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vittorioballato · 2 years ago
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unisvers · 10 months ago
Tra due mondi e due ere from vittorio e.pisu on Vimeo.
Fondazione perl'Arte Bartoli Felter Temporary Storing for Contemporary Art Manca Spazio presentano Tra due Mondi e due Ere Gianni Atzeni a cura di Chiara Manca Via XXIX Novembre 1847 3, Cagliari dal 14 al 29 marzo 2024 Indagare il percorso artistico di Gianni Atzeni, risulta un compito complesso e articolato. L’artista cagliaritano dagli anni Settanta ad oggi, ha attraversato una continua sperimentazione di tecniche e materiali, in costante evoluzione verso una poetica artistica elaborata e profondamente strutturata. Abile sperimentatore questo autore ama setacciare tutte le strade della tecnica per approdare a nuove soluzioni espressive, scrive M.Dolores Picciau in un intervento dedicato ad Atzeni alcuni anni fa. Come è noto, Atzeni dagli anni ’80 concentra la sua ricerca sulla grafica e sull’incisione, partecipando anche a concorsi e mostre internazionali. Nello stesso periodo è fondamentale ricordare la collaborazione con Luigi Mazzarelli alla rivista Thélema, un caposaldo della cultura e dell’arte contemporanea in quegli anni, in Sardegna. Scrive Alessandra Menesini L’artista sperimenta, come sua consolidata abitudine, alcune delle affascinanti tecniche della calcografia, una mai sopita passione che gli fa raccontare il suo armeggiare con lastre e inchiostri, come fossero storie appassionanti, passione nata appunto, fra le pareti della redazione di Thélema. Dagli anni Novanta, al 2013 Atzeni ha collaborato con l’Università degli Studi di Cagliari e la Prof.ssa Maria Grazia Scano per il corso di studi in Beni Culturali e Storia dell’Arte. La didattica dell’arte è per Gianni Atzeni un elemento fondamentale, anche per questo, collabora ad esempio per i laboratori con il Festival delle Storie di Gavoi, fin dalla prima edizione. In quest’occasione alla Fondazione Bartoli Felter verrà esposta una selezione di opere rappresentative della produzione artistica di Atzeni dagli anni ’80 ai primi 2000, alcune rimaste fino ad oggi inedite, altre già proposte decenni fa e accompagnate dai testi redatti in quelle occasioni da curatori e critici. L’intento della mostra è di proporre alcuni nuovi spunti di riflessione sulla profondità e sulla complessità del percorso creativo di Gianni Atzeni, auspicando che questo sia il primo passo verso una ricognizione delle opere e una meritata esposizione antologica del suo lavoro nella sua città.
Una trasmissione S'Arti Nostra Un film di Vittorio E. Pisu
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years ago
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Does The Thélema Abbey Still Hold Aleister Crowley’s Haunted Dark Power And Real Demonic Secrets?
The well known haunted lost villa known to many as the Abbey of Thelema was once the notorious home of” Aliester Crowley”, And yes, it still stands today. It’s once solid structure now crumbles and falls into a condition of disrepair, and many still believe it is the most wretched of haunted places where real demons and ghost still haunt.
Many locals will tell you to stay clear that real gate to hell. More so they state the place is haunted by ghosts, devil’s and demons. And one should avoid speaking of the hidden villa or dare to venture near it in fear of the evil curse that will befall you. Tales of tourist going there and not returning the same or often sited. Stories of midnight orgy’s and today’s real devil worshipers holding abdominal dark sabbath rituals there or often spoken of in hushed tones.
To this date no one has at this point come forward with information on an actual paranormal investigation where a team has gone in or investigated the location properly.
Aleister Crowley (12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947), born Edward Alexander Crowley, and also known as both Frater Perdurabo and The Great Beast, was an influential English occultist, mystic and ceremonial magician, responsible for founding the religious philosophy of Thelema. He was also successful in various other fields, including mountaineering, chess and poetry, and it has also been alleged that he was a spy for the British government. In his role as the founder of the Thelemite faith, he came to see himself as the prophet who was entrusted with informing humanity that it was entering the new Aeon of Horus in the early twentieth century.
Crowley had planned to transform the unimpressive small house into a international global center of magical devotion and perhaps to gain tuition fees paid by acolytes seeking training in the Magical Arts; these fees would further assist him in his efforts to promulgate Thelema and publish his precious manuscripts.
After Crowley’s departure, the Abbey of Thelema was eventually abandoned and local residents whitewashed over Crowley’s murals.
Aleister Crowley had no formal public Burial. As far as information’s states he was Cremated, and the possession of ashes is unknown. Though many rumors have persisted over the years that they have passed hands many times.
No one has actually published information or documentation on an actual paranormal investigation of Thelema Abbey. Though some recent fantastic tales of actual Seances being held there have surfaced over the years where actual contact with Raoul Loveday (or Frederick Charles Loveday) who died at the Abbey interacted with the participants.
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spring-mornings · 6 years ago
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Per parlare d’amore i greci usavano i seguenti termini:
1) Agape (αγάπη) è amore di ragione, incondizionato, oblativo, anche non ricambiato, spesso con riferimenti religiosi: per esempio è il termine per indicare amore più usato nei Vangeli.
2) Philia (φιλία) è l’amore di affetto e piacere, di cui ci si aspetta un ritorno, ad esempio tra amici.
3) Eros (έρως) termine che definisce l’amore sessuale, ma non solo. Deriva da Ёραμαι” (eramai) che vuol dire “amare ardentemente”, “bramare”. Il termine Ёρος non si riferisce necessariamente a una persona.
4) Anteros (αντέρως) quando l’amore è corrisposto, quando c’è un legame.
5) Himeros (Iμερος), “desiderio irrefrenabile”: la passione del momento, il desiderio fisico presente e immediato che chiede di essere soddisfatto.
6) Pothos (Πόθος), termine che è il desiderio verso cui tendiamo, ciò che sogniamo, alla base della nostra intenzionalità.
7) Stοrgé (στοργή): l’amore parentale-familiare, viene dal verbo Στέργω (stergo) che significa “amare teneramente” e viene usato soprattutto in riferimento all’amore filiale, è l’amore d’appartenenza, ad esempio tra parenti e consanguinei. Designa l’affetto naturale fra parenti intimi e specialmente fra i genitori e i loro figli, ma anche tra fratelli e sorelle.
8) Thélema (θέλημα) indica l’amore per quel che si fa, è il piacere di fare, il desiderio voler fare.
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thelemita · 8 years ago
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Model and photography: Thélema Therion
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ladyrealgar · 5 years ago
Eight kinds of love (8)
Thélema (θέλημα)
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The love for what you do, it is the pleasure of doing, the desire to do.
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oliverosse · 2 years ago
Devo imparare ad apprezzare le emozioni senza trovarne solo il lato negativo
L'amore è stranamente tanto bello in ogni sua forma
Le persone hanno la fortuna di provare vari tipi di amore, per i greci erano 5:
Agape, l'amore incondizionato, non ricambiato
Philia, l'amore di affetto, l'amicizia
Eros, l'amore romantico, passionale
Anteros, l'amore corrisposto, il legame tra due persone
Himeros, l'amore fisico, la passione irrefrenabile
Pothos, l'amore che sognamo, che idealizziamo
Storgé, l'amore familiare, fraterno
Thélema, l'amore che si dà, senza ricevere nulla in cambio
Io ho la fortuna di amare
Ma a volte me ne dimentico
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airmanisr · 4 years ago
Looks Can Kill
Looks Can Kill by Hidrico Via Flickr: Character Mad Moxxi from Borderlands 2. Costume and model: Thélema Therion Photo and edition: Hidrico More at: www.facebook.com/hidricophotography All rights reserved ©
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gameofreferences · 8 years ago
Game of Thrones Cosplay Tutorials
Arya Stark
- Ginny Di’s Jerkin Tutorials 1, 2, 3, 4
- Ginny Di’s Tutorial (House of Black and White robe)
- Ginny Di’s S7 Quilting Tutorial 
- SilverGreyDash’s Jerkin Tutorial 
Cersei Lannister
- Chelsea Rebecca Cosplay’s Walk-through (Red S2 dress and Belt)
- Ria Regalia‘s Dress Walk-through  (Red S2 dress)
- Thélema Therion Cosplay’s Tutorial (Turquoise birds dress)
Daenerys Targaryen
- Filmkostume.ch’s Tutorials (Quarth) (S7)
- Fabric & Fiction’s blog posts: Dress  Belt (Quarth dress)
- Justine Alyssa’s blog post (Promo S2)
- Harmony Sage Lawrence’s video tutorial (White S6 dress)
- Jellyfish Soup’s tutorial (Blue S3 tunic and makeup)
Ellaria Sand
- Crisis Averted Creations’ blog post
Jamie Lannister
- The RPF’s King’s Guard armor thread
Jon Snow
- Ava Baytree’s fur tutorial (Night’s Watch)
- Jane Allyson’s blog posts: Jerkin Longclaw Armor Doublet Cloak (Night’s Watch)
King’s Landing Gown (Generic) 
- The Fashionable Past’s Kings Landing dress blogs 1, 2, 3  (Great resource for S2 Cersei gowns)
Margaery Tyrell
- Fabric & Fiction’s blog posts: 1 2 (Purple Wedding dress)
- Anachronism in Action’s dress diary  (S3 gown)
- Poisoned Kitty’s blog post (S3 gown)
- Saddle the Hippogriffs’s blog post (S6 gown)
- Lyddidesign’s blog post (Purple Wedding dress)
Nymeria Sand
-  Thélema Therion Cosplay’s Tutorial
Oberyn Martell
- Crisis Averted Creations’ blog posts 1 2 3 4 5
- Valentine Costume’s WIP Facebook Posts (Most photos include a description)
Sansa Stark
- Megan Marie Fox’s blog post (S3 gown)
- Justine Alyssa’s blog post (S1 pink gown)
- Kirilee Cosplay’s Tutorial (Handmaiden gown)
- Lightening Cosplay’s tutorials Coat Bow Quiver & Arrows
- Ava Baytree’s blog post
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vittorioballato · 5 years ago
Aleister Crowley ,Cefalù e l'esoterismo nella musica da Bowie ai Beatles
Aleister Crowley ,Cefalù e l’esoterismo nella musica da Bowie ai Beatles
Molti divi della musica rock sono rimasti catturati dalla figura carismatica di Aleister Crowley a cominciare dai mitici Beatles che lo avevano inserito fra le ‘persone che ci piacciono’ sulla copertina del famoso Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band a  Jimmy Page, chitarrista dei Led Zeppelin.
Page è diventato uno dei maggiori collezionisti al mondo di materiale riguardante l’occultista…
View On WordPress
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unisvers · 6 years ago
#Gianni Atzeni/80 gesti sconosciuti from vittorio e.pisu on Vimeo.
SPaZIO InVISIBILE presenta "80 gesti sconosciuti" a cura di Efisio Carbone dal venerdì 8 Febbraio al sabato 2 Marzo 2019, Via Barcellona 75 Cagliari La mostra indaga un momento poco conosciuto della produzione artistica di Gianni Atzeni, uno dei maestri indiscussi dell'arte incisoria nella Sardegna del nostro tempo. Parliamo di una serie di opere degli anni '80 (da qui il titolo della mostra) in cui l'artista accosta il gesto pittorico a quello musicale. Sono anni di intensa sperimentazione legati alla importantissima rivista Thélema e al mondo plexoniano. La pittura gestuale è dell'arte informale del Dopoguerra un momento di legame profondo e inscindibile tra opera e autore. Dentro l'alveo di una ritrovata ritualità l'artista lascia traccia sulla tela della sua connessione col mondo interiore producendo momenti unici e irripetibili. Ne sono esempio i lavori istintivi e solitari di Jackson Pollock e di Georges Mathieu, uno padre del dripping e artista sciamano, l'altro calligrafo proto-performer. Il gesto come elemento sostanziale della creazione, dal Cristo del Giudizio di Michelangelo al taglio di Fontana è sia azione che suono. Gianni Atzeni accende un riflettore proprio su quest'ultimo punto di vista, memore della sua passione musicale che lo portò, fin da ragazzo, prima a costituire un gruppo musicale, poi ad entrare in un coro polifonico della città di Cagliari. Nella figura del direttore, nel suo modo di creare armonia interpretando la partitura, nel suo dare ritmo e concedere ad ogni singolo di essere parte del tutto, Gianni vede importanti parallelismi con le arti visive. Ancor di più, noi crediamo, nella sua necessità, per via del carattere gentile quanto schivo, di dare le spalle al pubblico per concentrarsi esclusivamente sulla creazione. Qui sta tutto il piacere e la gioia per Gianni Atzeni di sentirsi artista. Una trasmissione SARDONIA Un film di Vittorio E. Pisu facebook.com/gianni.atzeni.14?ref=br_rs [email protected]
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years ago
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Does The Thélema Abbey Still Hold Aleister Crowley’s Haunted Dark Power And Real Demonic Secrets?
The well known haunted lost villa known to many as the Abbey of Thelema was once the notorious home of” Aliester Crowley”, And yes, it still stands today. It’s once solid structure now crumbles and falls into a condition of disrepair, and many still believe it is the most wretched of haunted places where real demons and ghost still haunt.
Many locals will tell you to stay clear that real gate to hell. More so they state the place is haunted by ghosts, devil’s and demons. And one should avoid speaking of the hidden villa or dare to venture near it in fear of the evil curse that will befall you. Tales of tourist going there and not returning the same or often sited. Stories of midnight orgy’s and today’s real devil worshipers holding abdominal dark sabbath rituals there or often spoken of in hushed tones.
To this date no one has at this point come forward with information on an actual paranormal investigation where a team has gone in or investigated the location properly.
Aleister Crowley (12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947), born Edward Alexander Crowley, and also known as both Frater Perdurabo and The Great Beast, was an influential English occultist, mystic and ceremonial magician, responsible for founding the religious philosophy of Thelema. He was also successful in various other fields, including mountaineering, chess and poetry, and it has also been alleged that he was a spy for the British government. In his role as the founder of the Thelemite faith, he came to see himself as the prophet who was entrusted with informing humanity that it was entering the new Aeon of Horus in the early twentieth century.
Crowley had planned to transform the unimpressive small house into a international global center of magical devotion and perhaps to gain tuition fees paid by acolytes seeking training in the Magical Arts; these fees would further assist him in his efforts to promulgate Thelema and publish his precious manuscripts.
After Crowley’s departure, the Abbey of Thelema was eventually abandoned and local residents whitewashed over Crowley’s murals.
Aleister Crowley had no formal public Burial. As far as information’s states he was Cremated, and the possession of ashes is unknown. Though many rumors have persisted over the years that they have passed hands many times.
No one has actually published information or documentation on an actual paranormal investigation of Thelema Abbey. Though some recent fantastic tales of actual Seances being held there have surfaced over the years where actual contact with Raoul Loveday (or Frederick Charles Loveday) who died at the Abbey interacted with the participants.
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thelemita · 8 years ago
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myhauntedsalem · 6 years ago
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Does The Thélema Abbey Still Hold Aleister Crowley’s Haunted Dark Power And Real Demonic Secrets?
The well known haunted lost villa known to many as the Abbey of Thelema was once the notorious home of” Aliester Crowley”, And yes, it still stands today. It’s once solid structure now crumbles and falls into a condition of disrepair, and many still believe it is the most wretched of haunted places where real demons and ghost still haunt.
Many locals will tell you to stay clear that real gate to hell. More so they state the place is haunted by ghosts, devil’s and demons. And one should avoid speaking of the hidden villa or dare to venture near it in fear of the evil curse that will befall you. Tales of tourist going there and not returning the same or often sited. Stories of midnight orgy’s and today’s real devil worshipers holding abdominal dark sabbath rituals there or often spoken of in hushed tones.
To this date no one has at this point come forward with information on an actual paranormal investigation where a team has gone in or investigated the location properly.
Aleister Crowley (12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947), born Edward Alexander Crowley, and also known as both Frater Perdurabo and The Great Beast, was an influential English occultist, mystic and ceremonial magician, responsible for founding the religious philosophy of Thelema. He was also successful in various other fields, including mountaineering, chess and poetry, and it has also been alleged that he was a spy for the British government. In his role as the founder of the Thelemite faith, he came to see himself as the prophet who was entrusted with informing humanity that it was entering the new Aeon of Horus in the early twentieth century.
Crowley had planned to transform the unimpressive small house into a international global center of magical devotion and perhaps to gain tuition fees paid by acolytes seeking training in the Magical Arts; these fees would further assist him in his efforts to promulgate Thelema and publish his precious manuscripts.
After Crowley’s departure, the Abbey of Thelema was eventually abandoned and local residents whitewashed over Crowley’s murals.
Aleister Crowley had no formal public Burial. As far as information’s states he was Cremated, and the possession of ashes is unknown. Though many rumors have persisted over the years that they have passed hands many times.
No one has actually published information or documentation on an actual paranormal investigation of Thelema Abbey. Though some recent fantastic tales of actual Seances being held there have surfaced over the years where actual contact with Raoul Loveday (or Frederick Charles Loveday) who died at the Abbey interacted with the participants.
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thelemita · 8 years ago
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"We both know what happens next. Just get it over with."
Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite - Burial at Sea) Cosplay and photography by Thélema Therion
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airmanisr · 4 years ago
Moxxi by Hidrico Via Flickr: Character Mad Moxxi from Borderlands 2. Costume and model: Thélema Therion Photo and edition: Hidrico More at: www.facebook.com/hidricophotography All rights reserved ©
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