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Join me and Melanin Yoga Project for a one-day wellness event that offers up yoga workshops, meditation sessions, healthy living seminars and so much more! Check out some of the presenters in the slides. 9am-1pm CST on Saturday, June 5, 2021. I will be teaching Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth! Purchase your tickets at or the profile link for @melaninyogaproject
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Posted @withregram • @ijeomaoluo A little PSA: Hey - if you notice that a Black woman has drawn a hard line online with a white woman who is exhibiting harmful, racist behavior - showing up to be the gentle white woman who will explain the issue in a softer tone is often not as helpful as you think. Black women are often dismissed and gaslit as "angry" when they set firm boundaries. If you notice a white woman treating a Black woman's boundaries as an attack, while she thanks you for your "kind" explanation - SHE IS WEAPONIZING YOU AGAINST BLACK WOMEN. If you want to be helpful, supporting the boundaries of Black women and making it clear that abusive and racist behavior is unacceptable is the way you do it, instead of reinforcing the expectation that white women should be gently handheld out of their racist behavior.
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I had the privilege and honor of beginning the 1st day of 2021 with these phenomenal people for the 3-day @poppyperinatalyoga training. The best things about this training included all the wonderful questions, wisdom, honesty, and open-heartedness coming from everyone here. The worst thing was that I couldn’t be in the same room with them and hug each and every one. It’s amazing how close we can get to each other in a virtual setting and fall in love with people over the course of days. Holding all of you dear in my heart. Until next time. Oh, and can I just say how frakking PROUD I am to FINALLY capture a group photo of the virtual Poppy Training?!???!! 🤦🏻♀️ #foreverLearning #prenatalyoga #postnatalyoga #pregnancyyoga #postpartumyoga #perinatalyoga #miscarriage #pregnancyloss #pelvicbalance #BREATHE
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The first @poppyperinatalyoga training of the new year is around the corner! Taught by @catallenyoga. There are 4 spots left. WHEN: January 1-3, 2021 WHERE: Live online training via Zoom PRICE: sliding scale for everyone (BIPOC full scholarships available) HOW: Complete details on You will leave this training with an info-packed manual and the knowledge of how to tailor poses and sequence classes for pregnancy and postpartum yoga students. Poppy Perinatal Yoga, while not a style of yoga, is an approach that is founded on a set of principles that can be woven into any style of yoga. The bottomline goal of the Poppy approach is to: 1) help pregnant people prepare emotionally and physically for birth 2) help postpartum people adjust to their transformation with more ease and support This January training is specifically for teachers and students in the USA. If you live outside the USA, check out the Poppy trainings in European time zone taught by @lumaia_charlie. Complete schedule is on Model: @cocoroyogini Photographer: #pregnancy #postpartum #prenatalyoga #postnatalyoga #poppyperinatalyoga Image description: Pregnant yoga student with eyes closed and reclined on a bolster while receiving a neck traction assist (hands-on assist) from a yoga teacher. Teacher is positioned at student’s head. Student is wearing an all black tank top and pants with a black and white shirt over the tank top. Teacher is in all-black outfit.
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Had a memorable day yesterday. Ate homemade pumpkin bars. Took a nap. Mourned the state of our country. Celebrated 🎉 our new Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden. And then marveled at the new wall art by @koicreative.tx in my home yoga studio. I want to live in here now. #poppyperinatalyoga #beautyallaround #forrestyoga #metamorphosis #changeistheonlyconstant #bidenharris2020 #byedon2020
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Wheel pose felt so amazing that Chester had to come and see. Here’s the sequence. Intent: open your heart with breath and let the thoughts flow through and out. Surya Bhedana Seated Side Bend 1 leg straight: neck release > chest opener > arm over head Elbow to Knee Straddle Lifting Through Bridge over block: 1 leg up Turbo Dog > 1 leg up B-Series with 3-Pose Vignettes -Warrior 2 with shoulder shrugs > reverse warrior > extended warrior variation with chest opener **after 1st side: low cobra **after 2nd side: dolphin on wall -extended warrior > lunge > lounge lunge **after 1st side: cobra over roll **after 2nd side: forearm balance -twisting warrior > extended twisting warrior > lunge, hands on hips **after 1st side: cobra pushups over roll with block **after 2nd side: down dog on wall with splits -triangle > arrow lunge > Queen pigeon, stage 1 **after 1st side: Up dog with hands on blocks **after 2nd side: handstand with Baddhakonasana -twisting triangle > lunge, toes curled under and back knee up > lunge, heel to butt **after 1st side: bow over roll, 1 arm 1 leg **after 2nd side: handstand 1/2 lotus -warrior 1 with brain cradling > lunge BB, hands grab back ankle > Queen Pigeon, stage 3 **after 1st side: bow over roll with strap Apex Back Bend of Choice Cobra Pushups with roll Elbow to knee Abs with roll Seated spinal twist with strap Savasana #forrestyoga #homepractice #wheelBomb
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These past few months have been a deep dive into examining what actions to take in different areas of my life. It’s been a rough ride into the deep. The intent (below) grounds me and helps me to focus on the next best step when I’m overwhelmed. Intent: Ask yourself What Part Of This Can I Do. Track how it feels to follow through and feel if it works for you. Sivananda breath Seated side bend in shoelace Elbow to knee Straddle lifting through Bridge with roll Dolphin > Achilles’ tendon stretch Nauli B-Series with 3-Pose Vignettes -warrior 2 with bird wing > extended warrior variation with chest opener > lounge lunge **after 2nd side: dolphin on wall -extended warrior > head to ankle prep > lunge **after 2nd side: dolphin on wall with ankle on thigh (emergence) -eagle warrior 1 > twisting lunge > extended twisting lunge **after 2nd side: forearm balance -triangle > arrow lunge > pigeon **after 2nd side: handstand with diving goddess (frog legs) Standing forward bend with sit bones on wall and neck traction 1/2 lotus shin bound spinal twist Lying down spinal twist with legs straight (like twisting triangle on the back) Savasana #forrestyoga #homepractice #iSlayLaundry
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Intent: Expand lungs and feel that. [Inhale 10 > Hold 10 > Exhale 10 > Uddiyana 10] 3x Unlocking the Hips Seated Side Bend in Shoelace or Knee Pile Elbow to Knee > Star Spiral Pulse Gate Opener Bridge with Roll Turbo Dog Dolphin, palms up B-Series with 3-Pose Vignettes -Warrior 2 (1st side Shoulder Shrugs, then 2nd side Bird Wing) > Reverse Warrior > Extended Warrior Variation with chest opener **after 2nd side: Dolphin on Wall -Extended Warrior > Lounge Lunge > Twisting Triangle with feet parallel **after 2nd side: Down Dog on Wall with ankle at thigh -Twisting Warrior > Extended Twisting Lunge > Lunge **after 2nd side: Forearm Balance Splits -Triangle > Eagle Lunge > Pigeon **after 2nd side: 1/2 Lotus Handstand -Twisting Triangle > Pigeon, sternum toward foot > Pigeon, heel to butt **after 2nd side: Lotus Handstand (UL: Waving Lotus) Standing Forward Bend with Neck Traction 1/2 Lotus Shin Bound Spinal Twist Frog Belly Down Savasana #forrestyoga #gravitysurfing #breathe
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Early Bird ends today :) #Repost @poppyperinatalyoga with @get_repost ・・・ Due to COVID-19 spikes, the Poppy Perinatal Yoga Trainings will be 100% online this year! We have three different opportunities for you to learn about the Poppy Perinatal Yoga approach for pregnancy and postpartum. LEVEL 1 & 2 TRAINING (85 hours / 9 consecutive days) Sept 26-Oct 4 Eligible for RPYT with Yoga Alliance LEVEL 1 TRAINING (2 days) Sept 26-27 Eligible for CE with Yoga Alliance LEVEL 2 TRAINING (7 days / only for Level 1 Graduates) Sept 28-Oct 4 Eligible for RPYT with Yoga Alliance Early Bird prices until July 31, 2020. Complete information about faculty, curriculum, and daily schedule on Hope to see you there!! (Model: @cocoroyogini)
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Build arm strength to help you carry loads, which could be anything from a laundry basket to a box to a toddler. The arm strength is another component to helping an individual consistently “center” the pelvis rather than tilt the hips while carrying loads. If the hips are habitually tilted, excessive forces tug at various parts of your structure which can contribute to the formation of all sorts of pain and dysfunction. Often times, pregnant and postpartum folx will report on how pain and instability increases with each subsequent pregnancy. While there are many factors that go into how pain develops, we can’t underestimate the impact of how we carry loads. The more the pelvis is stabilIzed during movement and interaction with loads, the less the pelvis (and rest of the core) is tugged on and yanked into pain. This is why the @poppyperinatalyoga approach focuses a lot on arm strength. Arms can help support the core during pregnancy and postpartum. Would you like to learn more? Check out for upcoming trainings for yoga teachers, students, and birthworkers. #poppyperinatalyoga #prenatalyoga #postnatalyoga #laundryDone #forNow
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Happy July 4th!! I LOVE this book for helping me to improve the way I discuss racism with other people. Thanks @ijeomaoluo for helping me to suck less and fumble forward better.
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Getting my squat on. #wingsOfFire #pandemicmural
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Intent: Inhale, find the cat. Exhale, activate your feet. Surya Bhedana 2x Chandra Bhedana 2x Unlocking the Hips Seated Side Bend in Shoelace Elbow to Knee Bridge Gate Opener Bridge over block: ankle over thigh Dolphin > achilles tendon stretch B-Series w/3-Pose Vignettes -Eagle Warrior 2 > Extended Warrior Variation > Lounge Lunge -Extended Warrior > Twisting Triangle with FEET PARALLEL to each other > Lunge, knee under hip -Reverse Warrior > Flank Stretch > Twisting Lunge -Twisting Warrior > Lunge > Twisting Triangle ** after 2nd side: Dolphin on Wall -Head to Ankle Prep > Pigeon > Pinfeather ** after 2nd side: Dolphin on Wall with Emergence (ankle on thigh) -Triangle > Twisting Pigeon toward foot > Pigeon, heel to butt ** after 2nd side: Forearm Balance Straddle Armpit Prep > Cross Bow Gravity Surf of choice Neck Release Pose Half Lotus Shin Bound Spinal Twist Lying Down Spinal Twist with Twisted Root Savasana #forrestyoga #exceptTheSecondVignette #gravitysurfing
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Pandemic Party #vegan #paleovegan
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🎶 it’s my cat in a box 🎵
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This Wheel was made for walkin’ and that’s just what it’ll do. One of these days this Wheel is gonna ______________________. #fillintheblank
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Mourning Colors. #wingsOfFire #threeMoons #dailyMeditation
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