#Thank you again for your lovely message
gentlebeard · 6 months
If I could hold you for a minute, Darling, I’d go through it again
For @edsbacktattoo & @stedesearring 💕 Show: Our Flag Means Death - Season 1 & 2 Music: Francesca by Hozier YouTube
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apnourry · 1 month
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it's a great color on me idc
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
Hi I hate to be cheesy but I wanted to say that while a lot of people - very rightly!!! - point out how cool your art is and how inspirational it is that you showed art can be learned, not just a rare natural born talent, I also LOVE your sense of humor. The dialog and visual jokes are always so sharp and are guarenteed to make me laugh! Because I'm autistic as hell lol I like to bookmark things I can read through over agian when I'm looking for laughs and your blog is now high on the list! Thx!
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Be not afraid to be cheesy; your genuine message has brought me immense joy B’*)
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
3 words
pizzano and piepoe
WHOOOO BOY when I got this randomly asked I fr did a double take bc JUST RECENTLY I DOODLED THEM DUE TO A DREAM I HAD!!! So the timing of this message was very coincidental...!!!
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BUT since you asked for em i decided to doodle some more things for the two!! There is other art as well, but it's on my other socials and not here hehe
The basis of their relationship is very similar to how Piepoe feels about the Noise. Except she is simply just way more uncomfortable. They just don't like how unpredictable Pizzano can be!!!
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I WILL leave these ones that are older tho bc theyre quite silly. These were from after the dream and they were just me sketching out their interactions based off of it😭😭‼️
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messrsrobyn · 28 days
heyyy !!!
i'm popping back onto this blog momentarily to say THANK YOUUUUU so so so much for all the support on my top surgery funding <333
we're over one third of the way in less than a month which is INSANE. i needed to have proof of funding coming in to book some potential dates and i was able to do that which is just,,, a lot of emotions right now. so many.
not to get too sappy or emotional on main lol but it was a long road getting my body to a place where even hrt was an option, an even longer one to get to a place where i could qualify for surgery, and now it doesn't feel as fantastical as it once did.
nothing i say will ever properly express how thankful i am to everyone who shared, donated, or went the extra step to ask for other ways they can support me. but i really am.
this fandom has already changed my life in so many ways over the past year, i can't wait to see what else is in store <3
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missingn000 · 9 months
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samarqqand · 5 days
Hello samarqqand, I love your Maedhros and Maglor fanfictions, I always reread them, I wonder if at some point you will write something about them again, your writing is beautiful and conveys what one feels, I also read one you wrote about Maglor and celegorm, I liked it a lot, there are times when it made me laugh celegorm, greetings.
wow, hello hello!! this is such a pleasant surprise of a message -- thank you so much for reading my fics and for this superbly-kind feedback :] <3 i'm so glad to know they resonated with you-!!
i have one very long Maedhros/Maglor wip, Amon Ereb and Kidnap Dads era -- as is typical of me, it stalled after i wrote myself into a corner and i've been kind of helplessly poking at it ever since, BUT there's more than enough written that i'm delighted to share a hefty snippet -- hopefully gives some idea of what Maedhros and Maglor are up to!! no warnings, except... blood. and blood... licking? tasting. (please excuse any errors in the snippet; it's a draft!!)
thank you very much again-!
“No,” Maglor murmurs, the sight of Maedhros donning a wolf fur mantle. Beyond him, the Star, there: past its perihelion it sails on a journey beyond, aloof to the two sons of Feanor. “No, it will not do. A hooded cloak for these climes, I say.”
“My eyes need no veiling,” Maedhros says.
Maglor curves a long, assessing look his way as Maedhros takes his rucksack. He looks beyond Maedhros’ starless eyes: obstinate. “I would remind you,” he clarifies as loftily as any erstwhile High King at Hithlum, “you are no icy tor.” 
He takes his long fingers to the mink at Maedhros’ collar to fluff up what he can. “Could a measure of warmth be so ruinous to you?” Maglor meddles: old, bad habit. Maedhros his bad habit.
“You haven’t recovered from exposure.”
Before Maglor can ask, his head turning hither-thither as if he might find an answer just beyond, show him, show him, Maedhros lifts his chin toward the stooped fortress town beyond the forbidding briarwood. Eyes naturalized to Beleriand’s bosky chaos, he assesses the ferns and woody roots flinging themselves into a silent fervor. It is too wild here for even the dead to lie in wait. “This way.”
Maedhros could sink himself into every grumbling corner, a simmer of potential energy waiting to surge, if not for Maglor’s hand tucked into the crook of his elbow, recognizing the instinct in Maedhros.
“Oh, but I do,” Maglor contends, swinging his rucksack over his shoulder and wending around the witch-hazel. “And it has compelled me afield, to attend to the honey yet untasted upon the lonely larder shelves; further, to reward our Elrond and Elros for their patience with our monotonous menu of lentils and warg. Lentils and warg. Lentils,” he sighs, "and warg."
“Selfless saint,” Maedhros mutters.
Maglor wants to be close to him. There is no other thing living in Beleriand to want this.
There is no other living thing closer to him than Maglor is now, a veiled smile and his eyes clear, still claiming Light.
Only a fool loves a knife.
Maglor looks. He tilts his head, marking the immethodical snarl of skin flayed and healed, a torn ear nearly looking Secondborn, and the adulterated raptor-yellow coloring his stare when the meager light angles against his irises just so — , the shrug of pauldroned shoulder down to unyielding hand upon the sword pommel. Maedhros in parts.
To live, Maedhros had left some things behind.
But Maglor regards him with whole attention, the same he’d reserve for a tapestry: a story the storyteller would know by heart. 
“Not there,” Maedhros grunts, abruptly. Maglor’s veiled smile dimples his cheeks even as he plays along, a cant of interested eyebrows. “Here.” Maedhros nods toward a trail through the witch hazel and bramble, walked by generations of deer into existence.
“No caltrops to be found,” Maglor supplies.
“Set your watch here.” Maglor parts his lips to protest, though his gaze is perilously soft. “I’ll find them.”
But Maglor ladders himself gingerly into the razorwire foliage. “We muddle through the thorns together,” he announces, the scion of the proud suffering effortless in his role. “I have borne my share of scrapes, Nelyo.”
Better than that, brother: Maglor has borne all his lashes beautifully.
Maedhros joins him in the thick.
Under Maedhros’ hand, an icy splash of lichen laces a stone before abruptly the blue-white erupts with a sunset-orange hue. There is iron in the soil. 
Maedhros halts: aware.
If he were to bore straight on into the wooded depths, hand shoveling past the leafy protests and boots squealing beyond the mud’s warning, the vines might well keep a mind of their own, of their master’s. They might well snap awake. They might ensnare an ankle. Hissing arsenic-green ropes rearing up only to drag him back down to the underworld. 
The rusted metal doors in the earth which he may well have only just escaped might be open and gulping already. 
Drop his broken parts down, down to his darklong origin. 
Welcome back to a prodigal thrall.
– But for Maglor’s scent again. A tap at his shoulder. 
Maglor, the only thing in this world wanting to touch him, is crouched and slotted close to Maedhros at the end of the tree tunnel. Just another step, and they’ll be out. He’ll be out.
With a fond and regretful reach, Maglor plucks a thorn from the palm of Maedhros’ hand, and watches where the skin has broken. A question shadows Maglor’s starry gaze and does not lift.
“It is still red,” Maedhros says. He means to jest. He means to reassure. To be rueful. To wonder for how much longer. 
He does not know what he means by it.
He can smell his own blood, and hear Maglor’s heart, in all its selfless heat.
Maglor guides Maedhros’ palm against his surcoat to wick away the fresh bloom of blood.
Insinuation of ribs caging all Maglor’s soft insides; plane of torso. 
And when Maglor sees the bleeding won’t stop, he brings Maedhros’ palm to his mouth, his lips lavishing comfort on skin. 
Plush of lower lip skims flesh – and then presses flush, as if to accept the edge of a cup. A soft ripple.
Maedhros’ palm feels.
– And then his palm returns to his blade’s pommel.
And Maglor turns away in a show of modesty, letting the arrival of deer on the path interrupt him from what he might do if they were given time.
But not before his tongue has darted out, daring to taste Maedhros at his lips.
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charliefqirie · 1 month
Hello, Charlie, just wanted to make this ask to tell you how amazing you are. You were one of the first kindergarten accounts I found here on Tumblr and I'm honestly so happy I did.
You, as well as other kg artist, made me feel so much better with my art, seeing someone having an art style that looked so similar to mine yet so different and from someone so cool as you. It made me feel a lot better, even if it's not something that big.
Also, the way you draw Ozzy is honestly so cool and a huge inspiration for my current way of drawing him, I adore him.
You are a super cool person, the few times I've been able to talk to you on the kindergarten server I've been so happy, I literally look up to you a lot, you are one of my idols here on Tumblr (is that how you say it?). However, what I mean is that you are in my top 3 favorite kindergarten artists, and the fact that I am able to talk to you is just so... "#!_:#)'#)€?". I got a little jump scared when I saw you on the server.
And there is more, but I honestly can't bring myself to write more without breaking up crying, soo, sorry for the super long ask and for being a coward and writing this as anon –🐀💥
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anon… anon whoever u are i’m gonna get you… …. crignngn in the house tonight this means so much tysm sosbbsdnjsnsbd.
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pigeonstab · 18 days
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Bringing you a big hug to take to college with you!! It'll be okay, just give yourself plenty of time to settle in and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it, okay? Everybody else is either also just starting and scared or they've been there before and know what it's like. You're gonna be amazing!! ♥
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thank you so much?? T T gdfhshfbsdfhb that's so sweet, thank you sm, you're like my best friend on this app.
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pardonmydelays · 10 months
"i don't think i'll ever understand musicals the way you do" is something i've heard from one of my friends a couple of days ago when i told him i'm about to cross the whole country just to see one of those (my favourite one!) live in theatre. and i can't blame him. if you'd have told me a year ago that i would do something like that, i'd probably have laughed in your face. life is so unpredictable. i guess i have changed a lot. and i could write thousands of essays about how musicals helped me get through the shittiest period of my life, but we are not going to talk about this today. today we are talking about in the heights, the first musical i got a chance to experience live in theatre, hopefully not last. so grab a cup of coffee and make yourself comfortable, this is going to be the longest essay you've ever seen, friends.
a little warning: spoilers. a lot of them actually. so if, by any chance, you haven't seen/heard it yet and you are going to, don't read it.
first thing i feel like i need to mention is that they had this mini bar inside the theatre and you could order a lot of different drinks there and one of them was called abuela's coffee. i heard one lady explaining to someone that it's actually coffee with condensed milk. my jaw dropped and i was like CAN I STAY HERE FOREVER, PLEASE? for those who don't understand why, here's a quote from the first song:
USNAVI: abuela, my fridge broke, i got café but no con leche ABUELA CLAUDIA: try my mother's old recipe: one can of condensed milk
so this was my first "OH! THEY GET IT!" moment (a little note here: i had a lot of oh, they get it moments, mostly because i don't have any people around me who understand musicals the way i do... honestly, you'd have to live inside my brain). that was the first time ever when i could actually be in the room where it happens with all those people who get it and care about it as much as i do (mostly actors and people responsible for the whole show tho, but we will get to this later).
let's get to the show. so when i finally went inside and i saw the stage, i already had tears in my eyes (don't judge me please). usnavi's store, abuela's door, daniela and carla's salon, all those puerto rican, cuban and dominican flags (one couple behind me was trying to figure out which one is which and it was funny because i knew and i wanted to scream)... listening and memorizing the whole soundtrack is one thing. being able to experience it all live is something else. all those things around me were so familiar and this was the first time in months (MONTHS! OR EVEN YEARS!) i felt really understood. after all, it was all like a little celebration of lin's story (the one i love with all my heart) and i truly felt like home. so that was another OH! THEY GET IT! moment.
i don't think i'm going to talk about every single song here, that's not the point. i will talk about my favourite moments, but also about things that didn't work very well in my opinion (again: this was a polish version so all the songs were translated into polish. and they did a really great job here, surprisingly. but it wasn't perfect, more about that later).
one thing you need to understand is that i will never be normal about musicals so of course i had to burst into tears at the very first song (i don't even know why, i think i was a little bit too excited). i was actually crying in the most random moments like when i first saw nina or at the end of carnaval del barrio because I KNEW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT (who the hell cries at carnaval del barrio when everyone is having the time of their lives lol, me apparently).
ok, so the first song. the choreography, oh my god. it was everything. the translation was also pretty good here, i need to say this was probably one of my favourite moments. imagine me leaving today giggling like a child when usnavi came on that stage and started rapping, i was in heaven. also, i have to admit, the cast was amazing. i could never imagine anyone better for this role (and again, i am talking about polish actors because everyone knows who's the best usnavi of them all). he was cute and charming and awkward and so adorkable and also really handsome. he was actually perfect in my opinion.
i kinda lost my mind when i saw nina for the first time. first of all: i already knew who was going to play her and let's just say i fell in love with this actress before i even saw her live on that stage. this was important to me, because (as some of you know) nina rosario is my favourite character. and oh my god, she was an absolute perfection. what a voice, sweet jesus. i'm being serious, this girl is so talented, give her every award (i honestly hope i will have a chance to see her again one day, i'm just crazy about her). and breathe was so good! polish version was amazing, i was so scared they would screw it up, but they didn't, so all's good (this song is very important to me, ok?). also, she's a phenomenal actress, i could feel all her emotions for real. and of course i cried, what did you expect?
i don't have that much to say about benny, except that he was really cute and he had amazing chemistry with nina, so once again, the casting was really good. i mean, he is not chris jackson of course, but i have decided i'm not going to compare all those actors because everyone knows at this point how much i love OBC, i was trying to have an open mind. vanessa was also pretty great, amazing voice and her dancing skills, wow, just wow. i could talk about all those actors for days actually, but i'm not going to do that, so i will just quickly mention that i absolutely loved daniela and carla, abuela claudia made me cry, sonny was the funniest character in the whole play and i don't think i will ever recover after piragua guy's performance (i was the only person in the audience who was laughing when he came on that stage, they don't get it, ok? polish people have no sense of humour and that's a fact). actually, there were a lot of funny moments (obviously) and i was the only person who was laughing, god help me.
so let's get to the first thing that was a little disappointing for me. you will not believe it, but it was actually... 96,000 (this is one of my favourite songs and i seriously can't live like this). it's not the translation tho (it was honestly fine), it's the voice overlapping part at the end (again, the best thing ever, just listen to we don't talk about bruno from encanto and non-stop from hamilton and you will understand why it works so well in every lmm's song). the thing is, you could actually only hear vanessa's part and i wanted to die, because EXCUSE ME. i always sing usnavi's part and you could barely hear a word from it. but apart from that, the rest was fine, the choreography was amazing and it's just something i needed to mention because i had thoughts about it.
paciencia y fe! ok besties, i have thoughts, again. abuela claudia was absolutely incredible, also, her relationship with usnavi is something that you can't see in the movie version (they were so sweet i wanted to curl up and die. i knew about it before, i saw slime tutorial with obc on yt, ok? i'm pretty sure lin would be mad at me for watching bootlegs lol. i just wanted to say this). the translation didn't work out at the very end of the song tho, because when in the og version abuela sings about the "winning ticket", everyone knows already she won the lottery. i don't remember polish translation exactly, but it was something with double meaning, depends on how you interpret it, and i'm 100% sure people who didn't know the plot just didn't catch it. the rest of the song was absolutely beautiful tho.
when you're home. i was so afraid of this one, because i am totally crazy about this song (did i ever mention lin wrote this one after one of his first dates with vanessa? no? yes? ok i'll shut up about this now). oh, they did a really great job with it and it's a relief. i have nothing else to say, except that i was crying like a baby, but this song always makes me cry so what did you expect exactly? one of the best moments for sure. again, nina and benny's chemistry was absolutely incredible.
as much as i loved the club, i was actually really disappointed with one part, which is usnavi's famous "jealous i ain't jealous, i can take all these fellas, wHaTeVaaaaa". i've been waiting so long for this! and they messed it up with their stupid cringy translation which i don't even remember at the moment but usnavi was actually mad at benny and he cursed? ANYWAY. the rest of the song was great and the choreography was absolutely phenomenal, oh vanessa! let me get the next one! (i love her so much, she was amazing here). a little note from me: no one was laughing at the "no hablo ingles" part, NO ONE BUT ME!!! THEY DON'T GET IT! WTF! i was so mad (i am aware of the fact that most people probably didn't even know this story before and they just wanted to see a musical, not THE MUSICAL, which is totally fine. but sweet jesus, where is their sense of humour? they left it at home or what?).
and blackout was that part where the voice overlapping effect worked very well, so all's good. actually, one of the best moments for me as well. people were actually so confused when all the lights went down, but that was just so amazing. all the panic! everybody was screaming, crying! WE ARE POWERLESS! THE END OF ACT I!!! oh, i had the time of my life.
i had this weird feeling that they didn't exactly know how to translate most of hundreds of stories so they just made this song shorter than it actually is. which is fine i guess. honestly, it's better than bad translation, so i can forgive them. what i absolutely can't forgive tho is that the audience wasn't laughing at US NAVY. polish people, you have no fucking taste. i said what i said. and then again, usnavi and abuela's relationship was so sweet this song actually made me cry (mostly because i knew what was coming but also, i was just this weird girl who was sitting there in the second row and was crying at the most random moments).
ok, guys, honestly. carnaval del barrio was the best moment from the entire musical. oh, how much i want to experience it again! daniela was absolutely incredible, carla was so sweet, piragua guy stole the whole fucking show for me (seriously guys! he was just so amazing!). also, those little details i have never noticed before? i can't even tell if the same thing happened in the original version (the quality of that bootleg is actually terrible), but benny dancing with american flag somewhere in the background was so fucking funny and i don't think i will ever get over that part where at the end they were all still dancing and celebrating and nina and usnavi just ran away as fast as they could because... because you guys know what just happened. also, this is the moment i started crying.
i was so scared of it. let me tell you one thing, i experienced abuela's death at least fifty times and i still cry every single time. so atención is something i have to mention, because all the emotions and kevin's shaky voice made me burst into tears right away, and this time i wasn't the only one because i saw a lot of people crying when they realized what happened (i also heard a lot of OHs when he said abuela passed away, so yes, most of them didn't know this story and they were surprised). and alabanza was something else. believe me when i tell you i am writing this with tears in my eyes, i have never cried so much in public. this was the moment i was the most scared of and i was absolutely right because holy fuck. i was a mess. all the actors with those candles singing alabanza a doña claudia! (yes, they didn't translate it, all the spanish parts were left like in the original version and i am so grateful for that), it was just so sad and so beautiful. and this time i was actually like oh, they get it now (everyone was speechless and people were crying).
everyone must know at this point how much i adore champagne and i wasn't disappointed (thank god!). once again, usnavi was absolutely adorable here and people were actually laughing this time (also thank god!). how do you get this gold shit off? (my favourite line from the whole musical) was translated really well and the moment when usnavi and vanessa kissed! with all lights on them! this was so emotional and the audience reacted so well! we were all clapping (it was so funny to pretend like i didn't know it was gonna happen haha i was just as excited as all of them and once again i was like OH! THEY GET IT!). 10/10, would recommend.
if you think i wasn't crying during the last song, think again. one thing i absolutely hate about the movie version is that they actually changed the graffiti that made usnavi stay in washington heights, but i'm not gonna talk about that and i'm not gonna talk about vanessa also being there in the movie. in the original version it was a portrait of abuela claudia made by graffiti pete and oh boy, i lost my mind (i knew about it but i still lost my mind because it was absolutely beautiful). i got the feeling it was a little rushed in our polish version, but i can forgive them because it still made me cry. also, at the very end, usnavi did not only finally acknowledge he's home, when the song was over he pretty much told the audience that we are all home right now and may i just say... i felt that. i was home. they made me believe for the first time in my life i was where i belong, and somehow that was everything.
one thing about me is that this is actually all new to me. this was my first musical i saw live in theatre (and also lin's first child, which is exactly how it was supposed to be i think), and believe me when i tell you i've never had this much fun in my entire life, not even at all the concerts of my favourite artists. it was worth every money. it was worth spending 11 hours on the train and 11 more on my way back home, which by the way we should normalize (people are doing crazy things just to see their favourite artists on the stage and it's considered normal, so why can't we consider THIS normal?). anyway, i don't expect anyone around me to understand it the way i do, but i feel like i really found my thing, and it's all because of lin-manuel miranda, our beautiful puerto rican genius. he made me believe musicals can be cool and i truly wish i could thank him for that one day.
and like i said, in the heights is my favourite story with my favourite characters and i listened to it so many times i have memorized all the little details. experiencing it live is something completely different tho and i think it's safe to say this was the best night of my entire life. even tho most of the people in the audience didn't really get it, i finally felt like i was a part of this world created by my favourite genius and for the first time ever i felt understood. so i think i can say that now: i found my island, guys, i'm there, i'm home!
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
In one of your answers about lcsys a few days ago you mentioned that you weren't sure how closely Jackalope monitored their calls (re: trying to do investigations over the phone) and it occurred to me because you mentioned kazui calling hinako that she appears in both half and cat so he could contact her in person and they could talk a bit and even pass each other papers if they were sneaky enough. I don't know if anyone else would be willing to do that (the resources available to people like shidous wife and mahirus ex boyfriend would be limited anyway) but it could be another route if you wanted to make call monitoring strict
Anon I love that thank youuu >:0 There really is so much potential with this! 
They might not have committed careful, premeditated murders, but they sure are getting a knack for sneaky crime now. Speaking in code over phone lines, passing notes in between filming scenes, sneaking away to a private area to talk (though never knowing how much of the facility is monitored). Some of their loved ones may not have the skills/connections needed, but the prisoners sit together after getting their scripts to plan out who they’ll be able to make contact with and when.
Haruka’s sister makes a super fast appearance in AKAA, when she comes on set to film her scene someone slips a note in her pocket telling her to call a woman named Hinako with the police department and deliver a message. Hinako and the other connections listed investigate Es and Milgram, then send their findings in a message to the Kirisaki household. When Shidou visits them on his Triage trip, she passes him the information. He leaves her with any additional questions and findings to send to Mahiru’s ex before he leaves, sneaking the message into the facility. When arriving to film I Love You, her ex brings another note inside the facility disguised within his script he’s been told to look over. Mahiru has to stall some of the scenes to make filming last long enough for the others to interpret the information and form their next plan of action. Once they give her the ‘go,’ she’s able to put on a perfect performance and send the man home with a letter to Hinako. Hinako shows up to produce Cat with even more findings. This time, they send her home either with plans to investigate further on her own, or repeat the process with someone appearing in Deep Cover. They’ll have to hold out throughout the third trial, but hope what they’ve discovered/kick started will be enough when they leave. 
And, jailbreak attempt or not, I just realized they would likely end up getting close on their own! Hinako and Mahiru’s ex especially because of their similarities, but everyone would feel connected by this strange experiment. Even with limited investigation skills, they could search up the other prisoners and reach out to their families. There are conflicted feelings of sympathy and shame from the stable families, but it would make sense they’d get to talking with each other. Fuuta is horrified when the experiment ends and he leaves to find his sister is best friends with Mikoto’s. Muu’s parents are insistent about avoiding direct contact to protect their reputation, but they offer money and help to Haruka and Amane in their moving of homes. Shidou’s wife has set up playdates between her kids and Yura. (When we find out more, Kotoko and Es’ families are in the mix too :’))
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fitpacs · 4 months
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savebylou · 2 months
Hi CC,
I've been meaning to write to you for aaaaages! To tell you how much I appreciate your presence, your positivity, and your community-building here in the fandom. It's a real delight to have you on my dash! And I'm not sure: do you know how much you are appreciated?
I love how you involve us all in your process: you tell us what you're gonna post & you warn us what we can block (not necessary but always so considerate). I love how you communicate so enthusiastically and openly in your tags, and you are so generous with your praise! I've also seen you posting warm&fuzzy "asks" (today you're on the receiving end!), and that's so sweet!
To me, you are my own private UA because you have such amazing coverage. You know someone at almost every concert and get the details. You follow (or at least reblog) an incredibly wide range of people in the fandom. Following you puts my fomo to rest: even when I can't keep up with my dash some days, I know I can just check your blog and be up to speed!
And the little updates no one asked for... well, let me tell you, there are days when I'm just waiting for Shari to wake up, because while I didn't ask for them, I do loooove your little nutshell summaries! (another reason why to me you're an UA !)
So... I guess you could call this a "CC appreciation post you didn't ask for"... but you most certainly deserve it!
Schöne Grüße aus Deutschland nach Mexico!
Ailo this is the best message I had ever recieve. I'm crying right now 😭. This is so beautiful.
I don't even know how to answer this. Gosh I'm out of words really. I really can't explain how much this message means to me.
I'm always think I'm annoying posting so much and I try to schedule post but still and that is why I make my tag warnings in case is too much.
This fandom is full of talented and kind people and I always try to write at least either a comment or praise or just thanking them. Is so nice that you notice.
I try to send some ask to fans that had gone to shows, I think is so lovely know more fan experiences.
I'm your own private UA 😭🤧❤️ that is so sweet. I like to follow a lot of people, I think there are so many amazing people in this fandom, is always nice seeing more content of the fandom and see differents pov.
You can always ask for a recap and I will send you one. I haven't done a lot of recaps lately because Niall's shows had not been really great with the lives, but I always love doing recaps. I'm so glad that you also enjoy them.
Oh you send me greetings in german. I do know a few words in german thanks to duolingo lol, I know is not the best but is something. I need to keep practicing so I can send a few words to you.
Here is my spanish phrase for you: Ailo llevaré por siempre este mensaje en mi corazón, gracias de verdad.
"CC appreciation post you didn't ask for" 😭🤧 I didn't ask for but this was such a wonderful surprise truly. Still crying by the way. I keep checking my answer to see what more I can said to you but I don't think there are enough words to express how much this means to me and how much I thank you for this message. You are always so sweet.
Sending you a big hug.
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I hope you have a lovely day/afternoon/night.
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
LET PIEPOE GO INSANE!!!!! if they have the ENERGY they must USE IT!!! GO CRAZY‼️
BEHQHAHAHA sadly Piepoe insane moments equal a lot of damage around her and to others.... it's why he really tries to Remain calm! It is extremely unstable when furious or when allowing themselves to truly let out all their energy.
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simmermya · 4 months
just wanted to come on here to say that although i haven’t been responding to many asks, i do see and appreciate all of them!! life is a little bit hectic right now and has been a struggle (hence why i disappeared for a few months), but i am trying my best to figure things out and get back into posting somewhat regularly. i promise to reply to any requests and kind messages as soon as possible. my asks and wcif will always be open, even if it takes me a while to answer them!
once summer officially begins and things slow down i will try my best to post at least a few times a week :)
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souenkun · 2 months
Hi I saw you reblogged my huntershipping fanfic post with a bunch of kind comments and I just wanted to say thank YOU for writing those fics 😭🙏🏻
Everytime I see that a new fic pops up in the tags I get super excited to read what you’ve written :)))
Your fics cheer me up and brighten my day! ☀️ (I also love how you characterize Ethan and Silver) (they’re so sweet 🥲) (and you’re so sweet too thank you for taking your time to share your work with the community 🥲🙏🏻)
I’ll leave more comments on ao3 when I go back to reread them 🫶🫶🫶
And I hope you have a great week too! 🫂💕 🌈
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Hello!!!! 😭😭😭💗💗💗 my apologies for the super late reply, but waughhhh thank you for taking the time to send this sweet message! 🥺🫶 you have to know that seeing my series in your hbslv fanfic rec list already made my day as is, and I was over the moon when I got your ask that day 😭🥺💗💖 thank you for all of your love and support, truly, and I'm glad that I could do ethan and silver's characters justice; they deserve to discover love as a kind and warm joy for them to enjoy together! 🫂
I'm currently writing something for aokabu, but once that's done? I'm BACK at my hbslv brainrot, and hopefully I could pick up from where I left them in the series (either for the dinner gala or them meeting kabu part, hehe) 🥺👍 thank you once again for all of your love, and I hope your weekend treats you as wonderfully and joyful as you made me, op!!! 🫂🫂🫂💗💗💗
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