#Tent House Supplier
goyaltenthouse · 6 months
Tent House Supplier
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kjhxhsyadg · 2 years
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callimara · 10 months
The Setting
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A quaint town with a population of 10,000. Located in the Pas-de-Calais department of Northern France, it is an amalgamation of days past and modern times; preserving its original construction from 150 years ago while intertwining with modern-day advancements.
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The town was founded in the late 1800s by Olivier Bougainvillea: a renowned physicist from Paris who led a scientific expedition to the area that would later be known as Bougainville. The goal of his expedition was to study unusual electromagnetic radiations within the area. He set up a research base that would inadvertently grow with the influx of scientists and researchers Bougainvillea recruited to participate in his research. The growing scale of Bougainvillea's research necessitated better infrastructure and living facilities; resulting in the arrival of more labor for construction. The rapid influx of people now requiring long-term accommodation in the area demanded more housing, and soon the base had transformed into a small hamlet. Thus, began the settlement of Bougainville. As time passed, the families of the workers and researchers had relocated to the area; operating independent businesses to fill demands such as clothing, food, and other essential supplies. And as the economy grew, so did the settlement. More merchants and businesses settled in the hamlet, and soon, what was once a research base became the town of Bougainville: named after the lead scientist that pioneered the settlement of the area and powered the town with his discoveries and innovations. In honour of his legacy, Bougainvillea flowers line the front of almost every street, creating a beautiful sight at every turn.
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Bougainville has Calais to the north, Le Portel to the west, Lumbres to the east, and Desvres to the south. It is nestled adjacent to the Parc naturel regional des caps et marais d’Opale. As such, lazily drifting fog and chilly weather are a permanent fixture in the small town, perfectly complementing its slow, leisurely lifestyle. A river divides the town into two sides: West and East. Western Bougainville is its central business district; housing the entertainment district and the shopping district; as well as the town hall, Bougainville bank, and police station. Eastern Bougainville is the town’s health and education district; being the location of Bougainvillea University, Bougainville General Hospital, and the Bougainvillea Foundation’s central laboratory; which is open to the public as a science museum. To the north of the town is the Emilie Francoise Nature Reserve, which is 1000 acres of protected marshland and forest. It is also here that the Bougainvillea Power Plant is located; which provides electricity to the entire town.
The Bougainvillea Foundation
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A multinational conglomerate with subsidiaries in a variety of industries.
Including, but not limited to:
medical equipment
non-profit organizations
military equipment
Central Laboratory
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One of the crowning jewels of Bougainville, the Bougainvillea central laboratory is a marvel of modern engineering. From its humble beginnings as a research tent, it is now the primary location for all of the Bougainvillea Foundation’s science exhibitions. Thus, it is a famous field trip destination for many educational institutes. It is the oldest and largest lab of the Bougainvillea Foundation. It has contributed much to the lifestyle advancements in Bougainville by: supplying power; being the primary supplier of medicine, medical supplies, and funds the Bougainville healthcare system; and founding Bougainvillea University.
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Bougainvillea University
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Founded in the honor of Olivier Bougainvillea for his contributions to modern science and the founding of Bougainville, Bougainvillea University strives to shape brilliant minds that will pave the way to innovation and discovery. Graduates of this university may receive highly coveted employment with the Bougainvillea Foundation.
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Bougainville General Hospital
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From its humble beginnings as a small 3-bed health clinic, the facility has grown to an impressive 300-bed general hospital with an emergency department and specialist operating theatres. Though it has maintained its original exterior, its interior has been refurbished with state-of-the-art healthcare facilities thanks to the generous donations of the Bougainvillea Foundation.
Shopping District
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The location of most of the shops in Bougainville. It is the most popular tourist and student destination in town, boasting an array of grocers, book stores, bakeries, boutiques, cafes, restaurants, and wineries.
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Entertainment District
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The centre of Bougainville’s nightlife, this area is where most of Bougainville’s adult recreational businesses are located. From bars, taverns, and billiard, to nightclubs, strip clubs and gambling.
Emilie Francoise Nature Reserve
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Named after the town founder’s wife and fellow scientist, Emilie Francoise nature reserve is 1000 acres of protected marshland and forest. The reserve is a popular hiking and camping destination for locals and visitors alike. In honor of Olivier Bougainvillea's beloved wife, fellow scientist, and Parisian ecologist, the nature reserve aims to continue the conservation efforts of Emilie Francoise Bougainvillea in protecting the town’s natural landscape.
Key Locations
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Luna Lake A crystalline lake that is 30 km wide that reflects the sky like a mirror. At night time, it seems to hold the moon on its surface. It is populated by diverse aquatic life, making it a popular fishing spot.
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Bellevue Valley A valley covered with flowers all year long. Different flowers bloom during different seasons and months.
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Celine Falls The biggest, most scenic water fall in the nature reserve
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Labyrinthe Marshland The largest marshland in the nature reserve and home to a diverse population of wildlife.
The Underground
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There are whispers of an underground black market where illicit goods and services are distributed. Though its location is largely unknown…
▶ Wildward Master Post
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blurban-form · 5 months
Many locations have housing types that because of local conditions become very common and come to define an area. Los Angeles dingbats, auto worker housing in Detroit, and Texas donuts are some examples.
But we’re not here to talk those, we’re going to talk about Queenslanders, the type of house the Heelers live in. Like so much of “Bluey”, they’re depicted very realistically.
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Queenslanders are the term for a type of house that became commonplace in Queensland, Australia, particularly in Brisbane. (Note the term can also refer to the construction style, so other types of building could be called Queenslanders too.)
They date back to the 1840s when Brisbane was expanding rapidly. Queensland's population increased rapidly from 30,000 inhabitants in 1861 to half a million by 1901 due to a mining boom. Housing was needed that could be constructed rapidly. In the early 20th century, these homes were available as kits from lumber suppliers but were also built by home-building firms, they could be constructed rapidly while maintaining a high level of quality.
Construction and Features
These homes tend to be large: this was intentional as when Brisbane was developing, a minimum lot size was specified to prevent very cramped/dense slum areas that had become an issue in other Australian cities.
These homes were constructed of readily-available low-cost materials: wooden planks and metal roofs, typically a single-level on wooden “stumps”.
This use of these stump posts as the footings for the house had multiple benefits. It protected against flooding (i.e. this lower area could flood without destroying the home’s contents), keeps bugs out (the posts would use metal caps to keep ants from climbing up into the house), and allowed the homes to be built rapidly without the need to smooth out/level the terrain with earth-moving equipment, and also allows the building to be easily moved, raised, etc. if need be.
Note how the Heeler’s house appears to have part of the lower level upgraded while part of it is still an unimproved crawlspace-type area.
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Other features include:
Spinning rooftop ventilators to allow hot air to be expelled from the house.
Gabled roofs with steep pitches, typically with fireproof metal roofs (originally corrugated iron, now steel as used on barn roofs), as this was material readily available, could stand up to heavy rains, and was easily replaced in the event of cyclone damage. (Most episodes of Bluey show the house with flatter-style steel barn-type roofing, but “Hammerbarn” shows corrugated metal!)
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They have verandas (porches) that wrap around the house but do not enclose the house entirely. Sometimes these get enclosed to create additional indoor living space. The veranda serves as an indoor/outdoor space, and can even be used as a sleeping area in the summer.
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The crawlspace area could be used as a shaded play area, workshop, etc. and many were ultimately upgraded into living space but this eliminated the protection against flooding. (This space would be vulnerable)
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Inside the rooms are connected and designed with lots of openings to allow for airflow to keep them cool. (As there was no air conditioning at the time.)
(When I did the series of house walkthrough posts I noted how there are often open windows and good airflow throughout the house)
These homes have a light, breezy feel, often being compared to treehouses, or tents. This can also be a criticism; the walls can be thin (making privacy an issue) and hard to insulate, which wasn’t a consideration when they were constructed.
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These features combine to make these homes well-adapted to the warm & humid climate of Queensland, where rainfall is heavy and the average summer temperature is typically in the range of 23–36°C (73–97°F). Brisbane is located in a low-lying swamp area and is prone to flooding.
They began falling out of favour after WWII. One reason for this was that earth-moving technology had improved meaning it was no longer necessary to build using stumps, as uneven land could be levelled for building.
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periwinckles · 1 year
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(please note the rating for this pic has changed to M)
WEEK 7/9 - Thom
“So the rumors are true?”
Cyrus is standing outside his tent and I can only see his legs, but I can picture the smug look on his face.
“Depends on what the rumors say.”
I can’t stop a grin from splitting my face as I step outside. If that’s not enough giveaway I guess the fact that l have all of my possessions shoved inside a duffel bag, and my sleeping bag rolled under my arm should be a clear indication of the day’s events.
“So you’re finally moving out?”
I silently gesture to the duffel bag and he envelopes me in a hug. “Man, I could just kiss you right now.”
“Please don’t.”
“No, I’ll leave it to her.” He says with a nod to my left, and when I turn I see Delly approaching us. Cyrus takes off, probably to come up with a way to discreetly let Fern know I’m out of his tent for good.
She gives this cute little bounce when she reaches me and I think it’s the most adorable thing I have ever seen. I drop my bag on the ground as she takes my hands and holds them behind her back, pulling me to a close embrace.
“You sure you want to do that? I’m kind of smelly right now.”
“I don’t mind.” She tells me as she leans in for a kiss. It’s warm and gentle and full of excitement, just like her. I could hardly focus during the rest of the afternoon, as I kept replaying her kisses over and over again in my head, and I swear I’ll never get enough of this.
“I wanted to take my things back to the tent, before heading for the showers.” I explain.
“I can deal with it if you want. Go, I’ll get your things organized in our tent.”
I throw my head backwards in elation. I still can't believe this is happening. I pull her closer, our hands still connected behind her back, and I kiss her again. “I love hearing you say that.” I say, my lips still brushing hers.
“What? Our tent?”
We stare at each other for a few seconds, before we both give in to wide smiles.
“I spent all afternoon wondering if this was really happening or if I was just out in the sun too much.” I tell her “But it’s real, right?”
She moves her hands to my shoulders and gives that happy little jump again.
“Well I really hope so, because I've been calling you my boyfriend all afternoon. I’ve been casually dropping hints around every girl in camp.” I laugh out loud at this and it earns me another quick kiss. “What?” she asks me “I’m not taking any chances, these girls are kind of thirsty.”
There's a lot of new girls in camp, but they're still the minority, and for every new girl, there's about five different guys calling dibs on her. I couldn't care less.
“I really need to head to the shower, before I miss my time slot.”
“Go! I’ll take this!” She says taking my things and giving me a soft lingering kiss.
We're teased mercilessly during dinner time. I'm not used to being the center of gossip, but Delly finds it amusing and she makes a point to hold my hand in clear sight the entire time.
Our relationship triggers discussion about the former Seam-Merchant divide, and we end up dinner with an unplanned brainstorming about what the new town setup should be like, and how to prevent social feuds. Sae has a lot on her mind about this, and we end up making a few changes to our original plans.
"We're not divided now, but what happens in a generation or two? We need to make sure everyone is treated equally when splitting the land and the new houses." One of the newcomers says, and everyone nods in approval.
We expect the construction materials to start arriving in the next few weeks, and we'll be starting on the first houses as soon as we have everything we need. We end up taking a vote regarding the construction, and I'll be taking charge of the construction crew. Zac Steiner will take over the suppliers team, but he still reports to me and I'm still the one to contact the government. Delly is officially out of the suppliers and she's the head of a team of five women that tend to the garden.
"I say we build houses for the families first. I know everyone is dying to move to a house, and hopefully we all will have a roof over our heads before winter, but we need to make choices, and I say families with kids are top priority. Then families without kids. Then single folks."
I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I'm glad to find out everyone else agrees. Soon the fire starts to die out and we end our impromptu meeting. I linger a bit by the firepit, to make sure the fire is out, Saul right beside me, while Delly has her privacy on the tent. After a while, we join her inside.
The tent is not huge, but it can fit the three of us quite nicely. Our sleeping bags are all lined up, Delly in the middle, Saul to the right and me to the left. Our clothes are neatly folded into three piles on the far side from the door. She is wearing my gray hoodie again.
“So I’m losing that again, uh?”
She doesn't answer me but makes a point to roll over facing Saul so I can undress myself.
"So you're giving Thom privacy but not me?" Saul complaints. I think he's not serious though, as he shows no qualms in changing clothes in front of her.
"I've seen you naked before." She tells him.
"Yeah, but I have chest hair now."
"Oh Saul, trust me, we'll be back in a house before you have chest hair."
We all settle down for sleep. I’m still not sure exactly on her stance for physical affection inside the tent, so I take my time to lay down, but once I do she laces her fingers around mine.
Saul's voice is the last thing I hear, before falling asleep.
"Just for the record, I want my own room when we get a house, Delly."
Saul is an early riser, and he's not quiet either. I feel like a herd of elephants is shaking the whole tent as he gets up and gets dressed. Delly's head is resting on my arm and I can feel her sighing against my shoulder. She's awake for sure, and I hope the smile that lurks in my lips doesn't alert Saul to my state of consciousness too.
"Saul, you're up?"
Danny Thompson waits for him outside, and someone needs to teach these kids how to be quiet. What they need to do at six a.m. is beyond me, but since it's working to my advantage I'm not complaining.
"Coming!" Saul tells him in an attempted whisper.
As soon as we hear the tent zipper close again her breath is in my ear.
"If you're sleeping through this Thom, I swear I'll slap you."
Read the rest on AO3
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tentsandshade · 1 year
Car Parking Shades Suppliers in Dubai 0543839003
provide highly engineered car parking shades structure to its client, which provide extreme protection to cars and other vehicles from the burning sun UV radiations and our parking shades structures are very helpful for UAE’s hot weather. We manufacture, supply and install both Standard and Customized parking sheds in Sharjah and other states of UAE.
Car Parking Shades Suppliers in Dubai Sharjah Ajman UAE Best Quality Good Materials affordable and Best Quallity Materials
6.0m x 3.0m (Good For 1 Car)
6.0m x 6.0m (Good For 2 Car)
We are Sharjah base Car Parking Shade and tents manufacturing company since 2002. We deliver wide range of Car Parking Shades in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah,Oman, saudi arabia, other Gulf regions like Ajman, Al Ain, Umm Al Quwain, Fujairah, as well we provide our services in all GCC Countries and Africa with standard and custom designs and requirements.
Our most Used Low price Parking Shade is Cantilever Car Parking Shades which are available in most competitive price and these shades are best solution for car parking lot.
We are expert manufacturers and suppliers as we use world high class fabrics like PVC, PVDF, PTFE, HDPE for the car parking shades structure which increase the safety of your cars more efficiently and effectively and very much helpful for the UAE weather and maintain the gloss, shine and protect the car.
List of Parking Shades Fabrics Use for the manufacturing of Car parking sheds are:
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These products are manufactured with the latest technologies under the strict guidance of our highly skilled engineers. Moreover, the blend of quality with the most recent technologies will let us customize the designs according to our customer’s desires.
HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) is a high-quality fabric used in parking shades and tensile structures. The fabric is manufactured using high-quality materials to function for a more extended period. It is designed for maximum strength, durability, and protection.
Proven to resist UV rays, this fabric can withstand harsh weather as well. This type of material is highly recommended for the people who would like to enhance their outdoor space within the budget. It is one of the most cost-effective fabric shade available in the market. Both waterproof and non-water proof materials are available- depending upon the client requirement we use it for car parking sheds and other urban spaces.
PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) is a fabric used in the car parking shades well known for its amazing properties. There are plenty of good qualities for this fabric, such as UV resistance, cold resistance, durability, etc. The material is 100 percent waterproof and can withstand harsh weather. It is also an economical solution for parking shades. Our PVC fabric will protect the car parking area from the sun, hence maintaining the color and heat of the car.
Car Parking Shades– PVC Mesh
PVC mesh is a very popular and cost-effective roofing system which is designed to keep interior temperatures cooler during warmer weather conditions. These type of fabric are used in the areas with high UV level. It is a strong, durable and long-lasting material.
More Details contact us 0543839003 / 0505773027
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Exploring the Real Cost of Wholesale Pop-Up Canopy Tents
Wholesale Pop Up Canopy Tents are versatile structures that serve a variety of purposes, from providing shelter at outdoor events to serving as promotional tools for businesses. One common question that arises is whether these tents can be designed and printed for free. In this article, we'll delve into the factors that determine the cost of wholesale pop-up canopy tents, explore options for designing and printing them, and discuss whether it's possible to obtain them at no cost.
Understanding the Cost of Wholesale Pop-Up Canopy Tents: Before diving into the question of whether wholesale pop-up canopy tents can be designed and printed for free, it's important to understand the factors that contribute to their cost. Several key factors influence the price of these tents, including:
Size and Material: The size of the canopy tent and the quality of the materials used in its construction are significant determinants of cost. Larger tents and those made from premium materials such as heavy-duty polyester or vinyl will typically command higher prices.
Customization Options: The level of customization desired, including branding, color options, and additional features such as sidewalls and accessories, can significantly impact the cost of a wholesale pop-up canopy tent. More elaborate designs and custom printing will generally result in higher costs.
Quantity: As with many wholesale products, the quantity ordered can affect the price per unit. Ordering larger quantities of canopy tents may result in volume discounts, reducing the overall cost per tent.
Additional Services: Optional services such as graphic design, artwork setup, and expedited shipping can add to the overall cost of purchasing wholesale pop-up canopy tents.
Designing and Printing Wholesale Pop-Up Canopy Tents: While the cost of designing and printing wholesale pop-up canopy tents can vary depending on factors such as complexity and customization, there are several options available for obtaining these services:
In-House Design Teams: Many wholesale canopy tent suppliers offer in-house design services, allowing customers to work directly with professional designers to create custom artwork and branding for their tents. While these services may come at an additional cost, they offer the convenience of working with experts who are familiar with the specifications and requirements of the tent.
Online Design Tools: Some canopy tent suppliers provide online design tools that allow customers to create their own custom artwork and branding using templates and digital assets provided by the supplier. While these tools may offer a more budget-friendly option for designing canopy tents, they may have limitations in terms of flexibility and customization.
Outsourced Design Services: Customers also have the option of outsourcing the design and printing of their canopy tents to third-party vendors or graphic design agencies. While this approach may offer greater flexibility and creativity in the design process, it may also come with additional costs and coordination efforts.
Is it Possible to Design and Print Wholesale Pop-Up Canopy Tents for Free? While it's unlikely that wholesale pop-up canopy tents can be designed and printed for free, there may be some circumstances under which costs can be minimized or offset:
Promotional Partnerships: In some cases, businesses may be able to secure promotional partnerships with canopy tent suppliers or printing companies, whereby the cost of designing and printing the tents is subsidized or offset by the supplier in exchange for promotional exposure or marketing opportunities.
Sponsorship Agreements: Businesses hosting events or outdoor activities may be able to secure sponsorship agreements with third-party companies or organizations willing to cover the cost of designing and printing canopy tents in exchange for branding or advertising opportunities on the tents.
DIY Approach: While not entirely free, businesses or individuals with graphic design skills and access to printing equipment may be able to design and print their own canopy tents at a lower cost compared to outsourcing the services to professional suppliers or agencies.
Conclusion: Wholesale Pop Up Canopy Tentsoffer valuable benefits for businesses and event organizers, including shelter, branding opportunities, and promotional exposure, they typically come with associated costs for design and printing. While it may not be possible to obtain these services entirely for free, businesses can explore various options for minimizing costs, such as promotional partnerships, sponsorship agreements, or a DIY approach. Ultimately, the investment in well-designed and printed canopy tents can pay dividends in terms of enhancing brand visibility, attracting customers, and creating memorable experiences at events and outdoor activities.
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rediron4568 · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Custom 10x10 Pop Up Canopy Tents
When it comes to hosting outdoor events, trade shows, or promotional activities, having the right 10 × 10 pop up canopy tent can make all the difference. These versatile structures provide shelter from the elements while also serving as an effective marketing tool for your brand. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about custom 10x10 canopy options, from design considerations to practical features and more.
Understanding Custom 10x10 Canopy Tents
A custom pop up canopy 10x10 offers a convenient and portable solution for various outdoor applications. Whether you're setting up at a farmer's market, outdoor festival, or corporate event, these tents provide a branded space that attracts attention and creates a professional atmosphere. The pop up canopy tent 10x10 size is popular for its versatility, offering enough space to accommodate small groups while remaining compact and easy to transport.
Designing Your Custom 10x10 Canopy
When designing a custom 10x10 canopy, there are several factors to consider to ensure that it effectively represents your brand and meets your specific needs. Start by selecting high-quality materials that are durable and weather-resistant, ensuring that your canopy can withstand various outdoor conditions. Additionally, consider incorporating vibrant colors, bold graphics, and clear branding elements to maximize visibility and make a lasting impression on attendees.
Practical Features and Accessories
In addition to aesthetics, it's essential to choose a 10x10 pop up tent that offers practical features and accessories to enhance functionality and user experience. Look for tents with adjustable height settings, easy-to-use locking mechanisms, and reinforced frames for added stability. Other useful accessories may include sidewalls for increased privacy and protection, weight bags or stakes for securing the tent in windy conditions, and carrying bags for convenient transportation and storage.
Customization Options
One of the primary benefits of investing in a custom pop up canopy 10x10 is the ability to tailor the design to suit your specific requirements and branding preferences. From selecting the fabric color to incorporating custom graphics, logos, and messaging, the possibilities for customization are virtually endless. Work with a reputable manufacturer or supplier who offers in-house design services to bring your vision to life and create a unique canopy that stands out from the crowd.
Applications and Use Cases
10x10 pop up canopy tents are incredibly versatile and can be used for a wide range of applications across various industries. Some common use cases include:
Outdoor events and festivals
Trade shows and expos
Farmers markets and craft fairs
Sporting events and tournaments
Corporate picnics and team-building activities
By investing in a custom 10x10 canopy, you can elevate your brand presence and create a memorable experience for event attendees, ultimately driving engagement, generating leads, and increasing sales opportunities.
Maintenance and Care Tips
To ensure the longevity and performance of your pop up canopy tent 10x10, it's essential to follow proper maintenance and care guidelines. After each use, thoroughly inspect the tent for any signs of damage or wear and tear, such as tears, holes, or bent frames. Clean the canopy fabric with mild soap and water, avoiding harsh chemicals that may degrade the material. Store the tent in a dry, well-ventilated area when not in use, and avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or inclement weather conditions.
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goyaltenthouse · 1 year
Goyal Tent House Contact At 98119 67323 - Wedding Planner In Greater Noida
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goldencatuae · 4 months
Online pet food order
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Cat Strip Feeder Uae Manufacturers Cat Strip Feeder Uae Suppliers Directory - Find a Cat Strip Feeder Uae Manufacturer and Supplier. Our Services- Online pet food order, Cat food pack in UAE,Pet Teepee Tent for Dogs/cat, Cat Water Fountain, Bioline Pet Perfume 10ml, Golden Cat New Parrot, Golden cat bird cage, Bubble milk feeder pup, Pet Teepee Tent for Dogs, Cat Water Fountain uae, Exporters at Goldencat.ae/en.  
Are you a cat person or a dog person? Being a pet person has its worries and concerns for you.. Whether you are home or going out, you must be sure of feast timings for yourself as well as for your pet. At the point when you are liable for dealing with a creature or bird, you can't treat them nonchalantly imagining that creatures live on the roads as well.
At the point when they live in similar house with you their requirements are unique and need your consideration day to day. Their wellbeing is significant and is connected to your wellbeing too in light of the fact that you are living under a similar rooftop. At the point when you purchase canine or feline food, and while you're dealing with it for the most part, you must be a piece cautious about tidiness as well as stockpiling.
Following are a portion of the focuses to consider while dealing with pet food:
1. Purchase food looking great
At the point when you are out for food, very much like you guarantee the nature of the item for your own cleanliness you really want to do likewise for your pet. Pet food items can come as jars, sacks, or pockets. Ensure the bundling is legitimate and in great shape. Assuming there are any obvious indications of harm on the parcel, you might need to guarantee that there are no tears, staining, or marks that might have impacted the nature of food inside.
2. Plan food with clean hands
At the point when you plan nourishment for your pet, don't imagine that creatures can eat off the ground so cleanliness isn't just significant. Ensure you start and end setting up the food with a perfect hand. Handle pet food and treats with appropriate consideration, and afterward clean up with cleanser and water for somewhere around twenty seconds.
At the point when the pet is finished eating you want to wash the pet food bowls as well as scooping utensils with appropriate consideration. Additionally, ensure that the pet food bowl isn't utilized for scooping. A lean scoop or little cup will be utilized all things being equal and will be utilized for the sole reason for scooping pet food.
3. Store pet food appropriately
Pet food dealing with is urgent for keeping your pet as well as human relatives protected from wellbeing perils. At the point when you are putting away it, ensure you expeditiously refrigerate the extra or discard it appropriately. In the event that you choose to refrigerate the extra, you should keep it water/air proof. For this, guarantee that you set your fridge to 40 Fahrenheit or underneath
On the off chance that you are putting away it without a fridge, guarantee that you keep it in a cool and dry spot. The temperature might run anyplace under 80 Fahrenheit.
4. Discard spoilt food in a protected manner
In the event that the leftover food in the parcel becomes flat or changes its surface and smell, ensure you quit utilizing it immediately. All things considered, it ought to be discarded appropriately. At the point when you toss it out, ensure you place it safely in a covered garbage sack or can and that it is tied, to not bring on additional pollution in its environmental factors. At the point when you store the pet food dry, store it in its unique parcel or sack and firmly overlap that pack.
Ensure you store pet food packs in a spot that is out of the span of your pet so it doesn't wind up eating and obliterating the entire stock without your insight.
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Might it be said that you are looking for pet food choices?
In the event that you have been contemplating getting quality pet food and have had no karma up till now, you really want to look no further. Goldencat.ae/en is the put in your request feline food online absent a lot of problem. You can undoubtedly visit their site and get your pet's number one flavor for it. The quality is dependable as is their administration. Be that as it may, ensure you don't fail to focus on the tips expounded previously.
Goldencat.ae/en is a pet travel and pet food administration accessible in UAE. Whether you are living in Dubai, Lahore, Rawalpindi, or Islamabad, you can without much of a stretch profit of their deals of food and frill that your dearest pet will cherish. They likewise have a pet store where you can trade a pet particularly a feline or a canine. In the event that you as of now have a feline and presently you need to Purchase Feline Food online you won't get an any preferred choice over Goldencat.ae/en. You can visit their site or call them for subtleties. They give excellent food items as well as pet houses and different frill that will leave you allured. Regardless of whether you are a pet individual as of now, visiting their store will make you need to purchase a pet. They additionally give you the resources to deal with your pet absent a lot of problem. Purchasing Feline Food ought not be something or other where you compromise the nature of the item. Try not to become easygoing about it. Ensure you purchase just top notch items for your pet and afterward handle them with extreme attention to detail.
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tensiledigital · 4 months
Keep Your Pune Car Park Cool and Protected with Lasting Awning Care
Awnings are a fantastic way to add shade and style to your car park in Pune, but proper care is essential to ensure they last for years to come. Here at car parking tensile, Pune's leading tensile awning supplier, we provide all types of awnings for your home like retractable awning, window awning, tunnel awning, umbrella awning etc. we want to help you get the most out of your investment.
One of the essential advantages of awnings at your house is the awning they offer. Awning for Home makes an agreeable and concealed open-air space where you can unwind, feast, or engage without the brutal sun thumping on you.
Caring for Your Awning:
Keep your awning operating smoothly by checking and replacing batteries in the remote and sensor as recommended by the manufacturer. Ensure proper placement when replacing batteries yourself.
Maintaining Manual Retractable Awning Smoothness:
Regularly apply a small amount of lubricant to the awning hardware for smooth operation. Focus on the pitch of the awning and spread the lubricant throughout the threading for optimal results. We are manufacturer and supplier of retractable awning.
Cleaning Awning Frames:
The non-corrosive materials used in our awnings make cleaning easy. Simply use a damp cloth and soap to wipe down the frame regularly.
Caring for Fabric Awnings (Vinyl & Acrylic):
Gentle Cleaning: Remove dirt and debris gently with a soft brush, broom, or light oil. Use a standard garden hose to rinse, avoiding harsh pressure washers.
Say No to Harsh Methods: Never use harsh detergents, scrub brushes, steam, or heat on the fabric, as they can damage it.
Mind the Plants: Avoid installing awnings near vines or shrubbery, as their acidic content can deteriorate the fabric.
Cleaning PVC Coatings: For PVC-coated awnings, simply use water to remove dust. If you encounter stains, consult us for specialized cleaning solutions.
Additional Maintenance Tips:
Inspect and Repair: Regularly inspect your awning for any tears or damage and address them promptly to prevent further issues.
Drying is Key: Always allow the fabric to dry completely before retracting the awning to avoid moisture build-up.
Be Vigilant: Regularly monitor your awning and its components for any signs of wear and tear.
How to take care of awning:
1.Clean your awning at least once a month.
2. Use a gentle garden hose instead of a pressure washer for cleaning.
3. Be extra cautious with your awning in cold weather.
4. Contact us for specific care and cleaning instructions based on your awning type.
By following these simple tips, you can ensure your car parking awning in Pune provides lasting shade and protection for your vehicles for years to come. For expert advice and the highest quality tensile awnings, contact car parking tensile -Awning supplier in Pune today!
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supremegeotech · 7 months
Manufacturer & Supplier of Non Woven Carpet — Supreme Geotech
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Non woven carpets are coverings used on floors and walls in exhibitions, offices, marriage halls, gathering places, cinema halls, etc. They bring a lot of benefits of being lightweight, easily mouldable, durable and cost effective.
ALLURE Range: Our ALLURE range of carpets are plain felted carpets available in a range of colors and are most suitable for exhibitions, tent-houses and home decor.
GALAXY Range: Our GALAXY range of carpets are plain felted carpets with options of jute and PP backing, which adds more strength to the carpet. They are most suitable for exhibitions, tent-houses and banquet halls.
SPECTRA Range: Our SPECTRA range of carpets is the most value added range in our basket as these are processed to obtain a soft velvet-like finish. They are most suitable for home furnishings.
Rangoli Range: Our RANGOLI range of carpets includes printed carpets most suited to usage in banquet and exhibition halls, tent-houses and home furnishings.
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
Stellantis offers buyouts to roughly half of U.S. salaried workers
Stellantis still runs several automobile companies and it is Chrysler Dodge and Jeep and the other is they do not control anymore they broke free because Trump's an a****** and this company is falling apart because he's not doing a damn thing but ruining it and we're taking over because of that fact it's going to be our company shortly and we do not want to hear from him ever he is a living piece of crap and he's still stuck near our son we're getting teams together now which is great and we are going to take that piece of s*** out he is well known for being annoying what he's doing around here is massively annoying and I would have hit for each and every time he does it and I want people to tell him what it's for. If his doors open in the apartment I want someone to go and open the doors to his houses and leave them open you can open them any way you want the sun says he's like to use a sawzall because people got really mad about that and you can blame anyone and all sudden people started saying this that's a good idea and John remillard will think that he can use one and he'll get beat up. so he's ruining this company and he's a moron and he is helping us this movie is going to help the higher ups than he is eliminating will be let go and then he's going to fire the ones that work for him that are not his race then he's going to fire the ones that worked for all of those other races of White collar people and they're going to come back and they're going to fight him so are people orchestrated this in order to take over because he's ruining the company and he was stopping them from doing a lot of stuff recently there's too many in the factories and they need to get them out so this is how we're going to help each other is by doing activity and progress and we will have projects that is underway like construction and he's been demanding it we see the result and we've got to start doing construction projects each of our leaders I'm asking you to Captain the projects you want to put forward and he wants to put patchwork and New Vegas and infrastructure the major projects in the cities and things we're going to have to hold off on but he wants to push those and housing is a priority it's really housing is number one and the guys get it so they're going to start working on it they have a lot of housing projects that they wanted to push forward and I agree that should be first priority and so today they're moving on it now. This company is going to break apart and we're going to be there to take it over and it will be ours Lock stock and barrel shortly and the suppliers and the ingot and everything will be ours and the mines and his bum is going to be a bum and he doesn't even notice okay this guy doesn't notice that he's when is a bum using moron
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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periwinckles · 1 year
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When lunch is over, we gather everyone around the firepit, much more cramped than we usually are. It takes a long time for everyone to settle down and be quiet, so I take the chance to watch Delly from afar. She's sitting next to Saul and Leevy, chatting lively as usual. Her laughter lights up her whole face and I’m only sorry I can’t hear it right now. Somehow she senses me watching her and she faces me with a playful look. We hold each other's gaze for a few minutes, and I don’t even bother to try to hide it. My mind wanders between the ten minutes we had to ourselves this morning and the possibilities of tonight, when we’ll get the tent to ourselves for the first time. She bites her lower lip and I’m almost certain she’s thinking the same thing.
Cyrus’ clears his throat next to me and I’m startled, earning me a hearty laugh from him. 
“Is that everyone?” he asks.
“I believe so.”
One hundred and thirty one. 
It feels surreal to have this many people facing us, but here we are. 
Jack, Cyrus and I stand in front of everyone and Jack addresses the crowd.
“May I have your attention please? Hello everyone, my name is Jack Norbert. You may remember me as the former blacksmith of this district. I would like to welcome every single one of you. I believe I speak for everyone when I say we are glad to have you back.”
There are loud cheers and raucous clapping. After all we’ve been through, it’s a relief to have new residents to easen out the load for everyone.
“This is Thom Campbell, former miner, and Cyrus Johnson, former peacekeeper.” Jack continues. “ For the time being, we are the ones in charge of this district. We have a monthly district meeting to discuss matters that we feel should be decided by the entirety of the residents and not only by ourselves, but everything else goes through the district council.
I’m in charge of the cleaning crew. We’re the cleaners and we handle rubble and building clearing as well as burials.”
There’s a distinct uneasiness in the crowd once he mentions dead bodies, but Jack is quick to dismiss it.
“Don’t worry, there’s not much of that left to do.”
The crowd visibly relaxes and Jack goes on with his exposition.
“Cyrus Johnson is in charge of the campsite, we call them the campers . Everything regarding the camp, tents and temporary constructions such as the latrines and the portable showers, goes through him. He also handles security measures and guard duty. 
Zac Steiner over there…”
Zac is in the far right of the crowd and he lifts his hand in the air so everyone can spot him.
“... is in charge of supplies. The suppliers handle the train’s shipments, as well as food, clothes and tools. He reports to Thom.”
Jack places a hand on my right shoulder as he goes on.
“Thom Campbell is in charge of the builders . He is also the one handling government contacts at this point, and placing orders for the train shipments.
A couple of weeks ago we also started with a vegetable garden, and we’re hoping to have our first crops in a short time. Delly Cartwright…”
Delly raises her hand, but she’s hard to miss, her golden hair a light beacon amidst everyone else.
“... is in charge of the gardening crew. She reports to Thom as well. Do you have any questions regarding our logistics?”
Several hands go up, and Jack takes the questions, one by one. After a few minutes it becomes clear most questions are to inquire about the construction work.
“We’re only talking about logistics and coordination at this point. Don’t worry, Thom will soon tell you all about the new houses.”
Half the hands drop, but we get a few pertinent questions, about the showers timetable or supply orders. 
“We have a weekly budget from the Capitol.” I explain to them. “Every week I can only order what’s within our budget. It’s lenient enough that I can work in a few personal items every time. But the budget is for the entire community, so I need to be careful about my choices. If there is any particular item that you need, come see me, and we’ll try to work it out, if not this week, then maybe one of the coming weeks. Any more questions?”
Leonard’s hand goes up, and Jack nods for him to speak.
“So, we have a peacekeeper in charge?”
Read the rest on AO3
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tentsandshade · 1 year
Car Parking Shades Suppliers in Dubai 0543839003
provide highly engineered car parking shades structure to its client, which provide extreme protection to cars and other vehicles from the burning sun UV radiations and our parking shades structures are very helpful for UAE’s hot weather. We manufacture, supply and install both Standard and Customized parking sheds in Sharjah and other states of UAE.
Car Parking Shades Suppliers in Dubai Sharjah Ajman UAE Best Quality Good Materials affordable and Best Quallity Materials
6.0m x 3.0m (Good For 1 Car)
6.0m x 6.0m (Good For 2 Car)
We are Sharjah base Car Parking Shade and tents manufacturing company since 2002. We deliver wide range of Car Parking Shades in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah,Oman, saudi arabia, other Gulf regions like Ajman, Al Ain, Umm Al Quwain, Fujairah, as well we provide our services in all GCC Countries and Africa with standard and custom designs and requirements.
Our most Used Low price Parking Shade is Cantilever Car Parking Shades which are available in most competitive price and these shades are best solution for car parking lot.
We are expert manufacturers and suppliers as we use world high class fabrics like PVC, PVDF, PTFE, HDPE for the car parking shades structure which increase the safety of your cars more efficiently and effectively and very much helpful for the UAE weather and maintain the gloss, shine and protect the car.
List of Parking Shades Fabrics Use for the manufacturing of Car parking sheds are:
Car Parking Shades Suppliers in UAE
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These products are manufactured with the latest technologies under the strict guidance of our highly skilled engineers. Moreover, the blend of quality with the most recent technologies will let us customize the designs according to our customer’s desires.
HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) is a high-quality fabric used in parking shades and tensile structures. The fabric is manufactured using high-quality materials to function for a more extended period. It is designed for maximum strength, durability, and protection.
Proven to resist UV rays, this fabric can withstand harsh weather as well. This type of material is highly recommended for the people who would like to enhance their outdoor space within the budget. It is one of the most cost-effective fabric shade available in the market. Both waterproof and non-water proof materials are available- depending upon the client requirement we use it for car parking sheds and other urban spaces.
PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) is a fabric used in the car parking shades well known for its amazing properties. There are plenty of good qualities for this fabric, such as UV resistance, cold resistance, durability, etc. The material is 100 percent waterproof and can withstand harsh weather. It is also an economical solution for parking shades. Our PVC fabric will protect the car parking area from the sun, hence maintaining the color and heat of the car.
Car Parking Shades– PVC Mesh
PVC mesh is a very popular and cost-effective roofing system which is designed to keep interior temperatures cooler during warmer weather conditions. These type of fabric are used in the areas with high UV level. It is a strong, durable and long-lasting material.
More Details contact us 0543839003 / 0505773027
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nutrifloaustralia · 8 months
Unlocking the Potential of Hydroponic Grow Tents for Medicinal Plant Cultivation
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The world of gardening and plant cultivation has witnessed a remarkable revolution in recent years, thanks to the emergence of hydroponics. While hydroponics, in general, has gained immense popularity for its efficient and sustainable methods, today, we are diving deep into the realm of Hydroponic Grow Tents. These versatile, compact, and efficient structures have changed the way we grow plants, especially medicinal herbs.
In this blog post, we will explore the myriad benefits of using Hydroponic Grow Tent Central Coast for cultivating medicinal plants and how they can help you achieve a successful, year-round harvest.
The Hydroponic Revolution: A Brief Overview
Before we delve into the specifics of Hydroponic Grow Tent Central Coast, let's take a moment to understand the broader concept of hydroponics. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, using nutrient-rich water solutions to nourish the plants. This revolutionary technique offers several advantages over traditional soil-based cultivation, including:
Water Efficiency: Hydroponics uses significantly less water compared to traditional gardening, making it a sustainable choice in water-scarce areas.
Faster Growth: Plants in hydroponic systems often grow faster, thanks to direct access to nutrients and optimal conditions.
Year-Round Cultivation: Hydroponics allows for year-round plant growth, irrespective of weather conditions.
Precise Nutrient Control: Growers can fine-tune nutrient levels, ensuring plants receive the exact nourishment they need for optimal growth.
The Rise of Hydroponic Grow Tents
Hydroponic Grow Tents are an integral part of the hydroponic revolution, designed to create a controlled environment for plant growth. These tents, typically made of reflective and durable materials, house your plants in a self-contained space.
Let's explore how these remarkable structures are transforming the way we cultivate medicinal plants.
1. Space Efficiency
One of the most significant advantages of Hydroponic Grow Tents is their space efficiency. Whether you have a small balcony, a spare room, or even a closet, you can set up a hydroponic system with ease. These tents come in various sizes, allowing you to optimise your space for plant cultivation. The ability to use vertical space effectively is a game-changer, enabling you to maximise your plant yield in a confined area.
2. Light Control
Proper lighting is essential for plant growth, and Hydroponic Grow Tents offer precise control over this vital factor. These tents are equipped with reflective interiors that ensure every inch of the tent receives an even distribution of light. Additionally, you can install grow lights that are tailored to the specific light spectrum needed for your medicinal plants, further enhancing growth rates and potency.
Click Here: Best Hydroponic Grow Tent Supplier in Central Coast
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3. Climate Regulation
Maintaining the right environmental conditions is crucial for the successful cultivation of medicinal plants. Hydroponic Grow Tents come with ventilation and climate control systems that enable you to adjust temperature, humidity, and airflow as per your plant's requirements. This means you can grow plants that thrive in different climates, no matter where you live.
4. Pest and Disease Management
Hydroponic Grow Tents act as a barrier, protecting your plants from pests and diseases that often plague outdoor gardens. The sealed environment minimises the risk of infestations, reducing the need for chemical pesticides and ensuring your medicinal plants remain healthy and uncontaminated.
5. Odor Control
Cultivating medicinal plants can sometimes produce strong odours. Hydroponic Grow Tents often come with built-in odour control systems, such as carbon filters, to prevent these odours from escaping and causing any unwanted attention. This feature is particularly valuable for those who need to maintain discretion.
6. Water and Nutrient Efficiency
Hydroponic systems, in general, are renowned for their efficiency in water and nutrient usage. Within a Hydroponic Grow Tent, this efficiency is further optimised. The recirculating system ensures that water and nutrients are used sparingly, making it an eco-friendly choice for plant cultivation.
7. Year-Round Harvests
With a Hydroponic Grow Tent, you can kiss seasonal limitations goodbye. These tents enable year-round cultivation, ensuring a consistent supply of medicinal plants whenever you need them. Whether you're growing herbs for personal use or as a small-scale business venture, the continuous harvest potential is a compelling reason to invest in this technology.
The world of medicinal plant cultivation has evolved significantly, and Hydroponic Grow Tent Central Coast is at the forefront of this transformation. From space efficiency and light control to climate regulation and pest management, these grow tents offer a host of advantages that can help you achieve a bountiful harvest of high-quality medicinal plants.
So, whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting your journey into plant cultivation, consider embracing the hydroponic revolution with the versatile and efficient Hydroponic Grow Tents.
Source: https://nutrifloaustralia.blogspot.com/2023/11/unlocking-potential-of-hydroponic-grow.html
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