#Teen Parents
Teen Parents 2 - Jaden Walton
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A month later.
Jaden had been having an AfterParty live to chat with fans. (Buzzcut and blonde) He stops talking when hearing cries outside the door. You knock on the door, getting his attention.
"Yeah?" He replies, scratching his nose.
"Noah won't stop crying." You said, shushing the child in your arms. You walk in the room, but make sure you're not visible in the camera.
"Pass him to me." He says, grabbing Noah from your arms. Jaden looks at his son, placing his tiny head on his shoulder and patting his back gently."Hi, buddy. It's okay."
"Aw. Who's that?" The fan he was talking to asked upon seeing the adorable baby.
"This is my son, Noah." Jaden tries not to show the baby's face. He didn't want his son's face to be on social media. You both had decided that when the secret got out, you guys wouldn't show his face in fear of getting hate or worse.
'He's cute.'
'Who's the baby mama?'
'We lost him yall'
'Never expected him to become a teenage dad.'
"How old is he?"
"4 months." The timer ran out, so Jaden picked the next lucky fan.
"Hey. How are you?" Jaden asks, feeling something tug on his chain. Noah had grabbed his father's chain, wanting attention. He lists his head and babbles against Jaden's cheek.
"I'm good, how are you?" The fan asks, almost in awe of the baby.
"Good. Just chillin' with my son."
"He's cute."
"I know. Just like his father."
Javon happened to walk in at that moment. Jaden looks up and turns his son to face his uncle, face still out of the frame.
"Look, Noah, It's your cool uncle, Wanna."
Javon noticed his favorite nephew, smiling. "Ayy, what's up, Noah?" He had originally come to join Jaden on his live, but I guess he can hang out with Noah for a little bit.
The older twin grabs his nephew, placing him on his hip. The father talks to the fans, keeping turning to check on his baby boy.
After a while of talking to the live, the blonde buzz cut boy rests his baby on his lap. Playing with him.
"Give me a hug, No. Give me a hug, buddy." Jaden opens his arms to the 4 month old on his lap. Noah obligates, climbing on top of his chest and hugging his father. "Yeah! Good job, buddy." For a 4 month old, Noah is a smart boy.
"Jaden! Dinner's ready!" He hears your voice and looks at the baby.
"Looks like it's time to eat." He grabs Noah and carries on to go downstairs. As soon as you see your two boys, you smile at them.
"There you are. What have you guys been up to?" You coo at Noah, making him smile.
"Juts upstairs, playing."
Jaden goes to take a seat in the middle of his younger brother and his twin, across from Jayla. You place the baby into his feeding chair, which was next to yours. You all began family dinner.
You look around, smiling and feeling at home with Jaden's family. They've become your family.
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thearoacefromspace · 1 year
Anakin is so teen-parent coded
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sadsoftserve · 6 months
Hi I'm alive :3
Anyway I figured I might update y'all with an OC LORE DROP!!!
This is a Valeri lore drop, along with Flamthrower- or in my AU, I hc his name to be Elijah (he seems like the type)
Tw??? Uh, teen parents/pregnancy bc yes I traumatized them like that.
So a lot of this is taken from discord too
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Ty @soupghetti for making me cry/j
And no, the baby's name is not Gio.jr, that was a placeholder name.
And ty to all my other mutuals for the Hcs too!!! I love em!!! Also, some art :3
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Yippie!!! I'll probably do another list explaining their son n stuff, unless y'all go thru my asks and do it.
Also, this-
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Yup, yup. Man, I love traumatizing my OCs lmao
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dropintomanga · 8 months
My Girlfriend's Child - The Loneliness of Teen Parents
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I'll admit that this is my first real shojo manga read in a very long time. I will say that this is a great title to get back into the shojo game with.
Mamoru Aoi's My Girlfriend's Child is a stand-out manga due to its coverage of an issue that is often misunderstood and/or draws a lot of shame - teen pregnancy.
My Girlfriend's Child is about a high school couple named Kawakami Sachi and Tsukishima Takara. Sachi and Takara are just your regular 16-year olds doing teenage things and learning to navigate adolescence together. However, after one intimate night together, Sachi starts to feel early signs of being pregnant. She takes a pregnancy test and discovers that she is indeed pregnant with Takara's child. The manga covers the two's suddenly complicated journey in learning how to manage their new lives with one they conceived.
What I love about the manga is how it covers Sachi's loneliness once she knows that she's pregnant. She starts to despair over how she will be able to support her child. Sachi also wonders how her education prospects will turn out. She initially thought about having an abortion and felt a great deal of shame on how to tell Takara and her family about it. In the beginning of the story, Sachi was worried about a missing cat named Nora. She somewhat compares Nora's life and the baby's life in a way as she seems to place more value in a cat's life than her own child's.
When Sachi decides to visit a clinic to inquire about an abortion and goes through an ultrasound, she starts to have second thoughts. Sachi finds comfort in Takara, who tries his earnest to be there for her and re-assures her that he'll always be by her side.
After reading the 1st 3 volumes of this manga, I decided to look up research on the mental health of pregnant teenagers. There's not a whole bunch of research on psychosocial interventions to help improve the mental health of pregnant teens or teen parents. A lot of knowledge is missing to fill in gaps for an increasingly under-served group of people.
The manga highlights how support can be helpful while complicated at the same. Takara's mother is shown to lack compassion over Sachi's pregnancy. She blames Sachi to a huge degree for putting Takara into a tough situation. Sachi's mother is happy and is somewhat conflicted on how to best help her as she knows that Sachi has to take responsibility. Sachi's older brother, Kou, tries to be very rational about the pregnancy saying that it's impossible for teenagers to take care of a child.
All of these interpersonal problems start to freak Sachi out as she remarks that there's no future where everyone will be happy. The only guarantee is Takara. I will say that Takara is refreshing because when I hear about teen pregnancy stories, the father is usually out of the picture. But Takara is there every step of the way even when he's not the one who's pregnant. He sadly has to deal with his mother's stress over his relationship with Sachi and is actually kicked out of the house, which makes him remark on how much teens still have to rely on their parents despite craving independence as adolescents.
Girls face so much more mental adversity than boys do because they're "expected" to be married before having children. That's not to say that teen fathers who do care have it that much better. They face a stigma in that they should be "wild and free" while struggling to make ends meet much earlier than they would have liked. There's many socio-ecological factors in play that affect both genders. It does not help that sex education in first-world countries is extremely lacking. Institutions in general seem to treat teenage parents as aberrations that don't deserve support. Children born to teenagers can experience health risks due to teens not being well-versed in various life skills, but people love to blame the parents for that.
I do notice that the manga provides a fresher perspective in that the child of Sachi and Takara might turn out okay. There's a lot of real-life evidence that goes against that, but I think that's because teen parents aren't given positive messaging about their experiences. It's okay for teens to want to be parents if they want to. We don't honor that enough. Parenthood is indeed stressful, but those who welcome it are able to fare better when they are willing to build the strength to do so and have others to help encourage that strength.
My Girlfriend's Child is a very thoughtful series because teen pregnancy isn't really discussed enough and there's definitely a community out there willing to support expectant teen parents. I do feel that teenagers are smarter/better than people think at times and not many people respect that enough. Birth is a part of life that can happen to anyone and teens can make the right decisions for themselves if we let them and respect their ability to do so.
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danielsjudy9 · 1 month
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rimon-limon · 1 year
Solarpunk Aesthetic Week: The Importance of Rest
Hiya y'all!
You'd never guess who tried to finish that art piece today (the cafe one) but got utterly exhausted and is currently up and at inane hour of the night (2 hours past my goal bedtime... shocking)... oh dearie. I suppose that happens when we don't rest.
I'll rally and get it done with tomorrow if my tablet allows, and then take Shabbat off to nap all day with my cat. Speaking of! Here's the baby!
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Her name is Willow Eden-Michelle (Surname), but it's Willa for short :)
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nilfheim-arts · 10 months
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Name: Josie Ölvirsson
Age: 16yo (1996)
Birthday: 2/14/1980 (Aquarius)
Race: Icelandic/American
Meet Josie! Leslie’s mom! She was a teen mom and raised Leslie with the help of her mom(Dolly) and her younger brother Richard (uncle dick to Leslie). She was scared of raising Leslie without the help of the guy who knocked her up but after he up and left the city after finding out about the pregnancy she decided to keep the baby and strive to be the best mom for her child as well as graduating both high school and college (studied art history). She worked full time to make sure Leslie had everything he needed but he was also spoiled by his gramma Dolly and that made her happy knowing that she had her moms support through raising Leslie as a single mom. With having a passion for art history she got a career as a curator at the art museum and worked her way up the latter to now help run the museum! All while setting money aside for Leslie’s college fund.
•She is a huge Björk fan and has the same tattoo as the singer on her arm.
• Josie is fluent in Icelandic
•She encouraged Leslie to express himself and ended up giving him some of her clothes when he entered his emo phase.
• Favorite candy is Chocolate oranges.
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im1on1something · 10 months
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Had to show off this drawing I’m proud of I made yesterday:))
This is Zale, his girlfriend Caramel and her kids Butterscotch (kid with blond hair) and Toffee (kid with gray hair)
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ace-nogender · 1 year
Robert(3y/o): Dad
Cody(21y/o): Yes ?
Robert(3y/o): Why does mommy still goes to school?
Cody (21y/o):Well your mom is still 20 and she has to finish her last years in school
Robert(3y/o) well if i will have to go to school till 20 i dont wana grow up!
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raointean · 2 years
I think I found an answer to the Elwing problem!
(At the very least, I thought of another interpretation to make us all sad...)
Elwing is a very divisive character in the Silm fandom. Some believe she was a wonderful parent who was forced out of her children's lives. Others say she abandoned her sons and was possibly neglectful or even abusive before that. (Canon neither supports nor discourages either interpretation with its sparse details, meaning anything goes) I think I may have found a possible middle ground.
Elwing and Eärendil were young when they had Elrond and Elros
I hc that peredhil come of age at about 40 and they were both 29 when they became parents
Assuming human age of majority is 20 (which I do because I hate math), that would put them both at about 15
Of course Eärendil leaves to search for the Valar, he wants a safe world for his new little family
He's 15 and terrified and doesn't know what to do about the tiny new people in his life but this is one thing he can do
Elwing tries her best to take care of the twins on her own because that's what good mothers do, right? Sure she's busy running a refugee settlement, but she can multitask
(What do you mean I can't leave my three-year-olds home alone for a few hours? I survived a kinslaying at three, they'll be fine)
She doesn't understand how to parent because she doesn't remember any parents to model herself off of
She was passed from person to person as a young child and spent most of her time learning how to be a proper leader (yay generational trauma)
She jumps off that cliff for a million different reasons
She has spent her entire life keeping the Silmaril safe and is now face to face with her childhood boogeyman who has just burned her town and slaughtered her people
As she falls, she sees her sons in her mind's eye and hopes they're still alive, hopes someone got them out like someone did for her
(Someone did get them out, but it's nothing like she'd hoped)
She finds her husband and they agree that the only way to keep their children safe is to defeat Morgoth
(Neither of them speak of the fact that their sons may well already be dead)
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dagneyrobertson · 2 years
A host of sparrows swooping and diving greeted me as I went outside today. The winds are strong. Small brown leaves skittered across the pavement, willing themselves to fly with the team of birds. We all want more.
The barometric pressure has gifted me with anguish. I awoke, head throbbing and threw my usual remedies down my throat. I cannot be sick. Tomorrow is important. Our one-act play goes up.
I've memorized my lines, given birth to a feisty read-headed character with wonderful flaws. Katherine is a lot like me, outspoken, opinionated, afraid to be hurt again, but still hoping there's someone out there for her. My friend and Director cast me well.
My daughter filed three early applications for colleges she likes last week. There are more on her list. It's been nerve-wracking for her. We haven't had the resources to go visiting, so late winter will be a busy time. Like the sparrows, I know she will fly. Like the leaves, I will try and try again.
Do not wish me luck.
#if you know, you know #we break legs #I'm not super-stitious, but I'm a little stitious
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Teen Pregnancy - Jaden Walton
⚠️: Teen parents (16-17 years old), parents yelling
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Jaden invited you and you guys' 3 month old son, Noah, to his baseball game. You got pregnant because you and Jaden weren't careful, but you don't regret it because now you have the most adorable baby ever. You had nothing to do so you decided why not go and surprise him by dressing up your guys' son in a cute baseball onesie with some sweatpants. You finished dressing Noah in his outfit, not forgetting to put some lotion.
(Baby’s outfit below)
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You got yourself dressed after putting the baby down. You grabbed your keys and purse before placing the baby in the car seat. Jaden's parents and siblings were all going in one car while you and the baby in your car.
You drove carefully and in no time, you arrived. Jaden had gotten there before you guys to practice before the game. You get out and place the car seat on the stroller. You make sure the baby is secured before following the rest of the family. You sat by Jayla, watching Jaden talk to him teammates.
"Hey, can you watch Noah for a second? I'm going to go say hi to Jaden" You ask, looking at Jayla, while pointing at the car seat in the middle of you two.
"Yeah, sure" Jayla started playing with the baby, making noises at him which caused him to laugh. You smile at the noises, approaching Jaden and hugging him from behind, interrupting his conversation with one of his teammates.
Jaden turned around at the sound of your voice, smiling when he saw you smile at him. "Hey, babe" He hugs you back, placing a kiss at the top of your head. "Where's Noah?"
"With Jayla. He wishes you good luck, by the way" You chuckle when you see Jaden raise an eyebrow almost as if to say 'really?'.
You had yet to show Jaden the outfit you dressed Noah in. Since there was still a couple of minutes left until the game, you thought now was a good time to show Jaden. "Wait, I have a surprise for you"
"What is it?"
"Wait here"
You approach Jayla and take the baby in your arms. Noah sees his father and babbles. Jaden feels his heart melt upon seeing his son.
"Omg, no way." Jaden takes the baby into his arms. He lifts him up in front of him, smiling. "Look at you, son, so handsome like your father."
You roll your eyes playfully. Jaden's coach calls him. Jaden hands the baby to you, kissing your forehead.
"Go sit with them, I'm going to go."
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you too, baby." He kisses your forehead, making you smile.
You go back to your seat, keeping Noah in your lap. While waiting for the game to start, you got a flashback, all of the sudden, from when your parents found out about your pregnancy.
You sob in the bathroom, holding the pregnancy test in your grip. Your mom and dad came into the bathroom, having heard you crying.
"What happened, sweetheart?" Your mom asks you, kneeling in front of you worried. Your dad is standing by the doorway. You show your mom the test in your hand, watching her carefully. She, along with your father have shocked looks on their faces. "Are you kidding me?!" She yells, causing you to flinch.
"I'm sorry-" You begin to speak, but your parents start yelling at you. They tell you how you could have been a slut and dumb. They tell you what a irresponsible parent you were going to be. By the end of it, they kicked you out. You had nowhere to go until you went knocking on the Walton's, your boyfriend, Jaden, being the one to open the door to see your red, puffy face. He pulled you into his room, not wanting his parents to see you like this.
After sitting on his bed, you told Jaden about your pregnancy and your parents kicking you out. His family has been supportive ever since you both decided to tell them about it.
Flashback over
You feel a hand on your arm, snapping you out of your flashback. Jayla looks at you, worriedly. "You okay?"
You look at her, holding Noah in your lap. "Yeah, just got a flashback."
"Tell me later?" She asks, receiving a nod from you. Jayla and Javon had become your best friends, who you could talk to and had been so supportive of your pregnancy along with Jaden. Daelo comes to sit next to you, asking a question.
"Can I hold Noah?" He asks, his adorable face making it impossible for you to say no.
"Of course." You carefully hand Noah to Jaden's younger brother. Daelo makes silly faces at the baby, smiling when he starts laughing cutely.
The game starts and throughout the game, Noah claps and smiles every time he sees his father. Even though he can't really see his face due to the helmet Jaden was wearing. Jaden's team had won. He said it was because his two lucky charms were there to cheer for him. You and Noah.
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obriensssoul · 1 year
Barry never imagined he was going to end up being a single dad at seventeen. This kind of things usually happen the other way around, when the dad is an asshole and leaves his pregnant girlfriend behind and never looks back, or when he's just never in the picture, claiming the child is not his.
But he was the unlucky guy that decided to attend a college level party his senior year of high school with his only friend at the time -probably still his only friend-, and started messing around with an unknown college girl, loosing his virginity that same night.
The day after he woke up in his own room with a terrible headache and was grounded for a whole month, and eight months after that, the same girl shows up at his doorstep holding a tiny baby in her arms, claiming that it was his child and that she just couldn't take care of her as she was very close to finishing college and moving all the way to California.
At first, he thought he was dreaming. But as the days passed and he still woke up in the middle of the night to a crying baby, he realized it was his reality now, and as much as he claimed it was a really bad mistake, he couldn't help but feel the need to take care of the kid, his kid.
The years passed and he was now twenty five, living in a pretty small two-bedroom apartment in Central City, working with CCPD as a forensic scientist and looking out for the only sweet tiny little girl in his life at the moment, Nora Allen. Parenthood was hard, it was the hardest thing ever, but he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
And now he wasn't only a father, but a superhero after spending nine months in a coma.
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kennieesims · 2 years
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My boy is about to be a father. His girl is stressing him out because she didn’t want a baby. He keeps buying while at school to relieve some stress 🤦🏽‍♀️
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suchsaccharine · 1 year
330am and have no intention of trying to sleep at this point. I just need to keep this in the for front of my mind today while I’m working.
Keep in mind that once I leave for work, redo-sing is not an option.
My hs reunion is this weekend.
Gonna want to be rested for that.
For sure.
Actually in the past month (sober) I’ve made much much much more progress in my wl mission than in months prior. Sleeping is where it’s at.
But I had a moment of weakness and I gave in, and now I’ve got to see my decision through to the end.
The end.
I want to cut out random drvg sessions. Like randomly ordering ket, c0ke, speed, mdm@ once every other month. Like where would I be if I didn’t…where could I be if I don’t stay right where I’m at? I have a strong argument for the opposite side, but I do consider this.
I think I’m going to try it.
Cut out everything but my dabs and herb.
Might avoid the tempting redbull substitution this time bc that felt great at first, and then it didn’t.
I lay next to my baby while they sleep and I wish I could enjoy watching them sleep peacefully for so much longer. The sun will rise soon.. another day of being flooded with internal declarations of parental shortcomings and failures. I’ve not felt so genuinely ready to not be here since I had convinced myself I had contracted an incurable sti for like a full 6 months in the first half of 11th grade. But this time it’s not cause of inevitable aloneness, or even disliking raising my child, but that I can see almost nothing but mistakes every single day and I’m starting to believe and accept that I’m kind of not the greatest and that he may be happier in the short+long term if I just..went. I know that probably sounds crazy. And I don’t feel like a bad person or a mean person… but I feel like I could be doing better. And I am trying. Like everyday I consciously attempt to be better than the day before, or at least be very self aware of what I’m projecting.. and I still just feel like I’m failing this kid. I see them laugh and smile and joke and goof off but in my mind …. It’s like I’m so worried ab what could be having a last or traumatizing effect on them, that I truly cannot steer my thoughts in another direction. All day. And all night.
I remember feeling this genre of anxiety for the first time - the first night we were home from the hospital. I don’t think I slept at all. Between feedings I was just in shock. And that was over 8 yrs ago.
See, I wasn’t supposed to have them when I did. It was just a check up and their dad just left me 2 weeks prior and I was only 19 and it was over a month before the actual due date. When they put that baby in my chest, I never felt more lost and confused and helpless in my entire life. I felt bad that I wasn’t having that magical moment that you hear about. But I suspected, during my pregnancy, that I might not. Looking back I can see that I had detached myself from my surroundings and my self because my life had become very actively traumatic. It took me years to figure out that’s why I have and haven’t done a lot of the things I did…and didn’t. Maybe within the last 3 yrs I’ve really been trying to come to terms with everything in the past so I can be better from my child today, and tomorrow. But anyway…
Idk why I typed all that out as if I haven’t written about this in other journals. I guess it’s not the backstory I’m fixated on rn, it’s the current climate. I just can’t tell if they’re happy or not. They told me last night about a disturbing nightmare they’ve been having for about 3 months, which is almost how long my partner for 4yrs (-1.5) have been back together. My partner cares for tha kid a lot and is a good role model. But I feel he is sometimes too quick to be too stern. It’s disheartening. But, He will ensure my child has every opportunity for a successful future. And I’m deathly afraid I can’t provide that all by myself. What’s the lesser of two evils? And while my partner is stern, my child usually has an overall positive shift in behavior with them around. But sometimes I can just see where they are miscommunicating and honestly I am often a bit more ‘on the side’ of my kid because as I observe them together, I can basically see what my kid meant by what they said, why they phrased it how they did, why they are frustrated that you don’t seem to be on the same page. I see it play out across his expressive features clear as day.
I’m only one tiny person. I wish I had all the answers. I don’t. I just really really hope the decisions I make about him do not make him worse off than he would be otherwise. God I feel like shit for bringing him into my mess of a life.
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monitheesimmer · 2 years
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