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I love this so much!
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The words of A'mos, who happened to be among the sheep raisers from Te·ko'a, which he visioned concerning Israel in the days of Uz·zi'ah the king of Judah and in the days of Jer·o·boʹam the son of Jo'ash, the king of Israel, two years before the earthquake. And he proceeded to say:
“Jehovah—out of Zion he will roar, and out of Jerusalem he will give forth his voice; and the pasture grounds of the shepherds must go to mourning, and the summit of Carʹmel must dry up.”
-Amos 1:1-2, NWT
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shetland-clouds · 4 months ago
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autotrails · 5 months ago
American Auto Trail-Palouse Scenic Byway (Steptoe Butte to the Idaho State Line WA)
American Auto Trail-Palouse Scenic Byway (Steptoe Butte to the Idaho State Line WA) https://youtu.be/psnQwoKJ2LI This American auto trail explores the Palouse region of southeastern Washington State, from Steptoe Butte northwest to the Idaho State Line.
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webcrawler3000 · 1 year ago
Metroid’s Son
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tatsupants · 2 years ago
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(Original date: 5/10/2021)
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na Catman!
A sketch of my FFXIV character, Tekoa. He likes massive swords that are way more detailed than they need to be.
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pipariperho · 4 months ago
Kun mä ekan kerran kuulin Käärijän Sex=money mä jotenkin sain päähäni että ne sanat on "mä aloin myymään seksii ku Seksi Myy" ja olin silleen että mulla on nyt jäänyt joku kriittinen Muumiloren palanen välistä, onks tää joku todella huonosti tunnettu Pikku Myyn sisko tms...
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neptuniadoesstuff · 6 months ago
Silly Garden Nurse | DT
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Silly Mimic Lady I made for a frend I was having a DT with on TH.
Anyways... Yeh she's a nurse, but also a gardener who works for my alien king fella (Martyr). That's kinda it.
Also lil Bonus. (Aka her w/o the leaves & flowers in her hair).
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Its weirdly my first ever time to making a character with poofy hair. (Originally I thought of making her have curly hair but I decided to not k1ll myself by doing that)
Also here's the Inspo. (Not mine it was from Pinterest or smtn idk. My frend just gave me to reference/make a OC off)
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Character was created & designed by me.
Art is mine.
Program: IbisPaint
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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edisilva64-blog-blog · 2 years ago
Teko Jexauka - Ensinando Nosso Modo de Ser - Livro Bilíngue em Português/Guarani
Teko Jexauka – ensinando nosso modo de ser Teko Jexauka – Ensinando Nosso Modo de Ser – Livro Bilíngue em Português_Guarani O livro “Teko Jexauka – ensinando nosso modo de ser” é uma publicação bilíngue português/guarani que reúne apalavrares da oralidade, desenhos, fotos e colagens do trânsito no tempo e nos territórios da Tekoa Mymba Roka e Tekoa Yv’a (SC) e Maquiné (RS). A publicação é…
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edsonjnovaes · 3 months ago
8 Bilhões: Somos Todos Responsáveis (8 Billions: We are all responsible) 1.2
8 Bilhões: Somos Todos Responsáveis (8 Billions: We are all responsible) – Nelson Kao. 01 dez 2024 Brasil | 2022 | 29′ | Documentário. 6 FICASC Direção: Nelson Kao, Andrea Urushima e César Shundi Iwamizu. Existe Guarani em SP – 2024 dez 04 Ailton Krenak, líder e pensador indígena, fala sobre a dor do Watú (o Rio Doce na língua Krenak). Doente com o maior desastre ambiental da história…
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readerviews · 1 year ago
"Spirits Unveiled" by Tekoa Manning
Much food for thought is presented here. #books #bookreview #reading #readerviews
Spirits Unveiled Tekoa ManningManning the Gate Publishing LLC (2023)ISBN: 978-1737402084Reviewed by Diana Coyle for Reader Views (12/2023) In “Spirits Unveiled: A Theological Unveiling of the Spiritual Realm Book 2” by Tekoa Manning, we are presented with many ideas on how paranormal-related things such as ghosts, angels, and even demonic beings can have connections and explanations to the…
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kausijuoppo · 11 months ago
Hei jätkät ette ikinä arvaa mitä kävi 🙃
Jos se Orpo oikeesti alkaa leikkaamaan asumisen tukia niin pistän patreonin pystyyn ja alan piirtämään pornoa.
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27moremoons · 2 months ago
Summary of the West Bank scene over the past hours: (X)
General scene:
A dangerous escalation throughout the West Bank, as the occupation's crimes escalate from raids, arrests and widespread demolition, while the resistance responds with heroic operations and continuous clashes. At the same time, the violations of the PA's apparatuses against the resistance and citizens are increasing, which increases the complexity and tension of the scene.
Escalation of the occupation and armed resistance:
• Al-Qassam Brigades and resistance factions engage in armed clashes with the occupation forces during the storming of Tulkarm camp, with the detonation of explosive devices and targeting of occupation vehicles.
• Shooting at the vehicle of the commander of the "Etzion" Brigade of the occupation army near Tekoa, after an operation targeting a settler vehicle.
• For the third day, the occupation fails to reach the perpetrators of the "hotel" operation, and closes roads and intersections with earth mounds and barriers, with intensive flights of reconnaissance aircraft.
• Three cousins, including two children, were martyred in a raid on Tamoun, south of Tubas, and another martyr succumbed to his wounds.
Occupation crimes and violations:
• Targeting Palestinians with arrests and raids in Qalqilya, Adh Dhahiriya, Qadura camp, and Aqaba, with a wide escalation in Tulkarm, Nablus, and Tubas.
• Demolition of two houses in Kafr Ad-Dik, and widespread destruction in Aqraba and Mikhmas.
• Settler attacks on Palestinians and their property in the northern Jordan Valley, with an attempt to steal farmers' cows.
• Khaled Al-Najjar was injured with fractures and a Palestinian woman was wounded as a result of the occupation's attack in Tulkarm camp.
• Occupation forces attacked Kisan School in Bethlehem and fired tear gas at students and teachers.
Violent confrontations:
• Ongoing clashes in Tulkarm, Anabta, and Ya'bad, and clashes erupted in Burin, Odala, and Madama in Nablus, with the occupation targeting them with explosive devices.
• Young men throw stones at settlers' vehicles in Hizma, Hawara, Haris, and other areas.
Violations by the Palestinian Authority's security services:
• Clashes between the PA security and the resistance in Jenin.
• A wide-scale arrest campaign in Jenin that included wanted persons and journalists, and an assault on Hajj Asem Abu al-Rish and his family in al-Eizariya because of his sermon on the sanctity of Muslim blood.
Al-Aqsa Mosque:
• Groups of settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of the occupation, in light of the continued restrictions on Palestinians in Jerusalem.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 7 months ago
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I don't quite understand the listing on this 1917 bank building in Tekoa, WA. It's empty and looks like it hasn't been converted, but the listing says that it has 3bds & 2ba. It also looks like you get the entire building, but the listing calls it a condominium. It's got some pretty cool original features, though, and it's listed for $247K. Let's see what we have, here.
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So, technically, this would be your main living area. I like the blue accents, all the original wood features and arch by the front door. They left the desk in the middle, and I think that would have to go. I also like the original mosaic flooring.
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Now, here's the bank vault right on the main floor.
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So, is this one of the 3 bedrooms? Look, they left a cool smaller safe in here, too.
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But, wait! If you buy today, we'll double your order and you'll also get a second, secret vault with a bathroom. I don't see a shower or tub in here, though.
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Maybe I would keep the desk. It matches the loft. This place needs a kitchen, so maybe it would make a nice island.
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I'm confused. Is this considered a bedroom? The wood is nice, but there's an open loft above.
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Stairs to the loft.
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I still don't see where they see 3bds and 2ba.
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Maybe this is the 3rd bedroom? I like the exposed brick, but it's way too narrow and has no window to be a bedroom.
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There's a very large basement, but that furnace looks shot.
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It's a huge space.
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And, they left all their crappy archives for the new owner. The listing promised a secret passage. Is this where it leads?
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I don't know, but I don't think that I'd pay $247 for this building. I don't see 3bds, 2ba, it needs a new HVAC system, plus a kitchen. 2 thumbs down.
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kukkopillipiipari · 26 days ago
Oon mä saatana melkoisen heikkoa tekoa
Ostin itelleni jokin aika sitte vastamelukuulokkeet ja mä vasitellen valihtin mahdollisimman pehmeet ja sileät et välttyisin ongelmilta ihon kanssa
Näiden ei pitäis millään logiikalla hangata tai vahingoittaa ihoa mut MUN KORVALEHDET ON AINA IHAN VERILLÄ KU OON KÄYTTÄNY NIITÄ
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karvoja · 8 months ago
Inhoon inhoon inhoon inhoon kohta ihan kaikkea!!
Soitin tänään OP:n välittäjälle varatakseni ajan vuokra-asunnon näyttöön. "Meillä on tästä talosta kahden eri kaksion ilmoitus, kumpaa tarkoitat?" Mä puhelun alussa kerroin neliömäärän, eikä ne kaksi asuntoa ole saman kokoiset, mutta kerrataan vielä.. "Siis tämä, jossa on kaksi huonetta ja keittiö, 43 neliötä" No, kaksioissa on pruukannut olla kaksi huonetta ja keittiö, ja neliöt kerroin edelleen puhelun alussa... "Kuinka monta asuntoon on muuttamassa" Mitä väliä sillä vielä tässä kohtaa on, kun en edes tiedä haluanko muuttaa kyseiseen asuntoon.... "Oletko jo täyttänyt meidän hakulomakkeen?" Eikun mä haluaisin nyt puhelimessa varata näytön tähän asuntoon..... "Sinun täytyy ensin täyttää verkossa hakulomake, josta minä saan sitten ilmoituksen ja palaan asiaan myöhemmin" No onpas taas vaikeeta ja sitten lyhyt sarja hengitysharjoituksia......
Hakulomakemikälieperkele ja tähdellä merkityt rivit: Kuka sun tyänantajas on? Kuis kaua sää oles ny ollu tyäsuhtees? Kuis hiano sun tittelis oikke onkka? Misä sää nyy asus? Etsää sunkkas mikkän terroristi ol? Vai aioksää täsä asuntonäytös pest samal raha!? Oleksää rikolline vai oleksää kotiäiti??!
Jos tätä hakulomaketta perustellaan terrorismilla ja rahanpesulla, niin miten jumankauta vuokra-asunnon näyttöön haluaminen niihin liittyy!!? Ja toisekseen, mitä välittäjä ja vuokra-asunnon omistaja tekee vielä tässä kohtaa mitään mun työnantajan nimellä? Ja mitä mun nimikeellä on tekoa minkään kanssa!??! Tai työsuhteen kestolla?
Kyllä oli asiat ennen paremmin, perkele.
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