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Between working on coms' in my current queue I've been on and off working on this tele doodle . I actually really love how it turned out lol
Those emergency coms are still open for my cat's vet bills if you wanna reach out dm me and check my pinned post !
#tenoart#my art#telemachus epic the musical#epic fanart#epicblr#epic fandom#epic tm#epic tm fanart#epic the musical#epic the musical fanart#Telemachus#telemachus epic#epic telemachus#wisdom saga#epic#epic musical#greek myth#greek myth art
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learning to draw day 5, Band
I am quite happy with this one... Especially the maw. Been drawin a lot of wile though. It is never too much... Once again, not traced, just copied from reference.
Ref under the cut
Taken from the leftmost mawile
got the vets above, I think this may be my new favourite place to get em
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Why do you think all of a sudden they are showing so much bts before the season ends ? They used to get into so much sh!t. And SC? They want to show they are besties now ?
Do you think what the actors post need to be approved first ?
Dear Interjection Anon,
So many questions, all of a sudden. Panic much, in Mordor?
So be it. Let's unpack:
I wouldn't go as far as saying we're flooded with BTS "all of a sudden". This is a rather decent rhythm of release in my book, with a clear double objective:
1) keep people engaged/interested, as this bumper season has been split in two by some marketing Einstein at Starz (someday, I might write something about the sadistic streak of their sales strategy, to cool off)
2) boost audience ratings, during this summer season when people usually go to the beach/host barbecues in their backyards/fall in love/whatever.
No comprendo "they used to get into so much shit".
Besties now, huh? Let me count the ways, Anon: tweetheart, #1 in my book, single occurrence, bubs, boo, babe, S's name heard from Pretoria to Vladivostok in The Reckoning (don't bother to retcon that, she confirmed), hubby, wifey, me wife, give her all the prizes, etc. etc. etc. But also and more so after the Great Schism of 2016, tele-wifey, tele-hubby, sister (ugh, no), co-star and yes, best friend. This I will not deny: it is on record and I don't deal in mystification. I do remember, however, my feisty, diminutive grandmother telling me after Grandpa died suddenly: you know, I lost my best friend. She meant feelings, there. But I digress: I should hope only your blind faith in what is said, not in what you see or in what your instincts tell you, is prompting this question. As far as I am concerned, I didn't allow anyone, ever, to tell me what to think. So no, I don't believe that poorly conceived propaganda, delivered with the cheer of oral surgery. S&C don't mean anything new. They simply parrot those talking points. And if you think these people are just best friends, I pity you, Anon.
This is 2023, not 1950. These two are Executive Producers, with complicated personal lives and a (by now internalized) self censorship reflex. I would therefore suppose that what they post is not necessarily/always vetted by TPTB. What secondary players post is far more valuable to me. Less spotlight means more freedom to be yourself and this is where we did find the biggest nuggets during this promo season.
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my apologies if this has been answered before, i tried to look for an already existing post on your blog but couldn't find it: but what's your opinion on telehealth veterinary practices? yesterday i saw an ad for a vet who you can just video call and it just seems very strange to me. vets physically assessing (like touching and feeling) an animal is ingrained in my head as the best way to go about things. just seeing a video of someone's pet doesn't feel right at all. what's your take on this stuff?
Hello, Sueanoi here.
The only way I can see it working is when there is a vet or at least a vet staff (including but not limited to vet tech, vet nurse, vet assistant) on the receiving end. They have to at least know how to examine the animal and what to look for according to recommendation of the vet on the other end.
Consultation is a normal thing that vets do. Most if not all vets have experienced contacting a specialist of a specific issue to ask for their help over distance.
There is no way tele-medicine can work without a vet or vet staff on both ends. A layman cannot recognize signs of disease, or they cannot communicate what they see for lack of vocabulary to describe what they're seeing.
I'll give you an example, most examinations require the vet to use all the senses except taste. They look, they listen, they smell, they touch (palpate). They may need to collect samples from the animal to find out what's wrong. These actions cannot be performed by laymen. At the very least, a vet staff is required.
Another example, I am an ophthalmology focused vet (cannot call myself specialist due to technical issue), most often I get consultation requests from general practitioners. They would tell me the result of their examinations and sometimes with photos. They would usually ask for my diagnosis list and what to do next. I might ask for more info, for example : because an eye is a 3D structure, a flat photo might not tell me enough. I would usually ask for a short clip of the eye in different angles. I might ask for more tests like Fluorescine stain (which the other person must know what it is and how to do it) I might ask them to perform some reflex tests (which they have to know how to do) and once enough info are compiled, I can give them the most likely diagnosis and recommend their next plan. If they do not have enough tools, my recommendation sometimes would be to send the patient to me (or to other specialist).
I hope this answers your question.
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En probaltam, Probaltam segiteni, Mert azt hittem neked nincs mas Meghallgattalak, tanacsot adtam. Bar tudtam ,hogy neked csak akkor kellek Ha nincs mas. Nincs akinek kiontsd a lelked. Lelked mely tele van puszito Porral. Porral mely halalos. Egynap meg at is kuldted, Hogy vannak akikben jobban bizol. Bizalom. Erdekes szo. Szo mely kevesekben van. Bennem bizhattal volna. Hisz mindig melletted voltam! Melletted mikor ossze tortem, S valtoztam. Valtozast te is eszre vetted. Mert mar nem mondtam el mi van velem. Csak halgattam, Halgattam ,mert tudtam ,hogy segit. Te megis onzo voltal. Onzo igen. Magadra gondoltal es csak azt hajtogattad, Hogy neked a legszarabb. Csondben ossze tortem. Ossze tortem es te nem tudtad. Eszre se vetted , Leszartad. Leszartad mert elvakitottak Sajat gondjaid. Te csak a vegeredmenyt vetted eszre. Foggalmad sincs rola, Hogy mennyi szenvedes, S mennyi fajdalom kavargott bennem. Te csak azt tudtad mondani Dejo o tul van rajta. Egyszeru volt neki. Egyszeru mert nem lattal az alarc moge. Alarc mit elotted mindig felvettem. Felvettem mert te nem ertettel. Egyszer azt mondatd Egy lanynak , Hogy vegyen rolam peldat. Peldat mert nekem sikerult. Igen majdnem egy ev utan, S nem par nap, De a kitartas es az akarat eronek Nagy urnak kell lennie. Kitartas ,hogy ne irj ra, Bar mennyire is kinoz a hianya. Hianya mely felemeszt. Kitartas ,ha felbukkan Mar ne menj vissza hozza, Ne dolj be suket dumaknak, S vakon igergetesnek. Sikerulni fog, De nem egyedul! Ezek melle segitseg kell. Segitseg megsem te voltal. Pedig en ott voltam mindig neked. Neked ki mindig szamithatott ram. Ennek vege. Ma mar nincs olyan ,hogy segitseg!
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Good to see some progress re tele-vet - medicine and encouraging vet to treat livestock or go to rural areas
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Fem en fredag: Old school
Nånmgång på 80-talet, jag hyrde en serie med nån bubbla som gjordesom den själv ville, kommer inte ihåg vad den hette. Det var längesedan, allt går ju på webben numera, men jag saknar den tiden då man fick en tjock katalog. Förra året, då jag gjorde ett brev till en vän som gått bort, som jag lämnade på kistan. NEJ, ingen i min krets har hemtelefon, vad jag vet, finns väl inte någon tele lina kvar? Har inte faxat själv, men mottagit fax, då det var taxi som gällde. Fem en fredag v. 34: Old school Source
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who was jerking me aug 17th… crista… tryna get vetted telees
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20 🍨 Trüffel
First there's a layer of ladyfingers, then a layer of jam, then custard - which I made from scratch - then raspberries, more ladyfingers...
Kedvesen respektáltad az ☀️ Évát, és jól látod... ő volt a nagyon motivált coach típus. Te inkább kritizálni, terelni szeretsz, lopva, apránként. Legalábbis inkább így hatsz. De azért tudom hogy van benned is olyan 💪🏻küzdő szellem. És az Éva biztos örülne a Bíborszínnek is. Az is jó. Olyan jó.
(Furcsa hogy régen is mindig ezt csináltuk. És ők felemeltek tégedet is sokszor, csak nem igazán vetted észre mennyire jók hozzád. Túlságosan magas lépcsőn voltál... )
...then beef sautéed with peas and onions, then a little more custard, then bananas and I put some whipped cream on top!
J.K. Robertet viszont nem igazán értem. - Miért? - Miért pont most?
Tudod... kedves tőled hogy kihagytad 📚 🏳️⚧️ azt a részt, de nem kell ilyesmiket megtenned. Szerintem attól hogy bojkottálunk egy könyvet, vagy elégetjük, és hasonlók, Robert még nem fog megváltozni, és elfogadóbb lenni. Sőőőt.
„A rosszak nélkül, a jók sem léteznének”
Valójában nincsen bajom a könyveivel. És amit 🏳️⚧️ felénk művel J.K. igazából vannak észrevételei és kritikái amelyekkel mindig is egyetértettem. Sok sorstárs Németországban, Svédországban szintén. (A versenyek esetén például én sem tartom korrektnek hogy minket is engednek, ahogyan a doppingolást is csalásnak tartom).
De akkor mégis mi a bajunk? ⤵️
Az, hogy számos alkalommal próbálták rávenni kerekasztal beszélgetésekre. Aktivisták, politológusok, szociológusok, pszichológusok, orvosok, genderszakértők, ismert emberek stb... és nem azért hogy lealázzák, nem azért hogy büntessék és átmossák az agyát, hanem hogy megtalálják legalább a közös minimumokat. - és erre J.K.Robert nem hajlandó. Olyan mint Putyin. Beakadt nála a lemez, és folyton támadásban van.
J.K. a radikálisok között találta meg a helyét. Mert ők az egyedüli barátai. Sajnos. Velük ért szót. A szélsőségeseket pedig szinte lehetetlen meggyőzni. És a radikálisok sosem voltak kedvezőek a világhoz. - A rohadt politikának nem szabadna minket használnia. Ahogyan semelyik kisebbséget sem szabadna!
Sértő. Sokszor az. Gondolj bele... nem mindegy, hogy valaki azt mondja - neki nem tetszik az a patkány Hamas konfliktus. Vagy inkább csak azt mondja - nem tetszik mindaz, ami Izrael és a Hamas között történik. Azzal hogy Robert személyeskedik, és sérteget másokat, annak körülbelül annyi értelme és haszna van, mint hogy én meg látványosan kib@sznám a könyveit. + Csak magát égeti le, nem a sorstársakat. Ahogyan én is inkább magamat égetem le, mint őt, ha mutatok sértődötten egy kuka fotót tele a könnyveivel. (Persze azért fantáziálni szoktam 🔥 róla)
A múltkor írtam, hogy szeretném hogy magaddal foglalkozz, éld az életedet... az ilyen problémák csak az enyémek. Sosem lesz vége tudom jól, és nekem kell megtanulnom valahogy kezelni őket. Nyugodtan olvasd ha akarod.
Igen, vannak J.K.-hez hasonlók akik miatt néha nagyon nehéz, és frusztráló, és szenvedek, de nem adom fel.
// Ott van a WMN-es főszerkesztő Kurucz Adrienn aki mostanság rajtad is szórakozik. Egy olyan nő aki magát égeti le rendszeresen azzal hogy 🚩mások MAGÁNÉLETÉBEN kotorászik, 🚩zaklat, és 🚩manipulatív... És azzal is leégeti magát, hogy nekem 🚩a személyes határaimat is rendszeresen átlépi, 🚩az ismerőseimet zaklatja... például tégedet, pedig hozzád végképp nincsen köze!
Teljesen hülyének néz mindenkit, éppen most jött azzal a bullshittel hogy önmaga fizikai határát kezdte el fejtegetni, nem pedig az emberek és a kapcsolatok személyes zónájának az átlépését értelmezte! <- Ez mennyire egy gennyes terelés... Ráadásul még azt is sérelmezte hogy az embereknél manapság már minden "magánügy". ❕ Igen, a Kurucz Adrienn féle beteg nők miatt!
Nagyvalószínűséggel mindenkivel hasonlóan átléphet privát zónákat, hiszen a saját újságírói sem igazán segítik. Kurucz Adriennek kínos, hogy mennyire elavult lett a WMN. Anyák napját olyan rondán... Szinte csak a szülőgépekre fókuszálva rakta össze, hogy egy undorral inkább átmentem a Szentesit olvasgatni.
Szóval egy tönkrement, a munkáját gyatrán végző, öreg és depressziós nő trollkodik az életünkbe, zaklat minket sunnyogva, az alsómba is nyulkál, lealáz. A kövér gyerekeket megalázva illusztrál, a gyermektelen nőket megalázva illusztrál, szinte minden probléma amit ő maga is lenéz, azt megalázva mutatja a cikkekhez. = Ez a bemutatás a 90-es években volt elfogadott. Amikor például a kövérséget lenézték, és szándékosan előnytelenül mutatták a cikkekhez. = Saját magát égeti, és az egész szerkesztőséget az a nő. Szerintem fogalma sincsen arról hogy 2024-et írunk!
Mindegy... az a lényeg, hogy nem mi zaklatjuk azt a nőt, és nem mi égetjük magukat.
Egyébként hihetetlen hová süllyedtek. ⤵️ - Erről sem mi tehetünk.
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Hello all
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Locum Adventures: Self-employment – Faint of heart need not apply!
Self-employment is not for the faint of heart. There are no guarantees, cash flow management is a real reality and one’s brain often wants guarantees with one’s cash flow considerations (fair point, brain, fair point). Sometimes, I wonder why anyone would choose self-employment. I was musing on this during my walk today and made myself laugh ironically thinking about how great self-employment is. I love the journey it holds; easy it is not.
One of the truly great things for me, about self-employment is how it has both taught me, and allowed me, to flex and be adaptable to make both my life and career work in a way that’s right for me. This path is ever evolving, as am I, and as I navigate through the professional experiences I’m having, I can try on new endeavours, as many as I like and have energy for. Many motivations exist for why self-employment is the right fit for me right now; it is also true that a great motivator to try those new endeavours, and expand the range of my services, are contained within musings on cash flow management, that small, pesky reality of adult life.
I have written in previous blogs how important it is for me to be at home during the garden season, while continuing to support my peers and industry from a geographically remote location. As a recap, I’ve added contract tele-triage work to my life in addition to local volunteer work in the veterinary space, which have both served me well in turn during 2022 and 2023 during my off-locum season.
Now I’m going to try another addition to my repertoire of self-employment, working with the Felix and Fido at-home nursing platform to deliver RVT care directly to the homes of pet owners and their pets within the Whitehorse area. I don’t know precisely how to do that, yet. I’m grateful for the excellent support I’ve been receiving from the Felix and Fido platform and am cheerfully anticipating the learning curve. As I turn the calendar to May today, I realize I will learn soon as I’m set to deliver services next week to any clientele interested and in need of RVT at-home services. I look forward to working within my community, offering my professional services, and supporting the local vet clinics with their clientele’s needs, as appropriate.
As I grow professionally, it is blatantly obvious to me that connection with pet owners and supporting the human-animal bond is increasingly important to me. I relish the opportunity to grow the time I can spend on those connections and see where that focus takes me. To you, self-employment, I owe gratitude and thanks, for providing space to me to do so; you’re frequently challenging, yet so often rewarding.
I continue to locum and support vet teams with in-clinic services, as well as tele-triage, volunteering, writing and speaking; adding at-home RVT nursing is one of multiple ways I get to flex, grow, learn and continue keeping my brain happy in regards to that very real concern…cash-flow management.
As I write this on May 1, 2024, I am bombarded with evidence of the season of change and transitions that is spring. Migration is in full swing here in the Yukon, the swans are flying over my cabin, gulls have returned as have juncos, robins and thrushes to name but a few; early season butterflies flit and I am thinking ahead to bees and wasps; the mule deer have changed their winter daily route through my yard and I won’t see them with such prevalence again until this coming winter. When I think of my own capacity for change, watching the natural world provides a lot of perspective and inspiration. Change requires energy and transitions frequently bridge us to the unknown; there’s always a chance we’ll fail and fall, but there’s a greater than equal chance we’ll rise to the challenge, soar and thrive. And so even when I have moments of feeling energetically tired organizing coming changes, I know they are a fleeting concern, because I am always fascinated and thrilled with possibility and seeing it come to fruition – I will keep what I find post-transition, or I shall discard, either way the act of trying a change is success, every time. Thank you, natural world around me, for reminding me.
Book me for Whitehorse area at-home RVT nursing with my unique booking code (how cool is that?!) Julie @ Felix and Fido at-home nursing
For locum RVT needs, check out the contact page at JulieKerrRVT.com.
Crocuses, small, against the backdrop of the Greater World. Very inspiring, Nature, thanks for the perspective! 😂
Start at The Beginning
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Paws and Probes: Navigating the Global Veterinary Diagnostics Playground
Welcome, fellow animal enthusiasts and aspiring pet diagnosticians! Today, we embark on a journey into the heart of the Global Veterinary Diagnostics Market. Get ready for a ride filled with wagging tails, purring companions, and a sprinkle of diagnostic magic.
The Furry Facts: A Glimpse into Veterinary Diagnostics Wonderland
Imagine a market valued at a bark-worthy USD 6.56 billion in 2021, forecasted to leap to a jaw-dropping USD 17.07 billion by 2030. That's an 11.2% CAGR – faster than a cat chasing a laser pointer. What's driving this growth, you ask? The increasing prevalence of animal diseases and a surge in pet ownership. It's a diagnostic wonderland, and we're just scratching the surface.
Diagnostic Duet: Immunodiagnostic Tests and Molecular Marvels
In the world of veterinary diagnostics, it's all about finding the purr-fect test. Immunodiagnostic tests, like the ever-reliable ELISA, take the stage, detecting both infectious and non-infectious diseases. It's the Sherlock Holmes of the veterinary world, solving mysteries with enzyme-linked precision.
But wait, there's more! Enter molecular diagnostic tests, the superheroes armed with PCR technology. Their superpower? Detecting genetic and infectious diseases with unparalleled accuracy. Move over, Sherlock; the molecular marvels are stealing the spotlight.
Animal Kingdom: Livestock and Companion Creatures
The veterinary diagnostics arena is a bustling animal kingdom, with livestock and companion animals taking center stage. It's a Noah's Ark of diagnostic challenges, from farmyard friends to cuddly companions. Because let's face it, whether it's a moo or a meow, every creature deserves top-notch healthcare. For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/veterinary-diagnostics-market?utm_source=LinkedIn&utm_medium=Aditya&utm_campaign=Aditya
Techno Tails: PCR, ELISA, and Diagnostic Dazzle
Behind the scenes, technology is weaving the magic of veterinary diagnostics. PCR, or Polymerase Chain Reaction, is the rockstar, stealing the show with its sensitivity in detecting nucleic acids. ELISA, the trusty sidekick, adds its flair to the diagnostic dance.
But wait, there's a whole tech ensemble! Microarrays, immunoassays, and diagnostic imaging technologies (X-ray, MRI, Ultrasound) are joining the party. It's like a diagnostic disco, where each technology gets its time in the spotlight.
Global Symphony: North America's Overture and Asia-Pacific's Crescendo
North America, with its advanced veterinary infrastructure and pet-loving populace, has been the overture to the veterinary diagnostics symphony. Meanwhile, Asia-Pacific is tuning up for a crescendo, with rising disposable incomes and a growing awareness of pet health. It's a global symphony, with each region adding its unique notes.
Drivers and Detours: The Veterinary Diagnostics Rollercoaster
The veterinary diagnostics rollercoaster is powered by the increasing prevalence of animal diseases. Pet owners are investing in the well-being of their furry friends, contributing to the diagnostic bonanza. But beware – the high cost of advanced diagnostic technologies is the looming detour. It's like a veterinary thriller, with the heroes racing against the clock and budget constraints.
Competition Carnival: Who's Who in the Veterinary Diagnostics Circus
Step right up to the competition carnival, where industry giants like IDEXX Laboratories, Zoetis, and Thermo Fisher Scientific are the ringmasters. The recent acquisitions and partnerships are like daring circus acts, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. It's a circus of innovation, with each player bringing their unique tricks to the show.
Tech Trends and Tele-Vet: The Diagnostic Revolution Unleashed
Hold on to your stethoscopes – the diagnostic revolution is here! Advanced technologies like AI and machine learning are taking diagnostics to new heights. Point-of-care diagnostics are stealing the spotlight, allowing vets to perform tests right on the field. And who could forget the rise of telemedicine in veterinary care? It's like a diagnostic sci-fi, where technology and care converge.
Conclusion: A Paw-some Future Awaits
As we wrap up our journey through the Global Veterinary Diagnostics Playground, one thing is clear – it's not just about tests and technology; it's about the well-being of our animal companions. Here's to a future where veterinary diagnostics continue to evolve, keeping our furry friends healthy, happy, and ready for countless tail wags and purrs.
Remember, whether it's a majestic horse or a tiny hamster, every creature deserves the best in veterinary care. Cheers to the paws and probes that make it all possible!
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SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
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Truth be told, Julie had never had a relationship with anyone where she was nearly as physically affectionate as she was with Zel. Even among the handful of boyfriends she had been allowed to have over the years, their relationships had always been a lot more restrained; partially because anyone she was with was so heavily screened and vetted by her grandparents. She wondered if that was the reason she found herself clinging to them as hard as she did—both metaphorically and literally. Because he gave her something freely that she had been starved of her whole life. "Yeah, but that's still a win for me, because I love carrying Tele around and holding him in my lap," she replied with a smile without making an effort to step back. "You know, we're gonna have to untangle ourselves from each other eventually if we wanna get on the lake."
Zel was glancing down at her, feeling her relax against him had his own shoulders losing the tension they'd held. They hadn't planned to be so physically affectionate with her, but it was instinct at this point to want to be close, they'd cuddled most of the car ride much to Ian's amusement. He was grinning when she laughed, feeling oddly proud over being able to garner that reaction. At her suggestion they briefly hesitated, a 100 different scenarios rushing past their head. A leak in the canoe, one of them getting whacked by an oar, or one of the ducks just having a fit. Catching her gaze again he slowly nodded without thinking, "Yeah they'd probably like that," he agreed shoving his anxieties to the side, "Tele's foot has been holding up pretty good, but swear he pretends just to get free rides for lap time."
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Tele Consultation For Pets
Get the best Tele Consultation For Pets about every health condition of your pets from the leading Vet Clinic in Delhi, Petshopdelhi, which has multiple specialist veterinarians to treat every ailment of your pet.
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can’t get my cat to the vet until tonight at the earliest and it might be as long as tuesday i hate this
#gonna get a tele-vet appointment tonight no matter what though#i hate this i hate this i hate this#she seems like she’ll be ok but her being sick at all makes me very much not okay#she seems so much better now hopefully that continues#personal#pet illness tw#sylvia tag
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