#Tedros Adhanom
vqtblog · 10 months
La salud mental, sometida a presión por múltiples crisis: las personas tienen derecho a una mejor atención
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eurekadiario · 11 months
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uncatolicoperplejo · 2 years
La OMS impulsa un gobierno mundial único mediante la publicación de directrices para los parlamentarios nacionales (marzo 2023)
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Oms, Tedros e il furto di carburante
Oms, Tedros e il furto di carburante
Chi legge con una certa regolarità questo blog sa quante volte abbia preso di mira il direttore generale dell’Oms, Tedros Adhanom, che oltre a vantare una laurea in medicina  di fatto falsa  ha fatto parte di un governo etiope stragista e per giunta ha combinato terribili  pasticci da cui lo salvò  Bill Gates quando per due anni divenne – sempre rimanendo ministro del governo etiope –  presidente…
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Trudy Ring at The Advocate:
A Russian consumer protection official claims mpox won’t be a problem for the country because of its “traditional values” — that is, its hostility to LGBTQ+ people. “Considering the specifics of how mpox is spread, I am absolutely sure that in Russia with its traditional values this disease, which is an epidemic disease, is not something we need to be afraid of,” Anna Popova, head of consumer watchdog agency Rospotrebnadzor, said in a video posted Monday on Russian Telegram channel Shot, as translated by Politico. During the outbreak that began in 2022, mpox has been most commonly transmitted through sexual contact between gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. That doesn’t mean other people are invulnerable to it.
The World Health Organization last week declared that mpox is once again a global health emergency, due to an outbreak of a severe strain, Clade I, in the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring countries in Africa. However, no cases of Clade I have been reported in the U.S., and the risk is very low here, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. HHS continues to recommend that those who are at high risk be vaccinated. In declaring the emergency, World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that “a coordinated international response is needed to stop these outbreaks and save lives.” But Russian officials seem to think there’s no threat.
Good old homophobia in action in Russia.
See Also:
LGBTQ Nation: Russian official says that “traditional values” will protect it from Mpox
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lasseling · 4 months
WHO Demands Governments Get ‘More Aggressive’ with ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ as Deaths Surge Among Vaxxed
The WHO has issued a warning to UN member states that governments must “be more aggressive” in cracking down on “anti-vaxxers.”
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jangillman · 20 days
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Moderna will keep its COVID vaccine on the market at no cost to consumers, even after the federal government stops paying for it, the company announced Wednesday.
"Everyone in the United States will have access to Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine regardless of their ability to pay," the company said in a statement.
Last month, the vaccine maker was slammed for reportedly considering a dramatic price increase for the shot, which it had developed with the help of the federal government.
The proposal was also bad timing: The Biden administration was moving toward ending its designation of a public health emergency on May 11, which meant that federal funding for vaccines would soon dry up and uninsured Americans would have to pay out of pocket for their boosters.
Among the critics of Moderna's reported consideration of a price increase -- from about $26 a shot to as much as $130 -- was Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has long advocated for government-funded health care and alleged the move would result in deaths.
"How many of these Americans will die from COVID 19 as a result of limited access to these lifesaving vaccines?" Sanders, I-Vt., wrote in a January letter to Moderna.
"While nobody can predict the exact figure, the number could well be in the thousands. In the midst of a deadly pandemic, restricting access to this much needed vaccine is unconscionable," he added.
Now, Moderna will be the sole manufacturer of COVID vaccines offering its shot for free to the uninsured. Under federal regulation, insurance companies are already required to foot the bill for COVID vaccines.
"Moderna remains committed to ensuring that people in the United States will have access to our COVID-19 vaccines regardless of ability to pay," the company wrote in its statement.
"Moderna's COVID-19 vaccines will continue to be available at no cost for insured people whether they receive them at their doctors' offices or local pharmacies. For uninsured or underinsured people, Moderna's patient assistance program will provide COVID-19 vaccines at no cost" after the public health emergency expires.
To date, the federal government paid for all COVID vaccines for Americans, whether they were insured or not using emergency money passed by Congress. But President Joe Biden says he plans to let the nationwide public health emergency expire May 11.
Once that happens, federal support ends for many of the programs put in place to help uninsured Americans, including expanded Medicaid, testing and treatments.
Last month, the World Health Organization said COVID-19 remains a public health emergency worldwide, but that the pandemic was at a "transition point."
WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the "global response remains hobbled because in too many countries, these powerful, life-saving tools are still not getting to the populations that need them most – especially older people and health workers."
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jloisse · 8 months
Vous allez assistez à l’humiliation du président de l’OMS sur son propre terrain à Davos par des journalistes citoyens
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cultml · 2 years
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factcheckdotorg · 8 months
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vyorei · 11 months
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World Health Organisation calls for immediate release of Israeli captives
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teritelnirbenothing · 1 month
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La OMS declara emergencia global por brotes de mpox en África
GINEBRA (DDN) – La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declaró el miércoles una emergencia sanitaria global debido a los brotes de mpox en el Congo y otros países africanos, con casos confirmados en más de una docena de naciones y una nueva variante del virus en circulación. El director general de la OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, expresó su preocupación por el potencial de propagación más…
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Mercredi 14 août 2024 intervention de l’OMS sur la variole du singe. Selon de source sure cette conférence à pour but de masquer les effets secondaires indésirables du covid 19
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🤔🤔🤔 à vérifier toute personne recevant un 💉 contre la variole du singe fait partie d'un "essai clinique" visant à recueillir des données sur son efficacité. Comme pour les 💉💉 et + du Covid
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Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a récemment évoqué la possibilité de convoquer un comité d'experts pour déterminer si l'épidémie de mpox, qui sévit dans plusieurs pays africains, devrait être qualifiée d'urgence internationale. Cette déclaration intervient alors que l'OMS et les Centres africains pour le contrôle et la prévention des maladies intensifient leurs efforts pour endiguer la propagation du virus.⬇️ 7 août 1024
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⚠️⚠️⚠️ L'OMS demande l'autorisation d'utilisation d'urgence des vaccins contre la variole du singe... childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/who-e… repinse de Mike Yeadon : «Voici un exemple classique de tromperie délibérée. De nombreuses personnes liront le titre et l'interpréteront comme "Une organisation qui sait ce qu'elle fait a accéléré l'examen de ce vaccin et a conclu qu'il devrait être mis à disposition". N’oubliez pas que l’OMS n’a pas la capacité pratique de faire une telle chose, et qu’elle n’est pas reconnue procéduralement par aucun gouvernement ou institution pour effectuer ce type d’évaluation de recherche. Comme tout se passe à l’OMS, c’est une question politique. En chemin, il est très important de se rappeler que la variole du singe, dont l'existence n'a jamais été démontrée par des techniques adhérant à de bonnes pratiques scientifiques, si elle existe (et elle pourrait exister, je ne sais vraiment pas) n'est pas causée par un "virus" inexistant. Vous ne pouvez pas "l’attraper" et personne ne devrait même envisager de "se faire vacciner" contre cette maladie. Encore une fraude totale et des absurdités dangereuses. Je n’éprouve que du mépris pour ceux qui prônent ce programme maléfique. Veuillez également noter que le produit en question est manifestement déjà connu pour avoir un profil notablement nocif. Finalement, quoi qu'ils nous disent, ni la FDA ni aucun autre "organisme compétent" n'ont fait ce que nous savons depuis des décennies qu'ils font, c'est-à-dire lire tout ce qui leur est déposé et ensuite arriver à une position à ce sujet. La FDA n’a jamais réglementé la fabrication et l’utilisation des "vaccins", selon l’enquête approfondie de Katherine Watts sur les procédures s’appliquant aux produits biologiques.»
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lasseling · 4 months
Top Scientists Prove Covid Pandemic Was a Hoax
A group of leading scientists has provided conclusive evidence proving that the alleged Covid “pandemic” was nothing more than a hoax designed to mass-vaccinate the general public and usher in a globalist agenda.
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