#Teeth cleaning
lucidpast · 9 months
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Getting your teeth cleaned can be fun!
American Dental Association poster (1954)
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incognitopolls · 7 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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structuredsucc · 1 year
Dentists need training to work with ADHD and/or autistic patients, especially around sensory issues. I've never had a dental appointment where the dentist or hygienist didn't assume that I was too stupid to know how to take care of my teeth or too lazy to care.
Listen, I know that I should be brushing my teeth twice a day. I know that I should be flossing. I know that I shouldn't rinse my mouth after brushing. The reason I don't do it the "right" way is not because I don't know better or that I'm too lazy. It's sensory issues (and a bit of executive dysfunction)!
For me, the taste of the toothpaste just hanging out in my mouth, the dryness is causes, hell, just the feeling of the brush on my gums. At best it's unpleasant. Often it's physically painful.
I would argue that other people with sensory issues also know what they should be doing when it comes to taking care of their teeth. It isn't a knowledge gap on our end, and treating us like we just don't know any better does nothing to help the issue.
I've never had a dentist or hygienist try to understand why this is such a barrier. They've never worked with me to find new ways that get me a little closer to 'good' oral hygiene. They've never educated about how to brush or floss, especially if you can't the way I'm supposed to. They've only ever told me the rules that I already know:
That I shouldn't drink as much pop as I do.
That I should brush twice without rinsing.
That I should floss.
That I should come in every 6 months.
They've never stopped to consider that I physically can't do that.
Today, I had to stop the hygienist in the middle of the cleaning because I just couldn't take the squealing of the water pick. Even before stopping them, I was gripping the arm of the chair so hard my hands lost all color. The hygienist was shocked that it was so painful. In meeting with the dentist, I mentioned that the sound of the drill is INCREDIBLY painful to me. She suggested music.
It was immediately clear that we were talking about different things.
Best I can tell, she seems to think that it's just an annoyance. Like I'm hearing a fly buzzing around the room and it's frustrating me. That is not my experience. My experience with the drill is intense, unavoidable, piercing pain. Music doesn't distract from that.
In my view, dentists are the experts when it comes to oral health, but that expertise is useless if you can't communicate it to a patient to meet their needs. When I bring up my sensory issues and the dentist has less than nothing to offer, that expertise is useless.
Dentists not being trained to work with sensory issues throws the burden of fixing the problem back on us, often with a GIANT helping of guilt. That makes us less likely to attend to our oral health not more.
This is exactly why it's been 7 years since I've been to the dentist, and honestly, it might well be 7 more at this rate
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witnesstheabsurd · 2 years
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kieraelieson · 3 months
So my teeth have ~cavities~
And I need to care for them better. However, brushing my teeth is a sensory nightmare, and flossing is worse.
But! I’ve learned a thing that helps!!
If I have the teeny disposable unflavored toothbrushes and floss holdy thingies around, I Can clean my teeth as a form of stimming. And Really Clean Teeth are a Good Sensory.
The important part is no flavor and not being trapped in one spot by having to spit and rinse in the sink. I do best just slowly scrubbing idly while watching a movie or TikTok.
I think the extra money spent on getting me these and keeping lil packs of them around the house will be worth the pain and money saved of dental work.
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"Keeping the pretty white smile sparkling takes more than just a quick brush and floss at home. Regular dental checkups, ideally every 6 months, are your secret weapon for maintaining a healthy mouth and preventing future problems."
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ahmedabaddentist · 4 months
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Basal implants represent a cutting-edge solution in the world of dental restoration, offering a range of benefits that prioritize patient comfort, efficiency, and long-term success. As the field continues to evolve.
These implants stand out as a testament to the progress and commitment to providing optimal oral health solutions.
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Proud to create a Life Changing Experience for our lovely patient. 
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lortontowndental · 4 months
Getting Your Teeth Whitened Before Any Other Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry is a terrific way to brighten your smile permanently, whether your goal is to appear amazing for a particular event or to excel at work with a shining smile. 
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healthpost2 · 5 months
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Newly discovered Microbe keeps your teeth healthy
Click Here Website Prodentim official https://auraifylife.com/prodentim/
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shareyourideas · 9 months
Periodontal Health: A Beautiful Smile Begins With Healthy Teeth and Gums!
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senorbouquet · 11 months
my unremarkable super power is that the pattern of my taste buds constantly changes . this is not a bit this is true. it has zero impact on anything at all.
however, It has the power to make dentists and dental hygienists go “hey you’ve got that thing”
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bonnytinyseo · 1 year
Çocuk Diş Macunu
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tarientheron · 1 year
Banish Yellow Teeth
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Yellow teeth can be a source of self-consciousness for a lot of people, but understanding why they occur can help us take steps to prevent them.
What is yellow teeth?
One common cause of yellow teeth is the natural aging process, as our enamel thins and reveals more of the yellowish dentin underneath.
Additionally, certain foods and drinks like coffee, tea, and red wine can stain our teeth over time. Poor oral hygiene, smoking, and certain medications can also contribute to yellowing teeth. But don't worry, there are steps we can take to prevent and treat yellow teeth, from regular brushing and flossing to professional teeth whitening treatments.
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What causes yellow teeth and how to prevent it?
Foods and drinks with high levels of acid, such as citrus fruits, soda, and sports drinks, can erode the enamel on our teeth and make them more susceptible to staining.
2. Dark-colored foods and drinks like coffee, tea, red wine, and berries can stain our teeth over time, especially if consumed frequently or in large amounts.
3. Consuming sugary or starchy foods and drinks can create an environment in our mouth that promotes the growth of bacteria, which can lead to yellowing and decay of our teeth.
4. A diet lacking in certain vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin C, can weaken our teeth and make them more susceptible to yellowing and decay.
Overall, a balanced diet that is low in sugar, acid, and dark-colored foods and drinks, and high in essential vitamins and minerals, can help keep our teeth healthy and prevent yellowing.
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What can I do to whiten my teeth and prevent yellowing in the future?
For an extra help, other than dietary changes (let's face it, coffee is too good to let go of anyway) I recommend NuSkin AP24 Whitening Toothpaste.
The toothpaste is perfect for daily use and provides a coating on your teeth that prevents future stains as well.
Lightens teeth without harmful peroxides / no bleaching ingredients.
2. Suitable for all ages, children and during pregnancy.
3. Provides a long lasting, smooth, clean, fresh-mouth feeling.
4. Refreshing, vanilla mint flavour.
5. Does not create sensitivity, does not erode enamel, gently polishes teeth using patent ingredients.
5. Dentist approved, clinically tested to improve tooth brightness by 63%.
6. Amazing for wine, coffee, tea and nicotine stains, it can remove stains from caps and veneers, it will return the teeth to their natural colour.
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Healthy teeth is happy teeth!
Get ready to show off your brightest, whitest smile yet with Nu Skin AP24 Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste! Don't wait any longer to experience the power of our proprietary blend of ingredients and get ready to smile with confidence. Try it out today and see the difference for yourself!
Link: NuSkin AP24 Whitening Toothpaste
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petitmortadella · 2 years
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scenes from the apt
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honeycombhank · 1 year
Nel’s teeth look soooo gooood you guys! So fresh and clean!
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