr like they belong anywhere. Some people may point to the fact that that's no longer allowed under the terms of service- regardless of what tumblr "clarifies," they still ban it, especially from trans people. I was here before then. I was here when net neutrality still existed. And I am going to continue to operate under those attitudes until the end of days. I don't post sexually explicit materials myself, but I am never going to tattle on people who do, and people who do report those real users (not the bots) to staff disgust me.
If you're sex repulsed, I get it. I'm personally repulsed by the smell of pomegranate perfume. It's a trigger for me. But I am responsible for my feelings- it wouldn't be right to demand everyone everywhere stop wearing pomegranate perfume, and by going in public, I run the risk that I will bump into someone wearing it. I will have to remove myself from that situation.
And the same is true for if you don't like sexual content. You are responsible for what you do with those feelings. It's okay to have them; you can feel however you want about sex! But it's not okay to demand that other people cease harmlessly expressing themselves to conform to your feelings, and it's not okay to act like a fucking cop and purposely try to interfere with their job because you have the ick and don't approve.
Sex work is labor. Sex workers having ways to protect themselves and others is as close to "unionizing" as sex work gets. Stop interfering with what are basically their labor regulations. Block and move the fuck on!!
Do report the bots though. For SPAM. For STEALING MATERIALS. Not for the sex.
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tame-a-messenger · 7 months
hi, social team anon here. so yeah watcher hired a fan to be the social person and I have some background that I just find really fascinating. so she was very well know within the fandom because she edited their show on buzzfeed (unsolved) and is insanely talent at that. ryan and shane were also aware of her and had some interactions in their post mortem show. so when they started watcher with steven they reached her to work with them. and I honestly think that no social team in like the youtube space is as able to connect with their audience like the watcher team. she knows the memes, she knows what catches the audience attention, she engages so much with the fandom in all platforms (and knows how big they are here on tumblr which is something that a lot of the teams I see don't use in their favor)
also sorry this is becoming kinda rambling but I think one thing they do that makes such a difference when it comes to connecting with their audience is any video they release right after their logo they put something special related to the content of the video itself in the captions (which is also something I really appreciate, most of their videos have captions available immediately and as a non english speaker captions help a lot)
it's fun little things like that, that take effort but are simple and something most people wouldn't care to do that makes me feel so connect to their channel. like if i'm not wrong they premiered a show in the same day as a taylor swift album was released so the caption at the beginning of the episode was something like "thank you for taking a break from listening to *insert album name here* to watch us".
it doesn't take a lot of effort and the reward is so big because by interacting and being playful with the audience you bring a lot of people to watch not only your content on youtube but to also follow you on other socials medias, because they feel connected to what you post.
I feel like smosh miss the mark so much when it comes to that. and it's like you said, i'm gen z and their posts on social media feels very millennial, very catered to only one age group. they end up restricting themselves by always staying in the same bubble and not expanding
The only thing I have to say is, WOW.
If Smosh did that I think I would die of happiness.
could you IMAGINE
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skeletalheartattack · 11 months
wait hold on now I am genuinely curious: Why is D-Sides your favourite Gorillaz album? I never vibed with it myself so I am interested in hearing what you like about it that I'm missing out on.
so, i haven't listened to Gorillaz in a long while, nor do i tend to listen to music that actively these days, but i re-listened to the entire album, side 1 and side 2, to try and come up with a reason why i like it so much. i do want to preface and say, yeah, the album (side 1 atleast) is very "plain", there's not a whole lot going on, nor are there any guest artists on any of the songs.
but in listening to the album again, a few things kinda appear in my brain regarding the album. one is that it brings back a set of memories of taking trips to and from Ohio to live with my mother and step-father during a few breaks between high school, and how a lot of the songs in the album i remember heavily listening to while trying to sleep in the back of their car (i'm 6'2", and sleeping horizontally in the back of a moderately small car was. not great). i had the main 6 albums before Humanz installed to my kindle, since Humanz hadn't come out yet as these trips were between... 2014 and 2016. i mainly remember hearing D-Sides the most i feel on those trips, whether it be intentional, or my sleep patterns would have me looping back around to D-Sides... that or i mostly started with D-Sides at the beginning of those trips.
another thing i'm kinda thinking about after having re-listened to the album is how much side 1 kinda reminds me of Boe, in terms of the vibes; there's a lot of somber vibes i get from some songs that fits well for him (Hong Kong and Spitting Out the Demons both being notable songs that remind me of Boe himself, and also of those long trips). side 2 on the other hand, it's remixes remind me a lot of the Sims 2, specifically the console version, as i associate a lot of Sims 2 with it's console selection of music... which is mostly a more heavy focus on the electronic tracks from the PC version; a lot of the remixes feel like something i could hear playing on the radio while i'm controlling my sim around and doing tasks.
last thing, maybe, is that i never hear folks refer to D-Sides as one of their favourites, so maybe that's why i have it as mine. out of respect perhaps.
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strxnged · 7 months
"its so easy to love people" goes so hard tbh
it takes so little energy, really, to just appreciate other people for being alive
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maedhrus · 5 months
Joplittle kids AU Edward, while Tom is pregnant, taking his face in both hands: Thomas. My love. I understand that you are nauseous. But if you keep being stubborn about it you are going to get scurvy again
on any given day during the pregnancy, edward is having seven consecutive panic attacks as thomas attempts to go about his usual tasks and habits. thomas "i grew up in marylebone slum housing and survived the arctic, i can survive morning sickness" jopson vs edward "i had to carry you home from the arctic and am not above doing so again if you refuse to eat this soup" little
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owlyflufff · 2 years
I was wondering what color u associate with Tanaka (he's so underappreciated imo) and why :)
7. What color do you associate with (character)? (Character: Tanaka)
It took me a bit to think about my answer for this because I do know there are people that are capable of associating people, objects in the likes with color (and if you're one of those people then you are so cool >:00!), however if I were to associate Tanaka with a color it would be the color orange.
First, as a lighthearted answer, the orange Karasuno uniform actually suites him a lot more than I realized like:
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Genuinely??? He looks amazing in this color and I've longed appreciate how well the alternate uniform suites him <33
Second, the color orange actually represents optimism and energy, which if that doesn't suite him more than anything. Tanaka is generally the one man army when it comes to noise and chaos along with Nishinoya and Hinata. Not only is he energetic, but he is genuinely such a supportive senior most especially towards the first years which is often severely overlooked by the community. Literally one of my favorite moments of him was his words to Hinata during their first match against Aoba Johsai, telling Hinata it's okay to mess up because everyone on their side of the court is an ally/ teammate. With someone as supportive and rowdy as him and with what the color orange represents, another perfect fit if you ask me.
Lastly, generally and admittedly the color orange is not particularly a very "used" color if that makes sense. I'm not simply implying that it isnt utilized in anime I mean Hinata is standing right there xD, though what I am implying is well, look at your surroundings, how common is it for you to see the color orange in objects, clothing, etc? Simply, the orange is a color but it's one that's often nerver utilized, it's present and exists but granted it's not a color that's noticed too much by the general public. However, in those few instances where we do see the color orange, it stands out doesn't it? It stands out because we don't often see the color orange so when we do see it, often it draws us in.
Most importantly, the color orange stands out because that color in and of itself is unique.
As you said anon, Tanka is often underappreciated, mainly by the community and often "overlooked" by the characters in the series. But that's the thing, Furudate-sensei wrote Tanaka with that general intention. Though Tanaka is a constant support for Karasuno and loves hyping them up, he mostly does not gain any genuine moments to shine and if he does it's mostly for the comedic relief. He's purposely written to be outshined by the rest of his teammates with the Inarizaki match being proof of it. However, much like the color orange, in those few instances where Furudate-sensei had Tanaka shine, he stood out. It left an impresison not only on the readers but also the characters, even himself.
Though he may never truly reach the talent and skill of others, it's in those instances where he gets such moments, that he is able to prove his worth in a banquet of monsters.
That Tanaka himself is unique just as much.
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Hi I was looking through your rules and characters you write for and I’m a huge fan of Ghostface (who isn’t) and although I know you write for Danny Johnson, Billy and Stu, Mickey, Ethan, Sidney and Tatum I was wondering if there’s any other Ghostfaces/final girls or boys you’d ever consider writing for in the future when your requests open back up?
Hope you have a lovely day! :)
Oh well, hello Anon! Thank you so much for sending this in! And I am actually thinking of writing for Charlie Walker! Adding him to the Ghostface roster. I would also ngl write a gay piece about Quinn strapping the reader. I need to write a fix it fic for Randy, cuz everyone thinks from how I write him that I hate him, but I don't! He is one of my faves, but he is so fun to hurt and torment, man I cannot help it, he still deserves a nice fic.
Also, I would even write something of Jason once, just for funsies, something quick and dirty, you know?
But the big one, I would write for Sam, if the writers are too cowardly I would go off and write a full Ghostface au with Sam, she would be the hottest female Ghostface for sure if they went that route.
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patrice-bergerons · 2 years
🔥 Argentina NT
I hate that "i don't want argentina to win because if they do it will be messi who won the wc not argentina" post that's circulated on my dash a few times so fucking much.
Because yes, in many ways, this wc is about messi and whether he can bring the trophy home on what is perhaps his last chance after years of heartbreak but messi is also and has always been about argentina.
Unlike, say, cronald messi's international assists and goals and wins are not about breaking individual records or chasing personal glory as much as carrying his country one step closer to the finish line, and you can see this too in the ways his teammates cannot stop hugging him or lifting him or celebrating with him. you can see it in how unselfish he is with the ball and equally happy to set someone else up for a goal as score it himself.
Also, saying if they win it will be just messi winning erases the contributions from the rest of a hardworking and talented squad. some argentina nt teams of the past were solely 'messi and inshallah' but there is something different about this squad i think (as was also the case at the copa america a couple of years ago).
in conclusion, that man has carried the crushing weight of being the most talented footballer in his generation and yet not being able to bring international glory to his country for years, and if they win he will have done it first and foremost for argentina, with the indispensable support of his team.
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Okay so i saw one of your posts earlier about problems with wheelchair/disability accessible entrances and I was reading a bunch of people's comments on how they've had issues and it made me feel upset on your behalf because we should do better. People shouldn't have to worry whether they can get somewhere or if the bathroom is out of order or the stpid button hasnt been fixed and apparently no one has done anything about it or various other things And i thought id ask is there anything more that I as an individual can do? I try to listen to what people say they need and give them space if desired. I am definitely gonna start trying to pay more attention about possible issues and bring it to the people in charges attention, but that seems like not enough? No pressure absolutely cuz obviously you can't know what every person might need or want and it's not fair to ask that of someone I just thought you might have general suggestions or things that you have wished people did/said/knew?
For context this is the post: https://www.tumblr.com/whistlingstarlight/721296650605330432?source=share
Ok I've been unsure on how to answer this for a while but I think it's a very important thing to talk about
To preface I myself am not a wheelchair user, I reblogged that in solidarity with wheelchair users because I think it's an important issue. I'm not going to even try and speak for wheelchair users because it's not my place (however if anyone with experience has input please please please don't hesitate to share! I want this to be as informative as possible)
I use crutches when needed, and whilst I'm fully aware it's not the same thing I have also experienced issues regarding accessibility features. I do not want to speak for others, so I can only speak from personal experience.
Personally, I'd say that asking people if they need/want help is the best thing you can do. Most of the time I only need to use one crutch, but it's held in my dominant hand so even then it's a bit of a hassle. Holding the door open or offering a space in the priority seating on the bus can be very helpful.
And sometimes, it's all you can do. For example, my workplace claims to be disability-accessible. It's not. The door to the disability-access toilet slides open, but the door to get through to the toilets is a manual push/pull door, and quite a heavy one at that. So if you were in a wheelchair and needed the loo, even if you could manage the sliding door to the cubicle it would still be a hassle actually getting to or from the toilets. Also there's only really one table that's easily accessible, the aisles are very narrow.
So I think the safest answer I can give is: don't assume people automatically need help just because they're disabled, but you can politely offer help where it looks like it could be needed. Don't assume you know better than them, they know their own body and what they can and can't do.
Again, if anyone else wants to give their input please do so!
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ex-textura · 1 year
Hiya, Sebastian! ♥ I'm just passing by to say I really admire your art and your talent, and one day I hope to have enough money to share with you and support your beautiful work. :( ♥ I'd like to know a little bit about how you first came into contact with drawing and if you have any cheap/free tools and tutorials you'd recommend to someone who wants to start taking drawing more seriously (and knows 0% about it lmao), if you don't mind. Much love always! - tiefling enthusiast anon
Anon!! I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to this! This is such a kind ask omg thank you 🥺🥺
Don’t ever worry about not being able to buy anything from me, your kind words are honestly enough (and I know what it’s like not to be able to afford to support artists. It’s hard but I promise you messages like this mean so, so much more than money. I’m giddy rn lol)
As for getting into art, tbh I started drawing very young. I used to draw Pokémon and digimon on my desk in elementary school, and then going into junior high I started to branch out a little more though I stopped around high school and didn’t pick up drawing again until more than 10 years later lol….but it’s always been something I loved to do, and coming back to it has really filled a hole in my life I didn’t realize was there for a long time.
For a lot of my early drawings, it was just printer paper and ballpoint pens or plain old pencils until I got my first graphics tablet years later. So if you’re just starting out you don’t really need anything but the will to draw and something to scribble on. If you’re looking to start with digital art though there’s a couple of routes you can take. If you have access to an iPad, or can get one cheap (think used, past model… you don’t need much) there are a number of apps you can get such as ibis paint (which I think may be free or have a free version though I don’t use it myself) or procreate (it’s what I use on my iPad, but it has a one-time fee of I believe $13.99CAD). Or, if you have a computer I got started on a simple graphics tablet and you can get them for fairly cheap these days used (mine was like $80CAD) and I used a free version of Paint Tool SAI which works great.
Still though, if you’re okay not starting with digital art I would recommend just getting a small sketch book for under $10, a mechanical pencil and a gum eraser (those brownish ones). That’s all you really need to get started.
As for tutorials, I mostly watch YouTubers for art advice. I’d recommend Sam Does Arts, Drawfee, and Sinix Design
Sam does a lot of “rating art advice” videos, critiquing his followers pieces, and some goofy things but he has a lot of great tips and he explains things in a very easy to understand way. He also calls out his own flaws easily and teaches you to learn from his own mistakes which I find very encouraging.
Drawfee is four artists with different styles that mostly do art challenges among themselves but they also host art classes for their patrons and those videos get posted to their channel for the general public so you can still follow along for free. I like that they have different styles and different methods, and when they post their speed draws they talk through their process which is very informative.
Sinix is an incredible artist and while some of his videos are definitely more advanced he has beginner videos too that teach the very basics and I still spend a lot of time watching those ones to really drill them into my brain. He’s more informative than entertaining like the other two are, but his stuff is so good.
Other than YouTube videos, I also spend a lot of time on Line of Action which is a great site for practicing form and anatomy.
I’d also recommend the morpho drawing books if you can find a free pdf online (there are definitely sources for them I just can’t seem to find any right now…).
Im sorry this got so long winded xD I don’t even know if it makes any sense anymore lol. But basically…. Get yourself some paper and a mechanical pencil, a decent eraser and start with the basics. There are so many free resources online to get you there. After that… just get yourself a blorbo that you’re just so obsessed with and draw them over and over again until you can do it from memory. Then keep drawing them some more. It takes time and persistence and you might even feel frustrated when you start out, but remember that everyone starts somewhere and even the greatest artists are still learning.
And, please if you do start drawing feel free to share your art with me! I’d love to see it, and hopefully we can grow together ❤️❤️
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abuadam86 · 20 days
Emergency: Help save my children's lives
Dear humanity,
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I am Habib from Gaza. I am married and have four children: Menna, 12 years old, Adam, 10 years old (suffering from quadriplegia), Maria, 6 years old, and Ezz, one year old. Although they are young, they have survived previous wars, but this current war is the most difficult of all. This is a war of genocide, and the difficulty of the war lies in the inability to meet the needs of my son Adam, who needs special care.
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Over the past ten months, we have been caught in the crossfire of the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Our once peaceful home in Khan Yunis has been reduced to rubble, and now we find ourselves displaced in Deir al-Balah, living in squalid conditions in a makeshift tent on the streets. The devastation not only deprived us of our physical shelter, but also destroyed my livelihood - the once thriving business that supported our family's well-being, is now in ruins. The daily struggle for survival is exacerbated by the scarcity of basic necessities such as clean water, adequate sanitation and basic medical supplies
Our home was the place where we found hope and safety, and where we made precious memories. Losing him was like losing years of our lives.
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Not only that, they destroyed my source of livelihood, burned it, and demolished it with bulldozers, and today I am without a home and without a job. I was working in a store I owned that met the needs and expenses of my family
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Living in tents is miserable. There is a lack of drinking water, hot sun rays, and strange insects that have terrified my children. What hurts me most is my young son Ezz, who I see growing up in an unclean environment and with no healthy food for him. I believe he has not received his right to life.
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At this stage, my husband and I decided to go to you and create an account on the Go Fund Me website and ask you to help us in these difficult times until we get out of Gaza, from the land of war to the land of peace. All we need from you is to support us and help us to get out of the war, even if you cannot help. You should spread the word. This campaign is everywhere and among your friends. We thank you for your stance and support for us. Thank you, my friends
The amount that will be collected from this campaign :
We will spend it by paying the amount to coordinate entry through the Rafah land crossing, which connects Gaza to the State of Egypt, since, as I mentioned, they charge an adult $5,000, but depending on the pressures, crises, and waiting, the amount may reach $7,000 per person, and children $2,500 to $4,000.
We will also use it for the rest of the travel and safe transportation expenses to provide for all family members.
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A picture of my children's life before the war
A video of my children's lives living the war
May God reward you with all the best and may God bless you
Best wishes with sincere gratitude,
Habib's family
My Instagram account link
My account vetted by:
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therainbowwillow · 10 months
hbomberguy’s latest video on plagiarism has made me completely rethink literature and writing. I have never once so much as considered intentionally plagiarizing anyone or anything, but I think there’s something more that has come out of this: the names of the people who created the works Somerton (and others) ripped off.
Plagiarism isn’t only bad because it is lazy and disrespectful, it’s bad because it buries the truth. If you can’t find a source, the conversation is over. Somerton’s sources are fairly easy to find by simply searching his plagiarized lines, but that isn’t true in most cases. Most of the time, the line from statement to source is a lot less clear.
Today, I was writing a report on English Ivy, which is an invasive species here in the US. I wanted to know when it was introduced and I at last found a source claiming it was introduced to the Americas “as early as 1727” on a .net website that seems quite reputable (it has multiple major universities credited in its home page), but there is no citation for where this date came from. I dug deeper and found a pamphlet created by a city government in Virginia that made the same claim, only to discover the first source linked in their bibliography. Another website (a botanical garden’s page) gave the same date with the same source hyperlinked. Of course, I have classes to attend and things to do and probably not enough time to follow the lines back to where this 1727 date came from, but if I had not just watched this video, I wouldn’t have given that date a second thought.
Of course, it doesn’t matter in the long run exactly what year hedera helix was introduced to the Americas, but it makes you wonder how many facts have been so vaguely attributed that it becomes completely impossible to figure out where they originated (and further, whether or not they’re true at all).
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expectiations · 9 months
Not all women feel maternal instincts but women also contain multitudes! ‘Adventurous’, ‘career focused’ and ‘maternal’ are traits that can all exist in one woman. Beyond fed up with this shallow Tumblr Gen X ‘feminist’ interpretation that it’s sexist to portray a female character in fiction with maternal instincts, or a female character who yearns for romance. It’s a reactionary impulse against the time when women in media were ONLY the decorative love interest or self-sacrificing mother who stands quietly in the corner, but this obviously doesn’t describe River. Wanting children or romance doesn’t make them lesser women, it doesn’t make them weak women, especially when it’s not even close to being the entirety of their character. Women who would’ve liked children but make an informed choice not to have them due to practical considerations or wrong circumstances do exist. Doesn’t make the desire wrong or portraying that desire sexist.
This was an ask of such long ago proportions that I feel def chastened but yes exactly, anon. We're humans. We don't exist in a black-or-white, good-or-bad, this-or-that world. We are capable of experiencing two things at once.
I can be feminist and still yearn for romance and children (but not atm of course). It flabbergasts me when I see people insist that you can't be both a feminist and a wife/mother at once.
The post this ask is referring to -> (x)
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technically-human · 1 month
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onboardsorasora · 11 months
You're currently working on some wips. Do you ever feel tired/burned out when you have to work on them back-to-back?
Hi Bestie💕
I do sometimes feel burnt out. Like when I was in the thick of writing 2wrecked2furious sometimes I didn't even want to read another fic (I certainly didn't want to read anything angsty).
But I also found that taking breaks and focusing on other plots helped mentally. Like when it got too angsty, I'd write some tennis au. Also that's how enchanted au came about, it was like my brain was unloading the most ridiculous thing it could think of.
But I also enjoy writing and my brain will do this thing where it's like an open faucet of ideas and I can't get enough, and then sometimes that shit is clamped. So I'm trying to write as much as I can before the clamp comes back (last time it lasted like 4 years. F1rpf was truly what got me writing again).
This got long and Im like word vomiting but to make an already long post longer, if I feel like mentally tired or burnt out I just stop. I close all my docs and maybe read some fics on my to read list or reread some comfort fics that I already know the plot but want an easy serotonin boost. Breaks are always needed so I'm never afraid to take one. If I'm taking a break and I get an idea I write it down but I don't flesh it out. That's future Danni's problem 🤣
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