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radovid's in the lower right corner bc he sleeps with the fishes
haha get it
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veralevina15 · 11 months
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There is darkness all around, only emphatically red silhouettes, because the eyes see nothing more. The conspirators and their descendants are cursed. Blinding revenge and the revenge of the blinded king.
Вокруг - темнота, лишь подчёркнуто красные силуэты, ибо очи не видят ничего более. Прокляты заговорщики и их потомки. Ослепляющая месть и месть ослеплённого короля.
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zizikta · 5 months
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it looks like a scene from a really dark movie
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gatecrashing-corneas · 10 months
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ladymarinamart · 2 years
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fantasyoftales · 2 years
Reason of State
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thirstyforred · 2 years
scene that should be in The Witcher Remake (for me, specifically)
Geralt, after asking Thaler about the Flaming Rose: So what can you tell me about some other members?
Thaler: Well, where you wanna start?
Geralt: That de Wett... Seems to be influential.
Thaler: Ah, that little pompous piece of shit. Thinks just because he's aristocrat and de Aldersberg's right hand he's above everyone. Nobles already don't like him, and on top of that he's also nilfgaardian.
Geralt: That much I could have tell myself after five minutes of talking with him. But surely you know something more interesting about him.
Thaler: Yeah- He's into fisstech, dice and princess Adda. The last seems to be getting serious, although it doesn't mean he stopped being, you know... *vague hand gestures* Nilfgaardian...
Geralt: ? How would he stop being Nilfgaardian just because of Adda?
Thaler, snorting with laughter: No, I mean that he's ambidextrous.
Geralt: Good for him. I guess??
Thaler, slightly frustrated: He swings both ways?
Geralt: With sword?
Thaler: Yeah, yeah, with a fucking sword... Sweet fucking Melitele Geralt, you're dense like a troll.
Geralt: Just say what you mean!
Thaler: De Wett fucks both women and men!
Geralt: Aha! You could have just said that he's bisexual, you know.
Thaler: I don't speak Elder.
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zhraek · 2 years
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so uuh yeah.
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fandomwarehouse · 2 years
What if Thaler was actually a poet
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cheesywitcher · 2 years
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sockcuck?  He’s trying so hard.
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ophierian-vp · 2 years
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10oclockdot · 8 months
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The origin of the word Dollar:
"Jáchymov (Czech pronunciation: [ˈjaːxɪmof]; German: Sankt Joachimsthal or Joachimsthal) is a spa town in Karlovy Vary District in the Karlovy Vary Region of the Czech Republic. It has about 2,400 inhabitants."
Jáchymov ->
written in German as Joachimstal ->
(the "tal" part at the end means "valley" (just like Neandertal)) ->
When the silver mines opened in "Joachimstal" in 1516, they soon started minting coins called "Joachimstalers" ->
(here the "er" at the end refers to something being from somewhere, like a "Berliner" referring either to a person from Berlin, or in this special case a breakfast pastry from Berlin) ->
Joachimstaler, the name of the silver coin from Joachimstal, was shortened to "Taler" ->
And that was respelled to "Dollar."
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gatecrashing-corneas · 10 months
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ladymarinamart · 1 year
AU empire
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Vernon: "Shit, shit, shit..."
Thaler: ...
Vernon: "That bastard Voorhis... And he is Ciri's future husband?!"
Thaler: "Heh, it's funny to see you so jealous and in love, Roche."
Vernon: "Go to hell, you're hurting my head."
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ooksaidthelibrarian · 2 years
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If Roche was Foltest's hound, Thaler was his terrier. Chasing after information, and never stopping once he got his teeth into it. He certainly had his teeth in Roche. Thaler's information comes at a price, and Roche is only too willing to pay it.
Fandom: Witcher (video game) Rating: E Words: 4425 Pairing: Bernard "Talar" Dukat | Thaler/Vernon Roche
Under-negotiated Kink
Anal Sex
Rough Sex
Blow Jobs
Roche continues to have a thing for Foltest
Doggy Style
Light Bondage
Verbal Humiliation
Dubious Consent
Read it on AO3
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fantasyoftales · 2 years
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